HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-03-8, Page 8714•Npre-v•rilFrIfe:7071e3r7."'"owfitirer """•', ., 1� Meso 1.4 • .R,{ -°r• A ■ .41 n4 1 1 SIGNAL : GODERIOS ONTARIO. Never such slaughtering of prices 1 Never such a grand opportunity to get new, seasonable goods at the prices we are now offering our stock of General Dry Goods at. Come early and get the choice. This list will show the trend of prices with us. '�).. ,r :•�iS1.�4 .. 4{07:: tee kg, THIS SALE LASTS ONLY TEN DAYS ROSIEST sad` GLOV1i8 Indies' rod Boys' heavy ribbed Hos, worth 25c., for 15c adidren'e heavy ribbed Home, res- it/sr 18e. mad 20e., .. going 2 for 25p Prinks, special tine at. 5o Spacial heavy wide Print M DRUB GOODS Nide heavy and fancy Dreg* Goods, at 20o !titre heavy 'Tweeds, worth 35o, for 25o Regular 1214. linings for loo Nide Plaids and Stripes, doable - 90 fold, going at 10c way s w iMinsReek it iw Mlr Jane 8ebertwe fere tens how I:eis, for a the dere the pan reek. N. B. Nmlth r 4. lessee 1Mewen lest - lag SP maw geode for slim gees rale. ' N m. Kiat lay., who wee u (Aim* tot QUMMAKY OY THE RYeKLPTB AND 1.3 YPlipJlITUR= Or THi TOWN or LRRIOR FOR TRS YIAR WoM1N0 SOX Mer, 11111. naosrras. Com trees tele. 'lista l atm Tome .os. Water rotas theatres Bahl whoa LNG ,. • ,..... f1ete1M • 10 IS Brno IeaeaNnl ty ..[' y�pe iez rtaitead eemeteep 1i N Mheellaame ..-. sI 10 I i MA 60 LAM Beate ~� Aletwkar.l rrlt u M Mentor Meek 4,410 M Yligl tree.,. Mjj....... M a 814,Ifl 40 Water pwort, Deg lmaet'e• beads D.bsta,- may........... -. UNDERWEAR Men's heavy Underwear, special .. 25c Ladies' Vests, long sleeves, going .10o Boys' Heeded Underwear, going at i prise Special line of Shirting, worth 121c. for Loc. " " " Cottonades, worth 20c. and 2511...for 16c. JACKETS A few Ladies' Jackets lett, clearing Price Children's Reefers, clearing at price CLOTHING -.---- Special bargains in Clothing. Boys' Suits, Mena Suits, separate Pants, Vesta and Overcoats. i• RBMNAITB A lot of Rada, the clearing up of dock -taking. One lot at 5e. a yard. Some choice ends. Special line Men's soft and stiff Hats at 50c., worth $1 to $2. ....The Biggest, Newest and Brightest Store in Town.... Smith Bro's & Co rr. Norton- Th. loon ageaq la Duaia.aoa f r Tus lineae. le at the oil* of J. o. vane J.P., .seq aaor, to., who will receive or d.e ter suba.rlption.. advertising and Sch- wenk sad Is authort.ed k rive media for •me.an paid tor the same (`1 A. NEWTON, DENTIST, OF LUCK - %X sew will d sse.tlsaa kis trip w Das - gamma .sill ApdI. Tu.n•Y. Mar. 6 salmon or Covrco.- The wi.ipsl fathers et Won W.waseak will meet la the mesal pima es Meaisy amt, 12t18 Wet., ae 10 e'en, •.r All later'..d take wk. W., Meng with she base of 1rissd. of Mks Lade Errht,ea, daashter id David Erriytea, et Wast Wawasseh. who h•s Mau eery 111 from a were odd, aro plswd M Mar that abs ie gradually rosvrly. Bumo oar lent February has taken lt. .zit sad retired to the 'robins of old Fatter Time, lamrles • rant/Mar of weather is ere Biros, whisk has osbiaa.d des lit ..seder, Marsh, arrived. Wham la NIU kiss. 8c4nao Race •%D U•aslvt - Thr' will be s grad 'valval at the M.tterd risk, Dwells .e. ea Tberedar, for wbi a liberal cash wpm ugll a elves. Theme will aloe Ya • midland res between two (met * bats Admission 10.01. COINING •No 00010. -Jeb. Morrie, of Kimsrd4w towaeklp, os.aty of Bras, mneampasied by het trMeO la,M41es relieve hers, Ind la so eternity.... Juba Riwnis. immerses .gem., .1 W Viten, wee ben se . b.d.Mr trip tau. week. Nom•rs.-00 Wsdsusday of Ins, week env popsies mrobsab taus was waled 4. the beads of m•trlms k Mks Tele Nlebelewa, 4ee,eom et Theme Niobmen, M West W .wsosh. Wh deeded to the newly wedded ample congratulations, wish. Istg them a happy, prosper's' sat Is.g Damara, drams". MasTuotr.- Jamas 8tss►.us during 1st week aid geed work M break4.4 sowddtts and ashlar the mate streete a our • pssble for travdtss, foe whin he s emote mmtioa la all pr.b.bdlty he will be . Lsb4 reeve of our burg 1. the Iu. yssr of the eves oswry. Oar **Ile works os-.i..M Meld mooed him • Marty roe .1 lisue (la•ro P•nro ., Cowrn,.-A /red pat0lew meow, will 00 esus la the Agri. mNmral ball, s Thursday, Marob 16:6. The program will meals. of .41......, slew, rretathen Weimer, totr.m.stale, Wet- table drills, sit., also addresses Now Wm. Asdense, Reedy recanted from Smith Afriem, sad M, u. Cem.rss. d Odrtoh. All O M exposed. A4skts4. ; dints F6., children 10 w4s. Doss open u 7:30, ewt .t 8. Idao's 8orr• -The Getlbr.41...f tbe Leers Bugs. 1 Erekl.o ebareh, whieh was pr,psed eau 1st Sunday owls le s►s seemly weather s the prsvlees 8asday, w.e deposed. There were sot s assay µ.sent s there would bay" bees had the umber bess pr.ppws sad the rade of drtied sad heavy. T41. Meter. Rev. R- FJrh.irs, 8. A., save se ms.Usa. dseel. eery de.sree sppr.prl/w a the measles from Jobs zvu.16. PANTOMIMIC Fbws.-0a Wednesday of Let weak a McM.1g M IM atlases of ..r, ,d v1.hiby wee MM la w eel sere Magma - mem 1.. the purpose el dories' ..awe for ablieg tin Weenie fed. T. 0. AB.., g reisipal el Demesas-s pelt* sant was ypelabd .bmtrosa, A. M.lasyr., ser.kry, . sat a J. Drawer, Mdse..... thmmlt0w we. mppeed W oars s subscription 11. sat . mg* y as siertainm.st a the osr tames. preemie 4. b•• a�Nd w tb• niaarieelle jme/, Upwards d 6 was allaet ea NM s/,twees by Mbosgw., Gems ksrnmume .-ups news et the w rre.dr d One,' sad tits relief se We. man lemmas' orehees.sl tray .vlwd by she .1153.1 saes...- sad •:prods" d ft v el set enema The Odes Jeek ..ties g*eld'la@ hated iii iii )ienai fs. Mstest-, was deployed se .11 or pules el Ase.-, s ..s ea nee, Mint MMemMs. sad • heli Wile) amse1 em le ths pupils d ear mimeo ashMnL W. elaser01' hese that • 1.a messes edit owns to as seer hese. Or C.mdls soldiers sem •e ha s M. 1g* of the Id4wr et mllitry east Me,. gasser r shwa le M..Nvonel dale. at them wile MW MMtsper e..lbsrty, j..el. sad OUNLAR led to bpi Idea a the "Mee/ Ihe week essely all the ••helms Oben Nei 4�SOL were was - -i' a w Temedas el Ole einem m .steer. I/L Ida 8.41 ��!dM MM yry h no Imam f+re1 ..rmMtM Thu Mg sew Meow waw Masi the urea d Fehmary sd� ash ems he be - .c... heseraday wen hemmod le des e thee ere . AO e►s elbhht�e s M. be- seem me .mg* W gene s S18Smr M i ISe.3Ues a aertme sed is00. oder Meek. lir. Noma we the sly mas the mitered w the kirk at Ldebar'. Moeda, of this week David Corbett goes Io Mr. leashed's farm a be en the farm staff f.r *me .este., and will ant 51 assist- ant foreman w kir. Bates 4. he duties. The win of the relief el Ladysmith was heard bre with e10a0 ethers. Bums o f osr residents being la Oedrtob n that day wtw.m.d the great rejoicings over the ovine hold them Chas. MoNsil has Moaned Irma Cooks - tows. T -.t trues ea whisk be travailed \..sward had gaits • aerie of We palls' sad Mort stop g.tra4 throesb the sow drifts hero and there Mom the reek. L,Itse Cumming, whoa we .poke of two write yo s a medicine for the throe years' ealwtmst, was ao".p0od u Oo4o rote as • rumen, sad lett ter Lwsds te stars his duties ass soldier et the Q.M'S, W ed.osd•y of lass week. ASHFIELD- Voan•r, Marsh 6. rhe goober of t •.. 3.baold dress has !started revival mstls4. at zoos epeeist - meat Owing to the iaoleessoy of Me weenie* and the drafted road., the revival snakes were poetpsd dor the peel week. A118.r1 Brows for North Dakota lad T.s.dsy He oblate 1s w ode Me °natty sad lad eat hew he will like le. I PORT ALFIERI. TI.DAY, March 6. u Msas.e.y, of Con Bay, is bens a bs.4..s trip. Kinard Smith 4ef0 for hie boss 01 Law din ea laments, Mors. Evelyn Mards is la Oodrkb spsd!ea a few days with her former oobool-oris. Js. Oliver was etdtisg redeems' sad Maeda Is the neighborhood d enema) led wool. The stealers elbowed Mair esthetes over the relief d Ladysmith by beetles the Beg s the soboolboos. Marne Tom* asd hie Moir, Ella, return O d bo Ktnaedlw s 4'rlday last, .Iter needles • week la Me vicinity. W. O..Nmgk•a retsrui w ►e bow en Wednesday last, dims be,be • keetheaed visit wink es freed" 1. Arthur. ons. Rev. Mr. eller, of Locher* dellvsr.d a looters 1. the Presbyteries' ,nun sore s th. Fated air., la lb" einem d the Bible 8..loty. CHURCH NOTES/ Rev. B Clement its bra. Invited be re sees • hearth year i "harm d Od4rle .t. 0..hedW ob.reh, 011.bs. Mee Wwl.me, whe .sdaoted maser lets semen la Fleetest. Mdhedet Marsh Mat week, loft a Saturday fee Dar bee k sate.. the work. hen Bmoday events* le Vinare mean . harsh R. 8. J. Allia will tell the .dry .f " Moody .d Bark th. Berger mem panted by • serves 01 meg. 01...peel.11y invited. At the pre.so.m.nlos service le Kern .huroh last Friday ermine, whole was as. decried by the pastr.'llte10 ow ttteeb.rn were resolved law fall ...maaiwa, Mimosa .f M.s se preemden d their Web. F. O. w^�p.e the walk aimed h4s es seats with N.rtb-d. Mdkdl.. °harsh as organist sat .heir dir..kr, amok to the regret N the o.sirasaties. Mb new Def- ine le with 8e. lama.' .bored, i eedoe. Mie Prestos, a rot.ea5/ medlar from Js�pp•aa., will sive s address b North stoat M.t.d1t Mena net 8amdse ey�ewa l.. Me. Proses a •dinner d • fethar poser d the .h4.h, R.M. Jeer Prrewa- Tho Rpwarth Lim.* d North Meed Monodist shurah have •esus d •MMU ty whou'tpU.. far tai met kg* Sip. R... CC 01. Shedder, saner d " mil other hooka. e te snidest foe s week at 1� a,wh heralded .. us experiment e esedentse • dailysowspe w s (brio Sea les, a awaited with Mtuw all MVM. the .Mme sad the peolmnter .4 Trisha has a�h she Dapeve s% se Washes. Ma term ddlM5.sl fres w Made Mo ergo willies. The adsheseed Omleses.ry pbur, M. ■.v. Father willbe at 8t Pse.'. a.et s..4.y fie aimed t►m fort. hemp/ de eMsn fa will ,.mats 4111 Thema by .1el4, art MU .past .5we1.• .., Mus• or Mar der. The comer will he held n40.30am,s47pm, sat =the west 6410 am. and 7:30 pea t+�Me Me hoer hams, whin will bugle w Stay mail dies se Woeses4ey g* mea. than will b. wee Mmes_ Is Mama beim =UN night the gm.% Mem wig ha Imersedl. ►y a.n e- el Meek teen thehed� Smite hot T1s poser, MY es Ildelg, . James tMss m d the otadre. r Me mew ..-t:: . is • tag ese psi s7N the pnmoll ,I Me sued tett .erviea Thea was singes by Me ohlldrs of the school so c by the orob.stes in the moral.. 0. T.sday owing the cheers annual e.wrtadam..l was given .nd teaa very ssconsful The prl0etpalfeature of the program was ..MM otos otitLd " The Two Ways." The two terse--lho ends sod marrow way and tho broad way Mal Ind. 1 dsuwtts-ware reors.ssted ea Ilie pt.tl.ra, sad the three characters PBpri.. Temps. ad WW1's' woes tabs by Harry 8.lkeid, Freak Tarty ..d Mie Elisabeth Wt1..a, r..ps.Mvely. The alai*, was rsderod by • doable quartette and a obildr..'. ohrm. The sole perk were was by Mlle. Brow. and Limns Ailments. Mrs. (Dr.) Whitely .d J. P Bre.& Then is aloe • duet by Miser Kw: and Brydg.s, ad . ytoliu sit by Mie Lew* A.hesa The users! sesom- psioa m0 wow by the .robes.,., led by Freak Rmlth, mad by Mr. Bl.ps& en the mina. Towards rho ekes of Pllsrlm's jour - .9 sine girl., representing love, Joy, Pens. Mem, Fate, Hope, Hever, Parity sd Trete, apposed on Ms Mathes .ad mag • very pretty .harm Thu .sew was well reedrwi tbrsgb.at Otter samisen s the prollr•u were reelrtrs by Mia Grade Marra, M4. Battle Mass and Mi5 Nellie J•••4011•44 • drill by the O. U. i Mariam, sod 1 De.'t Waal 4. Yl.p la Y4th Yard," .nag hp a.bunt4( 4i ``ire end sievorly doted la pantomime by 011.5 Tara Whitely sad Miss Joann Cos Mies. The sterklamst, which was et- jhyed by • larre number, w5 brought t • elms l7' eke regime of the national anthem. LOCAL. NEWS IN emu-. Ti. roast et ,Id4,Malth ave imam msa sod bola oo4erwb M s Met week- Thi. week It. J. �^do•m L doing Is.. and he. has • lot of the tuns law d tweed, to dolt. 14'. the early W. fillet gen le la Ms soot. A.ww Reid a makes im .nem•! tear .f the tows. liming "sods aro la sad 1900 bloyoles have made 1154. Mimes. Byres le oomlar. J.h. F. Ben, who hs boos the sick let lee shet two wash., 4. oe the mod. Alm. Young, Kimball, ►s purchased s imported heavy draught UIy4.ttd.L.wllee. D. D. Wilma, Petr Damian ed Seery Doyle are .•pppepoli■�td 41..ueo ooemlodo 51 tee Beath Harem. Mer Ere Ajb... 1s to assist e . mili- tary mann le 8. bold at 8slorth s Fri. day, the 1616 host. We w plaied t 18..r Mai Mn. Mary Vietnam. who has bus eery iB for the pest four .seeks, Y Impeovly. TM Inn n, .f the O. C. J. Literary 8. - shay eaoama.d for lad week w pad - peed w eom.rrew ewes. Joseph lista sk.y, d Godwin tows - side. Is ow • duly guaildo4 Jostle" d the Pesos for the clay of hero.. ate the nasal mssti.t of the Hors Votarleary odri As.ed.tlam Ili. J. Hamden, d re -Mooted vies preelasl Th. roof cif 8►. Peeled'. ward '.heel lak- ed .. badly darlag Tmw4.y 001154.4'. nes Mae no upstairs nem IId 1e be destined tee tha day. O.L A. M. formerly .f Gide. .len resolved 1. 1 mdal.o • treble latex la Terme W.dwd.y�yht d lase week. Mr. sad Min Bkiaeeeo, whe have bon IL the pet els weeks free • eyes meek et la /Apps, lad that they are ow steed - fly Imprimis.. Oberlin line, of Blsbd., bus ekes sharp of J. h. Bridges' paint shop. New. gat* .Neel Mr. ete ea he i. was el the beat welders d the breath le (..s4., and Ms work bean eat th..eesest• O.ada.t.r Nam, 'rho et a seeker .f yam was le .barge of the Wise teals h... Litssatioe Wet** •-Mahe• . et ,', 19 010 011 eeeo i w►jM • LI01 47 Uitl.elate l..teate ..... ILN so O my mato pg* 10 Ile.-ea4deol made 41 b Pabito 81la!a. s1aaar.ame e.... 8.81 7 00 1110 111 U FtrIM tS tle..d vee rem .....,...7 ... IO M Wttlt7 •�M�eeeiama ---‘"P'..% e ed:▪ UM !4041 Water Mi ItS la st. h �... , ........-...: l./u (e eide Albite work. NIM OC.tO •................. NEM IL rIetWarmem)a1�m{l 7.13110 P�tinewgjausd N I.aetblea-.._... kw 0 Boonser, •sola... ........ ._et e5 ItentTows .,upon. lat. and tsb.slsrse talit le el Used to ler ... T.4w 40 Mtsodf Total W. R. BALL Tull X f A44114.14 1. Oederiob. F.s..4. 1 3. Ae81iTS ear WABILLTIi1. Tows of ooaertcb 1111 Dsoeebe•. dans 4115kly reads -lends. _.... . ,- ....4 95 N Wegner° ......deed 1.401 84 tet\1...-deed 4.1811 TT water work.......- 49 410 10 (k 1144101 12.211,- M�r1igaM�g��l slot 4./g* r le 1lvshw5--1,.4�10,a1 D> ,�,• ..v �..trb limit a•'ot!•V,al Cohost • s• }•}M T.w. deet .............:.: Real swats1111 4491,411 40 PoBoomen M Wash norm Women !tie -deed Ormati Sevum. 14 Ns il stMeade ..:.:1.04 00 latent s lease. w01 epee Tangs ... ,eft Itleawki Unmet =elevator53....... 41 Slovaks mains ............ y Beth home......... deed W M Oak to S 8 l"'- ,.. ;Ns r Dttibeaylr•ban.eurro. .(e..............Iq e>dM (ab.J.4.... woo* MR..RaO� l * ff/ M OodrkL Feb. fad. To the Marr. Co. 014 ae etas Deeper of the Tows of uoderldk. fav, the ,mounts M have es ..4.s4 4he 1 .ole .oat ...seats d the Tei. Trwrar. eamp.rt.f them telt le the voushone sprroDddreed. sad ad 1LOm ox.set, nowise a balsas. of 17.0149 la o.ab k b. marled to 151 »-t. Baal of Mstr.a& 47.105.78; to af.., Lire metal the .00.mte at 4b. Treasurer of the Collegiate Iseam* sad dad them *mem with • lamb Salaam of 41488.11 at ,las or 1105. Tho Band. ..d e.rwies of the Tramway we Sad the mama ea they were last year 1 he Maki roods .most le �r.r1144- w .. 41017114 la Mortensen Wand. ad 811 1.118.30 be the "Bursa sad yuan" Savl.p Baa We submit hre.ltk: - A ea.utar7 of Pab448.11.1 1z5wa4B.re la draiirk, • detailed satemept of io.Npss .ad i:p.adltar.s, • summary sf 41.mlp . and arpoadltares, 5.d . skeet of mess sad II/h1Bt., and have swat the S a 45 11 •59 Of akm.... k the scree..1 r.astr4o, at remota The ease s haat au Jos- 1' _ tem of swift 4was 45,084.11 la the of sanest 41.001.8, la tko Trecniser's , MIA. W. R. BALL Amdaa.. 0.153.1. rob. Lad. MM. Binder Twine HOW'S THE OUTLOOK ? Fanners' Company Limited said! rr.a8. Bought their raw wterl.( rl/eat and daii. the world a eo.por4*, Flamm Rod ser 1241, She Mar 114,, 84.s4.,4 104.. B.. sr .zeal at ,sea Do's set •E Nye1 ; ear gnarly is limited. W. levo warned yet fairly. Joseph Stratford, oeneal Moyer. VICTORIA OPBRI HOU81 1 ""» red t Pe ° `: has bets Satarday March 10 .e.a.ferred a the Pert Dow line, .ad h1, phew a wkwa by J. CdH.sen, d Sinioard .aae eelw g us..'. .hoary Mew will M I mimed weed aa4 IM *Wiwi. C R. R. Sallom has an ..Ws.yve dlgl•y el plias r he wisher the week. There are pesters of the Japanese de414 the Cobb. amps sad the taM.ne: a sommetilen with 0g* nest (wine's•rl•emst, sad else • . :mbar of memo from Me Ladysmith ata. beefs .ibis .hew what sense el on ewes. ppb inked like es that glare= 0.sy... 004(11110 ANO 001140. 241iil i O.rpsel• N feeds, ter B5 ewe Joe Mena. et Lades, Weed - ♦rends hire /he week. Me. and Mea 111. R.shwi Mfr randy anodes f11 Tamen. Chas. O4yetal. of Lesbos. tem he tree M • I.. dap km rook. Wes *kw. BI (fabeigea this week ed M.. W. it (IM.brm, eh Marlene, Mob., t•he bid hem vldyng L.- Ibis, M.a ... • TAX LA1K9T LAUGH r PROVOS RR as dyed YI sieves at the etta.dard T'ha il% Now T.rk THE RP.AL tai Widow Brown manna 8111OtAIA'11111 WOOD MORO ONi (IOMeuxtlou. fAt0411 Dlredb. et A. 4 _.metes. Men sew moss all Puke's fee stern .iac. and 5Oc. Prices, l5c,, a• pe �y .• u . ,lata btu r.law.d w tetft seat e Mad Gleans *IM W. detente b Bea. The Ker A- Y 01 lhemesa, el neeb.e- "mith, imbed en heads hese as Sas..d.r. Bert Marion hes 1aUbd eis mons et re limo itea oviform college rid has ed 7r home Mea ileteed, tele See nines her sea N ;?'t " e ' ` , "" r""h ` lel Whom n. w r., Ier sem Am., bat or s weal t4 ea.. A SPECIAL ,, .1 Ogee., e.pMadg*. b* weeks 1. hd11. stelae T GLOVE SALE! Mire rites.. W a tiwen be Tomsk) laky • Goderich Bargai'n � Manes.The. Maes. ser of J to • metes la the *Mees'e hardware hems of Re. Leah b ties. D. Foreseen lel► yesterday monde, hr Detroit, Mels' bass shod drifter by the ..rleue coodilica of bi. d,.ag►ter. Mt., Mart*. Jus Rask is soda, market MN in he .booms.. Me. Serena AW., of laws, law d Bus mUlse rstereed by the teals of AM Ivod.sed.y Iran 8ammarbRB, whops eke wads tog • few Aarr., the ort 411 ber Diomede, Mr. •.d Mrs. ipbz01 l The Bleb (kart of Jtta11i1 be Me oosaly .f ti...s will ell .o Mosdsy. Marsh 19eb. Nr Janie. Fdesbrldee wul pr.dd.. mitations oat Dodd's Kidasy PILL are legion. The box a imitated, the oateide mating .ad shape of the pills are imitated and the name-Doders Kidney PBM is imitated. Irital one anti dangerous The origimtll �: Codd". Kidney Pills have a repstatlea, Imitr tore have wore or they wouldn't imitate. So they trade oa the reputation of Dodd's Kidney Pills De not be dbomh.d. '.herr is only owe DODD'S. Dodd's is the original Dodd's Is the name to be ear. ld about.- KIDNEY boat_ lit DE -CARBON STEI L 111 Simsalid �� es WI Thor are has roma.t..d as to warp or mech. Irl They will Wel • BMlme pleat .os is so men rk.. 4.r Warier Stew. oat w comeats 4 to ave ear -third heal, lake Musa and radiate mors heel tsar n umber we 141. marital. sad 11hhave air thein. Ramey ter u. Saes/ warm All 0aas whwhina tails °mean yk M - rd tiesN. mem ljetene, .o..o.ieel, der . Ma a e -read amid healua.4 a..um devise .est4Pte le tor pelmet/ before ys 4oelda were far .00555..5, modu-s, vef mmYWS sed Move nifty. H. C.FILSINCER, 1111111. Iittilland : "I'm getting sick 9f this standing 'round the market looking for wood ; then paying such exorbitant prices for it." Wife : " Why didn't you do as neighbor Jones did in the fall: go to LEE & SHEPHARD'S and get a 'Happy Thought.' He says he has saved a quar- ter of the price already by making the change, and says he hah igot the best. in the market.'1 We hes • similar osvreation every day, and • great many heehamh have ailed on Jame' experionoe, and have bought and have had the same elpet- isacs themselves. In proof d thim we have sold three carloads of Ranges and Mover Mill We have a good semen -ked Omer for mils cheap. Lee c Shephard BUTTON'S a Ole 0� 0� ls the greatest remover of scale and prevent*, et ineru.ttion. Save repairsoily peeking and fuel. 145 • .: nr.t r•t -.41,tri c -ram ' OURRngitaer's IIi a t a l Polish . sttp.rb• Elyse apply and leaves a g,gg- oylinder, engine,i Oar ' lub- ricating Oire Mot the finest: Our .hes,, pintos, Narked and rubber Packings are reltabie- As- bestos goods, pip* are of Um latest German and Canadian maerfeetare All ear mill applies are the beet the, can be predates/ and are (ally (earantamt For prices and 4 leneenta, writs Tit ►i. SUN Latest shipment of LADIES' KID GLOVES just received. Although prices have advanced consider- ably of late, this lot was contracted for on the basis much lower than present market prices. It is economy to buy at our prices. -� NEXT WEEK 1 SPECIAL BARGAINS IN CASHMERE HOBE. • JAMES ROBINSON TR WORSELL'S For bome-made Dairy Tin- ware, E.•estro.ghing. Stoves and Furnaces. The beet is the cheapest .t J. H. WORSELL'S �w.e tivd.rtcb. Ise . rem Hae. for Mak r emere. flra� B�@r 1 Teta Oodericp steam boiler Welke having been removed from (lodes** I have made arrangements to carr) on baler repaanng and aim the mama. facto ring d smokeetaoks, eta Repairing of boilers, emsian_ ofd other machinery promptly attaaibd to. D. K. STRACHAN, Machinist, (iod.riaft. Work, as Viobria Street MILL WOOD FOR SALE. The Love is oat Mb stove wood locate and will be delivered to any pert of the town the acme day as ordered. Orders recited by telephone or left at maid/nee, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 9$. • PETER McEWAN. oodrio41,November UM, 1899. WE HAVE FOR SALE CHEAP I IS 1I -;..01,..r-P4111111311511 SSE A .OSS �� NISI RIMS Colt au am Tans Ti.. ase Unsettle. ellhellasswela ?lie him * Cs. 0Adedt. • 00aan1axC TJE- • ftemE rog THE1 iron glptY"TF VIM WEEKLY. 1 f M WIel rm.-'- ▪ ' .p tela... O+n brh ••.... lite wheat. Fw Ml Use MI Doom Hart we. Pee wood >• 5'Deena meg. Jlg4 IIf;AiRi waDAi reeled dtr.Mer [. k s...1a, dasaa�.5. pd 4sulcP..N�te1astb ▪ i Akio .Oddr.14.w IYI LA4t r': orpa. add 41. ... doer w it 4 x(488 EMMA ANl 111 of Pu.a o.g sed lar T Virgil Practice e01vt 1,.440. cww .t a. .y.,t.m mal he m•a 4am.r••a Method to 4ear will pane the peer, Terme 55 a 45.5,10 Bdlssale B A S W. AL4XANDI /lusts �: UteiU ,err: ri.Wia us 11 11115(7011 ✓ eraeatary nod tree sIt.!a e3.nd eed Ise waren la .l ..d oh BIOL.= & thierlabri al Nahum Oadaate of Manaehmates 001- Mgm d fmbd10Mg. Orf. 1101��yyN74HT. 7 POf0110C.0? . 0MOD 00138 • 1CI f0(1 ...ra.atile start. ....mesa . �Y .err Wo sans:.)�=y. r• that the store.koefiers of Goderich are not looking for the nimble dollar? (See local papers of last and this week.) There's " bargain days " ga/ore! There's bargains real, no doubt ; and bar- gains on paper, too! Watch out, and do yourself justice ; also. see that you get val- ues like viz. : At Ic. fln Dress Braids, all colon and black, per yd .....- le While Trimming Edge, per yd .... to [sidles' Linen Collars, each lc Shoe Looem, ps pair lc Mending Wool, per card , 10 Hair Pins, per package 10 Thimbles, each le Bastin Thr* mob le albite Tapepews to Tatofol .gl. f Hair Plan, eked to At 5c. Odd color@ Zephyr Wool, 2 a 411..60 14 "Mom Patch Work for ... . ..6o Black Darning Wool, is skeins, 1 out told.._ 5e Children's Black Hoeg per pg* 60 Children's Vette, each ......15e Hair Neta, each 1 dna- Aeteteed $t,Ddk/enhiels.Ser• e per pair . - .ell 60 -,.. 5e 2110 yds Spool 2 f Linen Spools, 2 toe ids Cream Frilling Silk for be 0 Frilling shades Alelm All Bilk Face V ba dotted and ply. per yd '5. } yd Collar Board, for . , ... 5c Beauty Pink 3 for'• . .. as ...So Ladies' Vests, Meet , ........... be Infante' Biba, each ,4N Large beach Violeta toe Os At IOc. 13 dance of White JIM O4o'res per Pair1s. Balance of Blank Hid Gloves, pir pair 1s. Balance of Mao's Wool pbvs, pile pair Belenevel Masi Wool Witte, per At I5c. 5 yds :I= Cotton tor.. 15o y °bade Cloth for ....160 Ladino' All -Wool Hoes, per pair, Aka Tsbl•.ods and odd Bilks, P4*ha •lid Velvets, . pieoo 161 5 os. 7 hyr Wool for 11e Dorset Cloven, .soli .. 10o 4 yds fast pcaps grimterlbo _ 4 >d. AI> n Gingham for. 2 palm Ladies' Bleck Hoes for 150 Able Oil Cloys, 1 } wide, for 164 At 20c. 1 1.' Plain Brown hili,par yd ,4100 • ' Figurers Silks tar , .. • •600 Watered Silk Poe Pelk.-Dot ti , p y ...... .....4s. `Y Barge Dre.a,(ieor 'a •' '.• • 1104 Lm Cartelms, per pair PSr yd .. - These quotations. which are In moat cases less than cost of production. will be r-itis- tained till the stock Is sold. • • B 8 • r'4 C. W. ANDREWS. Meed nit J. L TURN • .mesa to t ever f1711ett a emery 1 MGM at sales. Tele 111 W. F. OA/ 11 sed earw1 Ilpa'are. met. Sole InauPsJ TAILE. RHA W, meas Mus. he Trees t oversaw. O. sill A mood lava is. brawn d P 0..404. MONEY TO LOA M. 0 .45.53 w is inveril Mel amok Ma IMPd rte m' sale k•1O lord QTuRR TO Lil kJ vMria ars Bea w ace Stew. Falb I DOR 8AL6.-1.031 11 la Hawhi.sYMur milt half of Oe rad edrleh. For Datum lank lat00. Batef hs 5 FARM FOR 831.3 g memento,i Mit a ander °b.vatl Sam. to Day. sensed ese lead. Is la pe, Stint .W. M Ina I 0 trough Ntp. Im art it sold se i WM hoose, erste end Whimsies?* aOiU b ee Nla.kaeon ha III .et.mres or Bt. fart 1.-1 0UBK FOR 831 Pe m«maser col : live rot mad ..miner hl 4 e.•ra rail d ft led .auuIhalts. 71 advise5larst Apple l lest meet. FOR BALR-1HR eel taatre d.Nn memos The hoar= Jerd..▪ drag tort neetifitallwa to Bev ter t d FsUlr!- FARM iso 4140 acid frau r.a4514.1. Tom. r styotera Ap 1y at fele 8 B 1m 4. e.a /0, W. osr- Apply to k�iJlEat, BINDER A1sa0T:oat,e.Wtppage"asotakp.,taah.i":as.fcoo..rGs. QRALRD TRND twin.•• wilt b, "' µ .std 5MN 15* ; � «41, teal •tel tlrr run. 4I 4FItµ Js#r 9518. 4 rr�b, tw1, will M to oeaoth w li Issl W r41 Iif7i� 41111.0•a, lad w ;;