HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-05-31, Page 9r ': . . I IV ,. r' r , ► ; �„ .a „nWa *y... ti (1 * :ter; )< t ml,µ, :t3 A ler _ ..In". q'ra,1 •..' [HEPUNISHMEN't,_ .,�. ._- m "I � T,_17 `),�-,'l, '' F1 TH . ":__ , .io ll - S rce � -.-, y , I - I - V '. $, " ­O�V,. �,cy, .-,;- 1-1- ,�' , -il � - I , rhert Welland Ca ! Dynamiters Sent t to Penite tiary, for Life. _ 1, . [HEY PRACTICALLY..IlrDMIT "*-I . i ,. 1. , s s 5ubscquest I°tery/n/WW With a Reporter --This Case Ose Admllting of Yu L)oubt --Tb4Ury Was Oat Odly if Alautes --- A Sentosce That All "A"& WI U Approve --Nc ,-._•'rhea Prillotter4,had Little to 0 vf*iaal. il" 25•-T;1p jurt reward d cy"AmMMef -mw out to Karl lely24 JobaIfaiio 46d Jobs Walsh W a Wad 0°uftle'i" jury to -night. wbs° a 'verdlo% of guhty was to IarbstL and %ben film Lordship l'Mn willow Boyd mwot•tlwd all three am 10 life p#wprimonN%tab account IM "V Mae. "kLog Ww,,s», wan of marvelkwsly [fort durat'va• It hieg" yesterday morning and ended shortly before 7 o klek to alght• wben tbs verdict of the ):hry "a rl"Ari ed after sa Ab Wgee of 35 minutes. Only the court olfkeo'+t a all a tow o%hen were 10 their �e „Ian the nwmmaM of tele Jury tsar. t"hatwellor Boyd appeared •1 sort :etmeejNt ly, maid the tbres poria - oil" a%, -re belong" tip. Throughout the sfU moon they had been Hard* e,1 lel fire extra constables. and now what, the er'sls arrived they wen nrr(xtts,:eI by a doyen guards- They suteme,l the deet. handcuffed W each ,Ahpr, and tis foremso of the " arose to d,cllver the verdict. He MIA ..guiKy'.., mai mild 114,In a Icer torp► bet ever�owM baud him The ptlsc0• as Aoxl rigid, mad %bee► the JOrY sea• VilaIL-Jilim answered ' .11ty" In hie turn, said In the dluly166eet1 ON" ('bano°Uor Boyd delfwred h a wag"), r. ( nrbreller Boyd's Remarks. Those three mel, who haw* kept a" - ear, •hunt th*noirss for the weeks that Ines elnp•ed sfaoe their capture. refund U, rake a f1aa1 Dt'a for mercy. s0.1 t,,, luteceed in etolld silence to 1-1 I I �, � � 11'', I �� r JOHN WAIA". w Let Other Mlscrsaats Beware Nor by Way of Defence. l, man, or would a.mult him. Dullmne to hlm was the leader, the man to obey, and to sane at all mcrUhce. One of his slgniticamt statements was: "I'll have to be a British rut@ Joe% now. (food night, your honor, and thank you for calling: but I'm worry it wasn't hanging that I got." ware him parting words. Nolen had gone to bed. but he Oat up and asked eagerly after his two fellow -prisoners. He was the moot uncommunicative of the trio. He declared hlrn.•df satisfied with the trial, and sato that he would not whimper over the result. He war te- digbaat at the jury for tile actku In giving Dollman's case such scanty dbaddw&tlon. "I know we were In for It." said little Nulla; "bot they, �,� tier also Awl FRENCH AND HAMILTON 7'rwn in al*o a IetiM cermet lewlwr Lowry, �atnaaiirr of 1'.,�� itb`t`_ Yu`Aae�r .o... a.�� •�i Il 111 1�' - Mkw - . a W'R -�.,T ii . - ilP,-- _ L `� �h Ie ..w. .r r� ...ter_- '!`•_•r- - u,al/'tX Stlrr"u1Mf,#i'MSPB'uDuveJl&T :'., b p� .TMAQ ­=_ - , .1e17nethe you r& tom TH NEMY91 Beyond • Compo and u Walsh's offset@ contained only a eA poem, "Irish Exil4" by D. B, . �Iw',° Reagent, and "doreed "To my worthy , tf` and mmchstsermed friend, John Ii a!: ,k ,e ; • ' Walsh D- H Reagaa" Thin IN A t • : f `_ conveutlomal Irish song about the can and eevp ilema but wends up withth ttnahanss Ilnss Lord Roberts is Within 18 Mies nes of And could I but sea the groon ft" to - In triumph o'er Va liandt►et!' ind" /'' Johannesburg.I Quaid {hen die In peat,* -•all 1'd ask � � •' I" Among grr0d dear patriot dead_ve - ,-.-----'^ .-' -"�'' cards Dd and had packet .,J5rew burl err ■C 1 N A HURRY* apeninsund a pserket UitpCTftame 1 BOERS ■ EEp Off to Their Permanent IlonyN, 1 . Welland, MAY 28. -The Italian mur- Y derer, Frank Werke, and Wo dyne. ,°.A ,il `1 -.11, miters, Johb Not" John Walsh am& • _'• - Karl Dullrmau, left Web,�01711 via the Orand Truak on tde 8.8a train, Five ef''llbelr Uuw Almost Captured Panic In the Transvaal The People In the Italian to serve too Yip&ry and Terror Many In raver of Capitulation- Kruger Still Full of Fight Ro- the latter three to spend their lives to 'Kingston f'ealtentlary. port That Destruction of Johannesburg' Mines "&a @ecu AgrFed Upos Vierltf Smith was very anxious on ilia Warfare la lb• Free State --Boers Claim • Victory and Map Account of the dynamlters that they Uuerr alwuht not remain b:•re Iongar than , Prisoners Taken --Trying to Cut Butler's Lines Boers Feared a Mutiny necessary, and arraugem to wort, made to send em at once. They were Among British Prisoners -Sobs fiey N lei Johannesburg To -day -- Krug•r them Lcharge of Shertff ,Ism Smith. Turn- Ready to Fly. y Jas. A. Oilaf rieee. High Constable J. R. Dowd end Chief of Police Ad. ► for the prisoners at Pre ir4a have White Lundun, May 28, midnight. - I b al sent by Ww Relief Aarcxlatiun to Although the departure was kept as War Oftloe loot before mldnigtA pubs U. 8 Consul Hay. os -;well ase 01.000 quiet as possible, a crow.) amembled limbed the following de"tch from in cast.- 1• to see them off. ,Lord Roberts: �J DYNAMITY.R91N IAINGSTON. Fertltytas Pretoria. C _ "KI1p River, Transvaal, MAY �• Ore of the Prisoners Threatens a ile- 5.2:o p.m. -We tmrchsd 20 miles to- Prblso M nueMay Et@, by messenger b I,oe�etiro Marques, MAY L8, 8µm. -Thee petition of the Outrage• day and are now 18 mNes from work of adding to and strengthening Klmgoton, May 27. -About 400 peo- ,luhannesbttrg, tat+ defelwoo of the capital is proceed pie assembled at the O. T. It. jubc- " The enemy had prepared several usg with treunendulr speed. .fisc last evebing at T o'clock to see poa(tluar where they luteafed to Hundreds of Prisoners who were cap - the convicted dyQamVters, Nolln, but they abandoned one ture,d during Tuesdays 6nttle close Iced Isere daring the or plmnder them. but It Ir tt,o late. t Tis previous stebu►sct}s +�a bvtbg o lag their rewwrcls• ? etlft is vCry u w;aroe, Anel lrLoto rule high. The t p roptlaul b release th" British r IWPIIAIM.Nl. ar in due to WPIS uaudw. i smtrrs m leu t At eul Ww VulkttraWexpress of the propnwltlon, but Yrardeu{ f Kra►qar Is vluienMY oppurwl to It- r "T•1►ere haw been r dex Itiwd charge e in p ublio opinion, which tuw become r quite English. This burghers on cum- u mackk, slag 'lied Have the tJueen.• t nerd they cannot be ■tupeped All are t sick of warfare. In tile Wwmr the t rabid autl•k:vglirhlsm is lease ramp- aut. Yeoplo are thinking of their i r property. Tire party eager for bur, reader to taw very influential, mad Includes thepprrinelpal leaders at the m. froThe InLelllgest ppbile feel that the game in up False news Itaw no longer any effect. and the long rep)rtr of tis newspaper* are uni- versally dirbeiieve(1. Although the hand of tlw oeuror how been - very hand oil news, everyone lwllover the i wor S. •qAe Government has Arranged to , cwntluuc the agitation ugnin t the i uo Brit" cupatiou of the two Repub- flow un the continent. In Britain. and tlw Un(ted States. (rent ef- forts and to bdtrade In this direction. sed no expense will be spared. I have excellent reasons for believing tba% the 1ekwsamolatson rlghts Have been sold to a Fremuh byndl- oate without the sanction of the Volkeread. The Government hopes by this meatus to bring abnut French intervention for the prollw- Mou of French rights In the Wit- waetrsraud. and thus W cause Eng- land grave difficulties. "rho conduct of ('ulted fttaten (or- ou1 Hay it admlrabl) discreet, and meet@ with universal praise &like from Boer anod British sympathis- ers .. Another despatch from Lorenw Marques says: "Oen. Ltnds Bothe is At Pretoria urging President Kruger to arrange peace terms. Runaway burghers from Laing' @ Nek passed through Heldel- �I store clerk, ride over LM Ile" of laidmorks and It ranch, and observe brtaclew. At every Cruse r,aet • @mall Linty of cavalry is fel{ N, ao{ " o . . �' `. ' ort of fluger port tel the utalu •rmy . iter un. AlUx)L4&. wow tis taarob a smell WOLO at esu •• logy OAZ=11 e..*0"%R .,, u he van, the maim ii�I ,1bwr in the rear, limitation bOtPO Maw . smelly, alarmed and thrown Into unfu►doa -111 LIN dark. yYblle aliht utrcklAK ileo Nunn Carry their gn°� r 4 . .lose mint they ase order+o ;� U •mxoke, strike Ilgtmte. senRR w hinge a W Wulkin a "Ilia - elk. They march up r Iwlf a mile of th't etc®y. destroy , , the uutsx,wts• But not A sbu% to Irel till Aay)Igkt.-;&We'll's A1LardaT ' ourtu6 '• Use. Hutton,* Wine Brigade. , The composition of the mounted } btaaky brigade a#rvinif under j, dakor-Oer,eral Hutton wit prove of nterest at the present time. The ullowing detalle regarding the brt- lode, which is offivially known as :he eat Muuatwd Iufastry Brigade,, , �y are Laken from a headquarters or , W O. F, I. published at Bisto of I. The ler ads «usolwt* ut four Corps, om and made up as follows Ftrwt corps. Ldeut.-(xol. Alderman; infantry• 1; . Flow% bat%alive Ev luted made up of units from various law. mrlal corps, tint battalion Case- �.t, 1., Ilan Mounted Rifles (Ieleut.-Cul. IA* Pard). second battalion (aaadlaa 4. I/ounted Rifles (Lieut. -Col. Heroh- ner). 8%rathoona's Horse (Lieut. -Col. ;Leede), oyno�ond corps. Lieut. -(lel. De Li@le infantry ftCl, 31xtlh battyljpm ousted Imperial units). ow douth we"* �.. ` Mounted Rifles. West As&trallss ""! R,*4 Mounted Rifles. • Third corps, LWu%,•Col. . filcher : flitted battallon utount&d infantry tem .`w ,erla! unitbJ. (lueeusland Mounwd Is- r antry. 'New Zealand Mounted Infan- Fourth bnrps. CoL Henry: Fourth A intWlion tnouutet infantry (lie I ,nits). Victorian Motihted RHMs, U I turtrallan Mounted IIA 1 a. Tasmanian ltuunted Infantry. f The strength of the cups is gives I sa follows: Z had ao case against Dullmau." Walsh mal Dallman, being conveyed Oppose 'r , to Lordley arr Dultman peels It. r to thefr future Lome at the peniten- after time other an we neared them• tllgltt•. berg dart week. Wounded officers Olflcera Mon. it DUseullmau wan uonly man of title tiary. Sherlff,Smitr h, of Welland, had '-We pra*d them so bard chat Gen. Echulkburger, in an address to with their fabolles are leaving Ju- First carpet ... .•. ••. 84 1.780 tars who suffered. He was 1 on telegraphed to the afternoon for cabs e W et the' tbH Frees SAate Boon on 6he Hellbrob hamaeeA,lug sal Pretoria ler Lydon- Sewud torp@. •, 71 1.440 7i°i , they had on jmet LiD g Road yesterday, said that all tl,e burg. Pre@4fent s%eyn occulAea the Tilinl curls . 7a2� 1,44U - tow meet the 6rnki, sap rival. fle five gutti law train atll w leave . ..• „• 7- 1,t1'�'D 'Ir" war In readlnerss tAi its arrival. The thw station as some ut 6Iw West burglten who wlrltwl to surrender tausc cwt the 13rltleb ltetal(dent at Pca,- Fourth carps,•, •• -_ �- first to emerge from the coach, were could do so.,of the six thousand soon tor:&. I'nawangers arriving at Inren- Australian mounted If[antry dsrhsnl % one twelve stepped out sal sU Marques Monday from Pretoria Tocsin .-- •• Efl6 QYd(1 Dullman and Walsh, chat togeth- Wto it. ply y P g• . sbW It wan beHered Lhare that the A grAa1 total of .,21E . er, followed by Nuhn and Worke, the F•realh's mad Ian HwmYtom's signifMd their dedlrwAo rte fightin Italian wile -murderer. The etherif( with Guerilla warfare on a large scale in B:IColi would bot be at the oaPltal T1s brigade has sixteen atacbbw had arranged'with the Minister of fbrose are apparently OOgageA immineert in the Free Mate. for a month: Nevertheleem, there was Tuns and r battery of Royal Hot" V A Jtrtke t 1►ave the {{rr)roo btept open the enemy about SU=y%06 w vu: 'Olt, Ftartl� events@ are looked for much unrest and anzlbty." \rtlllery. Mapr Cartwright, of tae �i v j unit the arrival of flee prMotten, aM as Bing has been heard iince nor deify. Your carrewpxwck nt is con• --- Canadian force, Is one of rhe deputy -�� Warden I'iatt was adrlsed W thin The rdrmerr urea@ u -r IMe of n6 sinned Nat appalling destruction Of Expected a Mutiny. ►sslstant adjutant -generals. �* e @mace ass Ourroaderiog with ibsir pr,a�by on the Rand has bion decyd-, AlrTKK THK IMIU6. I effect. arm@ and horses. red u h If hire lighting ares !I� "I?faLorLt, MaY 4, bynee•enger tt, On the was abwn to Klbgstob the Pu Lorean Marques, May 28, 8 µm•- Rundo report S ha tl on MaY Lieu Naas o[ flue Reptlfi�lc. o Incident* Noted 1• the flow ps eros• p:leoterf chatted freely with their Ivm'one puri mu -U beepers. Walsh read the newspaper 24th. No report of whet Lo,4 place tiny torn the of ri intended ors hotel City. , • • of the Fred�a 's portkoQ of the hen' yet reached me. Boers Capture Prisoners. tiny among Llse IIrlt4A► prisoners iia 11h "H. J. Wtilgpu+nn htllt.jW[� *Lar°' _ymrr [ «,afla+d at R:Lterval, opec;nl pre- The Times of Natal has a Lady- ;tea and war j ru7-. eQfff r•1 lie Z.eatdnn tfaT' eaM1TltfaP tr ort tAlteli to wane 'amn?r nettle. -A 6ftt. to w41o1�" -�+-+- r1 ed to Lorenzo ]barques tram re- Ino l�t same to the part concerrttag Ila wipe Orange Free FAsmte in eeztreraely Ilm- 1 11 it I nai chWtl:eb. At tyle pxdnt he wilted torle• where he well% ditrgulssG• Hs W'd. There are atilt rhos det•itts of tis ever. T'tre day penrroe(1 quletlY• how • chess paragraphs occur: 1 wL:e• that Kruger 6nr all the nr- ever. The town -As bow beginning b To - And �jr for some moments, and Dullmwn broke e for tui tflight. pre- engagement at Ficksburg reportad Friends of the prisoners presented cover from the effect& of the •te / to with the rPmltrt that that did ux,s raugea,eatw olland A •peCWl f3urulsY, aur ls doers any hint from such of them with ten ahlllings but in still dominated by the 11 04 - sumably troubLe hem permgnally, for his wife British sources of tie lighVilg at le have bad Lruia provisioned in always ready through the manager of the Natal Lary. to townspeople co KkRL DULLMAN. was well-to-do flbhochlly. Walsh said LrAfn watt roma LI:.d1e . main"ed In •peci+bl tlecepeALch '�ebk. The men used moot of the much to endure la consequence of with meant up. This mussy In 'celebrating the 1 I _ ___ __ _ _ he was worry he cpulil not may the trot@@ Yrntr*lu• The latter le°ige� g (loser's the military occupation, but they b(iOwt when the guards and your tale. AI1' I to the conversation. dlstemoe from P_eLorfa." another suec.nasful ambush by toaxr ' birthday. have put up with the Iboobweslesce ., oorr+tmphoeul,oL catered the corridor when one o the prisoners startled rbobll+ guerilla commartdo probably The anniversary of Her MA st w bot At the mord of the release o+ --- - - ._ The Kelp River rims eastward tTum (operating from Hellbrua. k Y' &til mal mustx, 1 knowing s that the Ise- ' - ---'-'- the maim Bloemftoutein to Pretoria O ting berth for the flroi times c many lft,lduol must ountry, otter for the , Ler locks tie wan at him call door. Its Oen. Buller her but yet c,mmeacetl Pan wan tw% offlcslallY roto resod (x,d of the tenni@ and because ls n eau of 6O year of age, and `ti-- rallwaY hue. IL cols tna railway rush- hW antic► ted move round Laing'• y t g Bing from Pretoria to Laing'@ Net here, The V e s nal Aticlepublished sea the they mold not rho otherwise. q W whim he lucked between tele loan be visa Johannmburg and Heidelberg at flet. The runway Ras been nlelreA preclat.ve personal Article on the The {Cone gatem, bele[ quite now ;� lo►et1 tett years older, In spite of IJo to New~We, the work to that place venerable British ruler. It said It stilt to the Britishpublic' leek -that ls, 1■ # wti'twlg trace and Ill@ habitual cAoe of w pxSlnt cess w the LatWr town. Two IutirLwg been completed oa MAY 18th, A construe"" train arrived At New- to that Queen Y1model will some, territory n often very Int- ,1' r srnoew. tern tuA gyro In corapMetPIJ. _ day ago 4 I'retorLA dari,au:h minted 'lend ; . that Communication with Hctdelborg castle at 4 o'clock on that clay. Title exercising Mr distinguished f.jtalveto meodel life by some, lent one run grows aoC pen It and when ate was Odd that Walsh and had been cut, presumably by Lite Brit Czerclsing the�t oyal vet to atop the ed to it, end begins 1p kxot apo It Notin were gull light-hearted over sew urn(locbtedl7 ■mart en`Ibee�ng tinheani ofeogirowe into which both as quite the natural And correct A ion. This report wan probably correct. wg,rt. Tho Boer@ throw ball a doming, the tarn affairs had taken, bA said: : In any event, the pyltish now ansttrol rtiAlU tv the left Irf the Brltinll pxurl- rocker@ engaged !n conflict have been thing until some officer, band°[ I,t •'Reny don't realise It. They will In a l' the Pretorls-Laiag's Nek railway. Tito plunged. with k#stp dIvIdue, pounces coo mite li%,IV white. 1 neem gave my tour tkoo at aril hill, from K y did n Kan , rel s chaae+e;' he txsnuzsed sea he l+ �a cameral Buller are thus Among flue fital patients s o one of hal,)e� I9r.weal, who has carried I(i. rived ofg railway coinmun:cabbn M' I'ogwant hill, but tory epl no dam- the local hospitals eight are Brltinb hls prs'ilt fy)s=west@, bat Dna this dwy grasped the bars between his haat age. Tlln British cLA act reply. There officers. The are nit doln well. fo otter 1t 'at home, and, In ail wM kneed on Lhpm cur swplport. "1 11( wtLh thu Transvaal capital ` �t Waey her bean a great deal of sn ng by Y t K arae eumpedled by foriea or through the outposts, but no Actual a ago_ Nagel Lieut. ton, A and Lrarge* mantis him moil lordly manner, tee- wver Lind Nm anything Lint hecoukf r orf Ix•ing completely 'Isolated to Pelham, Creighton, Marten, Crane, mond• him yAss, very much La,tIM r vrcrt Cwt maul last Faturday, and AMm'kon tno l ring's art position, mPnt. Evidence nocnmulAtes Int (rtwpmau, Arlq(gp, and hedge are same way as the pp in Boer of- dO was tn4 late. 1 coskl here its the Boers Aro in •tresis force in he TO they must trot across ('ouctry with vic!nity of Newosrtle. They hold 1- mostly oonvaler. wbt, after virulent flclx1-r ib Johannesburg sod Pretoria cared aid from friends, but I slue@-ptocil►g praggnRe trips and attacks of typhoild fere:. demanded the psmew of the nativism. preferred to travel larrog. and ;,,avy arullerY. t:vrn flied they croul(1 le(r'r and Botbsa panics, but the B goer Chrmplon In V. S. Rebate. Natal has been accused of being a e sew I am pgolOg to take the Cense- r' i b n tee tiah he we blocked Vnn Reenen4 country without runs, but that m'_ grseuosw Oh, I kr►cto ant w splendidons*- not reach rretor{a exc" Y , Wasl,lpgton, Mar L'8 -In the course cannot now be said, an L►dyamitb adoos detour to the north. Uwnca Knlger ilofd, Out. of a speech to favor of the adoption fight was made for as by Mr. Ger- wweert an,l south to the Traluvanl CAP ul a rer,luton expressingTown Hall is a most successful ratio A stab, aid M had to fight Against n the tdeo- of Doer barbarlem• u a�, lot , anti be a who were mot speak- itnl, whom they woo pnobdbly f1DA LOG,Ion, May 29. -The Lessner Mar, air x sympathy with tho Moen, Mr t n IML f truth- The only one that I Lord Sobarts awaiting them. quem correspondent of the Times, Wellington (Md.), referred to n secret After she L. atatexmt of tete TbwD telegrap►bing Monday, says "Ce:m- Hall Hospital, can anyone s voice tmderstaudlb between the Caltrd that LnA smith lens nliweA Ifo voice ,"r.S-- dhVhnlA ebzslt&&gnlmt b the man who Juy wad Tears In Mateklag- mandant-General BoNla consulted g y�gL�h. When Mr y that iii' overheard the «,neer- Mho Trarrvanl Government a few Hiatal no•1 e:rveat "+l- �w ora mart nnA },Ine+i In We unlver- &H betwegp Walsh enA mysslf. Do Marching, May ]A. -Ten entero (Ipys ago. and la the strongest Lerma Ledge ( tam.), de•mbh that such aur end chortle of loyal Afrikanders ►n ep that if I w*,o a cotrp:r- to gwrriort rAdkwt this mvruing to a alged capltalnton, tuoognldng that °rklerstaudtbg existed. Nr. Welling- 'folding Lord Salisbury's hands enA in you amppowe JOHN NOUN. Mell Kiv rhg rervM» tont eal.t to the cin+unrtncco• It was atoll I would albs wmyu°e wttblb �_� wdml the struggle Is utterly la,prlass. Not- ,rute•ting against magnanimity attA throe fee{ of me whNe i was •peak- In sen ase+ 1>o tiro mea Co:onN the@ persuasion ear oto liberal ass of dlfflcl��lt to Ihoelucee tangible proof. ,•`, tine Sherif by elating that "tete Can- BAden-Poweel eriGf: but he! belleved tlee trnt could lip mercy ire rte refbele rtf t61w Pnmch• Ing of a matter leg that kind 7 i have nAlen anthorltlesa rneeA not thirst that the ejwmbDk can fndace the men to 4 troubled )tai 7 Ladyemlth in naturally err hop* of n @(genu nor ten peen !n "Ww have brrwh unable Ihere%nfon ental, St&yn V ogmlly emphatic for found In the socreef (arcltlyen ulRhe ,erT Irh.lignanL at the letters wttLt&ta I,'` tl,rlf h(n aentefsoar CharDelbr Boyd P° because this flret attempts %a blow to, fine a no:t•Y over tea graves of ons ,Ice, but Kruger Is mull uDdntat&. "tate 14eprwrtm's:. Mr, lo 'ga riptit d T � told them that the cttm* for wbleb p@hies will id 11 mw. I have had a good up the canal failed onto: null more ki.le,i for fear of drawing tb:. tin of that un.ler the United State• form tot l'y Mr. Winston Churchill, and. I fancy, ,�;'•, they haul been found gse f was a Ilt@ and 1 (b,n't mind for myself, but rbe vuwnit feeling of She Pretoria outrbrh{etht no each undontondht had be been at the mooting belt o0 It might there's r wI(w And n little tamely sucoesmful attempts will ar)L follow." bbd etemy'w gorse•" pence parte, however, may at any g j ��n the snnrtet square the other evurtlq, j Iwel ,ate In this eosmlty . over s {hw states. and It a fa be On being to41 that the train wall After tf•,e MP@mll the garrison an moment carry She potnt. ,soul, a t, and an the SaLretary c( ,1e won 1.1 have had a warm tn►e. The ydt" even be termed an experlmeut, to tie- better N I had been hangled searing K:agstton. i/nllman remarked sembt,A in the gmvfv&a•d and paid *,While the rwporfs of A possible Mtane has eatph•itically denied W,e nmetlyig refernvl to was s great •mo- ir;.} @troy a commlercial highway wh eH for tlhsm the ours.► fur that K made n o difference to him last hmwes W their fallen comracl:ew. border Conflict between the Boers nrtd rrl•tenx of any alllamov or under- oohs nnA the •pecten all spoke well was wk -I by act only this cOURWY but for the present. He wus there And Ties troop tried to alrig the Arltlsh atanling, he bellevetl the cuuntry by the, country to the as•tb from them ^O°Id be over. I ham no vnwiA D to t u wfah it ; wnA the I rxto�° ers0 are lent crwAlted here, would Accept his statement &a true and W the point. �;'u' doubt I . will become arsllmatlud pa P National Aattrem. but came harAlY •.,tl t,�Malnttss of Iocai offlclaln sea- Much dlsguwt was gestic on tae@ faces which they professo.l to coma. TM he would obey the prfeoxm rules to the bo hen rd, for the anon cDokod with tints*. 111 sorts of sensational leu- Sir. Wellington (;o (l msnt1 that ice crime, hd• maid, war d a most gr b the place they Coll KittstO,n• i letter. Walsh nodded his head, And United RLAtea (iovernmenL should ice ''t several 14,cal townsmenthe when An " t•vonm haw* refused to dfo,-foss@ my Identity, erodbt• sun an annat. T-8 latent inn[ the the Boor envoy a welcomes. But title •crab merchant retarded to hes +Lore sora, nnA Indleatsd asst danger said he Intended to be a well-behaved Coonol Aaden•Powel wan deeply of_ hauling down of the I-ortugaeme flag atter LiAq rle•[e. and unearthed a tbw- which we little suspected lurked and I well oosurue It that «,ural «onwiet, white Nolin laughed at the factted. and addtsewd each branch of reception war being withheld by the I� although I dee It a plans Ifks ♦lel&'• at she Ibrtntuere Conaalate w Pre- P .nnA c les from oris@ hill premises. armn t as In & peaeefal country. The map hie two companions had drawn him (orae snpsm%Oly. He Lot lice torla. TThjee Boer am uadoubtedly ltov'm°went because of an nuderstrend- . flfils wAs ton mach. after they bad mrKlse for which the crttt• 1►a<1 beef for themmelres. Town Guard that thongs who wished str•engthml hg thele oommandum on Ing between this country and Unset even smnlcinf( ten and fig leaves, and 6 rr 11aznA1 )mod tat been discovered. It The evirlenoe offered was practt- I)•Ilman says he ls certain that his to ttetnrn to tbolr civilian avaca• Itritala. k sally cleat of clue ezasitattoo *labor- trlentls wl(1 in due Doane of time se- tinea would be permltt-d to do so. btu bnrcdew.' sscrything else flat would do a• a zdght Have hose dorm fon hire or hat@ aced athA ti cads •very etr(i°i came. According to a special despatch Mr. I.oc>gt�-teat proof has tDe nrtwtltate. tel. Possibly Nolln and Walsh did it ,I,Lre defence offered tothing to @hake care a new trial for bFm, when him To the Rhodeslnn column De said it from Lorenzo Marques, there are fl()0 Penator o[ a ricteL abdent9nAklg ,y' ler hire. II aq their gain would be The Lndysmlth Town Connell ls or- Identity will he made known, his into- ohotracterfstic •tyle: on the Portuguese border• between the United Staten and Great tp►nlsfstg w large picnic. In oommemots• Us filthy ltbre which they were to to- fill sense established and a, new face put •ii'e'vq► 18ehed the pjoryrt �rotscbr• Arltaln► t t� solve for their truth. An to Ioalioa°. )tome Interesting Doewmerts• on the Welland Canal outrage. ate out,' �, Panic 1n the Tranevral. Mr. W:Hrt[fm replied that he taro believe. the ■lege and Lb• ualwf. TDI. 4 woa'ri reach that point tat". Cren. V• Illaxo boa an be h ether. ` , Movies 'reward Dandee, I_onAort, May 29, All manner o! one all is 1. ttIti are La be horns t@7 W oontssetYob wonid hos hate. wblch In •� Crown AfA not use the softest& 7 tr R'� tl.•wtung, he solid he had not .poker the Comic 1. Intlnerntlal commlttwcs 9, Nselt seam A crime e[Aidt clvHitssion. goattd on the pxlsoberw at the ttmr Wpl%NIPEU BCHOUI.g. g • Nun^ernlnt the •thuds of We Ter AeeJ wrr noel 1• orsn•sgtt*rlee. of their arrest sa evtdenoe but Butte _ i.axlon. May 'r'P--The Timce pub IIA wlsfi any desire W attack the Ad- have beim formed, wed ileo {tittle • acid int law prescribed acobrdingly As details of them are I° eat) . And Wager this mornhhg Transvaal Government anti the ministration, or with an view of ''' tp uugg Crt\elite to petition Dominion red the following efe- y should prove w gmveL eaocees. j a enders he mehlA trxoderafe the ser- go to confirm the Ideal dust the man Provincial Governments. rrpeetNi from Nerwcastb. dated Snn• berghen themselves caeelnee W oma- offending Line alien, but the had Mee, but an the prisoners were &Iww &re Fetiwna John Nolln's effect* are day: "Fear hundred Boors nn ad- tints from Lorenzo 3fargtmer. Roma of nponke;h for Or Aoen AnA for their A HItAVY TARK• whn 11nd ems IDto the Country to Ase the must Interesting. They inclb Winulpeg, May 27.-g'��tina bf vaucltg towards Dundoa '�tnorw 10 the A'enSe represent Pr"06, itterty. in closing, 1w urged the adop• l f scree n k tkrt of the groat commercial highway hie certlflcate of n LMrwllsatlon a W1Mlpeg Gtho:lcs wan he►IA to -day m fear sprit our parmmhtnlgatioes dente Kruger and Steyr send ft".ato- Iteneilnq r•ewolut!on. Nr. Davis' VIvW P{Ctrn of t\• he saw wo rraaon for doling so Dull- &t Ano@W,&a oltism- dated March to receive the report of the commit- will be out.•' • Aecretnry Reins ea terrp&r1aY to flee Mr. l.o�e elk] h% find Wvtcrrerl In Country Huller Worsltt Tbroeg\. w d .lc�j. esu. 1 e nalo, was the twantwr spirit In E7th. 1894, at Washington, D. C. fon apao/nted to confer with the Win• . tom the country. Oen. Moth n. and vain for Any proof of an undorotand- No rAp, icor pbo"graph, nor writ- 'M l , 2 goon Beal of pwivat& correspond- rdpeg Public School Board to discuss other leaden Are advising surrender, Log. s•.tet or otherwise, between this the ,I,t,an,l he would hold him alum- Horses for the Mros!! ten desrrlptcwt, Can give an )dew of r it net(s,rtalMo for ul. dceel. He would #ap# with irleoclm In Dublin nbA Mee the matter of taking over the Catho- r L full The burgo•rs are moot wit Ing to ae country and Ore i6 Britten. the country which lay between Dul- ✓,�. j tMrnG,re neatenoe aU three when was also loand. And cen(1H1• Ile nigools of the city. The report of Mcmtreal• na i n hThe rept the itevitwble. 7.tany ut thetK Mr. Wi ILWton replied that nater• i Tn tent Isprlrobeeett. pats of memberehtp It some [els' tM commltLee, that no agreement c#tree of Gradtdn horses [or the are denert(ng, whtle others haw#, otky there e"ild ben n(o tangible proof ler send hip gowl. IC was an erupt F casociety.known euphemistically sew eoeld be arrived at, wzs received and Cape will leave In the Leyland been impri•mied for refusing to fight, of such air anderstandLil` tit the boa of hit;fi h11M, Ilnttlsd t @ghee@ at L;., trhen Ilia Inrclahlp had I►nicstneA ep^1t the kn sen 90 ami ec Engin- adopted. A resoistbn was peawal In strxmahlp Tugsno, which will Kali on ttta ottiff hand, the Mail eorre- w,ret Archives of the Stntn Depart ^eery point without order or we r Ing the w1und of cAvstaTA•w ola.ed M Vbe form an Interesting pert of his rtrnctltx the committee to Lnke Im• from tints port for South A[rie& to- spxmAent at T`tetterla cables that tiro, rent were opened. bat he bellowed q ll.no . d most countries moors- � on the prlanner. slid imi them from s In this society Nolln msdiato wtOP11 to lay the grievances morrow. The tango «nadlNU of T12 Wines are making oxtwouive prepares- ouch an wndevirt nding existed. Latus and hills follow some retraced I 11 the ,kn lt. Nolin AM Walsh wen nn bMremtging of thw (etholkr before the Dominion harass, which have been whippet) un- tkma for the defence, of the capital. "Then. It coma eek simply to law. The (aeon iv Can eta traced IraPr""eM, dpi lemur's faits wss was t,rovrn M No. fly In the Dublin wfA pl[anlUOba Onveerpmctita. pomttag dab sbe personal •aprrvlotob W H. ,i. Whlghnm, a corr•wprnntout of L«In", from the Amason River to Guatemala n,;•ti - j)t► 1w.soD, and Na 1)O In ilea New Port B this,, soil Mr. "tM Barmier whltr• anA drawtf. iiA prewrd clo•• Le out to them the sorority �f the "long Major 1]rsmt, of ihP tltlsh army. flu GiIY Mw11, telPgrap(u from Lor- D•'krwa. a secret nnrMntaedln[ sz• City- ; they make the water�theAl of branch. Thoo Dublin swretAry's ad. Y °L 7 pone Nnrgnevl nnekw NottlnY'a teats tits. Tfe fwcL ls there u leo under • two contittent& ; the Gres{ D1v1r1* :a the throng which had meanwhile coni perow.vition, earl pr► l There will also sall b the TdgAto flllel Llan ooert room, and as kn dk1 draw in gleet ss 14 Berkeley street them to conte to our relief on the Osnaw Thad. Blanchard, Oeorge that he ham jtut resurnnol from Pre- forma the backbone of the Rt#ttem, so to h 9A orbact for a wale*wt writ and Terrace place. Brooklyn. in NOW •ta!sdtht comil nor s exist. h gnv- beA the ee Natal hills have no lineal terms laid down to the Privy Cyan- Large aril Arthur Robins, of the Lnv4►, which city he vt+lMad in Adz Irrnm+u it txrtld not ezLt. Tier Roo - That's a OL )cx11Ct•" York. Nolin was paid up to e recent nil's declalon " in moving the re tolntlon Royal Artillery, W001W1oh. gnlse. Ho Maya: rotary of Rtatel nn, honorable and deneens. They ors Illegitimate oW1- sett@@ vl, ju Doll Y ean trlrt to 1s gttrlenl, for he be Acte In both branchaa Then Is an Mr. N BeAwyf remarked that Wltud- Ocn the. ALD of .ince .she Thomeor "The stat- of dwmorwiisatbn lathe peatrfotb Nunn, M• tj,enled that & Aron of lea lino, whetefnsert browcM,ast ; Beset that clew egesta al hilt (lomat a°dntwd letter Roe b Wolin from � ,r.,,,o'lae have atrnggggW for ten line hteamebip Devon)` will ball Tranavaal Is remarkable. Panic nod qua -cos,% alliance or undom ,tndLtg lex- over Me mustry, with no family lite- ' ' I 1,91 etoeit have .e•,tt!erf him a twr the New York secretary. J. A. Rigor- yen to retain their mel 10. ret the • leer PMA no home. They wtetsd sbte or from lKpntreel for Cape Town with confusion prevail everywnen. Every sM. i Ds:ieve hem, athcl ilio American Met•ne:.• Tineas tjle prlstmtef•s seers moan. saying he le sending hem a snnM, uu» plying tbMt,ruloW! Rebrol a arourAl cargo of barman. This eon, it,.er Is weary of Ns war, and gall of peonfe, do. and will, believer him." �odldee b shoulder. or at right taken Tract to y►11, tate llgLta wan book of rules. for which iwillthe tezez, and that (t vOW tine this wq•a capacity to 875 head. And It fav an to the ,wmlrgg of tJte British Tjy Apse ribobstbn wwtt ovef angles, or at a tangent, or jolt €,' hew►rel, and thw Welland Aasfteg rete WS charge film. although#Nits •.f•wffwlre should 16eare. In ezpwetnd that she will tate out troops. Operation- wain progreming The Hoer Itavnye, bands across a valley. 'They never ap- a" i cite great dynamite orae sea de Drha' ls tco' costo. This little bnok _ .--- 1- a tall CatTn. for encircling Pntorlw with t6 r Leser Wasbl Cion@ the same :Dome run to s •harp u f dssoi over, ls le ►etdlLinL ifrvatt. lrut{heOoasLtto- 1MtLi.ARD_g VIBWB. --- p>fone. FcmrLorn pointe in the Ilse of rngtron May 27. -Tete Anse en' p(,kat, .oma ztreseh oat, fnrslAk s A Titk With the e'orcletm• tion M of tit* aweragw kind. iudM the Germed by Milner. defenem were bei connected With v0ya a:pact b.lav* here on Taerlwy, iabteland, others an gig►ntlo mai �I ",, He gays Modern War to Dead) tMc h+aohfunrte•rn n the SLAte nttil- for Brxrton to AtltMnl w ret tem then cover, however, ls iLffor a the red i ur- y not � at' hRls, others perfect and we- Rsafford House, tiff- a Ottwwa. May 2A. -The following oil Thursday. F Boston they Oxo Ltnr In the evening A IAPmtler of "I[brl Duilmn, Not Pletrre,sq e. eery, but thio nppnrantly own th�nnly oara%MY w«1eIMA rwmpoarta th" r;l„Ire muff visited nwrh of the fAlo, N Y. which may or MAY not cos frd Mil wereiseveni from Sir Al- tcert want for ('h h an when thwy sen In a rift elf halt 11% e mile, odetewtalve mensnn aAoptcA i'w,err seam prinnnera In the y►11. pea tOnnA sem slst'ulfbant, tr Rtafford Heruge having W charg(ti each as the 1106rs awake, b trete elites this evening: eau other visible preparau most of to 11e ext .ileus tSNt and At2►, atnpplbg Ivory 1-111 crompl►t ly lasso or '-1.r.-'- -- In 8spnraLe oenrrllnra, Cert IonlAtwel I bees ales{@ first kooslb rende•slrtvad. rnllDad of all story -book Dietureall Ae- '•Caps Town, Way - EIL.stlbt<T" to war mutes At ('lovetaaA or Auffalo, hart 11�• I prtr, A 1.1 the )"l]. m their to ain0 w Inter tom PherrrrlA0. now and glamor. The letter o[ sword who telegraph tnstrumonU rw befog MI amAho wor chi►rAcstw. w.h bid* ( g report clangerotra Illness of Pta C. removed frown the offlcee In Jnhwnnan- which of the two rIt1A. not hwvwrtg ouch otlwr, „r dtwgshlwe Pnnh Caber. `' ►men •+ter (other 11'81411 was sitting ors his bead at We nrgtng tiolln to get acgtratnted with wnA Isaytatet, the ■naokw wnA tlameti the C. Thompson. f Wlntratt and Driver Irart Its e• AeLe ,on Ju yM.. They will bra s. .f, -• MII A nr p p. Each Can be glees eel ny itis antler. -1 + mmnkingg n silt I He ma,fo I ore men►bia for waLural benefit, and bright uniforma, the htoptring nh"erw, R, Brower, Prange Rl�rer, ss ('ora• •• President Knit@. Md All hl. ale- St. Paul ,on June 7th. and Lt hsblla nrrl wet erne giver np LM aaore4 d ) ' ': 8 MPU•nce of balag tt:a fess" cfevll a list of mention :a wrAte! In PeTti tkn oreetgk+n o[ sohlwl ronin. Life gene- than ArL{Ihry. APtilf� Bass rnrhgsmwnt+ mr►eM for tmmwe>jMLe ft!yDt, ct'tphfn pre Lltn 11itk. Otk er int -rnwe:l ps ,tratKb vAI,sA :sail pts Free eras � melerre irtrhrtian M %ba worts, loot on trip Met of that boot of rnlee. -'`cue Inut1Y carried DAtuwtMp to De lM"► W. d,•stun and (ecru@. W. McColl- Presumably to riellat, : A oprlal trnln Ate r1Lh+et Nun♦ Tea Inclwl.l In Llhetr livet carrrl•- by Wir ba COM, � 'y!:, hill "T"" were ml with wetplr[. Alert names aro largely IrMm. ebtly pdnnted on the earthworks of lam. C Ba,tory, Royal Canadian hAa lwrwn ,vial0musi, and Always • has at,vpping places• but ale to throe no To add t• thin omf r his t'tn i trenrblwA ti he totok {M Pip" AN nnAft*l Witter f�(" Nolln's w11e the **@my. am all 1&eking. They be Artlllw y. wen sl htly wouate(L ren i� y Aefialte coneln�lotr has boon romehM. � the �wef M ' friar hem month to *ppAt. " i m gl• t In Iwlhtla cruvetys tics Irttelllfigns ew that long on the war of thw pant, In their May lath at Mailekfrlg. Pte. .f. 11. stwwm up rowdy to s{rr\ it wAltw ft Weems Likely, how - ver thtt the c•1, Trgeln hunt srlerted the bllkl around F ' nerern, rnintnnee free Pertori#t. Nut much fen ymith As oeunpry the eomtatry His llmmr didn't mnkp 1t n Any "Iarry 101ued the Y•um&Pry, and atniA w crnuchlflg. rn•eepin[ 1100 of Rasherry died of anterte fever. at gull M likely to be foam! In the teens corm may •pwrrd a cu.y n RelUmorw prreugh which It willsrdeovor M ''� err ,.ft didn't Ire •ssl1 in hie IrIal, holiest yon won't Rplen Kop Mm- He dirt•mserrad rtteb. mhnfflwrt by the wary- BkswmfrnrteAa, May 2tth. H. H. ury. Thte nnlarlon of tin officials mat The Ael*pLur teal or wl M,t nesurn t,o,w. pit Its puroNrrle. it Aorta �j t"• to st laaghvl upr,nr hopes the ikoesn will wen." This to InK chances of the fight toot of all Cl,mrnts died M otter►n.(ar, wt Jmlwteeee have not bwwh ptnll or hive to Waafrington nftpr their %loll to through therm as thnngh striving to ;e':4 11 Inesly, lie spoil InslnRly or anptpersusi W be as Allvmlcn to ailing s►wsDllaco of cured - brown• hare, sena- R Ingftonteln. May EMhr, );nth Roy tom M11 only In nates. which will hot Phlbulolpht %: that will A,pond eutirelr "map". It droam- an Its tracts 1s " s; •, n%hlln, anti wwtri that ben wife ARA pQ�re I of "In's to fwItt for the am"%hr•1 tkootder-11e�lted ridge•, dotted ai Chosial&n Rggirnes>0. worthl.am when tion- Rn1rwin arrlvw°. bfi m cirmtmn"nom which mow develop A nkm pet tit eight "Woope them, and r r lig"A rhlldltem waste there, When It POW", On a sheen solo the add"d 'es hens wo(i titer. with stuntwd bodies, "(8lplty) Millar." The seat of Government III M rp- horeatlrer. Cier*Al'1 rronti:,"fi •s, th,y in Oce open pthln riess two the Alg•Ity et7 ales ue w matter of hl. sx%nw•tetk,a. Of the asa,st WkN Of deme wfnenod hnsy with hest, of 1 olive with ptrspsr a -_ err M. may Monks It lmPeasdhls to Is Ameerlrw, iso sOf Kiri, and it is snrlety odicm &n R&MOl at flamll- tiler ; the " rwttle d rifle flew, To W#4#Vbf the :1'i*111.; a i6i to he Delos 9ov a arsetll t'M ref ws, geo"n it rens uphill, I and re - @stern hen, In Which etwsw R h hw Mewhueeal, qhs"muted b, the otutterin of enA^ sheen ten Ltte fklwgtuA 8a7 Railway. uN\Ir mncRkFnlwss ue sen IrtrllMc bsrA to i.0"don. ` Lnenirm, Mar 29. E A•r.•-yl"bo Worn- #trio oallweelwentty. tt MoPsswry. to Ileral LhaL sh�l will ger to Eampte•. AM oa UM level grounds twig" and gwesLiemh a own who hod too. Plnar4rst. Vs0100""r, he chime Karr, AnA :oroketih 11110 fill] periods Ing Poz% flew to N 06mri � dcyzpwtoh j xeMtttrurg. Nlahl morehl"a la 1>rTeult. turn so, frewrwh(ly {Mt whoa ane fit''' Jim' rerpi•eA w oemt.o.w of lira tin A4ratforA, iprOfH asA d& all MleehmpshL. TDrttu*hnnt the brieA well sg to all the chief American #trs111rry. srvw aM Again r (of lrng to from lA n•arn 1l %riligaes, bel Yon- " A few lresrchae hAve leen Arg NI ht marching, r, ,agech praatissA on all has 011 this Trsgo a M , hey"nxtIm. oart•IeA on teetw"P" the cttf"s 1 My: wmanA JohwmwlwnrK, but no other In s ixwwnt wor. Is an extt•tttply "Iowan b* kws crvsrs,A lL osww wt \ 4t■ nt his mail docs•. i• M I-at•r•s rtvlwtlag h kprnA's sadchu N1" ,fly to tweak out afrsah : an, Ail drift. ,sues, at the wt•wmbed railroad S ` hos -.re onus D ('., MArnh 12th• the fee hoar alter hour, ouch lowest i`ttlmldwp/ Krf[er lea ra.mel� s�� .�.•.-A�-. ete{w have tohe11 taken fns the tAwkr+a oflfflrwit opwrntinn. An wtmy tzhatobes 4. wprAwl lie Itraillaruatiolt warning all prorploto 0t oho platen, Th•e rallwa! Is DkrPtsd At night rAhl� I,V ton imrVmo-oitD"r hwtdgsti wruf coos over w {>r•sslpwl of w ► t@0 tt+oa Arefa,Mn►1 O(M letter fmm Dat► mrsnoat elalwhing A victim to rw( eA to Ib"A that be weitz * y-�- . and AA6,e1 Fest+ pre wggwy Dar shw gwperhsated rusts All t JnlaanmteloAstrg lett tc, remnlo there wtttt tl[.er (roto ilea wttsA wrwi mtloLh' to qr"t wish n ricin[ Afwtnnex of the corrin. And ttceeh M ls int won that he v TMnm for Dalt"! If a.e w� Ito, atilivte`A P Hankin, thiel Beira V man an war, as typlfklrl M wt fAre Peril of thele nowt as it inight wont, endny Anrown res. 0r to owf,ty rtrtrnat Is rwA still on the Mme •tyle from 1-' l M$A that he &ad IV) " '' - ,-•1 . nihil I.1gt, ways (TAfeKlnb elrnee 7 brv,tp• Mresmrr to dombroy the town - The tlov,rhwia\t to now ewclonvor twfore tor, strong w few. In slther Coop which 1ho started.- From "With Ault "•funk.• of flit%aro , ` .C,+,i ` , •.MTs tM twawling with onrrr, err(- RrwrtT1 Af►ilemrm ttby i es •• Ist.illill awl ileo "dare �"' I to roanmwr•et Mae pgMlee by t -111ng the ror•te lens b M• martwi out the ,V.o ('nen by Richard Miardleg Da- a "" bot wit, ` tt . e ) w tho ar'cas 1» mdofr street and th, close. Army," Try t,nanw i; 1011 � y� wUl tpt oaaragw da lt(t�, Tb• letadg7 • Nun, eotlA A1"r[rse jet k r [ler lr++eger, ae now M ls s I iltbsd. b tots Jim& Ues pusU'f f 'PrdfAw N ttatktrM W,t*tfr} t Nfa t#gt Lee !r1 i qlp oaf JIr// 1e, 1n tM Jtse RdAM•r'a - t� W. .. :S a a i AI" s t 3.. ., .� s Y 1.',tr._. r rS 4".t; r r. - - i ;e.: YY .4; 'r, ,t �I i a t' . � t U, ' . i 11, .. ,y .., - . . • . ,,,. .. . • -y. a .,, . e :,, -': a r` ••, I A ' ser S`r•' ,w.,,, f 0. %I.. ` . \ • ° r' .i . r - ,a ( .�,r ,e ., i '" v , •.T` ..' e._, �.' .+7 • ::, ^Tj., .:.�,� V , ! •'r°!: I. h _ ' 1 ' x. :, 4 t I 1 I