HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-04-26, Page 5• A
Carpets, Rugs and Mattings
Start at the foundation -the floor coverings.
Oet them good ; get them beautiful. We
offer for April exceptional values in Carpets,
Rugs and (lettings that will enable you to
do it for little money.
English Tapestry Carpets
New d..igma light, merlins and
dirk shades, suitable for any room,
y11 or stain. Special value 40o
ilio lards English Tapestry and Brue-
r& to shades of green, Liu,.
tors rid red. Worth regular 660
and Tbo, et fee
English 5 frame Brussels sad bar As
swear Carpets, spacial at Wie, $1, =1.16
lb mob wide, all pare wool Oarprte,
perfectly vi' 1 reverst d 60 7bo gbt �
. 90c
w�v+r ode, at per yard
(36 lashes wide, new reversible Union
Carpets at per yard ....26.., 40.. and 450
Yard wide Japeuese Matting in cwt
new designs at per yard.. ...16c and 20c
Lace Curtain Values
Oar Gelling is eatr.mdiury. Every
pair direct purchase from manufac-
turers, imported direct and paring
through customs at Uoderich.. Values
26 per mot. lees than if bought now
at prwat market prim. 60 to 60 in.
' 3j yds. Wog Canales, magnifi-
cent values at per pair
760, 90c, $1 00, 61.66, $1.36, 01.60 to $6.00
Judgment 1R Iii illlrr1t
tYsa ei AW ANON Mve emevl tmeleass Is
las real ram -Town to par Ilse Over
et the snM-rwebeag . of
., upped.
Mewled is s eery d the j- meet Med.
d est by Oast J sell. Ammer n the ease
Mamba by 7. Marlow HNrss selllm t►.
Ws .1 Godwin. wallah v.. hied as tee
Mir Mee last 1teaH
tioLsill R OOa01OY
Tie d.leadsae Mit Mrrees ef peas
��.t��aegg .est, Mai Meek haeme le tee
slsiaui, • .tel dealer. the Mlewler meet.:
-Hamm Valley," "Nem Vier Mb.'
1 W
be sight umber ler Ie 4M*steel
Il reapee las plabilf, w all lab o.
cellon, 1899, .rete abs Ir WwIM teem t
iJmd eaa:d ban bees plastid ea the tap of
she mai delivered by eae loo ea to met
age .f tie old mal shod, b.t it was sot
114,1.4.4 to the Menial that he should
d. se
The Seal remelt et the els.e.e►tma the
teak pleas b.tw.es the member .f 1►.
e.mmltt.e *4 the pletsli1'. father when
the seal was sew m eased N be delivered
wee, ea 1 sed, the isrete.et by the ..mesit-
W tau tie seal eamadd be plated is tae
.hale, sad their reline re .1se►1 +tie deity.
m, of it elsewhere.
It was .wteed.d last to wader shoed
be tiehea as to guide as tell whire the test
shoed be delivered, "late to most shed at
nae ,'spas wham, se gross& mejaseat
Ilmeela where direehd by you," (the dlr.s
des to be sad. Mealy reread to the
grenade sal,), but 1 Malt the •,street de-
hg.laed the Mime of delivery, mealy, "at
the sail shed.'
18 wee alas •mat .led that the 1.11(1.4
Amid be reformed .ee.rdlag t• the Leader,
make. to delivery "late the seal stied et
oh. gtsmiri Nasties or grsad• &dam es
lemuls weir' dlssuad by tee party of Ms
Ellibriet, If Vidnieed, to wwsft-S av a
e be redsand Nmwdy set h 88a tender
Mese, bat awrdiag te Me &meal basal*
bolwees the parties, far 88. tender sad re-
flatbs magtess is did sit ensstisae •
barpts. fee the made( was ler nes tio.ud
ease and Ile rem.l1M.e wee hr dot ban.
dead tees, the Meader was be divide the 1.o
teeseead hes emeng,t the three tiled* el
sed masyesed ther.la, sad tem rootlets'
wee Its divide 10 mamma tee ef w Ideas .4
seal nemtiam-d s8..h, se tem les feeder
&d neelell s W a.4 asestMsh a Mm.
Awad, Y �mlm ted, tea sisimme& new d
Me &earl bawds would have le be emehl•
wed is .141 as Me delead.mar, aid hie ea-
doesteeterfp ems Mat Mere wee sees ef
mai same.! by 1*.' to be et Is Mm abed,
ad to someeM w ermmesd te eafry
mat eat.
Ama.Mg. *save. tee matron le be rr
kneed se ao to road "the said party d M8.
Ina pct mosso a Mime late d e Mm seal abed
as tie pamplee Malmo re Whereat when dee W w�said pa t
the add pea"
At tee 1`s Me pinball made be lead.'.
sad at Ms time the lamest was emosted,
the ddeaasar lad amt, sae meal •bast at the
e mrsee Manes. mod 'be tender tewfere
:Itd "tam .sal died. awl the emirs*ab " 8. and &eV and the pi'st'ol at to
Wm be mode Ms Mader was sea were of
say etea1.. ea Mm part el W dd.adada
to bend mashes s mei shed. end be mamboed
.ted load ►dem be sada li Meader that
the esal shed ..ski .sly head M handfed
ave mese Mee w alros&y M 14. ad M
..k1.' his teaMr heads le se W bans d
poetise We hawked toes le Me awl shed.
me Me nodes. MAI bemired Isar. se Ms
mese ad tborete. end Me pews
m weigh
as wbbb he Amid Mader be deliver the
The pl&idlf a bell.' and m.temet were
made Ise mimes ea the esed1Mem of
as tem edited se the Mme sad some
.1lm1Mle be "the seal Md" Ikea et the
simper statism mid Me l-teadamte weld
stmt bl ewedne se .I-' seal shed My
low m(illbm ' bombe a Moo me asawleaad
be el.
At Ike lime .t the d Treem 8. the mlsll1f
el w Saskaig Valley meal. "the mai abed"
1 (Mooed e M Ike feeder ad .des. Ind
hes .srhlld. ad WOW d team Thal
bdmg gene M N 1.' ewe Misdeed ted, tame
~ Ma! mem Mplsi Mj dowesi e w Ode, me
*he IS awes bei
tows of 0edarW.
ti.te.mea.-1 .1Y deliver Is bad Mee
e. awl and es ramp*' oldies .' enema
Masai parse, .bare divested ►, yes,
me ibess w.i tees sleek.
Wm' Virginia at Uwe debars. 6f(, -eve meals
(865) par mel Me.
lereeld.vtlea et two 4141*.. Ibv some
10.60) per w tam.
limn= .1 lea dei., t.sa.yeee mesa
1192) set tem.
1 .III div le the ameab amaaA1 w
own dads ar deliver of d one bed as yea
die. Will barnab eserefily r wep.hL"
Ata axetil! d 188 Saha sad Yob
wm.utes Mid ea time lab oae.bee. 11 I
• reaalatiee was paps& "TIM Ib. camas of
I. a Halm. W NO toms liesideg Vallee
rN.N w rs, east 100 tams 1<epaa1M10a
M 860 pee tee, be sweet.&"
Teareapea m Sao 1418 Onaber. 1E, to
Wlawlsg esws. woe &ave mr be the
dirk of to deiseds s. mad sloped ad
said y th. ,teasel east e1* by Ms
ddaam sad Mimed icy Mw Wyee.
' 0..we.t between T. Haab. NerNed
Time of 0.4.114, T. Loser es`aa.l
Ss Int put, sad to Timm el Gegen& el
IN seated part
IL gala Marty el tie !tet pmt amen to
lower at u n see .heel 1100 hr d 1f
Vele stet mei as SLIM per tea, ad
case of Rvya.Id.vlf. sleek sad M 94 90 pee
TM party a she sensed p .rt agrees le pa,
tb. prey .1 88e Met tare lbs above tees -
tumid so..e es the Milne, el the add ...1,
tho ratty of the emend ferips/l. to d.sy
es Dr .►d meal." •,�
11 ibis newels is a press. and 1 'blab
that 11 mom be se MEd, lb. plwtif w Mow.
ly warted te seder tie no pries el all t he
Nat d.Uvered ad Me net p.N b, Wel le
name of ,•, ler I lad teat all 88s oval 'so
Maws& "as the vel shat' winds M. Ir.•
avast tad tweak, of leas seat a1L
Tr weed "d" tdpi4ss as .d is the
maw "mar te." ase OM bibs ,.881sT
ties seacered ►, Me weed.
limetw'a Disw.mee, MMb ••N"
Yank 0a e. a fokssestady 0.1.
t. pats 664
baakla. vs 6dtk. 6. T. IL Mase 371.
Min v. Un. 9, Tomah N. Y. 3119.
laser r R...r. I. R 6, lL D. 759.
Prise vs Bels A Re. O. 60, L. 1'.
b. & 787
ll It M M he takes ea eymemvmeet with
'sl ams s to," the Ism used le Ms Itmise. M
lee 111.1 ..e...U, seas t...khg, w a.j j eag a�fed
Ymno's Denver, title •�&d(ladealt lb*sto6westaaM 4.111.11rAad 1 eau test Mee was me seem piss east ,alae baa. tet be was sewueer
T' ... &L AL • .. QODERICH air
the AO4
.a�j tremta� • psA M It pat
la 106 ...d..
1. was more .apa*ve be plat the Hwkteg
Vell.y coal. eta* sate hv b...t, tato tib.
shed Uwe It was to pat the Roysoldsvtllo
.nal whtoh mote by tags, tate It, .ad 1 dt.
eel Udall toe 11 was ver, to arot.bte of tic
dst.odens twisting apes the lorw•., bents
✓ et tole .h. abed. mad if bee the Rot Ned.
Till, teal arrived mot.arlsg about tis mesa
We lbw sheds.
I aat of opiate. 88mrI .re, .ad 1 se earl,
Mat .mania, the reforaeles of the sea
team as 1 have amused 11, the plaintiff .ub
. teatWly Welled tiesostreot and laeslltled
M he paid le the .eat .ad t he duty W..,,. a
ca toile's :
696.1900 tea. Rookies Valley et
62 211 per tea 81622 81
901 900 tees R pleld.rah, a $2 50
Per tea 503 63
I)a'y... 94 86
69061 29
std Ian..t themes from the 1988 day el
Jrwry, 1900.
Ceder ..y eirea.etaem the pl•isenf is
.atlod te teener as follows :
190 tea. Heekleg Vall. y, pat i.
sheds, .t 12.22 per tun $ 266 40
901.900 tons R.y..Id.vUI. at 18.60
e 24
$ 794 88
sad latere.t Iron the 19th day el J.su., y,
1900, w188 fail mete •f sad.
Ores/ale v. Wetherell, 9, B. A C. 387.
Menton v.. Owes, 6, B. A 0. 313.
Bertram vs. Massy, 16, 0. R 632.
Apru 14, 1900.
Te ied,wset has met b..t dlssemd is
slime 1. bet tens 10 hi8 d .ppmi ng lbs
sea M a Ikea .art.
Oood Clothes are not expensive, tt is the
common kind that costs inost in the end:
118 this line we 'show an ex-
ceptionally fine range from
SOc. to $1.35.
Shorey's Clothing
must We good as every garment` f$ guarsn>dae
and money will be refund i if it is not as represented.
All seams are o
The Cloth is sponged and shrunk.
The Linings are good.
The, Buttons match.
The inside, which ion cannot see is as good as
the outside which you can see. It is sold by reliable
dealers o�nI Made to Fit -not made to Order.
Obey Nraaa IM tis1L
It was a brand thing for this com-
munity that scab an enterprising firm as
J.. Wilson secured the agency for Dr.
King's New Discovery for consumption,
the wonderful remedy that hat startled
the world by its marvellous ourm. The
furor of enthusiasm over it has beset&
their business, as tbir lemwd for it r
immense. They give free trial bottles to
stlff,nn, and positively guarantee a ours
in combs, oulds, bronchitis, mthma,
croup and all throat and long trouble,.
A trial proves its merit. Price 50e. sod
W* 6.ed : Cherlte, oldest sea of Joha
u's'ers, bad the mldor►.00 to (111 lee a
amsg.'.r day mostly, breaking ►le arm
above the wrist.
Our New Dress Goods
are well worth your in-
spection before buying.
Another shipment of Prints
and Gingham' just tar;
Our Clothing Departnient....
Forbes worsted Trousers
Shorey s 'zeta it -rte ----
Tailors get i4.01
is as usual stocked with the
Latest and Best Styles in
T.akonmN8: A very pea, weddtes
Leek plate ea Tuesday, April 10th. at Pop-
otlar Grove, Tusk.&.Iti, the rmldesee of the
bride's tether, wits Wm HanMM R 1).1.
was 1111.4 le manias. te J.O. 11.0emPIMIll
of MoKlll.p, is Ne prwoce of eau basofes
Mar Minna to the sed clod whom Me
Hakim Valley mal, the
art, .Id..t t8. telae .mestere fe d
.. s.
sm k, he vs bow b•
TM mope Waledh, IN hies teem gad
sem tens &fide(• ep1i1 !MOO I frost
188 Mier. Ullae aft fess Nadi ham heboom
Mt I fled ted s.he e
at the Mit pleb.
eesm.as.d a Paget tee seed Mr
spm was nee la a nenillimm N reodlve b.
This s b Ismei woe .meld hem.~ eke*
es Me
"pet Wilma wbw. M Pre pfa.s6 s6 Ma
nal nod, bat Wa weals *we bas ea the
Ds hits of to nle.e% fast he wee NlobMUa
Is pias I. lag. be .some el Ms mid sem.
m Rtes.
A few ham, Mit meals' Ube 100 lea% as
g1heM t' easel& by Mesa
mad balsa sat of to .eat abed. sad 1 tifek
tbeedere MW Me estimate ef M. pld.wff,.
slit sem beaked /see wee Le mese earn*
f M.e et Me Mme of the den.', of les
See8My Valley sed the d.feduh bed, se
I fled. may oboe neem Mr .se wired tees
of ease "M Missal Mein referred a h We
tinder see intoe N ten the rendes of
, L.W. j d � t� . h. '
8..s Mt IMdO► he Ms NE was am
*mod a mat Is M the ase goal shed.
Bete did pee M Ibbs sed, ea 16d, .ea-�p�
*aired ed NNW teem b the ed ata
e afterwards was .l8ar 11 sit
a.1d.vIHl sed, cm• *mired , �t
&d mise bemired emends. Im
Pazttry, Oyster Patties,Tarts, Short
Bread and Creat Rollejlitece
Pia mad Lady Fillers, lines,
iacarooaa, Iara�es,
Braid)' Slap, Ito.
t'aight, and we ease give you to
*rot in Hew W andnw.
•r '' o.&a8.
'l if3"priiY or ~1��M
I will lid w
""Pis ordaesa I limo a&es
are m good as the best mad. 1n soy
Sty in (1Dade.
Canteen loads the trade in
tidesigning and ornament -
Giro hies an order and your set -
ideation will be mewed.
"All Dunlop Ti... i. ,y.'
- On mattdam roads -
on country roads -on good
roads and bad roads -
Dunlop Detachable Tires
are safest and easiest to
if you meet with a mieivk
hap - a puncture - ten
miles from home-" these
are the only tools you need."
.The emir Weis.'
A Great Snap
Boys' and
Children's Clothing,
Spring Overcoats,
Odd Pants, etc.
-----in Men's Furnishings we
can show you a fine asfwrt-
ment in Hats of all kinds,
Shirts, Ties, Collars, Gloves,
etc., etc.
is ear Davy Saar, .t 6.
pi tad, of ebbe we pelta barrel a week.
Tbh net our only map, se we eery
every -Wag Ubu maw n foeod In as so-
bs -date Emery store, and our prier
.. right. The termer. know that they
OMB always Rel trim u. • snap for their
modem. We drew Lbs IN. at so
legitimate trade - .verythtug goes :
Glassware . potatoes. garde" .tag or
.elven table Mime. W. deal le all
d eheo .._- _ ..
T. G. TIPLING & 00.,
Bedford bask, 0Wdeetrb,
The lata. tin 0.. lase..
liter..!. wl..rw K Ji
Scam Boiler Repairing.
The ooderioh'steam boiler works
having been removed from Goderich
I have made .rr.ngemene to carry
on boiler repairing and ales the manu-
facturing of smokestacks, eta.
Repairing of boilers, engines and
other machinery promptly .Mended
Machinist, Goderich.
Works on Victoria Street.
consideringithe quality..,
=Miea Cameron wishes to .nnounoe that she ha. secured the latest
zr.W `""'°styles and newest effects in Millinery for the Spring Season of 1900,
„p .hand invites the Ladies of Qoderioh and vicinity bo call and lose her
The leading new shads are Pastel, Van Dyek,:Watteaugand
Athos. g _
Miss Oameron offers :special value. in Plume. and le .ho
some novelties in Veiling.
Hamilton-st., Goderich.
Le an CeMeul
kept e..ehmtly se head.
Aim Me best tweeds el
1113 POINTS 3 jjj
u 1•Vals e.
Beli41. calf de well be ase me Mims pee-
led Mer .d..
UTT10L W..8-.4. Near Me id mare.
Slies and Rauges
At Results.
Ask Your Friend
kbottt Haag Quality Shoes.
Ten to one she -11 say "there
see none better."
b iii► >! twJwit ., T __
food draisers, because they
are comfor ble and y e t
stylish --stylish and yet eco.
'I. Thai are f.117 gaataat..d sot to wane
or ref creek.
well Net • lifetime.
Ra Thee tem le .o more testi f. inferior
Moves sad ere gsareateed se save essthhd
heal. bate better and radiate more heat Shea
any ether la MN sarbet.
10•11 mid mist osSlastos.
I Iva awn to sae ager) for t►. memos
Warm Ate Seam.$.' "Melt le rally gear.a-
Ned le be the moat .11etent, ensemble& dur-
able. Dossloof sod beellafN amuse Meese
MI::etls..e it fee yroM.gtomdarfWore you d.eea
e.s.ea t.' emg. seaman low
limitless wad stave .e.
Ask an expert their pries, and hell
say "$S" --he'd be wrong -for while AaOa
they are worth ii, ear peloe is $3.
Tido man knows what he did and
now be did It. Such endorsements r
the following are aro a wtflcieat proof
of ita merits.
(Urso4, Irbe., Ihb.141kM.
D... air.. -now ...d tee .tweed' res 1.
Is. �n1..... ro.r 1,.. baa s, 4rwYMe 0 rear
MMi,a, 1.e1Y& Orta. t terra e.1* awe aewrle.
S..1... n t. (. t! ten %%NOM et rat• mraaan'a
Fuss Jlnes:R*(.
Pace. Sat slit ler Ile. As a Waheti.4 for
fitoll77.es__ it .a. so ppqq�..�, ClUir
far ski•a m the H p e," bo t: nee. deo
Tromtl.. ea w Horse," book tram. or addrem
M. J. L [MALL Cs.. 110111110111111 PAW. rt
That's one meant of their success,
Ask to see Zing Dinghy Shoes." Ijji Quo
Made by J. D. MING COMPANY, Limited, Toronto.
With a pair of our Shoes!
.-!a■ LIADI*O -
WIIEVEV Tlw,Gtovt a8 4
se es d1
Meg, *4' of Mom -
Mem ea Ns Waft.
me K 1119
140. shade
as ter Canadian
enifogm in B.Africa.
New Idea Pattens
of New York, are
the best. We .0
them .t 12e. each.
We have snob • large and varied
stook of up-to-date 8h0es that we
can give you your size without any
trouble, in any style which you may
select. Our Shoal are well made,
look well, wear well and aro prio.d
reasonably. There's more comfort
to be found by wearing • pair of oat
Mom than you could dream d.
Repairs neat ly done. West side of Square
Three Rattling Bargains...
Shirt Waists, Table Linen •d Flowers.
Bet art ind taper Stere.
Yea will oeet.loly he oorraltin6 your own inter -
.M looking through .n.. d oar choice pattern.
M Win Paper, menthe for Nails, Bedrooms, Per.
lees . Dlningrooem, with Callega. Borders and
Ilrisas to state, M tie., 7o. tad 80. pat roll.
We have .Meant rapes se ba per toll. and Me
most .ipsesive we carry is 66. pee roil.
Nowhere M namsl& sae pee rota larger, better
or mon iiliskde tags to meet fnum. If ye'' are
is said el any, mmlosve rev rooter width, ir.agtM
.not met d pawing iM. All goner mnrkwA In
Porter's Boo - and Wall Paper Store,
At any season,ot uta year Nie
ix no greater eomfort than a
reliable Cook Stove in the ki en.
It ie wino acct Moves like every-
thing else : then are good, bad and
indifferent varieties.
We know yon a th bet pleased
with oar
Three lines of wantable goods. Came Our
way at an extraordinary BARGAIN.
diusfT W AiDTS, 146 .ay, d mwf e.
UMW eampNN d Mie sprogre a.d.
beep% fee mob et a name big fedeetiw.
to Geld at same rah eel Mme
100 76ad $ .86 sa1kC WArll dm .60
»__ �_„ 70
16 " •• '• .76
I6 &ted $1.60 • ', M s .85
00 s ea ' et As
7b es w .i g6
''AMM see all the mem* Mid se len Ikea
fell wilt fly M w-Mlsrlel east MMbr
esis yam as hive Oen almb. Mums el the
11111411111111 Cads enmelle. 1111110 Wb/1S
Ms a..ad, d . U1Ue wet hail pea IA the
lost el the mama is dl4ifht le beraalas at
the eM et tames.
Nor m T1113 COMBINIL.
We are going to handle 3 of the nattieat makes of Bicyoles on d is
aoiiiasat, viz, the
TABLE LIN RN -Lames ►If lel ed sada
N Pablo Lissa. 1; e 3 as leas. 'whet
leas. Me time se wbeb oarless It will
pay me to ev.SMame.
NAPKIN IAMPIJ$-27 Imam Table
Eakins, all Mvellewe' samples. sit as ave
. Ytktty damaged, bat amt MM se denies
as the poises ewe, Lamm Mere am ii1y
three 1
wea meters, 88 Mime 4. 6 mid
be at 4.sash,a..8110..
sWM reralwhisk N ••b ffa
eh betimes. a 4 ..
PLOW --Lem
we wale6 a IMMmkrwa as p balm
ewe 4411
ZOOM pr darn M Ilk f .088► 961
.e " 1e Oa , e' 60.
V201.4MI •• •• *s t " �e
W W1'Y M tut I wolf Ile,
Goderich Product " ekes
-Crescent and
We have n� been appointed agents for:the
•�fidlong eidgull of
All et theme Wheels have the VERY LATIN' Me
Oar OPENING DAYS will be FRIDAY "tad 11,11i!'QL
DAY, 16th and 17th, this weak, and 23rd and 441r 61 eta
All Intending pantheists should mall and enessise ear Meat
Prim will be right and all our goods HIGH GRADE.
Modem Stolen 0?hdit
Our Telephone--lrt Hoose Square, Qoderlch.
war 00110 of a mem earl MMM Ursa,
Por RELIABLE WOODS at l'N P141038.
Musk Dam
$11r High Grade Planes, Oleins and Sewing Yeellinsu It will pay yes to
give to a will.
tibiae for "Us Siptt," The Best U the Ok OW,