The Signal, 1900-6-7, Page 8ir, ?, • , . - -_ -- -- __ - __ - --__ _ _-)GAUNT - �rMrotlas IL the fhld ore rracHoall burgher la the tau tttrpublWr amsuu twerp P:etruk► and the purittgaees ► FAMINE 11 MOSS CANADIANS IM11nllwr lhtly h. rxerptluunl curve the saute, anti they rt►ud ready W frontier on Lhe rnllrwul tretNrau tine P9GU[ AT wur remulaffath,r, ranted tothem. Ixack It u 1, with their blood If awuam- Traumvnal cu all arrl UelaffWt ba '1'llIP well coirtrary to the under- nary. Welaro Dot tare kind of p;toVle }suer ax)mttad" tottltrig rbuvti 1, h. 11` H etaaervio uah,e 4whichjeem ninny aox(.,%it veli► ern rt lit erase ] utro ouvet•trd 000 mea acid Thufw ,, alt iho 1M+a IS D TIlRDvfiflINDIA•- WDU 1• D ED wt wrvk•r• t'lu• c;erw+aur, both cilli( with gull loco unA trod out unr cdlcw. ktluar ant h1,M nruuud Yrrt,oiit.ADS SAN fAN STALKS ' 11 rrsl mllitary. npgavar to be {xtrticu. 1:very mea lie trop two Rupoublh•r, uo utLr.: large f»,Mmnud WAN at I b•+rl' ilrguwt■b with Lhe anaAul-i of nwttar w1Wt hill {ms,iwon, ham aletni Bruukhuritr Sprint (about 40 nnihrs the Tra,s.La it l;ucrrumnut. ](ally itmq,le proof of this, ami there are very from Pretoria, till the rallroAaj lead -1 �■�.- Irish-Auwrk•anr, ,,fma u( whom ugly few of'them who cannot use a Maurer Wit to lorlatguu i itY)• Tallographlc I ra+tntly },Ittesi the Ikoorr. are ,e rifle with rftectiveoarrm" wntmanizatlono with the Transvaal �- - 1• turfilt,g to the fatted sltater. 1.Mr. Fischer of altiv effectiveness" 'I that the eu- Its ck,s,xl to the public. Feverish ea- 6i'Vt111 Met 'GVith Mishaps on ,R�' ekb/ culls" of uomplalut voyn were W visit Wuy:am J !1,r)An cLLem011% prevafW here owing G, Lhe , uurt ala burghers Ile the total her the purpow of awertalll,4iR from plmust total almnce of newt trutu Sur kons Operate on the s 4thJune. "'"rtt of any shore tit gratitwk), Mr. Bryuu tvl�gt woplA J,hb matluuul Frher x►de. The ubJar•t of that trip f�,i aaoenol It Is clarrlra4l LhnL At ,tit .ii Mr. M)wnn11111 Aoers In aha "vent e tit t'rlechie EWf, Pr"AAeut Kru- Relie* -Roll Grcnp s a RV�� v}uw tunes they at.Yether rolled tti tit h nealexalon. , r's vera-in-4tw, nod Ur. Ifeyman, Brazilian Twms, , }utify their tnufltk,nul reputation 1,h I'r,sr',zlent'r phydciau, nppearr u, .- 100,000 7s' Week. - __— for bravery. ('ape Colony Polities. hut" Instil to pfuco u large auwuut till ('aiw Town, Juno 3 p.m. -Tito five(- IC"Id Ise safety. ~' "'-"''r-•---.. NONE WE MIITONIANS •Illy Co�orr erre. Itk•al deltutatfon it tluvrtoping. Tile -- HARD 'ON PARIS SHOW. _Ir I,er110110 Ju(e+ 4.- wa t"vel nh Ona lwand, tho lending Afrtkander Itell.c land the C)ansit ' .� (4itarraii ltuudle , d )iratorgt ore {roper, to-ainy urges the members of ••l-nex:tr, rutirlturi to oalutamu ' rWttltsmt with Interest, it betel, hop. the Afrlknnder Ruud. to act on the ,lout,~( I+ev. of St4W (trate nn the ' -- (41 that they hate u)rnered anti will resulutlunr adopted by the Prop'e'r i'nwi•le+nt Accepted the utearmi e. Theo [� shortly c,tptun+ the bulk of the re- (iangretas tit (fraaf Roloet, flail block he ,ad+le,l n bitter epigrutn: "OIL Lh!m Ih,bcrt ll. It ift i,lt inlays e u la STRETCH OF PARCHED DESER al mi;,radictory• Reports From Preturle malning fightcl ill the Orange l,rve everything until the Imperial G ,v- ,,(.axary)11 the plawWtge I, revenrrl. (:+rat- }''rand,-.f•wld I,ia1N) Herpes le • __- _ tore Say* 4+s Lug. \Pitt be'11641,11. ernment shall give its dorlrl,u In re- autr greets thue About to ,W+." }.efts _-erikerv. Report for t)uty-- 6en. Hunter's diLlmkm Ir now be. Bard to the p)lnta matte, "Th1r refefo:ice to the 1-11,4 d Ntntc r lipia .tsars of NuI,i,i ID Nteuel h- atilt the je era'ige of nyntpathy froua Llaotyper Won ('ivlt Suit rad I(trN'llly( rtpltul t--Dunta ,7(Aif Wild'"f, t(k be at LIc � hlxrrg, n few solved ltsailt situation1rtW n io-fightabetween ��1 •lpldr to tha l'ro+idcnt of a dy Lwea Pultre (Oast ('encs:' -- -- . - --- it of which rlaoe, according Premier Hchrelner anti the Ora Irnd, sister r"puW1c, prufuundly muvetl t.unik Afrlea• to pp Klmbx•rlcy telegram, rPvpntl for a ma},city of the mombern of the evoryofi present. Tearx gltetened in &sit Frenclaew. Juno 4.-Hdealt.h Of- aamdaerkmee are assembllnpi pre. Bond, iucludLng C)MItaiwluner of Pub- tau+ 1'r"rt.leat's eyes as he tout the dicer O'Brleu awl lducterfologlst KPI• Springs ant k!,.cr) Never Known to Fail L'efore ttave Dried Lip, and for (ttuewu, Jwuo d. -Ctrl. Aylmer rt�lurtr rum+tbly to oppruea the cont ilii a 1:(• Worko,Wtuer and Mr. l ufineyer, (motet from then Mrrsettger's Irulds. the Afrlkander leader, support the "in prtwevtting the ua"•wtge Fulith kogg have wild) dio-i t that alae azure of a tor • that he heel te'oelree.l a oatrle /row of t:ru. Bunter's march to 1'returta. hundreds of Mlles Not a Blade of (lraea Is to be leen BomMy Lieut. cath Otter. Oemmutsllug ill!--- One Lend. tfaa.lr a Manly little spreerla which ('bluere wive dhrf wt $.iWrduY after , will, B. N. )tW'Bitattillloa, It. (1 It„ dxtwl IlOerr \Veer IlrfBrd, The Calve Tinton, dircuwing the Soeretery Reitz tritn,dato,l. Oita day'v lihu+rs War undoubtedly Prc,Wency Is the Worst— People are flying of Starvation --The _._alt)h' nrturlrorg, June 4th. reporting Live Iurakoa, Judo .-The Burr i,pwrn. sf shell stale n1, the I'fuple's ('our- "1'rretleat Krttger'a rwLly was bnlroufc }duKue.' At Lhn time of Lhe err (Afrlkandere) at Gnuaf Rc:laet, revue ,out cxwtrtouus. Ito tendered Autopsy till+ Ixsiy wall alroattr'ttlgifa- Task of Itelitving the Sufferers Will Teat the World's (lenerosity - --- fuTb ,,hag exon o heatbig }(eon wbun4■I tbnue W hrfxtk lord Roberts' coni• n+lroeMes n aaspeuilon of the constt- hearty thanks to the A� r:c'tn I Po. Whig U, Lura black. l'urtain glRfPilr 1yv Sad Pictures Of Want. oil t4tr 'DLL: nnudr+tNou" hnau bxwen succerrfuliy tutlou• file. raid ItarCcularlY V) ttlr }.it+erty l►td Trr•u renaovolt fmtn the Ixn1Y, It - %P, 7.070, I'V% J. E. Dao I., A Us,, isrfflod• and the a,mmuntcationsiare Sir Gorck+n SprlgR, the former..Ltuts sof 1'hlh►tie! hies for their mympa- is sal 1, by 1,i leinke; Ptt�t�1 ladj • Lon" cu�ln yr: Ruder date of It �in wild Pictures, a day parley .with. Q"Val ('unwlirn Uraffuooa, LL nu danger tit boing surrenunitst Prune jflnletern- xtatev that he Lily. purl ch trged Smith t:, retunt him Chirt.ai .TIW 7R'alth-offd"cer .loan .lxrn _ �0 7,-:3--,, I Lc. J. Bob(nautt. B -1i ret F9cintburg. -Kelieksl, Ileilbron and MIR. May art i +nit a u mtla!r lb leg fou Of ea age i,( 1,k -1st iJrme+x {dent• Lindley. lien. Rundle. Ittutoa+l of strongly dlsaphrtuxtlk{)j (tt_y Much fee grnet:ng+ to ttae gu'xi p"op:e tit Am irwtntctlel 1,t, qunr)tA1sw the {r•twtnyt lid L the •rd eel sitrr- tool h:tlMaPxes beMg (orad dead by Most. Ho'sayn that 1111 Iw pr.,xitivel,f criva.. Thada with fatherly kinthtestt he arta laborat)rltw of the,+" (ttxtnrs. }ox,leuL of Lhu Ktaitiiurd resists urn Nte nxo4tl(ie. j,o• 7+:136. 11,11, W'tLOt• (''CM, throwiaB Iikultelf agwluat the U,,•+ra tit the opJnua that 46o Cn)xl cutut1,l- eh+r,k lut:trt with tSm(tlr, an.ugnitulett INmporary gtwrt,rs will ler entail- part of the light against the flim _ . foriiwrl,r of- tbl,'(jef"We a Illflar, tbi,1, ter" entrenchetil tit tSrnPlutL f ahaion W equal to the aIt'aoccasion. 1711 ' k 161 u{xwt complt•ttug hl+ long 11,,11 .1 out Aralte'I I"lrtlel .t► ltncommo- IM+ in lndla.. rest ' Ton+ntr.• mute■I t,rwant Fk•kmbuiig rand Vt.tb- Wr John Roar -Inners, the former journey In safety nod exprcw4uK Wle dui a,1X1(t ClalJuavc. Z[ae� {o,ttrnge of -There love not been," he written SW�ILOW�O � i �I ��� -i ,. 7,)1'38, 1'tP. J, Hill, k ((o.w 0th Ilsh,l ci,minunivittlour with GelfOral S ` t L dolt' un fie Quebec. ISwU,utt. 'I11n IAxrrr roup lout( tarts(• 1� r "t the RrLtirtll minority la tate htkw -1Jwt he would h a+e nn nqu:rlly .treat onrx Lltnwgtt l h'natowl��r tlr•'slii[hW1t cluuyto for ti Ix+t N.,. Itro Flu. Arthur Hay kin.- U Ca Parliament. and Premier 19cehrel- xnfo return to We dliAl"M hut,,+- Tho 1m) gWpprl, asset till fiertuita to'r'epruw ter, fu lire geucrut °rituatiuu In lot - %,.. with Runtlr, intending tel seize tier are abao atrenuouWy Intimated, t) eutira gr,np wba tkAu photographeti." lhruugh the qunrautlePi Wen dla ,luring sloe tttree or tour weeks ` 1'u.. )i Ivl f3K" iriislllatrr n rLtottg iitirliion o(r that trtckeburg Ire rrLuke which have elapir0el rint.•e • 1 lust �/ 't - r t ra,ad, bei (ten. Rundle tit Nticksbu4t, any wxh action. Wer a ward Scion of a Good _-----_nor 7.488. 1't,P• t,• iticbar+text. F: CO. T110 imroalLtt" ,utlenr-tgturR Iy No stew c,V>tw tit toingue"have lxrru wmtti.. The country t»mtfrrutw •to'�t• y, .1 Militia i)iatric6 Ira.* tx,riw). Tdlo LF500 11certe ' Miwg were W thin p Oc td�l1!'�t" nr tle'Qp►e-l-by the Llrnt.{411. Utisr also ►gorW Iva very gloomy, but the leading lx)ilti- Boerm. a tw.ar1,eel. etrhruNdtxf in au ever-d(eeioPetiu}1- no% nWlit are now imported W 1,x: clan" are lilt prepared to make great 14-NewcanCe oecupiel by lfoc+rw. To Separate a Freak. gloom. Jn reviewing tku proba Family Attempts Suicide 7,dUK-L•`rp1u, ' 'Wouiwkd. but, ('of. going elw•wltun - sxc•Wren anti milk their differOnc 1 KidttR7fey wtroa call and rnil }lew'Yprk;-Jautal�-A -spe(•lal from luturN of the fatuitr+, about uhrist- W , /flu JazY-ln, to that S'rald rays that max hart. eve" sive roust diiriwoe►t[ivtt t)lt^r U uranhlo b ldetttlfy this roan. The corrrimurkwts w14h General i order W Savo the rltttntlun• w sY UltertgPt,d,_ tett IL-Ii'ul. Ot4"1,r a1rO 11"U" that the Rundle continue Aro plat out the :.'0 --}tattle of li!eruon. ,a"iffil 1,r dNd not cdelculu1,e un thee, eff„ti%P rtretgdh of the battalion at hfanl,x.(r lir 1,h, f ht lir (art Tues. -” r'urg:wu stave op;ratofl u etcuD1t1/fu• t WHEN ARRAIGNED FOR FORGERY '.x W'truly 4fi9, all rfibkr. Lonh,n. Juno 4.-Loix4,n he W -day :;I--BnLLIP err Elftnt4r I, 119to._ on Robalie(t "find Harla, who were being unrrr, thou five million people - _-- 7 pnjOyitfg Whltruu Muulay, u hank h+,11 _t-Batt:e of Rlettontein. h joined. togetlkr similarly to that of April. Thr olfwor figures slow 'L dramuttu climax to the orut for- - ala>' but the brlleLe L►tat ft will on fumine relief aorta b the end be Lite last Leal resistance. Cul day,aimi I" not, dkrWrbotl It discus L ,-Generali Yule and R hAta ►'unow lege uur►in«t John T. F:Illut for rur- Y btamese awl Is, only at t (- Operation Tia t 1'fr. JowepL J(mnlxta, of NaP (,lutecu'r 1.1(kyd was tfirk:e+ wouuekvl. Drum-r:orw of ru t rmentr Leta reel th • (opera at L,td-vrmlth. peruOun show that t11cr'e wtq:0 11Je and u g�Y souk pb►oe ID that 11ulir" Court . (till,, UUIw. 4 a well-ktr)Lvn Toronto lose Ifo nes, while ridlu (relouel K R (told pff addeal ' that the o thin morning. �q g Brltlmh Alnf ftoxees ill {lram6l►'--Able::a. ;1,O-Nla•holaun'e Nei dt�u"tor. Two would probxWY )1,e sticocrwful, an, l Wa;at hull mniltluns,_ and situs the tendency g. #Jae \'iets)rta, B t'., bey- Ife was studying merlivine When Lloyd. was hit ill the huM1. which The l"tblie here um full u�,g+le{afllettM- l8tdtbeh re )menta' enpturel- C�lec:- Uip twine would have Pie trate IIV-. Is for th ►r Mtge total vii Imicreareut Timer of slay 1bth, when the prisoner y _ I11, nindo u attempt cwt his life In the ba.p,lnai the flat cuntingeut If- it veer rexctiryi utetr the colopel'r heart. that. Lord Rub^r(a veal retch i rcLurha burg occupied by that If.,era. - Liar tato Of at Ic4art 100.OW a week. V u Imvrtkor of (iso. 11• Jontart. dentist, --- „- tttrtlten Report -for Uuty. pollee+ k. %,b ::54 (4utren street west, anal of before many heurx have elapses. To �Iovermber 1saAYsmlth 'so!ate1. RTt-uatlun,(:ruwing 1Vursr. IFynamlle Factor) delated. - wards thst goal he In presumably pro- - 3r 11omme defeated as T.•d•Ia1Lh. Bnttalo,�urr. 4.^Tld4 peening, be- "In -Mad And which has hitherto been id of y a Bother,o+ .Ir eltlwngh }petty Is JonLa, taw sWekn1,, wltb grerin Thi lutrrat explanation of 23 -Rattle of Belmont. . 1 , _ 1 :',000 and 2,500 car repairers, r/Rardal fes outside the 4fflietevl una, Balli n At 0n of the hoe Ito w El - Thi 'irnrtlm Q'arlfor. Toronto. Pretoria. Juste 1, via Lorenso MeT• ,u `_--- V Y g Uel anJ n dtbe of the hoaye W which Til r:+ iM otdv Orta PLP. Evans site quoted Jutted 4. J.1.i p• m.-Tbe dygal- roewL Its � b things lire rapidly Inxx►me wura+t•. the present 1;uvertwr-General of Cau- that he is gl isig_revssi ts4II The DumGv u[ Iwopta on robot aortic the belongs, jr has had nu txxra+ ,rllnl•i 41 roll of either Use oriatu 1,l eon mto factory at lioddWout" wait his. tlnaks nn opportttalty-oto ads nue•: ' name Moore than doubled in Lite n of tots c•.. lir the recruiW W that regi occupted Iret tight by a regiment Of Pace ePontlmse wit him bast and hist + R an wiLPM(et W envelop suoh'ot Lhe at fortnt ht. 'Thera )nuc beau u little rebs. namely. In. 7.100. F. Evttuo. B British troops. Commaudx4t Delar- �„r furoPa all maty too Lt tlt:l neigh- t chief ouoceru lagy In oOucmleng his -tri, lyrmerly.of aha ::ftth Light luaan- ey'r ax>timatudoes are raw• turruund- bur Mof of !'tYtarin.- - - - - °w t»i8 bow thaw conn ter) Irate uraU r'ully disgrace from thRm. He confessed. pr), flag Lite factory• unit a ffere fight lie � t(k been -fit the cr,pt, oil uairrilfatxl when arroetoti at'Nansluio, that lee _ lu tbu Oraugo River l'tdOtry tit hermit, which are flow in neuny plucw land made u oipaex tel. The Ornlagq Free 1,;t:etc • Ar• n his mlph t commit it tap, To Cha*g the llrmr. tlldery (the Stpd% Artillery• of Lhree Iwtq rr pre reiortal W laid kewpinR n alp for lust. lrrlg u s r 1 d Vientiane give atff u f s datura, June l.— O:. Ltxlsnei h: butterlil; fare uuw Ixaweea Johpnne•- closes. - b,n n I rewfdfett tik•yn W t_ _ 1te elde, but concluded LhAL such sa step, preYpnt ,�h:1,x trades leaving the -coca- _ --- ore generally ruanty, and :the wells would rwly add Ill le to the matter c+nratlrt of tial (nna."" lN•"aatwi bErf; aly7 iho DeLigut RAY itallivey mAnf„'rt ' .the larch. ;- very tow 1n paartaa Thal standing cruise aa.1 brlhg 'It to the of air folk lith, :e Eurtk .lfrhp, Iver ftirwa I station. The Afrikerrior women here - - +1,m now prrutltnlly cOttttntd 1,0 fns- j� Engined. 4. 1,h• Kditdn lip{,nrLetegt n su=.,,;;; have preretite.t R fLad to tbmmafl(1- - KBT'r; L03•'(Nti, --- - gated Innctr. 1•asturag) ix' ulamwrt tees 1,q' Lord f(otw•rtw..tlliab t1ro ant-Gevtaral Cottle Ruth _ -- et el h e nett n r, out r al Yaetlold Ito eserio to Lhe chief, g -.- _� yw ell d 1 the n r+ when Wld of the serious re of him ---- c t K+ rasi1,at of the country, rapcially Nre. etrlme that ho was At Lits er Ih • eertw ha vlawngrtl to that Thls Atory hs of severrl 1•rrtles -� •_ _ _ , co'll u( i'e x'An Qirtrlete, W dreary In the ex -11 Gyn.i�ltalt Urn ttL "ifa).1Prfottttdn re(prre•I to Rloore V Lu•erti�. t ,\ A mlrrptent IIic anyhow. it art to- Ile -'--� C ptured. l� I is tiro Wltwaterrrntnl district, ebuat __ gnlral of the magistrate aha a Yeo- Prrlme for (ilrour rA. 15 miles east-nortbe-fat of Johnnues• Mlaspru, Bamutm .11+1, Julif" i:•tf;cu. _ _: i' Nut, a 1'rtcta of I:reea- alty fee forgery want, and was olfm- `1� In•.•lon, .loan_ 4. -Thi Dailr \ewe .burg, _ lirul!antls biome b ve ban, t}tu sub- - � _ / --�! (;(king from Madrall to,Ilombay, the ---- -- -- --- i'\ r.:rr,rionvintt t flarkleL In a Inter. Relts Krrall ' !Salle. .:.rte l,I or•veral Pmu rn}+Lttro at tlr^ _:_ `- - traveller tluea no: late oub single )eaten • t [ -..:e}- tlttt that -, ltd ■he,wle try 1(•tj•r ) hrtwtm the Boerm.. L L. slur- - r \ of green, not even, rat mrtrh nm a blade - I[ 'in�n3r.l, wh" push dpi l4raaLrurti.,n l.ottdoa, Joae 4.-.\ ckvt{xetch to the cnptural alit( twenL _titter while - - uI grrtirs, for hundreafe o[ miles. The i _ j , tar. r,iirratki w t th+ trulru CetRraJ Neese from Iw,renza! Slar((uez, w41n•hhag it furmhoufto a th f ICks- �, l— _ _ -z whole of the Vaitras "find Bombay Dake .�� a n.- .! forward on aitch tluit Of the dat"d Witutat•t •, says that Mer. ItWitz; hurg dbrtrlCt. T,►o of nit wetto _ one t (f ` . wiles-el-ihs-Ti tewvasal Wt'rei+►ey-oi w•.....d.f _Llent reins_- tW_V_ _-n - - - rtorth v expanse, _ �tttvntte- -we Phw • _ �l up. nd. Irt. _ _ can. mile as eco pl velluns, nkat•, salSsal 1,(x F:urxo a ort site tier- taptprrct wh Iv corams Lag. .4n 4.� leave ,hruul ba hR tls hien (rofnpmtMiy - , mal' Saw ate amnhilo Butide�rath, t(t 1,:•r patrol tit 'th+i� m.lr. Hurli i � - ! re)jtvd for months plant, mimply be _ -- is, UPtP■A Trctorla. WWII teas bell] Wal hours for the are numtwrma twenty meet wpm ry un t- � �`— crutme these In no water within many r tiSrlr►; - .i., ria }won+nU, MarlhijOf n elncbtl train. Thew was #0 east c:apturtwi. (:6u.t l;leiah r,egt .. e __ Am4k" tbwm. Springs and riven, z.'jutaw;;,8.15 p.m. -.t ninrvefla,us a q)a•cutl anl.wai car fur that lteftz ChirtNl•1a mint of Lite Pryvluci l I rate `V which dove never bePrt altown to toll \ r-,rjr.u&Isatlou and rallying of ' Lb'+ family. is •ihP gu;ink,' Lun Lhere were t9t(A• r Lien t. Ik,wkPr LrILh n fht tit before. are now aMulutely dry.' The S s r two, sute►+ will" were screwed trial-^ to setaI to .l+•utanI t1l+ ala - Niznm'x domin:txw largely lie In the \ Wrgbers has t)iim► taking pluoe ell -- - i \ h.er 1p, dirtrlcW:. 1,t the+ floor utYt 4tuxnbi by nrmuy rwuN•r of •at pincs Ttt�• Dura inV ItemAn (texantry, and It is conmegOPntly 1'r.wkkPt K a wanrerittry pat Iiolbtriars. Thirty-milt"luso+ of lox 'tura) Ejt+euttre xarty..%lei, afteprolr t gold, vafueat alt Cl:,t),OW. aero sent I.1,µ th+ m�Iret-=LUFh'br c'bOthrodi• not rt>rprleing to Irvtrn thf\t the In- 'I i prrciptitat fit % to },ydelaIdurg nM1 eArt ht n InartuJr and hoisted un sewn( "riot tit l�rlCsk:. x[luetlt •ffOWu tensity ut.thn fremine la his territory,. // \ lb • _inlping away 'of site pfidd twtllOn l is rapidly Increawing. - �.)i X� whsle ging awaIntey4' f for rulnittggee, and the hantlearath. t�tnm h[diut�gtrd t► etroajee. M,met E FLAG UNDER"W ICH FREEDOM REIGNS. • The trick te urtry. : eb.• lrovhtlr of n rntyrtlty sof tfio oftf }ttuslim Dsaft4, wbu watt 1,P Yro _ +• waw ru�r(y�jtrt rt rludhtfS tlx•3r S <b �i/11_ / \ - Ltteia aaWnalWd ry a M+tLmp,npar air- glia- laow(:ver, were Tveaptutwi. _ . . e .r \\ rutl„ unpaid, her (Afrrsaalereli a 1,l +p --- ---__ ___ __ .:. 1 pacing ._L9:.IfM., i3ombay' l . rega al4at. u refrortP l to h+aleavi g _._ __,_. Q�astt , -' + y-urdmtst and freight handlers of the t4ena:Y, we oOme•to tile-})srt f)tTtIMaF �\. orb - g of anger ,a1mM+alt 1,h. b-1 ' the, to r rhlpplryi uffk•I1,l hpforw leaving \'T,7lisore ori the War. 23 -Ra tie of Grnspnn. t which• ,hal LLP upininn til the rnntrnt TI► • KryptPirAM Mau nap}m.1 'the ' Et le, [.ehlgh Ln11eY. La tuwutta and ;authorit(Pn, im the mfirt severely nf- t , , � _ iwornruu Marques, "1 c.+rue tar Ince "8 -Bat :o of 111ti ldt'r Rtvor.W. ' 4 flletptt of all. In old pow, r" of /iOvOrnmeettn wq1, aetbe ie %Ilia time to the Trmtsvn:al, but, fn New 1'+lrk June 4.-yc, imisor�Rbd Dxrembe I0-B•tt'Of Y-gsr foo -I- N. Y., a l+1,- (porde vele lily. ]if pasts, avttbl,v. I ,w t-Ia•rwUory the eapfWl nu►y loll. +f I , a•a the lcraearrM taught _Ly Lhn fits)r g, L ►• aefx weeks ago, repx,rWd rate duty. lu in native NLttten of Ra a ea tiro rPimxt war• wlilclt vel 1 not 1,)e lora i (ren• 1 t rtnna the 1 frna.,I. P -� ` ,f 1,, I bops to to In g,xr] ilr,ie W rert aver that Sea tetarY (tent htta given t,nft.rcw�a 1,t i t eevare, a eraaieat - wt mOme Jp„auu es tlr..ra ane tau pr►race tall , murtrillty from mtnrvnt:un may In, 'Fri.• thOtwand men I1:evh lett F6%p- anatrur:Vouti that. the reports of _-i,Jtjm, uuWWy-Pu•umuag LM: freight renter, maluly becauno the system �� +-� (Mr aomA'(rarvloe.” �tormiesg. j R \` \\ q/� I"ton, in till+ exrattleramt .scorner, elf __ • . American army officers Who have _ InJlcllarPi, tthurr prlit(tx, W a consider- of famhw relief lint] the lir ante►- e I , � , }5-Bivt•ro r Inc of .flit Rtd"an R , till- TrAatrvn»I, for the Free Ntate i ole of N'rrnlna- been sharp ly watching Lite Sfauth able extent, Md lxv:q filled. "Ith tion generally In atwh stntem ix not \` 1 crab• tier nel't% evf Carl$at tlw -Brit _- African nalittary- uPatflt v_rbt b- Sull"r at __ - lu VA j=e.jfs;l Of Abe (sleght-Hit'ndlers 6 ��y� % " 1,t gape (ba stn 1=ifomtun aAv rev - d +r+ Rs+(+rd am la BriLlmlt territory ; but - �u. I iwh Ibs+s of communication. Iixllee) In pwtmptitet term- m the bef,e- - stosri.sf-.tin reoelve an Itx•.re;;we fa, Ila now generally nett ttteti that ilydfcAte the the Platelet tali of Intmi- Mattel ,in Smith At eR. � -Lt ! � R+ in 1,,n addaxes u, the Weighers, one fit of the is rLfz'e+. says it \Y+uhlna —a1AJf1}L-OF.N. IAN HAMILTON, M -if" irycflnR Taranuau:tlejaraylthat, arathwi offer am war lm Ireing tlaq, iul W tile PrRIJ. (.t tRl Ste,- dnndnpry f! _r n tact an Lail DaY certain pxartw of IfomMa,v prersent Lite p1■ertruitly fomcw• 6 that It fm it+w a twary �c le Jl. - fe sittith 1,r rulx(vf. e r site on Paris Show. woreL l,amlra frxiLurem In all India 1\ ho Pummxudal ala Brltlmh trwgw he 7 w-ith ral'm tm•Ip, Lhn hour was still - phen L. 11,. alax:ugi, Plgtitlt cttvnlry, _ t the Iatrwt f va,teteg when (:roust ,trisnid WOOW Yet to aaeutvl a warrwrt; note,- -. r t Cta.rl JtekhmanRte yLth the 18-H':irren ctlwm,•n Ta ,lit. I•lsw York. •fusee 4.-Robrt. B. Rouse- alt the Prrnrent time. Tile lrlterfj.wrl. -_:_ light w1Nm tate &nen. 1,s 't Ifral Mibw r sa11, wb1M he 2S -Warred tnk+w sib 1);up.., vaft.!�attti` back frim the Parts lsi{oo- fktal reports show that "there line ' arknowledge, flu• inde{weDAtana of the w� r4rt♦ ,»rt that n 1"•rt.al of great rd and Boer forcer respletively• "5-B;o:Oil 1{ r nimMkrm►el y Brill+h. mitiOfl. 4t wt�ffterview prions.( today heen M) change in the eondltion,.ex- - tmn fVZntsl:la, atm n ttrmevufou" Ofttcere of the army`who have been - ,L- 1 irrd At• ham many. critirisme to mnllttn of the rept fur the wo ire. There M wf that Ch)) .Innxlmum irPpatt. ,,tis ---- Jlfe lmprhteonauwlL ,_ I telien a At itta:hidfg..lre tild No Abntrmtnt of the Irunalne. When the oars anti (alley( Lhfa fmrrtt- cttnriitr Luce tome over iho maltuation 'so'Iar t`ttsrally-'40tiowlD:t lhw-wal - ta4nlrt W r -,,-- aulyrm ,. Ivitlii+. Ekpiidtkiii. Ho Maya Ot'it : - it not nthe nate that 1t would coma In n'Knrd W thrr.wur. ! while the ler,,"1s tau i cnnni,t la _�-Buller retlr•rt uc�tow Tet 1 W thio wodL take rand fraud that venni flan. tr•InrPy ani, sere for a deur with the rePWbty that ,"nt►e oxpmct.- g repKit xme a}w•( ia11j ri(1,t►, this a r- 1� r of Klml>hrle nlmet. eller all re4saiwl u+a mdrik`nd. ,rhe (liingsxre merely getting xluwly and (nR to tfre (hike (,'curb it wnA M,LICM Thai" not,, of 'elution it worthy of ri i f that Elliot kept lnmrs Win), raotd till. NWI land Em the stnttCwt nirtphraib.. R'hHp liewth ntiorw hnve etttmatantfated these Im- lU- 'AmgV f oM lel• t .•lid Awe lean belidlag Pitt the Expgbtt'on surely more terrible, aMl more die- pt him ntteptlon rftnitd lint torrewim,ndcnt Inte•rstewe:f film in Ali 1,t unquestionably able 1,O ab- portant CO"I'luglon't ,)1,.(u tori by Urn, llrnbaat iN u mtfe 1 elon'L Gnw_what L wad nxttuttx than 6efute. One of the ro- upon Mr. (;all. Powell, who wax em- n•gnrd to tied. )wvsttull sltuafMLo. MP sprlr rut hnm,neai new popuinNun In The avoidance of frostAl attatskv P to}wt an rounwl In n cane whlrh smM,tha! 1'rrturivt woul•Itell (kfat•ltyl ttM near future, the Influt`nertM Nie upon an vnem*!0-.positbD, e"!IAl)y; 114 -Battle_ kit f 1'nardelrfrg. to he rat�tlr.arx60.JA 4et I want t 1x11 `mnrkabjp foaeto I elf domino 1s that p to 11\'tKnuaL Pxtsett. lie caput on W ;it t1,we OreMer forma%!tin. Cunadiatur illi 1. ` the poop:fiat >krlw•2urk that it ia. 1 1`ort+alr d(mtrletri In a Ikm,bny 1'ru- aeram 1,O by eWetl Titin that Of Elliot r� ma+t carnful ngalnttrig. 1:)-(ulc!tAn crcnl, jy firn• Ru1RT.--- .Ak-sC��//dot the a:eenuag day, :irnl Ahipra•v, hitherto reputed to he the Afr Powell venni wrltimr letters In the why Herat tM� wean every change rLlll ftnwevor gnlrtty ilio wDr maty cli The Mceptiity +.f havptg the in 26 -lien. Rratonat` tsvu111. 1 Jum!•r- ; :uy own pprooliw.'=uuwNvlgo niftst fertile. perhaps fil•,nll lectin, are Jnttrlm, anti iCllkrt Jumped 1,r the con 6).triir tlm• enemy out of the clean waned, vorridernbte, time enndt all- ■mall army and artillery. town• tit f h:1lf'Wu pw+uple who wanted m,w the most tr'fflk:tediC in ordinary r'ritxla)p, it fr�i.nfterwnnM confronted, 6) -:-. F-- --_:_- -- more, 11 -_cue t ktn�arLi1_ _wage 8-904 tMt Mr. fwPfl was a -re neA \t miAnilgle!, ton ifYh4ay, urn nee"ant pt'rtswia test of the c rtrY try Iery, elm fit•". ituller -list alt C-lwiwr:t4seallin In nitE tuu7e •th:m half full tit Ahmrvletnd predrpnls an Ampeet to( tLa! FG alfr w`1, i)71Pp`oP wan br�u� ,tr ti, Lord RcrbprW. K. nf.fJss rb►frsaL :utx+v of the pwrlrllr and 1,l"+ :aver` velli Ir+ utelw to rpt" anti TLP valla• of effective sovmttna. 8--(kolealtrr)t ro�r<+cit ' d by (iCn- tlnJ 11 r. If nY this itarrh n ho tarn. a irRordknnry tertiAlt, . -At the pre- u) be f►araS".1 Cetera t P pal Mfr. do pfrielalm, (ler 1'renidwtt went wur.1 n 1111(1 1e)(y�or pw•rkdl before there a The prpwncp of ample cavalry un+l ernI ciernonts. rd (uatit ad gut in tit onr4a the huild- t moment It 1N In t�lm vpr,Y trn0t lie had, tltx•ftlPri pr!wj6nml,r what he W 1tT\t' lite nru trMmnry nott4t re gra t' prirbiluF,lty irf- claw' fi.,Mera NSA rortMMry• \March 1-Ladywntltle rel vest. + letg, fit m- +yaNtiwa. 04A&k! lutvp fAllaw.. 6 Lhe wormt ft+Atureitof flap pre- would Pilo 1n et'rtnin }tiven rl Mtem• rMPmgrl:in d. 'f!a(rr+ ween the lull'.." --- 4�Rota•rta enter@ Idle!, ontein, 1 "Tire t:xl )dtidai Is worms.+ than n Pont, famine, are to M• doom(. The pnu- (itanrrm, anti the mpnt•tattrrm nnticwl [tab nuc oyrr.11,1 af• ondriOf, the tont enth,+rl- t..t"al lull tine lily ell vtl of wi It rho^. ,114%4 eri F'f to too to-t41Y c ('oafaslon to rry torla. V 1,k` fa ttent he pK p.,ulylrnun► entered y r1tL.L: Rower}' sato nd oats tile 1st lir e a Ilfrrnitt +tyLng ed rtnrvntfon. began to take mutrnthf It kr tyeal,rtlr►fy 1,r dlwxwtruga--M (A Town, June R. -Tho tPleg^nph faatitidrewt captured. ' mdA nnlhter shag Wow -on tilt- flow- The it-onLPr iv,rtkoa M the -cattle, from his prwketa send trnnafer it tui 1"retor;la frvemted• all lrOZvull,• wrayrt tinanhm4torl" ct1u1'io' to Yre•Wrk► lla stilt iSpp-n, trot X1.1 ,g0_jllrhap 1,O (blotyl ii �'d :lsf'rry. Evprythlu about it dm a fevket. the, crl�hrnted breed of oujarnt, urs, hie mrmth, rrtutcbing it fneanwhlis Pretoria +umintiatlr viii LdirrnwNlitr- OrgetnlzPli4Mnmigtatkatt. `1i (ought, town in N1, g.rpnt coal notion. There forer. at Nnnnn'n 11 t. I i hnve mid lots n tilde pMlrrrfa;alrrot nlready'tinad. Inatminnrr which hadlcaLwi 1,hat 11, quy, :Luta , T ii. m.-rr+tMla loan not W 1"• any immiarttfon evhntr•w•r hall Ix en n gen0rnl exertula, nmo++t 81-Britimh d44 `C1� iCE li _ r Ur• tcotUk rfal efry (omni th r4 nhuwnl £ae,evNling tlrtt human ngrnry i nu w•s a haul xnbtetannp. 11 1■.nt invrete■l fly tied- Englinll. W.ltta"lt f)tIl e■otwaltntlon alb her 1 lhrrer Lnksµi prtrt (n it being Lite rur- hurg. r- 1 the nation. f went o crate thls 04ry ,k) is Irinite .Id,ne W lepegr Nm 10,4)1110 At tills print trip w)tarwm 115,41 -illi 'Phe diene rmlidUure hon prnclk•allY commlit(v,v which have (11,11 r;gl, fighting tealori. - Mix special April fi floor fore. captured h, 'glow nrtd fated It Ir) ,t(. W 1,t magic ullLr, but they hnve t"rnn for sr many iho ate c p oncludat him Pvldeior•, cr,art,1, :ort 1'reWri,a will h+ "wtTer ?were eA the mart rvepravwme >M'i Mws In"tern. I rk•t11ctal th fake at once. loonth@ pa,st'in ct low rani unnoori"ireil nmM the nrntrt ns•ntlonal that tie the (if let on We+drarlao Inst, and Methuen at Ikwhuf. (:onur(il do Ills- Met w•Prtt tea J114L aA df, ill other Am- stet+ that th:- mortrellty In many would call Anotlwr wltnda". 4"I"It ax ,;un( ALM a formal 111-111 Is itdorntM }rrrrearw• oma of Ntem w repr)rtnl W have lm en ttOs Marcell killed' 1 rlcant- and tart nnutlror rano to me rnrtm itus more then r andru b+r1. An F:BMt pial : "What'm the liver nut k __ }q 1Llvhltrrul m In r� Ign�itl ",mrptirt R for +Mr'attcei. No Br-tbli rot - __,'-..._ w per --- ` at �h$ is sw take. -- lull LNaor cast 1 P Aon y }r ogees have ar- H -Colonial d Mloll atteck6d •K per_ ►r, th, GuvelnlMnt Is try- don't veno% any (Mere." -- -- t __.. — zll:._L-w C --mer Rln:p uta Tari tier("• Ivry+ for rikillrrt mi4luant. i(, fear x �_ �\ rut(' Jta�, tlw.rl stave uta oat an h(rtrntp flail slot ,l shpt -Wit. -+ L,u!lrkrn, .11rtte r.._ii offlelal Int•lli Barre will proteahly Ile n fair cbanf A I'SP:I,fdi 1'Itl)TKLIT. 27--Fqr Chir ps Warren app•+ia�p•I a'alcle. sh l that n Joe rwrD 1,x I rap t]n, LM ratntpm+, but the• rttilL,V hew In pro was tx)ursl to ncrcprt all the alt• (iOvernor of O hpralnnd. R'P.. . wWlr mho,, kir a8lFfrafur- ', , bs fore terrible• more tiatn quo , IGloll having penises whom the (town Irf(Prtri. 0400 ygtrdinq ;whect Is trnnmpsring In rolvanner+hnrg nu t Lhe tirinity. Capa.Uuteh Neet 1,0 ObJert Io Lhc 1 left, the mnArkt, Id 1 - ) urttxt rlkvl Ifi Nao dlAtrlet o (}ufndnrnL Ilktne. The wt$it 1'rewrla tlwrr 1,x little Oe "There are hal furan" lu the ('elle . jfay IL --N rt ward ndvnrtce frutn R iia � lrrimrnaPr then ohnrrvedl .lowly nothing, Le)nl (satire rtes In ,silent. Never Ktat*or In the (vrtoay lir In tit^ Trande- Inevitable Anru•xmllon. BMemfontoln commenced. 1,r nee every snip" ('holkaa ei6aT and 4"ilm+rntely : "f might �lr. )tocl"evclt ewlatw tl e + t V. lit- tell n an well " t and . a - p that there f tfr1Wri, iilea•LaK h,gFtltrr items �rtat laR1P, ae I eaawra4,t4) 1,►ntkt 8-NritLxfi Pn}rtnre )traatitc rt. H m t(,, wriA to Ow t•mf+ntrraxmmPrtM of y a r m n r hartge of front- Iatb,r coetC ;idyleatw, f: would little "fe. +1,t land alt Pt•cymnt rirnnf, R• Inpt, (pips (�dony, Mvy It1• iltod de,feata pro near Jacobrnati, b•iNon, bat citta}►toin'i Ebe ea o' fit 'UK- 104.11 offielnlm, It arvprP epl•fetnfc v'mvP orderal in third enme ano dint "svrii t)xt! lwftd Rob:rts' intm•rllnto rtvnl)ab the hr at fanned lacing whprr -The lw•)plr'P rottgrpm" el Tor. heT! of the 1'arkttA4a. snag i" all wlauplrtyevl ,rte' of Johan- there' are fb') markv,te, immeanm , of Nie to) -filly. Of tho me pretreat were ennp__ R-Rotoprta tein clea Ti alt \'rt' _ (era lune �_ I en t at It will la wore x higher nmxltee In a gymera rnwtnxrttera atitl ver. IfamUtoru detente Berere- one• o that relief wir)rka In Lb; lPN hourx." M4,hilrir, except ofW M'Igrufe. whdrh tL,n,l pw,llcy of tnlfidilg pwelit"I Ln- Dutcri rfer WIAMtrkl ifnnter defentw item" a% '•"'r""" k z 1,`M 1,l e.f IM}amteatl railwR}e. _ )x)tplitelx. Mr. Do V1111 -ria, hroth••r ill RnRnit 4td1rT{1 �.b artM1�](lir- rn dl"trlet, wild thin Tive fie. weak• Thr roan www remover( from til# t R(nllsat --_. � jL pnrvt liy many weplmm uu,1 moothm ,rt d(w•k wlwu it -,WAN tempi that Ian xymu� nm rnnretging em 'tato n, 117tH pin I'rwhto c K pf lire tprlr the time aunt Phnn^eve In I+ri(atJl Africa, 1'rPtnr]ds, a tnr•mlwrr of thn. 1',,41 11 Lien)• Winbtrfr tnl[rn 1,r (ken. 1=11(1(( ii {Flit n 1 t r , tvF 4 - nTft'�r�fit(T1ilf TJi'L11flf SPT Pit t ss �- do,fi roy I bark "llcgrnph eastward ftbm Pre-torta• field but then muxL tfe 1,w I--.---rnttLrtnnft ttvr AwMntdiy, offere>,1 a reeolutlon y r alt irf her mr, ..1ahlcal t nhv No, 1,t, rllrlr morutrge a0 k xtnrtkllrtg rate. In If glass I t drder h tiv n,y him Ills. Ci+tb• ' - n 1 d!1, Othe!t fttrtrrls+rx ,d the turn or- Uw ffirtnlrey premlelonry, ala A whole, ile hull Phtfalnal a lwrttM In th" tel•graphle, npw•m -- _-Prt',rdrt to witrwmt proper can■ultaNdti witli re- tkt�laring taut, I onl oP(It10,1 lj w 1f1T .f; b dritem�-heaters front %and N+il. pmt �m jnri of ('aped tolonlwu.• th, rLl+t Im ) altlzaLfOn, w0r:r rat; gnilt,v of can- N;crr• n nn freer th to two mllliptum thl" wpm broken into irla`as w hh•Ir Lorver,v, Margnim Irim .166 a 1 ; blit fleS 1 Pri111thhe anti oriMet- s apl`rwf V la preventing I'dwanl \\'um h, ' (sh�'t un fnmhtr relief, anR the he had ally ental In his prrrkaEw nail M" .na:•r of nrw-mprr}srrrorra:prnt4taL •'There U IItUA Or'W) r}ir,,INn fpr fn- mpAfnte ennme Of the war wrist the �-unift�g tv'llrf Ooluenn rept"•t•rl o linoty nuu'i,Inlrt, .Iron /olltrwinst glat!on attecyxi, 1,+f tnOre t!(a with which he llope+l to circumvent -- rentlnu^ to patron W and fro tin Lief roll AlvfdtuAUi blat:Atan7ittlie n nit• of 111x' nm►areant vi, In Wlernhl+ Int•rfrre:iar n.1, \'ryfxlt'B.. -... - the wrt�r into RpnerAl of th^ Mlnlrtry In Londoe In the ha _ e Krx/nsta I his ''tea fie-dfirharRed AIL the tip- w;�` MoNq ,a.. - s of h,stk+r• IUfS--T1+r-lwtmrL W arrlva atIJHL 71 l_ l yrnnl eFfalro #4 " MwAiwt4t-Aietttw+► --GJm..X"Al1.3LA!4.}lQLille3alf4 Sl iSr. F'rnser wap mumtllvtteA b at Nr,rgitfw briragm events, floe capital res vel ,e P air , - tic rubliaf.' A tnemlw•r• Fp:•nl f:1, rat r a Witttrh reherMy' pmvir vl n judgment last we cvdnbo to nncAlaer pw,rtlon u 411• t,7 "save the Ilia "f the prlmem- doan to A Into boat F'rHa,v night. �liwfp}tolintrnPnt And efleaster:" t Natal. s\t;a:k-att tln7ckingre- P , hilt tete better rumsural him that � O+n' n,evsr which U intra '.fatale 1, -�- pw.rt of the r•os elution, Wall it- wrdtl•1 ngraltkvt The totNm in n r1LR meat. Ilh IhdhL g1mMv+t ritually artltcted. Tt d•n4i. than Nrought'mntta Agalnst Lite ,Mem- Rf't•at•r pwrrtlen vet %lietnnd In R,tJnph them wnm no nn,• In rl.ttbg nnythln}i. arty gyp' F:N\'OYft RTI1,1, TAI,KIN(:. fr nnl"hlvpllit,* to tlinlwnrt. tilt- hand 41 �-Ifr-tinl Ppcn}d+•d Dundee. PArtft)f Wer ill tides t11110R inti+a4ritAlly. trout Ir ,•f an extmmel;v IIgIK chart•y�c- rte he had read n Mak on proceed. 1,111-oi:a In full of atmitae+latrglt ell firebal s forts ash y (sad hmnd. - tar, rind In tunny Inrtom lm hard to'a+atIY Pr m, Mitella,"! of the comlAAmin" ori• F'I.t•hrr'e Itlwfher Ahmtt \\'hat the The Clwlrmnn ndals■1 malerntlon In 1 Radler rx4•nPtcm IilaA Ad ter. nn.l knew cLe min how t, proceed All tit, mpdeel •e. Wt1aa1"h from olr,art. Iu.FAeatell maeit aMntt it, Tire man, however. Is stn- t1+nR"reed nail lie. .1 gvm%t wns•-wm-ll Rocrm \VIII I)0. Tho rew+lution wam a,tnptef unanl- 1r-Nnfcking rvllnvrA New'1'urk, .Inns: -T. TM+mnv For- „m .t+"ihpnrnnrl Biknnna match M It Iran a.II. 'If r4ier,k him ,'amt con,9twiel !t" r'e S4pringfipld, lfra■a, Jan, I, I'h,tirmtn animaty. __ IU -Buller u0aialit4w Netlipgf61P, tune ,uldrow.ng yemtpntny "everal In n(•tnnl tir+aert. Rafiwnym nre few The tif(h-wr with wlileh Ira in IibrnLlorlw. ')'►1,f• drrfxfittlM tothe fn- F'Iw•hpr, unr Of Lhn i)rwer paper. corm- Other tv'•olntb `pre easel rtlftrm• 21.11tcrfxrvta reoun"'W4\IWWuh tar bundzod'pe'opt e neinvinhled in Brooklyn and far Im+LpP,•n nevi %apt trarta are ehnrtr.vl f.+ furring thin name Of F:a tiro• mill'Ary course !ns not b en PrOOVia. to erlPbrnte the oar, ha redLb fall tile"' ham Arrllnex�trlth thunk@ M that If the biter were amlox• nlnrwL rompletly Ont Of 1,}r rteaeh R. DlarLiu • Co. on chov}nPrr for ti1lT alai.• known. hOnlm Beblrt add I41- d Offer of the f'alou ,l'aclfM M, tfie ireacp xn,i rokilisrtty of the 21,- hm'm't -b Macre for'+e Cnawrm nlvPrs(try til the Meth of J0 Brown, rel 1,r irf tiro n:,;t In tine conM•fl." the PSN j blur VnAI. Advlw•A the nndl6rx a to tetRllrtLe on J er}1,Prratl(ww. ent Ai. iwtm by him at the Empire Prom Iaarf"1tn MArryUPs romea n L•nn'1 ('ompnny to Rrnnt 1,fkX1,OtX1 (:orh1,r world Ir+ f MtrlOtably wre'•t- A IIOpe1P+m Ilett"alk. .nMl (kv1`"- 1 Hotels. ncr4x, of Ina( In the vAllpy Of site ed. and that In or'rt}t 1,r Nexnro (amt- 27-Rub^rta' army In llwe Trane the lynching Of r"+art"w q( the arm th �-d r1'•I"rtch. dated June 4th, IwiyitaR: 1`latte 1,O the, 1kwLr patriots for imv' Ing frkeneiahtp and, prosperity the Vaal. do nil for the In)nry to HO halo to "Tt1t+ srvrmfrrfr•awrt tntrtr are m. 11, a - ti► Mra, its;uP- "It is known that some gro-it Arlt ,�, ret eettiatornt In the event of frttl�mrrt mttmt )ncllurM th(t rotational- A-iL)d'rtw tular'It.a nrw.lntrlghtecri them by tbrlr Pn><r(rwrb eflafrnnrhlse- +iwtrrelY iw,pnlatM peal 1,l., r(nantry iah stn%, meat la now to Prrear•'» till flail nit►rJiaat!on by that Bettlmla. tion Of.npqualifim frnwloan nwi Jade. rollva from Je'olitirrnaebrrirft• MPAxI. *He antit.: " It c:wt tuna lir Itedelf In ser nAv,rly holy Iris that it Montreal, Juga L -._Yew. flAgrx, Djrmrit to pat the flftrrenth nmphd- h. in"Promdbl0 W extahlimlt rcllet-works. wife of Oen; ifitlituP, General man - Thr 1'>�hmw mOvm *nta of I'"Idont .Van,,, said 1Nr. F'L-.hpr, "1 think pe.ndeell to ths.r•evuhlLns, &rid the-itrArrtw nnnonnns Ire will rntefr 0"n, -gel Krnirrr'm e.rrrtary anti }alttdrinn. Mar 4ari)le wOnld Prfd^r W retttAln nn'1 Oo:OraNtx les nitowe.l w votes 1 the, Ycdwann<Ubrrrg May 8(}• mens into the v,,n+tltatlun, rinil It Tb; WhaMtrn'm eke ,•ret n mere Px ager of that 1feePhwn(w' Bank 0f Ian- • perti('nhtrly their miw>ret Limit to sort rwtt their Owl malvation, eve.1 afiw)bntmhrt of the aoveraer nit .al'P Ml --F up1+r allow end 1 rrtrrrt:a aur velli cr►st tuna on Wtu of blfxxt_Sn imL brt+eracrP ,,n gnnrt^r ration" n" Irxig an 1his cityied at flap .family r•sidetge In tilt f,nt,ta warship PriMlAnd. weileh to fit') 00 on- tvsari1". ` . K rust. 1nu mn+t orgnnize and k, . tlry ran, and then, wh,n rtrymicnll • this city tAfs al 1 tl,oatgh t:;^v wot� MrVed cn'onyS those ubLlntltrlt 1,h^ nn ea+lt,v rout wdor dry.. &nit M+ read pto gnit• w nal ter th. litrninfof n k1,a --- �---= it In t• harts Isere, ham ttroo•eA !eh fkag. f} wP ahoald b+ for kipping a mtauding nrmp, nos tilt) '--- Vtr irf R a ►nn+k�0n fluff Im rrLngt rw.n- dor the Eaffi rrpaMlrnav wtnaft he prrpirel W AA - firah,.el!-t Lamm. "i drman•1 ata !moo fur nn PyP, n►�t1 a Julrrney over the mon-tank d. waterltwn !M)Isbrry's - ilft to \11,11nclelhpl I rr (x err.Phael thin Lira^, It wBl Fi.e rfily fOv a laUt the co'onl"tr to rn+1mt wnY fpr tlf T(li`It h, for there U rvdmlr� wnmtsw irf nand, ttwy troll 1,O uu,dko, The 1'611a+1olpltb► few litrrarr Idem ro- MMP are Pxpartor". hrMf tum^, for Ilb'drt m,rwt nn 1 atwll "Randto rnpretw chat he attneked n n eat erlslm for till, negro In th a blardir way b1, the relic. worlm ter the r•elvwl Asa gift from heard +n1i"imarr Prrftall ', ht ttrNtth A rMn t ntrloLfsm e1Rn InronM In t}outh Afrte t, unit,► I trRI party of I.+erm nP/ar Sicneknl r"t R y fes a hundred mUPa tatty -thrive apex "rod vMnmrw alt Uaw F`,rcltenPrm IJuL•flaw the Iterre. rr rtl,w cast. wtet;d hed Ifwurol and Mynity- to v.mnt-y, ia'iA'hlNt (ricer( ran le rehexl, Mg t,wrn, pwerlue May `Atli. Ile grill hill casualties ,,pre lu)ahm. •luny 6.-A irmputch to .yrnr remFmlaer t�erat, In iAAI, t4.r• (treat Rrltnln rerrente,l. ryes 1Mvavy. lite( not the M. et no ,.f the flfrht wall r nmrP nwn,vi TltttrP M enxry yea rppwt d the Fnldbh commission tat tf 'rlrrem from inr^llrn ttnm+{nss tltLmh Rea wP11L nP In 1•rptorlt, find A Aple%fntlon west nppcintai to Vile(% .}trAlwint MirrrtH trips rNt May A(h Thw,tet remarY4airtmr0 nory eon erwnce.^ veep to MlfptP that n (urge t)reiprrttion the VH1PtenelAn rmw)n,bary elf .r dla}rrto Ae trrl JnM 4th, says sheat the tells tal's:11 \Vdxelzy IU(tlitot that, Pcr VOnR fiesta t• Htn ills, ('Annan vend .A nmtrel two of 1ho lintroln, votuiatlna of twO Llrp ntleblPllos, which wan nawae mdhleA 1,l, n 11rm �t AM I(1rnildIt t t1M1/rt hPir data wllMY •renle Is t 1,r thee+ 1 nisei only btatea the t•P}ww4 Is ewnrmlaa with for•elaner• ~ the.Jarl" fe"oosa, long wo"I'l tits --" effk+'rm anti forty men, were .:a'. off wpm Kroger Carkee nnArr the anvP!ew Of the mm:Pty of tlwlr etxapkat-ei (X1eQe4 (ITP axon mm�imtirrg tide ltnerm'nntll n deli NRlleh fv,1Ma wAPw aver 1'rMOrfa, �1�w-�iotd.' by 1,M ev►enay AMd taken itrlrone.ra." the )(ofN of NO 1,h Carolina, as or- fides 41 rima h 1,h• ---+ �A 'b1," off'+, TIM more Intrlh>(^alt rA fret It rAme slaws xrw)n After. And t - ----- - R}tpltbtlrMt pOm i Of crdOrrl men inrrrr wNch hay Japltals sail vol TLpr Hnmtrerg-AmPrkartn lisle trtea- titn,,, t that Ifl will rvr4iP (trap nprafn. iwarp tan INA utas, Jntle 2• -prams ferverw nR ata tbelr trArk. Nnm rrler } rotorin, b d0tAlne+l In Quentin, trent mar PTMak awtav11rablr of the p*!"Rr a thin tsraa''rlMn ns nn Idle ,!cnt Krugrr• yeslenlwy, wan ertgl at It to the .' saga Rte•r 14tratla" Now. and wottit►s who forlOerl,r lived in ha" Much their i'mrinoy't Poll only W tine at Nety Ytu: k, ow 11, mpnt th rtirldi ed from thtr I f " what 1 ea F:very Maohadttfbrp (about half way be- The 'V raWe Ir rsa tits W 0 ft no! - %tial 1/. qM. In OWOW ►ng b a oast) al% Jklora. tinny of lii4ab afttM o tvf kit&".` t ~ ha•• Doris of RaJai)usw4w trelallPot ifs the steerage. . I ­, . I � -10.0-A. . - ­­­'. 1- .. _. � I - I __ __ -, .. - ,y, tomo,.. t a as