HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-05-31, Page 10i. ill II 4 II 4 11 TSR SIGNAL : OODIBRIOH ANTARIO. ur�ttiW.o �r.lass parlay. v. ter: Le��k•,-EVfNa eito; thetas Margo hat.. A there newer. his wile sad tea. held the beards r the Otsego hell Int Friday k •weni.g Hie theme was "Tereotymeree Yvan .f Slavery." MIs. (Hare. M.lrnekea, who had both widlest in Leedom. retva.d to bey bathos the Blnevals rea& saoompsal.d by her eee.la. Mies Dally Let, and her neem. Mfr Virda Molraskee. .a� Year 'months of Summer weather ahead of us uow. Prepare tor it with the new Summer goods in Piques, Muslims and Ging- haste-our selections very choice and our took very *role. DOME. AND LOOK OVER OUR STYLES. t,4 Man WAISTS andMUSLINS ate GIJGHANS SHIRTS. S. White lawn Waist, with insertion, vary toretty pattern, from ap Extra v.lue in Blouses at 50c • Drees Waist style Blouse, mew stripes, at fl0. a Full range separeto Skirta i t.lack and • sabred gools. THE 'NEWEST KHAKI-COWRED SKIRTS IN BRAIDED EFFECTS. 4 A large vonety of patterns in new Piques - white, and whale with ookmed stupes -at 16o. Pretty checks and stripe Oiughams at stri White Lawu and Organdie Muslin to all qualities. The newest stripe pattern; in the best washing Prints. New Crash Linens for Skirts. MILLINERY BARGAINS HOSIERY • • • Special lot of Sailor., worth 50c. and 75o., fir 35c. Great value in Trimmed Hata at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75. These are greatly reduced prices. and LAI'ISS' TIES and UNDERWEAR NECK -WEAR Tire latest in Ladies' Tieus sr, those dainty tour -in -hand bee effects, at b0c. each. Cbiklreu's Hosiery in all sines and kinds we are well prepared with, and our values are right Have you seen our special Nevin With cT Diose toe, boys, • in all sizes, and our special at 2 for 25c ? Ladies' White 44r)O:94 Underwwr-u ape- �'i i fi•� sial Night Oowt, nicely trimmed with embroidery, st 75c. Large range of the uow Flowing -Stet and Handkerchief effect Ties. New Dog -Collar Belts. New . LUey Belts. Nev. Belt Buckles. New Blouse Pins tad New. Cone and look over our variety of mer Novelties. MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING AT UREATLY REDUCED PRICER. CASH OR PRODUCE Sum -Smith Bro's & Co 1 DUNGANNON. NoTaoa- The leer swath in tan far Teta Bests. r at the °laoe of J. 0. .w ▪ ewv.rssew• Lo. who will receive or. ten etheeriptions. edvertletng ane job - mere. and le authorised to give reooiW fns a.-111111namla paid for the sem, !`I A. NEWTON, DENTIST. OF LUCK - Ur new. will menthe W trips to Daass•- Asa 1a sprit-�lr4 rr$dv May thsack mouth. rM�ruM•aaR T, y 29. tMT. FAII --Y � and iheagnsso. game bad • think game an the 94th. 1).a - same§ team er000ded by one reel after • bed omlea. QdM • somber el oar 1timws ars regal- ia' th.mesyes la piecatorlal smssmtaw as Pert Albert, and mows quite s number of eta Saar nest .res. Out village la geld furthest pro/reesar. aim base two barber shop, oend.oted by J. Bamford nod Hairy Irwin. The Weber test.. II hI7 r.e..es sdod. tiaw Raminisofa.-W. Tbo.ip.ou'• sod ill McW►I.ney's mow roadsaea ere well os she way to o.m51 0100, and when belshed will add .*oh se the spp.ara•os of our pro- gressive village. (.'ao*CH Notal. -The sacrament of the Lard's flapper will be dl.peaed Is Entire *burgh bore mit t .l b•eb. Preparetsry •styles will be held 1s the ohuroh ea 2.30 P.r on Friday, Jess 1st. Rev. Mr. tro- lley, of Laokaew, 1e expected to ooedod preper.tery services Samoa or MUNICIPAL Cot'NcII.-The meantime' fathers of Wet Wewasei held • court .t revtdes ef she .essrment roll foe 1900. Ne appeals were mads Aster W. A. Wd..s has 4.r s number of yens Sled the *isoe with general malefaction to the rsgp.yrs. Neat meting of 0000d, July 4th. Tan 94en.-The eighty-first analvw• of as Her Majesty's birth w email eratd here. but owing to t.uek. new sad Wi.gham bavlag thither Nowa the .0. adtae• was net e Ism as e foram 5005rlw. The town of Gotssti was well tepr need, therm hong quits • ameba of the prominent animas preseett The °maser% at ev.sI g was tarty well paltered. Th* weather was ethane% her the 500..ioa. allow her be Mare to Gedarieb *bout %he end of thla week U the Improvweae esttisned. Labe URN. IIoso Y. May 28. Mr. amid Mee. Jamas Llaheld, of the (laths City, were the omens el S. LisA•ld, Polder Row, last west. Alberti Carter, • resident bore Seine years ago bet row .1 Window, lately whited Meads thee and relatives in Ged.rrh fuss• S hip. Mrs Gavin Chinas mid davghner, Elisabeth 8., from neer Stratford, were the genie c.t )lie. Jolt Horton for • day or So last wnt. A large ameba of video* pnpie tae/ M Waltham on the 8400 te thiamin Her Majesty's filet at.ly. The .sewn by James Fax and Mae McCallum wee • Wal, Mies McCellam *lag sep.d•lly good la "Utile Alex. Tells • Stay." The ••.reel 01 the Lord's Sapper will be edalai tared in the Presbyteries °batch • ex%Sunday, waw the pastor will deliver appropriate wooer Preparatory motor wi11 be ooal°wcd ea Friday, when Rev. Melees, el Tarwstw, w111 paa•oh. Mammals Meie, see of Wei. Meager, of this village, has passed hie deal sereneness to the (*Bees of Pharaxny, Tomato, and is mow • loll-aedred obelaW. We emigrste- law Kw. ea his mew, and hops that he w111 be as seamed al la the funny as he baa beest.la the wk PORT ALBERT. 7UnsDAT, May 29. Me Jseob .G. jr., left ler 8eaf.rtk yester- day morsl.g. Jolts ()roan, ef R,.wle, sprat the 24th with his parents kers. Gerry H.wkies end his oosein, C. Tett, w home f -'r rioad•y. ►I.aw Hortoa, of Lesbians, .peat Suadsy •ith ben deter, Mn. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. .1 .. Viktor, of (lederi.h, vi lied at Mr. Heyde.:. so Sandy. Nin Heals Tburlow, of (iededoh, le even'hog • I.ar dye ybanne fraud. here. M •. Shepherd sad Mass Hawkiso st- elae. I the e.sob.ri ouveatlea la (ledertoh last ors k. M,s (:bas. Wallington, of Visalia, 0ot., la bee- ,Wtlsq her osmate, Mr. and Mea Wm. 0 UosaeU. Qat", s number et poring people fres' Crews and blunt! spent • pleasant Ilene at the lass hers on Her Majesty's blrtbdsy. MIs. May R.eherd.on and Hort Stewart were married Inst Wdnsod.y •vailam. The weenie, took plate s0 the hems e4 the bred.•. mother. Rev. Mr. Goldberg pa• formed the o.remoay Oorfao AND Gama. -Wilford Cumber - load sad ane.r, Alma Jinn., visited their 0ssbsr. Joseph...rrhg. builder here, o. W 9410, aid 0.4t for Noir tame, towa.kip .f Walther, oa Saturday. bovine enjoyed yw..bos greedy ettllem McKay, priseipal el Misemi 1 public sobul, when .0- 00. N.obors' esventiu se GOds- iblale, vlela.d relatives d tweed 0rm., neyaaltlsetes• He is • IMO* of Doegan- .ea, batt* hoes baro sad brought se In It, 1411. wmerw Maeda sed soq.•0•esese were pawed be soh k1as leek or well Hobart U.elds...ed .Uo aft bora ea (iM- aed.y (see be volt her waste, Mr. mad /Ara Md9a.kaoyy, bew..hlp of liodmral Roy. R. Yabehe re, B.A., .ttsadid eta Pres Warp ..ars, hold se W iogb m IBM Taw - day, 911.0 Nene Mansegh lot hero en Meads, be v4dt re a i n's at **earths* ..d other pats sera of lure. bola/ .o - his wife ; w..W a. visa able masks peose a$ visit sad safe rotors ....Two Ras ., .i mating 001 Mbd5r e sesspase .t Walkerton wore Is air yellers ee Asada,Widths/ ardor% u• of as T whom w. Elliott. wee at w• dem tinted is Deathrs pantos oohed.... Aa - gee Med.,ls. sail 1.mily, Of G.deeke, vis- ited Mae** hers Met S..day. . Asa J. M. Roberta lett Isom as 8rs.rrs t Medd the felema srsl of Kar st, MlasM .eIr As. ierkw.ray, ea I.aw..LL DUNLOP. MnxnAY, May 28. irtspseoe proved quit* an stWaetiv point be ser *arum .asks u ere Quern's Birthday. Mlr Blasi• Vides, of (..d.rleb, was a1 pam0 of Mn. Allam lege week- She also Tidied Mn. H. Behold, near Part Albert Amoa4 the Iraprevaeoebe mad. hero Iola ly le . new vw.sd00 ea the .Ms mad .math Moo of the booth of logsdawas term. Part el the reed frontage of thr Ws southward w bees iaproyed by • ens etre fanea Chas, M.NeY 014y, sr will pet sap • hew had belie 1e =sty be she gentle redmilla d nage -i d/ seen* 1s *f♦ia dewed tel* the Kehr.o tan ef air ..dear Ada % with Mow weans aid health, tens eater, as owed, for w.41bg, Ameeg the aampes do ,.easel 0mtt ia0e batt tapes wheal vWtaer hs 0t sam7 years• sere e•wpypeema Pmpmt e • debrwguc • .r, with the Meer sad dem. Chs hns� d0.adlrg be awls baasahsi -ad *. .essdeus ehltdrea. Trea►Ms *f • treater. To bhs.se others, Rev. J. 1, W. Vsr.os, of Hartwell, lea., writes : "ter a nee Was 10md • canning sore oe my leg. I tried assay remedies wither ....8t, u..OU 1 seed • beetle of Electric Meters sad • boa of Beekies's Anda• Salve, which oared me mead amid wall" Sew, eruptions, bolls, soem•, tower, sale rheum show Impure 01ood. Thousands lute feud la Elsoerio Stan • /read blood parties ebbe .Osolato- ly carr these troubles. 8• ielesttos le /anr..nsad er .1sy .deeded by Jaw. Wilma. druggist, Large bemire wl7 b0e. 000ERICH MUSICAL SOCIETY• LANES. Tow4T, May 291h. Diphtheria l• preveb.l at the wage of tele section. Tee theme sbowees have greatly t.• proved the ethos. W P. late, of KOaugb, vaned 1e this laoallty last week, There Is every appeeraco of an abundant hale orop tide year. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jobnton •pout let week .01.1. friends h and rroadd Clinton.. elates • number from this s.etiouJMmd akt.r in the citrons at Uederlok on talar• day, Jaw 2.1. F. Johnston drive down be Dea ben ors Friday be visit hie brother, W. F.. who Ilyw In that plass. Kenneth Molnar le *efforts/ at preemie with an affection of the throe% and In the - 'egoism is ander ..dual sessed•.e.. The Mend's Manses abet -Aa Appais w ter. r.afbe. The amend d meeting of the Methal Society was held la the olwk s office es Tuesday, May 15th. The secretary reported tee rs.lgmagm of Mr. Proudtoot from the prwlds.ey ; Mr. Meen also resigned the pose el tre•.arer. Tee *theirs for 1904) are : Sheriff ReyneWs, pr,dde.t ; K. 8. Williams, vice president ; Chas. Nairn, treasarw ; W. P..mer., .emetary ; Meseta. 8.a A11••, Goode, Roti...., sdwo .ad Moore, executive oem.Mssr. The fl.uaelal statement b aibjoieed. dr. Goode, wbo is the real ....ger of the bend as to Ins de• talc, .111 mete10 •.awssen0.ext weak of the laetra.osts, players sad other informs Floe awwselog to the podia For two year, past the •xeoutiv of the M uelael Beo4ty have made their best se " Beavers be keep sup and wistabe • town band with • fair taeoiar. M soccer, and have lath with the venal degree of hops •ed dteesregete.t which only thou who know the dlfliwltin h keeping • 0.8 together 1. • place the .be ot t;udertob, can apprs- Mabe. At the begtanis, of the winter 1f seemed as If lbs brad .held SO ander and ge the wry of ell bands heretofore, *war to ens meson and motor whiob need not be specified Fattiest -sly the alfce101.s trete overoom• sad we believe ear °Matte will this mama" be fevered with grad memo, •.d we nest • feeling o! p' ids w111 be promoted to batt up sad mantels the press bend. Vader she able tutMas of in hl•ae d yew leads. Henri Jades', It has demo re..rk.bly well oder adverse .eream' a0.mi•s. Mr. Jordan has beenad•fatigsbee the past water is brhgias • b•tob of young noodle no to the required standing. and deserves meth coolie ter baa neon@ rod ids perseed aorta ww.rde ale ea4 et the gears' p•s•t(o•a red otherwise Out- side the mewn erase paid Mr. Jordan ae hither, the oommttbee have no fends to moot the necessary expenses incidental to the proper melstmn.no. of • good hard, es• cope by volut•ry ooetributioes from citl- s.as and the publlo renally. The now- ay •t present is empty sal the e.miU.• hays ethane erratically r.-ps. ble fur the cost of a new khalif uniform tor the engin hand, wbioh le deemed °theo.ery. W. frost, therefore, the I nontnt.ation .01011 .,11 direly be for from indt- vides' Ninths ..11 freely be fortbeemlog. not enly a en enonuraglmout to the band is oh mom the: their services ars appreciat- ed, 5.11 for the oeimoa pithier* of w all. I'eilewin. Ie the yearly •gatemen% et r.- odpts and expenditure : BLUEVALE. • 1 oisDAT, May 29. lathes.,Wilbelathes.,el Teresa, Is visiting Win. 8asd.rsw. Mies Libels Melte, of Molesworth, es visiting Mrs. Ota. tfolleaski. R... W. J. West sad Row. Mr. Belles• t eti of MeleswerO, .tohespod pulpits se 7. M. .pd Mn. Prod McGe.eine sad ohne• of ltrwra ly, amid Mr. d Mrs. J. Me - laid daughter, of Gsdal.b. visited .e J Osrdisw'.. lwmbw .t iamb base will be tit. Meth Moa Reb.et 1roa4t- -4.4, who w make .0* ••N0 vaginae relatives at 4r, emend be rautall . gimes to • tris be -co lut tee w re 4 arcate Trr*DAY, May 29th. A.dr.w Grey is ere►ng •new those. Wm. 8mtth raised his bars last Friday. 11... sed Mn. West .p..0 the 94th w Wroxeter. Meow.. Bailey and Doe toy sold sine shads Mir .saws. Andrew Jeffrey, al Lades, Y visiting ro.h a ria Oto Mime. Mn. T. J. Waw, Mn. 8.411 wad w. Lloyd, visited *121st* rte weak. Feasor UNla..1(ree*, (..nage is the Meese la.tay 0ls ..mmar. Jobe Les*, i R..adas. M.., r Meths ha.ther, Joseph Leash. hors. Ara Helm, of Washers, ./oa4 the 9h0 with bow drier w. .er MWalter ord. R. N. Dud sad Wm. Messer -.ideal a. aqui. rearesdasr Brandi lest weak. tea 001.., .f Melba., is hsah.steg R i4. Ua1s tesla--. wUM .seat .1 vela*. Jilts Kerr, el mel glut ss ss,d.otd the ,wear is the Methodist am* kat S..dsy omalsa. Me. and Ms Rehire Klan _aid ds.ghews of Q.4 100, .4115) Mea Rises e0Mar, Ms Stare. Jesse Qhua.a,elwa*hsr•• •••••&14 mi. Lily names. 1e r the Mime. Oarrp be Maio`est .mid gm e•w-i�abg Mssaferd..hen - ---- s seeps el eosb lath blonde hide 1100.. 11. Seem -i- -ewe •••44.001, te. �a tart 14. W.IIeEseels (hs.. a'firesa Nem/pa..»sted the obar.bas. The following laymen were Maw ed se delegates te the ooef...o., which sante so 8r. Mary'e seat w..k : K. W. hirEssr4e earl Iles. Gro.., 4i.d.rleh i A. T. Cep.r, H. 2/tidally .d F W. Oriole. Ohara ; K Mollweisa Nila ; Jetta Nits; 14. &..tlw.tes, b.tdsbero'; N M. Yonne, hirhiresy; 7'. H. Hsrnlltu, Ovlow ; & 8. link, Desgsuw ; Jsa Wal1.o., Hayfield; Oe. Urge, Walton ; A E Alla, Beamtller ; Jets Jeryl. Holmeeville ; Ed. mw Tbepa, Hayleld. il1r. Il,Kessie wee . Lie .tete . member of the °esterase, board of mhslw; N. H. Young. Mbenats. Rev. 1S Clement, of Canton, will be eco oared with the o0alrw on the .betiesieg eem.IOtee '17w following renlatloo to the worts of prehlbi ion mens eedoraod by the msetlug: Mored by Flee. 8 J. Alla, second- e d by Geo. Grigg, req , and remelted. "Tier we are watoblag with omits soliolation the aotlw of ear represeot.ttvee in the Housed Camm*oe touchier the quanta .1 prohibi- tion ; sad we Keret y beg to enure them et rho adted moral support In buy sceio. .01* they may take it order 10 nears soy prohibitory 1•122atdon welch It may be pesiable to moue and within the power el Parliament to grant." '10, et•tlotle•1 re - taros nitrated • easId•r.bW red gstity• log Worths' la the oontrtbutlw to the missionary toads and all caber oonealenrl laterals 1e the matter of soosmtess to member.htp It was found that the gala was sot ea grime as the loss owing to the don- tlsued heavy disdains of the Ilse on every field by removal to the Northwest and else whore. As . paisl4y meteor held is the aviator addressed by Ret. A. L. Ra...l, B D. aid Rev. 8. J. Allis. • earlectlea was taken mammas to osar1y830 in aid of the bolts famine ase a.,.. R*C1IPye. Balsam* last year 4 6 97 1899 eu•oll grant.. ........ tete 200 00 1900 eoaeotl gnat, let Ie.Mllr_me 50 00 Members' fees, 1899 78 00 Other 'throes , .. 46 66 Isermt 45 $381 07 PATr1WTA. R.dmeeter Smith, salary la fall 71 w ((iieeyygg 67 00 Jades, salary te April 1.t, 1900 68 00 W. W. Meilen, Stare el di le- htraneww 6 60 As0es.• sad R•M"w.., dank oda12 00 C. Shephard, dram 12 50 Meek parehased from Messrs Brett. J sodas mid V ember 17 30 Whalry, Roy. & Co.. la0remets and repairs.. 48 42 Beehasaa, muni. desks 3 00 C•rsukhe 900 a used*, OW Yd s Fright. "Large .ons thvared the bead sad lata .f ear Add," writes C. D. 111,111, of Mo.. Nantes, Teas., "0►ae to treatises% helped tin we used Buckls.'s Armies 8•!v, welds 11.10kly eared hen." 1ef•lllbl• ia erupe0ss, braises, accident* and piles. Cure gurus tete. Only 96e as Ju. Wlleos's drag store. $3U 10 Cash balances 407 97 IJARUJTT01. T. Wesley, Reyes k C*.... $ 10 00 To old I0000 00 To F. Prldhem, sale 700 4107 00 NOVO OF sew, - 1 The Oolong Mutat .ad p•olaa *suit sew .eludes eget place, with the follow- ing dates : Aylmer -J sus 6th td 7th. Onelpk --Jus. 1300 and 14th. lead.. --June 194, 90th tad 910. HamUtta--Jots 96th. 97th sad All. Serstfard--July god, 3,4 had 4th. New Ham burg-Jsly 10th. ileo ted 124. riesfortb -July 1700 amid 18th. liod.rk'. July 94th sed 96th. The pas shah oeleWa.d the Q•s.e's Birthday by hot lleg the skucMag mato e. is the .nerateg. Toe don was a 15 b rd math, sad the following rams were made : H Kuala 7 W. Systeme. ............. ... 6 J B. Kelly 1 Freak Sh•aeew, .. .,, 4 J Andrews '.•,a.' ••• • 1 J Oo1dlhorp...... ....... ...• . 8 0. Darr, w .. 4 L R. Weise* , Ill (ie.. &Ymuuds ... • ♦..l ' N. G. Roams~ • ,r. , A. 'I'. :.Ertl. tele AtterM•rde they had a 10-b4rd shier, milt rrslta u toll...: Oso Symeds 1 H. Rauh 4 Rack Shanno... .. ... • 7 A. T. nettle .e 1 W. Symonds 4 C. O•rrow 6 A. J. Bright. iflolett0) 7 N. D. Retype" 4 E R. Wats* 6 A Great Snapp The Potawtw-0ee.rel la sow pr.psra4 tor the public the • small book of flambe, la welob the loaves •t soma ere 'operated by leave, of psrsfe paper sad ma be carried u the Teat veokst wl$eone the anal misfortune T of bevieg thorn tick together. ls ear Glaser Soap,at tic. • plead, .f weal+ we sell • barn • week. Mr bit oar .sly tap, as we terry everything that the be 40.sd 1a an SP. laden grocery store, end oar prises are risen. Tb. farmers lithe time they owe slimy, gee from ss • snap ler thdr prodaes We drew the lies at se haiMsants wed* - everything 1.s Unaware or pelatoee. garden otos •r cholowt table Chian. We deal n d of them . G. TIPLING as 00., Bedford Mo*, 0.45400. Lemen Brothers' WORLD'S MONSTER SHOWS. - CHURCH NOTE&. • 'The .elute-, .111 attend divas envies at St. (isarre's ohuroh next Seeday everting prier to their departure for camp. Eight or sine teacher, end offline, o1 80. Oeerg.'. cherish Sunday ..Kohl drove te Myth Tuesday te stead the Seed . amon y t oo.vaiM•a. Rey. Father West assisted is the ddl•i- 11w of the new Roman Cs00olto ohuroh at Dublin ea Sunday last. rhe 00114(ng is e he manly el .011* teak sad, It ia asywt•d, will oest la ti• .ebbborhood et 814,000. he Asensio synod ot tea sloow of Hares w111 that se London en Tuesday, Jane 19th. Os0lde of the ofsdel program of the synod. two meths. b.th hese er- r..sed fag the oeeeid•raWo..ad 41 .e.si• e of die•tleesl, spirituel sad ethereal melee interning t.o eeerohmu. Rev. George F, 8eleta, formerly paster of Vetter**. .tamer, (iodwlob, has beau invited by the gaar,wly hoard el Ossas.ry gharo0. Ihmllbes w roman the paster for yea.the fourth yeaHe has Mai granted 10ree w te teaye of chewer, the °horn\ be Dapple the pulpit at Ir ewe •:pent The M•t0.4W Episcopal Chore\ of ere Ud04 Stems has takes • very ImeirbeM Am 00. now l easf•rsee• bowleg ..tad w mheils0 she tie Hatt ea yib.Iersees, es thee • mlisi er may "than 0 w plaits ter ea Wotan* tams. The ssshr.aee bad se .wlmain.a dlesasise r.4.vd1•e the . 44- tsd• .f the then* beards este- phyla., dt.deg, obwtre-fes$ sod other forms of ametharat, .004 aro seder the ba. •4 the char*. The .rump( to mace she dad pliaswas voted dews after steam •1 wild 10. Mrs mad the mama of Mary ices.... ley mese of the dol./t4ss. mutton rr .s strr rtgrrtsa. Th. •...sl Mdh.40 darks mutase, easpds et sdahbn sad lay roprs.mt- Mime was Had atlw.dr\wo' as 'lard.) sad Wribriteia w tat area. 00.,. J Mims, M.A.. oh./se..e .1 the elate peml/M: The dlserW ease eto Va•e{, tall* a Sm1ssM mad aero to 1).. 3 RING ' CIRCUS S CONTINENT MENAGERIE TRAINED ANIMAL EXHIBITION FREE HORSE FAIR REAL ROMAN HIPPODROME 18 SURELY COMING AND WILL POSITIVELY EXHIBIT AT GODERICH Saturday, June 2. LITTLE EDNA The girl woodet. The only Ise turning h. -ward ted backward somersault, on • bare- back horse. A challenge of $110,000 to any one who can produce her equal. The Blighty arevalapua e The rarest, strangest, .wfulest of p all the mighty monsters of the dee The biggest Webs ea earth, • toweringR Websgiant. The very lord of he..L.. Taller, kart., weighs mom, est more that toy elephant ever captured. Bigger then the famous Jumbo. CAPT. SANTIAGO. High DIA?. The world's' Wphes% diver; actually finite Funnel( backward from the highest point ever dived from. Pel FOAMM% - A (teat Novelty. • 100 EXALTED CiRCUS CHAMPIONS IN 160 SUPREME ACTS. Oomelete, largest, Greatest WORLD'S MENAGERIE. KITTIE KRUGER The only lady 4. and 6 -borer rider in the world. Whole droves and herds of Animals, Giant Camel, Long Maned and Tailed Horse, Baby Hippopotamus, Boby Lions, Serpents and Birds. A Braid Free Street Parade Ivory fairy ky at N i deck A. r. HIGH DIVE, 10:30 A. M. and 6:30 P. w, EXCURSIONS ON ALL RAILROADS. ALL TENTS WATER -PROOF. (bon open st 1 and 7 r. r. Psrior...sm at fl and s to. r. E [. THMSON t �DN Phe Pi MiS. and IIs/.Is 1 Our 1900 Bicycle:;... Henderson, Crescent, Rambler and Ideal.... ab heti.-r aloe than anything ever nffer..,I hetorw is Godeeikh. i�vePffthij Easy... ,r.. • A *Mit and perfect ease from the first day le the superfast of woman she Rag 4111 THAT THIS 18 f1KANofio '0014YIUY 8008. Art in Shoemaking. 37S Queen - Quality The Show �o by Taros. G. P1.41.., d Boston - They They ate the Shoe Simone of the em- ery. Our tlliutranou shows one of the light., grsoetul sad esemem le styles, .s- pscially desirable for Shows who 4aaire comlort, graceful lines. mud estldaotitm in Footwear. This is only cue of the many. All up•to-dart shapes slid style. for everyoasion and use are included w theooUEEN QUALITY liue. lire our `ten's double -aided, palled (jailers, with sloe toe cap, just the thing for g•narvl wear, ealy 81.96. We have 1 dot. pain d Muni book and tut .ilk vesting top L.. Shots, Good. year Welts, regular 13.00 lire, to clear will sell them at 81.98 per pair. During busy soma we will keep .tore open until 8 o'clock. R1E PA. IRINc Our Organ Wes are increasing more than ever with the two superior lines we handle, viz :- G3 O D E RZ I O I I •tel DOMINION The stand they now oy with the best musicians and players is something to be proud of. , WORMWITH PIANOFt Theme .rtistio, fine -toned, high-claas instromeen take a first stand wile as Highly rnoemmsndod by all musicians and folly geasant0wl WHIT°, NEW WILLIAMS and QUEEN S•wl.g Machines ---too well and favorably known to seed comment. A tell lime of small instruments, strings, .to., eta. Call and in.penl 1940114 triad RM prices. Atli C. W. TIIOMSON & SONS P. IT. Ja..AL DDS, North side of the Square, Galerioh. THE CASH SHOE DEALER Lathe Brothers have a complete Japes olrom you oats .es without sins chattel. W afAsld : Mn. A. Keene& ►.s i t eivd the sad ts0lllgmes of the death el 0a. sinew, Ms t.`.rW, h4 Alpena, Mlehig... Betere worm/ be Mishima Ms. Os rti. war • roeideo► of East W1ws esb tad Blyth, and her m..y micas rta.hes is this odg\- berbood will M Berry be bear of 0.r d..tb. She liens • family of eight ..Ura Mrs. (Ks. ) A. ith.eedy, el Salto., and Mn. A. Robber, of Wended, are daughters. The * thee relit of the family reside to M1*- lrsa. Mr. Curtis did a low yeas ape. 11Kor :'"Dawe 1omeM, a lather .1 M.elseal. meshed a ..were klell from • berns a1 the 0.mmer4ltl Hetes oraliso WMow day of Ins wash. U aves's he wee p.eaise bolded eta idea whoa u Mein* moss .lal- .*ely, stelki.g thefallow is the fain lost Weer as .y..f•e7otet t a 4aei� mad wa- nd waist Hs was lamed laWy r..v.d We them se the OemmwW H.alo ..d r.odlwl ala oamm-ed. The homes was .weed hi Mr. Graham. .4 80. Marys. aa4 11 rs.wtly hese perehadd tram Jams EthermdMa. of Uid... The yams w ..seethe/ to MIs Isiure.a Tilere are so any Defice.. to win business nowadays that it's hard to decide where it's best to trade. We should be able to settle the matter for you when we announce that we are determined to reduce our stock of Drees Goods and general Dry Goods at least $2,000.00 by 1st of June, and, in order to get in quick touch with those who have yet to buy their Spring Goods, we shall, until the 1st of June, give with every $10 purchase one pair of best quality Kid Gloves, guar- anteed worth $1.25. Yon will get a check for every purchase, and when the different amounts ag- gregate $10 the gloves are yours. We have also laid aside for Free distribution a line of Goods well worth 50e. for those who spend $6 with us in the same space of time. We are anxious to show you our new and strictly up-to-date Spring Stock. We see to it that no dry goods concern can give you lower quota- tions ; and certain it is that during our Great Re- duction Stock Sale no firm will offer the same in- ducements for the next thirty-five days u The R. B. Smith Dry Goads Co. Inrmnmmmmmmmmmmmm • SNAPS IN SHOES E llen's plain heavy C ,ngress - 85c. per EMen's lace plow Boots - - - .75c. as Women's heavy lace Boots - - 65c. et Misses' it tt as 11-2 55c. " Child's as at " 8-10 45c. " E Women's best Carpet Slippers 15c. -d' or two pairs for 25c. E BSc. bottle of Polish for Sc. E (Mao finer lines in the same proportion., EDAs we have the Iargeat shoe store and the _ largest stock in this county, we are able to fit you in style and price. E Come and be convinced. r -g • j Just received a line of Gents' tad ligifif Bicycle Bal'a. ;•.4 ��.-� :'y '..•T,4 ar"'.i/ i,..rJ.. `,� ISi.p` E We SHAR MAN --Jr { f 23 �IIIIIIIIUIIUUIIUUIl11111W111111U111i111�C Portland Cement A oar just arrived. Fresh and good. Hydraulic Cement: The best bran.& kept, k. Scotch Fire Brick and Clay American Field Fencing p We can give Toe a good Fence from Sbc. per and up. This fence has the approvali of Noce builders. You can save money and build ft yourself. We lend you a stretchier. Barb Wire _.yy The old standby. Wire Nada, Hones Oil • Barn Furnishings. These goods we are busy distributing to our cblstomern. Our prices aro right. I* 1111 figure on your requiromentdl. M°KENZIE & H0v o nl,tr� JacO