The Signal, 1900-6-7, Page 3he igna l '
■ Pveusasa
By D. No"JIM.L,ICUI•OT. _f---
):ter Meow IArN it,Awrtn ,st"pat"1
Itkm-ouf.ett.uiu, the end of the war lu
:+bath .tfriea► 16th tKrvt t1, -IKht, y, t It
is tut agreeable rurpwlee to Ix• ar,.ur-i
Uuat the Hal haw soup. .l ,,tiff its
,INtarww wad evials,ted rat Johallum
+ w snob
+ rnud r4un 1 IU
tw noel A t
rK• K 1
aMy aY�lss of a pn>:rueted
dNele, at Prvtorla, jiuraibly W lit• ❑t'
t%,mIxuakrl anti followed by gaenlLt
e,tw•rnteothm !rusts Lite-IDounttiuoam dim
trk•t of 1-y(laiburg. 'nut 1),Via Ito,•rm
"vre represented as mtuWx-ru i•llows,
am well as Could fightm•rd, nn,l 1t was
wnlnrtotxt Ludt 1're-didt-nt Kruger
total full) determined 4t, carry (.It
tlw Idaa of the ):urs of ('hnthnla sad
nay What '•wilil" a foreign tlt'od>p r•
mails In my c(mntry, 1 neatr will lay
tkrwa my arnw, never, never, NF:1*FaI:"
Lustwad fd that, we ose r+vsimtam•e Ili
ids• British ndhluww {ractcmlly nhmuh
,kNwol as wom as til• scene of ho.till
lien b tritnm(erral t') Krugev'm ovtn
Tr:us,anl. bre to Night hard in \itU,l
nine tis• ornf,ge Free State, lnit Ive
did taut want to b*v any vanrwm ballm
"r boli 4m r0ang through time air its
Ira oeo.n country_
ThuL Lord Itotx,rtx lutm lx•ca per
,flitted t) enter Joluurnov+Mlrg and
I'n•UN'la without op}xvIUun utrt) out
aokl to our admiratkoa (far Kn,Ke•r
:.t" n hvarrkw, lmL it Id au md,catill"
Hatt Ie• harm fr,mnu,a m•n.e. He must
laic seen that Britain had ticket' I" IIt
(d th[• war to win, and that nu cull
mklerations o+f Los! won ld lie 1wr
mlttr(1 to make tlfe ultimate
result doubtful Thero wax neither
Rain nor glory In hol,l{ug out "minnt
the Ire,i4lMe, m> tial- (,■)It haw I',V,
du n.
Next will o-rvm,+ the 1)•rO1 ,,f return
strrm•tk,n, during whish Itrltali %%ill Ito,
(oM19"I to InAin4tiu in .%frl •a n muffi
elent fore to etwur, tilt• prompt ac-
rrptunrr a the Ifertmlf"tm faf the Im
Aerial Parliament. They will (w qts
nvaro fine hPrhsl dietincli"nm M•tween
wusPraintj and rubj(rction Tho• Trans-
aAat mn•I thp Orange state art 11 honee-
fortn Tw Rritixh {w,ewe•twinu•, Ilkr \;tial
and,('ape O'okxry But the inhatAtUntf-
for the Ratner butch (teptiblien evil)
Trot suffer by the clwwRe In t1,t- C, it
,.f m few y PArx, rix moon aN they pian
attapt thrmnutvnm 4) tjw• nen- (-lrrun,-
otAn'-et,, they will elljt)y mei►-gutorn-
ment, just llko ('ruaradinaw and Aitmtra-.
Hans, And it will tee well fur thorn L,
av(dd maklnK their pmditknl divl+iotao
ors racial linem The abmurtlit) far mea
of one tAorrl 1".y1ug the tuxm and ewer
of nnother IAfxy1 ejm11l'ling tin rotenut•s
"1111 dispp'ar, and lkritirh nar•end)ttw y
will ter a great Mem t^ thl. nail,'+
rncw. In R,xtth Africa . forPhfvr (•x-
compted (roma eitfwr n.N-anpl or Actual
ti) let an rojrrre that the trinrnpll Of
llrltimh artful ham come, and that the
Nrwlth Afrlenn iqueattirm In aeon to Ix•
nettled. And mettiPol right iw)r.M ilob-
Prdm.and KltchrrMr will rs•Plvp the
pralar an i the reward "Well are their
Ade, anti in the hoxar of %l0ory titroly
).rtk•e mmy bs ,kmp film) to IArller : nd
Methuen, pmsr fellow,W, who w•t-re ❑fit
In coNntnA when the final vic4)ry warn
%%fan, twit who lworfurme,l a lot of the
floral preliminary work when the
figl.ting haul 4t, tw' ,kine aagairwt ,mid,
The requiring througbotit the Britiml,
F;mpfrP r not alone a rdr!latinn n+pr
the trtampll of Brltlmh Arlan Anil relit.
di►nw)mflinre tot the lout•h In Hoath .tf-
rka ; It b TasPo1 on Klmdt'rw" land
thankfulness that peace ham come, or
Is m(o)p to come. That title war ham
hes OOnvieM,eel to A eaeew@wfal eeerin-
nion without owh .tar of humnu lite
av nex4mv eanled other warm mnnt!onvol
in himtrrry' b Aho a eAusle for thnuk-
fulne4m The army which Britatin sent
to Mouth Africa wAm the largest m0,1
she bent equipped that was ever mr•nt
abrtlaff' hone our Mother Country But
the men kflleal In "non were not num-
0rW>gJwdsrAlrbtrf tiff fmInts'rm paltal int,
the character of the foie mad the quotl-
ity of the wrapono emptovp,I For
this Mwlt much credit In given to
Lorrf Roberts' strategy. At till- Iattlo
of 13hMhelm, the French and ILAvnr
ire loot 10,000 killed and v►ocin l,d
Iniss of OR army of 86,000, be"fdso hun-
dregf drowsed In the UAnnbP; while
the Eaglish and Austrians bat 5,am
ktned aid $A= wounded, flat of a
totaal kettle d 52AM. At Waterloo the
Enalbh. `d'ramleats and their allies
lost ::8,1700 map and the French lost
R0,000. The Colon los At GettymburR
wM :::6,190, of whom Z,AU were
killed, 1!1,713 wounded anjl 6.i0.1ri
mls'dng. The Oontotswate Jaum ass
OMIT t -Il at 1te.(M, M wham 6,1!(1(1
WO" killed, ,^AI(W worisdod Anti PI.OM
ttaimm AAM prtsovrm. To the Inemem In
battle In Rooth' Africa there will
have to he allied a pretty long lint of
d"Oth" foal mtprtn revive and other J
diwaser, traceable to tho. fftt jrnr,
IWnA. water or ellmalet But ton the i
whote titers la to be thAnkrnl
far the , t):=6 eHa" total kvna
IIA,t the no %tout ment nnly A wmAll
tram-", afty wfnn fox man aCalnmt tun
Boer army, Shp war wOeld Mvo IAwtertt
"Man r. Aryl th""" might love blown ►
mom" pltrhM battler. wlLh d-mbU.1 I
result, but with terrible km a of Idle us
0rµ•1, Mole. it wird true etwnl>my to
mt•ud an Overwhelming ftrt+e to Ate
rlen, with the newt uptdlan^re Mutt
British got l could buy and tha, b wt
lut•llo(ets In Ider Mad,wty 4 seryl a to
nlanagr operatiutls. if Nulimboury fault
Chamberlain do their work of ru•uu-
strie,tloo am thoroughly as Roberts
nu.I Kitchener hate dune the duty w)-
trustexl to them, neitlk,r slant BrlLisll
4upAyer D:>r ttw wroth African avil-
onimt hvlll hate reason to (r)uafdaiu
Tho• arrival of (lencral Lrrr4 Roberta
fat J
low h
l t ❑ ,• u
K. t t co rl 1w op-
pswitt,m. Iv L,krn to ImticaV, ion varl,v
t.•rulfuati„ii (1f tilt, war. From htrity
ts•nt l -Iso In Lilt- letters frrla lfrli•u
"lush have belt pul•hmhed -fu our c•v
"Iso"1gow wt, utter til it our, Ctinnoli fat
Is.yN ha••e Ira+) enough of lt, awl whsle
the.v N';It roinitin lit the INwt• of .fifty
aN Ion9 fad they urn Iletskoj, Lh -y will
Ire+ very well photoed wh,-i til+ tient•
conoem fur them to rt4urt Ut-t•atut•.ha.
Ttuet Inane of them will alert t) Ie-
uutiu its Riuth lfriva, to ' grow up
with lir ,vruntry,” tort tut+ •,gal'fact
•'Uatcln .M,Inhuttiuu" after the r.rou
,,tructi(ra, ix nut anii,•Iputet. Thry
will Ir KIA•1 4t, leave liar• Itnd w.h.-ry
t•n4•rw ft-hPr h.,d lar --it fully ate
rauil ns uktusPr hulk-ta. The LOu•kml
CM141d'Ntn Casette ma)d that "if lir.
Kipiing'h perstuical poll and the Iu-
(Aerueuts of lirltirh ufrl(-Prs could if(•.
ciuuplish it, many of the young Cal1-
aduurs anti .luwtralutos taw in tinith
Arris t would when the war iv over
beat the)' laiiYorete into ofirklep fall
rItputtn its `outh .Afriv,t to forst there
is leaheu far BT[tivh progress Till. int-
trItt-lbattrr fat timLh Arrival will, un.
oloubt, to -u mrine who art, now there
fid rt) Wil'- int•, jm•ruant-nt w-ttlerm.
teal nut, w.• L,nr,. ninny •.r tho ('aa-
adlrtltr fit tF:o• lr, fit Th,•y little fur i-
" I Lea w hi.•h bind them 4) Can`ita.
tum), huwp%Pr great mat) he rho• fu-
ture ,n allure fur ,•math Africa, the)
Iu:U be jxir.k,ne,I for IwlivilnK that A
Inm1 prooperuus as Canada now I•.
Anti 1 lamjfered Dy the grave pr,la
It -nam of aux tuff tilt- hnrd w,,rk of
1t, 11 "1119 whlaah hit+,, )tet to be faced
and otera,me iII ti )nth Afrtrn. haaa rte
rufwrk)rm un lit)(+ fret• of the globe.
JLwt ,,f t,frm w Nl, we okmht t..)r, mute
w'L411 (,apt":it Peltier, the brave•
lTt-I-('arnal,}can ro,w !nvnlded In
I-nd,,n. '1 wnnld not rxrhangt- ten
Naluiary nlil(wof cituadn fur till whole
of S,ntth Afrkva.' "
The British Gosernmeat will doubt -
Ire. entourage rul.tcratiou to n)utli
tfriea from the Uralt"I Kingdom. a
tilt• borot protec•ti,m rtgninst
rely future trouble from the
Inn. -o. There may avec .4e
prubiem in fi wifK employment
far (luouhargpl m )i U,r.f after til,• hntr
la errkd. Such cin'anuotano"•s lath
to tum s •ttkem(•nt of tilt• ti• 11,01 H'gh
Locatkvs its (tl•stgarr) and Stmnolint
after the Near• of truu•rw. nmf Lan
ark Cia•ot) In wlbt,•rn •Ii,t,ru wet.
a'm" I'l I -gel) me•ttl� 1 b, ,I mt h;i rl,cr.l
m>yldiere. hit south \friv:t dna m,t
up:•mur 4t, b'+ well ndaptml ror the
.Nreratteorw of true muwtll•farrner. and
th, diggi.w tar gold end dirrruun.'m Im
cootru l;; l 1),, wealth) cululxtrl/m euf
pi,,, bili ecdfvn,l I•+Isrrrrd 1'I,fo""1 In
the w nlu . agatnst til • t':urt,hnn
Northwest with it" ferti:e prams.,
Itritulh a ,i 11r11bi a "Jill tin 1 u)u,:1 Ter
ritor) ,vlth their mhin. an,l O,,t)t
rkv ilio quIebr with their hit rievt
nutnufn(1final Nuath Afrit•:t „III
have 41drie•ulty in attrae•tilnr nnml
grauto front firitaln, and will get
pra.1to-ally node+ from uitwtdrt far
the Cn,td Stttr..__ _
LUi1U.t1,iJL Ra)iLS.
(Neu I'Aul Ir a lilt of n Nprinter tow,.
'*4006 ditetill hare+ .•li:t hire.]
their min,im.
Thrro are no k)ots in th.• t „I rot
the liriti,th Lust to -dime.
tewlth AtrF•A wiftwenn r"vy Itte-rty
xu•1 npu)lity hdorp.tist haw'o.
%%.•II, well' \fid thf• 'U11L•h r•he•I.
are sail V, Ir "nnvkrru""! Ilmv
strange• !
Tho Itrwr delegates pro)hnhly t,m,k
fir. Itll"Plell'm hint 'url adhked Krug
Pr to r•mlicn !
Nov, .rnhn f6nll mn.r proaent his htth
1,111 Ifr'm it rr,"litor in Wmwwml-fit. and
lilt in might "III alta trworPthrtn 1st)
the hill '
The Bcr(4w fit Prptnortn vAln w,•rr
kin 4o thea Flettimh prlsrwters will
proth wy rp•I fnort- chcerhil than th,we
who Wert, nob.
The ltritlah prlwmerm win have
here putting In n rttlfer Ledk>uw
time !n I'-Pt,Jrin anti nt WiiLprinr
will n,rw get ,.Vme trnrmtworthv na•wm
of Itow the I:R11L:ag liar truss, -n. They
will Probably Also goat a change• of
dlr•t ,
It Is In4•rrwtlrW t0 rote float TlOm-
sla lima lent rodeempal the )amt far
its .pe"•Irl bank notes Iwmuavl toearry
on the CrlmPan 14ar. whlch t-ndr"1
In IK34, Irflan, has leer, a John time
"loetylnt( tie gill"" file thAt ,,Jill
dam•q anal mnnv n l,ox,r I"onut bile
goov- Pupge-rles. becatl"e at the Ad.
dltffm It caned to hilt to xe".
linglo .fohn'm prolllt>.t'nla memanr" Js
NatJl+sot as abolishing the onto of
liquor ezot" by draprlgbwto. NMtlxfv !"
to he allowed 4t, Clre liquor to nn
body ebe} and even lite Ipportntl
M f'orblefrlP:l.-Of ;tiros much an nc
r orldoiritly kntenclofl to bit dbAllivend
as an larsdtrn of Dominion Pereogn
tivM, or 1t) the set apirle by Nae eourtm
as ultra vires. That wester to DP Hugh
ohrt'e Came, tad to mate it bngar
nnrfal the alt IN INA so none Into
(wee tut Jane 1. 1901. WAll the drys
tw h'L+AOd by the dust f
Tile f111pr mo ('(last of the uphad
ML"tes has Arr1AM stat 00"rn•
tmmt ljrnrdet nrp taxable under the
Ini-tltoriee Tax 8tatnt,s. Thr vAl•
Arty M till. low b uphold, but It M
ntwrtHrtwi M rotor b tope) a be,61.
Ing find not to the ss,tltre ee%&to* of
dureu iod persons. Tile court holds
that "the tax Is un 6100 planning of
Itagucles or distributive shares of
INrreu"Alty, with a ptOgreealva rate
on. eac4. OaParately detortnlned try
tilt) rum of each of , such legacies far
distributive share.'"
The misting of gold by' the Bulerr uu-
,ter false data Is rxplalsed by tine
fact that they are using Old doss, &hope
for 1A99 null Itt(tU tuLvulg Veen oelted
by the British Gfavernmeut. !n spite of
the fart that there is au guarantee
that this gold u of the proper sten•
otaril of purity, it b freely rlrulatad
In Loreuw Marques, an order of the
I urtuguese (fohermutwttt c+ompellkrYr
lite heal tanks to ,accept It as legal
tender us they would Brit" totwry.
Tills court hats been seriously titiwn
honed As u 'Vou" of neutrality, an it
at oa ,e Kine tin Nacres a vault addi-
ttunal Iw,w•eris .
Tile Win iliugtou authorities )loves
been gatherlag information about
the "di, iuu healers" aind other rell
gnuud faklrm who do busiuers, by mail.
null are flow muting to wltlalruw
lwstal privd(ged from ,Mary of them.
1'rol. %%eltmen of Nevada, flu., who
rays he hub given absent treittment
to 53.000 poiaLtrnts, curing b_,9rRa of
them. has tmea-n rolled un. to rhuw
rages• why- a fraud order jimilld nut
`ohuc- cagatiam& lout. land lite IPs&mam
ter Iles tx•eu ordered to wiLlahohl his
mail. There arearnu- hoeriil;ed foot
art �Latrs neinthly ruagaithwr oasflwf
which the ls,stal authuriti" ruight
well titko nil ,t dir(r:Lury of friu,dd.
'rlwelr nd%ertimienente aro largely
titime far rraudv anti humbugs.
From mero• mental turturc the
YA I, kr•e detectives have advanced to
pill ,,:cal terturt• Ur the "sweat tux."
Thr other day the "confr,erlon" of N
mangy ehurgprl with aram was offered
ern evidence In n ftuf Lal') tiourt. (hl
inquiry It was J4dovered that tilt.
"cuitft«as:uu", wad extortw•:1 by '"etweat.
ung" the p-l.•o>i V•. I'Art of the pro-
vwom cufut:oted In handcuffing And
shackling the main and trussing him
up b) the hamlf t.11 the pain toec•naue
nu ulwlnluruble that. he was read)
4t make 1110 statement require.(]. The
belxer. nal detectI•reof, when taken
t., Bink b) the sou>t, alleges that
the torture wit.# Inflicted as '•pun-
iphnlent fur flip crinte," not to mak••
him conImss. Thr court promptly in
struccell Lh^ jury t) Aloure a vvr-
dd•t of aeafuittnl, used tNa gave the
'tor turers Its opinion of thf-V work
The "hweNt box" µhaul l have In, plass
m its the adnllubtrati,Nl of Justine ; It
hiss none In laaw.
Tjp• (•iuwdinn %olflnt*erm who hnvr
4 hooked forward W ruuancipation Inns
t-1- palnful duty of rruireling lin the
mint, since trite rep ort of lion lir.
Ilonfe•n'a spevrh nt the `'t. John lean.
(II -t wax puhluhrq, will boron tovon"•
down W earth again. The Alivast.•r
,f Militia autys; t!M re•IN)rt of pus
,Irv•& h Iran rn((urr,•et. Ili, ruade Iffa
,,nr'lt ht:at,•u,ent a. thi,l a&, d, lu
w-I,wil he wax rPl,r•emerttII :as ma)Iug
that th" mllltl:a of l'anaflh WO11hrlX•
. Vn,.'rt-ed int,, a mount's force. " In
toy re•Inarks," he rvPlauud. "1 fat l
stew" u{rolf three jmaints. tU That life
ruldif-r slssald ev•r•(so him brtiref•in
tis• f i.•1i1 . (L'h th'IT-tt witir of Inipwr '
nnrl' 4, spears rapid mnhement, or
tb,- grnt,wt pom gr mnbilit� faf
trool.. ill tluat lii•rparmd nt;vIltwu
should Ix• paid W rlfk• sllo()futg. 11'0
lutty rereisM appllrntinna for per
miction W form nnnanled comprinlem
At harion" points," Alr. Purden final
1) maid, 'txit no deelsbu has yet :4 -ell
rr:10JI.11 in regard W them."
Nprakthg of tilt- growth and mal•
LIJAPOAtk.n of trgsLs. the ('h6-atto
Illrmilvle t•iprv~A the+ opnnun that
"the IWxt Move will bor far Interna
t1mial mastic. rontrt)jling the .output
Of tlar whole world. limit frfnu ,vhwb
the victim cannot l'oeape by fn,,v
Ing.' Doubtlr•ws in n row lini'm inter
otth,"al tri,too may be operabl!`.
heli fur such there cart retmadied.
Tlwew dt-ismdent nn the tax(, or flat
mill rm11a 1X)Iipoe and tin• storetl up
gift 0f nature will prohably first
'attract the rc-tifying 4iPartAt of
the resblif•. 11111, t' whatever t-xtf-n1
till' rvfl may Krow It w•Ill not I.,
forgot,�eyt thht the triiwt am a Illitevl
StUtem Ih•+rlupnteut, witrme"1 Into
Ile nurt,fr"i lint] fell by the pro
tectv,e trariff. The psr,p!e will yet
prml' mfr W (41011th to .k•it1 with
the trnsts, but there Is little• hqm
of denlinnR successfully, with them
w l,lle prokrtive ttrifroi are main
.41Ife41 to fnellitnte their working.
Tit(• trlmte are the Nj Ntwa ,)f far„
Tht, N,lonl,vt will not In• dibpxwua I W
.a .-U-Aw st►>A► . MAIA-yr►-rwnfc,eem
tnti,m its the upper n•hRollbor an w1n,
plt•L• fulfihnivtt of the .plait of Sir.
chausburluiva {+rYainlaa- A "Wro4v1-rt,
Litho- priwrtira hi the high et, chamter
(:lope not varry with It tlrtt roaih•frl
atkq)to:, tit the r„bnhs( Intl til • "into
WhiCh awkara what h•u ty-ti n rrI if m
orf tris unpin• an Integral 1mrt to
1•erpr• silty. - 1'hlrnga) ( hr"del'.
9:oenking for one erdonF, we cony
aadr,irc oar ('Ideaavr ("+fit,mlm,rnry tTnnt
t71nn711tih,t are halt donde i1LPremt("I Irl
Atr. ('hnnihwrinhl'm Propsaal to refit-
fori•P than Houme of frrrm thio
""I"g•v,'wheth"r .M the' life fir the
herrslittry prinrlpl •. 11'o hat- un. M',n-
r,ee Dortrine In c'ane,+a, Inst we lave
:on Fina tint the InWlla•t And tlw
cliergv of (war te",plo rna hs fufly nod
nowfnlly employed to the ,kvck,pnhPn4
of UN• e3ctenmlhe territtry IneludpI In
t!N' ikiminl0n. hundo-I by the Unitod ��
8t"1tem, the Atlantic, 1'eelfl • and Arc-Lle t
OoM,in. If we dl k went to tmko a hnnd I
In thr mnna I
R•'mrnt of nrltlldt wffaln. I
we wlaould profpr•lspr•wre,tntlutn in the
iawperlal House of C(>mm0nn. whore (
votew reemnt. All the CAnadtnns who ;
mals sgnreoe Into the Ham" of LOM" i
would have, no effect In mhapknR t.hp (
Polley of the Empinv Mor. Chamber
1^10 duty keep hit promise or brPnk It.
Jnwt an hP plothnie .-Oil rote nw (aAnn AA �
it aineterftai Th^re aro no Canadlatm I
r4arning far banishment to RMloth. r
The �I of emlfrrntlsn rens tht other i I
"71 6
1, '°A RIt111T XARCA.
Travel With the 13oere Is a aellth
Africans 6terN.
The olements OMMW to have leer
6lalbed their forcer a. t h dater•
Idnod to prevent this 000flict of
moa ; but the splashing of tine old
DOW's horse ahead and -the masseur•
ed LhOMPltyf of his rifle-bott against
bis blFndulear of cartrldttts contia-
- n we wept, the IltFhtalng
flash• now revealing Y;tUr lints,
far herds of }oats huddled togethor,
can the Is side of the drollery kopjov
er some term louse, around .whial
the eucalyptus trap weir" forsaking
1, of moaning as they tbrembed about
ht Chs' storm. We pawed a a>m•
which wag slowly Imwing
ahead with a wag(N, train, and then
want on. through a village. Tito num.
ber of mea ou the rtrul war. tnureas-
ilK• '%'e reaxI u field-Lelegritph
Aon. .chill ainod wej made
suer h n aria
The ofd 1104 ^nm"o to a halt be•
side a trill. Hp Baited for another
tlagh of lightning. and turned luto
a Path a •hurt dkstauve Ahead. He
said It was several miles shorter
that' the wagon road. Thea 4t was
that I fully appreciated the Badu -
to ponds. Its and out atmrng the
big boulders and cacti the anlmaalm
pleked their way, until we hod
soled a high kopje and galloped on
acrasil Its fir -t top, U,aving the
hgrwm to [laid their way again.
we began slowly to dtwcealt.
During one of the vivid
naepes far Ilghtnlpg wa tuu!d
Will below is till' +alley what up pecare•t
like a huge berpm at. tout realty It wan a
ce)mtnssnI" 110 n•aachtd tile'road :tad
passel a hnt4•ry of artillery. Thi•
artllleryaum a ere butto:103 up to the Ir
earn la huge luau kiutuohre. The r(dtd
was r1lmy. Caun-am mnmetlmrs mltuk
to their huhu Alta )ellf+ol, and threshed
the bag team: ,.f tuul(w a►m they' lkufa-
dared and Plunx� i {q the wettery tuvw.,
Otheru pullc"1 at the Iw•a(ir Of thwl
mules, stabling its the mud half lo.
their %4004 - n Iv -11 the lighktiog',
flar,hexl�cm d".,1.1 ,me tiro entraining
features of men :tml.lo)y's tugging fit
!the whwelm of eah,ni,Nloo ; th(4n ail w•as l
WlAllowed up In the etarkneam, and
crurking what" ,cud hoarse hhouting
a ere.sllPnep,1 I>', a de.nfenhsrerash orf
thtndpr-a furf-L,o •, f thought, of
what PrUhubly uhvaltpi mom(• of ,to, 0n
there Its the darkmws into which
e%eryoDa wan mtruggling.
1{ hen we f1Rhe 11,4. l'aahatrwPr th!ngm
were as Loamy-tairvv About the ,kgant
mN they has jNr•n fit Newrantle Wo•
had Only ridded twenty-two miler ; It
temened like fifty i:,,norm of alt k alto
were rife. There wad n rep ort
nn armr)rei trnin benrinR n mtro,ng
Britb� fore wvc; h,•nd(•.I toward Ihan-
I:attmer from GI,.w.,Nv. No one knew•
exactly who^re any of the Boer Ren.
ere).# were. lhin 1 o was @till moms
twenty reflct nvvAy But the storm
--hied to love exhaluil Dame fat iW
pn'rgy, and the 01d Poops dpcId •d, It
Im"t t� remain In (:•anhnnoor--F.. F.
Roston, In HaJW-;'N Magazine for June
A Prop' . y Fulfilled.
'file sh-adonv t., Sar Ainckt-uzie liuw-
elf. Unp Aawuwiuntrl, wUl hall 11jm),,
ehery t•utr(•um nod mIret cuuu,vl f)f til•
KRusEfl sra�
=_ ,� ;
Salisbury Will Recognize
Only Oom Paula
Palk About lke heucralr by a linter
of Buller Wirriess Telegraphy--
r4e 1141catle sad the Torpe to --A
Ncaudal !n London Court- Voo-
naught tluys Castle Hlasey.
Iwutdou, June _.-Popruiar opinion
line Irot•11.lm ad the advent of alle-
tory in South Africa. The uatlon has
made up IM mind -that the war kr
^vee that the prestige of British
anus fat restored, that Prooldeaut
Kruger to vanquiiched. that priceless
territory low beep sneezed, that
humanity has ant been staggered
:tad that telt by that rattle )fir (lala-
h ad, '•Baht),"' Oreat Britain's army
hst s fulfilled the rile optimistic ex-
jwd•taticNts. Neverthel�se, among the
few Ilwvre rerknix-m'n11ed who have
Intlmnte kwowledge, of,the Boee•s and
the plitnv of the War dfftoe there ex-
ist ,
Grave Apprehesale►n t
of derelopments to the near future.
la the aystematk: retreat of -ate
Iloord thele map, Lhe, possibility fat
lung. do -awn out guerilla fighting,
t.•PILY into IthcejMk%�.Internal dkoor-
Ke011mtlAw Lha T:Auyxaal due to
h andito6" tw.l at thuttmand and oae law-
I(wt elemental Out evolve themmivp
from :t IteterogeneuuN army after It
Vpame v t') beec•ome aD orgawl3ed body.
Same of tine Most astute authorities
(w N-uth Afclran natters, any Maya.
Orne-itl Frederick Carrington's work
In Bhodesla may only begin- when
Luret Roberts' finishes. The prepon-
derance of numbers Is hound to
P ntuallY reduce the Inhabitants W
-abje+ctio n, a[wl so It will be, prob-
ably, with the T'ranwvnal, the occup-
ti.,n of Pretoria atwl Johannesburg
h•Ing ffollowe-t by uparatio>not similar
t t, Lina un!ntereeting movements
naw uncle-takon by Generals Rundle
fins Brabiant lu the Orange Riser
C.,lony. ,
heading W heat Markets.
Following are the closing priow at
lmpeurtaut w1Nst Oantree today f
(:rah. July
.Chlea o , „ ,,. ,.. — $01" 7-A
New fork • , " .... O 7:1.8
Milwaukee ............ aU 67 1
8t kwlr ..... O 1•J 0671.9
Tel'. ..... ........ U i 1 4 ll TY 7-a
morult. rad ......... 0 8.4 0 7.1 1.4
1 78 8.4 —
t>dtrolt, wh ge ._ ... 0 I
Duluth. No. 1 north
ern ............ U6771.4 0671-
Imlutln. Nu. 1 liar:) U 6!11)8 —
Mintoeapoli , No. 1
northern. ............ U 65 b-8 O 65 1 8
Mhunomphlts. Pkx 1' .
hat.t ... ............ 0 6T 1 A —
Torunto Farmers' Slarket.
Julie L. -Receipts of li-a:n on the
A -eat working berm today, U110
bushels. Wheat, a tafflae easier.
-Wheat-Two bundred brwdnel• of
white fall wheat sold at dpo to 7LVAe.
250 bawbels of :ed at 67o W 69.;, owl
200 buithete of goose at 710.
Date -Two hundred pttlrhel• sold
steady int 310 to 88 1-2o. •
Barley -One bail mut use aged at
41 1-21r.
Hay and straw-Twenly kinds
e>< lay old steady n0 il0 'Ik a
taa. atxl oche load of arc aw at >]9.
Butter -Moderate t>rferM orad a
fah- domand at iso to 176 r ddtry
pt>und ,rcAb .
Boggs-Offerhnp were lar r than
demand ', p'kvw steady at 13c go 14c.
p+»tltry-Muaterate rt•t:ritrT<rand de-
mand, ('ihktJtebr ware rye .Led at ,We
to We and tuirkeys at W W lla
Jure+ 4. -Receipts of gruls p0, e
street mnrkest here to -+lay• very IIs L
-_"00 louoh•dm. Two local of white !loll
wh mit mild at 69 W 70, coup load of
rnl mt 6th•.. alt(] one of gore at 700.
Fifteen Auafta of hay MAI Pteady nt
$10 to $1l '0 a tri:&. No straw de-
livered, , -
Drev"owl huge -Steady at ✓f7.75 oto ail
l'oultry_ infero reacallA,w Ding, a
fair demdiel at TOc: t. $1 fru chick -
mot, awl 1► to l le. fur turkeys.
Frewh Meal-Dematsd all week has
Hewn gtx11, tut the feeling now im a
trifle w►sler.
Ia Toledo October clausal 91-te.
firmer fit x5.25 bid par bosM1, n6d
ol,] primp @ready at $4.50 hill nal
:mal. lu t'bleago clover cicseJ at a7.U)
:omtnal fur each, an•1 timothy at
Reerlpts of washeld wool ure stead-
Kruxer'a Station, fly lmeressing. Prrce Is um•hnMgodat
The pe-mrgal status of President 15c. Unwashed b still quoted at D%c.
K-uger other Ire left the empltitl is A New York report says: Themar-
c-evating cocaine iL.wussbn. A repro- ket, while showuM no appreciable ls-
mentatlhe (d the . Asatx•lated P.Pe@ cream- In the number of transactloras
If,arltaf that Dntcl Salisbury will con- seems to poww" % little morehople•
mills. film to be ,Prooldent of the fur tone, produced' to part by a
party for years. Fnith, th,- am•nsiP of
Socith African jtepublle untll IA)r!
slight Increase Js the number of I%-
meeurity, reli u, • • up.a1 rash nth •r, fir •
Roberts In really to annex that ter.
1Loard, held to•sigholl 17 rautorins
gone for a gencraVon. Trit-ka an•I
rttory• On one thing the British
Toronto Llve,tltock
ttecus)n• will I.. malmpm%-&iP,t when• they
G(>vrrnment Is determined, Le.. Pre-
Mlleb cowN, earts... ., ..
filo to follo w
-k, not exist, and w ill ev"t where tI •y
ei.k-fit ,Kruger cannot stns in the
KxpOrt make, cholom, percwL
4 80 to
are out surgrr•e • 1. Il:nurtwt by Wx,
Trn amvnal. in the event fat ills P>
lexpoet (roue• Heht, psrewt'..
/ m t0
1 IS
a"ralth of A ,,Lr;u,Klr 1 Irvuk•r. the
lure he nnm+t be trann"ted, not
Boachena' orris, c a. ,.
fintcMnCottle, Bawl..
1 Ili to
i ss b
1 F1
/ t0
li,i rtv huume hv.11 p^not un. rf•IN M�• to
nf"-,varlly in durance; but he must
de mediutiv
, 3911 to
t1w ret -it tn,k"I. I r:n• •!n.1 ml•r•p wI:i 1 e
the gat ant of . the terrlt0r}
R%Lekern cowmen. per cwt..
1 o 9"
3 w1
iuilo.hmlhlr. Halt w.,knal[ rams fiat .A
which I,o>rd 4atliotelry rI t" will
Hulls. export, he.+vr. per met..
Bu141,. Port, Meet. {areal.-
lee to
1 iS b
1 b
t! r ,lu-wtluo. Th -u I •;yin: