HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-03-29, Page 5T 8I(INAL • " SIO$ • a 1'..da7 *sr* %Lk whelk ' Mid - alibi, Sot, .� ;icheson & Bayfield :y, Rol•rd &He pr..pne:or of the Louranermal hotel, s�� �eeo�+trubeeol the Urns of Robert Blair, .t i>�0. Oodertoh township : Jomet SiviLttur brother of 1)matd MuKsue 0, (idienoh towsehip,ishonk from J°benumbing,9 arab Adrift. 11.1., : Mr. Jamas. who los ib. flue" of W. N. Levitt, left ea Taured.y of deet week for his home In (jar' APMIL, N.rth. wogs Terri tQty. Relators : 1. Keeler, • farar, attar 8.1 more, reoettiyr soli nineteen heal of oattlo weighing Is all 26.510 po.sd., or Ate •ver axe wslrlt of 1342 puu•da.•ob Wing t Jan Cl.bb had the for.. lieges of Os hilt bread a: ',had while hand- ling • log is the oho r !Amory eo Tuesday of lest week. H. will loss tb. eager. Grey : U• Saturday, t0dt lust., • tonally gathering was bold at this home of Jobs Smits, ttzth 0000e.etoa, to oelebnte the nighty fifth birthday of Mrs. O. Smith. Ha : Moo. Hurts, of Hay, loft on Moody of lam week fur Workm.s, N. W. T., followed by his family Tuesday. He took with him a o.rload of settler.' struts. 8eaforth : Mr.. John Mulish and family, of Tutk.r.mtth, left ben oa To.. day of last week for Portage la Prairie, to j tin Yr. Hannah. who hes beau :hero for 6000 weeks. Waite.: The many friends of Joon Orlmoldby, who lately w.ot to 1l.midgi. N. 8 , wtll regret M tear that he 1. hid imp •ith an ielared foot, it having been cut with .0 ads.. Brunetti : (1. P. McClellan, teller of the Standard Ba.k, dt.esl., was galled hu-• to Whitby W attend the 1 1 of hi. 10. you -old .cater. Ver+, who died on Sunday of last west after • lengthened and at thou very painful Blom akto to 'pined m•otngttle. Egmondville i One day recently as the 7 tare of the Esmond vale school were playlue British and Bore, one Boer had his arm broken end • Britt'bor h td his wind disabled for a spell. Hestllittea were then suspended and • taco* proclaimed by oom• mondial' dismal Btker. Clinton : A very quiet wedding was eel.brated at the R.ptut personage, on Thursday, 15'h inst., by R v. T J Mur dank, The interested partied wen Alexan- der MoGr.gor, of Godsrioh, Lod Mr.. E!.stbeth Kalman. of town. The newly• wad *111 mends io Canton. Suter : Samuel Brook, London Reed, anderw•.tp Gargrood operation for the re mortal of • large growth in his nook at 8t. Joseph's ho.pit.l recastly Mr. Brook has boat sut.ieot to the trouble for years and a. it threatened aerobe is.ulo. h• dprlp oto bird It fteovall: �` -doedlriar .1Leeseayt.nalreelv.Modem 4ID,b!LSr ai L�g4Mbirldt e roticreeke?v.,y -ter o- . i -. -taro home circle, but the family of our old sow worthy f -tends, George .e4 /de's. Hood, el 9aushinr. had this pleasant es Thsnd.y, the 15 h iu.t. .atoms w•a twee y five a•.1 it • bride oinetpie seam of age ult.. Rev. Mr Smith prooeanced theu. bushaod .red tail*, in K trick tolled bourse. on March 16, 1850, .0 the Irasanoe of relatives sort friend■, among wh-m were Lend and Lady N•p.•r,o0 ane of whore et.tel..-Th:rl.- steae Hope, Mr. Hood's father resided. On Thursday the emote Welly, (mutating of tis ob,idr•u, •gambled at the t om.s'ead, the first time to twenty-four years. end tt wee • vs"y pleasant gathering indeed .soy 6111 sero • be f.•ygotleb 'rhe d.y. of sold .ng syo. were I.vsd over aro n end to malls toe scene more real the f3'.trick bride r•1Oho years ago dossed the black sotto dress worn os the eyoetlal 15'0 of tfaroh, 1850, and the greets bad before thee, et tb- sapper table the Delo• sot with wkioh Mr. sad Mrs Hood .et up house keeping r 4 metross lave snob a record u this. Mr. flood wee presented with s Ilse °ouch and Mn, Hood with an easy char by the ehtldrea am a mni o..to of the golden sal virs►ry. THE FIOH1 ING RACE. "Reed oat the some, l" and Berke sat beck, Amd'K•lly dropped he hurl, Will. Shoe -they poll him Scholar Jack - Went dors the list of the toad. OBeen. seamen, gunmen, marines„ The (trews of 'b• gig tad reel, The bearded man and the 1•d In lis teats, Carpenters. anal pastern -01. T.•., busking the •.hen from oat hi. pipe, Said darks in an offhand way : "'We're all to that dead man's diet, by ClIpsl Kelly and Berke ani S'+0." 'Well, bin's to the Maine, and I'm sorry fen Spats,' 8•id Kelly and Berke wad 8bea. "Wherever there's Kelly there's trouble," said Burke, "Whiners" e0htiog's the gems, Or • spew of danger in grown moo'. work," Bold Kelly, "you'll find my oast.." "And de wit fall .hot,' .91d Burke, ptting mad, "Whoa Ws tallith and go for life?" 8.id 86ee. "It'. tb y•odd years, boded., dies. I charged to drum sed Ili• , Up Mary', Height., et -td my old o..1al _ Stopped • r.url bell 00 MI way Thorn were Alumnus of b'ebd o0 our sprigs of groin: - Kelly sod But k• and 8't' - Aed 11.. deed didn't brv," "Well, lows', M the flee I" Raid !felly and But ke end Shoe. •'1 wish 'twee iu Ireload, for then's. the plow"," 5.11 Burke, "that wo'd dee by tight, 1. ileo cradle •1 oar soldier rue, Alter elk goad Mond up fight, fly gr•edtather fell on V.a.rar 11 11, Aun fighting nos not het trade; But his rusty prke's in the o•ble With Henke hired on the blades "Aye, ilia," said K'II)., "the pike* lel, Byatt► When the word eaeoleer the way I' W. ran thick on the roll is rinety•Nght- Kelly and Berke and Shea," "Well, bar.'s to the pike and the sword and d the briie'd pareale the like 1" Said Kelly sad Burke .ad Shea. Asd Shea, ' ha sebelar, with rising joy, Said "W• were at Remittee. W • lett owe bout at Po4te .y And so le the Pyrene«, Bolus Dsskirk, .a Wed.'s piste, Cremona, idlle sad Oben►, Nin ail over Austria, Proem and Spun. Wherever tl pitched • beef. Wive did fort ..lend from Waterloo 2 o Havre and barged ; AIM still there. oaew.e fora urea or crew, . telly and Rockland Shea." "Well, dere is to good, beneet 6rhtinp blood i" 8114 Kelly sad Burke and Rho "Oh, the Orkney roes don't Ale net, 1f they settee mit* I had, ler Mire is trot le their heart,, no doubt," add Berks, thee Kelly said "Whoa Y i.k•.1, the I rle4 Arebar vol, et ieth , Tite nosed with the mord ; A the battle deed frost • rendre,' hods Hiro named 1 es. hdg ►•M., OuB.., Met � 4.4rW'e tramr•t wolf., IV Ill urate& three deep trot 4.7. ..YrtJ.tJ Mlbs f1.4de• (Wel- Kedlyand t. red rk..." 1 'Well,�,�,b�a teak Red ler the rage and file end r 8.14 Kd1y t4 Mot. an,' 84.., /mann 1 C. CLAW, LAST DAYS OP MARCH ' ` - MARCH 29,3Oand3l MONEY SAVING CHANCES Three Days' Quotations -- BARGAINS in every sense of the word. We have a great respect for the word " bargain " and use it cautiously and thought- fully in advertising. For March's three last days we emphasize the word in the strongest sense. Our purchases for this season in every class of Goods have been nearly treble in amount of any former year. Here are three days' realising prices. These days only. 9000 yards of 3Y rook -wide. heavy In- digo Amens Prisma in elegant new patinas/ and ooiorst warranted colon fast, regular antes 11106 • yard, for 16 pieces of fancy Plaid sad amt checked Dress Goode 40 to -49 huh - wide, sold very well at 90o sod tors 26o, yost oboioe . .... . . . 10= 38 leab, all pare wool black Dyer ()god•, seat patterns, nod @otos platin ranfbe weaves, Qwd ordinary value, 60o mud 60o, 3 day pne M only 11/4 whits Amerman Crochet Cotton Quilts, .1114117 irpsrfso t or moiled, they are the beet 41 26 QC,e , A.g a tacpsfs �y so .spt�F 4i itch Ha stalauitatitt �s- aiice► f 6 pieces 40 inob wool Mauna Skirt- ings m t.ucy seat stripes, o0r prise L7kr was 60c • yard, mow f„� 10 risme Bestial* 27 {nob wide b«ry Tapestry Osrpet•, good pattern and °olara, mutable for any room, 8c the regular price 60c, for 26 dozen Table Napkiu., warranted mll limen, .tae 21.21 inch, p•r.doree, regular prioe 41 50, for 70 pairs 60 inch- wide heavy Notting tram Curtains, 34 yds long. hanl- some new patterns in white only, regular 11.60 Curtains at 4 dingo pure linen fringed Sideboard Co4bn in plain •Dd with colored stripeswise 17 inch x 14 yds., 50c 2 quality, tor 10 teen°. 12-c 3c 1.10 1.10 5c yb. wide Table Oil ahemaa c4 weed slo • yard, "y ing " Loch Lomond, ' test quality mad.. Per puce 1l';, your chaos 10c ' MARCH 29, 30 AND 31. W. Acheson & Son W. C. T. U. COLUMN. The Nue devil fs the .•re old dull. - Series (trimly. "If yea ask the way to rM drew• -'W W tel woes I To the m• istatn-'N. by t4. 1111.7 1 Ts • illatiss-'w he Mat ksr- himself r'�. H. limas. OM snide sutlers Ware 4e rade sof•• Went, mid I duty may .Wiser to ds any rude eastern., week a his pariah if the \eyes sad the k..sksi4l are •erooree* d saw wsr4ua.m•-11tsd.se L O•ylsr, "Many e1 se w tae apt to skrtek when a mil awls al .sap 101!00. mooniest from the 'impossibility of takes* sense. W do sat aiBd•sdy ..aeidoe the re.ps1MR►y el taking se autos .t alt, To Emmy unwise M. dread .1 responsibility r nolkies shirt el • paralysing a �71i puree. Yoe .141. very satiated maims the t.rpta- i s solid."_ wield be • power ea the l.sdy Ire.d.wiok Cevendl•b. serosa Tal =VIM ASO IInSTAlaatt. Dr. Lansaw. otneeblag roseatly 1s Tri 0..t ?a.pl.. D..1.., took fen kis topic Tim Snag el tk. 8.wrd," Ams•R ether Ohm he amid 111• war lkew waging le Beet\ Akita isali M• w•eaise le the shank me prepare Iso ale eMAtet widen, la Mth. Iles. w•ald Its the ilei teasers of would b.9tk• is between r tuadar.esatary. Mk,~ rI aid w.kash el Jams Chalet. "Th. Pnstl1es1.kar. dealt take aisle flee be •tae ty ravages .t idle .a earth. list what shouldweds t- hardy set tato aides la the saw Would Mss she share& Way riget realise N. Mob sod gather its unegth len the sadist Aar pts«, « Iva NM tee dammed aw1�111- Ie41sd •f fres • doses, .deft be hies.-Me-edl 10 muter DON'T airs SWOT. A Withoutto brewer, • e.est.r l• another Stars saki he Mrs. Haat t " 1 shall vets for your 11111. I Uwe «fel sent nil beeenry,.ad en ell hes the *bets blklbese. Lee m• tad yes what oe.s usd as my table. A Rest was rakes d.agw.a.y 01 at dinner - hnseellb •ed Mors nu • *all for bawdy Waftera• ogee es- �`J'� that lo jetMr bale �mt do.en'► ' Ilk win preIhrs mks sgtwes and moles el Ms bleed weals « will not kW body the 44.d to mks hese$.' Me alas. Na 1.4 "'What the (lamed is yelped sf h talus bask. �wR 14 'Y« w111 ken Um I ke .lea eta mesh Mood la hie Lead already.' .,'How do you si.w all that !' his father afterward .eked ...Way. It 1. In am/ pby.lology •t td.ol. " h sever the but books prepared by nub was u Prof. Newell Martin had seoo•eded ls sivi•b w led -«m. &deka informatics whisk was prunes mutat "8..tw," wool Mrs. Hest, "are yes merry your boy learned that N school ! "44.4.m," the men replied raking his kited, "I would sot take dre thousand del• lars ter eke smlkr..es this river ml that ley yr•boy ill ever b.. drseksrd."-lotto pt. AN EXPERT BOX MAXER Durham Brown, of Kearw., Drivel Fine Hundred Nails is Btoktee. Missies. kmrmoag, Month 26 - Denham Brows, .t Ines town, 4s• the r•petaties of belga aide to driv• eareand agaarber•Inoh milts at t4a rate of ay. bu.drmi is eighteen minutes and keep 1t sen He le a obese* hoz maker, • trade that requires mush stooping. A short time ago `is bank gave est, •ad rkeor•tis sot d N his leg and thigh. He wee usable to Nap end bad to Wrest • r•ebiao M drive .ail'. However, he M driving waifs 1► the Datura! way now, wad Dodd'. Ktdsy Pt1L us the mese el Me ears. Mr. Brows my : "After tames se hes of Dodd'. Kidney Pills I feud se irinve- r«t to toy «sdlelee and before I had 114• imbed ell bores I fogad myself seiltsg 1. the mural way ae4 J.ck.la-•Pooh pili ▪ m•oblee) ,'laoar•1e,'. Ddd'. Kid way Prll.aro ea and •.nee more than , le el•irod for 1hasl." COUNTY CURRENCY. Whisks. t V. Wass* ■ntorlaeately pee ase Sass, with a °Meal last week. Bleier : Messrs. Handford and 13111.4 shipped • oerlosd of bonen to Vsden,Ya an Mooday of lest week. lordwhih: Rev R J. Rookies. of Fo-d• week, has two brothers la tile Betnak.rmy ( potation an Booth Afrtes Brunson - Salk. Oo0tey loft Brunets ~antis fort Portage -M Prairie. Man., ween be goes N seek his tontine • Q4tte4: Mks 84.11, of Loader, kat talus • gedttsa se .topographic h■ the ohm of too Doherty smut Merry. Cousteau: A pretty wedding book place se the reindeers UIgantI,- Clearing Sale OC)NTINUED AT Porter's Book Store' Until the end or March we will continue our Gigantic Clearing Sale, after stock taking, of the following lines : Porcelain Lentos, with shades to Nabob. Wad Bowls, Teapots, Omura tad &wars. tips and 8anottrs, a off regular retail prom. Tb000_fte nal BARGAIN& mit linrs d house Side C0nthe and fanny Ilab it Priem - A spatial line el Tr. !io and 10o. Ail Roods marked it t show window. - Ws will Rive 1 oli D other fine Chine during this Halo. Look 'harp, if yoe - • will be .vin* Mousy by balling NOW. PO TORE Olu Tdepfr ONTARIO. A ROME r. nos M� Ir .wsew ....ween a KO. elms w sees rue swell« atra•i, Morro Do, n. 0., Jamb le, IMII. Der me... -t 10.. ma a..aw•.spes lane rd Wei II • !1Y•mt foto geld • .re r bra rhea I ell le 1. 4t.t. iiia. ►�, e/ ml%.In area t ell le W-•tr w Met lib Idae* welt'. t nee .e w rearm mew over. FRAM& SMITH sec r vee, r. 0., Omar, yr. l x De a J. �a re He a s. f w re Ir• e I"',,,."'Lt.. roar 1.ee.0'. •,ewer Ow ..Ia.r ,w tonne le Jeri red ,ardor h 1M M..Id.a.H /w .r r ter r r...Y. .a Tire reed re the cwt r re..d...t1 Noe Ma4 for hats. • utulWs &*OWN. 11 Is Y •beolately rellehle r�dj aur trIMY,°waa .r. Removes lr.l 111* um/ Irv.• err seer. 1..T00%ot11 ids ar µ, tie • IIYon•t 0... family11 se. ser syeat 4k your dryer{ mntlib veru star oleo •u T...11eree r...,•theb wee,.ran' e. 0l'. B. J. ItOIIM L CO., ®005.0110 PAL&, VT. ase•s••a000•e end ti«+r... tarimaa . M i$, 2990. , g CANTEION'S Pastiyy, Oyster Patties, Tarts, Short Bread and Cream Sells, Mince Pies and Lady ?biers, Kisses, Macaroons, Marafines, . Brawdy Swaps, Etc. are ea guo.l es the beet anode in arty city to Canada. Goatskin Wade tho trade in WEDDIIV CAKES iu faun deaaivuirtg.' and ornament- ing and almond icing. Give hint an order anti your sat- isfaction will be usured. D. CANTELON, WEST -ST. A Great Snap. te oar °toter Suap. at Se a pound. of which we sett • barrel • week. 'Pets mn't our only soap. as we oarry everything that eau be lound In an co- te date grocery store, and our prime are right. The tanners know that they con always gel from us a wap tor their produce. We drew the line .t no legitimate Ir•d• - •verytbiug goes : GI wear. or potatoes, n.rd•o etu* or chotoset table Chtea. W. deal in all of the.•n. A Cabin Passage to Paris T. 4.4. r yew same Si oars. The Dunlop Tire Company, Limited, will give free a steam- ship ticket to Paris and return to the writer giving the best soo-word description of an e1• perlence with Dunlop Tires. All you have to do is to send a postal cud, registering your name for competition, and ask- ing for the " Dun10 , Tire An- nual "-which contains all par ticulan, and much valuahli 44afa, about "Dunlop Thee . G. TIPLING 85 00., • B•dferd bleb*. Gaterlsl. Well.Prepa.red:. Spring Trade IN ALL LINES OF Dry Goods Ready-made Clothing Men's Furnishings Hats and Caps Fine Tailoring COMPLETE ASSORTMENT IN EVERYTHING TOU *lel? . H. PEDDER'S :' . ^" . . ;OODERICH. R J. BROPHEY & SON - 701 LeADIIu - Vuatlxa\ Dereetore. and 'Yr IN\00. tMQX1<. fernery carefully .tee.dsd be .t all bur., night er day. afeen. en l as dertota Antlermr, its.. bee street. (fight hour leap are ignored by those tirader, little swi s --DP. Moore Nett Life Pills. Miliion. aro always 11 week, night and day, +srwtee, oar'' 1113 POINTS 381 110 raroa or II 1. DE -CARBON STf 1 I. III - Sioves a„ Rang VM P'\S tart. They are frilly guaranteed not to ware or groom. Pl. They *111 teat . lifetime. gen Pint *opt 1s o more than for Inferior entree, sod are RDaranteei to save one-third fort, hate better sad radiate mon heat tone any other in the market. Coll end {not etltimete.. 1 here •two the Dole •gene► for ti 0.11.7 Warm AirGeaste.ter wbleb Ir fully vuareo- teed to be the meet etdeirut, economical, dur- able. gas -proof am4 healthful heating device made. Investigate lifer yourself before you decide. lle•deoarters for .Leel g. 1leatlag, ids• amltlkleg and Move riptei• H. C.neFILSINCER CoriVelltrier. end thlimana. At any season of tate year there is no greater comfort than a good reliable Cook Stove in the kitchen. It is witn coon stoves like every- thing else : there are good, bat, And indifferent varieties. We know yon will bo pleased with our FAMOUS and ABERDEEN StovesandRanges_ 0,41•TTLE SRO its, Ste fitters and Till Walk&le of 8 ore next Merely Drat The hermometer -- r,, says . that Winter is here, and t1uyN' means coughs, ailments due, to damp and cold weather. Be prepared to ward off these and oth- er troubles. Keep a bottle of a few kinds of standard remedies in the house, and they will not only save a lot of unnecessary pain, but many a dollar too. We have a complete stock of Proprietary Medicines, and our Prescription -Department is at your service. sin _ cul^+I , �. .� HELLO !. THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ' ALWAYS ON HAND eat Barr Scrautoll Sud Gaal A11 Coal wsWd on the Market 80•le., wbere you gams lbs. for a tau. • UDM. LEE. Orders left at PMH 4 8Fa]br$0$D'S Store promp•.ty attended to. R NEW COOK STOYI J. P. BROWN, Farining Implements and MACHINERY, Pinot;.Oman, Sewill Machines A RAI STOCK INT' ON NAND I' bare the beet that is made in ' en, !elvers, Cutting Doses, etc. I have the De Livia 'crown Septra.. tor. It is the most reliable on the market, 1t will pay you to ase one. Do you want a new Qntwer or Malay I handle different makes, and can suit your tegruiremente and your pocket, too. Would nut your wife appreciate a'good Washer ani Wringer P i4t you want a goad Plano, Organ or Ihretig 3Caol tae 2 1 [hall be pleased to have you all and inspect the [took at nay warerooms on Ham- ilton -et. store you pure see. I buy my goon[ on the can't hands and can sell ata very close margin of profit. -P. BROWN, Asefit essay -Harris implements, THomtlton•et., Iloderioh. McKIN'S A March Cleanup... Telephone No. 19. F. JORDAN, Medical Hall. Ask Your Friend (about King Quality Shoes. Ten to 'no shell say"there are none better." They are favorites with good dressers, because they are comfortable and yet stylish --stylish and yet eco nOmioaL Ask an expert their veto*, and he'll say "C" -he'd be wrc.tg-for while they are worth it, our prioe is $3. That's one secret of their success. Ask to see King Quality Shoes." ddb by J. D. HANG OUMPANY, Lia&Isd, Toronto. FIT„YOURTI With a pair of our Shoes 1 We have snob • large and varied 1'•*" stook of up-to-date Shoes that we "w' trn give you your withontsay rill ret Mr trouble• in ansty{. wkiob select. Our are „{ look well, wear well and ars '.g re•eon•bly. There's more to be found by wearing aof aim Shoes than you could dream d.' g, ST. GEORGE PRICE', .f! Friday, Saturday and Monday we are de- termined to clean out the balance left over from our Big Celebration Sale and many other lines of new goods since added. Re- member Friday, Saturday and Monday, March 30th and 31st, and April 2nd. for a $it)t BAR1AIN SALE. When you are on the Sartain hunt jot drop in and see what We can do for • Pou In DRY GOODS and CLOTHING A. McKim •TAND. ' TIN- T11E COMBINL. We are going to handle 3 of the nattiest make. of Bioyoles on the matinees, viz., the Goderich Product (mom Crescent and ' - Rambler • We haft yAe bilit appointed agents for the local output et tho N EN DUWE BICYCLE 00 AH of these Wheels have the VERY LATKBT IM. PROV1MENR1S. Our OPENING DIY; will he FRIDAY and SATUR- DAY, 16th sad 17th, this week, and 23rd and 24th d web week. All intending pwrohaaers should Dell and examine our lieo04 Prices will he right and all our goods 111013 GRADS, CW. THOMSON & soy Meek Dept. 'High Grade Pianos, Orgaa. and Sewing bfaOhi ee. Is will gine as a nil. pay yen M .