The Signal, 1900-6-7, Page 2RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TO THE SIGNAL FOR 1900 FIFTY-THII{U YEAR. Vi ',1 tiontaanam. Juno O. WS) ran Wheet. 0 el to ill Phorta, V toe . I' 441 told 00 Rye twr bosh 60 to u in Book o hoot, per bush 60 to 0 91 Hari. i , por hose 36 to 10 Her. 40 too 60 to 110 10 to 11 in le I veered ROM 00 to 50 9 to 14 I mewed feed, tee quarter 00 to CO Dressed Host. Mad •• 00 to 00 Cattle. It 73 to 50 00 to 80 bitUat One Vacant. 1)0Y WANITIJ --A 4:001.) SMART I ISUY. 14 to 141 years of age. to learn the ft 1000 liEhltitAL SERVANT VI wetted. •pelir to 1141-• J. Mi. ,VottelICI.L. taint:els rood. tiodortoh It W anted 0,000 POUNDS 07 WOOL. WAbiTED .4 A. J. Vaporer. Uederioli. 10'1 buy watt tit the Hanalltoo street !toed Sehoortum. end pay the h`•h• a market otiose. Need sal reed owe weave kept os toad A .1 1XJ4 Nit. Kuniltes Oodortot 141641 For Hent. I for borne ant mods on Big Iht• Vi ▪ 11,40N, ttaltford. el tr ostisfurt•ble nouse Jost tam of Judge I ay len resides a. no w o...oepteid Mr igen osier both , else earl. tletolotte iitere and garden A 'Kahle on the SINN Apply La R. W McKENZIK. Hardware) roe -remit Si it FOr Sale RI V la /I atohisoe • eurvey. sed 11176. tar sod soya Agar of N76 canning nonmere. all In Usdetioh. Poe Part/intim, eypi, PHtLIP HOLT March tn. 1930. RD f 1 of the et 119 more farms ta itocterich toon•atp. Hums county Lot 17 sad pert Nth nosooeston, mina from Oode on 7 mike from ClIntea. Th. farm coat/tine good build tome &ad good felines la wall .sureed and nodes dralsod. liter* Is • large boa n mg orotard aaet (media of omen fret's. Teem* to p▪ rawns.. or Godeitich P 61 It '1" I-1 t-7 OFFICIAL 1 lVTS F E . Or H-ITRON CJOLTNTY_ GO1)ERPH, 11NI'ARI4►, t'ANAI)A: .JUNE 1900. LOOK AT YOUR LABEL 1 IT SHOULD BE MARKED PAID eteR D. 11PGILLICUDDY, EDITOR. [OWN COUNCIL lot. treasurer's statemeut tor Sei•y, •s fol lows, woo toad Itolotioe Iron April 21)15b 311 Non resolont tomm 101 87 %Voter r•tes 308 /2 hloitrio 1.ght. rate. 299 66 I it moo. TA7 15 poyablo 9600 ht•Itiand °emitter y 12 00 111144 39 iner•nort sad reweinal Creator of Satin re. pipe ovum, end theory, will be pleiseel to r • neve poetic loetrAioilos rives either at at Emerson e Music* Store. W t et 77 f 1 1 FAR' JORDAN as "Medd direelar [not Presbyteries church, to opening classes la V oaal, Organ. Puma land t'ornet. prepared for Toroate Collage or Maur •zomileftloas Apply fog terms •1 Or Medi* is Odetteli.igre bonding. MISSICISMA ANDREWS, TEACHES of Piano. Orgies. Theory, Might Hoed lag and Zar Training • spootelty of the Virgil Prsoilos Clavier method. Tho virgti Prentice lit•ier at W bottoms'. mama emporium may Ivo need by popills. Also Kin darwartert Method for Toong Children. Ma Gutless. Tsetse on apptioatton at the real Pi -tattoo and edv'g, 0/4 Iii•oraooe 471 PubLo work. 497 Electrio light ospital 31(15 1./abosturii interest little payebls Bank lotorreet Public eihoole At 44 so pease& 55 tti 60 10 SO 15 162.5 00 5000 00 128 12 OS 01 3g4 50 101 29 480 14 $13909 77 11491 48 and , Immo. t•Istoo up usth double holt tog go Oa. uttotrot • r•warit of $50 fur the ,uaViOtion 114 the Verson or 1,000001 poi• r won A Molt Allots to the ou.ortao by the new Cation at the same essessment as it tiow tiro old oue for tau yttars, he to be amounts) by th• G T The attends maimittery's report, Tettoul Ineodlug the payment tit number of ma manta, woo adopted. mi that the *Mils loodiug to the oourt haulm on the Souore be laid with grarselltbio pro twootairoodroi the paytoeut of $4 to Mr. kt soc, road oommiasl000r, to cover Lie •i peones from Stratford to Glider oh and ro. turn The report woe odoOlord The wooer nod itobt illuminative report,. ed as folios.. that the hislaoce of electric) loon purchased for $42 ; that 0.65 aro dy- lush • of treight. would be $1O0) ; that th• 4,5 light •ro dyuocuo should b. repaired ; t tat Idrs. id•yomO orator rate be remitted u tt Jmuary 1st, 1900 , that they had had ( torrow prepare am ••11911:11804 between the town and F Holmes refereouo tbo remora of th• coal in dupute at 41:1. dook and Lad autboriood the Movor to alga said itsroonotot on =ball of the town. The Nowt. t watt odopte 1. By law No 9, of 1900, enaoting that no =rum or person, shall be •11.mroci to use the wafer If, ,ths woter system iu the COLDS. 'sty kr mut* than one hour per cloy anti that ft ro.•11 tte thy duty of the saxtuo fosse teed t trice, •ntl,ou onotiou, rule 34 W•8 Mae P00.10.1 •iirl hylow read the tart tame Th• router and light oommittee in • trooted to grit pr,..4•4 of mai with power to put chase Po/sunlit to nollo• of motion Mr Hutotier lea. No 9 tf 9C.i mit Ityttmo 'So 12 of el he to ▪ 60 par onnt. and the figures 2,5 per oeot. 40 40 per itent where it applios th• rote Mooed by Vt T /durum, seoonded by fir Martin, -Thal bylaw No. a of 1875 be amended by strillog 001 Ileolion ut said 41h•t slaughter houses for the Idling of cattle, sbup and other animal. oirfo oultj.ct to the 1.110,4.11g condition. Th•t the l000l hoard of health •pprove of toe otoleitog um be 000nootsti with the wmor mid sewer at•ms. that the building be twenty! to the sm.isf•ciion of the °art of boalth rand under too suporv talon of the 1.ylaw of public haolto sot Ito "crook out " Da 'notion of Meagre Holum. ond Canto loo th• motion mos referred to lhe speotol to Mrs. i'rice, sod it was moved th•t h• Ito ompowomd to pay Mi.. Sk.miogy F25 for too was oarried, and the oounoll then IA loathed em hod raamlue.1 grenolithic *MIN laid ity Mr lOeuer, and found that, to oemplet about 400 Noma foot ott the blook botweso on lomat street an frost ul J rt. Smith's stets, on.I dutoot all the walk on thirS Imre =Lama K notion and Kost striate would h•ve tao renamiti H• oleo report= that Mr hod hod an offer to rook• benches for tar • 11V• Not longtb, with wrought troo midi. for 81 911 mob to.. 'sport was ratorrod to the publio works committer With poorer to mt. The Iowa amok r•ported tbat Ise hod •1 •otiomi Om pet it too lied by Abraham Smith walk ise the north etd• of Klormion street, let 71 to Victorto toured, oloo tbe oar Aouth street from °mare cal lot to li.14 &mom rota, and I mod them both insufb Motility Ittstiett The =Imam of ou moment of tho GoOorioh Lumbor Go for lembor ordered by Mr. Momper. aniouroing to 847 79. waff mot to tii• wittier sod light omnallt too. µImmo of two um. lights in th• library and the ellerIng of the position of one Of Retorted to orator •net light ootntrottoe 'n charg• of buildloo the OhiMne• at the oo• rtmo pima for 1100, the rlant to bo re * orlon= nomad by .1. A. towou fto rho 1.04)010 Weal,' Dot hi 0.1 the oorpor•tion to the Daerneilt. 01 th• $1,6) or to the return of h. plant to mood oont1it tm Mr. 140.tors der air= a proper agreement with th• town, osier mal The lettor was referred to the special ,connitttee with power to eon A petttloo, signed bv the property owners ,k0 the tiloeu het wee., North "treat and ptvernest In frost of their ptoperty be pro• mad= with fu mon so treesiblo. Moved by Mr. Humbor, egroondod by Mr !knot, I hat th• petition he reoeltred and the neoessary step@ taken to have it carried out A petition with • nomber of signatures poorer to sot. t my of the Huron Old li,yr Automation, would Mr to Godomoh on the 4th of ,luly. owl that tn.') would bring the hand of the 4840 Highland regiment, inoludin• two pip or., with them, wo. flour vri mai flied, The followinr ormounto were sent to the 16 50 ; Suitor h flown?' h. Toronto, work Koos amino hao some snores of Tho Trusts ft Onerantre Cos, Toronto, stock for door east of P 0.. Oodoeloh.Ont 1‘10NICV TO LA/AN - THE ToWIN OF 1 lerelorioh has money to loan on farm property from slaking fond. A masonable oenuelenon will be allowed to any perms arranging sellable Icons. WM. MITCHIKL1.. Tows Clerk. MON V 1 TO LEND ON FARM ntortassee Primit fonds, at may Hamilton Romeo. Goderloh 57.tf IV K. HORKRTSON. Book• and sononnto made. Mt linildings rented and rents oollsolsd. 1,11110e- la ltroudonot 1141. °Moe Newt h FOr Service. The groom haa the coogratulatious of GOUERICH'S BIG DAY. msny Guiertub friends Upon 1110 happy 01. - of Ai. al ItirriNo TIN annual mooting of the Isogon oie Sera. 1,4 tire SI ON visit of it., Hut= Old ' %Vont Norco Formers' Institute wal ho held ...out 4.11.1 their frtooda Lisol•• the Iowa hail, Nilo, on lot edoetday, Jou. riot, gm Jut) 4 to 11 ties ',tett tio.tided to tie. 20th, at 1 r 'The business of the o.esting 0elenr•LI,,i, 01 1100,toion i/ay 411 Will b• •• follows . 1 Preeideot's isoora. Mrs. Egeeor, who hos been for the putt tiro, presented lo writing by aeorstary. trle"tow .be.kao.uita afru'etwin, P146.441 •troituo .0.1 reOept4Ou In (Pe 011 14 If. the loir•t of July thie f 00 Sooday, treasurer. 4. Auditors' (*port 6. Sug• Hory M. hiolSoy returned en Monday grunions of putout at wbfoat t.o bold rogular (row wo.gewok. oo hod po..00- tom, other :toy would hovo to be ohm.. In tneetinss b SuggeoLions of points at which tog the loot three Sunday'. •tty tit 13', Sod IL le 000et,leroti 0.1vies! le. Clog Of dlreotiore mid auditors. 8. Sumo's. cl•N •tll ve uble pap se. The 01,1 IL, via tione as to bo 4 1,12e lanto 0•14 he im proved or ma io more useful. ff cones nips- • in•ited, a. we wtsh discuss the for motion of • Womea. Institute Please 000n tire hoodlum body of a young nom was found oo the ratlway track • fee miles north of Myth. the head was tound ovor half a mile from the body, to Om "oath. The man was not knoolt at Biota], ond it wao sup. pawl that he must hare been • member of the °Kowa party thot passed through Satur Ktnoardluo, Thus auraitee mooed out to loe oorrect, though how the fatality comurrod Otoo. A. J. Fraser, 0. H. Boohoos= Introi- ts stall the sabloot of tntestigation by a our- orly 04 Mr. Hoit's offlool and A. Macdonald otter's jury, presided over by Dr. Milo*, hav• all born suotmesful in their ezonoloo- po• nied by 'Cho". Guadry, went over to to the investigation. The votiog moo looted the 0110118 at Jacksouville, Ill., and gams hi. name es Foal Cline Ho Wes betweou eighteen and twenty yeors of age. A000rding th• story told by his oconrode in the 0.10t18 0.1111Dany Cline Matt has, got op duriog the limbo while his Com poniono were "aloof) and in som• way Niles under the wheels of th• train. They oilseed nim oft Knooardine, but supposed he would turn up, not. saspooting that _any harm bad befallen hon. Tn• toveettgatoon has been Adjourned until the 15th toot. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEr. 'rh• county tiount7-11 is to tremolo° this week All the membore are to attoodonoe. The tomtriot mostoog of that 1.0.0 F., for distriut No. lb, twill le held here cm the of June. 01.1 Roy. .1tsootetion of hal 0.1y, met th• °oho ration vouunittee hero and bed • talk over the motto.. Mr. Fl•tody explamed 1100 1 WW1 that July 411 Aa oh, rom tte •peutai tie r. Mug holt, +hoot 11 0'01r Tho time of le fr ate ou the Ulu o to 'I' s- 400 to 600 poop:4 0010 SS to tor= t 01 Oa Monday oveulng a pat= umetho woo held •t the town holl tiocado witteo the I/Lodi/Ito° Day osiebroi om should Ito ht 11, sort le was nuolvad, as stmeol ahoy", to hav• it oo July 4.11 ao4 to oak th• Mayor to pro- CommIttaree On eport• Mud attraction., rOoetalun Oommitt.• tarn bean 13.00011 The titan,* oommittee hos been IDetruttte to ittoOtted 0111•0 0•006•• the foal& IA. suboortpttons. An effort is being mode to locum Die oo•oporation of other towns in Om fount, in t Le 141001.0.100 to the Old BoYs. The ocoastoo promises to be OIle 01 the oreotsot that linden= hos eier seen. The 010t1 ot the former resident. of the county, atm); of whom ha ye mount= In poriiilone of stinoonos or their •tloptoti oity, will be •Ven.. of import•nor. The band they .te bringing With thorn is one of the looted musical organiostions of um Dominion; fond tt be an unuatod 'Not to hear them. liositim to. foceptom In the 01.1 Boy., thine .111 tio • progrem of sport., ululating hate lacroase, tamale, lawn bowling, ete in •dditotio to the us=1 games for the efttorliOrin by the Highlanders' bond, whioh timo MI day. • Everyone thoolti mak. a pint to be In titfoorioh on July 4th 1 (STALLION, Milan 1-1111., No. 101111. 1701' fly400dalo R. 0. bred by fltrowvi, n ORM by Moth Innis, Clinton.(Mt . will make sermon of No) aill f0111w. Moeda, to Janos hfcltrien'a. Mayfield Road. loodorieh townohip. for noon and to George and to John Itathwoli's, Hayflold Limo. for Th▪ ursday hy smut o' Moimonaville to Maori loom. arts le 61 Pfraennwor's at imomIlier for /tight. W eld., to Wm. Hick's, oon. 1Iodorich township, for noes. term in his owe amble. Hamilton "(root, Roelericti, wharf. hit Will ro mein anti Mond•I mornIng. Terms , 91/1 to I payablo January 1st, 1901, Pontine season. Ipt. to ne paid on nr =tom 'My let nom- Perrone trylnit moms and not motioning thorn reatniarly grill ho enamel as ottoman mares We grill net be re e sonnbie for any moideote. We Moo have the Imported clytio Parham* lart•ta and thotrotting audit= Wood town at our nobles on Hamilton Otiose. (YTT1IR (ill 61 MO' BROS Manus*, itrotwiatitrs. Company for ea Aldrew It TOHIAM, Hamilton. 79 tf Medleal surges° Ste. otAns, Hamilton sumo, room emote. onotery more Night tuna rot seemed at Milne. Toleolent• Kn. rd. are , seek. ttorlartott. Taloshosis No tt PHETORIA DAY. For ths third Um* during t he foment War 11 o10110h gave 41velf nver 10 11,11,14y [Shelved th•t Kruger had oyaoustoel Pro torts. At shoot a quarttir Le nine m the morning, hells and o hist les begm thoir clamor, and soon th• town had en its gola drem of flout and I. -moons of booting holiday for the oftornoutt anti, judgtoo by t h• Crowds of poopls In the Sumo. in the aftorrnoon actel evening it was mach 'Lorna At I Molook toe eropLyeari of the Organ lootory, 017, tif,) strong, =rattled the healed by ltin F..reatent' (IN and drum notrohiak,ng with Olmt lotto and roll of in Me of ornooMa dela-tour...ion (moan A eran Toni Hunkstop moon t.n duty at their hood. About hltoen of the Mario.. •tor1 quite a numbor of Gen Stewart's code,. ed ID 008tUm• driving the lime wagon. The oompleted Om outfit. The One of maroh • .a ar00114 !hos Po oaro to Walt st rest, and np and aroond the Square to Nast Morro, down Katt ...met as for as the organ !Noir, and detwo tho town haIl The playing of the band, tho hooting ur oromo. t he disobeys* of arnmoslitem, tea blowing of liorm, t h• ringing of hello, the setting off oeselon, loll for noiso. After ohoor, for tha Omen and too nlaytng of Th. Maple lord' Forever mei God Says the In that evening a Imgo oumhor of atom anti itom pommel= to Jank Platt's wool our, ond rigged op Long '1 om, whioh figured ion day. Elm petunia of powder, with a sur (loom( tuse•tosahod, wort. pot into tho gee, which woo thou Itiloti Ltio mamba with pleora of rag (wpm, well r•mmoti hornet. a foot or so of tho hiss beinff loft =nal= ont. The Mask arttliorists town home at. h• front, It on. only after nitioh =root Inn that the heroic Smith volantoorod to light In lighting tho Nee, end then. orith a shout, "Hold roar horefm-rejohnni hie oo in pan one at tall spoor' in a few minoteo them. was a =odd, oraah • Monti of emoka Moine from tho rotation anti phut, of otorpot soaring etroote Iwyrind, followed by Dm cheers of the spoottotoro. The hand minus tint antt laser. • Rawl program on th• Mormon Rook me and hem= wore not off lo several planate and oromis to rival them of • Dominion Day nolottration thronged th• Mortars NotiOe to Creditors. Oliti of W. J. Ofgrrling. of the triwn of iinOortob. swirl ler, are hereby nOt1 fled that hr bee merle an sestsnment to mot under ohapter 117. PCP 0 , of all his property fm the Menet claims, duly verified. =fort, ma no or before the, i2th day of Jona 19n. A meeting of tho mid fired WWII Will 110 heel. out We/10**day the eth day of Jona, 41° 310 tinlontr rm., at the offine of }headrest & moot of Imperotors and the Moho of Mims. MOWS for that disposal of the rotate. W. ft IMIFIKRTSON. this tath dor of Mar IVO RD te NOUOS 1C 01 IC IC -Sir TUN UNDIRSIONRI) dente.. et oesoefei. Nam CIA0P1 C▪ uries net months er July Aserson IMP 114. Tenders Wanted. AROUND flWN ruin, tor Ot Goorg•t• word resultoti of the el.c.o.tt of N1 NoholsoO 11r. N. holsoo rocolyed :12 0014S• mad Mr. Kastall 31 ; tom nom/ for Mr Niohol000, 21. C000lumostios IstrocivoitooT W. ne- glected l•or week to mon'. „ ths work done irmettig of fin° gravel was put on, and the rood woo then rolled with a farm roilor. Ih• Iseult was o Loom Improvement in the r ,•.lway, for width bloycltots sat those who tole in 'vehtolot •ro Auly thankful. There hut generolly the. rood is getting into good conitIti in. Ng, ()Wont, -Following Is the list of ottioers of hureko Coo -loll, Nu 103, R T. tool , 1' Naito! ; Irmo , Mrs Colin proem reproir, Sims N. MoVtoor Moaforel Harbor Worke," ho (his °Toe until WoOnewlm. iOth Jun* IAA for the conotonotion o( olom MN work, an et wed dredging. at Moonier& connty of (fro,. nnottrwoot In charm horror works, (intorno plleontIon to this Pootmastor of Meador& and to the Impartment of lintdlo Works, (Magni, Towles. grill ned be ormonlored unions made, aotool Wawa( orris of tenderer,. ordor the Minister m retain Works, for oompany earn tendor, The nhenne will he for rotted If tho party darling. the entitraal or fall to fomplote (ht. Work r•ontreetod f ,r, and grill he retrieved In oats of non atalOwtanee of The Department eloe. not Mod Itoolf tro oust the lowest or any tondo/. Ay Odor, PSI It ROY Araby kanwatary Ottawa. May OM 1101 VoricP HRititaV GIVEN THAT Th• dentists of town bare agreed to °lois thou offices at I o'olook on Wedneedoys during the months of July, Atigust mud The Knitting Om:dory have over seventir hands omployed rat the pram= time. ()odors for Woolf impostor goods af•oonstant• 17 oomiog ID Tbe dog poisoner apparently has let up for the present, possibly en s000ent of rho reward ut $50 offered by the town tounoll for hie detection rho Stratford limo= says 1. oat, probably dente of this comity will take part In the .1105151N t.0 GodarIch on July 4613. Ter R. T. tir Cutitsgr.-The miter. toinment held in oonneotion wItb the dig moot meeting of the Royal Tomplare of day, smiling lost was not well =trots:zed. oort on ON Square and the news that Pre tons had surrendered, all oombined to de- tract from any 1noerest in the oonoert Howevor, shortly after 8 o'olook, Roy ,lo. Amierroo took the chair and gave a ohort address, after which Wawa MeV'? tie, preseut with odor/tog mine. The soleations were well rendered and a rich treat woe eam Ito's(' by all who heard them. After the soutiog of the national =thorn th• mom tog brooame inform•i, Megan Featherston, addressing the gathering on the losieSts of ..lona put forward liv thoir hearers doy evening lost, during the progress of the ter of Donald Fraser, Wolfe ',tome, who with horse sod huggy with oho result theft M Fraur woo thrown to the gtoun with .401 N.. loony Portal • Making up on Om tot Loom., Como -Th. vo'untstors 1.ft Tomelay morning for the °pomp of in ele thirty fivostrorg. lima.. W. H. ho oftioors with the company apt . II olmos will not loam mod tomorrow TIN Moo= thirty Own, and wee in command of Major W. Yonng, with ',tont" Ttme Joh= awl Bort Vomit., Limit I .1. Yoram, onto have gont. to M. tamp. and !ileac ltront„ (mit and Mattson nro going tomorrow. Th. camp oontitroos unt.1 the 16th. ROWAN GRANTS TIM Beilrus --The Vtd.trif hy the rebel:layers of Berlin on the lot of Jamo no tho holm. granting hong, of $21,000 to the Port Dover. !front fedi, Ber- lin and Godomoh Railway Cm, restillool tho marrying of 4.= bylaw fly largo vote. Almnet three- fourth. of the property- holders cast thole; ballots, 720 vot;og for and 141 &wooer the Sums, The anti.. of tho peo pie of Bolin la important Se Offenlirg (lode woo, 10 no. ,.! oho goftrontoort male by the company tut oondltlen to th• granting of too bonne Is floe It will mak• every effort to hogin the nomornothon of it. line north to INTIM anel to build to Godetrinh ot ...irk. the oldest rtaidento of troderloh passed •0 oit last weak In tho person of Adorn Mo - V 0111, S1114 died on Tomdtry morning. May 291. at the vood uld age of eightrfour yowls and liye moot= Ht. strongth had Neon f•Iling noltionablv for the pout Ohms or four months. 1 he =mewl woe a native of to this country itt •tooit eighteen year. of •iie he rot•ined to the last vimd memories Hie first place of resifitiom in (hie country was ohm was then milled Little York, the tote of the prom= oity of oronto. He wont from there to Illinois, where he mar• ried mho Helen Gray, whose death occurred about oloht years ago, Returning to Coro aria, he spent some years at Torooto, Lon- doto and Chatham before mating, in 1846, to lamiertah, where he had lived ever Moos His trade, which be learned in =Mien& was that of a mason, and ho was recognized se on exoetolonallo good sod thorough In politico ho was a Mounch Liberal and In religion • Presbyterian. He loaves three 1001 John, of Kenova, West Virginia ; of Montreal -sod four daughters rs Thus, Carlyle, of Brautforo! ; Mrs (Capt MoKay, n1 Worn ; Mrs John A I. orlyle, 01 The funeral took place on Tharod•y after- noon from the residonoe of MrsMoK•y, Rohe, Cro, I) II, The pall 11 were Mx grandsons of the eimemed-Alex , John Too. and Alex. Carlyle. Among those who were proftent ot. the funeral were an otelor brother of the ehmeased, George MoVioar, both of P•ria, The exourolon to the Agrionleural College, Oueiph, ander the answer of tho Went Huron Farmers' Institut*, will take pleas on Friday, June 15. Fare, from tieditristh and Lamm Bros.' custom, while In town on near Morns ploulog W11. A good atunlier of people from the surrounding ooturtigy Weis in Iowa. &ad the West =rad* drow torso orowd R. S. Williams loud Merieger of the Bonk of Counneroe presented each of the with pretty =tie Uniou Jock Kegs, with Day" last Thursday. A. I'. MoL000, of the Pala= °lathing roar of his promises, which h• int•nds to tit tin as an obiBoe. TIN iron roof will be ex• tended over the eotire Laliding, and othor improvemanta will also be made. Mr. and Mrs. Charism Lee have tbe gym- patoy of many !Moods in the death of their ourred Oa Sunday. The tutermest made an Maitland cemetery on Tuesday afternoon. The Itttle one was not quite two yeors old. , la oonnootion wilds Um Stratford Y. M. Humber, of town, won first prize for pro- fioictooy in meohenlool drawing. Him pelvis woo • hansoms set of drawing instrument., Malt. is • 010.0r M•011111110 and we do not Alex. MoDonaid, of Buchanan.' planlog m111, muted off the bicycle glows free by nmith Bros & Co to Hie Po••••sof of the key that woad nolook it, the keys haviog err. Between 600 and 700 key. were triad before the right one tuns= up. Mr. and Mrs Wm. hyena, of Kamloops, B.0 , spent the past week values Wm former'. patine, Mr sod Mrs. Om. Brum. Mimeos Peahs.le end Vincent, el Meeks, wars sleitiag at the residenos of Mr. aad Mrs. James Strengb, East et, during this past week of K. liouderson, accompanied Mrs. Res - demon to her home oe Seturday last sad will remain for some item. Mr. aad Mrs. J. W. Vanattor aro at Winghem summits's/ the funeral of Mrs. Vanatter's father, Peter Doses, wham death 000urred on Moaday. John U. Crerar, of the Bank of Mestritak, boa bean transferred to Ottows, kis plats as tidier Wag token by H. Tato. H. Moore is aim oo th• staff ea junior. ROBERTS CAPTURES PRETORIA. from Lord Roberta tu possession of Pretoria- The °SOW Miley CHURCH NOTES. Toronto, occupied the pulpit of Yiotortitet. Methodist obur311 on Suaday evening. E. lioLher assumod the leadership el The county Epworth asd Sab- bath &hoof oon•ontion will be held at flea - forth June 19th and 20th. On Sunday evening last Rev. harper ft eon preaohed • memorial serums es the pastor ot North @treat Methodist church. The youtig arion'r oleo held at the Temparanoe Holt each Saaday oftentimes from 2 to 3 o'olook, was addressed by Mr. Spenoe Allan lent Sunday. The attendee°, wee larger than at the previous meeting. All young mita not member' 01 any Sunday school are emnestly invited to be presses. After an abloom of over boron weeks, Mrs. Robert Henderson return= home from Wingham S•turday mooing last, where ahe hod bons °militant through homes at th• hoc= of her slater, Mrs. Green. For a while her itto was despaired of, butt her mony friend@ will he remioed to know that she has so for reoovered as to be able to be about ono. more. lid•yor Wilson is pushing forward the Im- provements to hi• new drug store. A hand- some oorrugoted iron coiling hos itmo placed in the Moro and an Iron roof put on the new oriolt addition built at oho rear, the work being done by 1. 11, Women. The Gode- rich Organ Co. ham, the store fitting@ well hir new promiem In about two weeks. In this Issue le published • letter from tha msoager of the Marine Bond whloh we hope will be °irefully reod hy our readers in town. We havo a hand of which we are proud, but it takes money to keep It going, •nd our attlzeno should respond ;onerously to the oall lot tinonoial aseleleanoe from those who have given so maoh time ond token so great pains to maintain and impro•ti this neml annual roman:or of the Ilf•trint Coun- cil of H unto, Royal Templar, of 1 •rn pormoos, was held to the Tamper/moo Hall, ()ode - amnion was oonvonsd at, 11 o'clock, A. la , and onnelemd chiefly lo the reeding of the mlnutos pi the Januatry mooting and appolot ing the various oommittoso. At 1 30 1; to the commIttoem got to work and prepared lulled to °rats. at 2.30. ReprmenNtIvire were preterit from Creditor, Ffseter, Clio ton, Hayfield anti Geo. 1101, loreltiol a fair attendance of =mbar. of the looal Counotl. Gounoillor, Mies Lewis, Croditon. I). deputy herald. were th• othoors present. lloohanan, ol Toronto, (frond Councillor for Ontario, and A. M. Featherston, of ment of the order, were preemie, anti assisted In tho work of tire mouton, oxptaining the working of the order, and of Meg the matrons for th• Amnion In the Insuranoe rates about to take plats. P is hoped good real -alto will grow 0111) of th• discussion of the re ports nt oommittoos, ...specially those re laming to the state and extension of tho ordor and tho rommotiOetieg of mono= that are not now aoUvo. The DietriOt Delegate to the grand etounoti held at Milton In Fob - roam', But laoris, of Croditon, fornisheel an intermitter( ann tootrootive report of the pro modIngs of that mooting. Mr. Foothoroton adelreeood tho mooting for frilly one hoar on the rooent changes In the ineuronoe rates, sod it =I mad. door that, while those who were up In year, would har • to pay a higher rale for their riallt• than formerly, Votte. =ma a policy in the Royal Ten/plant of b▪ rartoO of which has Moen in onoomata opers• MOO In town for me= time postond orhfoh now r▪ oportael t hat the work woo proopering, and wooded. sad wen1/4 bo te render thanks lone lenders.% Metiers flwohanan egg Post Jarman,. MoConnelLoor rnrreepnorlent nt. Cope Town, Ito peivee, hit, 'night he Fix pent ail, trig devoted o lmost entirely to the war Among the few Mho, meteor. to whinh ammo Is given la an p▪ all= for fond. to moist the sofforti yr hr tho groom fire at Hal and ()trews. This sponge. '1 he 'ape Timm printo aim two photo oneravlogo of onwees in (Maim.. ono of that P•rIlamont buildings. Another of Mr. MoCotionli'. intorfarting latter. tool II, poblIshod Ka Tor `,101•At. nett work KolleRT.0114 Sil...wORTH On Friday, Stratford, enn W 11 Rohortoon, of town, and Woe Imora (1 Soomforth, third dough (onto, largo marriorl in Hut M•tropolitan Tenets mel howling war. Intiolgool la at ohoroh. Torooto Theo welding sae a •ery the Wirt street groonde. rimer on•, only • few immediate rolativoe Rill Horney's dram pla•ing would tie anti initimate Gloat. of the holds and groom torodlt arly Urea** ledge ria the oid• lige& teeing promote Thw moraines" gym porform. Yrs. Strum Olaek Piattl, ma a whorl, *A he Rog R Toth, formerly of (lode - woo fromewee rids Mr and Mrs Reherteen Jolt Inv sad M ro IL rawer paraded the *pure stedtatalg afterwards for • trip te 111. west. In the matey sad attraeled • good deaL of aro far as Hewer before seit/Iss down le gas Tn. Flinvoto's esseelel offer es page R 609Witlee floweefent. entail will bo Mode hears meas. j foam sow ea, Jam. liek SKOV Now. Record ; As the result of Rev. Mr. Roy's morose the following pariah's h ave oontributed towards the liquid/tilos et the dent of Heron Moos", the smonsts set hem $224, Blyth $275, Dungannou $243, Hensell $316, 8153. Hr. Key brunet vet oempletod ttla canvass la Clinton, but so far has met with oossidderahle ono - Th• members of the Mimi.. Bead la ass - purpose holding a plonk) on lots nega Saturday attention. An Inyttatles is e xtended to all the friends ot the Bead to be priming. Provision baskets will be con- veyed from the ohnroh, and the members of the Hand and their friends will leaye tho oburch in a body at 2.30 o'olook. It is ex• permed that a pleasant Marna,* will he spent down by the riverside. On Sunday evening last a more ot the about hall that number of No. 9 (Capt. Young's company) and than: r. fade& eari Merinos to tho number of thirty -dye of forty paraded to 81 Oessrge's ohorelt, the town tend heading the procession. A bags red ensign flew cow the dew et thsebersh and a ample Unloo Jitoks decorated the pulpit inside. The building was filled bo the doors. Rev. M. Turnbull took as his text 2 T.motby 2-3, "Theo therefore es. dure hardness as • good "oldies' of Jesus Chriot', •0,1 made it Um subjeet of a loyal and praotooal address. He referred to the trouble through which the British Employ bad mussed to SouLh Milo* sad said that she would oome out of it etre/ages aad mon, united Lan ever. Passing on tho uptake, drew the °emporia= between ea army sad the churob, both with their oarnmigniesed offioers, and, as to the army, *bedtimes woe the Oro groat leases to learn, so In Um oburob, obedbutoe to the Gress Head of the ohuroh mos of prime impertanoo. General Wanohopo woe held tip as an exempt. worthy of emulation in big loyalty to eharolt and oountry. All b y, except mere physioal bravery, goners from loyalty le Christ. Lhe Derriere was ottani end the anthem, "In Jewry le God Knows," wag miry well rendered by the ohoir. '1 he gun olub oolebrated on Pretoria day with • shoot imitating se follows E. R Watson 11 01010100-5 The rain on Friday prevented the regulor weekly shoot. COMING AND GOING. Dr and Mrs Taylor were In Detroit last E. Boehm:No, of Toronto, was in Morn last wook. yisittoo in town. Rev, 1. B. Wallorlo, of inamIngton, wag In town lost week. Mr. hlaKenole, of Hayfield, was le town during the paa1 wool. Mies Brook Mitaholl left on Thursday last on • Matt to Toronto. Tile revort that Pretorto was captured wa ▪ little premature, but any otateatman in praise of the elegant sults tuimed out by R. J. Priolfam would be abooluttaly correct. If you want smoothie, good see hlon at en= The lodies of BC Penor's °hutch will bold • garden party in Harbor Park en TIMM. day, .lane 21st. lio to th• Vietiorla Restaurant, Went et for toe memo, fruit, ooefectionery„ edgers. Another otook hoe itst arrived at the Hamlltoo street bargain store, and the 7th June. .1. W. BRODIRICIL W oTtln -500 tube butler, Ostia et trade. Eggs, 110 oash, 13o trade. We bey wool. Our goods ere ap.eo-date sad net surpassed David Jacque", of Rioter. was • guest of Norman Fit -mimosa, of Clinton, spent Saturday owl Sunday la town from the Banana l'ollorge at StroOford. enetb ol Mrs. Colin Oatophell last week. 0. if Setae, of The Winnipeg Erm Prams, visited relative@ In town this week. Mr. Seale, of Clinton, visit= aI Oho home ot Mr. and Mrs. P. lilesott during the past (leo. Carey, of McGill Colton*, Montreal, Ilahmest, Toronto, is •priarling holidays his home hoot ' J, F. MoA•ny returned on Saturday from oot: 3, Mi n with his brother, Joe., J•mme Moersokon, formerly in the livery hostess. hero, nogr of firer/el', gram In town daring tho week. DUNLOP. MoNDAY. JUDO 4. Our premotreas, Him Oetitts, Will *mob her candidates that ere arm:taming foe ate oa lOoturelay mornings this month. Chas. Houghton reaohod home here ea Friday noon Nom Ivey, Grey meanly, where he hoot he= Molting relatives. He made the trip Do the wheel, one day going 110 whioh ie rather go...1 for a mere begin- ner !Oman -moo. In our hast week's items roforriog to Improvements a printer's error wait made It should have read that • aew verandah had been Polk at Lotrassid• Fars, nett at landwioWna whore the wire -feat* had tome put up. Among transient visitor, last week ell Mr and Mr.. Allen's wee* EN. mod Yrs, Brum, of Kincardine, sad W. F. Clark, of Nile. ene of Gelhorse's early pleseere. Tim latter with your scribe and semother Mead had quite an interesting sonvessaldes ever the old times in Oolheree sixty years age- tewoehip !abhors trews aisertOM last week se their stonnal reels& Ratios jnhe few repairing the reads. Tills year obey are galas to pet up • anew frees es Me Donald hill, which will, we hope, de away with too drifto and numerous pltaft-bollos os It *very master. Joan ()kirk, el Iwyal, get theoestrset to pot up the taws. John Craigle has reterned home from Stratford. whore ho woe attogdiag the Bethune. Collage from !Ursa., loft on Thunder last for Sault fits Miele Mee Innis Attire'," sod Mies Hera Bell resumed hem* feet week from the Normal (olMeo at Homilies". DMA). MOO, Peter Dotes. minter WA's. meempeabei by Isar sea Ray, le ?Wide. hot penmen, agog opeggs.17sgsig paresis, Mr. sad Mrs. J. H. Williams. Mrs. Jrinot 4111, IUD. at the reelirje Ms groote's fanner. meow Of telflostert. and lava agrosaie. by Ham Jiglo Ander