HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-03-22, Page 1'RENEW W 42*�IPTION THE a/GNAL PON 1900 • �H1] OFFIOIAL IS Tr7Wa,S'.A1'8R ,QF lrlt'TRON OO'D TY_ FIFTY-THIRD YEAR. 2770 GODERICH, ON CARtt), CANADA : MARCH 22, 1900. D. M°GILLICUDDY, EDITOR. 141$ WEEKLY 11111A1uu 1 RE PORI. Osawlsm Mar. 11. it 1 pm I /11 to m the 0010 1 600 too 100 ..� 11 00 101/ 00 ...........•»„�•...,. U m tole 00 tld o ...,.N... 10 1 1. 0 st teli....•..41.�rw•• h w 1 p.• :..•.. 111000!0 .•••,�•...•s••. 1 N a II &billeft ..•••••«.•.•.•.•, • 10 a M M to U O[sta s.psssesr .i} b [o !1 ...•..» ......••••• . te be 040 7010 Ilio Iti•••••.•»•.••r•. ••.�.�. • ansa,• tats etr" 00 (0 00 to be to 111io ad 10 to 50 to 75 10 00 to 0000 15 11 00 h 0) 1[4111160. HVIRI JORDAN. sdesl dace/ r £e9*Pellelirthells thumb is Iq r . to veiCorsa.0501 or r• 0 dngs of 10 .zsaioit Aeon 10e Masa at 'The ea Lamm" Moatnsl M. Gloi rah, et studs la Odd1W w1 belldl.g, WM MIKA ANDRBWS. TBACHBR el Thine tratsilliteett air r611 Vimu um wed Ake f Lo ea fstrse. ■gMgu`g et1R Rea. demo willWOvens.1par the °sasrrat,ry BR= as tart[ • &lot. LT W. ALIfXANDLR, As:wr. (1JJ,hid(e a..Dr. deo. Woad V 0..ile -i•r ffr3r-cx2 t^ < paJetl.a, Saanrm>wilr+'lI'as000svootoro was t .r rpt e ds.estsrr sad fratethied drawing. Chats s.1omen Mesta• hod east and itta Iskwng ler WswntW. Pani is MI aid wise satua taut nit.J. L. TURNBULL, PHYSICIAN, ptlwsl ass ha. fMYs. emWse .treat gwaad tl iLti ~ i'[511yig • No. �109 galls .► DR. W. ?. ()ALLOW. PHY9ICI6N and •.ease , 'ties a.4 reddNo•, 00 Meta an. meiY.Mtek Weglieno, Mo. I11IwrsirRll ottm. Cates 1111A W. YINBRAL IhBUR- saw trema, add Maros of The Taste t Ys� - - Teresa. meek to .r A erose OW u osmm w bee ort 0., . Ont. Moxst TO LOAx.-TSB TUWlr Of 0M-**r� men/ be leas ea farm 0000,157 hem welklleRkes hag, A P.os O r ••Mi•s 1 N. e�awsl m sq genes magi& fill W IL 11QT1 i.1. Town OW MOBBY TO LBRD�.01 �FsARM raven rW.t.1.1<MBiL laO:l�fl 17 ii~ 991010.. ROBERTSON Aseessessil med la -tease Asses. 1=d asessate 11n loess seflM vialed e.l OsiiU4. Meet. 0141 allt bee It Ripe sisR Rarer POP ROnt. Q T U R R TO LST ON CORNBR 07 vopvisane sag Braes ewes a, at prawn 1rrR 0010.400 slowest Atha le D. X. POP MIs. �� ND8 BBt� s Ba1D11111y_o1111 AND • for a1. s.• a"j...gew . to (ta 8. th.esta er N. A. 1t• ii.e 1 tb>�il.gr iwi ltwwe10. 0 st FOR 8Al.t.-LOT 1 is Rueshideg 60.70. 06 AND 96. b bdt rw.*efi sem di Mead wmYw�.. bat. Norte Mn,111 0. VARY TOR BALL -_LOT SI, CON. 7 ssmii IIN asrlmhia;���T1M�ur�� IMio Lange et as..itatcsiteW *~Mr. :etk .@e 2 i,ele apaetnit , U b.t▪ ee Ips Afahm Rea lee HOUBiI_Foos caLil.4iamS wr- rtaprrm=�gralw osd▪ trL 1140f SART. 81 LB -11N SATS AND t1h71 11. sal lesessei et the len x44.1: Mod OLD hSWSPAPBRS FOR WALE, fir say 4/1"00. Appdr M MN east r Wm' )OR BALK. -BAST HALT OY N w �IiP t es t ,� •w• *Jnr frHOiJy igt NOTICE 13 HRRRP" •illi THAT threes 0heotl.n ei 11w part 50 ,t _ flpesiir e,,eed • > A ' Nouns to o, NOTRJB PO carr �t•he IIlldse 1Rlsts N Taira" msire « '. H �Me isssatt,, ea the [Mees *14. w� truer Ind es ath Jos sled /"osurd tt of sed eass ,e7_ Mr& HIGH OOURT OF JUSTICE. $prlag Acmes two the twine el Rnres atlas MY TW WM. Cart opsed on Monday .t 2 es. for the hearts* of anion' in On High Cort of Jwtio.. Oa anoint of the indisposition of Mr. Justice 7010•sb,141,, °Met Justis Armour beard the eases. Thoth bang .o penance is jail awal4ur trial. H4 Lordship was pr••ooted by 81sw, &ymods with the ••rtoreary pair of white doves. The grand parer' wore : Ifdward Anima, Godard► bowsakip ; W.. Blaming, liras. este 1 William Bal..., Morris ; ram. Complied. Snaky ; Matthew Dards, Ash 6414 ; J. T. (oldthorpe. Soltford ; W. Jainism. Hulled ; Laore■oe A. M•... Howler ; Damao MoCowsa, 3sady : Ration G. MoL..gkii., Tarn 5.117 ; dohs P.dbW, Tar■berry ; James Tomball, Guy ; Hush Wn,kt, Only, J. 1'. Uoldtherpe was theses 15 forams. sad eller the /sty bad been mr.r. la H[. Lord• 1. 50.0 tin.. 51... wore a &dammed them '.rt.�la.l oases to be died a.d MOM Nat le world b. Mk duty to visit the Jolla.* If she loathes were legally esa8..d, •samt.o os to sat annoy oesdlitw and mortals whether r0 u este esey► te keep moan (hes. me - deed te It. Asquith vs Weald Trak R7. Ca. IPS a1, she 5x05 Mos os the dooket, was postp.n- .d llaadenoma ea YoNsuebten had bets est •led. ball vs Brsdferd-Aotioo for d.m.g.. o.ae.d Oland/ by 545 .11egd 0eglig.... .f .:.Iwd.o♦ L 1L Duddy warn oouassl tor the No es..pposrtar fee the patatiff, the aisles was dlsmles•d with •est.. Brat vs. Clark -Amiss for wi.Ueior p•w.scutlos sad flee arrest. TM OW00.5, Mea Hone, M B.,6.44, was arrested wt N•v.mber e1 the names ef the date deal is [has Ma N J. Clark, f.r.sl y a .era theettfogigth.noll weesAtemen sieirle4. .ffleabikeeipt al r h`tetetreko'vgapsr,► with lawn s detrain 5w oredlto,, par. ussiri7 (Park, Ti. sues by aunt her failed, and .he broagli tai. Buie 0. meow • damages for wrongful o rreet. expos .= thereby I..arrd, lee et health. eta Paiilp Hell, Q C., for Off. ; J. Y. Brat (8st.rth) f.1 deft. Atter time lag .e - Vg indeed. His Lethaelp withdrew the esue from the jay sad diamond the plotn- ib1 a mtata with Oils., Qi.ese. vi. Oamares-As estm far sander takes by Mi. Isabella Cameros .east Mri Rat.rlek Cauro•. P4i.- tag .ad data ware bark redden" ef 4.55414 0. mplup, se L.*.lea, sad tie peawt was breed. as ski states, by the elre.laUoa of the deader memrdng her to oath the le - inlay sed some to L.ok.•.. Hugh M*". Seas (L.sok.ow). mama for pit. ; J T Games, Q U , the dols TM jury round • rendre. tee pante/ for 4600 damages..0d H. Lordship dinned Nes the oat be pad by &Noise& Omens 7. McLesues-Tele was another anise ler elreder, takes ti 1. sand Ode - if as is the aben ease anted ?ia4y Me• Loma, el Leek -lob. Camel eh. some as 4 the above sass. Tho jail awarded plan - sof 1110(1 dimmest and His Lordship allowed peatedi1 the hosts of the sues. Tide we she last one ea the jery het. Lin we "wheel, S al-Aoreo he eft nide ilaiscrMesh. .� t 41far i 1 -.(- iff a irk these. The p-MNI/ was Oinks Iwo. M Odw4.1, amigos* for the estate •f Aar, MrtaWl. el Wo4My. apple dealer, sod teem* was mins b7 elm a sat aside the U107. .N by said Mashed to kis bather James of .srta4. Med and ch•ttsk as • tread apse Me «dimers, W. Prosaism ..d L IL, thousJ for pills J. T, larr.w, Q. C.. for def'., This trial diamem..4 se noes ea Tue,d., aid 0entlssed .*til early 2 eoleck Wednesday .lt.r.ees Judi. mss was given setae aside the the yvy.nos •;coked le the pa.d'nts with eats, 'Che m are Milt soon o.ese es she desks. The peed jury brought is the IoN.wlao To Hm Leaman' (itis, Jayne' Assorts. Hos.plso Antra Simms AT GODaIQ1, 0400*, IOU The Gnq ins, y the Q presend t CM the m••1 d Oasts fen.verytb Moe tied tidy .ed the pel1wms 5ker4* all ,pdeB.d , wtca Nee tassesiso . TO... arelie prtne.. ; throe seder *barges of asanity) ass wdslag ex 10.4454.. sad mx oom.: tt.d fon 'memory. W. mild oer.mgl7 11e•m.104 she she peer be provided with better 0swsood•. ken ler his private sm. the prawn appert- ains deleted to Wei me bolo, bellied the see, bodies tee ...4..1 and sot .a1seat- y Need from the pri.oson. W. elm tutted she Oman, Besse of Rh. lege sad need thinks 81 la.•tee, who ap- peased te be hippy sad oitested and well Welled with Neer Westoast; the premien attested tett sad alma and the feed eubo4 est std wholeeme,sed Oleic then Yr. and Mn mesal try be do their bat 4 •tory tithe roadies to tear dories. The hoed N filled aliases T. Ie cap.sity. All M whisk is resp etfsliy oabmitted. J. T. Ootd'reoar., r*"..... AS the s.ensise et Me Las Mlchelt oath Juba. James sad AIex.Mit/hell were.reest- ed sad Sakai he's Polon MM..U•te &eget se Marne of defraudtsg the •redlt- .n M Alex. Mltnoli. They ware remained m541 the 29.h Met, and wore admitted d hes tat saNb if IMMO. IIoallens Vaasa*. W A It? s D-�AaSOUJ gTkTT W IC LF�TR OF eA fss(.ppoy0.. A AANAtJ00frA1.Di i 4... a A 1. W[HWM 00. AOi Y*H OA S VpawlroLrUaPL14 vow.. Atf�at�[pinemat so mermanthe Mee WM be,,°51.1 i mele et 1dlt4er* ..11 "j4 leo dji 1 /ytlart .t o xer a k1 1.. pta.a of •anent. es / IaY SATURDAY, THE 110 .DAT Of APRIL, A.D ," rt, at a radonon ie ' - i •1. '0.e e u0tr et its 0q _, _CrI..d, .yes s..1-0 d Irene . 7'h... M Nee r Mtrt ,,law t minor sod madly, p.n. *aa ''"E'. ....v-.' i.l. 1 logsm .6 111 ..1111. Y.! . •{ (. ', ., tnf.• @.A rstisod I5 gatedt1510- - 11 - t iii N mit1N en MM s hem �. I ( les sad r se@r i*.eukm a , 1 ' • 1 *• bat pen es111gs.1 Pe • AROUNO 1 .)WN• Atoraa CAPTAIN ADDIID TO TIM Goya LICH Litre. --J. N. Morello., ef town, who le wintering la Yallowoo, W r., has pia stand trona Marquette, where he visited his brother D. L end Mid Me inanimation for master of steam vamol., the result bobs be ,.awed very suoowl.11y, beteg ens of the moth thorough that preseowd thea»elves for eiamisorma. Tun G. T. R. Wiu. Ar.1rT.-0. & Dewej, G. 1. R, 4tatrtot freight meat, and W. it Uestefb, tato master of the O.T.R., wen is tows u0 Monday and while here had • e0.fer.ae• with A. MoD. AIM, of the Citise.. Commutes, ta oaso•otion with the memo (wary project. The U. T. R. Company is desirous of having ths industry ast•blish.d, sad L willing to swat to the •.twee of providing • tree site and carrying free of mega buitdtag matar11 and me misery for ths factory. I 0. J. Orncsem.-Followlsg Ie the lite .. of .ill.. of Court Ouderah, N.. 363, L 0. 64j..1.r..644-menaakp.... -Wan_-YeesY.at,.. Gert deputy; Corea Suwon, Chief R•eger ; W. A. Roes, note C. R. ; J. Yates roe -was W. A. Cad, 50.nei•1 e.o. ; J. W. V•oatter, trod. ; Jas. Y. Trammed, ohm - 141. ; Dr. Hunter, Orman ; H .1. Horton, Sone W odward i J. A, Yowler, Same Bevel.; W. J Dowding and W a. Proud. Ion, auditors; W. J. Dowding aid F. J. Piddling', trustees. Tao tiat.p.tx CosTTio,,T.--Of the twelve sins who lett hen last week far Loadce to joie the battalion to doarrison dao at Helder "Wit have been taboo en t0. fort aid lune left for t1. Ent, yin., Arthur Pule, R.b*"t Canham, M. Kss.ndy, 13. B.t e. 1. Haley, George Mitchell and W.. Yale, O0.rioh, and P. Hickey, Swtorth. Three of the others failed to oo.n op to the 91750.0 standard required, and Lim. Chisholm (thud the term of ninth sot jut what he *rpm -M and decided set to go. Ors New Powr&l. ligation -The Post - ale. D.pvtme.l 4 Mat for Leader for 'sea earryiegoR.Xlefileirilinlelter letter boxes to ostablIsbed is ioderriob to the pestom.n Ddlvsry le to he mode twice a 4.y from 5v berm -oats at the moaner of H•mtltea and Vledr4 sues, one a1 the earner et the agars sod Eat Men, the at the ooroer of Vinton. and K4g•tth amnia ase at the onset el Wellington street and Bona.**• rod ..d one at the 0. T. R. •tees1.. The service is not to bogie an1U the 1st of Jana Teaden .111 oe removed to April 20th. STRAT'FORD'S Pt4Aecu Rao*T -50. Lasa Bros • wan eentrol Vtotoria L.k. at Stratford, the Chaste Otty's wear re.011, are eddag some new attr•otto.e for the somas gamier. Thy have pardoned ?rank Ha.b•r's steam yacht, 8all., sad a aids" yeabt from (:apt. Beaton, and will pat them es the dee for pleasure purposes. Tiny Deady 4.,. • Boot of row bole std camas, so the resore will be will equipped. Frank YeLsa wee here Wt week and hod the boat. Nipped to dastford. We bops oar tom termer lewse...'s gterprmie will be rewarded with III gaoereas mum. age of the good people of 84rstlod, Fat. Lra*a*T -1 be free library Nord .eon te.•rrsw oveeing at 8 e'olooa is the stork'. •ales. The business is mealy to draft rales and regal.Uoas end •ppoi0e, oommitt•es. 4e) e.esesloe endo to .rosary et librarian wid be wandered. tear o bode., eestio0traimg H Po.nizpa l or and prise. The librarian earnestly areas sppliont. for beeke ta Math al num- bers on the •pptleaUon ahem. se about 300 suds hays eireody boss Lead. They ere d es Yid to .osesle the lose wrt(ten out by M • ••• .0*.y es the lar,. srde ; tiny instals all the Betisa booths doom the orl.td ..t4Oaas Urraw M. P. (ioioo. • PORTFOLIO - ' rtghtang Joe" Marini, who hs t.kes • tura fee 0.54.et esak'.t, eked for the w istm.s of Al P. Gordon, of K..mloopo, B. C., • fermi Oodrnoh boy who a sop path to knew a geed deal about oah,0et .aklag 41a.Mf. (4. didn't know tb.t "dank" wet la politico, bat evidently Prem- ier Martis ha.,r.at oeadd.soe la Ma Bn•soal •bihud, ae be offend bim the portfolio of risme io bb sew Government. Yr. Gordon N reported to have refused to talo the post soder sxi•t0g 000dimow, bat with ths proms this if Mr. Yarns timid ..wars the naiad sapper{ of the Liberal. party be wend gladly r.oedslder the offer. W. o. r. U. Nor11s.-The molar most - 1 .g of the W.C.T.U. wail be bold is the Tatham.). hall es Meader, 0. 96•.4 at 3 u look. 1t bas boss tboash0 best to alar 1M time of meting. te enable every 001 be be than for the devotional half-hour. It has boos dwtded to twin up the study o1 the won,.. of t5'W S.blr, sod it 4 tinted that 01er os. w.11 Some prepared to t.ke part. The "dauntea•1 half hour will ba tattoo by the prstdont, Mrs A W.ttho ; melon, Sabbath obtetvoath. A o4leowea well be takes up in aid of the deep tem min Ma. W extend • very medial levitation lb •v*"ye.* that peouhly nth to meet wlth us. It 4 net neemeary to join If yea don't with. Wo w111 main yea weloo.• -8ac, Rio Detaayva* I4.t.u?Tso.-Mlw4pjI Altoona : W. Olean Campbell, ore1udst sod their master le the Methodiet chant, led redgod b aospt • miler peados is the North first Methodist oherob, Udo- rioh, where he gets in Mosso, In salary of 1196 • year. Next Medal will be kis lath h ere. He loaves with the regret not only of the o1AMds hod members of the Melts street eburon, Mt of all who bay, made his .egesisnsoe dans" info nine mouths' stay La Nltobll Ho a • thorough muter of the nese, sod, d a .hues, his gentlemanly Warhol sad high moral oban•ot.r woo for 411 • hats pas is the estimation of hie allow Mimi Mr. Comabsll will niters for • while es Frldoy. a *oder to Bosh 00 Its weak of 1N dames. Fes LISSOM LALs Tsa5arowrATtoa,- ! teeing-a4-deltp-n. -iron Mmes noes do lake :here wee hen 1.1•.(17 at Bast - ford Io downs ware sed memo of deereg Meter hen sent" .,..Meer ►r IrMehl. for the ••seal seams. Mayer Wilms wY .o54fed of 0.e m0010g. bat wee unable to &Wed, sed the resale o.l the thiamine" was dhrwetd0 semsousleeted le him. The plea Melena by the de.g.tes e te sebs.4 0. a 1110.Me 4edt. and to rets the so4sidy k to prepased te Rey as tee Canon teem la. wrested N the rate M sh seats per hart el Me pepsetae. Tab* would ram 41,031, M hollows : 8•wtt1, 7,000, 1428; Oederbh, 4,500, L,6 0. Me; ew. 110iI, last Thee ashil wont be pail fee d:tees rased Rita►, pettishly batmen &mi. ad tee A.d►, Me Orem. the seer of fee Oar - meas, wee .00m.*Nslad with had premised re eosdder whether he weld pet es we ad• t+IMo.ol khat FATAL. AtMIIINI rr, -•• Me01111 aftwn.- p,p._. ".1Ne►wM1• .00.41,4 • 0.ori •1• me isle toad hen .--•- . • e`_ e math to the goosed. Rwst Mvlsr to saw • bleak off the tree to ,Mown biro. The injured mu was i'um td to hat heave t. 161 VIII wir, a 4.r• be dna at 3 o'olwk is the afternoon Tb. 4100.1nd was Wm. Poatl•thwa4Ni eldest .oat, and lived bare uoal about • (titer ago, whoa be remand Io liniment He leaves a wit. end .as obild. Hu lath., and mothe, Nd two brother". Janda soil Thomas, have goo. to NraotBeld where we uodere'aad the l.oerm..t takes Pipe WU&1111 'NMOH11-14.foliowtag frost The Btr Hord Bsa.on refers to the son et Wilsoo8olk.!d, of too a: " Erupt B.Ikeld, Graovt• street, ore of Stratford's beet known met highly ..teemed you05 neo, who has for the poet veer and a half 4..o .Tployd SS • olerk at the Anode, ho severed his oonneotton with that store with a view of going to the N., !boost, and el. former .s- o wtaes wiling to show tbek respect for him presented him with • bandsman gold rias sal an squally besatllul..4 eervloeablo roustolu pen Mr. ylkeld'a maoy beads nom as. Sw. thea it 4..405040 lest• 8tntlord, bat know that • yeses man of hio alma and ambition will maks his sick wbenr.r hue lot is est." Mr. Salkeld and leu cocelo, Will, she of Joseph balkeld, Stratford, lett Stratford tins week for the West to 000000.101 ranching on the SM- t.tobswao They will be followed by Joe. 8alkold, who See take. up lend then. Himont els. hat taboo .p land and after g aming e.perteow with his nmol. will start ✓ a.oliog I*" himself. Te. 8/V ..... ere. -9r. P.teck'e Day rd observed more gm/ally is Uderlob than ever before. The thorny, poste nn and Bank of Commerce dogs were dying, and many smiler hop were to bo a.15, amo0q them • lumbOt of Irish flags, the .0.41. ooesptouoaa of (ms leiter being hung htgh up o1 a tel.phase pole a front of Porta'• book store and laving the harp em• hiasosed eo it In gold. Yr Damn se ►4 residence dt.pley.d • luta Iron flog, with the harp and shamrock, oad the Cotes J k A5lSte . Thelon t.410'tio�dtiu*545 much *Otteice, many who boy eo of m to lyd5 deftest wearing It In besot of the day, wbteh had • 'motel agnido.oce oo as- ooust of the Que.n• Zr- takteg the '4o. br.voty of her /rib troop. is Sou, b *taloa Tbe •oe of Ireland °cold fondly repeat the words of the eta bollad : " My -owe, my mattes bleed, wb.rs'.r I oh.sd to room, Thy lonely hills .hell ever be 007 ears be- loved Nome ; Asti brighter days mass snr.ly tome than then tial we have teen, When Eon's seas may boldly Me the Wens( of the (Ir..a." C. 0. F. Htov Comer. -The moan mash- ing of lee High Coors id the Uaadiao Order of ?wester. •00 Sherbrooke, Qi., was tee twisty-6rd saeu.i .with of this body. The.000r1 raper( of toe High Court obo- er. were of h very 'ratifying Ohara*", •h.rwing rvmukable growth to the order duns, the veer 1899. Tee somber of 4.1,4t1..s duds, the year was 7,016, and at Lim els of the yid the membeiihip was 36.667. The High (Joan sick sad tuo•nl baseb: Moth 4 oleo • mon popular feature of the society, .. shown t y the greet growth is the membse5.9 of Ins branoh. Soothe in August, 1896, with a membership of a Tittle over 500, tin weber at tel elm of the • --1099 had reached over 18,000 At aa ...dr or the year amore were 704 warm to the order, 58 therm having baso orgoaisrd during the year, with • m.misrsbtp of 1,492. The •versee the of m.mb,n nide*. d daring 1899 was 28 4 The allowing ogo•r. were •aetd for the ea.etq year : High Chief Ramer, B Mos; Klett Tim Chin Rased, F. J. Jamieson; High 8.ere- try, Thoma Whits; High Tro•thret, Jolla heelandr: High Registrar, 1). It. K,•.dy; High Chaplain, Wa Belle ; oMlrmae medical board, Dr. U. Y. Smiley; ameelat• medical board, Dr. R. C. Young ; High Auditor, Tin. W. Gtbats ; .reolNvs oem- mitts, H. (lamas, O. 7.lt..,, Dr. 'myth., 0. Laporte, C. R. 3,111.0. "The High (✓curt voted 4600 to be divided be nem the Rad Orema and patriotic lied,. le the list of °Moen will be sotloed the name of Wm Balls, .f Doogansos, she woo rleoted Iliib O0aplau of the order, THa Btmrts TSARS.-1110701edealers are now showing the 1900 wheel, Some of them had their "openings" gut week, sod although the weather was set of the kind to tars ones thought. to winning they hod • rood somber of inquirers. The promote ote for a big ale of b.oyoles the ooitg season are resorbed ta 01 very food, and se the local dealers ars shoals( • great range of wheels the prospeotive buy*" la Iowa or oo0otry W a splendid oh•som eo gob me jest t. h4 Iikt.g. McKenzie 4 Howell are *Vial handling the Wdload V.4 14., la- chdlag the Portent, the Uardes City, the Dantoton and the olilplem. They received then drat lot of wheels for the esame last wink and will be plated thee* three* wee is thickly el thong. Geo. rover.s piss Itis faith to rhe McBorseyBand., which bas hitherto glee each good stWaotion, aid le pr to show the dee points of trie wheel to alt omen, G. W. Thomas a Boa have agate seeor.J the load agency ler the Madmen Blc7ol. (..e.'5 product, - the McCready, the Common Senn and the Qdertcha--•ad are beading also the Cr.a- e1N+ and Ra.M*" wheel. They 4.7. a Cream, • lady's shblalees whioh le . very n eat medal. AM. 111eIver, the well knows oy0l4t, r ant g•d with Meer.. Thomson A Sea N. D. Ro.vle has the &earth, the B. a D.the When .ad the Root.... He, tee, hes, • very patty lady'. .5.1,1 as wbsl la glee, et the noun make. Ise & Shephard have bore idling 01.y.lead waists fir yews., and are handling them •pee thinear. J. P. Brows b Meng the Masser Harris ea his warehouse es HomAtes WINK. J. H. Worsen l N &gest for the Rewrote sad would like to •how anyone atereeted the peouliar futures of NLN wh151. He .hews also the Rena wheel ade by the acme sempsay, es Berlin, Ont. With411 5415• to *Mss kora, .ayes, wile wand • aerie this year should be able to, �tl eso be mit bla, Tits VataA,'s Ileum -Mrs 1.h. L Mets. r nsNy remind • lister from her Walker. ba Wilms, a Vaasr, Mak , s bre reddest M thievish. la "thief be nesse M the vomt•se soedde. H. mos .i t ...IS, .f the ve1.*1•ere Is 1866, his taro sthe v1ll.ry a the .prism el 1867. ros.*t es smith envie*, he shi.4. a the IOU of 1165, » she t0sbeas Primo Atheet lit ..ma ttst/a. At the slaw e4 the m.. Rid 'dis.alp Apere N ►i• ornsing west Sim e she Priest Albert. He aid 5M1 /d. in he was l....4./ kis Made at tie Hua sad his sand yer wend set keep his elan Muhl., He w•* Ml bmbardl.r, thea enema Nd Seely serene& Yr. Wilms say be wadi i te 44,e wee the - -gale sed *sold pia 1014(01,. a the 0.�t.a. M .W ".4451105.4 4 1 v da own il/r• •w .* Mtest •y of Me •in se n too late to tot me Is this oosss•tiss lb may be well be ante that Is oddities le time to mom medals were presented •t the Cadets' •awrt•ium•e1 the following bays t.o.ived them: Wolter /Ink, Char. Will., Thos. Hnokeap, H. W. Boll, Jades Mas- sive, Thos. Aaesbrooke, Philipp Holt. (Taps. Babb, Jobs RokerM, 0'. F. Lawrence, A. dirslten, Lime. A. I. M.Ur.ger, Edward Hopper sad Cho. Mages. Min Sliming, rewired a medal for her late brother, Lieus Richard 8kl.em& Wilson 8.14.04 was .t Sarsn during the LUDO 141 the Fenton trouble and did Nrvto. oD a *gunboat oto the loin. D•isx non of the brat to jJo:o, but 00 0000aot or some aegUgeath to reforms d his •p- pheetdon be did sot yet • ."dal. Tu II Sratca-WINO EI+Te0TAltaalrr.-If Saturday was trakaes's day, Monday *ewe tog was 0*"mioly Sootokmes's slots *5 the Opera Roses, when the land of brows heath and •01(57 woods was repr•sept*d is wag, story and dame by Uavin 8pesee and Moa Mabel Lang. The eaternisen, who appeared nadir the auspices of Lammed dam"' 41, 0:43.. w.a.e Itt "ted he tray limy well gild house ..d • •Ory appreciative 001. Yr. 8pisee In his lalredsetery re marks said it was a matter of wned"r that Sootlard, with the small 0.00my sot half the sin of the 8nta of Mtohna, with her history 0f almost perpetual war •.d her " dour " relltifen, should have any seep at all, mach lee emirs to rival the work of liths and Dots. Piper Molloy, of KI.. bill, was Riper/id to he preset, but at she last sante had telsp000.d hie r.rete at Dot bong able le be then owns to the ante of the weedier. Mies Lung is her Homtok dimes was the pereosiOs•Yes of grad did of the poetry of atone. Two doom, •, Whoa Ye Odd Awe Jamie," and "Creokit Bswboo'' were seas by Mr. Spesee ..d Miss Lwin. fa mealiest style, and were well r.sivd, Mr. Jordan sotlag s.01o.p.slat. Is Mies Laamg's solo, "1'h. A.1d Howshe Mi ," smed banilf p'- ...d of • vary sweet vein. sad was warmly •p pl•Ddd. Mr. Smoot was p.rfsstly •0 keen calteleakatemen agWateameitersea -rinp filt i. l H.adrmi Pipers wee', N'0"', awe pima et loader pathos, like kis ,Mag. The of I}yN'1l1ihmALeits�^mt di y ham:rou3er�8 etch .sse•d[�o'tes with widen he nevD4sd the ..disuse Is would be .1 - .est impossible be melon' sa7thme as worthy of sp.411 note when 'terrible' was w god, but p•rhop• "*(Lois Water", tiaras' greatest effort, as Mr. Spans O•.- .ider. it, sad Jee4'. Dream," wore 00,hag the bed. la the fishier vela, "Tbe 80o111/4 Omni Homes O' Ivy," ..d " Dun- oaN Grey " took the .does.e by scam Other onshore by Yr Spens were " A.IA Sooach Sang." sad • readies, " Minch Worm." A meet esjoyable .,.alae's s- tertai.mae was brought te • aloe" la Kae 80.tob style by the staging •1 " Auld Lang dyne", tee whole .44 .... rids" sad jets. iog heartily la the chorus, followed by Gd bate the Qatar Larry FROM SOUTH ARRICA. -llapk W. Young, of No. 9 osmpsey 33rd battalia., hos hooded se • letter wbtoh he renewed from Alex. Wilms, of hie oomp•oy, sow with the Brat (J .edlan analogise to Beath Afns. The letter le doted from Bd.eal, Cape Colony, ?ebraary Iltb. Mr. Wilms thy: "thee bees I.Nadlne to write yon Tor .oron time, bat "Moss are sot very good. Suppose the p.pers have told yea .11 • boat our trip ea ns and load. I was le splendid shine on see sad have only bees laid up • few day. 540 we o.me to Bei• most. Our wrote over wase did, only • few stormy day.. At Cope owe we had • epleadid reeep1on and • better "sod off. 11 is an awfully pr.t1 pine aid the people •S eery hioo tow Wa have bees here over two month* sow, and it la tee esady to be plewst. We hays fearful eand•eterme, whiob drive a• wild, and oover •verythb.g to about an enol of "sad. Role le very so•roe, though we hive an .Onadend .term, hat it sever Tats lose. C Company was out at 8ouoydde os Jas, let, and bad • small aor.p with the Been, though the Qaoo.slsad.rs took the heavy part. Oa Saturday the orders wees out to 10 l Med- d*" river and we were .414 gross eischite se usual we didn't get there, only "thin tar as an Orasp, stayed More with the (Tordna. for Iwo days sod Nen same haat. Gramma is the nkat .amp we have had, sad {itis bey. aro all ie love with the Gordow. They are the Snesti•Uow• we hate sees yet. Troops have been gofsg op by thousands oven day ler the 4n two weeks. There has bias a nem.dous rush around here for • stand of werke, rano" currying troops and "three gofsg sp Mehl and day Lord Robert. and KI unfair with their staff wart Nreaghhere to Madder last Wedseed•y. Hope te make thing• move pretty .the. Oar 0.pnla 9.teen has gone ea Lord Roberts' stat. He woo a dwdy metals. The boys of tie oompoay were all la love with him. He wa ton nod to keep. We have Yr. Dovetail now, Lies. Wish, Raw sad Caldwell. We are mains, great propane 5leas for a Nueva sew, may go any sots• V'0 now. Tr•esp*"4 ars got., sat to J aoobd.l today. New I meat draw be . dose. Hoping that beets thls risible yes 1 .hell have had my baptism .f dr", sod that I o00 tome book .moo to all von about It, and boslaa to heir from you soon, 1 resale, Years truly, Ater. Witeoa." Deanna SWAMP LAaos -the Toronto oovressendest of The 8eaterth Expositor writes as follows on • noised, whin► 4 of setae Merest to the people of Huron : Of all the plank. lo the new platform of the Rose Umwemesi, sees 4 Ism onaeroaod than 11.0 whtoh Were te the reol.matlon Of ween loads In the Promises. No.yeem•Ne •1155155 has &•.a made to resent mach tdoable land whish wag renewed amiss by bode ander water. he .soh effort has .y.e boon made by the (Iovermast er se Oaten* maefoipality .Nd only te • Ues0tod midst by priy.d earths. The 0evessment ow• 'Maly the takes to atomism. en *hie Ser. Mom .i.tarisa/, e.FA.e ise*dfws tanneel b5 ea U it wan me, sad av for Mjstfse- lag ea dlamned Mid la the few Itts0.eess when wine mmemettl had been Mires In Private Individuals, the word reddened hind did sot tome Wen the leg4lats. Th. a ilmothaterye h.e sew made s very seisemeth of t0a *ban of the wealth of the Preview, 11 hue had stlseer. 111 work for awe time end Wise mm hate made n• peon .* 510.4, Lsysstb*U..o- I► a ee11at•e• d te.0 th* 0.504 *ee••e• et Oedr4 a 23, 312.684. l tet fa lead seer (shah there e sa neepset. OMAN tears are 3,700,060 see*. M swamp 01 ..154 leads. Whet mepsrdee sf $6is esu he radaini vl eft Ma ,alta N It 98. Mdsu.4LN, meet he estimated, M1 tit Is a warn a wealth unaided whet ,wq seselderbly smiles* the value of O.• tale the Mamas when r ---i5.. will be tiaN vl p .*ly pn.si wW he deal Oke Hann std Mo ...Igen peslnNUa M 1.k. Rena than ere three mess5u, 0U ef whin have meth marsh Ueda. Brea 0m 111,000 acres. R.rem 81000 Neem and tw.hsen 41, • 0 0 win Henke* 4.d le repined be he teed eel somehneW oy soon be malty re. defend, Other Mena when omit will he a+•• will it. le 0..., when ha 91,000 Oars -0 lased *nose work hoe .)eedy bees .s die 41.INM .54 with very rest Lt hes hoes leered that tis redone• t, avoided, ,rend fee --•.. „.-yaro vain ts.r•-•+.,•11••••• _ • alga The resp of Gee W s lyip es - puns el . sed eraebe lead weigh shy he Inn. d with advensage The omen seemed el the Uoveromeot In sante sen elism N set Alves In the moors, but ems eegft.Mbae have boon seeds Where Ihe drelu.J(e of load la easy of a000mplak.INt se help w oomparatively no help eau be gloom. Where laude are tit be drafted by a leag .ad M- oulton" tree= of Mabee, maktog aeogsry some expense, the Uoversgneat will make ~tan eraate la oeejaaoslw with the et lone of pita and the atonal - polity la wh the work 4 beam dee. Little will be dos la a day, bat tee work erUl be an tapertsas me. DOMING AND GOING. W. O. Prld4a. made • brief OM to To- ronto lad week. Rey. A. E. Y. Thom.., of 0Uatoa, vis- ited kis booth here thle week. Mr.. (Dr.) Taylor .pent ..y.ra1 days la Clutoa daiag the time week. Writ. V: 'V ifillI "lid" hill; " 1., ire' •peadl•g a week at 8t. Mary. Miss Ida Holmes, of Mates. made • brief vide to t.10.4. la Iowa this week. A. E. Fern, M Tomato, formerly of God- srleb, made • drag visit to Nimes Friday. M4. NANO* Gash. has reamed hem frees es extended v4ie te frl..4a is Sarah, Port Huns sad Marlette, Mloh. Mae Ethel Murdock, who was Yore for some mestlu rae.tvleg Bolla 1.Keotioa, has retsrsed to her bouts at Hassall. B. H. M.Kesdo has nearest Miss dear • .toy of several weeks at Beth Oreek, Mink. He 4 mach Improved 4 ►sin\ Moo 81n4id., of loran.., who had bees here ter IS mite taking m.dbd Ins- et with Dr. tallow, reamed home es .Tuesday. Yles Coisee, of Stratford, d vlsi54ag at the residence of C. A. Hamber. She 4 00 oo.paald by her little atone, her beet's Mas AifaoQ3aawi.. ' Geoi.'"Wsetb•rala" tuft Te.ad.y .snakes .s he re0n te Mo.wla, N. W.L. atm • Mon f a...be nen at his ham hats. He srasm=r-ar/wded * his slse@e--.dii rNdiei W.th*".Id. W• w.loome Io ear tows Alex. BeeeM. end family, late of Carlow, who have taken op their reddens es Walls •Knee, and .tee Goo. Therlew and tally, who hath wad into town frost Port Albert and are residing ea Gmere. .0.14.5, Allan 8partl.g, Vinton• MM. left es Saturday ter Teresa, when be has asap" ed a position as foram M the aeries de- primaliat of the oe.oeeaatiag pipe Oren. story, a sew mdurary of the a ty. Mr. 8pa►Uag bad been with the 0.4.1 ► Organ Comp..y for neves viten, part et She time d foreman of the f0ofory. We are Derry to loth .mob good nitroso. as ler, and Yrs. Sparing, bat wish than meth prosperity la their now sphere. CHURCH NOTE& 8t. 0.•ree'. Young Peeples Guild has ooetribumd 716 ter the relief of the femise in India. The Epworth ).sages of North street Methodist oherob has yeled 410 te the India femise feed. The Joslor Leagee of Vienna abrade oherob .n practising for a mesa he he hold es the evening of Esther Monday. The manatee of Vtotori. etre.* Haworth League will meet as Thursday ended of this week for tinn purpose of eleoma diems for the 0111 six mouths. "The Standard of Christian Propriety". Y ledasted b editor 8hs eldla itis week's Twee el Tile Topeka Ospledl, will he Rev. 8. la A)U4's Name sen S*.day meals/ la Vinare' .ee.t church. The thsgregasies of K.x Munk re- sponded Nobly to the appeal for .id few the starving millioei ob Isdle A cellthslem fee the faunae fund was ekes ea Sunda and he;es thdedun m of 4176 was ase r/.Io4, It 4 ixpeoted tam there will be further oestrib.tiose pert Sunday. Tho fiat ? E Rey, Moamar, agent .1 of w es tae dlooof Hir, will ( V) held devise service, a1 the ...•I hear, is the Churoh'ot Englesd tee Deafness. and Port Albert ea Sunday .mz1. All are oordally Invited to shoed, The reversed 1eebliman is di end be vide the di/foram Aerobes la the dbe she Bishop of the *reed Then 5411 a very large *heeds.,. se Knox Munch Sunday erasing, whet Rev. Mr Andersen d4I,.red the annual menses e0 In suers and 8.0*..a.. prier to Neer meaning 50'•U the mimes% work. Gad. 3p... .. de Stretch edger, deleted the Mit, sad mesh be the pleasure of the eon- 111•Rstle. sang • ee4o, "My Ala 0.ase14..," The Presbytery a Rorie met la (Untos as the 13th I..*. Rev. Dr, rignehor, of HesUt m, was .slated ter .edm040, N the seri General Ase mbly. ffsiossiagag mortis were pr0meted as le the progress of the twentieth many feed. A. 4terese lag sad antimony, sosf owes was held ea church life and work is me.es54.. with • report on the subject r,..ted by In. 8. dobe.., of Ktppea. YM. Mims. Shaw, Malmo, Aohesoa and ?1enhe, 0ed she re. ps•abtly eider. of Like.. Seeded, Rippe", Manchester and H•00•11 01 .p. mmissed oommo..lonw• to the ant Oatmeal Aeembly, to ba hold al Holifar la Jose. The Chr1tion &idsvor report showed • falling off In membership for elfe pant year, bat the ooetribndew t 11. dtfl•teit °burin Moms were well maintained. TM wheel report showed • 114840 failing of in mem- ben, bat .11 the oohed, hay sot repotted. A total of 3,296 *obelus sad 379 teaoh*"s was given. and It was bll:♦ed Thee mash sanest oad thorough work was being dem a the 8.44.th .N.ele •offeel the etthhee Presbytery.Tbe teen krkiNMewwtieel►dY "seen NOTES OR SPORT • Gee. Allan has neared d • teener tea the 151retary of the Wleebem 4.shall dub le nannies to the pr*s.s1 to form • Mem tiomprisine the lea1 Leis and God*"1A olekaTh.l.tAor trill plaited Wore the Qedarab Mob when It neem for org•uistlea, Let Friday • team from she Des/same rills dab mow dews sad bad • mama with se 45W shtnber hem the Gddeb deb. Moe'DMM w gea.wan by 46 teases. TM w wed K.. ..._.- t0*ydg- rl 46 'Ma er. 27 Tyss s. ' 28 18 48 l. 30 Moine. ke 31 70O.a44.ad ' 20 28 61 84hla... ....... Z3Q 16 4R Oe.werd.... 36 11 till 210 147 367 Wallies 36 Ramble's. 30 66 Salt. 16 94 60 34 06 60 6.drewe... .. 29 17 46 3 16 18 20 16 46 16 0 16 WI 121 MG Dena Remprim NEW ADVERT IBEMENTS-MARCHy22 ?p Yen Feet -See ,.e liesPr. 8•hdals of Coavietfeas-L re Lewis 4 11. Modem Shoe Stere -W.. Sharman 4 Minim, eta - knothole it Hewell 1 Ness 8•rpl. Deva -J. 11. P541, 5 Biases sad (roam 8•paratese - O. F Smareem Aaotlea 8no-Ph1Up H01* �.... Yos.y•sylsg Chimes -W. Aided* I dos It's Byy-N. D. Rosario Aawno•mwb--R. B. Smith flew 8prise Geed@ es Display-15mMM Box Co Buttes 1 ditto 1 Batter 1 -O. &Klug, W lagham Cask Wombed -Kra D. MeeDeadd Now MUllesry-Mkt@ Oa.eeea Aaeeahoomwt-r.•48/601 4 1 5 4 1 1 1 1 Uderieh Bargain C@Nlea--Ja0 E soft Aaaomo•men/-J. W. Brodsriek ....a . 1 Randoms sad Groa.d& for 8.4* -Mn. J. R. 81an.e. 1 ANNOUNCEMENT& Splendid proms. and rdr,54. N0 M the Klag'e Daughters' ".s hems" 0.megrew melee. Geaadaetkera' .id h@klesed heavy head. made dairy tinware, at Windt , the "hey .tor 0000, Oderlek. The Heaileon .Ked barged mare will be t4e pis for soma bargains this week. W. t•mmesoo the sk•sp one today, '11us 0 day. J. W . 11110Datoc. G. w VlotOrla Restaur•.s, West.",, fog hese asters. They receive thea regularly Ali Lea,. ak ter_.,• : • Ni thaw.y�wam ,.osms. ose Menai I s Leerse for . Ne Gess Dir G, M• siesdposiciSsipow 1.-. o hegw se meeesseile and .asafaelerly Mini la bis anima for 1801 Thee .h.Qm an • rebind of 20 per met of the .et matsol pramtaas Mahood a the Owp.e . aloe ldr Saw osseld es this rand a good peat la favor a see Oen. lerotet•wr Bevy. -The R. B. dry geode Ce. a .u..e their 1.* *1111•417 q•sl.tt. 8•tereay, M.re4 In, and faliewl.g week. Th. 4epswtinen will be epee WI 10 r. ter. w gin everyone an annuity a visit the hesd...s *kw. raws sad d.peos the larges nage a ea. eosin .ales t5. firm has ever .hewn The . dm smite yea to anus the L.Ii-Ihs as a p1r0esai lav1Wtsa be amend. Tea Bto 4. -The R. R. Na1M dry seeds Ca.'. big 4. 3 szwswdt.ary benne day., and grand .Ullwy re..pties combined. ThursdayBarga 1.7 WWI* 9810. m+. 3w eras& Malay el honer millinery ea anarhs. liana nat. Deal bel to sew the .awe.r- dieary yd.e we e% m ktdt..' while e sdse'wear, wiles sets.., Aram seek ung silts. 1!e R. B. Smith Dry Oe.4 Oa Borns 1 Borth 1 I Bums I I I -Alter six seethe of pennon edseniss a esmbar e l m•relmase here at inn gee es the grad doer, sad get better is the t4estiee Bal say 1 D. they ever tell yes they are pa= tt on the 1 8s haw j.a� thry'B a�ss�sjt the kap* see kesrd M ILs "Rs. tress a the les *1 .few ease O ytreated e sees the ' wetly "upset be M the Inure. as 111.ge have hen said that hart? A11 Wade dote, sad timothy seeds 4.edled. 0. B. Knee, Winches. Sapbwla A. M.Ls..a'a Wessel. iso extered w only, 11 • peed,* este Ne spinal disease, Wpiesese, Islaam1Mgy rheumatism, lame beak, 1.mt.p., g.gr throat, weak sed sem 1lt.p, *timid. .tiff 4.4.00, rapture sed tf1 ksL 450..... I0 h.0 neo hese Need • sere few throat .fi.ot5..e la imam. Nese wanes without having she trade mark a labs sad wrapper, sad 1. d M.f- -s's Ltd. asst. Udelob, Ora, .taspd .* wax heti 1, on mob bottles kr Bapheala A. Mol..eeas eels patentee and pnpr4K•a, Newman -et.. lled.rleh, 0.s, 66.4% LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. Mrs Ada Ellen Oda, of 004.1144 tow. - ship, 4 la jd1 awned( removal ee es Lr sass sylaa. Job. Brethey a Bos have beee aaklsg iatmaveae.te 4. their furthers stet. es Wee* skeet Mr. Murray. ef the Beak et d comae%, 4 0. take Wm. Asbso.'s sew h..*. es Tref•lasr sines .ext m.ish. Mt. and Yrs. Avid Pres... (iderek township, have. arias bim O. W. retie= I Sea. Remwb., the rat tees" by the ms's Daughters tomorrow evened .t 8 *'desk she resident, of its (Dr) Whitely. N. D. Rowed. has ►.M5t A. B. Dae. .*'s hardware business st Demitasse. Mr. Donate will 0oul4•0 la Marge es a•..pr fee • while On. Beware Ines& 1e ne e,• Rem V4I*"is neon te the shwa es the Square sew moaned by Jet. Team .heat the Ant of nit .esth. WM she penes she leek mother penes" parasol from Knot March Sunday •vi.lag return tee state be the March, oe bo 8loddors, she ..eetaker 0. B. Book, in she taws waterworks 4r eartememhY germ te L10.. where helms • mettles as esa4 111 for /he Beeson Fusel. lleen..Osopsa7. Jae Lessard W been a- ssisted tentpeevfr, t. eh►wememev, . PORT ALBERT. Twas.AT, Marsh SI Weed hese are lh. ardor of the day. Yr. nude. sad faintly let today fee Mir sew hems i. GederLaL Rey. My. Ihkbura y4M0od seam membere ef h4 sesasegades here len week. Mees *anis and Orme Qewferd and Meer boseillIT OhigW, 0700 lam 3.ed.y Dsmpae..*. Mb Mary Duster snivel harms hem Y�eekea Ian week, .0*..hp het hugs f111- MNMws fee a wash. bet eimberee as 00 MeOr.s.lenil W we1.. .*. ear .win bene sew e4Yaoa, Ma. Mr.Anonsess .al My. Ue.k, whet saes es 0. the fume bony tetgled j, MR. Thanes .et H. J. Bake. Ti one M sessile From frightful disfigurement t La Raman (Jl4I gar, of 1401111110.Ski • plied Rookies's Aram 11111110 M ORA caves nu her hied ijtgs, set et sorsa eon oz a?a� work* woods,. b IlwI 26o. Ours egnlVnlds�l ; 2de OohTN= 4roae5e, HIM Wan hal► aisr . M LAR.