The Signal, 1900-6-7, Page 6THF. SIGNAL • GODERICR ONTARIO.
dove Fitting
=ate Easy...
A glove tit and perfect east, from the first day is the experietion of women whu wear
3.75 Queen
ua i
•• y
The SiNaae ludo by Tenni. G. PLAlsv,
of Boston
They aro the Shoe Mumma of the eep-
tury Our iUustretiuu shows one of the
light, grl vsful and seasonable styles, es-
pecially desirable for those whu ',situ
comfort, graceful hues, and satisfaction
in Footwear.
This is only one of the many.
All up-to-date shapes and styles for
every o bbssion and use aro included in
the QU) KKN QUALITY line.
See our Men's tiouhlo.suled, pegged Goiters, with Hite tut cap, just the thing for
`ouer•l weer, ouly $1.26.
We have 1 of Men'a black and tan silk vesting top Lan Shoes, (ionl-
ye.r WOIts, regular 300 line, to clear will sell them at $1.98 per pair.
During busy season we will keep slots open until 8 o'clock.
North side of the Square, tiotterich. f HE CASH SHOE D• EALER
"THE CANADIANS WERE THERE I" eminent tows o.l writer, danlor.s that the
How let Baden Powell be feted.
M•I.klog is liberated I
Little Rote was not. belated -
Bs bed died the date with ears.
And sow to he jubilate
That trsasrort the Brttleh MtIM.
the, us due tul•ties=�--- -- -_
•'The Cae•daaos were table fle
'lyes the morning papers hots ilt,
Asd told John Bull. when be read (•
Cried, "11.'. greatly to their credo,
1* the g",ty they mut ahem.
Aod be toll with gand.ou'.o
How oar ge'1•0t battery ..0' ..o
By forced m.rob got into .oton-
'Tbe C.n•dt.11a were there !
Tb.a Her Majse'y, who listened,
WbUe bar eves with p!eusr. glistened
Tkmugh the tears thersls amprt.' r.
(She was muting is her chair)
Is her gseeoly pride arms',
Anseerd-"Juho, ft's not surpriela ,
Yos align' we:I have here eurn.ts'og-
"•Th. Canadian" were tiers !"
For tbro0gbout war l'v• noted
These Uan.ttsaf19kl'.ki coated.
In my owes std mess devoted,
Are to .v'denee i.terywher. ;
Pott wall dal theme lads of mettle
%Thermolor the maskers rattle,
Reading after evey bsttle-
"Tbe C.o•dlaee ."Pors there I''
"True '" said John, "they're simply splendid
Bello *ad heart ..d ma.ole blooded -
dad 1'11 wager when is ended
Aod the M.rsha''s Maxim blare
0e- • nsw•rdemood Pretoria,
Whoa your...y, Yu:torts,
freedom stage her Dot Gloria.
The Cssdtwe watt be there
-J. W. Ranooroa
W. .T t. COLUMN.
•.rz 0 I01Utta IN lLLN1e'.
"In the at,ote history of its asholy af-
hence with mediome, eloobol has Dot owed
a .Ingle diaew, per se ; it 1. an antidote f
for butbtsg, a ,peoltlo ter nothing, sours for
soth.a•;, • preventive of nothing "- Medical
Temperenoe Journal, Leyland.
"To dell the NON of pots with spirituous
liquors without taking any loather trouble
shoat the ml.ohist wnloh It tuditnitea U tNl-
isb.'"-Dent.h Physiology.
Tb. following remedies are culled from
Ms writings of distinguish -1 physlolaw
Aloebolo ora,.ng-Free u e of ripe frust
Hot water when the ataytog "'in" en
Ateimenoe from meat and bighly•Nuused
food "A doe* .4 oss-half drsobm of Ips• to prdmis full vomiting. w,11 by
tb• ramev.l ot morbid seor.hons from the
'tom .oh, nasty the desire for alcohol tame
di.tely to Nh.tde." Dr Hl..t.botham to
Bollen Ms.11o.I Journal.
The loaloa (Bogl.edl Temp.rsno• Hoe
pita! was e.ab:oohed in 1873, to onalhet 'he
'Idea that .loobol I. not only heeseolaf loot
ebeotetely m all cues of M-
ame. la airs bNDltel people are sdmtt'ed
from all para of the land. end suffering(
from all kinds of diseases, such as are treat•
ed la ether hn.pltals. Abstainers sad toe
abstainers are found in Its wards. The role
I. that all c.a., med'o.l and surgical, are
to he treated w'thout the use of .loohol as
or.bnerily preewrtLed. 8n., In order M
wake a fa r 'net, ons rale provides, that the
mol oil staff *hall be .t Lh,rty to .'minae•
tar .loohol whoa they deem this to h. use
Lal, .vs' y ouch Ouse to Le r eonrded and pub
luhr't m ha .aociee.lirg ernusl rep, rt, tinder
the healing of'taxa ptwn.l caws."
What has been the result' Dur!ct
Iwu.Ly five y cars, In the treatment of
15,274 1spe tient, .loohnl In tome form has
been .dminle Ord only thirty one times. In
the reglvtrsr'e report for 1897, dos of (hese
.tospr!nn.l oases ars reported, sod to lour
of the 8.. the death of the patient is
recorded. We are mush Indebted to the
kindness o1 1)r. ,1 T. Dorman, of Toronto,
formerly of (ioderloh, who, while in Loo
don lar .uwen.11, at oar repulse vatted the
Temperance Roark al and obtained the re-
torts, pharmeoops,., eto , and (at. Do title
h'ouhle) a greet deal of v.!. able informer Ion
oo0o•rning the lasbltobton hem I'.s. snoop
hos to the prmoo Nm•
in • weighty paper jog pdspafslt for Lie
French Ballet* Me Leal, I)r. Braune, ea
gre.,est national peril booking oyer France
islet. now 1• aloobo loam, and, enure than a11,
.loobolu'o woman
Singularly , odugb, his ra.nroh lin••
4.m..o.trs'ed that the •,mea of plotOreaque
N•,c..ndv as. mora oomut.tly to Ib. grasp
of :be 'rick II, ad than th• women of any
etbor prov,ate of Fr.000.
Dr ink is wild by the groove, the noel dead,or- -oven by the greeovrooer ; .o 1, what L
Audi more fatal, nearly •vary .hopkeep.r "wae drops" to cwiomor@ worth
cal•Ivarieg-last to study th. oounectloo.
The gse.noo asinine* . dark ..pant i. Is.
e.l.uon (0 the terrible intent moru:ity of
No:m.ndy, whish Ur. Bruton attahums
to the almost ani, real prevaleoos of nloobol-
out •nwUg woman ul the peasant and .rtlsen
d.r. Airs. (hwwford was a granddaughter
el iLe tet, Jobe Caleb, u1 the We.' E tt
Ts. kenmttb, and wee • aloe, ul J ('. enol
Abr.ham Celuh, of ibis tuwo.
11ruasole : S. '1. Plum bas .sobaured toe
eedlage and Iota, former af Bl,sab.tb sad
Flur. ,fronto, for the remodelled brio' reel
dont., formerly owned by the late U.
Ha) den.
Woo/Won : A pretty waddles ,'lamed
the resadssca of Mr Loatboro, of Lowe, on
Tbuted.y, May 24tb, when 1.. d.ugbter,
Mm &rah, was teemed to Robt Orr, V.S.,
of Baden.
Eisler : lV A Davis, of I3avUwa, was
ealio.l baro ow At.00esdsy of Ism week to
Mt ad the luso rat of bas uuly child, who
died at IM grandmother's, Mrs. frau bub
or, of creep.
Bussell: H L..laukso.too..ved • lett.:
W/ wait Iron, his brow. . L ' t F , sbu is
,ttdhorrtog to Afore. H. wee Inavtag Cap.
T•r ler the I,,.0 abet he wrote, awl ase
la: -e4 baht.
B ,.t.t. R W. Mammon goes to Look
Ow bts weitat e5*. to tete t-rY ler Mo-
sel! ' e the bout •nd shoe line. lie bees
is A Str.cbss'.. nate for same l me and is
mat highly esteemed.
t\ .Itoo : Humphries t Sou hove
Ihr ,too• l„uso.' iuu 1' r thou to,
stn:The trenches aro dug b - the wall et
the proposed A 0. U. W. 1..11 tend the
ma• as will soon h• at rrurk.
U ngh .,n : Frank Hoag mar ted •diver
for Alii e. Ful.y rete.., it. A peculiar
thing •bout the bird w.. that the unetrits
woe In the lower part of the mandible In•
s std of in rho upper tart, N 1s usual
Learibury : Mm Rennie Rrowo and J. P.
AtkLp.00, of Raster, were uuhed ro wed
lock at ti • raid. foe of R. Gray, 14 h hue,
MoKilk,p. Mr. Leverton, a Day
Sant elder, Iron, Bothwell. tied the knot.
S.alorth : 1Vtllism Janes So•noou died
at h1a resident., on the 61h oonowlue of
MaKIllop, o0 8uoday 271b twit. Mr. sham
non was prostrated by .n attack of pant
yds about a yo.r age, from which be never
fully teoovered.
Lo.abory : Mite Maty talon Ras and
Mos Aloe Duodan, whits deeoeudtog a steep
declivity on `beer wheels • few evenings ago,
oolllded and rolled over tho emb..k-
meat, but we are glad to ay that the young
adios were not hurt.
Sestorth : Joseph Abel met with • DcID-
lul .00.0501 on Wednesday. 30 0 `0.1, Id.
wee tektog down an old wooden building
for Mrs. Ewing when • beam fell on him,
knocking him to the ground, breaktog a est)
awl otherwise bruising bias.
Ingham : There 4104 1. W Ingham on
Bay 24th, Mrs. That Nstt.rgdd, for m.ey
)ease • r.sideot of this locality. She emt
graced from the old land in 1861, coming to
Wtegn.m in 1866, se that for thiriy•five
yuan she hes been • resident.
Clinton : D. K. Prior has ,.curd the
omatraut for the book work for a new block
of stores to he built In Blyth .t foo. The
*term are for Messrs. Struthers, Carter,
Soots, Moser and Powell, and the froatag.
-.1 the building wad be stout 120 feet.
(loderiob two. : MIN Zeiss Holland
celohretd her 710 birthday oe May 24tb,
tend had her grandpa, 86 years old, and Mr.
Yawn/moo 1, 88 years old, as her Invited
gusty, to o.l.brate their birthdays as the
same tune ; they are both smart for their
Gray : Mise Jennie McNeil, d.ughtsr of
L McNeil, of the 14'b fon.. hes been an
pow+at assistant teacher. by the Presby
torten W. F. M. 8 to go to Ahousabt,
R.C., where .be wall be •.tenoned with
aeiaMr. Resell in mlNlon.ry (.oak. She
wilt twatve • salary ot $400 per annum.
Gray : lost week Arno. Smith, let ens.,
.ot,i four thoroughbreds to Jews. Uow,
of Seafortb,lor Hooter Cowan and P. D.
Fuller, of Sotb.rlaod, lows, who two a
moon $150 wa pad Mr. Smith for . now
and calf and $100 apiece for two yearling
netters. H. .1111 bee twenty in ha herd.
Grey : The marriage bow was fatly tied
at the home of Robt. H.bkirk, of Neopewa,
Man , on April 16th, by Rev. R PettMae..
M. A., between Dr. A G. Hopkins. in-
structor In animal husbandry, Usiveretty of
Wisonosio, Madlses, Will., U. 8., and MIN
Jan Soott Habkirk, • former residen/ of
9th oon., Grey.
Seafor h There died In Russell, Man ,
tut April lb' h, Agnes Frsooes Anras, ails
of Allan Bilker..ged 24 yen., 4 months
and 21 days Her many fnwds 1n flats
neighborhood will learn with regret of bee
early death. 81. woe • daughter of the
tare William Angus, ot Tuoker.mlth, and
t.mne.d to M.nitoba, oath hor baron's and
other member. of the family, thirteen years
Chet rti Elliott Deymsa& tap is
painful secldent oo Wednesday aft
INt ween Si the fantery. As hs was.
mg sort.• the floor he stepped oo s
and tell. in pat out his right hard 10 sae
himself. oatobteg the slide of's boring mach-
ine, and the hit went through his hand.
treeing a amity wound. He will have to
nuns his hand for some rims before he ono
resume work. -. -
rry-c-,n ot Bright's 1):raw for Slaty YNn
-Cured by Da'd'a Kidney Pills.
Nuepaw., Jame 4 -Mr '1'. H McKee,
formerly of L'eto.rl, Dams here se . Mat re.
tort nod suffered ton years with Bright's
D seas Reported to be poet helo sod
dying, h'r reappearance on the street la •p.
parent good health was a pleasant surprise.
Tte explanation g'ven was that her hale
bey had levered tl•.t ohs should use Mold's
Kitnvy P.!4 .n1 prophe•te.l that they
would our. her. 'hs esys :-"From the
Moet len d,so I M144 in to Lel uaur, mad
after taking four .n4 • ball bozo, I ay It
with heartfelt (latitude, I am perfectly
acrd." Dodd's Kidosy P,11s le the only
m'i'na 1s the world that bas over oared a
Inane( Bo'gbt's Dos... .1 .00h a stag..
E hal : Mr. Beattie. of Moorefiek,bibs
wow 11 T R. •.en' u' Rebel.
Mahal: Allred H.mtto-t, who le well
ko•,'• n hers, le no. at Malta, Montana,
U Y.
W Ingham : Wor hae been reoeived o1
10. death to Lo. Angelos of Coo. Shorman,
.rmerly of Wtnghsm
Clietoo : Cha.. Wallis shipped a double
dent of pork•• 8 H Smith three oars
Of (tattle te 1'orento recently.
Elmer : Mrs. J.m•. Hodgteo, when
husband died le Palmerston two weeks ago,
w111 return to Exeter to reside
;Parley : Der old Smith and family, who
have bees 1'1.Inng residents of Stanley,
moved to (hl.ton during the first of lest
week. -'
W Ingham : ON the dlareo•'e of tho 23rd
of May. Howie* MoDostld was married to
MM. Martha Mollwala.t the Baptist par -
Eza'or : .1. R Morrison, of Chieelbtirst,
a third yes. studret sr Trinity Medical
C.•'.1 -Est; 1s etudyi0g with I)r. Amos during
the holidays. -
Seaforih : Dr. E•tewd Evan.. of Ls-
,,,ns.w, W tee -rosin, w.. Lore recently visit
I to relatives end friends. Dr. Evans 1. et
old MoKtllop boy.
Brooefisld : D McIntosh ha been tap.
pointed po.tmester. He will take the office
this month His predeoeesor, Mr. Marks,
held it tor 45 years.
b:•hel: Robert Belt, third ono., who
west to Iron Rrldge, Alooms, hes taken a
is•'tioe as foreman al ooe of the Dopper
mina opening op there.
Kamen lville : J.00h Mot lee, of Esmond
vile. who to Nb years of ave, has .n original
poem In the Pruner d.p.rt moot of The Me11
sad Empire of Saturday, 26th inst.
Stanley : Two young men. Joseph Ash-
ton and Wm. O.rrett, heti their names
added to the roll, which will give them a
vote for members of the Legldsture,
Londesborn' : The marriage of Fred.
Not', one of f.ond'D Read's prneperoaa
formers, and MIs. Hlaoohe (;ra'g, of Lnodes-
boro, took pions on Wednesday of lest week.
Ethel . The eoatraotlon of the wood•
abed at S 5 9, woo a.arded to feint
Bishop for $80. Geo Bl.bop will level the
Boman',, rete wing the sum rf 17 00 fur the
Seaforth A telegram wa ,-c red herr,
two weeks ago Thursday, • n. Doom[ the
Beeth, in nelson. B C , o Mn. D.vtd
Qvawlord, whioh took plate the p-evi'm.
--- _. ammocks
is nicer and more comfortable in wards Weather than • Hammock 1
We have them in all the new colors -red, yellow, eke. Close woven.
Pricots, $-1.50, $2.00 and $2 50. Special line, oohs large, $3.50.
TgoaaoAT, June 7. 1900
-w Mies Cameron wishes to anuounoe that she has secured the latest
styles and newest effects in Millinery for the Spring Season of 1900,
and invites the Ladies of Ooderich and vicinity to call and se, hor.
The leading new shades aro Pastel, Van Dyek, Watteau and
At hos.
Miss Oameron offers :special values in Plumes and is showing
some novelties in Veiling.
Ilnwi.wu et., Uodsrich.
ars- the only
medicine that
Kidney wall curve Di/t-
Bright's Dia-
this dia-
ease was kw
a Gra bl a until
Dodd', Elderly Pills
cured It. . Doctors
themselves confess
that without Dodd's
Kidney Pius they .re
powerless against Dia-
betes. Dodd's Kidney
Pills are the first medicine
that ever cured Diabetes.
Imitation•--boz, name and
pill, are advertised to do so,
but the amidlchm that lbw
11 Is Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Dodd's Kidney Pills are
fifty coots a box .t all
Limy 88d Cetco
kept oonstantly on h.od.
Al.o tho best brands of
Builders will do well to see me before plat
log their order.
UTRQM. Wrer et. Nar the Square
What ■ Tale It Tells.
If that mirror of yours shows • wretch-
ed, sallow complexion, a jselndioed look,
moth patches and blotches en the skin,
it's liver trouble ; but Dr. King's New
Life Pills regulate the liver, purify the
hlood, give clear skin, rosy cheeks, rich
co.nplexion. Only 25c. at las. Wilson's
prescription drug store.
Among the matters to be discussed at the
'netting on the 19th test. of the synod .1
the di„res. ot Huron, scoord(ng to the
ciroulor leen d, are : A motion by Mr
Mon0lto, of loomon, to ammo, the C
so as to admin 1e -Gales so well as mum to
be mamherr of trio vestry; .1.. memhers
of the congregation (cot necessarily onm•
mao.o •et.) to be lay representatives. p-
other lmputtant ma tar to 1. &wormed 11
the moose by His Honor Judge Ermatinger,
to •pprnv.• in u-1 oseli perish a aleft vestry, to
oen.:.t 11011.i• thin three sad not more
than right member Iron the Teary. thee*
shall bald offset. for • Thte rodent
vet. y' .0a11 meet q u I y, (nr
moro often if to gained) and shell pas
sere all power aid privileges now poi
ser...' by nhuroh
. The church
tsma me %Y. 0110450005 site aivewetee
asdooutrol of .uoh select vestry.
At any seaenn 01 the year there
is no greater comfort than a good
reliable Cook Stove in the kitchen.
It is witn cools stoves like every-
thing else : there are good, bad and
indifferent varieties. -
Ws know you will be pleased
with Otto
O _
"Alt I,00L.p Tires io
The wheel fitted with
Dunlop Tires gives no
trouble to the dealer after
its sale.
That is ore reason why
dealers favor I)unl.,p-tired
wheels. They kt:ow t
Dunlop Tires are the out ,
ward sign of inward wort
in the building of a bicyc.114,
•''fb. only boot..,
m Dunlop Tin Cu. taatta.
y".ura1. W1001;0.
A Week of
Dry Goods and Clothing Store
h.goiter the Kelsey Warm Alt
Generator, manufactured by the Jae.
Smart Mfg Co , Brookville.
Reed what • fellow townsman Nye
of his experience with the Kelsetl
Generator :.
Oodenoh, Ont.. May let, 1900.
James Smart Mfg. Oo
Brockville. Ont.
Dar 8lr.,- The No. 18 Kelsey Wenn Air
Generator your agent place 1 in my home last
tall has elven me the greatest of satisfaction
1 had been using a hot air furnace and could
.ever keep my house on'perly heated although
I fumed 12 tore of coal besides having run a
coal heater In the ooli weather. "Ince 1 have
used the Kelsey I have only burned half of the
Boal and had no nee for a coal heater. 1 have
eo trouble to heat the whole house to any de-
g ree (hatrd and the .lr was mild. not burned.
and my hoose pleats did as well as las summer
I had no oold draughts in the roomy, no heat
In the cellar and the furnace pipes were cool
• o you can ase 1 am thoroughly satisfied, and
atter my ezpeelenoe with the Kelsey Genera
tor I would buy no other. and 1 take great
pleasure in recommending the Kelsey to the
public, JAB. J. DOYL'
Mall Clerk. G. T. R.tete.
Iotorm•rlon retards, this heater
cheerfully given by
0.> .TTLE 5 102.
Plumbers, Sieamtittenuud Tihsmiths
Corner West-st. and Buns,, Goderich.
Don't Guess
At .1134; u!tS.
This man knows what be dia-aati
bow I.0 t:fi it: Such en.lorM•ments 00
she fol!oa Hg eie t:r^ a sufLcient proof'
of 1:s maria.
t , , . ,,}tete:• ,
Mre, �.' '.l - tyaerv'testYr.'n
1.n ler, 1'1 1`a"5 1e, 0p ►on.
7♦ Ir-egl t,, •},-"&soon naiades..
0110.01. ors ., I .I
1'.,i,, -Fl: r' -r fn: : C. .l ; n eilmo•nt foo
r:,ndl�yp °1.11,, s IVAor.ii.. Auk?7 and -gist
for .Illkii)A11. S SPAVIN arae..... "A
reatu«o out •, Berrie." Lookrte. or .'drew
.1.,2.i1•N;r.U. CO., Esosoure FULL TT •.
r........1� tete
as our usual Staple Stock.
Don't miss the snaps!
Terms :--Cash or Produce.
TERNS am the m,Kiret,s 12 M 17, 0 3fi •, or
hest -all stylra ot 3 for $1.00 You
12c. can't get better st
twigs the puce.
'[hunt we are showing have a style about them that is nohhy and .rooidedly
different to what is commonly called (Io -cart*. They are fitted with
rubber tires, handsome paranoia, patent brake, eto. Regular prioes,e
$10.50, *15.50 and $21.50 ; our prices, $9.00, $13.50 and $16.50.
Wel have still • large range of Wall Paper which we are selling et very
oboe prices, 5e, So, Re and l0c ; higher grades, 15c, 20o and 25o. The
most etpensive Ire carry is 50e.
Porter's Book and Wall Paper Store,
Our Telephone is No. 100 B. Court House Square, Ooderich.
Hey M,sek a ate..
it was • .,rand thing for this.eotn-,
mutiny that such an enterprising firm u
Jas. Wilson seamed the agency for Dr.
King's New Discovery for consumption,
the wonderful remedy that has startled
the world by Its marvellous cures. The
furor of nnthu.i,em over it, has boomed
their lousiness, as the demand for it is
Immense. They give free trial bottles to
sufferers, and positively guarantee a care
in conahs, colds, bronchitis, asthma,
croup and all throat and Inng trembles
A trial proves its merit. Price 50c. and
$1 00.
Here aril a law p h. whtnh .111 be
!tautly for hs eholl player to remember
D.,o't retch ynor atobss Mtfnre they are
A fly bell 1n the hand Is worth half •
derwa over the Gonne.
it I.. *Ise person who knows how te
keep a sew* mire.
1t M an III wind that blows lute rho
Make first bees while the sun shines Ie
Lbs ,abhor'. eyes.
A bed bsglneleg makes a het Impression
en AN armed sterol.
The pltnber ache goes to the renes nftsn
gets broke.
it is a short rams Dist has no kinking.
Where there's • hit three'. a way t• first
Where lonerewee Is lilies, 'Ns folly in sa-
nest bhe empire's .Itenstee.
Wo secarntl week in Toronto and thew ids
with you. By careful buying ami low priced selling v. co ?al-
ways open for Bargains. Last week we secured some juew
seasonable goods at • third less than the market prig, but as
the goods are not here at the present, writing we ikttl only telt
you of a few from memory, but there ore iota more.
UNDER BKIRTS-iodise' black and
-hum eotsrrit- tledereklrts, a felt
range of n, '-,af•otarer's wimples, all
fine and medium, bought at d off.
We will sell et Jost the same.
The Totems -were *1.25• to 13 00
(lur prime will he 11.121 to$200
PiQUE--nanny .eripo Englids Pique
-the merest creeds •t t off regular
price, worth 20'., tor 16e
Those are the real English l'Ir ane and
et the pries of the ohap Canadian
GREY COT 1 ON-Jpe ssoored•oa. bale
(1344 yards) Grey Cotter, worth to-
day wholesale btu. ; while this halo
lasts dor price will be (111 sold 50
Arr. CURTAINS -W• hay. afar,
• lot more st len `hoe el, Woes hot
calm quantity 1. malt. •
$1 66 iso• Curtsies for $ .60
25 a $1.00
$17.9 tete „ .. $1.36
$1 50
J. H.
- is • bigger
advertisement than it page to this
newspaper. May we make • walk-
ing advertisement for our store out
of you) We can, if you'll give us a
Mee% chocolate Dong. ;Sal's, Good
yearvesting ton... ..... $3.00.
litturrUsiii Bat's, Ooodyeetl,$3 in $b,
](en's bevy plough Shoes... .. -..780.
Mannish Shoes for lathes -7 ladies'•
gentlemen -shoes --a man oboe built
for women. I am the sole agent for
"Soaools, " the latest
American shoe.
Call and see them.
Another lot of Favorite 011 Shoe Dressing 5c. Repairing neatly don*.
- OE0A. THOMSON & --__
Phone 92. Mnsic and Bicycle Dealers.
CLOTHING -We are ol.arfng all nor
Spring goods at great reduotiona and
hays added some Tines which we N-
,,,, ford at a low prion.
Mm's Suits from 12 96
%Naowg *wee Satre from - 118 9t)
Boys' Two piece Suits from $1 25
Men 's'Creasers tram $ .75
Oar rpeotsl all.wnnl Mee'. 1 rousers,
were made to sell st 12 00, for 11 60
These geode most he *old I Yon may
as well sae them ! Yon may save
soma money.
CHRiSTY :S HATS -There are none
better and we have some at the prima
o1 other kinds.
Chrtety's Hate, worth $2.60, for $1 50
$l 60, for 11.00
HOPS' FELT HATS, *me 50a, for.. 250
A lot of hove' Peek Copia-the lowest,
at tho right prl.s tow you.
ANOTHER plane of that 18e White
Pines, the prloe this Lina Y I50
Our 1900 Bicycles:....
Henderson, Crescent,
Rambler and Ideal....
are bsttst'valee thin anything ever offered before In Ooderiob.
' ------- -------tete_ .
Our Organ salsa are increasing more than ever with the two superior - -
lines we handle, via :-
The stand they now oocupy with the best musicians and players is something
to be proud of. .
These artistic, fine -toned, high-class instruments talo • first stand with
us. Rielly recommended by all musicians anti fully guaranteed. -
lieltioR]faohineg-too well and favorably known to nee went. A� A
tull line of small instruments, strings, etc., etc. Call and inepeet
W. A. McKim •
for all that is finest in
women's shoes. It means grace,
style. comfort and economy, all
for $3. It might easily be $S.
These are the sort of shoes that
please fastidious dressers.
We are sure they would please you
if you will allow
to introduce you.
Ring Quality's th.
name -$3.
Made by
J. D. KING COMPANY, Limited, Toronto.
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
Manufactured by J. M: MacLEOD, Goderlch, Ont.