HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-03-22, Page 3.. j i • , ,7 ., i , _- -. ... 1.,a #' ,.. - #t. „t..., 1 ti _ ♦ ,lir .. n,. I + m-_ - _"---...__ _ _ -_ � e* Y� ������ Vabilo► Ito. 9, at Rallfax. comparll•t - &ewer Your yttno»' t.Negens b tali` IYI �,I8➢08�'3�IBF�Y The 5ignai j [ wall be h. DW vt feu «ostnas of w . _ � A ��= nux - d.pwathvds •iii ' I�[ o>pt each. Dlatllct u(floerr commas alai Iba,wL Ulm will apportion the thumber to be CANADA LIFE. �$ M �w wltk. YYR pR �( the truth African Republic or the m rvau•auru r • -rolled front -their Ahetrint saawag the �t.M, t TO AL��DL W CO draage }�' seeps entitled to furnlrh use, a wart neoawdhy tYli!<Y TMURDIrAY Uo"nm �' GO. Lade■ rem" Opinion. , oeorA "tow before the nuuwro" de•aiW, Inv im. ■ooms.109"ir. -♦ 1? {� ♦ .s In aumbere present, teed interest London March li.-''Asn deblrra- �Inadians Had >I `r ` �f ` IttiL b the strength u( such cwrpq pa's d allutnwofi of the pulicy•ttoki&W' a tion of t1e Brite4 po:by." say• the Term° of D•bmerlp$bM$ In i� s Ol\'1$ OF CONCENTRATION. uanlltrt•d, harmony and nthcrelarm Hage Forfai�ed Indepl�t�eDc� Sitandard, a Mialstarlal orlias, "Lord mswtl� la ,A,"-...,r•MN...•..••••>] Beatt•er an completed. y' reply QQ��•• mosl►s •...•............ (%omWµtaa 4 C and U will be coir• .yb,itlayedthe annual mtteeClag of the 8aliebur o r to the Preerdsata freew� ... « ............. (vettralaol 'nt Ottawa not list•" than fir• Thursday, the 15t1n let., awl A Com C'agatia LUe Assurance Co., which was c.0\'E7t'�MBNr1 BXdJIoN.sTIONfs a},,} rot with sboohle (idollty lbs One •.••••.•.......••• 1 • pasty by 7lsareday, the gftd Inst. E. in October lent an exhaustive aqd Tkw general opinjra of Great Britain and yes' THE HALIFAX GARRISON NOW, held on Wednesday fast, was without . • f � umpire., This or it. utrrleat •ad F CoppanMs will be cunerutiI critical examuteMon of the (N)s p eV AdverWag iRM'°' ai Quebec City not later thou Friday, exception the starlit ruosoerdul 1" that t*++- - Is the verdict of the wku!• ►AadOn �utr1loI report Myr: N'. ItlDhm,ad y paay'r whir condistu was wads by prow. and there is, bomsidas, casedder-, a.egmlasd"baras,emaladrertivemeatw'M•• the 16th Use%.: 0 and Hat Hmllfax �er hen for and Wwrelo a e t t orae• par Use the start oorraspmdent la by. 6ttunLy, the 17LA last. C�ompssy�° WYt'ory of over half a ow 11. star, of mpwatssd Sxatalneevt taro able Indignation at w,bal IS regard- e[ rosebeut•r.ramtlaserdo•. Msuared by of LW fight •t THR 1 PRIG, IRD 1131119 ad as the wilful misrepresestation of ari=rsUesmle. tum .tlrto•. oabitng g fury. The Prttvidsat, liar. Goo. A. Cox. the Michigan Joinsranvo Depmrttsent- Lbe tecta of this war b • Pre•14nuts 11.tst"aneestsefals uses adtodsr.06 Per �' tibrtt tie Usnadlsus -- - ,,arr,mbenc..�y l WOYA�'a iDOICR read the >�ree' re per de the" fibs oat, U g of "an port. ale (ot- The rarkxw securities were Kruger and a oy,u. Standard - year. dvertf•e�•rs et F tfismy Febru a►y ISUt sfsK • fOgO'd watch of burs: axawlypl and die ovedttlou of the South llfrinea flepubtia end Orer�ge s°Y° : � d° Clam east, M--,tsmma�aste yy a plWa during IYtrrday mllght from - la wbmlt }d An_ Qensparty as storm In Its publlabed it is bard to treat witb any ser- wines Clam t! w_-je .�a jS I. Tin Sixth, Sdirlekw was lu ropurt• ,w a �owflrmwd• The official Flu St" W Dix• Bei. l41pokl as aPpgl w'bttt tgsitua tie oaasdo (IS ts/aass w g t. i Waal Re t f the t'•a pp bole realtti of the situation. wtU.sa it Dost Me. Jaeok°if't a cavalry br�t� ,as To Sufferers pl'0� 11PIODIIl91l &°r roltort wan prrbUc ((r the Ct.m. ^�, 1 Aa'tr-t� be deficient' to 1XIt0lis lWaops. i �i w t wa+a(�.etts �" x sam (held limit mato ir.aly W Ulesleerl A oda L1� Ft' _hire to segaging toY ad. �4 Headeohee. rS.- Dant' la Its eutnple- ¢p ptt.tmd r army. The canagimtl. raetrrllrYtulteaatLoel.etoi.titmprctban t►uo , 1011 PLUN tI "uW R. the only eiplanattq/.pot°iblo in that - uM �a4vw� .4,,js I 'ewrc'�" they are so• or,"r'aed to peraua¢a ands•aired 1 rameml t t �° ddt' and jwspwd Into trtwl laWmset sad Importance In Addition � the ttupwlo Lbs Britt Goverahtant lions to muga+ serlees V sae flet - ywcicler Biver, wbkb w Carr �� �. a�iieoo�ra�r+g1I�1 Ica tendent and , 4jr Actuary of the ly some sort of specious material for Wend. •era im �tauta sa I • deet' Cltlaja'a awn hold a strong Mrs. Moblae, of Port Colborne, Tells THE RE'Mu\'AL. eSeems a�t� �e fing d1ol -M posotWn on the north bank of the yaw S►e Found •Cur•and Asserts Csnadiarl lowwaneik7 department The Preddonte Thought Baseist propnguuda conducted in their 11e- sr,ss ass nerd iIowild• 1. WM t, B an4 S ouatWnits ma40 Following out the resolution° passed hate made r usual year) clam- British Succasesu obould,Lead to ]tali to sv.tltral :kale•• But the ap- minnows fwekrn►eeaa� ,stir 1. river. D tel y peal, au far as it in movant for diplo- teaebsut Vg1<WI••e oars esu She edtartoe luetic Ilan sad C •ort the Helier Tkat the ansae Remedy at She last annual meeting. the Head lastlost of our securittkr and iso• ed as supports• mad F. d s04 H acted WIll Care Other eaflrren. Peace, but liallabary Says They malls use abroad, is lI aIIsta wast• ' 000nts. Than, too, the professional of labor. No rewhere to etthe Pro-maill ( gaysvDess all wilterreovle To Drosu u reserves. O((►as of the Company IsaO been re- Have Gose Too Much Harm to M coot pretend that there is in the Pre- rssaiAs(y b oiwB torn amts • feser yy e► Tear latter wale not brought Into lin. Upn►rl Rubins, of Yprt Cul- andltorm appointed by the ohareMrlel- eldenta' telegram the ■li IIteet buffs tamhtuagrrefWe gait ei wo eartyadaleY ocuen until ibe atterutwa of stun borne, out., Is tate of tkoes 1►So Iter moved to the City of Toronto, the Let Off so N-ASLIY g g I w we have inado a continuous audit of for negotiation, or taat it could be re- 1 t � Ire - day. The Cs►adW" faord the Boer here that when a reliantly for dLwam commercial centre of Outarlo, when the bad_ Ltwdon, March 13-• A Parliament- garden ea a prelimloary to overtures 1M a •welds ass .z = gars un(,Ittchingly. They compelled the hale been round, It 1° tie duty t>i the try paper containing the teisgrama o! peace, But, apart altogelber from admiration of the British ulflo•n on. �� Ireaellred to make IL know", suftabb yrtsrton tcx the transaction OROANIZATiON OF DEI AI(TIIENTS, scut ,tu the Brftlah OOverntssst b7 tIIe merits of the British posltioa• der whoa obMfvatlon they oats q order that other sufferers ma afmu of Its ever Increasingbuslsom have the Presidents of the th African tilsdlaho� rseooa Their advances were made 1n Short ilnJ the road to renewed hsalth Yd. The Compaay'a hastiness and Invest It i gas emir t►betwe n that :De jam L of bo de!S" Me item aP u( thirty pace• wed It was l;testae says: : '•lY the ua o[ 1b1Yf boss" fitted t:p Im fly Company's large tom lyrl grow to tach to Rrt/tlhtie end the Oramtgp Irr•e t3ta!•. affair Is entirely between t'he Britiab Dd Laaal rte t►emmer resbr y rye g ne now a nod UrenL Britain's rwWy thireto. doss la Spleadld mtyfe Sadw MA.i_r aV• bealtn gave way and 1 became fl bulldin trod their local adversaries. For in- ekcps of Godrlok. aM Buchan. Capt. Arnold, of Wtllnlpeg completely pro.inted. herrouwtms, upon( e• propolt'ona me W render advisable the was blued Ohio aftartuoon. !t (►nt to.rveMton or mediation by any out- 1 •waaaak. &'-- resp the to am sent by thel'rr, aide State there Is tat room. Greet 11sealpow.a.loonevwr dlrs4atawalsw RIM, was moommly Injared (and palpmtaLWs .at the Jleart and wvere SPECIAL LEGISLATION. cre tt!ou of siab-dsp:trtarsatt for the s�kjsatts to Me,squbs of natljRbury. Britain dociiaas, Aid altall maintain I ww wiw9d to remove is To has rino» died). was gallantly lwauaclww were the chief oympttrma Purmant to tie decision of a special more efficient trartsactWn of Ib bead sa follows: bar refusal, to recogtyise the title of ABoemmaalsat' m d tending by assay wben he HIL. labs nervous trouble was so rvre v office traerlrmeea, the IMrscLore during glurmtontela. March 6. -The blood any neutral power to exercise in- D.Id/A C DU ed 16 A GALLANT CHARGE. b btrokr almost opus lit. lila° general meeting held In Match last g (box and%be teare of thoussinda who Dave fluence r rdin the /urate mettle- •Dew ,ayst lAssaadlaa+e t�art4 es" thaBor. The least exerttbn, Inch ne ti"he printyear4Ppofri4d---•----�-.r eeg�oa s iwygyw-�bets0.aant _. "7'be tiw Dlrectuar`"� led for rind ra:tii•d �Tttred"'ly-•tbLf \►alga iWA ibM`pt'oa• msbt -gf t71b' HAIt"h_7tttllene 9fDpatil: sentinel under fire all day. and es Ruling up stain for example, would \a+Wiaut General MsSSgtsr. with gen• part of time mistral end et-onomb rut" Knowin Lb British view*, dvloma- -- --- T,Z. tsar little Oliver -the oma 'Skin from the ilominlon Parliament an tim - mjfe it,ace aro simo•t bmvathtw, aor.l my seal oversight o/ tier lnturmnesdwaerf• wherewith South Africa b now fists in�th hemisphere• will respect -- - --- - Is ,lead and wounded kept E)OODUag heart would palpitate vfoleeity. M7 eadmegl: to the Compolay's charter, by unit of tux company. Thee as invest- threatened. make It uft4weary for them.•' 1- TtAtr:LIIIfY av]3" l sesdmly upward. At 5 o'clock Uy appetite was very fickle and I was which the policy -holders are entitled went department law been created, both belligerents to ask tb@alwlvew THF, MORNINU Poir. Caeadmn Maimbwnt wan r•Nnforoed, much reewced In flummb. The twat to elect six of the Directors upon the dlbpassbnately and as In the sight GRAND TRUI4K IIAILWAX Um torn walls being moved up to remedies were tried• but did not het with Mr. it I! Nalker w Treasurer W P of tin• Triune did for what are The Moaning 1'att declarer that the their support• As order to charge me, wsJ eventually I became so weak Board. The signal approval of the .barge. On take mg over the secarltim, they flghti"t, and whether the nim 1•rwldents' proposals were manalsn- &mutts the enemy was given by the CJotaasl tit&% L was unable to perform my Banking and Commerce Committee, Mr. Walker tnnde a detailed examina• of each jumurlem all this appalling turd for coasumpt t)n abroad, Aad of ate l'ornwallm 1i11S command offd ixotl.tehdd duties, and the headaches 1 lied UL ......«. ►wi e. Catadi ma tut a. well as of both Houses tit Parlla- ton and valuation of the Company'e misery and devastation. With this says that am sueit they deserve every if aid-� per•....,,•.,...,,, L P.M. sot spm 7 sutlered from at tissues Inside me fed meat, of the course d by tie object, and In view of the namertloos eommeadation. They have put theVol(x............ ........ «».."..- T pea when our loan Saw the BriUtb mel• as though my head would bunt. I Paras ntemtmenty, tad ►t V n nutter of Mau and Exprom...............,.... pea does rush forward Me example was wait feelingver • Afecour i le"eton fres been III farther empha• of csistthe British ■Lnwaa b to Lbs caro la such a manner Utat, ey All nld y aged when r mtl►.fntttioo that the amount which effect LML this suer tow toe end conversant with bletory, they would RtiD>R amtag,ous. The C&JMLdlasm gars a tears In a case much resembling mine stood by the result@ upon the buslncom he recomnowndoA as n"m mmary to Pao b bring carried on with 1e set appear na rlghUoum suppliesate rather M►U aM .. , d1I ckeen nod every moa Is the tering t4loangh taw are of illi. N llllartr' tbas leu us rl 1 aggr•aror•. Atter Yell 1=::::::::.•...--« esti of the year recently closed. ride a alert lble loan was. teprfd- purpose of undermining Her Maj• pp nelpir I[land ..............................d s IDs to the right joined Is the III tills carne to my notice, and 1 g pon erty's authority in South Africa. Lord ISallsbury's outrp•ken reply, It charg'a derided to gtre them a trial. Atter lin RBMTLTS. ering the age and size of the Company, and of setting up an administration mal l har:lly b.Sos Idered test than an . ATTACK BEATEN BACK, tssing two boxs 1 found no much re- The application for swuranee dhr- mmpdkrotively wall. The actuarial over all of Mouth Africa ludMwidmt Iwult for any power b offer to Inter- Dom• "wing ihls. F Cbatps". froom Qu• liar that I was greatly rejoiced to � ►t y vee In behalf of a motion which baa know that I had found a medicine ing 1F9D were 4,176 for $, tape went lou slI been Cull •stab of Her Majesty's Uorernstmt. w° endeavo-ad to rains LLe sympathy Df >�OROL90N' I.D.L. her• which tow In Phos with the re• Nutt would cure in& I continued of which 401, for t(M,298, were either IWW. with Mr. F. Sanderson. M. A., consider It our duty to solemnly ds- of esttrs1. spaoaew, aures. ntshed forward s►sw upon the claw that thio war was undertaken Europe by the suppr•ewton of the Rooms 0000s In the Yost prows, using for. Williams' l Ink 1911• until 1 t. I. A_. F. 9 S., In chis Theme, withmcI truth and the publication of the fnlye Gold Filling. LLC``rows and :14as *ark • Saw Ptrttles (a-4-0- that the had token eight or sine boxes• when lined or act carried out, leaving the Bxretary'a. Suprrintftvii "t'a and Alniain the �vte edge to THE Al LY CHRONICLE:. gpsc�' y wIIolx regnmemf bad sones to this 1 considered my cure complete. Time the �Cllmsl leery of the year 8.775 depehd' as Yeats tzpr/eoow affect. The charge was a sssagnifl• p lids for 7,967,at8.03. This u the Medical ilrierer's department► prowl- encs of the South Atrltart ROpts The I)elly Chronicle a RadloaJ 0r- is _m,( �! tatloD d the treat >yrvotrrpes Po : c• SAO N tel continued d Is older w San• °m.Ts that the Vileai.l,ntr' worst i�J Y. M .D Ya T --oft ON appetite &^4nretromwl- V A pu,"d � ,w t.wN WAIN h" l�glMtlri �I! 'bt�l�` aasumt - i''AitlDtgaar aDw +A11w.Ss6i�'�t 91M•• s,tr3' :& w�r22' ' ^�::fi:rS6r'yob "-%oke Y +Ei.� Q`hr. appetite tows &stain gond, and I had DO° bis independence of both itepobllcs tt.e full extent of Shelr demands ut swtunul teeih a apeat•It Odt.: Car. The hrmtimh troop were falling tut traaweted b7 the Company in its IWRt! lo n Itlan to melt the once id 1 ems I tad uiuma417 vrDsa forced to lea gained In weight nicely. I regard history of over half a century, and 'ticlMshtg demand. of me torn L•n•ittesva as sorereegn International States, the audacity of the language In Which et. andpq• ft trtpst latros°aw Waal myself sw completely restored. ant 1 and to obtain the aaSurance that they aro trsmneA. IL nddv: ToeplassteDiala _ L Lira afar they 4000 g.0• "to `t, _ bony. y e�aK�- _ •�t�1f-fir' _ 'ya. r�r .�' !3`•'�ifi''1r7'i 'TL;'�� i�l€�'d� ..a`,���"�f •��,?_, watt. �(Ia \"e �iafRD ,� ' m' t"7;1 �rttil n}' I.%W%Tm i-- '-w' y' -"^F 1 _ .- .. - dw It,.rt. to K �'inm : a t e e isseasla o Fiaaac par ns I [b i mupE'be • Tb try e 7 M. vRNli ». (IP Bell, with his Mtaalo can, a trial, aal°1 sm Ones they will have tirely to purely Canadian business, shall suffer no harm whatever ht answer, which oonild not have been a)s tel Burettes. Itt t Ilan try in I equally Simi ramwa to sound tluelr which exceed that of any oil sr'coun- Premiums In emrlnot) . .......•, It�M►sesl portion or property. On titers rnadl- better In Matter or manner. polys Dr DI L;;thof oot (lain �' • � g»s P gab prelSa Internet. RooGti etc.. .. ... SM.fst es tions. but on these conditions atone, Preeldrat McKinley roads the corre otrtln leetb mount e� m w him woupmrt •paw the river. and a Thermo are tltomsan b of womw Deny doing buaia*M in the Domtn:on. bar. bt»e(el etuatlae glvs• wearing steadily to a position on WAK,810 77 are we now. an In the past•, desirous spondenne between our government vauon of we eaatuwl t•tAk. a• the left flank of fibs Canadlan to. thremghout the %ouatrl who suffer as The, total bu•.sew in force now - of we:ng pollee re-establLoned In Huth and the itepubllcs, he will (eel thank- I --'same Week IDS glata,t. Srewy M ' toy Mrs. floblas did. wig mire pate, suis m'a aro Policy -holders... . 11.ifJew M )set M+ h*adachea heart Patiltiouce amonnu to iBD.Zt9,N8 under 17,1!)0 amen Africa ; while, if Her t dety'e U he fol that lar se not compromise himself _ ...- _ __ _.--- ---- me Ince of a Mas AUetlw*Dasn��- if4sMf ernmaenL Lm Aeterminwl in de,troy the with n inure that 1• now resolved $X From and rtixzineest, who drag along fre- policies, bring an increase a of almost - Lal$aL the kir (lank tea Ma=lt run did quently feeling that life M a burden. 88.000.000 over that of a year ago. fUmM; 11 nothinmdepeg of the anti to there le Into the arrogant oARI"ecy o! Yrwei- epland(d work aQ �• Mr. Satitb uothutg lr(t to mss etMl to our prvmple turn! Kruger." Rl(TCST HiATOY-HARR gp�j. . To all Ouch we would may give . Ur. Assets: Jmsaarr a IfM gltor, NWar� 1'aW Caam. Go k s1 Mai rrrsrs b iM esaral lint. 7'IISr U the largest lsrsrouw ever made t.sdsr Aaesu ...........••.. tse.IRlteR is but W care to rite end in the 7 fiE DAILY NEN'S1 E William-' link tills w fair trial. comae a rrwtl u. Ina 'tw of the Camsteree Cba•mbr, LM Dyaara' G - whlch has bass /D�9L) hQ the Cbnrpaay in any one year. TIIs Cnhor Assets... _.......,.... aS1JtM 70 7 beta A The Dally News, Liberal, mays : ow4f Theme pills make rich, rod blood. --- overwhelming pre-rmltttnee of the "The wear may baro c+onvinoM Pre- Iterrame for werth Ahem. rtkrnirthee the Serves, bring the glow total ptymeate to polioy�ohdtere der- Total AmMe.......•.•.•.. gel A4. MM Br.tlrh Emplrtpp,, we aro ttrt11.1aaL th tt IlclraL Kruger that ttte British ons not. CAMPION. Q.0-$ R1ow %tar Office aatborlit1w, lit reply of health to pale 621 sallow OIs els, ing Che year (dbtaile of which will b that 00.1 who lighted the anextin E. ettor, Notary ego, twee over M ellooll IJrbUotlee; cowarote s Ler all, bort, apparently, l It B.:4 Spm. GadiiI ban .aqulry (laws Marr. W. F. Borden, and trete the ftseble and AsPnmlegt found jus .fks FLuScial' Statement), Arunruro Reserve FteA- Bu'xhe►bie Ilse of ce of fre!eokrht In I:M proposals are teerlOue, It has left r , have oablerd tett they farm recruit• feel that life is once Store worth fly- Actuaries Ipercnt il&MbMSM title heart+ of ourselves and of our Dronion O. JOHNSTON-BARRIATS DOW were =1,387,ISO.F6. which is g61 D80./0 fi hem with the Im that we am �g dt _ imtg tlw Royal GaadLa Aeglmsnf, Ing. The Rrrm,umt« nn, rttd only In t>e,�tal (to•rY's tew�td� i'i (athero w II not forsake w„ enol will fooW. Inability to realise '.he ala lvl• ttur• Aemtiim.tuns • tis. Motyy to tow Ill active Service L $cath Africa. boxes, the wrapper bearing the fall greater than for the previous year. A yerant.lards .. ee0.0set0 IM Ha nd wdrew DDe• g A,1 Sher Ilabillibm - tt m 31 de o udan Hlt wy�1t (n to and ►n our fact" of time situation I• eonepicurnrm In•n. OfBe•e: Oer. mutes • Bt A saga to fall wtreagm. TM inial ktsmr same "Dr. t\'lileamn' utak t911s for metal revaluation of fhb properties "' oiaroeudant+. A'� )leitated to make Mraets.Cioder►ek.0at as1 in Na, wording tN mine whole argument of tie' r•gjbo& In kilted, wo,enMvi, !'ole PeupM." May be had from all owned hp or mortgaged to the Com- SMAK M 27 this declaration cruller W Toa Excel- in Lho ds'wpabh It was Preeldent ,' •ick nu.l mlr� are im The Milltkrt dralws or by mall wi II a hot or +arpla,v ov4vAM I&WU• O(%DF'00r a MAYS, BA[tR18Ttth .3 pay can been mads, not only by Our sk•. _ •. ........t. 1,saUlfe4 lencq, w• we feared that at long nes Krugerm rejection of the Bretlrtlpro- selleatote,rtetmris• mr �yn upon tet • tlepartwent *.It therefore "allst a stx boxes for $2.50, by a',dromAng - tie advantage eref always net our side• pamly of SMant. 13th that cau•tu1 ' the Mmritlme t seri, &I- Oates: North at.. Baas unit M 1'.S afllowrs and seen. Throw tie Dr. W illlamv Medle•en . r'o., own valuators, Gtr also by ind"n- ISt IRf mss M turd so 1 am crus fomes htelA .lcten door RwmxL omre. Prlvatm Funds to led at ing blood and the Learn of thoWMtudr.' 1•n• how" 1?,.$of tmtenmt. lattenanta will lave to be chosen to Drack"Uv. Ont. dent valuators, and atter making all - sive pn•Itkxta tar within Her M*jwety'8 happily Uare M tittle n in the ds• !"% rill tie• vacAneW caused by the heath - i rea°osabie provision against lose. toe colonists. each a declaratkxt might hurt � �for N', PIRO('DfOOT. ><. <'. H.t\nt. of Capt. Arnold aryl to take time plates1. g patch of nay rest foreign n+ ter prat+ d Carol. Ott of the Gree■ Bag• assets now stand at.•/ 11,364,OSi.d6, be- t atlt'a Pwrrwte. rite fsrllnRtt at►J bottor of the Brltl.h If It M a pod for (cxelgn Intwt vrntloh BARROW a. WicKOm ' BARR Tick. N, Rogers. who IS alt. though not people. But now that the prwVIF of we do not believe for a moment that A't°rn"la M►tat(r" JEc.• Ooda.lak, J. dmisger(umty, and I.Avat. Mri.e•n, who Two Into�aro whi) were good friends ing an increase of /1,!5,244.73 over Pnttl fur two w-ordeefal parrobo tlw+ Br'timh Empire may be ren: t rrwA It will be sncomdnl." T. Gmrrow, QC.. Cb.rieeGarrow, LL IL ___ MR jvnad the Impwul Llgft Arul- C44 on op;'aMtA Bill*" of a tea and it Che ■mount as repoRed a year ago. Onto of which talku all day Wog and to be ast.ured by tie• capture of o up Isle. Recruiting w111 be ordered to• ova° heoroeary for one of Dem te► go Imitates Its m.wtraa' trills and wtae• ,t our Forcer h Her Ma s t TfiE DAILY TELF.(bRAPI{. Hio1P HOLT. Q. lim B. 00ro tR. On the wltnew stand. The other qVINQUENNIAJ. INVESTIGATION, a jy liven raolj°• P solicitor. Notary uWle, etc. Oracessat ssuortow, to be oaev:ed a atrfe'r the oawtl In ton amnslMf fasAb". arrl who and that we have thereby Irr•Mttoxcerf T}ro I>•lly 'IMclagraph dye: mdaCentrtmoe.e tiyuerc, 1(woy to lusa.M auW,u kwi of dlvtrlct officers ous Ntought he would have some fun with A valuation of the Company's policy (believe us& for I have heard him)• to evactaete other ition% whlcb our "Ptah, a yrepente o4m I tell takes rases of natorest mand'ng. The unit v►Ilt be neobllLmd his friend. ltabllftles Ito been made b , the Ac- ons even c+om(tOee the sssoet elaborate toot v had otccupied. that diffkwlty Ic a breath away I Yet Lad e1W IOKINBON a HOLYBeS MgRQIw- to Ottawa, atxoriiuqc b present are ' Now. e'r, aro you a lawyer r' mekx%m The corker parrot -Jumbo by over, and we can no lam=er hesitate bury with that Infinite patbso• and n two saliaWn "� Notaries Pu to. at. ratugemwruts and It embark o n the "I was admitted to the bar in--" teary spots the Actuaries' Tables of itas�tS an O"%w. Patti bowo*bt him to clearly Inform your ("arnment forbearance which characterized, our seer w)oa/. Oeioe, M•om1 airrst Isodtarry. with 0%6"b)Oaa•e yore, "Tbat Is int the questbn. air. I Mortality and Intsxwt at 4 per for 1:200 in New Verb. wber•e he was am �,pW, lo the might d the whole attitude towards the RaimbLks, les 4 D1CY2K50N. UUDLiY HOi.Mab. The pmefrreoos vnil be given to ll' amh yet. are you a lawyer ir' reputed to tie hbe tint talking par- felt cosntralned to make a formal re- CHATS. SZAGSR - BARRISTIM COL - el pD esht.. tJtls being the basis of valva' cicll on worts, why sur a re read; I �n rants wtto fav sKrtsd In tits s111Nn "i Am a suembw of the ooaot7 rias•" rot wlSve. Orae In her po�eswlou he ply. It V astern reply, no cicutrt, acrd o»aveyuetr. That Is not an answer to the that required by some of the Atatem and st what rea[1;t1tN1• live are tesd7 tiros, notary sir and who en agssYrfl•.1. Ti:r terms of beoeatte dumb. In vara they tried W pB6 but It W time oa!_y prxselble e'ss{w°O to 'on HamUWa etteot ep�oelte tie Cotbese artl/tment are b be La all other re- q (o restore ce•!__ to tondo to h rttrttos Drs you consider your did- In which the Company does bo'lars+ coax him b ooays•e. months went the Iter lent demands of the two linnet 'Hotel. Uoderfok. Prlva eetta� qurt, ideational wish sM. aronaoad Mew Is Werth Ila?" Thle valuation, which amoaats to by, until one morning the prima does- Salisbury to Kruger ud Steye. w•bo led the Repubikw to their tlw%rne• 'mtetvsa•se at 4 per rest Interest FarmeeY wtm"t iilm lleyal Gnadlaw hal '•i iiia• no awoke with a bad sorer throat. tion. No Prime Mlnister could make fie° �'- - - • dv.lrr lfattaltoa waw orgaalsad . What advice did yon ever give $18.964.310.00' Ms Moen confirmed .Sand kr the, doctor:' do cr4x1. "for The Marquis of C+alletwrY to the cosy other answer wltlsogt ai use• RADQ{,i1�rIL-(iICNERAL {11gUli- that you oonsldersid was worth that by do tiflcatele of the CbmmiaiOnsr I hays to slog to-sllfht-" The doctor Presidents of the South Are Ile- forfeiting hlv position." R+ once, NOW Metals and Mwtey Load • The Troop $llp. armV asked the other, triumphant- of Insurance for Michigan. After pro- duly arrived. As be satiated the r000l Imblb and Orange Free Butte: A�wtt to Onlylead oIlret-olson lir Foreign Office, March 11. THF. TIIIIEi. Ma•i/ to lead, on antgkt loans, at t foNst lye fidi for these and all other Bablll this Pa'"0t• uttered bit first and last tateeftstowe. In w to salt the •Uro. �twu t_ in" � cogs ng "I have Lbs Itoscx to acknowledge An aa.sriNxl made by the Reiltet soo�nrto� p a �►w "'• �.,When I add you that would youova wards. Your liana' telegram. dated March 'Telegram Company that the Wuh lrsst Kriat, eAderlrh. coli Square Ptrtfet4st.pam flh laande'ad rtopit[ol talkltlg you world prove ties. there -to n wrplw of d1.fl6(3.71E. Oh. tlactoe:' he esclaimetl In a °g fig' tIMaO stalls kx horses ase b be fixed at yolemelf n foo:' 93. but last yatr It was dsoided. on naming Yankee wwonsiL "I'm so sick. 5, tree Bkismfostein, of whlnll the ton Government had offered to media HaUfaf: TM Momserey bas been en the the reoorlmwndatlon of the I'ram►daat And wince that day. now several purport V prlrtclpally to oleamanA that ate b printsyt here, but It it every- G. WARD.CONVRTANC)rR ie•. I m'anadiaa -service ter the Past two Vkfetrta•a Molds. 7es+e ago, he has took, at beeced a Her Ma 7's (bveroaent shall nuc• where r•visgulswd am being lnarcurate. is esum.etomt0e for taktnt aomatt n.,.A" y ysarm, nod ulnae July. 1599, has cal,. b an aside a special reserve of 1 'J2M. w�• x � P. ognise tqe ' I Inch Ruble Inck+pnttdeucw' and thne wallnem►ems of the United reeosntzwneaa of ball, •Ada.i•s er wsrrr ' rh•d malls. liar grown tonnage Is a.- 1b attend to Her Majsrty's ward- 000 awards a 81.2 per teat. stand• tit this Routh Africas Republic and ('hates to act as Nle Intermediary for nsr•depeatboa raoamt`deckLnujew In er s. 45501, her net toumgm robes and toiletto there are fJvo eoaoernletg • preceeding to 3.489 so. � olid. (Since fish the Dominion Ooveteo• A dopa a[ 1Hller's Worm I'owojen Free l3tnts, 'ass sovereign loterrna• uommmloat ow between tits be4leer- )he Riot. Ceart ei u.tios. the Ceaet of Appeal 1 Ger gointnal, Maids, cls., three dromen and two nooastormI will beep the chlldroo tionakAiats,' and ip_effpr on those outs Is understood: for Out•rlo. or ea wilt County or ttivedei 7W, nal lad{os wardrobe women. The seniordrasw. mss• rear>tubueti toe pernaswnt fall boakb terra to bring the war to a cum- The Timm. cooubmtlryf rpoh the Cesn All t,se°ao%iG"ewfo``lya_±_-,1 11 perpvv.licular, {4�8', far Jrridt 4 L ; Says Tid-Bits• who lou bmos man? in Itetwewt rafts. ham wl+iy neesMd y• clnalon. attitude d the United Statism. says exeouted ' ItwM • mid P.O. ' her depth held, Ib7 1-i, mad i years with liar MAloty. Is rspselally y Declined. 'in the beginntne of October tart that Amwriea her perceived cfwarly the noesis, drt eD C!< � tEaasskk tth• I-saoeasoe Act. so *bat all coo' lgesprcttrll ea Ity flex water ballast tAMS team ollarged with the of tonveytsg peace exbrkrd between Her Mwjemty British attitude, as declared by Lord pante mart now ism d to -mite A tow roplles :to the Invitations to An trogts will find pians gad oMrrm to different trads►peop+o-- lebn for incl tJtNe ►alk! lis' be Prrnetst at the Itarls Sxhlbltirn are ani tie two RerublMa under eosvemt- ILilibliI Gull speech• which f� A" ruovu" • Ramose fur tbeie Si sad A. L. }rwrResst draper, drerrsmabwe, etc.: D p tion which then wet•• in exlmtente, should ssffloo to prevent all frimily -^-"'- -' `------ Jomw. the lead lbs firm of Mesrw. ate drWMWr and 000 wardrobe wo- Wl►tks upon a 81.2 per onset. txsls. a,�p�pe�ndad: From Lhb'Paar: "I regret- A dYrttmicn had been prooteding for powers from etatins g a richt, wblt•h, N T.iRr1B �ACtRtISTRR gOIJCITOiL F.Ider, lsrm Caul the tratreNaa U elected It will off -3- abomnowovitoi from your •bow- �e momthr between Her Mnjeumty a according to International law, they �s' rotary Procto RariumeCoart OAlcsm inter $ Co, M peesantlne b limon aro In cosatast attendance Oa , o(f, but am Iodo(f to oieolle suR t.runton street each trooper A pound of todtOw ds the Queen, taking alternate days. °°�N Go%erumMmt and tits Rooth African do not pix ens. Tie s wvic*o of the Mir -pound Luse, rksrked .-Lard (Strath- When tie mart is at Winbor the a necestmary for the oaapanlos to ap your InvlLat you eo kindly oesrnL Rep -bile, of which the object was United Staten have, of cottree, hewn i Ili I coca llOrss," on•haU b be pre• u tsrawabwa of the hcumetreid Is attend- Dly n carridelablw pero•wtage of tCelr because my now oupr4mnetRewl sultoff has Y 7 • elA�nt•InventorieeflR Asset; AND rrs� not useout(tom the tallorngetti lltrult From to obtain redraw for certain ver declined• lett, it need hard) be sA Id, tb►c rmhbark tad ttra et' me they, once are one lady-in-waiting• two ssyplp on old poileYe° h. tills way. merlons grievances under which the in time same cotdhl and friendly spirit :Car. Norco at and u:ee• uoder4ed it hood. the King of Italy: "Abell notta be i1 etaidt-of harx, w lord-Inand •� DlrvrsOrs 1u,vw, thwrwmorw, t+ ebb to be pef+senta. Tem► Sprint. lett British rewlolssLs In 13otrtb Africa were lo whmi•b they were offered. It N expected that t1La MootoNey will two orquerrls, ami em arm Iq-walNrg, suffert"e. In the sour® of tOnSo The Titles fnterprott the 1'tresflenta *eoNRY TO Llt%D-A LARGIC AMOUNT (. sell from lbl tax for the Oa In tbrra toles the keeps! d the privy puree, the o0°�� that an additional tom of Longa Torna In Slooth Africa ham on' negotiations the Smith African Be- dtcysltph as Inte..ttded to lay the form• 71 a Private Feeds res invostawstat bow- (tr foot wsekat The ga will iso rete eecretirl, aolataste In bosh 8270.000 he seri adds far this pts Settled ml ernes.' From the Em'public had, to the knowledge of )dor oteL'on for appllcatMrtS for Igtwvon. est rwu•awd a:pam�m:s wv.boiasie mort•agea en pslor of dor •'Melfi grand• t l Apply to narrow t grrvow, ; M, about twontl♦rD d"artmsnt% 00 the IONK*r of the POaa, mAklOg In all A Special M•wrve ad I Majesty's Government, malls d- Voxu. IL (Ifwrlbnm the meangs as a _ stttbrr coal tad itmaalt rental has Mable armaments, and the latter had rnrhosm mixture of nnctnowwu-s, cyn For Nal4fa:.,,-brMsfA. lwnmbold. of g800A00 In taros of the Actuar and I Stay der helm at. to Limit It eoomeyus•oLly taken mrtwp to provide Islam wrul Imltaoieuoer. • It says 'that----eU0t�0II$bf. The gnalUimsieas 0*morolmaat are: A I,oAdortmst Dm)1Dh s�aa snffwring ire, d 1>a aettt. hams. Ils(foctinc this over, don't It'-1?ttk-Ye Op. amrwgmmdtoogg ldnforowments of the I.OM Svlisiury's Tepiy wax the only Age. lrtwws , lit and 45 TearD; about fresh blood Was roertm- amount from the •bore-mostrosed British garrkmao at Cape Tows and ionceiyabtw ow. Rt. measurement, nlulmrm of 84 inches; surprise tlero rwmafno a sn Mll:or's Ciro► Powder@ care. ►�gpMAD GUND Y. Atiom ONdive height. readies. 8 toot 5 Inohee. Un. cm Pill . t " whey c Ilia w rPlas actor Iq No laf a THE MORI`I�id LEADER. o Gaeriab. stork ksolool mbwt� give t, of PMS. I dM s0. and they eared all ItaMlisler of g1.46A,712.R5. Of "No lstrinll•mwht of the right/ coos to varve tad hem stork smlea ftmMe attended �errbci men only will be ICvaw. agtteA by the marentloos had nP to The Morning Iwtsofro elate dithan o teln..ydarta[weoouaty. t ra this amount It W peoPowd to credit that Point taken place on the British the cortvemportclwnew from other than a --- 1, PikOatLM mtssi at fly tllnh torte The crowd of footbn;l wnthustramte y, lit two days' neurit, purely Britl•h i,tandprint. Ugder, the JOWN =NO] OZN.iLRAI, .ppT10e�NKIv. sseolled it a of M-4 Opportunity Not to be Mined. to Policy hoi(Dwre 81.A81,18-.05 a• that filled the car bad made tht "iM' t+atkfwnl rapt'om of '•R antaL practical poll- tsaa CledsrY:k. Ha I" isouvw militia wMltln the nAWto al- surpios'to Nem. and to sharohOl(lwvw T tie+ Itanth African Republic, after Ls• eaostgsrable t the maw Y ready ec W J wvicerdlnlgty uncomfortable for t • ti' L ft nays D lrmarL wed v lis had cwlls•l ilia box several times, rnlS{t an Insultlne pltimatnm, o1w%lar•eol , M Y • ek Jttww a ria a, taco and $87.580.80, out of whlek_,dlvldsud° brokemwn. 'Lord Bs.fahnr a rep y wholly at meat cps ssnrwl ti(afnlag. 7to•pms load ilssnlly mwsentt t rage They had mimicked the trnwv Of hie tons al Fr Her Majithy, and the eludes tb• =built pew Boas l Umw ma5dnl txaadnaubp nitoA for SSanyances to b somewhat sa+ aftee- role tine next fly yuan may be iralA. it)raekw Frew Rsate, with whom lhrre lose y M an early ISur�� a" tlnlmtta than the etrenmstaaow war voice, tr4Ppe(1 him toga na he pointed oe. It it(" tot commit Orfat mm ssmfastysaf»enmllm.wrt Ito W ernr`1 Thr, UMeber, kesoplog In view uea M', snot even been any dlmetrsa;oa' tart }♦ueYi�isr M d to y� Set weoNed to teas ye- mas" perhaps. •long the missile. and °lappets him tom ritale to nmm�isandeation. lbw isle w az Osaesy M(iA. rhe a stmliwr • tire elinin. bat sub lave " Toms roost not 40 t.' the sold. sarntally onset asanats of profits Aft• %toast! ore the hack. whip protests tet* Her y tnvi%y'o by the n -A de d e OtIPrs Are that ht i tja ttrsv care Immediately fnvadwd by the h o"Isred to it and have or>•nd aM• ano•what nervrnulr. irlbuted to Dthab Internldliseet In the pavesist, Lias• a eternal friendship. two Republic- Rio" esu Iald to three heed deny the duet are the right f/� t(JOi final trainingq But M the train drew tato Jotted tievrdi within the British frostier• a to conn end -inda se t n •ff•1re." ceew M!o •gdWw pro• Ik> what T" was the lnntx,ons nary. or who fact that lsterossR rats My tI vided the t} foil [ ho thnrt him kwnd ln•1do the door and Ttte paper r•otuh.mru the tune of t 7 taus •n h �ol�D of " pat yonr arm around my waist" se fallen as to mak• It Imperative Lief lases portion of two colon was ever L NIL"& ��y p� L (hes active Militia within ttw wmsir bswltxl out, at the tap of him Voice. hoot o'asPwt%lwm as the tied for net of �e eaerr 61Ma- Oa ' tlVby apt }' ran. with great deA&ructi m of ` who Canada LU* Slteold los p1a(xd up "lllloOlem p�nlMntlary I All tut I" D*t* artery men moms orosoanseol W. vindl- �falai (tonna. atttl AM asr�•4 oat 00 •try Mtshor might cdnw, In sumonV -Chi petty sa.1 life, and the Republic" totes ° --that cot Greece am sa independent ettewytth d await On se n>!~afM1 tralualloa last+ Bela- cosi ',-----net-�___A. _ claimed to trout the /khabltant• of catty ewttwivM than to arrive ata de1pe _ atunmlmks Mtge QflMom and ass you." _._--__ _ _ _ S oed oftkeltt mrd Mtm while Wall what d it? I{le roa►Aa't bill NvelY eespsnWe wltb that of Med• Laoltoa and earnsMmern who tit"mi- ext arlvw ptrNotr d Her Majesty's +� I tr)) Greece ince to 7tilriey aaaeoi=- y` rc o11-!nR Is a baetelten will be ton- me I— to companies In tie United ftsatm. dominions as It thomw dominions had pwllwd her to gO to war. sl and rourm d am ,Ion owns- •• Na I suppose not : het he wrouM a Dr's Camprund iron raam always Attitude of /(wropeaw Governments. Mr. Tbomms Gillman Bowles• Coneov�--,- -- a AuwtreNw and Uratt ArlLwln, haus a*ovv yooggsr In mPpsatsane aMdjs t>Mtm sswsi•A t0 ttnw or the 0tttwr of I�� Mare ld. mr d• of usMr4fasspDetln oorPw Oft1• kV to yloryo„e mane Mone► front yotiProve n rtb. there. In anticlpwtion of Ulm" opeM- Tie reaPbrn valivw r«mmrtad that the last feta• reI rant Mae la thempgwill v w A &M i he,. last two rharatov aB^emdy tmwnimcwsly recnmmendmA that at tions, Vie Itrinth African Reptlhliw hall anon between Prasidss0 Kruger and ss(rmm from Pr•eridrets Knngwr •ad corps Ile InM tbaR Pe,trrea'a Weekly. quinquennial dlvlrkxr the porsaeeot - been anchsula.Ung (or away ,rotors !±itryn and l cad Rttlisbpry ham not yet Syn was ween more IaSaltlag than the ratan by (kris; 4 q , Just Cotresdewee. hOm eeSInnon I upon by the Conti the one which t d Psi/ AAA allowwoaw PPrroo iSte.rvtrts n/ the policy IsotlBssDa vselnli point military ridstw los an Artorrennw began M war. i41ai tar tie hbb % 100 Smk afltwr OO(Pckienaw It mortal stns. Mit the genstlon M snM• Sir Eiwsr Cs atetn s1emost wIft tlf Only WAYS be their ended br, tcuhl p 7 toQbell.Benarrman, "dilI the -v Will +haw. 4 /M sono of old. Ism, t rsrmwrvM by ofoelariK a fgllMlr(1a• r.latArtDU.e to ohettrvw writs Arm. laVon b discussed In all turn empt- the Liberal leader, 'asked Mr. A. J. es frO� fc apto Upon w110b they NSS dltine of 8'4 of ems ugly have ttar In4mclscl for ttmwrgnys,/or'"igty, and hi the fess ofper tislDb• 1i1eR' M• M the Wetstm!nstor Ga- a�emints Orrat Seltsln tab. _M Bslforx, tion Oofwrataent leader, whA- ans, aa(1 a alightly low arabans so" cM �s tie+ thisr" h►ilwgw,i trvwry `111 ilbnoru take °aorto observe. cher, in vkrw Ot tin n®•roam rot 11 aoa(nmmlmMwad Oftlew» and foes a011sfi Africa tdbw on w irtt tlwemi"At • tttw nhmrwo-ar a In Psrtlstaswnt. dbttrbss"m ooht"tati with ter fsrnwsa•ttly and ra�laMly (%rveM Ilfn pol6oiesm whish have boon pal', r/ t� rtmga Len irm. March IA -The fele rams able rwes,tle lea tronas she dntD of Mtlirkserrt ISAUjr: the ebJhct with vrltlnh their res• ga e•Ilwd tO dienuw Sbttth to foe w of sm Flare. '1Lb dad► �� from 1'eretldente K r and = African affair r I'OIj1'js A/` A1tAA1f1LAT}ON. 1R'rlod ICTI�1CRLiY, u vm'tsa owM, I o1O Writ t 1n It snow a or dirvrtws af•1st , _ -jSM at rbcs iia bow been arrived at mly nosy an LAD saSemisalryy 1» tiAseew the garwttnfms yon �r Mv° Margnla of SslWery Warr (be persons or properly of indlyirlowls "swim, M �,of ti.1t fevwa ., mrshZ earsrfnl (nvmtieatklp Into. safe Rut tJtw remit ref thep roI M latah Hrusr•of 'Arllaraentst► Inesttaw, M tbw4r war opinlevro• 1►• itllitmry i� ` Ictr.rle, ptstno+e'e Patnlua Oorn and won 1K�x Attics, Mrrfesl on col great thy. watt! tl+e eewae leAlttt P•MclMh of Aevwremret weird cstllst an wegMyr - _.. ,; it f. left lylf tris imtrlrs Sxtyvtetnr esemcrer aU mswrfs oGSorar. dwlbanutlot villa". the, many Dkraffi Mi (AS the reljef of ulrfiM two Ilawblame literacy. hes hewn Shia ahs British the llrltiah Prwmtpir reply. says am to how far, mad by whom the 41m - the OttaQ'e w4raide' tent mwtt�r. tt antiniad in s galls htmPp coin* Ith i0 eon• arc turbaneea wileo Oricimm tad ms to trkt No l Ms f wrLm asst lsnnt(sv wSeen pale M . iYt egaed it (oAx to isexiv�of them third tnboytiy t)t) frost an Invasion wblah his owMUrd DroDsiwd to •Asmegt� Nmr 1rMwP•ltd- what atwpa w(w,id M take++ tO prw- f Illstriet 1. wt Ln' i)twry tovw Aayy tt has tnan lbw mt►rsd• r lmwhleveA that within the ptrentl setpert t AM4 t linos of on! intlet fasrmete npep the Bauplrw w OOatJ-r war and wens M1hwv of the 11Dnt11 Afrtnnn Rp- ve.•t suwh nwetsrvrsne(mw in the future. Ne, i at ' Rf«hs surd tar thirty years Mwarw of o% rimisopsamlial PoeM)o1 ode dwetrd a will • ht Shift a w1 r~ M+• fireclors Ilves, Or ifte From ateNn, li[r. N•lfnur f�liod tkat he wool& r Aelt fritts M I►twrI ,,,.. tt rlr•h noting. Aongornas ohatttrtao =gas• tNtcitisd tie law et tlloeresnAa of putt lex sloe M heartily aPltrvrvwd by any wegLMp Oteetfad mv0aaaassoo t#ylth L, vlt. I.owt Thim t ealsstt. la• forma the sflrlted Prolonged ebemrS eOnavlt wltb the RDs•• f end 4. at X1 f rro61 stt,t trtalDt a having she ,.pN1M y �' Henrya•rwtary, Sir the C y. Pttfdtwat'b. Blsr► sa____ - get at .mwoo t rweegnir Ito �M dOMAnfl$i. Lnckanw. Ladywltb. sky (s/wat iMttln boo ntifsrad for Mr. ry j.1t$eneb*$% advatim Matthew White AMM. ah& °newer sD trkrsrtA� I _ - - - - Liberal. Prot tied • Inst Lard 3•Iis- . No 4 as 1 a anew. indeed. the MdtkMe d two bovtv�g (if lKwrt years aMais•fcsd to !! ]<a 7banMay. �ssIf rrom Itltmr '•' hs Pmtb ll j!iLnimr thapk U diatingalshed motuaWrta. wise► wsDt) *Ito% (Aw flit'' i'ii# tie •a1DMnomt of the two 1to0uMinm to bossy'° reply w prrw1&etnb i[rtcwr and h. JOha t M oN Of handom'S lrmwlwN �fj caudal for deem. flow of the nes to whiek the two ma'yn. ihtt wan Im maid. net only a v19 m lank of Mnntnyyl lit a ant► /•ry pt pee . . t+otlf a gM}taR of • onlM Itro4oapmarsably ralwi4vwl, wetaM Mer lelle tow ywmit4tn wrtser bat • blander. like foray of snribmx 10 the thirty rDhlktn potttw►a•. lir tuPpertod of b>•w�amllat> weir flan I�ii)Yri lief tris/ eiYptsimf�. T wMop wan . aM t std the o+1- er w11s1 .mare o Tq sestina h def iii T pro Dr poerd vvtrw we Rrlsteth war hnn to the mannans of on A. at $l. Joi Ism" a bmer kecwe- • d Marls of AK pep wmaarmtw tuft esaa06 3. It U to astllsr that! rgry cod attwuk }sq ielrt/lt tad • alDgveca fe grout Rr!- new tnliltnu pounds. nom Military 'Lisa A ttW/4400M cwt wrote (IMfIIM"aft. -�. A. � irm:chw ffa vet''• dnsfnibt; tale• ir11sy. be illp"srwd, m�ht jp.l 11�j jHl 4 i Llwrtvswnn. tie D.nl•h tensile crnn ObariotsetpSrty Mit siD � aDlDette li t , , e , i.sl neat can so Y well Dave tYtatod ss pan tot Aeoi per, to ,Mad. . '0 " ) - i