HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-05-31, Page 8• y. s i r I .11 t � e.. w f N. i { r ,, n r„e r ::. -�r.e3mm •.v -a,...- = w�, --_-- ifirT'ih -�cdlah 4%1 pit. A"i•IR'SKy tltiM Indwd io M :A$�4i .1191--. II Iia Eo an "Y ab w -,A .Ca ,Nair-sw ..• x,, l • tar Jul tat r •tor, wow rho rl ttth 1 of t g ru+DY Phoebe [wren• d1d yuouawl t' In w 14, THE MISER'S KIRESS yltuw with itis eal I Wuhildt r tofaot. er el war tau wrprhs •- •' IattrZfL w lies txxwly wit* weal Lo tier to t1tW Iterarll at a qu11s lam T'" i ;, I �4i as ou% amobg Ube party, dispensing passable dia4lw.t from her ruardlaa, NO LO 1#8 a AUY FW It Blfthts Msav+ but unheeded rdrlw on the rub wlw was aaMiwwrrty wa�tlnntgt oe Disease $IuOe Dtldd'a 1Ch�e Jeal of tamper. There war O'apttala dLteor and eliciting wry viA y aS I , -1 r ------------------------------------------ I Tamm. wauutering to and fro and H""'B rgoeption u( big imervioe. Cap. PULS Came into Use, totrha►hng languid blatruotio ns to Sala Trent. fou, dovetalled ht hls mdJ _ Boyden turned away with one d tele, its, her lips ehuut even as she cum the usea+er'asb from Lbergrovs. AttiouSlool, but these, Maxtor It red Ft qu-*% sigh, stlf{htg tba memorlte of old pryrpd them firmly, her handl warn tare war Mrs. Trent., In heavy with equally eankw uemposuro. It ItH Kidney Dlaews a Har• Be0 Wa- days thruagh which thin dog hu.A bwu' Igsd below* her he If the irwluu ,rel Alit, making stranu- was rather a diffhwlt part to Play. dered Harmless -=1.v mal d'+ 41s only oosspqutkon, a ialtlttul and a gave her strength to m%snd. aur use of her eyes an.t tan .There this orf Captain Hervety a. With Mins Contest Hheamatlsm-Mer t t1- am11taut ver slwayr watchful and "I bays Ino nelghbase." was Lady Fomerrow, courteously spot- t'rout's pronouns and requiremotitr eo tude for Uudd's Kldaey ..Wit M. alwayo true. Hua .•aro war wauted "Thaltk You: then Is h uselefsa•�,r uglsing lot {I►e abmwoe of Illi I'blllp votwi/iemUy salssrSed sad lttnr eyar now for the ch id whom Laelntue'., ask yon mass•" Roydea said this very eat making herself quietly and unolo• seld.,m IetUeg any ogle of Ills aetr se- IMA"' A sal. Ww_r 111I. -Another ours ' *4(y ly ploia4at, am hlgh-bred ladles eye theist, his strrylag lttpliastiong Iry Lkidi's Kidaw Per W reportwt In K; death had sail t do awhile ons qui but. w shrewd ear would lore trmeti t►'6 dty. This time It L Rheumatism [rarely with lir thoughts, NhIN his oistetoted the andnrtotus. "flood -bye." rualetlntee o1a Thera was estates, In worn surAewhat o11/[teal[ d wucom heart was heavy, koydep lilted the 1w added. and We ayes were kind Ili possession d a hugs luncheon Uma Vlleltrxwit. wf'.Im11u that a[tylnuL nawuedy h•n cun- I uncoome.ous eh U4 a boy of fire or all their gaze and hid the tbinghts that lies, and then was little ifotwlwgr Whatever Itoydeu's part m18A have tpsse�ed1. Tlr.re twve been mougtor of yearn old, and saw a craw lay below. t'errien, arranging his camera In been, lie played It with perfect ease, laiivailnr owner Utjtl wlntot, low of Ill.- law, browu forelo a" sad ons lock W 1(< buaaoaoushy• but, tt rAli whiz!" have eeuohed ttN, pre u.. bur- 1The wumap stood its still for front of t1M house and Weighed down amiwtlivwB � tanttVM M uu �� � t•D.ta y I t of lair hair lying spoa N, end with a few minutes often he had left. tnd by a greata11• amount of auziety than Uuws quietly and easily. He had a 1a m In [hive out the rhAs Would. Tend.•rly-almugt ral'6T U the then •ht, tudeed with a shiver to hre -.awed se}ntrraw the rsat of 41w coal- atuiw to teW now and then, &hurt 1'• strong-arms had hoed send to much a firm, murmur.ag the name to herself plat eonpolntiy, a,td pithy ezperlenoxa, which, th,„Igh -britt limewy day •a Kul PIAN %ark-huyddrn earr'.sr1 him W where, agsim sad again. 'Tdle photograph must be taken itis awn. rover wttaiued repetition of are "toting more god Moro Im e - M ■ret Tertit I Margaret rrer- fires%," averted Kim Teems. " Who Site o,ob Uututble 1 �tl � In I4vtreal atone t er• abulic t hundred yard+ gjantway� •toot. mitt g l nt. personal hatevo . bar% tea 400wo of cures of rvbutw- tags stun] none under a ginut poplar. tit I R'\aK could h* w:rat with her- will latah Monsieur Ierriea Y" 9(. wall Ill 4,id uwn1. tow, that ereu Wm b �*Is � As Its approached it he raw thus a with Margaret t She diced - many p/twrtsur Nutrition came up &tad be- Uioas-aud thew are more than Ua T " PUkt titan last woman was standing sltritklogly YOAns •go -tea years aqe-. quite gan at orntv'•the "bnMtwm' of the tNrol-who wished W slight them and a auLA the wall, ash at bin with muddenI she stied. on the day of that JILT. film could riot du su; they were drat& I���is tea• arable u g gazing Ise P Ir•ilLed by tstiorily of ph,yMclama e a ktttf of vacant terror as he ad• trap. wan gaLrt7 of warder, they nrdkw, Mtrdnuar et titnwiwarr"Ib ,igalrtrL their wills to listen to his �al Put hoyp:tals. Plitt meas tttMi one vtttteod, aa'a Ah, that was a double murder) mid, Accosting the whole party 14 atortes. `So wall he t+dd Liman --hit voice tr ct„c%ur confemosa of rtwrit "Gra you," nvkel Ito den• wonder- o wonder she died -poor MaagsrgU'. a r ue, twrvuur*way, not knowing porfotctli grave and nu eutke stirring year y ag that hs ourc, Itheumoltlsm the Ing st the expreewuxn on the woman'/ The simple druaratp as-`* w tit nob ttwk ttte land, 'Iwt did La+Jv Ids IIy+ though hb evoa mlaht ttan4mome, car luted face, "direct me which she had [nesse lookag dowflL - Laweeroe a" also would have the be full of fan -chat t� never was in- oma of Ikxk1'r lsLtivgy I'i'Y. ve Led 4 , as the ib.t and aaly naw seer to the hum. of ttLLv chill t Ho has Imd op her sleeping e\ilrl gave p.atre to recants with the grwp t" terruy,ted to the rum of .4e g'or'y or for either Bright's Disease or lobe- s fall, mitt I want 40 tear`s him with nae which, ewltly atm [t &pad, looketf "Yet, She facade with the family had to 4\artea K .gnomin!utialy. Bac IIris mother." pifihul:y out of character upon the clurterxl there." once he mads a sudden pause mad t:e- ' Ttte w..man failed both heads a won& face -a sm:le of caution which "lltanka, naoml_.ir, And noir will ou "ad abrupt That. this lather ckoim Ls teas 1tY nus 1 atntruated is cunning. kindly tell the who t nm to take' '•That wassi t the real end of the been proved over and over nJa ;n twchel tit• ell ILI very gestlT. t� hkmtr•eiLL in fact, brighter �iesw Is not move Iter eyes frgM Itoyde11'r oe "He saved my child -I remember He happsMd ao'w to address Lady adventure, Mr. Kolth," salt Theodora no lunge ,� dreaded malady is was �o (all ol grave nail qutgt klnduert ilial; but he shouldn't have spoken of ionterwon, and she drew back, anaping. o xchedly. "P:eass don't imagine that ten )Aare ega whom, to Ino robed inti then. Margaret;'. "Almost ovary ado brat myoelt," tiro you can cat• win oo eaai! 8rlght's 14"".3 means CW11210 death. ' "Your child?" he asked, IAW Y. On the at rip of carpet m her be&rth• ,told You are miles, Alr: 1Giti." Mra +sem 1 its watchrJ her. "I wpm vtlry lad; with Der shit[ la her paims and k,r His speech passed on to this nett Payte remarked. "la thin place and Now Ilottd'. KLhasY Plihr ars well 710sgat • e■ n the fire• the womavt sal lad little Mrs. Pa se, In tier brand this coal known, and by tbdr tee Bright's Die- ` rand if this V year 1st ,trait Ro ' J lttoa Y, Y pony you Hetet intended to res3 b tJtr'oe►n Area lbs qo Inw." for more than an hour, [varied •e truwn bat null ol.:aaldoned alpaca intrude s touching episode, though I lkiddpra 's Khhmy PUIs are t en of- "raI now," ale weld, still wttklot mov- deeply in tboagbt that whoa &I Last ,from do belaeve you would tell that even (metiers In time tsmratmmnt of mala. I Ing, "but 1 could nos silly. I could the ebild woke tad roused her w.:b *Nut me. Star the man, does he tetter. What Ia k you litre there, Sm ��l from disordered kidneys t not run. I could tot eteni pray. I maw Its 61140110)1 egg, who sprang to her think the whole neighborhood Irpeo- M,wa 'trent r' as Ulloy are for boli kiduey �rsasw him sitting there, soil Site engine oom- fast with a ohne[ of fear and gazed pled with old ove Mytddeltoo's kindred t" Theodora bad looked with mwh aa- theatran Iters is an lnatane. ing-coming --- clam apots him. Then I in 110MOT read ills cottage %&I:a Ate, is a fonrigner," ezpialued Lady utterable insoence at the old lady ' I have followvA the treatment of i maw him--.ved. This scratch" -la- 'ower"son gently, "aos "tied almost a du:ing her interruption that every the first doil'torr of Montreal fur Ing her finger on the tut-" V noth- CHALPTZR U. stringer hew." oral felt s little a'&niedl by the coot Rhnuma.Un.• from wlt'ieh I have beta Ing W tae, because In that one nw-. 'nth, I know all about him," said conclumyon bn:ag &!dressed parties:- suffortM cor atz years. but 1 It visa the day of the Abbotamcor the small old 1 g 7 no tete( from Iii I have takers steven fol moment I maw lint[ --[lead "' aoly, with a runt ail to bar. .1"01M," wild hoyden. gently, but plcm)t•, and Phoebe Owes, with n which greatly'sip mad some of the b "Tartelettes ou from• e a Is IdmV I'11M and I [a's Y- [ [notes of [koolll's K not offeringnow to [Ile Uric cJldto eare,laeumbsred expression at eoun. eta&Awv;'bail wWsomikoiy would creme;' replied Theodura, with long- nm Aumplsselr posy. I am telling all her. "we want warm water to battle teulane, rodded the finlrhing touches put It to him .a liar native tongue uid (r:gidlly my friends of the exommonos of thin to her elaborate toilet. . that j his face." Lady Lawrence• whoever rue "Good to stat r' remedy and i thank It a thoomissid I It wa. him, tit h. whole th^ w.'t " I. di u's know haw It Ir." ahs may he, std n,t ask for my portrait." Theodore. nod the dish, back :wig y 9 M Uarss a tM7.,. Yosury truly. Into the cottage, and wlrn the mother frette•d.' looking at hermit In Lite Ag►la the Ilttle Pbo:oagrapher's quark, to the footapa behind her waboul XAIUA tiU1MOND. had followed Win In she only fell an glsmr' as she D'1t ua tier tall flat- Una parsed on, and this time was In- deignigg a -r if. iia[ the g,:asce, in= St. Flavlr her kanime beside the llttl cotton-cov. with Its pink rower and b111g0eath tiircep:ed by hoyden Keith, who shook tended -ai it wrist for itttsr ann.btla- orrvl couch on w)WM huct��iv��lea lad ten. ogre. "bit whatever way I mj Ills bradlopd Bottled. tion, abood tta akr. Had His Revenge. 1 derly laid down thectdld. balm. I always look flee sntlle. t \o ntot�taur,'•Ire saint, In nL coat "Lt caro days, Ups. I'ayte:' 1 i A fougsy incident recently occurred "1 wtb It," rhe c upon 'agwln 'laying lora. ri this hew -py Imam Theo ,arae wale ; ;'I, too, mist a left out pet r [tile Helot, eluylsg hlmwdf at the JstttRn dee Plantes W Paris. a unit brown toad u the bis •ens niers. tort! it dorrnm'L rake mer lour of year picture " The elepHant house ad pen y' gcalally with tin, oft IaAy of •throe- the any Letter -)loan It. H000r t" plan that b forehead, u It to InIJe the strains she ''Yost don't [burn t e 1m of bring Wore yarn meld cwt, we had nvt. in ilk elements are located. mad a would not yet remove. "I saw death Thum appealed to. Honor noswtnled tate our family quite u Mr. 1'ayte (Hund ognt ', O vast adwtataps tat rtnrhlug to so>asp my child, and then I with pleasant ruslinei s. that -It was db,"fbsalaWked Th lamins. that Fi11ncq abLnr;atlows young oatn•1 recently introduced had i m►w hlnr eat ed :" not at all a Rued thing for girls to He stood' back, watching the little " Abbrev'attltrru' I o pl`e as via an gnat attention lavished on w to j Gently Boyden touched her on the ti altered by the way they did thdt Erew,timas arrange his group, and abbrevlatlot d 'jell,?' t Boot 1 In nay ha ises °f a bigtoftelephant. vital I •moulder, and fluid " what (dr lair ; and then she put her lies. I'ayte, chatting volubly all the young day.[ we 0.[113.1 a spade a spade � MSO b� en'rt of the public motherw w(„lld have relqulted Lo be head Sravely an one side Uw. took up her station near him .acrd we ca1N.i affectat.4n folly." truer In Shut gaits[. Tits elephant I toll. . to crl sire the plump Ilttle Lady PumerWn anA the rector mtotud Ez s [tat the t.a sof such a grew more Jealous day after day, cep ying� and matter came to s climax when. I "It to nes, want d bre," he wDts. figure which ahe had so patiently scare; the ptotographer, apparentlL mall and illegally cla'1 til.) lady must failing to sttrwet [lis &%"O- ng parr, W fliniarir. 'I'ogr thi-pow �B to if.►tly assisted to adorn. snore Interested. nnoaimarily be vulgar laathe extreme Una of • dalnty maldst who was car - mother ! Will solitude work gids ox Irak 77 WOIL ' inqu:n+d Phoebe anzicruslj, "Throxlora Treat looks very well to and below the notice of rellle] r:ud MzlrB !Le youag rivaL the elephant It been a siiock ?" What will they th:ak d k 1" that position," remarkef Mrs. I'myto, ,,,Halt[ mm:rut% Still auk[ dlvs tp•ecb (({� bis tr+enk with wager and tint For a whole hour he waited with I can imagine the rector's eyA her shrewd ever glistening u rhe would lav M,t w.tb a cru 6Ting re- age flue triton offending dneswel from head the muthrr and liar child -Iter omly when he emirs, 'Phoebe, my deaq watahOJ the prpwratiou to- the .ort from MGe Trent, jyd, t•e►ug Be, to (00%• r ,one; thst fact wnr plain to Wm with- [fid a vert/ arcufar costumier" photograph, "ant mile krt,ws W" It wan only consigned to s trcaarrtrd art a word ---iter ono one, aur[ she m -P You a.:s always hughiag and It nous at that moment, am Verrben obl:v'an,andTheodora graciouzyn cost- 8tratIcad Aug. 4. 1893. widow. 11+en Ir arse b go, for the aM:..ing M u you weren't, fienor,' wakesfuel toward his camera, that inowil bar effort, at leutiertitirment. Messrs. C. C. Ricbards a, Co.: little boy was slopping calmly, with said Phoebe pest.ably. But for &Al Tlno a., with a smilltg glantce, bark. But at antervali during Slid flay she O*ntioal e. -M neighbor's boy, 4 i a soft bnnA:igp rcuud )Ila hood. dill] that, now that .be anluotim perfor 1 tt0ll Boyden that, rhe wanted him. miAved herielf . by wualserhtg Irby �n old. fell ate a tab of bolll ng the mother's whN and pustleti eyes mance Mem over and she could see the Ts• Payte looked N"Y up into Isle }tat aole%LOe nata•tur-Sealpyeood I title Brad toned file Wcweed relief of teen. atantling toot amaembb is I1Ss enc an,l sale him rlutke hes head and ,d ng about ever have Lees altotrel water and got mcald.d fearfully. A "There are ons or two thirtgs Usat flan, heir own Ups broke into a twat- borw. /! tome amongshem, but wrsalways t duty later his toga rw011. d ! I want to borrow of yos," said Roy- d.ed smile. "Irwrnece wkt see that "liver nd of her:" &Ars said noel- Na bar' 1plent of broke Usage [lett natural size, mad diem Liven, "land a few tees of [relict av t i the sec &ate ,out In renal soma His pa r- 4 I lav made the Idoot of the money tis•-ly. ••. ns would have you In the thus wimrlsr, I:eernuL,� ak t war per- eq 1 y wants ground." he µre me, won't he, Itaagrd" pi.otagra it possible. It will make tartly aware In whore savor ohm hall °DIs owld got ewUtlmg to kelp hlal Qfb ural* In n moment. nnA "indeed• he will; but t moot rat a hideout pletaire," she eoatlaued Pee. arrhol UII I recommended M[NAR1yi1 LI11• tlhtargh the• t hw+tr's Mttpr work off. Think of ate keN in my dreaming mMtly. Witte placid enjoyment of her l,ery , )MEAT, which, arise using two int+ e7, my dear," as d Mra. ties eompbti ly cured b1m, I ttiw Wpad him almost as eflivlestly gown act tweetl1live mituina par- Idea• look at Hervey Trent's lacks Trent a.,ide t a her n rbev before they m' slid quite am silently as u man could twelve, and Iawrwce orwered the JaWleal attitude and Mr. Ilea hton'r know of several came around hese q [ eparatod eltor - C nr -tire more almost as remarkable. cured herb done. wagonette for half -past I"'• . . , owunpttou of carelreo east-. That Tfloolura ob-3wi rer ,. a.• to thin by tint "'och sights as tb••s3 'would -make , But, you ase," put in PboloW, nil- blue fabric on I'lic toe'M flood -111 .Itatte, ,, same LlulmenL and i can [rely sw��Ty most women oihrloY and taint." wil:ia even et l,rc her cousin In came cwt u a h w Wemish , ri[ o14,fiem.o a rt+'em Hunt I never handled a madiciee whtoh y and Craton chub w W Ino:.. ] ,u •hart J has had as a sats or v thought Boyden, "bot u.otlShir•womrsn. go, "I.awrtsnre w:li wabt fon you and Just notice tfre nmxn it of q*ice tell the g rl what bat) Vilat. title g°oa given ('an tier Alm Byer lane l6>ie1 on much not be "grit, and he ma4emt sorb I1Leodoxa'w ractrtr occupy. 37 Law ham; mho will unset-thpn:' ,Ica uWreral wtiafarUoto. &.atght before?" a fuse if I sal law Is Jane reedy- rpoor will know a great ,teal ahonnt Acting oomplro.rfly on ha mug- Gener•lM. BIde'ebasi '1�'laaank you for nil your help," lu0 mad how doss she leek r' tlrem from w (olnUtgrnph, won't .fro? ge*titrp, Captain Treat, ant �.i ani utr wild, aloud, "and for that quiet sport "Very nice," replied Honor abort- fors' Is 81110 to know, for Instance, that wil:ing.y drive Ilunor ae.de, to speak you clove for my dog grave. I will 1 for she never would allow any of Ilim Trent made all th« arrange serioud to her. A■ Observing tlalrt. o•vos sgAl a joa� y W Mee the lit- Anaheim rpitetz! remarks an Mins ments to suit herself, and that H,„tor -•"Thea 8mlrking up to Ilk mortar now da ,v, tie `td. Pike vifttw."Wbe all right, Sad Ham hton's al • oearance. irutps, standing so prettily there Toa• flivrvu t nth k of Poal� said: j Denson P. "How good ft ie of you to think of • 1 fancy he will never again loch him fla and sasdxeiow a Jane Haugh- ngnlnvt t1oA frump, Ix laughing the the t'hsp even At • p:cclic r' "�' havocl'g I beam s gv. e . way through difficulties anti ob- too might be to hen' nun k:nswo- wlwle nothing of the thin to return? i began gdtig to Sunday act, [ 7 [ ttery told her raeioysi that of steels* up to qua railway line." mea, this young kiaBwnmrt, on whom �! I live rb petbtnoe w tit any of � � y Yes. ts7 lamb[" annwered Sae ttmtsOlr• [ nature had lavished -mer fairest lite ' course he always thought of 'these "Naeem again." the woman re- firm." sr fondly. taragmd, l0 her Arena wa Iron nn g t I I sure, Mn. Pa tr," Bald thingar' avd then had chi mortifica- "And you trust me now, dm,t Y y• had never a word to say against 9 T tine o hoeing her escape froom him as oat" �' dro,opintg vacant eyes still fljced Jone's appearance. Lieu lanwhing. "Perhaps It yoahad swiftly a puws.bie and straightway "Yee, marls upas Boyden as he stood in ;he low "In her to I mean," explain- the pre. the plrture would not joie a group ,a which the OLnoslotts �" ii cottage kitchen. "I have dot thamkptl ed I'bdebe. "There's Lawrence .oml- •teem galto w hidaxoms.' old laid was a rorotiaosat ti 7:Kn what make/ yew keeq the yom Yet,' Bhe faltPrsd ; "I catusot.' lta ! flotre we asp, I raw rpnco !" war "M+►ybe. Fox g,wdneas' ante, let y P g11ife• sNwne piss looked rap In Mw gantry ss "vow we are o,a over the bonne." the saes u ever? Colner'o Vlsekl t "YOut tlattlu arc due elsewhere" cried. rushing "peat tart. h and down ole walk about till 1 ,lit (arse hover:" Two or three wo.ces sli.I it at once y' said Roydetn gently, "not to rale." the rlalra AL lent, hero I o n, They by t rtrull .l yu L • h .If a Mlle -- i A low timflaw more rte lit otid a general move was made. Jane MllNr's Co tKered• and Ilonor wou't be a minute." ecru lite home, when Itvydcu Icavear Houghton toss and shook tit., crumbs BEs. alDapd Imp Pills; why i i hardly lit ova yet to leave her without e.vell a thought oaf mperemptttde &tart ant &t'xol still, fn her .w and ioneliname; ant'. g from. her lap, h,avins g s;gb over the Phoelor'• oeltlsfanuear, Honor ran 1'lu'.r t' -I Brice hovrd of title mak, itrundant remnants' d the feast. high Death Rate 1■ 1r001M f turn -sot the tlnt time atmos he had lightly Into her own room. art] flys 'te saki, as t•h"y st'ippedl I,for. r. [seem the child's unc•rnschwa f rer y E'ieru, who during the dinner had bass est the death rate la its k, minutes afterward /prang down Uri-Dbixhd oak tree on ti:e o'utikirir or been worth two err three of the ober y dM4tg against the evening llg.nt, last new ate tab this loll. alight :IlA park. (1t of Me=lon was nearly 44 per panting engine Ur.*. 1'a to Ir put to titer, was J 1,�, or about the gene u [lines while be beard the In g y xtko l up inti Ill, fncp, mom° gid quietly wait I t,Chase o 1t -thesis rushed utak into g unezpnctally lassltie Lawrence .ng on one aiol:t,try lase wk• diced d Bombey. It is az Dost w lie paoad to mind fro waiting far "' I them h gh.•r, am nig the branch(s Amon the avenue trails at a little toasted that the 111 mind iJw rorAive of Lith search of her. A the on k. g owning of a new drainage my ten, "k, ler' " (est . Lawrence, I dill not ser rp d." ante. which Is to take+ lace sone• will est "I limes brae[[ flo•M L'' Ala sand. "t, ' "Of coons," mitt• return:vl eh•1 ly D g1t "everything 'Will be ropnelc \U8 hamp.,r or �a � �ke rate oset-half. that cottage txiyrxn tiro Abbotanoor lou : I fancied you would be fmm• J [ at,»tt of 1 Mydd, Ittm'. will he wrote it f All t s ria Ing on the box of the wagonettel' placr, hew boon well talkeA r,f." eat than �,h woods• wlteh 'Ibrnit, the miner, cowl gs here ate what Mr. Keith Miller's Wore Powders stye a woo• ' 1 cbtoPs to tomo here Inetraoll' " Thl.a [ren maul bee tit nlsanrl yen r. into 7 sa oler/al aledbhw for wllments of cblld- %o Iles- Ile had a (rewriontio I believe 11,' Royd4h (a itlnn d mov;ft n arc -r, brought. loll extravagance I" Do ytnt to retuOtnWr them at t1elA Lnwrostoe, trying to sawnme s i R'.th her mint ardor Sri+ pressure, Top, h►itppsrt and It la hollow." Ione Fin tom pu& Up her rascal all l^ atcrntiroe which he nook[ not fe*I -• IgD 'No. rer..••• while rhe stood be" him In net How Qa:ck yoy are." oke erred the tall mover rtoi'dlr to:wtrd, d� enc 8wss Barker's Ckaw. brl ht and 1 4d lady &I- she tr:Dp •A around tin " '11se woman's answer came clear and [ girlish \wanly. ' FYL Mn rreparect So 010 her d11ty by v awing Judge Mrtertan at title Wore% ulek. and her eyes the box beside me. Honor, and the tree. Yon rpok3 hefo:e you halsie:. >i�i0 q glee starUM In the o��., Jur hNL.e. HOmsor K.. up et this aro- UTmili tbn referred to Sam Bar. ( their umnnyoxl `asA. man nnA the hamper shall go Ia• Ole w -ay & --` - fbent and jo:ne.1 the grtmp, teem m TAectneKt u "a mlf•oom- "00 Fats snots 1 am particularly side." toPP�sg"tian In front of "Where have, yo„t,beLni" IntuUat vict•d Yar."-ooderleh 84mal. anxious to event w1Ui some [mora of With only A light shake of the is 1-Perturo four or file flet high sad Jane. _-__-- -_ - Udo50l-girt. I say, bei I am think• head for M answer. Ilaruor stepped t couple of seer[ wisp.. Only Unkink to Mor:m'onr verr1 •n. Kinard'@ Linlsswst Is 11amd by phy. I Into the w " WILAt n hngp trunk:" mhn Meld, [ maid he oomM go over t.ho loom*, too, dclaoa 1j Inc what she must have loeern Len P wagonette and err. year aga Iihe 1B a wntmatty of thirty sghtm ►ollowed her, b I'hoette's I.xding 1p•ovew the twit ol lark thin[ .N It wee stow. 1 should Urlsk." gbrat d.tlght. hll re alnrr t, mail former[ a kind' of lis trbtsLt Ilse b Ma The eduested Cook. CIO at th« omi'raftcm ty the onvl%y the ettami., iwl w No Anowgi'. and iRoydep went on, "I Uwac!it you were going to It Bash go with tit nttvmgits when Frdotrl-•-I can't understand why UM gags w lltUe more ha%moU hes drive?" remarked Jam. Tn'v hollnw would dine a dozes pro• rge y Impertinent fiFA III& 1 I ke to Bret ihcs treev or. " have been,• ts�Yete] 7'laeo,fora, you .don't tYndiw 1 your qthoughts awaking to snwpiclon. "NO." he arirwered, c11rtly. "Take the an al I estate- -Vito-do 4 '°Idly. cook. Ln'L It pass keN to get antler[ 44 "You h> na{ lutpl eft, > ua s„Y, to n•Irsi, }lata" 7s»• Keith f" • 1r.+ natlln an errnnge- H°°sswJa-'Ib mok• Yes; but wltn love leberd wham .she Nval now, or It was mrarely half are hearts drive I sh(:ul.l," rcpt ,:,1 Ruytlon, walking ,nenBt " po e 1 the reit rr, "an t thin will help may ohllotrert In their reach - 4 - oven her naren r' flogs Lite I.archs to Abbotomnor, et In Otly ort at %b: little Is,Jy'r xl tot, '•IlIgneous t-11 __ de - "iia tea'' Y', a --g She wagonette was the last veb�, 1 o(uW ase It mtillarol pad beautified. other. "q•� ® dependent It to teras -- Better• "Can .wrw troll no w1ltUitr the Cliffs which drew up before the empty man- wilt n alan'.a hand and hair[ rat wart --at ll ti clock for Sea and [or oar TWO oo�panLes of the FlMpin" have flan name d any of your npighlore oto, elhe�sll tM g sets wore gath- it"" It and a womftn'.t bright, &wort Lara hoatewarl." surrnrdered at TarlaO. Is Margwratt It world help arm If cared. ru..4111omounting anfl others p 'ro' "Nut homewnel," part In Th,odors, - T_ __ .r you ought tell me oven sfo little am wtan•fing about. Thnre was Tbeak,ra, Can you fano-y, it t" ting the w,wdi from Mpg Trent. that., trttpleaobet In romL-asd-whits ram- ', i-er' FAMILY MEDICINE CHEST [ R lieu aro nearing to I>-wrgrocp [hair, Her stnrthebd gale odeepeasi s lit Alan, 11 sear tits <yart Proal tial:" wiMl the c1l 1wdT, anwvvwr tbpa.�*; we want to f nlah th3 'lag } dee ng braagnely It"y,teri'i gnlAt wort, nth radance. You all promlao to "'' ,: " - -- - ^-- - --- can a8 ooh aG1 MYdotelenn'.t money „ya r TW Wft w Av6M Me DKIW nigh► Is Ahwye M it in Tt 1ftgw hat sill whys nor The "all" wts uttere,l emrtainly, rave a settls sf mien's gsrI 11 �r •i You Can Read the. -Favus g} �how It eat geroeyRoy Nut c woe pito tct n)nOt Kath thatd " [+wf Vesy rawly." retnraerf Rn7d er he emir sol to tura Jnat In that In• a A" messy }a Ilia Ing on the wipe hour* which I.ty po, win lNbsrs brow Go to line am tewrogato, f a". Ifo Aid not iuepm to or'e them. C&VWe poatbly hoM ,,r,t'(% this and th- general aoroeptanc I w[thout ZAi wing haat Vrberee to Moths - - - -- that bmnthvuiPb Glen of than being a „( Thpodota'x invitation wta Mnrty Pbs"Tk*ir Kmad oM • Reetlltee- in cure of Olt Myri delton's money t Ike Anough. Matt. Fayfle, who certainly Oese of on 1•marsweq. nn hrlbve that h1a evil%h, If well - Of the People You Meet -The Irritabilt , (h 3 91MM, the p,„, iMl'-p hat, „dd not do the had not pnrt"Inrly address- in eats *r ssddeP rckaeas It «Idele axvl that T 11- motMy .l no, serf the p,.1 evert If Inrladod,' thanked if law weroe*ary to srsd rnr the doet.r It No"fl. -� Deoair Caused by Brain trouble, tatmiNervet or -1 the ',,tin arul Trent to a 'ar.1 Marked manawr and ire Is to be had, roe sore tka■ an year It «;: [•rMrou0ly pweoi- etpn•m.l he•wplf air trtotet happy. has been Primed by tbeeowds of grit•fol and 'm overished Blood -1 here is Hope in r•titrn In ilns,ingr Olt the glvorrr• eethere an Inviting me new P I P "Rave Ynn llo•0nre to mha,t ovrr y. sp*etalty 'No --old A(ydAeltaou's." opposed Mn adapted rer rgelly sae. snit one seed raver s the Ahlterflsot„ox 0tetetp. Mr. Kill t" feel aasloaw as lea a these is • battle K '"40 - Dr. Chase s Narv� Food. Puyfn mww "[ r ashM Hotrnor, mw tile/ walked nn Ir the brew. 1ir�r-e11Nt:ae r- +• ' • .2 eearLrtg an epitaph which ran in thin g T. Iii-.::. way : ward the boast. Nor,,,,** earns tttothsettb In sae Mtawto, .orarhe mad iegda,hw Im two slwetrs, If *;' rl'hta u isle age of brain trouble, of wgdl of :tihAlr ben mboeri. RNvytMse That i B(t*nL that i hsA; •Yee.•, tTb be OosrbetasAl ,•ramp* la eve etimetro. rrempt revetu heart faihno0, d paralysis. and of nom'. nrrvnwmran. IrHGiblAt3, brain W11 follow Its naw In caeew of rrwd., sere :^ .''t'• . body wetlk:"*w. )lou inn read It In tag. lits. of Memory and ewupr�y. herld Thrill i Rnr% that I have; - --- _ thrnwt, front etre., ,bnM■Ir tied Atte, of tM fwnms rat' tial 0001110 yon meet. woke. nwtv,us fl-vrpwpA, an Hmilar That i list tMt f foe%.' "i war went• acnreely nDla toArng haeru. Ito monelons, p►nernNy pew - , 'rhe boo"We mon. the factory �a1ltRtplrr+as are rmovrly the b•yt lvtingm Mn you sol how oh1 Myddpiton awn myarlf About. a►wlly wnr,IpA, and K sate 1t n*►rr e*ntss einem nerd tat quite Alsroar ot1 ; rMn041112 n, Overt Ino vi hwn(L the prolemiou.1 man rind h1- pit what WIN mast nrwarWil� Plitt In ager[? He spent little, an he had Int 1 sR i(Illpr's Ck,mprnm'1 IN rah old* tiM be k Rot smeame� w� r,• iNvrer wltkA fhei Uwlr ru*ry0w aye. ons Drovt+aLun. pmrl%131dy rye!- tie. h0 gmve nine. to he had none Irmt I'lllm rapidly brought utiout n Plaint, Dllrrhooe mad all atooneeb MR. . e' . tease giving away brforw the tprrl• ` I1lasnaftY or other dreadfnf ner. Anil Ile loft momb. rt he I,twt mightily changes'" .-- . -Y-- entero ".thing rat sive inore.+pews, relief bM ethith of keen oral ,a..�.� than NerrlOa*. r � '' pelea ne ,.p....wtai, Yore► I hthiA -reel Men ,A w0allh Tet In 9110 teat* Yet Although rer w.rfinl ems nrpN iw Ise • _`..� Nerve rettroo I• brlvesr r'crtsaarted ata 4 1^�m;af mad IF, 'stent, tt�e! of whew 1 t9wnk '•r +%t f1wp. they mn s.y�. • r f" tvemt•eoka• rete. aw, tbm u:otxl whIglh lar• CTmaem Nene " rare. rkh Ix+c+haNng to, w rt9miwor, h lot Nwrrl In* to Perfso0, berms," '' .'I' MOM M114Wo WP -1 this rose tveera.a blood Is f(, 1. wwetM nerve cell• always the k tGhite of n unto'e. •v y�T ii6fl i? chi p A {ftotmC •~~* M iewNasrtwv►d with mfN� ew e►o AY' I11 t ettvcnal't" 010 a int ITI torr xo.e of latest as volt s* to the tiAew it a het alta. weak sed # v The wWl* Mot re'sbeed anti rvRalltr•d awn the Th" r+Ahe worm opmlioi In the iglyhnado I I #bat Merrill*w ,annwt M sntp..s.e by asp, , "rimpt of pane rvir+ft 0:11th and ,mrtng systam L ret:tyl 1,,-I with new life. of the avanna 14vw untie. whil•h • alvlh)R tilt- wattntx to uoAentarrI that ewmMotiNmn for then f M p.t*. Th ra- f0es+r+ir In AN ntetn caepw M t. enlrply wow vtsallty and now r•o nfMone+.. DIB merry grnwp heA gaU►mMd -hAn stir kx'k a felon ily Intprrrt In him tine b a gree ewe, tr mwt.tns the tiwa9 .,' I M sM+nAartoo of r;Ah, red wood, knri"lm ptwlUvely anti 1wrrulnvirntly Itnydon mad Mrs PA1ta name rip. ..rah, [tial r1It h fairly njo.i he nn- &test Ir*tw*t *ft late*[ al vowed re • lotimalants mar delvA the heart at rem al tut It haw prat mm,•Jn)at what otydie"lits • ew&1e porn en10.0 [tete a retire roa A atm. for n tmwr. limit tbw neer ,- rem) `'oral 0n•1 olnspnlr Wp wrp phis wit t n was t for the now rem , fit r,wti a lxtnn. No bile Ilb.- we°"rr ria0 any ntb.r the wtwtit nr,n,pt. QM to rape lr^ marl ov>nrnsel. a stales+• was M,tilrgl rias far tlnpes kr .any hnv t 10 oe tine lynetk Ilwt-"- fyk�tyavd ,eat* Awnwe►nM rw .:.N.. !t tits w6h «„.A with gtv*toe va/ao fotatatl• on t. tftw wmtght Irt+raamew M bw,e wh).y Uvron" o .)bet In thief, t•hk• eO T1alss"FP�efald. ill# we')* .' nae by stn drssnstsswlivr v f40Atd Aetalnnas nourtah• 1111A ttkue Ses rOWO tin %be CYoak* awn 1410 way. And (I4of Al! fry lin _ . i 'm• -'tis rare! dry t0v s"stI11a11de 111w pheettmrczaI on(r.wt /rAtrh hre• taring over the mmol, ffor which Pv if ttr rhim Is "ALT-41111t•ovsipmma �,, ,-.re pmf:v ache, and Irregalarl be -:t nntle.n at a ht. vomit Itoyt as Dr. I• w Nerve arynwll was rsad.f iinwnlora'ti eyed ,lowned pest. �.iarrd is ( has ofotitM to ne, wlalbw R Wena, ,are. Of an atwss '. w .4 by, tM lime off rer. is eM too ifls aaa t!ti wlt.+t RMtw s/wss*ret d her own p&taatal ill it inn, w does of '�z w1f1*et cafe at tarre tissta Pntresitaw i *iNe'Ir �ws} 1rNrM'vr/ Ma 7v,rrt -.lf • .,er strsslgtheednr. InvlKnr wee. as ePan4 wx rl and ri yA �ntw tees •*A wart rtnry,.r TA*ma -a}lr, _ nrki tie great trrllA wdrtR 1r1fIeMNn Nn{ A�. I. what M r'Mn',W; F . � .r,� tie Wexxd. wad from het• sem mttpni at LW irrrugbh irtp et, \rata- s*M t..tt♦ eu,mt It b r. am ( -^tar&tire. mitres RM local. • -9 i•w,wiw mwA L 'x` Mleterl tvtbMey w14h triton, Dist. t [item* on (we.fnl Rhe tv•► Frr Peat betwM- - __-_ prow Dw ap,rt rw Ir*r•n..,I"Pea •r "ll ,' .A-� L-' nor [►111 titsalu' a pill f,n„t_ Rf1n wrmthrs pmnpk wrlM� F^ •epi IKPit.h anti Hsrwny Trent AMM --It mow beitiw ttwtwt+s�►reA Mr tin, rwarro MNwsmY W boa --it nil don WE. -•ntt-I m rs4utrq a ML of �R ah y.ro . - .'eye b a01 so or E4eaaeoni Settle a Co.. Torari' • +•,Aber all the o9Mrf t&M M smaN. to Mte ��y .' ADAINIT vuioAINrT: XUi&WjV"ql16TVr.14;P�� F71109 On Thiele T". , Vulgarity Is not moo" "Z b roe temporary suoceas, but a Wlbg akin to v uyfarlty which Boons latflsr.a•aLN W mt b many lines et Into aM Is publicity. 0110 reason why we seem more valgar Ulna our fathers isUta , we mare aume so generally to the real- izatton of the commercial value of pubinC!%y. A mall van t.0 good In aa, customer. and live justly W V1a sight .it (kid and bear hlmW1f haudatMtWly towards hlj loilo;. without auyy suW- awulsg of wtwamow But whae is becomes a gttwstbu d selling rbutL he to excusable to ooucludln` that he can clever sell e:tough to make himself tins witbust beatlug & dram ami sticking his picture on the outer wall. Let him stink his picture up It bis business aeems W require it, but pub fishing i,letu►rs of other folks who have iso latersst is bin business mpni don't want to be pawtmd la a different tatter. The law ought to regulate that. Tile law In the State of New fork now regulates (by forbidding) it 0 pub- Ileatiun of let%en or private papers fumed among the effects oa( persons who have been dangerously hurt, or have died suddenly, or o uiumitted nob cide, oulaw a coroner directs such pub - notation u a awns of Identifying the dated or d1morertag a erime. TId4 law, which the Governor elgnted last w,oek, Is in timely restraint - of a sBpp0e00We of publicity which war some [lass very cruel, for the practice has been to kook upon papers found on the unknown dead as the proper loot of measatlonal newspapare. to be print- ed without regard for tke reputation of the deoaassd or the feelings of may survivor. -E. S. Martin, In Harper's Weekly. To Core a Nid Is One Day I[fveDiane Qmla1•e Tahleta An .a�wks.miili�X The Ieelaees Illudon. The late Dribs aft Argyll was devot• ed to hes bale at Inverars .y. and DV )am%. boars. says She Woislmluwter Gasette• were vezed with the lltu- Won that he was flying away. from IL "They showed him the place from his window -%lie loch, the h1116, Lite garden and the woods. 'ft is very Us mold be; *take we bowl' •• Be Is Nle best aooasntaas who can out up oorrertly the mom of his owe errors-Nevlaa GAM RWUMAT" bE GUR[D f Tow ma't Lou wrtarat tryttes - - EBY'S DNSY Otis - - The New crostlsod C�mpmwd, wowdmywBy wabetivw In caring "- l? �y�, pQsaewlsls. Perstter Ars jtt k mak ,, (Tarte_ aehtia brslm�rrdri Baa"ders, Troll sea sold by all ell oMa+ts at N its. or li Il. F. IGBY. G7sMist, port Isgfe, Ont VIRGINIA HOMES. Yw few all almost Viglad& hialk Bak water• dhmme, resources, peodwis. finita, be -i, mods of mkiesmha, peaces, era. b reading the VIRGINIA ]Aa Yat. Seed lot, For Imes Mases- nbs«iptim to Farmer Co., Punporia• UE NO 22. 1800, ,, Young Girls Nw ea3y It is for young girls to so into the •'decline, They tut Wli and Ino, become pPsl!,a,rand paler and call nway drag through the dye They are on the study down. ward coftna• on does them no good( sir ch nine and bit- ten til (ail. They need a food that will nourish them betkr, and a nedkilt• that wig tor- sect thtlr djssim. Scott's Emulsion Y loth of dlitm ekjpNdtjr gsd pre. Irtrnmtlr ownhme4. na Cod-tj w Od m/Ilar the WOW Alp^ OW tltb SFva better color f• ttte ilei The Aypophoso" of time wed soda ad U a +frons brit to ft rnrvrs. Soon site wdsFat Irtoxu,x& ft sll"bon tmprovn and httalth ,)At all s.v. Yt wM fL9T a WNNttTMrW, Taty mantras aid Lke" ear imm Of Hook woes_ shlp0.0 front Mkhlgan to Western 0.aaatla Tsrtterday tmtkr LM,alreottbe of GOVWU rsat Agent BOYS &:'bub mmft; 4. Ad, , Lawns, W7.2, RiebwPd +t., Imdos, Oat. A•K YOUR dsOCNR rOR TUX NCW (Wfte oas11hM W owectared Laemlastoe, Oat: tree .ya�la mat oil 41. pltastlon : tlapericr to au ot\ara Q ♦ ORN1• WART rUltOUR TWO N[w A iseeoi.re TLo ICD4eaey of eo11u Afttor 0~ basks V snit amid -Dwight L Mood,. TN Inas W DU Miedos -; tk* books an wall welites and aP 04"s. a" we ant a robs" .it owmaw. Tbsr wbn-%* iso: at ItsLaii60 *Kim hbosd; estate ass Make uawey If the, Sake boli at M mea nog nor books. pro. poste+ from, If ,m Mona Ionizing, nabs, .r eenweamto brL asovanowboso&t withame Berge Ywthdht book soma TM`Bat• 640=�t� fto mor Comdoems.aowr�- - F. awrowrom after aro[ deer woo. need to ap Ani pfh rear Btlasrt ll»o)�"oUo�.M. ~tatnmtlo ill= :w /e aLtilldr.. FO It areal Q41 eiBd, mnaso this s�,r moo mad r tie tee rwMsdl ar D1.naMs. wmost• M aooitMe - • ►otsla What Shall it Profit a Grocer? 1 41, �` �o-"''• If inn DOSSUS all othnrS but lack the One Ret;opniznd Standard Super, St. Lawrence LAWRENCEST GRAMUTATI "' OGranulated, 9 Tke That Profits the Gonsumer. ,.�': , ,4 100 PER GENT. , i P iw' f • , 1� : " , , . t. .s,^ Mr, Ower -Have You Considered? - . Mr. Consumer -Have You Thought O C ir tt =I*: W$200 IN GOLIXfa; ♦ • opt-- ' f) L T ra g ♦ ■ Ftr1E. •eco see We will smifn the above award to any pesos w►o wg� esrs�eti lettere to_sye11 tine named d theme oamah Cassdlso [[that R�wei Yaj a •bvo Try IR vv'i0 will paytivel aw wry meayN ar �r mm' 6bowld there M sue tfiayin „a1� sf nosy • ,line y M nor nowt...., .6ould are t." (M t % a mw arose, win 1 eQ..t))• to.perreose sem In ooyeert ewes, osoh war rw.Nve obealA we do�Li l` Lme�awJonWr_Irw.t da �ow�oaressrr.hhy-ill term Va l�,a; twenty par"10 IeAB mrob. Agli° NO MONY WITH YOUR AN&WgR• A.'*,.i: ARRA teens k A : rd will de, Address N Y. ampptr Us,. Bps O, Ordils, Can. - ----________�Ww __ ____ A Waltham Watch for$6 , '... 1F,,will a �.' o: WaltkaM w'ateb le~yp�mMak1e�611ver ('.sae, mtelwlwf ?'�-•' w • sMs1iPx1�Paaee,U��)tiso 8-�nor os11 Md, wad moWO.wfsmull t oll ,i�two1% 7ssr mese. [. m- f t il.'=T,L"t.r. uL .Nr...aa �_.rw.- -• wsow meat 0y nom a OaiM y�a� as to *an ,nor -will a Ton mar Potd�slse to ad" }a aw mM wkrmaossVegas Wi!y is a& year nese. r ewe ;XXX aw to rem Y this be so you need aM neat so *o!, mso•b tm weOirsM�1. but ewe win "ayou trity d iM wnha N wseA of gest mad tat- tlN -ateln • If gw� a for you to t1� ptpo�n now make his eswr =, tp prrv'"Lar, Mid ubtimB.rww we Rem etwata�loer,.,a=a and at&sa&� Lh1Aat.nw lies May want is . ' . BAR R it ca W P. 0. Box Gam NOW, OMw T I 11 ,4,ir y'd ,m' G.i i- t' ., ^ a ,;w - I 1. t< ^j-. r' `� •, }, W it*R .y .ata +.f' k. r } �, '" , Y'x� l' A 0.w .t, • y. s i r I .11 t � e.. w f N. i { r ,, n r„e r ::. -�r.e3mm •.v -a,...- = w�, --_-- ifirT'ih -�cdlah 4%1 pit. A"i•IR'SKy tltiM Indwd io M :A$�4i .1191--. II Iia Eo an "Y ab w -,A .Ca ,Nair-sw ..• x,, l • tar Jul tat r •tor, wow rho rl ttth 1 of t g ru+DY Phoebe [wren• d1d yuouawl t' In w 14, THE MISER'S KIRESS yltuw with itis eal I Wuhildt r tofaot. er el war tau wrprhs •- •' IattrZfL w lies txxwly wit* weal Lo tier to t1tW Iterarll at a qu11s lam T'" i ;, I �4i as ou% amobg Ube party, dispensing passable dia4lw.t from her ruardlaa, NO LO 1#8 a AUY FW It Blfthts Msav+ but unheeded rdrlw on the rub wlw was aaMiwwrrty wa�tlnntgt oe Disease $IuOe Dtldd'a 1Ch�e Jeal of tamper. There war O'apttala dLteor and eliciting wry viA y aS I , -1 r ------------------------------------------ I Tamm. wauutering to and fro and H""'B rgoeption u( big imervioe. Cap. PULS Came into Use, totrha►hng languid blatruotio ns to Sala Trent. fou, dovetalled ht hls mdJ _ Boyden turned away with one d tele, its, her lips ehuut even as she cum the usea+er'asb from Lbergrovs. AttiouSlool, but these, Maxtor It red Ft qu-*% sigh, stlf{htg tba memorlte of old pryrpd them firmly, her handl warn tare war Mrs. Trent., In heavy with equally eankw uemposuro. It ItH Kidney Dlaews a Har• Be0 Wa- days thruagh which thin dog hu.A bwu' Igsd below* her he If the irwluu ,rel Alit, making stranu- was rather a diffhwlt part to Play. dered Harmless -=1.v mal d'+ 41s only oosspqutkon, a ialtlttul and a gave her strength to m%snd. aur use of her eyes an.t tan .There this orf Captain Hervety a. With Mins Contest Hheamatlsm-Mer t t1- am11taut ver slwayr watchful and "I bays Ino nelghbase." was Lady Fomerrow, courteously spot- t'rout's pronouns and requiremotitr eo tude for Uudd's Kldaey ..Wit M. alwayo true. Hua .•aro war wauted "Thaltk You: then Is h uselefsa•�,r uglsing lot {I►e abmwoe of Illi I'blllp votwi/iemUy salssrSed sad lttnr eyar now for the ch id whom Laelntue'., ask yon mass•" Roydea said this very eat making herself quietly and unolo• seld.,m IetUeg any ogle of Ills aetr se- IMA"' A sal. Ww_r 111I. -Another ours ' *4(y ly ploia4at, am hlgh-bred ladles eye theist, his strrylag lttpliastiong Iry Lkidi's Kidaw Per W reportwt In K; death had sail t do awhile ons qui but. w shrewd ear would lore trmeti t►'6 dty. This time It L Rheumatism [rarely with lir thoughts, NhIN his oistetoted the andnrtotus. "flood -bye." rualetlntee o1a Thera was estates, In worn surAewhat o11/[teal[ d wucom heart was heavy, koydep lilted the 1w added. and We ayes were kind Ili possession d a hugs luncheon Uma Vlleltrxwit. wf'.Im11u that a[tylnuL nawuedy h•n cun- I uncoome.ous eh U4 a boy of fire or all their gaze and hid the tbinghts that lies, and then was little ifotwlwgr Whatever Itoydeu's part m18A have tpsse�ed1. Tlr.re twve been mougtor of yearn old, and saw a craw lay below. t'errien, arranging his camera In been, lie played It with perfect ease, laiivailnr owner Utjtl wlntot, low of Ill.- law, browu forelo a" sad ons lock W 1(< buaaoaoushy• but, tt rAli whiz!" have eeuohed ttN, pre u.. bur- 1The wumap stood its still for front of t1M house and Weighed down amiwtlivwB � tanttVM M uu �� � t•D.ta y I t of lair hair lying spoa N, end with a few minutes often he had left. tnd by a greata11• amount of auziety than Uuws quietly and easily. He had a 1a m In [hive out the rhAs Would. Tend.•rly-almugt ral'6T U the then •ht, tudeed with a shiver to hre -.awed se}ntrraw the rsat of 41w coal- atuiw to teW now and then, &hurt 1'• strong-arms had hoed send to much a firm, murmur.ag the name to herself plat eonpolntiy, a,td pithy ezperlenoxa, which, th,„Igh -britt limewy day •a Kul PIAN %ark-huyddrn earr'.sr1 him W where, agsim sad again. 'Tdle photograph must be taken itis awn. rover wttaiued repetition of are "toting more god Moro Im e - M ■ret Tertit I Margaret rrer- fires%," averted Kim Teems. " Who Site o,ob Uututble 1 �tl � In I4vtreal atone t er• abulic t hundred yard+ gjantway� •toot. mitt g l nt. personal hatevo . bar% tea 400wo of cures of rvbutw- tags stun] none under a ginut poplar. tit I R'\aK could h* w:rat with her- will latah Monsieur Ierriea Y" 9(. wall Ill 4,id uwn1. tow, that ereu Wm b �*Is � As Its approached it he raw thus a with Margaret t She diced - many p/twrtsur Nutrition came up &tad be- Uioas-aud thew are more than Ua T " PUkt titan last woman was standing sltritklogly YOAns •go -tea years aqe-. quite gan at orntv'•the "bnMtwm' of the tNrol-who wished W slight them and a auLA the wall, ash at bin with muddenI she stied. on the day of that JILT. film could riot du su; they were drat& I���is tea• arable u g gazing Ise P Ir•ilLed by tstiorily of ph,yMclama e a ktttf of vacant terror as he ad• trap. wan gaLrt7 of warder, they nrdkw, Mtrdnuar et titnwiwarr"Ib ,igalrtrL their wills to listen to his �al Put hoyp:tals. Plitt meas tttMi one vtttteod, aa'a Ah, that was a double murder) mid, Accosting the whole party 14 atortes. `So wall he t+dd Liman --hit voice tr ct„c%ur confemosa of rtwrit "Gra you," nvkel Ito den• wonder- o wonder she died -poor MaagsrgU'. a r ue, twrvuur*way, not knowing porfotctli grave and nu eutke stirring year y ag that hs ourc, Itheumoltlsm the Ing st the expreewuxn on the woman'/ The simple druaratp as-`* w tit nob ttwk ttte land, 'Iwt did La+Jv Ids IIy+ though hb evoa mlaht ttan4mome, car luted face, "direct me which she had [nesse lookag dowflL - Laweeroe a" also would have the be full of fan -chat t� never was in- oma of Ikxk1'r lsLtivgy I'i'Y. ve Led 4 , as the ib.t and aaly naw seer to the hum. of ttLLv chill t Ho has Imd op her sleeping e\ilrl gave p.atre to recants with the grwp t" terruy,ted to the rum of .4e g'or'y or for either Bright's Disease or lobe- s fall, mitt I want 40 tear`s him with nae which, ewltly atm [t &pad, looketf "Yet, She facade with the family had to 4\artea K .gnomin!utialy. Bac IIris mother." pifihul:y out of character upon the clurterxl there." once he mads a sudden pause mad t:e- ' Ttte w..man failed both heads a won& face -a sm:le of caution which "lltanka, naoml_.ir, And noir will ou "ad abrupt That. this lather ckoim Ls teas 1tY nus 1 atntruated is cunning. kindly tell the who t nm to take' '•That wassi t the real end of the been proved over and over nJa ;n twchel tit• ell ILI very gestlT. t� hkmtr•eiLL in fact, brighter �iesw Is not move Iter eyes frgM Itoyde11'r oe "He saved my child -I remember He happsMd ao'w to address Lady adventure, Mr. Kolth," salt Theodora no lunge ,� dreaded malady is was �o (all ol grave nail qutgt klnduert ilial; but he shouldn't have spoken of ionterwon, and she drew back, anaping. o xchedly. "P:eass don't imagine that ten )Aare ega whom, to Ino robed inti then. Margaret;'. "Almost ovary ado brat myoelt," tiro you can cat• win oo eaai! 8rlght's 14"".3 means CW11210 death. ' "Your child?" he asked, IAW Y. On the at rip of carpet m her be&rth• ,told You are miles, Alr: 1Giti." Mra +sem 1 its watchrJ her. "I wpm vtlry lad; with Der shit[ la her paims and k,r His speech passed on to this nett Payte remarked. "la thin place and Now Ilottd'. KLhasY Plihr ars well 710sgat • e■ n the fire• the womavt sal lad little Mrs. Pa se, In tier brand this coal known, and by tbdr tee Bright's Die- ` rand if this V year 1st ,trait Ro ' J lttoa Y, Y pony you Hetet intended to res3 b tJtr'oe►n Area lbs qo Inw." for more than an hour, [varied •e truwn bat null ol.:aaldoned alpaca intrude s touching episode, though I lkiddpra 's Khhmy PUIs are t en of- "raI now," ale weld, still wttklot mov- deeply in tboagbt that whoa &I Last ,from do belaeve you would tell that even (metiers In time tsmratmmnt of mala. I Ing, "but 1 could nos silly. I could the ebild woke tad roused her w.:b *Nut me. Star the man, does he tetter. What Ia k you litre there, Sm ��l from disordered kidneys t not run. I could tot eteni pray. I maw Its 61140110)1 egg, who sprang to her think the whole neighborhood Irpeo- M,wa 'trent r' as Ulloy are for boli kiduey �rsasw him sitting there, soil Site engine oom- fast with a ohne[ of fear and gazed pled with old ove Mytddeltoo's kindred t" Theodora bad looked with mwh aa- theatran Iters is an lnatane. ing-coming --- clam apots him. Then I in 110MOT read ills cottage %&I:a Ate, is a fonrigner," ezpialued Lady utterable insoence at the old lady ' I have followvA the treatment of i maw him--.ved. This scratch" -la- 'ower"son gently, "aos "tied almost a du:ing her interruption that every the first doil'torr of Montreal fur Ing her finger on the tut-" V noth- CHALPTZR U. stringer hew." oral felt s little a'&niedl by the coot Rhnuma.Un.• from wlt'ieh I have beta Ing W tae, because In that one nw-. 'nth, I know all about him," said conclumyon bn:ag &!dressed parties:- suffortM cor atz years. but 1 It visa the day of the Abbotamcor the small old 1 g 7 no tete( from Iii I have takers steven fol moment I maw lint[ --[lead "' aoly, with a runt ail to bar. .1"01M," wild hoyden. gently, but plcm)t•, and Phoebe Owes, with n which greatly'sip mad some of the b "Tartelettes ou from• e a Is IdmV I'11M and I [a's Y- [ [notes of [koolll's K not offeringnow to [Ile Uric cJldto eare,laeumbsred expression at eoun. eta&Awv;'bail wWsomikoiy would creme;' replied Theodura, with long- nm Aumplsselr posy. I am telling all her. "we want warm water to battle teulane, rodded the finlrhing touches put It to him .a liar native tongue uid (r:gidlly my friends of the exommonos of thin to her elaborate toilet. . that j his face." Lady Lawrence• whoever rue "Good to stat r' remedy and i thank It a thoomissid I It wa. him, tit h. whole th^ w.'t " I. di u's know haw It Ir." ahs may he, std n,t ask for my portrait." Theodore. nod the dish, back :wig y 9 M Uarss a tM7.,. Yosury truly. Into the cottage, and wlrn the mother frette•d.' looking at hermit In Lite Ag►la the Ilttle Pbo:oagrapher's quark, to the footapa behind her waboul XAIUA tiU1MOND. had followed Win In she only fell an glsmr' as she D'1t ua tier tall flat- Una parsed on, and this time was In- deignigg a -r if. iia[ the g,:asce, in= St. Flavlr her kanime beside the llttl cotton-cov. with Its pink rower and b111g0eath tiircep:ed by hoyden Keith, who shook tended -ai it wrist for itttsr ann.btla- orrvl couch on w)WM huct��iv��lea lad ten. ogre. "bit whatever way I mj Ills bradlopd Bottled. tion, abood tta akr. Had His Revenge. 1 derly laid down thectdld. balm. I always look flee sntlle. t \o ntot�taur,'•Ire saint, In nL coat "Lt caro days, Ups. I'ayte:' 1 i A fougsy incident recently occurred "1 wtb It," rhe c upon 'agwln 'laying lora. ri this hew -py Imam Theo ,arae wale ; ;'I, too, mist a left out pet r [tile Helot, eluylsg hlmwdf at the JstttRn dee Plantes W Paris. a unit brown toad u the bis •ens niers. tort! it dorrnm'L rake mer lour of year picture " The elepHant house ad pen y' gcalally with tin, oft IaAy of •throe- the any Letter -)loan It. H000r t" plan that b forehead, u It to InIJe the strains she ''Yost don't [burn t e 1m of bring Wore yarn meld cwt, we had nvt. in ilk elements are located. mad a would not yet remove. "I saw death Thum appealed to. Honor noswtnled tate our family quite u Mr. 1'ayte (Hund ognt ', O vast adwtataps tat rtnrhlug to so>asp my child, and then I with pleasant ruslinei s. that -It was db,"fbsalaWked Th lamins. that Fi11ncq abLnr;atlows young oatn•1 recently introduced had i m►w hlnr eat ed :" not at all a Rued thing for girls to He stood' back, watching the little " Abbrev'attltrru' I o pl`e as via an gnat attention lavished on w to j Gently Boyden touched her on the ti altered by the way they did thdt Erew,timas arrange his group, and abbrevlatlot d 'jell,?' t Boot 1 In nay ha ises °f a bigtoftelephant. vital I •moulder, and fluid " what (dr lair ; and then she put her lies. I'ayte, chatting volubly all the young day.[ we 0.[113.1 a spade a spade � MSO b� en'rt of the public motherw w(„lld have relqulted Lo be head Sravely an one side Uw. took up her station near him .acrd we ca1N.i affectat.4n folly." truer In Shut gaits[. Tits elephant I toll. . to crl sire the plump Ilttle Lady PumerWn anA the rector mtotud Ez s [tat the t.a sof such a grew more Jealous day after day, cep ying� and matter came to s climax when. I "It to nes, want d bre," he wDts. figure which ahe had so patiently scare; the ptotographer, apparentlL mall and illegally cla'1 til.) lady must failing to sttrwet [lis &%"O- ng parr, W fliniarir. 'I'ogr thi-pow �B to if.►tly assisted to adorn. snore Interested. nnoaimarily be vulgar laathe extreme Una of • dalnty maldst who was car - mother ! Will solitude work gids ox Irak 77 WOIL ' inqu:n+d Phoebe anzicruslj, "Throxlora Treat looks very well to and below the notice of rellle] r:ud MzlrB !Le youag rivaL the elephant It been a siiock ?" What will they th:ak d k 1" that position," remarkef Mrs. I'myto, ,,,Halt[ mm:rut% Still auk[ dlvs tp•ecb (({� bis tr+enk with wager and tint For a whole hour he waited with I can imagine the rector's eyA her shrewd ever glistening u rhe would lav M,t w.tb a cru 6Ting re- age flue triton offending dneswel from head the muthrr and liar child -Iter omly when he emirs, 'Phoebe, my deaq watahOJ the prpwratiou to- the .ort from MGe Trent, jyd, t•e►ug Be, to (00%• r ,one; thst fact wnr plain to Wm with- [fid a vert/ arcufar costumier" photograph, "ant mile krt,ws W" It wan only consigned to s trcaarrtrd art a word ---iter ono one, aur[ she m -P You a.:s always hughiag and It nous at that moment, am Verrben obl:v'an,andTheodora graciouzyn cost- 8tratIcad Aug. 4. 1893. widow. 11+en Ir arse b go, for the aM:..ing M u you weren't, fienor,' wakesfuel toward his camera, that inowil bar effort, at leutiertitirment. Messrs. C. C. Ricbards a, Co.: little boy was slopping calmly, with said Phoebe pest.ably. But for &Al Tlno a., with a smilltg glantce, bark. But at antervali during Slid flay she O*ntioal e. -M neighbor's boy, 4 i a soft bnnA:igp rcuud )Ila hood. dill] that, now that .be anluotim perfor 1 tt0ll Boyden that, rhe wanted him. miAved herielf . by wualserhtg Irby �n old. fell ate a tab of bolll ng the mother's whN and pustleti eyes mance Mem over and she could see the Ts• Payte looked N"Y up into Isle }tat aole%LOe nata•tur-Sealpyeood I title Brad toned file Wcweed relief of teen. atantling toot amaembb is I1Ss enc an,l sale him rlutke hes head and ,d ng about ever have Lees altotrel water and got mcald.d fearfully. A "There are ons or two thirtgs Usat flan, heir own Ups broke into a twat- borw. /! tome amongshem, but wrsalways t duty later his toga rw011. d ! I want to borrow of yos," said Roy- d.ed smile. "Irwrnece wkt see that "liver nd of her:" &Ars said noel- Na bar' 1plent of broke Usage [lett natural size, mad diem Liven, "land a few tees of [relict av t i the sec &ate ,out In renal soma His pa r- 4 I lav made the Idoot of the money tis•-ly. ••. ns would have you In the thus wimrlsr, I:eernuL,� ak t war per- eq 1 y wants ground." he µre me, won't he, Itaagrd" pi.otagra it possible. It will make tartly aware In whore savor ohm hall °DIs owld got ewUtlmg to kelp hlal Qfb ural* In n moment. nnA "indeed• he will; but t moot rat a hideout pletaire," she eoatlaued Pee. arrhol UII I recommended M[NAR1yi1 LI11• tlhtargh the• t hw+tr's Mttpr work off. Think of ate keN in my dreaming mMtly. Witte placid enjoyment of her l,ery , )MEAT, which, arise using two int+ e7, my dear," as d Mra. ties eompbti ly cured b1m, I ttiw Wpad him almost as eflivlestly gown act tweetl1live mituina par- Idea• look at Hervey Trent's lacks Trent a.,ide t a her n rbev before they m' slid quite am silently as u man could twelve, and Iawrwce orwered the JaWleal attitude and Mr. Ilea hton'r know of several came around hese q [ eparatod eltor - C nr -tire more almost as remarkable. cured herb done. wagonette for half -past I"'• . . , owunpttou of carelreo east-. That Tfloolura ob-3wi rer ,. a.• to thin by tint "'och sights as tb••s3 'would -make , But, you ase," put in PboloW, nil- blue fabric on I'lic toe'M flood -111 .Itatte, ,, same LlulmenL and i can [rely sw��Ty most women oihrloY and taint." wil:ia even et l,rc her cousin In came cwt u a h w Wemish , ri[ o14,fiem.o a rt+'em Hunt I never handled a madiciee whtoh y and Craton chub w W Ino:.. ] ,u •hart J has had as a sats or v thought Boyden, "bot u.otlShir•womrsn. go, "I.awrtsnre w:li wabt fon you and Just notice tfre nmxn it of q*ice tell the g rl what bat) Vilat. title g°oa given ('an tier Alm Byer lane l6>ie1 on much not be "grit, and he ma4emt sorb I1Leodoxa'w ractrtr occupy. 37 Law ham; mho will unset-thpn:' ,Ica uWreral wtiafarUoto. &.atght before?" a fuse if I sal law Is Jane reedy- rpoor will know a great ,teal ahonnt Acting oomplro.rfly on ha mug- Gener•lM. BIde'ebasi '1�'laaank you for nil your help," lu0 mad how doss she leek r' tlrem from w (olnUtgrnph, won't .fro? ge*titrp, Captain Treat, ant �.i ani utr wild, aloud, "and for that quiet sport "Very nice," replied Honor abort- fors' Is 81110 to know, for Instance, that wil:ing.y drive Ilunor ae.de, to speak you clove for my dog grave. I will 1 for she never would allow any of Ilim Trent made all th« arrange serioud to her. A■ Observing tlalrt. o•vos sgAl a joa� y W Mee the lit- Anaheim rpitetz! remarks an Mins ments to suit herself, and that H,„tor -•"Thea 8mlrking up to Ilk mortar now da ,v, tie `td. Pike vifttw."Wbe all right, Sad Ham hton's al • oearance. irutps, standing so prettily there Toa• flivrvu t nth k of Poal� said: j Denson P. "How good ft ie of you to think of • 1 fancy he will never again loch him fla and sasdxeiow a Jane Haugh- ngnlnvt t1oA frump, Ix laughing the the t'hsp even At • p:cclic r' "�' havocl'g I beam s gv. e . way through difficulties anti ob- too might be to hen' nun k:nswo- wlwle nothing of the thin to return? i began gdtig to Sunday act, [ 7 [ ttery told her raeioysi that of steels* up to qua railway line." mea, this young kiaBwnmrt, on whom �! I live rb petbtnoe w tit any of � � y Yes. ts7 lamb[" annwered Sae ttmtsOlr• [ nature had lavished -mer fairest lite ' course he always thought of 'these "Naeem again." the woman re- firm." sr fondly. taragmd, l0 her Arena wa Iron nn g t I I sure, Mn. Pa tr," Bald thingar' avd then had chi mortifica- "And you trust me now, dm,t Y y• had never a word to say against 9 T tine o hoeing her escape froom him as oat" �' dro,opintg vacant eyes still fljced Jone's appearance. Lieu lanwhing. "Perhaps It yoahad swiftly a puws.bie and straightway "Yee, marls upas Boyden as he stood in ;he low "In her to I mean," explain- the pre. the plrture would not joie a group ,a which the OLnoslotts �" ii cottage kitchen. "I have dot thamkptl ed I'bdebe. "There's Lawrence .oml- •teem galto w hidaxoms.' old laid was a rorotiaosat ti 7:Kn what make/ yew keeq the yom Yet,' Bhe faltPrsd ; "I catusot.' lta ! flotre we asp, I raw rpnco !" war "M+►ybe. Fox g,wdneas' ante, let y P g11ife• sNwne piss looked rap In Mw gantry ss "vow we are o,a over the bonne." the saes u ever? Colner'o Vlsekl t "YOut tlattlu arc due elsewhere" cried. rushing "peat tart. h and down ole walk about till 1 ,lit (arse hover:" Two or three wo.ces sli.I it at once y' said Roydetn gently, "not to rale." the rlalra AL lent, hero I o n, They by t rtrull .l yu L • h .If a Mlle -- i A low timflaw more rte lit otid a general move was made. Jane MllNr's Co tKered• and Ilonor wou't be a minute." ecru lite home, when Itvydcu Icavear Houghton toss and shook tit., crumbs BEs. alDapd Imp Pills; why i i hardly lit ova yet to leave her without e.vell a thought oaf mperemptttde &tart ant &t'xol still, fn her .w and ioneliname; ant'. g from. her lap, h,avins g s;gb over the Phoelor'• oeltlsfanuear, Honor ran 1'lu'.r t' -I Brice hovrd of title mak, itrundant remnants' d the feast. high Death Rate 1■ 1r001M f turn -sot the tlnt time atmos he had lightly Into her own room. art] flys 'te saki, as t•h"y st'ippedl I,for. r. [seem the child's unc•rnschwa f rer y E'ieru, who during the dinner had bass est the death rate la its k, minutes afterward /prang down Uri-Dbixhd oak tree on ti:e o'utikirir or been worth two err three of the ober y dM4tg against the evening llg.nt, last new ate tab this loll. alight :IlA park. (1t of Me=lon was nearly 44 per panting engine Ur.*. 1'a to Ir put to titer, was J 1,�, or about the gene u [lines while be beard the In g y xtko l up inti Ill, fncp, mom° gid quietly wait I t,Chase o 1t -thesis rushed utak into g unezpnctally lassltie Lawrence .ng on one aiol:t,try lase wk• diced d Bombey. It is az Dost w lie paoad to mind fro waiting far "' I them h gh.•r, am nig the branch(s Amon the avenue trails at a little toasted that the 111 mind iJw rorAive of Lith search of her. A the on k. g owning of a new drainage my ten, "k, ler' " (est . Lawrence, I dill not ser rp d." ante. which Is to take+ lace sone• will est "I limes brae[[ flo•M L'' Ala sand. "t, ' "Of coons," mitt• return:vl eh•1 ly D g1t "everything 'Will be ropnelc \U8 hamp.,r or �a � �ke rate oset-half. that cottage txiyrxn tiro Abbotanoor lou : I fancied you would be fmm• J [ at,»tt of 1 Mydd, Ittm'. will he wrote it f All t s ria Ing on the box of the wagonettel' placr, hew boon well talkeA r,f." eat than �,h woods• wlteh 'Ibrnit, the miner, cowl gs here ate what Mr. Keith Miller's Wore Powders stye a woo• ' 1 cbtoPs to tomo here Inetraoll' " Thl.a [ren maul bee tit nlsanrl yen r. into 7 sa oler/al aledbhw for wllments of cblld- %o Iles- Ile had a (rewriontio I believe 11,' Royd4h (a itlnn d mov;ft n arc -r, brought. loll extravagance I" Do ytnt to retuOtnWr them at t1elA Lnwrostoe, trying to sawnme s i R'.th her mint ardor Sri+ pressure, Top, h►itppsrt and It la hollow." Ione Fin tom pu& Up her rascal all l^ atcrntiroe which he nook[ not fe*I -• IgD 'No. rer..••• while rhe stood be" him In net How Qa:ck yoy are." oke erred the tall mover rtoi'dlr to:wtrd, d� enc 8wss Barker's Ckaw. brl ht and 1 4d lady &I- she tr:Dp •A around tin " '11se woman's answer came clear and [ girlish \wanly. ' FYL Mn rreparect So 010 her d11ty by v awing Judge Mrtertan at title Wore% ulek. and her eyes the box beside me. Honor, and the tree. Yon rpok3 hefo:e you halsie:. >i�i0 q glee starUM In the o��., Jur hNL.e. HOmsor K.. up et this aro- UTmili tbn referred to Sam Bar. ( their umnnyoxl `asA. man nnA the hamper shall go Ia• Ole w -ay & --` - fbent and jo:ne.1 the grtmp, teem m TAectneKt u "a mlf•oom- "00 Fats snots 1 am particularly side." toPP�sg"tian In front of "Where have, yo„t,beLni" IntuUat vict•d Yar."-ooderleh 84mal. anxious to event w1Ui some [mora of With only A light shake of the is 1-Perturo four or file flet high sad Jane. _-__-- -_ - Udo50l-girt. I say, bei I am think• head for M answer. Ilaruor stepped t couple of seer[ wisp.. Only Unkink to Mor:m'onr verr1 •n. Kinard'@ Linlsswst Is 11amd by phy. I Into the w " WILAt n hngp trunk:" mhn Meld, [ maid he oomM go over t.ho loom*, too, dclaoa 1j Inc what she must have loeern Len P wagonette and err. year aga Iihe 1B a wntmatty of thirty sghtm ►ollowed her, b I'hoette's I.xding 1p•ovew the twit ol lark thin[ .N It wee stow. 1 should Urlsk." gbrat d.tlght. hll re alnrr t, mail former[ a kind' of lis trbtsLt Ilse b Ma The eduested Cook. CIO at th« omi'raftcm ty the onvl%y the ettami., iwl w No Anowgi'. and iRoydep went on, "I Uwac!it you were going to It Bash go with tit nttvmgits when Frdotrl-•-I can't understand why UM gags w lltUe more ha%moU hes drive?" remarked Jam. Tn'v hollnw would dine a dozes pro• rge y Impertinent fiFA III& 1 I ke to Bret ihcs treev or. " have been,• ts�Yete] 7'laeo,fora, you .don't tYndiw 1 your qthoughts awaking to snwpiclon. "NO." he arirwered, c11rtly. "Take the an al I estate- -Vito-do 4 '°Idly. cook. Ln'L It pass keN to get antler[ 44 "You h> na{ lutpl eft, > ua s„Y, to n•Irsi, }lata" 7s»• Keith f" • 1r.+ natlln an errnnge- H°°sswJa-'Ib mok• Yes; but wltn love leberd wham .she Nval now, or It was mrarely half are hearts drive I sh(:ul.l," rcpt ,:,1 Ruytlon, walking ,nenBt " po e 1 the reit rr, "an t thin will help may ohllotrert In their reach - 4 - oven her naren r' flogs Lite I.archs to Abbotomnor, et In Otly ort at %b: little Is,Jy'r xl tot, '•IlIgneous t-11 __ de - "iia tea'' Y', a --g She wagonette was the last veb�, 1 o(uW ase It mtillarol pad beautified. other. "q•� ® dependent It to teras -- Better• "Can .wrw troll no w1ltUitr the Cliffs which drew up before the empty man- wilt n alan'.a hand and hair[ rat wart --at ll ti clock for Sea and [or oar TWO oo�panLes of the FlMpin" have flan name d any of your npighlore oto, elhe�sll tM g sets wore gath- it"" It and a womftn'.t bright, &wort Lara hoatewarl." surrnrdered at TarlaO. Is Margwratt It world help arm If cared. ru..4111omounting anfl others p 'ro' "Nut homewnel," part In Th,odors, - T_ __ .r you ought tell me oven sfo little am wtan•fing about. Thnre was Tbeak,ra, Can you fano-y, it t" ting the w,wdi from Mpg Trent. that., trttpleaobet In romL-asd-whits ram- ', i-er' FAMILY MEDICINE CHEST [ R lieu aro nearing to I>-wrgrocp [hair, Her stnrthebd gale odeepeasi s lit Alan, 11 sear tits <yart Proal tial:" wiMl the c1l 1wdT, anwvvwr tbpa.�*; we want to f nlah th3 'lag } dee ng braagnely It"y,teri'i gnlAt wort, nth radance. You all promlao to "'' ,: " - -- - ^-- - --- can a8 ooh aG1 MYdotelenn'.t money „ya r TW Wft w Av6M Me DKIW nigh► Is Ahwye M it in Tt 1ftgw hat sill whys nor The "all" wts uttere,l emrtainly, rave a settls sf mien's gsrI 11 �r •i You Can Read the. -Favus g} �how It eat geroeyRoy Nut c woe pito tct n)nOt Kath thatd " [+wf Vesy rawly." retnraerf Rn7d er he emir sol to tura Jnat In that In• a A" messy }a Ilia Ing on the wipe hour* which I.ty po, win lNbsrs brow Go to line am tewrogato, f a". Ifo Aid not iuepm to or'e them. C&VWe poatbly hoM ,,r,t'(% this and th- general aoroeptanc I w[thout ZAi wing haat Vrberee to Moths - - - -- that bmnthvuiPb Glen of than being a „( Thpodota'x invitation wta Mnrty Pbs"Tk*ir Kmad oM • Reetlltee- in cure of Olt Myri delton's money t Ike Anough. Matt. Fayfle, who certainly Oese of on 1•marsweq. nn hrlbve that h1a evil%h, If well - Of the People You Meet -The Irritabilt , (h 3 91MM, the p,„, iMl'-p hat, „dd not do the had not pnrt"Inrly address- in eats *r ssddeP rckaeas It «Idele axvl that T 11- motMy .l no, serf the p,.1 evert If Inrladod,' thanked if law weroe*ary to srsd rnr the doet.r It No"fl. -� Deoair Caused by Brain trouble, tatmiNervet or -1 the ',,tin arul Trent to a 'ar.1 Marked manawr and ire Is to be had, roe sore tka■ an year It «;: [•rMrou0ly pweoi- etpn•m.l he•wplf air trtotet happy. has been Primed by tbeeowds of grit•fol and 'm overished Blood -1 here is Hope in r•titrn In ilns,ingr Olt the glvorrr• eethere an Inviting me new P I P "Rave Ynn llo•0nre to mha,t ovrr y. sp*etalty 'No --old A(ydAeltaou's." opposed Mn adapted rer rgelly sae. snit one seed raver s the Ahlterflsot„ox 0tetetp. Mr. Kill t" feel aasloaw as lea a these is • battle K '"40 - Dr. Chase s Narv� Food. Puyfn mww "[ r ashM Hotrnor, mw tile/ walked nn Ir the brew. 1ir�r-e11Nt:ae r- +• ' • .2 eearLrtg an epitaph which ran in thin g T. Iii-.::. way : ward the boast. Nor,,,,** earns tttothsettb In sae Mtawto, .orarhe mad iegda,hw Im two slwetrs, If *;' rl'hta u isle age of brain trouble, of wgdl of :tihAlr ben mboeri. RNvytMse That i B(t*nL that i hsA; •Yee.•, tTb be OosrbetasAl ,•ramp* la eve etimetro. rrempt revetu heart faihno0, d paralysis. and of nom'. nrrvnwmran. IrHGiblAt3, brain W11 follow Its naw In caeew of rrwd., sere :^ .''t'• . body wetlk:"*w. )lou inn read It In tag. lits. of Memory and ewupr�y. herld Thrill i Rnr% that I have; - --- _ thrnwt, front etre., ,bnM■Ir tied Atte, of tM fwnms rat' tial 0001110 yon meet. woke. nwtv,us fl-vrpwpA, an Hmilar That i list tMt f foe%.' "i war went• acnreely nDla toArng haeru. Ito monelons, p►nernNy pew - , 'rhe boo"We mon. the factory �a1ltRtplrr+as are rmovrly the b•yt lvtingm Mn you sol how oh1 Myddpiton awn myarlf About. a►wlly wnr,IpA, and K sate 1t n*►rr e*ntss einem nerd tat quite Alsroar ot1 ; rMn041112 n, Overt Ino vi hwn(L the prolemiou.1 man rind h1- pit what WIN mast nrwarWil� Plitt In ager[? He spent little, an he had Int 1 sR i(Illpr's Ck,mprnm'1 IN rah old* tiM be k Rot smeame� w� r,• iNvrer wltkA fhei Uwlr ru*ry0w aye. ons Drovt+aLun. pmrl%131dy rye!- tie. h0 gmve nine. to he had none Irmt I'lllm rapidly brought utiout n Plaint, Dllrrhooe mad all atooneeb MR. . e' . tease giving away brforw the tprrl• ` I1lasnaftY or other dreadfnf ner. Anil Ile loft momb. rt he I,twt mightily changes'" .-- . -Y-- entero ".thing rat sive inore.+pews, relief bM ethith of keen oral ,a..�.� than NerrlOa*. r � '' pelea ne ,.p....wtai, Yore► I hthiA -reel Men ,A w0allh Tet In 9110 teat* Yet Although rer w.rfinl ems nrpN iw Ise • _`..� Nerve rettroo I• brlvesr r'crtsaarted ata 4 1^�m;af mad IF, 'stent, tt�e! of whew 1 t9wnk '•r +%t f1wp. they mn s.y�. • r f" tvemt•eoka• rete. aw, tbm u:otxl whIglh lar• CTmaem Nene " rare. rkh Ix+c+haNng to, w rt9miwor, h lot Nwrrl In* to Perfso0, berms," '' .'I' MOM M114Wo WP -1 this rose tveera.a blood Is f(, 1. wwetM nerve cell• always the k tGhite of n unto'e. •v y�T ii6fl i? chi p A {ftotmC •~~* M iewNasrtwv►d with mfN� ew e►o AY' I11 t ettvcnal't" 010 a int ITI torr xo.e of latest as volt s* to the tiAew it a het alta. weak sed # v The wWl* Mot re'sbeed anti rvRalltr•d awn the Th" r+Ahe worm opmlioi In the iglyhnado I I #bat Merrill*w ,annwt M sntp..s.e by asp, , "rimpt of pane rvir+ft 0:11th and ,mrtng systam L ret:tyl 1,,-I with new life. of the avanna 14vw untie. whil•h • alvlh)R tilt- wattntx to uoAentarrI that ewmMotiNmn for then f M p.t*. Th ra- f0es+r+ir In AN ntetn caepw M t. enlrply wow vtsallty and now r•o nfMone+.. DIB merry grnwp heA gaU►mMd -hAn stir kx'k a felon ily Intprrrt In him tine b a gree ewe, tr mwt.tns the tiwa9 .,' I M sM+nAartoo of r;Ah, red wood, knri"lm ptwlUvely anti 1wrrulnvirntly Itnydon mad Mrs PA1ta name rip. ..rah, [tial r1It h fairly njo.i he nn- &test Ir*tw*t *ft late*[ al vowed re • lotimalants mar delvA the heart at rem al tut It haw prat mm,•Jn)at what otydie"lits • ew&1e porn en10.0 [tete a retire roa A atm. for n tmwr. limit tbw neer ,- rem) `'oral 0n•1 olnspnlr Wp wrp phis wit t n was t for the now rem , fit r,wti a lxtnn. No bile Ilb.- we°"rr ria0 any ntb.r the wtwtit nr,n,pt. QM to rape lr^ marl ov>nrnsel. a stales+• was M,tilrgl rias far tlnpes kr .any hnv t 10 oe tine lynetk Ilwt-"- fyk�tyavd ,eat* Awnwe►nM rw .:.N.. !t tits w6h «„.A with gtv*toe va/ao fotatatl• on t. tftw wmtght Irt+raamew M bw,e wh).y Uvron" o .)bet In thief, t•hk• eO T1alss"FP�efald. ill# we')* .' nae by stn drssnstsswlivr v f40Atd Aetalnnas nourtah• 1111A ttkue Ses rOWO tin %be CYoak* awn 1410 way. And (I4of Al! fry lin _ . i 'm• -'tis rare! dry t0v s"stI11a11de 111w pheettmrczaI on(r.wt /rAtrh hre• taring over the mmol, ffor which Pv if ttr rhim Is "ALT-41111t•ovsipmma �,, ,-.re pmf:v ache, and Irregalarl be -:t nntle.n at a ht. vomit Itoyt as Dr. I• w Nerve arynwll was rsad.f iinwnlora'ti eyed ,lowned pest. �.iarrd is ( has ofotitM to ne, wlalbw R Wena, ,are. Of an atwss '. w .4 by, tM lime off rer. is eM too ifls aaa t!ti wlt.+t RMtw s/wss*ret d her own p&taatal ill it inn, w does of '�z w1f1*et cafe at tarre tissta Pntresitaw i *iNe'Ir �ws} 1rNrM'vr/ Ma 7v,rrt -.lf • .,er strsslgtheednr. InvlKnr wee. as ePan4 wx rl and ri yA �ntw tees •*A wart rtnry,.r TA*ma -a}lr, _ nrki tie great trrllA wdrtR 1r1fIeMNn Nn{ A�. I. what M r'Mn',W; F . � .r,� tie Wexxd. wad from het• sem mttpni at LW irrrugbh irtp et, \rata- s*M t..tt♦ eu,mt It b r. am ( -^tar&tire. mitres RM local. • -9 i•w,wiw mwA L 'x` Mleterl tvtbMey w14h triton, Dist. t [item* on (we.fnl Rhe tv•► Frr Peat betwM- - __-_ prow Dw ap,rt rw Ir*r•n..,I"Pea •r "ll ,' .A-� L-' nor [►111 titsalu' a pill f,n„t_ Rf1n wrmthrs pmnpk wrlM� F^ •epi IKPit.h anti Hsrwny Trent AMM --It mow beitiw ttwtwt+s�►reA Mr tin, rwarro MNwsmY W boa --it nil don WE. -•ntt-I m rs4utrq a ML of �R ah y.ro . - .'eye b a01 so or E4eaaeoni Settle a Co.. Torari' • +•,Aber all the o9Mrf t&M M smaN. to Mte ��y .' ADAINIT vuioAINrT: XUi&WjV"ql16TVr.14;P�� F71109 On Thiele T". , Vulgarity Is not moo" "Z b roe temporary suoceas, but a Wlbg akin to v uyfarlty which Boons latflsr.a•aLN W mt b many lines et Into aM Is publicity. 0110 reason why we seem more valgar Ulna our fathers isUta , we mare aume so generally to the real- izatton of the commercial value of pubinC!%y. A mall van t.0 good In aa, customer. and live justly W V1a sight .it (kid and bear hlmW1f haudatMtWly towards hlj loilo;. without auyy suW- awulsg of wtwamow But whae is becomes a gttwstbu d selling rbutL he to excusable to ooucludln` that he can clever sell e:tough to make himself tins witbust beatlug & dram ami sticking his picture on the outer wall. Let him stink his picture up It bis business aeems W require it, but pub fishing i,letu►rs of other folks who have iso latersst is bin business mpni don't want to be pawtmd la a different tatter. The law ought to regulate that. Tile law In the State of New fork now regulates (by forbidding) it 0 pub- Ileatiun of let%en or private papers fumed among the effects oa( persons who have been dangerously hurt, or have died suddenly, or o uiumitted nob cide, oulaw a coroner directs such pub - notation u a awns of Identifying the dated or d1morertag a erime. TId4 law, which the Governor elgnted last w,oek, Is in timely restraint - of a sBpp0e00We of publicity which war some [lass very cruel, for the practice has been to kook upon papers found on the unknown dead as the proper loot of measatlonal newspapare. to be print- ed without regard for tke reputation of the deoaassd or the feelings of may survivor. -E. S. Martin, In Harper's Weekly. To Core a Nid Is One Day I[fveDiane Qmla1•e Tahleta An .a�wks.miili�X The Ieelaees Illudon. The late Dribs aft Argyll was devot• ed to hes bale at Inverars .y. and DV )am%. boars. says She Woislmluwter Gasette• were vezed with the lltu- Won that he was flying away. from IL "They showed him the place from his window -%lie loch, the h1116, Lite garden and the woods. 'ft is very Us mold be; *take we bowl' •• Be Is Nle best aooasntaas who can out up oorrertly the mom of his owe errors-Nevlaa GAM RWUMAT" bE GUR[D f Tow ma't Lou wrtarat tryttes - - EBY'S DNSY Otis - - The New crostlsod C�mpmwd, wowdmywBy wabetivw In caring "- l? �y�, pQsaewlsls. Perstter Ars jtt k mak ,, (Tarte_ aehtia brslm�rrdri Baa"ders, Troll sea sold by all ell oMa+ts at N its. or li Il. F. IGBY. G7sMist, port Isgfe, Ont VIRGINIA HOMES. Yw few all almost Viglad& hialk Bak water• dhmme, resources, peodwis. finita, be -i, mods of mkiesmha, peaces, era. b reading the VIRGINIA ]Aa Yat. Seed lot, For Imes Mases- nbs«iptim to Farmer Co., Punporia• UE NO 22. 1800, ,, Young Girls Nw ea3y It is for young girls to so into the •'decline, They tut Wli and Ino, become pPsl!,a,rand paler and call nway drag through the dye They are on the study down. ward coftna• on does them no good( sir ch nine and bit- ten til (ail. They need a food that will nourish them betkr, and a nedkilt• that wig tor- sect thtlr djssim. Scott's Emulsion Y loth of dlitm ekjpNdtjr gsd pre. Irtrnmtlr ownhme4. na Cod-tj w Od m/Ilar the WOW Alp^ OW tltb SFva better color f• ttte ilei The Aypophoso" of time wed soda ad U a +frons brit to ft rnrvrs. Soon site wdsFat Irtoxu,x& ft sll"bon tmprovn and httalth ,)At all s.v. Yt wM fL9T a WNNttTMrW, Taty mantras aid Lke" ear imm Of Hook woes_ shlp0.0 front Mkhlgan to Western 0.aaatla Tsrtterday tmtkr LM,alreottbe of GOVWU rsat Agent BOYS &:'bub mmft; 4. Ad, , Lawns, W7.2, RiebwPd +t., Imdos, Oat. A•K YOUR dsOCNR rOR TUX NCW (Wfte oas11hM W owectared Laemlastoe, Oat: tree .ya�la mat oil 41. pltastlon : tlapericr to au ot\ara Q ♦ ORN1• WART rUltOUR TWO N[w A iseeoi.re TLo ICD4eaey of eo11u Afttor 0~ basks V snit amid -Dwight L Mood,. TN Inas W DU Miedos -; tk* books an wall welites and aP 04"s. a" we ant a robs" .it owmaw. Tbsr wbn-%* iso: at ItsLaii60 *Kim hbosd; estate ass Make uawey If the, Sake boli at M mea nog nor books. pro. poste+ from, If ,m Mona Ionizing, nabs, .r eenweamto brL asovanowboso&t withame Berge Ywthdht book soma TM`Bat• 640=�t� fto mor Comdoems.aowr�- - F. awrowrom after aro[ deer woo. need to ap Ani pfh rear Btlasrt ll»o)�"oUo�.M. ~tatnmtlo ill= :w /e aLtilldr.. FO It areal Q41 eiBd, mnaso this s�,r moo mad r tie tee rwMsdl ar D1.naMs. wmost• M aooitMe - • ►otsla What Shall it Profit a Grocer? 1 41, �` �o-"''• If inn DOSSUS all othnrS but lack the One Ret;opniznd Standard Super, St. Lawrence LAWRENCEST GRAMUTATI "' OGranulated, 9 Tke That Profits the Gonsumer. ,.�': , ,4 100 PER GENT. , i P iw' f • , 1� : " , , . t. .s,^ Mr, Ower -Have You Considered? - . Mr. Consumer -Have You Thought O C ir tt =I*: W$200 IN GOLIXfa; ♦ • opt-- ' f) L T ra g ♦ ■ Ftr1E. •eco see We will smifn the above award to any pesos w►o wg� esrs�eti lettere to_sye11 tine named d theme oamah Cassdlso [[that R�wei Yaj a •bvo Try IR vv'i0 will paytivel aw wry meayN ar �r mm' 6bowld there M sue tfiayin „a1� sf nosy • ,line y M nor nowt...., .6ould are t." (M t % a mw arose, win 1 eQ..t))• to.perreose sem In ooyeert ewes, osoh war rw.Nve obealA we do�Li l` Lme�awJonWr_Irw.t da �ow�oaressrr.hhy-ill term Va l�,a; twenty par"10 IeAB mrob. Agli° NO MONY WITH YOUR AN&WgR• A.'*,.i: ARRA teens k A : rd will de, Address N Y. ampptr Us,. Bps O, Ordils, Can. - ----________�Ww __ ____ A Waltham Watch for$6 , '... 1F,,will a �.' o: WaltkaM w'ateb le~yp�mMak1e�611ver ('.sae, mtelwlwf ?'�-•' w • sMs1iPx1�Paaee,U��)tiso 8-�nor os11 Md, wad moWO.wfsmull t oll ,i�two1% 7ssr mese. [. m- f t il.'=T,L"t.r. uL .Nr...aa �_.rw.- -• wsow meat 0y nom a OaiM y�a� as to *an ,nor -will a Ton mar Potd�slse to ad" }a aw mM wkrmaossVegas Wi!y is a& year nese. r ewe ;XXX aw to rem Y this be so you need aM neat so *o!, mso•b tm weOirsM�1. but ewe win "ayou trity d iM wnha N wseA of gest mad tat- tlN -ateln • If gw� a for you to t1� ptpo�n now make his eswr =, tp prrv'"Lar, Mid ubtimB.rww we Rem etwata�loer,.,a=a and at&sa&� Lh1Aat.nw lies May want is . ' . BAR R it ca W P. 0. Box Gam NOW, OMw T