HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-03-15, Page 10WAR ! WAR TM SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. WAR! Never such slaughtering of prices l Never such a grand opportunity to get new, seasonable goods at the prices we are now offering our stock of General Dry Goods at. Come early and get the choice. This list will show the trend of prices with us. THIS SALE LASTS ONLY TEN DAYS HOSIERY and GL., VES Ladies' and Boys' heavy ribbed Honey worth 25c., for 15o Children's heavy ribbed Hose, reg - elm 180. and 20c., .. going 2 for 25o Priebe, special line at Special heavy wide Print M 6o 90 DRESS AOODB Nioe heavy and fancy Drees Goode, M 20o Extra heavy Tweeds, worth 35o,for 260 Regular 12}o. linings for 10o Nine Plaids .sod Stripes, double - fold, going at 100 UNDERWEAR Men's heavy Underwear, special.. 25o Ladies' Vests, long sleeves, going .10o Boys' II e e o e d Uiidtwaar, going at •• .i price Special line of Shirting, worth 124c., for 10c. " " Cotwnades, worth 20c. and 25c., for 16c. `a " Window Shades, 2 for 25c. JETS A yew Ladies' Jackets left, clearing at i PriOe Children's Reefers, clearing at price CLOTH/Nil Special bargains in Clothing. Boy. Suits, Men'. Suits, separate Pante, Vesta and Overcoats. likrs stock -taking. A lot of EtnJb, the clearing up d stock -taking. One lot at So. a yard Some cboioe ends. Special line Men's soft and stiff Hats at 50c., worth $1 to $2. ....The Biggest, Newest and Brightest Store in Town.... mith Bro's • DUNGANNON. Ne.aa The loud arose la Dai�.a•e. ler'ra Singh. r at the edam .17.9. WAaD, dY., es• fo.. who will receive or- re s�saa elvertW..nd jot- ewaesNidp.1l far to ave reedw for (V A. NEWTON, DENTIST, 01 LUC[- g.eNe.gy • sow . will A�4om Iu1ane Ile ripe to Dea- TUrDAT, Meryl 13. Menosr0ws -T. B. Derain had the Mii- brM.e We week be lees • fon now. 81. gorged 1.nsWI with as .1.41.01 .l obepped Pam▪ som.t. -Ws rerrs to 1.T• es state that Mi. Lily Beware gull oestteen weakly We hpe Wee she will sees Newer aleh.omd Banish& bore es Y..d•y es.rs- Isi •eamp••i.d by Wass Mestyo a. a Ask to ids -ether et ABIs Craig. Basion Rmewbar the eeeeert to be Mid la DeeMne• Itgsiesltaru bell on Thereday eyelets& Me 15th. Bee pssse ter the icer eUMRr prelr+m. The proceeds will b. ,plead Si the p•trieue feed. A large sMe.dense le we iegpated. BratW1 01 Dolmen. -TWO m.si.ipsl ..sast1 .f Weer Waimea ale ea M..dsy, Marsh 12. All the member present The tweeters .M►1hd for pewee to berms the .efts el�b.9'l01ss.nYa sioefb.aes, whte1 won Ives were Weed for three years trees Jaw las, 1900. It was decided se had t1. Nutt .ashy, of e.sNitl on the 99th day el May. vieltly ►le wife. tether, E. H.p.a, el Oar. low, gass oar berg a transient vhlb Thurs- day of law week We regret wee that. at taw of writhe, Mr. Hems is .ill seriously IU sad the are peer hopes .t his rose wry. The keg felt need of the residents In and about Rob Rey sere for a poatoles 1.s been beard by the Do.t.Mr, P. U. doyen- nes'', lb* name *haw being loyal. this. Monies, the posheaster appointed, ta fitting op as Aloe be his etre. The Luoknow wee will starry the mail bar lt. LANES. TUESDAY, Muoh 13. J. D. Bona is le Lsoksew at present he the :mploy .f P. Smith lam the Impis.t harem Mat Frites lah.ed@ r..oviag In • maple of weeks te his term white he hes rested /n limberly vloinIty. ^.v. Mr. H.aderson, .f Auburn, *moped the pulpit) ear. ea 8.d.y lent 1a etob.ate with Ree. 8. Il. Whaley. This o..p srtl.,n on Saturday pren.t.d their pester. R.T. d. M. Whaley, et 8t. 11dess. with • kad *hems. P. F. Bowler, �ofMtohips. • formes rest. d!b , e i «•rrr"'tPabw.daf. tante! of his property. If we are props(, btr j.hnwd o.tb McLean will be the buyer. CARLOW. Mo.DAT, Marne 19. David Osfttgh.m weed be Btkel les Wednesday. C.N. Penne, who had been •Nedlap the Leedom Mllltar, College, Warned hese. last TN.Nday. M11tea Ty.del meg ..nook of silos ae the NW omewtakemenr IW Thmndey m • miry easeotable meo..r. A el.ii6-l.ad el yaw people dross to Askant lass IrIay ad we magnificently .1terWsed se the hems el Joho Hou. Tim sem masksg el the Uterary Sodoty wW he . NNW. the sides te be .h.mplen. ed by T. Bandits. gad Wm. Hell.w.. A pod m*sie.l .ad literary pregrm is in teem tar the &adios». PORT ALBER1. e+. Telmer, Kuehn Mr. sad Mrs David Boll visited as the Bawd Imp west. f The throes, aN beey laying is their Were d Ise loth Me warm 3. B. a wktee Gregg a kw My' with Isis /May Iwo less week. wmlam Deemer. of Dsanarses, le spend. tags few daps wile W ..etas, T. A. Leith. (1. Febl y .v.samp ham Mee was awry �pirm�.sa�� ptherl.g se t1. bow .1 0. E. '11atow. we • f•r.w'Y party Noisily ssi Kn. Tburiew to their non ddike& 4 111. srrllh1.Arrrrd 1dee their nand te A.Mteb, where they Weed to asko their been Is the fi.m. 0.' b- tereatl.g ONUS d the .range err the pr. aoat.Ilt. w sere 'say .hails be Mr. sad Yr.. 1b1114•14 poerrwd by Mar friends s • ieem..to ed ye...pan ft Mas .dtdd17. J.1m re sorrow the a °Meshes/ see . he lase ds, sew s Nsewkw pneneed dunk mad W shale. Ya Theflower wade a saint& reply. /L UEVALA. TvwoAr, Mane 13. 1J14.11 n.Jorb.a setaras le W hone le Ysaeeka 111. ween. Prot Gsaisa, of Tswana wham. him doter Yah (DR) Ps.M. Mr. ale Yon. Koine C Else. n fled.. risk ,win s werl./ Ad Meamlsbsaarra hells Yr. sad Mrs sea M..* w're M hen to their Meds ea Teur.4sy *NMI* al low week. The @Neat yy' of T� lad a ewes 911*.'.•a . u lap this week. Rove D. Seven pee as dstwratng Ise- tem ..tem a T.l.ap'. Wetam ea ti.b 1eger. 11 Imo T stredey ps.laa. Mr. and Kea. Jona 111e►.ts... oma Welly moved be than aus hems la W N.seet ea w.1.-liy of non weep. P.i.1 P•well..d MN. Psweilars ssa�r.esei.t•.d • lugs awarbor pipit rays* ! ldiesl. ka nee eeatf Nb nags Is 7rasabnay. CIONLJOK rj.r 'g jut *Mitti' �.�. with •+ � � of bene .aA 9..a. -i name those el 'seen Ms ..o wens Oben Mt IMAM tess, has Mims esetelelp EL as. T. d Issaba. Win WINE ROB ROY. W.DIrnDAT, USE. 14th. John J.mi.oe, Leerier P. 0., lesuat ewes delivered •n efine show ,. n*bull te Owes F. OI•rk. of Claremont Fern, Col - berm cownhip, for the Improvement et stook. He Is a fie animal and should press • good stookgetter. L 1BURN. Moe/oat. Marsh 12th, MI. Ellis Herten hes beam .labs her .deter, Mrs. Wee Cook. at Port Albert Mia week. W. Aderw hes resiled kb pop es JUDAS Ohi.fteles'e foremen. W. Oliddas, .b Oed.rloh, la We .pones am ester es Ile d.Mes at ease. Oommu.lon ..Hies IOU be Meowed her en the last Kande, of this moath. At the Prayer meetlaw the pastor would like to meet say young people .ed others who would wish to join the membership of UN. *heroin Tberedsv of last week two .f oar popular yaws people, Mr. and Mn. it a craw_ re- moved from oar midst be the farm they have rested boar Pert Albert for a t.re of year.. The farm they have Id►, Broedvl.w. has Nee rested by H. A. gad Horses Homes. TM O. Z. ASSISI held ea Wdwday •vesbg of lest week had a ser setiewdeare of member* sad their fries .. Amomg thea' who helped sur heal bleat ben 1u the asst Use were Arlie Henn. sM•f.he Me- ilen., who pve • dialogue. Yon L OlEd- dame b ggeeeelinnets d .else d� several prey Arabs 0..ham, .f during t proems a r.ident el Du. mem several as ee.sel • Damien, mem esyse•1 Iwie'MeY ea the neuth oo ps. The wenn elate wee lively .ad lu0.re.rre mad kessly ees- teemd. R.r. Mr. Hs.Bw sued lie eha4- neL lrsaart a Oaptvat.--l*J.abeth tray. wU. 1 the Late Jens [ally, pined away freherbs spin Shiny -ens yeen et her e ,ser midst in 11. age .f aneim ..vam Luna • residual h... Helen tenni to settle bora ahe and b* late h.Nrr.d, lived b Tub aunty, Oet.. w4W their fg.u7, aha limns wane (fees Sligo, Irene. tri Oman r 1867. la the tall of 1868 51.y e•me he neon Mlore. their seas, P. mad 1., barns her, O Foley, rr•r thorn 1874 hstdas& penes -anis ales adeneeea are. The d-seseed was 1.h sad hi •thy mad err nosey math ,Wines•.4 aerlben hind se.•Ihfe sUI the Int. lanes any Been • week's Ye.m. The sem F1.iei, .1 o y afterena .f ne eta her sea. lent week, . )rive pa•deess, all beel►wt bens Janes. IAw.rd, R.k*I. MAW rad Itlleebeetrd , asd their b.el1.rJesees1.•1•w, 0 , west tile TTY1 Ree. Mr. McMinn M• the femoral srvb.. Keay eased ea bee b her w rris.bwe. sash pe9•M weakling. .hall my yam Ile se leap se tees been hkd 1e.d of Deak. • panty fathered be Mreathh tapers rrMe b..e Godwin from ldrr. Jay • 119141.. 9.1,11*. Tea da.l.N.ri Mor iadda hei1rr! sad servers b* ort y weep uo IngN 5 pP..i. M Mob las ...d.. •eedd���Ipr�pp .1.pet9tit ONUROM NOTE, altars sad Gnu may wYl 1. bald is iL... rrls..A these •,,T ..+..�....,Avikell,.,..!' .�e.•'1 0011111140 AND •DINS .rte Ole. Mann Wee hams brim rtr•11eed ter • few days the pet week. Mr. and Mrs. tie.. A'►mee vial.* Te- resa, .rest. .ad H•.tlese Net week. W. Blissbeth W*Maa .peas a few days We week with her oleos et 81. Helene. Mrs. Little, of Pies Mesad,Mots., Is vle1Mle br p.emy Ospe..ad lath.. Gibson Mr. and Mn. Harm Martin left ea Mon- day for H.nlltea, v ore they intend te re- ad.. Jobe Illwallerd. el the Ar. of 1t. A J. Rumford. hes relayed from a two months' trip to Badman Mi. OUby ebae*.d le hews this week to hatie ah•w of the mWlaory dep.ruaest at Health Biwa 0.... Mass Mad Murray left Moeda, after - awe os • two weeks' Net to the hew of 1* gaol. at Ktrktee. D. Fereaeoe reters.d en Monday from Detroit. when he was with he dear►tor, the tato Mn. M.rtla. during her lest 1..ra Herman Madel, wirer in the employ of t1. Michela Cleated Railway at Detroit as d.sp•t.k r, wee up fes • taw days lest week yWtter relatives h tide viis ty. Mi. Prestos, returned mbdoe•ry Irma Japes, was tbe ge.t.f lar. sod Mrs. Jeb. Askew whLe in teens. 81e is neem• beret) by way here .g the No Pr.Wa. hoe father. Rev. Jae. Preston, levies hes le .kart. of North street Method= Wench ebo.btwenty yes ago. AUCTION HALER• aeco oral ha wetting their a Ewe. setttteee taxer at this list .p to the time of sales. ibn•Ar. Masai 20th, -40 head .f saw% hsihrs aid .tee, prep*Iy .f Bdward M... hell. ea lot 4...a. 2. OM1.rae, two rhos siren WAWA lase O..asr, Aa•stew: 8i:vsoay, March 9111-Asoro° sale .f firm stook .ad implements. We property .f George Ch.rob, los 6, woo. 1, Codifies town/lbw, one mile .ostb of Oodert b. Bverythief/ will assetd ea Mr. Church 1.s sold hi. tares. Toa. dotrp°T, .°*Benner. Sabbeth nester, when the pester tr11) pres he Cradle of the Lord " will be the web .f diesseree next Bomd.y evenly! 1a Vloterle strew abarab by the pastor, Rev. 8. J. Allis. Rev. Mr. Muir, formerly Presbyteries . eiseeter w Brooeneld, hes sooepted • call to a.wreptfes to Peahetormh, Yrtaad.ry, Parthiti., Scotland. The Loewe by lk. UvL•pWse e. see "War with the Boers," anye•.ssd tee Fri- day evesiyw of WS week, at Vipoma sheet MItreb, 1.s bees nespooed to • later date. The mines bolas soaduoted al 8t. Peter's shank this week by Roy. Father Pose, 0. 0. 0., sedated by fiver rix priests, bee bees very oosossdal, all the Tyree being well attended. 11r. Campbell, the sew organist and (Noir dinar* of North strew Metbodut *baron, met the choir last Thursday syealag, bat will mil 110101110 Ids new positron pail the 26th ins. Ie the meantime Mir Mildred Campbell Is New ee reams►. Repute from all sections of the Presby - gecko nein ads. 91tbe suoose.fnl press make of the watery rand scheme. Already has liege are la exams of 000. ,, owns, mslo,*o'ley oamaithhew lona spfferdi ul 180,000. Vaasa alter have '1.1 with one emitter see their.... tribalioss. Rev. Dr Wordlist rosette re seima11 Hom 05 early every sereto.ary d. aa,Chin At the mealier movie, lest Sabbath la Eyes ohwok, Lite paster presebed frost Yat'. 16:32, and mad* the p..s . tie base of as ,•rust appeal en behalf of the famMb- l/0g milli... ie India. At the close of the serines, *idle ».wispee trete belle disiri held by the *Idle to »*sive the 'entrlle- Was of the people, the 'heir say the bytes Ramon lie Pecf.hlle " Th.se eaveispee d� t�,..�.e�. 'Cerise h looked for. will be rstersed sett Sabbath, • f _ AIV Mi. Preens, who W spent Jesse SS a missionary ia eowile the Methodist Woman's las** legionary eeelety, and who le no' ban ea tees oeospled the pulpit of 1111rtk.te9N M.N. dlet oburoh ea Au.day wreath* .d gave an address apes the week i.at bleb she ion ds.. aligned. Bre address dealsy stili 1.r war k at K.fo, when • bsarddi easoe JansenJasen gids le o sdemed Miss Primesle a gent speaker, • t �� the seen of amines, is • v'ry aids •esay'r. Methodist shwa en 8omovoids* servios d•y was iWrest *7 anuresis,, 1. t.ok the form of a Bone •*T1rre, the searmee rme• beim l.ter- Gr*.ed with apreprMto Moony the e .ir, wile we assisted by Jae. 7. bee - "w Res Mr. Allis himself .•ag • gels u.t before le oo.m..oed bit dheearse. The se►i..s el the .*terry wee the eesvads. el V•I..tbe Berk, • notorious burglar .t 8t. Loan, as the resole of reeding a *resew of D. L. Moody'. la • espy of The (1hhe- Demurs t which wee Wrewe late Dm sell la the et. Louie jail 1a width he wee meshed fee one of its.f.breakiN attempt& Ups. ►n release from oomdaewt he neigh hn.'t work, les, as is se e&.1 the saes with those was have.oe gess astray. 1. wee sot tuned ea! hr repent'. no nanhim wberever be weat. The Jaw W11111 whom Berk lad bees soloed .e the Use et his oe.vereles, and vibe was derbies, ahem Ile "Mese sats," had him webbed. and, se lest 'newt, ooa'tisan that no ex barest wee sinew is hi..mfsemese, he .Weed 1a• peens. as deputy jailer.B.,b-eath i111.dualMaspd s.. the Wee lMd •rrd W d.ties to the entire .Ud.tlen sl the et 11. ally. T1m preacher la hi t- '. marks snared the fine that se softy sea, •d ospuly yens err.. la °Mane► .be.etod them. say's free shorn .evhee He had !roes the sett* epees! •tu*Mw,ad thle tows, he.1•ted. was Om wares h fans reepeot thee he W hese he dense his week ea • omelets/ for ever tweedy -0i years. H. urged fiat • spend Wert be sone to beep the yenag taw nam MOW lase • eeditles et eaN- h.esem senna the suns .f 0'3. Wise . tree el Aria if that mirror ofoars shows • "Web- s*, sallow eompl.xlon, s jaundised look, moth pitches .sed Motel's. en the .kis, 11't 1i.* troebl.1 but Dr. Kiss's N.. Uta Piils regulate the liver, parity the blood, rive spar Ale, rosy cheeks, rich oosplexion. Only Ws. M lug Wileon'e rrrlellks■ drtal . etnYIL MARRIED. J11108OLaDN,---a t; 01.1 reellgallie et am soon [. :.g..D..1KD. 'f.1.' Ya...1 "1:7 es'.e'.1.r'tk.eiWl•li» Jaa aATO,DAT, Mar. 94th.-AsoUes eels .f ISM .leek .d impkm.mte at let 5, woes Woe 1, Oederloh township, oae elle ire. Oederi.1 .e 8.78.14 road. Sols to o.es mesa. at 1 r r. Tile Is . Neale* °L.n.g sale, se: tm 0roprl.tor, Dee. Chuck/awl sold hie farm. Tnoa. OOpnay, .uotlose.r. !MOAT, March 234.-A.otioi e•Ie of fern .took, implemenle.ad household fsr- sttere .t Harris' Mille, 2 mil04 west of Dna. Rennes, 0mme.mn,+ at 1 r.r The prop- erty wiU .leo be offered for:sale, o..yetne To Paris -ea Malone. to ParisF ree R.rk4or yew same at tack The Dunlop Tire Company, Limited, will give free a steam- ship ticket to Paris and return to the writer giving the best too-wal% description of an ex- perience with Dunlop Tires. All you have to do is to send a postai card, registering your name for competition, and ask- ing for the " Dunlop Tire An- nual "--,which contains all pate ticulara, and much valuable data, about " Dunlop Tina! anew, t..4 t+e'il nasi HAVE FOR SALE CHEAP I SIMILE LIU. 1 5 NORSE Mw 11113151411 MUNI a 0001) moa 3 NEE num CALL, awn sea Tarr. Tact sal Bnosin. tiwele1 Tie Henderson Bicycle Cs. (Limited). GraDDRZp$- e/ 14 eon hath • meIwsi eselme4. bene • lotswain Jens 8aap, peprleh•r Jowa Knox. e.euasser. Tavawt, Yet 9991.- 9991. -Amigos eels et M w Mad et east*. stows end boilers sad 9 head of ►iton'sea s. n, at le. 36, . 1. TeNar- met* (lamaread, sear Steeedalel Tor.., • ans wean es anal e.s01- tbw• , 6a twit, aae.leseer. T. Ts.uir lents' .ON. .tor, bjwaoq on s taw m x 48 di is i IBRIGHTS • DISEASE lathe deadliest asd most p•lihl malady to width mankind is subplot. Dodd. Kidney Pills will e�tr� aq sae. of Bright'. Di.s..j, They have sever idled he one Ones case. They are the only remedy that ever 1m. aired It, and they are the only remedy that eau There are Indiatiw. of Dodd'. [Ida.y p*p�p86, boa and same-bnt halts- flat are dangerous. Tlie edema' and ears kr Bright'. i>fri...s re DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS Dods'. PiW w . drwgsdrh. 1 •- Ihusband : "I'm getting sick of this standing 'round the market looking for wood ; then paying such exorbitant prices for it." Wife : " Why didn't you do as neighbor Jones did in the fall: go toLEE & SHEPHARD'S and get a 'Happy Thou ht.' He `I~• ter of fie .b7 making the change, and says he has got the beet in the market." We hear • similar conversance every day, and a great many host:ads have noted on Joose' experience, and have bought end have had the same expel• tenon themselves. In proof of this we 1.ve sold three carloads of Ranges and Stoves this fell We have a good s.00.d•hand Cu for wale cheep. Lee & Shephard SUTTON'S • .'t la Ina greatest remover of scale and pieveoter of incrustation. Bares repairs, oils, packing and fuel OUR Engineer's Meta l Polish is superb. Larry to apply and leaves a maR- ntdoent brilliancy. Our machine, cylinder, engine, dynamo and lub- ricating Oils are of the fined. Our sheet, piston, gaekett and rubber Packings are reliable. As- bestos goods, pipe covering., etc., are of the latest German and Canadian manufacture. All our mill supplies are the best that can be produced and aro fully guaranteed. Nor prices and discounts, write Tie Yli. 3atton Compiled Co., of Toronto, Limited. NOT IN TtIECOMBINE.., We are going to bandie 3 of the nattiest makes of Bicycles on the continent, �(�, the Goderich Product (t styles) Crescent and.,. Rambler We have again best appointed agmats for the local output of the RSNDHRSON BICYCLE 00. All of theme Wheels have the V j;BY LATEST TM- PROtEl1BNTR ort MINIMA DAYS will he FR1D/Or 014 SATUR- A&Tr 411 1716U* week, anQ d is -!dY of eek V plereh•aere should o.R'II uska ourttbpk 1!.1..e will �. a end LH our goals MON GU C. W. TIIOMSON & SON M talo Depot. gar High Grade Pianos, Organese4 Mewing tlatebinia It will pay yew w Rive es a mil. - oderIch Barzain ' A SPECIAL GLOVE SAL �` Latest shipment of LADIES' KID GLOVES just received. Although prices have advanced consider- ably of late, this lot was contracted for on the basis much lower than present market prices. It is economy to buy at our prices. r• - NEXT WEEK 1 t ' SPECIAL BARGAINS IN CASHMERE HOBS. JAMES ROBINSON TO ADVERTISERS. Keekentohang.s mn.t be left at Mils Moe not later than Saturday soon. The Oopy for changes must be left not later than Mon- day noon. Casual Advertisements accepted no 10 noon Wednesday d .soh weak. ,llcam Bodcr lietirillg. The Ooderich steam boiler worka having been removed from Oodench, I have matte arrangements to Derry on boiler repairing and also the manu- facturing of smokestack', tete. 1$0441i48 of bRafirIa4PEilLm ,pt' ,_:IBIMt t. D. K. STRACHAN, Machinist, Ooderidt. Work. on Victoria Btrest. MILL WOOD FOR SALE. The al of a is oat into stove weed ten=th and will be delivered to say part of the town the same day se ordered. Orden received by telephone er left at residence, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. 0.4.ri.1, November lid, 1899. 66.3. Binder Twine HOW'S THE OUTLOOK ? Farmers' Company Limited ata 5 Tr.t.. 1.1/15 their raw wtorl•1 right •d any Me MRS" - Ulm itaatind late. est .pis .k ..a. D.ah passe bsyy, • ear (meth, Is Hatted. W. 1..e wooed• yon fairly. Joseph Stratford, (i....1 Manager. TRY WORSJ3LL'S For bes.ewiade Dairy Tin- ware, Iiavestroaghiag, Stoves and Parnaoea The bed is the cheapert at J. H. WORSELL'S **wring. kion ems lienee firth sober wMeq. SAT The people are with the A. B. SMITH DRY 000DS CO. because they do precisely a Lahey say they will. Watch their list in this paper each week, and compare with city catalogue prices. What you may expect of them during this month : FANCY 0-00IDS At 6c. 8 skeins assorted Bilks for 50 Clark'. Mile End 200 yd Crochet Thread, per spool 53 Daisy Bilk, aasorbed colon, per ,pool 6o Crewel Wool, assorted oolong, 2 skeins for 50 Ball Tinsel, .ee'd colon, 2 ek'. for bo Children's Purees, 2 for 5o Black Skein Mk, per dos bo La-'iea' Linen Collar, each bo Beauty Pins, 3 for 50 6 yds White Los for 50 Children. Black ack Hose, per pair 50 Bilk Hair Ne each ban Black Silk Long 2}in. wide, per ydfin Large bunch Violet., per bunch.. , 50 Braes Banner Rods, with chain, ea.50 Poa- assorted oo per d Colored Quills, per dos - Hair Ribbon, 6 yds for bo Patch work Silks and Velvets, I4 piece. for 60 Faooy colored Silk Veiling, per ydke aroslar Combs, each 60 Side Coombe, .sok s. At Ic. String eaeh le Mending Wool, p1. skein le Knitting Pins,per net _ to Thimbles, snob .le Spool Twit, each f ...le Basting Spools, soon le Beauty Pine, each .....,le No 5 pure Bilk Ribbon, pee 1011....le Baby Ribbon, per yd i..10 Cable Cold, per yd , is Fancy Drees Trimming per yd ...le Skirt Braids, per yd le Toilet Pias, all sisee,per } paper to Vandyke raids, col whits peskein la At 19c. Lodine' Bloat. Waists .. , , t 198 All -wool, doable -fold Drew Gods, Fier 7d 190 2 yds Chiflon, 7 **loss, for 500 yd. Blouse Silku, at per yd 19. M188 DONAOH has just returned from the Canadian and Am*tican wholesale millinery openings, There is no de- nying the -fact that we are leaders in this part of Ontario 1 Millinery. Distant customers can order with confidence from this department. By' stating brief,/ the price and style, whether for young or elderly lady, giving complexion. hair color, etc., a style distinctly appropriate will be studie out. We positively guarantee all personal and letter orders. Loyd ey back if not suited in every particular. This rule olds -throughout the house. Our grand MtlHnery Opening for Sprint, _- 0 Wip,be announced next week. TERMS- .OAMB Ott PROMOS. The R. B. Smith Dry fit C. W. ANDREWS. , -