The Signal, 1900-03-01, Page 44 Tlitwrleat, Mena 1; 1100. A 4111/10 SIGNAL : GOBBRIOH ONTARIO A tht$i 1i • •af' i-aejeUR. ,.111t9■II04/Mia1 t* ate wad's eye. Ile 111111- rte at The Telegram from ale now bale esalal- ma- terna oases II0u1. Sar Hiatus is now the mon o. hor.ebwk. He has boon appointed Deputy Adjutant Demerol at Orooge River, and is sodeavariat to disband the (hunt* pietas. In that dletriut drUp to Um present now of thr Mrd Ojlpoaitiao In the Commons hes Areas aa analogy between a bottle -nos& Mead sed e soft -Woad bullet, and yedbiod that tie: are equally deadly. edjr4alMa.tttlhwnea.lie.. hoes 1)S► te- aseratiMMIPIIMMOMMa te., of Me adtestime SIM ma *sena time adw shahs mea Me tole E gan eg • bred made of e.j y.e.► l. ms►ar .1 Ib. (iemesitteet wwhitmea %has tib Wesel Gas' weseM ttNN m esMisdas of w•pil.s Ms Is these weer. 01 S . N� themea.s.$ yhta to wbunko of Mash hie le Me ,art-atlNorw,..a He seines ale. vMh ..eemeim•1 lateeo.t. ..d with what leeks like edetgost amen lamb. ASHFIELD AND WAWANOSH. The Maw or tie Aartoelters1 reeMy+A rkk...at treat. rwhwl NToitefos FLOOD DAVIN pass,Wednesday last the Bret sancta dieser as • repress ire blebs o sod agtiseu iqp I wader the *.spices el the Ashfield and to speak Or Inured Arad the Mei it's s W.waoah Broach Arrloeltur.l Soddy. ruq,bty did day fur them. He teal Wase esu bold is lbs a is bion LM voN DAviNnwoD, and he MUMI peas dl• log room l Yal1.5(in'e bow.l)urtraoon, and was well Noel Her. efiGur old Mud from llan•ttotlue, the Hon. Krfu(M. TAYLOR, still keeps his leg under the doorknob, and continues to work up tory toles And hearsay *tones that no- body cies will believe. He is a specimen product of lodge t%Buenos in Canada. i TFor tho benefit of the blatherskites who have been throwing slurs at the alleged " pro -Boer " Innings of certain sections of our fellow-ooantrymsu in Canada, we poinL with pride to the names of the lads who abed their blood in defuse of the flag. English Irish, 800tch, French and German are foun iii { b'onor e . afTbe Toronto Globe leads the prposs- m row �sTon newspaper enterprise in Cauda. EVERY THUR8DAY MORNING of the paper is appreciated by the Wading Its ciraahtion is now within en we of 60,000, and this proves that the enterprise YOf URIWL 11111 R/D.LY. MAB. 1. 1100. REV. MR. SOWLES PROTESTS. THE BIOIAL owes Rev. Mr. BOWL.N, of Tomato, es apology tor believing that be was anything like u foolish as The Toronto News, made him out to be last week. We should bare known better than to take tor gospel troth anything that appeared in The News, that wasn't clipped with, it credit from some other paper, but Homer nods nee .icoally, and we were gathered is with other gullibh.s. This is • voluntary apology to Mr. 8s't'tne. f. L•ee't Utah Med tWb ibatrIMIllialdeStatMD•4 : Aoowai.g b, Boni anoiMrae, er hay •elm• hire tic Schaff.: if R 1 •amerces bots isa data dm war hat %no was asked for it is quite reeeei le that we pboas .hoe kt14d sod seyatoen wounded. public. The Globe's correspondent with the first oontingent, Fe z&•O. Hennroe, has done capital work, and the manner in which he rushed the Hamm ul the Canadian killed and wounded to the home oboe proves that he had the will and ooukl End the way. But the enterprise of The Globe was aoudad by that of The Mail sad Empire and t he News of Toronto, which swiped the list,without giving credit to the journal from which it was stolen. WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING. MIAs THRLR IAUSr IRATELY. wouldn't give it, for we're built taut way But, as we were saying, we were caught by • statement in The Toronto Nowa that the rev. gentleman had used his pulpit to announce the Premier and "other Preach demagogues" for stirring up racial strife, and, forgetting the unreliability of the aurae of our information. we took the rev• gentleman to task. Following a Ree. Mr. Bowt.m' disclaimer to the statement of The Toronto News : " I do not can so much what people who live afar off think of me," mid Rev R. P. Bowles at the Metropolitan church last evening at the Glom of the service, •' but i would not like people who come bare to church to think I was a fool. In The Evening News of this city krt. Moo. day it was declared that I, from this pulpit, dsnounosd the Premier of title lard and other French demagogues " for stir. ring up racial strife. 'Phone ofou who were here know that I did not do any such thing. and that such a statement io • newspaper le • shameful perversion and misrepresentation of what i did say. I would not like to enter into any t urres- ponderwe with a newspaper that so mis- representedjtbinga ee that, but I would like to sayto you that that .ort of thing is entirely fa, as those of you who were Iters know. I therefore take the liberty of aking this remark." THE RED CROS& SOCIETY. WE are in receipt of the first official Inaocia1 statement of the Candian Branch of the Red Crow Society. The Canadian Branch of the society was organized in 189'7, and when she ball Dame to ( nada to mast in the work in South Africa, it was the first to solicit subsosip dons from the people, and today it is the only oflldMly scouted channel of communi- cation for voluntary aid at the at of war. Now, that the Canadian troops have sus- tained heavy casualties, it is of the greatest importance that this branch of work -the m000ring of the wounded -should receive the greatest arinanoe possible, and with this end in view Toe Stout is prepared to asst In forming a branch of the Red Croda /Society in (ioderich to work in connection with the parent society. At the present time the Canadian Branch of the Red Goss Society is represented .t the seat of war by Beat -Col O. SlsaLINO RinueoN, M. 1) , of Toronto, and was the first oolonial branch of the Society to do active work in any country. Large swoon% have been raised for those dependent upon the men at tie Ment, bat It is only through the Red Crass Satiety that something may be done for the men who fought behind the guns. BNAP 8140T8- IWTba compact is closed. Canada has sealed her faith in the spin with blood. m/NIcwot.0 FLOOD DAVIN is still pepper lag the Goverment' with his dura -guns speeches. af'rhe debate is the i sgMlature during the past week looked as if the two parties were sporting for wised. Gast churn M Ilusi- Dees, gentleman. • • e KIIONJ■ IAIeT 'COMPLAIN. Leedom News : $ass Holly Keay Ketch Itresje t Koons Helly &may Ka Ken lure &ramie, Keep Kraej• Krr,Itd, Kill Kresj. Ii Kraje Kicks. • • • SIR CHA&L ' ANTIPATHY. halt Reformer : Wadi *polis the rood news of Roberts' moos it the otrcumet-ace that a Arty by the (lame .f Freer bad aytblog to do with 1%. kb, Sir Charles' Wm H. WORTH THE roc. Ludes Advertiser : A New York mll- Ho•Ire valued hie Ise at five dollars last week. He we. eared Irom nstael death by • grip mu. ad gave him that hsdreetr gem as a reward. HY LET 1.o(1sa A W.IEJ.WIPD. Linden Advertiser : That %taroeg of. 'low at Retina who gays his outing vote la rata of Mr. Data,, M P, has msrb to be ropewalk for. kir. 1).vlo oenssmeo more time 1. Parltam's' than any other ma, 81r Charles Tepper alone ezoopeed, ams without any rwoneble return for his 01.11 e. • • • NO Dye run IDLe1M. Sunda Reformer : it is gdes tree, as the Toronto News says, that Mr. Tarte when be leek charge of he Peddle Works Depart. meat socked several Tory Aureole. Then was no other kted there to sack ; and Mere wee net eso.b work to keep them bast. Their plass have sot been filled. Mr. Tarte wee rialto. • • • IT MIGHT SASILT at AN rMPROY esaaaT, Deeds@ Baser ' 10 b at keel worth tryleg the ezpr4men% of barber a Coydlas miliary ma at the head of dos yeleater fere* 1. Cued*. if our military se,e. zs- tu e. iastltstioa and colleges have not le e11 the years of their ezlste.os predated sae ma who le fit ler this job, they ball bitter shut up shoo sad retire true bsrls"r. • e • HOT AND ODt q RamUl.s Spoeater : Wise a •n• -hen . faetory ie pomaded to leave 13amllttrb and Imola le doe north. wet put of Hegtow., the Tomato papa* call the due "Toronto." Rei whoa the eau locality breaks out w0M the smallpox, the 7bronte paps% oa11 It "Tweto Janata," and allude to It as H It were situated ssewhere near fat Port. 5(e. • • • A NOVIL ID1A. Beesygeoe iadepe.d.mt • le there any way o1 roaMag rid of o.rtylsm 1 Yes. A very easy wee. Let the vele is Puha. mosthe takes a the sante way as the vote et the .looters, -that le by .tarot ballot,- ud partyism would be bo atiy .tn51 dead. If de bells I. good net 51 Puha. meat, why .beeld it net be geed 1. P•rla- swat t • • • PRAMS "MOM OUR Rbm5RT. Dyads" Beam*: John Rom Reardon, ooe el the Uom.rvativs mshen for Toron- to, tea the wtad oempltld est .t W •.11. of these who are Bodine taslt with the lleversm.s few delay io gat lag the Casa dies regiments off .to South Africk He ep.k. IR high terms e1 the Minister N Militia sad said del dere wee se grease' far !lading fault wile the dosed with 'hire the beep were dovetail. • • • /rTaavz still iold. the lop}&, and win Her Wife ale rotes neither de Dor ismer Tweet* Glebe t ifsmtule el she Opp el• if • few Trey pobuttie.e-Wiim ttlyQAy si.. to tieseeks. Tato about eh the Tory newspapers. fete wbwesheste M %M r Oat.A.." It ay 1. said 1w the isderma4.o af Mr. Whitney sad his friends that abet► the mese sosurate gempaphfe.l doaerlpties of " 1f.w Oahe:.'• "said be ebalsed from the jademep .t lobe J.dleial Committee el the Privy re.a ell, wkteh thwarted the effort" of the Ces •.•••rival be deprive Oatri* a a urge ort id IM territory. • • • 1trWNrrWSY is followirg in the footsteps of Y1aRpni In that he has to do nerdy all the work of the Opposition, owing to the member of midi% around him. WarWhat is wanted in Canada is het • Canadian radar should rommand the Gana dish militia. Then Tams sesta sot martyr . (l u e n s g or ee.psti. f IMPten. salt .ass4 a tes11le�l1_leh. Rrturning ola(ar-1;lMitt W,ateswr „ha foisted Mem into Parliament by his out - tag vete Put for that we w0.id soli old Melt. worn. Termtio Telegram has moved into it. awn alike as Bay -et., as.l now hes hem. &weed te mew is farad• Th. Tela - pea le • swat Mg moor, .rel Inure hale r. te whets d it. seeder Ile a A _ism gather rlHmestm. w.4 ate Itxisuan (lLarw.rnuT. w Ottawa nerpeedest : tar Rtuba d, reheat se he seams to be whom h. kb ./ales, Mess adsrs drrbr the R.ss•, M hevr.vdr, tae M fri.aslset h y, eis levan, self, as ewe me.seem es ameba him slowly sulkies the emrdw de, et to bine 'ales b ti* Leiters k. Is* t the beam of as sld thee Rim esev a aft the p1Yry L "r se o bene )0MA, Mena 06 Lewin' m !N bis Mo leader et dm ties seems& tag him wbkmmd as at seem. td els of 04. Wyse*. ossicles pirb tarp o at%i W irmoirtaimagebbetellesemo Mer rebut= lie• hrrceMMd Uleseise tote; •ttoodad. The messing wee ab.rp and brwlu with a snowstorm in full blast, and the guests Isom outride potpie arrived with keno api»Mtee to do )endue to the capital spread 10.1 was ant Wore them. Tee ebalr was well filled by Preside.% Wet Bolls, who was ably asueted by vis-Pteal4less Morris and C. H. Giryb. After ample juttoe 0.d beam dodo le he good thews prepared ler tine guest', the Katherine was Galled to order by the Prml- deat, who upkdad the obis$ al the gathering end Wes prearoded wire the taut 11.1, wadi wee as fellows : The lasses "-"Oaf Save de Queen." "Tho Oevermor-Dobe al sad Ltesudiev.r- sers"-••lar they are Jolly Coed Fellows." "'FM P.aNnlsstof paries"w•ersrpeere.d to by Hem. J. T. Darrow, wife stated .bat in 16fs eseatry the people were the real rales%. ad .e e.sses % we were ander die best aide= of rov.enmeea is the world. W • were at under getone► by bow, ea they bad morose the lime. True, we ware seder g.v.rsmssl by party, but that sys- tem we bad borrowed from the old laud He was is favor of this d.vel.pmt et of a more Wspesde.t spirit and km partirau- •b'p. 11 would be A good Ming for the ,eambtr to know t has . %i•p.odest Nehru az said is the oon•tlt•oney, and then he would know that purely party motives Auld wt gold• his every ration. 1. tbh rosary we had no ieisure claw, as they bad in Britain, but although that was so we email, had a very fair net of repr.s.statives to our ddHreot halls of lsgblaeloe. He w ould Tike to hays • better system of du - noosing pabllo patr000ge than that which at prosiest existed, as too much rsepowslbl- ilty was oe the member In the matter of mang apoolotmsb. Public mon did net reap deb rewards while is officio, and were net made pollWcal mane of moil they Dad reseed 7rem Witt IlOb arc dare d»B. ass Me Quatlms at she prism% we, perliaasael d oeld be a malt The Oetarlo Legislature was now In session and be belt•red that 1 • ter the members had sot off the effervsa- em% that always was is aides** at the beglonlor of the term, they would settle down to harem and all wort a the best loveable of the Previoor. After erprseg • trek op shin on the necessity of bevies as idepodent pre instead of, as In many oases, teak partisan *booty, he oloeed by tb•tkiar the gaehwing for the kind hearing win ch had Mee gives him, amid food applause The Army and Navy" bronebt C. H. Oirvm, a veteran of 1866, to hie feet. When to wee is the volunteers he took pride Is the %roe. The feeling that prevailed in '66 existed today, and where one moo alba w oad to re to the front five world Dome forward as volutear,. Tbo great majority of Comedians stood for Brno% and 8,itee's Qnese. 11 is gull. true that early to the war the atoms of some of the Animals were criticised severely, but the Britt.% generals •Iwsye tried a save their men, and op to the present oomparatIvely few losses bad been susaleed if we oestruted them with the lou of life In some of t0e battler of the America robeihoo. In ON e1 Deemed Croat's great bottles these were 97,000 oassal,iew, .1uoe. to the prasest war Britain woe doing no more th.e honor d.maaded. She was following oat the elms honored ahoy of subduisg in order to lilt sr. Major Book is responding to lbs tout mid we were ail proud of the army and mevy. Our army in afrtoa was bond to win ad brag Kroger to Vme. The speaker was out is 1866 for fear months,ad be was proud to leave a medal from the Quem, which had bees t•eomdbed to him es We peerless Friday, and which he wore on lis .'soden. Some time ago the militia were not oesaidered ot much ooaaegseaoe, bet now the feeling was all for fight. Osly MG other day the odloen of the Mrd bad les sod oaaatmoaaly tesderd therervloes et the Wausau ler garrises duty should the regulars be wt to Bond Africa from Holden or Bermuda No whips is the world eon%d here mobilised the troops a Booth A1rlw u Belida bad does, sod it sly sent to show that British supremos% bad to b mal.talaad at all has trd.. re. •reahell bad bees broken in he preseat oampaies, ad the result wee may a manor of Mata. Dural Roles bad waked by s.kodale, and hie gourds had arrived at their',spoatod plum to We mfaute• H. was sorry te learn th.t a hasty list of mew alike had %Ilea to the Canadians In the m- ole babble, but It went to show that Canadians were willing to 8,01 ad die if • eeessary for the Empire. Wises the Old Flag was tandoori wo were all bsehed. ' Semi- " Tbo Bold Uel.tyr•" by A. 0. M data*. The Arrbslter. and Emmet Trade of Caeada"-R Mobutu was not a spouting ma, but he was .s ezpertinr ma, •%d sly reosstly bed ramrod from Portland, Yw, whore he bad boon smdtsg off one of t he dean leads of horses ever eat .erose the edea. The bore had bees bought la Harm eosaly, petulpallt 1n West Huron. He bad been is the aside shipping business S UNNI 1867, ad meld tell /0e farmer* that HI pod b raise onl the et, 1n ttle, ra► boor sheep TMfe The freight on a p -'or animal out the "sue se gist we a good one. ams materially lemsesed the %tarns Irom prow shipments Alter gtvar eon pr.MI- eel lefo%aaMee es b the tiled of harass se rales be beam* remloleoaet of the great Im . reven u% made In maohiemy huhu the taker pert of the present osetory. A. Mon. Allan also replied. He said Dia. the &grimltaral .0letles were the groat &jetsetteral "oboe"! of the wonky. 10 was tntwestf5( be lost bask at what the ptm.ere bad done In ro-Wmler tint. **airy Children should always increase grow, not to increase in flesh, belongs to old age. Present and future health demands that this increase in weight should be steady and never failing. To delicate children. Scott's Emulsins bre rifler blood and firmer er flesh. Better color comes to the cheeks 'and stronger muscles to the limbs. The gain in waleilt is sub tantial; it comes to to say. sod; amigos, lin fesema tees libtlikthilhab Mad hue he '1% •ttecsel er age and wakes support1we 11 r i Nippily Ohs it did sew b bps. ti* Bum en Ii. vide. S. wage mese reed &dries be lam - ere en the W. of wertobbg ebb% , Moots bulks wed .is, as he claimed OM le. =erao was pe-sbsady •.lei, trelt and 4f<y s. Mo . B Ft&u by M. Dabs, " The .ldier'. sm The Ye.MIp&1 1s litutloa.`-B.sve dead, •f West Wawassh was glad to b• meow al a neseNae Nob as this. M There was alw.ys 'mambas le be learned. He was glad to b. • farmer tail hod h..s ea las awe farm for forty•awe year. His eh hot from the fire was le, try to Improves Sealey - The may (deeds of Ye. If .toot did Sat tars esti well he tried be de William' ()hire, r„ were *en Se hem af fruibruit neat time, sod in wool wasbe SOW d. d..th af 0....Mts, M. abaci" Um" pets It was to t, mod t hulas Malas- a"' .5 Pudic, Ytohlgaa, wh. pssssd away aspsets with he weds, ad to do that sob os ,he 16th el FebraarY a kw **mitt' Idly the oma u ',serails/ bed M M fsa►d yaw y' raised. Is the a0sr N es. *Mak be dealt with nee buyer. That buyer knew what W.NB.Id : Th• pwolo d this oemm.afy he would ret, aped as • reset there was • were m.oh surprised to bus of We sad sure market, good prion for good saeck ad death of Ad& M., eldest daughter .f Yr. 0o tenable he ..Vega If & %rm.r enabled sod Mre. H. Hoover, whish 000arr.d a peopoely to ku Wein,. 10.,. fess fie Wedaead•y sight, Febreaty 14th, after as resses why today he weld not make bee Mas of este two dayn dollars for •very della, be mode twenty Blyth : A very pretty **knee leak place year. ago. The apple and orh.r Ire %ex. Wednesday evening, F.brm•iy 14th, at the ports were praotJoslly of so mount dusty r•sstdesce of the bride's paresis, Wm. Pier. eis, end Not de,alopm.l a datrt Brews. Unwise street, when kis mesa exports bad all bees within aha, time. doubter, Maggie A., was 1011.4m la *trl- Eve Every f.rm.r sheald Wad big own beanie. may la J J. Pellard, af McKillop. 15 be suooerfel, as the rest of the world Gunton . yews Graham, grim- of t ss #in O&teasemwous la awntr.6rlr Nr. niehel . at r • fled Weektneet lite., dm att.k. ; Tbntlti purred swag le Meese «r wield e. hada. , Veer tag 1wM. a" .lbw of est dem reeldosts, is rho bees. i limes* Weedebe, rads et the NM Jae. am ins, el tie awe el sweaty pan and els 5Mt4Ye. Oodorwh t•waehip : Merry B. Porker, whe 0.m been lowing la Hay teweehla ler the pest Eve year•, reeerwed to 10s hems clod ea the 16:8, too M.nday of lest we'll, and he mil day started for Seesaw, Michie.., appsuod te be was .wimp 01m te . aides al oar Oolleguts, • ho M a smith\ Womble true a.d combat% (Loud .ppl.w) teeohing easel. kas reosatly moved ate e Rest' IMltoa .lee noised 14 a teiaf MI new seheol boldine with all M. modern but redly* addr.m. Improveltente. H:* .ohool u prespsdag ee Ceaty dark La.• balMvd teal u she that tie will soma have an wilstat teacher. her he spoke brief &pukes were b seder, Mortes : Thee. Y ltd elf .d he would sol broach a the lima He ....) .. '.d always isle ariNmel bembessiwiliebe Bene y U.4". oawes.ww(s 1 eine acgeaaSt- lived there 4 years. He firso the growth of 'Dautile la Mord'* Bower ad Or Mr. u► the Afield ad Wwaoah agrlwlleral Yesbrotheroey is •brotherleJohn &std 1 society claw 1884, owl was prose to w Mooney, wall Inc.. %..topia id 117•71 } that it bad su000ded se well. '1 h• growth 14,. Ho was biro when 01s IM8ss.wmj R}p a• r- ' of our muuldM psl 5ttatia oss the past a�j= seventy year, was pet before the gatberlag with the speaker's w.P.kao.n ability, and after thanking the ma.cgsn for the opper• malty afforded him es 1 . ootrsi.s be re - mined his out amid applause. Recitation by Wm. MoArdbur, "The islemn of the Week" "load. and the Empire" -In rospar to tills toast J. H. Mallougb railed Bes- rougb'. "Jolts Ball's Christmas or MW Casalcad oderkh 4 �r�►��in Ce4jre 3 Bargain Days 3 MARCH 1st, tad AND 3rd. NEW DRESS QOOD8, NEW PRINT NEW LAO - • NEW IMBROID MARCH lst, 2nd AND 3rd. JAMES ROBINSON • Ab ," is espied sty'., for which be received well merited apple. • 11. Mo011lieuddy replied ie • Mid spes.L "The Learned Proles•ione"-Dr. Cass responded ably and eloquently to this toast "1 be M.reenub ad C,ommeroW Inter. este" ware well eared fes by B.) Crawford d J. Y. Robert. a "T0e ladies" received tributes freta Jobe Loos ad P.sl geed, and "Tb* Hoot" was cordially "igen • vote of *sake hey w M wen tela t.Itet of the lain Rev. Was PtvlSde.R.m W * ht lice 'BD. ti "-all *111. rhe aks ewe yeah rage 1. Galt the Wed. D.u,laa line eo buried . law fears ago. Seaforlb : Jo0a Hebb km puenAny l8. ems half of the Haugh form, Oa tin second eo0oewlon of Twoker•ealtb, paying tbe.fwr the dun o1 $3,600. The farm as - tales 100 sores, but there aro ao betidap on de. It is • good term. hewers., ..d lis very oo.yaleat to Mr. Robb's bom..tad farm. Elder : 11 is reporei that the mother .1 Yrs. L Vl.cat ta ewe el ally heirs to • fats. of shout 440,000,000, whish was Wt to the seared of kl. by a relative, wise lived L. the United Ewes 1. the .sly part of the maters, ad woo did about sleety years Atte. To. meaty ba been at faterms 5tsee. (trey : 1. Toronto es T5.dy, Feb. 13t8, Mas. (Rev.) W.,. Berm pored awes o her reward. after ea Woes§ ot about six .o&tbe, sa.d lzty elz year%. Deceased bed has. plated *dm* Obwa .. , k e4Nedlsd tece ata t.mral, .sit t. dist t• WORST ON RECORD. A. N. Wideman's Out A►trsoti.g Ona Atteatioa to Dodd'. Kidney Pale. DolmeooN, F.0. 26.-A, N. WWom.n osse has bo. Attracting a great deal of a Notion lately. Mr. Wideman is a rendes of this plow ad 0o.segwUy well k hers His ease was tray r.marksbl.. 1 Ivo mead% be Isy in b:d, beat,twaled, d torted by rheumatism. tie was &taallyoe agy, sometimes soreamieg withBed es came out on hu body, one sex waled'was poabd iofive hundred timet fore It healed Until Mr. Wideman start to take Dodd'% Kidney Polis It was thou Chit death was the sly way eat of b net 'er y Yr. Wideman wee treated by doctors no avail. They gave him maltase eon Iaial.g memory which made his creak off, be. .bleb absolutely failed sore him, Mr. WWsnette se wee d no id's Kidoey Pill. Hu Dass is %gar marrecord es the meat v. es eord sed his by Deed's Kldsevl Pills is e mast weeds fel cure of rheumatism knewn. Mr. Wld moo gee letters trees all over the seat enquiries abut Deidd's Kdmy Pala, 'a V sows et w Is a. of be- d ht is M tooth a the tubj r- • COUNTY CURRENCY. Myth : The Presbyterian century furl in Blyth bas shady ruched the mm of ever 1400. Bruoe6.ld : W m. Scott bas disposed of the (Hugon Home, to ter, Pestelralte, at • good figure. Zer.oh : Yr. and Mr. M. Schweitzer, alter odes weeks' slay wide fruads here, hays kelt for their home a Dela. Wrozeter : C. W. Afire.., C. P. R. area at W rezeter, bas been premotd, ad le new duly bestalud h Harrislen: Grey . (Ms,go McFarlane ad 1amUy moved to their 100 acre• resewtly p.rohaeed from Jas. Ireland, 7th oes., last west. Werk%m : Wheedle= W. C. T. U. have bad a sabtsrlptla list pawed are.sd tow., uklne kr fonds la aid of the Iodise famine fund. KHpe. : John McKay, who, in a few week., is leavl.g oar ytllarre, bee disposed of hie bne residents Ie Gilbert Mak, el soar Iiessall Clinton : Yr. Elizabeth Ford died Feb - teary 21%, es Mill street, Chutes, aged fife y two years. The cisme of death wee weans pt la. Premeds : Thee Bloomfield has ex heeded his trip from Liverpool to South Africa, go ng to ehwge of • ooasigem.t of bots for the British army. Exelor: Mr. Sitwell, of the Mottoes Beak, here, left lest week for L•,ndoa prev- lose to ma lag the position of teller is the Melees* Bank at Port Arthur. Orel : Oa he 14 b .I 1 Unsay. Mtn Hattie, dang►ter of James Brows, 16 see wee married to J. My Leah, a well -talo yawl farmer, of M•mdale, Mas. W b born : Uh. w Yelw,o., of B Om - pally, Leaden, weeded at Madder Rive' le the btt. Settle of the 18:h lilt, was bora. In Wlegham and lived here fie these years. Salem : The home of J. W. Jaques was the some of $ pretty weddlug ea Widnes. w. day of last week, when MIS um humbler, Ybm Maty •R., was marded to Albert & Dal - I.•, E. \Vawaosb : Mrs. John Reid, of But Waw.neob, reulved word on Monday of leaf week of the death of her .Mer at Scotth'. Fall. Lire. Herd left by the first train. Helnoyilli .1, W. Yen, o1 Holmeetdf., h.s been appointed . justice of the p as. in ad for the aunty of Renes by the (lovers. meat and I. new dilly qui led W fill the (.I8eo. ray. Stanley : Hiram H.meah, hem Meal - toile, sod brother o1 Mr.. M. Bate% was the nest of this batter rreeetly. Yr H.uaah tree Dies .Leant from this part fee slseteee pear', ad says he sees eery way ahasgos since he left He speaks very high. ly of Manitoba. H. hes dome well est tare .ad says its would net like to live hese sew. 8safortb : Mr. Sher, el this ews, hod • letter last week Irene W sea, Alloses 8m.. He le mill e Sa.tego, California and b alightly improved Is bee, b. He ezpeme to dart 00 a voyage to dottngt re a &alley venal •bout the 0ret of aezt emote. and the trip then ad bark will ate about thistles math. Hu physicians advise him i W snob a trip 1a likely to ,rove largely bees noel te bins. boafertb : ). F. Dmhy hes on exhibition 1. ►h wtadow a rarity to the way of a real old gradfathr9 elook, 'Itis cloak te the pr.p.rty N Mr. H. k. Jollities, of stmed- ville, sad hes been In bar familyt se 150 years h has been handed d.mW re: Cr%Idn to geasia1l'os, a l all Mesh It been a ase flatboat contuse( for ea bog a time It le mill In good ..par mid keep better Mmo than many cloaks el sem* more modern make fes year .wt Asa tae. it to yens dregglet, James Wil- son, who will Dreamt you with a trial bet- s of the woderfel new medtdeethey have wand the ozduslve eiesoy for, Dr Ka.'e sew dnoovery for 000►amptlea, 555(0. odds, asthma, be.seh,Maid la 511 throat as long drool/oat. Its urea hie *imply mar relieve, •hoolutely corn' where all else fable, .an ham tuned thousands from a early grew* ; mien phydo.ae• are eeto.ssbed at du marvellous ours. It one'■ netbag ad is allays oosvlmdag. A g.rr&swed are pm *Mk bun bottles. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Program of mewing* of te Galeria Hertteelenl Sea1&y, to he held a the ISorot•rt's aloe all 7.30 mob •vsa0s1 : Mason 1-A alk es small en11. Wit Bsos*w. Marsh 8-Maa'e duty to discover end im- peoyt trees ad plat geed for feed c toirsament W. WARNOCJ Marsh I8-Mls•t du..es. OHo B.EwART March 22-Vari.:It• of pots'tes bed seltf /Fatten.. ;cilium Marc* 29- Radiators in "shoeb, R,. p GRAre. _- Il ------ Girdles Has oasis. The fame of Booties's Arnica Salve, s. the hest in the world, extend* around the earth. It's the oat perl.ot healer of oats, corns, burns, bruisea, , .ral4e, bo ulnare. Ideas. soots, psine sod all ek n crop NGS,. Orel Iofalllblt olio euro 26 nods a bot h J. 1�1be'. drug *tore. WOULD Y01 LIRE TO FEEL PERFECTLY WELL? MU WE MI SO *tile yea Wee Se Iles great Mime. lag .4 fled meta pee vie UMW be *redeem TINY TABLETS. Wlo,bam: it is rumored arc end Iowa their Rada Eden, of Southampton, ler tidye1 W1.gh.ns, 1. • pita "goo, Tote hely boys will mak• St z feel quits fatherly. h Drysdale : Urywl.boys era cosies to the frost In do Ilse of wood earth% R Telb�t, ion Talbot ul W. Terser ....t, spilt sad piled a sty's ad s q..rter seek le eight honer. sYI SITBODY'S MIND NMI In A 11R_11 MK 'eh'U s •inti _, Who, 1aells -Men 1 OWffg� F; 8110# S sl LOUSY PBIOSS FOB OA$H, Hard and Soft Coal, Portland Clement, Hydranlie Lim., Sewer Pips, Fire Brick, O1%* Fin Olay, etc, oar., -ars. Nd. r Weil Elm* ..or MN wlla,apwewf tq » F. WOW HOLIES. Be.essl.: Yr, Aed.rue , frees fleab Aisles, gam • loofa's es y. Trained Taed.y mai./ *I Ism week. The Mb pressed• were 460, .bleb *aeons rose se Du husk a the abbe library. Mated 1 The essay Muds .1 lira William Rabb. el Ohms% termrty el 8.•�wi.It•ud ropes Mesak of parie nave tly. w.std is le • me, softies! eseditles. Leasee.' t Reeled maesber ore .1111 Wag held Is the MrhdY, ihspile, 1M s• ...hem wee se large rhe* the seater. test west were awe I. Ike wasp, ort .l the Merely leetsad ef the tessmemt. 8 : Mine ».sber, se ' Aabadd. dens el If,R Themes Bglyd, ales teMlty peeM YssfNhla 1. be gwaMW awns es lee areielmadi eheel, Mae OMm.ea, 1 esus Meatig. hiad 0••e - :r fa M the mSehba, the Apothecary M M IM esu m aey whyh ,lyes hiss palseeesta Byes of pee* an intrusted M Ids sera Bo• cogett;icn of tide fast bas sones boss les sight of is lib Asemmy, W. O. GOODE, OkismisT. LIT t. NULL TOPS PRESCRIPTIONS For chapped hand., etc , we haws nanny remedies - Ahmed Cheam, witch-haael end Almonds, Romanian Jelly, Parieiaa Balm, Hind's ams others. New ARSIVArti-Tiny Tablets for Tired Nerves, Armo-.r's Beef &tract, British Army Liniment, Laastlye Brame-paisiwl etc. E E EE rrIrtlIttltrItt That's What ! 13 There's quality in ourl$3.00 Shoe ; that's what it is. That's what makes them sell so well ; that's what makes them wear so well and please so well. We are selling the best footwear made at lower pHces than some other stores ash; for inferior goods. Your shoes from our shop will fit well, E wear well, and pay you well to purchase. E Sole agent for the "Slater" Shoe. E Wri. StIARrIAN, Jr. WANTED 11N tete pieces in exchange for the following : 1 family Pleat -chopper, small size -'.. •s 1 15 1 family Step -ladder, five foot so 3 family Clothes -horses - 3 Royal Canadian Wringers 24 Padlocks, assorted 25 qts. Island City ready mixed Paints, * dohs SO pts. 4O pts, tt err 61 .t 44 $t 44 66 at at 46 64 1 bead and moulding Planes, assorted sizes and shapes 50 butcher Knives, Rodgers', Boker's;and other en standard makes a0 pair Scissors, 7 and 7 1/2 inch 35 2 00 10 25 15 on 25 23 These goods must be cleared out to .lake room for new goods r'' 113r Gets relate Ant wits every ask *die .lip ._, N. D. ROUOVIE Cereal Coffee dassuae..d hlydlyei Mcesep pt.�: It makes a dellelesp±jam tl.rsrmdhdd swysas dhpseltlew.pedally far pietas M Spout.SIM t.. �w�t weak st.maei sad len d Osly 18 oto. • lb. Try it Tees wile have teed N paaowsn 11 esstYeek FL 11CRD PRAS, BRANS AND RIDE AND SHRIIDDED WHRAT BIEOU1'rs. ALL Obote rant trip DILIVIIIND Telephone Na 91. STURDY & CO., The Oroeen, nor. Squats and MoR4rasi-et. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR 111"LEOD'S : SYSTEM : RENOTATORI A Wonderful Tonic Remedy for VOKDNEY and LRTROUBLE • Manuisatunsd by J. Ms MacL100, Dederick