The Signal, 1900-03-8, Page 1ismatxtens
WereaT11- Asklatk Nth am. the wife
of Thee Naladtb. el • daughter.
Mr- in itediatilk as Diteder, tge.reg .10
lel nettle 71014, fetageet deugeter
Amps new mod year. and menthe
IP ! HIP 1 HURRAH ! t mit -a Isle gh with a foss lahand, mid
• phony of fltge,
Meijer Jetrillaa was In ousiform, and looked
like • replies el Geserel Boiler.
Ttle moo bell seeesed to have get hearse
The emenliers of the gun sod his °lobs
were prodigal of bleak asainunitton.
The people, Godmich are gelid, and en-
dessesetratiye, but they forgot theimeolym
oe Thursday.
Capt. John Platt motives hourable
from the seesey.
The flow* looked deoldedly pretty with
the vedette eramblems flying Irma staffs er
from sterefrents.
Ose of the prettiest private displays was
Heit &long the trout of Capt. Teatime',
redden.» ou Scone street.
Ohm. Raid, Loom ot ths skating dab.
Adeated the premed' et Thureday event*.
40, be lie pa. Asdrietle.
Ramovie wiadew, "'These aloes don't
rue," caught the pope/fir Amoy.
hereto of tbe war in the Bank of Oomeateree
"Meadow attracted the celebrants,.
Lipliag's words applied yes omildee
" get away from the tones UM ekey played
With prophetic *nisei R. Smith
wrote oe hie bulletin Word " Rio neiebra-
I. wee the firm public) appearance of tie
Javeallo Royal Template. Geo. Stewart
bad lied Mom to tralslog lost a few sights
K. R. Bellows took a somber of elutes of
flood thugs, UN. douse tbe wwwwhog
la red out and plumed hat He marched
ter heed of the Oadme with sword uo•
ethrr plum in the 000nty bad osiebrationir.
At Zurich Isepsotor Tom heeded • ptoma-
ines of school Death's.
A very oreditable thins about Mee osier
broths was that there was no holies
dleployed Nobody was burned is efligy se
aarleat used toe the derided* tee orowd.
The heavy snow made it "sett" hard
solids's oe the road mead the Naar, aed
emu of the veterans were surly *named
oat • bad 11 waa ope la a lifetime mid they
' teals to It.
0.10 01 Liu ostility •ffieiale was se excited
thmt he forgot aboui a trial that wam to have
bees hold et Me mart home is the more
lee. tied the pet was posimmed Ara aseesat
• ba atriums.
Mayer Rambal, el Loathe, was in tows
as Thursday md seek! sot got book *Me
▪ let• le the dsy. Heopevor, be Net
dew. weed to the Ludes's. he bent rood
time, aad they did.
Oemies et Thunders preelastatthe maid
make intermits, see Vann, of the day. AS
ler, get two to seed to the Oid Cosalty,
.0.1 townsman rant ono to Ms son in Ber•
limmiLTlie Sees of Sontiaed represented the
H•ghload brigade, dr Collegiate Institute
idisBase the naval brigade, Alex. Stewart
te• palary and Jewett Ilan the artillery.
l'he Rod Cress agrees were le ihe sleigh at
the front
Thursday morning ail Platt remembered
se old salmon that woo diseevered last aten
mar at tho old show irreeads, hurled In the
dirt. He set to work to dieleter It, and
.tter revered hears' hsrd letter it was dug
is big white Ireton. was painted oa eat
side and "todysmitte" on the other, tad J.
S. F' , minus his Masse, gtt the mason be
the armory jut is tine so talcs a ploys la
the proosesioe 11 is raid that the old plies
stood In 1866 st the *ad of erre*
everlookleg the rimer. and afterwards eras
takes to lhe eld elseito gaud; whore it had
Imo (misuse for noisy ysera It is as
light weight ; 11 took ten men to fret it oo
the dray. le Is sew propesed esons1 it
In ate Sollars. If lap idea is earned out an
tneetigiiiim should toll the slishltmer lie
history; itsettorsetting its part ta tin eels-
bretim relief of Ladmotili.
II In 16 4 al
1 to to a
li *a 111
4 el Se II i
Me Town Rep WWI Ryer itlee News -A
a Preposition In Me 111termeem,
Sealtree al
Tim aim of the relief of Ladysmith.
a•rly Monday voorotao. n. rased
/sepia was rives by the Maar, WID447711,
hafit 1/ so 'Ma Meath, as hear. Whew
the wItimise lea esseed the belle were
le 11 54I
joy the lam emesmil deliverasse of the
Ladysmith garriass.
People Oohed up tow° to am just what
tin mews was aod fosad fimp Byname every
*ad. No sold to may Use words, " Ltily•
seallis relloyed ' -it mold emu mauling
elm. The Miliaria wore let out of school
sad moo rushing to the Spare, sod the
Hyoryloody had • Asa who meld mit Deo -
d see, little flags, Laths JAM', magas.
the atoreksepop moths rif Roo were stair
outwitted, sad images Mat bad the red.
white sad bias oolon was praised late isi vise.
Hie. *etas sad seihkee had Gas ta their
Ostwabotia, ea their lam, is tbair honcho-- Imo se other mid it was an odd
"4• 111060. Trued R011 hiers lameesaruses.
fru• ity dethrd. lied the rooket People
chostrod. ease wore fired le all direetissa-
hawse, drama. belle, busies, whistiel-mt
aid t alag teas wield make • saes &welled
ths jiyfal tamer. Aeries saw did not
harm the mem of the diaterbases °debt
hue theeele that Bedlam had *se let
teem The girls helped their brothers
bravely. sad older polar jothed in the dew.
imetreatee with ea meek rood will, it set
with as mineb Immo, as thip boys and girls.
AIM ad the time the mart home bell was
Mamas *eel tee It rug issimantly
frees 9 yam* la the werraise mail the
muddle of the altersess. Fir Ladysmith
was Mimed.
Pow old &men meet hem hese either
arserant er reatlass wham he rased kis
aluminum lest Camber. Re thesebt the
Baum Lies less neves. isto old to strike,
bet whoa be tred se ke ke made • great
minas. The Leas wee reseed, mid tho
whelps. almost falterews, same real=
from all sides eager for UM. W
it wee balsam the hew el the lag had em
hem released from enamor or
bemuse esr aid. was as last decidedly es
tam--wholawer the asses, Imes wan Norio
ell bat Meade* m neer *ads sa tie relief
of • town 10.000 miles away. Kamer
Mama sew, sad the wit.14 Mew, that
whew the old Lies to itrestesed the whole
bawdy has se be reskseed with
Bet people dids't ots, to think seek
*ham Tbureday sepia.; they 011110 1110
hwy. Preparatima were made for a bier
M▪ ayer NAM" Holmes lessed the fellewam
tide sem -
tfrollor Roo*
is V
et MEM emmiss
or smile la
fair taros at
phew *Ma. sad
awe. was deer woe et
7. illtedia. al awa•
Munk Oar
s W. ALKZAND11111, Amur.
Portrait salaam. &eat
la wiring.
Channel as& from met and
Femme Is im mad water mime. Ma
a seer Teleshone No. MIL
me No.
Clati• Reterelle Oda. ie. owes tee
lee Moak Ime at shores of Tho
deer east et 0..
sits. • bloc= ell MPS WM
Aix Martell =tamale re re=
PINWerW boss
eleleadmea la tray mese
Era.. Ow" elairerrigiltillifiatt
R. 11011101101.
Inermais lam=
138=114: madame a lute' elletatoth
Foie Solo.
851X-11114 BAIR AND RUH(11-
rer,4/4 Thillimetemaisiste se" me Mete as Y
reit FARM flOR SALL-A mar
lag: Mit Nistritql =
111041•• to Debtor&
tertirg• eteb of J. M. Mamma, beetwnes
Arm bolas bop dloseired owl*
-8*.malt fa mama to en se -
amp, sia wheal me tie Mears st
km Welts ta Arra are ia
9s_ with tastreee
m= _qty se poseado.
mu /vim FOR MLR
*en, iselem ere,
Zia fl.a* that
t 14 12
Twousear, MAUCH 1, 1900.
Take seam that spas Ms requisition' ef
Mr. It Janke sad see hesdred ethers el
the ratepayers tied oftlxone of the tows hif
Usellerieb, to est aside the shame's of
Tbursday. Marsh 10, 1900. ite • piddle
half iteltd•y for • time of thankstrivfmt ter
the relief of Ladysmith, I hereby eresialis
rapist all mood aad royal esbjaas tal Her
Meet Maslow /falsity Quest Femme at
Marys Me lame.
armory et 2 16 r
(3.161) HODIST Houma,
Aetna Mayer.
As Mos Mos mestiotiod • big armed bad
semeibled la the neighborhood of am
immary. Rod mats, Mu isokets, votaress
of '66, with their medals proudly displayed,
sad skier eisMeMes wire marshalled, sod
Me premeds. was sliest rsady start
WW1 Jam Plalb sad Dr. Oluk drove up
with • Amy se olden was mocated as old
mor▪ d, mad tie estasted glee was gime •
front plates in the prottiastem "Lint Tem"
made a bie hie. *Most haat Arad at all.
The wedge of the pismires was as fel-
lianas Bud.
Teethes" of '66, marshalled by Major
pug. A. 0, Steuart en beteshaok.
Juvenile Royal Tessolsra, eemmanded by
Gm. Stewart.
laversem Lodge. Sons of Haulm&
sod Gm Clubs.
Oltiosee la rigs,
obe home played stirring tease as the
tomed round ban was called appesite the
BERM limilesee bleak Nen Ihe Mad
Shred "Oa Mee the gems.* the royal
W ale 11111 SCA itad Mesas wen Moen ter
the game. flamed Railer, Lord Roberto
Leal Daiwa& ?hearer M the
Mum was eme sad She proesestee
thee lathe sp. Itainirthi No. Oftemmy
lee! • deem yeller he last of Ms smog.
Is the seeable Me jet/Ream wes
oismes1 A Moire Mei lighted se the
Mean. MN 10 gits_ nee hil Mew* to mit
the hem stall WM Milt a areaw sae id am
somas ta Norte area sod muse a yea
.blear A peotereat fee enema la the
q•arit Raw lied hese bet the
al preferred to My *meows sad the
.1•11 will Ores Up. 110 lent we beard
eolotirstioo wee shortly bolero mid-
' --hoe enotebtsdy Awed WI gee Prersi
kb* Sour.
a, we did pro awed.
booed Ohs mem ere
Belly for 13.11.r 1
'Ilieberitsitte the Dateh.
Your tura soot, Col. B,der-Poweil.
The British Lion -World anybody ere
kis to try twisting my tail 1
Kreger -Bother room Cloudless I Aad
they say there's more o' them s•oomlag 1
Gee. Jolbsrr had to reams his swede.*
to Leidy Smith after a four months' menage
Wo don't want m lleht, het, by Jago 1
when we do,
There aro boys right here Io Canada will
see old Britain through.
lhe story of the bsrolo datum of Indy
smith will woke one of the b t AIM of
reading in the mush of the Brltieb army.
All hum to Geser•1 White .n1 his /shut
Rens Is a enhjeet for some
smi.ty ; Whit would the Lad ith beeps
de when they were relieved 1 Weald they
oft down .ad eat • good meant noel, or
weeld they be toe happy •d .molted M sit,
. 1 a111
tar patjeusy Perutri.u.: with itself Pro.
lewd 111110 to ration. pule of tbe opiate,
This la•the emapany o biota pup au to
build and atigailit • rue bowers Poet
Doter and Oedema.
deg Hmive, “61110441311 diturbtor of Mr sod
Mrs. J tunes Reid, Wolfs memo. pseud
away anew a lug illness The derresed
• favorite eel, Is bee fi Unto, sod hoe eareets
end the reeneislog amembers of the famil
e ave the aympothy of the oominuoliy
their isereaveimait The funeral took edam
Yostuellese ahem* from ths family reel
donee to Melelsed ostnetem• end est hire•17
attended. Rey. Jas. A. Anderson undeot
the outlook and the pallbearers WfUtl
tits deceased's Pre brother', her brother -In
law, Hy. HIM, of Buffalo, Mayor Wilson,
Jetta Potorn •ad Hugh
of hie omens 44,stiwisctilmootats ie einem by the harteitiriti
usparsoirltCwo roe east
mho,. Oa• will tot established in Wont
and will be supplied by tbe Auburn- all.
calm?, oat he return trip from tle. Ammar
line; it well be koown es Foloosbrider, and
ths postenamer will he Chas. Reissue. ma
other 41 situated 'Massy tsetse's Dunlop
▪ Cirlow, the old liob Roy, mad will
ot 0. F. Mono,. Those offime will have •
daily mail aormos. mid should peeve • met-
Lititz's V1 "DOING -The bonze of Mr.
mid 11 re. John Robot MOD, PlOWIll Si7411,1,
was Ilts sues of a Yore happv last
Thancley •veniog, March 1st, it bolo, *be
Oftleth annty•reary of sheer wedding day.
Tie eel.*** irere•tho tweedaseeseriso tot et
the happy (amplified the Rev: J .A Auden.
am sad las wife. kir. and Um litebottsta
were tin reeipieste of urns very handsome
pressata. The :homer prepared was meek
mi.:eyed by these present aid the leveeing
wreaths* footers 41 the •Yestisg was the
oteristesess of the Uttle daugbter of Mr. sod
Mrs. Albert Marfa& relatives of the
family. R. R. Saliews took • flashlight
new of the misery party donee OV11411110.
• tok• the meastee wail Mr. and Mrs.
Robertson many ODOM mars el life together.
Tsemexes. Mentwo.-The regular mom
lag of ths Oodeneh (keens of the Won
Heron Touroirs' Amooiatlee was hold ha
the Central school on tho aftern000 of Set.
urday. March 3rd. The coheir was oceuxeled
by the president. Mine Sharman. After els.
'otiose' exert:ages. led by the preeldost,
Miss Stewart illocresed teaeleteg of
third beet literature by *kits lossoo,
tweeting sod luteeetive exasayer. teepee -
ter Tom goys au address " Current
History,' 64yeaseteg last pester attriation
be paid ie. the meetureg of the same. He
said that (be good Para of referring to
eurrese Paste which had beet *roped woos
the breaking out of the oar should be 000
tensed ewes •fter 1. is vest. Mr. Halle then
gave ens of Ina ilatereeleag Who ea "Malice
*weal Geoptephy," after whisk the moot-
ing adjbereed. The mut meeting will be
bold on eke Bret Saturday la blay
M1L1Taer MAT10e -The members of
o. 1 O.ep•sy boos been measured for
ew sop se* • • Bir Wilfrid [warier
anne1.1.4 1a Me Hosie of Common* lest
*k that 0ased.'s offer to Renison Heine'
• order ,b mimeo the Imperial mahout
ow stationed Mime tor duly elsewhere, had
bow .seeptd. Dr. Borden, Mi•O.ter of
inti., bay matured a scheme for the
erg•ois.tion of • regiment of 1,000 0.0
duos who wall ennt.os the Nov. Bo.Na
pita'. beide reornttsc toe nos our, w'tb
ability to be celled o• tor six moo* lena-
servioe. The mimeos will draw IrsFalt.
e m all over the ooaray, hetItM expsotod
at es Itssesot of proximity the majority
111 he Lower Provisoes mw. A. the offer
t the 33rd b.►WI.., es • whole, se de
mama duty et Hal:fax Its net been is
meted, Wlvidu.i members et the battalion
ay meek phase on the regimens which 1. to
arg.rlssd. • The entire militia
tree of ()egad• is to be drilled ter twelve
ye this joie.
OtAND SLAM CHAT res. -At the annual
stay meNios of the Grind Bleak Chapter
t Harewd Perth, held at Blyth last
eels, 1Y1,tollowu,. Aimee were •Inked
r •r -A. M. Todd, G.iderlob ;
Deputy Grand Master- Jobo Scarlet, Lead
cry ; timed Chaplets -Thee. li•ares,Clls•
ton ; Greed Roessner -J. S. Chisholm,
sashes; Gleed Tremm►rer-A, Woodman,
Lerdesbore •• Greed... 1wNurers-Matthew
nip•, Looesbore, Robert Hoge, Wise -
aa ; Greed Ceo•en-Job. MoGlll, Blyth,
H. MoEtroy. Blyth ; fleeted Standard
Bearers --John Sheena, Blyth, R Blunt -
Id, Wagh•m ; Grind Marshal- Them.
cawed, Minoan' ; Grand P.nahaat-
ob. Wilford, Blyth, lobo Lee, Llades- I Greed Committee- John Donaghy,
erne, J. Brethoor, 8t. Marys, W. J
b.mpso., Burahelm, Peter Camelot',
sten, Rohl' Forbes,,•, Jss Wil.
lases, Bolgr•ve, Jae Reit. GderIob A
pertelortio re.dutlee 1t' refer"noe to the war
■ Beat Atria• was •osoimoa+ly .doped.
Tae DEPUTATION To Morrell/a, -Mayor
Wilson sod B. Hostas did got .et book
ram their trip to Montreal maul 4 o'olook
rtdey aft.r1oon. They ware to have met
• Guelph delegation le Montreal To•.My
• but the latter were etermbsm.d
ad did meanie' there until the tweaked.
e the m.•stiwh Mr. Stieneliewy, the 0.
R. prmideet, had awed 11 o'clock Wd-
sesdsy moreleg for the m•ade4. The joint
etut•ty. met Mr. Shaughnessy at that
our sad atter • short talk an adjournmeas
ae meds Wall els alter .. lrhtm..:lrrl.
r. Bhaegbe•my and dr. Ver keys* wore
.mol, sad they talked oru the teener of
the ,:meds from Guelph le Gederteb for
hien ewe Man. They wet • salved very
1M wy and, .s y 1. Her Mee
sNt NM witbbt any *Med M. �y sin
ensmiseXidroeftwallo they( A•g kPimadlen a sl. E mud•
Megibates as
aseeerading. Os %ends, no way home. they were Malted Is • set
U.*.woe by t5. *MO fee gee been
.ad M. &Weekb delegates ked M teem*
Guelph ewer right, Nd, .g Mated above,
nom feet e'alesk Prldey Am** wbu
*bey {teased
easel bad$"*iii. non .y melds*
rowel-- Mr. Calbepa* le the .bye and
mem, A.b.son, Blake, Melees, Craira,
*11 wad Reid. The prineip.l's report for
.Mev{ skewed M •ver•ee •ttet.d•ase 4
N 9460 ROM, .► m' t b per est. of
• ells MMllsrl, .riselpal .1..
hied e4
Me Shelton
DooNdog, *maul, of Brass* *dr dhow
O▪ Weeseta (Mae) Age. TM sew editor
malstals fee The Am Ite oroll•kontod 11911*
Masa as • Imo sad apte-data real sews -
paper. fie wish Wm abasdant ssooms la
of the tows iessal it111 he held is the mesa
oU slumber ?May oasts' sort, ac
assomest J. &Pawl, Clark, vice
enteklest of the Orsed Talley ft it. with
estersess le ham* Mat Ilse te Oedarlis.
The mayor *meads ea laritaties to the
hesed trade mantra mad ether Massa,
osa 444 pemajp.rfte of the Mem te mooed
the waft tan Priday weer* at ease*
threw Got sverlece lervi MIL We wain
Io see the *beide ge sifeeed.
Fltivirert Clerk, el Ayr, Mau desk
• Ow has 011111100•1 reree•---.
MI. h0 Wee Setarrad Goal inmost sees.
vette, with parer to pay it feud operate.
Porter. supplest. $5 10 ; Th. Star, pharisee
route, maps, KO n. oostlogeste com-
mittee was Omen p01/01 to make some re
pairs at the etahoole and aim to wooer* a
fleir her the *mistral oilseed at • omit not be
exceed 616
R. H. Coihiss Diro.-IL If Capes. 777
iltargwoo.A, lesty. 14,1 bosi.k„own limier, hi maim omaot be taken too soon. Nova
leat week at • lost and painful dines& Ina all feel they need esivatioa from the
OolLes was (WV ow years of age and leaves 2:30. -Cos Nizt 111."1" March 12th 4
The funeral Ma plus en Saturday. Mr. oto°rotto-
• widow and a little deagliter Hs was A. 0. U. W. OILAZD Lonom-Tha report
widely known se • martial mashie sad et Orand Mashie Graham,
An Exviminvion Wise -J. P. Bart, WIPP "n:4 111.161.61111 4 4A. A r08714dW 105r6adilh.
FOR 1900.
t on, oesmaime me that ehe =Me liable la
11 is found to looses th. u•sala power mad
lower the moral toss of the lade Met in -
delis is ft. 1 see se remodiraer Om mil
moms leeleiallem" Tits eel of liso
she point eel emery boy la the Womb who
nese Meantime or *Mese et my Wed Thee
am asset tettablawmas so with as well se
the poorest student,. To mush this mil,
WWI promiloolt le the Ilmealo Order.
Lodge a* Termite, showed Mese bee sew
nes sad Med. 4.80. ametemes
111. Imal 14 441 trw° inniated,thair oversee e beta, Warr, mere
hie employee, D. D, Huovir, of "6 16 days. The so si namber.
Mich , about ew• weeks ago. He was ship had beee 3.098, aad the 11•011111111 mre id
the 12th for 'tattoo. Masse. Proudfooe & 1899. wee 416. and the dm* rote wee 8 per
br.neb was debated sad wan yelled down by
Amoy THE BAND. -The •ppear•oos of the a large aaajertt . Afar • warm dromsdon,
bead os Ladysmith Day wee • w.ioom. our- 11 was dna that ma* ulbee *ea whim
prise te thus of our estimate who bad gives male perms•. Am* .he adrtsi1 sd to t►e
medico* to m. *creosotes report that this order. Other Meittesd oh.stgse were Toad
highly desirable orga•is.Uoo bad dubeaded. down. Heelatt r the term reoMrar r bs
'the fast is that the bead k very numb alive obr.ed a bn.sanr. Tb• dlgtrl.5 Walt ly
and working away. It k tree, however. for Hares dlslrlot le John Baxter, of S•
tb•a they have lost • oo.mdwrbl• somber Paul duels& le was dooldod M make, ea
of their beet players oy removal wltbl. the Amuse 1, • *postal •asttemeal, to be knows'
last six month* ; b.giaaers are bears trained as the Traverse! (1114, Prem wblob will be
to 611 up the °implement. Keoe•tly ib mild all slalom •Aria. trod the paws** war,
looter otoM bed -Mitac k UMW.* .Mme ,at the members o1 Mie order Who
weak sea eshtly' ata ate leg jbsd yoluatsmmd ter Ess* Aisles h•vIne lost
Programa. ..Tha. AirptekpaeAla of .T *moss Moir hires Mum ,d, w•14saime. •*Atte!
Wetter* (Dorset) end E. Campaign (k Eat was taken op to behalf of Alfred Haloes, of
base) have left theme two horns vaunt, The Relgrsve, who te fa hospital og riag tram
Meier wend like to gee two players with the 'dente of an •oolde•t 1■ Oobobsr 1•s1.
some expmienoe on thew two !muniments 11 The Meatless of seems ter Ohs surreal )see
possible -if some employer 1• town could resoled as follows : tinted Mains" Werk.
e mu* a swop{ip of hands skilled on thew 10• ate, C•pal• T IH. Cers'Nb, Oee•s'sg••
neon:seta It would be • very gratifying Grand Pest Masser Werkesea, George P.
Delp. The band hes also two Moor teem Graham, Brookville ; Grand Foesmaa,
boom upon wbloh alight be Joseph Oibsos, P. M. Ingersoll ; Orsnd
started. Aoy who would 11k• a w 611 the&weeder, M. D. (wader, P. G. M. W. To -
please are requested to apply be H. Jetdan mote timed nd Trstesrer, F. G. Lwed, Y,
or W. C. Goode •1 Dom. A bled ewmrs 0. M. W. Tome* ; (head Overseer,
to help along the Med for squipmone will George Rem, H•mton ; Grad Guide,
probably be held within a meelh, and abets Charlet Helly, Chatham ; Grand lasing
ane lot the emmseer 000era ea the Square Watchman, J. 1'. Allis, Metes Forma
are oxpeeted m etnememe. Grd Outside Wtobo••, Robert Leen,
asemvgn Hi. MuDAL-Beesesl* Pat: Ottawa ; Geed Matcher, A. G. F. L.w-
Lw work Capt. J. )'. B. K rk, of Bruseek, race. Toream. ltaserUve ssmmta.a-T.
received his Feat* raid medal and we hoax d. 8mmhp, Teroom ; C. S. O•mww,
b• m•)) be spared fee whey years te weer 1A lrogaor i F• N. Nadel{, Torsue ; Stephen
On Maroh 8th, �•tb 1.11 .b sepia, (lr••t, Leads. Orxad Trsebom-Gserye
who wee 1• chane et * ArMllery, •so. Corm 1 W. R, Penta, Bente• ;
took his fifty -floe non le Barna to watch T. W. Miles, Fergus. Grad Amddmrs,
the Ferias marauders who w.t0.d'st Port Howl Better, George Gay, Tomato.
Huron with thew propellor to (wad on Grand Medlo•1 Umber -Jr Ya
Y. 0•No,
Oaaadlao wit Horn. Horton, of Uederb►, M• D., Torsut,
was llwtesest. Tb. (sod•r(ob R•B.s also
west to the same poab ander seaweed of ANNOUNCEMENTS.
°apt W. T. H.Tg, Lime Joe Daytimes We Want Batter. -24...r ds $s, mesh.
.ad R sigh B. *velour. A few south*were *peat to Basila, tws wnfp.ates bsiae$20,000orm
Meekest do Leeds, yip„ xwrlwl
. Mtlooed at P .prisons' Iia, use -the
brave soldier'beyo arrived back s'1 las ()• to Viebrla R•et&•ra*A Wish ••••• ter
Coa..ty own &heal the sad of May. la fresh oysters. They receive thea regularly
8epenber of tb• same roar the wen seed •&n be denudedepee.Fruits, mM-
brlR•dd tl et There'd wader footleaerT. 010. 0. BLeoe.ToPa, provelebr.
aidd'bed . Rood time. Ceps Hark is sixty Remember the Oyster Bw
Barter ttrbl at
vows of
w vw yeage spd wjey. o•mps'ialive ly the reetdeoo. of Wm, W•resek, V aid of
good father
Jobe Walker, of Ged.rkb, t5. Foreign 14 Isere tSedst7 et Eaox Marsh.father of tent. G. F. Bair, of this town,wes Admleelo• 26 mete.
• Ootym&1 in 0&pt. Hlrk's oomploy. Mr. Eupbeesia A. Mol eaa•a'o 1Ja(meet, for
Walker is oyer eighty years of •es. The externo{ use only, le • positive sure ter
same old -lime loyalty still reigns a the spinal dumas*, hip disease, Iad•nm•Mry
hesrts of rheas veteran* and they will value ehoum►tiem, book, lumbars, sore
the medals lea way *het thou of as who tbro.t, 'resit and sore la•g*, bruises,
were sot le the " Gehl '' oma h.rdly appi.. *praise, stiff joint*. rupere &•d all ktsdrd
oats. Them were •Marina times. i01 the diseases It has a1so beam foaled • sure fee
woe. throat affections is horses. None goose.
A Gummi Vnw.-The Guelph Moloney without harlots the trade mark se labels
makes the fottowiog °cmment upon the and wrapper' mid 1L A. McL.masn'. Llai
visit of the joint Guelph and Oderleb do• meat, Gnderiob, Oat., stamped ea wax seal
mantles to Montreal Iset woes : The re each bottle, M.t' es17 by
depnt•ttoa from O..lpb and 0.4srlsb who Bupm ni• A. MoLean.a, .els p•teet • and
wetted cisme Sir William Vas Hese and propr*mieee, New,ste.1., GodMoh, 0...
lir Sbateeks esy express satisfaction with �9.
their t•terview. While there is apparent', Dae 01 the faesm
eolt Doed{** 01 1be day,
hotbtrg definite premie d by the C P. R• "The Real Widow Brow.," played by .
repr.sstaHree m to the rime when lb* oomp•.y of noesnsl omit, will Mmes ••
work of oxtsadng the Oomph Jemotton the Vietoria Opera Horse Satordsy, *web
341011., te iioder(ob will be oommoeoed, lOtk. The plot rents epee the Idea of sob
.bete is • renown{ of their assaraeose that seaming a young m.•. di.gulwd as • widow,
they Intend to build the line. They poise for the genuine widow who was to 611 the
oat that they bsve kept faith with tide oily peonies al reverse's to two ok•rmbg pads
by not undertaking soy Oearie railway The osmpltwtlome •rlmua from .ash •
enterprise. sines the 1o.4 tram Loudon to Iudlerons Impeewu•tlen are tan tummy .ad
Windsor was oowetrootd. Their •riglsal ma Italy be greeted with peals of 'enabler.
promise 0se that rhe Gnelph•lwko Hoes The mule ie sparkling and op to dabs. A
line would he the oast takes me atter the oomedy full of oempllwted mte•tiess, par-
oompl.tloo of the •measle from 1.*rdom to brayed by • °employ of lolly .0 nedi.a. sad
Wisdom and the huddler of another 11•e es doves and pretty girls, hon stand " The
the Marna frostier. Is that reopen the Rest Widow Brown' few* 1a1e imam
oompsay hes nes dont* observed the letter aasese "nooses.
of mom o•dentending with se, bet we ma. The Farmers' Stader Twine Ce. at Brat
aoe ole•* ear .yes to I5. 1'001 15.1 they 0115 1014 ate aq•to ant wi►b 4514, pile.. w
eoly pre.00ed iron hr.•klaa 11 y 000ar- hindertwine for the h•nseb d 1900, Ind
is, MOWS( rights over the Greed Trunk lag ie this great raw as meal. Their
between Toronto and H&mllto•. But for adverHsemert of wool to silk mi..1 M.
bble arran*meet with the ()read Trask, paw we tset eon6t
deot w111 be • serpre
the 0 P. Ft would ■ndoehtedly My* hstlt to the farmers and udlon4s bsyoad.11 ones
• new lino WON* those aides four or Eve .Isu 15.1 ebtr mevemonb le .0111 •*..ding
yoare age' The fart ibis �bmymai, by moo
hive 000 solidly for them nobwltbmndl.t( the out
oomolotd their wart b Nb. W.ib for the �sw ��ona ►b&b were
pre.wt-whleb work bas always hies mired .t coo 0&ssd1g a.wspspers that /hr the,
as. reams molest ektrg ap the etttew(os' Farmer.' Oesepeay had diensed of sad re-
ef the 0u.lpb Ju.otioa red--sbsald Moir shipped on1 et the gunnery leo whtsrW.
the way sad booboo lbs time for taking Ns •hme.o• were mast/del .ad libel.
the atter. esteryrise Whllo the dsooa- less and to every sees had M be reminded
ties sneered ss debnite promise se to Ort by the paper. pubirbla4 We knew as •
this will be dsuo, as already pointed on►, foot tom I. 1808 ibsp plg..d she to 'o
the M.yor'e •'•temw* r, we Whole • emir* output oo the merlon at T • 1 ,
guarded one, and nh• dep.alloe aro bettor and never authorised • sisal* amine is ad -
walled as • result of this Interview with 1105* on 110(1 advertised ppt�{a.e.o•t'.
1M hop Ade I0bations of the *•spiny awl Wive dwked urge 4141..d. /K y
Mia they had hese hel.melssd, past 10751051. tk14, .6•rehsidma 1'510,
.•IW U. Name -February 96th UM limemer, was not oesemNWN by abusing
sur regular day, the seemhma met and bead tansy paces es Bader twins, het by epma
• prate m•owagg.. It *Nag bees deter- lattho with the Oompa•y's surplus feuds
mad beth by the Premien* •ad Demising' and ho•es1)y dividing the profits es mak
thump m .14••115 1900 by • mused. with thole {beamed. of Mask riders. Thi
masa the 'limn* pee, .n w►N•MgwrNm r • lemma* that every tarsier a the
done s1 6Mt wakes .p by � ne w• 005 amid lams }alma bead* with
If Nem hetnsedeportment,
t, Mw. arbwk. ert$lnelly, es the .took wee of s,sd Mss w
1?iseatabg edl a bth eery
M lb. s4* g b..drade of platforms fa 'Tay dleta t le
thumb rive • gid. i.M this D.mielee •t per. OMP people mase me
you • menage free MA Prevbsw smwlwk the importwse of *Mae Mk
A onrrespsadsat from Meetre•1 *Mese shay 0oapaay a on
sele*en by their le
'the *arena it 1he w et beim* by boys,, es It would b. • very may
wps!b&lw te the fere{ .1 040141w011. le stmt. fee Mea to expert all their twin sae
finis Is' Oatrb, ibe O..tpb Oly Trash- the esostry sr hoed le weer to the week
WV mine has 4fwd aehMag reeds. Meir et alae* my plan
Meases the s+MsMtise b ..hid. the Tamale l U Arps. ae mwN•ry et the OaMgldi
Apt• Tories* tights b shim has beano Meehan ash, hm maul • Meader team
es prevalent le BA Anse thee i1fIs .f the Pearbore' ol■b .ta/bg the they ars
MIs eat nalsem
m. ssMa..lhat Imre Him rue to attempt the erguel.dd tn• as•
am hall of the beys ase cambers, There 11 seebtisu of •a•teue hassbhil ash" Is Na-
m. • me.estest es b Londe. MM da and toning the s q.egtlrnt of Os
elm wheels es memeM.l'ee Hot sell bard Aedevi•b slur The this Is to have three
le riesling of et .Alsale Wei sonelssms' ebrtplereblp, gahi.. tosermedtam .a/
.4 them she A y vie** M. T.Me- *elm. n r per. 4 *bp .
se AN. Is H•mtitea tt 04..' sales nom Mid Is Torso t. :thsheieklis gp,a tNekw. {ren M
Rieder Totes for Elale--J. U. Pleat.
Isereseed Oapaolar--J. FL Nader
Key Feaud---flicriat 'Mks
The Real Widow Brews--Visesela Opus
Norma to Dethere-Prestlfsee Ham.. 1
Mooey Lose ---Wm. Mesh* 1
We Weak Hatier-O. IL/sir, Wliegbwo
-17 tieserepolteerwarporrterr-....
WE Ere ID IRMA that through
the efforta ad Mr. HOLnes, the able
member for West Huron. Goderich
to have the benefit of four drop letter
boxes within its limit& The location
of the boxee will be as follows :
1. -Corner of Hamilton and Vittorio -et.
IL -Canter ottik*c and Beet-st.
3 --Corner cst ELiton and Victoria et.
4.-Oorner of Britannia Road tad Welling.
It will be Seth SIM Mr. Holdall Ilk
"electing the 191181101111 !Or the IMIIIMPt
are dale 10
may easily depolat the Wien oet their
way to or from school. In.the fourth
case the locating of • letter -box on
Itaat-st and the Square will be a boon
to the business men on the east side,
and together with the letter -box al-
ready at the O. T. R. station will
oover the whole eastern part of the
tow n.
In answer to Mr. Mourn' recom-
mendation of the letter -boxes along
the linee above noted the Post*
master-00mnd was good enough to
send the following letter to the mem-
ber tor West Huron.
Mr Dims Sta,-Pormit me to aoknow-
ledge the reotopt of your letter of the 03th
r000mmencluig the 'establishment 0/
artjtitt e7.hat have given instructions to
have year suggestions carried into oillect.
Yours sincerely, W. Mouton.
anitoh• wase trei tinperponsdsr-.4o.r•{Islelettv 17►ifje(jigthe seheol hgsd ban e*dssMearly yM a ask bahell q•dsei.k, hes,
11=11 Ile OM le
vot.ev. to Natter d .ItMt*...ehm•esba,e m uht.r-
__�..._t_ ____ �, Weeds -_ ed ate or
+rill he argosies.. ices ars &Nei Mlles slrh
g&•(eed Iter. 1900
.'-'••d lest w •
opeoell to mires the Itemitt
SNAP SNOT& of Hamilton, is evident/I
the gus.fizz of the Legislature.
IIINtaa atone le running • laundry it
Ottawa and facilitates operations by chew.
ing soap.
Pure Toss000 Mactoonato should
withdraw his endowments from McGill
anti) ite students learn to sat decently.
arThe Montreal Star fundeind the Ammo
the tar and the incendiary spirit for the
racial war which now prevails in Moat's/ails
*VT* loyalty of The Montreal Star is •
oommermal asset. Lemma eould ham it
tomorrow by giving HMI Gamut •
ittriorpe of the Tory members have been
and we are willing to let thous have all the
kudos that it will bring to thew
eftWhee you hem • man boasting of his
loyalty, or woman exhIbiting her virtue
on tbs housetops. it shows that it is very
nomesery that. it should be dace.
sorThe Toronto World foolishly advisee
the Ontario Opposition not to vote supplies
this year That kind of talk won't go when
spring' plowing opens and pay-day coulee
Arno Toronto World is trying to hoes
the Ontario Legislature,and HUGH °unary
of The Montreal Star, is endeavoring be
the " angel" for the Torrent aggregation.
Verily, the Grand Old Party le la a hole
between Jertis sad Mantsmo.
Willon. Mr. Tann beinm it up to Room
limtemit when he 'Wes that The Montnal
Star is really responsible for the reels/ anti
malty that is being fomentel m IfootreaL
GRAHAM dOIng • lot Of Illualt•rallging fog
his promleed flettatorenip, and Taman
bought oheaply.
A" Ws PefattalthstAt Vet b=sitill ring
to this Het wg le the thsteee sales.
TIIIIIIDAY, Marsh 101111.-40 head of sew*,
*Mere Ned *awe. el Miersed 11e.
frees flarfard. Twat. iLeoleesee.
SATURDAY. Marsh 104.--41•M seleed
of mad yews* sem mad halides hi mit se
Mks late Sheet Olbhmes Oodo-
speeesed jells seem Cow Ovetert.
Btortanew, Mani Mai- Amami neht
al 011srlie0bareb, let 5, SOIL 1.
Meth sad implemenek lbe
iensmilitos ewe ails semi el rjearleh.
will he meld se Ye. Mew* bee
hetedreee mimeses It yes vide Ow
Life trot he mob tree* the d
OPoti neer re ottstette Mikes we*.
el st'imelaasaestb. The sentseeisa with hie
the home teeeilog sow* eseeete. The
Reel lytklevt arms." MI6 Who speedo
6b• eent, eiti eterros le et het
espassal smith