HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-04-26, Page 4• •«'? - r 1t' IL�i�Q,•.'�till%a ' . tsx.,ws REPUTATION... is g mNe la the anis Rimed. Notbl g either lean Or sided nes, rlr ■.Semis :ti▪ er tepar- Use. Fives thm err to U. nose Whets Fee sr* , oar .e0 hat 4W aamo. 1•u Mee the hast. It •0et. • 1 the were II as ••m• but is •tie t te Emerson's Bioyob •ad Music House, West street, Godericb. You are... Stunding.e• 1a leer owe Light M you M. asap Its term al bout a (MAW $ PABATOR. M,. Ne other haat that ea the form thews the same pereeetage of profit SIT OMR 11D FIGIJI R IT OUT.. Thos les ea plows • sharpies maohtne with yon es trial far tea days, absolutely fate te you ; it will do the rest. Emerson's Bicycle and Mimic House. West streets 1441 ht i sax, p D WIRY THURSDAY MORNING By SoISeau+.seaawT 6ODl tlCH. THURSDAY. AYR. 24, 1000. ss HOLMES V8. OODERICH• ELSEWHERE in this issue we pub- lish the judgment of Chief Justice Aurora in the case of Houses vs. Ooderioh. Although there are points in the judgment that are hard to reconcile, and to whish exception may be taken by legal and other acute minds, yet a fairly dear presentation of the Came is made. To those of our readers who have not acquainted themselves with the merits of the case the judgment will make "good remain'. " • Z=utt pastilles astities_.of ages-. plements wane being im- ported, taking the bread out of the moutbu of our workmen. Mr.JIILDINO inquired : Ie it the policy of the Conservative party toin- casesthe duty on agricultural imple mental Mr. TAYLOR replied that, as far as he was concerned, he was in favor of protecting -every article that we can Produce or grow or manufacture in this ooantry ; he was prepared t, give every article sufficient protection to have it manufactured or produced in this country by the people of this country. Mr. -ftsun244- 263, .io ,ou stet' the duty on agricultural implements to be increased 1 Mr TAYLOR replied that his remark was that, with regard to any article that can be grown, manufactured or produced in Canada, if it has not suffi- cient protection to keep it in thus coun- try, he was willing to increase it Mr. TAYLOR being the chief whip of the Conservative party in the House, it is not unreasonable to suppose that his opinions have a certain amount of weight with his fellow Conservative members, and that if the Conaerve- tives should be returned to power they would pay scant attention to the claims of the ferment in arranging the tariff- It is well that the farmers of H- .t Huicn should bear in mind this confirmation of the statement of Mr TAYLOR'S views tat :e public • year ago. THE ROADWAY ON THE SQUARE. THANKS to the work of the town council the roadway on the Square is today an itnpoaibility for bicycle rid- ing. Last year it was agreed that the Square should be gravelled, and gravelling was badly needed. It was first arranged that • grade of fine gravel should be got from the neigh- borhood of the oemetery, but after- wards it was decided by acme member of the public works oommittee that a coarser grade of gravel should be used. To this end • lease of • portion of the river bed was secured for gravelling purposes and teams were put on to haul the gravel to the Square. Had the committee confined itself to gravel Ma quite possible that today the 8gaare would have been in good order for wheeling, but instead, and con- trary to the wording of the agreement with the lessor, a large quantity of stone was taken from the river and spread on the streets, the result being that although half -a dozen men have been working for weeks breaking the bowlders the work is not nearly done. What is wanted now is • heavy roller to crush the metal at present on the streets, and we understand that • petition favoring that plan is now in circulation for presentation to the council at its next meeting. The petition is, we•underatand, being num- eroudy signed, although we have heard of one man who is strongly in favor of the roadway being made pas- sible who, when asked to sign, declined to do so, saying : "If the members of the council are such 'thumps that they won't put on a roller without being told to do it they aren't fit for their job." The remark made by this ratepayer is plain but it is honest. There is today in Oodetiob between I$16,- 000 and $20,000 invested in wheels owned by bicyclists. There is also a bicycle manufactory in the town which is not helped to any extent by the roads being rendered impassible dur- ing the summer months. Under these conditions if the council does not see fit to put on a roller. • nd endeavor to keep up the reputatiiin of Godarioh as the " wheetman'm paradise, " every wheelman in town will be. willing to say "Amen I" to the prayer of the este- payer who called 'the coma 111eatifea ., chumps. " _ - - SNAP SHOTS. err The attempt to wreck the Welland canal was not well and good. air U you want to make a leak in a man's think tank put him in the town oouncal. gr Fighting come. high in South Africa, hut talk without fighting oomes higher /err The h000rable Kxyrou TATtoa, of (ibnanoque, is still sandbagging tate farmers in the interests of m000poliate. MP The attempt to pull the Welland canal out by the root proves cooclusively that dynamite and whiskey are a bad combina- tion. err Now that "kW" has had a resting spell in the military critic's oih•ir, woukl it. not be well for him to get to his feet again and hit the pike to Pretoria, Mr Th. Mail and Bemire and Tk. Mont- real Star fear Yo much from -a, iftt s man named Josari Lath= Team at the nest election that they are endeavoring to prove that be is Coo and Matson rolled into one OONBEMVATIVEB AND THE TARIFF. THR people of West Huron Bemeln- ber how °MOnne TAvrom, M.P., let the cat out d the bag during the bye election campaign of i•st year in dealer - fug the intentions of the Ooneervatne party inanimation with the tariff. The manufacturers arms to be protected at any rats ; the Laurier Government had Imes treating the farmers with vi much oomaideration, but the Con- vaNves ,mule kink after the mane- ' were 6rd It is interesting to that Mr. '1'AYLOn'a view■ tans terrine • &moos since that gam•• unlet week be one - Sr Wheeling on the sidewalk on the Square is a balance, but hasn't the town council • enidlus of gall first to realer the Square roadway impassible for wheelmen and then to issue • notice prohibiting wheel - ing'on the sidewalk. f- v,tese - -, ASHPIELD Molnar, Mord=b. lids. L 8 Broom has been .tddag IMslds le Meant Forest Oaring the pest w eek. ea Ferguson, 18th ass , he, sold tam farm to Joseph Hacked, aejolaly uslrhber. 24n. Jury. who hes been living with tier sus ts•Mw, A Roes. Lookouts, tins removed hook es tier fare es 13'h otos. W. Wawa mirk. p Now that the present parliament is supposed to be putting in its last session, that eminent prairie et -steatites. NrcI.or,at noon Davie, of Pile -o' -Bones, Iif,, W. T., is trying to imitate the swan, whiohifa said to do most of its aiming just before iia death. S ' Weliaod seems to be • gnat plea for shooks. Last week, if we are te believe The Mail, the Ontario Oove,nment received a shock from a resolution moved by the mem- ber for Welland, and this week the Dalin ion Government is shocked to learn that an attempt was made to dynamite the Welland oaral. Well, well I PORT ALBER1. Tu =DAY. April 1?, James Campbell Guinea to Detroit w :1•terday lest. Mies Jeanie tloKwai., of U.Aerlob, weet to the rata, on Busdey. Mr. Hamlin epee0 Easter 8eaday with but permits to 1)uosa0000. Mead Meese/HO M speadtsa 0 law dare here with her mother, who 1. ill. Miss Shepherd, Isooker,10 .p.mdiug the Koster -tide at fix bon. lo Godesiuh. Mr. and Mn. U. Rios .ed eh1W left ben ou osturday last tee Bream, Perth ooaaty. Rev. Mr. Beabash of Lusdus, •osdeoted divine servio. is Christ shwa oa deeds, morning lest. Tb. 4 oreste(0 ooatemplote baildtag a new hall the oomlag summer. The land has bow purohued from Use. Hawkins. Joseph Mu11t11•a, wbo baa lately returned to Uoderiok from the dos, was in the v*I• 1•ge last week looking so ems et hie old •cg•ala4•ose. Among those speaiarg the Easter y.m- tloa In ear sada are Wm Csaslag►•m, teethe' Grand Beed ; Water Hawkins .f t►. loudest Normal 8oboel,-,md W. Brews - e ll, of the 8troiord Ba•Ises• MRs. TrnsM/ T. -Apr. 1h - Will Symeads d eoasdlag the Beater holidays in Breattord. Geo 101M, of dratfeed, (s vlsddag ease of as old scquslateeees bre. Mr. and Mrs O'Ooansll •read.- the golden weddtsg of Mn. O'Ooasetl's parents N Oaths tut week. Mr Leiria, of Owes `Bonn-, hes per. Gland the property it Owes IfoAvoy, sad wall mortit hie fsraltve sad bsionglsgs dews here and take pos•eeden 1. • work. We were sorry to mos tbo departure last week of Mr. •ad Mrs. Owes McAvoy from our 'midst. Beteg old rttdd. 0, they bad made themselves ssdes ed to all, esp.mally their war►bora, mid now, when they hays lef0, we feel that • great vaoaooy Is mado which oan se•ra.iy b. ailed. W. wish teem health and prosperity in their now boos le Uod.rch. The river, whish was at 1t• height, bars to decree the pest weak ; still this did n ot daunt • few g.11aat heroes ism Gods eguezt�ter .•tr•e+r tk. river &Herded, d.dded to maks • sally down towards the mould. 8•erttag from Maeohst.r tbe flotilla, which seasiated of three heats, moved swiftly dews tetrad' 8saobler'. Falls. Has they began to' flounder, bat were moved from baler pesetpl. total over the falls by boatswain Grit making • portage. After that It was smooth albeg, the rearrest sot beteg tee steam for the Ilttl. Draft. There bslag so .ost.oles in 10.1y way, tiny made fast time. Tb. ant eight the iBBiagan got of the ole• dila was the Ua1.. Jake wbtob served as masts 9adtrtag in the bioses as the beets Oam. read dee bs•i of ddi river seer the brewery. As they seared the rapids above tits bridge the spinsters began to get axioms, at as the boats pineal late the foaming water • otter that ea Galaols warrior minket have envied arose from the rowers as they landed safely past the rapids. The dexterity whish the bestowals exhibited was marvellws and may • al- lege areas looked with wader at the flo- tilla as Goaded soder the hake and down ar.a.d the bead of the neer until both beats and revere were est orf sight. Good Friday was kept here t• • areas th.t sag dla cranial. A mssber .f toughs from lawn arrived ►•ro o.rly is the day and by their mama •.d load talk they plainly .hawed their I.olt.idoe for flgbtlag. 1s the of unmoor, b•oomlag Iatoxles1d with 1 Baer, the fighting began in earnest. A pease/Aar who tried to lstrfr. got Ws fate slapped. ad after that • molar hand. to had 8rht anted, • vdtags sod • tows 114 partioipatl.g. When the blow* sassed the town Iad'e lea hooked Ilk. • gladiator'. after • severe.ae0aatr. He fa.s was se badly out sad by whole apparel showed signs of .nob royh usage t 0.4 lea OM - pardons searosly knew him. With the assistant .f • /teed Stmarit•a he managed to ret hos., bat alter . few hears' rest h. get • reinforcement and set else eaten for 8altford. Arrlvtar sifter nine et night with tie l.ody-guard he tried to got Bebrin •gats, but • ponos loving anthem wbo had reopen for the community ordered N. gang away. Seh h.pwntatt• as these are • Magna. Every tame there 1a a holiday prool.tated mea and boys from Joderioh make it a polar t. Dome here, get drunk, tad fight. I1 this cannot M .topped it will be some - eery le have • pollessaa statleaed Mee sysy Mmes holiday1. pro,lalaid ; it this does, be d., o w steps will be takes" • II We are informed by that fountain of truth, The Toronto Mail, that Sir Gamma erre= may lave the nostn•tion from a Quebec proviso, onmettaancy when there are not twenty English rotes. That may be, at it's dollars te doughnuts that the old baronet would be sand -papered out of p.Mic life if he .oneptad the nomination and ran in the oonstitoeoey. Palma would like to get rid of the old man that way. # seep N'm• it is • mystery why women ander* b•ek•ehe, Its•daebs, nervoesosss, slep- •a.eboly, fainting sod dicey veils it tboo nada have proved dist I.etrle Hitters will quietly sure mesh tenable,. •'t 10(5.0- for .wi40 kid - aim trouble,"writes Wes. aOk.eis7 Di Ps*s,sn.i 1. , • •.1 d • Inions boli pained me es I meld not dress myself, lea Meese. hitters wholly area es and, altbesg\ ane ty-theeeyy.mmwu� oldt 1 sow em able to de all my om It overtimes eatipst , spe.tra dans porters bran =Z. u Jas. Wilma'', dreg share. LE! BU RN. WsDna•D.y, April 18. Mrs. M. Foley, with her eon Mahal. of Damraear. @pant Baster •t wends., the peas of Mn. (YBrtes. Rth.1 Foley, eldest daughter of R art Feeley, of Ktegebrldge, erjsy.d /taster hen, the nest of her grandmother, Mn. Felly, at Rosewood. Jas. L. l ouzel, of Uoder0oh, was prosier oreb•rd. is 1h1s mottos lust week and Ahad galls an 'starsatlsg debate with the tall laird os the leading gaestloss el the day. Our termer reddest, Jobs Lt.kletr, and his daarhter Ride visited hen last week from Stratford for immoral days, the gnesta of Mr. and Mn. A. H. Clutton Doris, big transient May Mr. Lklatr met quit• • ameba of old Meads end uslgbb ars. Jamas Horton bas takes the lead here Is podia nip a windmill. He ►am rest .d ens ever the deep well he peak laid year for panoply' water for 00. stook. Om 1,rda7 be b.eagbt home • laces water•treagk fres Galeriob. and new evr,t►1me U reedy ter la first breeze. Job. Moesevls, Ir., el Wlogbee. Is sur• le • reddest le tede away mor soothed le Mead.y goosing last at Omslpk M Bryt41., of the Reined* atE% wedding wen .eemnI.d et the Army lar. reeks. Thegreen's brothers, Joseph pod west by the early teals no Monday fres Godard► 0._8. present .t the oar*. H�wwy� ufes Ina tang the grommemas. The G..roh Meteor, has she fo11.wtas report el the marriage : I..et night the meek le eta Mermen wire well fined to whams thee rte arrlaua eseeeeoy edmisrtrd by Hater 41.24010..• Landes, as Priests Jolts km Nevis, Mahan. end Redge Branip.'1 Dada, Oat. The brad• uA hrldesmW (wt. Y • stew rl the bride) were drew - Is meta 8. A. aliens, wetrisg while mashes. Aitge the aeremesy the WIWI@ potty and • arms potties of Ube otimallea .djmiessd M the beeemiest, whom a pry tempt, sad esseaul wildfires server wtis sores-, .red mealy de•es.ted w140 fiNrele eaff able les the ..SN... A very harm matter free 1aeg414r wad maker s.0. ...Mr. 1. tee dkhrW wen pmsoak mad tae from Tomsk sad Leedom The 0114, was welt bawe mem the Arty amort k (4melp1, beery tta. es Maser heme mem yeass age• wes,d'a senega •.a1= "I Wed away remedies to erre pike," welts W. R. Smith,of Latham, "bad Io}nd se read Y 1 need Break lore' Arnim Sale. 1 bare ret br1n troubled with piled ides.," °readmit pile Borg em earth mad the kat .else Jae. mow world. Slie. per k+a, g uNs.d by11.111101. ( Paint ngrv! Robertson's Ready -Mixed. guaranteed, is the purest in the market, and covers More space than any other. By the gallon, $1.60, in all colors. Call and get color cards. Cash..... - will get bargains in all linea of Hard- ware, Glass, Lead, Varnishes, etc., that will astonish anyone. Binder Twine Orders should be given quickly to avoid high prices later on. A. McD. Allan fibityak,Ydwta.. y. 1sseml;..aL Mayan, has bees eagpged for two years as beek-keeper fee the Ars of Chamber. Broth- ers & Bethune, lumber. \ardwan sod grans mrebaato, of Maolba, Manitoba. HIS TIME HAD COME. So Thought • Quebec elan Gail Uodd'1s Kidney Pais tiered Him a Bright's goatee, April $13.-N•reime Mangy, of 109 St, Amos area, this city, madden himself an extremely fortuities w He oras ease through the ordeal of attars 1)la ami alive, Brtrht's Dame M an extremely fatal dl. sew •f the kid•eya. The eolever Vegeta on, g...wlog weaker sad weaker, slowly .ad mircrably dylmg. Ones it hada Galt epos • viola there is sal] ase hope to save his -Dodd'e Elsey Pill.. Rut they never fall. Nrotme Maauy aye : ••1 hays waived Bright's Disease fag rile ay. year'. Doe tsown o tuna lad soon. A trto told me w try Udd's Kidney Pills. 1 halm feat Mashed the (earth hex and am cared," HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND THae Baler Scraiiton ilail Cod IN THE MARKET AU Coal weighed or the Market Scales, when roe est MOD Iba rr • him f M. LEE. Order. 1.11 at gap 0 8$3PliARVII Bare promptly attended te. WE HAVE FOR SALE CHEAP 1 MILE NI 1 6 HORSE POW TEEMING IE Ie OMD ORDER. 3 IOIISE POWERS gam AID sae 'Unto. TRW an $.twang, The Header:on Bicycle Cs. (Limited), 'ODUIOa.. •weasel oderich ftargaln Centre e are.'showing r rtra vale le Japanese Mottles, cotton wow, 124c. to 30c. per yard. We aro showing extra value in Floor Oil Cloth. We are showing extra value In Art Muslin. We are showing extra value In Art .Sateen. We are t;howing extra value in Lace Curtain. We are showing extra value In Wool Carpets. We are showing extra value In Ruffled -edge Cur- tain. ALL AT PRICES THAT WILL WIN YOUR FAVOR. Next Bargain Days, April 26th and 27th. JAMES ROBINSON One d oke most damfiun msepudehe yfktsr of ROPSY for which Dodtf s ltldmey Mk are the catty °srtain gars. la Dropsy the Kid- n eys ars actually Jammed ▪ and the wa,ter,, IOWA sbould bct� ha the form dhack sad lodges In the mile of the gash and pi out the akin. Remove the filth which plugs u the drain• Restore lbs be health. Then le w -...JRIti•tew Mediae* DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS BB0118R & MYER8, Dadertaren ad Kibaliera Urelu•te of Manses huaette Col- lege of Embalming. WRITS BiAt1SR OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. SLOT GOODS AT 24000- 8.470 PRICES, AND COURTEOUS ATTENTION. ssnamaa •eco. COOS at ca. Binder Twine HOW'S THE OUTLOOK ? Fanners' .G United sus■ Bought their net materiel right and defy the world on eomp.Wties. Finest Red dam 12es, B)ns Star llie, 8t.ade:A 100. 8se ear year •r ear.. il„n't Pet of twylag ; Mir quantity le 00,01.4. W. have armed Tom fairly. Joseph Stratford, (leoant M .. MILL WOOD FOR SALE. The above is out into stove wrod kabob and will be delivered to any part of the town the ame day as alders-• -Orden received by tel i%s- or kit at resldenoe, 128 C•mb� str s* will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. Oo4leleb, November 81st, 1899. 66 -Am Springtime... brings many requirements in the clothing lindi A change must. be made from the heavy to the lighter wear. -nor- In, selecting my stock I got goods at prices to suit the pockets of all, avoiding, however, to boy anything trashy. Oar UNDERWEAR has woe the admiration of a great many people. It !Magee from 40e. to $l.26 per garment. CASHMERE and OOTPON HOSE in plain and fancy colors, bought nit tag Sid+• prion.. See our 1 ba, 25a and 20c. lines. --HATS! HATS 1 t Oa 8•tordsy • new Spring 36•. Tie will go with every Hat for spot My aim is to please the public in every way. If not satisfied with your perohase, I will refined the teens,. W. Co PRIDHAM HATS. OAP's. FURNISHINGS. aas Easter Egg DYei..""Eilideles-64,:ctZd In the Springtime... We rejoice in .uneh ., or shiver in the north winds or get soaked in the rains. It's lard for t•.• health to bear up an- ds the strain of soot changes. The blood becalms poor, the appetite is variable, you have Iniad -aches boils, pimples, pains iu the back, ets•. Take Sassafras Bitters An unrivalled remedy fur impure blood ani disordered .tontach-ga•nnteed• No beoe6t no pay. 50c. • bottle ; 6 for $250. Build up the Strength Many who feel weak and do not used powerful Medicines, Cat),•rties, eta, but blood -build rgor . Thiolewhat h lug, Sampson's Red -blood Pills do lar you The best of all wood tomos and i0s cheapest. Guaranteed. $c. • bo;. 6 for 81.00. it is your duty to auintein your strength. We have the best of Perfumery in great variety W. C. GOODE - BEDFORD BLOCK a a Do You Use Paint? Most of the world doss aid owl gime world toss , Tiff SHOWN-MilanPAINT• if s made to paixr bellildixgs with, ixside axd outside. Ifs mads ready for the brush. 1f s mads for Moms use and for practical panders too. If pure lead,re zinc Isla pore lisiusd oil, mixed by speaally mads macitixery operated by experts. I<s mad/or pma SOLD BY I lab ik 16 Lir filet a nisi, dist will s sry ask pirduic N. D. ROUGV1E ROOM AND DUN•ANNON �mmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmK E The Modern Shoe Store. � E E E E E E LE LE E Ma NEW SHOE w M E Having refitted our more with modern conveniences, we will be in • better position than seer to serve our smog patrons. Our Spring Stock is about complete with the bast mated line d Footwear ever shown in the County. We are mull Sole Agents for the SLATER 880E, which is undoubtedly the beet oboe in the market kw gentlemen. •gWcey have ado .enured tie for Tatar the midi... It is most stylish and best-6Niog footwear made in Canada today. We also navvy a tine this of ladies' Areefican Boof.•od Mose Call and see the King Qua1. ity Show rade by '1hm J. D. Mug CsmMay. Our gages ere right, 3 3 3 3 1 3 a W. SHARMAN, Jr: 1 �iiu�uu�u�u�u► � Cereal Coffee . A debates' sod kselthg.1 heeNe ge. - it makes •-middens welsh, god r ressmesdsd golly ler peepls .f sorvemate. dapd•lsis a lembled wSk kdrMMeath-. week Meath mad lassappeti olf Uely ifi eta. • Ile Try M rhea who ham moil M preasesee 14 menses FLAKED PEAS BRANS ado RiOS aro SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT$• ALL. Goma r.O0RLT De.rrnso Telephone No. 91. STURDY & CO., The Groom. sora Span sod Montreal -4. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR M LEAD'S : SYSTEM : 111110,1111 4 A WonderfultTonk and Remedy for WEAK BL000, KIDNEY and& LIVER TROUT Mteuulfacturad by J.;Mt b id