HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-03-15, Page 4, 4 Tav INDAT, Mora 16, 1100. ON ., SATURDAY. March 17th, MIS STOCK UV Bicycles and Sundries will be oomploa, sod we invite itrperion. SEE 1 * g s ad. in this Virtue's oupplontai . EMERSON'S llloycle and Waste Monts wtet gk int gux U POt;tion EVERY THURSDAY MORNING sons iron. !RUNWAY. SLAM. M. Ma THE NEW RAILWAY. THE maser in which the proposed Grand Valley R. R. project was sub- mitted to the people by J. 8. Clark, vice-president of the road, commended it to the ratepayers pre.ent. There was no attempt at bluffing or bnlldoeing, but a plain statement of foetal wail placed before the audience. As • minit the meeting paned • row ties" >taanimoatity endoreing-'"th'1 -nwwtwrl1I44tlterwnr4i41ke taws. wen, 4S officially endorsed the project. Since 1877 the C. P. R. hes been Qirting with thie town, keeping it on the string with promises. A few weeks ago the mayor of the town and Mr. Mures were • portion of a deligation to endeavor to get a connection with that road, but without avail. Mier the town has an Opportunity of look- ing elsewhere for the needed railway rt 1gcUities, and it le taking advantage of the opportunity offered. SNAP SHO TS- d10o1. Paton, of British Columbia, is evidently tics of the "sooner' breed of poli. Eton.. NV Our cid and esteemed friewJ, the H. n Jos Mums, appears to be doing brasher 46 the old etend-ateking mod breaking goy. ter ma. Mr The World'. dviee •to the Ontario . T4°9.,Jrah ll a k, wee into thin re when the tlovernmeet pay oar Doses in sight. • t When Premier Ices was asked, atter he gat eon in the Legidatare, how ert- en stood, be repbad : "In the language of Ib post, ' We ars Seven.' " ani While Teeth was • guest of the people 01 Boston God lifting beans in that MUM the chaps he had left behind him were "raking Clain" in Ottawa. ft If Oil. MATHsacx would only stay Wad when in the Ontario Iegieladve ohm - he, he friends would not so often wish that b.Aed been taken to his fathers. / Ladysmith was relieved the day after IAnt opened, but that le no reason why the garrison should continue to feet. They had 117 Eleys of it -fasting and preying. SW °Leans Weld •nes has not forgiven TAWS for referring to the Or.nd Master's propend fnrafon d Quebec. "with a stick in one hand and his lame leg ii the other." .r At the close of the debate on the' dd- drerin the Legislature, Premier Roes lit on the loyal Opposition like a bee on • pogy, • rd extracted all the aothrine matter, too. he When ANDY MraCArram.I., M,P P., threw up hie job on the North shote in the bop" of milling down a portfolio et short notice, hia beet prospects for the future flew out of the window. W Now that the Queen has issued an order allowing Irishmen in the British army to wear shamrocks in their halo on the •event.enth of Ireland, The Hamilton spectator withdraws is objections. II When Babe.-Powmu. went to wheel M IM Charterhouse, the youngster, gave Ihe the euphonies nick -nem. of " Bathirig- TbweL" The Boers think he 6s tree to name, and that be knows bow to rub them down. An Irish soldier .send O'f.tAav had • Boor bullet lodged In his heaio at the battle of Oolmno, rendering ifs speechless, el htl•ss .ad pretreat ; and new • brother bishaa, Kir Wn.ua. Medceemoo, ham eeme sed a portion of the wbundd soldier's Mgr. morseled the ballet, and O'L*Aav baa r000,ered and is ready to en to the treat •gds. Where the bulists w ger Dish ani. fibro WHAT OTHRINI ARE ad►YIIIfik Aiya.rAMILF an*. I esdra l .Iles. t 11s swell se lily. ib M Plie*U 1 ass Isom emmil, sed a alleldta Mie w ales mal h the ..at ei ..s AMbeselbe betty. toy *• teen, and ere ml' game is 1 Ogg/ • geesedoral eloab Msash M 1Y.. Hi HMV Vie CILIUM.. Absitu OsnS t m flag T...ele nese leihm • vase asst nil hers tosed 16 be he el ambit se al new its lie o • immenery,Frameless,,bbet► � "Uy Merges .n 1,14brag to the �BMA* Mews. how erlihrri~tructleed N be so. Ti. a Nemo Ib I r Wel el Mare. be wok e fie3•alplak,`, tamale 11U1a Aplt-reaxoa b1Mralop. Ito fitar : !w Prism of Montreal, N • daserveUve anwop.ar opposed to he Wilfrid !.sant. It hen the larger chonl•- tt.e of any paper a La.eda. lte l.fi.eaee h Ceiba Is very great end arae ma both alto of polities respects 14 IA Pc...s se- dates* M1. Term's blew that the trouble a llssereal wee Goodwoted wader eke paten - .1 that seal, rented CeaservatIvs HigA Oia►mw, of The Ywlreal Sou. sad IA Proem intimates le Sir Chanes Tapper Mal oaless lie cote learn tree The Mistral Stays ram wet 11 will itself he osmpelld to withdraw lis supper% fro. 81r Charles and h e Oemerveahe party. ON PARLIAMENT HILL. ironer Mar., D•, Madoasld el Net Harm lea veteran perliastmt•ri.n. He spanks authoritative- ly of the times and sweats of the MoKs.... Admiaitratlon. Hs has watched many political stars wee and wane and has per- med the even tenor of his way. Dr. Mae- doseld is net • place unto. rile highest e.bl ion is to serve his oouutry well and to advise soundly. II is retorter" that ow- ing to the Isle Your at wal' he beam to. .paub on the traasport•U.s quest/* not mach of 11 sot 1e10 the aw.psp•n, althm.h It steads a tellable rep'sflory of hale on Ole pares of Hansard, and will, ao doubt, be toed largely for editorial refsrsaee. Dr. M.odmald hes mLsot.4 • amber of Nati ea the Maattaal._harbar. hmaereessees. whine ge to show the people of Wests. Oatene that, the Oeyernmemt pelloy 1w of gamma dveat•re and the b.oefit le rot Doo and to Mostreel doss. It Is ohumtsr tatto of Dr. M.odoaald s .mereoy that h. visited Montreal, twice at lest. when he was getting Ito date together. He got ha foots at first band, which is • prsotioe that any • member of Petitioner might emu- late with good results. Mr. Tarts, who le peat master of this treasplrtetlm question. Wooed very attentively to Dr. Maodoseld's "pssah and applauded frequ*nVy. A. lona tie Dr. Msodmald represents Kul Hiroo in Parllesest, the electors of that Misr will set sailor for Information on all the Irediee petits gasatleo. The Donee d... act .stay twtorlaal Loots, but aims to wa- rms the average error la • way axperl ones bee proved to be bast -hs gives h bard, iao.atrovertibie feats to sweltew4� Mr. Tarte 1e u►le6y knows in Ontario lam Ib" thousands/ o1 rketohee that his rima bate draws of his Marketer. The er!>lIirNk, Tattlejtiptiontrsrslsilatt.te- ese whet hes bees reedier evil things shoot stmt and tOttlples amok Wtso to 8e�sr4 mental business or et the social beard wonder why ha opponents nate Imo .o bitterly. Mr. Tarte Is • men who, although afflicted with bodily ilt health, 1. leade in- tensely alive by hie Imdomltebl. spirit. The average nee, se f11 as he, would bare quit, bat Mr. Tarte ask" no quarter, and sever reign to hie sate of health, anima to eon ..y the improtaioo that be is robust so • degree. He hr • merit res 1a a pollsbe., and it is snows to every sem on Perlia• meet 11,11 - although not mentioned 1e %hallo by the senates of Ike Minister of Public Week, -and it 1. this, that Mr. Tarte would more to hide hektsd a 11a He le sever afraid to 1.11 the truth, lag mules what temporary advantage 11 may give Ms °epsomite The le Mr. lute se he Is. Re also dearly loves the battle, The other otgal he left his seat and tea 5p into the prem ealloy, where b. leaked satlisgly 'town apes Clark* Whlaos, who, 031 1sew that b was within heed.', was d. Deaner*' book ■p sad dews. Mr. Tarte enjoyed It very iamb and kept ay • ram .Eng &e ai oorm.n., mediating ad/ otlyss -' *never his ...,i.,$ seemed to mush up the air with he Ieh had vainly for words stream enough to alt lie purpose Mr. Tule le • bleed floater eon his hare- e ms oemilease ale opponents. HORTICULTURAL St)oskTY• •aa. Mete is lesseever Gad esiprov. Trees mad Planta weed ler reed .r fir Illinumerai A paper ea the shave nblst was reed by Mr. N aranok at • nary Rood meerlog of the H.rtioniteral Society bold last Thursday ev.eipv. The paper was se follows : Man'e call and obligation to discover, teatsad Improve all trees d pleats good P anan or food or for use is .being blmeell or for ornemootiog hie home was • divine plea of omupauoa for him. Foe when Clod emoted maD in His owe image and gave him domlaloa over the 9th of the ..a and over the fowl of the sir .ad over the mt11e and over all the earth and over every ores o. thl.r teat oreepetb upon the e arth he said, " Behold I I have riven yen every herb bearing god which is epos the fees of ail the earth, and every tree In width 1s the fruit of e tree vl.IJleR mid; to y.0 11 shall he for meat " Now, these of u who have the privilege of following tele moupetlea el moderng food for emissive' and their follow men in oho way of frit., vegetable" and err Is have the.mnlortime ...ranee that they are dlrhergtwg • duty whish I. of three Alen and s'mraaed. Ti. three greatest needs of Mellish Ills ars, flet, 15 'oodles people, nal le dreaming people, end, lastly, bet eek Imiot, is riebtly leasing people with y � ani, or may .iter suh- l•er of thought : and to tire enda those wee follow the parson of miienitere enjoy the most heaith el, used and Roble of s- . upalions that man me pursue is One til. Agrielt•re may be divided late ear /a. &atrial alyid..s, oo.pridag stook -relater, grate, v.ry abl., frau and dower growing, e ach differs/ from the seer elk tomb that nayfermi the most wonderful Industrial ma for rs.osroh sed •xperimm.at Ir the tante el the admirer of mak dirties. Now, as hortleulare .oven table e•seables, Isla sad pasts wheb predrill °lotbt5' atertal, also .ilk worm culture, the ts• Sense study sad the hat required to brim!these en all thbj.ot. of� and satiate to the greatest perfeotioe glye Nit. nm/ astroee- Ive testers and bring to the eerier worker Id. mot graMfyleg pleasure. A ergo sup- ply et fruit" and ',graham is seminary lee the pre.ervcaes e1 prefer health, and there hiabandest peer of the gnat health giving stimerat It fin been tt those who follow, froes rste, his eooapsta., for then is ma other thing er wbjeet 15 lb• great caalnsae of eewp•INs. that roes has the oboist of Wowing whW .alese._s. -rose HI /sue pleasure. The reams i. pea: the men pert.otly we marry ea the work, tke reser w. mown ...wt with asters. A. 11 wee pleased Nese Ina. should Nen 1mpr.rlsg as thews Ihs/ be was gip.. demiste over. he was glum - simple e -a -g power, .. Ilett eaten M•ilsg Mw He Med .t the .rihksp wits IL A. bee.. the Improv Irene a 151 arear please la cosh plat. i r Nat be f• alemerered. and Res anent rte' all plus 14. sea be l•nprew l by bte faith fel and aiiMmee *see, walla elves Ib.t I. Wrest sed hive 151 the work ghat es oilier osseous= am gtwe, seduig hrpNys sidamees std woe grNN-Nleet Maw Ile algIbb'M awes Hem elt show ash m hese t Ensh er 611111ip bthe a NOM Etna hamwaetshM .54 breght to e ele•- m.. ee sat teem • prdam .e. lire toad wan N V vttaa McMW Isr lhse "'� tan w Li pe ITebos viral r.sgw shwa draw wws. f .f pa r.A._w gad iMueey st Mt I.iawa h Ir gaaw�p Mta• THE SIGNAL: GODERIIUH ONTARIO Ryer deal of expense. sad ke.wieds. he 1yee and plant mature. Mete ate several plants at/ Ewes Masi the rte m .48 toad apes, bat the Web 14 1Ye wilt..alMry sad 11 requires • areal deign saperlew le keep the Mw a • b.dMy growls/ owl - Maim by eels telling eft. serer gssooly .f leaves et a time Take*, is fenny leaver of at use Mee, or tea often, would muss the tree le die; sae h. %rasa, or 'rev. id Items, are the most espee0ve part of the bermes 1. starting •.d .alalat.1.. the industry .f produoise nn Olk. Them who *wage la it from .holes filed is it me of tee o«I lsI.resMag and useful banishes of work that mm can vogue 1n. Cloth1y .oreely« lm the best and most Marital dress is mesa's privilege, and hearing the gives the wetter • holler and ■obUa pleasure. Ti. *10.f °awe o1 hair .rt gard*n1 beton ee annuities, le briars with 11 woe day, week and month roulade of duties that mast be attended t., and • gardener and fruit -grower hes no Infallible rule to follow. To make hie mlllur • wo- man, he must each year Ism new problems, and with years o1 .xporionee beak of elm he muss still be wld awake In order to 10- Wte euoo.es. There le an unlimited ys1ty a bsrttoallaral material for the Omar to °boom from, and moons pleats ogee vsANy 1s outer, .r ss acid form, sod in stases el leafing and bloa.emine. Variety 1. ar- rsogemeoi, mud verlety In distrait trod le aspect may aim be routed if study bootless. Such compositions may. or may not, have what we call rammer. W. speak of muco, poetry or architecture as having obaraar, by which we rotor to its i.dlvid• g alley of expresslos, sad the mane quality . 1 Isdlvldaally meaally helmets M hemp• .Wheal sempeeltioes as to alt other murk O era Propriety or appropreies..e le • .0 - venal tees, Bateh servos as • teased tore for lsdloatia4 the perfection of es.ebanical exeeauoa In any plug of wadeable. A garden meet Got sly he artistically pleased, bee the plana mast be healthy Gad well - /ore, se 11 is this laplring, noble work of improving Yte and nature is all Wage .reeled for the welfare of man that makes It the meet healthful and .ental eeo.p•tles. Ad what is more noble, the 1todeal of vegetable Ida a to oo.staat com.aaioatlon w ith the glorloae hook of nature written' by the head et God, and es he reads la tender plant, Operates grain and traits the wwdroee story of creation, he rejoices a the knowledge that le 1s his dashes to TO .11 improving and greeting new things out of the abundance of life and Datum teat surrounds bpm oo every old. For he was to hare dominlm over lead and nes; 11 h bis poseesdm U he will bat ries 1a the Amity of manhood and posers ib. The first oo.dltloe of boas happteess le moa• thing to love, the wooed coathlog to reverter. These midltlosts eau best be moused by making the home mad its greeted' ataraortv. The primal stew .f ranked h[e oils for a Greet .umber of omapatleee, all mammary sed bosorsble in certain de grim, one with mother, bat the food and o:truppebdeneveliid-vas'tapeiaS pdtll- tion with respect te the g�ii010 oriel and ssadrlel eooupatlo. sf .JI the workers am Raged 1a prodeelni e..dtel comforts and part re for mita. The mart greatest work- er for the welters .f be country sad fellow- men 1s • great statesman like lil•d.tese and Wasnia■too, and we find they bad Moir Haward.a and Mount Vereew, wherwh their home grolunde and garde* Ihey fused that rest that could sot be sutured In any other way after real national oontroversles. They wore endowed with great bodily and mental energise, hot the ,lsweats of the b level private bone were seoees•ry for the n est perfect and peaceful rest to restore them for the noble work of memo their n ation. We aro all glad, as Angle -Saxons. that we were se highly favored la being glven each mss to mould and gulde the attire of the Anglo Saxes world, and at - venially for their examples se home makers. Here in oar bastital Iiod.rieh we have e islets and soil eondislons for brioche many of the beset fruits to the gr.ateet peefeoties, and all should remember this in shuttles home gre.ods, that many of the ammo, frail tram as shade se well as °momenta, trees, and are always highly appreciated fr their useful.... Ir prodsc ler Oarless Emit.. Wheat pleated and well started in growth they are there for yoer life time, sod will oerteiely help to prolong your lope 1a more ways th.a im the olseeure el looklog.aI them eital,,elalttn,{%lo fee *,,y1► Area. the of Myers Mesita 1■ In the fun that the leaves of trees purify e. air of polsooue carbonic gm, at times sepeoi.11y when the a'moeph.re is heavy and net la moliwD. mi. very Important foot of the• great ase they bemmi for one well-b.ie' should dards ovary hemr.m.k•r to plant trees. So let me strike hand. together is amity et pat -pose le advocates toward. sad oultnatiog a higher and more sc.eut,tl. knowledge he growing trees and ploul', of eh kind. I. evide.oe o1 its beseel we fled shat the mations whom people cattiest' the tuts to Eke highest doom are the shoots est and most united maotrles and do the most ter Ib• soolal and Intsllerual welfare W their fellowmen. Ws also find that Dations whoa* people follow only lbs ordin- ary growing of food prodeets se an sow ht oe tor seU.deand d without Ike igher cultivated -test" for ornamental their homes with trees, fruits and flower, may be as united thresgb love for their lands and homes se to make tb.. most powerful and stubborn lees if It bsoomee expdi:.t to subtle* them. For example, let os look at the terrible exporter {h. children of Iorsel had before they could rid the land shat was alum them of IIs in- habitants mad settle doess le perm. The Tr•nevaal Mem trouble prove* s parallel ow, Hal is, for witfol sad stubborn re- fusal to adopt and encourage the higher elements of sodsl Ute fes the reeral welfare of an. Snob people bad to be displaced and wall have to be subdued through all time, to 'lye place to megrim and higher oivillsstten. I make these reformer to show the benefits of orhammr- ins home emailll by the are of bermes in estate be melee as, for the homes of • people are • sees index O,tbe taalleotua, standing they hold Is tm.fjl•rio. with their neigh- bors. From the meet exemplary hem«, whether rinh or poor, Deme the majority of the mut awful men and women. So let us in holy reoreation practice the pinyy .f noels' • little heaven of our home. There are no words 1e the most mitered lanroage Oar can fat:, illustrate the madame of eaters waited :or Man's me, and be has to oh: y ad ds he parties mime these rloh gifts to their beet advantage, mod Iaote.deg the beauty of his earthly bahlMNon by works of m a moral v J.., before he am leave It with any hop.. e1 • future better plane, uF LOCAL INTEREST. 0oaox ROTS AT rani FMa- dame, H- dane, of Termite, writer as follow. to The (lobe : " The noble warm .1 the Grenadian onetegmt to 80.th Airlift astray sodas Y' peed•sab. weary .f- Mahar, Some epeeist oo.aeatl.e with tbmt. While enemy .1 my lindesiee pupils have dutt.gelshed theemmelvee, ruse 1. law, .erne to polities, age.. V !many. fpm• to m.dIOma, Cd. Otter hes mar to tie treat se • military else. He hes war fur himself the enviable dletl.°Mes el having hese appefeted thole Oeleeel Cesmadsee We boyo taw ere halai nears with hie laurels eesesth.d, whoa we .ltl he proud ee wriest. hes 5. nae rs1sse• hg mash kroner ea the old eeesty .1 Hate, whinier won bus,• A. Asvaxrotove Yonne -As Intone* lee emery N fedi el Rsgl.sI4 tow .14 who Scott ea i • art. bemplt 1. R•..ae!! jot l *PAL L me/heT. MSL Ra.rbll of BeanMerd. Wmo removed a baser tram iN, styles He mersemeek had Ug that be le wmeaded la the left Rowse applied tan a pass h tb isetlasaat, but wee W yams M be • ASO worked he way bffouI es the Asrdtmtem and Seed tie M Meting Ugb1 Rena AS the sesssd s4 Tegda Novell and s ethers orient the Hui *der a hairy Ore vii amid ed .0104 sway IM Ealy Mew beat tare TWA teal wait aherwar4s ...4sol Ietltasv rll1M.i .age ar4ets. tie iuel•. M pS11 �; *ban il..dh,s.lwad 1 s *Nit b. wase ptopselp . .1011•.1 11/a lad M. mesa with boab.et'. }los.., 11. N • .oasis gnat •beta.e were rives in 1h. meet .sol. .f It. W. Hewsii of leen. saluted mid maharanee way. In pehttss, Boson *wle iTrrocmoeGaaiuddear s.R-Judo do Mane an15uer • same Wash, er., be iw palled 10s party sa u t es.twnpeelis ' *8w►e1ss.til►1e..na eeman•ypparat w.laurdysomtortGad was sow autos soma 6.4um•ieneitothmOntario. Utfled .t. & magatfima1 velar IT She uesaty aoe.ofl, det.rmle.4 M lar* two newlad Mt "kr °his ly Ooaret.• .111 With myelo, .wtw.. Ti.Tho tires o.. aril b. Wvytii M cw.s h oLowww". 1 the kaewa usla. oa wbuol "wk.. N. 11, Hallett Gad B•.% Waweao.b, and embra.0 semen Sean tela. and the 1hrlUlag powu of Ili. Mel "8"1""ai 1""Wawwoeh ad ym) lea lsosI. ma t/d .m.eoa the 14th el Holl.te from the BlyIl hewed- wan • Nat t Urwd wry es the our to trier lima and • half 11s,�ppaa i muse of 105s.h.et., wog porde., of what Master of Sete Berea Diodes, he. 4, which oesiettuted union No. 5, Hallett God 8, at aka' he ad.d will' the atme.I Iwai and Wwaamb Nee. 7 and 8 of Hallett, and psetirewy. Mr Copies' .00. u • lewyor tee. 10 of Net Wawansoa, The mooed new esu ylteeomonal and kip omearly daft w,U minim will be herrn as mama s*niton No. Isere • blank le the legal Irat.reity to be tan 10, Halloo arid tledertob township. The riffled by cm •u•,00rrr. Our 0151*... will • ppllcotl . wee co form • mew smtlon Iron remombcr the mansor la wbloh b eeaN porus.. of No. 4, O.derwb toweehlp, and •wry & jary God mar an emroy tet lepl Enol. No.. 8 and 9, Hallett; the petal.0 was semeUmwover wh.lmloaly omvin.ter. Mr. Resented, bat the prlti000n wan sol grant. Coln.. was burr V oho m0v 91 Baodos, e d .l1 the land they had asked to be holed - ed of (:.ark, lrelad, en the 19oh Aegaa, ed Is the eerier 1964, and 1. 1Rated to this,.cutesy with la hal. mother 1861. Far some years he Fare Fiala Auer.- The following leiter lived la Kook ward. WelUagtoe e.seiy, Is Th. Part Idgin Tames is • omtribaMos Ie whoa he attended the academy maul be wee the dimmers as t• who wee the drat Pres Oshawa years et age He thee .gaged se byterias athirst N prier In the county d teacher of Shakeepeare puede eobool and Brum : I miles le your reliable tape ei sabseora..Uy .1 Stratford high school aid the let leas, ea artier aim from Tho Km- .late wheels 1s IA. niniltiburbeed- l5 1887 Duda. R.re. 1. which 11 m. .toed that be was admitted as barrister sad solicitor Rev. Mr. Kidd, s1 Dederick*, (• atudest (1) atter come years of'Lady under II W. Hall, at ilia Ma), preached 113 the barroom of formerly baronet ben, peening ail W az• Patriek Dewe!.'. hotel, Klseardl.., 1. the amlnatio.. wither Gtimidlag college. 1). - spring of 1860. I rather leak Me good .eased .uf need fur rimy menta past from people of Kisssrdl.e were sapwood sou, as • growth on the ontsUe nerve and burs with there was no •• Res." Mr Kidd Ie Oedatoh woadmf,i phrase agony .l the meet m- ai Mao .. Then was a Mr. Kidd, port- muerarrull nature. The .1011 of the baa master, abase daughter marrtd Hee, A. he pby.iotase had bear oessultrd but mild Roes, term.rly onsety tresourwe at lam Brien ae royal, boor we oases% 11110•111 that newsy .f Hans, lea the Rev. Ale.. Ma AMU has released bis of the e1R.r(.sm h. Kidd, war' wee set . stud..► is 1860 MI • enderd alter 11 booboo certain shat be rogularly orla 4.d ot.rq.w, itemise could not mein play • metal pan fo Iife's preeehed la By Tows (maw the oily of les battl.6O 1. He wee eared for by tits t. laws) With Mr. Kidd 1 wee intimately esthete mistime end friends meso maids- acgnase lsted, on e omission 51ylag withoasly and kb=belt sehumsPowe rand bis whiles 1.Oodurlcb Ms. Rakichway awes tib .bels et dm:h. Yr. Ce1Hss married twice. His firm wife wee • Mir minted Mir J.seb Boat►ren, of Redgur- MoNld.r, 10..eeead, Mee Brown, sister of trills, mune years age, who, with one little the late Georee Brown, &q., of the town- daughter, earths. WA. H. wee hared ship of Uol.rlak, sad well k..w. f• his mime with the oetemonW of the Itaall.b and Per- es. y everybody In Oedsreb town bytorle eborcter oo uet.rd•y lest, the Rev. Now, Mr. Enter, I think thi. Mudd sets- J. K. Ten Eyck and Rev, W. M. Mrrlia the question. The Re.. Aper. M.K144 was 0610 eti.', while Eke Moxa a..d•eted the r.gularl, ordained mad Mr. Kidd . layman. funeral a the impreaiya smear for which 1 r.aM,rimrs truly, Jule M. M°NAsa the br.tbreo of 11..yette tie are tolerated, Southampton Marek 3, 1900. Right Wee. Pro. R B. H.gorlerd, Deputy Orad Rarer, of Loads, o.admolieg the seremeay, scouted by Br. Ferias.•, et Leede.. The pall beereia wore tel brother M.aose--)'k. Awe., H. Sp.okm•a, S. 8 O'Neil, Ed. Chelsea, J. A. Seeman and W. H. levet. The casket Isom several beauti- ful wroaths as last tributes of respect to %he dead. the tumoral was largely attended and emotes these from • interim we •otioed Judge Masson, Philip Hush, Nett) Mu PuerAL. R.roaxs.-Th• following Ogres ire alma from the Auditor Owsenl's report for 1896-99, and apply only to what are known es seeoaotlag offices, the rotates ter caller otiose is the comity mot Wee evadable Pest Moe Grosette v um edarl and Costmlydo.. Ari .' j 399 $+ 578 Bsterpvpjg. BenmUler- ..:. ... 1-61"10 Blsevl, 375 90Myth 1312 92 Brmfield 356 58 Nuseels....r..2090 46 1016 61 Cost nine 286 53 129 06 (ALtdb 4578 70 1777 67 Dashwood 373 09 211 39 Ihtagannoo .... 64.3 84 324 14 hthol 436 23 237 96 Exeter 2293 07 968 41 Ford weh .. , . , 717 09 364 68 llodereh 6453 44 2250 66 lionle 906 24 478 48 Heiman 1206 04 560 Ktppse 368 03 181 SesforVersa 4M 4247 6l' 1868 37 418 96 175 80 Wltca394 26 167 14 Whshasi• 4165 50 1647 87 % roister.. ... 794 19 446 12 Zurich 724 28 399 17 From the f.t..etar it will he seen these there is • material 111,,,.oea la the .sl*ries of some of the o Slot.. For esteem, she rove ,. in Chore is lerger than that I Seaton, pion, but I'. clary of the latter Is higher. Ti,, same Ehler holds Reed oma *amine Exeter and Brussel', Anbarn lied tt`alto., and %then, d.. &Walesa 1. the watered the weds •1 the respective gifts, AN OLD Reoairr.-soaforth Erp'reur: Robert M c M t I I an, of Roxboro, Me- K•Ilwe, has shown ss • decunseee whish has sow beoo.e sem moat a.etmst, It Ie • re. mi pt ahich he receired from If ram Morten, ex -M. P., etO.lsloh, and 1s dated he 13M day of Y.bruuy 1862, Dom nearly half a ern' t t ago. 51r. Horton was at :kat Siete setter as eensu cummu>i .cit for the coma of Huron, and Mr. McMillan ss .numerates lee the tewen'dp of Tuokersmltb. The rm.tl,t te ai aokaewkdtment by Mr. Hartee of the esters sheets mot him by Mr. IloMdlee. Threshers showed the pope lathe of Tsokmmith al that Mine to be 1727. Both gentlemss, although then in the prime of life, ere et111 hale sal hearty, end we an mare that it is the wish of their sam.teas Weeds that they may be lose spared he go eat and 1n ame111 as. Mr. 01.MHIae says ib•t she mow thee whiter. when he was taklog the canoe, was vaty dery In The Del,'hboncco 1 of the tenth oenossetoa there was • donee swamp, le whish deer was very aumoroae, and, se there our • 0,0.t oo the mow, it was hard for them to get around, and, oonsequestly, they ware v..y roil captured. As • nen la of Eels vmlson ws• elentlf f, and be came carnes many house. is the townebip where oh. pmpls were el iog ymieon, aid at most plume see or more oariusea were hanging up hroam, for family us. What le sow Ma eldasd a greet luxury, and to moors whisk men %revel miles, wait then so plesIUel se to ba almost devoid of Salt. 9e•lertk did set Neo have an s1utmm, and then were may • few bags In EgmoedyUle, while way dee terms el today were than a dew best. Ten Lire R. H. Coulee -S1tenkW el the 'sows .1 R. H. Collies, of kxeter, The Chorale mus : Ie the death of Eke Gentle. man Rester loess tree el 1 . most b,Illlest sad promising barristers 1a Oaten*. He !,gel career has been meal In our midst and ler many years part he hes been • familiar lgtre on oar streets. A man of striking $� Duu 314.2211 eldovl,ad edetm (.best-41ars, entree uo, M. Y. MoL+an, n II P.P,firialorth, sad 'JAM 76 essay etbare frs liwwll mid ether Ohne 61 28 _N 179 62 Whet a T.10 Y Te1). 694 72 996 92 it that mirror of yours oboes • wretslli- d, allow complexion, a janediod look, moth patches and blotches en the skin, it's liver trouble ; but Dr. King's New Life Pills regulate the liver, purity the blood, give clear akin, rosy cheeks rich oo.nplexion. Only 25c. at las W .cop'• prescription drug .tor. TO *DYusettsfi 1 Rollos of changed a)agt to len v Olds Office not tater than Words) DOOM Ti. Copy foot changes must be left not later than Mon- day noon. 0.ena1 Advertisements accepted .D to noon Wednesday of each week. WOULD TOR MR 'Tr FEEL PERFECTLY IEU? WILL IMKE YIP MI Gee resp MVO DR less grest basso. hat tan NM Beal 7M will soros M wMMat Tri TATS. EVERYBODY'S MIND IiETTEI MAI I TIP TI EMIR d D.ag oft y lam/ nes Or. rep Bedylse Osty, L05 4 Tomb ate. Pae ~NAM K-.BARLOW IIOLMES Heppe oo•eteatly on I+and and will deliver promptly at the LOWIST PRICES FOR 0181 Hard and Soft Coal, Portland Cement, Hydraulic Lime, Lime, Sewer Pipe, Pire Brick, Fire Olay, etc, O50s:-9outh el 1e of Writ s•rstyl near the Hamm 11111.0410111 1., rs F. BARLOW HOLIES. The Thermometer says.. •. that Whiter is hew" and WhWer cough'; colds and various other ailments due to damp and cold weather. Be prepared to ward off these and oth- r' yr troubles. Keep a bottle of a few kinds of standard remedies In the house, and they will not only save *.1(unns nary pain ---Abiltrinarty a dollar ter.-Wiihaveirceassilate stock of Proprietary Medicines. And our Yscription De Partment is at your setyj0e, F. JORDAN Telephone No. 19. Medical Nall. 1101k iud $d0cs... and play for tom, you wane Slams right a. to QUALITY AND PRICE. Our goods are right as to quality, as we examine carefully every pair when we receive them from the factory, and if not satisfactory we return them. Doing • CASH ONLY business enables ea to pall ata small margin of profit, thus giving you the full beosBt of close cash prime in buying. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. We have added • large uumber of pain of Shoes to our Bargain Coun- ters, as we will clear out every pair of Shots that we have not a regular line of, or that are not just up to -date in style, at 50o. and 765 per pair, acoord- ing to quality. Some of these were 11.75 and $2 00 per pair. All our Belt Boot. and Shoes at and below oast for the next 10 days- allGood•new goods this sone.., but we most have the room for our new Spring Watch for our Spring announcement in our next .diet, ae we have some- thing special to tell you. REPAIRING AND CUSTOM WORK. P_ T. HALLS North side of the Square, Goderich. THE CASH SHOE DEALER What the Careful Engineer . e e. la be the iseehime, the Apetheerry l be 10. -ate WIdsh Reg, as pairs.•ge. The Eva of pupls are entr1Nsd M 451 Sign Ian 'softies of tIl. t..% he mover bees Mel eight of h HN Pbermaey. W. O.`,000DE; 014/44/1 LIR p PULL Pew PRESCRIPTIONS Fur chapped bands, etc., we have many remedial - Almmid Cream, Witch -banal and Almonds, Roualiae Jelly, Parisian Balm, Hind'. and .teen. Nsw AharvLIA :-Thay Tablets for Tired Nerves, Armour'. Best Extract, British Army -liniment, Laxative Bromo-quinine, eta linttttttttmntitt mtmiul't v-�+�yrt:•^!M!-eette.ry.wlav^'� iat's�-� What ! ! 3 •��E�I ! There's quality In �11rIS3e00 $hoe ; that's 3 .fiat It ls. That's what makes them sell so well ; E.that's what makes them wear so well and EEplease so well. We are selling the best footwear .lade at lower prices than some other stores ask for inferior roods. Your shoes from our shop will tit well, wear well, and pay you well to purchase. Sole agent for the "Slater"shoe. cyeses•. 3 SHAIZMAN, Jr. J �IIIUIIIUIUIUIUIUIIIIUIWUIIIIUItNW1C A Painted Floor makes housekeeping dote_ - A dusty carpet keeps the whole house dusty. A rug CS= bit easily shaken and the dust left outdoor. TIME SHERWIN-WILLIAMS SPECIAL FLOOR PAINT is madefix floors and Soots only. Made to walk on. ijL_D._ROUUVIL3N. Cereal Coffee . A d.hmos mei assilifilliamsass.- "way kr peraN •r .wervolie elq"11%1' wtlh kwwMl ~.r..k steasoolt rad less .sir Daly 15 eta. a lb. Try N, These wile lege epi le prowess, ft m,w0lsea 'LARRY) PILAR, 880149 Awo R1018 Ago 8HRiIDDgD WHEAT BISCUIT&. Au. Doors. Paowprr.T hwdva.n Telephone, 91, STURDY&�/''� - +✓�ll/y The ©froom., nor. &punn YaMeasl-d. •j'` A . YObR DRUGGIST FOR OIIEOD'$ : SYSTEM : RENOVATOR. A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK BLOOD, KIDNEY:and! LIVER TROU - Manufactured by J. Mi Msc1 OD, 1