HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-02-15, Page 41 We have tined up • studio in the rooss over our Musk entre, aed made ta with the following pope Teachers to MGM their pupils and give instruo tiois la commotion with our Music beanies : °moan and Choirnister, North et. Methodist Church, hem, Pipe Orgau aced Hegasey. MADAME WALL, :Voice Wiese. 71118S O. FINHPR, (Maar, Elocangue• and OftItem For terms and further talons Bicycle & Music House Wes Snot. - Osterfori. MR? THURSDAY MORNING NW 110.MoallailMIVIIIIIT 111060161011. TINURIIIDAT. FM& M. 1101 FOR years a number of the English Pp yews. have had monocled with their editorial staff special writs. oil military tacks whose business it has been to furnish denominations on strategy when other means of obtaining news froze the front were cur• tailed t.the weer, oe from other amiss. When the Callao war started the yellow journals across the line added the military strategist to their editorial foroe. but, 111 stead al • man with military trainiog and AMR 1.14.re 'grin SO news" during the campaign despite tbe effort& of the omen to keep his thumb and forefinger upoo news leekage from the firing The military expert owe has now reached Canada, and to Mos who know the true inwardness of the oonditioos the situation is more exeruciatingly funny than the neon Mitaliying Woe -comedy. Take the Toronto newspapers for holism. When Me chief of the editorial staff selects • maa kr the positiotrof "military expert,' be goes over the whole staff until he find. the men who is the most devoid of truth Mew or anything pertoining thereto. If the recruit for the position have a verge like • pirate, • swagger like • ”C" company "full private," and • vocabulary ' like a Mt. John's ward plug-ugly, go mill -h the better. He say not know the differ oboe between • movement in ocheloo and the gable-ead of • Beer barn. Tbat is not an simian! to the memo et the feather bed military expert. All that to required is tan when the legitimate war news is light end the eniokeesse of the MOWN Imo dose ita deadliset.nork, he -the expen- sing faminh "Tisane why" foe tho lot hdlare to dome, and_prognalifesto that Nature retreats will bot hemeedorth be In England they call the paper. that en- gage in this rank sensationalism the "bask" ores, in the United Staab!. it goat by the name of "yellow" or "saffron" journalism, in Canada them being an admixture of both styles of esnastionalism we cannot do better than refer to the delinrioents an "black. andnan" newspapers. SNAP SHOTS. anThe ckme of the debate on the address was as sadden aa an attack of heart failure. serErn.t.la's attempt to pre-empt both sides ot the Tugela kave been ebortive up to sirThe pan is mightier duo the sword. as th41 park,abar said when war peke.' pre• 111rThe Baronies in Toronto •xpect to rake the very Old Roy in that oily F'rtilay natter of moment today, and the question an wto is on top is still undecided. INThe weather prophet wbo weed up the sitteamoon by raying : " Short on snow, long on mod," made • ten -strike this year. Arne legislative game will begin i Toronto Wednesday next with Hon. floo. W. Rosa at the bat. and CoL PiAlgh WIMP/lir in the box. MilVanatia, like Mouth Africa, seems to So a grave for military reputation., if we are tn go dit tits mord of 11111PDLITOR, Cion. ()motile OW HOTTON. ger nth voting bludgeon la very awns - factory. In the moat East Middle...1i bye - election they Mani anoegh ballots to go around, while in West Elgin they had MI - Ks got hi. slew frets Ottawa and almead 'nth the Month African club will greatly relieve that saute maritime stableman and arWhon it conies to palling a tight 1/W44 oti Tema Mat other able nolonial knight, Reiman Joon Csereretwory, Ma the will and me way to do it Tart referee.. to Me besuning in the hand. cf the meinhera Sir 14111,1prgargibic although gromosm. web, um& by an savious WM lows Rniette Canaan, raid medal to Sem% everptelbday ei not corset. Jaw Rowe sae Wale tato medal posy Maths, he may pir it on his wok night-shirt Moo before Mow, hut me to the proem the flpen. Ws glees no sidles Met Ow. Cosearor goes is. obardi. woh tic without the qadigi, THE SIGNAL ERI0H ONTARIO -14111.011VILINUHAPIL 'sat Omit isiiiF111111 sap* el We 00UN011aa 11101111* angi Bogs Lamm sol the greasiest. sad day bs the Mem si the Sad They ham Mow hotel • ••'• "'" seat seam Mega Miss the astein wide of bops sod Meer. writing to the diets' mother sr wife asd reading se the weeded ke psi away weary ties Titey Ire truly worthy beaten of the Rod Oros the aostredited symbol of Clalatiaa leo sad Piero neognised new la the Mid Cornrows, Janes, Igoe _tewspetwa of tattle by • civilised Vows este olden times the Senile tolsraph has D. IL lisloCeeeeLL effeeted • mervelleme revelments la Me mall - Mt el war sews. Tas lattermost parte of MR. WARNOCK'S PAPkR. ibe earth have all Lim (Wells of betties. the ow ',wawa" rr, Am", rum ram, movements of seenes, everylkilae of sr. sod airman. portame, aloes bamedlatoly atter tatter The killouted paps: was read by Me eellarreade. 0 in EMIIIS Aimee lied Meg wwww.a 0i thw mom.. .1 tho (hollow • • the Kalb" Mos oatabo PIK& feller Hortkeiteral Seamy ors Thursday *me talk sad mach sees graphite memata of oar 4„, hog v (nodes ood lama thou do sr kcal lo samdas the beet varieties ol say as sempapen, and so doubt tbe sirs ew. ws 0.101.". 04 ',wise ta NJ fell 88800••• Of • IfoOlIf beeelo m not sapwood -that all Mates or opinioes mil kw* 1114' Po°1,16 lkle eacnY know a paper you tuive tha teats sad expanses •to• $••• isud "ores" tibe ienee" voll differ from him in their Mates ; as lora or Ono imisolloom and enekeil of the there a no doubt that much good 044,11 Pabin to Mow the latest bullets'. la out of ttits &Mariam of taste in Me way hoot compared wlib olds those Me public intociag all varieties up Le • ,.hsigher etast are sow on • continuo's., Gym proms& state eigg pinion Trios b of alsoety end espootasy Tke (Milo the beet trees wed eultivatioe to Wag b Times, the inittoOpel /tally of Caps Town. laetrile to 1 he float at oar street sibibitions keeps the 011.11411111 la • state of feverish ex• owa with www wwwwwww j. ohm, limo atiewat by biewas its Aral Steam Whiallo thou swan my oksio. dm ai. Nita &pool meets le wired la, and 'weals se used, co the chose. when the streets Is the violaity el the sews Miler onion are thsolleed whir asellikt Both in impeeteas mid general ernes' crowds. Just at the present sweat we tk. &pow ,..e. ens. pw,jog sow • ate Is the midst of seaside Dearly through Oho year. as by wija twine t. „mime mi. ortater soils a oesataat sweetmeat/ id this Sleet I sae amble. °taw., tadiapensoble fads eon tos easily obialaed &what ow ihth .1 Dwwwww t. ley IMO of the boot oariollios tor keno Lipari t• force the passage of the Rover Carden woad be ; Tugela sakes or importance bas Ws at- Fint, Tressereet, • sew Foeseke tempted. Le faot, the several severe loom variety imported in 1870 by the Liegiset tar emerald have learned Was the Beers •••s• .1 Saflosiliss at "'cabinet"- Tree within ow, wowth noy. wejoit thew to • 'Irmo grower aed ea uneasily early wo„ .joy. tw wwh ow, jam, boarsr ; trek pale yellow. guod sloe sad tikes more neat/illy aed to bold acne en- relcd gavial ; skin dear white as fine We' @my ww.. wow how,. vol.. *h.. tog to • pale yellow wise fatly ripe. It le borsolore. The reinforcements se email tat "the" of ell &PP", and Idle WAS* and farther Meese' are betas dispatched 'alai' or fer daneato nee, ecloirten" fres Eagles! and eoutingente equipped sd •lth Mae •••14•11 11 'Mr?' "iiMi•M°17. sat from (Wade as duets 14. The nicer *Pole. is awaits boats 0140 014414: British' tors together with Us oolonial of • mild. Plidimp'• Yes •Prialit4 woo.owto .4wwit Iwo.. muss s.mber itiver. it beers abassatly and at en •I• 01000 ppm nom esti 16 Soak{ dee is every pilot this great army. at, maeuilloastly Immo eardee in Cenado. aud og Moped, to be able easily le racist* mama ant. Tree • Smog set own. an moony oumerioally not suporis aura, "1/7 "147 •11" ••• th• lust and in polls of diemplute, (gallstone sad "'allusive frac •hollt kabala 041•4 expeeleace /soh Shrew. Bat cd ibe 70,- "%ma°, inll• Yellow or straw "ler. with • Larivapig 1"..10,000 beittr: "duke aittl eati-aold ; tiptoe early aad other two or throe thetwad d•tached eery free from scan. tg bee weal grows to guard the railway. and briar/es in oad perfectly ripe it le one etelth,filseet hist district. of tee colosy, es overlook deftert "PI" in 411"1"". tag our rather alarmIno loess is prisosama TM would be ISSesi el Oldeoberit. takes by the Bane, ehe wounded and killed, Lvree size, streaked with red sad yellow. assenting is all to • little over 6,000. Of UM juicy. sprightly and eab-seid, remiss/ tele 6,000 owe, half are prioress at. Blown. emir im an hill we • sweet grower. hotels or Pretoria, about SOC killed on fee "an( 11.• heath, fah". Marla" +hue tiold or oho bar• died iu hospital tie • malt "oil? ala while •ere Tose sassed. 11 of tear wounds. mid (Ow opos 2,0410 °II Ileac" tbe "••117 acci his ea (Idle wousded. diembled teak to the Tarim@ °I /0 4° the *Memo nortb " lb* "elk, laspirals. and as hardy as say known variety. 16 .1 limpoastblo to s. y from our cud- rho" ("ie. with its hoodoos from nah, point %Stet the osmittes are so the Boor renecoono" it le al Pane 01 lb* c000tlY. side. No see elm form ores an apse:Imes end It 1. jest as valuable in the oicbard for ideo, bet Me terrtbn resul's of our lyoditc Wel kin •• to lite garden fee home se. gone must bare bees felt severely by the For t•u'lb• " tan. Vet y igNal lassie ars equal to, if DOt tough heavier erste tonne • beautiful reddieb ehtd• ; Mee, those of the liritisb. Tao only deers ifeele Wider, juicy end crop, with • shehtly the authorities can oe 'urea are of tits own •romatio flevor and 01 the first quelity ; mor of lioer piteous. they harmaks, eatat, ,Ito very eleorons and productive, bearing , www.t amount 10.b„6.1...„0.41. rt ular oreps of finely shaped, handsome Che three potato most sorely primed and .1. h din...a wwww wijoi Largest en.. red, 'pakten 8 headsets ap among gust smutty as Kimberley. with Fifth, hag of fooplites. Pry,* of the • le populni.ot, of 26,000 (probably roe pears& ; five Maimed to yellow, jaits. tot of ot ol • gala obessist the eta beet "Weeks el Sew Leman te dad • *Ms Maracas ei es lids mact exd diadem hod Moo mai" UMW POW seers Sleeker, My Melee ler so 5111,17 idea. would be elaisiders. It le ea moo hardr Wei; halt le alke •ad Imre. It betels rasp, very early, • regular sad Mary (WISPS. end 0188001WW1110 Wu very yams. ant the frost et ell pines from rat. The mood &ad awl ita sawed rime log is Waditortea. This is oae el the eldest and at the same lass• most weal end probable Mame yet Introduald. Soars • heavy sap sexy year, quality eatiollsot, 0440 1/04r lora sloe mreseiek ewe - aro' frOWlif aod barely Third wouid be Bradshaw, oft of Me Mimi sad beet ; of loss gisa. reddish pare* with blue blame stay , ue. vigorous. hardy sed prodastiva Foully Yellow firg, agreed old yeriees. ik▪ ould be la every toodainee, aseloshill7 fee market purposes. Quality see. Mae very Wise, ems wood, osier beasikil yelkw, preemies extroarduary ores whomever ober eerie bear at all. mei wefts to large • • • Whom 'some ma =iip 11100. TM follow asessani were tamed t-Oer rew ISM Skis. $12; Jaime Votes, Maim, 6.0l. Moved by Ur's. Yams. wooded hy Ales. tobertees, the Sok bey 3.000 hes el mak elm plash Mears mode applicants' to the omen ler osiesesee to mablo Wm to bey feed foe Ms Moo. Mowed by Masud Jenson. sesuded by Mos lletertem. that Ike aniaoll seat him $10. Denied Moved b/ ans. Rob mesa, memited by Oapt. Yeses. Mat 'ha dere Mairost Mr. Gams to she maim to make Jots Allen mime his Woe from ilia blis read., moved in ameadmaat by J ameadm by ma rests, that eggiroarti the metier he Int *wee mei stripe. lidt. yter voted with the settee, when was awned. Moved by Capt. Yeast, wooded by Richard Jewell, dot tee auditors' re. pert mow rem. be socemmo, sad that sole author motive $3 for Ms orviose. Carried. 'The aseaseap amber of pathanieters. poodkeepere sad fees viewers wen ap- pointed .nd will la sotibtd. Tito semed 64h:woad to meet sena oa March 204, se Leotard. Ma old staadby, Limbo hi sodas sops when shame ▪ ; tenth to overbear and shitall i be linseed to improve the fruit sad s tree from being exaseted by heavy Fruit es well eared -kr trees at litres Wm reddish M sloe, qeahty tree • singed greyer sad hardy. SIxtb, Reis Made Is Savoy, the M• otive, Mara Mau earl, are. Irak trees properly Missed, qsality superb of the eery base osier *vampish, Maned yellow tee san. Ripostes whea all • good plass are ous aesua makes great value &ad is stood domed al tree • good *rower who well cared fee • la mileatil tke°111"beirt. air eaglet drapes we Oa it die most pertains' that Pe have sedertakee, for to no clam" 1r1/1r11•4• Mere so Me mate raise as is selecting • few of the Ike. best varieties erf grapes, the mitaloo Ms varieties Melo( Moressed so rapid las year". N• fruit bies Seabed • hi degree of padeotha then the grape. sleeken at Ws lise will be : b Ores Meestals. TIM inks dello:ries grape ma brand grows, en tide of the eireeeMlionstals la Verses aa attired* of 1,400 for, supposed to sold • locality. where le mood Wm TM wooed earliest ehne grope of hi Moore, the weleknewu °Heists of sew baits. la Tiger of growth, tex foliage sad ha:dinars of sae, it penal' •lis asters of he rarest (Coallord), w ce quality la" fruit is Equal to essay of ei leader seek. TM eels a • del •hell (Idle : Min emote and free the brows "peeks or dots which *ow testy el tea mow white ammo; Leaches berries aa large as the Coseord sad mantifol tramp Id 11S1 iiiiSeerancw• The neat boot is 1101•00 el Bemuse Brighton. 11 is is • sperm" Seely el meat seedless, palp, slaty, Juicy toad Cite% are cornbread qualities that sr• round to soh an exist to asy other with which we are acquatettid. black gram, Gomm In. A spieedid la esp. of Iho Ositioutd type, bat to cl lamer la beach sad beery end of dereded3 better quelity. Vies as heedy ea WM el he old staadt,y, and every way as Maltby nee of the very best far vineyard se gardoa. Aimee la Gesso with Woodam we have be /modest of all die hardy Wash g apse. ilder (Rogers' he. 11). promos, Mt loges beeches of oar seams sews tbe "-Oro& Fruit should be wooed se this ariety protect the vitality of the Was eil as ens greater mei, beauty eed tality to Qs had., • bleb Is always wader. reet sad sprightly. Quiddity beat, %is !ewes sod hardy, it is new attempted... • tandard variety armee erapegrowerli end set be in semi garde* Vergeanas, the sixth oted keit of sr si- se, sisals, Monty et time el vire, Mt basun of tea superior leorit 1111,111.0 the ben qualities74:411 hers, this quality them makes It die very s grape, speoleUe es It always ripens re perfoody, old it me tags of char- ter that so other grape hes, bele, stelae fors It is gent" ripe or fully skied. As wisely valuable grem for late kesping• a be kept in se epee Wise until mid• star is • °ow, di y roes. I have kept eft M perfect wrens paoked la saw at maul Bator for many years. Color berry and banohes very berm end mem hardy if sot overloaded. east neseities here that the tows of Aerigh Is highly kvored le ossy ways forgoing the grape la the blew* pm, lee. The Ono se these Severable send' ia a soil el the noose suitable tad what mature, draiaage. Taw se- ises se be supplied by man Is most any se, bet ft le a groat advastage te have ne already supplied and prepared. Thee most yokel's ctearlsime le elm deep tere el Mils Huron, stealers We Sinew ere In the late snots and allowing the setae to ripen it. loaves ead W0041 ro perfectly than asy other ekes lo the sinew In its latitude. This maturing at wood so perfectly and favored soil ese- ions are the sauna et Ooderiolit's hewing' ed of all ether pitman to producible No I mot longest hostas of grapes, es le ono In 1896 there wen on *sr Mthilbl• table" at the 4.11 sew bushel et Will - sad fistos gropes that notaked .thirty. 0118400 soh, lead away ethers welt isp r Exceillearciee Lord sod Indy Aber- , who visited our exhibition that yes, .1 !lordly Mess thee stay el 'Sam ear grows grass were sal Woo pea r. vatietheg of fruits for 1,11 I hits ass are Sways me to mad amoral 1.111114• day, whoa sews of asetacv pejo,. owo with moose bites terve or Wee if el pert 4.10.4 to 20,c.,00 ty mug.. es.i., bow* orndar, w•th scressble rich and vinous um, Hwy, wywwwwwjj Lawywwith, wwity layer, which, with lee besoital appeareass, ....„ y Who. 1.1m third tit taper thhor j. make. to a sista. mules sort ae well an for home use It braze • good asp oe the railway line between Kimberley so elan prices in soy market. Balaware. Theo throe mime Iwo Our eh th chow would be Northern Spy. drlits apple &soda reseemend, as It ha. otableahni iself in the monde of •Il who lasishisit. gam, en, to., of who, I 3,000, W18•• well oared ler, sad commande firet• of shot med dual poured into them oilmen upw____R al a ywrijogo sac h.• 1,15.4 Uo daily ler ever me mouth., and from' tier Me high fixes aad los. keeping quintets, "17 bath" their Position int ooessoollicin storage batter then any other variety. Its making sortie. sul Slicks" loses more or only fault is ;a the Ise ties ie takes to less ernes en the MOM T. come tato Merits, but when it dna oom. liszt of yesterday, New Year's Dry, I mots to bear it is • lestieg satiefaotioe Meet In •teittne the wooed" the mild• tta owner. Tina lank ose be Moody over - troy husk.' comp at Itnedsboecit, a kw come by planner Tolman Sweet and after eels front COP* Town. Oee hundred aad ;Icy h.,. 159 750re tow.yroitwg fifty of sir wounded had jest arrived from Ism Spy. le will them frail mach sooner !fodder River arid Coleus, and whole the ...I be of betide quality by this owed pontos of pity le *sited ler their beholds! crwitioc suffennee se asset bo too Wok 1.1 to know r germ. how Morosely. bow tenderly they are oared rite nett mon desirable Wit ie tka pear, for ono" the toirdebip of resetting hosital is agi it molly a aroalar favorite ties passed throoeh. This °erne omelets of spot*, but its Mine eters tender and cell - Oros so hundred toote and mato one is oak to keep Issas its Yoke mid import. soh of while then se fis to seven beds epee wiek •be &pow est with spring mattresses end otherwise for. the noise of estates oo great, aed mailed with all the somferte 1311C48481,1 y SO .0 gm' ram eerie teat Ma hem g' von 1800 of the taargossis • nember of "nada- iog it, it le now almost equal la vale* to the ne, easy, Nader, reflood leaf 'Manor. and the spread Inked nothies ead delieste aroma of too peer gives it • of the wood things thet oestribul• so the hint rank as • dessert hone It will edept enjoyment of We festive was. Ceder it'd' to se meat • veritoty of fells as us through the oamp and visited unsay of the *trona loam, and shriek' have • der well •••• 11a• tedious bow, ot the 111•1111410. 1. most, tiowoo ousirwtjwi wed juiwww WO were bong mtmlairmal le 'a New apple The mein oe Lb* retelsoce •• aderlY 1 Po she'll 'reit too, though it thrives best ea deep, out eel ded 4 7 weal • One Peer fellow hal • denoted soil and the beat of oultivation aod bullet ester hi. eye, pass down Me soak, wore. sow ars sirmik j. smith Ms leis Lad stemeob end oat at h„,ww ji tothwd th. tray how. round %bootleg at the enemy whoa weed- mare shoeld molted as less Ors day. sad talked otmerfilly, although kw num wwwes Nowt. thot whom, „ma,. be will of the book. Ho was kis on the maturity sad stored in tba hose. Summer . He seemed very hoPefel of reolarer7 before Obey are ripe, wagon_ sorts two Of me his wound would prove last As- osy hang until titer Is da or f ed to sober brave fellow after seise two woneded Whin the trees est :Leavy oroo the halt entered.. sod Iva officier received • ballet @bawd ew 1,414,,nog "I we., iik,,,4 ....thiya richt throne else ; ble hone at the ewe Konen : by this was Mot rent -defog time fell epee him, so 'Oaring hie mine seolmes will be evenly improved sta that the Weer half of his body will always tho trwe wowed hoe hoary. he Ptraired• Ile 111 10 reessiTs Wm Vietorie For • lise of six of the beet pears I would Croat should he survive. • choose for &et Bartlett, as the best Demeter THI IIADS214 11401.6.112 yariety. It swede seee • large exiles of makes • very aloes out wound. &vet • - • «mutt', is et large site. moat la Non, ...„, . Wee pellet, with • Wash so the essay side, lead pesoll sad the point of exit very 111810 a larger, le that la nosey owe tits marks left swam grower, Mare abesdaatly aad whin quiet yeas*. t• 11, eh wound. are seercely apparent alto • &sod, Lonis Rome de Jersey, of largo fectnight or three weoln Osie you's fel- low showed me four woubde *here tee bal. eke wbso well sews sad !hooted properly, lete had poised ihrough his arm sod thlth, as the I roes always overbear : 111 Is a gals see la 1 heed shade, but ovespreed with gni io each ess the sir was no larger than t:ononh r to tt. 5.5 sod of mellow flavor. A saheb!. si:arkert variety, sae. "See be was wounded and he was sorbs' _a., i • better en the gibed Moe its tits are head to be of Invaluable amasses In groin' ilia hospitals. Wear a haih sod mew, • Ws msy ne iseeed through the aid of 14111 merrelione invention of roam.. I was letiloh the bullet' had shattered the Ism Of Woos Jimovered Imbedded or lemarea Is .40•6 posittse that surgical skill woole hays been N Nene as bold Obey net beam least le.d. Withont dents the Met equipped and rho nose effineetly organised deport. mot of illartaaina grot army la Smith Africa is the itiltilL MINT 11111114 AI, Cgara Side in ado" with Me Idetkorlaol's °mitre/inns love 01 I betty ler Oho misreoled seeds her ammo MeN1 fiesolliefey *1 Mr el sass, sae hewn tiondeet latei twee et peels. life err alkmats sed sufforse bread le them hospital mops thall foam is this seat army Isola' Mee Saab etas& set meet preadasat ail lie basedemai graadow sod beauty b the shit Accretion load swills Asia by the serolog 441t•rs who bare tad the ariay from Kotlemed hod tolliragt mile nod goads Mod We Ibleg be vipers. owl woes driririn sod good toil Or whoa quite room varY hint, Owl. 04 • otestieb saes eels. with paiebea of neon sod a del red disk ft tillable Ha erstreS peneetko so Ica galas tont. Fourth, mum d'Aidoa, ea eseellent pear foe home es, alio fee megrim lever res, light grom, with moot aod red Mon. deb, mohlog old of crones River ; Gar grown wed a • of keeper, of flost deafly, and hos aed whoa quite yeemg. nets Reese Cleirmaa, aso of the soot able marks variety, se well at for base ein, es moms of he Mum surly bestow. Prodeetlemess gad beasty. The to* to • arose, $••_i stand, grower, se 6k4 s • boo* fal layman ekes well sued, frail of • Sof anti variety we doll ease ths isse Mae Mem die lesiges, es wit mast Moms Trot • dinar sauna yalde well hob atom Welles se t mete of kb* beet imam ead rality Mb is Sitio • OOP =. bat repot," fleas on who halm ft hate prevail it tit Us bon Meg Tine quality, wish Bee kameir At Ism whoa It ei gime sibs asil les of iask other le M- t and se of cher Oar o es fry ice item sang ghat mob way es el bile the leara dare ✓ om es aod ape of nob mot mot • on bes he sc be th du sod Pe an toe Not tio wi dot pl the oar vra nh ere mo Pr the dit she dose sod der tiro thei smut egad dent 'heir cooltl•.ifen, need set baits** le oak- ise kV: D. Alla. or myself kw *eels la. ,4141•0110111114 we ean en. • t 11101/ bed 8 'OM errs min ie sap, grodeg, herb, hJ godly saints of the deist valetas is eel insure for some rows mood augesea, as4 xrapo metes Wee my hobby It Will os the market. The gaud MOO'. Peale* Mlle be- ing !I/skid somelos by • 11, is lbw lacerated hie sene Hie thriftier imenpit; from Ho jaws rif (loth ie osly by Dr. Kleit's New Dleammey for Cos itainsion, which has Saved themeasde from desperate throe* MO Mug trosidat "All Maass ski my Oh *mid soon die of Vein, non. "bet year nosslotfal manholes entatia;fol, send '••• oval Mt We. batialhaini is georsa- teed by Jaa Wilson, alio aloe trial hoildataroo. Lens Meth* flOri and far out aass-raist-iti; stow.- Ashdeld ceased tote, monnbere ell pretreat. 'M. ennui% of Me peeviosa ateetiod sons read toad adopted. Meal's Wore latecil ler the follows./ swats . Ws J. Apar, for flume/ exams, sad ore et the late Jobs O'Dwyse, 11116 ; throw & Preedies, Mame of seasent. $32 43; Joie Thome MeDegiald. repairiax roiling Gs spikes, 20a : Jabs MOW. 111, ler repairs • 00111060000 2 James INseeboll, tor Ms dada wards, 830 Minn, smile dm, atteadeace on the lets Joke O'Dwyer, $6 TM auditors pragested their repeat foe the year 1869, ales • special report from Jas. let to Fob. tere 1900 Oa rotas of Buster sad McIntyre, the auditors report ea" adopted. Mewed by Volityre,prosted ed by Borkloy, dab Robait Horace romps the Nun W $19.38 for pastime, beak drafts aad extra wink a torroerSit owe., Wee Us salary. aid that ski nesiguation be at opted. Cerrlod. Mewed be Woe lisister. seemerd be Thos. &osier., that Robert Harriman Med over eh books, poen sad money held by him ea treasurer et the township to W. J. Treleaven. who pill se naps 11,.. tholes ef \Seeks ea treason Next assail sestiat rho betb dity of March. redeem et this Mynah* la the of Biwa, slied at Ws mallAggg. seseVhailkitaullkliaterley-liebr-• •••••s - WOULD Y011 LIKE TO FEEL PERFECTLY IIRL7 IRV lina▪ as WILL SAKE MI SI aft rim berg Mt snot muss Jag at good health goo Ir1111 11111111 b• tattiest TINT TAIBUTri. IVICRYBODY11 nom BETTER TUN A TIP TO WIFE At DragOrta 11* 611111111111111 BUTTONS It PAYS to buy your DRY GOODS at Robinson's. NEXT WEEK • dopara. txTRA BARGAINS WILV BE GUT= IN Table Linens and Table Napkins ALIO IN Fur Coats and Fur Robes Come and see, and let us convince you, as we surely can, that you save money every time you trade with UB. JAMES ROBINSON 1 • Stroli k Pic ail Dr This boo ot Op owl 'WNW. prepanoloso ow.% god , hilt doom'S holg. Mies for TRY IT FOR THAT- 00USH OF YOURS .4141. 19""""""ntrrniftMlltrt That's What !I N, Jr. a There's quality in ourt$3.00 Shoe ; that's what it is. 11111 That's what makes them sell so well ; that's what makes them wear so well and please so well. We are selling the best footwear made ' at lower prices than some other stores ask for inferior goods. Your shoel from our shop will fit well. Ewear well, and pay you well to purchase. Sole agent for the "Slater" Shoe. ix the greatest remover of amain and preventer of incrusted**. Saves repairs, oils, peeking and Engionlea Metal Polio% is superb „ Easy to apply and leaves mag- nificent brilliancy. Our machine, cylinder, engine, driest° and lub- ricating Oils are of the finest. Our sheet, platen, gaskrtt and rubber Packing' ere reliable. As - bodes goods, pipe coverings, etc., are of the lateet Osman and (..nadian manufacture All oar mill supplies sre the beet that can b• produced and are folly P'or prima and disounta, write of Toronto. Limited COAL ai WOOD CHARCOAL and KINDLING. We aro 'till st the same old stead, Noise Street. where we have been supplying our contemn for a number of yours. We know the feel that oats you, Orders lab with our delivery rip or al W01114411.11 mote ssid tin shop end et our offs will maim prompt sttestioa. Ali teal weighed on market reals. =low We run several DIX* it'aemseettat CARTAGE ?Ulla., JOHN 8. MATT. Measelir Moe 613 901741 F. MEOW IIIIIES Kama emir yow,:tp:41c11 wfll deliver LO1f18? FIRS ?CB 013fl Hard iutd Soft Mal, - Portland Gement, Hydraulic Lint*, • Ssirer Pipe, Tire Brick, - tiro Clay, etc of.. was floor ono to orsoodpoo goal WA N TED 1111 toihicent pieces ill exchange for the following: 1 family Meat -chopper. small size $1 15 1 family Step -ladder, five foot ... so 3 family Clothes -horses 35 3 Royal Canadian Wringers 2 00 24 Padlocks, assorted 10 25 qts. Island City ready mixed Paints. dials 23 50 pts. 100 bead and moulding Plane& widened sizes 66 4 4 46 46 SO butcher Knives, Rodgers'. Boker'sland other standard makes 50 pair Scissors. 7 and 7 1/2 inch 13 08 23 25 25 These goods must be cleared out to make room for new goods go et a reefs deck vial nary cad perchase N. D. ROUGVIE CROCERIE8mPROVISIONS We are Cal ft* year, sad Ira intend to make 1110)11....04 Tar in onr bneincese thsh the succeeding yeavg win have to hustle to keep 'with it. Everything in the line of Om -dries, fresh an(1 good. Orders promptly filied. Telephone No. 91. STURDY & 00., Tbs Amass, sse. "pars and Monte It • ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR Mem LADIES' Fut To ma. co our Ladies' Astrsehar of 30 to 36 it value, $25 to Ladies' and Masai W. AC1 WHAT °THUM ARI fkAfi ewe.. DeSeseil '1%s tad mooed beg's iambs, we ASP Molt 4300110111 Tory aliMe le asafeented Moles sad surpluses be sew fort mellow %bee Tulle nook or sense ohs squab aboard tbiag mo WORK 11011 1111.11 Lesko Advertiser : A Worm as MS them in see the Prime Albert, N W. T Mere bas wet Ms me for se expressed whether hie rod too bistensd by last of 04 sore • reed for the *ad moo to switsilmea Alal WO 11100110019 Tarots Mar : Wads the hie Legolotaro in eassaidseu tieet sepsis to restiata of ma vim 'rack le ebe wit lame la the Denstato• Peach farther stews of tso /4 Waimea** dos Polio Ogoo Ina a Mil to exislocto smart sad Jarmo. from the re tredasse es the some day the la Porliamont were inadorsitic COUNTY OURREI Welles Mime Amt. 0•M pressed le Or beepital at To areadog Moly. Slmb Iha /ON el Komi hew tat bafklog forneartv Dammed Ilestheine Molnar, Hallett Mallet Mallhasti weeks with appoodiailia to re Mode Oa WedfsaWsr Millard Carddr no grams WIWI to, idiom lee* beer ler fleafeselt W. K. Pomo. the Dommtes Beek. wile wee s webbed eel& bee Gem* sow able. with the so• al ere dews to basims. towast dial at the Algoma sereety4deit Teem Abe bed mese el tie plsee fee eis awe* ligmosileibe The geld we se alga Osek. et Illgeondvili lot ese Sett remedy, was I ionise dae by Mr Monroe ma ed to its WOW. WYSS Uhl 'Sere IC anladvilla kbe. Park, fer oleo years PI the Alba.« mem Harparber sad Resta Mao Ir. Petite Melo). roma a the ie all the residense at kb eau I Flaky. Alyama, oohed the speed age at alebtl Masse; The ramalems sodus.., beloved wee Jol de L40 Chtfahellia, heril se Wednesday st MN we Mb, wad woe of Moo me al al Oita gasefis swid Malmo days. flesfortb t MM. C. Pewter; 'Walt, foe now waft is leer Mrs Fowler hie red I i elebtes Inn, sad it hp loofa Se was Is Rosa. Ps faro THE N, PARL( (141164