HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-03-22, Page 7V. Acheson & Son
!9,'30 and 31
oda d•►.s1a1'+Amsoom, 151 bold •elf,
1esmbg 1.560 ; West M.aMies 0.01 tr.
Mas,lllos. O ,
$41 WWI ee.►..� St 95
11117 19; Ke.1t«ter 4 Pulsbure. (' • t +
1r.. or., B.L4.. 9: tow. ..,.I. at N 0,
1146.10; 18 toes 1 owl at $ 06 1131 00 ; h.
L Hedstrom, Balite, 89 06 •• " •
*2 06 ..4 98 01 WOO at $2 26 $445 M6 ; L-
a 8bvp►ud, eamirlss, $98 96; N t .
(Jerboa Oe . 01ev.laad, 0 , oat b .0 5,6 I
Jae. Morrlem• Bran Mfr. .t A. , retool).
gwe Boob. Ow, SN.30; Test,. H.vu,
117.. 86 ; O. 0. Whitely, ,alter, .•e ,
59.96; 14.0.0 Ike.. h Oe., Toro.Iw, 0,1
52176; Ood.rleh lambs( 0.., itself?,
52.50; 0.'t. Nachos t Itu'.ber Mtg. t)+,
T,rsuetu• ere toe... 5271 1 •r t1. 1'iplteg,
lief. 53 60 sad 51 48 ; O.ttle Her., sundries,
Tee twilit.) eutk• .ee.miltes t.oao.m.cd.
ed Use amendmeor 01)) O. Nu, 9 of 1898
*ad N. 12 of 1899 •o :b.e the Wave'. share
of the oost of ley.oq gresellleo ud.w•lk•
ba 40 10.1.01 01 26 per mat -60 per mos ,
Instead of 76, to be levied upon the p:op.r.
ty owson.
OoaooUlur R.1... oppose! the room
ese.datloo oa various gce0nds, and atter
Mr. Humber had sputum is favor of the
retort a rote was Wise. Fur the report -
Three Days' Quotations--13ARUAINS in every Hemb.r. Martial, Koos. Agalwt-Holmes,
Yarnsy, timael.o. His Worship pave h4
ise of the word. We have a great respect for the onlay vet. for the report. Yr. ifolmss
rd " bargain " and use it cautiously and thought- stat,' that s two•thlyds vote of to corral
would bo necessary to einem' the bylaw.
ly in advertising. For March's three last days we �; �of; bo1.t mamma,
kr light follows, delimit.
phasIze the word in the strongest sense. ed f e. b. oars .t the dock : K Krause s w
lour ears of Mesetlls. ren of mine lamp seal,
at $ 90 per toe; one oar of M&..illoo lamp,
Our purchases for this season in every class of •t 5390; 11. L H.d.trom, four ear. Pita
burg ran e1 mins lump opal at 53.06; one ear
xis have been nearly treble In amount of any PisV stabb.r. l lop, at � G .� ear�
fuer... Here are three days' realising prices. Ritsdduvllle ran o1 mine tamp Beal, at
/j> only. 51 m o.md OS. Tee report was adopted.
We y The room reoesmsdthat
- _
_._._,•�..:. tee adlteis be paid, ihelr Frpor:lfiiTsh
yards d 39 inch -wick, hs•vy In -
u Ammim Prints in elegant
r patterns and oolongwarranted
en feet, regular raise 1940 a Q,. I
id. for W
wens of fancy Plaid and seat,
died Dram Goode 4010 41 Utah- r' l
le, sold very well at i10c and '*
Ilbc, your choice . • ......
cross 38 Luck all pare wool black
t. Good% cheat patterns, and
te plain Omite weaves, good
Unary vane, 60c end 60c, 3
fs pries 35c
ly 11/4 white Amerman awThot
two Quilts, .tightly
rare the go��l�
Iti▪ smtrtppi11 talo.
las 40 istdi teal Menem Skirt-
, in tangy neat strip... oar pries �/rtitr�
t 600 • yard. now Mr1V
10 pieces Eugluh 27 inch wide heavy
Tapestry Carpets, good patterns
•ad colors, suitable for any room, pc
the regular prioe boo, for
26 doom Table Napkins, warranted
all linen, arae 2L'21 inch, per dozen, ill
regular price 51 50 for
been felted eorreol, and that the treasurer,
as per resolution of Wt year's oeu.dl,
furnish tett oounal with an itemised state -
meet o1 the amounts petit out under the
hoed of miaoellanoeus erp.ndita roe. to the
matter of the lien• Dieted .vilest i k• Mites -
soy, the mmmtltm bad settled them ea
attested by Mr. G.rrow Tey r000mmeoa-
ed that the aoow•t of Drs. bitumen &
88.n..e be referred te the rabid mamate*
sad that the fotlewtar aNmnate M paid :
70 pain 60 inch -aid. hoary Notting- Tae 8lo.ai., $7 50: The St r, $3.50; N. D.
ham Curtains, 34 yds lochg, hand- Rosgvle. 514 36: W. A. Jo•.stos Cr.
ease new patterns to whhijt. only,514.60; Garlock Yasktog Ca., 229 69 ..d
"Was, $1.50 Curtains at I•N $51.12; Edward bb.rto.., $10; Qmei Otty
0.1E0., 516 25.
Yr. Qualms raised objection to the
alike .1 tee imamate' to regard to the
Was •Kappat the ontmo.y, and Manned that
the had anted ta as irregular mealier. Mr.
Hoes m•d..splasa"ons, adding that Mr.
flops itr,,,,vitt( weal Z Garrott 0.d follysafeguarded th. interests
std s. 7•M1 1 the town 1.Q 'tutb. lin ry0160 had
ni odoc ,, jlw eared la law meta.
D•ti.r the discussion Ur. Humber stead
game hoes Fleppeugiy, pert, that owls( 80 west et proper pret onion
kir•,,„ prim -Lchaiso (:hit lta ei.11i►ltt est of the
to be takes down.
Mr. C.ntelon insisted epee • vote es Ws
Maass of the report, wkiah resulted as fol-
lows • For -Holmes, Humber, Mersey,
Koos. Against -Martin, Cantsloa 'the
whole report wee adopted on the same vote.
4 doses pan linen fried Sideboard
Covers in plain and with ooiored r/� //�v
stripes, aim 17 inch r 14 yds., 60o 25c
quality. kr
D we. !Lydia wide Table al
A motion by Yr. Humber that the nesse-
11ARCH 29, 30 AND 31.
wiry .dvvrtiemg
be dorm tor the octet recites
' - ti grenoltt.hio walks on the Booms sad ea the
some a side of Eat street.18.. from eskers it ecu
CSI S �'ls1t off lam year, to the station. war referred
le the public we; eommttme with power
eson on
r. w.
• •s/r.4ra i�..s we Lobo a leak.
to members ware passes se Ms
et tsetse of tea Ws .%•dl Friday
lta•emwl el the mese* of 184 gem'
s Ie Orbs le mesa forsidsal Mann .
el to O. P. I•, sinewitlinelos
layed s and o M paid.
W ess1p egplsisd Mae en amass ea
bMins s0mi.eend oke •wmene tar
1 *AN lbs b tem.I4 bass hoes
remise elatra M : f ilmes of Mk
mad was rd.rei sap
Y1 spoilsawm
to The mark slated thee be all see
r when midi a map geoid be hal, •d
S iler Helms seg.Nad est. M was
•a has ramsane.mae
rams trees J. 8741= NM ib
If wess swabs he eel
1 ansee �
d Mese
suss le
pewee abet pietas woes.wwWMde,
esYmm is•Mw hes L A. NsigN.1mh•
if • wspedel s la sped a Ns 'Sabo
leas io a Neely Iaebsy, yew in reel mad
Medalrad N tMedalmals/1ass. Mr.
to ales . bests d 56.000 Nee, fres
1 mad water ice • puled . ton veers.
est M ase art less Nen 116.00111
Ii, 510.000 te be speeded In Ines ee
1 row ►.easy ate Maga In be msspimy-
tr se Nese esu meet* and Iran 100 se
' Os enesess
hihe Emse.lates-..1 the 1*o esspeay
Id net e la • p.etYa se bars lhm leelsse
sang w4mf ea all t* Uses M is West-
(• peak se as le loll tet part d es
ea cam las ma be wages Ir 1900. 'The beam
Ns Oast sod
Sloss ler e htdlb ge ~
ted emir pares f
berpb. sped the pat weld be la ser
tr. Hceder by Judy Ise, 1901.
expound item hews tea• to
lel sessatles. If they wre tailbone to
or Ns sebeess. Nomad weft Li
1 a M lay. 1estmoslmsimdyd se ~ylela/tes
ed. bee the Mayer MN le was
tate sew Ise this seseles. The bylaw
,d a pad new and IegWsMse opted
M to ams/ meats.
L 'New heal to Hadsu l Ones' d
oft. pepiesdnit the I.reassas et • lewd
IA el the ilei erssa BNnty la Oda
4 wet *.dad seer te Ne sayer.
t lesser tram Jeer R. One. 0erseary
be Army mei Nosy Vassar' $NWy el
aaN. NMIgM • aebseriplien 11wr'de
Aim • twit, dlwletb.1 'Leasee to
lY oke MOW M r efts Omni died
far Canada, woe w1 M oke spesiel essmft-
A ssmmealostioe from J. Mellettm11, .1
teaks, walled the •'testkts el the assail
Se an eensalason• whish r se be bald la
tics Leedom Opera Hames, Neat 1e Alis'
SM.. kr tea beanie .l tae m..Nn el 8
Osmwssy la 8.sin Anna. itis f.. 1w..
b8• Oise Ns GederM
Ii . e la enswy. Bdarnd te tke
Medal nos alley.
A I.ebr bee She sayer of Rieard1e
rakers/ la 1e prej.ss el esserleg a tr.gh1
bee Nevis se lata Hares, The esesai lee
d tdalalpNs sem Miens* laws( wfo, bad
ss se assess She select •d.ied Me rate -
leg el • smelly ef 51,0001( sash N senses,
she ass et l be sand by N levy ea Ns
Weis Semisolid 1NNi1ag se
ass GedwtaW alms .veld be I91 . 1..
s1isNM .ever .f Yip dating to Naas
west aslam bin atm
1ridalaasn se esssm -
As Ns sense 1M.sN tak.•wer rook.
ne seas 10srdN.40., it was <strred s Se
•sMsq.s fres Mm hoe library board it
$1100 ice mares amisses was arasesd.
A nn.. ' -tics fres Nm city dark et
Ottawa. skim 1i» ..•.per•Ne..1 are foss -
ell la sseffee Ns repeal et .awd.ons .f
the (bens Asa, le stereos s Ise ss-
sereseisa •f aseshipal erase/ Itakti.a pleats,
IMO referred t• Se weales ee.alltee.
Mr. Hostas wNN .sgslehg Sol as
assists sts el t* Muswlees W e tad awe be
pr.ens•d la view ef he Wag • Isms leder
Is /he p1Nl0ls eebblbhmea• at 0.4eek8 el
• blase farms fns the marsfactsre d ices
emit NNW, is whlok he was I.fensid *0.-
✓ as. is /steely need . TP • pabll• wistful
emesmlMes wee empowered to sot 1s 1b.
The dish of Gedriok worship wrote
*WA( les the amiable o.uo0i Joey their
n<psaibIlIty la reward te the otodag u1 Me
Estes reed drat.. Tey bad boon islets.
slsu -
d Sas the dna. was eked by tows .3114la.
and they .aislde d it the duty .11 . sire
be n epee N. 7►i was referred to the
palate works ••wait se.
A nesse fns to Maelea1 8woiet for •
greet el 5000 for tele year. to be imed awe-
intr. a reise ed M Use Assume .. .mem.
A very Impif signed retinae asked fee
to spanks NS of Ellsabet0 street se
Ebeab Stems and the eeaseeM•g •1 Jess
mese wlek Wells asn.. The moire was
mimed le *e pibW orb ewoesdtt.s.
The 1sliawlar ewers were Nat la to
lams semiliritass t Tea 8toraf. whereto -
Gigantic Clearing Sale
�..,...:..-. AT
Pore's Book Store
until the (end of March we will continue our Gigantic
Gearing Sala, sifter steak taking, of the following lines :
"laink shades to emboli, 8.1.d B. . Teapot., Cream
and Reim.
Itps and Hawaii;- se swabs reboil priesa Riess -cis-- -lied D MI&
line 0f ladies' aide Combs and fancy Hair PIM, giti(1151 jsf'.,
rpeliial lir et Teeth Brushes, !St and 100.
Ji Roods marked in plait " 80 01101. witudow. •
re will give } oA our Pr Otter Bee ulnae aeries tit Oris.
Mk sharp, if y00 twgnl will be saving tsoort by
buying NOW.
Mr. C.at.lon •dvie.d the porches', of •
15011.5 10140111041 mad having the 100n ►011
bay asd test the oer.eot to be turd la the
The mayor asked to clerk 1.0 10.1,001 the
mists. of tat osome 17. the market Merit
rad the Wel of to are brlead• to teed le
moodily repera to the omnoll.
Tale moold.d tile bedew of Lite oeunotl,
mid M the 1svIMMoo of H» Wessel') the
aembsre, together with the tows offiattb
sad press resre1ese4Mves, idj..rt•d 10
Harper's tr.seaslss►, whore a very pleuwt
time was apse 41.0.sslaa oysters tad ether
gond Wow.
Seem Tenn b 1..d.!
" Will wonders ever deem r Inquire the
friends of 111,,. 8. Pea, of Lwte.es,
Kan. They knew she had been unable
to leave hr bed in woven years on so-
mata of kidney and liver trouble, ner-
vous prostration and general debility ; but
" Three Bottles of Sleetrio Bitters en-
abled me to walk," she writes, " and in
three months I felt like a Dew person."
Worsen suffering from headache, back-
ache, nervousness, slwplewuess, melan-
choly, feinting and dizzy spells w111 find
it • prieelsn blessing. Try it. Batisf.c
tion is guaraot.sd. Only 60o. at Jas.
Wiisoo's drag don.
1 0R
worgy___14,50 A IDMS
Ye Me Nos
pX00 N woe: a Mae gums
e. e.00 etrer�e l..Mw
00 .1 r.. rY••.•q► r• a. I.', w
t averse. i.saer 0r• wit iV.n.Ypsis. Wore A,aA,Wty1
•e. .i• b•,toO. r M. r••• bat ••• natrr
1114takr �rtt.M.r ..r.ssg
now., 1. ort., no 4 el
..144•1116 Itinm Mirk gra •5 ... Yb. 8.,.
•err a n. M.IL.rI ... r Ir.t
rV OV ..Ire. r..r•wt8M 0.10.0
o•otwa .
• ,. Yo beak two. w.atdme
11.1. t 111111M1 a.. MOM MAlls. W.
To Path--oa Dmtl.1
A Cabin Passage
to Paris
atyMr peer seas. main.
The Dunlop Tire Company,
limited, will give free a steam-
ship ticket to Paris and return
to the writer giving the best
too -word description of an es
perience with Dunlop Tires.
All you have to do is to send
a postal card, registering your
Rime for competition, and ask-
ing for the " Dunlop Tire An.
pnal •-whish contains all pall
culara, and much vahubl
data, about " Dunlop Tuns`'
MAT, Mush 22, 1200.
Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tarts, Slott
Bread and Crum 11olls,HiBce
Pies and Lady Fiiitcn, Kisses,
lacunas, Sarum,
Brandy Snaps, Etc.
are as gaud as tee boot maria !o •ey
city in Gonad*
Qwt.lon leads the trade in
in limey deaiening and ornamest-
ing and almond iotas.
Give him an order and your sat
infection will be assured.
A Great Snap
te oar 011111101 Soap, .t bo. •
pond, of white we sella barrel • week.
This inti ear only asap, as we carry
everyinseg 11815 w be lased V •a so-
<hd•s (resor7 stets end mor prime
are rtfsskt. The Meme keow lase decoy
ass always 1N frees se • rasp ter teak
ponds*. We draw 1h. lose 01 se
Glassware lade - 0ry/hhyl gets+
Glassware or pot•toet. cards staff ser
asters std. (Aon.. Ws 4.sl is all
of lea
T. G. TIPLING & 00.,
Bedford block, 0mlerbb.
- ?Ha I.*DI140 -
Vw pro.\ D'vreetors and.
Emoakme•v s .
Orders evirerrltf ate.i<dN te at au
001.10, Wast r W.
woes. Mowre e. MesYSao.
► i, lee.
oD. only Nalo real is ',
1113 POINTS 3111
111 1141V01 01
Sloes d llallgQ3
411. Meyers folly guaranteed not to warp
Rgr They will last • Miotics.
Iir3. Inset mot la so moms than tor Inferior
810,0., end are gtaraatee1 a esve one-third
fuel. bake better and radiate more tat tans
007 other 1. 18e market.
1 h•veed8 theme sole anew Air oke Lek'sr
warm tele ee.war, wbl Y INly tro0rai-
a.a a a the most •4580.1, .sono dnr
• r.0p1001 end .heaW1al leatmiog d'evlw
Htt fosr M.lers :ou devil:
rooftb*0 atm Nemo
Ma. MoNota to a Camra.)(. -Barbs
News-Reserd : The .lesbs of David W.
Motion as prsddo.1 of the Pert Dever,
Brutferd, Bails sad Galeria Raised,
. hick 1 eapltalis•d at 58,600.000. M • step
'Mob stow muck Ir the oonspuy This
reed will ns aortae to Provisos of Ontario.
Cane's, Item lake Erie to take Hares,
sad will be operated by swam sad swami
ohto 0•a•tatod by water pow.rs along the
Ilse, sad brides a lases irsybt mid peewee.
ger prem., will eater te the Ps.sevivsia
meal and fres trade 4 Gods by a 11.. e1
ear ferry eats Irma Lok. Erie Perm, Me.
M.N•tt'e toilets. la business aro belt of s
solar. to simply equip him for the work 1e
bead, .ad he oom.muds smierai osaed.aoo
among Infieoollel men o1 affairs. The mm-
g..y s future. therefore. in la seised heads
Mid wine already assured In the minds of
thew who are In • polities to jus,' la•
tellig•a11y. Yr. Mohair s well thought
11Warsaw, h. Y., whore be has easy
Important 1ntr..u.
Ho,•w's (1001 9Howlurn - The Hoa. Mr.
Straws' reo0atly promoted a cetera le th.
Legislature showier the Bamber of sagreets
and criminals oonllsed to the oounty jails in
mantis wiles@ houses of refuels are establish.
ed. The statement furnished Ism fellows :
V@gs. Criminals. Total.
Kia... ,,.... 66 121 186
Was/Se- n..... 49 66 106
Best„ 34 160 114
Peel Ifo 33 66
i.eds 16 133 148
Earn 11 154 166
Herta 19 22 41
K 011405.01 13 70 R3
MtddIsom 106 400 486
Norfolk 4 86 90
62 66
lasbas...., , I p.. 63 114 177
Pate...:.,r.Nveev. 33 66 96
• es
Tonst497 1614 9011
w. `.. .•
53 39 72
ost11a.,•••, • 58 101 159
, . 76 97 175
Tido eerrtlf, N tsi8 be twa, has the smallest
nouillar eel erl.lea11 amid Me M.I1est
WA el 'warm bed otlmWls le the Uel.
Clearing -up
.,"+ SALE
'Oak' Stook is too heavy, so yon will now have an
opportunity of getting some cheap Ooods.
Dress Goods, worth 40 and 50 cents, for 2Sc
"1 Se
26 and 30 cents, for
" 20 and 25 cents, for lOc
Linings, worth 15 cents, for 12
Good Linette Lining, worth 12,11 cents, for 10c
Fancy Sateens, worth 18, 20 and 25 cents, for 15c
Cretonnes, worth 121 cents, for 10c
Table Linens, worth 25 cents, for 20c
35 cents, for 26c
40 cents, for s 30c
Q0 cents, for .. 40c
The Beet Shirtinga, fur one week only lOc
Cottonades, worth 25 cents, for 20c
- _
-A-- -'>a0 cents, f(Ht-ev'rr►-rwrev-rre-twe-rtrw-e - 'SC
" 4015 cents, for ... 1
Flanlielettes, regular 8 cents, for
ti ti
Men's Neckties, worth 50 cents, for 355c20cw
1 Oc
" 25 cents, for
Collars " 15 cents, for
Shirts Colored and White, worth 50 cents, for
" " " " 75 cents, for
ii 111 44 If " $1.00, for
Hats and Caps at a big discount.
good Beaver Overcoats, $5.00, $6.50, $7.50, worth
$7.50, $9.00 and $1000.
Bargains in Men's and Boys' Suits.
The balance of our below cost '._. w (tee' -
118 babait Of I.W1V iA1 elFC ALCikttli
1 T Its �- ` • is -on y for a s o line, so don'traw
THE OLD too long.
TSB ScI11toli aaN coal
Ix TSit MABs((
41 01•1w ena sed . Meats iaabs,
when wayea raWO IbR tar • to
Orders lens .. LE * 581PEAZD'$
Biers pr .ply s/emsine •0.
'Farming Implements
At any seatson of the year there
18 no greater comfort than a good
reliable Cook Stove in the kitchen.
It is witn coos stoves like every-
thing else : there are good, bad and
indifferent varieties.
We know you will bo pleased
with our
8.1001. (8.. al
tlm M'a)aies es Reported la
geryr's Taus, NOM 19. -Os. d *Y.
mess re arka8ls velem ever performed N
Deddrs Eldnoy Tile was lilt of Mrs. tine.
Barrs, .f tat Iowa sera. Area we
alfilewd .4th fess* trealtsees •ad sisal
tremble r.ssNlag bee MINN JINN. Tb
disease w also • Nil../ fess es hes seems
of Mose sod 0..ales, fur al Wase Mrs.
sass wad wouldw egmrdlaeiy dud avid awe.
Mr liens 'Was • pammesse e1 hes w
/w pablis.Nw t •' 1 Mw .mm•NM a
dssese,e she i,18., " *be gas se sisallabie
that mused M salts me www as pas i
wee laid si D.dd'. iw«p P16, wed 1 gat
es es. 1 Use swot part of to Mt sod
as l0mN•ulr stuns .04 gnaw r ssy
hurt esy Sariee rid mud.* lee mew M-
abLL .LT
PZulers,Steaslltters and Tinitbs
West side of r WO n01i 500147 fie0.
Pians, Oran, Sett 1asli1,
A 1811 STOC1 801 ON NANO.
I have the beet that is made inleptgae
Oil, PalpsTs, Qflttlna Sottas, etc.
} hive the De Laval Qream eeyasa-
t0t, Is is the most reliable on the market.
It will p•7 7o• to nae one.
Do you want a new (Wier or Edo
I handl. different makes, and oan suit your
requirement/lam' your pocket, too.
Would not your wife appreciate a good
Wanner awl Wringer 2
1)n you want • good Plano, Orgsa or
Sewing ][amiss
I than he pleased to have you call and
inspect the stock at my warerooms oo Has-
iltooat (dor. you para me.
I buy my goods on the mit basis and can
moll at a very ekes margin of profit.
Agent for Massey -Harris implement.,
Hamilton -et, (lodmrioh.
vim S1IITS MCKIM, Clothing
thr .tae The kind,
silk Ma'. and
thew b. l6e ki
ndsome llomespuns
We are enthusing over our new, Hieb, rare, elegant and above all
exclusive }TOMB. -SPUN DRFSH GOODS. The goods ere exqui-
site --and coma in individual robes -no two the same, and you
pay no more than von would if we had a half doses each --one
each, and the coloring is the latest Two prices, and they art tie
lowest, 41.00 and 41.26 pet told 0156 In.
808118 OKGAND1ilC-Tai
steeds, In e1.. 1or.1 es4 striped*,
Ogee le light avid dark sir.,
96e.. oar pries
UWtl'g' We keep On kat ed tai
prises are m.» ton Helm
NSW Ma PA1T8R1i8 0l New t ask
se. Isiliodly tp INN peewee sed
the pies is lass tons nit pile fee
elhe. ossa r MOIL
telt811T$--W leve .44.2 image a w
Him of 5.at0eres/ and (1818 era-
ses ses whiskk was Ns tMOlMINIM.. o.5tries 1
3>�1 26.
_ The sow
BUSTLES as est 0. ••:76iiEA �id 51110.
SPiCIAL VALUBB le wad 46•6,
awns wars. 1 4r.e..e, .NIS@
tial drawers. Alf a1 able wise yes
..aid pay far the sabr1Y sad mess
wade this yen said d. it
29, 30 and 31
W. A McKim
Ri &0 OLD aTANDs
50c Corsets for ..•„ •.-.•.r a.,m.,n
Flannellette worth Bo and 10e, 21r
Factory Cotton worth So, for
-Men's White Shirla worth 50o, for `
Men'. Tweed Penta worth $1.50, for , ...-
Men's Blue Serge.finite worth $ l0.00, for ,....
All Wool Carpet worth 80o, for
. 0e•.
Unica Carpet worth 40o, for ..--••.....,....r..r.ees
And many other Special Bargains for these days.
TERMS': Cash or Trade
J. H. Pedder
A Woman's Shoe
should be like herself
--dainty and delicate
-yet strong to endure.
This is the King
Qaalk all over. It's
as pretty as a (Loi ,baa les made and as strong alio, and
yet it doesn't 1oolt as though it was made for a maa.
People who don't know it, gneiss
the price somewhere arowld $1, and
yet it is only $3. Tisa
Ask to see Hing Quality.
iE ItiO
Made by J. D. KING 06111kAMY, Liibttek
th a pair of our Shoes !
we have arta a targe sed i ssimd
„atpok of ap-fodaa Hhoesihsiiws
tan give yon your sins without any
trouble, in any style which low may
select Our Shotes are wen mad.
look well, wear well and are prised
reaaowbly. /here's sore comfort
to be found by wearing a pair of out
Aloes than you noakl dream o/.
It.pshe nosily Botts, West side at 11411111e.
1110131.11 lib MYERS.
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al tt.Nla Col-
oi'�1 Dxf�'p.
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Good, Warmer Weil-IMIf
k e ds<b.11e 5.&.i Mins ppmm • east piste
robe se Ilk Was et yam Z.1 U$8.O1, rib
Weeket. Wallet. hitt • bop lash si hittws
make white leek wsa sad west tett Mho
ON k Ala a imam amts. -vat M.
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