HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-03-29, Page 7, . I'll I ,-. wr t '; av s - .., .... ' all •µ 717"" r • r. �.';'V. . i, I. ,, roo,_000`1 ,,, . :.? ;a ,�,�a'�' axli� a ,rI :'w.t .. 7 V OFFICIMSTRAPPED Altai, will &sou be fur servlq tel Utlnk tiss nitre hull out tyr fwm 11 tart tier Past ew:h►ral hu w�W fiY4$• OCIET� 1a�SHESBRITISH 4 1fa•r w .Ix nwnwr. whet they firmly W the blurs end. 1 ht GAT. • Tae sera YluNs glek Canadians. wtb•s tb�• ta•orr.r•pta(w will faros t'urutawndant UIIv1er, with 300 ( g Tho TuronW venin Tel Gr•.yt Snubs to grant favorable err twid &uveaty WACOrts. to tlo3etnhr� lu **��� the!s orgasm berate. itasemag W anti tthe They tan titmouse of Band Inver. jbu TO CAPE TOWN NOW• i ' iIIJ TTT�����7 t[ud IdO tel:awt[[g. eDeclul yesterday: bjokw.di to Osttaaay anti the United Move o ora annuli watchLingOf the } ONE ,� ,NT/ 11`D• laa,duq, Dfaroh Eft, -Your terser• tJtater fur IUterrent.pr wurea>.wts wit![ln tun miler ul 4 111J� pondent visited the Herbert lioept• l'reterlu is Ing pryylu[nrd for a burdor. t tai at Woolulcb lnday, and saw sieffu. Tia guns ata uakslwnullY fired ticuuta from Hpringforntelll, entered 'A 'it #( -----T - -_ Pte �. A. I(T11r11ell. of the 38th HV_ In ter W Late We ranges. males Smithfield on WeduesdaY ulldjDtutr,d taatc re. Toro•.to, and Pte. J. W. ha v been IoW and oU[er preparatluw 1UO.000 rouauL ut awmuuitww '1'hay - Hartnett, of IMM Cumberland Bat- made. wet with no opposition. A lkler London R g fekin Was +u- O� tales• Nova •"eutla, both of whom The prlsouere there are now Accord- force, esti ated W number b,1N10, a ards the Transvaal War j Ma g A Weil had been on service with the Royal cti bnttur treatment. They have nn with rlxt,enrt guar, was diwerned five l'ainudlnn Regiment In Fuuth Africa. awpis supply ul bread, Will such [unit mllta north trekking wNaeds Ifroun• 1 • w' They leave been suffering from on. is allowed n pdnud of moat waokly. 1. Mouuted w4late putr<ued them. as Practically Over, Thirteenth of March toric fever, and were brought from At Waterfall. where tlrru aru•ovur ;V*w' probable that Lor4ltuborts „I•I • « k3outh Africa W Woulwlch. Both 8,1100 prisoner's. the rltuaVuu of the � 1 rend a force W Intercept tlteas.. J dtuig men expect W be discharged camp is uAheaithy. Thu shelter for _ ---`-- "-_- --__• rout the hoolilta( kt a tow days, thin reen Is ttunffiulet[4 and Hera U. Reorcapited by hoer•. I Her 11systy Queen Victoria pales Ulenfore. Oru:s(lara n sicknear The AND CEGEBRAT�S TSE RBSOGT d0Y0USLY. gUT VERY ANXIOUS fORELIEF •ou te the hospital yesterday. (tut. splrl:a this ewsstnett have ben Ba, w rete Murch h-Grtquy Rourke. the elnlef medh nl uf[Icee, r:ofeerl by the a"" vs[ Wy Bcithh eau- buwu was reOacupleu Thurtriny by • had l'tes. M.itchelt and flartuett eesdee bra+�ltt by tine court reeeut l0U Boers A column loft Kimberley placid In the mart prominent piece, captitoi. They do not fear til -trait- yesterday (Friday) to drive deem - ! i -1+ On account of them being Canadians. Omit to view of the nuuwrtus Boen out. h.• In this. way the ueen would be cer. who are hald prisoneryby the British• it in retorted that all the loyalists Talk of the ghiseen's Visit to Ireland —Some Apprehension—Ireland's A Mlu_W aotlec. When tier Majesty Tiw Boer plan, include u attul ut there have hear► Imprisoned. � Pretoria Getting Ready for a long Maw•d Mang the ward she noticed Kroon*tad• the Vaal River, and other ---- Premier Peer Says the Uublin Rabble Docs Nct Represent Irish Feel - them. Blue "topped and asked the Points, culminating at the defence of Rebell. Fleeing. Eng, Still There Is Some Risk—The Stay -at-homes--Tbeatrica Canadians how lung they had been Pretoria, whlob has been prrparinx for Kimberley. March :t3. 825 p• m•- Season Opened --Ueooral News Notes. Siege. W the hospital, find utter they haQ w 161-ge. The rauges of the gins have The li,u r* l Yeomanry, under coot $ D' ghea tier the information the Queen ben tes'si, mines have b ell lald, and mond w Coed Chesham. mirchad ton Ltimi len, !,larch L';. -Tho vvar, ac- list (f patrons, anti Lite subecrlptkxr exyrebiled her sympathy and hoped the, Itltces in the field have not al- ml:es to the westward today and. ,,terc•r ' are larger than In former years. Tito -- that they would roan to entirely k,m•d thomtmtyas to Ips cut oft with dneoovered that tihe Uo!oalal I)uteh cordtnf to the average opmlou. it ixtx nonuse, as soul, firs ttectofed by Expect Intervention in the Me ptllae—Much Sickness Among the Prisoners recovered. their heavy gimp, which an needed to roWla are. Wag driven northward by ptwcticnRy over. To be sure. It may tits Prince nud Princrn of Will=. .& at Pretoria—lien. Clements Talks to the Beers at Pbili olis Man Her Majesty afro Inquired for their the forts at Pretoria. Gen. Kltc•heners trcops. Thi advanoe ba montlut before l.ur,f ltober:r ~hall and the Ilrt includes Lady Wltllam Dp y Canudbnn comrades, and trusted that The, in rity of the Trawivnalors from bore is baling delayed ow lag to -re•en 1 retorla, but his got0,9 there Fiereeford, the Dyy - „f Merl Surrender- -Tb Operations to Natal—Pedigree or the Trapped they had been In good health and art• Ituotr�ant of tlr gravity of leo sit- the non -arrival of thr utMtt!ugal W regarded as para, and it is asrertrtl borough, Mr. Wm. R'aldorf (A W. mouth when the two rick onus left .:a lion, and though tired of remaining troop•. that he in not g(Aug to taro Many H M Burnes. Mr. J. Plerpunt Morgan, Guards Officers— Ley all* ts Not Pleased With Roberts' Proclamation mouth Africa. v, Ionic from their farms, will fight There are 80'1 Boon at Fourteen min In getting there A diozere defeats � tend Mesdames Arthur Puget, Adair, Url stow• Re-OCCeplottd by Boers --Total British Loesea--Duke Both theyoung men were press t'nnl, brlleving that their liberty rind Stretiws, with four guns. could scarcely &{roll thle suprema self- Ik;unhY and Bradley Martin. q ed with a bunch of flowers by Quaint Proprrty are at stake ase confluent of Rulpntg continues acrorn the liver ratlsfactlon and assurunoe of uitl- of Norfolk (WON to the Froet. Victoria. cltl[uptte stweem• The Boers hive brown up %be bridge Mate victory. It Is not Altogether THE QCLEDi'S VISIT. un, march 38. -The R"ar O[llse Wkeu over the oumuuiud of Gen. Duke of Norfolk Eula N Afrler. I at Krown-ad and are su{rtuserd to b, shared by the press an 1 officials, but While London society eelebrat.as It lead Gen. Woudgate Is Dead. ig retiring from that point. It in what the great mnjority of the alru speculation and not without Mis- ys Wined the following from IIr[erol I Lyttelton's division. Olen. Lytteltin Lonolea. March :;.-Advices thosiv London, March "c6. -The Dake of Englixh people feel. In to.•Iety the, cry wings ruqurdwg the Queen's visit to bar been appointed to %to command Norfolk, Fort Marshal and Chief But- UEasat'sUes Loynd batch• now t• "Ho, for the Cale "' ural the freland. fie t+ovioroftq'e gfe(tlti age 114 I-redurish Foreauer Walker at (Y tits Ladysmith dlvlslun, which is A bora announce the death in the (•11 q! Sng:aad, Yoa2master-Oensnl, ^ressmakery are up W their eyed to i ranker the trip Itwelf nae of mwtuur uud Hu& Ital Ld,td(t�. Mur,4s " 1,--i. Nowa Agenic CW -Tows to the 8wrelary of War: I still recuperating. p yesterd(ty ut General in Reil for South Atrfea•e-zt F•t- despatch. dated March Lith, rays work, making toilettcw sulted for the I risk, while ties passibility of hostile f !larch /.B --The tallow- ,'Ar Edward N'(w(fgutr, who was climate of the great war bA demoinrtratluns or even personal aA- =— "CYV" oIIM - OUR Arrestlne `IResels. wounded In tyle on agelueat at Spion nrdat as as dfie fid the 8nirtr Yeo- I aunt Goa, RW»rts V"o'Ism tiros d It s� ss Ug 4degram Iles arrived from Niche- Ifo, at January 4th. maarQ, which he iia base inetrasaea- as underatdvd dlerrttatdles tLa loyal f3()l II:TY TOPICS. talk a nulla a neo Her nervousness that will p jot Cum- tal in ru.sing. The, Duke Informed a Dutolr bec3um3 it is t,iken to mean ror thole who cannot atrticl to In I+ only be mttltad otter Her Majaatysbnjl- _-1,L .son, Bulumay0. Larch 16.: Cape Tewin, Mrrch 1,8. -Ma I h,t I be safe) hack In Et: latld. On. Shia 34 ming Leen el RouxvUle. Oran Fire correspondent d the Associated Preen that (ten. Rob3rts has morally pl the prevailing rush to (•ape Town y $ a "Tic following M from 1'latnser, g' Tfto late (Fen. Wet►fgsts war born that hit w:ll rot coamani the recti- 1 °esilun a° Intorvlew ::ns bona Eutd Lobster. march 14: Boors advanced to O° ay. Tile lauddrosLtuuk Nov. L•t, 18121, at )roughtun, Wor• t himself to ,r,t3ct o:n the t rminnt n them Is any attxxtnt of gossip regard- q heel tae south 1■ cao.hlersbfs furor the oath of alieg'ance, ani w.ts�'ap- ce-terahire. He eerier with the Abyr went. He is lieutenant-co:one- of the of Use war tht lite and property of Ing the probable reception of the with Ireland's premier peer, title Duke pu.utol waglstrat,. sinlan cx Stec•ond Battalion of the Royal Sur rebels wh•, fay down thAr armf and (,uoen In Ireland, And what kind of I Abercorw sotto wfjt be u vlrlLoe W tial tooralaR They first advanced pedl4m In 18(18, recehlug a cox R imebt, but has henatoforetxea greeting Mr. Cecil RIloj,W will i Dublin C'aitie during tete Royal vblt, Attorney Smuts and m:x ottsorr Glce modal ; and rervod lit tlto Aehxntl � return W their homes. n get (tom itsiding.as tiding• linen Arro&ted unsurceasfnl in his efforts to go to --- to I:eglnnd after [Ile scathing mtrtc and will receive Her Majesty as flat .m,t_4*t a sharp Utas e0pint was war ut 7p ant, anon:ving a medal the, treat. Dead Geta Were Thrown. tures upon Generul Buller and Colonel by right of blood in all Ireland. The t t'ol. Bindle's tdvamiced part was Be Alfred ellatr, lejIte Governor of Crape w-th cla.p ant txlag mentt,nel In la' lye Colony. arrive! at (xp{e;bcrg yatenlfi , Kekewl:h, W say no:hlag of the cur- lAnb said: •• ---The W emendretreat. y d is" a staff vel la iia Zulu war IIw•r A;sleet ROP&. r Bradford, Eag•, March * to- d Open loom stories which come from South THE RABBLE MAY 82UAW1f. Tin rstl»meat was excellently and s/tawuu lea for Btormberg. In 187b a+ staff ottLwr (rtnaful with air mevrting oonvmel hero today by aartl(I out to ter iasis paitlomi. The --- slit p, meut'onpl to detyxtchas, brevet London, ]LsysG c6-BeOnat Bur- Boor a7mpsthisrr■ Prover an enter Africa about women who have been 1 du not Wn rile flora will kto hostile f1.i Additional [ked. lei h, war correspondent eat tics t)a:i7 I fiasco from fiefs point of vlovw, and out [hero. However, the gaiety which dem,tcortrat.orta. There ms,y but a few ,y ceseatticl laeladed Lieut. Chapman of mA;ov), tie wa,+ male a staff off'- g esP� AI n, and two L•pudon, March ::3.-Th3 War Offloe mr In ttv: Went Indies, serr1'1g there Telegraph, in a empatch dated Yr.- I was tarped into a fidge, patriotic dw retic°' In handon b r.ouc the less Ken- I l igck if tg o and oiler r f vitt signs of aaj a corporal prisoners, from 1890 to f8H5, r day, March YJtd, SAYS: o in! bernoso manv of the gowns at I d' ppruval. St'll, tlerarli uo rabbl,- testing. probably prisoners. live fw11 -1104 lh) )lame• of fifty-five sal• P oceeticng W "The late allies are now b:Uer toes. I mThet pro -Boer speakers sero enable 'Ilnnr-r parties ars nombre-hued for the I o[ Debt it which cannot Lo answered ansiperr were wtwn:kd. Chapmao's I d,ers visa haw died In thirteen had•. Irul'n a9 regimental uttl::rr It the t1e S afros is the popular terelt:ag hen, •-nk�ot Fonue relative lost on the bat- hsaes fell with him close tie tete enemy, p.tat;. Two of the donthi were rrom antnau of the latter year, ant return g t>°D to obtain a hearing. Drat cuts and for, an] which l+ enlin 11 r:Drcweut & that went it "rattle. a large body err ticftPl 1. Thi pPrlot of a &err»o &erten t.ve of Irlih Ie:ILng. 1 ,}ruot+rely trust who Immrdtately surrounded him. the effects or wounds, and thin re- Ing in Deoemb-r, 1843. Ha w,tv pro` Frye States would tats the field And I other unsavory missiles were thrown to have lInixhert.I of the memory of that the ih le la national chivalry, ,••The &tact Peer casualtim Are ua• taalnder frau fevers. motel. to leuto[nant-colonel !n 1Ril8 at them, and they were violently blown, but several wen slot At short ._— ,r1 colonel In IR:PI, an I war land f:gbt immediately against the Trans Great Britain o quickly as nnY apart from an tical coutldura- tt>4 p castled do quitting the p:a:form. I)e• � d*i Y Pot - range. air Alfred's Wlsslom. cit e'ocamand of thin Imentil tilt- vaalons." FLEETING�tf�DIR�F_XM. tons, will not be overaltadowud by lu tLr afternoon the Boon ad tr_cM.., tl Kling', Own, tit Lxncaa• `-, yr _ ; inose». p Tito�� 1 cnolleef thloArlfirl� ilfttf"he aged field u hal sou a ready demotstraL'Att I must regLg --T t, is tlrq� a of 120 0 :oemba i --moi AH dell Nrrr'.tl:l• a► 1 hR pilin 1 slittle, � Wtbqq � �s s<tvlJed +o we Sdi. -I.. to asauelr+ o _ ! admit there l+ so f.%-0 rltk, th D If thin (mm a ridge do the Wit Our stool dint We Alfred Ai:frier' ,mlyelun n �n a 'n err:[ ou , �=��` —'"`f` I1I1 V '`� ofi t��P° `'��`�� _ din ( bitten,1�! _ pM nu m Font of the sell, Irres Irrespective Fortin anic ant 1 smset Lieut Ttxoetaeat or tnnrtal lav IL3 orb s. td a 10 Ithe Boon beyond -tem t Tl)I.,r ban 0101.• died Of fraan&• One him personal Influence toward the pall- Doers GI%log Up Arms. A tleletraD from 1Clehoilton at fregttea y mitr(gt► the stream of julA ation. In t way. arm ,Wr yr olat native was killed._!" • f'.eatlon of Ciwiffeeted orntrea Tie Lonrlo0. lfarch 2;. -Lord Roberts -- - .. ._ _- . . y- . _ --- .__- ce•lebratlon•r the Americana rosldeut werrce t rw(pt'on that eve' greeted Cefre Mnhtry It 1'>ynlly att(gtorll [g �{ :s Lea.lcw aro not b' Ind hand, oar of I the rul,r of.any country." An Artillery Duel. h'm. Martial lavv la to res- Pgrfunt t, the War Office from j rr7 r'A+laeau Isku,mfontein, und':r date of ],(arch I the most fotahlunaWe' diene» bnlrtg I RC$'I TJi TIi6 CA)'E. renis from loyal its has b3en •tt tis C'nrlaLun Hotel March :8tt, Ae f of the ]Latch !t. -A was made qinfo L3n1: erau13 as follow": /�� s�t� �%/ t G; Thu fEglalltremendous influx at Cape I tlalwf la the OxdoNx Llrtrkts. � �%/O/ by Mr. Reginald Wnrd,•ot Now York, ru macs d the Dos+ Position was made "Titre la no special neer to re- 1�1 Z., whoov party Included thin Belgian I T..wu of toe all a sea soy col an . yw tarAay b the Tote Bat'.ery d --- port TM country south of tits ��� Minister, Baron Whetjnail, Ladles I w:vo: eN tis. more wealthy avUle», E-41, Arti�y, ander oomnaad d Juubert In Command. tpla" IP ;enera!ly Settling down. 0 (� �/ Howe, Hond110 and ilarFhwG+r, Lord ° �Ily thi>uo of th3 volunteers. has )pejo 111ewi[t. Its artiilsry was Sup LoOdon, 1lfareG Yl. -From tSe Boer O°tuber• o army have been delivered / © and Lnu I)eGrey, Like Ward. Mrs. cr3atcrJ tinny hevartburningt among ppasrrted by the Kimberley Li4ht Horns. nam at Krooadad eomw reaereJ u- up and the fxeople'nrd beginning W ,,` . - i. C tine majority of officer+' fainill3[s,wh.v 11sre was a smart mrtil.er7 duel, D rrcogMee the adr:tntage of bringiug ♦ �� i/ ©0 / � 1ltrlon F, Lead Glenesrk and through bele of jaecnn my ro onrces mrtions of the burghers' dstermina- /� other Ingobhed English And Am i ` whir farted all aorsieg. fie Been hit e»ppa�tu for anL The movement ` ©Q \ are otigol to rtes at houil. It lv a rice and confidbuos, Comma art / r,v epicene. ►set texts ons two of which tared of the troops In the we tern district r �// A etc 1 out that Itudyani Kipling will g mob.l.sing..n great 0•ambers. The �j �� i , ` /_ THE THEATRICAL SEASON. �' P °g cscdite,. The Boer fire was Ineffective Fres Staten who were away oa le.ve le being attended with good tesaIts." �. �_ �, j have ampL, eh:[nco to write up uta• _ 1tMever, and the guns wen events- et abesaes ars r.stnrning :n epoetin, --- 0 Q�� i The oP'era season Promises W he hut •, uWwrr rer,er of satires such ns he sl: w:k0eed. Thera vlure min emnal[iam What Is �Illner . ItSr T . -/� ter than scar. Tliero Wan imposing . wrote upon the Ittd:an army society. I the Pree:dent'S proclamation ba.lag I .A t ;:1 / ataong the British. .shown that this Goverament was Cape Town. March Alfred , -_-_ -------------------_------------ . '!tiro eit:mns d Vryburg, who bays etmadi f:r01. Milner. who is w a mission north• c coal hlr rebellion two cars ago, but bes,impr:sooed by the Boon, arrived Hrs Poaltuaey, wife of the inter- wart. h u arrived at Dordrecht " , t' -� ` been renppo:ntwl Under the Queen. I y \� �_= Ile started uwUwr war when his Ly tiers under a flag d learn. They step z �— Tito burgher be an teff ng e the anti who i d the Fres State roam, wlto aevT == of •llssiano•a an� sartwa(ierei iasis money was gone• that the t>ai gee vette wet \ be who is now at Krooastad, has receiv- Lxsdon, ILTr('h 25 -Lord Robesfw � i -- - arm>_ _ A -WO A\ \' IT. Awe bombarded Knalhmrley was Seat ad at Moeelfcatefn a :otter from her repr,rti an unfortunate-vecnrreateva _ -- . 3t t I through Christiana to Pretoria. husband, in whish br soy■ tetra is a March "3M. Ila nays. to •despatch �► `-' — --- Nrw Turk, ?[arch[ "6-.'dwnrd Lea- Tra os.are now maa:eg to wit" confident teal.rig among the burghers W the War Off1O. LDxt Lieut. -Col. � _ Aawal• Cowcee•loua. vitro, Y"rm (Ad, killed C:eo Cr)tty, • s t miles d Warru•toa. The Boers that lis? will by able to tepubm .b• Crab!x. Capt. TrKter, Litwt. the lion. _ �� _ Brussels. March "3. - it le •n• 188 )carr Old, a0 elertrlc•lan, ht Brook - Wt hurriedly, sad cad no time to British. 8+ adds that the Basra are E. Lygon ,.ad L'eut.-0d. Cbdrington, a- nouuceMl that President Kruger, of j tvn last alRht. Lew"ure boarded At change the station. is great tons at Kroonsdad, where rude out Cght or alae miles heymtd �_ " - _ _ _ -- th+ Transvaal Republic, Mdr annul- 011 r't'y'" hom.•, au l hit relations with - The Boers have vacated Kl;pdam the have amassed a buge quantity tide ramp cn th• Hodder R ver without .-- lexd the fWglan Railway cow-esvonse I an wife were setrh av to cause lad W;ndsortoe, wbab are almost de- d Foodstuffs. any a tort except a tro;*3r. A party vet" _� as III-teellug between the two men. --mrted. Their wires and tamilies bSvs •, = in that country. Liurh Belgi.tn 1"' I Last They Tetrad to make a deformsed of Boer opener) fire on the Engllch _ /� : f -„� v_' Ital Is Invested In these euneeulons, r.night Crotty duet his olio exu fled with them. They wok the tm Stand tbare,. Comma udant-Genera l men. Lygort was kite]; Crablio was K torr boats at fitivsrtoa and Ind- 11 = = anti rave commercial oomplicattoq•' Lbo street In Leaynres company. A y Joubert s i0 command wird the jolet :ercxi•ly woano7e] In Lha right tore =' / d - �„ quarrel ensued, and Lea"ure (flow a Sett on. Thu Vaal river can on:y be fore" of the Transvaal and the ar.a, whL-b wa.n spl nteml, Bad h1 i •.,�-ter ��w -----+�. � an 11 ly W toUow_ revolver As ]shot Crotty telex. Crotty, treood by swimming. Tie country orae Free State and all ava'aable al• u rere:vel n Plight flesh wound In �` - dt,d at A hospital no hoar later. Lea - ibis side d the river Is well patrolled g barreuderlog Old Werpons. gens• Entrenchment' ars haling made, ttK th gh;Trotter war velyy��perictmiwly sure sows arrested. ti the Rritlih- and the town is bsing turned lino a wounded to the right fe3rcaigf; wtllch UNINJURED -A REMARKABLE ESCAPE- London, Mnrch L'li.-Thi D'L ly "I'm AN OWA2SMA TiLAGrDY. fortress. war broken. Tb3 tie par was el ghtb A Shell Burst Lauer n Mounted Tr,.r of the Eighteenth Humare at corrs-po nfent at 1'h.lippolt+ s tys tha<s f A Flanking Movement. Ali the stalweheat in" d bole wountea, ' g Ort, n oiler , March ^vel harps Ladysmith, but Neither Was Hurt. tie villpgo i1 full ut Bu1rm who are Aeost, n boilermaker emplo)e.i 10 the London, March Y8. --den. Metb*W's 8twtes dwelan ths,r iotas -ion of pre- One of the wounded off!oary held up Illustrated London News. bringing to their arm-. Only a few Advance from the mouth. If Indeed we .q eke border being erottsed• a wh'te hindkerchlef. Tho &,*" tin- ` _ _ _�— __—_____ Mnu err have loan }oven up. The nig Arbor railway car oftups, last ( urretldere d wra int are mostly old night broke Into the home of him wife, Its objwct�v* V really btateiting. pro Nnthisg mora is ho,vrd from either oedetclf cxmi to their gar Minnie Bulawayo stater that l:adee-Powell Li. ten, enter the E►icganberg, but rte and broken uu`yPI: b » tutter(I that IrOlu w-1 om ha hold het a a pArated, and fordo rbwf7• A despatch from side as to the rumored disaster to and d'.d all they castle to nllavlat3 reports: 'All well to March 13th. Important lighting has taken lace. • R I furiously aasanit:eol Mrs. bens a0d her ! Wartentw 1a�p�ls • stoklsote General Gataer•, whole supposed to Her rufferingv. Th -y eriiveye'i the Ig P mo,t of rho Margin are bur'rt at Mother wl:h a hbav chlseL He then Beer nppn•itlaa la hie p•Slap of be pyrsaie CommaOdaet Olivirr. 'Ise woande,i to tfeP ncAravt farm, where UnrilT past fro days enemy's cordal The Free maters contlpne to enter Orobeluar. • i y f much relaxe-L'" o•ar Inn-•. tumn Icrin% und,r the pro At rlForer who water Intern=weal cjrew 4 revolver and shot himself deed. the land River. The Free Beate Dawe latter w Thanday M'aS reported to they were MrdJ for during tli� n'ght P The Nlehokor- referred to In Lord clamatlon issued by Lord Bulertr sst'd their war satisfactDxs In know• I ahvr fico/. Was fatally m01 her mo - is thunorthwest who had roturned M stat tnkkiag toward Ladybrand, The m' lrtp to th- Gu•ird'+ otfic(:» The) dorlare that thin Trsavvnniem Cher, LLA. Lb1t14 Fergrug0, seriously Robert'' deno tch Is Major John b their farm•, baso been again 01001- pressing ills burghers to join him u generale Dut down W their own 'rig that tins eros Burr who had met inat,dr•,rod. and ordered tato tis where Ga can. The English correspon- reckkwntisr In running Into an old \f.►tolson, commandant genPrap of nn, etNerminad to fight to the bitter i Inj'[red• death !n Lha war tett Enpil:hmrn had Tran.vaal g r the, Brltt"h Porth African po:l:e wta- ea 1. been k1leti. Tho Britt I A CHINi3 INVASION. presumably to resist :6e der,hS rey�eo� his efforts a brie Roes trn ► The Gnarl camp 1n tno0e(h at itio(fesla I Tit majority of those who nnvr ( h potresskpn of llriti.h advaa0e, successful only where be is strong loartmn nt'lev north of Blosmfonte'n, the Free, Bunte, h3 indeed, is nonage&- I tiuttalo, March 86. -Thu Niagara Regarding fes detl0eratbn of LM , hitherto taken part la the fighting (nit th' Thdre wall alwn r nig patrol.ed day and g g enough to overawe resistance and the d'axeLer occnrrtrd six miles bilk{ Heavil bhelfed.rg y be re frontier i• bvvi g ( r Levc tree Free Staters. The Trans-Tmns Ipell'onv. night by a corps of irtmpaotor■ as I'SITYorierai%os on the Veal Riven Uw as ieftly Transvaal ated an wG ng north d Lh a camp. I ' v nsle» have been heli] In reserve. The p- ' Lsuy \ewe corr•sp0mtd•ot at War- was r•e-xntly reported a• moving chin d[rjpntrh mrnt!ona Litt the Loa'on, March 6-Tbe.l?ally Mail Many Colo;ixrg ttrbejt were arrest- there by the local customs Goose ol- rMton. to ankles date of north •Inti tn• Basutoland bord,r. in Boer, err trouhl"wome, nit] nre ra'd- publiahcs we fol;owing from Mafc:lug• ; Boren Are preparinz for another cam- erl in and around the place. A tele- r:e:ala, who ars determined to pu: a March 22n1.� that Gan. Meth- commanded by Command int Lemmer. 'ng twenty mil -Ill to the north. The Cat•d rPe!n wd.ty, March 14th: i ltaigo, amid will mcupy a str."gty greplt cpentor entero] thin our re stop to what suer.• to be ac orgenised lean'. tulvenee hex not basis harried A long list of sick troops at Bkmm- Ouar(h' r,ff'rnrs were probably In- --We are still being heovily shellel. uortttle,l pmitiun 1n the Trnndv'nnh herr And rrtll �l rap F'Atim m'th. The plan for who:—h& mnelggline of b the re0ef of MmJakiryg. wberetba I(uieln Gas been r c'lvel. The men ve-t`itntlng wltPn tb-y were attacked Thrre hn,e Iiia Arveral onouaitles. rt,re�mite,ting heavy flghling hefuri ,,Iwrator at that place, replying to Chinmul,en into thisocountuy. al - Pro --i- has apparantll been relax• fought and trade Meg mnrclws on by the encruy. klrmishdmg continues In the trenches. LhrY can he driven oat. The Poe» are the, F.ngit• hmnn',, sign:(1, e,if 1: •'I am Two bands of iChinaawn Gave Set a� the rsrait of operations else kali a Wecall. dbtplte high fever and --- Thr. natl,e fats queatlon is becoming not ex'Pe,gted to make a stand at Jo- a Free State hntghevr, an•I can (to ready beta captured at d'ffareat hanne�Mlrg, bort to concert rate wt. R R pea the r arrival lu t e c,dy. whrrr. Mit (Fed, Methuen opeO i notn.es extreme exhaustionde7pi s„ j)etwllm of the RktrrAlah. Iffl alt. The roes have btokrn tie noth'n for an F.n Ibhmnn." times a o nrranrrnent to res t the Sabbath 1'ret0rla, Tap Beer common to Int here Bit- A0 in.veaC tion b fYLh an l Gam„ Mol of his nisi{fty b posh nskle the it is stated a»offL-!ally I0 Blo(mfon �ce�ea(,ein, March 8. -Wolfe L:ea• oP- I nnlny, and it is reported that It Iv Proterctor gCartar by the fac3 oppceitlim at tutu river when the ten that the revolt in this Prlvskn nant-Colonel A. E. Cildrhtgtott wt by tido tiring, and have sir L the Free State Keeords. Pror time tlnmes. district has bow crushed end that Ftrot Battalion of the Coldstream lrortdolty to extend their trenches." I melting away. What r•mnlnr of It Is that CG+ four eapt6rel 1M other day TI «ams' General Kit hetase _N:f from t.aiy 'Arnh lt'lleon, 1n a despatch fjfoemfoaleio, j[yiek 24.-A f:rat ex- teportai to fpr Want Faure ptith. are mwmipera of a party of 42 China - an I correspondent report• Guards: I.►ent •(oi. E. M. S. Graben+, frint LTwirklnR, dated Wednendnc, smisaCon d lbs fiaaaclal records of - latest who rereAlly arrivi :a Toronto the -niure of as Im►orteat croislarg Lb" - of the Thirl Battalion of the Greria• tut of Fourtmen Atreame, and says '� dler Guards; Capt. Ly", r,glrnen• Viarch 14th, ease: the Onenge Free Slate shows lbs: the T t from Vancouver. They ars waitjng lbot a flank! movement Ir In pro. Aloe" to Rtro•g Position. tal adjotaot of the Grenadiers; Lieut, We have rerchrol a ws of thin re- books drating with investments, ma v- PEEL'S S GRANDSON fora chance to eomis morass the bot-. °g ii -f of Ladysmtth, but It nerves to In- I ie S banks, k Stats loans to der. G. F. Trotter, of the 0tcnndlers, an or- g haPai ►• Frwkwia. March Yd. -Capt- Makin deriy, nod n guide fromGra lemstown cr(amorr dleappo'ntment, no thcr•e1w farmers, etc., are in perfect or(:er. A I( is beli,wed that the Claes ials Freu.n, list, Itis y• dL " Russian military attache R no proopint of our relief. The town ilotb the fiaane',al and udicla: a s- FOR THE STAGE ars bev! attraethi to thaw ; grged she Itnem were sidle north six miles beyondthe r•maim cloael , invested. The Born j y A8 part of Lood-1, elfin ice Boer forces. kap jmirt r+tnrrtM Guards' linen In the dlrertkin of n tetrts Appear to ps perfectly adapted t lGe eouwtry by the prospeo(■ of se - March .^B.=Aoeotr.Itng to a iu fir, r ported to lu ver anmrro.rs nncf a0sc'nl .taspatch froryl (J•pe Ton►n, from a trip to the front Natxl and farm In Rlsiop's glen. LM7 few Carr el y to the cdbBriti curing s fortune at the Pan-Atrxi- dah.! at Kro•asted. lb reports that he mtrongly enm force.! 13etwerq ns esti C', -day, (irrn• Sssslob'� tu►rwiry pin Boersrkwtr n kolrju. They [arra town 'A h:g-G British dticEsl, la ta:k:ag can. Iklgu In Ir fighting eastward of Bkarm- to simply amnsed at the reorgaulza. ('oI, i'h,mrr•s fon at fife Grill, nod oboe they were :100 with-tAn c�rrespondleat, express^d aur- �t11 } �j q + 'A PF$f. FOR 'I'fiR STAGE. fesetP o. tion or the Federal forms And the eltco lItnnd a ' Fouls of the mtivae nn d)yn� of prime a4 fEAding such evidences cf good Bankrupt Uobleman b0 Londe March 26.-9ir Robert Peel yarrl" (mm It they' .tsrvatloti owing( to their a(9,w °' Th" auggeste more bad news, ae m{wttdld fighting epiritn of th'e burgh- sharp fire from the k p. Cit tnln prey management in fist ere 3stn where 1' Comrnn en. He aotlidaro the Blggarshirg I no D wgofatt 1t10rsrtlewh." 8 c leas d>:nled togg•a nn the stage, H• n•bent C1j:Tier's Commao(N), wild Llent. wen hit In the heart and bele(1, p has lora ta.d there was so much 1m„8 8 society, wall j as the / s, ar is Baby” C6mo- Y,Oo(1 songons leu impregnable. and LM Boer hioeltlot Idem. -0,11. Ooclrt ton was hit brine A (festlat^h to the iktily TeMRrnpsit ppol•treal and spteentive tnteaaana r �( ( p... bray, ms Booties, coral prey i0 f,on- MfvCol:tri'1 fro4LIn t0!orteuotrt weed at Kpuxsstcad 1tA tfs4tks Yr egaal to g nq t6Lh Kra rley,1rliottwrsalrtr fir tr!ns o -- lite thigh, and Lieut. Cal. Crtlttte l0 bleat. don and the EProviincna g that at magerstomttdn, the wrist. Lieut. Trotter was wound- •» The ge•aerel situation Is quiet. Hit Witter% Pool b a rntdem of the bwanf Kronstad via I.•vdy1rnw(l. herr report that w force of (lrltimh g 'this enormous wagon train is sup ai In alto firm. TieDoors Orderly and garde ,.avalry has vntered tutu Transvaal In rm mCnee to Gen, Lord Roberts' Q� E D famous Prime Mt. Th ut England. Mored Lo bs moping twenty-five mlks silent t)raA by w Santry. were also hit, TheBavrs. an It was pro(lait', co , the Free! Tinto Bars H� s�11 �ONTl'1 �,j��o who d1a] to tlw le am a A'ay (}eh. Ff•ush� ca, air wrtm ntMegviently learawof, were from Jit- nq' penetrated to A point 1R milcct mrd still coming in anF sarreaJr.rtn young man 7 r CAM Town. Norah Ed, -A Dc•r lards- north of Chris:lartA. Z'be Brittvh forces 8 ruox,p>rl (1 to tfup title of Liar fourth Strotct{..from ]11WUtToute!n eAmtwart wGo trping to j.-Ao from the hann(whorg. They tors[ the wonn.lM their arms 8everml gro•ips came :n hareetet. May 8, 181)3, on the death at Fotartern Streams men twtnq of Na fnttwvr, who sows a former Loni w tie tttouhtalnv, etrllaauevs wt the Unasnpolnt track to. Britiwtn to a farm fio im. where they ,trruRtherb(1, A emmi•etieent numb- yesterday, _ dressed their wounds and otkerwime Rmlyard Kipling arrived hero yes- �r ,t of the Adm'rnity and C7tlet Recmtnry A Hsge FIM /erre. say' wan alto• dasd by a 4entsy nerd b experted sorra" ' Boarder rade Love to Hilo and for Ireland. Young Air Rotrrt w-"• nften(icJ W them, alter welch they terday morning. left them. Captnin Lygaa was berlsid ___ bort In 1847. He a arriod the dan h• \iotulon, llfnrtlr 5�4.-A telegram an ll. g. Clttaews. Hrtq+A Loamwe ld,�'1!►. ,l p K ring that the eighth army dlvl 1(t lin (lard At Work. Killed gIlAbaDd ar,nnrY he:' in t:te3 afternoon. Hipling , ler ,rt 1)Arorw•st Graffenrlat. V, whom ' •lett IA wt 11�i i4toa, Harsh EJ,-Pi'bvtotts in heavy reins am failing dere. Iwptulon, Match 2lS.-ofip totnl Brlt• a sen WAR barn In April. 1R3R. paeetwri to land at lbrt Mita- p.ypg with the regular order to- --- Ish Ioesav, exclusive of the invalids Bloetatontevtn, ]Larch Yn the oCt"c I•t!t rite East London is toterpreMA as the I(fnesa arldgted A r"PoInCon sent h.v w, nr" 16.418 to killed, wornd• E'.pl:ug is hard at' work In lbs d [ o• ASr Robert wav t $115. d to have to moan that the dlvinfctft whl jii■ (�! The Hoe. FAwerd Rc h Ly Ron, who ! iso an Incomeo( over $115.000 a )PRr, (len. R„tpPrta travell`rtg fay wry of us ted Rpm � Secretary u( 8tatte ed And rotsaing. of the nawepaper, The Friss 11 wk rG stO glpB RRBBL g[LLBD tit L!S[. line kx,t the life IT, • W with btlnnt M I but It was nttcferaLnnJ that eosin his tlpringt(ratsin, for copiss of latters oa it's In the do- is oMl.tbi by t wxr cornea dents v offMe» wltfnout an eexort, ens a •.i_ r--- fathers life hs krel a `,iod dot of Tt fa ,wtdrhwlred tlnut General iiobmrta plrten, o from e>Stlarrlrs epi tea 10'r^d The- Valk a” Rn mmurA• with Gwmieral Roberta He mw eta- t I iM brother of Earl ii, no. hemp, the prem- '� tnrx,sr7 at Lf rtntA C.rto. n ttx3 Bnnk- Will then hove b I �ldduth ri , n la itment Salk Governor of New tooth Wales. He Cape Town. Lfnrof[ Y3+utt to re t tb4k l to it the tollnwtnQQ font Iined DIr Ilttrnd lrp Three lasurreettwnm raptey Const. London, Jane 10, IR9R, piMotica111y ppr 011ie, eiblA In the 9(xtth diplons Iiepmii rev f+o+te 1 that the voftra&dbeen mr the (1r tvh lbw dna r d Yr. ti tV. tltee ens.oily n stwtement M Air Robert Feel vvns tort11 flvnllaMA hrr tMid ojleralkittl, sots heir t enmpt le to five sell• s F'rwe Stwte bol taeart rarrtfnrnrAT the faminesrepteaeatativeorf the Daily lost tltellrllish Pennaylxn0lu sxcln,A,e of Me Uonpa guarding his A Cwnad an'S itompe• oioae• At the -battle of Boimont IM to meant at Krowttadt Lt April. Mail: i tees Claimed 11,(1,75 Lives lu ties amounted ed t,, $ that tit* i that In asidltion, Iso waw wounded, but recovered foractive P Tit h war and ppestilence, red ' the n°tr tnlw tit nil $1.388, 050. and that fete (IPrsnrnt French's eave,try, the 1�� March 23-AmoaR the aervtor Agnin. Hlv ,ronnger brother Twenty Venn -Meetly Dae to tied nsv(tw were ell. Judgment wan ortnumberil the chs•n Lis to bas roost lateleoUng meas 1n (he canes- Is w fleet>rnant In the (ironwiuer The nates Will A1A. and fire,Jnly Ln+n(kxn. March 23. Silent sad wlftosifllned he (crew' Neglect. gtren iplitr iR. 1of r the rt[rC-oend- _ tilde hotpHal Is that of I.ancr-l'nrfrvral (��nrrlw. -Qaw,An Vlat�zla Ing npplirntlMt M Mir Robert to ,ell goers Rettrlwg eg M,•tn•t'ti .11ek. of blomtn'ril. During the Lient,mnht-Colonel A. E. Co Trtngton, contsrmplaties publishing another him breath. hl• family hPIPlo, fie for the nu bOMtasparL IlarrisMt ra., M•1'tit Pis. -The prom isn't n. 1/aroh p,4,.imlin lit o,�pnwratfollit at Pnardphurm hr bw�•nme remanding the First Col(tet(•w)tm avrtos "f her diaries, the profits to go Brava net for scow or canrni . his of himsolt nod family. The, notart di - . Pott's eorresprcnAeq• at ]ta(4aftilh, "' while rararahtag with txlRa,lA fiunnL,, who las M+n wOt,nrtrd wart. to tied bintgkwtjlr,nwwarfond.which de+riee. wnnunl re &tort of James R,rtisrirk• tw-cn(t the suM of plate vshiM at ltlmetras Cin pirind t u p• Am Am Mktt. awl /c!: out and loot con owners. ouSty took art his bit talion to Flor MAjrety's action will doubtless Troth A,e IM ens It. oven to the (Ufel of 6Mr State Bureau of min om !F1(1G,(1(10, bot rbf0sed ter Monn4P kr» r �r ft�ri pa who* he remverrf his srhrw• Iwo Pauth Afrtaa, and lett It t oagh Lite swell ton large axL+nt. The Qtuelnt death. Brttytorw Manor of historical Moir• ogaMing the floor dl t� Ia focal hlnwwlf alone, and was moon is m and AUning, mntnlna n eh�Ptrr elowl- Natal o]f1 lfarrh .U. Anartr to f1rit• irttlM in whfcq the (; Mt on- 9 steel e s rogr fit Wer ag ilii kx,ma vnloecl at f{3Ot1,0(M. Air Ret+ iMn In p,jes thaT adv ° 1M talpra Prleetner fps three 1Jcrnrw They' gado wax AngsMAA to Lor, Mi,thuwn w we,k that mho tsge?tto t her wgA pre Clements Talks to Hrirghrra. Ing with mine tY ye rr and their Or% Is NM mathcvr• of "A R14 of w Fool." lig r fi took his shoes and cont trpm him, hltd wdran" toward Klmbovlly. %vntwd her from &At* boh that cauwrm. In tin Llelrt,y ywtrf fr,m 1870: _ , - _--_.-__ _ - Ph111pMa is. Nwrrh rc via dCorvril's to 18:M, tie report stwtimm, 9 7 Ng �nlr^� range mus r""rlcrlaagb b„ sow• goardat be one or other of 1.feuL. Cnl. F)•trfirnhM sows 1n nom• sato w•ooM Nis to iia And it she wen's, P}att. taaLnntay, blanch 2t. - Awn.( 'e 8 Judge liL•'or', of F'rttntfort. Ki., tit• .,,'Thrtr strop rr1uunna thipt i oil 40f, But he w"nagsid to t•aild of Wier Tktrd Grerw►diwtr pitweds, arty tts•atty ylgea r nbe_ww*M Il,en were lost In And ntw)ut the an- 11MM N•wRaso wlreo Rr�f hrt• arlverf wlMu hM felt Pie 0—msmt" rmteM(1 PliVorViti at norm _ of day urc(HMM S)cntwry of State Ibw An tt10 Umita fit rnmattw 11�t�early W01. �iwplwanlrr(d r',( invitnt • Aaslrail•.��_ �._ R Metdoes not lblame+tGbllnw�MuLn e Ig n a to -.fay. Fir na0c n,biOd tin fir heM, res hNd f•pr the w d herr w.theeat (M ip� �� nv trip. 17e eluded Ilttl throughout the rqm w. IN Is the nddrar)•ed them. pad MAd lord itob haft. The . win d ti that h his 71toSM At Inst Tie scow the s ` Pnrauin Y Iwrt. far thrNe dtsyt i scK[ (s( ihw late Col. •tabbw, whecam- R .�' f ,roaNtmntkm In f}ntrh nod g op'n!a► 1'rrwora hnrl nal flre.f fiat y it -&L o bWdtaagg 'heir lights of jr►rrbavtm) ori literally T..t AR( -Il RERF.1, i IT.i.P:I). rn0ge frrtr• Oit'w a t.+ having hart mnwdal flan feventy-!north High. innrk,a. NtnL ft -W. ,tttr, n t. The future of Lha Frer Mate, eeltrrt, T tit he hal h,ee n r,annertet w'th I '61W L'tm.iyr patith arisen, crawled Mb the �>k tardw'7• mwmMr of tae AM F.awe!w.� �h• he declared. vro-eld have to tr(' Ar• Tacoma. Waahn., March ^6. -Yes the cnttelp'racy to kill Goveitaor (laelael, ( , Th"^o ere twdleatloat• "int ids lrrk to /aBMt into a two. Hw ell. (ane Of thr some who stfrraM�lf•,1 trrdwy'm (hlAntAl mail exa0tainad the haul bon ShM d�, v.l fled w half with- fossas• ,Will Hold Out. F1kwnfrvnt&In to Lard f1 'tided it Hrit might a certain * but The stnrkhnldCn of the Amstrat- Slrn ore (1b•s'ta.+ h(ta the Mt ra might be pertain that neva flat LIr British tnr•es. ander , gwmla their dINT" '.w oat food or tfMtifr 081 had travetlM it..n wppnintwd Adrritnletrotpt :hw �~ ('sof+Lein Fiwrrl ton. in tsotttfi tins- Rel. Twlephonw Coe►¢iny today ret - My the h H• I,ondoq. March Ed. -A Durttaa our the IoM (iovwrrinio"t nit B'oem:ontAn if:eA the rwedmmwndalibA of that dlre- Wir -own, and e1• !l - " ref pM talism withrr/f rh(bg test reottoMONS., telillrnph'nx undies abs+ (hM'Rr Frew PtntA, wwikt never he r,rinr,d. asps. had tinnily k111Ad >,intt. tiellrh. „mora that the real me at- and other lf"I tl•nt they Ins -4 nth 1!a -im round i1l�c Q Rvents from A1,t toaWn foretold I I1. M;v'•rd tbnt all lh• Inhni tent, th? arch robe!, who hind three tlmM g'orr and eM aF m4 thA iksera /or wntn of MnrrA hili, •via tiff nut4Nit!r. 1 prrvp.rty, exnept iia ownership to oke dlfA end tmt akrt(th latevtmniiott icon rwnnh,rd lhvlk tiff/ 10A Wsdltaslw♦ o oomenen(M fit ff1A n,o,npt lbw Inevlt�hle, fie -1 obry ell thin Invi" 1Jr• Aativr to teWl ngninwt tttrrk in the long Clitanne tw:aphnwa Ther hav airMdj ' y rvrawMnt, anis thwi pvctt(wta Is nwnrn that thr ]vr- IWO nn(1wv ('omatAml.vnt Van date I or,tare of the to lift[tf son l iCR•t Tlritlwh title Ill. fo'fowol-a warn (Hr ,•cmpAny, fru trntlwfwrmt to the A►ur tr �imm , . .;+'' tpdtwew fora+,& mart finnllr b+ lrstin4, 1204WL antrvwhdt,d nrar rnuro"wilth. Ifl 1 evth,,,r-tsA, fitly wppcf•ttnI. Intlenating pm•s•A. Tip ]intimi rhsriwr„rl "even. mean Telophvtas ou4 Tulargte0h . tub (us!. has , �rpr jos, _ 1 I" Mira in Me Tramvwtif ttap4 answer lko A etnen►a.t for anrrall rMt. that the IwFt,ldrn.t wwA eltwr4l'fw MM Pte! M" Nor LG 1)urnwn h1v+A Aw11M M+ x i. - s . - � 1 >, •., ' rbil- _.• :__iz..'A.:3t�t�3iraaaAmll1mdk&1Lr:_.