HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-03-15, Page 811, .. �„. i is x. - -cI r4,• .-..�.aea 1p". -awn• 'ti -40.:.. - .lea ------ . i -- -- , W -Ic i 1 In The Furnace w� ^�`' of Temptation " re a'4 a:y afraid you're not wall, tied but she did not. TAS Vermlas i - AI►d I think It,& I. bad of us to be 1t" Imamd out of bid world •les knew going," resumed Yea. Vdrvaia; "boat It that they lad beat in It only by 'tike ana't be be:ped now ; we a» all turmatt they had loft idm. packed, don't you "*I But I want He wocOnred In a hostass way that to ask one favor u( yuy poo Ippoatty, hes hon!n ens mothUtg of Dor Ippolito. aad that N," said lets Y"ek4la. cow. fts-iftlihoted tat tits ors:y tskJag a uttlA 104104,11 ,IfaIttmscrum Arr pocket, " that ycu•1T leave thawtd&td; be V Inventionsof y*ttn for a„rthl.av and mtnlto bbd cnllr, '' give yourse:f s vacation. Yoe toed whty4p to him It rest of m)ad. Go into the country, etas not wogiswbare, dpi That'* what'sy- In tbas' days F'trrrts received a ds- apow, you. But we moma s: red'. be sVatell (from the Departmeut of State 2, now.Sk.b. kamlA with 1-orl4a- Irttoc i41g him that bit tatt'Oatew load lb going so be the :est to part with bear &ppos'mtod. and directing him to you,' Abe said, with a tearts: ssml:e. lather up the omeniar [Inge, assts, Don DPpo.1to and Florldit. ext*uded arwhlv*s, said OUsw property of the their lands. Neither stook*, and as VeLbed m1>"Wa. No »non for itis re and sank bask upon the scat lrum owan given. glwen, but s4, Hoene had which all* bud ba:f rims. 41 drew LMer been an ransom for hie & - mswe closely the folds of the Well $blmtaloct, be to right to oom- Which also had not sifted from kN Idaln: the balance was exactly itrrs'- tace. W'a. Vervain savea 'ttt10 W4 thl. fri Ip,wr of err Avid u Don Ippo:lto took her hauod attd He Isetet•rtdoned not to wait kimod it; aad site had saint dlfflcti:1 for she ginomving up of his ss late of be - 1 y ton glebe 4,p the consulate e(tecte In -esvlog with him the reul"IL. Atd'he placed them at once in the which she tried artfu.ly to proas Into t>l the worthy ship-c11nro411er ►L Pa'.m. "(:Cod -bye, good-bye." she wbo bad no often transferred them said, "don't drop It," and Attempted flus daMrVidis ag to rrivinDuamle to clow his flatters over it. Tttest te:ng unite ready at any mo - But be :at It Us gateleMiY In ole trtemt to wave V'Mfee, he l'ou'd him. open band, as the gdo:,► moved aft, self nowdeager to go but he -.+p onh w -, - _- _ *ad .U_.&L Jai &&.Am_A:aud..hagse in a ,ilmiaory WAY -W -9nek watching the boat sAp under & bride" up het sketchei arpt studio& at the next corner, and disappear. Otho rmorntng as be 0211 Idle In his Wbl_e he 0004 there gsalng At the diltmantled .a.adlae .•sins nano to amspty ar•11, a man of A wild and toil him that as lilt woman. waiting mvsge mgrsct nspproaclyd, It veru snit I At the tkxnr below, wiahel W speak that %bN man's Irina bad been turned with hi,. by time dsaih of his brother• who was "Well, let her come up," said Far. betrayed W the Austrians after CAe tM wearily, and presently Marina to. revolution of '4K by Ili* wife's ons•- turlml with a Crory lli lavotired bel femur. He advanced with Swltt strides• dem. who stared hard at Via. while mrd at tits moment be rMcbed Don ho frowningly pwalwl himself as to Ippollto's side he suddenly turned bit whom be hold open that mwl!gn vis rata *port him and rarce l him through Ale Wore. his denrebod Leath: "Doe of a priest!` "Well 1" be skd, harshly. lour Ippollto, as if Ills whole race "1 OLmm," answered thw old wo- hail resoutxrod him In the maniac's man, "on the part of low 4,1fip:tl:to Ron - words, utterel a deco ate cry, aad h1d- di omill, who &oirvrs wu much to use Ing file face ht kits hands, trAtered into Your Excellency." l,l$ Moods. Ferny nude leo reopened, while the Tice roa1Mw shad dropped from his oil woman knotted the fringe or her pmim; it rolled down the shelving Shawl with quaking hands and Pre - marble of the quay, and slipped Into volt eywadddded.with • to lormwi In her the water. y it tcordel wish the 71", young taggar who load held hrnllnm- of bar face: '-He bas been Mrs. Verwnla'ty to f shore 9-7 Mick. puns' thing, with n ever. �`���jt�a � Woe- 'r • up - ss� tta•M9t its -1R: iirlCilp(r*n5l-.r(ran _M �r W'Vionvrted quay, and at tale- '4s' d0e'1Mer('y`�y bid veal Tppt wet 'I And windows. Then he began to tats hod's 0). But he to still very weak. lie off file clothes for a bath. tried W write two 14nee to you. but h► ked not the strength; sa he bade X v I1. ow primp you tbls Word: That Its had Ferris returned st nightfall to kis something to any which It gretntly Ilium• where hs bad not lroea all" eOsaceUO You to locale• and that be rlsybrask, &M flung hlasaolt exhausted Lal You to forgive his not com- Ialt to revere you, for It esu jonlymp. upon tie bed. His race was burnt roti ,ale, and that you mg -old Have she with the sato, and hb Ills eyes were oor'_ goodmea to him thus favor• to..,00me divot lie foil LA-) a Mme and dreamed to fla.l him the quicken you could •' that be was still at Malauna000. The old woman wiped Iter eyes with whither he had gas that morning In the Corner of her shawl. aad bar chln At moos at cram, with some timber_ wobbrel patbetleally, whUe afte,tvota mets, who were to cost their torte gLanoe of babf°I dislike at Ferrnawbo there; then he Was rowing back to alww0ml after a long dull stare at Venice ac:um the lagoon• that seemed her, "TNI b'at I'll come.- . molten fire under the keel. lie woke lie diA not, be,lere that Dos Ippolito wU, a heavy groan. and bads Wtrkw cauld toll him aoything that greatly fetch him a light. (wfilmrned him;. but he Was wore oat Site set It on the table, and headed witil going round In %be same circ:, or film the card Mrs. Vervain had left, oonjecture, and a tar as Ike could be He reed It and react It again, and then glad he woA Bind cd this chance bo he laid It down, ant. putting on his fare uuh tits calamity. lie wl go; but tut, Ir cook his carte and went ort. s spice ; he would think It over ;tike D " o not wait for me. Marina," Il! Walt d go tc-morrow, when he had got mid. "I may be late. (fo to bed." some Cramp lit the ma,44er. He returned at MiAnight. and light- Trip old woman Ihrgpr,d. bre itis cansdie toot up the earl and '-Tell film i'll Come.' repeated Ferris 11 Id it tT10411Abon. He could not Sell Impatlentiy. whether to be glad or [lorry tlist he A thousand excuam. Mut my poor had tallied to see &lee Vervains agala- Master time test Tory sick. T1.e dol. Hr tout it fele tad that Don Ip- Gee my hie will Not Weil. I hops mo. poll%o wind to follow: kis would not But lie Is very weak Indeed ; a 1 F:;. -d -,—.%,,s 1f4 l!)ICC- tresses hvta ,, OlnMea .®,ru'r-i`3�p.Ai.iit{ r 14,1 rid. 'f he ranrt)tu ware I all a that file stlima" very, very mach occupied he Should never more, look upon tike tills lnondng T Na gr*atJy dralrwi-be woman o hatefully lost to him• but pray 41 that If such a Shing wore A Strong Instinct of him heart &true• possible In she goodnmo of your *xtte'- IrkA agalnirrt them. lency- But I Am ofleadung the Ste. He lay downs in Ills clotusee and be- so":** ix• to dream &I OWNS, before he IegAn -What do you want i" demanded - tommop and fie woke early, awont cost Perris to walk. He did rot rest all day. Once Taw old "tell rt up a pitiful 110 name florae. aad fount= a letter' from whLmper, still tt ,1 to possum herself Milds Ner%nla. postmarked Verona, re- of Ili* hand; she blamed hie clout slpt've Ita"Ung her lamettu11,101m and adisse, Inatead. '• Tlrat You will return with aad explaining that the prima, lied >s me." Nw•e, Nis taght him. 14gsk6 d his Purpmes. said world not - oil. 1.11 pyo groomed the palntnr. C' to Amtatrkn At All. The deepen• ' I atolls as w00 go first as lama," he i mpS1*4'7 In which tills -we Wt hlm adJ"l h, F,ngllgln. "There, stop that! WAS ant sem sluleter than balum Rlsoon7tdt. enough. I tell you! Didt'% I In the weeks that folh,wed, Ferris rt;v 1 was "Ing with Y-1 t" be a led bad sty 0411- purpatr than b Adam, to the o!d woution. the daye to hnnn, sire Ivoam to ml,. " nod b!— yon !• oiM momhia+l. and •LCA Tits bettd,o fist tell SDohh Wm set off ihefore fila Clown the haat» load when IM woke lay lwavy on big I~% out of the door. it'.le 100k0d on littler. Lill might• anal op.prwrrrd him far Into a¢iy old and weary. that he ,.Alltr,l a 11" sloepp He Oxos:d not give his tcou- 61011"1011% to his landing and m'►de her bio tenni% Slle,pe; what was mostly get lntn It whir him. with Ida wine A farmlands lest, wNca It tormented Don ippo:ito's Mle he eorid not resolve into auSededinibs nelpthborA•oo.1 to 40@ VahteranM Rrrlys milk van or wren t. 'At miaow what he to such stet@, and a plabr�uat', exrlu_ load man atwred to hhm tomo bnlet°l teem arced at the raffe, whom Gle trick of the pmt 1LAAlont, some lurid parson rt. U10 —1wan known. when L&t too" illtelqu. Ferns entered tit* priest's horse Witt, Soft i,e eoald do bothlcg-He pould her. not est himself witat the e1 d was to He hall not Outten visited Dort Iphr,r. lit. HO kept ltdoorl by cloy. tryiet %o 'llr4 but the gtalntnoas of the ptaee wort, %rying to rand marvelOne flood been w vividly Irtgoreaseel upon ldm somewhat that les did rot tall sick ti et he had a cgrtaln faml I%upo ll m and die. At night he set out on long tie grere wrtrtx of the atrity with, if w1►Ib% whkuh hark him M oared rset the painting' of she pslrIOr, and the w1ow- w',d sift- detained him till tits rm@T1 s arrnnwnme•at of tins plana and 40" lights' of smsvedog began W 01"101 eat. VenertsnM led him th tr'Fntt" through Ye oweturnal blue, these room, to rough thechamber w,en by eight he dl,amued tM Don Ipp ollto find first ushown him eighborikood in w1,lrh file Vervalnw I,inwentiona They ware oil n• lead liystd, Their Inadlord moa% join a thntw41 noes, And on u tat, ret a In WcYems of tttfrleS the had LMt tire. the Wall st Iliad fat he refused to renslve th,emt. OPPODI" the door. Illi eewrding trek word tile% he did not tho rhriewt, with hie beads on hl• knew whets tje imdlea wore g0 h,erl hresat, ae1 A fatst mmile on his lips• half to pernetol. a„ Serve. that fills palnt. •trpantM t1tAt 1M. VarvalrL er storepal with a Sudden awe, Am If he though he bad stet amSwared Iter last had unawares& imosts lobo the powsru,a lettoo, might "Iff 1. bass agAJa from J of Aesth. SHAUVCDrAWX "NER 1 I . IN7 SLEEP, ,� ___7reX4 _1_ _. d Run Dowlk Iff6dDi% M4 Id Shake With Nervousness ---,A to ., Cas - Semariable Cure. , b `` • 'y Yrs. (Roar. H. Jol)* Ploreetoe, WSW wan a blank to him, fie kat. ,°ore writes • ..or moves! years i have alth to Dr. (Rlaefb than In any other bowl rnantng down la health And IIAT* dimiftOr' end Wass cometh by thrwA boxes Mesa w great weff►wer w.tb my nwrw*t Of ins. ('h^dWN Nerve Food. So he Ad. i Wbuht haT• aln,k'n rbal asp, lb neo Ne ny feet -could bound Ila an that D tmvga lenses takes f 1 foxes rX ih. and a distil, swln,nin far,19 d dovwo , Chaser, Iii-ve Font.• and It ha* dome a g wvtnNf lints for me than I over hpl'eved w wanes over es^•4 i rrluM not almp. N gift taeobl:lnw COMM dpi WOtM fell . a a attests night I wonkl *env c#,tds *Iw $res, my wrnttms,lw Mr that wcnrlerfal _, _ - Mrs, and MY hand felt as though .e1,,., ler-wilt aliens by th's twa'tgtAm%, wotkld bnrwt. It y rated AS thorygj I.��ftht I ren most wlh•wflIlly rommElcm wom1A Cu [xtt OI' my mead• CIA"',' Nerve Food to all ,reap. '. . " At Wt I )lid to harp oast 1� tt>t • a Ali aad WAS on We,* i Cod J r CM:=," er TO Fool b th v world's r.11 - ,, lit wis for "a er fifteen mint,►. � wex%lratlw• fir t!sap. My'dnetrW skid It was my it 4,r► X. c Dates. Weak. wml nwvttnh, atrA t ewx,k hie "t"^• wcmwAu 'tell rhildrwn. 59 frwa fall I's, f � tw a Mvv at all A%alera. or Farmae• better. spits without AMng Only moa, nate. do, Cie.. To."Ill, Am ""Infror"New V01A n4,t food, hold Dr• rf1sr 11lrrap of L'noad en d Wierpntlnw pryAPtlrte�A#_��w nrm .,trpy npA %tfotm111 dW� tat. a&thms. wn,1 I•rt A . :, 4129w,�,� �1, 1=1X_"P_-1�..1__.=___,__ . i-: - _-_ r~ "Advnnee. advate*," whkq.ued trl0 A� swi'b e�i$h'pattlter Aocirea. fl wottsaa hard " fiWttr W lead d Hla hllta'ty a "Asps it is ttw very hs y tttaKh. Cdh, w1ani&-hatred priest% wearlttt Up red y'w 'o not, know her, you trver knew stookingo of a caaonaco; has rtoe herl In the mallet tnx,aarut tbat sire was Imeatloally but ; boat he row [lolled moa bar love ales divined Wu bowed courteously to Ferris. I Noutwf wish thatem. The astir of the robre roes:+d Don Ip. i bratty tote etleglrt to cuu"10 ave for polit,,. 1% lltOwty atmd weakly the I'rtmrd1111maOYe of • whois lull Petit -morn- ad his herd, rad les eyar fNl typo% the and to Cors But 1 know that 1 paWter. ia meads a belppleas gesture waste q woods uu ytw." he cried LIL tartly, (aa asvrr would we ow I Of tmisrtat MIS wUk his tb1n bald, and began to QOr* himself, for the ttw• ma war; you would find mo la �� ble be bed givwt, with a gentle pin. tine. an:t valt 1 had a beart Ar full of Ittal*w that touched the potatoes=11111,.110. ra1L to or as love for her. In �ve f Mathcomplex rt rousle all the comex tawnt- what be,u tales to you?-' usntr that divided thou. IL was in. .. Yf1u Never were false so ms," an. deed a st--nageRttwrtd un which the lowered Perris, •awl (kW knows Ihave two rust met F�rrfa coottl not have been to to you, and at what oust, tlsseribed POR as his enemy, bVe a hs well curvet ale da we nest, lg 1 tole 0110 psrlast bad wittingly dow him Don 1pw.tto, for we haw* only der 0o wrong he car'A os tuvn logically earb ottwr hams. But I naverdteant hated blas as te rival, ter till It was you harms And now; I ask yea to Loo tai* be had not MUIU&Mleti to him forgtvo ttw It I Cannot believe you. own heart the love teat was in it: I cannot -yet, I pm std -soother race hs knew no evil of Don Ippolito, it I'n'to you, slow to wutgh L slow to could nut, ►aenm Lilt of any betrayal treat. LAT* me a Rttiw time; ICs we of trot, or violation of oomfidwice. sec' you again.I want to go away He felt merely that this hapless eau- 4,1141 think. I don't thudstion your tars, lytng so deathlike before him, troth. L'm afrubi you don't. I'm had pwotnaed, however involuntarily. AfroW that the rume detvdt has trick• what was mao»dswt In tine world to ad 06 btAb. • I moat come to yea to lit-; beyond this all was cbaoa He morrow. Caa I ?- nod Itnarevf the priest s a!1•kMaw with 'In, team and mtuod builds the coach. a ti!, harrdmtlmg of the heart; yet. �s�y• anrnrv," the M Ise btOM him now, Ise began to ems' S1 Paters lookltg fu4 Ferris' 6toublad rl--bar, things that moved him to eyes with calm lut illness. "Yes will a aory.ii%trtwwmft no recalledagaln do use the Crvut:•at pleasure. Yea, %h0 Wyglty wltb wblch Mort normo agaln tomorrow. Your know," !t ad fl{st spoken to him of 110 ants with a and smile, rv[errltteto �tlar ala. Amid tried to learn him 1110 wrpONe of tukuyr vows, "that my own Ier��t1tt�� towards her; hethought tium to the worth Is short. Adieq to how trustfully at their tart meeting loot again 1" the Priest bad declared his love and lie took Ferris' hand, haaglug weak WW, and how. when Its had eo:dly Age] hot by him bite, and scew him r e11001ve1 hies confession. Don Ippo.ito gently down by it, aud.himed himOxn had wl'oMly ad},r' d film to be trans either boarded clutek. IL to our cur• with him; aad Ferris cou;d not. That torn. your know. among friends. Fare pity for hlmself as the prey d fan. wNL" ttaa���s►te;pa117 crtrwl �',,y,g had-atre°dy vaguely 7 , The caggploo len the antemem bowed es Bray latstitm asio-pn sEdAhrolitim; n'"Tfvi also W Inclurkp the priest; Ignoring the o:tl woman n•fumod wish a harsh all but, tbatt •� ••--'^•• t - .1 " Nothlittg l" tine money Iw offered tier to the teed and took the weak,^t 111J, at the door, ta'r'veill hand In film own. lie bitterly upbraki d himself for The camottleo nose and pierced Lim the doab%m Ise e(lubl not banlah, nod chair for Ferris isuskin Use pillow, be stl;l flushed with shams that tw On which lay a broom crucifix, and shooll have de•larvA tits knowledgeof then softly deft the Croom. exchanging a moente which ought, at Its a glabos eN affectionate IILel:lgeuce wore%, to have been Inviolable with the slek man. by his speech. ll� scarce:y cared now "I might have waited A little for the woman about whom these md- WbLe," said Don Ippo:iW weekly. *ries groupelIthemsr:ves; he realised speaking in a hollow voice, that wan that a tanshmtic remorse may the Lha andJow of title o:d deep lone*, stronger than a jell .,us love. "but you wCl know bow to for`,ve Ile aongeed too, the morrow to come• the impatience of s man Not yet that be might cuniesa his sh-time Aad quite master of hlmae:f. I thanko4, regret; but a reaction to this vin. for cu -lag. I have been very MIX :ono; repentance c,me before the night &A You ace; I did not think to :two • tea. As the sound of the priest's vote* I did not car*, --I am very weak sad the a:ght dt his wasted face tad - now ; :at tae Amy to Jougtalck] std from the paluter's sense he began what I want to day. Dear friend; W noseverythingto the o�J light continued ion IppoAto, fixing tie Sesta. Then what Don Ipp,ato had 6106 upon the painter's face, "I m oke said took a character of wtdlerous. tits -filet m tnleby y lea" AMW;ael.,iWrsbabda+t�=---ten=s irtft'lafk" - . , . 41iom"s�wat«�6at`>tlpgf'`asff him The priest's voice was nowfirm; oT :one, ram bane walks. Be walk. W pointer turned his face away. ad hard and task to try It he might "I alydt* without hope," proceeded not all f, by mere fatigue of body. Dna IppoAto, "and because I meet. the dngulmh that fl,led his earl. But I spoke In wain; 4,'1 was lost, all was w h.rhever way he went he came again past in a moment." am,1 again to the house of Don fp- The col: of suspicions and mhsgiw- po.ito, and at luxt he stopped there. Ingo and fears In which Verrill had 'wning agalmst the parapet of the Aved was suddenly without .r ckw; house' as sbagh he wont. ow:i from be cou.d not look upon tie,pu ►lid tis -nos.om stones the truth of the •Imago of the priest last he aLexlld secret they sheAered. Far up in the °tow at lust tied there that subLe chamber, where he knew that the "Pres ton of dealt; the whirl of tib lay, the winlows were dimly thoughtb -seta kW OIL him deet ; Doo Ippoll- At As he stood thus, with his up. "Rven It I had never been a priest, turned face haggard In the moot ight, I aroa:d still have been Impassable the suAler commanding the Austrian to ill". ghee,- petro: which pissed that way, halted tie stopped as It for want of his squad, and seemed about to ask strength to eo on. A. at once hes t on him what he wanted there. triad, Llsteml" add 1W r re- Ferris tarue'1 and waAed swiftly counted the story of his live, small me homeward; but hes did not eves :ie with the fatal trageldy of his lute. down. His mlaery toot the shape of When it wan to.d he calmly, an intent that wou d not suffer him t n Ivid "But, everything is er with m" to rest. He meant to go to Don up- on earth. I thank the llitinits Com- �p°oAto and tell him that his story had Passion for the awrows through which faked of Its offset, that he was mot I ha we passed. I. Coo, have proved the to be loosed mo easily., and, without mlraru:ara power of bks church, po- demanding ■uyLhing further, to:rave tent to save in as ages" Its gathered him to his :w., the crucifix In his spectral grasp, and AL the earliest hour when he might pressed 1t to his ,Ips 'Many merelful hope to be admitted, he treat, and things haw* twfa:;en me on this brd rang the beA furiously. The d --v- NrY at slickness. Y.l :e wh the opened, and he confronted thA pramt's yye�aa aplspset.I* ,�sfrt<-1St=r Rt_L _ ln`twith [ - po71%," said Bents abruptly.- �s ones more at peace with m I Sven "it cannot be;' ahe n. that poor . a woman whom 1 amt "I to'd you I must," dried Ferris to can you, and who had or me me reWng his voice. "I ted you" - It I bs:bwet, with hate role s as "Madman I" fiercely whLpered sea s fa:an Priest, la her heart, night t de- 07.1 woman, shaking both her open voted herse:f day aad rsa my hands in his (ace, he's dmdt He he h her ss : she has grtrwn decrepit died list night I" with her y -red an and •alis. Yea, 1 bpve XVIII. tied man and 4,i ol+ Divine pity to be gratemnrr r." lie Tse terrible stroke eobernd Ferric, paused, breathing qulck.y, and then le woke from ht' kxtg dehauch of hate added, "They te:l me that ,be danger and Jmku:y and daepolr: for the of this alckneo is past. But movie the ftnt time since that night In the w I haw* dkd la IL R'hen I rise garien he faced hs tate with a clear tram this bad It 4114:1 be to take time mind. Ieath had lot hie seal k,r vows of a Carme lte friar." ever to a tnAtaony Which ho had FerrN mita, no answer, And Dun been able neither to.Rsfuwt nor W fppollto resumed: accept. in ethj-t morrow and rh&me "I have loo;d you how, when I first be thanked Ood that he had been Owned to Mr the fnlnlNtood In which kept free from deat:ng that laxt I lived, she besought 4,e to try (( creel tol,w ; text Ii IaIpollto bat. i m;ht out Had comSm;ntlom in tine cwmw hack from the deed to repeat holy life to which 1 bad been hill witrhest. F'errN felt that the noir. Tow. when dtr aelP could not change bid own paadve will mU �' her, dear friend. at,,te. There wax not, Trot one You not tell her that i came, tbinm In the world for hiss to to. to Alm umners,und that the romrort, ,eo florlds, to ntront her w!thher the rsfrsC@% awnitn.l me ht the cell knowledge of all that had been, and I the (;armnll:' 7 I have brought as. 4o ahklo by her word, whatever it much trouble Into her life tbut I wn-. At the worat. there was the woult (alit leave her know I have war, Wbor drums i-ild nirettdy edit. found peace where she fi dsme *eek 0.1 to him few a refnge, 111% that I have mastered my arlilc- He thought At flr,t that he might Win by recome Was myself to it. Tel pe*lnlopv overtake the Vervalnx be... bar that Mit for h- pity nod fear tore they railed for .tmerirn. tor sop, I be.levC titer% I nwmt have but Ir remembered that they had died IM my ow." left Venire rix weckm bpArrw. Itneem- It "a Ppeeraps Inevitable (row 0'1 lmpa.alble that he could welt, batt Ferris' Prothistant association when he Landoll to New York, he wan of mrn,lts add oomvenyt and Penanevi t0rntentel In hN Impatienrp by a chiefly with the rmerhinery of lie. st»rugs reluctance and hdwltat!on. A tion, Hatt 4,;l this affertAl him Am fantaatte'light fell upon his plane; ts,nr"Ally nx talk In a stage -play. a Mom of Its wlMneas pnfbebled his Hl* heart West cold, am Iles anxwPred: Pnrl'o-A. Wh„t WAS hes gong to dot "I am glut that your mldnd is at lied be calm" four- thnaxand rolled to rest eomctrnitg Use doubts which so tell FbNda that Don Ippolito wax tang troubled you. Not nil mph Are dandy or wAS he go'nR to may, •yI'I so eanlly pacirlen; but, an YOU may, have im"I'd that yoq love me, Mut I It N the prtvllege of your church to dant Ml:eve it ; N it true r - work mtracNw. An to Hilo 1'vrvalm, He puwhei on tic Providence. sltifllnr I nm worry tial t cannot promLs flew° °able mid�lylnrfs ax he might, to Rive her your memealty% I whall yid wA110"t Allowing hlmvoif time to never mew her denim. Exenam roe," h,• bolter from his Intent, he apt out Coll '"of], "but yo nr aprvant maid so tied Ken. Ver'rAln'm hanxw. He there bras atrmethLng yw+,t wialt0d e n knew the and the number, for nay that ae had often given Intro the "it,, enincerowl mer' len hor invitations • Yen will never we her again I•• when M xdrwroltl rwturrn toWA et r a. cried O' pries•, mtruMling to lit% A4 he drew none the houlm a t bider himself upon Ito 611100w, and falling trephlatlo, rllbd him anti ,lleneeadalf ha •Poon thin pUlow. "oft, bereft! r.ther'On"" In'blm; hill heat. boat dmf ant. h1In1 I It was yext that thickly; the nnlymrm' Inrindpd only aha Iowrll I'he rmfesa,d It to me the filet that Joel was to ,4,•,k to" w►t °lgps a the ran* he lowed, Asst trhMe het bold NnIbP' Mom inrrl0, tr inn toMlthwr past ttOr future.s11*at)T hisvodcs, load fail �ng ; I ('Ili he eostlnsed.) Was wish Mre. Vwrvaiet that night ahe sent sive into tho garden the $100 RewsrA. $%(M. night to Lail her daughter, and I The rsmdera of this saw low Ili" Venmi n partod fr in DADer will M she man Abe Md fraR love I I mw ••- �,y to lumen that thprs N at it was a hnrrlb!w Ulk* to have t ones dreaded disease LMt *lel• SAM It, he felt now that he had anneetahas b�° able to cu» Ill all Spoken ; • *erkir clef Iht1Mk nry, tM gem• and that In Mtsi lsarr Sefalrsam, *seemed him favwn All high erxtto allenRAII's Catarrh Carom N LA0 only pity asp attive oars kntvNh tip the medical to In the rrateTn(h lty. s&rrh bollen matter, Aed $0 laAve him A ere retmal ALs_e a en'xtl• m wciwiovjl wlf-eobvleaell etavwltdropper. Ilia ram $ntlonal treatualow, ell is Catarrh (lamal ; the warprlur hope'. the con V takes' waverbtg double. allke diet In tib »¢til o i°tOrnally,- "ting 41. bear► no bod falba lethey almost the b!extd and aseeod, nitr of his own troabip. ofte' ohne"" of the eyatem. %howdy da Tun new. ytw saw," Way repot Stttwiutg this, leusastMn oat the dw- Ad the 1p=t•le�s6, wittoat looking at him, ste'wtn thMA �Tthat the Mtlpat and wlilhOont Any eitdnr oi onto kiet: fatten by building up the rnnatl- wpppareytMy the teo'val0atwutos the$ p ton yM ierleting nature In d bawl i *slight him p►rfpct 7!t('larnsmmof to work The' Prorrtatorto have Mama had Iwrt his ras,slldll Iles morh faith Its curative IOW vim ati9 SowmWhwt A+AMA At that the ,rffar One Rend rd r't<l Srmtlr. ' At>t"t.,40:011= 'M a4k-r*fox nay noose tAat it (Altatolei+ mAke�E41, s Sand tAstiasmsniale. not s tr�ntl°stldgsA'Mrasm F tel. (y4F:NRY • m1ahr..Il'pita (4,+katdb1Mhne foBaoloold. by Farbiot , lis* we Rila • R � . .. r. . ' , , I 0 ,J - BEBUIAIg low 1►f@fv4 ''lei i'As Boma tsar kvealai - Dreed. IsTerrlDly Prevailing In Quebee.' A' e pretty notion Lha% M Its`ItE fade vogue In the F»sob and Tortures YouDaandOld, orPplpt now may wartimeour am wa�j>tr am being rattler wmelertoev and bo conspicuous, tett as worn by Weak Dodd'sKldoey r1llathis UnlyCare for Vreuch women they realty tiny* a It -'('hey are Am owyltedlelre'rkat deckdad grace Tl•w are flower Itewuves the C.. Of t►• Him- bows for affairs wants. The Drat- Lungs I naw• ty little affairs ere u(Lnnw: matt* Levi", p'. Q., March b. -The ellnnale of d,4«~V ►rtlllolal flow- Of this 1'rovlSM to sunk that Itheumu- mamwd together to form a Llan► oar a very v m(noo dismau. �mins garland. Than the ends w� �F that � lull Almost every fatuity in t1w 1'ro dsv It h wIM a cluster of full- %lace suffers from its rttvagem. Yonne blown fkawmrs, lends and leoayra app t iectly htaithy pq mad olJ are vlctiuse. FLOWER -DE ORATED MUFF* neon worry about you 16doloSnds of people are crippled fur Fancy mulls. flower decorated, tr111s Oi C0113U111 11011. lite by Is. may also be clamed 4,q a Parldima P They A maidlulne chat call cure ltheuma, oras* w often are Lbee meen (WOO �'t attm* healthy people. tivm is a tiodweud. boulevards. Theme are mat% free �tvi tilt town, dtbllita Experience, haw proved that tial- VuOntly worn em an acosewrr b a ted, it, ment* and oils are of no tau» valve 001 b math W�tu bar ma� �rnbrant3 that art than Is told water rubbed an the cheek to cure Loothachle tmcankromly with the shade of the &A affeded. Hard tongue That RMutati*m Is due W diet- gown and Ito floral deooracbtclae• and colds weaken your throat easel kidneys allowing puidolt to aro- Orly designed W produce an artle le Main In the bleood. Instead of filtering tewult. Oue heouty mentioned In (rale hill lungs and nlake eo11• it out, has been abundantly proved by aAliew was Of dark -brown veltvie emrr.ntion n10fs Easy the remarkablo muccom of frodd's Kid- flued with old Ivory satin, adorned , i � an MLA Rey l lilt, which act solely on the Kill- wltb a beautiful bunch of President i� Heys, and which have cured every Carnot eoe,m. case of ltheumatNm for which they ('OiTLY CLASP8. - g O� lave been used. The latest caprice that the wo A specimen nus In that of Mr. M. moo of La Belle Francs have taken Is tM bat pa can talc It L. Hlnchey, of this town. to their hearts to a Itnmdsome cl&tiy pedes and h" and joves Mr. HlncMy says: "1 have for years for their oustly wraps lir, elabur- softs Breen tortured by bankacbe -and Ate n,.d ewstly are Vowed Nrat they NW �o to �. Itbet:rntttlrm. find a platy In the jewel cabinet bmmaL In" my yea cm prevent "My cam wan very severe, and my when trot In use. They a» ver Aad nuffertngu very great. Or In led yo• ti wt it •'I tried several kinds of medicine dad with precious stow& a mtu . Slee Y you htnat't belt a be Ions. but they did time no good. BELTS FOR YOUNO GIRLS. Keep bilins It salt/ your bwo we 'I was Induced to use Ibdd's Kid- ney 11114, and I am happy W State y ltltMtg Y� flltOrtd that three boxes cured me, full and girls a ee,t the plain little nor- AAeu ,,ky.m�.W�,h�, m,�ac. am.a*dM 0 akeegoal ,iy'. ­,�,­ • - Y Tt. •ata bSerad Ill- dtf,oat n 1 91 - a t4 caenser 11 t,1, a-. , .._,.., fuller 61[116. Toa If iodd's, Kidney Pills cured this as well' two points above *tut below, erre ease u( Rheumatism. they w11' sloping down es either side and pm,. '�`- IIPflalnly cure others sintf arvond 911111 watt 1° a narrow Beauty'�ttd dlttlnlL7 eo Are you a sufferer from Rhebma- band tustening to the bock cr ot at pher.-Ruskin. tiom t '. the side. These belts are of am.-- It maoa are. tete a box or two of broidery of some material tomatob ' l`oll's Kldney till& They will certain- Lite trimmings of the gowsn. t s ly can you. Setter Thar Muskoka. Stood by His Wire. Acting tin the well-known principle Colonial Excursion The colorless cbaraater wasm 1 that Ube oxygen contained In pare s P y air Is nature's bast aura for all forma TO TYR making talk ; that was ver) apparent. of eMsea•p, Dr. H. Sancho, forursrly u( 'Ah, :nd06d C' he »J�lned 3o cook- yp,mtift"l, but now of New York, has Canadian North Wes er i your whole paF.icular tad,, u psrfet^te"1 An Invention called •'Ox X 1 In the abstrart or the Iwncretef' donoor.' It is a wosderfut little+ tin. The other man looked apprehensive- strum,,,,% wllich Gauss* the human 11 will Wave Toronto, via NON y over D w shoulder; it is quite I twin body to absorb oxygen from the air Shay at 11'1. and 0 for somebody to do the in all cook- In sufficient P' pre my ,A*& quantities b burn out t11aCh Tue,aday durlfl� Marc I� be perfectly ca"d," he dla "Am At any orrahie stage. As It and April I1 lent will Nerve a whole totally and Iasi 'Lea eke are just "the puddings ■ad for yesn. It will be Invaluable In businNa otffers. frnit cake are Just • b:t hike owcrete, oases of sudden Illative In she noun lragy Mut rope of the other things are real e* !t will effect a tare ore a ddoor : foo m, pus t°s sq ?1-1_!_1.1"-r:-,t y,,, .�,�,,ef,, ,gyp , w ssaY he 1 .�w�•wM*dmsge 60ydim t" %biff td asM(tr,de�'r��-Z T. "7the beet phySielattS. A cut of the In. vaahrg heAaSPhagmOs*t4MrtaSssawt+ 0&Lrume.nt will be seen In Another m erram ni ea tr"nsseakwW rtch.-}Tetreit Jorlaal. column of this paper. r L w to tela lak��de Terewlomsep.m. a through to tT Walpeg. POLSON tQ Kl�d'm 140im*mt Cores wW M lean& O lbws mcammLl and Ilaadruff. moo k kru� a ea eDDikallw, to r,:4, V Do They Celebrate ardyssalth There?- Yell ti rtes %alt ail laformaut,m fn �1 L' t,,-. -I great Malt udw arr.va: agSavalOrsM7vwaktaLwayyucu,. :at,,-. Br; embole alt 118IV4 i AI', R DIC -1:16". Dk*" FVAMmger A.;, - S,. : - S,. Aster -He lea, Obit Hyw did you f:ad that oats i THE GREAT4t Serapb-He kat wcrm out two horns Agents W�&:ready :n tan tarty days be has been Wanted PAIN KING here. _ __ _ __ IN ere" town am TEAM Im-tLmda 1., , GIVES (, "'' lls Grip powders cum Made to msemon dothing. 1 �`s Her UGRORIA W,0 tpleseary. ,1 ;tumo G 4'8N NT - BEd.` I amafrAK" &M very shyly. TORMTO Ohl 'that I ought not to perws you to ---_ ._ ADAPTED FOR FAMILY USE POR rail me by my first name " " All. pardon me." the- young man NOTlClt THE DIdMEDIATB RELIEF OF nrpleet I Itlte you (Ires name --Vile. TO HORSZ OWNER5 '/ �� C:nia-I% wts•m, to tit y' leo well. I R a watt - N E U R A L li [ A Md �*) ! tn'gllt ore 1% to atldre�ltat WILL, . �5-- that tMt R.oee tre.rh yea." N neem an Prairie &aenare, t " WwU," she anewe•red. sats .,tedas�tMhesvai► ��('��+� OUr%,,w yo'n PRAIRIE WRED Hesse Powde TW 11 ACHE 'ray to o you think you 'real to do stir-y*s f" L empesed d the Pemtrts Wind ^ w ,ten 1 'lit on there came into his Cyst the lease tonal no .d►ctaJ I t so 11 •t w. ., ,, that the TIII tlm In she atr.ep e«n-Med wtu otas her . cal "ifyrl kwe ...RHEUMATISM... alw.hyA lea when be Is abort to be %adlb*a1 ti Her." chv,* Ire t.r alk �fnm�a��AND A141, IPAIN �O°r�.-Chlnago Herald. _pa.. �• at an e m e .�+�.. •..-L-~A*r•-. -"'�Swt.-rhe.'- -I"' .i'- E'-' . . m0;7 _ 12 y ria. 6ALi-sM24W l' oot'NTRy 1101 (tam (rrla*AUyet , raVILlra terse Testhatho, M cuss&, ee Odle. mist at Namlitow, andemtattean, Chilloial.p. Sieeeee tw...M cattle, — -- tdke t)warb In Ntel..a fruit hen, t'n art eMasars, eeeeralmla Diphtheria, T yh�r�a�t,dj t�, pp,rtisel v iawM pe' r., Prost site., Cra,tye, ad. tea' Mem Mss4 7rnitr ens Cle4irb ItAffwy. . Puma. (Jr.,U WE diriate Inns tone ►arta. T re Hers trrrswAur, it eer.s Gt*a, l/sndsrq Mp\ARD'$ LINIMENT M the only 1. wddre..,ye,,,tth„*par}s,tor'l-t„m clydlwu. orr,hea nwsp.Wshs. elmaMeg, Llnlme't edged krr at my +tore and Ohht• tw k-mmk. suak.xa bisardwe, sc. . the only one we keep for safe. nrasaawso n All the pocphn sten ft. tALe -- THOIWI'om.aRel) \11 HUiLIY FiTTON, �!dlHawadttAplt twtt.h• winner fur lit N.C. POISON dt CO., KINGSTON, Off.' I'laenteant n,ty, t . B. I$ Ko ft reef H&MfK%es. ty.L AT ALL 6RUCCISTS, MICE 25L „ J PeTmn epee Uf "AM no a L An Almoner is cards. =A!#= Did you ever f P to think that an A Novel AA. W� M Sarm*rfr t rlMl,ra! rditary [Sect b( Playing tarda b a A retxat number d a London a SSlat�. sgmispeb�+ twoperfci ds.calrOPry There n» fifty- eentains this advertisement: -Ant- .mwt7t�a �j�7� amain two cents representing the number ad, a man of ! ht wei lot, who ten "”" 't - .f t►es#a In the year: 86S spot&, tor- tis Lord and can drove a ,eSpontllngtwe a tin tt85 Myo in the stead horses. na most, Lord Pair - — Attriiaa lair: twelve ftile Cods. reprin the y ,ng the twelve months; four xuits, arae at 7 o'c)oek is the morning, ~ ks;-k4, easkad-Dwio&L )tsar clutm. *padea, heart,, diamo ldx. re- obey him master and Mistress in ai The Moo "AIf baodaa"t the bats arts ere PNWPntlrtil the four mettoonm; thirteen yawfull commands, sing psalms and weetai and ayto.da,d• snag mea est a mhmb rants In each suit. representing the Jan rte homssboll prayer, look ar. old matter, the txieea an lew,aad the len thirteen income in Parti your, and tie ;or the horses and oeeam:ona):y wait Run �Nrut 'oker UMkes op for the extra day In M the tab:s."--•Oh:,eago P,,wd. Mamas can mak,o men" iftbt the year. take Mid St Once and sell our kooks. Pro ro Cure s Cold In one M pso m hro, tit rale mea& lath'dma steer a Many young ladle who were sup• Take IeratlTe Baso y s w4wbgmw WIIIW pawn b ileo goinginto efaoilne lonvw d Wlnlad Tablets All rtrgpdafa r*lar,d the me,oey If It ta1M tel tun Do Metiedlst Tisa! norms. Too"& bewet remtorM to Ink and rlrw by fec- W.Orove'-fornatarc I.Cn Ooh bad. ____- nos of YNlpr s Compound Iron )'Ills. MCI g Srr*p sboatd e Sir Wil}lam Mwcdonslrl ltnw wamo W, MCI NYn* Twiti,g. Itwoult toli Made the Mean Kam Happy. sorted four pounds of tobacco to : wsfispMw;ygrttra ealast .kmlentf The Yen Yam was look each nomcommisel,mnd oflt-ver and ewslsa roeDt%reMs Tw "Whbae (eel: '� happy. man M the Atrathooroa Horep _ _ __ r -- mss have you hart -- rrttStry IXRXAN1JtXT�,Y CVM BY Dl now r' me was asked. Millar'w Worm Poswde•r, for allow FITS gIf-,. Great ISerrs it"UAW K "My nspten►'s," sad be, ' 1 he we skid ; Ott oar yontsg, as or „erTerpanetw %Rets asst Aay Just sent him a 'letter asking him ---- sea tread to tm Arab ,It to accept the eno:osed hundred do:- Ttr Mr'thodist Church at Alwlnmton 4,).,w.�1T Notro r mitred :or chuck to a i-Itlx birthday gilt." was badly damaged by fire, mntr..l.Qte, "But where does your appo0calty romp In on such a prepoaltiea Se -_- tlmtP" ,- "I didn't Pot Is any aback." -C eve_ .. I 11 land Plsa Dealer. Kinard'* Llalmmat reMo%ov dtearalgla Ilpiglrm•a ftl►Ttek ,1 haw, f The else*—I law of Relelam p,o- rilhm Shut "Pry man between th" i, &gee of 2t and 211 years who shall t, ( ` 'alM"1. . pMy E1 Per ynwr In taxa w111 be e,1- Aq. LAWMIR CHh1'1dAR R�PiNiNO titled to Tote me ballot; aWr%d rtwt over E6 yearn Or &V will IrQvO _ - _��y - -_.__ _._ ten twi!oO each. &tNl li ranch mar. '� anste*1T*ire:.se . rled men atoll own ran] eStato or ��ovOwnmmto bond,* or savings hank ttwpxsaltw awl"dnedng an imctsrne oar iiM 1. 1. �_ THIS SPALL A year they will have three ballets avchA� Will toll your something to your 7 Oo LadleeI if yon would Ire strong nntl �r r��...,..�_�v Menithy atnA have tt7txxl wmmplpnlhmrh t" ." w-w�• W_ or. Noth tate Millwr'w ('ompoand Ian 1'IH•. t i Its Mlaslon. : in 11 �11 e M ][rat !idAM "Bart 111mot 1" mourir"Ay wxrla` �s ,!r m� N:,. ad eke bei you ers"v*/_ a tetx,the bold ad le, •aur } 11111"a -mans" 1pg(Jgg'tbr SM of ill used". "1 ask a eats- 'cwt," 4,:,w- _- __� -,_- New 'lop stilts- A quarter. Miller's - - - ..-x _ romp ma 1r1w Pule. ,� Are_..� srsh � Iles ateA.c fttaie h Ponell Iea"Iry. -�4" wi) two Meed for ..d TOMc4 s from menta Ares t'mlrhme ty snow it%" n( the tared, v hydraallc ptrss,nre a» Saw m.6e for errydonm. It h . In larges gnantltlaw. nurse wbille}lets • Tbe+y' are d," A�' wANTRI' pm! r!nr plaits tit• .nlldr+rt r*naUs. Ola tlda /1�/1 in" Imran a' g . w -.� %R^ 8tf.0m fdfl0 AV S#r.w'. D.htmo oIlene Sloom etai .. ­ . I, 0 tsM6 w --I I '. . . .1 .1 ,. . I - v ,rat "I. 0 ,J - BEBUIAIg low 1►f@fv4 ''lei i'As Boma tsar kvealai - Dreed. IsTerrlDly Prevailing In Quebee.' A' e pretty notion Lha% M Its`ItE fade vogue In the F»sob and Tortures YouDaandOld, orPplpt now may wartimeour am wa�j>tr am being rattler wmelertoev and bo conspicuous, tett as worn by Weak Dodd'sKldoey r1llathis UnlyCare for Vreuch women they realty tiny* a It -'('hey are Am owyltedlelre'rkat deckdad grace Tl•w are flower Itewuves the C.. Of t►• Him- bows for affairs wants. The Drat- Lungs I naw• ty little affairs ere u(Lnnw: matt* Levi", p'. Q., March b. -The ellnnale of d,4«~V ►rtlllolal flow- Of this 1'rovlSM to sunk that Itheumu- mamwd together to form a Llan► oar a very v m(noo dismau. �mins garland. Than the ends w� �F that � lull Almost every fatuity in t1w 1'ro dsv It h wIM a cluster of full- %lace suffers from its rttvagem. Yonne blown fkawmrs, lends and leoayra app t iectly htaithy pq mad olJ are vlctiuse. FLOWER -DE ORATED MUFF* neon worry about you 16doloSnds of people are crippled fur Fancy mulls. flower decorated, tr111s Oi C0113U111 11011. lite by Is. may also be clamed 4,q a Parldima P They A maidlulne chat call cure ltheuma, oras* w often are Lbee meen (WOO �'t attm* healthy people. tivm is a tiodweud. boulevards. Theme are mat% free �tvi tilt town, dtbllita Experience, haw proved that tial- VuOntly worn em an acosewrr b a ted, it, ment* and oils are of no tau» valve 001 b math W�tu bar ma� �rnbrant3 that art than Is told water rubbed an the cheek to cure Loothachle tmcankromly with the shade of the &A affeded. Hard tongue That RMutati*m Is due W diet- gown and Ito floral deooracbtclae• and colds weaken your throat easel kidneys allowing puidolt to aro- Orly designed W produce an artle le Main In the bleood. Instead of filtering tewult. Oue heouty mentioned In (rale hill lungs and nlake eo11• it out, has been abundantly proved by aAliew was Of dark -brown veltvie emrr.ntion n10fs Easy the remarkablo muccom of frodd's Kid- flued with old Ivory satin, adorned , i � an MLA Rey l lilt, which act solely on the Kill- wltb a beautiful bunch of President i� Heys, and which have cured every Carnot eoe,m. case of ltheumatNm for which they ('OiTLY CLASP8. - g O� lave been used. The latest caprice that the wo A specimen nus In that of Mr. M. moo of La Belle Francs have taken Is tM bat pa can talc It L. Hlnchey, of this town. to their hearts to a Itnmdsome cl&tiy pedes and h" and joves Mr. HlncMy says: "1 have for years for their oustly wraps lir, elabur- softs Breen tortured by bankacbe -and Ate n,.d ewstly are Vowed Nrat they NW �o to �. Itbet:rntttlrm. find a platy In the jewel cabinet bmmaL In" my yea cm prevent "My cam wan very severe, and my when trot In use. They a» ver Aad nuffertngu very great. Or In led yo• ti wt it •'I tried several kinds of medicine dad with precious stow& a mtu . Slee Y you htnat't belt a be Ions. but they did time no good. BELTS FOR YOUNO GIRLS. Keep bilins It salt/ your bwo we 'I was Induced to use Ibdd's Kid- ney 11114, and I am happy W State y ltltMtg Y� flltOrtd that three boxes cured me, full and girls a ee,t the plain little nor- AAeu ,,ky.m�.W�,h�, m,�ac. am.a*dM 0 akeegoal ,iy'. ­,�,­ • - Y Tt. •ata bSerad Ill- dtf,oat n 1 91 - a t4 caenser 11 t,1, a-. , .._,.., fuller 61[116. Toa If iodd's, Kidney Pills cured this as well' two points above *tut below, erre ease u( Rheumatism. they w11' sloping down es either side and pm,. '�`- IIPflalnly cure others sintf arvond 911111 watt 1° a narrow Beauty'�ttd dlttlnlL7 eo Are you a sufferer from Rhebma- band tustening to the bock cr ot at pher.-Ruskin. tiom t '. the side. These belts are of am.-- It maoa are. tete a box or two of broidery of some material tomatob ' l`oll's Kldney till& They will certain- Lite trimmings of the gowsn. t s ly can you. Setter Thar Muskoka. Stood by His Wire. Acting tin the well-known principle Colonial Excursion The colorless cbaraater wasm 1 that Ube oxygen contained In pare s P y air Is nature's bast aura for all forma TO TYR making talk ; that was ver) apparent. of eMsea•p, Dr. H. Sancho, forursrly u( 'Ah, :nd06d C' he »J�lned 3o cook- yp,mtift"l, but now of New York, has Canadian North Wes er i your whole paF.icular tad,, u psrfet^te"1 An Invention called •'Ox X 1 In the abstrart or the Iwncretef' donoor.' It is a wosderfut little+ tin. The other man looked apprehensive- strum,,,,% wllich Gauss* the human 11 will Wave Toronto, via NON y over D w shoulder; it is quite I twin body to absorb oxygen from the air Shay at 11'1. and 0 for somebody to do the in all cook- In sufficient P' pre my ,A*& quantities b burn out t11aCh Tue,aday durlfl� Marc I� be perfectly ca"d," he dla "Am At any orrahie stage. As It and April I1 lent will Nerve a whole totally and Iasi 'Lea eke are just "the puddings ■ad for yesn. It will be Invaluable In businNa otffers. frnit cake are Just • b:t hike owcrete, oases of sudden Illative In she noun lragy Mut rope of the other things are real e* !t will effect a tare ore a ddoor : foo m, pus t°s sq ?1-1_!_1.1"-r:-,t y,,, .�,�,,ef,, ,gyp , w ssaY he 1 .�w�•wM*dmsge 60ydim t" %biff td asM(tr,de�'r��-Z T. "7the beet phySielattS. A cut of the In. vaahrg heAaSPhagmOs*t4MrtaSssawt+ 0&Lrume.nt will be seen In Another m erram ni ea tr"nsseakwW rtch.-}Tetreit Jorlaal. column of this paper. r L w to tela lak��de Terewlomsep.m. a through to tT Walpeg. POLSON tQ Kl�d'm 140im*mt Cores wW M lean& O lbws mcammLl and Ilaadruff. moo k kru� a ea eDDikallw, to r,:4, V Do They Celebrate ardyssalth There?- Yell ti rtes %alt ail laformaut,m fn �1 L' t,,-. -I great Malt udw arr.va: agSavalOrsM7vwaktaLwayyucu,. :at,,-. Br; embole alt 118IV4 i AI', R DIC -1:16". Dk*" FVAMmger A.;, - S,. : - S,. Aster -He lea, Obit Hyw did you f:ad that oats i THE GREAT4t Serapb-He kat wcrm out two horns Agents W�&:ready :n tan tarty days be has been Wanted PAIN KING here. _ __ _ __ IN ere" town am TEAM Im-tLmda 1., , GIVES (, "'' lls Grip powders cum Made to msemon dothing. 1 �`s Her UGRORIA W,0 tpleseary. ,1 ;tumo G 4'8N NT - BEd.` I amafrAK" &M very shyly. TORMTO Ohl 'that I ought not to perws you to ---_ ._ ADAPTED FOR FAMILY USE POR rail me by my first name " " All. pardon me." the- young man NOTlClt THE DIdMEDIATB RELIEF OF nrpleet I Itlte you (Ires name --Vile. TO HORSZ OWNER5 '/ �� C:nia-I% wts•m, to tit y' leo well. I R a watt - N E U R A L li [ A Md �*) ! tn'gllt ore 1% to atldre�ltat WILL, . �5-- that tMt R.oee tre.rh yea." N neem an Prairie &aenare, t " WwU," she anewe•red. sats .,tedas�tMhesvai► ��('��+� OUr%,,w yo'n PRAIRIE WRED Hesse Powde TW 11 ACHE 'ray to o you think you 'real to do stir-y*s f" L empesed d the Pemtrts Wind ^ w ,ten 1 'lit on there came into his Cyst the lease tonal no .d►ctaJ I t so 11 •t w. ., ,, that the TIII tlm In she atr.ep e«n-Med wtu otas her . cal "ifyrl kwe ...RHEUMATISM... alw.hyA lea when be Is abort to be %adlb*a1 ti Her." chv,* Ire t.r alk �fnm�a��AND A141, IPAIN �O°r�.-Chlnago Herald. _pa.. �• at an e m e .�+�.. •..-L-~A*r•-. -"'�Swt.-rhe.'- -I"' .i'- E'-' . . m0;7 _ 12 y ria. 6ALi-sM24W l' oot'NTRy 1101 (tam (rrla*AUyet , raVILlra terse Testhatho, M cuss&, ee Odle. mist at Namlitow, andemtattean, Chilloial.p. Sieeeee tw...M cattle, — -- tdke t)warb In Ntel..a fruit hen, t'n art eMasars, eeeeralmla Diphtheria, T yh�r�a�t,dj t�, pp,rtisel v iawM pe' r., Prost site., Cra,tye, ad. tea' Mem Mss4 7rnitr ens Cle4irb ItAffwy. . Puma. (Jr.,U WE diriate Inns tone ►arta. T re Hers trrrswAur, it eer.s Gt*a, l/sndsrq Mp\ARD'$ LINIMENT M the only 1. wddre..,ye,,,tth„*par}s,tor'l-t„m clydlwu. orr,hea nwsp.Wshs. elmaMeg, Llnlme't edged krr at my +tore and Ohht• tw k-mmk. suak.xa bisardwe, sc. . the only one we keep for safe. nrasaawso n All the pocphn sten ft. tALe -- THOIWI'om.aRel) \11 HUiLIY FiTTON, �!dlHawadttAplt twtt.h• winner fur lit N.C. POISON dt CO., KINGSTON, Off.' I'laenteant n,ty, t . B. I$ Ko ft reef H&MfK%es. ty.L AT ALL 6RUCCISTS, MICE 25L „ J PeTmn epee Uf "AM no a L An Almoner is cards. =A!#= Did you ever f P to think that an A Novel AA. W� M Sarm*rfr t rlMl,ra! rditary [Sect b( Playing tarda b a A retxat number d a London a SSlat�. sgmispeb�+ twoperfci ds.calrOPry There n» fifty- eentains this advertisement: -Ant- .mwt7t�a �j�7� amain two cents representing the number ad, a man of ! ht wei lot, who ten "”" 't - .f t►es#a In the year: 86S spot&, tor- tis Lord and can drove a ,eSpontllngtwe a tin tt85 Myo in the stead horses. na most, Lord Pair - — Attriiaa lair: twelve ftile Cods. reprin the y ,ng the twelve months; four xuits, arae at 7 o'c)oek is the morning, ~ ks;-k4, easkad-Dwio&L )tsar clutm. *padea, heart,, diamo ldx. re- obey him master and Mistress in ai The Moo "AIf baodaa"t the bats arts ere PNWPntlrtil the four mettoonm; thirteen yawfull commands, sing psalms and weetai and ayto.da,d• snag mea est a mhmb rants In each suit. representing the Jan rte homssboll prayer, look ar. old matter, the txieea an lew,aad the len thirteen income in Parti your, and tie ;or the horses and oeeam:ona):y wait Run �Nrut 'oker UMkes op for the extra day In M the tab:s."--•Oh:,eago P,,wd. Mamas can mak,o men" iftbt the year. take Mid St Once and sell our kooks. Pro ro Cure s Cold In one M pso m hro, tit rale mea& lath'dma steer a Many young ladle who were sup• Take IeratlTe Baso y s w4wbgmw WIIIW pawn b ileo goinginto efaoilne lonvw d Wlnlad Tablets All rtrgpdafa r*lar,d the me,oey If It ta1M tel tun Do Metiedlst Tisa! norms. Too"& bewet remtorM to Ink and rlrw by fec- W.Orove'-fornatarc I.Cn Ooh bad. ____- nos of YNlpr s Compound Iron )'Ills. MCI g Srr*p sboatd e Sir Wil}lam Mwcdonslrl ltnw wamo W, MCI NYn* Twiti,g. Itwoult toli Made the Mean Kam Happy. sorted four pounds of tobacco to : wsfispMw;ygrttra ealast .kmlentf The Yen Yam was look each nomcommisel,mnd oflt-ver and ewslsa roeDt%reMs Tw "Whbae (eel: '� happy. man M the Atrathooroa Horep _ _ __ r -- mss have you hart -- rrttStry IXRXAN1JtXT�,Y CVM BY Dl now r' me was asked. Millar'w Worm Poswde•r, for allow FITS gIf-,. Great ISerrs it"UAW K "My nspten►'s," sad be, ' 1 he we skid ; Ott oar yontsg, as or „erTerpanetw %Rets asst Aay Just sent him a 'letter asking him ---- sea tread to tm Arab ,It to accept the eno:osed hundred do:- Ttr Mr'thodist Church at Alwlnmton 4,).,w.�1T Notro r mitred :or chuck to a i-Itlx birthday gilt." was badly damaged by fire, mntr..l.Qte, "But where does your appo0calty romp In on such a prepoaltiea Se -_- tlmtP" ,- "I didn't Pot Is any aback." -C eve_ .. I 11 land Plsa Dealer. Kinard'* Llalmmat reMo%ov dtearalgla Ilpiglrm•a ftl►Ttek ,1 haw, f The else*—I law of Relelam p,o- rilhm Shut "Pry man between th" i, &gee of 2t and 211 years who shall t, ( ` 'alM"1. . pMy E1 Per ynwr In taxa w111 be e,1- Aq. LAWMIR CHh1'1dAR R�PiNiNO titled to Tote me ballot; aWr%d rtwt over E6 yearn Or &V will IrQvO _ - _��y - -_.__ _._ ten twi!oO each. &tNl li ranch mar. '� anste*1T*ire:.se . rled men atoll own ran] eStato or ��ovOwnmmto bond,* or savings hank ttwpxsaltw awl"dnedng an imctsrne oar iiM 1. 1. �_ THIS SPALL A year they will have three ballets avchA� Will toll your something to your 7 Oo LadleeI if yon would Ire strong nntl �r r��...,..�_�v Menithy atnA have tt7txxl wmmplpnlhmrh t" ." w-w�• W_ or. Noth tate Millwr'w ('ompoand Ian 1'IH•. t i Its Mlaslon. : in 11 �11 e M ][rat !idAM "Bart 111mot 1" mourir"Ay wxrla` �s ,!r m� N:,. ad eke bei you ers"v*/_ a tetx,the bold ad le, •aur } 11111"a -mans" 1pg(Jgg'tbr SM of ill used". "1 ask a eats- 'cwt," 4,:,w- _- __� -,_- New 'lop stilts- A quarter. Miller's - - - ..-x _ romp ma 1r1w Pule. ,� Are_..� srsh � Iles ateA.c fttaie h Ponell Iea"Iry. -�4" wi) two Meed for ..d TOMc4 s from menta Ares t'mlrhme ty snow it%" n( the tared, v hydraallc ptrss,nre a» Saw m.6e for errydonm. It h . In larges gnantltlaw. nurse wbille}lets • Tbe+y' are d," A�' wANTRI' pm! r!nr plaits tit• .nlldr+rt r*naUs. Ola tlda /1�/1 in" Imran a' g . w -.� %R^ 8tf.0m fdfl0 AV S#r.w'. D.htmo oIlene Sloom etai .. ­ . I, 0 tsM6 w --I I '. . . .1 .1 ,. . I - v ,rat "I.