The Signal, 1900-03-29, Page 6L ♦��t-i•ti•Ft+�t+tint+tt+tfttf'a:+tM'ttt�•:tt+i►+N int in "me Furnace1. , ' of "Temptation t�:r ' Tlvb g!r:'r eyes la:kat re%erfritly "Why 1" -"Because --I love y"a." at the conventional arm; 11043 were "Oki that's at, reissa... -"1 know tha days, so Im;tg Past, when women it; but 1'a usat to being without a wutalitpped mat for ouch things. But reauon." I sbO saki rloUtlrC, and, av Ferris' Y.orWA 1•roked gravely at his peal - eyes wanxleml to tor, ha r(oelvel a teat fee*, rad a brave red saw man- Igovel Ant painful Itnpreaniau. Ili Col het owa, while shoo advanged an Said, let It•atlNK:%. "1 havenot, Kok- unanawerab-o argument: Thea ed before; but your member. Jilea what are you going away fort" VValn+j„ hope she is w•ull T' The world vem *1 w mak Anti float 1f dutd," atstwrrel Florida, away frc,ok betweaa L'lem. It returned 4Rhe t&b RtoF-nv (IUWS. - tuat m,xIAflod at the suand ul the TlseIr Were boo quiet for a time. janitor's stop as hes came U-wJnh them Tilst Ferris saki, ' I hAl a great ml Iola round through the empty bulld- affect!o-t for your mot.ber.' lag. Ferris eaaglit tier hand; aloe "11446" Sakti the girl, " rhe e•as e-U'ed heal Ly spat his area. as they Mad of you. t,p'i. Bu! Yin never waited out Etta Lite street. It was wrote or Sant bar any vruni; ituse,tl all they could do at t!he mumint ex - to grieve boor." ' et to kook LAA each other'* fucd16. Her un)ast ropronch wen: to 104and walk swiltly on. heart, so long preoccup.p 1 with its I At feet, after Ixrw• foal It tams he own troubles: Ire rce.iLei with a idlJ not know. Ferris creel: •'Where tender remorw� till o:d VelvAlan inre we K1 Jaye, and t447 kindlfntwu of the gra don't know!" alto re 'Uri. P cants, Billy wpnlyl wba had bVA400d �' I'm etgrPhlg wlUn those friends of .to like les so much; he remeutbered I t"s at $11" F'ift`h Avenue Hotel. We ileo charm of ie rt perte}-t lladylike- were prulag out W Providunce fit-mo:- row. We IandeJ atuf 1ttt�, and a bar wtnTHtt , Weak- h3aded des'' I yretenluy. we stayed Vr do some allcopping." -le W mak3 every one happy to whom she spoke; the - And may I ask wily you lappenp,l beauty of the goof -will, the hiogplt• to giro yu;ir first moment► In Amernel, nb!e soul that bl an ImA,ginably W Win fl:1e artnl" better wort f th in thLs will (utvalue " The flee arts? Oh ! I thought I a mere:•* lntelloctual or aesthetic ml;lit llad a nnethlag of yours there:` Wo-JIie humbled htamelt before liar -At rho -botei shot prsombed him to memory. And as keenly rvVrosched tier party no a friend wir her htaseif ru If hke could have mode luother and alto had known in Italy .. her bear from him at any time dor and then went t3 b cute her hat. acute Ing tb3 pea: two years. He could The Providence people him traly sty, "I am worry that I gave *lilt the easy half -southern warmth your mother pain; I level her very (d manner whin teems to have floated northward &a for &a their city truly. I lap3 Alto did not suffer much before"-- on the Gulf Stream bathing the Rhode " No." mLl Florida, " It was a Wand shores. The matron of the party had, before Wl,rlla cnme hack, peaceful end; 1raZ finally IC was very sodded Roy- had not beets well an outllme ItllVwy of their ac.lualut- fur many ycan, wkh flat sort od ,tore. which she evo_ved trunk him with so lunch toot that he was not .,(Plane; I unad pomelmes to feet troubled alag9' her beton we saws evtwlgcbus of parting witty Informatloat to Verntue ; but I wax very young, she site tthema -rich r agntely antro When ane th*m Lep t ter nRahi Btie whe I never was really alarmed Vil that Clay I went to you." t-hashe a • but N Farrar' Lh►nking she , "I remember." &nil Ferro, con. had fa had n fault; she kept Ik(m tw mtlrin fr:m F''orldht. though site talked of tritely' ":;Iw had fulnted, ant 1 tivrught 'Nothingelse, and at the last doe was discreetly MOMI(aL int ought W see a docWr, but ref• ..I)o you think," wldtppreJ FkWLW. terwanis, because Ithotnght that I very cities agalrut Ills face, w$ewSlim __..,•Jjpghs 11. !Ig to hrrI dui trot go Vo i 0" s'a. Mme as wain as gate 0111i"01 a mow-mt. nervuumly but - we owid ; and she soempi so much tuning )Ili coat acrou, lilt, breast. "You better, for a while; n`td then, masLn-t let &flat Pictre .be good, c'rerytlAIW 10"emod to 1!11p':3 at Henry," site Fuld. and by this ty ,-h once, Wheu w'e did start home, she akme diJ sale express any Witse. If she eflooM trot go any ftartdwr than Swlt• ,rad It. of his waskt of feeling Ian pro- merland, sad Li tho fall we west pealing to self it lie winced, and sale back W Italy. We went too vorrento, ad,bd with a soft pity In hero le wham io the vAtuato seemed go (W her " Its, did bring us together, after all, . COW. But Nsa was growing tral:er p wtah yvo.r had te:le%eJ him, dear:" 114113 whole 16111313. She died Un March. ' 3) (lo I." Said Ferri% most humbly. g I foad_ skin e:d friends of loops in People are never rrlual to Ul Aiac0 itndl came home with them." I romance of their ea eir yout!, iter life, 7 gat. hssitttrJ a .lilt* over the except by fit,% and Ferris especially words, which she neverth,;esn utter- I rotod riot keep himaplf at what &A unbroken, whim the tear's • foil I he ratreJ the ot)er&W plt'h of their qulet down her fare. She s3pm.-d to brief te,taxAlial and the early days hire forgotten th3 angry worts that of thels marrLago, With his help or had passed between her and Ferris, ' ever, hlm enruarag+,mntt. his w-lfe to remember him oa ly as one who might ha re bean noir to mabttala 1L had known her mnoth�r, w'hf:: ilei weal I She Ilaa1, a g'It for idectlimtng film. at oh to re:ute some little fain' la lie I hxkat_ and an Ill, hurt healeJ but history of her mother's .ant days; i slowly, and 1t was agr�c�1 whlleM- nn'J she rose IuW a higher, axgner I to,* be orsald paint with htv wound- atmo4pbeM Inaceesa:b:u to his re- I elf arm, !t was an axey ma&tea for or his regret, as It torp belleve In the meanwhile that she spoke of her .oat. The tie v(oulol have been the greate-K Vmpe tub cf d•kness and death In. Painter of him tone, but for fila lion. pfwm+b:y b*:lttleld' his passionate I.xmhk. dl,mblllty; to (tear her, you wase, and made thitn look th'a[rteal woulot suppose no one else had ever to him. Me hung his head as tbV I Feeri mhet to the service of hie roam- turnef at her motion and waked' try. away from the picture of din Ippo- L, was fortunate for Verde, w!nne tato, and down the stairs toward the he mmkl not wort, that she had stn evt-krar ; the p309:e 10:9r t too mostdy ; to exalted moments he had other Ve.etisn pir_ture hit I apparent- thour(ht this a barrier to their mar- ly y:eided to their craving stn hash, r1ago; Yet he could mat recall any Aad had vanished. one who had rWu!md the hand of a "! have ver little to tell you of rwantiful girl, beeum of the amt. my own Alfa," )Barris bepa awkward- dent of leer wealth, and In the end he :y: "I come Lame GOOD after you start- mllen„e:i his scruplom It might he nald ed, nanny Mater ways hoo-waariot ycu; tut you bad not W back." hof *1031; tut ono ought to reflect Elands stopped hadd 'yoked per, now' TO" row Mom are worthy of p:s *xed'yy Into his face aid them mored their wive, In ally rate• Aft,or his Ott.fa•blcu, he certainly loverd her al."Then I went Into th3 nrmy. 1 waya-even when she tried h'm most. wrote unce to you." for •t must be owrke-I that slip really "I *.ever got your :atter," she meld. had that hot Lomptir which he had '11tey wem now in the ower bmk2, 'drende'f In her from the flrwt. Not nn i mar the door. that iter 1mlwkrlouvvleet directly af- " Karl ds," se41 "rrls, abruptlyfectnd 111m.'m. For a I(ug :!mc niter "1'm poor amA ci:sah ea • I' , ve ao more their mnrrlA�a rhe• rnemnt to have right than any sick beggar In the no other do -free than to low herout- street to say It to you ; but I :raved Woa.esJ will In hit. Thom wee uoum*. you. I must always leave you. I- thin -,a little pathetic In this. Thor* Hood-bc1" vm" a kind of boWil in ant. In her She -te-1 him a Ian, and "You WMA Wufrm an though the relaxed Mn- nll," :he grieved. "that you doubted Final of bar long AMf-devotlon to her me; you earour yl that I had made motives lett bar without a full ow Live; she spp,arnttlT funnel IL Impoo Aft, a"- AHo to c1 ggvslee herself with a satisfac- ld t "Yea, I ashat ; I know W", sag- •tory erred Fern n. W of abaadhorn to a man W*n, sou dkp so many th'ngs for him• "YOu thought 1 con d be such a salf• When her rhAdren came they ta:se and creel girl M that I" (Aled tt11e trannury, and afrorde.l ber yes, Yea ; I thought It aa. God nope}for LM Irventea eIftwes of elf. he:V we I" 1bc . FerrL% IsuQhed to find her Whea I was on'y sorry for him, prrtact:n9 town and varving them %% bon It was you that I...-- with tbo tame tigerish torMeroemvt, "Oh, I know !t," answered Perris the Imams* haughty humplty an that In s heartalek, bope:ess voice. "He with which she used to care for poor knew It, too. He toad ms so the dry Mn. Ver'valn, and be perceived that hators he died." tblm was htprely tine direction away "And dAn't you be:love him P" from h6m'o-ettr or that intense arrogance Ferris cw:d not answer. of nears which, but for Igor power "Do you lIcIeve It now f" aril n*el of (coving, wcmld hnve made "1 be! -:eve anything you tell me. her Into:erdbh, What she chiefly ex. When i 'ook at ycu, I can't belleve ny� frim them In r•olusn for her I snug doubted You." `Heart'" 4steaGamin�tvr was th6 Lrath 1n SLAVES TO ITCHING PILES, . -rater s."rety prevent. many sauces, Oase yemrsrlt at setae by using th . .gtM1( :Dr'f.9=aammewt- What slatery can M moo ;;;;N sometimes have a similar odor, thea that of the victim (of plies? i but they do ix)t rare.. no portrait In misiery b►' day. Mien kept from and mignnture of Dr. A. W. Chose on n(,rk and enable til fralk with an the trot V a guarantee &tut you will Y He Pato. res:. Irl ng"fly by night. mAfrerirurgg In ' air. F. G. [larding, r"Uredl farmer, tette ply from tiNe de-tdful ite flu livi•ig at Naha'own. MI(Mle,", county. which mikes east and adapp 1tnPOea�• Ont„ writes M follows: "I have bean hie. each 0i the 1•st of at Jonas :13 trembled with blinding and Itehinit Per (rat of all oxen and women during Phos rot kwrr or fire your*. Knit pull eoome po:ti,jd M thele Iic.=. t ferert Int 11101 agree, a& Umea i had False modesty pra%.mtm many, from tithed almdat orerylLhlig but MINA get sw kfng ad,yfoe or submitting t•1 n lo- ' ,,rlUlling that would Mire rwllef. On "'I elpr^Jnatt"n ht' p physlctin. Then. Ire,tHng cgs lir. ('lemon's OlntmenL 1 htr,'d(ro ehRM IN Ul" dread (d the procureal a box. and It only required wurgaon-a knife, the only "g*arl. which part e1( 11 for MtAplMel,r run baa i am Mikity Aoa[tdkn ape to rare pllpp- i relYmlmemnng It oto all atftiokxi no i In such ab)oct mlgary M the t Inve wags' rd: pilo. the m pat ant,rl mad torturhag ora. James (hibal k Hintonbarg. rd 1410tl ma. Varlovtcxe (7uaa . �, DMotb tt,s dlacorory o1-Q�� � lines' bows 'I tJ faatdvs • I 411tpttVottf tTu•li ens qR relitbhla: tt111a1GiB 'llatltiliP fnxn 11ir ►�t�r• IW%At PTrll•Y for-wa of pli m for the fast letely rare any o,ey Iepnls. wh,, trventr Years, and daring that tlmr itdrlrtt or protruding t i". (be" lino and in the (Nd Ctartrtry) Y 1 oler)huly In C naAa . have /Mod almost every remedy. 1 and Lha Un= a�ea, nn•i very ratan ' a m (May doing prsUnw to Dr. Cho"'@ In iarepes. tarty of " vep•a tont intrnlnt wb,•n, i stay i boll"* It to ®arta as a cure for Pllw. len ti'p last ewmpd, ObtAlnabl* for I 'hick US 1 g lse0 MrNamesearntl�tlm�is.►t l ou naso twrrtry OrfZ4."m (pwtmpnt Wt nvvvr gawegSdtally Tho latltntl CA trdn Your d INNeg tb d0 aunts w f.px, kms q•e so ont ••e >to or It w11' �* ape& by mill on P -10i Gia h,Yl ms (If lean. 4*0 ' Teeof negeeo. rice M7 llotrn+nsOu. Babsr a t�; (.. ' �.' '14 ,Z,�.J, LA ;La a�o�cmu MffcTms A atlohtswa Lady Tolls RowSw LltaLs Daughternufrered llialom arou*M lL The doe" called to benent. CATARRHOZONE CURED. lin.u. B. Neue.l of Hacker. Ylc•higaw, writaa: "Our little daughter of 8 years was a treat mufferer,from bronchitis, and slight clean##n to the 'rtather bruusm,t ua se,vre ■ntacl,y Out demur was catenated and 7-9rlbeot different butttae of adlclrw, t tore at them eamm Voted to afford more than temporary relief. We then tried a art hof ae-ca1Nd cures, but they all term - ,ed oat wort Uesa. After se much nselasa expeaw with doctors sad tramduirst Fra- pantlers we were at ons wits' end to huow what to do- A neighbor who had been cured by Tatarrhos,.,ne' seat is ben lahaler to try, and It was so plraea it to sae and pre such Immediate reltef ,thet a wmpiets outfit was at once urd.,red. After Hsennyy It but a $,hurt Ums for h(omeltal reMe disappeared, and the chl:d raa now run *boat to damp relay %tattier-agnue- thlrg uatbought of before ostaii, lattarbo no. We recommend Caterrhuxono •a a poeriese rewtdy for broachltls Rod Colds." CATARRHOZONE is a guaranteed cure fes 11tONCHITIa, ASTHMA, CATAIRRIlL Catarrbosone, Oaonated Lilt' Can, u a new, selestloc method of treatment that caro these ill..@ by the aetlea of medi- cated air, which, when luhaled, spreads to all Portions; or the Image, brorehlal tutees, mad nasal pewees, where It kLih Cie perm life. It L very sootklug mad aealurg cad quickly restores the raw. Irritated me=- brenes to their natural oandltlea, effectiag ■ I rmssent euro. Rix weeks' nrotmaut, peep 411; extra bot- tles of Inhalant 50e. yAt druggists. or by mall. Twenty -aye cellit trial pias to. Idle la stamps, fru= N. C. 1'ulwa a t:&, Kill@ - won, Out. , Putaam'a lots Rxtractor carp —a allot warts wikboat pair in 24 keura At dreg• gists, prlee 24q everything; the wan c,mteat that they should be rather lees fondof her than of their father. whom, in- deed. they found much inure amadeng. The Ferrier went to Europa some Piers after their marriage. revbr lttng Ventve, but tujounnial for the mcxit part In Florence. Ferris had ones imagine.1 that the tragedy which had given hlm like wife would always Invmwt ber with the rh•tdow of him tt.•tdn"n, but In this Ire was mutakon. There to nothing has really so stru ig a d' tion a■ love, and this W very lucky, seeing what manifold ex kuwas love her to swulbw and ass!milnte; acid n whe they got back to, Venice, Ferris found that flee ceow ms of their }.pint liter ezoralsel.. all the dark assuc•la• teaue of taxa plane- These elmply form - Ad a sombre bacbgroupd against which tbair Wedded hnPplmoss re3ev- Mi .im". Tk" 'WrA L■t Ifild m • 4A 'Che 1419, It is nevertba:ce`4 true. And true to buman nature, that they spoke of Doa ippolke as If be were a part of t %-ir love. Fe-rrs lracl never oeused to wuu,ler at what Its collet the unfattlonla- hie Urmdroslce of his wife, and he ilk31 to go over all the points of their former life Ln Von lee and brLtW bora. W himself the utter sim. plicity of bir girlish l b.w, motives, sad draigns, Irbich both confounded and d,Ilgbte;I him. "It's amazing. F';orkla," hn would may. "It's perfectly amazing that ytm sh(anki have beat wimng to uu- dertake tine Job of Importing Into Amardca that poor fellow with fila who;e stock of he;pieesnow, dream. cry, said unpractleality. What were you about f" "why. I've often told You, Henry. I thou{ht he oughtn't to ountinue a priwt." "Yell. Yam; I know-." Then be would remain lost In thought, softy whist. ling to hl .self. 0:1 orae of thee" oc- readcr-r he askel, " W you think Ike was really very much troubled by his false potltifm f" " 1 can't teal, taw. He sopmed to be so." -That srtory he to,ld youof his obiklhood tui of how* he bec,amz a priest; didn't tt strike you at the time [►Ire raUwF a Meks-up, me;o. dramatic history 7- " No. no I How can you say such throws, iffenry 7'tt was Loa ulmp.e not to be true." ' Well, well, Perhaps so. Bot be huff" mise. He always did, fur that matter." Then came another pnaw% while Ferris lay back upon the gondola tush:err, gett!nK the level of the Lkks lust un(k,r his hat -brim. "Do you t" hewas very much of A soePUe. after all, Florida?" Mrs. ForrIe burned her oyes re- P%Wilfully upon h^,r husband. -,Why, Henry, bow strarne you Are I Yea snit yourself, wonder if i,apppsPee that you used to e cadre not a sceptic.- " Yes, 1 know. Bat for n who who let lived in doubt so Many. years, ImrrroertaJnly slipped beck Into the mother church pretty mud- denly. Don't you think he was a pier- sen of rather ' I1ght feellap -, "I can't talk with loo, my deer.lf Yea go oa In 'tiat way." I don't mond any harm I can amtow Un many Whigs he was the wool Of trulk iia" hortor,^ iyt "ft mem, to mpg tbat'ieven the life be lived was largel)- Imagined. I metan that one was such a .creamer thatowes having /anrfowJ 41mse1f afflictndntbAwhat he was, he could go an and Zen ae keenly As If ba rrnlly mere troubtrof by It. Why mightn't It be thatall Alm rimbte cane from Roger and re. 0"Itta"nt towards those who made hien a Prfewt, rather than from any examinatkrn Of his own mlrrl l I don't may It ens e.. Bait I don't believe he knew qult� what Ire wwntwof. He trust have felt that his fatlura tie all Inventor went dkrpry than We fall - IBM'*( his parUcuJar attempt.. I onee thought that p�rhnps he clad a gwnimm In that way, lent i qucwtlom now whett:rr he had. If lie had, it sterno to rue ha had opportunity -to ps►)ve It.-cwrtaiwy, aR it Priest he had 1plserdr to pprrOvs It. But when that sort of sebcottwc!ouaaass of hil wra 1061pgmacY cam., over film, it wag Perfectly natural for Jilin to takp refo,Tp In tits nK,,onaltlon that ho bad been hafflcd by elrenmstanem- Mrr. Ferris rravallned silently trMr- WWI "I don't know how to answer Yea- Ilrnry ; bunt I think that you're jmlging lit- narrowly and harshly. - "Not Not harshly. I lepl ♦pry obwm pnaatcanate towards him. But now, Oven an to what Ono ,night ronaloler th` mast real thing in lits life-hls caring for ycu-It Nene* to age there amt have been a-grantshare of Ill"Wuci eaaUmout In IS, It was $,cit a paNwuvrn ; ft wda a'libttte nature-, druasn of psart3s... "He didn't dna of a drwnm," said th. wit". , 'No, ler, died of a rover "He had gob well of Ume fpvor••' "'tbat': vary tram, my Apar. And whatever his bgad wiles, Ion had aL af- (cta•tbtlato and f&Jahtal heart I wish I ha`l bar on Smiller with him i maga often hays brttlnsGrf flea% gm*Mvo soul• Play k afloat i -M NlgVr7 far 1G• &A lee's A pnatle, b,t'n a Pugh!" Thea, la pdag more she arra latDA oaten Psablpre as ihp veers harp paw". Down l[o n:ltko hag ail Image cosarcl tn Ap avnn tbp aimern, of Na town wleh A pttarloruato lore /tad a mortal srorr*w. P' -11A " WOcanal etMot in tb� nkirvl of him who Isms rwsllsed top hw,pplitNM of wharh tlhp Poor promote rafe:y drvatrw.t M not tile" Isast ffmsrstag1fe,� Phase oaf lira tragadg of Doe Ippelf" !, (11s UdN. , 11 - .-. • It TO BUILO AUSONLE& 1,19 ELLER Hamilton Canadian Centre for !teres and Ravenous, Is Diab- etes, Which Defies all Nedl- a Great Firm, I class VALUABLE ACCESSION TO CITY. E. R. Bylagtce, IL V, Porten and Clues. F. Walter, of Lite l.eblgh Valley Automobile Weapon.). have lust re- turned from it trip w llamlltoo, clot., unit Cortland, N. Y., endo for the porpoise of obtaining mutes codes They arranged for seteral to W built In Canada, and contracted for 68 large And small buses with the Curt• land Carriage and Cab Mainfactur- Ing Company, of New York. They have also contracted for GO rube ur Vatting and 10 beg ag vehlclw, which will sive the boe- e tricul Developaleat t"" the parent company, an outfit to start the Le- high Valley and Atlantic City Cos.' by May tat- It is the idem W Mare four bomaw land four Victorian In Service In Allentown by that date. Thin Strong effort {urn been made to get them at once, becatt.• factories have orders to keep brew bury n year. I'% is only becaumo the OncUamaol Carriage a Cab Manufacturing Cumptuly, one of tlw largest concerns In tato United States, Ir Interested In the parent company, that an arrangement could be taade to obtain these autos In such u short time, All the vehicles are to be propelled by hire only relluble battery yet manufactured, which Is controlled by the ►-lectrloal Develupuleut Co., to be used In conjunction with the Scutt - Janney motor. Other towns will receive the Sam - bei of autos warranted b b the si- nese that can be done t M,j,��� r on automobKo liveries will be Gatal� lashed in the vari6as cities. The vehl* clan will be used at first priae!pally for depul service, mail the ord.n try fare wAl ba asks fur a ride -from the rtilroad elation to all parts of the Noun. The autos are guaiantred for all kinds of service, being capable of nnna;ag on a:l town moi country roads, and Willi travel 75 males wita- out recharging. After the autos become more p:en- ti(ul it is expected tihey will hecome very popular for [urtica and all kinds of excumildne into 1..^.e country, ns ii is claimed the am much more detir- ab:e than tally -hos, and will be in great demand on accoubt of their - T'_,,&local oeosle am-siALmaitias-a macufartuiers lueate theor factory at the luck work:. They are steal unde- rvird, having s number of Otte". lion. Fred. E. L�wii has charge of tSr lcont Art&" of thn etaterpr:se, bgwng a director both in the 9:eetrl- c,l pecelopmeat Co., and i,ehi'gh Val- ley Automobile Co. There will be a meeting of all the parties eoncerned in New York on Monday. A new Irulustry for Doylestown n'lll Its! the manufacture of nutomo- ►riles. F. Al. ('enter. of "hlladelphla, the representative, o: the Winslow Automobile Cmsfwny. has completed arrnngemetlts w•herRby the company wd luhe* tike Boylewtnwn Agricultural and I.etiape bicycle works. Ap soon an the transfer has bees made It proposes W enlarge and Im- prove the works. which will Rive omploympnt to about 300 hands. Tier company has unlimited capital. -Allentown. Pa., Leader. if your child t4 pale, peevish ale tiles trot thrive, a dare of Miller's Worm Powders ocianaluenily wl l cure. U oes of theKewtueklas. Man born In the wilds of Kentucky is of a fend days and Panay troubles lie! flaheth, flddleth, fumme.th and fighteth allttdne days of his lue- lie shunneth wager An a dead dog, and drdnketh much whiskey. When he doalreth to raise Cain he planteth a neighbor, and, to! he reap• eth twenty -fold. He riseth even from hie cradle to seek the eoalp of him cranddre's enemy. an.1 bringeth horse In his curca'" the ammunition of hit neighbtx's wife's cowin's nocle's father -la -law, who avrngeth the deed. Yea, verlly, his life Is nwiertaln, and he knows not the hour when he may be jerked thence. He goeth forth on A Journey "half allot," aml cometh brick on a shutter Shot. He mimgth In the al lit to let the oat out, aud,lit taketh nine dorton three days tla pick the (mckahot from his person. He goeth forth In Joy and gladness ant cometh back in scraps aaJ frag- mr, n to. He calleth hiv fellow -man it liar and Metieth himself fllW with scrap iron, even to the fourth a'eueratoa. lie emptioth n demlJohn lnto.b.1mself awl a shotgun Into hill enemy, and his ruenty's Boo lleth In wait op election del e and, lo! the coroner plOweth up n t14 -acre field to bury Lite remold. of that map-RMhmoedt, Va., Tfmcvr. Doctor and Dmirglets pronounce M11101"N CANDPOund iron Pills We heat o" tho market; NO dines 25 cents, 'rho Age of /Organization. New Jloarder-Wel, well i Th:a is the ISrst piee I've struck where they have reserved stnwberr es end peach �im :natead of storied prunes. O:d ikterder-All owkig to organl4a. tion, my boy. Us boarders have a mn- teal prolective association, wlt'h iron clad rolew and heavy penal. es• Oh, hot You kkked against prunes, d:d yo" Notu fmuch we didn't. We passed e Mw that wboaevor pprwnwi came on The labia pqyyery member should eat a juart or PAY 010 Vine, That mett:wd it. he landlady found� pprasea too expen- ■ive."-New York WmCir. i row a Korea of the mange with MINARD'R LINIMENT. ( HIthTOPHER RAIINDER9. Ila I hou ale. i Owred a hor" badly torn by a pltrhfrwt with MINARD'H LiNI- as K YT. 7.DWARD • LINLIEF. I% Peter's, C. B. I dmred A hoe" of a had swelling with MiNARD'R LiNiMENT. t'HOMAS W. PATNE. Rntlisim. N. B. I I AA Ingress. .. NO, LIP'; itt.v. Mr. Spicer hasapre,r fees a playa' • Why M he preaching rn vigorously egg lmg:a tm adyrn. then I- iI6 is b hgoos tfvgt hie rorlgaegnt: Con will msatd him m a wor of livinis• rattan." -The Bmart aft. -. illltmrd'4 I.fafront rotor bsrhs. ey A QO1Ice rglld an the Paan Francispo Hlgbltltwily last "lot rrwnftod le tbw arrest of al of the most notor!one mwallakew of the Play PA69 i.nng Fisch Id the men la cogtddy is and-Oes*A or at Inst rep mangos. woad s*v*rel are Suspoo ked of bavletg tatwedaated two or atom mpmbol" al -rival txrnp. torteep�1 Dodd's Kidney Pllls,the Only Remddy On KarLkTb" Restoveathe ( arse of the Dlseye--Dodd's Kld- aey Pills Never F&H. Quebec, P. Q., March lb. -Tbere aro certain dlseaser that sap we brain. and dry up tete spring* of lite, bemkim usrderminIng the strength,- D,abetew Is truth it dtoeane. )tn symptowl are greutt thirst. faillIng right, dry mouth, coated Inmgus, palatiraw, numb~ Im tine thighs. imiud or aches In the loin, or small of the back itlereass of urine, stwar to Ube urine. • Any one, or two, seldom more, of these- appear in the same case. D!abetee Is unused by polson in the brood Puisun gets Into the blood through defective action of the kldueym. whkett ahould filter It out. Heal and etremngthen the kidneys and they will cleanse the blood. Than Disbeter will vanish. Dodd's Kidney Pills are the (wily medicine oil earth that can cure Diabetes. whey are tete only inedl- cirte that can cure the kidneys. Jere Is Proof: Mr. flaw Dearochers, of 187 fat. John street, Quebec, war*: "I Imre suffered with Dl:tbetw for five yearn. "My feet were always oo:d I bad ;lentil, W my lolus, and a terrible thirst. "I tried a dorsa rewedlew before 1 heart of Dodd's Sidney loins They _ all failed to relieve me. A Bad Baak. "Five boxes of Dodd's Kidney 1,1118 curet! d completely. To-dta� I l,m In Jersey (lit the eloth.ug of a well der. strdag." •piaster was iga led aa] #M sae had itis ab have you my of the rye{> peaked in liar bosom was Incinerated. toarr aho►et tato long as the Now Woman w.11 fore. If Tett Lave. you have DiaLete* go Uwe honored ctavt•,ms much cal - Kid y Pills on earth but lkxdds amities are to les expected. Had sag cal - Kidney 1'llis can caro yoa. deposited the roil in her stwitialr after the good, old fashioned maa- THF: IRISH TItNANT. tier sbe might not now be bewailing ter low. His Position Away Ahead of That of Mittard's Ltnlm1 t relieves nwnral American Iteuters. Ria - ?eke. -for lnetrunce, the land laws [tough as the Bob). of Irelaral: A landlged caoltot {wt a tenant off his estate If. he falls to Sometimes 1t Is not altoget-er us. Pay his rent. without much ex• p1•awnt to ba made a ■ubJ•rt of Penve and time. He must pay the a ientifie Investigation. Tn ,Irmoa- tenant for every btrard Prot on strate the lbeory that alcohol ,a a every Improvemegt of the solL no I have .f � tLa� art food the doctors +4 Ilallaylle •tolyl;, a,aatar•.Whatllot Use itu%dAR4 To*ou amt'i17%4 Oa wast 10' ar ,?"TIlill a �y on '-in r - ilea nr she_-�nLL_1-- - ' �;- - _ 1y 4--.1, 1 _ 'i<lialf to rl New life for a quarter. Wilar-M tutors ho:ds for Compound Iron Pilin. f sibilitlee. 1 bl.ZKI' AS A (•t'Rli KOK HUNOSR. Blajitilag reasoning ettatssala are Coo polled to Try the Heatedly. Abpat this be�ttg�laef of *W QM tury a dirtlugulabsit French f1tIlieso tbropist, A. Juux, advletd poor ppe[O�, pie to sleep as much as possible C ins the winter wuaths, as only thud would they be abe W live wltb any doet•an of comfort. This ■traoge thoury b now being tstWd by many [Nervous In Rumda, and, according W a report which boa been )swui4 their almost complete abstlaewet from food bas produced no baratttl result, and even has, from thefr stwal vee h went. pro highly Istastlola4 Thom people live at I'skow, a db-. trkt Neu of W.. Pe4nbor-� Sad the reason wit they have adoptee the Prse'Voe of sleeping during the winter Ir be('&=a for the last few yeah their crops have been lusuftl. clent to provide thew with the necessary weans of sustenance. Whom the siders of the dlstrlct saw that aLarraton stared the poo - pre Til the rues they advlded that& to woke their remaining stock of footl feat as long as possible and to go to sleep durios the whiter. This suggettlon was adopted. The corm• hers of each family stretch there. 661%04 ort rots around the large store nut slumber dry and night. fkum len the 24 hours they get up and refresh thernwelve6 with a mor• sel of hand broad baked lnat autumn and a drink of water, after which they flu down again and suore calmly. Apparently some of the puortst In- labitnnts of Pskow have been to the I atilt of hibernating for some ycan. but tete practice did not be- eomu general until recently, and It item now only attracted the attea- tiun of ipinll&nthropists eat of Phy. delaas. hfeofteal mea f■ tat• Yeters• burg have cleoloisd to Investigate the matter clwslrr as they are am - well anxious b obtain answers to two questions: Fant, doss tdas trwpenture of persons who remain {ortNd and who sleep rue whole months W this fashion undergo says change? And, second, In what tinder manner. If Any, don this in W living atfpct persons Physically a01 mentally -New fork Herald. l'o Care •Cold 1■ Oab Day Take Lxattrs Biome Qmhltna e'ahle4. All drWnlfeG reload lAe wooer It It faW to entre. 716e. lt. W. Or"• ..�..urk:rture b uu sock box. • Reaction. F46r the ..Baby y TIM. fYty'unt soca Is ittst FiSM for thhee baby. A little Of kin the bottle three or ' toils times a day wW supply prulsely the I iTlll thin ba. ' W3 mad. If your baby don not gain in weight as fast u you ootid lilttr try Scoff's Emulsion The Pestle wig pleas you. If ' the baby nt11'Jt3k the mother should talo the emulsion, It make the baby's food ; licher and wort abundant; allay buy the dtlfllar sin -it's '' aloft tfOtlOfniCaL naevi Ititialiatr sad dam lb stranSdieniv% o wilt kcl at ' wi,g sd atproddnpovu 90p4iOWq Browq How do you teal about Asa. day gull' 7• Jones--Ikta't tell t4s111 [sand bras iQgUE AT014. 1190()- . growing crops ; he may cwt linen soot him sail an officer is summon- ed and tenders the tenant facilities to haul hie effects to the ittabac hours• AM have him quarters select- ed fur himself and fnmily. All of which woukl horrify the American land,ord. Not only Nutt, but the to naut has the right of purchase of the laud In parcels, in ntauy in- stancow. and the government lends hila money ata low rate of Interewt on bong time to pay for it. -Appeal to Reaem. --- CORNS. Permanently and Painlessly Cared In • Few Days. fatMm's Painless Cont agit "Wart Extractor removes all aorta tr(oorns, warts and bumlotn without p,lu In a few days. It �R b3en the a:and. ard for thirty tear. Beware of ,-eld flesh eating, dangerous sutroltates and insist on having the {{satin Putnam'$,. Sara, sate, palnlees But Wmwt to Unload on the State. SlreAklmg about religlo:m inatructwu In the schools, a school t�her who has spent a good many yearn in the PwfmMOn WW the Express that he once taught mcbool In a section in which throe Pnrisllm [ret Time mad again he Invited all the clergy-mcn of the three parishes to visit ills school slid take advantage of the velnool law by giving religious Instruction in the school. He offered to accommodate all of them and met apart a stated time for —all; but he never succeeded in Inducing one of them_ to give flue Min- ates' Instnacton -R oodstock Expresm $100 Howard, $1141. The readers of this paper will be Pleased to learn that there to at least one dreaded disease that set - coca has been able to onto In all Its to Chtarria. Halla Catarrh anCure Lithe only po altivs cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a coastl. tutlonal dlspasp, regetres a'conni- mutlonal treatment. Hall's ItAtArnb con is taken Internally, acting ill. Pertly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the synt*m, thereby de. stroying the foundation of the dis- ease. and giving the patleat tutl�oOthby and amtsting tore top the oneado• Ing Its work- The proprleton have so much fait[. In Its curative pow. We that they otter Ono Hundred dollars for any Pass tett It falls to car& Send for list ter Uotintorilsig. Addrem. 11. J. C13EN$Y a CO., Sold by Druggists, 75o. Toledo, O. Hall's Faintly Pills are the Heat rhr 1.I�of A (tan, The, bigger the gun the shorter Its life. Those monnten, the 110 -ton gttnm, cannot be reckoned upon to fire Moir; than eighty full -charge rounds with out becoming Quite nsefews. The 417 - ton "n can fire 105 ro:roda, Willi, the 6 -Inch breenhlnader W good for 1 400 or V* full-harge rounds. ------ -.. _ _ A I"id,wier nye: "War Ouffortng from Blood Poinowng. Was recommend. to. try MII!er's Compound Iron Pill.. 1 Md. en, awl they cumd mp.00 1lreaking It (Jently. .a;ism sorry yos're to kava. Pr•hlpt,-' d the housemaid to the cock - SN 1Mgtt. N'M t toill tars," m cal no mtohis."- yen I was. HarDstrls Baaar, --- NO worm mewlldnp acts so ,,teal, Re 1111,0ea Worm P(rird"ra ; NO ploys[. require ('arlaus L.re Ne Longer Made. O: All the rarloom tints of [ace, APPueially Md Isco, oft utwwt call. rnta M that whinh to omlal Point trfogir. It is very rare and was smadn n( human hair. PrAm h collect. AIrl May It exfe in Ilk the Preewmt day taut in their enblm.ht rt wag etrA nfrpA to the ovnrly Part of the sig- Itaenth etentury It the children "girt• pphtllr sans aces so n1dM aR Millar -B 11Orm Pa"- dwo; very pieament to take. Thirty peg""'" 're te}nrot tbortly after 11 Oodork this mernln by the fallln of a freight elovatt of the Rlakp� Printing ( aY. (Adnagn 11' i�s�t��p[Og R ar00 of adze w riled WWI , an* h Avg gal -of them, weer , { oa21111111111 - A tdlmple Thrown Remedy. IJn61113d lem(rwcb mak-e it twxpth: S VALUABLE BECIPE dr:lrt for a relaxed throat, and sbuub Ile made In Lha following meaner : FOr CDuffll= Colds and Lung Diseases Into a bes!u pat two table mynas of t I!naee•d and over tt yatr a at of toll- Takeo haft twcttp hu H1ax-eed lea Nei,► bog water. Cover fJgo basin and allow w otro o([dr[ it to stand tear the fire Por afoot GERMAN B$U$T EAL$A11t fair boon, atter wh'ch B Un, and trwilot o tete I:grid aAd the jnloe dr two leaotts ►aur or [re tlmr a otay, it error tills tort •s and M much sugar M 1'ked. The drink 'Ma=111, Cents at all I1TmkBsAsls or rr.,m may be taken hot or cold, m No. urs ('haatrt, Port Llgtn. ant. 11[inrrd's Liniment for sale ever, when. Kansas will Imre la big itfiporlthon In ' roR snl(e oa txcnnNcx. 1904, In colebratloa of the fiftieth e'alutwaia (yretye, I.ps•, rrWl vise n"1 nnnlverrar, of the organization of the A1frfA IanL territory at Kanau. btu land for rte or Mor is the fiawu■ 11'.. Yulrlok on dYteest 1[srw (•u, tlgytoeur _.--- ----------- -- odors 101`1101`11100.gan heias made dbwMY_1 WI alork.r in arrltdrr retia egaspan b. tR sale. Addrew 1lfdrmdaw 1.asd Co.. 7%"m Cal .. i ' 1 uL.�s. - teq� lt'RiCA .Np ttt>t:l: t>• svar• HopEtne' a,�t ' Wdstoad," Iw 'two r - 1. a anlgno ` Mew: wW assets throwing away all dh,•r )xoa when they ase our.; My11 " �eak, eta. � Mratel` y Ille.trebd, Mripiwtly galled in H i ggrrR,dw Rrrall-h told 1st " : grew em,l"s IY Imruu(w. anC•se wit► ear pros•"Masa■rel ' � worts- ♦Prov rb.ap lets cram Omar • ! -' /I•r.r, h'dlri t pen: � � 1 to heed«r., write qukk. 1 t.�ttaeM m pear, Itl•�l, I' ..•' •�-� mond weer. Yawata _._ i _ I j ltitl jSiWLi!ei KWic, s.a.eni�talswe $,e w-, To t He (klarlera (}amatory Clo•el Co. aaNt a se,J r�.c. a lla,slltor. oat Nor 1,•.• uwrg■o a!Cre!'Itllrtt tlt�'f N. Dent 8ta::-Aleut •sear ago i bouAth'aen etasaLvoa. owrRti:o. Lr,ons d yaer t)dorhpw 1'renrlory ('lanae arra e ante utpaed It rdrstwnulr•• In ,,',I= p�A\ Y Tel 1� lV i)li. repldcnce niU, ■plet.dkl rtls[aottw.�� KMws � Nwre Bas4ter. well a Owkat \o plsedd with it that You caw aklp d Nen- /M or $,/ler tint d+r'• Other at Dore for �) hotel. Yours *err only. vis ileo M�.&roh east, FkIL J. H. ]fare!,, Marsnwb,tint. drlphls F's for trrsaot few trawl bath Fur sacs to S. A. girt, lfa Netre� street Tete following are the names ora M411t''awLQre• few prominent cltlxens who are a ins - - th!s coot and from whoa we have tf''lJ'•[g w very flattering eestlmonlsls: AOoi�aFFsts• "11e ro1luU NEW LMary of Asutt Ahtw' Dr. D. L. Tlnompeal, Toronto. Out hoar ►gab is owed: wad "Dwlptt L Moody Ph. McGlatlghlan, 1Bowmanvill& Out, Y7'h•1laaasdSMalYisa-:tlso Itosbarawe0 Dr. M. L. Dixon, Frackville, Oat- written and elrtodata, sad an est • rehaab of Dr. C. F. Fergosotl, KemlKTllle. Oat old smatter: the erdeae are bw, aaot the t ­ Dr. Ulr:e Oabtwrg, 119ataggaanet, Oct wttVa liberal;agentscan sealer sssasyHthey iarlge A. C. Chadwick. one ph. Ont. take hold .t $,nee and .rR our kooks Pro - C. J. M'etle, B. A., Cherlay, Ont.' ppm from, If you mise Is siker .r Rev. John Downes. Watford, ODt nngoenrr fartke•Rnvassere•lraaeat Wwtani L Dnmp'cr, Mgr, Bank of Commerce,�� Methodist Book Room tisseata t3:rathrey, Ont. • Peter Hoyte, merchant. Perth. Ont. 1 - -- - JaR. Moffatt. aterehant Amber R N.S. onto, WI yw's 9"°thlml r�euS For satwwaueendpain$,rtorwtawwrr�q toCom.�a1'aI . 11,011 1110­ :rsrwWraw-rehabs.e 'f'heOderiwCnYawRt/ortOwn ;0.1 NEXT TO "IS MOTHER �', "', A Dollar JA 13 A MAN'S tiR-3T FRIEND You can obtain this trite 1 by using �:�L -e ,' TO BUILO AUSONLE& 1,19 ELLER Hamilton Canadian Centre for !teres and Ravenous, Is Diab- etes, Which Defies all Nedl- a Great Firm, I class VALUABLE ACCESSION TO CITY. E. R. Bylagtce, IL V, Porten and Clues. F. Walter, of Lite l.eblgh Valley Automobile Weapon.). have lust re- turned from it trip w llamlltoo, clot., unit Cortland, N. Y., endo for the porpoise of obtaining mutes codes They arranged for seteral to W built In Canada, and contracted for 68 large And small buses with the Curt• land Carriage and Cab Mainfactur- Ing Company, of New York. They have also contracted for GO rube ur Vatting and 10 beg ag vehlclw, which will sive the boe- e tricul Developaleat t"" the parent company, an outfit to start the Le- high Valley and Atlantic City Cos.' by May tat- It is the idem W Mare four bomaw land four Victorian In Service In Allentown by that date. Thin Strong effort {urn been made to get them at once, becatt.• factories have orders to keep brew bury n year. I'% is only becaumo the OncUamaol Carriage a Cab Manufacturing Cumptuly, one of tlw largest concerns In tato United States, Ir Interested In the parent company, that an arrangement could be taade to obtain these autos In such u short time, All the vehicles are to be propelled by hire only relluble battery yet manufactured, which Is controlled by the ►-lectrloal Develupuleut Co., to be used In conjunction with the Scutt - Janney motor. Other towns will receive the Sam - bei of autos warranted b b the si- nese that can be done t M,j,��� r on automobKo liveries will be Gatal� lashed in the vari6as cities. The vehl* clan will be used at first priae!pally for depul service, mail the ord.n try fare wAl ba asks fur a ride -from the rtilroad elation to all parts of the Noun. The autos are guaiantred for all kinds of service, being capable of nnna;ag on a:l town moi country roads, and Willi travel 75 males wita- out recharging. After the autos become more p:en- ti(ul it is expected tihey will hecome very popular for [urtica and all kinds of excumildne into 1..^.e country, ns ii is claimed the am much more detir- ab:e than tally -hos, and will be in great demand on accoubt of their - T'_,,&local oeosle am-siALmaitias-a macufartuiers lueate theor factory at the luck work:. They are steal unde- rvird, having s number of Otte". lion. Fred. E. L�wii has charge of tSr lcont Art&" of thn etaterpr:se, bgwng a director both in the 9:eetrl- c,l pecelopmeat Co., and i,ehi'gh Val- ley Automobile Co. There will be a meeting of all the parties eoncerned in New York on Monday. A new Irulustry for Doylestown n'lll Its! the manufacture of nutomo- ►riles. F. Al. ('enter. of "hlladelphla, the representative, o: the Winslow Automobile Cmsfwny. has completed arrnngemetlts w•herRby the company wd luhe* tike Boylewtnwn Agricultural and I.etiape bicycle works. Ap soon an the transfer has bees made It proposes W enlarge and Im- prove the works. which will Rive omploympnt to about 300 hands. Tier company has unlimited capital. -Allentown. Pa., Leader. if your child t4 pale, peevish ale tiles trot thrive, a dare of Miller's Worm Powders ocianaluenily wl l cure. U oes of theKewtueklas. Man born In the wilds of Kentucky is of a fend days and Panay troubles lie! flaheth, flddleth, fumme.th and fighteth allttdne days of his lue- lie shunneth wager An a dead dog, and drdnketh much whiskey. When he doalreth to raise Cain he planteth a neighbor, and, to! he reap• eth twenty -fold. He riseth even from hie cradle to seek the eoalp of him cranddre's enemy. an.1 bringeth horse In his curca'" the ammunition of hit neighbtx's wife's cowin's nocle's father -la -law, who avrngeth the deed. Yea, verlly, his life Is nwiertaln, and he knows not the hour when he may be jerked thence. He goeth forth on A Journey "half allot," aml cometh brick on a shutter Shot. He mimgth In the al lit to let the oat out, aud,lit taketh nine dorton three days tla pick the (mckahot from his person. He goeth forth In Joy and gladness ant cometh back in scraps aaJ frag- mr, n to. He calleth hiv fellow -man it liar and Metieth himself fllW with scrap iron, even to the fourth a'eueratoa. lie emptioth n demlJohn lnto.b.1mself awl a shotgun Into hill enemy, and his ruenty's Boo lleth In wait op election del e and, lo! the coroner plOweth up n t14 -acre field to bury Lite remold. of that map-RMhmoedt, Va., Tfmcvr. Doctor and Dmirglets pronounce M11101"N CANDPOund iron Pills We heat o" tho market; NO dines 25 cents, 'rho Age of /Organization. New Jloarder-Wel, well i Th:a is the ISrst piee I've struck where they have reserved stnwberr es end peach �im :natead of storied prunes. O:d ikterder-All owkig to organl4a. tion, my boy. Us boarders have a mn- teal prolective association, wlt'h iron clad rolew and heavy penal. es• Oh, hot You kkked against prunes, d:d yo" Notu fmuch we didn't. We passed e Mw that wboaevor pprwnwi came on The labia pqyyery member should eat a juart or PAY 010 Vine, That mett:wd it. he landlady found� pprasea too expen- ■ive."-New York WmCir. i row a Korea of the mange with MINARD'R LINIMENT. ( HIthTOPHER RAIINDER9. Ila I hou ale. i Owred a hor" badly torn by a pltrhfrwt with MINARD'H LiNI- as K YT. 7.DWARD • LINLIEF. I% Peter's, C. B. I dmred A hoe" of a had swelling with MiNARD'R LiNiMENT. t'HOMAS W. PATNE. Rntlisim. N. B. I I AA Ingress. .. NO, LIP'; itt.v. Mr. Spicer hasapre,r fees a playa' • Why M he preaching rn vigorously egg lmg:a tm adyrn. then I- iI6 is b hgoos tfvgt hie rorlgaegnt: Con will msatd him m a wor of livinis• rattan." -The Bmart aft. -. illltmrd'4 I.fafront rotor bsrhs. ey A QO1Ice rglld an the Paan Francispo Hlgbltltwily last "lot rrwnftod le tbw arrest of al of the most notor!one mwallakew of the Play PA69 i.nng Fisch Id the men la cogtddy is and-Oes*A or at Inst rep mangos. woad s*v*rel are Suspoo ked of bavletg tatwedaated two or atom mpmbol" al -rival txrnp. torteep�1 Dodd's Kidney Pllls,the Only Remddy On KarLkTb" Restoveathe ( arse of the Dlseye--Dodd's Kld- aey Pills Never F&H. Quebec, P. Q., March lb. -Tbere aro certain dlseaser that sap we brain. and dry up tete spring* of lite, bemkim usrderminIng the strength,- D,abetew Is truth it dtoeane. )tn symptowl are greutt thirst. faillIng right, dry mouth, coated Inmgus, palatiraw, numb~ Im tine thighs. imiud or aches In the loin, or small of the back itlereass of urine, stwar to Ube urine. • Any one, or two, seldom more, of these- appear in the same case. D!abetee Is unused by polson in the brood Puisun gets Into the blood through defective action of the kldueym. whkett ahould filter It out. Heal and etremngthen the kidneys and they will cleanse the blood. Than Disbeter will vanish. Dodd's Kidney Pills are the (wily medicine oil earth that can cure Diabetes. whey are tete only inedl- cirte that can cure the kidneys. Jere Is Proof: Mr. flaw Dearochers, of 187 fat. John street, Quebec, war*: "I Imre suffered with Dl:tbetw for five yearn. "My feet were always oo:d I bad ;lentil, W my lolus, and a terrible thirst. "I tried a dorsa rewedlew before 1 heart of Dodd's Sidney loins They _ all failed to relieve me. A Bad Baak. "Five boxes of Dodd's Kidney 1,1118 curet! d completely. To-dta� I l,m In Jersey (lit the eloth.ug of a well der. strdag." •piaster was iga led aa] #M sae had itis ab have you my of the rye{> peaked in liar bosom was Incinerated. toarr aho►et tato long as the Now Woman w.11 fore. If Tett Lave. you have DiaLete* go Uwe honored ctavt•,ms much cal - Kid y Pills on earth but lkxdds amities are to les expected. Had sag cal - Kidney 1'llis can caro yoa. deposited the roil in her stwitialr after the good, old fashioned maa- THF: IRISH TItNANT. tier sbe might not now be bewailing ter low. His Position Away Ahead of That of Mittard's Ltnlm1 t relieves nwnral American Iteuters. Ria - ?eke. -for lnetrunce, the land laws [tough as the Bob). of Irelaral: A landlged caoltot {wt a tenant off his estate If. he falls to Sometimes 1t Is not altoget-er us. Pay his rent. without much ex• p1•awnt to ba made a ■ubJ•rt of Penve and time. He must pay the a ientifie Investigation. Tn ,Irmoa- tenant for every btrard Prot on strate the lbeory that alcohol ,a a every Improvemegt of the solL no I have .f � tLa� art food the doctors +4 Ilallaylle •tolyl;, a,aatar•.Whatllot Use itu%dAR4 To*ou amt'i17%4 Oa wast 10' ar ,?"TIlill a �y on '-in r - ilea nr she_-�nLL_1-- - ' �;- - _ 1y 4--.1, 1 _ 'i<lialf to rl New life for a quarter. Wilar-M tutors ho:ds for Compound Iron Pilin. f sibilitlee. 1 bl.ZKI' AS A (•t'Rli KOK HUNOSR. Blajitilag reasoning ettatssala are Coo polled to Try the Heatedly. Abpat this be�ttg�laef of *W QM tury a dirtlugulabsit French f1tIlieso tbropist, A. Juux, advletd poor ppe[O�, pie to sleep as much as possible C ins the winter wuaths, as only thud would they be abe W live wltb any doet•an of comfort. This ■traoge thoury b now being tstWd by many [Nervous In Rumda, and, according W a report which boa been )swui4 their almost complete abstlaewet from food bas produced no baratttl result, and even has, from thefr stwal vee h went. pro highly Istastlola4 Thom people live at I'skow, a db-. trkt Neu of W.. Pe4nbor-� Sad the reason wit they have adoptee the Prse'Voe of sleeping during the winter Ir be('&=a for the last few yeah their crops have been lusuftl. clent to provide thew with the necessary weans of sustenance. Whom the siders of the dlstrlct saw that aLarraton stared the poo - pre Til the rues they advlded that& to woke their remaining stock of footl feat as long as possible and to go to sleep durios the whiter. This suggettlon was adopted. The corm• hers of each family stretch there. 661%04 ort rots around the large store nut slumber dry and night. fkum len the 24 hours they get up and refresh thernwelve6 with a mor• sel of hand broad baked lnat autumn and a drink of water, after which they flu down again and suore calmly. Apparently some of the puortst In- labitnnts of Pskow have been to the I atilt of hibernating for some ycan. but tete practice did not be- eomu general until recently, and It item now only attracted the attea- tiun of ipinll&nthropists eat of Phy. delaas. hfeofteal mea f■ tat• Yeters• burg have cleoloisd to Investigate the matter clwslrr as they are am - well anxious b obtain answers to two questions: Fant, doss tdas trwpenture of persons who remain {ortNd and who sleep rue whole months W this fashion undergo says change? And, second, In what tinder manner. If Any, don this in W living atfpct persons Physically a01 mentally -New fork Herald. l'o Care •Cold 1■ Oab Day Take Lxattrs Biome Qmhltna e'ahle4. All drWnlfeG reload lAe wooer It It faW to entre. 716e. lt. W. Or"• ..�..urk:rture b uu sock box. • Reaction. F46r the ..Baby y TIM. fYty'unt soca Is ittst FiSM for thhee baby. A little Of kin the bottle three or ' toils times a day wW supply prulsely the I iTlll thin ba. ' W3 mad. If your baby don not gain in weight as fast u you ootid lilttr try Scoff's Emulsion The Pestle wig pleas you. If ' the baby nt11'Jt3k the mother should talo the emulsion, It make the baby's food ; licher and wort abundant; allay buy the dtlfllar sin -it's '' aloft tfOtlOfniCaL naevi Ititialiatr sad dam lb stranSdieniv% o wilt kcl at ' wi,g sd atproddnpovu 90p4iOWq Browq How do you teal about Asa. day gull' 7• Jones--Ikta't tell t4s111 [sand bras iQgUE AT014. 1190()- . growing crops ; he may cwt linen soot him sail an officer is summon- ed and tenders the tenant facilities to haul hie effects to the ittabac hours• AM have him quarters select- ed fur himself and fnmily. All of which woukl horrify the American land,ord. Not only Nutt, but the to naut has the right of purchase of the laud In parcels, in ntauy in- stancow. and the government lends hila money ata low rate of Interewt on bong time to pay for it. -Appeal to Reaem. --- CORNS. Permanently and Painlessly Cared In • Few Days. fatMm's Painless Cont agit "Wart Extractor removes all aorta tr(oorns, warts and bumlotn without p,lu In a few days. It �R b3en the a:and. ard for thirty tear. Beware of ,-eld flesh eating, dangerous sutroltates and insist on having the {{satin Putnam'$,. Sara, sate, palnlees But Wmwt to Unload on the State. SlreAklmg about religlo:m inatructwu In the schools, a school t�her who has spent a good many yearn in the PwfmMOn WW the Express that he once taught mcbool In a section in which throe Pnrisllm [ret Time mad again he Invited all the clergy-mcn of the three parishes to visit ills school slid take advantage of the velnool law by giving religious Instruction in the school. He offered to accommodate all of them and met apart a stated time for —all; but he never succeeded in Inducing one of them_ to give flue Min- ates' Instnacton -R oodstock Expresm $100 Howard, $1141. The readers of this paper will be Pleased to learn that there to at least one dreaded disease that set - coca has been able to onto In all Its to Chtarria. Halla Catarrh anCure Lithe only po altivs cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a coastl. tutlonal dlspasp, regetres a'conni- mutlonal treatment. Hall's ItAtArnb con is taken Internally, acting ill. Pertly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the synt*m, thereby de. stroying the foundation of the dis- ease. and giving the patleat tutl�oOthby and amtsting tore top the oneado• Ing Its work- The proprleton have so much fait[. In Its curative pow. We that they otter Ono Hundred dollars for any Pass tett It falls to car& Send for list ter Uotintorilsig. Addrem. 11. J. C13EN$Y a CO., Sold by Druggists, 75o. Toledo, O. Hall's Faintly Pills are the Heat rhr 1.I�of A (tan, The, bigger the gun the shorter Its life. Those monnten, the 110 -ton gttnm, cannot be reckoned upon to fire Moir; than eighty full -charge rounds with out becoming Quite nsefews. The 417 - ton "n can fire 105 ro:roda, Willi, the 6 -Inch breenhlnader W good for 1 400 or V* full-harge rounds. ------ -.. _ _ A I"id,wier nye: "War Ouffortng from Blood Poinowng. Was recommend. to. try MII!er's Compound Iron Pill.. 1 Md. en, awl they cumd mp.00 1lreaking It (Jently. .a;ism sorry yos're to kava. Pr•hlpt,-' d the housemaid to the cock - SN 1Mgtt. N'M t toill tars," m cal no mtohis."- yen I was. HarDstrls Baaar, --- NO worm mewlldnp acts so ,,teal, Re 1111,0ea Worm P(rird"ra ; NO ploys[. require ('arlaus L.re Ne Longer Made. O: All the rarloom tints of [ace, APPueially Md Isco, oft utwwt call. rnta M that whinh to omlal Point trfogir. It is very rare and was smadn n( human hair. PrAm h collect. AIrl May It exfe in Ilk the Preewmt day taut in their enblm.ht rt wag etrA nfrpA to the ovnrly Part of the sig- Itaenth etentury It the children "girt• pphtllr sans aces so n1dM aR Millar -B 11Orm Pa"- dwo; very pieament to take. Thirty peg""'" 're te}nrot tbortly after 11 Oodork this mernln by the fallln of a freight elovatt of the Rlakp� Printing ( aY. (Adnagn 11' i�s�t��p[Og R ar00 of adze w riled WWI , an* h Avg gal -of them, weer , { oa21111111111 - A tdlmple Thrown Remedy. IJn61113d lem(rwcb mak-e it twxpth: S VALUABLE BECIPE dr:lrt for a relaxed throat, and sbuub Ile made In Lha following meaner : FOr CDuffll= Colds and Lung Diseases Into a bes!u pat two table mynas of t I!naee•d and over tt yatr a at of toll- Takeo haft twcttp hu H1ax-eed lea Nei,► bog water. Cover fJgo basin and allow w otro o([dr[ it to stand tear the fire Por afoot GERMAN B$U$T EAL$A11t fair boon, atter wh'ch B Un, and trwilot o tete I:grid aAd the jnloe dr two leaotts ►aur or [re tlmr a otay, it error tills tort •s and M much sugar M 1'ked. The drink 'Ma=111, Cents at all I1TmkBsAsls or rr.,m may be taken hot or cold, m No. urs ('haatrt, Port Llgtn. ant. 11[inrrd's Liniment for sale ever, when. Kansas will Imre la big itfiporlthon In ' roR snl(e oa txcnnNcx. 1904, In colebratloa of the fiftieth e'alutwaia (yretye, I.ps•, rrWl vise n"1 nnnlverrar, of the organization of the A1frfA IanL territory at Kanau. btu land for rte or Mor is the fiawu■ 11'.. Yulrlok on dYteest 1[srw (•u, tlgytoeur _.--- ----------- -- odors 101`1101`11100.gan heias made dbwMY_1 WI alork.r in arrltdrr retia egaspan b. tR sale. Addrew 1lfdrmdaw 1.asd Co.. 7%"m Cal .. i ' 1 uL.�s. - teq� lt'RiCA .Np ttt>t:l: t>• svar• HopEtne' a,�t ' Wdstoad," Iw 'two r - 1. a anlgno ` Mew: wW assets throwing away all dh,•r )xoa when they ase our.; My11 " �eak, eta. � Mratel` y Ille.trebd, Mripiwtly galled in H i ggrrR,dw Rrrall-h told 1st " : grew em,l"s IY Imruu(w. anC•se wit► ear pros•"Masa■rel ' � worts- ♦Prov rb.ap lets cram Omar • ! -' /I•r.r, h'dlri t pen: � � 1 to heed«r., write qukk. 1 t.�ttaeM m pear, Itl•�l, I' ..•' •�-� mond weer. Yawata _._ i _ I j ltitl jSiWLi!ei KWic, s.a.eni�talswe $,e w-, To t He (klarlera (}amatory Clo•el Co. aaNt a se,J r�.c. a lla,slltor. oat Nor 1,•.• uwrg■o a!Cre!'Itllrtt tlt�'f N. Dent 8ta::-Aleut •sear ago i bouAth'aen etasaLvoa. owrRti:o. Lr,ons d yaer t)dorhpw 1'renrlory ('lanae arra e ante utpaed It rdrstwnulr•• In ,,',I= p�A\ Y Tel 1� lV i)li. repldcnce niU, ■plet.dkl rtls[aottw.�� KMws � Nwre Bas4ter. well a Owkat \o plsedd with it that You caw aklp d Nen- /M or $,/ler tint d+r'• Other at Dore for �) hotel. Yours *err only. vis ileo M�.&roh east, FkIL J. H. ]fare!,, Marsnwb,tint. drlphls F's for trrsaot few trawl bath Fur sacs to S. A. girt, lfa Netre� street Tete following are the names ora M411t''awLQre• few prominent cltlxens who are a ins - - th!s coot and from whoa we have tf''lJ'•[g w very flattering eestlmonlsls: AOoi�aFFsts• "11e ro1luU NEW LMary of Asutt Ahtw' Dr. D. L. Tlnompeal, Toronto. Out hoar ►gab is owed: wad "Dwlptt L Moody Ph. McGlatlghlan, 1Bowmanvill& Out, Y7'h•1laaasdSMalYisa-:tlso Itosbarawe0 Dr. M. L. Dixon, Frackville, Oat- written and elrtodata, sad an est • rehaab of Dr. C. F. Fergosotl, KemlKTllle. Oat old smatter: the erdeae are bw, aaot the t ­ Dr. Ulr:e Oabtwrg, 119ataggaanet, Oct wttVa liberal;agentscan sealer sssasyHthey iarlge A. C. Chadwick. one ph. Ont. take hold .t $,nee and .rR our kooks Pro - C. J. M'etle, B. A., Cherlay, Ont.' ppm from, If you mise Is siker .r Rev. John Downes. Watford, ODt nngoenrr fartke•Rnvassere•lraaeat Wwtani L Dnmp'cr, Mgr, Bank of Commerce,�� Methodist Book Room tisseata t3:rathrey, Ont. • Peter Hoyte, merchant. Perth. Ont. 1 - -- - JaR. Moffatt. aterehant Amber R N.S. onto, WI yw's 9"°thlml r�euS For satwwaueendpain$,rtorwtawwrr�q toCom.�a1'aI . 11,011 1110­ :rsrwWraw-rehabs.e 'f'heOderiwCnYawRt/ortOwn ;0.1 NEXT TO "IS MOTHER �', "', A Dollar JA 13 A MAN'S tiR-3T FRIEND You can obtain this trite 1 by using �:�L ltAYE A MELL•EARNO REPUTATION. Don't atrrtttlilsltt Intn ulrlcnown elTnnng, it ltnolt M dA0 aC>4lfLT4. . ' St. Lawrence Sugar �I qr „- n r" ltAYE A MELL•EARNO REPUTATION. Don't atrrtttlilsltt Intn ulrlcnown elTnnng, it ltnolt M dA0 aC>4lfLT4. .