HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-02-15, Page 3_ y ���
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_ ran 7'f .'•.'.-1�,..,, .{yf�A.., ,;[.. '"5, .. ..1.....• -n 11.7i;�ts�wsa/vp[A:r-a...-, _- _ Y"•.r-1 -..r ..••rap-rv.er•n�_•+rw•r1US '�'u.1 iCY-„"'"�".`a"""" won.. .r4j!
"- tumn and wintry. 1be glacial period Etlglity-loot mUlloaYotue ago fart
of the arch, of which the of the CartWleast flan wet ii.d." tion
SPIRAL UV��I�NT OF OUR Pt,AN maka.a mua� w.. simply �..� t t L,rarn �,�rw polar#- r�ft,>,tr.
wtlatsar petitwka i'ertyr-tym.nLLtk+a^rrsr+ .go ri'°alt
Osa 411utaraal`t�ttoa lm oe . Scotia war undw the southern *it*-
Vrlaed th'" in everJ complete spial tent pular ratlotts
mor• t tat
11ro earth 1-00 I'm a oorkscww.
Z7slr mistral revolution affects the
crust ol the earth
�, cruA► d tom earth mover tl
,m id t1el, Akin cobalt« independeuty&U orange n oil
w� r pulp•
sly„ poral movement of the earth
dump Dot conflict, CSonharmoullr the
till annual re
And with %be dally rotation. e
TIro •'glacial period" Of geology 1.+
- wet an isolated phmsomenwl. but u',
pond.,,, effect of the spiral muve-
�t of the earth.
Heat*. all par" of the earth's use -
lace, Rove, in turn, a glacial period.
fhuor the prsent pilar rnglosm wUl
be dropped by the Ap rel nvroaljutlgR .
www. thO Prd„pwtgmpsnaa +'eglc in ..o
the earth ,'It be tflIsLed foto
0y atmOepbere lad become
Tor, diuturnal motlou Of the earth
µter place approximately every 8t,-
p00,{U0 years.
Thls diuturnal mo4loa of thesearth
M filo sum of ties result* of all Its
Other fornr of EWtloa*
rite diuturnal theory of the earth
is the didwaery of W Illam Andrews,
#pre 17 o died 388 RTO for the fust
It 1+ now made pow
.11 use
our e,lil h .thesis an obscure Amer-
Qpo tl,o Iiyl
irau onto, Imo trees, In hair grave nearly
a �, years installed a baric theory
of a d:uturtul revolution of the earth
Ville it seems dedtbend to rival In Iden
thin Importance any discovery sluice
% ww„•n. Accepting title theory• a
great Kap In the physical et•Iwhces Is
filled. lirology. ao longer ■ araw of
'um,nnopi-tef knowledge. laeoocuud to-
deced toorder. Pbeaumena beretufore
Qe sating the Wiluln s of Huxley. Agas-
.it and Humboldt nt flat defiance hire
modeled emMX"lble of the elmploot
erplansCon. Nor doer this theory of
the dluturnal revolution of the earth
,evolve any nogntlon of discoveries
hrratoloee made. The earth Is Admit -
Said Is. make tivo*e diurnal nud auuu it
washauonm In spore with which the
r•..,flts,ttm�kl!,+6il,pur tray Q,IFntr4,�U/p'
Infield w. All that we A no a
b do Is to conceive the earth no a
Liquid maim ensnared In n crud which
sops spirally as the akin of nm onoge
might do were It made to revolve lads
pendently anti the pulp.
Tits Discoverer.
The diuturunl theory or thin earth
fere male, Iwhblic for Lice first time.
owes its existence to William Andrews•
a pour ❑ud unkruws man all Ilia life.
who was Istria In 1 hiladelphb, on Jan.
fid, 170+. its died at Cuml.•rland.
Nil, Augast 6th. 1887. Wiuwat early
advantages and orplinned whin ban ly
b his tern., he enlisted for low war
of 181. Illy father hamate film lied
ssrvea with dimtlio-tat In thr war o'
rte revolution. The aaeoad straggle
with England ksvhw ceg to an viall.
prerg Andrews waw 6800 net. ,n the
Isdlon of that slay, to the L'Pphueott
p�1�taing house is Pblltadel,hii. Here
W mater-. the bookbinding trade.
Subsequently the lived among lite
■where, no,l Inter mt'll Ire travelled
to what wns twee the far wewt"rn
wiwerrees of T-11ra w ol. For salute
years 1w, wise vete, of the publl.hcrs of
a Nashville newsPsper.
But the beat years of his life were
sprat in Cumberland. Md., in wli,•h
*I,* he gritted down ■howl 1887. His
Itvellbred was tableland frofo the pro -
ate of a modest book sad stationary
Store, but the energies sad aki11l1am
ad the man were devoted_ to a-aL414W
of tis• natural arisoom. He solleeted a
prodigious number d •ppeecimeos in
natural history, clasdryisr and or-
rasgih`-them with such scientific ne-
nracy ibat upon his death (be Stab
d Hew^York was lad to purchase a
so*aiirrable portion of the whole.
Another fraction of the eollietlon,
mohraring no lass then twenty then -
sent (,logical specimens, passed to a
Maryland inatiluiion of learning. ;K11fP
eaoth.r portion Is now tow ptoptrtJ
of the Maryland Aeademy of eielenoea,
at Baltimoir. Anv*ews was too de-
voled t„ srienllfic pursuits to be a
eseeeAafuf business man. Has at an-
tis dnyn wanderleg the Maryland
Wilda in snarcb of specimens. In pro -
row of emou" s Brest lib-
of s�orka of aeissen. lie corres-
with uses of lwraing sit over
r world.'Tbb eetfral letter portion
of his life was at la the elaboration
d bus ditatR tbemy of the earth's
sioiwo nail, n the preparations of an
,�tbauslive break on the muljaet.
But )se pablisbod nothing during his
rKfdttie. 1'Tba -asst century . he
would any, "wilt glppreekto what 1
wave written." Andmefor years bis
lett fio'teih(s 006t In obscMyrarAn-
drawn, lane trrai srllfiss Yo give l h• vo!-
ase to the worl4a
The Meaning elf t lmory.
Every geologist will adopt that bis
Alienee is in what is in termed a
ptrhwork eQp�erloOe1da ~ Aft IneL
Wein tl,•rmsi eAmn
ahengro is the year �(- t>e egrtb
whleh hove never b"e taftlitaetewily
explained. Such seieulista.As Wexlrl,
for eLmple, shave pola"out the used
Of a hypotbeals, at kast,'ts aecousl
for ob-
asned, but whicchi obolos has ant++
ceded In adequately explaiallt�
e�•nstgotetOr surface level and 1eo1.117
ffeatidha* dabeervehd All aver
Iib world have been sotsd as my-
sterit of nature due to natural eon•
vslarona of the rpeno,tw poet. Hat bea-
yend this selahoee baa stood perppl-.
Tia misslsg link Is the, gomao"l
'helm we&$armlmad to be connected In
encia bat sy�with tie err xt rith
sasiierabl t 8m* tfil W492!
But RIIIIAM Atnallirew" " gloif till
it"Itkn In a way which glvvw all
the physical sogmw" a oompass to
sitar h7 Thrl'e mast be, be declatw.
ftwda of the earth of which mat-
�" is th afore (►ns movement
no trete.
Planet, waleep�al movement N tont
`k'"• h" bow stated.
not Nmflk't wits do diurnal re,
l"ai"n' mar with the annual ravoln•
ate'' nor with the 81.000 year Rryrs•
t1r"' nor avenh with this ewebular by.
Rather. It evip lento and
rarrartlw fheen n11. Not nrt)y are
Mw ro eewtofti1w Mtarscttert*Oft
%d*490"rrUtlu,1 inaimbrat-lit or go
y corromin ea-
rnit st the globe wart to past
"wk1 from sag& to wIe*t. M ,flews s
no _
�wk 'w vwy why, t4ere than ratan
Hnetrat. Cnpswnle0e o► �----�.
y ,."f north tan .
I eat Nat tgte apt rel 1.
men the earth. During one 1t - y Noetu ♦I" . has return-
auch spiral movement the etgrapbi- ed to its Prmmt ►urltlou tacuwath ttw
oRwARO w wM ANDREWS• cal configuration or the g�obe radl- at'•asal heavaee
cally chuuges This is the result not It bLYavelltsbld that Onteulund will
Of ci"139uo in the ottean's level. but of Paw t u arr.1 witlt4t the lxwu-
11 •levati trio
- --- --- ---
How a New Yorker Wooed a
Toronto Gird.
�� w"^M "aranddepreastossof Lai tory.
The north's shell is acted by
tlAries d t region now lying uu'
der than northern s.Llereal n•
Of tlhrw all. Y upon a
U I% st s the discoverer, lremmndou+s wave movement rasalting
the notion which OOUW
New York Telvarsph.l
umtee fur from the diuturnal motion. it h this
the earth's groAt velo.tdw an'l luta which seta as an adjust-
(1400+ final
be put la aaotlaw wa
Tin ala re
interval elPtI
Ever uu.
Sbtdy' kltowr Juor f
rwuito -thy ultimat,move. Ing
meas of all goh,te,oly) btwdltr. g PriDuiplo. Without it the earth
lex 4eb betwreeeu each ut the toUuw•.
Wiliam each ,flow.
the high prude eiplolbr o[ chaw-
would out be held in ithepheroid ahapd,periols
ill. the Ocean waves would know no res-
Inf^'lst the Misting of the tranel
pagne. Kaufmuu was greatly mwlttea
With tis charms Misr Idlwalr l.ae,
The Bla lk-to be F'ttle. tralat. Th,t mountains would ba rent
That &bow* or each a asunder and Me sear dumbed from
"It"' congkrolerates to the clone of
tow old red N uAWU),w u, stem.
&laid It kwokod as thtsuglh Wile lad),
r e move D ole
Mfg d the txwtJa tl Atndwws rel to polo.
Flom the begiuniug of the mount-
woo couubo Prow Toronto, would full)
r pronate bIs affoetdon.
-�- ---
- O.
lain limemene to Phe close of the
tarlxoatferolss.syotrm of the northern
But ifieayi cxnw u gloomy day. lllrr
The Glacial Period.,
!se and eJr. Kaufman had a alight
WLat aro call• the glacial
J g periods
a1''rttm the beginning of the new rod
disagreement. The Judy, for some reu-
tort hart kuot6u W herself, tuncludcwl
comprise but one P• p
P perpetual OoAhgty.
aaadstoas ■ymgm to the close of flee
that use winter ahest," war touch
� non of coatinuolar forou •ail activity.
TIIo foregoing esnNaos is sloe tbeor-
green soil strattan.
From th,3 beginning of the creta"-
more enjoyable tai Toronto than Now
York, and went home, with &,want
ist'a own words. The great neutral
ohs period to the cluse of the terti-
iti fm°tion.
leavetakln g of the wine agesk
e Pilin of our own country is surpret-
ed by r
Front the Close of the tertiary 'or*
It was then lie culled Humwy"
geologists to have been the
bed of one vast inland ren. Over this
motion of the DOrthCra bemlrphenq
IoW Cuuuvel. Mr. Newman
expWlw beer, but, although not a wine
sea roomed colossal icebergs, In the
% heart of which giant buwidere, re-
or the time the drift wassprrad over
tha northern eontiaenta, to the pray-
agent, Is a noted authorley upon a(-
fairs of the heart.
( Posed. The melting these icebergs
ap t puaitioo of the globe.
R'hel,' iaquiron the itiuturnsJ
•-Go to Canada and mew her," was
rock mantes in t bosom of uud
country whose presence defies explan-
theduisi, "has Occur" oa our globe
Mr. Kewmao'r dictum. prupl-
tlatory offeringr. Admit yourself In
e!161n on say otbur hypothesis. Now.
Once that eventful perinlf Yore
the wrong. A man always In ca
Is rate
\ 1 viewing such phenomena as these is
could pursibly ba described in live
like this, and the sooner he acknowl,
I. the light of the ciuturnal theory of
lhowrtnd volumes, if authors would
Mgem the fact the better for halm. Bo
thu earth, it is easy ton sea that ao
lona do Justice to each, de artmw of
j p
wbm. my buy. be wine. Go to Toronto
elemear of mystery c=uts whatever.
ttw eienne lad to the rogressive
trod admit our error at cot» and ask
The Arctic Ocean covers what was
developmrat of the -human family even
for forglveness"
I 1� once a fertile country. The Aleutian
from that standpoint." He concluded
"Will you come along and back me
11,iS��Jpp��lpggA,wAA-"-"-- lha
this part of the subjoct with a de-
u y
P • queried SIA. Kaufman. ' I need
cone r atione. The mutual builders or-
tLsttbe evtdenee is strong-
moral support in a matter like this.'
i away
V., / gloated, flourished ed and Laded awn
l in favor of tho eaivtenco of human
beings on lkIs planet u far batch u
It L the fine time to life I ever
,rte^ in torrid climes. Sueb are the
of the • y
the mioccns, or middle tertiary, per-
to admit I was In tLe wrosg, and
It comer hard, I can tell you. still,
W "AAMtANDREW-s. Wiliam Andrews results eves
I think you have the right Idea, ertvh
to th,a minda of the most hardened
is also the reason why he does
H you do push beer."
togas to exJst leaven a vold to much sceptics, fu.rnlab a working hypothesis
Man's Antiquity.
And so It came about that these
Is admitted by g+oingkonl s Imus to, Is cb stands the severest testa.
The progress of man in civilisation
two gentlemen Journeyed to Caunda
day. The warts of such an ultimate It would be tion greatest error to see
an i enligh.terment is made by :awn t he-
last week, but neither of them heeded
ntouan of oar planet findsthe-...... In the Successive glaclit par" of
orist to depend upon the diuturnal re-
the chill binat and other dlscomforte
tato wmi'J delirlre,l of any natural every portlou of the earth's eurfaee
volution of the earth. His existence
of life In a Itlgh latitude.
exPlamatun of the 11tratfded crust of any cause for regret. They are, on
dates from the drift period. The con-
Before lie left New York Mr. Kauf-
the earth. Thusas the dilemma of ,the contrary, a wise provislon of
sequence of the diuturnal movement
man laid In a stock of much things
as The believed Mlss 1,06 would regard
Ot tiedBjs of Kant and nature. The movement b so gradual
of Europe and North America from
cnnsk]eratlon In Luteol tl ill
Hutton. On the other hand the ac- that no disturbing effects are felt at
Jhe equator to their present poli-
with favor. There was a satchel
cepta-we d the ttiuturnal revolution all. It Is true that the reghto now
,lion is that a vast periol of time
which, with the engraved plate, coat
ad an Int@Mml {tart of the system of . ktaown al:'the 1-111ted States of Amer.
has been afforded the inhabitant• of
•7'. There were six pairs of milk
naotemin" to lgJldrh the globs to lea will In tlmn-,hnasmo as foo Locked
lleree f.lhs al-
tha_aurtLpFa ksmiapox
hosiery worth $8.75 a pair, cakes or
-T -throw,
mubJ-t fully AcOumts for the whole as the North. Pole Is vow. New York
tainment of their present degree of
soap at t3 diamonds and
Whom" cit stratification. The dlu- and ('1 cn well ton r be-
enlightenment ument •red progression. The
Other things which brought the to -
tortal theory !• thus a tley to the meet) ate I mltna fntaen rxpatasr.
osen xp
suound twilderaehf I'lortb Allsop{ were I
tal expenditure up to more than $300.
renis Prarmtted by the stratified rocks The stabbing cold of the pales. North
a more enlightened race of peo131e rod
All these lie hand with halm whra he
with their Involved OrguinLo remalas and South, may now, serve to concert)
further edvanced in general develop -
landed to render the cot
Of aar•lent fkorst and fauna. extinct civilizations. .loons lteuce,
meat than the native Indians of this'
of Mr. Newman.
The aspect of the Islands Sad ton• when the polar rrgons are blraavom
continent because of their premum-
srnswtarZesmbggl the is" IfbrelL� of 48g ais 's-treardear Dan. %� femlltta
the earth has dur
{ttavnloamntt,as••sctt'i.tis.Voome ne
inhabitants Aleu-
As silos as tha�',titd'Ssstt ..,Mr:
greatly altered of their past will le unearth by th^
of the region of the
Kaufman sought out the home of
Ing tine successive changes of mur• bamanity of the far Qh"81% fatore ne
face On our This Is
tion Archipelago. -
M. Lee. Mlle smiled upon m. She
planet. a matter mrlentlst-v totinydig out tow re(Ices of
The native Indlaos of continent I
Adult,received the Presents he land
of popular knowledge. that In the tile mound ound builders. _. , •
In later Clays. however, may have
brought and listened to file explants -
been tlue damogmdants of tribes. either
nob take M
; tions graciously. Fyne seemed W ap
from Northern Ada or from thesume
predate the fact that he bad found
tahrce through Routh Americas. lµ
gayest New York a dreary, deadly.
mnclent land connertbns undoubted*
dull thing wlthrwat her presence. I$be
ly cotUnued with the southern por-
was apparently Altogether forgiv-
tiOn of the Asiatic continent. "After
Inst and complaisant.
,unheeded years had rail their oddest
But this was not all. .lm lir. Kauf-
tnunt throngh many tsoueand 8908
man gated upon tier and banked In the
Europe beclnms tM {Yutnt of dlstrlbu-
radlanoe of her smile a reallxing sense
tltxu from wltloh slxnrtrt the nncleue
of the Inadequacy of tier girte was
of the first civilized Inhabitants of
Impressed! upas film. They were all
North Atmetica•" Titre Asiatic nations
usth of peoptee,
usually deemed e
too slight W show the full force of
roust In.reality bo thibO younger in
his affection. Hence he opened his
tlnrt than the mud)' thousands axf
heart and lite pocketbook still furth-
er and bestowed $500 upon Miss L,
truerttaua which have passed away
on the ell of Earvp+. Thus the dl-
' accompanied by a fervent
nt petition
aturnal revolution becomrrr th- cape.
that are purchase acme small sou-
veeir of Itis happy reconciliation. The
Ore of the scale of human existence.
young woman smiled dill more nweet-
ly and Mr. Kaufman went away In a
What the Theory Settles
glow of blies W report progress to
The be-te,naw of tho theory of Wit-
i Mr. Newman, who was waiting out -
Ilam Andrews upon the OHMtUtc con.Olde.
11,000 guests each. To prepare the
troversa teof today may be summed
it took them some time to renCh
up very briefly.
the hotel at which they were Wilt -
It adjuncts tlse cootrovetay b?taveen
ting up, for the happy wine agent
the followers .of Darwin and the rot-
iinQlltel upon baying all along tae
Lower, of AI[maplt In favor d the for-
of.. course, vantly greabsr then the
mer. "The tool Theory of thn
Earth," an William Arrlrewm calls his
When they did get there the clerk
work. Is specific on this point. Ant-
haul@(I Mr. Kaufman a bundle and
nal We always ext•tAd on it trate
a note. The note stated that MISS
part of the gbbe. will a Loral"
148 felt herself greattly dlntre.svl
- 1 pars made Its air transit.
'ilial at the
by the presence of Mr- Kaufman in
�eTgTn6 a Mr
Toronto. ft might lead W unklnd
equator maker a bridge for the past
remarks upon the part of her
Age of speclws. MORTlrts have always
frlemdo. if his protestation@ of re•
nesaed much n tart Ke. The dluturnml
Bard were true he cook] show his
theory stows how the bridge was
feeling best by at once leaving the
The vearintktnm In the motlonn of
city and returning to New York.
In tJw bundle he would find all his
earth and fronton are explained. Prorcw-
gifts. even W the $8 caken of soap,
nor Newcomb called this mn "Insoluble
but she had been compelled to use
problem in astronomy."
the $'W0 cash, which she would send
Climatic evid(wwm rare held to
to film JQ- New fork as soon as she
prove the theory conclusively. Ruch
conveniently could.
evldencev follow with rornsarkable ex-
That In why Mr. Kaufman kooks
actltnde the spiral pati cif dluturnal
sad and chastened them days. land
rrrolatton .
Marthgmakee. also fit into this tbe-
is also the reason why he does
AiA�kertey (
cry. Po too, do m)cenfc phenomena
r. Newman a sdvdoe on
any sobjwct. even to the
America and
and the. Aetna of Routhiotas*
presents iota. bull he has his presprey ent+
light d the Asdrwsme theory a gnat I
the rinklnit of Greenland. Thr+ earth's
crust rime gradually at the equator
-tsKoethe crash, rend what
mark of polar action Is that of the
The Firih'i Shell.
and slake at the point. This adjust-
Amn sal more than that?
onus gnat continent of which the iThe
Week IDAIes lad the Islands of the
earth flott• upon a semi-Itquld
element eight thousand miles In Lia,
cent prodoesw the breaks and flssnrem
in the strata.
The Greatest Banquet of the World.
Rea are now the only
mater. The surface strata are a re-
The dlutnrnal theory shown that
The greaten banquet In history took
remnants. That Ill to say, "
suit W a great extent of the interior
Diana, with bb elevatdxy theory :
place Aug. 18th, 1889, wlwrt the 40,-
land divi•ierr of the, globe in+thelr a". I
heat of the globe, which throws aft
Chamberlain. with lata carbonic neld
000 Mayon of Pranne ant at a table
rel movement are subject te the I
what may he termed forrdgn huh-
gap theory; Le Conte, with hale contl-
Ill the Palati de 1'lodastrfe In Ports.
tremewdous convulalonm of which gesel i
stand" or old matter remelted. The
nental rt•ing and falling theory, each
There were threw relays of about
ogy has taken note. But they are sub- I
thickness of the eartb'd crust ha• no
had hold of part of tae truth. Each
11,000 guests each. To prepare the
Jett to aameLhing moos. This tome-
espee!al taetlj7tK aeon the dlututs81
Paw a small are of the great circle
fent required aeveaty-flvo chip(
thing mora In glaclnl action. Now
theory, The " iartaeter of our (globe la,
wh to entire ttImumference was first
cooks, 18,000 waiters, sculllous, dxllnr.
r of thin have
the glacial perkwkthin p
of.. course, vantly greabsr then the
outlined by William Andrews. He call@
men and helpers; 80,000 plates, GL,-
been recognised by sclrotlsts. Various
thickness of the mere abell.
this nature's own theory or the earth.
000 glasses, halves, forks and spoons
theories in regard W them levo been
The actutil"bhieeAteess d the ~th'd
It pmrportt to Pxp1a1II, all phwoomenn,
In proportion; 40,000 rolls rand fish,
formulated. But ao adequate ex-
shell may. In fact,Tiever he positively
and having begirt applled W one, II-
meat and fowl by the ton. The ban -
planation of them Is possible unless
asewwtAlned. But the theory
fulmination•Lbem all, -New York Her-
qua,t was part of osilteoary cele.
n spiral movement of the earth Is
aceounta for the volcanic and swl}mle
ald. I
bratiOR of the •vest• of 1789.
taken Into account. The moral move-
mint trrlsgW the murface of the glnhe
eonvuh:ono of tt1P earth's snrtnoo by
the tend y of the Inner liquid maw
Willa J. Todd, a ono
Young man, was
The Might Directory pabfishe",g-
at rrgular but Immense intervals with-
to reject all foreign truhstancnt. The
lbawleg dynamite at Rat Portage,
t'mato the population of the roti of
in the mptwre of glacial influence. 'Mae
wavel ke motlol of the crust his a ten-
it exploded and Wow him to plecwa.
Toronto at 250,209.
coantrim which to -day are tmAYlmg
deny to projtct fragments of the
o mild and Irmo le climate mast non-
eemsartly tWrwome toe covered to a
fate over-
tome ring mento hitosrA the Ilgrlf masa
T1uan frngmrnts ars ureic Un11y ejxt-
.the 'lyse
�r�r "-11-.,
ftA'r Barpown asewall
""'Bt,l 01111'..k
�ryoyd Ing,
the town.
town. fieneraats•.e find rekvdmember
Boers had remembered
the salute which we had fired on the
owe and s
-- -
great depth. Such a will
ell. Here, then. Is a iornewblt general
Motion, Oaf -
as well as blaiak. in the gar.
rU M lson nt Ladysmith certain. T
AxO [stall= �.
of never (elle t' receive notice
take the city of New York, AN It has
hot at 11 edegnate explanation of vol-
very an-
gry because can one occasion Ise had_
foul." •trent.
not bard of the order counter*
mantling a night attack. He nom•
l' a eMent INuranNent; at lowest rwua
plains] of C1rYa. Whlbdl% want of
)Bich: Col. North rL soldunre, Uob
d•ri•. 74
cnnsk]eratlon In Luteol tl ill
.already overtaken the northern and
cable empsttdns and earthquakes.
toatrerm polar ragftx►s.
William Andrews I# very ho IHva In
his contention that the earth's crust
film, "ltttFw better than e
Tin Terrestrial Corkscrew.
Ir a men
k. y°t , `
The effeet of a oorkeorew or spiral
floating on s lea
maw of me." Compared
of ter. fire." Compared wIW t" din•
moverseat of the earth during an U.
limitable expanse Of time If the trans
meter, the earth's tomo Is not much
shinier than "the on n moos of
OpiBt@ts $Set@II the DACE of Nervi Delle --Dr
position of the meveral parts of the
Jim north polar
is film abets
rnantial This film
Chase's Nerve Food Restores
and Revitalizes
warth's sort&".
paint of tie globe taow" ooYatantly
mnsoahsw 1 In po 1without. fnrfbe from
w►Ithln an ] from It 1 t
inward the month. mouth polar
point of the wank setaewarllY mover
toward the north. Z7ae . rrnlR oL
the n r
len, tm
a equilibrium
n natnrnl and perpetual egalllbrlum
twtween theme forcer, ,,to is dIstufbnt
.. _
cesli lir • roVolatloa or totat'$tl ts111ah
p*io .GRILL lgil,InR ..
Tmo! �''���
Whsr -OPkA m., •V%W pltT'tiagtem dr
mach a t mast next
the IocklraK Of the Rm
naterw demi from the i,eglnelnK to
other �' I
point Of time,
cWlsasw It uta more In one aloes bot par-
alas tatt/aeo ttmt arum sleega only by
rensrxh rule. Clot t
right dfov►a to
moan Emplrn In My fawtne,n*em.
tho turn of the Chieeaw Van-
nal wave." This wave produced
pet v D
dewclert/e1g t1aA merverr that rtrhh w
the fomndaUnin of the trouMo and
bully] n the system by
will come
Including the garnet desert of
In lullingfollowed that of the t•
cord Is- still 1xMurinK nil thaw phare-
OUMNA d which mom Is tagrileant In
It, L Only temporary, And that the
p n*Irag Dr.
C mar's NrrvO Forx1.
d China, Hindustan an='
rrlat'on to the ararth'r stratlfiraton.
ase Of Inch actually haatwN
the decay of the nerve cells
• treat rwmLoeatve Is In pill
f,arnt an cattalos thaw very
or part
trial Ethiopia. This will be follow-]
by the polar e,*PrfmWOD of that dl'
The Pavip ini na
The apevea most not be trlllwd with,
No Oce can afford to waste nervow
of motors, whitish go W form new red
coarimarles In the World anti erwato
vlAdwh of sPlrnl terrltory In which a.re
Than anthwr of the diuturnal theory
+a .3. the vital tonus of the body,
mAw ne"d,"If&
at this time the Philippine 1WAUd C
draws ftp s pIan a thw rotational- Thom
No arts ahn afford to netKiert dleteesrd
it to war" sebUe to t o ember that
torso, aumatra, the trillion
plain reveals for stinntiflc purposes
IV I until overcome by nervous
Dr. Chaisson Nerves Frwyl M not a pat•
mud a plertion M Romthern Africa. The
the fifth
tion erwxrttmtd MG$100 of thk our plan-
Le to time and stratlfl•
prmsif,rstlon, parmlyils. epllepay or
ant madWlsa but tabs,ggvrww+vr��ter& pn-
dlabm�esl revolution of
stall, n^Um
wrlptkmn of Dr. A. W. t', author.
I pa�lodd glacial rptlon will submerge
nation. The pawinla of time are lint
it is next tore Isnpc�s1110 to eetlmete
of the faatow recndpt Is. .
jtns Craps of Gilmal Hope In n Dolor at.
dariAvely. but they are approximate
the effaot of dMmr+heed nervy on to
Dr. Caaam'm NorvO Fowl lm an °P
I n oospla yy,. Tien Atamtrallan continent
is now tending Upward from a period
ly, Correct.
T handiveo and tot mlll'on yaers
of than holy. Tba whole atm•
of circulation. reglrotlaxu and
*04ft6aa stia+utitln nebeWtr sttdn. f r all
has itarlf to tow .Iwr4flc tux all
of g11e1A1 sslrntArgetsdr at the srtoth
of the Inland
Al t part of thaw roauthwrn
in which the Plant RMetlanA i.fencls
can mly propsrl Oar
full en wtwm fogsi; Is swlpptled by' the
nett (gMbn s. It cannot fall. If
11rw1 IywwaaSw It
This Uprw.g y
Postinwot rill Sri on until Australia
aro now situated wan M the nisi
ally rebuilds and twvitalisvw tho waited
hW,Mww "tow coil Of great end
losing, equatorial
revoluttewt of the Narth. funds, toI
poorInviter wasithorn sider*nl polar
14"rval, exhalloW noar•te easame
If pwlnn much w btaAaNm. neUt litia,
nmrvaia it M eapwwnlelly rp4%mnnfinded
for life pseufktr to weowm. lrarnnr
anwwefrl empire•
-4W%sllatS~." Thin Is to take pis".
aclatlets. rhwumatlam, barekaethA and
thwy alnlast hiva+4ably arlow from wx.
-ever, not �°rinng1 Australia's up
e paOrsilMt, bei onion tM shod
(khw hlm,MM end al,ty plight full.
11rW1 ywwr+ wgrr PwtneMmarahe-AA
lw+titng Ihimmba.t� ovs�
Ttsw i e --
hammed marry, Dr. Cjhaw'e Nerve
sena m box. at all MAlwe
nth b unit es nil a w'gcwthward after a stay Of ernwlly arwou the, shut erre trap.Y star ldI . or by wall. from Ir marmon, /sates
reef a sa. All *-t4 neya - , ,t " northern tylhphere• polar raWkw a kmo( enmKy amt ahppsgttw a ewltb• a tis . 'liter t#LW Seek on rtorvMr dtrr-
�blledhwt may rets f = , -glow amvestwwte and vast Or lwedtrd �dvarl.. rJ ttte AW A- t � M► ijuhl lrrttla saA elttrits trwk . 1 -
ith "tire crnuxwed ft - -
*Wt, foroll, the Tae
NSI aha,,.. of Andres
0 the "tions to our
" .*# of ti s4 er tibow' ass.
. ••tforn at' lima far hbsrlr cos'
rets Jreaew ala
Am la plana. nvelvtag tMahlvlw and the
wrim + .yah Man't Msap at R"to&ad
oww . �hflYieWo Syrup of Linseed
a. The dtalnraal rAtO:u'Iea
Asad waters of the Amason. pturad
toss in mkmwy k+rhRt for bntak
msATorlfentdM Wt pmsspt sad tlhov-
ta tbon ana"14revoint: pry
is ouamer.
tllaisaa iM attnfth.rrl side -(to
.once. da oavt ytwFrt. N t- wap.
tatl6n b uw Rw*d' +tits or
Nao, thrum titwm tl steels, AOryeBY
nits. hlum ill ss se a box. Tails.
News of Gen. Butler's F;tat
Failure -Caused Dismay.
The Signal
�" rwetraSwam .:'
term• d embeesegasse
adr&a................... 6Own,.b.....r.•w«........ala a.«
London liable: War lettere from
Adveartisiintg Unless
Ladysmith montapultse to -day's Lou-
loaeevW tact t i...tWm-::. titin.
per taw• Water
dwi pbtpere. The Times curraspondrat
fur •ach aubeeY.ent laesrtlon. Maagar" b
At tilat place vitiates
wtes . under date of
nya ZUKota.
B,teta.tela u.ss.ad ander, fS sen
December loth :
"Jt a iwpusslb:,e to •=prem the feel-
M wltiost renha !t itain roan" au•tyes
eh.wtiss biee.rh Ns.alene v art
Ing of cunetaraauusr wub wQtso-the
Bs+r.aM ('►a $1 wr rated. N/ aiJeedtr/
a saerrp.rell, fn,
news of General Buller's .check on toe
7'thgo:u l'olSaso in
H on,we ..it harms en Rab, .4 to
rinsed t Ilo•a ill for tint mMW, Na Nr •r►
al aur sed•elved that
iu,est*d town. Alt had made up their
*71:010.1=1.1,11. Aivta Ir W=-,.-
opted et irrlek Y M
minds that the period of enforced in-
.r.mot�thoPOMUIarr of.rylwdlsiL
activity was rt an end. We wear
proud t(1 tb:ak that wt, b1AUald be
taadotrar*eds000 Ing1y,
[.00rl rot{ces Is .onMw•r� tgM w rest gee
able to meet too rel.oving tmoopw with
sror".o Notion ism tboo no.
the little histortrs of opo ow -a regard-
I.oeaI.otlo•slo will lowT ^Mins t�otwo
Nets per ward. Nonocb• for Iwo they
in toe Gun and -sus ie Hid bat-
g -lu !
ffts•t- fon churches and other vdlsloeS eMrw1
tories. Su one for a moment. ill,agirud
Ma•wdattasUtaslmm. Wt raw
that the wuthern f,.rce Would be auy-
- ;
t'hing but succersfu:.
subserlbers who hall to reoelwe To Bolan
"Heavy firing had been heard tars
foe larly ban mail will cooter a tower by ams,
December auh in the direct" of
g.atntirtgms•fthe hot sat as oarfrasaw as
C,Aenuut, while on the following day
pullet ble.
When, achaase ret Address b d tNh
tLu clots on C'aeaar'■ Cam and
Pi P
thatold and t►• now rddrese a►oaL ke glrea
Wagon Hil: had been the rmuke made
by the Dusting *hrapneL Then we
allumber's N•s.
waited for news -waited breathlessly
for orders to be given to the flying
J. 6. Le Tousel, of Oodearlca, ►u hew y
pointed Local TraveflialltAverttar the Town-
column, ebmyoaed of lLo DeavoosliheAtps
of Ooderio►• Oasoene, Ashaeid said
and Manchester regiments and eltor-
leWill the ddatrtolarealen
don' HighJa IRders, at) ,Sal. camp, to
empowered to a ve r.b•trlpNoa• to TO
e tis o
dertation wbio :the
ern hsrce had hegun, Mo tad
9Wlt ae. _
All commorleation most be Addr�oerssa�
YL'a coagrattaitited theniselr in
�'tree:s when they heira that one
T•lephoueCall ea T-God� baama,
of our heavy g4oa had been rept, to
tblbttor, Notary PuMb, Na 04N Soret
Wagon Hilt to cover the movement of
-- - - --
Its. Gying column.
T11FR`tDAY. FEB: ]l9, IWX).
"But the at:aace wilt pcoloagod,
ton u.lk•Itors. hotness P.ldlo, eta
thougD the belto wit* winked cease-
Joatiy from the hill tops. Rumor had
its way, and stories were turd of s
splendid victory, of deserting liners,
r.f fleeing Duluth, and slaughtered
Hotei, uod•rich. wan roods 1n 1 en
mortgages At 44or eat. Interest. rermwi
burghers. But nothing frvus head-
Mixed.... .... IS.wa
t)ilj:eded ltxprra ................. A paw
""1.M Paw
"Decetgber 19th war I'logaan's Dol,
Yale .d k= ..........«••••••..
avret. ,..«...lase P.aa
the anniversary of thJ dA`c J`ratlua Of'
independence of the kbtith African lilt`
public by the triumvirate ►fs ldW- It
tall and Kxperea.......:............. sea.
and g:prees...................... Ism tea,
was thought slant tilt wo"a baa rola
Ylxed................................. is M.
able date for us to crush the power of
. 1,
the rebel Htute. Day dawned, and with
the advent of the main -the hig g
Bulwnmt .).coed n eplteftlT M .
; � tftllTlt i6lWlistl; � • - may
.the 'lyse
�r�r "-11-.,
ftA'r Barpown asewall
""'Bt,l 01111'..k
�ryoyd Ing,
the town.
town. fieneraats•.e find rekvdmember
Boers had remembered
the salute which we had fired on the
owe and s
l'rince rN Willits'rIp•rteaes' blrthdev..Grlmly on
Dingartli'r Duy they returned Lila Fla-
lute, qnd with effect for there were
• surgeon-Iet••t a.d approved st•thods
three fninl Casualties from the fire.
"8tH; the garrhwn gpr,grtft9JyLed It-
for.11 dente oviamUona Pr•.wratf•. of the
natural teeth a opeolah . Omo•: Coe.'Wssl
St. fgaare � K.tran•• v�M
swif Thin r+uluto was ttwwat t to sung Of
and las es
the dying swan. In a fit elf brnvadu
No. As.
the ene.ny hand fired Into us before re
luovinte the gnu W escape the advance
el o tal su•g�ro.. Q atelr Asao•lated wW
from the south. A story come In from
Dr.Dixon,of ootrael Odd boil posealala
Intombl Camp that lite Burs hull went
Sri ldolal teeth mounted N soil a el.mlasmt
n number of wounded Dutch for trent-
talent. Excitement ran high, and n
OA -es. SJa•rW &U4aUNglvm to th• pprr��}rr
�rssccbIena Ot V�ehe MI" teal 0�•e to l�
Laaa'en*wkYsk. ■rt
Apteulative photographer clro------tl --
- -
n otice to that effect that now that the
- - - x,UGAJI.
siege was prsactcally at an used late
t.wrnrrgeerteg trastaarahee�I (r • poyYm M
ot"b -o 1 tatted io bill Mdeaa c' -s -_ I
Hotel or amt ban seoG te W
would be happy W take a mase group
of than cwt a who had survived.
ERdt�orTNHots�tsrrryPuI. DA et
'But on Rntrb"burdIL3
t a hilaraldltr"S r
Onrsa•a,»Chesm ' L•sgrgars.
can serafxWtted.Ttrt bnttrevssat n Utryatotld
- ;
W the flying column were trent back to
L� OAMPiON, a0.-HAlttlavw gni
their {rotltlone on flee Ione of dde(evhce.
sissy, Notary fes Otnu over ressmtsi
Ob Lite morrow the following gpneral
order onto publishedff W the garrison :
"Tlhe Kenernl officer conunundlnK
the Natal flel,l forer regret# to have
' ` O J4)HN tg'ON-BARRLBTItl. 1KMA-
j�j et� Yea- g
loan •Omoeti: ter. H eml9 asi2Lte
to announce thulpGnietal Sir Rafvert,
ste••ts,God•rl h•OaL AI
Bullet failed} to make good blv (trot ret-
tark on Colenso. Brinforeemptits will
not, therefore, arrive hero su enrl)' as
eulhcetsa ructarft pttbJlc to the
wow rxPM tM1 Fir Gear" WitIle)a
Maritime Court. kc. Onlee: oN rth •t.. nmttt
confident that the defence of Indy-
door n1emAL omca Private iund• to lead at
bowers miss of interest. e
smith will the continued by the Karel-
es.0 In the same spirit@(] mnnner ns It
harem hitherto been conducted until than
Kplieral officer rnmman,ling In chief
A,torseye,solicitors. kc.Godogfok. J.
1. Otarrow, tl.C., CAArIes Garro.w, LLB
.111 Adxttlt Africa doer retleve
tblbttor, Notary PuMb, Na 04N Soret
" The news was received with blank
std• Court beg" sqW rm. Monty toleas u
dismay. The dlasppolntment was
low rate• of feter••t
overwhelming. That. no the ■Ituta•
tion he,tan to be otudle] calmly,
ton u.lk•Itors. hotness P.ldlo, eta
the tenalon was relleve.l. it did] not
•r te�Nn. Osloe, �v••totnyt
really matter If tho Investment
Imstc-A a few weeks longer.. We head
of the luxnrtes of life. It Is true,
but there was a full ration of tine
Ichor, notary and emwevaeew. Odes
on Hamilton rents opoo.lt• t►e t' k.rr•
necessitation for ret loart two
Hotei, uod•rich. wan roods 1n 1 en
mortgages At 44or eat. Interest. rermwi
months, ...$'ire ck fancee were asst•
Not« oasbe&
cnlly secure ngnlnst attack. Our
worst costly was tllsea.e.
11 RAfK:11,111"ll -GKNKRAI, INSUR.
"Thai sltuntkon was anything bat
a♦• •tacv. Itral grlu• sml N'mvy 1lonatketwg
toot. Only amtdw aamearl•a
desperato. The men. Ito vin mu ken
g g
nunly in 1•twl on sireighl leans, at ,be lowest
atoo I to the field fortifications,
eaemel satisfied to remain on the
ate oflotentaulnst.lei w. to salt tai•
onrrowor. stili•.: Nua,.d LNr Trow lt�aa.sr•
defenalve. The d]saPPOlntment WAS
R•tt `ar"u• urwlrertek. fttestt
ncutc, bit non far M the garrison
wall onnoerned. the altutstlaa ,re-
mained dnchanged,"
ramahl.eioner for taking ar,d resolving
i.oegn,rmnue. or hilt afllda,v. er &Memo
dn.a depa-wilens or warn d•ebnU•awwp le ve
The Standard's correspondent at
atno•rnln`` any :I
6arl'n stn ,:IF,cyano or ptrt o0A g A
a i/1�=
devotes much of a two-
column letter W the subject of mole*.
for tM ray 'Count/eoor
Was t All t anenctlNeen(w)IF and past���ppppppYYYYYYpppppp
exa uted. Iteeldeue ead P. O. addret
writes :
" That thee"• are traitors nrd mples
Motion, Oaf -
as well as blaiak. in the gar.
rU M lson nt Ladysmith certain. T
AxO [stall= �.
of never (elle t' receive notice
of tar movements. Ylers. Janbwrt, In.
deed. In said to haves been
,• • Notary. Procter MarhthasCo.n. Lmoom
very an-
gry because can one occasion Ise had_
foul." •trent.
not bard of the order counter*
mantling a night attack. He nom•
l' a eMent INuranNent; at lowest rwua
plains] of C1rYa. Whlbdl% want of
)Bich: Col. North rL soldunre, Uob
d•ri•. 74
cnnsk]eratlon In Luteol tl ill
n9 w ".'
eta haul
On Mcwirn Mommetit thaw nen»
::1111 or -Private Funds for investment at
Sr rates end ascot on pert. se aw,ryAg e.
given by common cortmeuL to thaw day
Apply to Gaenw k oanow.
of Nlcholawm's Net --the Basso Knve
disastrous proof of acqunintance with
- --- .
plasms bay
our plawithdrawing their main
blriy from the rweeitral of attack and
preparing en ambw.h for Use illusions -THOMAS
tent. The ree,mnnioutnfwf under sol.
Arockleburst, nlwu slwwal that they
i Godnrlch. Out. Rpalwal attention given
to farm and ,aria stock rales tales attended
had hnem warned In film to change
to la any part of the ...rest.
their potdtlan. in Idtmrty It Is Impose.
Able to avoid than refil.eWon that we
are In an enemy's country.
1) and Loed iralm►ter, Ged y�(yO�ai� �•-
erg had emddersbio o�wlene to W sow
,,The loyalty of the Bridals eolcrdst■
L• heyrxtd etseputciaa. but the Dutch
wknecylt in Natal Is very strong. Rev-
t.wrnrrgeerteg trastaarahee�I (r • poyYm M
ot"b -o 1 tatted io bill Mdeaa c' -s -_ I
Hotel or amt ban seoG te W
oral farmers have been Oamgnt rvwl-
arefolly u'�An M
hanrked, and many dvlllann And vol•
K1tee%aP. eet� M
unterers flava bapt u" and coeulno
- ;
ftzhtlrgf cart titetldrFlderltlt Every -p
- - - ,_----- __ T -b.1
Je:t iA known and dkieussed In the
volnntewtw Iltww long beforw the ration.
We L&NIL God��L tawtLf
LaM hnv0 ern ides d It. and Mfkwe4.
have reeetved ocientetmandn bar orders
that have never rlmobed•them."
"Clevereeen'• $=Med.
They Williall if They Could.
Thaw Citises, asse►osees that the,
wicked Torlss propose to Siert one
of .their party In &mill wen(worth.
Tire Tories may propenw but the pier -
lore will dtelposiC and ir. Baln'a IonsR
earner will he enntinrtwd And
hl4 necepasey of the ehair also The
Tories are "vale -ad." That the wer;d
knows, and the f4tiswn, minitf.1 ret
the al&fine teaching of Thomas a
Kellpi w owes Up• alae not eras the
"w•irliednesn" of its Party In the
eiertorst filild nor Ito more wicked
Rarryman Orinqq hem or Is likely to
shake thaw prr(tlon of the stalwart
Snit unlvoraillr respected IAher.l
who rinse no fits npeorples the ip.,k-
or's a►air.•-tOlitaks w:bison press.
Te►klsi fir ofd► iRerfnneS.
tlrstlMO. sot corona Into
iwwht trelr .prlvat0 fextnrhw,s nn
til aftwr llafrls After that 1Qu y ran
dtepose M oast d It wlthoat flu
hoolb"A's 000mmt.
in an allrtZrd Interview with a To-
nrlto Ololw repartee yesterday. Mr.
Rorer rinime-1 flint Mmgo�erulsent he -
mo thin ydvtr tow) wilt a aurMnn of
tt7,t1th.(M. But It Is not what the
treasury hoha10 at tit hvg+tming of
the year that auanto it 1r the bel-
mnrsa on hand at the end Of tfir year'n
tranowtlrwhe that Intserestw the prople.
Mr. Ross Aver arws Itis surplus for pistil
in the irate dwhtnry.-HoLmllttNa Spec.
'1'bt4 In n wlierimen of tJlw irrilliant
erltrkrm which It was sntirlpwt@(1
Coaraervntire jenrusIs will retake In re•
C%rA t.t the Ontario Oorerncnwnt's
Attrition. Will the hxakk•rpir•t St.
pert M the 01arwtrhtor ktndly let no
Inrow how stn (lover truant maw
have it surplus at the hegirvning o/
IV01 wtthrwht havlrvg tho Demo mt
On wn,l ca( 1 RIKI f --!tt. Thomann Jostr.
becretary Root Sala the U. B. bare
awn avallahle for military defy, Met
Uraorgmalwal, to that nnmawr of laft.t,-
I1R0, awl nn aggragate organlnr,l
ttringth of 106.889,