HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-02-15, Page 7•at rob air/ tilt on" are ,%. Ila NY ,aam� ... Y•`-tc'r7,. A` .A }A+,n""• yy.:,,�vi+�•.�•,-w;n.+•.,w•.a., ,.. •...iia.-.....-- .y.....�, .. .w... w , r. - - 9 -R n .+r. tyr.awua.ws x.a ,�'► ''. ., , .. .......... . ... w . -. a ..4VinWQ. - ..,•er�arer� (.w"ro• J"- r -1 lies•- ,.x ... • - �.... s . � _ ��.. , i.rm At .. , Lr.�. � r �YP«d -n -� ' : �i--= . ��+-■.. vow•• • . u ,�-.......�.�.., am, j, y - -11i A t d "il HIPT C•sadlaoa Brigaded With the - ,hr-.,r<.,cc s.•�*rv.•+arm,--r.r. T#­�P,, ___ I - - `•� '�� i• linraeU --- _­­ I— I— - ter V Dome morn on of the Tugela r ' `•.. - ,� .1 III - . MITI ia ' ; 1 ,1,:. n `.� I toiYr,1tMp. i r•NY. bili, Goaage W radia foul; luototary Ulsd&r-1S•oa'•ter T e� Kiat• Dur War, stated tb&t the Sl&d!- sal Act of lf]%0 prohiaits the o p tq t as p at- arm houseetwW IntoMm's iorP!Sask ,t h t11tf farm •n G IIs lues Wgll(llllg both brlt�s* Doer th,l TU la. ale well a/ ,' kill s/ux, an arts Wyle then f y al�il:l. al s isms dM, IY DO X handped atsA forty rhMLo were count dal W two hatrR, and la &dd]ItI(.0 W tlksw Nlen w&s R aLra fire truer numerable Maxtor-vtchsrwr l" gars * + at wa& ksr.ddi••1 e4ss.� W %Ire wart. generally 'between the innaA drift kt'ot'•' Wire ftlUir e0 taagltlweab lwpnlwl tdrs adranutl at LY ca►alrY GrltrJn Jp�y{o% m�it - Rr' c-'xsLtrnt r ,a,:+IA1Yd'11t brushes has • occurred. Conveys Lava guY /Ul\Vlri Ylly thr011gG to lllt(Igery- fcxiteW. 7kR Anrtgh4t batter.■. -..-..w c. �y, Lori , `Roberts , gives . M10"er - i , , •w.w at the jn f,. AUSTRALIANS FIGHT WITH 'THE BOERS, Gen. Macdonaldys Movements Des. _ cribed in Detail. Eomoy ,Yaw APPRnatly Removed All Their gig one& �m flager•foKem to Kimberley or Flank Ward --Klmherley U.Ittt.g horse C•sadlaoa Brigaded With the Flesh --- Ninth Division —Why Buller Retired —Lhtg* R&laforeemeats ler tae Madder River. . Ltrtdon, Feb. 10. _ p. m. -leu. Bal- I late W effect tilts Intendel Vu lm ter V Dome morn on of the Tugela Tile 8tanctard'r —tali patient t River. and Gen. Naotkxi Rld W back at &a Wye too suc(+eftW fit getting cope to the cue Madder !fiver. Yet toeay& news teary' Lai It was Vocal nearly dart and too late fur by no means causes the asst* d V►to an effective charge. Mareever, the men and horses lw,IntaYnL &LteudamL oa the tailors to were tire:], havin1ngg found .the march exceed. renere Lad,)aiWtb. This Das be attrlb- Indy dUfle t, owing W the numerous uted- to three causes: T1rgt, there b ieeRcem 4114 outer ohetacies, a strong belief abut Gen. Buller'. last uttempt rear oily a demonstration At any rate the Boars were aware d the approach d Gels• Baliagtoa'm m s large scale; Ummiscoad, the wyter command, but weer• utopt�iao to inter• @apt it. Goa. BAAArts' t•riti@e had warned the public not to expect the Immediate relief of Gak states that the Boers evacuated the'r p@ekioa and withdrew to theta laager White: th1N, for astlun has alatled down to tie rs&Iltatl(n Vuas the war at Kam - sal b1011- Gan. Roberta report■ co:o- a:destall4sith. will last s Long time, and they are the report d General Macdoaa 's not swayed as at first by milsor re- 'rt= movements, that reports had been re,eiwed that the, railway .error and rlolorlea sollEv" nod third reasons are sUt••"ja1ntsM. • between Or Ii:rsr slid Modifier River was l' NOT A i'OUWARD MOYIL sly to be titeatoned. t lloai Broadwood, with a uuasted In favor of rte opinkoa held by Mr. Ibray accordingly went to S.unay. :'lsaoW Il'Uklna,m, the MUISary critic aide. The enemy retitled b�efbre him. u( the Morning Pont, that Oes. Bailer sad it la reported that they creased I not Intend Immai4.tely pushing 01 Use Bret river, ....r, to Ladysmith, Loan in overwhelming TLere i• poas:b,;y a coaneotbon bte- evdmm to show Oat Vleld Me tween lire two movemeats. Lord Roberts ordered gotdematlo no. tirlty upon %Ge part of all the fore/. �• Military Pride d the Mimiat� Poet tf:akd that General Macdmald vq able basis One. Bullet's move Muir lialffllod his mission, blocking Koo- wrfy be a repetition of (lies. Maedon- -Vets. dososbsrg (W.ft, •ng the me all's and iaraak's roogoetfr the mrJ;iot TWAfftreadrevering satinet. Mr. A. J. IlaijgUr's stlal*ua&aa Colonel*Broadway's srip•diticn to doo Suantside. *wabtldg completion of plass to I :�nther strong reason for i Bat-operatfoai believing . Nallic �4 � been (ion. Buller never Intended W make :Oi&ted br Conal Roberts, wbq it the main advance via Vaalkraats, test is gue•&•d. Ta sithor at 3"40r liter or was acting antler the orders d Lord as Woo way there, and the a&pest alma w - — s des a ruts 04411d lbett. we 1ne "a d N all% bit lag up a yew..ar u''ibtawabb• wMah buret nmA near » wGu gallupWxt away w me comrade's arra. Titres of the,al were aV :ti,d t-rtrt_ agelart w 1. #am t • -",art! ICI* Tleen b much appretteaeio;t here which e� war situ wap' wounded. Thg!r teunduot Is ,&,ably • g�aeIs quswtlam of "10 A Door The British cavalrymen were use pra4arl. racily with lh& eulunlea regarding t�aathh"Itime are uu�tGaoalert. and ee rtny heti ) d tYeas the The b contlu a the audit•] qualUtoallulsa was lou broad te�gP poroulk and On Feb. Was the Bo•rr ato lug• a quv4tlem for lh• Wsr Office elope H,UW Ilotry la, Urttlaaa Buller. Liao to renMsg Litt. British the , rand to camp. The u((loen wy ftanke3 the British b tl►s weatwanl to %LOU rto Iasistholisafe ldtr- teat If they Itad been able W u lrcle &Rd oceupSsd Bastard's let, when 1 Durlwln, Fir`•. IU. 0 uttrrw(rt. Hy raL1 : You ary out Ulu hurt• ptnitloa quicker they�woald they koewtsd w _ -•-- pau.-A tUw"tclr latt'e cAPtard the g which gnu un thm morning u( >dymNtey WILY Grltalu: r PUI IInlY1 Kele stating that tl,000 tlgtitluyl the &xrr. TIYy would s'x,q uupp 1►ad Ilab. 10th. They then went roods W Boors are laurelling to tines veu in ; you ars fight) eaurr.l w mucG unuoyahoe, and wu,thf I Hobtlrt'r fares, wlderw the guards n- Derll11, Feb, O- g dmtflaak (len. ul[ $lr- mre InfllcLwl Gravy ldrr dxi the tired After oW of Urem had been During 1•:mlreror 11'11• Buller. It ,10(s u"t .tato W►fu•n th.,y rte'.. A lhu heli. Ilam'r two %brit/ ,iesterday W the cns•'.e(1 the TuVIa, hover. -•r+ kIIIM. The Boer ar:teY� �1w Britivis , 41sars,u,loi, ,Sir Frank Las- Ptn mov 1'ae Flank Nuvemert. Tu' Zomfurth Highlanders, three rt„ I drove off the cattle, slid if. a lunar, lila MAJ,Asty ex romed o'eres ut the enemy !u curupYenlas of the First HIg1!lnod Light tl,oysatM sharp whkh were within tl,.d V pywpa- it I" ex etp, ,jut:n,* w,rasbnerr hen. London, FON 11,--1Mr. 8passer Walk- Infantry (formerly tilt Pur nt r1tes), thy' with (Treat Britain, and folate(] It la ezpoctRtl Vmt E huwu will be at LOWUI in this Morning post to-do still two oom e y Drltldt outposts. °pun tirW fawslbi ly Y y, l R(Si o[ file Black Th" Australians and Tasmanlanr veuti 7•ho � of frleted Inter- wt, twit, and t(reyWwu Ir ,Ippre>lueuehtl. •x1'resaen Lupe that tba 'ruMd,r Watch (Royal HlgGlanderr), held tins vis• ;Oiwlw,r also expressed bis It IN rotottoA that the N.ttr'! Gcv f1&a' t)LIV a tort • B,ar force o asete•ra k( made a plucky recoturalsaaace, but rsgn{ at the noent utteraa;ee of ernm/nt s terlou..ly (unallerin the I a} +anc.a la ihr b M,e Lal sundown, and n- wen f„rt,ed W re{`re, Two AmetralWn Dales-itegent Joltunn Allormlit of w.rtbm of armGtg a teetluu of tie l4Cw,,ral Ballot e ape tl uu`f a euGs =Tt ed Rhersl'f r file night, turrbpondeuto are beCalsod W )tare llecklenbit rg-8chwerlu W tie eorro- Zulus to greatly batld4 Leen taken pr!Nntwr.y. repel Lbtl Wrhsba, trod form- till, a that General Joubert would capped Wilily la the day txnutuse of that )yep eorrwgr.ndeuta Mr. Halos W slxudent of thu Eclair, adding that les u,y a native row•rv&. lana eroj,u•0 h'tnaelf tits just the sort lack of mounted men. had telegrapGed Lire Duke-negeat, re- 'd blow :t is so dittloult to the I,oak"I LW1y News, and Sir. goring him for the indiscretion he deliver The held tAlegraplr work d admire �ntb*. of the Gott dbrpdayed. Why Buller Retired. • ainst tlhe fortified paNitiuns north ably. ttrue Ate, fell The utt:rattces Iundoa, Fab. 1_, t u. tu.-Wins m of the TuggeWla. beblind. Mr. Hales. who was slightly *deubutsdl to the Mr. WSlkunaok dwella u t' wosadsd, wits capturwl b Dote-Regeet�(.jiecklanWrg by a lir Chun:Glll, the Ska�ulut Post's Doers- Paa 6e eel- ('aplured by ]Doer., Y ,toe Toes ptresentutlre ul atrre la of- rl"n,urut wlsG Lieu. Buller, reudr a dente d the unexpeetrd aetinity u d Rettlbsr i'eb. 11._ and Mr. Igatabts was kUW. f the L•'clalr P g• A plckrt of T1Y British Soak two asket"rerr. act, that the evuctratl0a of )gyp{ by IW'Y daspatrb nviewlug Use dtuatlxi pr Dhabi. number or Bows near Coes- fits \'letorG►ls RUIss. after huld4oga Grout Britain unit an arrangement as "' katal. he ru)■ that (test'. Itullor bar , where they are not enclosed, but ppooert for some hours yesterday. wea ---' Lo the distribution of ,w"r In Hough Ird.1a the outset resurded the rellet of P&4 ball marroanded on the •oath, He (Ortel to retire, tl'e Herr getting War lHtlee Despatch. Africa war., nmttere o! prime Iwport- I-Adyamtth as a forlorn hope. He adds 1o•pts out that the Boer positions cow- cw u hili wttd tiring down six.° thorn. �`imt• Feb. 11.-lilclnlght. - The uses, In arxx>wpllaLlug whleh Fra[1� that the awoaw &ttr•wpt to rellrre We or a frost d SO =Slee,. and imlWrw chat Three were slightly wounded, one lr lYur Wtke les ltsi Iernr•df {hes f0(. anti Russia were sure to take the )tit- brleuguored {owl wan nearly. success theremusic be ou dl. thauaud dN the missing err) use &rcaloei unhurt. swing <tegtntah. date) to -day, from ttativP, with German unduubtc•tl fui. bat, ut the, critio^1 moaront, (Ion. casts on the Out of a ltrtonteln. tie Y Y patrol from T '•as nerd commanding at Cape following tholr lead. The German 11'atren abrsat from ordering u bluely under Capt. Hamlit(Ku. comiwawf of lanky Press, 111cluding even the earnlofffclal troatrtl attack on the Boer right. Minh SIu&ta of the M ar. eight TeAmainlanastd eight of (len. Clemeata relsorts from Iteauburg pa pen. severely erururel the lake for Regnrtanc the third t.ttempt. Use 1,0141140113. Fah I_. -There is no tears. Freuch's ,touts, only two ghat on Friday. Feb. Utlt, the BoorsTasman. thea lavulrlog Gern'any In an Rdwsa Dour"Apo"en ftenyr ,but unlmtuastdYy fltmatlnm of the report of a turtle Ian• oat tlwdts .auto returned. The tria.1 to turn hie right flank, bug turoes policy• and declared tits atter- uo regular rurvd•y or the ,vuutry be- from Ladysmith. The latest do- other .were CAPtured by the Boors, were ):eaten off. panes W be dwply an expression of iUs Lessen the Tugdlu River 3mt1 Lndlr- ,patch from there. CLAW Wednesday �' ^ Position malotataed, ('a4ua1V4 private opinlon. aadtt. exists. 'Ahem Vamilkrants was Gut, reports that all was quiet Natal's Local Force. small." , found to be oil vn"ultable position, then, and that Iastructio*a bad The Agent -General for Natal fur am, gma-,�etoorltag. lien. Buller gave the artlllsry otic beets lasued to beware of alaiee War --- e.'Lan"e to lfdck tine enemy from their hie aWrualch of Boon Its { . se w•'iM*�tbumbe s off the li7L "-"p+•rd'orl jClg4'68tlej`: ".`-"`.- London, Feb. I0: The Rally Tuts ItbtY, ball tlx• ,!irw tht4:strlse of the names and numbers of the {ove.al London. Feb. 11. -The Wur office go P ange t ,their ToAaylt err relief beQ beginning oI the tib fieldhblh 6,s ool(rrY has lNnca() In night posse! the "Lowing Jeslxtch tr'aph announoee %bat Gen. Sir Fran- alga and tee cxtremc r cis ('lard V u& his way to England gPe protected tld h fifth numth of the war. Although Natal Naval Vo!anLeere... .. , 1S0 trust he gsnsral commanding at Papa, ltivalhled. Perhaps h at if have lxwa -.Town (;an. C'Icry had charge d tbe'Lady- to I,nve ULtust U.o enemy back of Into to HIRAM will soon t1evDAlI�MaU) Natal CarblrYen... ... ... a, ' 4d5 KlWlserlr reports, smith relief column until Gen. Buller Brultruuteln or D urnkl(nf, but 1{ y Natal Mounted Wfla... ... ... ,,. X110 Y ports, that tie Boer arrived on the moans, eine* waren he turd outer papers a» still asking for Bouvier M+xiated RUIea... ... ... ... 27U righting inline wrta +vnuy ►nerwr has been la, cv,mtm&rtd d a dlvidob. anti, probably Levo Dost 3 re can,_ i snore troops. Umvou Mounted Rifles...... ... _ 180 the Boers nsdae, Fr 7th. 'Next .tar and two brlgaolrs sal least are nctx•- r•-- Natal Field Artlllary............... i () tion of trnichnr t� !t6 east, gsagv the Conatruc- London. Feb. 10 -The Dally Tele- entry W keep ue thus Open behind the, !lenwttoa at tlyd&py, Natal Royal Rltko.„ mph's mrreaportdcut at Pietermar• British. Too few woulJ halve t•emabued + parallel to tin /'foto, and 4,000 yards Loato*, Feb. 12.-A despatch Durban Light Infantry ... ... ,- f Frstakr =lac. OtMui yin ^Gas•. Clara°y Lo Gere.ff dated rfie i Qvrndgh the •vetrench r, th O•' tee 1be Dally Mall from H due in Sle(flnal (Staff .............. „, .. d0� rvom plain Moreover, the water I 7 7 says Xled tear " .." "; native reporLsd that he n b lndbl'rs•(1. test wounded-" quertkxi war dawl serious. thRt the British reverses caused a y""" ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ..• 8 Her acuate Boers who left M&feki grant /en&9tion In that cit f'aff.. ... oe Klmb*r!e g If Grit. Butler's l lice were (xily a y Crowds - ••• - ••• •-• 19 Kimberley Bombwrded. LAdyamlth relief @Dian'" all ntlght be I gathered about the newspaper but. Natal Mounted Pollee (Euro elx-loch y carryin with teem n etnkoff 0o the Iswue "f the battle, I Va/. IStenday war wp;toWsed a de puarW at Ladysmith and other gra and n quick-/Irint field London. Feb. ]0. -The Times ,,no P with of b y Portions Of the colony... ... 849 gun The former oa.'Ill1 tin ul Kim - full, following from Kim (in ted the cher•s/ he krUlf against the Brit- j _ &areas <!n W the churches of berlry. b°haley' 1st', but i"N'44"O Lila only army for��ssdd�� Rases. Hales and urchrsa. Throrkeyer•oft'r Mounted Islam• Oaimrwhlee the Yttratkwn Is Feb. BtA : I lltrdltsal Moran. Arobbls try AM changed.^ `m' ... ......... ...... ...... dayyesterday, Hoer Gln loos sANled us all _--- _ _ hoP 08yd- Imperial Light Infantry... ... ...1.000 _ 7e•tenvley, Mit nobody was --- - - lmpenAwl Light Hone... ... ... ... b00 Roberta la Command. kilted;' _ • Coonial Ecou4..... it Ambulance Beaters (ttit" roe tS00 Iw,ntkxi, 1'rb. 1_. -in the Hoare nt .d CutWspleteis d.., , e tiro)... ... Lon -T+eiPete. ­'eb. - ; - -- ...... A�p sd.�r ,00p 1■ to -day, rept w a %Uoi%bA 1yl AN V4 Fichte" prlhts 2 ,.e•.t taefau s. at ale,. ...•-r__'_,a+• __- - . ..... .a .,.,0 •t'( vtott�mr -- W-- ' l.aoe 1 600 ng'u,n wA4 destined for turn a oorr*sLiomdeke% Wb claims _ _�" � Total.. 168 este tt ,nand In th •ieor Africa. wRA test fen. Ladysmith s third attempt to ••••• 7, ser Owe. Methuen was still in rettrra . Ballet's hA• attempt �_ 1� - South African Light Horse. Cistern. oummand At the MOdder River, Lon] railed. I .14 toy (1109 yet OAC*rtahmi). L40rlowue, the yeCfw(ary of Brat. 1 k' 11'ar, amawee*ti that Isoralon of Roberts. It In curious that the tie" is that there will be a motes, 4mpert Another CAROM Killed. hoer. ]Shelled the Canto, inn query referring t,0 fleteeeal ant a t!om lb that distr4et short: �J ► ��+ Reasbe ritigton In the afftrmatlrs, sad ad of Gen. Seller's rsurymelst flet carne 7• Turontu. Fell. 10. - W /' hg. Feb 10. -The Boers to (Pea*rlsl from the Boar head Rtap�� oast Lady- THE RETIRE-yII:NT C�NFIRHSD. ruched this cliT that I Robert (/ N\ t` . •-• day &hailed the British camp, but �'rfm is s lies as tM ]ItbR rmlth, sad ohet fir+ Br(LM arrtr with litt'e effect 1wr River aqd In oomtnand d t!Y - +p000demq wore irosly O 'I7to Tires now eomflrw the British I,ladyAy has been tilled at Lady. / - whulo furca. t1Yn." »tirement from iood0rblrg. !tis rmltlo. The (1(ceaswd be ••� / 1 r Llvlteg un Bo►sellpah. e ALLOWED TO 813\D DMPAT(1HR8 correct■,°(lent, fn a the ]at Manchester Iced 7 4 Practical sympathy.- Februar da•Patclr i�'m•°t• � Ca Town. Feb. ]I. -The Ca i,efdw• asytbte` from Gen. Duller y 8th. 7._:, p, m says: hurl been In Ladysmith since the it - : 1 , pr pin - use pub:cwbsd. 13e unusual appeal at " It wAs rwle,rtt•d that Boor reln- rl Town Argos says that thnW fourtlp Jamwt(nvn. N. Y.. FeG 1l. -Thr •• e([o e(xinononce■I. He was killed oa I� i' of the tsr/r►t arrt(+I la, Kimberley rfhec Br.tish-American citizens t, lhu city Yr. Bennet -Barbel, war .Duna- f(xcemenL veers arriving from Mag- 910* d Janes 11FN `�- pend•nt d the London Da'1 Te:ogtapht a•»funt&;R, Our p strltfru was WeRN1Y ekkrt &oa of Mr. .faLlmeLlodsu V\ � •�71 Jan let has been tu,recrleah. have Best upwards d twelve hz pity Dating the Itubao to Nnpsad jodg- &•p&ble, het use entire faro• baa been Helena areae., Wychwoo] Perk, h1 1 nrran Thc G°vernini-iit haw made ttfrtelal dollars to the Mayor of Bradford, soot and lily on Gas. Buller, has also ordered to return to Molder River to Bralace"Ie. His ra,ther Is now In ghe �1 �► II — gP°x'nv to s*curn news of Huy EA for the n:fef of the L=ilies of narrow." i (lrntlrs that runt occur un'ong thea Etigl:sh soldiers in that vicinity.-..- nnor baa l• significance. Om the 'Mitt fib NottAwest. Several brothers std r, / �, Canadian forcer In Mouth Africa and Nearly ell d the ■ubscr:ben came utter kaad G•a. Rallar•s ree&at apeeeG lmth an "PlewaARt oompielltm af0iasm ar employed In Toronto.- / /li \ to his troops [h total it 6o aald IY w the operation. and will l(x,sws its w �� /I �1 fOrrtK�to ) LhL persons mus9 In9er*ste(1 in to Ibis country from Bnd- hoped to be In Ladysmith within a hopes used therfton. The Times' critic "She From Fever is Ladysni(ttt• /I � `_ 1Be ntscr:phone wwr* week tends, .nese Lias that General Msttmeu seas the ,. 1 �r �s% pearly ali In small arsod►mta, less peso:& clef=, toorl .London. Feb. O. -The War Office 1 M-A('fN)NAI.D'tl 8URT11t. than test dollars, and seven) were throw ar doubt de the belief that Ie. ledge. He Days: General Roberts' know• anr-*Uuc a that Gen. W Ite at Lad ►. hu only been news from 1■ force. I 1edge. o wys: 4 7 ra:d to be ills last dollar possessed smith reports Mab Lord, Roberts at yte Modder- The the giver, and would be the tut lee latest mew& from Yoddet River �t 1(ood@wberg was worth Daae Tress Ft>b �ad1 to 6th dlssees for Attack •s Kimberley, till the giver, shows that Gen. S[acoocald's retire- eying. and If, am everts proved Is Pay dgairs, the rnhich feet m11ts, naent fres lioodewl»rg miss of- I could have bevy held, the order totre, L Modder Ri er. Feb,. lU.-Bleld Mar- gal• to show Lbs hoartt- fectsd In comp•,ats order. ah• mioat Vre. •eemc Inexpileable. it the Niro. At Kooduusberg Drift. �libel Lord ftrlerg.. neem d those .nolo Ic (Ysnc / % ll�l cumman(feran-chief employed. ,eaaonab:e explaaslfum d his Move- t•[ eption nt this eccontrb London, Feb. Ill,-TasTie" bas Use I 1 li'4HI + of its British furreW In 8,uth Africa. Burled MourteeR meet is that it was undertaken more Muvenwnt was false, then Genera tollow.ng speo•Lsl to -day: �/�� % `1� 1 f.l ' `( f 'Use hen yestee# it, Hud wua err Borer. TO RMTORE THE CONVIDRNCB I MardrxinW's tactical 1 souoss esu nal• Koada'berg Ur:ft, Feo. 9 -Trio po 1- i 1 \� IIIl thur:astisally cGeisrad tt{`rat Liv arri. Ko tsueberg, Feb. 10, w:a Hodder tarnllti unavailing,and the rstlno• tOn OI K0odO0alroeg drift It Important 411 val. Elk today he rl'111 the camp River Feb. 10, 4 p.m.-71he British df the be:y o�ad Brigade, peril nervous I the i npryo•nrs tis ." an udmltotlon of a• preleut:leg Boer rehifureerne°ty `` of the highland Brig4du and eunrafrsta burie� t{ lineae Yesterday wmo were from the;r terrible experience at the Initial mistake, ooMJW by the chief drift trunk L`uugl&s +. S t \Aj Id . late, Ura• M,c oetrl.,r troupe upon ki ad in the fighting Yagentosteta. uta■ to gats say ins A kh to the tg ng Imre. doxf1n morning; Part o: StAgerstoute:a. Gen. M-LeJonall en- r ' utsir steady (O.rductat Koodou;MTg �'he expedition te,thie portant 116 tire. With this iskpor- (rosy 1Mald"r Itlrwr, dlas*d T]rntuday, trelsctnd the looslibn on Mrxiclay, and ✓ I The br"gads rrtarnuri k, camp l rl tetil"d a prujecteA fl,•r ittPiieec p rent halt ties. Yethsu'a force Is lis- I atya Strait Urpora' SisodnnsW'a had earountwr"rt the times u° Tuesday. I ' I1 ` t� tiny evening, troll. but fitter• alt'rr the arftiah e Gen. it roo for a as attempt pttto o- Bea. Eabtngtdn'r Cordis- wTR" lin ��1� ��'1 tlr• r hard wort. The rerunnal•asnre h{re ■Rd Srsli�lnunic•tioar between Gose Gl and ha atteMlot to te-IMsoruY• awl ar1(1s that Lbs laltdsurs drift �� &°ms't d KoOdoorherg 11 1 ` II might trove been brll,ltally rtac@Wssful osnnjjee kopja, and were nleo entroucling. / lu,l alb cavalry c. liar• Elmborle), sty he baked for to fife reemnakmnee emanated from Their forces InaWOa 1 to thea wast and I�I 4iti� Tarr:vo.t utiotter. A.w It ]spill flu to Atrlca. -Mors than lithlr superintended U- tomdqutaeter/t north, (Lon, M.aalona d sent far four %' I Jai on_ I�)J)j war• they wasgcd t'm-, In shelling on- London, Feb. 11. -Instead or seeing lord land pa -walla the seventh di- h roiV ntents of cavalry and two bat- + J �1 �.� D'cU;Pled b°•he- Tb.y mistoob the Boor for Halifax, Nov• Noaia, On its 10th vision and part d Ora. ileacs senv- Ger. Roberta• DesoateL. t-rkm of horses artillery, an Wadmesday, a lines for British, bot lortUBAtelyt ■Iro aft eco D� 4 }�1 ,� was cO rer.oas result I eytmff dell ty. Batt tliaro (onsLeinster Reg t Regiment. the let spied to a taming Howe- Loodon, RIA U. -A dwgmtch from when Lha Box, oncup',eJ n ton at ///��' I/ ant seat d Jaeobedaal. Lord Robert to tits War Offloe, dated tor' wwat " of the kopje. With our I ` Ill 1 to f . ,'. O. Ta!t, the gum nt, the OtA (. THE (ALEf(AERG 81TUATION. Tharadsty, Feib. Hth, In reference to gone we /IkbcW one of their gotta 101, 1'): �If, Lit �III`��1�' Ijf 1,{1i ,� t 1y�,,1 V'rough the body wh I" descending a Jere ombatB is Lancashire uel- A deopatch from Reybarg. dated I Gen. Macdoaahl's operation•, does not temporarily, and with the 8_nd At- 1 I1 '' 111 \��RttLLI `\%I, , r kopjr- As he waw h t Ike exotalmetl• day. Friday,lOb , U*ntbn rte retirengent to Modder tery Of Field Artilleryhet,] Plate's Tbe'y•ve got me At last." lies was ith, reports mach Ag. River. lis sal THM 1'•1'Sr3 OF THB ARMY: AC'OUTB AT WORK. T wwndrl at for battle d fraying. grlesl►s activity against ell the I ys: drift, which had previously been held Prev:o°al MsVor Devotee 1 liritisln f4CO8vwiUrbW and declargt "MAcd0flu'dI was despatchol to pre• by the Doers. (ten. Bab!neton, with [From the ttrwphic.I Magereforote'n. He (lift, a, he was i':etermarttabrrg, Aatal, Feb. IY.- th.t Boat* ate in no mems* surround- swot the Bore» Wockfng the ttu►In drift cavalry And horse nrtUlery, nrrlved Ever men4nolthe war In South Africa bsgRn •till, cry has breen for to 119 IW tact to camp. \eW►e wes W -Ivied here yeaterdyy that ,•I at Oolobarg. �y head wt Koodor brrg, &lid /&aoetsfuily d- during tile afternoon stiff thea rtgh t arota►geM mean to i e sent out. Not only are the Boor* more Pattern reVrin thea Highlanders Msf,r Dow �st lA rorlurs,y ill Atlit i,edy. swat of a1 tabnothod h1mr•If at Kosodousber Im continual all dA The Highlandfers moat rgotile "i a Is& but the country 1, d saM a mounted' and the found the bro(1'or 0r twelve Ifoer.e. Tley •m the Uen. White, (+omtnwn(k r 0( sy- heck 67 • a�lra d ram folies Q I twtoatfog tins t, by .fungi Tor .tum must its =tars that much bel •v' the bdsdry of the enemy W►•t/ Dr fish loeyvrt Ott Ltdysmftb, OWahtdd nRd a memlclroLo from east to wast. Boos* of tlm determined efforts of the Irtuve t Witt' the ntraowt gallantry hind perfect noway sod wait for rums �oov"'w l• all they lark be b*aw:er than hero Ot Ven Britt h. Ile- B4era It b beers to din reported that Grace Rnealsh Pera'Itrbn for 00". Joubert, th addwd, aro atoll la I (x!p 61m, throughout. It was then to Pira regiment of Inratntry auto It Iw known Lhat In addllton to a Bo,vr full "At Dfwrdbnald'w request RnMng- [tmr rwlnforcem,v'ta were arrtving rs them. And mon than Or'p shay have not w&fled In vain. t�uesadr ln-chief, for Mr.. W%.&W,e posing, w h unit Ie K of oom- Loa WAR ""nt with reinfonrmento, from Ma tont*'1r. Our _ t1Y (testi Bo*!s several hAd b*en to jD!a her husband. 8:b left N(ww Ih•t rn0alcatlam wlLe Use Fuse 8tafa and gear• po-ltlon I Wednesday, Feb. 7th. Babingt n waw Woolly tennbYr, but the wntir" force the (lefence of Natal. Therefor Hol- - ------ - - - '---- Diad' night anti b Listening through Ute Boer berg. strong p0eltlomm around fbiss• threatened the BoPra north Of Ko(r has been orulwr"A to return to Madder Lor withdrew. I tier. mads n remarkahLo speeolr, sit• Ap►ahe'ntly Lite Barn have brargl,t linea to4a1• r olrwdhterR. while another force drove River to morrow. Another fierce ante= t will be stud*' voc tting O0m Ips y ear hit their heavy g 1[ILLiNG BOSiBABDMli11'i'. p W T =filter T tuts from Sfaf"kin Ott the Roo» "uuthwanl." shortly. vice In Australia, In view of ghe Nana for the Purine• t f shelling Kimberley. Newfoundland to Aid. DOr� � --rW*g d Fob• gib• The 4MPatch asoclodad with the With Gatacre's Vorre. Tile correspondent declarer that the ••bllittes, Tho. "llenuw of their gone On MaRwrs- St. Jduo's, Nfld., frets. 12,-•1t the a mmMOdmwt with Lyddlts on- ,1Aatem*at '-The enemy have now evae- country should tonto,n ridge lands to the sn tutors or um furred •t pea bbWg, Amit tins Bost Rated their T.ondon, Feb. 10. -The Timm has the and heavy Pwepet» for certain thea( they tinvw rotlrerl ttrlr IopdrltGxr special a Leglalxiur", call foaeltloo Anti ,tons nM in 7 i(xse, and n poise;Me die- 1'IckcA Irl"h Bquadroa. guns.lto- o1 for Foh, ,Wit, ghe liororameuot w 11 Mazlm'Yloisw loom •N t AteveA to Mgtds^ following wPeObal tesla Caen Town. Feb. ll, gather, Hud Lipo feet that thea hay* 7 spm) appointment. Tfe Lour'. woulA ■train �Hn• L'I`d blown u y have Propose w votes (d lj*O,Oix) towards •lllite%ad. A domes dead keplylu(; to n gWeestlnm la the flDase Nterbtroorn, F'eb. 6. -Tile Do arrow at_ 50(100 Asea, while 2UJ,OOp would not Rnbrrtr Loos nnUltorlaed the forma• P thea n,llway brr,v,.nd Sldrton the Impter!el pasrbtl: fwu ws Peefs, werw f{jotA a the aePjea of Commons this evening. Mr. Balfour, tacked Bird River Camp ye"terilay bp an annece/hnry number. ttbn of a aquadroq of 100 pltked aiding Is rrgarded nu evidence that l thea 1 morning, shelling and caustn they refer W dntro r,ku'y 'a unable to Kult any volen- Ro1m►1�i 'Aum add ata• tits he Cove ram leader, mid: t flus But the engna"ge"nN tutu* not b*en 1riBbmm for aPwciaJ dui fort J rather than t0 terra to South Afr:Oe. ur Lotter 'W Presidents K ' castnitl*/. When Marc. �» y T ff"fen( tits line. Titan roast The Cove hAe ne 1&formwttf�a rgnttLs ear- frniLle"r. Tae Admit beavy toes mho ha have already beetn enrolled. Rh i1d1*n still All pol.tiral partIno have 1ljful.l od sad t!%s/a. Ooiapitiaing d the was as to wlrther General ilfacdo aid ties rived from here the �Htto-'•py��n retlrt.l to- In each day'w hombantment of tipdon man the trPnchns At MagermfOnteln, tJtsr approval of the tqa Amtrootiss 4/ Properily w It•ttst r0tiretl,^ wnnvhr Mrdntcht. 1aOltwnM was nlao K tii*Ir numbers nplonrently have been measure extend - or and Inn or or The irreot n'e! KIIIW tin Bw[a.-, aK t1Y Mnitu vlvenrfl with r;p"O! to Meee1p1l,pspetaitry. _ "' ' thrwtenod, bort tdoe attack was Mut Plrore n man or h0ree. T� _ ra.iurrdl tttc bulk Of them having fixte the PrsncA treat puhlwd. A patrol d seven men of Fir&- a already itralsed Lo the ar iuost. dear Realvmberge (ift, r,elk,g-"I Muff-reirs- to Klmi"rley cr f,antwsM. y shore. Ivntbn, Feb) t, ORV. NI'j'1ON GUIlt/) bant's florae ay,war en ture.l near Pont -One as thea D1lttsh to %nM a nab f fr•Oys �• t epo"'n1 riotpstelt p of - Bpaaraeat's C mp, of 1t's r4p. 1nc•k, alio one man of the (w T T ]A• orced from the 2ulunl ,*agar, lU mlt•u Large Reinforcements. Boers In Zululand. F'(eb. 0th, tart fait C. Bn)lee+r lir Nes Bees nlol"caed sy tie Noor U19ee Pet Rinfto, of RC1 yen" and a bo west of atm head fan Lo upon. Fwh. 1 � , fur l3 his horse being shot, and his oompan- Oen. Bmller's fur at KOpples Wrlil t The ! Ieg"rmnrlts tln*m"ns wren ) %"mporary.ur►1mg Nclal See"" to Afrfes. Ion leaving him, ore• spirit Is ntsxhated. Tho (Inn, made a determined attack on ng from Beimosf+ under daseof �i rort-fandrut of thea Be, ly M.tll. b a deterMtgation to ef►w�& NCLbr (ktaw9, Feb. O. -it b offic1A11y an- ^- only rusk for a nest dwWvetrinl, 0wn)ernl Mecdbnatd's foroea yesterday. Jan. I8th,Ftantey McKeown Brown, t;elegrnphwing Testor'dwy, ►.n ■: j'1ts force, ri V sddod, t►UI coag ns noanrrt tO nigh', that Ma (iewt*eRl bw,leving that, in spite Of difficulties The Boers need At dawn with txt She Bpecial war 0orroRnmdewt with 1. A y rum* nperat!o ip 'jilt. jar 81r Rdward Clarke Re■Igen. and numerical weaknosr, the oPr! ihr Canadian I that a'>•'R th from %,howo smarts, gawrettlae were Hatton ha" burn aelectef by the War y woON cawtonnl pnlping. I>oring tl'e nwrn- Ott tts*nt, may : p romtnwrub ut &lin Iw mostly mlttlet rsrwRdr Office for special mrvloh In 8)nth London, Feb• 9. -In consequence of O°tvrnfgk the adverse chances with the Ing the rim Ino+ ly T*,00pg are •trenml through hears rvreamp,r, hear \gull, w•tlo eighty the Adoistfort by the Conservative At bayonet. The ,eglroental officers re- the westward. The Doers a '�, s from the nu Either of batteries w►gms and nine AfrlOn Ward the general with being sent to 11orlAPr River and the it la ra gum•. 7'se Qse•a'a Interest. The announcement has come as a s0ctation of Plymouth d a resolution trust. sympathy tinA revrn-pounA"r anima too scrub on Lite m oreA that lhlr /oro* in - interest Fsbr 710.-Tbs ty�1{k�Y tgi plrwrkt atnrptipr to nose (oa'pLo. aro depreenting his attitude toward the flat top d a kopje to tie wast, .and at tunny grgpsg°ns bring pwhe(1 lip, tench to frdpitt Ealeww. the Intentlun (erest I• Gas. Sibadomald Ant go other* who here isawts cognisant of novernmemt'e Pouth African policy, t o'eky!k cv,mm,•nrP.l wl•clllotc shwa there will before I(xtg lo" Lbw troateal P1e>fakbly IrPI Ili,, grey Br ped by t(o'ngonto Inner circles Sir Edward Gexorlge Clarkes, who haw Kilcberer Dotsets rapt". con battle In thAt vlcfnit tlont has dx- Ella In � fO fortif the Inausb Igaade Was iwkleti for hAsbeen companies of the'"', 8ealarth Al hland- y orrk,r to pnv"n0 th» Brltl•h 'towngreat eeaeseR aa(r s17pCed eti*Ylm toe aoroeej•wte the new.o was not ti "Pr*muted T lymo'th In ParllamMmt Londor, Feb. Il.._It deapateb to the 'T•. who were holding a brei twork carred since tile �t war began. traeet* qg Lnta ) Is to r+IMve Brady. of 1Laobpakl'a reslMleslt from expooe wf. nut. Hutton was anx!onw to stnon 1880, has appllod kir the C Itittern Daky News from Cape Town, A•ted at the beck half of the to hOOda"• ' take command of the first contingent, Februa IOtlr, • H'at a number pR'' d 4.7 ttrss have beern and n numMr satith," bet g, lieu ylyjyty Apt sPeo Ri Hundreds.' ansy� yyNe The 11,0010 found tote rstsg", which g sent through _ to atrlse -- of df•affecteA oMII(lents of was strut atne hero to the irvmt this week, together ))1g■11 for Action. q to tis Wal OfflOt, bmf w bat rvralA not do %tips wltb0at re - ondeaw»d Nk• colony ,boo b yetis. and with hnthe f r of horses anti hent that afflclale had no kaowLo ort the T Ireg hit aRsmwnA Mwjor-General alumna Awfully to ,:m t'I"' first shot lilt the bass of do.the bill. hese and he was flr'r. Hamilton who } » ,ben stalsthlma,l a hot g fnn'loa. Fol,. I8. -Sir. 8;,ensar t1':i +ufs�t lip to midnight t a Questa u trsntto ne l Mr. Hamilton urs g4che°et f8 The H - bar pis to ro that. '1'ke proepPctlwe T {tKj i � •I%fo*a roc- quantities of ammunition." Wilson, lilt r•turtin T sweretAry telegraph tea.(» to dmr•t'at of the war. however, 1s now likely to eommuM thin brigade to �� y' a'T� �aO ngb&ft&' Lodi wA11w►c1 fin fax two hoar. There --- t the military witnn IlOutw's NoWA A t f:e which Lha ( • V400 "o=parauvely tow ewes.iltles Biers and CMo*I*le, a o-' In the horning Pont to -day, retere g•scy, asking tot•tlbo tiff M+nt Inducement td the grower ul Cansdlars are nttnched, tai r{ng at lltsl idOat (Jw Br(Vsh. Tbls was due to taw (win Town kLter dated Jan. _8r1, . , weost minsio doLAlh, whseee tasniewea M eb/'g81 IMv drnmm�td to at11!k i(xtor saw servio* in the Zulu war of 1070. b0web, a � mom ,sew took autos• Renal= yea_ which as 0rtw thus Lord ROMrd will "aall And Wf►o aunt it, std regnaatfmg and gory Is the Tmnsw'aal• f%Ryptlan war of 1882, Mlle ewm- �wm t #i `d�Ace t the fast that the tea rs. Feb. lo. -Th• Aoen alines• ter rttrt.q that until Vie trap she eat11Mt 'srr iriastion of any err Tbear N I• very strong feeffrir thmt pntgn 18'5, 9arAan 18@5 -oft, N. W. °a ti �» atwAk to Gas. te` Of )hay ML of oovsr that .Dain , 'M flsti •d • dl in coo- •toe% vet,ittd ie &"rodeo d the for=d sub:" force to the eastward Ort isAtbn b cumpkrs", And ss ,:- .�.. iv'gi- «,.,.w ..,. ,,, fjtwdix.itaCMRded..lt7 col. the, 1�1'Qpptlg���f..� IA4ks.--1B 2;. Kksrtwum f Rbb0. wn tGsrwtre TA: .___..., - - _..---. -� . Sit W,yhsor: Aw}jtrtantt° 1. wait 18613 -fiw is@trle thll 41st1n ��i> P 7I1'1f21 the glial' " t• {sd^'At tkt Cot9tmirKicat7oas tom If 13r6DiBlr. text t &e�•�■■�� gw ale ahwl ser- the Yt wp Lt 'OrU M tho Boor � �"�E awd lg'e , trs t Is now ready, and that tAr - +aAr1lALN Qill'iIRIL'3G •few woeldr sggrv►► rat=a" from Eng. rias ,0r� Rai many m*Ulo and r1,,� ,- ,. g he. e&iwu st t goo from g•r+lfoataln, tws.rr rtBipr llllgt l after passing with flying c I citwmp. TiM 1ohlgwrilnR o/ LA0 ll►gR• d(�orad jb mat• *mo o itatMlna } mo=teat this river and want =!'les dtetant. Taw Inniskilltw Funil- arrival of Lord R,hsrtw At MOdder ` .-4_,.. s&ny e•Ilegte-for a,1„ t� BriWs I Position. The renges Wars, with t0 AIIwttaliaus. made a r• Rfvwr In the elpnwl for action. it 1• aeFlllxtp"rtw %Aft t tlhderaf**dflt kR oxwMlaatlou on tactical fittlee,I to 414814, taken In "nr'junctlon with the owls of no Bonse, °+ w!N► ftmm 8.000 LO 11,600 yards. TM °OA1�I�nce ttwxn flltapenfosteje. ]("Blip]^ that hwfnrw b.+gbnnbag air -(,or. iRobwKs• R&port. xRa(pRd. Thea law am pre4. t pprr*e• tae% d Lord Roberts' arrival at of the IkoOe and (rveWveA Lbw .nam nnvement hes wishes W London. eltretkw the ttppo'ntmant of s Can en, 1iOildOr River, undoubtedly m=oll/ -"` +• g°n was hoer- able toh•o ata Tia c,, a gun Turd Mwth(rn bow maetwrttthlartsgd In Feb. ]tl.--Thea e!tuntton a , Wiawksl churrhlll ndbo the the amokn when the gun was smptang to Incate a gun alts Sfodd i r Rlve bnL as 1'srl aruotlrt Ir In eemNort thLo that the mtkadlans will take all and thea 0_nd Batter is otVer to ad '1 the $r{tMb cam tiles LiArt Of for tAs•ttrw 0r hr ns It k f I81elagar sr' G'e 10 shells and stir from flea oo sih ll t. The ApstraCmna vn( AgdwA, . ys R vtjj3.h Ga hill low tion. not part In the Actives epees- t urns sl put,f until 1'eo1 P p u'if wool,] acr(unt for a war. amt IPheMod bet(. d..rgether.tm• lwAsw.A, Mg. 1faMvBl3.hss a bits now ,bus oft Vlw wronger = uta «i rogarAing toovrtlRAV •t V t Kan few tiny*.•' s ('i B Y otkwi It ear °•••s•.1 th*%' before Parliament with this v ("loysernfla and M ��. ' M krnt. Peven ear � tfeto �� Owd In atm middle of the at. w1to cams (n oloedert .natant with the"17 W "titin" Id' -4`00 Y t!y ropwhus hwva barn t sw(-A pe n Doti(] hung. (Hroot Lena tlfhtr! •m•wosy ro+tgi►t cover od a b>lt 9,000 Sir• tt'llklnoxon tJ'*re Al,v(ntdan,d ihr W" 1'kci object In view. (xe the Ilan of cOtRmaal*wttono foe R■ Mranwhllw the Poore AwecOnded the Yard" from the caro r1so Sowros 1110o" O', of tentw or no tentw, I,Astrt c" _ __ dffcsr the tJnrham means. labs irlll fifes D' •I tPa fiswt!n -'-, ,worn Noim(s't And Moulder River y hoA beets holdin u th" h!w R view Cnnno4 g4f1 Till Fph.90. for r,vwrft, weeks. Tao hoar been absolute arthputicia >< wr»m ` niter tx►v0r r*"" took a toroth m thea draw anti r pdJtton, Prevent:Rf Sir p vet,nrs ttpow a Iwsswr fr.Ru d the (I(►rdOts bliwre A Maxim Yickoselypru ab W' had luta= Aix°• thol6 'rwtir*memt, and mom apprsachw ern Cftary hill, In thea c.,urq been 1n ""t4,n At En411m and s PW Paintor's flacon and f "4 DArt. to wriMrin 1D0 yards d them. and ds of wwWli flak Crutch ill. inrrw that r theratditt" tq t laliffh N. WW,' >>.y s Ayes tOutwin. The tn111thnbss%mllpre0(%hg �bawtbo(d by Lipa ash is • domga IWO mlkn to the west. Two rare. Manded thwir swwr"Rder. Chs Aasir•4 lormint>tllty nt the Brltlsh Arttayth l i ported that n /ftsAd that It t► t ll#j ibis to Hyibbsi d imerrL A esti about sn fail tet�o that hwnds d nitd oc the A ib std Aettwrrlwtrd r+Plho riv tttwfr M suet.- Natal M slew pp the fact qq h" lens to i.._ : v•vb the t�*sjU{di waekN tkt*i to in t•K are LION •e� %tie 13t{tlsrA. wants lite rrrto fore lig rg� by te1(1 1 thzt It drags-- ___.-_ , which L�pe� b tie 1Nb. QiN. 1rv4wg, iY @ (ki t ROMitD Ajnrfma. qsa. tM Narlss4 tabatM+tMMnt W. hlnn,lPrs whh {Iytr Sia:Ste gt*n nrsA •aA ehewtfeg d rffauoo, wit t6rs0 of after tt a Arlin train, mainly Tor gentw. Q•• Inn •--�•- a Be"tinn M artillery as)d the Boors 16wm M■d" n dNwb p■st rho saws uta- �C sr Qe. e" Lbs lbrr lkhr(iiar �ojet is and, txrRted back s foam d Is this Ithm *Atli door a bOt Rre, "nit took Lbw RawA to soars ons y gr'"at•o''••- eaya Mr. R'lltlnwron, , Is - Owing 4et%w a 'hit k wNl M lhbni■ry All Quiet at Nreew t>tasf• and eaartpald with LA0 a. wall desk. Thea Hr'er», -lo rnelnl► now M ellnstc. and ti;: thread �e ko� D ng p"s*1'roeFitly from n drm. the mmmand!"g officer. They denlar- Mn'ry Ins, pe, htween slow is 4 a not Sme " trite�p�l4 Is ts'sAlr b, is Fhww (ant P. Fwb. 1t. -All la gmje% tib way betw(gn tM }M T 1+erhA ant Mbit • ovrt Io(1►jll+ru bear (lwptrt hate gw*r. T►r Rritm Ls• s are ter wad Mwek f9oodig 0&*Md = het wG(Irt they astwmpsod •a 0d that taw/+ enntr■dos we» safe, and mOve+tvertts awd Mterlr /hvwn Rut A Yore. the amt Mrs will be delayed sitter ru"!eg, and W Ansa•• ars Inactive. tis• IydAltn sh"Ih wake Las artllLoey "P"Wboth m apt-ntmsw�tromsabtkg were emtAent that they eou:d keep beet oafs And no * It.mucp%*r- rt (lova, But ftaA reta.erktrlaMrl atm bird. It wrre w drives hMek b the Lite! w"» tb* Roan off mvetW they would he able I"R frwn so Iawvpotift'dai rum A Bhbl 4 Fiowro Crass tbo Tttgdr, ha(mIA4i font at to gwt &Wray After dark. rgr!ch they 11%r 1'/r. R lnst.wl Churchill Rewe ear a�kM A cwvalr T B1I(Mh. w fate alert Gmstral gHJIIdyar� t rekr%tam. etwspdM%e y _gs� ueMslwtlag of a srent'tolly din. rormidkrattn" •• S -b son to 19C IttANs%!Gm l eMipatoll lil'tli� aU lorgl/trd hlms"bf wftil rgllMaMt the Ruo1r Myo Tl'B lamisit[Iitn ,�rltrin NayLyr TwreMwws. _ maws MGti sad oke flar%p Seth and TwWlittb fan • Ocd+tleR �" meYarrt'lle gat In (IawDcei w s"h. 11th, Mwr M ate' rn�rwvnt A •Kesw Yd sea�ianv� W^ old testi lasttorlatl Athohwt artif- prevent it*' sen it1 q1 �• • I,uttuln F"b. 171.--firwat Retain, •e - i W M low% r'al�• ler , rrived from ]!odder River at 8.30 gore i�-ypajtirm..,. „wp -" r� 10TWk ift tb• y wttar any- -A, p►+.•. tndrngl, wspx{edi Los t4rritdw '!b rTa s�rdkg is the ! wwa&w+prmeleta! eswll.kk eft M . srOegbott FeIS 'Citi la l8 tglstlttsg q1h 1K/4rflleae.r►wd koDt to )r tiY l -S Yat!' Ilse eg t1t, raay Pail, it pimping i■rga ♦r aiell4 •(yi0aeti eQ Lim Ala. • tecattln`` (df fowrtA he iwarLkr dig tiwsq�jr gQplrt der. few Apbwwrtslop torpwdrrom IF` . . 'lYMob 1 lbs thus related enatw•M of the b!1%-Val"wl thea Admirrlty jobs arvlers ' ' thwalbt art an- , y I'•irg ez•ested few Italy. 4 . . t - -- . all