HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-03-29, Page 1oak F . • Mel yalt 77 we rase ttteku eau* baying. D. Parra Caw , aoaatd �t 10 days.. r Dew ffptiii N hare ear THS OFFICIIAT. 1raWSPAPDR OF HVRON BOUNTY. FIFTY-THIRD YEAR, 2771 1111 balms MAtt1►tT MIP0141. arra= Mar.1 M sal I it to s1p .tear. I. eft»......»I M M f 110 lel 06 ▪ tell U vier C O. tard. Pr Ili. a is II I ece is Se le II www.mowmai 18 se WD 11 • .4 imam I I/ 11: ; te ell te 6 II gunlar 1: to' es ifENRI JORDAN. WOW director Emit Preskelorir 36 (Via diatirr+eret, Rare molars s la V :gar 4 141411.1. Una MAMA ANDEZWEI., TEACHER et Thew. • peestielViSidirist at: noperitea =XI WNW thil ONEWL ?mow 'ateh their catalogue month : Art lo 14 14 le 16 lo lo er yd le le i MOW „le id wadies 190 yd . W. 1 °ALLOW. 11113111111111 IMSUIPIAMA ow. CliaMisess *sat, bee ssalsliark w el The silk • treed is ▪ sae RNA W, tilINKRAL MDR - emirates marte frees toad, • se sa▪ y perm williska seas MOSSY TO 1•1111D ON 14811 Tigre= sall=sames Agent. areglantot LIR is no de- ritario in nfidence ad style, on; hair lied out. Moni le holds For stoats 11011811 TO 111114T- *TOMMY :Tam rittra..#24,11tree-ria 1Por Sabi. 11 j017811 *MD TWO LuTS FOS BALM Al OR RIINT.--alibtaLeased beam mad MMus sad well weewierabe= IltszLitzieed aimed - peeve. gnaw, times ler estrilier Priellerti• .11ROIRMON, ea Um gasmen" er GALS, elleseleh P.O. fade POI BAL1L-LOTS 69, 71). 91 ABM Olio S: is Initelassn'e strew. and INA Mit sad eretrIalLt et 116 rammer au I Fa March lo ;MOP SW FARM FOR SALL-LOT 22. LXIN 7. - *el 664 massell . Ina slik‘ etwisle.="jair es rt. tti,....,;nduhstirt.'"Me tar P. GODEBICH, ON l'ARIO, CANADA MARCH 29, 1900. THk ASSIZE COURT. tleset.a.5 of 1M LI M Ca..o Wise east Meek Follow*" 1. sM ...01.01...1 tk. report, .t the 0i.tiy .f . High Coati of Jami.* hr the mosey of Hares M11 1.M week, His Gtrdship Chief Julies Ammer pre - stelae. Rod v.. Red .s al --Aa o.blss takes by Yrs. 8. J. Reid, of tow., fes the r...rery of o pias. 1. the poe.oeelee of Mrs Jam*- ** Reid. also ef bows. S. Oa..pb., Q. 0 , ler Off. ; Wm. Pro.dfooe for deft. Jbk. meat ter pit Teemed vs. Msrda/tt.r.-As se1bm ter the pottoneameo .1 sa .ellr..sest r "hr. saw to . puke f..t.ry la she sews .f Wankel.. Pkilip Reit, Q� 0., .ad R. Vas - stems (Wittman) foe .11f. ; J, T. Gamow, Q. 0.. ler deli. Judgment reserved. Lsakrw O.W..ta eodoty e.. Bog/ The esti.s use takes te 000pol the defend. 4t M a.1iver M plaintiffs o sliver o.p ood N matey M passage 1M property ems Md.ed la the t atkasw O.W.04.a armada. The was .o p ted by the Ho..Ba Rupert WpN.d for yearly at the `games M the t.soko.w Omlododr d rbletp. Whim tie ell eooiet y some Use atm prootlo.11y k.o.se detwst tse dsfod- .at had tap sap Is 61e peasestes, havt0q rowiv.d it hem 66e wirehair at tae last pre- view .Savable., e.d M .4o bad the w may'. grenade se t+ hast... The marts* e.mo ► by nos beau sought t. reamer Seib sap mar teed., defsdaat harken re- fused to order th.. the armee .mod - lase a either. Rath Morris* (Lookw.) los pike ; Pelip Heft, Q C., ler deft. Hr Ir.wJehip attested that we defied** ese- vey fee made ses1..ed to the plaistaf r mid that be deliver the imp to We aware" of the moiety aad pay t6e pWsMts t6dr some et the salt. H•t vw n. Cos..- P..ip.aed M rzt sea -jury it.s9.. H.I a et ml. vs. Peek. -Aa mites t.t.. Mads.1 bis. d 16a. est twaspit fes J.L.X.- ts.rraY; . ..* u W .. the musb.l.s is eoaeer..d .bsM M amused .d Maras it M the Master .s thanah to ...ermia .ad /t.e what le • primer .tlew...e io M .aid to this oz.est r. Farther dtrootless.d .sots rem Tad. Holmes vu Tows of 0.4.ef.6.-Thin was .a sottos soder m es.tr.st for the ddleer; of we 6y the planed/, 1. Harlow Holmes, ✓ tie tows poples .tables se the h.Aor. TM mama dated Am 1M weal in quer ties was t. M adhered ".Y' aha .sal shed, the tpsa.i adj..e* thaws .r where armed by the tows'. e.jo..r. The plated" ..obldit.d Mae M was mei h.sad to pet IM .o.l le the shad, .ad the a im- Weaderrel germ Alone sestsined editor F. W. piggies, of Seems, whew all dootors and isediame failed to relieve Isis pain from piles. Than Booklea's Arnim Satre wholly oared him. Infallible for in - fork's, mina or bodily eruptions. Oars gmranteed. Oals Bile p bor. Bold by Jim Wileoes, dusted. The mate of The Resderess B'eyele The Sagas &ad Boris Commay. Apes wasted at ass* Apply is SKITS BOMA ft 00. Eteagemashlictralleilseir le a re, Litistarg 6166. VINeN51:_ef Lb Bli1/111/111=FOR WILLS, 18 RALF Old ow - td hoe dying value rzni bOR SAUL- ilad. APO/ at M 1111112BY 01111111 THAT Fez.= 0.102. otherwise Irellenot _stoats to tveditteri Nevus 70 011ietuTh-" th, MAW of Otsroit. INtrateux 071Thwirij L.• eetellttet (1 of Pw6Wwiir) 111$011 shah saline wi Wer Ke:LIW Auetion Maims. ificynp_rusineunico AND /Moue 0011DEY, ==is.ilitee bees le - Moran at her sa Perth street. 111'11011118DA.Y. APRIL Mk Mg. mi eke* semprisiog : wise nem tundras sod fare tilted; slows; i sad t ere " coal range mid ltota:----or see Wee evroytbir is er allest the idem le te&Z. We kat beet. at ir tl=iwieTlirea la NW my operkureictli ......'-1111 irasesbiaget 10 ereasauderivnt. imeli aseurri ALTMAN S&Ls OP VALLIA11911 WARM P1101•111M. Dula" awd pormast se the pewter a was ie. yowler. wed obleb iris be wed mod at the there will be fed la los-teal bobel le Do imp se MU' Ot iteree, by Joe 'olook asps. the feller a ere tam _ and Le owed • •41 notaaot Mgr AROUND TOWN. NOTWITAINAD AT CLINTO1 -At the la - intense el the Boys' Brigade et Cheat; • catty al O. C 1 klar$54a, with Major Joni* sad Welk Grast,,dreve to Mates Friday **wag arid wore satsrlialaed by the boys' ergaiiisatiou there. The Mariam drove te Wm hotel, aad troo there tooreked to the &limb& armory, where iboy were replied sad fratoraired with thole bans. Smarm llAueeTaler AT lionib-41 mealy numbs, *Waded the "at home elves by the Daughters es Friar 'mama Ai thee irrees of Mrs (Dr.) Whitely sad am* it Madam eveeklatievtirsed program, largely of meal tad Mt made was reward sad wam mute seared, sad' lemon of tee fsathisa. l'be resets were decierated with tap oolong of Ike King's LWaglibers, Duple Gad MM. sad iitoir la Ea* Aura Mammy (Mays *realm PaCeeliall Organ veinal/my H. K. Jordan. 3: Vomit sole Miss K. Bum 4. °amen of 12 esiebrated people -4 bsYs sad ghee 6. Vocal sele Mrs !Writes 6. Reclean* Miss L. Wieme me girls 9 Vocal see Mr. Belem ilave the Qom.. -Du• ring the page week Um vanities be - Mem no old portion ot the Wats' fae- tar has boss mks. oat, aad the work ef swig oat the ame part with meableary. erworkers Mat 'he IQ to the Ismer, will slim et • rum iawawl• IA Ito eelepat. sad it to se seemusetag eses of the tame; as well as ma evideme of We eseleleatery weft tursad eat by 1116 Utid• d ell &Willa, Os., thot the lacrosse of esabolty Me bus made seasseery by the dammed lea Nair rasda. CO. -• 0, ear eternal pens we publish the thee* oaten*: of the North Americas IMO harms Ch., whir& will may mesa The Nor* Ammo* Ism beim • easesse from the start aad, like eil wise, improves with age. With Mr. MoCabe masagine ammeter. Mr. L. (Midas*, seers es, sad au able beard of manageosest:it bas sesoseded srearew • frost pleas is Cam - sole's empasies amid Mews marked prima of groat prerreen /Ad milk! prosperity The Weal meet la Goilaria le 7. J. T. Newt, senor of Hamill* ogress sail Square, who will give every intermaties. week R Parry Andrews, ea* of Owlerieb't mean Maas rasa. mit to lamed a art. w ar As meow A Moe Massa Raba AA plasm at the meioses el the bride'. of Mast Wswesseli. The happy event male, Limn* Martin, WhItseburek Roy Joe A. derdemea, of *Aso*, endorsee( the serwisey, while was whammed rely by immediate redeems of tie kride aed woo* The bride wee delattly attired la a stream seetalaa Mr. mid Mee Andrews, who have takes up their reellarem ma Retest eWeee, bums lobe teed Mame of many hies& tar that hamelsem ProelPseltr. The bn 'it is already well Item la Goderlok, Man as es peal of the Collegist•Isonitste day imam Os moan el the elmonee of the presiam. As fire* vise prosidut, W. &yam, mespied the 'hair. Several items of masa were lemaght up mid disewoml, dter whisk IA. ma was galled. nal fel. lee ed se istseemas preemie. As Mira - metal dust by Muses M. Duslop and 0. M Bulteses was welt 'oedema. Mr. Itmere ▪ plirmlag style sad wee heartily ea met Thee followed a parka* media. au by Mir B. IhrldeOW. As there hod here se quatisse bawled lo. Mr.. Reltraft drawer. After • short isterames Mien B Unser, Rave iumertose readies. Mire Gamete Taylor read the Journal. whisk ma. Weed ervere apt bite at members of No Meal, sad ether nom artier/ Atter • reametes by Mat M. Wilms, the mat - tog geoid with the Maria/ of the Moamar A imam 01151111 OW CAWADILX Hotta OT11101.0.- Th. Weds** imaeal semi* of the Oroler of Comedian Home Omits ores held lest week is Tarawa About 300 daiterataa were primmt, repressallue 300 Mak* The re - seri of the &Aram LaAat sleeved ea es- easrman "moth ihylier the yea IBM. TM membership bas ipow **hod a Wool el seedy 13,000 membors le geed stmodieg. Derieg 1899 tweet; tires sew *holes were essonlowahip of nearly 2.000 The death 011ion were *Weed es fellows r Supreme Loit. J. S. Demob, Trustee & Pees W. Fester, Taos* Mame* Treasurer, Naar, Waterford ; Eleprems Chap Flamm Metthal, F. W. vas Deem. Marasco ; Sopron Ward*, H. West*, Termite Supreme (Surd, H. A tor, W. A. Dewier. Tam ; Begmemes Mama. Hilleheee?„ 11. Belk& thwasisor, P. M. Pottle*. teiLaSbo.n. =Mafiosi Irmalsor. A. T. illopteme Tomas. T. R. Yeses, Tames ; 41, "Ilmeleg, 86 Catharines ; R. 14 alksalita Kama. Mee. Collo Campbell litimided *amine se assist. Irma the *AMA obeele., well Meade& The alai,* lar the mania" war "Potatoes med Their thalvallaw" Obertes A. Wale MAW, desseemies. Mr. Wells oda the with retard to Masa said potatou he had faertt Om atone of Ins espogesse YHA le er4ae at premium h••• maim the gregisA heavily ratio/ mem stable ememene, either amply, Au pant is reefs &beet Afriy-firer towhee 1111.10 and Me hobos le the row, "emu wish tere eyes te melt v • free him weeds by tie masetat mos et the meals or hoe. sad if *4 Mem NM sot seelriotod or allowed to be stripped by tbe Dot.* b one, there Wee Se reams why wbe tried long* erg seemed is raDoner ter moot meal of al! verstables te The "iirovra-ap'• " are get aloes is oessieg to the aid of the Menses 61 Contd.'s oold• len la Smote Attlee who irt Qin ire peeks am gloom* To Miss Rem Auk*, the yeses denature of Mr. and Mrs. Jobs L Attlee, belongs the eredit of tormialslee aa Arm le Ws &moil* by • ember of ohildres in the toes. Teo =Serb took tha form of am ea- tortatement, whieh was held lam Woodsy meal* at Mime Roe's home ea Piet* strest. Abuse twenty five perms were preaest as anthems. There Y60 Imes se them ori* atteaded were mostly from Use aelshborbood. About a some of boys aad eels, from three to Mal* year, of age, were the performer; sod the as; is wither they test %Mt: parte wee gime wean to thessonver mod to the yestifel rearmeor of Use alott. brut. W. H. Geed*, le sellers; performed tie duties to the Core," mod " The Maple Leaf." by Loehr Elliott. Peed IlleOdlivray, Roe Althea, Fad silarjerie Attic*. Hob Yew& Preadteet sad Amble 111100i111 tray ; dee* by David sod Saslow Althea aed Yam aad Limos Edam ; violin seleetiees by Lute Newcomb* ; seers by klajori• Althea sad Jock Proodfmt, ; readies, be Lewis Althea sad Ars. Althea, and a el boys Dar*" se latermission a @A - the patriot.* teed. "God Ave the Qtmee" brought aa imereettee rano to ea sod of Vat iterag boorgires""----"- 'LOCAL. ff IN EMMY. D. M°GILLICUDDY, EDITOR. prepared *sr* with** apereelable burdeoleg the isesoregattea. Tie adherents aad trios& of the ethrob am likewise gives ▪ opportsaity to esetelbete la this way, ▪ upea regime a bez will be rims by the passer. Tie seisms bide fate suomed. -Atwood Bre. Teo week's isms of The Top** Dolly Capital by Rey C. M 81tekire as the az. tiss daily sowspaper wee tie ammo et Hay. Mr. Allla's mum to Teases Orme Meth *diet enter* oo Sudsy weak* Mr. Al- lis did am awes with Mr. Eked* is all ths war, bet he masidered tiat some of Mr. Sbeldea's lases were geed seoegh to be taken adman aro et by all Dowspapen. eamative ecianalttes et the Hysed of the dimes, ail Harm wee held ea the 16* la Bebop (baby* Hell. Leedom Cease Brews reported *at the dasaeal moat, atm. 1. an. had obteleed eabooriptione roam, the old ithereh lie a better site was greeted sad • ;pod deal of miseellaasees business &Weeded to. Rm. Jasper acreempaaled by Ins see Bask, made • Melt to hie former ocm. moron* 58 Iltrathrey this week. Ele preset* thee ea limaday, arid ore Yew day semis/ wee pretest at the ettedreas (Meal tee terneleg. Ls his abloom pal - pit of North street Methodist (earth was unet.ed be the eternise by Rev. 8. J. Al - peeler of Vitiates offset eherek &ad le emir* Is the merniag. Ge Twollay mosise all North street Illatkediat (Nara tbme was • mesa meet - lee of the Sewer* Leap's' of Ratisabar y street *harsh, lkiaten, and the two Moho did etwrobes of thoderiets. There were members of the Meal Leaps. sms thew Me. ear. armada's of the Rettombery et Lees*, presided. sod • tiweghtfal vapor whieh bad bees prepared by Moe Davis, was real by MM Maggio Derogated by the paps; tie ditty of maitre submission to the will of God, followed, sad there was alas a brie thootersoos ea mitten gormless to growth Images work. Mr. A. T. Cowper reelered • solo, " Corte la AIL" At the ekes of tke exestler refresh meets wore Mime esti a sealed hear wits speak by the yeses people. MOTF3 Of SPORT TWA amnia moth* et As Oedema herniae olsh will be he* ek the *Moe of W. lose, meaty *leek, at 8 ',Nolo* wooer. A review of tie hearty season Wet eirresd drew. time the (Weida been made very wen eight asd toot ave. Daly War erases were played se boom sad all were vroe. Feu mum. were was away fries home Tea ramie WW1 Mama with • rersiar leasa sad of those ea'y two were look Gederieh de- feated Atestford. Leek*. Woe, flontorth %aka. Cheese three thaw, and lost ito fortis, Berl*, Ripley, Ktmadine seed Lam - ftrieg hes tosa • leer time combo.. bat the ladieetioae we the it le here at kat. COW et the i‘dtcatiette le the estabar at 1. . am's anise/ mite that me be twee es the streets, sad they ere all right, tee Tbe publio settee board meets next Tues- day itemise. Lion Friday the Goderice Ors* Oe. shipped the tiro somas slam the tire at lie faster y. Mrs, Kd wad Armaresi Ms bean very low Lee petit week, betli oleo* Monday ske has Wee eserewhat bettor. Mrs. Ow Mord; Nowsete three; has purchased from J. T. Goldthorpe tb• hoses ea Cambria read week he haa be* beadles den* tie &dater. North street sod Is be take peemenee the middle of met meat& Hugh MoDowild, ot 81. Helm; wive ai- med* Goderich cooliseeta loathe; Mary a MO separator with limy Marna, int. borer, who *vitae savage whe whim te • resident et taws mks irk tie rule et 8abboth *besmears, la • la Grated* be the resoles of freight males by tie G. T. R. ea flanday Possibly the oaken et the leen loset's Day Allows tea throw some light ea Ito matter. John Yale has reosived • letter Irme Ids am Arthur, ef Um Helder Mariam' Maly mean Um *early wn the boye hem Ogde- n* have developed • grog Mem for the imsawrie lite, sad that Capt. MAW.. Will be proud of birs mem mem be ma them mois. 144, • qmiot bet pretty vmddieg Wok plasm se tem resideese et Wm briar's father la Eon WWWWWW11. The groom wag Johnston, trhe rimatly parohesed the Market !sneer, beet WM la W larboa The bride wee Rise May, *Whet demister of Loekbart, ef Beet Th. bride wee araltiel by her obnor. Mies Rise, wid the room was o npperma by T. Bredheek. Ha Toned mart seley away yeia t of happy wedded 1 e. titUACH NOTES. . The oollesties la Koos Aquae on basalt et the lathes feet* retail Wad &motioned Victoria street Hewer* low* servings will be held ea Tuesday W11.1112,. Dr. Pena reported leas weak AM the Methodist twatamk 'eatery tkaekerivlar lead baa reatibed 10643,862.90. Rev. Jasper Willem aim Sunday eveuien prima the smear serum te milers iend alem ma Merth arm *Kaolin' then* o treet Amok ant 8eeday by tbe pastor. Rev. 8 J. AIM. Muth', fellowship mow ties was marked by 'pedal tame as et t5e,fee Thy loader essrellee' sake " 'e shwa, iselsdiag thie esthete. was pram at the teerime ea &may. NW paps, wm heard whit mash pleasure. Rov. Jas. A. Asetseess was present at the M▪ aatoilateset Ma& in.,' the share* t• the appointments made by thri Immo sessesittes of oh. Preebyeerlee Aurae al their =mina imt Trak war that of Sea. Leads" formerly al &ROMA 65 Vint lay Presbytery, Ran, tare. Reynolds ma Mks Le Tassel are he samedaass from S'. Onergeetilierob. The *prim ateatieg As hom mamas ememates of the Proststeras Aurae woe hold se Twomey last witelt. The meneetteme 4110010M wileuireartett mural Pres- interfes eh* Aura sad traessated ether Masa Ru. Jut A. Asthma. peter of Kam Aiwa, wet mweeitt Me As MA Lams, MO Mt Tininoko ormias fa the Dorm* of estgleff Amor; The Mlle*, oked Mee presidans, .1, N. Millar; ad dont, Mese Sada Melia" amear• .nemekte eametery, Miss Maas goal COMING AND GOING. J. O. MAMA, et tfirsbes. was he lune as lase week. Capt. A. M. dheolcara was la Tomato last week. NEW ADVERT ISE ME MTS. -MARCH 29 • Are You Getai 7-R. B. liosith Wheels. ete-Lee I 11 What Dem a Meats -0. 1. Smareeks.' 4 Marsh Ohms ilo-W. A. Mara di i Rem sod Lobe ler ado sr Bast --11 D 8. Clef, of Wollasteek. wee a awn Odense Well Prepared -J. H. Nelda: 5 Reateval-thoo. Hawse, Airbeeseemiesia-11. B. Swab 1 Mrs. J. Geier, ef Tema*, is yienteg st Aumeaseseseto-lo. IL His& Wins*1 the noddies, el N. Theteloh. Mos, Palmer, el Tweet; le the gnat of Mrs. Holt. tetra over 8eaday. Km Joie Das; el Genes, dense her daughter, Mrs. T. J. Peam THE GRAND VALLIET R. II mime • bow days la Tomato this week. M wed Toe*** sad releseed homage Taseday. Miss All* Jokiest* lei al Friday lie Tien Ion sister as Bolin kr a few wefts. 8. Mendagstar, who toast IWO Illrestbis la Bagel°, N. Y., returned bentsoa Mendell. Rev. Jas. Reeethoo Wee et Palmentas ea Monday attesellag lama et • nephew. Thew. Maim ham reamed hew Mien - Wm. wire mediated the tanstry at BOWW11111W, left aa alleeday fee Marls. Frek8liseterd loft ibis mak for llond• towoo.'"Win.. to speed the num es les 11. 1. Moms left Heredity meassa en • Imam kip to the Were as ha es Wis. drittnis here R. W. het 4w.Remeave iisenessr Titers wee • very geed turnout WI the weekly poetise of tie rills est+ lam Fri- day. Th• tep seem 77, was mark by W. Uatele, who made tbe Wet mark at be* Mame* Farming are the seem i 100 yds gelyde Vote Jas. Andrews 26 10 56 Capt. Dealey 36 27 62 W. Cattle 41 36 77 U W I Ileums 14 27 41 F. Btarheat 26 1 27 H C. Hominess 51 30 61 EI RaMon 52 16 48 A. T. Cattlis 27 A r THE LAKE FRONT. The blase* speratioas la the harbor A sew asd aria boiler bee hoes est la the ten 8e• Qaese, mad ette is to have • mew crab s ale; sowiwe.n Weems sad Drialmater kayo arrived to "et Um &W. Jones into shape foe the mama. There is • great deal of los ea Ae lake sad the opesim of naviesMs dew sell promise to be early. Wm. Les has rind the soh,. Cretan* se Bowls* Us , et Port Klein. The me - federation is ao6 made ham*, bet Mr. Lee says bit gob abet be asked for the voesel. It is reported QM the Jraed Trask Railway mum the removal of the life** imam, Marlton', their mad Robt Clark% sterelteum be make way fee tke azioselem el their monde meek 600 tee bo 6Iw wont. Teem wm • lively reestrey as the barber last Eloreirday. Weed Reyes* dame Eremer's berm took • tea la tie mune of wines it jumped ever tits pier be the les sad, leaver the trotter berme* the Were, manage* to rea mtle manta mar the Omo Reuss. Wax. Maims has shoat • soore el mea weritem • the age ea the barber isles& superais, Miele be be pat Moothier Aare. has him shipped. sad Arse mbar tors ars is mass a Wilding and this work es them is mktg. timed programs. hams (Bark es a name rah to mad saw the ly saw beet we* Is th tea lam *doer aied Bee route this year. ferty-alsie and a-balf feet have hese atUed to the Oarmssio, eat awe will be o teterema esememeachies fa Arse headed' passesspers. Mr. Clark says the beat le M *maid shape. Re heard Am the am. meet pride Mr Um rebelidieg was 530,000 Re was informed that Mr. Brown had Mew orders tor the timber kr e. sew beat se be :ails &wise the assidng etealeber sad a be pima es the doe Mee* year. made to As Maw able% my. watered 111 the Imhof Sae K haredis. Capt. W. J. Oahe& ; gar. H. N. Team*, Qat* Ake. lagele ; soar. 1. 0. Keifer* Gift Jam Oafs Peter Wylie tog Ides KM, Gept. laisi=tor Mg Ilse Qom. Oaps. Mamas Met 1 11011 SSW 011a& Dam Me oppetatomenh Ma kw Sem imoli pot ham mats _ Ora* if 1 abet Masker Miss !hale Campbell. a Westfield. naltia4 her gruedpereste. Mr. sad Mrs. W./J. ALM sad Ids ma* Mies Basta Allis, Beemiller, left es Priday for 86. Thomas. North DAN* Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Iimikeet. of 81Apparde bes, were the masa cif no termer's ester, Mrs, P. IlleCarthy, leo week. Chen Mamma. after • three mentra Mat to his home Wee, left yesterday mere - log ea Ms return be the Wm. Mae Kate Gnaws, et Deerele, leaves be - day ee tier return tai that &ley alter *deg spat • pleareell bye weeks witi relatives sad fries& la Omlierich Misses Eldred mid May MaDoemald, ef ths reroute Cooservatery MM.; were the put seek tho ramie tof their comeis, Mies Mello**. WON sweet. Roy. kerma Armehrseg. 4 Wisdom. ised, Mra. Armesrewee Mbar also Is ham a the bantam Orate ef die Order el Om - adieu Home Curies es remote ea Tuesday aad Wedeaday of last week sad Ida tea idea ef the Domini* Orwell, T 41 7- . at Ramat.. ea Thetraday, Friday isd Bas - Roy. J. 8. All*, et Oleir Lake, lamb, is la taws ages sad will wead seam months bore at the home el brother, IC:D. Alias. reversed giatimaits (Am title is a mow ow ems Mr. Alba lima bare sea years au) ie sot in good Welsh ; we tram the his stay bore will be besiela be Gedorktb, haa be* la mown for temeral days es bones* Mr, telblok is waterbed la Mesa Columbia stela" propeatiose, mid we saderstead that im is aim "Wise hie whole atteatim to this mamma asd been very sucessefal. The following travellers be tie We* *is week were tioketed by Idiom Ball, ef tie a Whitmore aad two obildree sed Mies Jessie Hare, all fee Crystal Qty. Kim. (se mete bo Done; North Dakota) ; D. I. bo Deaver, Colorado. Ilire Hillier will told bee egriag sey mem, on Saturday, wises everyone la *vibe to oall and see tbe Wog styles mid offsets. The R. B. Smith Dry bleeds 0e. moose the pleasure of your oesepasy at their mil- linery epee* os Saturday, Elst, 1.1. luau* week. Da met tail to tom likts R. B. IMeth Dry treed, Co 'a display of patters bats, oetwess tad milltamy nevehtse ori Saturday, Max, awl follow*, wok Kiss Mr the largest 'sheen* of aew Wed est3by seiting.„ natty swims *eke* jest is. W• elmor tistethy aad all leads 00 so Violate* Restaarast. West et, fer froth orlon. They mei* time regidarly aad ow be depeeded mow Traits. ma Imassery, ma II Summons, prepalmor. The Mere keeps", who favor barges days wilt have W leek eat far titer lama NM te tie rim sod will veil prism se 40, swum at bee, siwnwiess wide emmegh for berms fie • yard. MAW rasa 4a may ell wool dress mode Ha • yard. 26 Mese blame Alta et 18o a yard, edging le a rata. willies 6e a ye*, hair ribbons le i MEL beriall ld Btrrvita um* if Sewn I I -After es meet* of .ieslialneallies • somber el mershesta WIMP Mt get •• the armed freer, sad get bather la elm Sweetie,. Bet say I De thee mew Mil yeti Mow are taintlag it as the mode? Sim lwer Meld mot of the Us mousnad "7 New Mem Orly ham men tite latiet. we nay *rpm tre be treated prolasnimally m the future, es thine. hive beat said tkat hue? All alias Mover ead Math, seeds boadled. 0. ill Elea, Whighass. eittente.1 ties ealy. 14.7 sore fa Men. Ma AA, Mar* sere threat, troth sad gore Wows swam etift Mints, moan emd all kb= dames. le has Moo lam Isesd • sure Ur Arm effatime mew* Nese imam without having the mita mark es owl wrappers sted S. A. MeLenotherse= es esah WM. mist, diederish, Oiriaed=dr gag alas arty W BORN API DRAWS- lit ,tivr"cie Mage, tath, lee at the la ed t• MONDAY last the Mil isellTersthqt tito GraDd Valley Redhead ma abater ing ile Dune tO the Port Dover, Brantford. Berlin sod Oedema& Railway 06., passed at Ottawa. This is the road that J. Sonwhar C/Linai addressed the people of Oratories upon a tea weeks ago, sad he bas shown the faith that was in him by at onoe mowing the noommry legislation for the proposed read. We learn that the work on leak part, the line between Port Dover and Berlin be pushed tormrd imam sod thee every effort will be made to complete tbot road to (*dories at the earliest date pos- It doss not seem at all hopesbable thab two additional roads will be to GAS, Mittereaser Meets 44012 T. S. 'llamiltes is es kis resale. asemenhal the bitwasblp. Mks Jokiest* Malted at lit. Ram ha/ week wish her smuts, Miss Clark. Meted services at Carlow lem Alex. Youig has amid las steal pay =soh " ()seem " to W. Wale. wits has left fieg Manitebk Tbe satertslomme in As Presbyterial Harsh hers laet Thursday le aid the ladia fume AA was very emessaal. the prosside measikes to MIL Is the ahem newt Priday Wm. Obisu A. 11. Mistime sad J. Reeharlass take the aad (.1 Rehouses tee ammilvs. ALI are The 0. 11. meaty et (Maw Imo reys21 Nele lame* Lama. They thamersaly appreciate IL tornsillgerm. **the Oise 4.P., tosaverimper ie.. will essafre um den ter subsoil awl Ma week. sad im • ts sive IMAM led asmouno paid tar tie SIMI GIA. NIWT031. DIMWIT. OF LUCK. • DOW win ea Mims to TIVIODAT, Mama 27. lite farmers am very Mar Aldus STMa sad We Mao be mark*/ la Imaniew, arsi the Miriam le brakes sop _ Oar imolai Wier rad siallMos essesims$ has partemed lie properly embed be Dose *mesa by Rohm Mold, Mors a WM meat here, Me As prewarty mead by Jams am Sies wens Me of Hasthampess meet. Assessor W. A. Wilms la as his ansual ratepayer, ed Went Wawaseak. tour Aldan sass et the papsrby owned& Donald Malgeasee.havlon sold Ids Ism be Ashaid.has reared bad mud Isto es' tril. Mu with ha sus, Donald, awl bla dembtar. We weans* as they will make geed Maness. Wm. Rysa sad taseng, lommerly of air Gad. lave meismil as bo the *MA be reassay_garshmed beam semi Betweire and Mr, Weller bee moved ea m ble promies besot hen Wiliam 2114a. Rev. R. Fahrbelas. B.A.. Melee log6 week wee puss AMU asd , sessagassat was unable as eflislatte at PM Albert Isas RAMA. The rwmad4eatiemsa's um. areas trim& will be te knew AM he le masally mem 0011fIWO AND GOILNO.--Illae Alpe* Ins. slaw el West Wawnweeh, lett bike MP *may m a Tishah, tear be Manses. We whit her a plesanat trip sad sada ream. Joseph McCloskey and wife. chilerirls township, visite& *air dasojeter. Mrs. Robert 106.1dosa. Arleflaid, sad ether friends bese ea lawny lees. We mew aimed to sse Am sad have am privilege ef amversiag with them el moats thirty years age- . Oar gelded • and MM. ea Wedneaday laeli visited Mrs. 00mee paresis. Mr. sad Mrs. Fo. and Maw mai Iva la the temaktp WM berm MUNICIPAL 00UNOILL 0•111LOW, March 91. ilalbarsie tursehlp *smell met la As bs:settl. As Mesas ef tie pride* meet- bak All tie amembas were pro- log were read awl approved. The teediMlag e asensis saes paid e Les Siar. 51.1.20. mama hem Dee. Maw sem & dasasso was kid WIC Woad Mamma ones armload poithassiar basal of Wm. Meade) It was mewl by AMA serried, that As milester bs Asersehei OD °Whet all unpaid 1•2411 •• sass. Um then Mammal Is varsi at Ilmo a die reeve. IL W. Illoeowaswa. Ark AUCTION RAU& TirinC Mas a Imes Tatressmr, Mot 1121A.- Assam sea el 16 him ads. mom asll Mahn tad 9 tel Weems. as RA 16. as. 1, Porter - Tonna. II mamba' se meal sow. regitimem *mwililDAT. RIPS d66.-aeak• el! NoverA•ll Masa als lbs. J. tratrameetisilli6=it Loa likg WI ~TON. Wait. Tfileklittellar. WanwiliDAT. Ara 111N- Maks We ef stook -yin* Maim and mot laustemeate • we* wit el 1st IS. asuP