HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-05-10, Page 4ij 4s 4 hwm►v . la 1100. REPUTATION... It ;,t THE SIGNAL : OODERIOH ONTARIO i ..4s,,ti .al we'll slow be suflSeleat W My of the eblKadam. H. said dist the Cwt Dever steeple ask 61,000 from Belie end +7,000 from Waterloo. This seesId mesa • Wes of 36 mate ea • 11,000 •memmest per year. "1e t ere a stasis fatally that dues apt eve • to ire bore of owl • year C' he asked. The mossoo dot for WM railway could be saved es eyes that •mesabThe 1 �lef Doul. !�'�JW.ae °tme'4im". dt+ta. railway ad Beal o..mpalr ad obtained Weir rate sad plow and they .11 boar est the Pert Dover Ca.'s statements Not owl a' be laid dors *beeper. 'There peeved through the Berlin customs port last year for use 1• penile, Waterloo. Klm� i»t Owe tied tiasuberg, ta�311 tausM ,5 us of Mud stool and 14.804 toes of sett owl Fierlla'e proper Wm of WM le dated at 8.787 tone of burl owl and 8,564 tees el soft sal, oe a fatal of 17,361 tons It their proposing" was to save as .sly Fb Date • tor. h would meas • lereates la the wet of $4.336 U ono year, and not aty lot Duo year, but awsya. Tula rea4 would give sham • n 'ter oeswottoo that ea never be wiped ak St. Thootr has to bre ft el lake °empathise ad pts a boder meal rate by 8C mate • too tore than Belle. Mr. Wilhelm thee west a to dhow hew she Ido weld bea.dt tis tonally* tame, ad traden..g la the venues towed. slew t/. Ilse, and eoseioded by saline that We Port Dover people say that tf Belle watt le build • Ileo earth • .d are etaoer., they believed time Berne weld get aemet•aa /rem to Uoywsment to belld lines to Steal, tad, bieabel, Bion, eta A■y ether, reed maid set pat • charter for neva a ad they Weald am tjpst the Pat [over gilt. We wielesoe maned. J. 0. Salm of W.tlwuy, said be and hb Mweepaple were mook latere.tsd ad would like te ban It rat north ; Mr. Mo. N.lr's pi.a wan be Wild as .M.4..54 apt • steam read. He would tike to ase if bre'ohw wee M be baht ! Mr. Haaedore : The win line td. Uode- rlob would res through Wellesley. The lis. Io Ltet.wel would no vu Waterloo, Heidel- berg. eta Mr, Reiser': If we get the mate Ilse ter • geed breath of this read 1 believe ear people wand seppoet It with a bests. There r platy et week for sae/ • lbw. There le ay atao'*W of bother to he dao benne hen and Ooderloh. N people aro altoes to gel the railway 'brougk their s ells. P.re..atly 1 will appert it. We are est off saw. I hope le see the read built wee. The preposltien was thea eadoreed by the Reale bawd .1 wed., sod • committee was appetesad to attend the ooueoll and present megadeals to that eget. You are... to a geed Standing... sew for the ..v�S a.Cst.a.. .....r. .., e.. ! yorat ld e or soled door■ tempt to farm without • U KAM without some BSPABATON, good� memos. T/. ■ra'n ■ 7 - asstssa bl�d. ha a g. o d 'sputa ileo. Itva t►s malicious lar o Wonder its ` nod units. Wham you are buying your w sou heat t trim" lots i. 85. It ot.t• a Milli' sore th•a hos• whorls but is Oho ..est In 8M Enierson's Merle and Matrix Howe, West street. Dederick. clhouw1 a irtnal lino WIRY THURSDAY MORNING nr 0. tarauiaomme No Mem lawt.o.mt o■ toe farm @bows the same peroeotags of profit. - 1111.1111. SIT OUWN AND VIUOBR IT OUT Thee 1.1 ne ple.e • Sharples mealtime with yon es trial for tea d.y., obsoletely fete to yea ; It will de the rest. Emerson's Bicycle tad Mario House, Wed street. promising oondition, needing a good warm "bower perhaps, to rush it along, but atroag and sound in root. The hay orop ought to be • good one, and the tattle in our broad Huron pastures this summer ought to be sleek and content. A herd of beeves in • rushy June pasture take things with as much awuraoe and ease as Tories in office. Live stock have octad out of the winter in good tnm-thin but healthy, and ready to lay on fat or store up energy. Very little disease among animals is reported in the ouunty • Our orchardist. have also rei.ont to re - juice. The lora of trees from wintet•kilhng has been practically nil. However, that pest of the apple crop, the tent caterpillar, is with 6a, although in the neighboring county of Bruoe he is afflicting them mon heavily. The spray pump must be kept Menet. areheedarreie wean - ".1*bps , spray," should be a religious resolve of the orchardist/1 of Hurou from the earliest possible moment But do not work the squirter during the period of actual bloom. 11 you meet a Huron county farmer grumbling this spring, tell him to go to the Transvaal. •ODS1E0E. THURSDAY. MAY N, WM. erste. MAJOH BEAT IIE'8 SCATTERING GUN. MAJOR BEA1r1$ M P., is not • had sort, but he talks more than he thinks. The other day he rose in his place in the House at Ottawa, and said; among other absurd things : "If I had my why, I woes:l raise the tariff wall so high het "nen Canada and the United States that no Yankee could shoot an of his goods over It with We don't find fault with the Major's , metaphoric language -it probably was the nearest to an idea he oould get when he said it -but the sentiment, if carried out to ita logical oonclusion, would make Canada a rather lonesome country to live in. If the gallant Major would like ,to see this country fenced .round with • sky high fence, why should he not fence the provinoes also, and the °Mtn les, and the municipalities I And in London, where he lives, why should he not advocate the high board fence for the private residence, and ask for municipal legislation to provide that every man should live unto himself sad by himself and through himself without any dependence upon his neighbor I To bark to the Major talking .bou t restriction of trade and Maxim guns one would think that he was a miser- able curmudgeon who didn't want others to breathe or browse at large, --a narrow-minded, beetle -brewed, g narled old nondescript who oared not who sank so that he swam. Now, the Major ti not that sort of men at .11, but. hearty, genial, kindly disposed fellow, who would not do • man an ill turn intentionally, and who is real- ly a good fellow who suffers with two infirmities -be is a Tory by heredity, and lee talks through a wire hoop, SNAP SHOTS. sirWhen Sherman said "War is Hell 1" he made no jest. arms lettere from the Transvaal, written by tanvliatw to their relatives, are strip- ping the glamor from the Route African war. tiy'In the Kilkenny cat fight at present going os iu British Columbia provincial politica the Hon. Jou Manna appear" to have the sharpest claws. "WE WANT 0000, ROADS.' THIS brief but imperative statement, printed on badges of varioae oolors and worn by all classes of citizens, has been very much in evidence during the past week. On Friday about 400 ribbons were printed and distributed in connection with the movement for an improvement of the oondition of the Square roadway. That evening a large deputation of bicyclists and mer ehanta located on the quare waited. upon the oonnoil and presented their request. An aoeount of the proceed- ings may be found in the town council report i* another oolumn. The representations made by the councillors that the question had had their earnest oonsideration and that they would put the road in good con- dition as soon es partible were re- ceived in good part., and it is hoped that there will be no unnecessary de - 1.y in making the Square passable for .11 kinds of vehicles. We understand that the public works committee hem decided to pat a strewing of Ane gravel on the road and then roll it. The rain which the chairman of the committee said they had been waiting for has Dome this week and the fulfill- ment of the good rimless made is eagerly awaited. ts'For people orb claim that Wm./We- er. went will be defeated when they next appeal to the country, the loyal Opposition the Hoene elbow 1y* their obstructive tac- tics that they are nut aaxisoe to have an early appeal to the country made. t79'wo men in Brox county report hav- ing seen three lions at large in that part of the Province. They must he like tie Ken- tuokia who said he saw snakes in Ireland, note itheanding it we said that Sr. PATRICK had banished the reptiles. THIS IS FARMER'S YEAR: The fir of this county has a bright t,.Bdak before Miin the spring ler been a IIW. beakw.rd, porinpo, but it has brought with ft as eass3M't prorates bout the ae'eps whisk are so erten Inland daring the winter. no wheat W mane through in eeosllent conditieo. 11 any k.• baa Mowed up It last ham been m cement et pow sand. 'd patches bre and there have been bowed rear team 4on'ars by •now, but erwl t enditton of the crop and glut , .art of the man who lows to look green %nivel fntt.risg in the '", wind. 'Rah tar the kl1 wWt to also does wwll during the win• ,alergsd from tmm amt► is mat arNow that the Hon. JoeaK 1e11.AtL TARTS has hobnobbed with Hie Royal Highness the Patxcs or WALKS, that bald- headed imperialist, the honorable Ntc.oLAs From) DAvIN .111 have to quit shouting "traitor" at the Minister of Public Works. MTh, Toronto Ne knows a good thing when it new it, sod hitt@ wood thing isn't too hot or too heavy it Is willing to appro- priate it without saying, "By your Issue." That's why it swiped a part of D. K Mc Cotrwatie clever South Africa correspond- ence to Tna SIGNAL, on Saturday feet, gave it a prominent place on the fret page and made believe it woe from one of its own correspondents, WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING. HUNGRY AND THIRSTY. • nomadism Soldier's IMO' Itsperienee ea illhe Veldt. written by Viettre Odium la relative of R. with the bre Outadies eitatiageat la Seel' Africa. The letter is dated Rieernfentete. Mareh nab You would have meted hail yea seee eateries the seep en masa trees Blese• footsie, rifle sad Woe dorm ever my abandon, feet wrapped is eibeeeatin. ali- s▪ e it Irtith 111sumps, amid limping ea both len. I had spent %see days slew ea Me veldt witt swedes, bleediag feet, trylag to moth u p to the regimen, eating testy nese raw potatoes and • pew of weld fried fat thin I picked up on the grossed, sad -Mown cksok• iag for waiter. It was • unique experience, and one of white I shall have many tales la tell whee I rearm but ow which In 1 de- cidedly painful and wileerable while it bawd -eel witch Mis made me teal miser- able Wel MRS/. Yoe httle inner what it is to he thirsty. There have hew time when my mouth wee parodied, Week and sticky - swollen me that 1 weld seatosly speak. I bare dipped wearies from mad paddles bet- ty's's the lege ef mules steadies it drink - lag -and fens paddle ia which My dyes ewes& With my whole jaw wroilen and leader from tootimebe I have mooched bud tazIs as a boy at hews would • dainty oleos et este. Aad I kart marehed • it wired mike with blistered and bloodies feet sad flawed in dew to marsh ista illeeinfeeteta with ihe regimen. Bet the reteraing la • Iasi where ire get breed went le over, I hew, sad woorlity sem be -real bread sad butter. ° forgive me If ever waste feed or water alleia. Bleendoeteln reorived the British army with epee arms, staging "Belden of the Quires." "God flan tbe Qwee," elm Oes WU the eepolathe le British sad a large pan of the rest are British to sympathies. Tenets It was an error in teethe ter trietiro:311nest and tbe Main me et Hints be allow Mejer.Oweral Het - es te be easelled where he wa• right, in - ' wad of assailtes him where he wae wren. TM letter white MajenGeseral Remo wrote easeershig the speech of Mahe Camp- Ite way ea the Immo Ocienel haat The eitUdlett rare, II of bleier4leastal Rama tbat Major Campbell had lakes Ida plain es dm retired Het and weld eel be N eeds an example of. showed • pitiful leek • awriandence with the eolith of doe • Small liberty will be let bp eel Me 80 Wm Claaatibin tallith U tray have be mower te MaPie•Geoeral iletten et De. Hardee ter what they might may la after-dinner sweeties ow pablie meetlage. It le perhaps jest •• well Wit General Hetes get out of (beads before be wet able no poise% hie spites af retries( every Waite attest who mi.& Workbag laverthaa Bight boor laws are ignored hy Dam tireless, little workers -Dr. Kimura New Life Pill. Millione are always at work, night and day, coring indigestion, bili- ousness, constipation, "Mk headache and all stomach, liver and bowel troubles. limy, pleasant, rate, sure. Only 25e at Jae. Wilson'e drag store. PORT DOVER RAILWAY. life Myosin's itseereed by Iniilloses of iliertta. There was • big gatharina of benkeent mem bbe board el trade meetieg fa Beth en Turedity night of bon week Is Mae the Pen Dever, Breathed, kerne, Ofmlerieli Raihrey Ca 'a prepadtlen. Aiwa It was W▪ aterloo beard Is. trade etionsIlekd J. G. Renee ef Wellesley village W, ILK Nair ef the York. presides* Me read, was dip. proem* Preddest Whitman et Ow isms beard et wade delivered • lone address. be dm mum weals beeves *NM belabor the lies. Ile be %eke .0u0 Barns sad 17. teem Waterless. Shallrepsetbian be Seeks l• that the sews pay ST.000 whet Weir lea le graded be Pe•Ale• tr.0106 Wilma that part le ieetyletall sad is eyerailea. aad the halftime when the ime le sompleeed be Pea Dever if gemalbed Hie hewn Weir will esseetreethe Mae te Priebe whale • dm F. E. se Oak .1a Freer, easi lean derporited • wined dawns ate 11,000 sem *ay win 111+-7 108 Itiett wale* Ara. neekiep ei the prepseed revile awl William west es be sap Mat Ms 4644 la ptrIfIttntttmmtmiimmittmtmmIttm Read this ! 'Taxa paint -in gallon lots, any calor, for $1.30 per gallon cash. This offer holds good only up to the 15th inst. Next week 1 will have other SPECIAL BARGAINS for cash. Use Sulphate of Iron for growing prize fruits, vegetables, etc., only 3c. a pound. Spray now.... 1 have the genuine ingredients. Every day bargain day here for spot cash. Try it in any line. . A. McD. Allan Au*. dee rem ef mum Atad bacetne of the drum*, With pea la Wad, Sam beet be stand. They whispered, "Ab, be swam 8" What Mewl, a Hams beliet thee Slimia witted* through the air t tear mist ewes Bleeedeeetain pea. Brave Sammy Hushes is Ilium Altikoush apes num distant kep The British weeps may shrink, The boldest Boer weld sever step tiasn's deadly pen sad ink. li asks sell wby or whoa ; Ile hare aret II Weft, God, et maw, Armed with ishe least, pm. • Where've le fogad the *bower el lead. la amemsdides wane, Firmest le Saes (tee se Sam mad) Te tamale ma fed beslas. -Steszertm sane sruer-dascreree mono Yet, strange be wy, lie Mese fawn matry ea hie steetb. 8. Seller, tam we foul mass ; And as for Owen! "Bebe" 1 Hee net • peek ea Cease Hoehn. The reek are fool@ sad meta - Wheal Bee ma la Um puma Who, modestly. itta gape, he halms Were "arrest British assee." La palace, er lowly eel. It's all WM same be Elam : He peke up 10-seued sheiks. red -bet, Peer Boller. Gabbana mei White, Hey just as well give uo the figet, Sam H. sits ran thew jobs. Just eve the "alba, Colonel eh, With thee munitiese, I Walt Yee'll We quite • Settler. Ottawa, April 9 a T. 130018 AND PERICK1119Aill. Cl•T•41 Idasesion ter May gime ea Istimate, vivid preseatmeat ot General Lantern as • man and • wither, with special reference be kis Plidtppine tesmalgas,. le as article by hie ohms eareelato hi the Philippe's, Pro- fessor Dem 0. W01.0•••Wt. The article is Illustrated with • eerie of portrait* of Lew - too, showing kW at till/west ages from erreatese to fifty•five, sod with ether pio- tures. An article by Preheat Wines New- esiolls tells all about the time anti none of lee total «dim of the sun which la to ooear es May 28M, sad aloe what astronomers have previously learned by earth whose aad what Hwy Item to lama by this one. A profusely illustrated widish by Berl Maps 1• /AK useqsa sammitude et ten tbeessad mate widest aad • Stegall' et • MI. el Meath, telling hew else wee bath sad Inn she is new manned aed operated AA w- iden by Ray Swessard 'Baker relates the Wiry el "The New PreeperIty”--• prosper - IV Wei width ere years brought farmer aterehaate, newaleersarare, sad work men el almost every kind neh aa arieratton of im cease se they had nevetlezperieseed before, sad ;pestle ratted the owatry's Isaias fa ileaselal ealleedar of the wield. Dr, lathes el Jesse le the Ilsonarttans sad Pillar new and of Ihe wed teed between time bee einem, The paper te fully Illustrated tor C. K. Liana, fear of We illetratiew bong la steles la • poem entitled "Death la Battle" Um, yosax anther of ''Bob, Roe of hie fie* literary gift le net simply In the Unto of prow rimy wrftleg. lteether peens Is die earner le "An ladies Idother Soon." by Willie frets, very doweethely Wenn" hy Illamewebele. Times are geed n en sterna br Ones Doyle, Robert Ben. Metes Rees, Tien Ilepitee, sad rharms Warr's, •Rd a doe tree strap of as old ftre hens by J. Weide %Wham The 8. S tain" Ce., New York. 011•/1( Nakao au lintmeresat htmemeat. 11e. 0. L Werdas, emerieslener el the Civil Omuta hers. le empbmtle le hie enders - "Detre Eider, Pah," M says, "ham bees • made, 111•4 empries te emelt At - ter wee teremey 71111/11 of eeffeteg with my bask mid klderne I see well Net the Mee ipaistel pars el ra fresh% wee We pen, tir„,..-crests yells 44.0.4 Xelikee ot changes mast be lab at blids Ogee not later than Satuniay nom. The Oopy for change" mutt be ledt not lalca 1111k11 Mon- day noon. Carnal Advertisements accepted en to noon Wednesday of each week. BACK- ACHE MS West/erred dorsi Alone sustained editor F. M. H iggies, ot Season Ill., when ell doctors and medicines failed to relieve his pain froas piles. Then Bocklen's Arnica &Ire wholly oared him. Infallible fee in- let -We, pain' or bodily eruptions. Dare guaranteed. Only Zie a box. Sold by Jan Wilms, druggist. WE HAVE FOR SALE CHEAP I 51111111.5 I 5 OUSE POWER 111151015 MGM IN 0000 ORDEN. I ME POWERS ma aye Taxa. Tim ARS BARGAINS. oderich Bargain Centre extra value in Japanese Matting, c.otton warp, 124c. to 50c. per yard. We are showing extra value in Floor Oil Cloth. We are showing extra value in Art Muslins. We are showing extra value in Art Sateen. We are showing extra value in Lace Curtains. We are showidk extra value in Wool Carpets. We are showing extra value in Ruffied-edge Cur - ILL IT PIKES TIIIT WILL WIN TOO FOOL • JAMES ROBINSON SPRING NECESSARIES FURNITURE POLISH "The Climax" makes old hirniture look like new. The best, 2tic. A furniture Cream in bulk for thesis who prefer iL FLOWER and GARDRN SEEDS MOTH CakeR0111 DmunrsorArrs anima Mammas SAMPSON'S RSD -BLOOD P11.111. We can supply many things you need during House-cleaning. HOUSEHOLD AMMONIA Two kinds - we have an extra good one. Coot the pipes beforepsitting away prevest rust. Istellent also for coaleouttles, outside iron work five for $1.00. asset rer Written IMAM Ind Imo On - Imre. es eat am mums piss awl ewe pees Mom illci=have Backache yes ham Deena. If you neglect Itc•-ke•-be it will derelop into saes or is no use rabbhar and doctor-log.1= back. Core the idderys. its only ow kidney miedicise bet Dodd's Kidney Pills HELLO ! . THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL • ALWAYS ON HAND Scrato7 COal TIM MARX= As cisi ss the Market SW* where yen sat WM Ma ter a taii. WEL LEX Oraani MO as LEI SUPILLID'S Mare promptly &Heeded te. MILL WOOD FOR SALE. The above is Out into stove wood length and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day as Orders received by telephone or left at residence, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. Goderieb, November 214, um 68-3m newspaper. May we make • walk- ing advertieement for our store out of you? We ma, if you'll give es a I have decided to sell no more for credit, but for cash only ! Orders must be aocompanied by cash or they will not be filled. Owing to the great difficulty in making collec- tions this course has become neceesary. By,doing a cash business we can sell cheaper; tbkhelps you. We can also buy dleaper ; this helps us. A few Cu& rices as follows : Black Wir 41c. per pound. 'Manure Forks, 5k. A large stock of tinware to be closed out at manufac- turers' cost. These goods cannot be duplicated for the money. N. D. ROUGVIE stmtlffrmrrtmrmrtrmtrtrmtri E SNAPS IN SHOES Elien's plain heavy Congress - 85c. per pair 3 EMen's lace plow Boots - - - 75c. E Women's heavy lace Boots - - 65c. E Women's best Carpet Slippers 13c. or two pairs for 25c. E 15c. bottle of Polish for Sc. E Also finer lines in the same proportion. E As we have the largest shoe store and the largest stock in this county, we are able -AI E to fit you in style and price. E Come and be convinced. • ur Just received a line of Gents' and Boys' a Bicycle Bal's. -,1111 E SHARMANOr. llousearcleanipg Time.... Mai; Inst. flIqukautige which we eau supply. Lei us have your order ise amildne law line, sad we will try to please you. 00C91:18 DELIVERED PROMPTLY. Men's chocolate Doug. Ilea, Good- year vesting top PAX/ Men's tan Ras, Goodyear, 113 to P. Mait's heavy plonit Shoos 76c. Mannish Rheas for helm-- isiliee'- gmtlensen ahem -a mon shoe be for women. I am the eel, agent for Ameriran shoe °all anti me them • STURDY di 00, Tatevbsee The Orme* ASK YOUR DRUGGIST' FOR ST. GEO. PRICE aspskrins neatly dot*. A Winderful Tonic end Remedy for WEAK BILCK)D, KIDNEY and LIVER TROI r.