HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-03-29, Page 8TeonwAT, March 18, 1800. ' The New Spring Goods ....on Display Great Variety, Choice Selections are on display here. Every effort has been put forth to bring a choice line of the S ung Novelties to our store. The Brightest, Newest and Lightest Store In town. Come and look over our Styles and Prices. New white and colored Piques and Ducts from 10c up. In Muslin and Gingham* we have very pretty stripes and patterns, special at 15c yd. New Bilkettea in lovely Royal Blue and White Patterns, special at 15c yd. Ladies' Tailor Made Costumes Ready to wear or made to your order, made up in the latest styles. The new double and single box -pleated Skirts and natty silk -lined short Jackets of the most correct materials -- Greys, Browns, Fawns, Blaek and Blue Home- spun and Broadcloths. Will be pleased to show you our Styles and Cloths andeto quote prices for entire costume, on which we can save you time, trouble andmoney. Ready-to-wear Waists and Skirts Are a specialty with us. Every Skirt 4olu owe, make, made with the best linings and bindings, cut in the best patterns,:and oat -make ismuch superior to the.segu facto made ; also . Underskirts, white range in all these lines. Hosiery and Underwear 2 special lines of fast black Hosiery, one ribbed and one plain, 2 pair for >e5e 2 special lines of Ladies' Vests, long sleeves, 2 for liio The latest designs in All Over Laces, Ali Over Em- broideries ; lovely. Tucked Yoke Goods, New Silks, Tucked Silks, Gathered Ribbons, New Braids, etc. . MILLINERY OPENING TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THINSDAY. APRIL. 3RD, 4TH AND 5TH. Next Bargain Days March 29 and 30 Co Smith Bro's t SALTFORD. TUESDAY. Mar 27th. Jack O'Co.aoll returned Friday tress She Ismboeweodo. Mr. RWIe, of Lesdesboroagb, paid rho vane a share visit loot week. Mr. Bosoms,, sf S•mmarbill, sad James B•ssdeoses, el Ba field, were visitors et the redden, of Mr. D. O'Connell. Narbonne of .pries are bogtaal.g M •p pear .heady. Robles are elllsg the air stub their.weseset soap. while bluebirds .Ise have been seem Ose of the beat t•d1- .atlow, ahead, was the appearseoe of two .perm ea their Moyes pstlag each other . ..d dews ser principal thoroughfare. With .sob sight, as thee.. sorely It will re- grlsd ea that She loveliest of all ....s.. will wen be bore aaliteri l apo to teem Its geed masse es .ss..t of a robberywhtsb happened es ]gonial .1 kin wee. The beer, • ynsag ram higbly rebp.eted 1. the .igbborbe.d, was to leave the next day ter the West and while In O.d.rtub ssakly pefolletioee ter the loses, hie tracks were raseaeked end the .dim 01$46 le alleged behave bac taken. Limy porno guilty of sssk as outrage 8.lerves • len Mess M the penitentiary Piety MMus la en the Moreno wooed bre. a a had bar cellar enterdd • few eats age while .he was absent .ad • q of moat and preserves was Moles. ascii ens as thele are boessai l alarming an the .&y way to remedy 1t le to send to "Zi.sta.d ad; fee a 4.MMIve end bare the sshm.is.ala brown M jostles. DUNLOP. Mounnt, Marsh. 96, • Mea Oce. Berea visited relatives th end sent Enfield last week. Jeba M.H.rdy was a lemma Ins weak M the sacra 1s oed.rtsb. was a surprise 'arty at Charles Wads' from the Crean tows en the 16t1 Loa ♦ss.se..traallM Mailman kat week wars Mrs. Thea V*" Mes Oen. Celt aad Mrs. Gans, .f Osilsli Him *1'`/R Augustine, was the newt of NW Jade Jens at the Rob Rev ..ruse iliac weak. Jens Peattetbwahe, the was kiiled at HersaB by the Ming et a fret, mess Ms early Myb.sd days baro sod Masadad the Sal .sbs.t as • waster. Dew termor tswwossaa. Jus. L risk,. of Bas Tres Press. lades, Mak part is the patp$ns .( ea eatortesamwt r aid el the p MUtle Mad in the Egger Otte. MOM li.l•yw, few .rear l.ck.ew, Nus ea • stilt M W tit lig Mrs. Jsb. old =YMds ham /snag Ne sewn weekerred .f Mgen leder Ism has lately been lle fest tet ill nine. .t Thane wetted Me mew yams nss le gMd are • anima allied*. led a... Jewel. bs M w wufl w'p ease lTe.fene ,. setuer a pre/rel ....-.ns eerymerkited a o too NSW Ws en *ie. ..terhtda. MalMIk?w*ie.. Ina r ism r ft i w ++■1 • 16 4 TUR $IG : y11o1)$RI ONTARIO, Bruen t Int. Vella.$,... • well tune mss skalds deco, eluted fee eery, N. Wt T.. se ?seedy et test creek, H. wadi• e• • preeemne trip ..d whoa • seizable lee•ites ereee.t, itself will mod tee Mrs. B•1i••tyee diad sea. B.lure l.•s- lag tows Mr. B,liean.e was prorated with • Memeie rabies" by SP.J oha'. L dee, A. F. ft A. M., le wbseh ha lent t the . .. W Jacor Demme. Rhournailsm.: Bows nm Dan Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles and feel the results in loss of appetite, backache, oersousoe••, headache and tired, run-down fooling, but "Elec- tric Bitten are just the thing fur • man" writes J. W. (Gardner, of Wardle, Ind., "whoa he is all run-down, and don't pun whether he lireo or dile. 1t did more to gine me new strength and good appetite than •pitting 1 could take. I can naw oat anything and have • new leas oe lite " Only 60n. Every bottle guaran- teed by Jas Wil.ua, druggist. Geo. Stewart, FLORIST mow this week to the stand ea the Square ci by Junes Teeda wore be will ie meleeme all termer ousls"ere may fresh..* plM. sem * prb . Meek I. Utio 1e the bled O %ige a are the Off 0ddd then Utile If the ectad eo they . oetd would Oren the Uric wt d the yetw s.d rb u o- tism wasildet is • seo.r. View. smattMum Dodds Mb bre roads s peel.( their So the saw d those M MA Mfr Is Sellaed .Yds 9646 •. Booli e(s Ise sy.sk the eons mental carpe t• buy ‘ • eee.wdv ws priced, ferret Melds ►he Sr.'. Tb ssostle ties iter *.If the deo of loll fie lire sad tha shed was Neatly as bard. Bu TON B Baler C pouud .boor •adasiR but soy. D dd's. Kidney is the greatest remover of scale sed precentor of incrustation. ,- Saves repairs, oils, paoking and . fuel. and pay for than, you want theft s11il M M QUALITY AND PRICE. Oar goods are right r to quality, as we euamdne *irefully every when we receive them from the factory, and if sot aatisfaotory we HIMI them. Doing • CASH ONLY business enables as to sell ata small margin of profit, thus giving you the full benefit of clow cash prices in Ugrian. There is.. but one make of wheel which has given perfect entiafaction throughout the past seasons, and that a the world-renowned "Cleveland," and from this fact alone we are handling nothing else this year. WE INVITE YOUR INSPACTION. For Dairy Tinware, Sap Buckets, Paints, Oils and Varnishes ... we solicit yon* trade. We have added to our ewer - increasing stogk • complete line of Spray Pumps .,. r the best we could bolt Ike market , 1h aLo `hie t . •esiq- alb mins. ,s 4 WORSRLL'S Fee iteleltmade Dairy Tia - ware, Ipve.troughing, Newel and Furnaces. Tho hit is" the cheapest at J. N. WORSELL'S Godnstch. wi. gated arm Heft! fir sole or wabaye ler • d w. r OUR Engineer's Metal Polish is superb. Bary to apply and leaves a mag- nteoaat brilliancy. Our machine, eyIIuder, engine, dynamo and lub- ricating Oils are of the finest. Our sheet, piston, gaskets and rubber Packing. are reliable. As- bestos goods, pipe coverings, oto., are of the latest German and (. ,nadian manufacture All our mill supplies are the best that can to produced and are fully gee ranteed. For prioes and di.couota, write The Win Salton Copan(' Co., of Toronto, Limited. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. Ws have added a large number of pain d Shoes to our Bargain Coma - tors, u we will clear out every pour of Shoes that we have nota regel•r line of, or that are not just up-to-date in style, at 50o. and 75o. per pair, a000rd ing to quality. Some of thew were $1.75 and 99.00 per pair. All our Felt Boots and Shoes at and below cot for the nett 10 days -- all new goods this seasoo, but we must have the room for our new Spr{ai Goods. Watch for our Spring announcement in our opt alit, as we hate some- thing special to tell you. REPAIRING AND CUSTOM WORK. P. T. 13A.T,T eS North side of the Square, Goderiob. THE CASH SHOE DEALER , y "Are You Going? ,.Where?" " Why, to the Reception and Millinery Opening in the Commercial Block, North side of Square, Gociench.' " Who is there ? " " Oh' the R. B. SMITH Dry (foods Company." " Do you think it will pay ? " r " Well, I've been in their store and they carry the best values, the swellest and most up-to-date stocks to be seen anywhere, and their pattern Hats this Spring, they say, will t% simply elegant. _ I'm going to have a good look anyway." 19 • ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE WRJH AMERICAN LIFE 58RA L'.OM PANY. 'had r:' _ 18 Kti Street Lee & Shephard Dna it •ii.a . ironer Alma" 11i`o,IIIM. sacrum. ..L., $2,777,461` 64 !se Pn Aslet,a6d 68 boars ihsestses.te.:.:.:....:. 148,666 81 wA + HA.V FOR $ALE CHEAP arms, • • f' S1i Claim., Profile, eto..$303,f11i1 60 to.... 893,622 30 t3,67o,f7r4 03 ;,.. anti .ALL r 1Cr s' "On Saturday, March Silt, up to 10 o'clock, and all next week." " I'll meet you there ! Bring everybody you can I There's plenty of room! You know they claim 3500 square feet of store space ! You can alway8 run in and out, up an'1 down stairs, and welcome, at 634,263 82 int ledger easels .. ,$' ..L .......83,336,710 21 A/METf3 z halloo ,..,*... x...$1,416,932 68 rark " , '49-. 579,939 HEW MILLINERY FOR SPRING ha (.market value 8f8'1,30Ldaje L.tya; tnciodOM CogtpaoTte baikliog..,... 234,661 79 11Vt7 Imo_ k, .....,.. 221,666 57 op ealth. :194,821 42 seise. z.. ,e. . 98,706 96 • , .. _30193.336,710 21 rMr flea i we w.1 137,998 f4 l<tmM. des a.Aasmfesfi.7.: r:.:3 ' 36,074 73 1N)sbwturdd lSseb r.„.. ►J ,.r46.30t 16 } 81,666,477 16 R. B. SMITH'S I S MILL 1 Li sN1SE POMEt T9tPS M i31 Ie r. aaop eases. 3 IOlSE POIMS singles " Oed be with you till we roes mala." Jane leave. Monday of this work with hie little d•agbt.r, who we saenren• M had come vel' b him to sac her grand- mother. We might add that the hula girl's .My wee dampened by having u .teach of whooping ooagc while hen. The Loeber. Woman's Foreign Minn Auxil.ry toales of the Presbyteries oherob held its amenably mo.4sg ea Wedeord•y lam .t Lor.ostd., by the layIntlm of Yrs. D. L-w.s., who .les hiving • •ember et friends and neighbors to be present. The devotion' exsrlsss of the moors( were ocaduotod h Yrs. R.b.ct Hssderses as- sisted by Mies Mary Z. Morris, both of Ood,rteb, while Mie Ella Clark drobarrsd the duties of ssmutary of She meeting. 'Members and guest. enjoyed • ptomain afternoon mating two largo quilts for the limas mlealoes to the Northwest. le the 8sslsom rosins quite a dissension eoourrsd over riving relief to the lodl.n famine fond. Tea after six was earyed, and the member then dispelled ter their homes mash pleased with their afterroee so plea a.tly spent le • geed muss. F si -12 Ds.g0,> • - A11. Awa m Toast. Tim Amu BA eMwm. X111 The lien Bicycle Co. udited,, QOD2DISIO$. The 'atianc os fi; MLe Cameron wishes to anaesaoe that she has .seared Mae latest styles and newest offsets in Millinery for the Season d 1900, and invitee the Ladies of Goderioh and vicinittj two call aad set bar Stock. The leading new shades are Pastel, Van Dyek, *lineae had Athos, S Osmium t egeil values ix Plumes aid is ameba wra141aT. . , - r[ (SS CI'IAERON `the Oom .0.1)111 nett • Qtis Now1sssra.os issued 4 1016..,4 _ the beet Iresnuselti lace at , . LELBURN. Moran, March 96. Jacob Mosier was • juryman keit week 1s Oed.rieh at the eprlsg •sslses. Ulm M. Kirk paten retsresd lately from • pleasaS whit -se friend. at Ripley end Kirosrdls. O• Tammy of nett weak her simer, Katharine. woos es . yet M Leede, Nertk tMk.t•. Cemm.slon ser1M5 ea 8s.day saws rood Weed/mos of members. Tac. .t their anemia' desirs partook sf .esst wwlw for the fees time end wars added te lbs seembe sup of the crank M e pastae (Mar them • sslt•ble wens to keep *tee Wen Sham M this imam lff. Ten sac -.em - bars bore psrelek of tits eseres s► The an alders r.swtly slestod..Wd ter the Arm Ms At the pregandary serve. held ea the Friday previews. Ws Row. Mr. IV Wee. purr el Fiera street Methodist mane, Getter**, was prase* sad -'-Sr• the pester. SHEPPAROTON. TUESDAY, Marsh 27. Hans Helwfg es 0.dar*1, spurt • few days at Mn. lists.'. Mins*. BrMdley and Desk, of GederW, .D uSB1.day ea Wm. BrWly's. Glares 0r 10am, .f the Oellss el. I.ed- Nae, tiedue*hi spent Endes at his home her. Mr. J. Onba. 'tern her Meter. Msa tirtlrs by, 1a Ooderleb tonahip this weak. 816MAI}Or•hass r wearing way smiles, he Wag as happy paeaeeler of • roan dsu4Mr. Nen ands., who 1. MMashieg at 8'. Heim. Must fda1rday and 8end.y .a km hams Imre. Mlles Osreeer end Jewel .pent • how dye with w farm..'.. S.., Yw. Nixes lens 01sWaMw W moved Mar new IN. en MM. Waw carry M lees gben par entt 111.e.= Mss. Peter midst of r Gnu No has =same, let Mime per. eM~rlM d lam w'• w proem* * shale. peels es s ru par Iso ...slay, Aa "wgena ft. sae ers" AWL lb I d0p at* the assWarese sshhorma, hem lass 111 „cru BEOKER & MYKRS, Undertakers aad Embalmers Graduate of Massachusetts Col- lege of Eytatlmiog. warm swiss! ' t L OPBN DAY AND NIGHT. BSST GOODS AT MODS - TB PRIDUCI AND UKTW US ATTLlrrION. aoauan LOCK. wuparas. holt. 0. W. ALT4. E04f. SENATOR ;;30W.AN, LL.D., Calls. L. W. SMITH FAQ , Q. D. MoCRAS 1i3Q. Gael HON. SIR WM. . 4 SECRETARY t L. GOLDMAN, A.I.A. bnee* a twat)- PREBIDit1': f4v L. 9LAIKIN. ' 4ICa PRIISIDSNTS : Binder Twine Y. EAHLOI IIOIIES -,-9!. "BIR li 1licili '1'!t► LO »10118: - 'K'. .i" 1r.. GURNEY ini- . JOHN N. J. KERR ED, ghist Justice d AGOVI DII:E(TOR : .' . ,..t.. f.l.A., P.a.8. - '` "' MEDICAL DIRK TOR: J. TW)RBURN, M.D., HOW'S THE OUTLOOK ? sneers' Company Limited the Report containing the proceedings of the Ann Meeting, Meeting, held on January 30th, will be sent to the policy -holders: Pamphlets explanatory of the etirsetiteibe rent position, will be furnished on aopliestion to the Head Wee or AEA int.,. EWA III 1 MUSA 6 their raw material right sod defy viscid en compel Woo. Faint Star Rim Star itoLSteubIamil 100. See ..A.stlitilf 1S limited. Ws hams mimed Joseph Stratford, Graoral Manger. Eases semaanry teed ee wai dettver Ilmseettr LOU8T PRICBB FOR C18H Hard and Soft Coal, Portland Dement, Hydraulic Lime, Sewer Pipe, Tire Brick, Firs Olay, etc. eeuth skis of Wart sates.' seer the cafe oesaraem e. ,a F. 11*1.0* HOLIES. ti ricKEN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 4 SUCCESSORS TO R. W. OWELL HARDWARE IME CHANTS OUR 4 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL „ Before purchasing your new Mount call on us and see the large Stock of Welland Vale Wheels just opened out. These wheels have been sold in town for years and are giving unbounded satisfaction. No better value upon the market. CHAINLESS GARDEN CITY PERFECT DOMINION Having purchased the stock aim goodwill of Mr. McKenzie, we solicit a con- tinuance of your much appreciated patronage. Mr. ricKenzie has had a wide and long experience in his business, and has taken in with him as partner fir. Howell, who has spent over six years studying the requirements of the Hardware Trade and the wants of the community at large in this line. We confidently believe we are in a position to give the public the best value to be had for their money. • Our Stock ie complete and large ; bought right and will be sold right. Alb and Net treatment to all is our motto. Womb this epos hen week to week. Isimodwir the pisoi.-1144 eid• Nous.