HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-03-15, Page 6SUPPLEMENT TO TUE-616N CODERICH BARGAIN CENTRE. REMECIBER. IT PAYS TO BUY AT ROBINSON'S. Do you always investigate our Bargain Offerings? Some pea le avant Quality, others Prices. Sensible people try to get both, and do so when they buy at ROBINSON' .. For your money buys more here than elsewhere, whether you spend much or little. An honest, careful comparison of qualities and prices leaves no room for doubt: WE ARE SHOWING EXTRA VALUE IN New Spring Dress Goods — " Tweed Suiting's--____--- " Cashmeres " Grenite Cloth " Plain Lustre " Blistered Creponnes New Covert Suitings " Henriettas Serges Figured Lustre Coating Serges Jacquards '' 64 64 You will find that it pays tot -my at ROBINSON'S. NTEW , PRI1•1T8. (ORvMS) Light and Dark Prints, Indigo and White, Turkey -Red and Black, Heavy Drillett Print, Print, Heavy German Print: It will pay you to call and see our Prints and get prices. ..FNTH USIASM„. FR TYMES, Aw,,,,.. RLetytwdy is talking good times this spring, and all over Canada business is reported better than it has been for years. The enthusiasm of this fact is the enthusiasm of more work, more wages, more trade, and more money. We hope to join in the general prosperity. The record of dailysales is one of constant im- provement, and the more people make comparisons the more they are satisfed-to spend money here. We are giving special offerings that cannot be equalled—QUAu1Y CONSIDERED. Heavy Eitgret 1 __ �-...�.,ti-est..---^'�- ..�.- �..--T-•c-=---�T' w � �...-":�T-`---- ^' . .._•ate. - Bmeraon'sBike and Music House. For the past two years Emerson's Bicycle and Music House has been a big factor in their line of business in Goderich. By handling only the best goods and selling at close pries -their' trade has grown until it has been neces- sary to fit up the .second flat. for a Piano and Organ wareroom, where they have also fitted up a studio for teachers' use. Mr. Emerson; the genial manager, has just returned after spending the winter on "the 1 • cA Jri►.ieraar eq:.ar:rslr errrtir inamin.Qr rai►d►r ,a►.t•G nor r rd•M rr►.triJDrr.li►r-.,a Don't Waste Money! When you i want ,Boots and, Shoes come and us as we know we can save you MONEY. on road for the McBurney Beattie Co., (Ltd.,3.of Toronto, and claims that all over Western Ontario these Wheels are recognized as " the best that is." He has also concluded to push the sale of Cream Separators, and has arranged to put two rigs on the road with these most useful Machines. To apy one interested G. F. will be only too pleased to show them or send catalogues and any useful information. loo.us..d o. ..st Sms.-) The Summer in Goderiet. Some of the Attractions in the County Towu. Summer will soon be here, and rieit will have-itsdOtfrs wide open, as in the past, for the visitors from places where the warm season is nut so delightful as it is here. The town possesses peculiar ad- vantages as a summer resort, some of which we shall mention briefly. Situated on the shore of Lak Huron, t25 feet above the level o ,the water, it is free from those dis eases which infest low-lying places and the temperature is modetat by the breezes from the broad ex nse of water. We sometime have hot days In Goderich, but th nights are almost invariably com e f ed 1 e Our Kid Gloves Perr n's;make. Every pair warranted. In Black and Colored, at =t.00 and $1.25. Other lines as lo*' as qac in great value. Also great value in Ladies' Capes in Cloth and Velvet. Ladies' Lustre Skirts in plain and brocade. Also White Pique Skirts and Linen Skirts, extra value. Dress Silks, Blouse Silks, Satins - Tho. to buy Silk is this Store. Quality urges it, Style and Variety urge it,. Irast, cdrheS 8conomy. - Ladies' and Children's'Underwear and Hosiery epene kinds. Come and see. Come and compare quality. -me and compare prices. test es being healthful, the situa- tion of the town is very pleasing to the eye, and the scenery on lake and river and in the country sur- roundingis beautiful.. One never tires siting in the harbor park or upon one of the terraces overlook- ing the lake or river, and feasting upon the beauties of the view which stretches out before his eyes. No words of ours can do justice to the magnificence of the sunsets over Lake Huron. It is worth a trip to Goderich to see them alone. - Although Nature has dohe so much in making Goderich "the healthiest And prettiest town in Canaaided. da," she has not been left un - A system of waterworks supplies and last, but not I good drinking water throughout the town. The town is well lighted with electric lights. There is also a sewerage system. The streets are wi 4 4 •sr thing you want in Boots and Shoes. - THE SPOT CASH PRICE see every- at which everything is marked makes thinking people, those who shop around and want to make their money go the farthest, hug here. For Spring we have Special Values in every line. See our Plough Shoes for men at a better shoe than you have been paying7O per higherr i t.00 for, guranteed to give good wear. Our priced Plough Shoes at equally good values. Our "IRONCLAD" SCHOOL SHOES for girls and boys are the best values on the market. Ask to see our Girl's Shoes at 97c and Boys' at 85c and $1.10; three of our special lines, wear guaranteed. -- in Women's -Fine Shoes we take pleasure in annouucing that we have secured the exclusive agency for this district for the _Famous "Queen Quality;" made by Thomas G. Plant & Co., of Boston, largest manufacturers of Ladies' Fine Shoes in the world. "Queen Quality" Shoes are made of the famous Kibo Kid and Kibo Calf, and leathers of the very best quality, in a factory with unexcelled facilities, expert designers and every modern appli- ance known to the art of fine shoemaking. They fir 'token others rail. _They give a slender, prdtyloah to the foot orithaed sacrifice of comfort. They have strength and dsrandlty where the wear oases. Mp They retain their shape Wile d4 shoe Gads. The fastidious, hard -to -please woman is the very one who wit) find in .,-ems41'_'� ,�cn,.,�•%,.. The little points of Good Taste, the Fit and Style, that heretofore she has sought in vain in Canadian made shoes. - We will be pleased to have you call and examine these beautiful goods, as they are the finest American Shoes made. 1D1'TTATTIc SOLE AGENT FOR FAMOUS QUEEN QUALITY. THE CASH SHOE QEALEB. NORTIF SIDE THE SQUARE. Y.sa►.arwrtiw:ssw►wrous air. rrAm 4r:arrrAnarAgrA. Arar a u AinumarawArAmfainerArAlluirAirairl Curtains 6 We know of.no other store in this district that carries such a stock of Lace Curtains. 'Also Tap- estry Curtains, Curtain Poles, Wool Carpets, Matting. If you have never been a customer, come and learn the results of the welfare, satisfaction and goof feeling of our. regular patrons. if you have been dealing elsewhere, give our stb)'e a call, just to be enabled to contrast goods, style of dealing, and prices. We say with confidence that you will not regret the experiment. Our prices tell the results, and hence the verdict, that it pays to trade at ROBINSON'S, because quality, style and actual cost, all considered, is the satisfaction of getting an article that is good, new and reasonable. • Table Linen and Table Napkins This is the great supplying opportunity of the year forhotel-keepers and house -keepers. Superior advantages offered both as regards assortment and value in Bleached Table Damask, Unbleached Damask Turkey and White Tabling. . A Bleached and Unbleached Sheeting, Pillow Cotton, Towels and Towelling. Extra value in Bath Towels. Two-thirds of the pleasure of a bath is the jolly after -rub with a good hath towel. • • Remember that our House is the great Dress'Goods, A.Trimmings and Linen House bf Huron. WE ARE ALSO SHOWING A LARGE RANGE OF Men's White Shirts and Mefl's Colored" Shirts at a Veru Low Prloe. Also ask to see the KING SHIRT—the best up-to-date shirt made. You ask why ? est—Because it will not break nog puth up; and—The suspenders, passing under the front, will not drag nor break it ; 5rd —Perspiration cannot.touch front; 4th.--jhe collar button at the back of the collar band being covered, pre- vents irritation and chafing of the neck, so frequently the case with the old style of Shirt; 5th—An attach- ment at the back to keep the tie in place; 6th—Solid comfort in wearing it; 7th—Saves laundry bills: 8th --Perfect fitthtgt 9th—Unexcelled for full dress; toth^Once worn, always wocq; tato—'the fat man's necafssary; lath --The thin man's )usury. You will appreciate this Shirt. 'Lost ost opportunities usually mike one feel as if he ought to have had courage enough to take hold of Bargains to be had at ROBINSON'S. If you have missed before, we can only say, don't let this be the case now. OUR NEXT TWO CREAT BARGAIN DAYS • WILL BE Mtrch' 29th and 3oth • • Then we have boating, bathing and flshi and a river and a whole! - lake for bidtrlgence in these pas - Band --o musicalGoderich, March which the town la always with 14th, There are two parks—one over oolong the harbor and lake, a one in the centre of the town. the harbor park conveniences hay been placed by the town authoritie for the free use of excursion and picnic parties, In- the shape of. kitchen and the necessary furnish ings. There is also a paviiio which can be used as a dining -hall To the resident of or the sojourne in Goderich- the Summer seasor brings a whole host of opportunities for diversion. Upon the beautiful green at th rink bust.p¢s and professional men in their Mgsleeves, disport them selves at lawn bowls, while th tennis court adjoining, affords re* �jt crestto the younger people. Fob" sofhe' years base -ball ha been THE sport of Goderich, and th town club no mean position among ,the eteur clubs- of -thi section of the Province. Riders of "the silent steed"--$ those whe are not such +are rapidly becoming fewer and still more fe —have very special advantag here. The splendid roads of th town lead to equally good country roads, wide and well kept, upon which cyclists may spend. --thei leisure hours delightfully in thi wholesome, invigorating exercise In the country surrounding the tow are pretty spots which may sery as the objective points of the cyc ist's rambles. The road from rich to, Bayfield—twelve miles is one of the very best in Canada; red all around the town, within a r adius of fifty miles, the roads are xceptionally fine. This is, indeed, 'the wheelman's paradise." The it is of gravelly formation and quickly absorbs wafer, so that the eager rider loses hardly any time tatey. Gent) eader, you who do not Jive in this avored bcality, if yotf have a wheel nd a week to spare this summer, me to Goderidi and have the best ime in your life. Those who do not ride the bicycle ay take advantage of the excel)- nce of the roads and -Suit their in• ividual tastes by horse -riding or a • . red w es s n e Goole a e so r r f a co t m e d driving. ATTRA�TIV�. WALL PAPERS�- BOTH IN PRICE AND DESIGN, AT Porter's Book & fall Paper Store GODERICH. Over 4 tons of Wall Paper direct from the Wall Paper Mills, have arrived already this season, giving you the largest range possible to select from. - Although Wall Paper hu advanced thirty per ,tent. ft will not be necessary to pay advanced prices this sea80 ,-aa wefiad placed our order last August before prices were raised. .4'. You will be consulting your own interest by lookingthrough some of our choice patterns, suitable for Halls, Bedrooms, Parlor or Dining Rooms, with Border and Ceilings to match, at • 6c, 7c and 8c per roll. We have elegant Papers at Sc per roll, and•the most expensive we carry is 50c per roll* '- If you are in need of any measure your room's width, length and height and we can give you the exact cost of papering it. All Goods marked in plain figures in Show Window.'VMS STRICTLY CASH. IF YOU REQUIRE . e_School-Jook--or � Schon Supplhs - you will flnd we are the people to de business with is theft tine use, Nomtimes. • anes And the•Marine or�!y proud—weun of wh U'. have Roblnsoii. • PORTER'S Book and Wall Paper Store, COURT ROUE= SQUAW!, GODIRIC$: Our Telephone is No, too B. r•