HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-04-26, Page 7W_ "-, With
_ F damaoM
ON J + of
Ivfo often UsIsAWratea, made a I
for a detachment of No. 1 Co.
the 44th Battnliva to guard arta
time mho definite theory of hie own
Ut ntgard to the at4mpt to blow up
the ca.ral. but thinks probably the
John Nolin, John Walsh, of the
time and Plnove aforesala, old Wfully
mote such attimp%, as the
F'anlane may have bed a baud la It.
and local police would be im.-
f'RECAUT1tl 6,"I 0UTAWA.
far as could be obrerved there was
not e slightest excitement among
pl,stve substance, called dynamite,
onuael an PxPlosion at 1Ock No. 24,-
wn the rd toward• Niagara Falb.
ow inspector
(W4 and American Castm
I.aw:a had been shadowing the three
11-A adequate
Oapt. Vaaderaluys called ant
ad ate+ with eatuch a g5 et
a tam iced • detachment d 26 men
Mere v Ottawa fro Wtlee aort. -
ilia lu►e also been at the Mort. A
men for the peat weak &a opium
shove:k"' Umar. branded the story Injury
to property, And that thesald
Karl Pullman, John Wuleb and John
Ithsetly felt Toth In Bt. Catharinwa
N Fort Ihalhoux* fire and Ngbt
smoggier'•, and britt came to
the conclusion that they were a
e in
1411 uutfur-m mai acooutrements,
ths been detachel tol night guard oWatt-ft the
w on
his uwa command were put
guard at the jail. Each man was
bigvault of tiro F'tnarroe Dep'irt-
- _ aerv,sd
with too ruti.ds of ammunl-
wnt, where millions of treasures are
Copt. Wittln the peat week ur two
acrd reale, and are doing guard
rut the jail, email up and
the tour rider the building
supernumerary Domlalon Poll- In
pltlnu clothes have udgtatly pAtruliel
P erate Attempt to Blow Up a
With fixed bayonet&. Special police ds-
the "i'llament grounds.
e8 Qu!:ea
are guarcing :be three blllvea
%lagerit Fal:s. April 23. -TW pre-
Welland Canal Lock.
a attempt a. reecum w.l: be
p y frurtraded. Special truly
aeluro of the lied taunts doing guard
mita, on divers times before the said
offences were committed by the said
ew p aced on the canal. and
duty at the jaU containing the three
-. the
Grand Trunk have a posse of teen
ma tem prrsa eoatied all attempt ut
,us by as Ash= mob lar% night
guarding their tun" under the canal
Alerrittua. ,Th prisouers wi:l
have heart*- bar*nook Po:be 1[at
Tom, wits a gang of sixty ham-luuk-
lug thugs left Buffalo during the at
est the trolley line for thr
Lbe Apleticsn polka and Buffalo de-
teetivea, have probably ■nanrtted a
country to
Run+ being Penh °met or the country to
the Cape. The attempt at Injury has
L"ogaa 10
at 1l
mad they were citsielyOP- shad
been made' but hardly at the spot
where it was looked for. Greet vict-
made and provided, taken and sworn
before me the day and year, and at
slog. Tit'.. with w number (it hhuw&
rmld No ,t.11bt Wive been ewept
Bridge. N. Y., the Rall Hotel bare
they u otbumout"
,'clock, when they tradorxhtedly will
ow•a1 by the Anem4esa •{inial Ice
say. and ur• oawntry for walks
steed Ned
4e committed for trial. The gtwathent
lkr aL Nle era Falls. N. Y. Several
" -'!"'.
excitement t• prevailing o both
emimzaries the gang were shadow-
*:des of the frontier. Htutttnsds of peo-
wt to this sale of the river. where
of a Gang of American
ple have gathered tit the *tree:• to
`°"° to gilt
they were kkajenn w take observa-
u if a the Ja14 and seeing e tie nod.
unlfuruted mea of the Queen patrol
Niagara Falls, N. Y., April 21. -
Ihhg on all sides with rifles on their
• tB;,ecial.)_-Sorgt.
Dynam ters. the
Maloney went to
North Lad, anti fila oprletor of
shoulders, and ftzed bayonets. the
taupe ouimddered It unsafe W at
Dolphin admitted to Llm that he
tempt a lemons and returned to But
had had as boarders for it week three
fait) In groups of tours wtd fora
men int whom be knew little or noth-
The mAlttary guard was kept to the
Jail unttl S Wekook ttls nanling, when
olemkoe tagainnt mit ho prerluced"
polMltor Mcihmrn"y, on behalf or
Malyttey went to the room oeew
PW by the wen, and there found u
it was wftlattrawa, and a strong nor
ttaay of twRUiaro il11eeP that anstenoP
had to be Riven 'them. Rall this AC-
for tiro In the Eson1-
rubl,er g fMet with Ind,n, rauh .r
4peiaf 48110 fy> were In*
ire used to dynamiting uporaU►ana
at was the oil , thtng to be Lound
stal5rd. nearmenTh
As file time drew
mnjnrit.y of peopJa however,
dole it it) in oeuasetIew with the
that would seem to oonneet the occa-
to have a ho3zin< at l0 u lock the
of the room with any pomlble
anirt-room was packed .and
deeds who could not gatrt A41rnfinelon
of high explosive.*. The room Was
locket and Maloney retur iod to head-
citowwdedl around the market square.
imiss-amd Pro-Bo/f"M Amioag the Motives Suggested, but Opposition
No atilt a crowd has been seen around
to the Condors Srsf/ieab and a Coosegwet Desire to Cripple file
p •-Ow. . tbl
The / enla
the T own 1b
all henrlwg tli slug* tie fasnoos Binh.
o February._1AW.
' Welland Canal tba Mer. Oseserally Accepted Theory -Story of the
that the men sante to W& house a
W &
week ago and emtgagod a room. They
Among the witne.mos Present this
morning were Unitod stater Govern-
Arrest of the Msa-Pwmsea Poised Is Thole Rooms at Niagara Fella,
*slit little to anyone unit told shoo-
lutrly noshing about til• werlves,whore
meut secret service men sad Can-
N,V.--Suldiers Guard the Jail at Niagara Falls, Ont., lin Which the
they came from or why they were In
tomsand police department officers -
Fktectlte ifurny, of Toronto, with
Men are CosflaM-ABsfad Proposal From Buffalo W Qsatw Them.
the Falls. Tlwy were well dreweed. They
spent all of their alghts, w far am
Grown Attorney Cowper, of Welland.
DI -31131110- Wa*hhtxf4oa, D. C. D. C., aged 28, sm0otil tae*, small
known, In the hotel, but matte fre-
quant trips abroad by day, several
arrived this morning, and prohibited
any one visiting the three prisoners.
An N Ilah, W&shiagtoa, D. C., I
siasd, and John Nolin. Philadeiphh►,
Pa., 50 years, darn brown moustache
times cros"IaR the Iver.
It was the Deputy Attorney-Oeneral's
Imperative instruction". and 11001-
4 is. .
tall, about main, wedghieg 'L IL pound*
even the primoners' solicitor* wets
ohm \o:iA pihi:atisiphis, Pa., and
Boot men woe* dark stilt bats. Walsh
Niagara J rAlb, N. Y., April " -
allowed to visit the prisoners. reach
the details of a plot agnlnat n friend-
ly Stats
had S" Its his potl;. uo and Nolan $11.
It Is psetiiy well established that
lead to converse with them, and was
Tle polio% beteg aware that these
F'enlandasm or floor sympathizers, as
p problWted until the Deputy Attor-
L Catharine&. April JL -A oust
two men had been seat In Wo cora-
of a short -set, smoott-faced
at fir"t rumored, had nothing what-
ever to do wits the bold attempt to
ney-General would instruct them.
A. F. Crow has been retained by
US but, fortunately. uasecomeni
gas with whom they had crossed and
tltmltroy the lucks of the Welland
Karl Dullman dbd F. C. McBurney
qui less mads *amps 7 o'clock tact
rscresoed to steel arch bridge two
Canal at Tboruld Inst night. The
for Walsh and Nolan. Both thede bar -
to blow up til* lock gates
or three times a day during tits pnst
theory advanoed L that 1t *&a a bold
rioters. who made several attempts
Z 24, mw aamhd, at Thorold,
thor four days arta wbom they
And prectoucerted plan oa the port of
to Interrogate their clients, we re
It 4ymmite, and thus delay til•
Appeared to meet aT -
taw Buffalo scoupers, n" a revenge for
stopped In doing no by the authorl-
tt Of navigstio t. which is oat
same gives point,- 'ase. out at
the establishing of [rain elevators at
tlud. It was 11.80 when' the three
WoUse"y sit. =lith. On the ar-
once and hauled In the third man.
Port Colburn' and Montreal by the
then were brought Into court P') -
sl of she Niafers, lit. Catbariaes
who, however, positively refused to
Conners syndicate. It Is a result of
Ilse Magistrate Alex. Logan sat In
Sstooto Railway train at T►orad,
give his hams or to 14sat1ty hiw+cif
the great strike of the Buffnlosouupr
the beach, associated with him bo-
ilw_*xM 1'- Yonitrz
itCW:tf 6:sa.. :r: tsaCt err^*
refer*' S ¢ clt+od 6t tlht•-.rq .Nsa
*j iAat.#.><estt. W lna-•...Ml..
Iirz..tlr+►a-•.l t el
s each carrying a *mall va-
fpsy walked a short distance up
tlo . The third man arrived at the
R,o;il Hotel on the evening d April
(ought them to a finLh. Tia ado
Wlloc advance thW solution of the situ-
lel the way, and following him came
Karl Dullman. is wppored leader of
1 raL.NJy track, and t1k4A mads tar
the 12th. bad supper, engager! room
atlas. it war rumored ids aftern•xon
the gang, wearing lits white fedora,
t4tak, which tory 1`0111 ed
No. 4 and atter supper paid lits bill
that a large party of the Buffalo
covering a hard -bolting mag of a
Cil th.-) arrived at lack 14. They
mad Wit tem hotel and did not return
raocrpLTO had left Buffalo for Niagara
rue, which seemed to twitch with
Al an•n lin go bwhlind a Kon-
;he Joek, •rideotly to or-
until tie evening of April 16th,
when be arrived for supper' nod lima
F'alU,prrPsumJbly it, IibYaLatAMthree
men under Arrest charged w.tit the
nervoutlrlela when he gazes upon tae
multitude of facer as he entered.
sw a;
fawn. They wralk*d arun ad
occupied the room. ever since, going
crime. Orem excitement preralled 1n
Following him came Walsh and
a low in:mttso, when on.• of t be
■ preceetitmd to the lower gales &lid
out two or three times every day,
ductpally to the American side of
the Town of Niagara Falls, Ont., and
tie volunteers belonging to the 44th
Nolan, who dropped their heads on
entering the room. Following the trio
Iober to 'he upper gaM► Noth-
t ac,lna ■t
lits river. Be drank pretty freely
ht'nrelf a genial
Battalion werb Instl•uctod to ba In
reatUnew ilio reclet any attmpt tore
came Detective Mains and Officer
Nelch, who trade the arrests.
i nn. thought of
o flaw. 'Itis m.la at :►• lower gats
and made generally
Yellow. spending his money freely. He
Ieusie the prlaonerd. Chief Young, of
tip Opaarlo frontier police, awbre In .,0
agls /k[
Voiioe Magistrate Logan read the
tot w•ibg charge to the th-ee men:
ick:y tilt .t ho valise to a rope.
t t( fire ,tu the toes, lowered It
n ab.,ut eight or Los feel against
appa rently considerable cava
*boat him. He registered at the Rod-
I lie on both uccasiono as Karl Dull-
ptAim, who are guarding the
Jet' ageinnt would-be rtscuero; Ip also
"The information of W. H. Maina,
of the town of Niagara Falls, in the
b d the Jack slate. Sit ibsml
Calan, Washington, D. C. Detective
baa a number of pickets at ties Cnnh-
County of Welland, taken Upofficimlly
la his oon
' onto away, Passing
Mains (tela confident the ,g ht
di:tn end of the bridges to prevent any
mob entering Candle. TM tel. e
Store ate, the Undersigned. AJaxander
Logan. lisgaire, Police Magistrate in
that a p f
Ilmn tm file way fi0 the road. mad men. and tout they are pert Of an
iliug 4. him "to hardy ap and drop i organized gang. Dullman he co°sid-
exchange, which customar!fy closes &%
Bumdaym, is an all-
and for the town of Niagapra Valls,
,n Wel:smd,
' inL h hit rompaalcet did. At this
t!P first ezpleaiurt occurred.
we the leader. He was •'well dreaded
In a dark suit with a white soft felt
6 P. m. on giving
night servloe LonISM lip to mid-
the said Count of this
23rd day of April' A. Lk, 1900, who
the ttvenwort tri the Pte to
hat. "T1he other two mos are draored
night there had been no signs of %lo-
cert bare til& guard was i-d
w:tb, that be is lutoraoed and b elleves
Jhht Karl DoPhKa, d WaandJo n•
ekes, an•I blowing a holo In the
In two or 'three minutesfish
in dark wits, not sin earefuhly taken
oar* of The men will be detained,at
are4i to
11 {d. m., ane are prep*
John Nol:n ,of Phi ad Ls, and John
lar the mec,kod charge of dyrtamitw
Walsh and Nollu charged with b: vr•
any desperadoes a warm reception.
Walsh, of Washington, did, on the
21st April, It the b,wn of
pbM1. doing dmllar flames to tis
Fnrttea fly. Doth gate.
t tag ap the loci at tad canal &.tib
They will Live A hearing
Buffalo N. Y.. April 2 --The most
day of at
Thoro:d, in the County of Welland,
per gate.
lhoagh Iwily alarming. only asttt*d
careful enquiry to -night ham fall -d to
unlawfuA7 and wMUHy cause by an
e2 -Plosive substaxe, an exp:owioo of
sly on the bottom of tie lock and
W th •Ir plates, On pM►entlag the
After tit& arrest d has LhM roan
thm eweuing by the Ontario potion
discover anything to a
rnovemensaolft On't.tb grata-mbov01'rs
a nature likely to endanger life, or
rte btviy M the water. nearly half
thin American lvAlee at Niagara Falls.
N. Y.. late i,l%*ttosl.
to release the Welland Canal dyna-
MYInjell just across tha
to cause aer:oum Injury to property
by expiodin ..dynamate is a certain
- ...
s111•hm t $ Ii feel
ikw4g Even
.,P.J1MtMurn a..ie
► E .Fi hx+ve.. r
lland ktllei• p p
Dol l
TI rsin-dw.veTlPrs aPpn aV.If
i rfl ' - e6h tSret Cde iws
Boar Tactics Force Roberta
to Delay Advance,
Twenty -fire Yen of Vint Worcen-
tern am r1881DA.
r, _ -_
Use. Pole -Carew and Lee. !''reach In
Command -A Number of Casual-
tles-Auotber Canadian Dead -
More About the Sick Ones.-Sua-
uyside Rebels Beatenced.
Loatiou, Aprl1 L'4, 5 a m. -The strong
body of relufora:omoUL which Lord
Roberts Dent W assl-r1 the reikef of
Wegener mad to endeavor to envelop
an.l cut off the Boers frout retreatl ag
northward furnisher further evidence
that the Boers are amoomblaf In touch
larger forces around 1l'eperier than
hart hdttierto been duaiNlutet1, and, as
the Times 1n all editorial this morning
remarks, whatever may he the dlKi-
cultien of roam and rains Lilo Boers
always appear W have gone, and
eumetlmea big user, where they want
A Boer despatch, dated Thabo Nchn,
AprB 20th, says that a `fresh supply
of casno:t and ammunition ham rwwhPd
Oeneral De Wet at Jammersbarg
Mgt. It also asserts that one of ('ul.
Dalgety's guns has beon sma.hal.
Karrlefoutelu, mentlouted 1.t Lord
Roberta' message to tit& War Office,
ls 15 miles southeast of Bloemfosteln.
Leouw Kop W two miles farther booth
Apparently the British eapturnd
1'marle Kraal Sunday night. The
Boers evacuated Leouw Kop, during
Lite night, removing the gin, Ani the
British occupied the top Ute next
Although the Boers appear to be of-
fering atout rertrtattce to the British
wdvnnce, their position ID dangerous
y ran scarcelydelay farther their
retreat northward without Incurring
the risk of being cut off. L%ualiY they
have been well hnforttted regarding the
Btw%x vi jAfi'k; `mv. TM3-nrz naso *ft!x-r
to run such risks, especially an they
have partially accomplished their ub-
Jert in drawing large forces from
Bloemfontein on long marches, anti
have thereby delayed the advance on
nrrol Rr,•nt damage woaW ve
so him•• not Only to the trial. but
wr n a,,- to be at Pa n
Hodes. HaspeckWin Bridge. N. X. and
p g - .
water frx'1t Arrdght seemed surpihed
the wh m It was told to
John Nolin, John Walsh, of the
time and Plnove aforesala, old Wfully
o %be mrrounding country, which
mild lin P been ttokided. By the
searching their rain found ex-
o0 seaa
plinttug fuses concealed tiers. It bas
at story
totem by newspaper reporters. So
and wilfully, Ly tau use of an ex -
m Me *.c,ud explosion, ooearred
, men re running rapidly
s twwave
lawn further Iwarned that the Cama.
dean lampe-tor of Customs Bamp-
far as could be obrerved there was
not e slightest excitement among
pl,stve substance, called dynamite,
onuael an PxPlosion at 1Ock No. 24,-
wn the rd toward• Niagara Falb.
ow inspector
(W4 and American Castm
I.aw:a had been shadowing the three
the s000per Plement.
President McM bOn, Of the Grain-
ort the Wetland Canal, with We Is-
tent thereby to Injure Iifit, or to onums
wlrwy,we In all the wlgbb°rhoal
rh broken The explosions were
men for the peat weak &a opium
shove:k"' Umar. branded the story Injury
to property, And that thesald
Karl Pullman, John Wuleb and John
Ithsetly felt Toth In Bt. Catharinwa
N Fort Ihalhoux* fire and Ngbt
smoggier'•, and britt came to
the conclusion that they were a
as ridiculous.
Nolle, on the day enA at the place
Ike dk,tant.
gong of crooks,.
Ottawa, April "8. -There in nbnn-
and wilfully,
al Justificullyation or excuse,
Without ca
wt lout
7r damnget to sloe kelt gates will
it be a. r"At as at first feared.
slant evidence, In the possession of the
to fife ezlstenee
and without CAmse o•• rlghq did by
and cause
Y will hta fully repaired Is a few
Niagara Fal'*. April 2'2. (0. N. W.
tdompath)--Without a duub. the
l:otersmens pointing
of a movPmret 1n the I;nited States
time of explosives, dam age a lock of
the o*sal known as the Welland
p► and will ant dela!l the open In
i HnA
Carlo poibs hese have mada a very
to Inflict Inhtry upon Canada on Ac-
In the
Canal. and that the said Karl Dull -
the canal on Webaeslty oa2t.
0 plaits of the mon baso successful
lmportent Arnat to the three men
shoveled with blowing up the gate 'South
count of her participation
African war. A. great mililiary
mita, on divers times before the said
offences were committed by the said
oat tlnmagP world have bon inns
M r d nn. tiro o wouldhave
to the ear•
d Icst EC of sirs Welland Canal at
Tborokl last evening. Chief Young and
authority some monthl ago gave your
rorresponient a hint that there would
WAtah and Nolin. dad unlawfully and
wilfully move, procure and aLl, eoun-
lauding p-o;arty, tug saber with
hobttb'm, ;err• of I:la The Welland d1-
Detectve Matas have ltcen workir.
all May io-day. and, with
be trouble til+ spring, and personally
he objectsd to so meav
mel. hirp and command the Bald John
Walah and John Nolle, the *eta of
bion of the Grand Trunk Rallway
as In n .Me -p cat alongalde of the
Lbe Apleticsn polka and Buffalo de-
teetivea, have probably ■nanrtted a
country to
Run+ being Penh °met or the country to
the Cape. The attempt at Injury has
fencas to do and commit, contrary to
the power of the statute In such cases
ams!, ,nil, the Mnks separating
Ma alk the staticm lmmedlaLely
gang of dynamisomm operating from
is DoWda 1 .pt Suspension
been made' but hardly at the spot
where it was looked for. Greet vict-
made and provided, taken and sworn
before me the day and year, and at
slog. Tit'.. with w number (it hhuw&
rmld No ,t.11bt Wive been ewept
Bridge. N. Y., the Rall Hotel bare
Inn^* IW teen exhibit -A at different
by the authorities, both Poll'*
the place above menVotwd. i I.Zn d Al -
say. and ur• oawntry for walks
steed Ned
mad Bairalq, N. Y. The ►elder
ls supposed W bo the man registered
ant militrarv, loft with n frnantlary
exander L,,gnn. 1'. M., W. tiq Maine.
The Magistrate Bald: "Gputlpmen,
be-ni flockled, as tis
agwelt o lbmt a mile ion with six-
M Dallnan at oke lit)sli. The thea
no debt for Wit parpos3 of tAk-
Iia* of 4,000 mllrw to watch it was not
emay to foresee whore the enemy
yohave heard the charges made, nal
it ,us the wish of the Crown to a inrgw
ILA bet ,.f center 1n. FL
observations for t,plr Mwtnrdly
would strike
Two ago tltore use tcosblP
the case for ons week. The ramanl in
di.tr t found nM.nt ls gest
wort, drove out to Chippaws, along
Wella*] River, to the canal at
at Fagmlee lt B. C. S:troolrlouw rharao"
granted without hearing. There ls ct1
j melted ,.t the daring attMIDU
Port Robitteorr, on Wednesday last and
term were Senn aritnd the fortlflca
the Royal Artillery guards
Karl Dullmann anal : "As an Amer-
11111all kinds of rumors Are flying
mgain on Friday to Thorold, and left
tions, Anti
consequently doubled. This duty
Jean cttlswn, i devanMt that the evi-
4wsd as a, the oh}er% to destroy.
It itis canal, come It trop-
last evening on tar Nlagara Central
train 0 m. for T horohJ with two
became at) fattguing to til+ small
olemkoe tagainnt mit ho prerluced"
polMltor Mcihmrn"y, on behalf or
Irlbn t. the Connors syndicatee.
Ids t, the grain abovellers' trou-
A% p
canvas telescope valises, which con-
talar] the dyaamita-rtridges and
ttaay of twRUiaro il11eeP that anstenoP
had to be Riven 'them. Rall this AC-
for tiro In the Eson1-
Walsh antl Nolln, protested apgalnst
being reftsed the privilege of cotasult-
0 In 11„rrnho, and, again, to Boor
from *crap the river.
foram attatabed. T►re ppoolice have wl4•
Oeera who can identity the two men
coUnts presence
to -day
malt forttflnati"As to -(Tay of 180
who were originally enlisted for
Ing with his clients, And also demand -
el An Immediate hearing for tilt cll-
mnjnrit.y of peopJa however,
dole it it) in oeuasetIew with the
warn and Nolla ae the mea who low-
wead the two Talkvts In lock 24 and
the Halifax garrlsru regimens.
leads to the
" to, which wan refused.
Mr, Crow Also mrulp a similar dp-
Cnls shovPlters' trouble and a de-
1 the taus. The following is a
Cnreful Investigation
hPndAuartwrs Of this
mand, dwplctlnR the aeilon on the
lee to pas vent the `rain that wOold
Me tiM amd Oorfehc%ed description of
falls! that the
aggrewslvw Beer foovPnumt wP"@ 1n
part of the Crown as an outrage, and
wbnhwl tae wvidrd.s against his client
go to Buffalo from txrm
It thr"O tis canal and down the
No d John Walsh. 27 yews Of Age,
ChlcnRn mart It Is said that Pcxhexist-
the Pxlot•
Karl Dullm►nn, to be produced, wines
k lawrpnee round AIS k mere tom,
lsefattw, Dat May be lot ental
R feet 9 leehem smooth, ntedlnan florid
IA brown
faux 9 Inc 17G panni* brown rale,
tial Informstion shcwlnl
onto Of n rcxurpirsey wpm wmme tlmP
the United
wee refused by the Crown
Com*t Crown Attorney Cow
y y D^rre
fir alai of to be
dart brown cult muck
age onmmuntrated to
[erred both sciMlton to the Attcwswy.
oast, laundried with* shirt, turndown
milk four -la -hand tie,
Stafne Government.
Should this he the caw", the Thor.
flvapral far privileges too consult oat
their clients. (
Rarn Falls, Out., April ll, --(O. N.
A fame Imapaii Outeb .,The OayrtO pt)•
coital, black,
mar, stiff hist ; he claims to be a bar-
Washington, D- C.
nkl outrage may tu*mmw an Import-
cent international o,imentpr, the
Police Magistrate Logan rftn&FK N
all three prltakenw for eight days
linewwp notlfiM Ik7.1b by taiGslaOh
at the hlowing ,p of Jost 84 on k
tenter from
No. 2 -John Ndin. b fast Q brown
8I °f ams,
Won Id.
torit«1tRetrm vnatanathP held rw-
to the h trai Jai
at l& be n the
wt AwlladM on the 7Vniteeh Lewin w'
see ranal at T%Orokl thin evn
1lalet1,. Amino with him aides Ilea►
140 pO° ' years
halt• sandy mwntetwrb a O°d flnRwr °t
of being
spnOsihfw for permitting owrtsln par
ties within its territory to wort Out
11.26 ebb attornOnet Ae astety.
,Ilae"4y enIIM on *ahs and nO ered tb6
baiel frontier to And od the mea
right hAn'1 heard evidenem
1 as Lhe tp weaM chimp cents
blnek eta f hat;
the details of a plot agnlnat n friend-
ly Stats
from LAP tn"e g" &wriptdoa given Of
wh am they' were area nytag trona
of is serge. &.act gnat,
ha Is a maebialst from Phlladel-
*1014. A. O. ST.AiR NOTWIF.11.
ES.-ROn--A- O. Blair
Ephraim Convay, Peoteseed torn**
slawfhd er, Released to Die.
gs •erne Of their wnyt. As the views
r" - give asy moment
lig • B-Retass to Ri
Otsaww, April
thin morning received from Raperie-
Park, Ont., Apt`!1 2p.--fthratm Cort
on the streets VsoDls tamed
fs crnwl4 in the to tis
f, bat r*glatartol at t" POPII
sentient Thompson, of the We11atM
vay died at his r-:esldenop. Prince%,.it
rate anaM
County const *bIm began to or-
"% train the tawathipw
gotal w KaM Dulitnan.
D. C.; K tvNrt A taebssr, stuns buaki, 21tS
illaeal, Advice of the attempt to
blow, up look No. 24. Mr. Thou"-"
fait p..els, wgwoi 7T. He wen con
victeJ of a manslaughter d George Frost
and Vic laity of
1prine on horimbaOk and In-rl({pI.
tialwon and Corlirtatrle
til (Aowbrown
Olored Novell
fedora ha
reported that he -in have (1vide
at work examining tint+ bottom of
Frvyt at the wuoddmtapt **afro* o
F ter h ]9o7, and spa illiam t
Clam, of
le Ci
c It
Lint tort. endlater Informed Mr.
five yearn. He was peloakral !amt aprinl
atxont V tt enA
"a.tM they had Pwarel two nwa tin
tit a ed'werd.
whiten collar an
Blair that the daaawfe 1s trifling. It
by the Of
and long home to die.
Convay killed a Barnardo boy. enc
ThemM rood who
W ravorahJy o li the dalo who
block to is that the
The tI Limaprwslo'R
Bear s mpathisen,
M not ihellPverl
the Dog artmon Of itwilwwyd nsd
dial on the intra at Prinoeton. Th
fafwPtive Malar, Mtk liaise
Rstfh ani Ccwattabl* '1'1+or
as 0.int
f.,,.wre of dynsn►{t*!s
vro` fhwyaspq s d
Cannka that Is wnl ha neKVMRr7
ti'^nw the opwnlrtg of Lhw cancel,
lata had aanOyad him. an
ora* day w the soil wwrP vrtvrktn
Clark. et
isliplart*•i Oat tawId
arls NtasferdAM
'r hirs!iags
; s
tbetlp*lrf bsWd-
wblefi waw sell for ilio 2stti int^ 1
n the
1Nw. his turnbewtord4064. mine
7tevabPhirg tip Windt (VA s
where tb1 „rat p' 0 r,
t a etvertlag
lit N
lobes, from
tlsiailmd report oI tie damwg
"k'w ~
ythe Alieeta n
-4,0w tit
.aatti tint h i/[ trial,* arkm
a is^, (eeh
tiv;i t. y Naw the ton , ming
road dbamt Co"_
1 a ap .
I je pfta4w i &j"W&1 at .the
Thompson to tlepwrp
him 11wrnm• of to -da Mn Thomp-
1fOr of thik
having beat otfmmlited under gree
Oman st til'mwivtl enol fir ,oche
lye still st tafire. ant asOthar
gang bl Da OR to
p)hlsf Yeasig
Non 'iopw not any anything am to taw
m, of the perpateators Ot Lite
Pf4nVOeasM______...,,_ .
Tho rollef
q Aark, arr Mem
. and found each e a
torthof mit eaAhi.
aro* a atrwrt
sad instal1ve IV= d i
t{rha ont floe jtN last dgb
bnak flr 'c'*m omw the Whinwwnl
"piaq tretter"d M Wirwipp k ye
Mvpf to tint On w,;b , -.4
acuoa- They1.
agileavt the prllules'e tours
Tr.rowlhn, April 92 --hider fn*Irrntror
John Murry. of the Ontarto Crim'
ny. So far M towrssd
haven at) low of Pro, bet an to It "
ft Ill- N imam ha11 Fiver
w her
this afleer-
Mal tare•tlgathrn ltepartatent, was
,Ant slight altsmtmslonwrl b7 the ,At.
swat Ot hslavUy tlrwissred Amt ntwe
tled 00"llr7 Ua1 boo tmtarhd ove
rre{ mad ha - ,,
Jag Woe revel vrocld
on sY'vrrhpt
tkfncky• i"atrm,ra DapartmwrN to lila
In tM hA s
Ottt$ 60AM tint, RrM oat duck
ave•• •,ta a
or rte,
da I
yt t! so
' * [a.•w t1Mli
1 t st pfOtfale)y
-•ice by a envw+t of 1M see from
.,o fnrrllvlr litw o+* the prfwarr
to tie frentber and a
ePwrl q
ors` •atter. and will IPwva f+ •
• [t
( .. 11
ftt'rs as jig raeaa
.,_sigh. JINa' 9leew
era Tans this morning.
1 i 1*1*1.
"to -w un•
sine Factory at Pretoria.
London. April =4. -The Lorenzo Mar-
ques correwpoUJent of til» Tinian esus:
'The foreign ordnance experts in the
Boer War Departmpnt have succeed-
ed to equipping a big gun fountiry at
Pretoria Tile first gue has been sent
In the Free State,
"Nothlug to known here regarding
Its calibre."
Pasrds Kraal, a build spur of Leouw
Aauther Cr J ►a Dead.
Carnervus, Gaps Co:osy, April n•
-Trooper Wooca uU a Canadian, died
in the boopktai here to.dby of psur-
,F theatgb he receival every at eta-
t%m, it. want ba'riad with mLk,..ary two -
ors, The remaining ".IL are cumvales-
cost, A further oosb:iugent Jo4vea for
the front April IM.
in the nominal ro;j of the secoul
Canadian cortin t the{e appear+
the same Of rooper .john Wou; &
coabe. E.:unon.ton►. N. W. T., whose
father is W. J. Woolloatm'b•, Plymp-
ton, Devonshire, England,
Five Birk Canadlsam.
At OtLAWA I.st alight (k)l. "namit
ro,ie/ved a cable from fur Alfr.*d 111
or, retotUng tlw lilue*e of the tive
:,nnadinr-chroaoleel yvwterday. TbP
MAWW Oil mitntL,ned It Pke. O. MaWe-
mon. 19th Field Batt4ry. C. A.. of F
•umpany. Quebec. and he le suffer-
sryf 4erlously from n gunshot wound.
pts. L. McGlverin b I -W up with
aoserie fever. He mitts originally
from Hatedltot►
Trooper Agra tL of th3 MOuntN'
Rifles. ham enterlie fever. He joined
the a3cxxad oontdngent at Toronto. And
the addresw of ids next of kill t4 Mrs.
J. Agasix. London EnRtnntt
Bank. I.othbury. London.
Pte C. E. F1 th, 7th uaLdown it
anter4c (ever. -
In tats oAble sent to Cd. P:nnult.
No. 7.66'5. In given nn. that Of
T. D. Mcore. D. T. R. C Anatitan us
mars. E evrmpony. blontreat• This
number belongs h Pte. H. Margin. of
the 2n1 Rygiment, C. A., who Is with
tte Glean company. Mo'ore'd number to
7xii) on the tam'nal r'oll'At p►yn.
P te, l/o re f i l i th, Ito Vital
berg. and his Lhaftdlan oompanlons In
suffering are Pte.. Fl,wh and bu,the.
snit. Pts. McGlverin. of Toronto, b at
Rondiksbtsch Hosptal. Trooper A
11441 is In the h krpltal at R- .
Rellef of Nafeklog•
London, .April 24. -The Cape Town
cor."wpondent of the Daily Mall say•
that Oen. Carrington's !orae I* the
only one Rotax to ttd rellet of Mafe-
king. and that no force ii find
Ill operating from the sin h.
Thu• Morning Punt. oxommenting
upon the difficulty Lord Roberts Is
experiencing, aaPrta the wisdom of
arranging for a steady flow int re-
The report that a Boer commando
was at Frankfort proved to be
without foundation. but evidently
there is a large force opposing Lord
Methuen- .
The Bloemfontetn carrewpoodeei d
the Dally Telegraph says: "The re.
mlstanoc of the Boers at Leouw Kop
c+tticVisaC ftb},11 +°'wrtdrrtaL _ the:,
mtrength of their ppvitto. They es -
raped In nn easterly direction, the
(inert!+ falling to get quite, around
The Bloemfontein correspondent of
the Times says: "Toth British cav-
alry were checked. Mi. Alderson
worked partly round the flank Of
r.pouw Kop. but was not supported."
The move checked the enemy. but
fear of nightfall preeltudecf the pose
Ability of a seats
Threat Against Uncle 8mm.
London, April 23. -The Vienna core
rempondent of the Times says: "The
iter Peace fbmmbrmlon will not be
tvrivecl sitter at Vienna. Berlin, St.
Reinforcements fur Randle. Petersburg or Rowe. It Is as well
tAm-lon, April :13.-Tne Wile Office that the United States should
Late this evening bsuod the follow know how'the mlmolon has fared In
Ing despatch from Lord Roberts, F:uropo and the temper of Europe
datarl Bloemfontein, Monday, April toward the Iln(te.l States.
23rd, 2.:0o p. tit. "7'Ite widespread hostility to the
"Yesterday I eempatched the 11th Unitml States which IN constantly
Division, under Oen Pole -Carew, and treated on the continent to a
two brigaols of cavalry. *noise Own. factor to be reckoned with, has the
Frprlch. frown this plat, to amslst United States will doubtless discover
t7ott. Ramil?. The tur°v rearb-d Kar- At the next renewal of cnmmerelal
rlekmtoln without much Opposition- trestles
"Csanaltles reportat : --
_,welvi R,RmPnt-O,te prlratglklll- Sanaydde Rebrls Seateared.
vi IrA MrkcYMlfdfP"% 11r ._ T'°%44 --le ham
"Tork*htree-Eight wounded. Cape Town, April 2A. -Thirty -s x of
"Eighth ITmacar . tilled ; one the rebels captures! by CM. Pllchor
wounded. at ftrinyskl, were convicted to -day.
"14th Flumere-rhea wounded. The ringleaders were sentenced to
"Royal Artillery -Two wool~. five years' imprisonment, and the
"7th Dragnons-L`eut. Jenkins and others to three years. except those
10 men missing. antler age. who received mentences
"Captain Potton, Royal Artillery, °r six and twelve monis. Their coun-
broke an arm by a fall. spl. Mr. Burton, first argued that
"Gen. Pole-caarew•s mounted Infnnt- they cxonkd not got s fair trial tat
ry Gwlswrl Lea°&. K , . n high hill (-sine Town and then asked a post -
o few miles north o[ .hair dart night's ponement, In order to obtain the"`
position. The enemy evnenatehl hur- dpee, of wltnessos now with the re•
doily, tenting some ilfleee ad am- publlcar, tore". Finally he threw
mtNtition. up his brief. with a great appt'ar-
'Oen. Randle reports that 25 men auto of Indignation. The prisoners
of the First Worcrr:Ors are miss- were sullen, and refused to plead or
Ing. Fifty tt rete were seat with cross-examine.
wood to an our atter dart. Octiy ('ape Town U excited over the
19 r°tnrnwd. Their nnmbPre And close of them tat cams, In which
names will be reported today, a* 'the disloyalty of cololsts was In
well as 4 wounded yeaterdy•" marked mntraRt with the loyalty of
Aumtrallaw and Canadians, who had
The War Mfi(P ham given no el, gone thousands of miles to fight the
planation of the apparent M"repamcy battles of the Empire. There will
hu the fbgnrre as to th^ men of the be a strong feeling of Dutch re-
W(rcetrter Regiment. eentrtaent, especially as thele rebels
Canadians Were_ Knitwmped. are ponlmhod when thousands of col•
caul sympathisers with the Boer
Btoemlootein, April 2& ---Col. Alcor. cause have been under stmt and not
mom's corps of Mounted Infantry, one Iram been called to account.'More
cx,ndstlng of thin lrt Battallons of the will alma ite a sen*.* of rellef among
First anal Second Canadian Regiments loyalists over thin belated effort to
and Rtrathoonn's Horse, was wngnged render trPamon odious. Mr Alfred
In time Operations of lien. pie-CArew Milner has probably Adopted tote
Anti (len. French. Alderson hind un- an test coarse to conciliating the
dertaken to drive the Boers from Dutch Ministry during tM Inst six
their line of defenne mouth of the months. But now that 200,000
watmerworlm. The Canadians Mnstaln. men are enrolled under to British
teal a heavy fire. This Boers shelled Al- ring. the dlstnctlos between by
ticerson, who made a mnrcblnor move. alty and dlel!eyalty Is one the may
event around I.ermw Kop on Lite ex- properly be rmphnsttol. Tho duce
LrPrr -Left of 'the Boer position. When of those Free N,Mtsfs who Joined tars
thA Pettish battery, opened fire the ) ralrivrm after accepting Lac
Boers removed the gat). Lsouw Kop Roberts' geopr°ns terms, and pre
was found Pvacaated this mornlrtg. tending to give up the -Ir arms, hat
Geaeral i ickson'm cavalry brigade, traded to dlacrodlt leniency as an
width made a wide dPto ar to the other form of weakness.
left, round Its further Progress barred L
by a atromg Door pnaltoon. Hospltnl Skip Wain*.
► `- A amnll party Or Amerlose ladies, In
Users Clohdng on Roshof. eluding Mrs. Anally Mrs. Ronalds enc
Y.tmeion, ApPrril 24. -'Ane Daily Telp. tiles Blow, were at Powthampton Ins
graph las tM+ following from Borhot, night, it) moat tile thaepltal 4hlp Maine
datied Monday, 29: ,"Iia* Boers are which was dove with 160 mink Am
closing on Boshof. TMIe nearest w-eunded soldiers in the wards. Th
Inager it five miles dimt•Int. rommu- imine Me rendered neat effeetir
nlrtatlon with Kimberley ls still open-" m in lop, and Lady Randolph Churehil
The Fight at Leoew Rep. tax received. recito ei ed. he trlbutrG which ah
TIvP ,ftlarmtnntein correapnudwnt of
the Standard, olrerrfblng the Opera- Casadlna flick enA Wouode#.
tow at Liet*uw Kop, ways: "At an The Evening Telegram had this to
early stage the cavalry care under lowing opncisi yesterday:
A heavy fire from n Pompom. on a Loedhoo, April 2i. -Somal+ members o
ridge adJolning lwxiw Kop. Unable to the Royal Canadian Rwslhmsstt wk
' eOwtdnno It* mAroh to the ormthenat, were lnvaltdw.i to Nwtbery Hkaspi al hav
i Oar. Dlrtwm's Snead" fell hack to teturned to Ajriew and will rc)(in t)
o the north to awnit ttM Infantry at- fp ffJmsat at oemfoo,vic.
l tack. The Csnadlarra confined in Won
"The flmnkintt mniMMARt timet*[ witch, who wore repaKed at about t
. failed, (cart'. Pofn-f'arew, wUh Oen. return to C&ttad&, ars mv! going. TI
4 Ateph*mmo'a brigade, advanced in authoritlea mfr awal Ing limbruetiot
1 errweai t form from the won' and from Ottawa. $rine who have trema, a
Muth, with the nbjmrt nt sravwiar'b" lowed seven days' furlough complai
the, knpjea, The We'ah, Wmrwlekabirm, that the fuauls s led are insuffir
aMaws and Yerkshira rullimants ad- sat also for erm al expenses. Ti
vowed Is elrte%uled line, eovprinl the mrd ad? (bat the trmtuomft In tl
11 west, while the Oaten!' bryl&dw toot bilmotm• was atiewctld.
ep m onwtiw to tie mouth wish two ..-_
field batteries said naval Rues' Shel- M *r RwGoeas for Beers.
* tared b raft►, the smarty opened a p(. Paterabmrg. April R8. -Tie p
F& !ferry Fitful from rifles not "Vocal-pomn.' p.rw munivanna , the dsptrturw f
I- "Oar amen advantned deer the npen Sn*th Africa d a bcxty of oaronau
m grolod, In 1medid styli y a awe- ,to dr aria* a mI'ltaf hwtl•ion marvl
s cv"se!ea tot dloft rt4aftaw fa%1 91 peons f"r the Ttaru.aal. They tarp tie* r
I. white pOwring In thelf, vo:dsyw rhe reaw*ry Issllaes ani setwkeeriN wi
r. oppromeh of *arknsOf threatened to them
or leave the Hoar& la pwawPesln, bat
1. jwo# b,fOro istrmmt the %aarx regi- Punefwr►A by liholfs.
to twat gal:aatld proo"4 forward std ,hoer Cm Thabo Mahn, Oran
dire,* tits feet at the **am rrora urea btotte, atlXY. 4M 118.-,ii'lgl
»w .".:
aft coatinttse dar' ►old night ate Jam-
evrsburg drift. The "ithh trench&*
lave been et) full of rata that the
raert have beet oblif-I ever ntrw
bad tbon to cla"AwIr to the baaks,
-4 to be shot down. The Boors wows
ro d rest bod an Sia t uric y t ba'.' thhey
sere usatole to w eeV, w they •:artad
t debate o0 this mph jee:h of the flood
u be derivod tnmmt virtue sold sour -
,go The disctsaium lasted a+,et Of the
aight, &boil% At in:Irvain WtetTupt-
q{ the. speakers.
Rubertsuds Lowen mitl is neporKod
:u have been captured April Slat,
tad '.R is DOW tha , the Calx M.ouoted
Ridlat have lost during the siege 110'
,ul er lito mon The Hriitisb prlsotwus
iety the burgles to -P:um Co:ouet
Dalgety'& catap, even Id the Bri3ab
are Gut ,reim/Wrred.
A surpryhing monmbar of alativea
are fighting on uppoatte *Idea at Wp-
aner. ,
Why Roberts to field Dock. •
Londwh, April 28. -Tito Standard
F{rubllllted a lung despatch from B4oeub-
fontoin, dated Friday, explaining the
numwroes difficulties which delay the
Advance on I'r'etorlx. The earrespoud-
ent HAY
"The enormous tratimport drffteultles
are enhanced by tho rainy weather
anti by the necessity of providing Jot
the neetb of the aruhy fur week*, Par-
erhaps menthe, In case of an interrup-
tlon of the long line of oommutticm
tiontt, together with the unsettled
.tate of Lilo country 1n our rear, and .
the guerilla tactics of the eaomy. It
W obvious that, until our tlankd aro
cleared anti moo longer ruamc8d. at)
forward nutem nt it powelble, wAbout
Ineurring the gravest risks.
-The must )rasing need Is a inr-
ther supply of horses. general HamB-
ton Iter availed himself or the are-
vJew of the Australian Bushmen to
scour the Free State I0 all dlreotots,
buying homes from far- who
have surrealered and drivicK In an -
mats fount upon ucocoupled rarns-
Horne rakling is dangerous work,
but the Bushmen are more than n -
match for the Been." ,
Uratefal to Cecil Rhode*.
Kimberley. April 22. -Tote women
and cldlren who were sheltered Anti
fed In the mines hero (hiring the bom-
bardment have subscribed money tti
toy a gold cigarette cense and a
K( "Id matelt-box for Cecil Rhowfes. who
allowed them to use the mines. and
who did much to relble their .ut-
(feringr amd discomforts. An address
ex PrerMlry{ gratitude will Also ire
presented to Mr. Rhodes.
----( '
May litlow Up the mines.
The Hague, April 2n.. -la an Later -
view today In regard to the report
imat the Transvaal Oovernment in-
tends to blow up the mattes at Johan-
tterburg. M. WewNW. one of the !fuer
Mdelegates said: "It Is imPOW
table U) oral tui *5116t imi)iileih"4A -aft
surea we may be drheU. Arrange-
ments have been made by which for.
eign shareholder* will not suffer
heavy loss on account of the gold
taken from the mines for use in the
Mr. Wessels added : "The Boers, If
defeated, are not likely to trek from
We Transvaal. Th,y love their
homes, and would remain, but they
would never be placed antler the Brit -
Wt yokes The English would have to
put soldiers permanently in every
homes to do that The war doe not
cosi the mitt Idunl Door a penny. The
Government pays all the costs. The
Individual Is making money from war
contracts. The money has hitherto
all remalnpoi Is. the country, but
hereafter opportunity will be given to
GormAn traders. The Boer* would
never deal with a British trader. They
would rattier pay others more for the
goods they wanted. -
Women Ordered Away.
Johannesburg, Transvaal. AprB "1,
via Lorenzo Marques, April 28. -The
Government Committee of Public Or -
(ter has nottflatt all thm British wok
men, whose husbands left the oonn-
try before or during 4W war, that
they must also leave the Traurvaal.
n•yy made.lIxitrever In
thr`dt*e-oi ..ae~ of llrlttsik stow -".. '-
who have children, and Brltlsh wo-
men of goat character who are able
L. supjwrt than lveo.
The nottre states that all women
who are obliged to leave are to be
treated well, and that special at-
tention must be paid to sick and
agod persons who combo anter the op -
Orations of 4h* order.
(len. dor Charles Warren him been
AppWn1"t Adminlstrntoi M Bechusaa-
land. He sailed yesterday for Capa
London. April 14. -Ail attenAon is
centred on the in.erestinf , though
complicated situation in the south-
eastern portion of the Orange hese
State, from which developments of
the utmcw. importance must ensue
in ills near future. General Rund:e,
aropar"fl has fond the Dears Con-
fronting him at Dot"tedorp strong-
er than be cares to engage, me he is
marking tuna pending til• arrival of
support. Whiie General Rundle, Is
preparing to strike Dewetsdorp, Gen -
eras Brabant mad Hart err pushing
along the frontier of Basutoland,
whence they will be able to frua-rate
any attack on Qenerak'Rund'Ie's right,
and Genera:& Preach}ud Po:e-Carew
*re hastening frontmfontein to
bar the Boor line of retreat north-
wards .
Covering Boer Retreat.
In ttw meanwhile the burgher fomes
occupying Thabanchu are In a itost-
Walk to fight a delaying action, gsIv-
ing the Boer forees at Dewsteebrp
std Wepe-ner time to retire In case
of detpat. And It weeks as tJwmgh
Gem. Frwedh must dlspnsc of this Thn.
tnnehu f before be can reach
the rear df the Doer torem opposing
tiearrsld Rundle snit Brnhant. other-
wise hur flank would b3 open to as-
iMor* Fighting 1Kupee'ed.
The Boot's drlvpn out Of Leeuw Koji
will probably rally at Thabandfu.
where a stff fight may be expected.
Should the BrAtish fall In this at-
tempt to bring about another Paar-
deberg It moat Immensely Affect the
larrggeerr laves* of the oat. an It would
atw/oiubteolly lend to a Persistent re -
Petition of Ute fnerl'la warfare which
has hear bit , v responsible for the
milky or IAWd Roberti at BloomfontWn
for so many weals.
t'anadfawa In a "0f Oft**.
I Daring the coarse of 61011111W Aider
Monts ndrnnee on Leeaw. Kee the Can
AtllAnt fnnnd themselves fa a tight cor
nor on Sunday near Donkerpowrt. Tilt
CAnadlan Mounted infantry, sent t
reconnoitre the FloPr position, ap
prosehed within 900 yards of a firn
►1 Ing the n otlfltwl flag, under cove,
I of which the Roere oppnal own A loo
. fire on the Ca, adhano that they wer
t unable to sttempt to retlre Until an
I other forna of Casadtatp covered tlel
retreat by threatening the rear of th
Flom Itn*itnu.
Aoprit Ceuttnaw Flriarf.
0 Warr*ntnrb April 2R.-tahwlling we
t warnthis morning. the fire betty
MPit t lite Britinh river rwA,rwhl
wb4rh are st Rldilly Ming pambed to
word. Ties Bova appear to ire 1
it •tronf,er foere do" the river, an
the 'Votvmanry patris are fromfolow
IV Mnip*d. it in eOnfkletty be imte
e thst Important devek+pmtits are at
v. tar oft. .
1 ,.
:0. .. y
aem s-Qo".T_11-!"