HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-03-01, Page 5',`• ZSrtUBIR Ss AIWA 1, 1f00. 014'tsoN & SON Bor&ainz iu Carpels. bur stock of Carpets is very largo, in fact, perhaps the largest department in our entire store. We make a very tempting oder to buyers this month. Nearly 600 yards Heavy Mellish Tapestry sod Tapestry Brussels Carpets to 50 a full ewes. 01 patterns and shade .unable for any room or hall 66 Regular priessad The. • yard, this month's price 36 taoa Heavy Cake Reversible Calp.ts, Ouod Patterer and .lean stock 25 and new oolortago, twgettar 36 and 400. • yatd. Sproul for February, BLANKET BARGAINS. 0. 0 F.itn super pure LU wool White y Blerkets, weight 7 lbs., 64 i 8t, raga- $211 1•r vale 21.00. +(, Now Srriag rose ies& hist.. fin. Now showier ommuitiotint display. + L e �ril�' `ante ; the vara k,1 mask le Me seepby wk.kl G. haw, eta, bat the mw imply mid. "There le b.rddp ea. la the whole lull I week! mrerts, Mt I'll trees Ica." T. boy trek the new psmlles. sad she prlaaples that be thea displayed bays 1.l limed Mat thr.,gb 1Ue, omit Leder he to see of toe matt .oaoe.lal, ese of tins gust highly r.sp.uted and .M el the .blest bole sees mea u the ere d 70 years is thi:esaa• y al Hares. Hia Doone is (Jeep Lassen, of t + ISOM of (I,tderwb. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. A deans! Nu.aas-The 4la•ob gum be, of TM °seedier Mewing ba 5 military seabsr with calmed url.tary Dors, the design of which 'hew' the Clou- dier' Mounted Lampe , lta gasC...415 street. The orgsasaatis. d • soma I o.o ets,sat sad the embarks.s will be de- surtbrd by tee writer' sad sash of the uttoles .Ul be W str•wd with • amebic of photographs which bare been tikes epeol•1Iy tat this purpose. J (]Latin H••p. kir writes the opeeing ertiole to wnlob he rives the history of Brame polloy le Seeds Afriue dune" the pima, °eatery. Mslootm Rase, • m.e,L.r of the Artillery Brigade 1. Lbs s•eosd cmetIngsali, bas se azo. I,us "guile entitled •• Types of Artillery " C. A. Matthew" Urines a short bloyraotslesl skotoh of the M+obter of MW- lle. The publishers .unounos Mat this will be the Somt member of the Caoadtu Mtge• alas they have ever turned out sad will be sapMor la may ways to their Christmas amber which wee Mon so math maim Careadis it* ally W' Aci4EsoN � The prluWex o* iso is s eghsord iTe this well prinwd ilial so whe may gee tlMw grout ezpeetetioa with regard l. t►is Naber ens pestbly he dlsap- 1f oowr M•6•Zt/■ AND Ravine roe TOMMra 'THANK YOU." aj r�ipM" y" aaiwt` Minded Deg,•r." w bat you're pesetas alt weer baso reseed asdou're assess Is mar pester, Lad yeah drepplsg la the shlilla.o N 16. n eer, Will yoe Madly wait sad helm last te what . soldier says Of • mesdames *be Imams shoat Me war He's • ttedly-bnsreed bawd, sad be does Ms level bete lo pet es paper sG eke tbeaghw that strike Jest tell atm wed to writs sheat, lead be will do Me Asd tame stat • living lama who data'/ ' tea/ it 1 tire w allies. e.a.-.lAgallsitibilaseld .tom. dist le the reek" t n,••..- Warta,' let Ns ausames owilem Sb paw; pencil .0d pea t 8s yam the word 1..r all tzar sake T1ask• I ?beaks Thinks 1 Hee as ops. hearted Briton, sad the sham. pies of ser mese, And W poems have the British rtes AM everybody thereabouts: Melees when oar Mr. Kip - Lim Tawa- s d:. the peel .t the *Miss without drabs ; Aed whoa were kssskieg Peal Most, 11'. very Moe N Mar That 16. baldly hearted begpr's May mates Sr Me mane mad the kidder., 'see the* daddy lea's star I Asd It sort .f mein pa Mearfal 1...r dg►use. Great vena 1 Beat.'. mean 1 Mas lea that• mad mem, iwv.a •ad h....s4 by .Frey blessed moldier la the teaks ; Weekly, let iM....Wf. sake, with paper, marl .ad pea be pass tie word fes all ear sake : Melaka t The.ka 1 Masks! • W. C. T. IJ. COLUMN. WIT O MUT noisome. A ptefsiemaf s.tl.maa. wie visa am erWmed w take has m.rsle5 Mase. IMP Old law • seises red, sari M la I8o bas, WW1 loll whisky. • seedy imilvM.J seemed ,p N bila sad wed e "lase. ismUe, ea% yes ma ea sefer5.. obs Miley be joie yes t' Rs we..15y.4 by Oho w'. famtlierily sed meekly t fd Ida : I am net le aMs labia el dtisklas with tromp.." Th. tromp ,.piled s "Yee sed set be se srssky sad b1H- Wed, lay deed. 1 ambits M my Mat I ea slims r etsel • Mair.. Fite are lase ie. sesealedre .,scales, sad were 1 leek A drl•k was Nos as eaepessalis ei yea are. What ie mit., I always haw naw to w like ieetlem•s, Tab my word for le, yea seek wslpha al ibyeeme, sold be will beta, yea te jest the mss. pima I Mt.' Streik w1M 61g wads. for s eatomer sot dew. ds glee .sd land l• look all trim. e,. rtes s1s.11s•dokok hie (.e. bi••led, War r Millikedad.•o sloths' USy. "Tks..ankt lititialt that made you like 'r • Fes, it Ices, mad It w111 bring yea N the m*.14 .Wb M. lb." M �r ., M apaysed ems wpm.. qla. I eels," 5116 ir4, Me loes, "Theeew aad mid! am, le outer 11.g.1s. • a•utr.l, 05 •ra0nannsama. The Obartrembeirs, P. S. 1,„ Oureass rya 1►. ruto•reds rare d Ib Immo system bate that site 'bee Iswgpratos q 4a.syd el dr`mkese e,+d W ow" ab•s sabred the warm lefts et fie espmslals. • d c6.. elm lobe diappited •wkwfys however. tee M ..s4. tiwdgre M db.es new 4i• sow hear Were .es be rfeineed sea es be wean Whew Mlle Whe baa. -' I.a grebes I8, ohne deli. wbo4 (1ro4.m we'd Ise Mane -Then an Mires •rtleles of epeeml Amoy 61n16r8.. TM 9ad.n rsaa.tlarada' Wrest to Methodist readers is tit. am. �eaay..srp ,Idm.uaa u an M+Hod(..." nit ▪ seise o t a4gbt sailed ties riJ, 13.Koss ; "A teat Christian Scholar - Dr. W. F. Madera," by • Rev. W H. Adams, U1s.1nt.d : "MiM°di e, and tis HineV_er," by the Rog. J. H. Goodman. B.1 fie sape le s.s.ouAa•d to Methodism. d r John U. nearluol oo•tiuma 614 very Impertsat piper. on "Cased". During the Vi.tortae firs," with immerses engravings. .aNtiII 111111141.1 roe TIMrala.►JC,. Prinolp.l Came ha.. well Illustrated artist. Tia. r..s.memd.Ms mad. by Lord Peal ea "Ter Sorrows of Armout.," .ad Doctor la his report . .w... .t the IntHammel! u.. on Mat .wog. ohmmeter will he very d,fmil to obtain licensee. Is tripes that t6e pr.j6stet et • driekery be eempslled le mama the olpmtsres to • peel, ties el am Ie. Lhame owe -thuds of all the nem and atoms. hemseheidere Is lie Musm distrait before Ib is legal to lame tie I4.ese. Royal Ooa•mlssls., which sat from I8O0 be tam en the liquor Inure, Is to be med. • park la t6. imtmdal Liberal platform It se.om esd. • very aatorl•l redactor m the ma.ber of Unser Ureses issued, and other enammeate tetydyg partially to firm - Ideate mouser t bates the ether- bred '7a tee,tela-.de eempeseatier for Messes out wwkiohh le nes re be adopted by the LAK- )teiFoai i3. IMeembir, referred to the ased3eba rel bks mei ba lbs Mite Dai tows" la beamed, where poverty m faveeted with • feed flag of spa shops, sod asked what were they dose le gr•pts with dile e6ekisg .vii ! As alleles they had tome, sad could ss.tral tM Hoses et 0..mee. Next Parliament would deal with the gnee- to•o. • *MAL 11150. Market 6411. is Ireland, wee Ib seem of as sot of moral heroism Rt H. °sewing Moslem lately held Ibsen. Already there Is • public) he.m for every rs malts, aid yet by like votes et Ove mag4tratea to three, mother Bohm was grantee, wham Canon MoOeeaey rose is Lha ,part sad addressed tett sb•Irmsa thee I "I •..ew • parish priest over thirty Frere, aril loaf age whoa C.tb.lies wee. rimed 5oenees by the myfe- Iroise I Marisa) it was.. • onisat of bia.4ry, bet 1 have sew spm to t6e eenele ee IMO Hese mpg whe eewie sad sit es the b..eh t ad vote fee Memo. are the ��esssM enemies my a ••4arl.6i.. e religionists 4 p hays.., Awarded lbs MlIns, Editor 8.A. Ilrow.,ef lg.a0Navale, wee ear immensely s.rprised. "'through lone aaderlar trees dyspepsia.," b.. writs, "my wile wee greatly rag dews. 8be had n o strength or three amd ',offered greet dis- tress Ir.e, her etem.ei, bot she tried glee - trio Bitters, whisk helped her a1 mos, tied, alter shag four betties, .he Is entirely was, MN sal mayl6iog. It's a grand toolo, sod Iia wow 151.11,e gaalities w sple.dld for terpll aver." For bedlgeM.., ler of op- peYle,aieemeh god liver troubles it's • par- ties. .sur meed ears. Oily 60 mate of J. Mamie dews awn, • Mery watt a (x1.15. Rem ine :"I wlni lig. a boy La every •rlda..e .1 an lsmpsrlased arunary youth etlokla4 oat of hl., walked w Leaden, Omarw, sad mewed employ - meat w • shoe .tore when a somber a mien were employed as •'edbl.,.," The bey was met p•.Mwl,rly mappens, tat ked hese brewed tap le • road Meahodbt hems, . ad it palmed Wm .sseed.rahy t. dlseev.r that N. fellew-e.pba,ee. worn •dilated t• peelesity ami Mew to • large .name. Tk. La 8aad•y tet the bey apeet there, his employer asap Imo as ram whore the *is we.- all bearded wartier- .ad tknwl.g dtlere.l sems of mosey to them, am•rkd "Hetes port of year wages, boy.; p mod have • geed utne. The mosstry bey was .hatted, a.d in • ✓ eepsethl velem mid le the w, "1 do not WWI le lake like sway, re I prefer being P.M my wadi s. my day bet Seedily " Iaat.mtly be 'employer booms very •mgrs, Ned .areddummiedldummiedboy,the v, wb bed .o allsro•tiv. bat w stood it. H. s .15lly resolved, however, that whoa ha bead 1.i.6d the work w the morrow "blob wee d Mai, ha would eke me mor', but wield seek • mate eome'mW wployer. Se as Meshy be told his employer what kis Westin" were, wheal to hie surprise the mem said ":- "My key, I want o apologise for what I mid to you yesterday ; you were Agit. Aad mote Alas Ask I weal you be take .harpe d ams ef .y beo.ob stores 1s the 11e boy lost his breath, bet .yesteally Iaam04ed to 5tomsmss est a pests* t 4 was 4iiry1' -r.e.erwM Gigantic ClearingSale ioitiaaillti Is trauma Tex Month of March t • PORTER'S BOOK STORE After stock taking, we find we bare many Tines we are over- stocked In, and intend selling at the following reduced prices. Sale commences Thursday, March 1st. Fanny OhiM Salad Bemis, (reams and Sugars, Jardinieres and Flower Pot*, k*., at IS per ..et LIR, sad many Nasi at Olt } dome Porcelain La.pn with globes i0 mel I, ii1 50 ; sale prft*. 5150 A line of ladies' fsm. PfuaA. 810011k www.gt; ' 96 Ski. (`ribs and >r�i1 N t , A vestal lute of Teo r'I tnimhsa, Ifo sea Z t (`•ripe Tissue. (} , Mon* Std, IIBI7 tai } teff, de end ' r' (regular 10e awl 71/e) ,I inewmes rite est Ss.a tilit*a' .ds fie Merck af iron! ,harp ., K PO S = t � � 1 STORE Our TtNttlaher ••B•rt•e laud d. Rrsd.a.r." A gra/ale satteb I. given of Frederik Wm Nikes, la- ther of the pre•mat Orrman Kaiser, with portrait The salter has ma llluseated ar- ticle au "Pompeii -the City of the Deed.'Tho popular Adam•" paper l• "Reseal. Ly. .07551,• as be Nd6•lab" br TAG"'Ll•BMpr. LA shmowst- mmdy with • p.rtnit end se - seal tributes to Koski., "Teo L..t of the Preptnt.," will be reed with tot•rest, as. "'Tl• cumuli &hare D4.M.m," As • Right.... War r su o-ompSii 7 it stories 8e grist hoe ben the fiem.md for H. bf;y first .d1Yoa o1 this magazine tam lit hoe beast fouled moo. s.ry b prim a.5a.md Wes of the Jsassy member. Now sab. "eslb.rs may count epos reoslvlsg it from the Melamine .f the year. Toronto : Wm. Brier. Mestral : C. W. Costes. Hali- fax : 8. F. Haat. 19.00 • year ; $1.00 foe ell moms►.. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS` ooDgIuCa 7.bw.ee7r. Feb. 12, 1900. Council mot today. Mamie el Ism meet - lag red and pared. The following ..seamen were ordered to be paid : Registering births, marriages sad death., 516 60 : B. °tapes., ..Lanes dames ore Mt of Mr. Crag, 16 ; Harl.md, spikes, 13 28; Bier, arisen, 13 84 ; J. 5.1,141.15. serpt. w, M*miaow s. draw, aw, >a ss ; reeve. s.rvws. with WIMP", a Orale'. drain, 014 amblers. 510: Davie nail Mend, spikes, 112 86. J. buxom was .ppoleted pass saner k. pleas ef Hoary Bosom. John Middleton ..s sppetawd to bats the agree- ment tarried est betw..a Orame •ad Millett with Oedema township Is...need...IH the disputed watercourse. Us motion of Je6nsten sod Middleton, the sadism' re- port se read was pusmd sad t6e required ember egdorwl to b. wasted. '1 he clerk was lnettmotod In • ewer the eemaamiaa- tieo from Wm. Mi1.6a11, alert Oderleb Iowa oovedl, la record to the diepeted waterworn". A oosmmmlsaNes from Jan. (kimpbeil, "bark of Hallett township, .ad se.lse.r. award In oesseouon with Ooblesels drabs was reed. Mr. ColoMugh notia.d the reeve that ht would sea pay Merges anima, lobs S6, 8 26, 17th 0 - aa"ples, as he wait mot properly etaed. TM reeve wee appasted to Wet after said atter sad, 11 sea -'y. to bare testi advise. The seemed tied diesrsed to awl as the Ent Medley la April Nuel 8,1711.T, Milk. OF LOCAL INTEREST Manure Arrorirmen tvs.-The folk:wise gleams of ammo..ppppoetarmeate for the oee- se of 1900, free The Maria' Reseed, will to loterestiy be Oderith madams : 8e.. 85. Andrew, Capt. W. H. Feet erst..• beeph ; Beg. Thos. Cr.5ey. Capt. Jeb. J. Duyb, ea old (esde►1.6 bey, ba Is nm mood of ■teaser No. 6 of the Pere Mar quoits Railroad lib . Ladiegtee. L He Lst of kora.*" Hosed during 1899 are the names of two God.riob bays --Nurser Mo - Lead, 'imolai pilot, at Cleveland, O., and Jabs J. P.y.., weed elms pilot, sl Pert Hares, aloe. itrs nsittr Brniw. DOOM Blown/. -hem tko Tr..ary 1lep•rtmeet at W.6tmgton • settee has brae Pend to sealer., pilots sea reshapes of sietmm navigating the Unat Lam and choir Bono eiisg end trbutery waters ns tar out e1 Montreal..bstl.g 1.t then .6.11 he mod between the muter er pilot and ssgteer the tollowl.g cede ea sigmas, to be made by bell et whistle : 1 whistle or 1 bell -O• ahead. 1 whistle or 1 bell -Stop 2 whiatl.s or 3 bells -Beek. 4 .6istl,. or 4 belle -S remg. 4 whistles or 4 bells -AU right. Twe whistle" or two bells thrill always mean b•.b,k'r..p•otbve of other sigaan peerlessly given. Ktecosois. Hos tag Ler WOAD. be .comely of Brea papers best Woo dispense to so the fleet swam pr.sabd by • Presby. 1.11•m minister U the meaty. A atow.se5 mode by James Nesbitt la The Wltertea Teleeope of F.► 1st. Mat H.5 .t Prouty dela. to is the e.mmt7 was the late Rev. Dr. Barrio, of grosses, la the 5.11 el 1461, has been shall.. d by J. M. McNabb le The Port $Igte Timm d M.A lfeb, whe giros the !neer to Rev. J. }Dj Dees, sower Gelb, whe prne.hed la 16. seems of 1561 Is 80.tb..ptes. T1r. Almeardtw Review aye that both we "rope. 050! Rowse tefereas The Reviser Mat 16o jley. Mr. KMd, of Uoderlob (• student • the Ilam), breached to the bar rem d Pintak Des►de's ►ota Kln..rdl.,, is the spriest et 1550 As Irrrtovse Rsuer.-Is 1a06 Ms lbs. Deeenies Oov.rsss.s pareb.ud fres Yr. I11sreeker of (Mews the pat..► eight to 6ba WW1 ealld by bis same. The ballot has West be.. weed 1s Woollies to t6. rd.nl Hasa, het Me easiest O.vaesl..t has decided mart lite dweller ins, es It bee M baos setof story. The ample white pmprr blase will be lewd. with the ,lea,. Nem Ma Man ata be s.. but 6.risatal flee; Wass tm casae d aantideesa The swarm Nee avidity/ the sass trete the ewe far Me was WB he dewo sway w4t58ti,, ad there wilt be two eassNsM(ia •1.5654 to Ms b.am. nese will am* hese the same eeuber. sed ..a wall be esbaime, a. that W saws el the assailable lag say a6..a bar. Opts t6. ameba beam trig retuned Me Mer.l.g .des wnl taus sI Ha seamed .nlawrt lit, *Mob win awe wallobeast. Nes bwee ter ' , wadi wile guess the voter. It t. t ` t that Mia want dtedi elv t►- lir awash. ,.. v..• targe". -`''.l. tftr slob, Saderteh ' me the A aOTTit 7. MI6 Jed mew es .vera . 4a. sem Y ".mill ease+ Npe.t a....w,5.4,0145*,- 4r a♦...1 eel rat. 1.r•,•.J�I'• °moot It am% 15.mHr Ili Ie.'t514 *4 r n r. smesae�.�r.1,... a. swee -'i.yeat mw.a tzarbe mars near. ramerLane. o. .l " n a, Cern, Wm r,.va Mime ibm gm& 1 ' I ...Li rs'�'iwt lit w rem sig`snmaimme..r..*.os*. •.�...tia rt.... 4r5. limb as retie .•.. ya1,4►.w. yam. ngis010001 IWwtl, to weawe. .'' «. rweila.ea'Y.' er If. L J. 1 J. MOW. OL, MOM pion. TT. OVEROOAT J. _M. PEDDER is • imitable acyuteil:oa to • ..a 5 weed, retie •ttide Mem pl year. II. DUNLOP, the Weir .e , Miler, has a I.rps .Lock of he owe m.4 .blab leek well tot wear well The yt.N1a am a swam m.1. sr very low. AND SBE THEM. k4. DUNLOP. • J. P. BROWN, Farming Jmplernents' and MACHINERY, Pim, Olt, Scum Machines, Dees. rets T. Snap is oar warn Snap, as ba a posed, d welch we eon • 0617111 • week. This inn', oar Daly soap. as w• awry sv.rythlog that sag be fund III ea we- t• dm* grooery More, .5d oar prime sr. ripbt, 1'h. formers know 06.518.7 ma Mows got from s. • gasp 1•r their prodso•, We drier 1bm line at no l gutm.p trade - everything goat : 01.s.w•tj pr potatoes, Bard.. staff or o8o oset lLltl• Maui. W. deal In all.: of Misesl• G. TIPLING & 00., 'it•dford blookf U•isalab. J. llflOPBEY*.kSil 'Vui i6ra\ D'treeXors awl► Variaoo omens. A FU.. MCI EFT ON NANO I have the best that a �,., made iu1QQ. a. 8. m o der sinallyad te a all ee ail, Pelson, Chitties Bolas, etc. Seers .. w.. Street. te.ldsaee, gee - hes Sar 1 have the Ds level Qlysm geyur tor. It is the stoat reliable on the market. It will pay you to nee one. Do you want a new (Mtn or a▪ do f HELLO 1 I handle different makes, and ma sulk year roquitement..od your pocket, too. 3 SPECIAL 3 BARGAIN DAYS. FEBRUARY 28, IflARCII 1 and 2 EVERYTHING REDUCED. New Spring Goods on Sale Don't miss there 3 Special Bargain Days at J. H. PEDDER'S . . Is right in touch with the people. they buy with oonfidenoe, because they know the Shoes we sell are BU/LT FOR WEAR When you buy Shoes get the right shape. Right shapes wear better than wrong shapes, and are tar more comfortable. Buy your Shoes at PRICE'S and you get Style Wedded to Comfort. SEE OUR WINDOWS for STYLE and PRICES. QLQ► ST' GEORGE .PRIOE, Jl{ippM.pH,-Zwir wits appreais.. - sae side of 8gew. Weaker me& %Primer ? Do you want • ALL KINDS OF lira&1 .hall beplaa.dtee` e yen tea gad inspect tits stook eat wy wareree0p cs Sam. iltou-st. before yet purob.ss. I boy my goods on the cash basis and eon 1111 at • very clone margin of profit. J. P. BROWN,VINO Agent for Massey •llarrts Implement., scralltoll lite Cotll Hamiltob.st, l:c.lenc6. ALWAYS ON HAND THP BRUT A NEW COOK STOYE At any season of the year there is no greater comfort than a reliable Cook Stove in the kitehen. It is witn coot stoves lik�t� to thing else : there are odr indifferent varieties. We know you will be pleased with oar FAMOUS and ABERDEEN StovesandRanges OALL ♦T' CATTLE BROS. Mks Sluggers afld Tinsmiths IN TH1 MARK= All OW weed e. the Market souls, where yea set Wap lbs. tor • to.. 1M. LEE. Ord.n lab at j js al BWBUD'S ewes promptly .stslded to. CANTELON'S Pastry, OysterPalties,Tarts, Short Bread and Cream Bolls,ltince Pies and Lady Fiulen, Kine., /acareon, Karaaioea, Brandy Snaps, Btc. are se good se the treat made in any city in Coined., Oentelon leads the trade in _ WEDDING CAKES 1n laser de.rnisd end ornraent- ing gad .lmosd locos. Give him an order and your oat - ideation will be assured. D. CA NTELON, WEST -ST. UIII.AUNICIFJ White shirts, rte. 3 tor 31.00. Not mode or ;M.es• cloth hat the kind you pay leo for. McKIZTS P11(r•feld cellars 7fe. /Straight Nand 50..d tan Dostr, mimed as r.. mom buy at Ile, Dor pries I for lie CELEBRATION SALE Just • year .go we started bguinesa in Coderich and to oelebrate the event we will give you a grand feast of bargains. We ainoerely thank our friends for the liberal and ever increasing patronage they have favored us with. Had we started "In a braes band end monkey show" style we might have had a greater rush .t the start, but where would it be now 1 We chose to start the way we in- tended to continue and are more than pleased with the remit. This year we are going to do more every month than last year anti will mart it oft with a Special Bargain Celebration Sale in all depart. menta. We will give yon a partial list of the many bargains we have 1n store for you at our Celebration Sale, starting 1st March. ORIANDIIL&- 400 yards naw 15100 Organdies is waw esteems, "Pipe end 5'5.11 HAM ay W-daa ggeeode, well wale Brie per weed. Oelebralioe prise .14is Lltsw wants at Midget pro. ; V•1aso;..amo Lege, pee des. yards, .. 15. Eerebes Gum pm yard 3 op to 10e ashy Itibboan. , per deem yards les Bleak velvet Ribbee, bine In. • yard rip Big stook of mw Ribbon all at Cele - 45.46. prime, WHit I Wien- All ear February ;31.4.11ef "Mimi d go. still hold and sissy es. liar .n added. meteor 10 dm lee to rad of these 7Se white Rhine wMoh w5 sell at... 36e 511 throe for a 00 H O5 a OPPORTUNITY -w. .111 walla •ase owl. eMe ladles thefor aft humsable /roil a pot 1 p5 vela se 0Ad11Mf Te. Dawe .&y, pis Eke p Nal vee has mit �� smd Mee as►sor., 46 le. wide, *el. tailed W 1 Ulidrals. '' y' es as No pee yes t Oslslam R•iws.. 150 ter ,rtes Per ped nee Ms Si slily a few of the teary OsIebntior Sala bargains w. have. They tine all goods you what; geed. you must have, and RMi you will pay more money tor. A SHIRT KVRNT-All ear last sea. sea's 05.hrie and Ceylon 6...e1 skirls, your chafes at 50o The oheapmot wore 76e soh 1r. 55 w soft treat, seme hard frosts, seine with milers atteeb.4, some Dollen detached sad some without ,wiles. Resslar prima, 76s, goo end 11.00 _Cleftbrattes NNW 60, A TOPEL 8NAP Um Telesis 16 ir 30 a be 17x31 I. ,, 60 „ 18x361. 7+e All at C•b.11 priemo ap Is... , , 7 beetles prises. SRiRTINU- 1 pies bl.ek watered 8ktrtlar, white stripe, 31 I.. wad., Celeter•ues pries par yd 15. LI .0.. TIS tf4 101... 241141:14.41--A: 01110,. est! of out Ilbease...hill. Hams at OMdiaeaar=- - >Kkss• . ..err. r: s.: rr -r. 1A M o IIIIrS OI L.iaAATION SALE NOW ON. • says.... that Winter Is .11.re, and Winter means c o u the, colds and various other ailments due to damp al fl4 cold weather. Be prepared;, , to ward off these and oth- er troubles. Keep a bottle of a fewrklnds-et standard remedies in the house, and they will not only save a lot of, unnecessary pain, but many a dollar too. We have a complete stock of Proprietary Medicines, and our Prescription Department is at your service. E. JORDAN, Medical Hall Telephone No. 19. K1NO stpnds for s11 that b flaw in women's shoes. . It means grace, style, comfort and economy, an for $3. It might easily be $5. These are the eort of shoes that please fastidious dressers. We are sure they world please yon if you will allow us lili/ to introduce you. King Quality's the nJtime-$3 • LMo QAT) Made by J. D. SING COMPANY, Limited, Toronto. McKENZIE'S HARDWARE is where to buy your fending material. • - Now is a good time to buy and get the beet prima going. We sell the fence the farmers are talking about. AGENCY FOR THE • AMERICAN II'TCELWOVEN WIRE FENCE it* if VANN Strong Wires, Ifeavffy galvanbut Amply provldeafec expansion antivo paper - tion. only Best Bessemer steel wires used. Always of uniform quality. Never goes wning anti M matter how great es� is put upon it. Does net muti- late, but dole effkkatly tura reign:. ---evinvimee or AMERICAN SY TNI MANUEACflJ 5111111 GII and 8M It. Can show you how it Will save you money. Where it sold Iasi year, It self. again The price is away Weir tam d other fames. It is easy to pot .p• Conte in and sem the different styles and pries., er writs fpr elreahrr. lit _ iil111111rlAZ is1111lrs111/6itIF • 111C1111/1111111111111111111111.1111161111111111101111111111111111111111P1111 MO WO i elks. 1 .rltr111111•11ll♦111111111.111111111111111111111I1111111 ' If 1 i11111111laa/11111111111111111w1111■f11•a1MNIw4 It a=Ago= gIslismiINN masum NNewe dem wow I IF • eat . ''0 • a R. W. M°KENZIE'S The Plan to soy 1.11 Hardware Cheap. .0.:4.1..1,.,