HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-05-10, Page 2n
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It. • THK 134PRILIAL FKUKKATION i101t' AND Nil 11 :KICTO ■RBUILD• VESUVIUS +t Twl�� - YsiMItIIY• ►u tills' du ulrral the groutof
_ .._ m �� il ('lance :!upper lectured lu Llud- I'ar ry alai So the oN&we
n fits ff re it was rug
,r.-.-_ rte= TBlJftpAT itioax e • any Collegiate Instltuw lad night uu am, Fiu ru wn
,j1, .4 me Y• �•u4 jewmT. _-3 ' ('uundea. • and referred to the Ln- Wanted %flat swum arrrugement ought `
ferrial Fedetrattun Laagwe, furred In U, Ir rail" W Prevent the pUlag of .,!
AGAIN -.--..;.. . "I
Prince of Wales, Salisbury,
Tarte and Others Speak.
Market Reports
-4W. -
Tho woek.-
+' t,., - - -- __ -_ Eo,glatrt IN 1%#11, of mea of birth lumlrr In large quanutbce within the VIOL, �� Ri�PT�ON Lertlrg Wheat Markets,
w "ti ' THURMDAY. MAY 10, iVW parties, incMhyf Ituretairy, Staadiope Ifruits art the twocltlea. In such a way IN L �py�pt�
and utters. Ole of Snrlr con,•Iusk)nor, an W wislaregK the public and private r COLONIAL TWOOPS Following FdlowlsNl are the ckrm t pried% at
+S' .�.- ._ - - --- -- -r-= �"; trot whoa% wutrer Cash,
ltatxrr %+axis y
Ml'('H WORK WISLL UO, Ir+ sold was that tae t'serllwraent+try Iatuefh�rty ezporet W dertruutlest by °j,, .,; e, V_. a,}., Leas s7 Tlbs Irnpyaet
-' fedwratba of the nlnPir* woe etas, fkm Alth h the fire kart week dlld 5 r keit d +. rr uduu ('lira .•w ,�•-
,a • ainri cable may
Tle' Pt+arrgatkrua Vl IuLei rracticnblr, anti that t}Ime nr,t Iwnt out in or naewr oto,) u[ Wr f t glee : seal Ica,+r T
Ont+trlu ib "�
y Isat 6. of the colonial truops .• _
;,w., ataa11tL1 �r.r..•1.r of lumber w*Witte e.� Iaeved sot » T 2 Ut
--�«t � iii •,: 4 -to 9II" in Mouth Africa and ul the ♦urtrallru ler 4 7T •(1
- �" �i"�A"Ift" •lo c Mead ' Bt7va�'1 e o Bt. do 074 -8
perfal, and Smith er tYie leer am"areal eri tau ai existence w x iepoara r �i�ry It. Anal !'edeswtlua drlegaMr. brought toga Toledo •. UT4 i tl U'IJ l
i" world. Tile ftrleratlun, Sir Charles How Mr. Fester, 'home uwu house then a brilliant gather The Duke Ittttralt, red 078 07:11-4
)rem tier• throes, nor the Ilrt uI Alts rlletrult• white • • . UTt,
went w4 "wo", involrw the Horwr war destroyed, thought It would be be Near Death � a, �` l•.e tri Dewrhhlro, Lord I'rerdemt of taw
" arwvl" to wake+ xery exulting w Council of ItlusMrs. Prrelied, flanked Duluth, No 1 soNA. 0691-1 obtll-y
reutMayt. \invtvrlhrlew, the work of or Lords, anti the Howe of Cumulous n gdaml Uuae-:qw that the mU4 nrr e t s1 +n Duluth, No 1 Aird.. OA91-tl
bedrimw a fuel k 4uluture. Than you au in exlstroee-fur the Clue n by the yrltwe of Wales, the 1)vkw ut
t y r,�„� r�„ �` ,; - ,,. 4 S , : York, the Ihtbe at l�mbrldgq the ern T'.: 1
the seism Just ruded was most fm ^^?p "'r "� '`w - Duke of Vlf% she Marquis of kwllebnr northern a 0 t6 �4 U url l -H
would have W bays au Imperial Par- ernornt to stipulate for ouuditt:o[u of t -� .'7. y•
portent. and Its results will aura b r r J h Chamberlain. Laid Wolwlq, Mhard dols, No. 1
Iwrnent, formal for the whuly empire, r:11m%y In their re-ereotk>t►. Now that �W _
left by all the Inhabitants of the In which It would be aberlately heves paower eAa be transmliteol b)' sate Lord Strathoona and about !loyal. !card O6T 1 1 -
Yrovintw. The urw mining act will wary Uu have something like repreeen tadclty. It Is tart uerersarY W ►,arc ST. LOUIS STREET CAR STRIKE W. Denison. I'rerddrat u1 the C'as .afatu sad INeae*e.
Ij tatlwh by populntluu. What wool.! be a adtan League. and Lord Lansdowne TuronW, M+y, O. -Flour- (hhtariu
ewer the scar tion W great nickel the mllb so close W th" waterfall. The nom ■ Iaoluded some x'60
t sort iru° industries at sauit •cte. flu, rrsult i Wlgl d re U nut a .. ,� company straits. W bags g71A6 W 01.6,1;
utatrrman In Englrud that tkrer not but It V neat Ilbeiy that either Ot - osbeetq straight rollers, d8.L5 to dol.%6;
Mar*. and at Hamilton, both of know tlp►t at a tomparatrely "rly Gama or Hun would be gUling W fuse In proboming the leach re the Hungarian Mats, $8.80; Idaulk,QL
Which will empby many men and he day, lu a perked that many Wit I am populatk,at by having the mills k>ciat Qtren. the Dub of Do roman- bupeere � all on track at T,-
tlr• meam of distribution of n Ix now ad dreeuhug will lite to see, you rlobs Wreck Can and Destroy Property -A Rioter Arrested, lt*"d*d and eel that Her Ilwlae4Y'e ceoent vtaltr to wuW.
urge will find the outlying portion* of the ed At a dlmtarWe from their former London awl Dublin Asd made clear to
rum b wags, the Pxpecndlture of empire -Canada, Auetralla and B'Ictth sites, and It would Involve consider- Agala Arrested. Parts Exhlbltbe Directors Pressing Tardy Exhibitors everyone tAe respect and loyalty felt \Yheat-Onorth red sad white. 71
which in the ,earkxua ' channel+ of adrica-abooluWly containing a much to 66 1.2c north and tes■6; glare, 7l
able: cat W lily the lumber et a �s- Yankees Hlt Hard--AHaln fa Samoa-Gt+lefs Acupt the SltustlN for her I■ all part of her tkomlulose, to 72C north and ass; Na 1 Maul.
%radip will be prufitablr. W other larger populntlon than the British lanae fn,es the milts The matter W With Good (trace U. i Fla to FI la Peace The ' and lie said he was confident that U kerbs bard. li0o. Torontor No No. I
Islands today. Ties result would be t Y fit" Her Majesty could visit the colon'•r uorthear'n at 78c.
produce" &oil distributors. One of that (;rat Brltaiu wouli be guverueri taw -for the ou°al,deresUou or the two she would mosive Snare a welcwa Oate-White 04W quoted at 271 ::::
Auckland, N. Z May H.-Advk•w re- captured and taken W tie polloest► even more enthtufastla
the provisions o[ the Algoma Central Ki a w Altogether.
uutaalJI the United mnelclpall:les althctagh the l:assrn• weal sad r1.d 1.20 t 4
Rallwa Bill ls that 10.(x10 sills taty U, rltit w cul Ido not hovel men% has some oonteol over %tie we,- O,jd%d from S.on fl a xtins been
that Wo tion. (atoms, by o great lava,• The Brussels Incident. Barant. an "d b le 4 6 for \•,
y L'niteol titssw flag has beet► hoisted Tea can an u•e sante dlvs!cwt were
tail" %
lly l would take loo ,)dare
shall he settled on she laud srwoteol Ue art the Ietdte,d Kingkrm to conifer ter Power. the Ottrswra bElag aor'be• over the Island of Tutuila assW grant Wuekel tit Park eveate and Nebraska T1s' 1'rinx of Wales, rspeodlnt to wears. and fmA barley 8d 87c.
flow ,t u( `(cult t3tap Merle raftMn the patch a {xu{xosltk,u nr thnL' ter--,provIncime'river. native rejoicing, ilia, that 09 chief• street by a crowd of 2W striker* the toast W himself, the Triotus% and H s --Quoted at 50o north at.I w.•rt
twit few gran. and kite providing of quite tare. The people u[ l;reat -- have made a to in", casslon of the &mi sympaWla*ra, who pulled Aum° UJw other members of the royal tram wr 51e east.
that population with the vidi g o Britain have he enjoyed Belt -sour t INatid to the United States. TMs In- the trolleys• cut the rupee, and By, made tate fdbwlat brief ,rm(eroace Bran -City sills sett tprau at t IK:,U
EDITORIAL NOTES. labltanto of Manu", It Is also an smashed the our windows. W tae Blfumals locldent: sad short, at $17.50 in car lots,
it% and tomfortr of life will make men% so lung that they woul i not coo- toutye,l, request the formal hosting As far " could be learned 1.1100 r>I " I will may no more than skis All t. u. h. Tbronta
wort taut ant a taw of the Inhabit. +Harr any arrangement uorl"r which The C P. ltd haat month cold to rept- of the American flag over that Island. II.6(xh won vemploy-ed by the St. Loral* of res are in the hands of God, Arid Buokwbeat-Firm; 49e north an,l
sate f uhf Ontario \\'e may bit. whlch will likewlr• lee cealeA. Transit (bmpa.ny an 1M care sad lei whether we lop our life through 50c west.
lice,) might be oaltvotwd by tae %eery 56.457 wres of land. for SJW'- The vssiven d th--helande will sbodes "art out ,thseyroraLsg.
deftness, aoeldeat ar slaa stA°Aaa of an (�1-2o onaareptel : i7c: Amer4rtp.
�„�, »_ forward wick awfideserreat�sl•►Tapid Inhabltan1W 6t their colonlee. They 773. (g. That i■dH ata/ r kealthy con- %hemsetvs, under govere ure ap lot t• King Otto Breaklog UP• aasawin fns must bow to His Inscrnt 48 !•_0 on %coat hese
d-lFkvBlm .-a the mlr+ral anti fur nj•>y- free trradt%-fM 1InR&lst*. - p in then Northwest i oil by the conuuareWit of the naval Benin, May S. -The health d the a� will. 1 t lad to have tbls Oatmeal -.80 by a 88,YA by flu -
eat reeoerce's of norWwrn Ontario. they would not want a swarm of station. quiet pr"alle In German dt,gamted King Otto of Baysrta 1e opportunity not 0of of thwnklug You and 1o, I ler the barrel, uu tans l
Tar: authorities will do well to keep 81Is- • ocrmpletely broken up. and the end "` "°��' to of rami. Not onlyotherf at Toronto do ear f I-
paper, ol0kel and iron being Ueechtw! Protec%kualsM from Canada, AtuLra- t'eswvlrr Li Marr %tow. b expected *awn. from far ,felon% parte, not woo of Fenfor,imed la 611.2c nt. :n ad
Ila and liwtb Africa W gather at a Rv'°c' strong gu'arJAnt Welland Jail P Pe< the empire, but ut the elrlllssd world' west for.isoedtetM shipment.
prudwc4 From this source. the r� while tM dyn„mite suspects are there. home, May M.-,luunht Vaneivlar la■ HwetUwg the Yaakeea. Tho Prine co rludef by aotoowl
N'estmlnoter and impose a Prater- tilt Lawrewe. Yarkst
ports of (7hdadn to foreign a•aandtrlrs Ftsaalaps or Boren or plata criminals, tx+etp in,a slate of eruption for the 3's. slap May Ft�brluHl the k'rertcb asitia% the -ready manner 1r* wheel Toronto. May 5.-Reeelp4 of %:pail
will be largely Increased. and the tine tariff Capon the people of the lost three days, &flat ecphwbtu within officials hold to the starlet letter of the oohruls have ant Uwtr Inst one were 600 bushels of Kasai
Rrltlrlt Islands. Then, an Mir Charlet wr would If:•ep them with us nod err the crater have thrown Intel nut the deciik>n to permit no Installation troop to fight for the mother outaJ Opbadm of hay, 4 of straw, and Lt.•
tvstomc dulls upon the gdwxs which tertabn them for a few years Mammo" of reach to it great het ht. of exhibits aftrr next UwWrilay, the %r 'i/ what Natarda s deUv Ies of p.ul
will come to Uaoadre in payment for also Bald, "there U another find more _-- _ -- _ __ R [ 7 Y
Irepurtant consideration. I tb not be- The 4"Lutimy of Mayor Eden. of Lott eight the erupt kw was effect oa the lex of mato will
b rho Blks a ('rardlar Tromps. try and Kgs•
our exports will kewp she ;Govern , rally vuuknt, an't encu Aaomfrnl Ly trier ami private ezbtbl Wn will he Lord B,Ilrtwry, pnrpOsinR ' The Is- N'ilraat.-800 bustaels .of gtx,re M:I 1
Ibeve there U an Intelligent CnnadlAn Waterloo, that In then Clemens- nraaell rumblia dleartruur. Although that dwsm IN A at 7Y W TII
amt at Ottawa we'll supplll+l with raR t'a-• postal !'ores," pato a tribute to the 1c-
nvedhu. of any party In this country' who Lackrxv elarUco the Turit+s were More Strike ,'roubles. month after tf19 formal otwitiag, then Oabr-800 bushels sold at 81 c t.,
atoll, be alliin that yon should a installation Is no yet far from tum dlstoMrsterlo� °f the ook>ol�s Is
A ser) Important Item of the *ew B "iaacDtg all niont; Uhe line" for rests. st. Louis, Mo., May H. -The Ewer plate, and Inafiy can filled alto a:- ao"Ing troup, whose splendid yual-aasler; 20 jtuacis add ati10 U
lion's l*glelatlon M ,that which re. merge Canada In an imperial Feder- tmtlon is no; w1Uho�t Ica s gnttl. Live CummltLew u( %fie t3treet Rall- It is and courage bad format •mag Y
hlblts, come of them American. Are b >►11.t10 r tion.
fen to the lmP>n>cement of the wagon •tion that world Involve removing mile e. d Meu's Unlon at midnight tiec:id- still uotslte the Amer Ion nl/least spectacle, and lead %eked not Ds.
rhos tr=tis• 8iraw-i bob sato a� �8 to gu IM's
Ottawa to St. Mtephere's, and govern- ed W reoummreud to the wmpluys" would suffer greater low than otber by rr empire but, the whole world �.
roads In the Provloaee. It is intPudlad tag Canada, in regard to the Laza- Pullman doesn't like the idfks of the the Transit Company that & countries, but 1,110 Action of tic by she ear I'wltr Deliveries light. .pmt
W get clef or the toil gate union'cc• tion ant expenditure and national m!tdtfamen who guard his retreat at strike be deelele,l upam forthwith. AL "Tia sawlogs tlr7 have siadee'ed le Y- t i•
Fre:-.ch o(fkplalt wont, still for, a hard- firm.
ami U, makes the roads fit for bk•y. features that are now controlled at S o'clock thin morning A mare meet- Ute fkHl," saki the F'nmM". `are Dr3me
Ottawa, by s federated YarllAment R'Pllamd. He rays flair clothes db not detp. The pn,nuwncwiwut, however. s CAbkeno-last year's birds add at
cM travel, which IsP11w a great qr tag of 2,600 employees. with Dot a cls- generally reganfel as Intended for eDleaAld. anez�Dlel and only ser -
at tit. MMp11eu's, Involving, ria It fit wr11. PPrhmW, but Mr. Dultman and aenting voice, deckled in favor of the pawed by the torthPr servlee of bay b al i>� Pair.
frig of la0rea(keh and of the masa strike. The company controls all but bomit �ow°apt'bu• as th- erenndshst Ing drawn the em In together. Not mat Clak�-AMM Ah• At $1
would• the sam> rat, r of taxat'on as her friep,fe should remember that theP ate
condltbn of the IkA r Mpdun ' ---dT-taw �ttY lQ1 � lei T•. %1"l 'li � � � int -= ........
---- - -
aod star d four -wheeled efilckr apples to that country. Sir Charles cyst . pat 11 �-ad_t0e_A1."at-iuti-itrrsa is • ..W .�k�y yTy,�j�iw�? �e.0 on h la+t Tnrkeys-Priem firms "A Life W I -w
k TftQW'W_jf Barge eab'tNict:'iiK� Afi 'A 1MI IWF- Y'h (Famili,ftm- Toff% nod hna onet. Awl the•y're both up to Luolr. and at 6 n. m. not a wheel tiantla7 when. Qw- Natm&Ug" Ita,d trtnts r • teangaering caeaoalgo batsPoNVA
tutafun ddlar* of Provincial mores,) the basis of naval expenditure this was turning. so'* r decLded victory. Next 6•in,14y ate• la the Domehe mete d opinloo t� tVW-
rar Canada's share would be forty- the regulation standar. With tine exception of a few can us. aoor parts of the world, ens of so Betlirr-Dehvsrlss tali at l ec to
! Nectlons oreur In the dfmsrite{s when+ 20o per pound, the bulk selling at 17.
and uhe ll,WLigent en-oprrnt'on of the rIX million dollars, but added that un the Part avenue division of the colonvivalls have
After what the
Lr Sharer vn. I. U. F. th- court hulk the Brune Ballo%l are tteoes. eat and arkuapss bre donor It l+ rMllaed that b •
sanictPtal Coal lie Uw reform ren t1r. fhb was a° ezoepNuoAl year. He Lindell Ilne, which tire being run by ilia decree ls bellev*d to the Inteurfwrl F IoLy Mw told maid „L
effected. Its Lots will benefit not then quoted from a statement by the that the benefits he n certificate of non-unlon men, all the lines tom erlr 1 Gnat Brl"ln 1* a more important 49f�oU
('iuocr►►or of the Exchegwr that insurance la the sac seta cannot Ing the St. Ionia Transit Company W Indicate to the people ibe .wrryret nstiotn In the world than befom : her 12%c PR
only tat rural Population. telt the flatland, with a smaller population are tied up. effort rr( the tof th mexp to Ametek► character s sono respected• and her !>eew*r1 Hugs $7.5 erica Il 75 w ,- r
trnmderred D� will from Llr original rt the rnmpletlun of LkP a:pnMtba wlshm ars more aisle» pubs firm at �7.b0 b ii75 Ir r
traders procleoeen and oenrutdere Gln than Canada, war paying E18,de09,- \t Pa and .laff crimes ncen°ee, r*ta
the clues as well. OW this year an tier share. It would faB1teflclar►m W a flancroe, hof mad wiser% two car ills+ rnss. w craw, Phllfplmoa Aethe. Lord Salisbury ds1afus o ►a at �t
We ecoid have wlahrcl that our 1'R h• many a tong day before Intelligent be regularly c•hangol by the author- of strikem gathetPdt at 7 -HO a. m•. Manila, May 8.-A kxoe of rebels aro tempt W expedite a fusion tar British Markets.
Canadlauv of any party er►ould ac- flow of the soelejy Accor+lag W IM and Attempted to wUr,, three care on May _nl, attacked tweuty men of eolowlss With the mother country lAverpoo6 May 5--16.110. "Whwnt,
totatbve )safari has wader* able W (le• Dept that position, as one of the tM Yarn avenue dlvia'ou by putting Company 1., of the 44th Regiment, by legislati es. d*eiardag Nat it Na 1 north., . go lid; No. I
cxsrstitntlua IIoISer, d- (haters)
ries arm% plan ler mltlgeV t1u' Ano things to be cherlshedt and preserv- heavy •tons on ShP track. .\ anon, stationed at Barotac, ilio Crorluce, will be bettor to ,lbw thio Capllornla, be % 1, to d 10; rel
M,rlety "rtincatem will tkk,w%11 W see winter. no stock; cora, new. 4a 11
qp;e 1n,m fkwM in ouch wLrrenmvths ed for all time was our power of d poses arrested ('h+ales Ibylp. but on she LI&nA of F'aaa,)'. Three of she wersdsrJul growth seatlmsnt
Ups Ornrw1 And Themes Riven. Minae oil -government. So far as my light %luck the ,wertk•ular societies rattly tM mob attacked the uffla•n. slid re- American+ were tilled Pw1 several b grow by its own laws, sad, W& 4e 8 g -b; Palma. 5g 9d Pp�Ip,
and my opinion goes," the appabr de- pony rhani os they purpose making, or leseM him. Doyl! w-ar erWht0Ally fe- were wounder% arconding to tl• isyules y its
owe Pallas �eforn. mesa, 67s led; lard,
the tonntn Aralmd by thew raven rasa*,, "1 would never concent that ♦itality. In that even:, les said, tit �y1e western, MW 31; Amerkmu.
the Mayers ueay gPt cue lion's share world execstae an IaG•srooe aver the
has 1R•eYt de'wraat ami eultld-wtM. the England herself, or any other coup- - y testlneaL 716, 9A ; allow. Australian,
4 the orliefits. - i 1LL Peolemor Bobraasen cha•raeter, rams sad habits d the
r"al,rll finds Its wa) tr the filter. try In the world, should scar ten to __ _ ^ �Pe programs 27s led; Amen t6 good W firm. .TP.
u Pope to Impove A dollar of tax- My ANC�E ra oars tl tllseoverY prose. that scab wori4 s!A w ked .e.rr 4wfste been baoot. cb.tr. Ilglot. JL; hello).
bed murr rapidly Wnv, It dW when the eller In (;rent Britain they fires rA- letters wars wrote°• And supplies the wz•arjs*d say Ampire. Bs morled-
atlua on the peuplp of cnnnala. WP py 4(!s ilei ; whom chsxr. heavy, tlTs tk1,
country was in fureK klomething are a free country. We have con- ther tnnty In their celebrations d fell text. A spacial from London s od with tbs remark: "I beg tocoes*e cb,",. white. LfM, u0orecl. 6Qa Gat
lglag R tier Un t)'m birthdta Venally it in also printed In which Professor George with this Somst tJts same e( my ar-
rnl,vht les Arty. b) afar, out rifle ceded to us the entire manfi Pment jeep y ) whoa. vved - : Dorn. steads.
tebaltnw rtes d the rivers. but a bet of our own affair", but whenever velPbratai more;- ,N a after the data Hobert antMllMurray, ten nod
of the o*ll•aol.t friend, Cot. D•aimaos Llhj p5s - So 6t;
14 wase% fir",
p�a° the British Interests are at stnke ) DDCUM NT1 department d botany sad bsqurai (04 1Demlamw's ate+ ere.
I for proFlabn would b; the formation CA head& will In the rotor#-, as in the too wlita'h It tall+. This .lmr It wain hr*- history to the Brltfrt►Mweeos, s,)sot alWa.e*a ,e N Ws.. ;j 11J to ler; -. L etiodarl
p+oa,dias. aid: Cil.. til x 1-'.'.A Lr les td; N�. 1 moral+
Id artfirlal Inks or reeprvuln W hold past, be found ready to rhr tier duty, tended to hold the celebration os. the ad am sAYlpg that the In*rripilor wan "Illy giving od,wastagam, to the Waat era spring. MA ltd to rem i I 1 -rd: Nate,
the water huk to Show of frewbet. sal Mer whole duty, without Any 24th, beat thr phony have mimearrie,l. undoubtedly genulas. Professor Mar- India& the aaadLna have proved their 2 read winter. rev) ,Wok; fatuteu.
This will demand a Hrger expendlturr compulsion whatever." Tile celchnptlrn I+ U, he un the _5th ray had bA shown • taodmlfw. williageme Ao p4t their hAode I° steed) duly, 5s. N 7 -Nd; IIePt•. 6s U-
any municipal rcrrporation could Right again. CanMdtfinr are past nr ,It 1>ublin amt Pdinbi,rfrh, and all Letters Passing Between n'. �� ��nnn 1e' r [nJthAsie ns hamprumsedth•h, I•M; spot. corn. tiro; mlxet Amwri
attempt. Aryf M none Inaul 1Pwalltlee (cad of stet-govrernmpnt as Itrttorr • CNOW1� MOS THE I �MI�E tellow•c0loodAse• r fm h l national
asap dew a 1 4A I- 16 VA; t. 40 0-
utpr itcntlnnl, inland xnd the pro• oiefiaoe L akeep. Yef oKhir aailoga can.ateddyb . MAy. 4- 'L 1.60: July, N M-
are Interested• It weal to be n proper ere. Tiny fought to limp p ct fog tate vin^es In Lunalrrpin the official eMetrnn" Christ and Agrippa. elere m+ds d to the s..ch, aid k was 7-8d. kept, a O T -ilei; flour. 1Te sial
subject for the Leglslatur• to dual privilege of managing their own af- lldrn wIII be on f+Atunlac, May 26th, tfms erre toot such mam•urus a will b 18s R&
` % th. Hon. (I. W. Rom -4. the new Pro fain. and they have a big country pt l' , ,! ea .ble fibs gmpUps, a►oold dcessloa Londewt - ('los►-Wheat on pWg •
when there will h» Lire usual milltar) Pitiable Condition Q� the "i.w to drib* with full talus. Ihepe assiwr and negbectad. Cavg•�es ,%nm
=bur, has made surd, an Pxeelleat be. to loop After, without taking In fun -tions In the morning. and at night g,>,,+ f� S►af epos the oenelu�nn of ale war, trnllw:•. Sermon. steam. autres all.,
glrntlnx. and has aec•ump:IdM+d aur much 9►+age the ccrPtect ud Imlaer/hl affair* tide ,,Inixterr land s;rest Officers of th LOST IN THE YEAR 97 Affected Districts. '°'ap"rMj `°"f"e1O' �-' b' °'"'d " al Dm. mu4g% U paiid. Whint- s j,1, �`a.
In hie fiat amemWth, that then frople Thwy have plenty or ways of Ppentkng Ifoapelold will give full -bingos twin 1 Tribute to Auetrellaws. steam' {rwa(te' ?a pall' Mate' air
will look confddmltly for even greater their mcwwY• much As rallwnv nod Mr.CLmbmrlau• win our = gwletwr and hardly Any mar
queta. R�nL In the English Ww-ns little tests let. country wheat ear
sehlervemanto In ten future. Baring art rnnel-beUding. without putting uta attention Is paid to theme celebration. HEAPS OF DEAD AND DYING. At•tteilo■ Ytasmaa," referred at let• gale%. Dfmlzeh, us..
eowd ion to then go*etion d Aur shot fid. FlIg
Sia wMete of Industry In muton In $i8.0o0.000 a ,)asap or Any otaeer con. And Now Dlscovred by Prof. =b l Fie called E29 3d. 0. itis 10 1.2d. FNor.
Northern Ontario. he can find ddervaWw sum. for Sr maintenance of aAvc by A idea officials. The English- Iorfon, MAY 5.-711ae senor% %bat talus nttoa. •aid ice nor- D[Lm., f'2s � -»
acclr Haan has to remo to the "colonlPm" W BohrmoaA -- Pope idea 111. Do- cholera M strengthening Its deadly dully •`sneed with Lord Salisbury's
for hen eaer'gY in many other dlrec• the British arm) avrt nary. ser the P ament • lass as arsukial hu- Cheese Markets•
- - - Qhueeo's Birthday honored. Placed Them Spurious (cane hold it [amindition of that
balks tele. ten y
%boar. Bet whcee kdsra was fair Ch9rler Tap- the Cable ]Ira Does Not Vouel for the pitiful condition d that% oeantry Maas 0( odonial lobar*, ud b •up -
(paw crrnbatting do lin lAndPxy The IPir%nts elf Siplkw who shpt at Icer', than ever to public view. About Pdmdr therefore. teas the creation Irrgeo:a. Out. May 4.-Tbs firms
opoech T Not that of the Canadian tlw I'riaxr art Weeps. hnrn made, w pr* Their (3esulmene". 95.500,000 persons, for Shia is 1W* of a Om:oalael Council wen otlll ilia- mmpl-d g of the Iroquois (9leese Board
FUDURATION NOT IN SIUHT. population of the districts affected, toot, and ids w0dd sootier to doe- was he:d this afterttooa ; 47% eolor'•I
Ulle. Is. who Ara sticklorm for harm theetAc nplrvol t. t14• (ruevut In hill bP Now York report: The Herald and are sweltering Uwtr squalid eztsbnce vo(va span tM mother eaetasry a• and 59 white rhecen yeas offeral
The apeoobes at the British Ikupire rat W.. alai who wou)d ghdcokly row•irht half. !n It occur the folkowkeR Iris+ trustee of butperial into►rest*, to
tho Journal and Advertiser plass% W away sold pepstlbace and minor,) %amt Irugiht 800 at 205-8r; bel
Leog! lusgaei in Bladon awilphawfa- lane attempt or ttae pmople err Partin a,tew: day apse,&, cable, from IocArm and show no signs of abatng. hundreds guard lbw future of She Harp4e. A1- Aar•• unsold. Dayen Present: BL'wll.
Pd bhe good fee es at Present exist- mmnt a,f firvett Br►Leln to tnkA the It in it father tend n mtrt1wr ala.. d ttn[wrmnalm of pounds In British gold ' '7 so She assistance alred by the Logan and Ault. Board a4mrMd for
+t Gaenr h l"rx+r ,in wet Rome res W'Uvely which may th at two aw l SaRsh-Adrlea, he am week.
stag hetweso the maother cwd;ry ani ew„fid of Cannrdz'a dcwamtk nffNn i y W pnnbn their Orrm&n marks and AnwricAn coin coloaol tr
anfortnrente sue for tb^ attempt of Imtters, one from King Agrippa to harp been thrown Into the eoestry, now: "The fact is, we are only Jost
1s. the colonies, bat both Lord Saliebetry out of oar hands U it a case of the m gl g lO b nsiime the Late Markets.
wb.:ch Ire Irl Imran guilt). R'e Ar% Christ and LM tYiber from the Pea- lent d n from gene Ir►t,est ndvlcee btK hof gawatnem d
sad Mr. Chamtrrlain made it p:aiw aplaeal from P"Kii drunk W Philip pax And Quern art lndlgetr>ti hat w• vtoar b Lha King to repay -letters re- all this eharity to ma a Y a drop In our opera Magi" Nd ilia possibiiltiee t
task • acid not fe�or ao forma: are ItAnd and nIndige of us h,ae tar oceans. The famine And Ib air in She future. Tonight we recognise Chia&' r May T•-4DpmLog- WUm
hey Y sober%' Fk.re wp not known R(r Jol 6T
t%rrwd to by F.usebius In then foltr b Seindant aospldcatioras a r to will Aeoctfdt `roti Ydw the mit[- i 1 8y, 6T; may 631•.
fideraCome of the 1bipire scheme et ev,# felled In aur duty. Our child. PVw vied klos toady, bec0t9Deat OIr01►erY by
Claris Tupper himself Ao on. of then wh-o has OommUted Side feirfol crime. OroturY-leave been discovered, after e:oeed I• stnlencw any two provlous bless* shat Ino the adoaLe* to sola
(• presses. (that mbwt be s mat air o: meet euthualamtic advocates of the is an Innocent lad. Act✓, on by evil being lost for 1101 yeah. The letter v.itatibem. The Viceroy, Lord Our. us ID as hour d trial. V the oeoaa V evening. T - Whaa
Sisle read growth. rho. Britisb Parile- son of Kedleston, and the (IoversseR J �eryoo y..8pot
- ass{ owi1J oak atter the torsi policy of „rrmovinR Ottawa to tet. fucttements. They have taken ad- froru king Asrlpps W Christ reads: afoul, elnhaggily safes tie° we may dell; Na I Csl.loraia. be 8 I -8d be
Ire- -MtPphro's", Rnturdfiy Night ways that vantage of Frim Inexperience. Ite on- •'1 love hew rd ut Thee and the curs are ranking oeusebw exertion b be oohed upon to reeipRoesto with
lotions of the '13rg+ire• unassisted by dentAnda now the character of hist wrought by Thew wltawus herb or nw,.t then terrible emergency. but mosnathins stronger than words I be- te 4d; NO, 1 northern spring. til 11A;
•' PIr Charles, while repro edtln9 Cane pot the mtupendno• difficulties confront- rp futunm. oast ; July, les 8 8-8d; Sept -
r*pra•ssotat[vm ftoas the eo:allpm, and taut, weep* with n+, and ImPkwvs medicine, (cx Its re sal that iMn she OW Caa■i wail stead the
tie ooLaoial ParliaaraaM will Oft ars adw In Great Beltain, It moa; not be pardon, -- Thou restoreth eight to the blind and Ing them prwvpat the pa'weeat supply, briW" , a .N 5 5.8d. -..
to aS or to w:uhho;xt awmiw masa (rx,roSSeo, wA+ n member of then F.xr (tart child ls jp prl+on. The Ida& of maketh the lame to walk, elweneth ing of rellot to atrere than five mil. in an abquant peroration Mr.
Went It u th laoreIn Base pity on 1146thy, {eppr, raiseth the Ahad, chaseth Iowa. In ter sroarotlme thw N&tivo Chamberlain declarrd that the old t3%adstreal•o on Trade.
' la pans and swoas rr sbaordins to their rvtlre fYrmM it of the tm{rarinl Feder- (rive rat on less. His crime- is hate- ant devlls anti unclean spirits and K.tataw are dotted with heaps of Awfad days of apathy and indlfferaao* to-
Atlon Lpngne, moler l.urd Hosetwn, p y Aar the colonlwe had Trade proopeub In Montreal are
I news(view of %be rircasm►taaaeo. When fill• twit he Is our cleikl. ilia heart hennleth those that a» tormented of and Ayhug,and Snwroada wap crowded Damwd away ��tawl*sly Pxrwvdsing end volar
Loyd Aakabary •drpneccted say at- an•1 lie still n nymbwr of 1140 ttritimh is Ie,xxl, and reeproven his act. it dlmsnmes of a long continuance. wlU: ghastly barrio seeking in sompe and Itatr glv! place b a aLreovoer continue very nrm jos 611 classes of
to mrpwdlte a (ttairre of cls Rmplre 1wN,[a,e, tlw organization that se>mti !.> ■m Imlon+udrse tint lav coin "Hnuritng ell this r>f T9rA> t was fn117 %nom the stricken 1,PMtcxtrar, bat entre Amisw you otemr ndloo. stable freosls. Tlereb a toad dleoan 1
tms■gt he r•o fottnded with criim:sal wre4•b-s poem sled that Thou are the v¢ry, for lack 0f food Aad water Intently Mr. Torte's invitatlos. for hardware anJ acetals. Mona U
srw•aev►e+l the other, and ut which Y Mr. Joseph lot" Tavto. Canadlaa ftrAL
J cewsim with tlw mlotAer country 4y \t your troy we pray you W Inter- (boil case down from heaven to ol0 ^anocosb In Use +tbtempt.
legttelatien," . ao.1 Wilt. CbamberiAia (L,1 A. T. Denison Is Canadian I'revl- ew..le D1 his fav,,,r. ^ ls only flfte.•n. mucl: miraclwe, or that Thou Area the A spr+lal dnmpasch front Bnm6y Mlnteser. of Public Works. propostnetgg At Hamilton this week them ham
orwrdlal ry sQrPe+A with Lord stens- dent. The bwanqunt rwrently held In Ho esu A moss rsopee tfulr sabmiMtvo am d Gal and perlormetb them. may% clroMra in alarmhagly virglen . 'The British Fmplre se1d hewn a further Improv oerns ds Sol-
tpar • , or S sgaiast any arts- LrNnrinn of the Brttl+h Empire, LeaRot•, An, lovlr,tr tar, . with n heart of Cold. Wherefore I have sees Tb•m a few among the Mtlrer on clue inmlt* re he hoped the war would speedily east trade covedltorme. Ths 1 Z
a y• gttmlrs knowing nothing, whom they flava Ilarw entreating Tete* to come Idthm Bat works at Vlramgaon, where ib@n concluded. and that then the same Laren aro buoy. PhipuX. are ars%
ficial abaatemiag d eo:onlol an.00" not At wfilrh Canada canes rrpreseteted by wickedly deeplved by nations Ibv In In and care my direness., bedilem: 'Hear- arm fifty deaths daffy from dna• from boUtetlane which had made Can• anti sates are showing good profits
"esppcner! Rhai lbw areatioo of s rn:- Cot i rolxon, reelvsw nil this, and during him to fire at your most em, Ing that the Jews murmur against res, an.t a rite„n troveld nrr given to Booth The Aernan:L for labor are bepialr
onlal tunnel% t t dill distant," %home also bxlnRa to mind the fact that Mir tpwmPai suet• Hla Royal High°ww then Three and mntlnoe to do Thee ads Africa. The Ow adiarae. be •xmtlalfed, workman well empbyed-
1'rli" of Wales Oreat and noble ehlelf• I invite Thee+ b my coy. which WILL AVOID BRUSORL6. went, r membwred the tr d
V epcabemmwh of British lies• toot then Cheirlm. now oppnre, %o Imperial Fe c1 IP the Prtr>ce Trade conditions; at She CoA" are
cern toU, waw otprn one 1ev Its most Vit' (it
to oast a loot of pity ii but &',list* one. but to bwontful of Wale b Canada, and now. on their Isproving. The castors resarus for
y,- on our misery, and our, II(o will he, and suffdcMntwto entertain no both." Ogling to Berlin the Iltiske of York nobalf, hes would ass Kim Royal Viareottver for lurch were About
•+ds lialai%ion whirie Fills. Mr. 'is. raw peep$ Y le to
:^7 find Cafr (Jbat3ee, TaVep*r haw* taken stalwart nrlct>r&ten." Fut o'w oatvo rlttg a ratgust /and Christ's y to the ,bore reeds: Will Tete r Mferewt Bou•P. , rata+ whetter It esu not possible b rMINP those for Ms saaM nsdat► last
The contention or the lew,ier of the ratepewt fax nrr Mcri August end who"BLipm
art thaw for on.fbelovr ora Bnraple May t -The Duke of York, r+peAt that vitt." (Load elven.) year. Their* is a good dwwl of oospe`-
i■ athin country. Thin primriple of div- merciful M"llety." wAmm Ghon hart not wo, for it is Thr Dake of Devonshire, bristly r� titled In the Coast c1tMs. howeversad
idml d labor is recogsisedd VeRaNans i►{rpomltloa to anus, Canadian pain- in nim f to Flerlln- s not losingxp. eight
written of IOe that they ills have pdr fwtheer'c un *want ftz tiarloe elaawadsd for the Ismfaaa', said a c+blp- profits arm ant earns pretty bw.
rlpies npreenr. to hnrw been n ddAlit, %Yhen the LihpraN rediaml the, duty M {ap Mon
•sen i[a shall int bwlteve seal they m had bean ■sec to /.cera! Roberto Mautiy s tight. The prolpacse for
bavogttCM esoagh to dA b Idrrk attar to Brussels,itorr Iw will •v0{A Brmrrl•, ((1e
whether PlnrerP or not. A fpm eburs ,m cenfil ell the Tory orgwnm ridiculed that have not aeon ]im sAah believesto the sties% that Lha•F,rtraee d Walls, trade are tela.
the, gowersswest ani dowelopment week" ago he was Insisting upon the Jest am did tAe ipet■ei of Wales k his thr Dake of York. Uw Dube d Cam. Theatre is w vary "wing the, reAe•tloo wr "1f1oltooslewl" and and b mord. Rat' eoeowrnirnf she rptnre from O'opeselhngsnp. The Ihuke of g� eDr haeeh
of their anis country, wed 9rit11% tallith ex ndtture M Canadian money matter %boo bast written about, this ly okrlartxl It coal, have so {onxwlAle of- t Yrxk wild take A mpclal trill° from b,Ti'' the Mangsb of lsallslwry and now hJng rbiw At I.onlon. Th+ grant
are. ,eftiM capable d rogu:rtins f Ito acomia% then that aI1 thin Rlandrtln, try tint Belgian sta, A(- tha membftn Of the British Empire nrmarrw In maquteneturers' vola" Is.
to Iwlp Britain h1 the war le Mouth jar% an tlpp Impurtwtkm. Theo where, for whish I was meat hbthar �gue t les
their foreign ruLatfons am wool a+ tpr pa•ept the French frontier, 1 sngnw had ernruk to the srtnr•rrlem of bAvin[ w focal niter% on Iwrlmes.
Africa, going se, far Shat mrernwh,alY ihw Mtnnalnr, ()If Crpmpan) secured fa;fi:iwd. ani then I shall t s oto to. through to bwwthill, ore then (1 syn thea Imperial te>ross he was so abh� At WlenlppR trade MM tismw gnitoac-
tMeir ,amastia atfetrs (lel. Deei*on lariat to Ask him If left wax nrprp loyal rontml of the Canadian product, the,► +lad ,rwtOrood to Him tAat •est Mw e� rrxnm'indLnt. and et th t The
It aYoae■SsA fuss t►w pheeval:ias ♦few, P frontlr•r. Then irwln will makes ix>1 ora Dr, Coy Sr* slscw hes Fwstwr Mdiabyr
Rot after M aarendoe i will ■sad one
than then Qoeen. Now owe foes Rut lack wheeled short and wile,rrml that Yr, y stair In p+uaminR through iMlRhrts, to high wDPnrlattareo th, loyal casae farrreew Aro still hey with ,vsaallos
ft! tidy discilien tbas *bs;l ever• Use take watwr wt Pkhatrbitak• a suburb �' anti endurance of AFI manias, add• apperatonte, nmol the lnoroaao I4 tho
ani 4Inp,d -that tn¢on then calr:uann Up Parth and -home rules fnr't'anada (,felling final hY his tariff wit this
ra( the w-ar sen ����' of Ahy dlrtaulhpsr and %flys lite so an of hueels ins that a reply had Ihevm tsrtrtvwil wheat nrreaRe ls Ukwly to M lactam
1irrnpwrMl eoufwr+•ttete - Partimrarntery control over all Can- door Ur the Standard ortupns." mn•1 them ♦bat arm with thee." 4. from Lord Rol its Soulderls grntw- The tnnrpmprht Im wattle. grain and
would be. ea Med." but Me. Tarte, who a11a's public axpssAlturss. L44 qts •-sawnMvl revwr tar industry to ttss fL'hs Joefrnsl sn3 Advartimer asytt Lou Overstated. fad thanks no )drat( d the troop
walk also *meat, mearai� sagsw* gate rnl frrrfarw L+ rtrylll and will ile
Pr ted loader epi then Opposition Aron hex tali- „�Y,• "Thm npeoir silt• frwaa Rotor* pas- Ac"l,0mylao: that all wag In ar{NeaAld ,
that ,fiarth Afrka mhnol•1 ha grapfM Pl Rnrat monopoly For comm tem. n Yir► 40 ova the tr\j h d w Sndi- Tors plowed ns., Nay T e Arly =Allen. mo masts whllw saw llmg nperwt'oMro'n
prr pr kxh, and loos Her Majesty sts ht
doh notlon of Pan+ad• forrinR or per- nanabow orf the Tory organo harp bepwm ibDa Shat Is a�ltest a• anelrpt a ref1Ofts of GIM Its whbh rwrorlyd rel) n tinned %
. th. soars, tram instits,ltms which Clad- rwt+,Ma at OrnaAw Meree having lana them Lo bef>W the Msfwalgau At TcrPe>eto tttweo Maw Mseln a fair
m4woNag the Imperil 1'Arllwment to pfrmAndinx that the duty ben abr,llebrai Christianity. Of *nw W the Journal y Y °(t In fta>ath AtrtcA W w nslffwctory
aim M 7r* •dA stet invitwd i impear upon In orAwr to get At the "oe (;avaaal7 etegserattml Ilam arearant of ronvemMt In wholasa►Ie trap aurins
j pod y rtrtnma Antis u Imports topes suo°ot .vouch for or truth a er- dam and Its. the follow! is rw>nc'uw4m• Salm wret A lite. n,w,anwrarhe"1 we,ot
Pyisas of Wales to replant bin vh(t to frr>tn forelign rountrlow, find he will 4". %A ail ,wt , arena made ,)star- ^g^ aa: tae Dutm of DovwohLro concluded has
wPsw without, newwvwr, e,<plwlnlnR ),saw Rlrwn Heel to Uta tam fres as owe bicep etfftrt i Mar oo w
day, pApr[I setts, by Protrusor Bohr. D MI h nn ex o/ a�
Qtinda, he pligfbio kw adstsdoa to then ►Anka U ant oritativn soun+p : '•The fire mt w Wm nrrlrM yet. It M m2iwrtwl Lh&l thr
?lM 6.MAnn thfit. wemviat bwerGt ir, If then "octopus" Joann, et V�nna aivarslty to the the i aurrnt+M Pa r thy nrr! wm�rpt m %»Alli% of sAw menet will r n wt abeei ansa
aDeerAew awash% to rlwar of the Lltrerall dart' Of At Itrate. Frld the, anpplfem of ,with CaaaAw And amba*ologleAl cnngrato to Rgegs, but pr and Pulp Mills `en�ew with then flarsradmrew In the pR- s.1!
Sae %town~& tbol show that Skr •v+ferr'eser'�": � th ams of iizenwreaw intwtant." did cart evtend his the ,odd mw, em,,,,, of the cAMv"LtY at Ottawa Priem as Inst ypwr .-
l'iArlw. �ePbiar'.4 ai Ihcaty d, can- r+t. Caomrlpee Journal suggests the Rtatwm Now then ,1w11 nn•f F.m res 7L cable mwmege continues; •'Pro• rhfinlr•wl frill, bol ding, and novas Nr. Tarsen woe wmrw4ald a magnul
sit • blag axlivt a� raw a eon- %kat . watchmewn, � Soo• Inch. wad ,l Mmuhcom She Ida►, 41oalarrr that "N foa��o/owf Bohrmant announced that Slaves, minor wsl works Mlle new and very rwttt rvlep{rgnn, anA hat rrtuwrkm warm Vb11Ms aAA ArltN,t.
,'.; tv�Sitin-W 0,6M,eNYa 7VA* for the the afntt h^ rpmnvM the RtnadnM 011 Iwtt•es Mad toespn dl.nrvered carved In ex{rneirw works of tphP rolapLny whlml.r w coated. iM she svero- r meth A wreak air•+ Shit.
Ab> 6Ri tt■ry awe vst s fl(aMS d M4ieh" raw t,+ Aalfiit i s.1 +Irrw>Id war* not InJwnd. 'Rap fir will In the nbW
Far t ,omlpwnY newt not hh) nap tpatrml Of stone over the RAfwwwy of the nM pal- lug Rsaftrt. His Royal H11�aYY- •jet eai wheat hr* (tins�!p ss..
Sbsr rmaalsatlarn, awl altmt hpe ftlab arm IardrtwA with Sha %somas of WAI,p ease of tAe Killip+of I•;PhertM, &pd LAA% solve a etrippage, of About 12 t1Aye dnav tAw PIIrIM of WaM0. cAayied tMetln!sH? baa4wraGoad t,t16,
' jglnlot... above so tbwwbt d nwd- rn ytablea whit* on Amty. Thut Is t AnnMAA nrwalw dl," and wllwt+m that and Ur Mw b Abaft $111M.000,, npat- with MR Tarts wan) (jot. Den'aos,
i- &Pg erish the tvsto slaw apt floe, • the threat to almetroy the Investments *fry wetp naalrwrbtinrfly this letters rr _- __ Oly busnheY Shot rpif edrn has 4fterwas-
food Irks. The- capital omploysm (erred to hg Rumvb;wa andethwr ewriy ly +re.wrvie by Inswrwnow all 167,660bpe�ele, sed that of caw ,
sane er of Ins She Tlasmiwiaa d of the people of I.amMon to nlmlalY w wAtwre, wmtxAifIX t o whnAa they were --- -- The Arbool eeaird d London, (lets~ bes�pelshoP,tt 41",60ft Iimbelw, j
`%abm gowefe gait vraew*at whr•h 11eaAt tap to wreae•A with the fall of ro At to revive Canwdlwex in an At- written In R m(lwLletpae characters, Tb• >gth gwsQ*+aaaial ewnfPrv.aoa of wUl t►km Iessoll eaMM 17 e0s/■1 the
y t'e. Mw11wte Vlns'1= r•r acetas% !orb noes 1
., ve``rat11ai10.20, Ift O♦frCom - powers to onwhlw thwre to mfflreieotly �mP< to r:palr Mr FiPld aa'a dr'Ad- and original) atlawovPrPd nwrlA. w then MM Etp/r+rywal Mende oPwn. (bewail to Pam their Net" too wl•b- allfmt !m' tLha LJri•tnd ira- ,Jm 27e- It
a. b tab► "Pte $N'h Afrlea protect stns property of tIft Goraro• fall Nan Mr'- What wM the "drwArl(al mines, flighty r miler fmra then city ail wt Chiea[n Mt dwrfrsrtinnea 60.1m ),pmabetm t P%Y , efsut i
, ams •Ise* ow spiosloao to cM+ swat. anal thaw powers m fit free Man ler" •%Vas It the reduction of then elf irt°hrm. In the ,vawr A7, and than The RMndwrA Tarnish Wawrks wt Aree.,int to tivo pe'r'grAmmsa Mem far sEe e,,"Vsevo* ubPls:
Is off rrvuah to �. mx- k Iwr1fY t or was It Usra.amw th. tariff lepmt � R Micas c mx w11I be nes i v \°• rr-
MY q My bemuse armful Im s FI r4 Rtfit„si imlwaA, were dam. pT'w Illld I*�wn altos%. b1. Ike '
t'/I • `4r* I dtM �� � ffeoerAl ane NS redefrwd rvaowgh t Vs. 111 the Fra[mweta pia Q to hes of the im on etis■t of 4gW.(W by so oralaa' ag 12 deka .mom, nes Jsae t ,W + agate .i
lvl",r 1 1• w r+ ,+ T._ Toth)• ploaw affrererno eutueslJ4+ original two a apwrMwts M a fir+ t Iw Fblloeclpbfa. ! r`' t ; . ,i
. ..
." r 1� ., s r p� :< cep a r .r
•r W . t: .,.+,. ? >.. ,.. yaps 'L"Y!• ,• '4. v •k,; ~;a ki"'.q-'x r. .4•. ,. r._9_..;If r 6''"A ,r :{, ),� •'
.. r� ,
. .� y. 1 r, ',� ,a 1,. tf✓ ' ..Y . t Y It -,{I,: '7T F. ?iA ,�. �n f, '.a,i.14,,,,.'1, {p, F'i, .. � �• . -r: , at r ,+ • " .
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