HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-05-10, Page 8et
The Wheel is looked with a chain and padlock, sad we haws a box fu11
Of boy. amongst which is este key that will ttnlook the Wheel.
On every Dollar purchase in our
Store you may draw one Key,
.rad on Saturday, May 86th, the Wheel will be placed
in the centre of our store, and every person having one of the above)trys
can try to unlock the padlock.
The lucky one to open it may carry away
Wt the Wheel:
Bee W heel in out window.
This week we are offering special values in Boys' Cloth-
ing, good fitting, good style and at little prices. Boys' Sep-
arate Pants, too, you will find in great variety with us. Both
good and cheap.
Boys' Navy Serge Suits at $1.25.
Boys' Brown Tweed Suits at $1.50 and $1.75.
Boys' Navy Blouse Suits at $1.00.
Men's Suits at $5.00, $4 00 and $5.00.
Men'tSomtller Costs, Navy Blue, at $1,40.
i'Isys--Beomnit r -P stsc Tsui -tie vagi s0C, at 84c, -45s ciao
Boys' Wash Scor, 75e and $1.00.
Men's Separate Paan�te, all sines, large variety of pattern,
special, at $1.00.
wearying .hasp e. eke tames armed bar..
Perot Stewart • Sim lamb Oa Taw
day moraine twit dogs sero 001104 ► day-
break st J.e. Wateoo's werryter his dock
The ram I.yht tee delle Wed and kept them
at bay MU help tame. One of the does el
oep.J, bat one, a young cog eight »oaths
ad. was 'raptured and taken to his uwoer,
wke tam ides furs►w{6Y:,'. T+ u Vtedir west
idat16s1ea od-dtireR WOW $u `Waft
died Irom the sleet of tea fray.
These are extra
See our Bargain Lotof Men's
Stiff and Soft Hats at 50c.
Fancy Patterns, light and dirk
colored Dress Goods, worth 40o.
and 50c, for 25c.
A good line Fancy Dress Goods
at 10c.
Lovely Blank Crepons, the new-
est pattern., at 75c, $1.00, $1.25,
$1.150 and $2.00 a yard.
All the new shades in Homespun.
and Broadcloth. at $1.00, $1.2.
and $1.50.
Prints and Shirtings
New Patterns, best fast oolored
shirting., worth 124c, for 10c.
Special line of Cottoned's., worth
25o, for 18c
Extra Hmvy Wide fast oolored
Prints, new Patterns, at 9c.
Silks for Waists,
Silks for Trim -
=lags, all the lat-
est shades and
patterns. We im-
port our silks di
rect and you will
find our vetoes the
best in town.
'lu.wAy, Mar 8
Joke Jebest.w. of Udsreb, has bow to
tows lately.
Mr. Freq. lermsrlt W ti•ytiad, w now
Me twet 4. the Royal Hetet
Mir Blasthe Jamloses of Fordwlub,
Melted lir sister, Mrs. R. G. Owsenore.
Mr.. J. McDoeald sad daughter Oway,s1
0.derkk, are Maws Mee. Job Uardiser.
TuesDAv, May Uth, 1900.
Mw Leers Tb.rleet, el Dederick, le re-
moving wgasislaaess read the village.
Mr. sad biro Uo. Hawktw .ttesd.d the
naval of the 1st. Mee (Auk In l olbora.
ea Sunday lest
Rev. Yr. Gelation. of London, oeaduoted
dlyls* service' a the Kee11ab chart* his on
Se.day seerslag leas.
Harry Hawkins left for Klso.rdla. WI
.ask a start work with the atme »wean.
His sister Heine aee.mp•al.d him to nen
treads for a short while a that yloalty.
Yr. McLaren, M U.dertab. a at presets
sieving ho.... far Mr. Stith, lar.
Seheeshae and Mr. Crawford. all of whom
stand making Impr yem.sa .o their
agat•aleak The preeMoas .white.il win
pad Is titer ssseoaeMse ad youteshass led
to l.s o1 property sad of 111a The Waylays
of blllierd. .ed the see of disc rise were ob-
l.otbd to. Last Seedy evsal.Rs wormer/
wu on the theatre. The test was M•Khew
3 10 "Aad now the as is 111J until the root
.1 the trees: therefore every tree which
411141Flawegeg triter lir' tj„
euro and nisi ditrIlic err' 1
Wilson wept late ,be b story el the
stage to .bow that *km, io uot.ot or Meed.
sem UMW, at tlwrinked most mid h.ld Its
greatest sissy. thea sonatinas sad the
mural decadent* of the people were most le
evidence Ho was mol opeakisg, he mid.
weaned Shakeapearl•a drama ; but ht w•
beaded the sage was mot esoeamry to the
realisatloa of the beauties sad lastnotivs-
mem of Shek.speares works -tea aster's
preeeoadoa of the e.mpoailten might met
be se good as me's owes oenteptlom of tie
Three-fourths of whet wee preheated by the
thews* sow was rubbish. H. starred tea
theatre with beteg the haunt of oaeruptlw
and Immorality and the fousdanm of meat
of the trr.Uglea of the day, quoting mem
who were themselves eml.asealy ooameoted
with the stage iS support of Mt metestfos.
Mr. Wllem's ..bjsot »est 8ud.y arming
will be dements.
Norton- Tbe Mal .gears a oapaa
toe Tan fb.xAt le at the oimca of J. D6. W As..D-
J,P., eon same. Ito. who will receive or.
den ter ea mime. advantaging sad jos
wart. sad Is authorised to give eee0w ter
amounts paid for the same
/ `I A. NEWTON. DENTIST. 01 LUl1ti-
l� sow. wW rata kle tsipa a Dtmasa-
mm a AMI. -et sad ped rriday emeh month,
TusDAY, My 8th.
The year 1900 will be less remembered
to the Q.M's visit to the Emerald Isle a
►.r 81st year, the Trammel war, tea Ingle
famine and the Ottawa sad Hull oseflsm-
Ngw tecussawT - Roy. lir. Goldberg.
the new aesmbeat .1 the Kp1.00pslisa
eburok. osedooted serves" bees Mat Sunday.
There was a good altm0.aoe. We are In•
formed that some years ago he wag locum
beet ae Looknow sad 8e.. He1..'s oint-
mea &
COMING ams Ooisu. -Yr.. Faielale. as/
"iilielie ;iilillilkwaft heNiidt'ffN11001K a
Terms....01erge Walker, of Gerrie, dark
of the terrain* .f Howlett. Ss.dayd with
he parents. Mr. sad Mn. Jas. Walker.
We were pleaded to dee bum look well and
Lovely heavy wide Taffeta Silks,
,.11 shades, at 75e.
Muslins -
A splendid Line of the new Mu. -
ling in the new nal -row and broad
stripes, special values, at 160. 20e,
and 25c a yard.
Bee our new Silk Muslin with
lace insertion for yoke trimmings
sad waists, really the prettiest
novelty of the season.
OUR MILLIN"•RY DEPARTMENT, situated at the
end of the store, is bright with all the latest ideas in trimmed
Hats and Sailors. Come in and see our styles ; no trouble
to show goods. A special line of Children's Muslin Head-
wear at very low prices.
Every Want In the Dry Goods Line for Man, Woman
or Child we can Supply at Reasonable Prices. ;
Smith Bro's & Co.
ARLOWFaroeT Ms, 4th.
11 .11 .beaMace e boer dMm. It has ter
H&.erd H.ss has mewed a Beath a1.,
.ad le Impr.vi.g i• boa*.
Rev. R. Resdrgas has rennet, tram
losdes, where ke wog .tssndi.g limed.
TU DAT, May 1M.
Mn. Beseer,le bas hese say early ler
She gess Mem weeks
0.arp.Oe...ero end ga•. R. 0.. Wised
tattoo a trip be Me Bans.
Wdw Mire. M. Mss mafiosi Welly
mitt aleaseelea .t Me aver.
Miss M. Jessica» .1 Teederieh, le nat.
tog her dee as.. k O. °assure&
Beare elemf.g to Ms tinder .f the day M
pssssst sod "L year bore elee.W dose 1"
tea meet popular gueetbes•
W. J. Deed Wei. Ile lay are dels a
rsHtas bestow a Orgasms wirer. They
bare sell eft tee Is et is,.. weeks.
11. 0. 1L Soden .1 Ws
Huse have .pe.od • en ter
ONewa sod Hell are e. a
Hawn tem.geesevaed hem the geese
ase, oboe* he w a ponies as err moor
se maim
t. ay. 8e will u
ltv ink ftawt%, aaa .t twist Smet. e1 the
o% _- a d 5 &Ma
Pen Meuse, Iowa has sneered • Mk.
gasp» •s Mos Teter, is Me dome ewe so
fifty deters * meetk. We .esetabsba
True es hie Stasis MM..le W7. tis
,..er.Uy to ths ieeM
fin* OP.
Move Meet ,.1I
Victims to Monteith, liver and kidney
trouble and feel the reealta in lose of
appetite, backache, nervousness, ►.eadache
and tired, run-down feeling, bid "Klee.
trio Bitten are just the thing for a man"
writes J. W. Gardner, of !davile, lud.,
"when be is all run-down, and don't care
whether he lives ur dies It did more to
sive me new strength and good appetite
than anything i ouold take. I can now
eat anything and '.lave a new lease o0
fie,.. t Mini. Nveryr *s.res-
t..ed by Jos Wilmot', druggist
Ixraovaisair N - Wm. Theorem sod
Jobs Ulm aro Welly eaga..d i mailbag Im•
pesveeseea ole thou respective prem1.ee,
TM former is .malrsotlag a belch dw.11ag
bow, ad rwvatl•, his pesesat dwelluag,
sad the latter le toddling • Naas toaadeuon
aider Ms dwelling heves Titers we .leo
other Improve» ate bear made a milers -
lad and renovtleg, all .f which u hem
8alebd will add greatly *0 the appearasee
of oar out sad growls, vUlsge. Railway
. oeommod.tlm and fire protmtlm u* snob
Comas CAu. -(A Friday, April 97th, as
W. McMath was wombs, from one aide o1
the frost street is oar village to the other
aide, be met with se adoldest which; bot
for isestdlai• .taaasce, mirkt beet re
w elted e.rloasly. Owlee to his not bawler
good *ymeigbt. he mew is testae with a
here and boggy and felt between the hone
and frost wheale. He was qulokly relieved
by ono of our endwise, who fortaoetely hely
ped to nee the sandiest. We w pleasd
to be able te tate that be escaped with
.light i.j.rleelof wblob he win 1000 recover.
NEWNESS Cosvoa,-T. U. Allo, pmol
pal of Desganae• public sHoos, has r.esatly
pereba.ed the .took of groceries from A. 11.
Treleaven and is baring 11 removed to The
premier sow vacated by A. Devisee, bard.
ware sorohaet, whore Mr. Allen. arm&
to oury m the grocery ►sass... Demi
Ramer pate It than Meagre. Davidoa and
Tralmtm are broodh` to take a bearer
prospoting tour to Sault Ste. Mara, when,
If a geed opening pressor Itself, they is -
Wad lo locate la beams. We wish them
geed .Doors, wherever they may hoppoe
to locate, tad we are wish Mr. Allen good
maowse la his sew memories.
mine eras Maras sed kis amnia, rete de-
cided that the job should be to by leader.
Thews m aver of Me toads, so doubt bad
read the nary in the big book about Mess
that get • gess, ter *Mr day's work N
they came at the ernes beer -bet mm
st s bee want •U le be en hand whets Me
work stars 8. Me ehalrmam's dealers
mss with wens appr.yst. The plea of ns -
der was read sod ellen were ressved ler
the job, and it was let ler $11.90, be be dime
about Me 2055 of Jane. Bs.kbeg .d
Islas the 4...e peer m 55e yard where
. ama were Ns at 10 our mob. The
mew* Ikea aleebseged 0M 4. 4 seentary.
MONDAY, May 7011.
M. Sb..rt..t Leaman, woo dlt5lnr fee
Me Tebbe Beet
Mn. Chea. Sp••••, el Galata tewiiw
Is visiting her daughter. Mrs. All. w -
Mr. Peofetmd, of Oil aorta" fess ease
r1siMy he .toner. Mee. tlee..1satea, Maly.
•1 the $•mlak fees.
WNW 1505 se elft-p'fgp1s�, •the
Ifs a milted ~�mdes et Os tele
I tie
i. •bo.0 tea avid.
Mot wino -.da
wbWlaMea. ,.net
stag el heli w
O. def=
mom*, eq Miss M. Ma,of /arak, eb. wns 'WOW her deter,
Mea J. 0. fl serer, died eery wddesty of
Mon ldlwra Ifo t.MW eery well at
*gabfest sea woes Mak es hes M+, and
obesity antes her ernes Mao lltawert, west
te the em para MOS ire Beth. The tar
era se Madmv to the Oelhr.e....4a7
. W • • of »I.tless, feebesears wen ds
..sada. ./ Ms tlmeeseTbs d� Wm"- and D.
1%Ma, Jobe as .. Pony lisswart. et this
12f. W.J. Clark, .1 Odalab, mid
LI . Teem,, .1 wwE5.r.. 8.,. Mr.
Reasilw eo.ae.t.. tae sua.s51 earelw.
Aass► wreathe of sewer from her steam,
has cess Beats .d Clerk..er pled m
tie .5.5.01 'IM. le NA Assad iamb he Me
Oltrh ismny else. the Italees h ar tate fay.
S1r woe • .IA. d 1►o lees .1.w Qvk,
liar filed Is se.AMlw yw.7la.e, sed tem a M
Ya.usv. May 715.
1e. amid weal pelt Mas haw bees
Wino &ri.TvD errs Fins' -Tho Ire bri-
gade was Baled oat .tout 4 o'olook Sunday
morning to a baro ea an 00000apled pre -
mimes ea South streak when there was •
fire in some hay er straw. William Cm -
moll, whom how is quite weer to the bar.,
states the. Saturday lumina two ramps
soiled tit ►1. boas .e.4 sated to • sight's
ledrt.g. Ho refused them, and after em•
adorable persitemea to their deserted they
moat away. Weather they dept 1a the
bars sed were responsible for the 8re or sot
le •'rattr a eoojeoture. Osly slick% dam-
age a •. dote.
la the Jaws et a Lies.
The gallant Major Swaine tells of be-
ing knocked eelteeless by • lion that
lacerated his arm. His thrilling escape
from the jaws of death is only equaled
by Dr. King's New Dimevary for Con-
sumption, which has eared thousands
from desperate throat and lung trouble*.
"ATI doctors said my wife would soon die
of consumption," writes L. C. Overstreet,
of Elgin, Teen., "but your wonderful
medicine completely oared her, and
saved her life. S•tisfaotim is 'parse.
teed by Jas. Wilson, who gives trial
bottles free. Large bottles 50c and $1.
Rev. W. O. Howson pastor of the Rot-
tmbery.R Methodist church. Clinton, is
said to be sae of them who are under tse-
dderatloa by the m.oyen of Bond street
Ceagregattonal ohoroh, Toronto, as e.00ee-
rot te R.,. Mergon Wood.
Montage led a% the Solvntioe Army bar.
nobs eeh►dey eight .ed all day 8.aday by
JON Orchard, tress Stratford. Robieot
8..dey eight : "He that .hall blaspheme
against the Hely Ohoet hath Dover forgive-
ness but la is dsager of Memel damnattm."
The dodo for Tuesday evening In Victoria
street Epworth l e51.. was ''The Christian's
Work," sad was atrduoed by Puss i.ma
Tlehbero.. Next Tuesday miring she
members of the Leadoo Intend having •
patriotic evmag. A geed programme is
bola* prepared and ell an tarred.
The masa week .f eelf.donlet le me of
the tna.y original ideas *Mob the Salsas's
Army hes p.t.te smergslo and ensonmfd
reties for the dv.edag .f the mss .f
lAristiamtty. The wham has ew. Miens :
1. Is late the forger .t the Belt•Mes Army,
sad te gush of their sympathisers ..d sup -
Miners as may feel disposed to pair with
them, a week to .peeled develds, prayer
sad spiritual domlopsam%, .d has to Mem
• MN.M0.o miry similar to that .bel
Lout has a the Rema 0. 1.le sad Ryle.
emokr. bests. 2. All tea terms mite mf
• ewes* Alert to rete.. by teens. of ..In. •
wry sees .1 self-denial. mean ter the main.
Mrs.. and .=temlo..1 gamins Army
.pratime .t boom. and Its vase forage
.tede.ary sew' is Isla, Cha.,
Rhee, Jaw. Java, ate, It le a.tealebine
to whet outlet may .f the leadbr .Ulcers
e nd radian .f tea .remfitsMm Mserttilly
sad 1•r...ely Gerry the preetlee f .Mf•
eser16.G. ter vie other maim them the geed
.f tact tdlew-ruaraa The Arse e1 the
.seta. dart an hem May Fhb a Jur
9•l. -ARM• --. _.-
Rev. Jeeps/ Widero Is at purer 11140, a
mine of temeestt.t Owed.7 m.
.hose et Nail ar.ss M eh.M. A
weigh sew fwed.y leo the esbj.o woo mon.
base Ike NM beta, from ltemw 111.17
"Preyed* three honed a Me eight rat all
- pfattfl�S & t !MIAMI
• .2,111S
I'U a -
SEALED TINDERS addressed "Lease
ter of Peelte5Uarsa. Ottawa,and me -
.domed •'Trade for Sappllm" will be m-
owed natal Saturday, 16th of Jose, fadoelve,
from parties desirous of oontraotlas ter sap -
ones. for the .toad veer 1S0D11101. for the reM0.-
aR a.Utnuoes. ousel, :
Kleawto Pwlt.atlary.
81. VI,eest de Paul Peeltestlarr.
Dereheeter Pen lteoman.
M.ottobs Penitentiary.
Benda Columba Peeltentlary. . ,
lioglas Jall
Priam Albert Jail.
Separate tender will be received ter ease of
the tolewl olas5as of seeellee•
1. moor 1(.�aoe4as Strong Bakers),
2. Beef and Mutton Iftes i.
4. Coal(sathraelte and bttos Mouse.
6. Cad wed.
6. O rosaries.
7 Coal a1 Iln barrel.).
8 Dry Goode.
e. Orem and edam...
M. Leather and Finding*.
ll. Hardware.
11 ',amber.
Details of l.forsatisn M to tam of om-
traot. tato her with forme of ceder. will be
furnished os spoiloatlon to the Windmill of
the various lastlt.Udsa
All ,rap nae are sutd.ct to the • approved of
• tmndemsout:m tted moat specify dearly
the iastttnteo, or Iastltutloes. which It Ls pro
potted to supply, mai ant. bear the *adrea-
tlon of et _eget two r.epon.Ibte sere tics.
legeotor d Per Numerate.
Deportment of Jutatde.
Meows. May 445. 1100. 77-.t
with your health.
Don't use Drugs and Medicines
of questionable quality. Get the beat
there is at the same prices that are
charged for inferior goods.
At our Drug Store the stock is al-
ways fresh, and each article pure, po-
tent and sati4fectory.
Our Prescription Department
ham a reputation for promptness aired
hod Hall.
but one make of wheel which
has given perfect satisfaction
throughout the past seasons,
and that is the world-renowned
and from this fact alone we ars
handling nothing else this year.
Dairy Tinware, Sap
Buckets, Paints, Oils
and Varnishes ....
we solidt zone
We have added be ear e*er-
increming stock a eooplete
line of
Wet e ; hat
Saving Dollars for you....
your Summer Shoes is what we clads to be doing.
Oar strong Shoes for Farmer. and Workingmen at 79o. pet pair, le a
money raver. You pay $1.00 or more to other shoe dealer. for the
same shoe. Higher-prioed heavy Shoes at equally good values.
Call and see our beautiful lines oft, Lades' Spring and Summer Shoe..
Special value. to lace, button and two -strap Oxford Slipper. at $1
and $1.25 per pair.
Big 10o. bottle of Shoe Dimming at 6o. per bottle. It's good, too.
Carpet Slippers at same old price, l foo, per pair.
If you can do better elsewhere do not oome hero. Bei you can't, Come
and let us prove it.
Repairing neatly and promptly done.
During the busy season this store will be open until 8 o'oioak.
NtMtil slide of the'Sguere, Godetioh, THE CASH SHOE DEALER
-adderti t`-- 'R:7aay Meade of Heil*
Chesney wltl be plural to heat that be le
Improving steely. He has had ►le tapered
hash pleo.d in • plaster oast sad le sew
able to get sear the home with the .id .r
Caetan : At tee .'.loak 8gldsy moraine
.11.rw..k M1.. Marra. SM...b•s, d
tide town. wee gaited a mertg. with J.
P. Mol.so.k. et Raney. The nuptial owe
itis was pertersad by Rm. V tris 1.
St, Joseph's aura.
Racier : Yes. M, .4. W kir has reseived
a attar 4,.. hag br.55.r, B. J. Clarks,
whole . gssed be 55e t.eek Alrnsa war.
M. wrote tram Ledy.ml55, Marts lett,
hav►.s re•aaed More eddy w155 Oeaaral
Bailer. He he enj.ybea timeliest health ter
imolai gime l5rssgk se severe . hark.
to win business nowadays that it's Wirt. decide
where it's best to trade. We should be able to
the matter f r -rat ]jgheN ..we as>t tone$ that.
we are determined to reduce our stock of Dress
Goods and general Dry Goods at least $2,000.00 by
1st of June, and, in order to get in quid touch
with those who have yet to buy their Spring Goods,
we shall, until the 1st of June, give with every $10
purchase one pair of best quality Kid Gloves, guar-
anteed worth $1.26. You will get a check for
every purchase, and when the different amounts ag-
gregate 810 the Gloves are yours.
We love also laid asi for distribution a
line of Goods well wort 50c. for those who spend
$5 with us in the same of time.
We are anxious to show you our new and
strictly up-to-date Spring Stock. We see to it that
no dry goods concern can ,give you lower quota-
tions ; and certain it is that during our Great Re-
duction Stock -Sale no firm will offer the same in-
ducements for the next thirty-five days as -
Spray Pumps..
the heat we could find on the
We a h.m the stoney for
`,ream Separators . .
which we oats supply at very resom-
.ble prima.
Friday, May 18
This Reign of Prosperity now
in its Third Year
Perier J. W�itc
as "MEPHISTO," in conjunction with
in her famous characterization
and • Talented Company of Pia era, pre-
senting the most complete and e
stage festival ever offered in•Ateerica
Company en toer In it own Pullman
Cars. A complete train required to tris•
port 55.4. org.nization's soewery and Ohot..
Every electrical device known to the ex-
pert .serf in this Giant of Sage -Land.
Prices, 95e. and ass. t
Reserved Sebe, 660.
la veal for alis &bay Warm Ale
Demme», mm.l a..nd by the Joie.
Smart Mfg. Oe.. Be..kvlile.
Read what a fellsw tews0Mer says
of tele eterl.mee with Me Kelsey
Yedsrtek, Gut. May tet, IN$.
James entad Mt.. Oe.
Gave Mrs.- The lee. 11 f.Yp Warm Air
11 sari ha my Mose last
) me the,..tt' tes& a „aii.
► nay 5..w heated abbess%
seal M!~i lathet ee Mena,
mei and had eh IN hew • e Ede/ 1 have bait have
m boobs to Mit the whites roues se env e •
arse desired and their wee and. sed bar.M.
sed sir home pleats did es well este .nmmer
1bed no veld *siestas 1. Use roma., se Mat
1. the .eller and tits femme pipe. welt_ 0554.
Me 7o caw5w I ate therein%%e�
sited m' -i. r�W0M
sur." The wr.s05W5 Hort. were Street- air pet lake
a the
5 ato etc Rs•ea of sWga, smelt as earl- wwiMira..
=lee.1.45.14.. 1.s310 e. futures. bo -
lbw .taloa
were Om 5seasfml AstemM aU
Iebrm rte• r.ssrdt
ar Mkt *Mee
*blob they steleo epos thoseMbed.. ebotely Mello by
ia Maus. Me late
Ma . -• MewtsJ Mess► -41711111 C. FIlSINGE R
,eg#..m/. and tetees.oqemit ajurlaa
455511»nes.Wer be lasee.r•
..M. Mme of .he *Woo urged r Pail O, i.
M .r
a week K my mhos Orme Weelot. send Ri;rs.
4d7 :s4
The R. B. Smith Dry Goods Co.
is the greatest remover of Neale
sad preventer of incrustation.
Saves repairs, oils, peeking and
Idlegkseers H e t a i
Polish is superb.
Remy to apply and kava a mag-
nificent brilliancy. Our machine,
cylinder, engine, dynamo and lub-
ricating Oils are of the finest
Our .beet, piston, geekett and
rubber Packing. are reliable- Aa-
bestos good., pipe coverings, etc.,
are of the latest German and
Canadian manufacture.
All our mill supplies are the best
that oan be produced and are fully
For rrye*'° and discount., write
The Wm, Matto. Compoiod Co.,
of Toronto, Limited.
Mies Cameron:wishes to annoanoe thet,',she has secured the breast
styles sad newest .1.0 a in Millinery for the Spring Reason of 1900,
and invite. the Ladies of Goderich and vicinity to nail and see her
The leading new shade. .re Pastel, Van Dyek, Watteau and
Mies Cameron offers Nidal values in Plumes and is showing
some novelties in Veiling. i1
Hactiltou.t, Goderich.
Seasouahle Sfflth1s.
pan .bow you the latest in Spring
std Rummer Suiting*.
Call and see hi. Hmssapum in the newest
shades, the very thing for Spring and Rum
mer wee. 7t large ...ortment of cloths to
choose from, end style and fit guaranteed.
Price. moderate.
Utrtaken cid Kballot8
Grainer of Maeeacbusette Ool-
g�� iegss 01 EEmbalming, -
r�tr Da AT ppIIODS-
seegAle 11.414714. aODIUM ■•
Scree Doors and Windows
-Amer' n Field Fencing
Barb Wire .r
Perfect -
Garden City
-v, .�.}°.. ttr • .t.t c � lei-` ^_':.
Elephant -Pure White Lead
Linseed 4d;..:. , . _ r:.; ,, .. ,..:�
Canada Paint Oo's Ready -
Mixed Paint, all shades.
Bryan's Paint Brushes:
i A8D � l ,
its S� if Blld� 11 1 a
irr A ,
For beauty of finish and de.
sign, durability and ease -
propelling, these 'Wheels are
not equalled.
Our prices are right.. I
Call and see for yourself.
it U 1111
East Side Square