HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-03-8, Page 6-.* - fi ._.,.a.,, ., ..p-'- - p' "-- '* -FU T n a C III e t`iC ...w TU (Jay Polteir' elle t1i0i IYI Solas Crtyplid for W lei ler dus•r. la 1">r meterttlulug wuNi spa W She rpuiraaNRts d a Rood -e•ree"- i e or. Itmurt be for the beat. • L % •' ASSURANCE COMPANVe' • =y . .. ` , .. r •e, e b i i l itsr a '.tJl ., n ,e» i r . ,T ;...-4.t : a , . r . .e .v t . . *1_ 'r. " -. . -dr " °,„'.!'rl . _, :.. ice. '.: 7 s ^ r . . '1"t.. v ... t; f^ I, a . . ..a'( ctrl . - .. ..,.,Y"t _,,... ,, ,t'^ Y . .si}.: -.. ' .4. w '' - =- - d- V `' .. 4 ANIiN1AL STAiLKNT Of illi ivcctlulrrvl. wNitacRtl. y.d►+ IDBYAN TSS. _ "_.,..1 day 4i4iti"ttittttitii,:stt•FiitfitttiiFvtttit*% . a !!aria/ IaaetlM, rood a"jm,.ti e_ 1 r; i • "A2 - " "' ... .:.,:....- a• AiNlttt>wNt10 t1t1 No IsomMsf ora Itwyi to M aaa*► 1 , 4 ki . 3: y , i e t S, f 1. Al z - fi ._.,.a.,, ., ..p-'- - p' "-- '* -FU T n a C III e t`iC ...w TU (Jay Polteir' elle t1i0i IYI Solas Crtyplid for W lei ler dus•r. la 1">r meterttlulug wuNi spa W She rpuiraaNRts d a Rood -e•ree"- i e or. Itmurt be for the beat. • L % •' ASSURANCE COMPANVe' • =y dwtaer. AllaOic • .lf aCli. c`t►t .t mu:.ext ul 1U.".r le A upon taw azoell•uoa v1 tv cYWac; an( Islack lmgratllude. and _ , . r of Tem ptat n need office: ill -118 icing street Weet; tout - -cuat,llae 1Lara an other smigntlpit whistle a •►. ' baP,,iataa.'' . g(teMt w mach. find whWb W odswua j a t , =- - "L know tinct. But he ought not to 1( TOt A.il.wkaoaeesa dDantroow, Urt.,lr- alwdsi tarvl•arod to TersbaM 7A• ler*l yevtiaru I 1iat+•1«•Cr•aof Kpewr►atlsaa •r itauY fine •raA mon+ 1taPurtt►at- P'• roltartl their •vela! ulr : Niiiiiiiiittitttii4tiliiliitiiiiiiiiiit! Fell, Nen. theca b naotb'Ag to prevent , .I For lino star eudvij 1)ecMlnbrr 3l)tb, If;9!►. Irteoerd-A tiTlag Monument to pgathxr aft* YYwer ng irodd'* Kldrey YUIn, tipw as so seu,y debts to be worhe"1 off:' find with %bat Idea In commit the unpa dunabie occur . ,,.. "tela, Ikea Ippolltu." Nei griovy, erred IS, till roeltwelf riot to do iso• %Bit What spall I any to you, what he miCbt lure snlslatetp"t%i s 1%"W Gags 1 do file you, Mdrw 'r' forveltntera oro lacy different tra m „ err.. Bet }hero was "little to do. Tau• .twerlcatlh. No drain we aJusuld wlnde odifl. of Id+ ,IroarAst It1Y wUd haw" tonei n firm or 11 If he load Aorta I'm may; ImaRinatkiens, bald Pullen into Hast at w'IWI or. Itmurt be for the beat. "- a word ; sits magir could I lid It; tier rare It wan osderoti alb. But &ll that std JFOat eerier munnv the and bad came. (twnl't sel'eve Pon Ippollto from the Ib !at Itsr lege big told hanids. Aral chortle an( Islack lmgratllude. and l peweutly Ile returned she entreaty d warn of o,xtrlderxttoe for sit. fie's 1 leer tears wild Itis wise, puthaaU ami:o Vufte made nod+ of us." I" You counvt )t1 1+ me • urer is no help for nn error a mtue. idrmotluee. v• r ' "de wan rwi w Manna It was a great step for him. And II" - If ever tine thought of me 1* a grantor "L know tinct. But he ought not to pollf thait it s IK this nxm►ent, You have ta{Ye1 of It. He ought to leave known his own mhsd fully before J can forgive so. Yea, you wu do glint for a nerklae : that's the only vete way. ape." " !slit w{adye who w!N ever• (orgies inn.' Fell, Nen. theca b naotb'Ag to prevent she Cried, -for may bifuMtaes' Ott. You our going to-srurow." in" believe Witt I reyar thought, 1 Flxidx drew a king brotsth and ruxe b go on, with the work of taCthsg. Mvar dreamt"- Tuner kmw It vett. It war your fugal . ve yo+r teem crying. 'lorldba r well, of oourm you can't help fee Vag ifmtls +Dag did It; truth Wa blgh ad tug web a There's a great Ayes, fee see to Italic dlncermted save through Such ago:ty an- You too loved ions. deal W grrCxl in Iplr>Ilto, a great dual asyey goal, like tho riot, and you would you you Bac senna) a '.1y. to fir age• w'at't Cry deer. hh"e ileal me sau.prlert for tho regalia he field lira. Vre she Wise ver a ] Mrs. Ve very +while slut they would have lerS s'i a prleat I silence before she tut In rat a rill -1 Sere it. But you Itad ibis right to' uJ Will he cosec here tomorrow t o love my awl mud not nue-yon, a wt, murlumgr' man. A woman count nut lure way liar daughter Its -Aged at her with a the .coal ofa mea" glance of terrltled IMquirY. "TV* Yee!" Pitedx»i7 explained U» llu have year wlv abixtt yon: my girl, "hat Taxi were a PriaM to me ". Re can't go, say- That to true, madamlgella. I vraa een.tiwowithout, halfdea m'wl-Dye to him. and we can't alwseya a prsSt Mr you : fined now I Seg away without pt►yLtg. -kw,: that I never comild tie utherw•iss. Ajh " Iaratr on'fill•!.*, CIC ..... ..................... on Stocks (sbearly- Ili on Call) ............. " Loanon tAd`wrooR began onaaJ years Itrfura I Islas trYtilg W blame a ,,yet, paying_ blon him for Pay Ys Will fret. yon yo I.Y* lint!•-" wr hasn'twbe n other " atarne rue, blame n,e : do!- toxrlierr. you know: more Vile a -" but slam Is no blame, Think that g"A. or a fr~ of the fatally. Ile It: was ssawlrer way of saMng your fer• never teemed to want to take the e gi%VGOW-O my lia.l, illy Gol, nail resinja'Y' *tri of Into. I've been letting (10"1!" Lt urn along. b•.asan t Itated leo to nap remesagtl his hands from her, ant: „rtt.•r :t, till ,low etre quite a bum. I ull0ed this cry under hit breath, w:Ue suppeyse he, neetty IL, pars fellow. .and Isis race rifted towards the heavens. spiv tis• get It to him Ill the question. Whet by looked at her aisle he sild: lie cavy clot dune so-ni,xrow. as us- " Igapasseyelts. If illy Stare ut this ual. Au 1 i rouldu't trust it to ties mlarry gh oo m e the right t s ort of IvAdlroust. pre might read it to biro In Y00-.. a draft from I's rlrrL"t I'd rather pay •' Oh• ask anything of ane ! i will bin betom I V;i- Bemile 4 It would glrp¢ rvorythlmg, do everything:- ' do tv miter rade away without Mrs. Vervalr 1(E falterer(, and tion. You not wee mr•" he mid abruptly; ":m dente seeing him agaLt:'- thought A so4owt ; then. "I'll till Soso one else that you love?" yaw." she rosnssd. "It he doom's 8'e did taus na*wer. happen to toms herr to -morrow sora- " Is !t -he r' . Ing, we Pan atop ext our way to the Wet bk1 bar fare. atatam sad gins him the mwey:'_ :-1 knew It." gPuarmit"Ntr-priers,_ d'1 w, wim-•Ms _VW_' 4Alm4..*m,r-vme- g lat'aitl waf, Wink _that wonpl be a " tion IPPtvitu. 04me Ippulib-- all r....•.... -.. _.... "W . , -... ,_ , pplst %jt0 V ,rAAfa• aPpO %"tom vtb3;•d'• t1iC " r'eM5r.! the glrl In a doll wily. alit,,, $Swinging ta:ward IJm. Is tile , I tate w.sy }w Ieavlr tan? Where are yet, "Why, Florida. U yea think from gullies What will YOU flu 110W 7' anything' Dat Isepo1IW said that he lrid I not say r 1 am going to dle would Hither not tee fir agalu-taut a Priest. it would be pafofdl to Alm -why, w -e •rte titer• nithl^g that you will leg trwid oak Mr. Ferris to band him the se f litta to Y". Itoprs toe you Y' "1tMldnt ., Raid Ik.n ]!.p Alto. after Manny. "Oh, no, no, Moi' mother!" triad F:or= fi taamerng. "'What remrild you?" Ile Ida, biding bar face, "that would be aatsed the hanteM Imploringly e=tenovd too borrlb.y.fadollcate!" Saw.rda !Bair and clomped them tog i- " WeA, perhaps it wouldn't he quite thea and kt4w-d them both. "Adfeul" goof taste." said Mrs. Vervain Per- ile tihl'Srnd; ties► he upped throb, turbeily, •'but Yow.beedn't express vwegLt door. it'8 wird rousd*"atply trimmed rllher palm; yourSea iso y,- Ply ; „ nom,.•• Mgqtt a matter. of :Re send goat►. L'm A glsrwt ti:ate of Surr.wr ill Old Ctxspaie• Sdfe' I don't know. what to do. We 'sort and tjIr for him ginpt must stop at IDewr IppO:tto'g bows, 1 'iso through hit•. Mr finite Iter arms abuwt suppose- hadn't you think r' - lift rieck, and pulled hie Bead down Ya%" talnvy aasepted the dattgh- upvn her liters. dud held It tight +nen, WOC44 j u'd moaning Over him- ter. ' Mrs. Vervain yawned. "Wen, i can't M me* opal" asplaar t. liormaew tldr:g think anything more about It to - that Ngo lied undwrp•-nely bruisil"d or night; I'm too Atupil, But tbaVs the kHW4 Then: She ouddeidy put leer ' ' weir we atonia da Will 706 help ma W heJ• mJ dear I I aball be for IT n segsiLOA his lx,eamt, and thru&t good blas jwsy. and turooll and rate. nothing- to-dDorrow.' rig smwpp-d hepato agape Into the. '- Me went or ta.kLog of Dern 1ppo- of time, teem from witMb ho had ItW* *boa a at. purpose till her head Eal1s" !seal merged and Munni to ata trunk toached Lha p4low. froom which she fee should fail. Another mew.nod. W suddenly lifted it again, and called crepe Wt c( the court in the P' oune. out to her daughter, who, had passed anal totsper ,*rear the -white Were art into the neat raises: "But Mr. renis the gwwo cm&dL,wu. thrA U*arm wY.iiiiiaiithai seit-as*b you r' _ _ ' tho catk. Fn Slip Inivimficted mincer beck with me V where the stnttmllght (ell, this ellen. "Why yea. chL'd. I seat him out .olu%cabie aunt NOW the figure of A to d•a)l you, just before you name :.n• lwww gliding On before Klin. '(brim Don Ippo Ito business put him vett d in hsid. Wiln't your see him t . ' Cv11. --0)v4 WLVa that r' I'kbridi sncfftlr mwninteKl the krraae You're sure you didn't Set *wy- %lag "a firer mstr'taa best she ,topp.d with titre hand Not emit dead Opti' tri Site door, pednlnp and turned and ,1 Light It tussle, and d S, loot. Now w4illird Slowly away to the end of the i• pT*ryt mg w.l , r' terraoeb drying Ler eyes uritis dasheu _right "Yes." of tier handbeerchlet. and ordering bar "lira hr didn't 04112 twat to hair. •lance roils •Td which lead Imen btoniged 1p her flight. TI*u she went may con: you 1a ove b 't find :tial. What do Ton became of blurt hock to the d3or, walled. and pavy (Valltd it. Her mother seals not in She i don't snow, mMber." don't "It'll vary nota ostag. I wlab it"Ifor vv here She held kit Iter, find she lwr- were odd. It or- pesend noiselessly Into her own room, dem o,#not t nine d emu tttow dela on aa(ecta, w fir seen" truck, stut.d epena and U. w'hrr to make of U. We must send lyll.gtrtbed agolari tar w71t ?Ase Imo• moil him the very flint thing tar f aann ba gather up the pieces of dress w morrow we're going, ihat lay upon the lid and chairs, add him to c e t and oak Alar Uo tom* to mss us" btold thQm with rpecJtanical careful- vies" Ard PUS thene /a the huzea "or marl► reply, She sie[tdoor. F.at ugtllW''s Toba,e*)" from the otlssr the• welt space `Qf he door. log t k bar Urn. Ver- NumDpr, "In gleet you. Florida r' '11Cast mother." arrfwMed nice girl, way into moiler s rcoaa In Tslq did tilt speak again. ♦Pier a bus versLard kneeling before one while her daughter modify entered her chamber, shading the eandle with bur of flee boniest with that pas hand, and +seting th 1 She m:ept, - ,!ream reale to Iter hard which she he'I worst nem etre tthairshtalf when we"sett:y withdrew, closed the door, and about IDs work of p*etiae :. lorrig. bad tint brought Ilan ipgo. again. When It was ail done, she ,frRi Bila 96 see theme. Hits smnotlaal fav ' flue ber*rlt o g hon her Dad and hd foM* and luokal etownt at It wlWaatt # . bar tamp In tie- pillow. stuaRlniw use♦ motlort to) pork 1t awny. ad std so she nrel"red wit"' lire mtkher The next morning wax spent In 'a iii one qutestitsu after '' botowhis thrum ittsprishtalsip Iasi Mwch w whlclu the tyd1>nR of ladles' OFs th" : W hat an Tse a1 4C. F to: • VxMwaatrn dirinando, and In tatltgt ? when e aro son? Why didn't cam to me?" not finally attxd learn will I^fRenes (In which Mn. fp ... hr'the doorway. "Oh, you'rva pocking Vervalsl XbOV C)of all the People In Da Toll kpow. F:orkiw. I'm RetUng the house, and ontt of let, who bad so h nor rlet.hr'!f hst% to theVer I Tory itsdtra Urns about going, I wlah i etoulni ha off t e.' mgMM Ot ws,juuew. Tar , o A banned over ilei young i,• a► itanti whole was not a rant, Sum; nor did "'l glee, anti aha start from ter tan ilia sunder levt"ev"h• of the padrone nti 141 gat! prrrtare, and tall the these M c m- Lr much, 41,ough the hounst le"In in- + ties trunk. "8o du 1, res ithpr• L wtalld rasp ra tetwO him to tateat gir. the week d If ere could gn to Jurl•. to tole apartment* and tar fine 1'• niter". ne:rig unruurmuringir paid, )be but we nasi, you sit'. I'm lit sew! go !tis nal gdmxlwhll for of IPI wwye usdarlmakui a lyssa ale to -114" In rustily little useful (PC flexvr. At the eml M rnletrdl In ; sail Ines a w•ight minddesig, 1. y - S mW ,mind, already ' nand J tfwxf't melding them to tine station lu his v..; .;p Khea. 1/ w111 ire. If ser wd+fe own l wk and a xtld with eNftl hit• runty be iept from with them. r I ed"m tray. Inv to morrow .ib L 1 user!\ But we couldn't fir• golreg Mrs. Vorvake hoot only Sent n tops ratikrr"n with Ilia" IPpd1So 03 ser sew W Ferre. but word Came bark ' he fgtibbSs a tint And w second times that he rlrxtda waI•iyO a mncxwaat TrNoN tAto was lust at hula*. end the forenoon ?AIM jki d Mill T. Dan a; • Ii I ism tet with meniril:llfT." worn away, and he hall riot appear ad. A nrrtaln Indignation saimtmhned _ r ut soling wtsis w1 Way ?'- her SAN the Conduits pushed fiat into Sim i•nrul title:10 so as .Ie 4 rant to'toarwina. Ha -WAAW sod glald•d llirirls''rabls that __ In ,yrs-)•svab . 1r . wine h vir•ieat." mall FMrlda regrpt She shoed not Saw him. rs. Vervain mgt drrw•n in i rnn't `o wdtMst wyHsg go0t1- rhat stout beside the +kor. " Vis 1yu tb Mr arrim. Fiorillo," ahe Said - IteDOE b A•apHra; not leave Trevino; as last, "W Wit no use asking ren. =Jit t urfw•tI Florida, yno aftIere. He wane haw been wautHtg n llt<M .1 tide , me' seta I a m nr4 the ),last over In prNllef & , has tae's been al, Swul not the least to the world. I all slag; aunt fes nays Dim solo rwetr ) A Imre Kiat i v:Ho wvwM dvpiwat, "as to piste an effort Ni thank bin hPforn We alt' sinner. Hei s not what I rtsowkt i r f4'hbv. Ot T batt " i" wank, we gn really =not a" se aWSWVt at Ity hssso." Florida. had 1 Z; }I2_usId rk/lmsr. lip s m cs+hid ratan. : Iacke 1 who rsseanM hot me- there orfl rain to %=mason Ferris In eorefwger. n+addtkms. til"" .bwio•"d if hp Would onceewl thmm wlttu pasmire eflidneven. s4L. in Atritrira : he s tory k Of n . ►rwp r, ReIt1 MtS tsy , Vic a look of rngdao y olives, for Res wboa eiat filen tmadnr •lows g.ordhnl} . amrt hlr1 7 il! alt- at the Damenta•p, need droppr -bwe+Mid L aft tlyhet dlml bre may, F':or• vpU over heir tae*, foil back How did be *team hhsiaif ?" N shadow d the bade-ool4ebv, w„gr tom: 'nary ltitlr. what Mrs. Yprv►M SareUwtsutwlland 1"r +*' b Y' darearwry a little, , le hor dadgplfr .;a "'Ib be awtvs. tN it Snip. 1*1 you beadle ren enuawnt ea 0 er'pnp they ,: with fps. Florida I— we" lav! -0. ", n.1, nomovered Ur'• girl. drearily Tom The gtweddlle'r cabs tare t -ii done 4; fir Kind of tiu►t,- I think ;yooan sad ee"rhalb *tilt the aaswpr that "A ow •s14o coo"" alfeaq►.. Yaa lie wen iron At hahao. 11 I e rtrfA,rtj`''+1'4 tit, i a7. e,s. % a+ ler :s 'esr `i. r AK., •ii , u ,. Dee 31, flAel. To Not Ledger Areeir... ....,.................... I)ec. 12,477 461.44 s of Ttnsrasb, Saba.- Ye. -The wtb 91% "tuaeltlsng ovKytoe together." sal "IS tine two ur tbrsa tan Wm sem _ N1,se3.39 R[ea1PTi. - ✓ lel• the Insist alsoi. My teeth broke f,m d awspic of A. X Widetuso, wh►lsle loupe Its way Into the oewmtpeP,rs a few may oall fur) iiia dial W taw ow►rp d u aortwrrr. dinners stud r*rvanta A 111* ToC1rh for Preneiuuir. . .s.....: 14yti•xt.III wt( from She Mercury he gave me, that was all." I woman ase, LI still a subJact of Iatervrt being provLded by a o•bvcar, SIMI the 1 " •• U OpWb 1pcomc on luiTstux ale.. • • 1. "Haw dad you came to take Daniel's tern. He s►Ul b• remembered fir tW the Zit•' emem[erUjise hid ea lease* sad INacwl with _ _ .........,.._......... Net Barplus _.....,.............. ... ..,eaft'"IL01 tittlaey 11118: • Mr. ttlden,aa wan Asked. nam luau wbu was iso wt and se tbdr Individual al WN^a s " ". _e'b4.39 8:l,ll,0,47111d wi;h Rbousati&m, Lelag twisted and or uataral emeluroWxi. tkioh • Ifl uMr tM . ,;o. ,,, ,;1 ,at_ .' DIiRURi[M[NTl)tr gut me try ahem. w tier, but av"turneed their nen because contorted out ut aDapa Hu was fairly snatched from a sed► lea !doll Durlsage . t travesty', al fuucUua. wDlntt. 1f It Ir Stub Lm Dec. 36, 11112. By ilaynnenu for Desilt C'laitur, 1'so- • lO:i,o 1.80 qct., enb)e 1leatb Uy larder& i"tdaeY 1111w pin end be loss beets one OI the Ater*- ou alible to atttuU " nshould at Joann alma d and setr4Tsn for, It n SLIP . ......... • • • • • • Ata etcer :"dl,ltcl.SY " you ascribe Your prevent health and strength to leoled's KkhwY 'Ills+ lu u widen d Ikrdd's Xidwy W dlsdct OMMISkm to true ho"Asel- •' ants By all oilier payments ............... pa _-."--_ , LM,aan t'saades ever ulnae. kir. Wideman still fust to use a atlas NY. wrIUW on Social at,'" gives it _. I _ 12,4K71QlL when he walk*, a the dWuaee her lett ,m A rale that tits M the ox•nar' Mance Not Ladgvr A,eds. ......,......, r hold'• Kidnerl"llls I yrould be 10 (or him with one lag shorter than the slumber t, to allowed at s table for ASSTS. Dec. 8% 19w, By Mortgagee, etc. . ... ... ......... .. 1,41A,43Z.tSb other. It6rudI16 With title esteptk.u, Pad with use his %meth AlSbcugb for a dinner evm- I ,y( a mtaad asammblage give" a ata the ., liebouturre ( nnarke•t yulue V 11100 CA)........... " Hocks sad Ibuds (uia►ket valve g3670 LSO) .... 6i4,1A7D.37 b.' .AKI.62 defect dine ?so the breaking of fn,ur taking mercury wedlchuem, Mr. e,rtortapn lie was alift.y,l Parpuaa such sish ment of a dletluued for other Ilon of note. ,, Il! };state, Including Company's b"Ildbtg ;...... 'rA 5,_,9 11'ldemaa he as well as ever eeki ht tis life, or sdxao A larger nusb:-r 4 permissible. At " Iaratr on'fill•!.*, CIC ..... ..................... on Stocks (sbearly- Ili on Call) ............. " Loanon / i'n1,9t1'i.17 144.&'1.42 "I never heard tet any thlag like the way Dokd's KidneyI'llir worked In my the ussal aru{al fuuc•kro known u a dinuor. when peyielm are prea*mavy . 11Cislt d on and ................ I ... Books anh ?9,7%.46 wase," said be. "Tie?' drove the Ithetr You u( tba acme ret. and know each other use Rvama - I6,7L0.21 matlam clean out of my syYwm. work w-ar &lark to the eatrtlwa- won, or km intlmattoly. number. be declares. should never cxoeel halt . rknow peeneiumsOut slandileg, *tc. (ktfeoetorQolllrl[oa) }37,211a24 wan- worts, Sal I touts U) chance b a Score. " Interest and Menta, die Reed seednrl...... .. ... 75 38.074 78 60,30+.16 work Is the harv%R fle1S. I girt WakCd Auottacr tmroullal Dons. amwdtl12, --10 r o. 11 Market value of I*beuturve and 1`; a Il oveat _ A Word of Cost*latlos. ,everMows me with false, and *bat to thide authority, is that there above -_ atm Ii7,r brougln on Nm wont attack of !tinea- metism I pier heard of. L was Is bed be no Crowding at the table; oVW7- a" should have ample elbow room• _ f a a TOWAa ---- _ -- , t tw)rtad ant tatra d the foam should ISSUE No 10. low. .. -• Strong Bones In r E.f1 Mott 10: chadrt Mt sholrid not 1W9d that it cos• t** ltllbe a and soda, i !chat the child must tiny t• Iona dmS bones and good Us& it's this forming u tt you want to look afteti. bodes inud haw is canny distAmbi (at Just r* IN, Mach d h Owe is in to k as auk kws 009" Y rem Ilton easily distA*d 64 clam ICs Surprising how dli• drip thrive wilefe jpwn it. Don't to (Midi cn "sg Nle ed0(d "nems kis tht tint. Make R1gR 1itiq aid to Pill V and sows Am gl ce"Vef d ase tint ityp. a 9 or tea W Soda we A ' g r rt=anode., LIAKILIT146. -+ DSC. 1e91t,. oGttaranteaFutrl <___-4d`l1du66 1 Ire woothr. My leg. won of ILshape,not the teas polntico tatntrad Rail, nothing taw doctor tioM)d els did fi bo txrehllY Aired. Ag open tiro is a dlnlLLg carat i+ generally ulr -- gt ,yp ti. 4N litre'. \aid. "- ltnQArWIce and Annuity iyc Bund......... Anna ty f 2,B2u s -.110 lel• the Insist alsoi. My teeth broke bananas some guests must The host. Slserefure sboutd eparharo it to rather hard upon tm ..... Ileath L(sng& awabhtg prw/Sr tit'.• ;,i,'w7.35 wt( from She Mercury he gave me, that was all." I . Da equally distributed. and Should girl with the secood-+tory flxob„s .is 6035 . -'- - 3'041,+ . "Haw dad you came to take Daniel's but exaiemd 60 dogvOm Fahrenheit be - to SIT* up (be Pompadour rei[ut _ _ .........,.._......... Net Barplus _.....,.............. ... ..,eaft'"IL01 tittlaey 11118: • Mr. ttlden,aa wan Asked. food the guars* sire aasmblea, The foo.!, hid and people will eytyn in- dicing Titan dwere h rtymea who do% it il sod:Rend that it promised duns aM The fuacl*1 pNltloe et the Compwp Is wwmae*Iled- Its pereemtage, of "A neighbor, of allow, Urd. Boyer, b I did N, phone creASn t. And an over -heated roowt b unbearabIn. uv*rhum the temp:es ate ib. MM of *s l fig:lsb Cottons. Bid the not, not sarpten to liabilities riareedtt thus Of *NY other users cat.puy. gut me try ahem. w tier, but av"turneed their nen because Tho selection cot gam" to a matter too tidy tsobfos has passed its y 4. "few insucence isptid during 1801).. ........ ,....... ........ ....... 11 4,4':!1,140.00 they were curing am" that omwt hot idle b,v the )tlww e, bed Umt It said it must be rememer and Is now eoralderad ■ vdn ellise fiesb:oa. it lingers here 'trot tett' (ilmoeeding the beat prrvtaos year by Nearly ore seilion)."And 2313 you ascribe Your prevent health and strength to leoled's KkhwY is upon thM that the •user If tiro and probob:y will do so In ba pr - Insurance in forat end of 111% (net) ............ ........ . ...,. ,0,103.00 st 1,111% 1'111%•" cilaracr very laraetydepends. wise". Thea as of (ashiost ,add. Will Weve, Toronto, gra Not1I1 Certainly do, H it hadn't been - her daughters, wear the bait grace JOHN L. BLIT: - r hold'• Kidnerl"llls I yrould be 10 (or 1'* Care a cold In Use Day AN ful; combed ftp from the nape d tG VICi-PRESIogNTi. my gray@ at this mlaute," mid me- tl+tals a I sallit aiv,w M T►W rctusmd fie sssnseY Ira Wh. na time, -ft" At, matt to the top at the bead. 76 short hair h frost is waved aligivil y Mnlg- (l- 11. ALLAN. 1141N. SIH FHANa. I-MITH, K.CVi1•d. wldesaa, emphatically. - !(• ser. boa. sed also drawn tr to meat ate ti DIR[CTORa: ISM UNATOIR GOWAS, (I,C•., jolt'% N. 1,.11:1: hg. LLD., C.N.G. ki cu NY%-, k>Q. L W. SMITH XSQ., Q.G. D-C.L J. ICF: R 0*4U)RNE, }" D. Mvcl LIQ- perI pI Y.ar_ _ M. e..dd&4&rfa.i . ilkfj'lwb t oT 1pietarlo. . . - Aboam A " --00 ­ : ACC{i ■ a6NtMIrNs earmw A t, LL.ti., 1P.1.Ad, t*.8.ti. 111"Ill"ARyl iM[MOAL 101IIIi90T041111 .L GOLDMAN, A.I.A. J. THOI(B("HN, 1I.D„ Edict. The Report containing the Pooeecdings of tht Annual leird•tinit, held on January 30th, last, Showing marked prows of the great p Sled -lid Prosperity of the Company, will be Sent W ti:e spdfley-holder+. pnphk'tn explanatory of the sitractive {svollm of plane of th e co ipany. and % copy tan 'f the neml 1011,011%.Showin`` its ttthettoslkrl ti.cial rrition, will be hrrnihni on application to the Bead On" or any of gibe Company ■ agencie v. Mro. Vervain gave way to dropair. "Ob tear, ob dear'. Thin Is too bad'. What shelf we do?" " We'll love the train, mother. if we bultar 1n this way," said Florida. " W441, wail. i most leave a mm - "age of want" " How could yoss t!• away:' She wrote on her card. "w ben we called to any good-bye? We've Changed our plana, and we're going to -day. I Shall write Yves a nice scolding letter from Verona -we're Itoing over We Brenner -for your bebavlax Inst ulgliV Who will bW you straight wheat I'm g gte? You've !leen leery, very kind. IorWa jolmu me In n thousand Wanks, regrets, and goon! byer." "There. I haven't said anythlrilf• after all;' she frettAd, with tee. . her Thee - ! rart•terttlsa•rarlagain to tape door, where Ferris' Servant Int down a basket by a string and tlahedl it ups ' "1f lion Illpolltb shouldn't lire in," saki Urn. \'atrvaln, as the boat moytH Ott again, "I don't know what I •hall du with the oneary. It will bo awn warvt beyond anything." The gu")f% slipped from this Canal- asp, Into tits network or tA'i bmaller ranalm, where Use derv+ shadow• were AS old ale tits Palaces that cast them, and stopped at the tanning (if a ner- r w- quay. The Conedolter dinrsouut- si and rant at lion Ippo:lto'a e'ow. Thera was no reopaean; lie rangagatn nmri again. At last frovu It Window of this upprnant story Use head of tie prin.at hinearif posted out, The goteQo- iter tnached h bas sad wad Is s the Iadiso who ask you, Dat Ippolt- to." It was a nslnsw before the door op•tuxt anti the priers. lancehanded owl bAnkhng In the steeling Ilght,cams witit n st4owlevl air aeron the quay to trA lauding-stepa. Well, latch 1ppoilho r•• cried Mr* Vervaln, rhhtts ape giving him her hand, d•hIch d» drat levared at the trunks art•d bags piled up in the vacate, apace In tt`urit d the boat,,,wbat do YOU thlsik of this ? we aro really going, Immediately; wei can Change our trends, too; and I don't think It would have been vo much." alta added wish a friendly beadle, 'It vw had gobe wit -hoot say - Ing gvrt,tl-bye is yea. What 1n the wwkl dont It all sawn,Jour giving up, that grand peroket d .roan to auddenly ?" She wbaldwn lignin, that she len gist talk mine at her enew. ant, vermrcd thoroughly hAvily to learn Dow IPPO- Iib, before, be•r again. ' Itfinally appeared beat, mad. ams," he said quietly, after a quiet, Item glance at FNeredo, who did not lift her veil. t- {1'eil, anp,rhapa yon're para right. Eat I rt Help thinking that, Yeo with roar talent woul'1 have muccivd. pit h, Amprlca. Inventors do geltd4 then-, its Ute• eased; SurprWnng way. There's the A -row company of rrovl- ddi,twe. It's Such a alsp;e thleig; awe Item the shares fir" worth eight hon- dreu d. Are You, well today, list W polite!" gutta vrv11, madams." "1 "tat yet stoked rather paM. Bat [ ye roser" always a liths mast -Von pmsm't waist ore %end. Wee,utiliail nelam Ydat a Civet, deal, Doti Hp poo Ito." Thanks, nwAsma." Yea, we she l be quite lest with- out you. And I wasted to may this to Tots, 1Jtrn IPPoato, that If ever you rhAnsa your mind again, and onn- e'ude to e'nn• to America, you most write to will, mail let axe help you Just as I bad Intended to dn." no priest Shivered. as It Po:d, sad pee another look at Florida's Welled fa Yost to sea sow," he said. I WT11Me9, er s4 oink I sly sapllhs 08 t $fast mar* =tr0 M iii l"n Vesica wittiest eras frftat to any good-pbrob tto, d flay I thpel i'as very gaw Wt& Vervain's ao mood bngata• orew- "St. sod leer %yet luted with taste: "1 bapp YMi'rm astry w 1Msh m p lag, Dtiri IPPo Ib. for Toa lase hoar very bigh.y I ppirles Year darwatstde, at•rr. el ' e• WV w wf er for, t Mka. . Al Ill. N ,; . `, `# r..,« /+IS I i „ .' r . . 17, I.", Me seemed not to remrmbK that be eou!d ani lure known of itself change of plan. Doti ippoU%o looked lhmp:urtagty Into her face, and made A 4~bing geatare of doprecixttoo, but did nut speak. (To be Voothoued.) 11 lier'm tromp-,uud Hirth 1 til, will hm:kl yum up. That tWrv(Awrww nod miepplieesiras will dlsapppar, the color w.H tretarn W those Palo rbeeks, and good spirits awl energy will he Yoset'a General 16*thwpw's %'**ad. A private of Use Guards Brlgule re- lntew ale fuhbw ng story of Geo• Methuen : " tlor general. 1,0111 Meth- uen was wrrm"ded at Hodder River. 1 wine one of this four who helped to ,.Leese him weamd•"ard vanoWm%%% off the field. He got a Ballet went In tine tlt'gh. He wag very gnaw. send wanted to walk. ile nest: 'Cannot 1 walk?' The tattle Illegal lourteew hours, end at last Lard 11"Ituen drove dick utter torr wound. AN h@ was' chaired be exeinilra4 ; 'I'll take that river to -night or dire.' Ho Mmk It. and Ulan (rave the command over ter►tajw- Close. Colville." U;Ikr'r (lrlp Powders core. •t" refit• of Civalizatlor. Anxious Caller (at palice *!alien)- Captain, I an nearly distracted 1 IY7 husband hasn't been seen since 7 o'clock last evening, and I'm aliraid sometibing terrible bas happened to him 1 Police Captain -W you live in an apartment house, sad*m i Anxious Caller -Tea, air. Police Captain -Search this base- ment, madam. lis may have gone down there to look for Something and I got lost. M )ler'a Compound iroo Pills. only :M cents few G0 dkr•M, The M"R of the Perled, This reason witnesses n great he ptovement In tl» matter of Sadie. The old-fambantvh bag attain were trimme,t with lade ttadd vblete nod ►,vea perfumed, a decided departure from tits cfimwxea or good Nate. Tlpy caeca of it ,mail aim. and -amoral the fingers perfunctorily; the wrists were tenser covered un)puw by gloves or long Steelton. This (twliah and mbsplaoed finery has glum plaor to a new and fashionable muff of epmnercluo peoportkxa-. Both hands, i -nth wrists, mad part of the forearm ran be dvvered by the plump cylinder. etottly )load with rolM, nod broyant outolhp Aith fluffy, Wrig- halred rur. Thews muffs even kook larger than they are. on account of the frequent rlq're of lynx, )sear and lot rnra• instead M the smooth, r his! sur fete of a short hatrmd for. The mwif of the per:or ton" an *Whtppnth con fury lank to It. Hurls are Will in the fair hands of the altyrs of Sir Joahwfi dteynolda or noldmharough. or thin F'reneh painter* of Mss peririd. ldlrunrd's I.Inleriat rellerM 1(euralgla -Armored (fives. A recent Germain invention Is aro mbfxwl (flaw, or glass cast with wlrq gatroo Lack"" 4" tlsetr IMMU rl'a, so raw to Inevonw, the restatant+s topprrvtes sure, shack, and the edfentm of ha , Tests of the new malarial have Ibsen made tit the Chematts Tarhnical in. *tltalle sled) the sienna Technological inseam, whleh allow that the n mortal glass 4 tach stronger, and where the cirihlnary gleam Brake under erid)den applk'atkrts of pr mruree the atrengthwm•d material only cracked and the renelts caused try aha"" of 4MPpr9614fo did rot allow either damp or (hams to pttr. is %oplety. Se -don't yon( kl4- that (latlwnrt ere the wont kiwi a •nests, f Ake -Wel). Atte doaen't the Willett nap to leve pear maem ua ►-•oat rott rise !brans_ 4Anard% llnlmuat curve Mersa, eh. Phew yarns, &bow$ ldethseh should Ins feeplvad with CAUVAesi. There ort! Phony of artier lex planta tions to be g1W{emkaI.for his Mort" than hilts• lay. T/l While Ship nensne, Myo. ilii , s... .. .I , • , 1 . Careof the Hair. It is a leer bad p:sn to wet the lim!c when dress:ng it dsi:Y. It Sbiould be titterouchl se aa [- "11golda%Ihoaf 7t9Ftt Tstirs s:r, W sbns:d now les soPpm'4 wilt OW44r-so'that !lt"11 din! ower My and so allowed to rnmsLag each tIm warmtk of the head a a:lowed.;odry t. Taw comb abotw:d be ward fiat )i_ - tie fie posa`.b:e, an it dragwitli breaks the hair, and a tine Bomb Cways to be avoided. A still brnsb with long toilet%& will clear the heir as well as it comb w',theoest dolag it ajijury, and the friction stimu.stes .bo scalp and remove@ dept, 1100 Reward, at". The Consists of this paper will tee pleased to learn that there In at lanat one dreaded ,dkwom Wang ni awo•p )tan been able Mr cure IS all IN stags•. pad that 4 vmtarrh. Half's (catarrh Care is the Poly Iso• eltive care known toy the medical fraternity. :catarrh hoists a conal tutioual dkreagr, requires a cant[ itutinoat treatment. Hall's Ixtarrb cure it takes internally. acting di. Fleetly spun the blood and mtaeour surfacer d Sias system. there)/Y tie• str"yIng the foundation of the ills - Nam. and giving the patient strength by building op the coaatl- tution prat aarsting nature In do - Ing Ilei work. The proprsSors have so much faith In Its curative pow - en that they offer One Hundred Wines fear 4swng3op ont it fallsUe care. Head for lint of wousonlala. Address, r. J. CHENEY t CIO., Toledo. Q Are Yoe a Ta:parer 7 of the t ro slam. where it is esilad 11 Yoe pay your rest ; yea. smoothy. The coils an pilled ' hr•agh H yet Pay your street hills; Taa- is ii a a pps ead thin •oda- gtoy#IiRtr; •lor'rllwcdoNsntvrr"rrgw;, `w''ytts>,ee devers tart O Yes. 71e mud and }:m all, the .asar.aal j 4wfkkee ... ,01risttslut way of 8rendng the ,a ?t 1 - tie t 'tis inted 1h les , yea. If you pay your opal bills; TSS• o re«mb a a tar To Ps Greene. Girls with Piquant or brags• If you pay your tobacco WII&;'Tea. lar hateue, an favored by flip Gnaw. If yaw pay for what you drink; Tea• co.ffists. Lyaps d wlrad ribb,,eess1 R you pay ytywr laundry bills; yea aI roil" matetsto Ukelr undinoaWt- If yew pay your railroad fare, yea ad papu:ariIy. It you Pay your freight bills; yea...- ., 11 . ON pay your street* mar fare; N IWO wo m .plowess I Illi 1,.0640 yr. for Yes. my dear gar, you an a tai GAN RMtulftT" ee tWjlftD? pacer. U you are not a taxpayer You .-- .- are the Boat eoiramm"tie *sed teen• lima route to a jury. "I ass," mid Mr. "i away searlr 2 sort blotters to. day than we did the eorrs•►'adlag dal ted*t dead lastt on earth. There to I 0 hardly a moment of an IK uuasiI might Laagive that lm*:iod a du- faience of opSatloa, but they woad take of sul hrrte Aegd. p It be difficult W believe In life but pays taxes In oar way or as other, It la only spa tin who ! • ('ol Excursions e I pays no to=. tacawa he la In a paN• vwvaC slots to make others Play it for hls. TO TAU If you ane a Poor mase Yew are a tat• main aero many days you wit Your- selves paree!ve that when his lord- payer. -Living: lassie I Canadian NorthWest r Will Weve, Toronto, gra Not1I1 . r 't, . . ! ' ' I Vey at a p.m. and O prat. I 0 4_x ,,, i, , > each Tue"emy dut'irftt March' awlll April It atfflflclee+t M naM'a Limitations i e Um only LIr4 ' buseln•im OtT•ra. int naked torr at nay *torr &od the Catania 0-kephig can M a vita only ow we temb dor make. er awar it•aa•w will be wgtaaW 1m '•ds All the ptiopta ams It. 1•avi•a LK«w•t r p.aa•aad will rw thorv1e to%lanlpeg. Harlin Fulton PNaalfnt_rly. C. IL Caidd.t ttte.dll can■ fir f is • t o , Tmihm M .wine t Baia w lbalr N•• M .14N, Wirpless Telegraphy to slarfare. •gaebe* to trot" eeev baa ?,teat• fig • p.ne sd „ I- I wife rag lbroorb 10 11 woopag. - '. :..': ,` `. _ •', i Beetba %Ill be y%ar. 1e it~ anus, sad d -.s M t e led b, eaaer„grn tat apiMtrauao to if ped ' . Ks iiia - TYU" agent•. r, arm- a .. LAL" Anothe+ BOERS rlafekin Nord by ilru"LOM6 7$c. 1, txa, rate. sod an fares tkm Ina shell's Family, rats an the firs,. isd0raATrankrAdwwy"em. ubmtre's I Wmen1 for Salo every- ," Tsstlbsts a 00" Rate on It. U. C. Dtc10D71rlii.tre t PAN,es seer Areae. whomWell• how an things looking this --- - -_-. morn!mgr' asked the insurance ra- %Owes W 1t. An Lrib jladge &book h;a head a• m porter. "Ch"rful," answered the optimialie, GAN RMtulftT" ee tWjlftD? Mr. Curran wee elaborating one of fire inssrames, g-wt. gifts giw To" isbe t teri without tyiart lima route to a jury. "I ass," mid Mr. "i away searlr 2 sort blotters to. day than we did the eorrs•►'adlag dal - OY' y 01 _ - a/7 O Ib/ t+r Curran. sen the ``*at:e motion of his iordabp's head Gbma" observer last Year. ^w taeanrisibtsalIIICseq,.a tpidwf eft might Laagive that lm*:iod a du- faience of opSatloa, but they woad take of sul hrrte Aegd. p It be difficult W believe In a eeaannt ghat i t rR to Me. Tirast Lfa►ek•rhb, fi" Mai Tavl► be mwtskeo. It lot merely accidental. may mea Sebe Hrei.es, Sep BWM noise+ Be[ eye me, seatham*a, r yon re- exioteroe of a lake of Sulphsrio acid, but, acruedlisg t•s Tit site. there is Fold by all drngllsts A& IN twits. or►ren. -a main aero many days you wit Your- selves paree!ve that when his lord- 1i1 suele a lake In the Centre M a Shur'1101 Inland, New hfty U. Ir. IQR. c misel!pre Ado, (n l ship &bakes his bead there's nothing off Zealand. It to . _ _ In mt P'. scram In extent, abrwt twelve facet in depth noel fifteen fort •buys the M iler'm"Woe= Powdon eariPall all level of the awn. The nsuak remark• menta of chlfdrwa Nle spglc` able characteristic tit this latp.how• ever. In that Ship water contains vast Wirpless Telegraphy to slarfare. gnsrrutese of hydrochloric and •al- APrdtioS to 1110 use of the Mareonl uric achLI, hinging slid bubbllof at t temperature of 1 t0 degrease• of. - - _ ,r* i_ systems of wlrwlusi telegraphy to sM war in Mouth Afrlon. It b let- to U1at rC1ibp!t. The dark Rnwn a.luab water looks particularly uninviting. IW 4 §" .ft 'w'but. V 'Cal.n,ee. ELM j mall. * tOr"Uag rate It has been proved the carux,nading dop. not in, (demo clouds of sulphur4r, fumes too• Rvama - torfem with the tradr&mlaalin of meaaagaa TM opporand hike been stanstly roll off this boiling caldron, sod caro has to bet exerctoM In np. 0 NT > I hlrw u>Ri Atrir * o the largest nf,11j is *k1lo the Ill proarhhng this Paha to avoid the rim of suffocation. tie the oppon(te eMe "^- Meer banks M see►: and "DWWU L !soden• &stat n"% ng In tie British navy irate being fired. of the take may be Seen she traction, I dkww.bl.who:&g. width, when 1% full 1 ' Mee and Rb Inseam'; tAe books ore v"d writilimamdep-Iodate•uN ere ant awMaAtf I Mlaudle LtrlaolSsit oars, Dandruff. Inert. Inswl'nt an owe Irsaprlrinlf might• Taw rtnar of the atsaas an it Creston eidmrttm►: the selene w low, end t►etterri extra Itbeewl: e - r tea *rhe smaq it tM _ A Word of Cost*latlos. furtb into, the file N dpafening. and bake bona at tsoo and Neft owl began. rr*► Ori`gti-lrhT, what's tie• molter, 14 often huge buwkders oral stones ace hurlr.t oat p, a height of epar rol Jilin. portion hoo, u tnow sa lommissa Sieber AT reagam nota forlhamer•mmenClsomdi• WMism ; seen BeigCa Pribilly called me an son; and hs rolled that deed [ties by tier rnrtonis tntertml formell of nature. -q. Y. Horan, f a a TOWAa ---- _ -- , me r;sct to my (at's Grd//gs Chmrebes in Cuba. --- - - -- - Sausabppa Casings --mu `' I Cue 6s l blot was nothing. aim call you worse things Response& td the appppesal for rands to build iso Episcopal =ell is liwva"a Ro lsh99 - ase Aartma alts O~ ae"a J behind our bark. bgvp been immediate and liberal. The tr NIft A t Pwwn M Ilei'. w clip t'ow•!ae+ .pre fiN hie rhlklren adm of {60,009 was asked for, and al- ready it is umonared that Iitta tbubt !S talk that the rMgrnh ass Ire I tYlnebw' ..Afar n mitres ties,//awaS re • ! se d d Vor the Hair. Warlad at an early date Tho purnoss ns *r qedisIiabettrsm•dp'rarutYram► Twwtt- The Medhcat Brief gives, Celt fgLlow. i% to put it tap in the meant prvmiueoi omhabsNfw ___ iag as a reliable remedy tae' talking hair: Serenal of the Ytidtetme Creast'* localfm6vthat can be pareba•ad, and eo ty° p it as to make it of ones w __- A,,'I>t. Y CC RT nal OQ Ne reA a will me doubt be interested la tho me: •- damlM It " religious torso (n the whose :stand, • 9reaa aria weer.1. i►7 ec ntra-oepn~ aper avalg66 et i- im hod to fiat Arra atwW, d Nnt to d pbe Qslains .. ..1 draebm Tincture of oaathettdasi _- "- Hope fair return sucosmrm Dat Nit• lar ta ttae end foe p ttrrWW 10 .A Ana t)MNtitsol►aaue .. _..7 aooamea ao*s Isheterin" .. ... ilea Present oDPbertseaillos t .- +tea - +r.- -- --- - it. S* -a. Apply twins a lay. -__._.... _ .- --. ---` roc i-1 Application in the prat- ,_ - - most at p*oriash the Now York: atod- bat Joeirmal Contain% Oft fdlowirns FreaCr:ptlon, w►lob s ettr'tmtasd to Twlamoe: ,, 11 Aelierlfr add .. - - ... __46 gralns !moi Ie. t fbthtbYoh ... " :..1 gralaw 7reguhe said grain% loss a or TxewlieotN ...,1,"09 stet"* ' THE BLACK WATCH, rp,n ' ' - P.rlkal.rly ..-i..w. i. Ito, tract-.' Dearly loved by all Britons '. meat n the *fail a nit Bright, 0 ills- «.* is the railowl"QQ preperellon, two%vn I , and feared by all fees. r.t • a& Rem► Il e's mlrtura: rurtttr. Mlertia of irces --2jeorte Dilute _ J p s T - Desetvedly - - - : 11 sea kT` a weetie niMB .. .. ..9 rb Ifltalr d nladereler Y forts I'/ 1 s . ,. $yntP . ... ..... ." ... .. .....tg PyNa 1NV X . • - ••. W Pa"& • ,. 1; t , ties space. 4. . Watch ! t '' ff1 %s daft in tram ay tit sight dramkrt& 3 t. Whit appear: in It Is as true iI L. wall d(rut*d. !cords era an iraTar aN ss►►hs*e x THE 6lACK WATCH, to . Queer mart SbOMW tr%Illh Ul nt fume* beneath M rtgWy fMlad••••pOpa,, K *xva , avert'< ,. a oft* to poselpe with a g wasa" r 00 boys UFA jef out. d 1Pthis aM .. ... r ' >t.y i.>1d,• .tie ' ,T m 1' q'' A y 7 I r ., b, . +W '4 i.•. r r `i. .rs e < '% I A S .• . .w . rx: . i% a. .Y' A e`% t It d ,f V •ierq. N .5 t _««,, Mite"' / t ♦ -1" r t .r', y. air . ac ct' , FJ• f .+.. ._.,y i.r.. . les..r " ..a ; . ,.. , , a' ..Ire w ; , e f , f - . t . . 1 .... ..." t;raadiso Artill• Thank pushing V N bite to Ledysmltl I''.don, mat" b anon a of actfiNo we vit.r.bern Capt Co. ban:, .Ab the .rwW, .xpalrat t Itme, begs►mm oak ,v,ea'•:y str p .bar. Ila uaoaP+R and is er MOI -d enemy to stab item, were two wounded. General Gaiaero rmaonal,m mese Rn tine of stormbSrll' easa!pooafter where l`t ra objeat Probst, Aim, Boars at Sao, .. k General Brat, 'rbc polhtwal airy seal y ct1.l inti Great Ho.n•t ftlu loyalita w 0 W" Yef all Lad? targe Its . *r ofI Md.rsaos iia+ " We'a'p'-hi's> .. avww0 Aivii#&'l~ W-dret+kt CA Pm March 4. -(;arms. a.riaiva, afar a a:tack.ae tile* B ,pp' at I:n lino' r fA. rom Dordt area: v,gor, and a:ly raising b•R.r- r.re from three Pur" t barely rule flra wl whero the 9101Sk Bon• axe the right Po fur Lite Boasts geese in aetloa. Evpning•--flea. B tn.lay sea& Host bear.chms sed 1A the Id.r•e ~bad % w1 puaiLkxa Im now hold. the pnslte hill. takilsWit' The British -111 the doptured gold Ler" s two 4A4 -41* desm maze 'rife British ba - is wousdad. cap4armd CeleNae = SW 1 .t reweaalWDWO Auotrnllang sad wagon bridge ov- Intact. Fifty Bogies on ' tskpie by sarprtwn' galloped to their on the Free Boggle Col. Priemse aamr apven =110 VANMh The Boars darim, Ittbomo dvse the British wooed shaped keg* 4boM 'Pre, w derlla tali er t P Stir's bards •o tin' were anx!nue to eat that were hafpg 04 nun photirsrS!=i erre nsVa sad will r:dvw for Slaw aOd mnn.lev, wbwb tate ' At Abrahp 1nrnkrn, Marts I rert.mdYat as Oda Age r,.r the Bernina aids an the jam S',ata,. Oppn.ttkm to U lip .tilde. LI etpel krn•.I, " voting of Position la Inmkin• Waretn caliber %ho War d en Sunda., tet. "•1be all was well a' IAth. sinal that , WAS hellos met . ti, .V pp fate pe +'The pndt erl" knits", a=dapt ere leave mater Ing . b As bass trenapoirill Spline Itatler'S t Tdavbaa. Marni N. brings bog final gamma in Areligl of Ues entry Into th victory Ca• lie - All Mai Sarre" _...Aad with (ow the new • nn. -e '. Aiisgaralp. Na nevpt b*llnypd r'ould l+aaNae, on the binLeps brigods, vi, Ali aemaodse, 1 sF"npiisg II rMpowdesta it at r tatty . Gita. a 1, Val eleaniy did, for tL r