HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-03-22, Page 44 itionser, Ka. 22, 1900. fir` (let your odd whin Awed hod repaired now Wan Ib mimes opene Our Such of tepous and end. ries is 40W441lete send our facilities for glring,1400 ssti.hottoo tuns. cgllarl. • Boo our Large Mock of NEW W H11tL8 and Ret . ca; :„gee or pod in your name on a pest card and we will mail you one. • Did you ever figure op the pro- fit of running a cream separator The maobi.e taste ea much es two cows., 11 you are milking eight sows you will get as much butter as if you had milked tett cows. It gives you warm, "west milk for your calves. Eaves time and labor and maks your butter worth at last two cents more per pound. We represent the Sharpies and Emerson's Bioyele and Mona House, West street. Emerson's Bicycle and Mudd Homes, Wed street. Tat Awl, u m PO■g>am EVERY THURSDAY MORNING D. Ely .OD!les1011. THURSDAY, MAI. n 490 , 0. NOW 18 THE TIME. THERE never was a better opportensitytity to give Ireland Home Rule than there is today. The manifestation of good feeling toward Ireland and the Irish that 8 spread over the world •turd.ty last, and the spirit in which it was received by the trite sons of Erin, are finger - posts to the right road toward' solving the IAA problem. (Fi1fF� em'bl+tiicTi ret "6j the wife of Britain's greatest general ala the tltlgr�tbat float.�Q,v,�er. BlotlmiQm,. ti De iYaci -in the hat of every Irishman in the British army 11Om " Bons " to " MULVA1<IT," there is a better feeling in Irish hear•ta today throughout the Empire than has existed 'ince the Parliament at Col- lege Green was abolished. There is • fine opportunity for some genii British statesman to take bold of this Irish question, and, by re- moving the arbitrary rule of Dublin Castle and the Irish oonstsbulary, and substituting Irish autonomy and popu- lar representation at College Green, bring about • policy of federation such .i now exists is Canada and Australia Canada, which is. happy end con- tented tindergk present system of Government, would not stand Dublin Castle rale es it is in Ireland for twenty- four hours; and why should Ireland not be placed on all -fours with Can- ada and Australia, where the yoke is eery and the burden light, instead of as at present being ruled locally with- out representation, so far as Dublin Cattle is concerned 1 The Queen was well advised when she abrogated the haw against the Wearing of the Green, and she will be statesmanbaker advised when some statesman advocates to substitute Dublin Castle rule by Home Rule for Ireland. IDIOTS. OTs. Mt The Wearing of the Oren is all right., but what Ireland wase M Moine Rule o." Ir The "Ho_ KITROLI TAYLOR is doing m btmieoat the old teed as *kid tor the Opposition Bon.. or When it nonan to preferential trade with Britain the loyalty of the Tories in Parliament isn't even skin deep. A 0th5 Saturday when e red -nosed man 4 hie (p pet the shamrock hat he quietly re- marked : Well. the (peso Is above toe red, anyhow. - The Hamilton Speotaor did not fly • green deg Saturday leas, hat it grow green with envy when 'l31l..Zierald pat an Irish hmi! bto the Iowa, sir When Army I1(IA>d. i.P , Mas Howe n the Hosheet the wrathy of the home fad r purity al the ballot it's no wonder rap .Hebers tab o the tell timber. Ir Rosser lCLuonF1111/011100, a ban F1111/011100 has been ordered by his physi- 04.50 st to take a see voyage for re, and has ehlled off in his yacht with everything t" Gab Bee easy. Su that the enforced quiet - tide will not be too severe he has taken wrtb him • WAupas orchestra. It's mighty hard for • millionaire who commenced life in a honer factory to break away from old associations. w ' Hoa. J. Inns. Tann has been re elected vice-president of the Imperial Fed• er.tion League, What will our soap -chew - lug contemporary, The Hamilton Spectator, ray? TKE SIGNAL : GEODERIWI ONTARIO LETTER FROM C1 $TOWN R. meow oil Motile i►s+.fa. � dt�atim-iso lm lhoOsitY1-thkeka 'telt• Wale Aldred Meitner -The Nile ss PIC BWwav ArMtretles -• kow tom Will the War tam fyam kiliWaL metal eoteerVe.deaoe.l Car. lab. 19. --Oar 1fa41leh olho ere, ee .Was the rag and kb are tate feebly that a M,itg ips a 'Earth warier" him bobtail rtYd every available other le 1545.. them hero, although the manner of 8th g M ems whet oppaew b KNOW usage Sad *edi- tions- Their •zpert.so• bas proved that the system of as army 84ktt.4 a on great sea - chine ea the European prlaolpl. OWNS/ be . aoosasfally toUowd in the death Aileen ••.path•.. sad to mW the Wen ef the n.e..y the mei •a 4S reeks w mow allowed 1. fight with their head" ea well as with their hands. The mesh M *et the Boer" w siPerMmole, what It M b 1•,• their plekee sarpreed and raptured and 4. be hmre.ed em all Mos by usual eeeay4g parties eswglmt es therm meeweem as etealIUy as they ehe.teites ploy the man Ua or$...t ly we have se 0.4wert17..o- oee.es r•o•.Yy. Osaeal Buller has towed 41. away too .troo1ly outreached steel Ladysmith to advance ssoes"atelly, .ad e the time gallant attempts made he W bass *kind le retire rather than oeridn. the Utes of ►b trete mea OOLOOI.L TROOPS, whah•r .f the Cap whim 0...4s, New Zealand er Aasts4 , etdeabs.dly .ill piny a leading pate 1n the maks, serseglre• The are men rated b the Mikan them the BrttiW r"..Mm, y thaw mented. They on 154ter Mead the rough - 1.g 11, they ride bother, sad partMda.ly M the case of the twelve or attn. 41ewM..4 M es giddily e.relled and equipped In the Cap sad Natal, .he an all men se Iw [amlliar with the oetatry, 11e Boer. nrW I*age and has mwtlod.. 11 4 limbo weeder that both Roberts and Kleobs•r os ►hely arrival r•oomme.ded ami emoocr.r.d the idea .1 employing men oolomlel vein - teen, although oar losel 4mreemm0.8 le sr..gV opposed to Can sense Wag** 5T The Spectator, of llaailtoo, declares tine such . Nate of affairs ooald ever *1st ra • Braga oaken t The ooualry landed to Ooderich C.P.A. extension. Our esteem- t n eerm/, whe lays waste.y.giblm4 a ed contemporary is mistaken. This wide fore 1► nd 0.10 117 a ed dent ite ewe 4ov awoke town hes a wenn l the invaded rn have whet ger great bag chain d lakes Ministers ef 11e Cap. .1• het. •kee na au we side of it. and a lake freight business "Lb of 4070147 b H.. Ma*" rah. tan be done here to meet the requirements idea ef th. Cap. velmetg., 8g144g .504.54 of the rolling .tock of WI -is -dozen reilw. a*wideste i n T e r e mb, i w here M Borad This town isn't banked byy L.hem we remember oany W O hare a 05 Dundee and faced MINISTRY IN SYMPATHY WITS Teta somas by Barlinerton Bay. The AN..*M nmho.rd and • p•pelatks of an Dumb to three is at car bask .a we hoe Ur Western Realist- The mar111 M aha) 000,. l07p1 (' s ""•s" cull'h+6cceux -.tier nuc tat boot applied to them enloo`(k.gen Karlin V by her enemies and the pestilent rebels of that T ns. Sw1AL has abandoned the Guelph leak" tenaraU WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING._ T mlstaea for w oska.. • l ra'tMt• snh"eit 1Ti"r.iuld41 •er7fl�'f�",.xi'iioiitidT•t oirri:�tei Every day we have s'rtkint meek of the dente, treachery and treaties la Cape Town .red throsgkout the oolosy. Ie the little town of 8uttsbeeok, on bear by train from Cape Teem, • peblio diener wee gives a few 'writings no al which the touts were, "Senses to Pail Kruger and (Meeral J on:ars." Been one had the *ninny to propose the health of Her Majesty, bat was promptly blued down said • A ILOOD Or IN ECTIVIB 0(101MIIT 7e. VOW and her r•presmatalives. Ao notice o1 the 000urre5se• w far as we know, hae bees take by the outhoriUts. Mr. Sano, the Neu attorney ton the Transvaal, who took • prominent part la the Blcemieet.in in- ferno' os. behalf of the republics, hails from the treason -mongers' Best. H4 parser le remarkable and is soother enamels of England's karst hearted, ope•ha•ded policy to her oolooute. which, la this SS In maim other Instances 4 the Cape, bas been take advantage of lean unwell% Maley* and lreaoherons manner. Hs is cooly thirty, two ears of age. While en the Cape university be took his B, A. sad won m i:tient bursar- ies to seed blas to Orteed for three or fear years. He proved a brining dadaist there red ocosedd in tattiest his LL B. and woe bursaries swtgh b Warn Se Can town with c800 n bas pothole. Thee .gulped with the h4ghe.t d.a.tlesal homes the Oath and heela.d wild bestow, he took reervio with the Transvaal gotere• meet and mew like • dog biting the hued that fed 41as he is deism evening n has Fewer to British system of lemeri•1 rub, as applied to 151111ory Inhibited by white racs of different °ride, ma mos sen strikingly illustrated than by the "peeebb Sir Wilfrid Laurier es Tttlu.d.y 1. �e Dents. fon House of Common. The speech world rank high 4 an, aeosenly In the world re • media of noble elogus.e, bot it is to► the language or .at of the Canadian Premiere address .41ab will makm le leve le the semis of the empire. The spirit which glows through 11 and the thougea which asdsrin t1 are pregame with rr101 uses ter England and m...klnd. Sir Wilfrid Laurie, the French Ronan Catholic Prem- ier of • s.U•govere4g fe d•ra►4a, 4 who* British Pretense* are In the majority, has expressed more tnllhfally sad more truly e`lan any statesman wise he •poke vet 4e 1. n per of the new Imperial patriotism fe.t.rd into eelter.seineeom by Io war." "ALLOWS AND HIS GAMMA 100014) HATS MTN THRILL Torso Ser Comity Oeselable Robert Berea hes a BWMtbal Monier that eat just os.k the leather. of Undo 8.. s vaunted eagle. The day that the heir" of the relief lef Ladysmith resold Termite Barts bad • Il1t4. Use.. Jack pond epee has •set. It toll off and the rooster raw it. With • gap et Ms .i a and a healthy Grew he ran for it, plaid it up to his bell and proudly stretLed around thg yard with It. He lead Is dews and orowed lusUty; this be piked 1tvsad paraded nand out moan kik bee- admtruni again he ted It down and nearly bunt himself with 0 meoouftion of crows - the rely method of uatr4etlo impression known to the ohantiel..r world. o.a, mere he eelzn the little 8.1, .ad (.11. elm. Goosed a fen. to • better vanego.grouod. There he waved has WWI* won and ,pond his mouth owns mere sad ran • gamut et rooster °Wes that was most awing to those who maw the affair. ley ►k4 time Beres resvered has flag and the 8hatgh.l, bevie4 proven has loyalty and re - jade's". toiled ►4 wimp sed west dews unseat his family, pursuing the usual even - des of . rooster en • dunghill. 001115V0TIT. 10001.1) PAT T51 SILL. Clinton New Rn : It Me Ottawa letter to 4. New lira lost week Robert Holm.., who site as M. P.'for this riding, epeakl.g of the deny is the Wen Hurst *cation stgdry, said : ••To. 10,1Mra400 at tut softies gest several chewed dollars, which tltsoonatry,had no mon right to pay I.m It had to pay the p.rseual epeesa of a osedldate an en elwNen." Mr. Holmes ea.wt deny that the •dmlnI..a4ot of law and the punishment of wrest -doing 1s the deity et the government of this ooa.4y. -gderioh Star. The Star is enWroly wroth. The admin. Menton et law and the paeMhmest of wrong -doing le Get the duty of any Govan. meet. It is the duty of the Deers and law tion provided spnoially for We aures..., and well the nuns fall be perform their dot ,tbs Ooveremet has ambling whatever to de with to Imagine WWI world be the result If all 11..0405 owe were takes b Pediment Osten of to the la. •rift. II was 81r Job. Meidet•14 himself was said "that 4e men were the proper ones to deal with lap-mSs.leg 4450.4.4 oleo - tie.. -sed met Parliament." The Wed Hares Wanes sees should heti geeds nas e.ur►..here the Co..erv.Mvs weld have had 4. My their ewe •:pewee. We repeat that the eetelr7 had w right I p.y out 110.000 fer *1 ievaMgaslet• Mks Beaker le Ammo. 4n Tweets. " 0511■ TSI IUD/LINE INTO TSS MRA " Unveiled trews u • cannabis fest.re in Cape Town. O.. Dutahmo well openly tell you that If god doss sot help the Been to defeat the Ra4l4h thea he .114 benne there 4 me god. Anther will maser ata British theory, or if our sten are famed to retire he puts on • ehesrf.l, hypoorismal tan, openly expresses has gr5ti8oatioe std os s,wlth the whites of has eyes tuned up, •• The head of Owl las dose t.," •• Dtvne (Wane will v1ey14h the eased.. of Oed's people ,•' oro. Oh 1 hew Sok ole bemoan ef beeslaw all the. 0.0t, sedition sea disloyalty. 'Dane who are loyal to their Quints employed Is Oevornmel oToww and In the civil Swain aro In *SIDS Mow almost psrs.s.led by heads of depsrtmsiga Shooed •d Sward at In au sora of leiddleth wars by the piddle oenn1 who have os little ewe of baser sad.y01,e then they wept the Cleeen4 pay WMla they talk treason and e000arsge eadides. THS PORTY•O15 O0LO11AL 5a9*11 nine rd -handed at Bennydde by the Can- adians and Australian a few web ago have been oommittd, although every effort wee ..de to get them off. We have a further kabh of these Wane" awaiting they pre- Ilm1ary era 4.saioo. For .ani O1 50@4etet evideae their trial had to be pwtpened several Mme. 48 is amusing, If It were .o se serious • eseddr, to sots the disingenuous *Wee and .11144.6 entreaties of the Rend party to est these robots out of the hands of the authorities. le the case of one man, 4e evidese of whom guilt I. i, Kimberley sad at enema' see obtainable, se that tow 1s iompl.Mly r"1 off from the o,Wde world, had the military •etborlt ss not whisked him oo4 of Cape Tow. tato • Mani* "der martial law the 81.44 authorities would pro- bably have "Meted his release. To Wawa* the symPa/by 5.d A.rt1A1O* WWII( ear TH■ non DOTOS e member of on of the eldest famine 4. 4is ooloey ter me he had ne fewer Ws oety minims and ss .w0ees flg1Wag es Iaha our die• IDost of whom, bewiyer, were r.eidea of the repabllo.. Tie w. heave Its "opera that are pre -Rees le their midi Mee elle nil =pi eeotm�ra 1 mots tease mail LASTfQ W ile kaadl V M ift Hli•o"� �w ~"b •'cope'• kits •• who WM it syttHr ley Clanltty asp eco S Ott S a cold• . hi tre. • ty banal w Y•rMM Mh i WS as Booth Alps. They mediumeltheir iheeitlt� Ile am '►o .f the British army, theme "Ohs 01 " (Oer M , �K mg about 0,000 we hem the Torten British J• TM Ml Afrlese New.," r ESg�. .gest.. •ad, sheat 16.000 louse t ••cops ra,e JJJh.y. delis • gewl.l dMl 4 hair tIR lbs 4nI4.r•ed 4 One Gant sad Natal. TD .sans est asthma Mea Nolen el IM T' 0111 awe Briad the b uw Beer. Bate hent bar JI Dna. M Mad the 1mme.ss a/vss.has the away Eetitshmss here lyre • high dhJrellee heti k' oscupyIng the elrsm.ses p..ttio.o for 4S geast, heFatreol .1...c is wbMk leeear ambit Ile wbob, (reader, and /mess poem." Alfred Mures, has brareiy wi►h.M•4 Ihe.t- allover tome sew p b uy Wen lily our tasks. tasl.eadees. deceit Wad tre.eberp enters then hay. ttshere an •l only ef sow of the hew paper' that lam wmid ares than eosins. Seas ken w should have upheld him, bet of this look g, w� y a osm rag .g s Ilubh odes• 1154 have ne •oraples 01055* Jim. smog b. b. . eesW e tnrenW.g Gad pabUeht.I nv41aR whom w� thotarThey aril" the ha d. I u les" hent they know their Ig.apate U.leh made.' e•e SOW's. the kardshlpe 54 t.h. swum es an pale no* le depour and small y so4ss• •renseha � here .s water is Oas ef W •demo ef 154 week III",_bas the Wk Y flees n then home i they the* II" reoeipl .1 a sbI. '.•Gaels Ih.t regimwill res sheet d remeets .e4 w make e the Dratlaa Be whiteners as Berms hear• maga the y m ale o4; they was he 1t length giro. sward i. the metier of maga 4. ...nisei sdJ w... Ib1 as_ sd.tr .f the i)"lys B• Itatlwy by , m. �f�ik s ampm'.l: sed . w► the Portuguese dimmest it .tv m5. he i fl. T eaN.mmWYam will he make 4. ream the i10--ta.,s, M.ain.p tuim.ty sieve T1w le the subjW ef Wale Mg -deferred dosing 5.0'00. FOR . COLL.PR• width le likely to e1ss a thane h• the map are 5B taiga M bat 1. ay .et Plea of S.sth Avis t. aro. of she Br1m•►. Li thinL w are► plies, a wrNr 4. 454 1863 WeselM"Il.rde, an Antidoteeitl'ss, mask , Is meter stem 8aow does motif all Onion• sesame_ item she PerlmR.es. Sapp ". the ...easen Pesti* and she only (leree.me.t 4. .ees►rses • hardship to be withstood from oo►d 'e the nAlLwae rarer ont..00e SAY TO TIM If;ANS. bi.•h .hi.• Ti. water 1a th. halls Gad TAAL PRoPTlat, blab lead, middle Use whiter ales, tith sm- ith oceeenbi was for 010ef7•d11S 7we n �he enemy has to to "m the.eld ttemed wilthink se that the and isr 414. Mme she 1.1",,,_•1111•11"18_,__.mw k W wan of water •si pr.otlo.Uy ays • mwpdy of amyitheir harm .e4 desks, b .1t.1 s� far .:: land e u Peer. bather then the �ah elweym .Mw.•i.i Th., will. «ei..� 11 Wane B. aissel i Mt.d5 rein p�e-h-1yes_mgees di q .v, by lulling N., .1 4. sub thees •appal a 1.It+•.r1Mes the wasp the k5.e usu. 4. es a et usrUmg a Per!na.� ba the L".4.. m.rk54 by b......„0.0 p .mall rives sear ithen tr"m da, mi , Might set the runnel e.mpq fes km, 4.d skims •rad ladder sws sp►rrreele ew..�With§ am vfseretei7 A. a prcsmainse ld this bed the had 404 well hs1, swim, geld was al.snmsd .mbar they a.heel• pgyl4yy. TYe verve► w.. . 1. the Tia..v.ml, Ile. foe some **knew. in,w Rs ►y Ib uses'. diem altered steeplMN. lie es . e"..Iem541~i. I then inkUkenbed e1� s..4 rout• Gad the terms..• .1 the 41...04 ammi ef the aeo.'earlt . his 1* 4. Plao"d • W.s 1"16__,_,__•1 . 1. menthe e.1y .. heti Ron, U Re hkkna She horses tar by to osmpl,Mee.4t Npemlbl. tar the beth Bonn Gal E%0 . is was ale k free 11.4101 aompeny ts ••••7,..,,,__"• wwk lhrsagk the Transvaal, same Y Ws le M km tom• i. the I4m..MpsMsed, wbMh the yam'' ae4 Weary ~ ~ sW 4 Ii (esthetes Psrtm*o.us oWmea th•1 she 0m.eee54ee mmassand aedy hay ..a Meted i. "anter?esthete, Weed, and they sedan red worked the nil• i4 maw. ad s.1 4 . the sNs; 41y vim .heter . The Web Osrermmest Mterreesd away ter then ewe banal USW the nd fen►er t she pry 1. 1114 0005, 054 (t ler • slmn'y .4 Uk., 4. break eeL 1 , ace the and ef she war to the sod f thle Mal rums beteg 1. L1sba. M 1800.bes year ~ shall here rs•.5. to be skamktml M w" D. E MoCcurnu.. DA1Om000S roe Al 100LIO50AN TO *01.5 �8m4l1 smer1 g N Bath, see of S. B. THE S5 Whist Omaha, Tart., sad 4. show Weir hatred toe *myth's" Radish the excitable populace mode 154• area l5 the etrems of all &.444.b m.adea► are. they amid lay their buds ss. The pert/tr.w had pr Mika la E6t esewal tier Viteriewo It Mollahe, award le 1875, by which the Keehn were deprived of the D.lwn bey •dastsiot, se t • to that r"1 � •iSZ Yit 71111 fan 1 teary years arriving at • dawn, but with the etasp4oe t4.. we know she •ward a very favorable to England nothig ie yet publicly declared. 11 mar mean that the impeonloe. Pertsjssse geherameat, usable to p.y the tndemslty, may hers to SIT* op the part of Uela4o1 B.y to the S0.I:.h, who already ha v• the right of pr" •aptioo. 1f we could get an .arty pomndee of this, the only 1mp'rtant harbor ee the east omit, It mold here • po ranter beetles ce the Tramline! gaieties and Beath Afro• le geaeal. It is the port through which Mee tenths et the Tr•uval trade meth and at pnesset, •idiough Metered antral, is the entre pot for all the Beer supplies. a.aasIWou Gad war stuf ,, an to say urking of the headrests of German and 'remit .thieve and gnawers planus Beers through te aid the BeeRade semasb.es methe se et. •l•.rge asd other specious pro - tame. Speaking Aug etF. BAIILOW HOLIES " *1D 151000 01710516. meEaglkh are cow only Ice tulle aware of ta• tate then the whey Beer army 1e officered by thane toratga gest...s of the . word. It is slelated NN ever leer hem- drd exports, withers mid skean are aur ppigs 1e the marts" ea. -yd... AI Ledys.nb slew these are forty loath "theses mad nearly as limey Omt.ken. 11e fleet in reek r General One./ vows. M Itaart.1, •'re.ehmt0., .he 'entreated with Loyd. to jean the liven for the pla,eiy Payment el 4980, s abees 11900, • month. The ether wi.rip•1 edam melee .beet 1760 • .col. Ne mar the new** Otherness' M feromd to hese the Roth .e.. Woeglsg to the British releases maseng WOULD YOU ERIE TO FEEL fekrECTO.414.11 ---4111111111S • WILL SAKE rat eat Own yea hove het die great blow lag of - 7.. will mew. 14 wished MY TAN . T$. INBRYBOMPS MEND BETTER TWA TRIP TB EMIR .l nmmomm. is ma ilium IIMM Meade, fast'. Lr18.11, Taub .oma Km p. --em YisO. coseta.tt7 on head med will deliver Premed, N w LOBS? PRI018 FOR C181 Hard and Soft Coal, Portland Gement, Hydraulic Lime, me, Sewer Pipe, Fire Brick, W ako .ed day i• most Mr4.apudlsarr. Fire Clay, ete. l Wien. (home j., D. L. Rey .ad thi other Tr..e,aal „nu". ..dt.Uy OEMf-bstb 011• of Wet eteeeetwee th. meed .1 the veno" divisions. but virtually rwrsr.S'S Is TS the tom* edam are 41e Maim a the Beer aide of the Tru.svaal war. F. BARLOW MUSES. `[thermometer says.... that Winter is here, and Winter means coughs, colds and various• other ailments due to damp and cold weather. Be prepared to ward off these and oth- er troubles. Keep a bottle of a few kinds of standard remedies in the house, and they will not only save a lot of unnecessary pain, but many a dollar too. We have a complete stock of Proprietary Medicines, and our Prescription Department is at your service. Telephone No. 19. F. JORDAN, --- SOH RULE OF CONI//CT/ONS Returned by Justices of the Peace in and ter 6400101V at Heron for the Quarter endin March 13 9 13th, 1900, pennant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, chapter 76, section 1. MedIcal Hall. el Pnma•ator Nee el DdssdStl. Itis. �'h1�p. Ma1<.M . Waiter Width. Wonky M.M441u , 3.o..ee.Relied Haw � M• (.a.s, lima. IIaH al Alis I< Pane. Thalheimer. L a.sdwd. J. C. Mime M. tees.. /Wars d .hare.. huleseut • Dees •sdk . der sly. eassele tease,. t=t •rad heeteey. AAssh� 1 •lid Meet Matlewa fame* 'teRt7.t4er sswarmMgeMswarm1).eri w�N mrM~mlttesm4t7M.. peellMbd eseeett. • Mee. 1 Date ef O•.vteties Name i Camelot's, Julies sr Jagless. Dee. 16 Jet. Munn J. P., ! De esevt1. 98 sh- D. Dae Dom. 1)t D. D. 7'!t. BTwter, J. P., Brunk. Rmeer,J.P.,Oeo Bather1� , 1h1, Wei. Law., ltd. W tart►, I. PAN (boMlma. Mast 9 Thou. Jangles, H . Steep. J. P.'s, QI.M& Ilew 1 Jobe lieUsees. i�, Ess,, J. P.yt Maas. late 9 N. W. lease • e ss. 0•mp1N1 I btmd, mean the above mho truly sad esn elle tltsw�j,; the Om* ells. Pe.nM4Mds. O.dog.b. lINuN 1A, 1100. $s.tel diddvua Med Jetts Wilkes. 1. r. Aetna to my el* ares, PIS•11y. ie be ra▪ id rase w re said Damage. Junket. Charge �44alesed with semis 51 00 T.rihwt4. 1 00 Forth.i14. 6 00 iT.rtbwa4. 90 00 Twehwlth. Paid. as 00 To he este Qat d4- mired with meta 9 00 Forthwith 96 00 Forthwith. 40 00 FsHawl4, 6 00 te,4w14. U..►4 t 1 00 Theft .hem 1L whom paid their 11.54 pale, etre. end 54th• mild Janet, and, Mem. te hi said --.rtlway Tremaerer of Res forth. Clock et the Ponos, 0edorieh Deck of t 2'..... O.4...b. , l 1ii00. se0 days n in5rf,Y,�It1a yy.54 LBt 0»e Attorney.ter. W. ao4., Tno.mrer. W. 3. Phtli.7, Ikea Pet oval ethane . K an7 ler 10 dq.. IRA Lanai&fgiMPt 0/s ref NI INAMINI fNMMA 4 f1NNW& 0,1 , y... .. ....+W-,, ... ._ .. ler .t•.a"; oderichar Gin . 8''Centre A SPECIAL GLOVE SALE! Latest shipment of LADIES' KID GLOVES Just received. Although prices have advanced consider- ably of late, this lot was contracted for on the basis much lower than present market prices. It is economy to buy at our prices. NEXT WEEK SPECIAL BARGAINS IN CASHMERE HOSE. JAMES ROBINSOpj What to Careful Engineer.... -.119 h the mashies the 44 s p• 1. b the aro s� m.stq e .1toh sass f�alae.eg1 The Uv of swathe el this lase hew s sever themlest debt el Is wassetli wera b' Phantasy. W. O. GOODE. oMaMIS . LET retia roma PRESCRIPTIONS W' r chapped hands, etc., we have niftily remedies - Almond Oram, Alameda, Rosalie. Jelly, Parisian Balm, Hind's and other.. New Aaaly*fu . -Tiny T*bleta for Tired Nerves, Armour's Beef Retract, British Army Liniment, Laxative Bromo gelatine. etc. surfaces. fiat's the 10 Gee. To nude your boon and elleactire via • • THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS because they axe sae amain for certain purposes. . . A paint for Furniture, fp , or Plo for Bads Tubs, for Houses, is fact �enot one , slap -dash mixture r all klath of Remember, it's putting the right paint in the di& pleat sacra of paint mom. We will tel you the right rag B3 fiat a relate slat ski way cob punkin N. D. ROUUVIE3 GODERICH AND DUNGANNON mmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmg • The Modern Shoe Store. I Having refitted ter store with a • Ma New taBdert to.tenh.neee, wBl E be 4 e bettss podtho e1.n SHOE 'Ter t0 esrtw ear ...y p5traws- Oar gook Spring eamp.fe with w hastyassorted ginof Footwear ever thews is the Ootsty. Ws are still Sole Agents for the SLATER SHUR, which M eadoubtaily the best oboe m the market fat pinkness. We bate Mee secured the HHO tory, the EMPRESS most stylish and he Wien t-Ar lbog toottruer "oath. in Camila Lode7• 1 a lav aisY�pgyPy • aw Bse of a AmmiB►RBooIn.adR4ras by the J. D. t4" aB sed hes the Bing geld- Ai Our prim are tight. a WrI.SfiARr1AN, Jr. I Cereal Coffee . l ♦flint." awl *anew levees.Nom - If *abs • ddmets blab. the k ws.aeeeeela adMMsftlee Irsrel with 1ea4.ole, bM ol , 4Mk Is oto. • Ib. Try 1t. These who have and ispaso e'5. 1t smeWaA ILAXBD Pita, BEANS AND Rita Ara 155541DED WOSAT R180(TITB. AIL 00001 PROMPTLY O.TA,1.lI, Telephone No. 91. STURDY & 00., • The ilroeer., eon. Name Gad Kontreel- L. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR BIA`LEOD'S : SYSTEM : RENOYA OD. A Wonderful Talk and Remedy for WEAK BLOOD, KIDNEY:and, LIVER TRO( Manufactured by J. M: Mact.E00, -10