HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-02-8, Page 7fl&RTIWll1S• WilW_ ...16.1.'.
But Reports Are Contradictory
as to Buller's Movements.
den. French Clears this Right Flank
at Colesberg.
adysmsth Eagerly Waiting for Buller ----Young Englbhman Sbot Because
His Would Not Fight Against His Own Countrymen—Butler's Flying
Colsema North of Ladysmith --A Boer Commandant to be Released --
Boers Shoot Natal Wounded—Churchill's Pretoria Jailer Shot --
Kruger Pleased to Interview European Powers.
Loudon. Feb. 5, 4 n. m.—Beyond Gen.
lord Roberta despatch from Caw
'rowo regarding the situation at
1la(ekkug. the War Office has Issued
sp lufurmatlon oomoerntlg the pro -
greet of affairs in Moatb Africa. In-
terest le entirely concentrated to
Lien. Buller's m0vemette of which Lha
euerespoodente seed practioally no
news of importance. except the nee.
teal News despatch from Darbati.
e lating that the British are again
access the Tugela River and march-
ing to the relief of Ladysnlw. It
• "1t is expected here that bew�reeob Ladysmith tomorrow ()Luci-
dity) night." This despatch though l:r
emertions are made definitely and
without reserve no.itai little credit.
'liber despatches not coli do not cor-
roborate Littbat indicate that up to
eunday nl�lt Gen. Ruler had Dot
moves tem rmaa'e Camp.
B Daily Tele -
den the
(a• mp. In a de'pseeob dated Saturday.
Feb. A. 9 pat.. asye :
'General Barton bas been eftenom-
ulug the Ouletsae Mase h0S, Cleave -
ley. 'Dopier the Boem% tris appeared
atLeett al, to yetresL_ •�.,
Today is qua ` PliWie in+'
d--i(t. Our guns did no centaoadlog
"The Boers are nsjoylag their Ian
kuuntty from attack. Tbey can be
.ten etre:4111eii a( their defamers
works. I have not reef many of the
mealy along the ridges to front of
Iotg eter's drift for a fortnight."
The same correspondent. W a de-
e omteh dated Benday. Fob. 4th. 6 p-
, says:
There has beet, no cannonading
4nn•. The man are enthusiastic over
the prospect of a speedy advance."
Other correspondent,. to despatches
dated 8iturday, speak of the men a+
eagerly waiting for the alivance.
Therefore. unless their mssatas have
hem beld by tbe tensor and forward
et dated the day of cabling. theCavo-
trill News correspondent mast be nes-
A bel'ogram from Ladysmith Ban-
da, saki:
-We were greatly cheered by hear-
ing Boater's guns hard at It again
"Wo do mot know the
We e enemy la passing near Ladysmith
again. They ars also moving ,notber
cue toward Sion kop. We ere quite
r..I 1) if they' contemplate another at-
tack- All's well."
It may be worthy of notice that no
eller messages refers to ton. Buller's
1,-uu► firing on Saturday.
The Daily Chronicle's corre.poneeit
nt Ladysmith hellographed Bundny :
repeat has readied us flat mac
brigade has craned the Tugela
Kiser "
The foregoing is all t1n trews throw
leg en) light an the position is Natal
The a nenee of any deta:lr on the
memento or arrangements of Oen
Itu'hr t div(Aou, In conjunction with
ten. 'Ilene" of the War Offlre, I
tame to Mean that Important open
stens are at least imminent. `rot the
(moral News &estatch is considered
must mdikely.
The .tgfest.d explaant'on is that
the correspondent mistook Lord Dan
lonald'e reconnaissance of the west-
erntnost drift for an advance In force.
Atteat'oa is alto beginning to be
l'opefully drawn to the fact that the
smarm fdi Os..ertul grass on the veldt
is approaching 1W clove. As the Boers
,lo not posses dry fodder transport, it
is hoped that their fatal mobility wLll
soon to crtppl.4.
e Au Veined Ford.
i.dbi),ft. -Feb. 4.=-A - despatrk to the
'endear :*sere. dated barbas. relini-
ng 4th., p nnays:
slBuller has recrossed the
hlgele W�L1'is�e�eleend is mashing oe
Ladysmith. 'Etactll' where be croeted
ea sot known, but It is known that Om
friday night he oonsldesed the. probe
nlpillty re erasing at a spot a' oes
Triehanes drift. amid then going 10
Acton Homes, from which place L}}dy-
smith lies abestiet due Mgt. Tba•'Aele
try It ween 11 fairly mpag
{ptt,F Limit Mr: Watton.
genes, of the Helen holt -.farm. who
hers been stopping at t►uneaa• was
summoned a few ley' agoatoJipeer-
man's camp. -
" He tnformld (len. 'j ler that
there were two drifts or fords
which had long been unused further
up the river. It 1s probable that
tent. Bailee seed one of these...
Orders to Ballrr.
London, Feb. 4,—The Morning Lead-
er's military onto. who has been
well posted on " Wilde " Informatloe
right along. yesterday *trireme(' the
belief that Oen. Buller hie begun a
movement toward Ladyemitb. 'I've
article says: "Oen. Rubes prohabty
engaged soon after noon yesterday
(irlday), If ell his artillery sled tst-
nhtiona head corse up. in any care.
his orders were definite for sft nd-
`anoe at the latest this uArniag.
" At the time of his last move we
were able to say It was by the
left from (,'hteveley camp. On the
Present oereilon Beller ham not In
formed his personal fridwsie the pre
rine first step orblnh he has taken.
Met there Ie on resume to empire
the direction le that of Lord Den
aas of last ager's port. e�
be Bethany. otT. ties Oppa 9P,rgota.
"well t et - the Nya1ry anaa
leery may a►,N ge that
was so ",,ed [r` . once atora on
Hunt(+ beyond too Antos
(. esraW, likely
enough. es the of the
la It Mete "Meth% end there le
nee sign of q Amy to the peldl-
her horns."
Bobo eery
1-ee&ct, Vat, 4 r -
✓ eet ved tee a-. -
or AM& r ee
gee bat
cited. Leone- now pushing leek cm
northern, southern and western rides,
all out of rifle fire."
"Otberwlse no change in etttiticn."
Set Fire to Veldt.
Spear,ats'. Camp, Fob. d. 9.85 p. m-
-'1 be Doerr fired from tate Wilson sev-
eral squadrons of llcthune m. mounted
infantry, who were reconnoitring.
They continued to set firs to the
grans on the left of Mount Alice In
order to destroy the effect of the color
of the British troaps and to enable the
Bocra to see the advaooe.
More fines for Hailer,
Durban, Feb. 7.—A number of tuna
have been sent from bore to General
Buller's forces In northers Natal.
Hailer Hold- s the Road.
London, Feb. 5.—The Pietermaritz-
burg cotrsspoedent of the Drily Mari,
telegraphing yesterday, says:
"General duller has undmWedly se-
cured the road to Ladysmith, and
shetaid reach his objective this week.
"It is believed that the object of
the Boers in 'occupying Nguta, Zulu-
land, l' to secure the road from Dan-
gles aro. Ydidle A. in ease et retreat.
"I learn from a reliable source
that General Joubert was sericuely
injured,by a ebsil in the tight at Wil-
low grange, and that he will never be
able to command again as horseback.
My infoenent snys that he has, in
.bet, reared from the field.
''The Boers admit that the attack
on Ladysmith was a esricess thunder,
and would not have eeelrred Lf Gen.
Joubert had been la command- Gen.
Lucas Meyer prayed the coti'ard at
Talent, and sheltered himself in a Red
Crow wagon, shamming seokeean. He
hes been unable to fare the Boers
since, and they threaten to 'boot him.
"The Ben say Great Britain made
• mistake in not sending Gen. Sir
Evelyn Wood. i undantand that
they still have a thousand bags at
flour in reserve •t De:tgon Bay."
A. Ad - t All Points.
Lantern, Feb. 4—Generals Roberta
and Kitoltener are clearly at work
mime tessera' plan of campaign. and
when operations ere opened tbere will
be activity all along tie line. There
is r1(, definite information from any
quarter, bat there aro h!nts that
Osneral Tnekor is carrying rom9 bat-
tal'ons and batteries, toward Madder
inter, that General French had been
In consultation with (ieoernl1 hita•h'n-
er and Kelly -Kenny, that Btormhcrg
■ nearly surroundo.t, and that a con-
siderably foroe is massed at Belmont
for a'rutitlen movement toward the Or-
angt -11tver Artdge. behind- Cdeeberg.
1f them signs of activity coo not
prove anyth.ng else the Inference 1e
cense that et single mind now di -
torte the campaign from Cape Town,
and that when there Ie news there
w:l' be a good deal of It from the var-
ocs gnartere. General Buller's army
w.tbwct doubt will not remain Idle,
but w:Il co-operate la a general move -
went. which will keep the Dutch fortes
ocup!ed eget. wast and meth.
To Hand Over Pretorlus.-.-------
Cape Town, Feb. 4.—LoMspoadas0P
I.aa been exch'tnged between Lard
Roberts and the commandant general
of the Boor forces at Pretoria regard -
the release of Commandant Pre -
torten. Whoa leg has beers amputated.
lord Roberts says he does not w'eh
to detain so.g4Uapt aerokliser, and tike
whet!,�! /hall . 1 h m.
':Tie in ply to th'e communication
Mato, that Commandant Pretoriga
wirer r i•. hat to theta Lord Robert+ for
les kindness, and asks him to send
h'm to General Methuen, stating that
Geeeral Cron* will then arrange for
his conveyance home. -
(troger and the Power*.
London, Feb. le—The Daily Tele-
jltaph claim. to have authority for
Mating that the Beare, after the
fall of L..dymntlth. Intend to send
President Kreger to Europa to ap-
peal to the rower% thinking that the
paths of the veteran Antennae's
appearance;appearance;appearance;appearancewouldwald not fall to have the
desired effect. Ladysmith not leaving
fallen. the Boers are now awaiting(
re smaller defhslte eutoese•
Kruger at the Front.
London. Feb. 4.—.1 heliograph mea-
ntime entut from Ladysmith on Pater -
(ley r eporte.l all welk
it wear akro acid that President Kra•
ger. crf the Transvaal, and President
eteyn, of tate Orange Free filets. vier•
Lied the Inntger's.in tate neighborhood
of the beleaguered town for the
purpose of mating peace l,etween the
troops -o( the Transvaal and Free
It woe said Chet thorn were grave
,Yeesnd•w1A between the Trnnevaal
ins Free State forces In regard to
the posseothel d the war.
The reed' of the visit of the two
Freedmen le not known.
The Czar to Intervene?
London. Feb. 4--1t h rumored In
Mpkwnatic quarters that Os; Clair
will Intervene In the South Ai -
Aran war In about a fortnight.,
ilsernm Is !Silent.
IkearN'1<(M.M 4 , --Ch
Rimaens FKeel-en
Pretoria, Medved here to day in the
American 118. stenmehlp at. Pnnl.
KIth eta- were Ii wife and 11111.
daughter Natalia
Mr. **craft has Maintained Mime*
as to be rennaw' for wields' thanes
hie Math*, and thoh a fatiIaA to tarots medic Mar*
ets dning 1i• has refps4, >t3ia Ir4enae 11
4111 unionism. tKoaBi► Mr. Malerule
any._ thn t tour +row after hie sural
In ; ,tem t. n n e let in its Stats
n..'^ R -• 11 Mem a statemeet
1Mursg r.1V
tt.inl these.
' the Kali.
.quadroa of Life Guard's made a sweep
y/ k9ve1[rl(1 '"
kicept to CM Urlti.h right flank.
One kopjt) oeeupled by Boone was
rusted, time Besere clearing out after a
slight resistants. One New Zeulauder
was wounded. entail parties In the
distance retreated whenever British
borne appeared.
Martyr to Patriotism.
London. Feb. 4. — The 8tunilntd,
autoug IM e death noticyeseerihty';
print. the following :
11'LACHLAN.—Ou Christmas day.
idiot In market *auaraHiarrlsmlth,
Orauge Free State, South Africa,
fur refusing to tight agalnet UM
own countrymen, Julie McLachlan,
Jun.. *sett ,5Q eldest son of John
McLachlan, of Wauduworth, and
grandson of the late Jubn Mc-
Lachlan, of Lambeth.
The Spectator, o onmecting on the
above, says that If the rtotument
contained in the notloe le true. the
whole English-speaking worki should
ring with denunciations of a crinis
'm despicable. Egreclally," 11 adds.'
"should Americium speak out on
suub.lt matter, for they showed the
true way In their treatmeut of thole
nk:al rebels, sad set an example b
Kimberley Doling Business.•`
Kimberley, Feb. 8.—The goemre
daily .belling la extremely desultory,
e have been o further casoal-
Thc sloops are open and cabs and
tram -care are running. -^
Milwaukee at Halifen.
Halifax. N.,8., Feb. 4.—In the tae*
of a hoary northeast snowstorm, the
Canadian transport Milwaukee, from
New urleaas, esteemed into the tzar
at 9 o'clock to -night elle anchored at
quarantine, whore she will remain Gil
morning. The Mllwaukee's trip was a
quick one, aa the transport was not
expected till tor -morrow.
Churchill's Jailer Killed.
Spsarwa.f. Camp, Feb 3, 6.55 p.m.
—During the storming at Spion Kop
Leet. Martin, of the Kia • Own Reg-
iment, with SiggnnaLeryear, of
the West Yorksbire Regiment,' and
Lame and Turner, of the Lanoashire
Regiment, established a heliograph
station on the summit of the hill,
where they were exposed to the heav-
iest shell firs of the enemy.
Their week was most important, as
tteir signdlHiig connected both sides
of the hill. The heliograph was knock-
ed over three times by shells. Lieut.
Martin was called away early in the•
day to attend to other duties but
the men remained throughout the day,
perlbrming_thefr work In the most
berets ,assiae►r- ,•••••• -,,.•....•... , ,
Among the Boers killed last week
was Oppermao, who was formerly
idler at Pretoria, but who was du -
missed from 'that post after Winrtoa
Chug -elan. the newspaper correspon-
dent, made his escape from the jail
t here.
Shot Wounded Colonials.
Durban, Feb. 4. -Thi W'eek1 Re -
dew has been suppressed on account
of Its adverse crltIclsws of General
Buller's tactics.
Home of the wee who were wounded
In the battle of Selo° kop arrived hero
yesterday, and others are en route.
It In asserted that the Boers refuted
to giro gnarter to the colonial holllers-
deliberately shooting the wounded as
['Islanders, and therefore respoorlble
for the war.
Zululand Pollee Taken by Boers.
Head Langer, Ladysmith, Feb.
111th 11e exception of desultory slate
from ' Long Tom" everything is quiet •
Bowra with artillery from the Vey -
held district attacked the Ngutu
magbctracy, Zululand, Jan. 81.i., and
captured the rnngletnate and 11 white
and 54 colored police, their horses,
7,40 rifles, and much nmenunitioe. The
prisoners were vont to Pretoria.
Ilrltteh North of Lethonith.
Durban, .aan. 3I.—A flying column
which was dispatched hence early in
December hes reached North Zulu-
land- The can eligible •object of this
movement was to check Boer cattle
r, ider..
It is believed now, however, that
eolumn really intends to barrage the
Boer lines of communication •bore
Deaths at -L,adyunith.
London, Feb. 4.—Toe War Office an-
nounces that there were 18 deaths
from disease at Ladysmith oa Wed-
nesday and Tlrur.day.
Shelllne Ineffective.
Hodder River, Feb. 4.—A strong cav-
alry and artillery reoonnataeatu a was
made yesterday of the Boer positiom
to the westward of Modder Liver sta-
The balloonist saw a considerable
n umber of Boers trekking toward
Jacobweat- '1
The British ehef•ftre directed at the
Boers was Ineffective owing to the
prevalence of n daatatorm.
!?seeded by the Rine,
Berlin, Feb. 4.—Commcodent Al-
brecht, of the Boer army, hem 'written
to a friend at Magdeburg criticising
Black'. book, With which he disagrees
rewarding the deadly effect of modern
artillery. He mays: 'Day before yes-
terday we battered Buller and acurce-
ly Bred a single shell. What the Brit-
ish nee are rot worthy the name of
cannons. Out of 100 shells fired by the
British not ten explode. These create
more t.proar than damage," Command-
ant Albrecht admits that the Bger
rtillery hits felled by a Meg way 'to
achieve the results generally expect+d
Ile says they fired one hundred sheik
at the lettle of Colenao, and It Is
doubtful If one hundred men were In-
jured by them. The riflemen In ter
minntee pcanntd for more men than
did the attlllcry In ten hours.
Defence Ten to One.
Cape' Town, Feb. 8.- Oo. principle
that competent military observers
deduce from our assaults on the hoer''
positions la that with modern rifles
ming emokeees powder the defence
is 10 to 1 M compared with the at-
tack, white formerly the rale was 8
to 1. The result, at Mnfeking apd
Ximberiey are etidenoe of thieprhn•
Opfer, equally with the British -es-
patience et Magerefontoin-
A wonderful change Is taking plass
In the army. The British are grasping
the new renditions of warfare. One
trouts, Monnted Infantry, Remington's
Ouarde, LIttle'e Corps of Australian"
and New Z.alawleri are quits able
now to rope with the Boers. Our infan-
try when moving into action now in-
et)netively seek cover.
The depression mussel In England
by the liritteh reversal has not
resehtel the rams, where the men are
stilly snit to meet the enemy.
Mese of Kimberley. •
LeMdsa. Feb. S. --The These knit the
foB eartmg medal to -day 1
Kimberley, Feb. A.—There was dle-
smNpry shsling by the Boer gene yes-
terday. (Mr wane replied. Mot. Ma -
who wan riving a pair of
width bIS deIto eese from Kenilworth along
the New ay.nta' was twice fired at
with siele. 11 le anprdesed that the
simile Mme free» a cordite ite ggeun at
Metal's, ss there whet no smoke (dot.
Kr�e�krrtek rt�eh iserl
le ealleanpt�� Ittb wed
inhered of Kleillts,ilaterally ey. th+eiT 11ih0inhered
L - ectly well. He baa resei.red in
ninintre etretiutr.,!"- 1*. tv+wilookubsp
e deae, but (eels keenly lits keg ab-
eam" from other work. orp.Ainily lu
Rho -lona.
London, Feb. 5, 4.48 p 111 —A special
dispatch (rest Durban, Natal, dated
today, says: 'There is no definite
news from lien. Buller, but it is re
ported that there waa Leavy fighting
No Movement Yet!
London, Feb. 5.—The corresp ondeut
of the Associated Prose Warne offs
really that ubaolutely no confirmation
liar p ceu received by the War 0(ftor
of the report that Gen. Buller has re -
crowed the 'Cugela silver and la march
lug on Lad%switb. On the contrary
according to the Information of the
War ()1(1,. nt the pry(ent nmomwnt
there W every ludleatio u that thing.
are quiet at the (root, and that uo
=nettlete movement le expected.
ltegarding the dispatches from
1.adysmlth saying that Butler's gone
hare been heard there, It is suirmleed
thee ..we practice may have been go
Ing on with the new batteries whleb
have Just reached the front.
Don't Trust War 011lee.
London. Feb. 5.—The War Moe
Statement that 11 has received no
oaafirmation of the report that Geo.
Buller hum recrossed) the Tugela
River has failed to shake public be-
o-lief that operate:ma of tremendous
importance are proceeding ett tbe
Tugela. It is thought that either
the denial was prompted by it de-
sire to keep tore military movements
na secret as possible until something
Is accomplished, or that Geo. Buller
Is keeping tarn home officials In the
dark for similar reasons. It 4 ob-
viously extremely difficult' to uz•
tract the truth from the conflicting
statements 'shrouding Geo. Buberai
movement. but moat of the eom-
responded to tie order, the soldiers
movinte iters r re
a-steaab sister • with=-
out the least hurry ur confusloe sad
halting constantly to fire."
Nu Doubt as to the l' it inside Outcome
of 1ke Wer.
New York elemp Itch. It le fb b• meti
la the team of cable wetter printed
Isere this mowing that there lir
decidedly Inure cheerful feeling Ir► Loe-
dk,n. The confirmation of the eepgtt
that Gert. Buller had ensameei that
lie would rtl see Ladysmith, together
with the un(onfirmed report shut Ike
had nettmity begun a new forward
movement, had is grog, ffet't un the
ptt4olk mine.Figt ra. JustKb/imbed leve
also had a reanuuring effect, . after
caushig much aatoulehweut- The
(ove,umrnt aenounces that It waear
cerineoud before she war beg in that
thole -ere would 18,1 50,000 nen lu
td the field. -The 1lrltlm1, In a f.•w
WILL HAVE 218,000
men 1n Youth Arica. Oen. Joubert,
according to late advice., hats 10,0011
men surrou$tllng Ladysmith ani
eonfrtroting (len. Buller. In tiro re
cent turning enotemeut Gen. ituller
Is t 1,085 wen, but the placer aro
(Ille.i. Tile Deer hate nu meant of
replacing the loot teen with froert�
tiers. Looking Looking ut the i nntte---1n
this light it 1s ur hetltab' that Jou-
boot will _be buten am It was that
(trent would take Richmond.
Few tkxp:ttche-i ara now 'Wowed to
oomo through from the sent of cavort
:toes about Stormtrene ami Colesb:e((
eel (lettered Roberto ie clearly anxl-
our to nlrect at-outb:I from the work
in pnrer'em. General Kelley -Kenny'+
ilvieloa is actively erepleos.1 la co-op-
erating with General Gainero and
General French. Th', Dutch gene one
both at Storiulssrg and et:ember' )lave
- -- ---.
lThe Alarmist .Again.
f/1 •
in all the stories of the Motor
of Brltieb Infantry charging the me
point of the bayonet. As our men
fiercer. but nothing can stop Brltlali
the kind of fighting that the Boole
attacks cost us dear, and eacce e
have, from their eotrenehmenta,
men.—London Graphic. -
1ih`!,i 11`$0
....II a.til
•4r�` ,�1e4`�4
�- s✓1i c *Ak\••
lee .won by Lord Methuen. we rend
my's position and taking It nt the
near the enemy., the Boer flrsgrows
infantry when well handled. Thiele
(;o not understand. but the frontal
ultimately won only after the Were
shot down a large number e.( our
mentatcrs agree that the aggregate
of the items ten(1, to confirm the
belief that movements of import-
ance are transpiring- It is true that
the oorreep000dente at Oen. Buller's
heslgnarters convey the Impression
that his amain force is still eolith et
they Tugela. but It la malty conceiv-
able that the cisspatches are ser cen-
sored se to convey a false Impres-
The Times' Correspondent Describes
How 1t Occurred.
London, Jan. 20.—Extended se-
mantic of the Britt -is reverses at
8tbrmherg, Magersfontein and Celeneo
,ire turning In by mall from war cor-
respondents. The rorrdent of the
Times deer: Iles timet Gatacre'a re-
vers at this point 'In part Ai' fol-
The Infantry bad boleti aT-iidi'Y,
or In the train, In open trucks, or
mnrching since 4 0- m. en Batnrdny.
The actual march 000upeed seven
hours, and routd, therefore, little
he wondered at that the men were
wholly Incapable of maklsg a supreme
effort, when at lost they were eur-
prlled by receiving fire at short lenge,
while marrhing in fours In fancied! se-
curity. On receiving the enemy's fire
the rompan!ee nt bend ranted at once
against the kepis; from which it pro-
reeeed, and .Mincing from Armlike to
boulder swiftly commenced to as
indeeed, It W a fact thpt r son
siderable number actually reached
within a few yards a a lower line
of "chanres,'-' which could not, how•
ever, he reMched without buidere. Net
at thin Junetore car own artillery,
failing In the yet uncertain light to
observe the ascent of the Infantry,
opened fire upon the enemy, and see
erns shells falling short dealt dle-
strnetton among the aaasilante of the
pnsitlnn. A partial retirement in-
stantly ensued, and hating been
brought to a atanrbttll the attack
gradually melted away, mill, con
'Mewl thnt the saris was hopeless,
the general ordered the "retire" to
- A)1)$1tFt NOT METED.
Ritmo order been ptemptly obeyed
the troops might not improbbly have
beets wfthdtMion witbock very serious
knit, 4itd a fresh attempt might even
yet 14,. been eeccea.fn:Ly proRented.
Bat it was not to he. Many men were
tot& 10 retire, becalms they wens anti -
Man to `o on, while not a few were
so utterly .ttrsuated that they s:at-
ply preferred to stay where d were
at .11 hasards than to nedertalte the
ordeal of a rapid retirement wear t1m
open grieved .t the foot of /h. "Ha.
Eventually, as if ors parade, the oe-
ttre heart wen elset'eted ty sods woo
been rtintoroed, ani the Boer .trate-
ghee are striving to repeat their tar
Mee at Magerefunteth. Coleuso and
tiptoe Ko;, by rceatereg a new lmpaeue
by which the Delilah Invaslou of the
Filte State may b, blocked.
,The mUltary experts are Inclined to
be easter with Buller since ire and
1114 army ore so und&unterl and the
harsh crttaclaru is shifting to the MM-
istry. The Daily Mall says: •'When,
en l+ rptorious to all with any knows•
cep. en politics, the tlovernment e
tremblingly mealtime the news of
roma 11119e victory to weed eft tem-
porarily just criticism. tire satuatlon
le top humiliating for worth.
' 8mm weeks ago many of the beat
friends of the Government were urg-
ing Its reconatrnctlon. ,i4 Is almost
too Tate now for that policy. People
now are looking for some strong open
to lead them. Rosobery'a nnmo has
been on every tongue the Last
few days, but to turn to Item before
Mn (4iu,mherinhn ha■ hem tried ap-
penre to us to be unwire and unfair
from many points df view." .. t`. .
Store Detalla of Steen Kop.
tpesrmnn'a Crimp cattle: Althocgb
,tureng the 21th no apparent nttmpt
was made except by Knipe -Oen. Lyt
tletoec's (letnoti'stratloo to divert the
(enemy's ntteuton from 8;r1(n kop, tt
had teen arranged to make an attnck
she next tiny. Otu th r evening of the
24th troops were sent out and bltou
octet on Three Tree Hill. est of Spiel,
kop, with orders to as,eult the retie
rpt Tab* Mynma at dawn, but the
pmo:tlon of those on the kop, who were
unaware of any a..lntancie coming,
wee extremely crtln.ol. Teo men,
though nett dsmoral:tsrd. share much
Maker' M twelve hoer. et eoatlauaue
f'ghting, for beadles the heavy 1hell
f.re which was potrel In, the Boers
Mom made a most v'gnroee Infantry
attack, and in several clime actually
repelled one men who oceup.ed the
first line aI trwnebe+, thcmewlt-eei being
afterwards expelled with the layo
not. Moreever, owing to the fact tint
the men were very etowce 1 on the
top. there wA. scarcely any cover.
swish man tnk'ng shelter where be
code, end there were diffienitlos In
regard to the wit r. supply, wheel was
altogether lnadetinete. Tlrre'ore, the
officer 1n remnant', after being heat
Ily, (Melded to retire. The attack of
the King. Royal fuser nn the north-
east end of the momntaln was mngnlfl-
rent. Two 11.11 bettnllon+ separately
(rtormel Porton Kim peak, after climb-
ing plae.. almost precipitous'. They
were two ae d n half home tinier fire
on the way up. They found trenches
over four feet deet+ hleseted In the rock.
When they renehed the summit they
were flred et by Duster hiding ninny*
the rocks onnil .irlee. (oL Bur hnlin n
RMcW011 wae.hot almctseat the toped
Otte IMM.
`+rl., 3i ref tel:41'" `FYI. 5.—Ti ai • t•u(G-
I reign In hoer of tithing advantage of
the present eouiptca a In !Muth
4(riea to secure peeping ports on the
!adieu thwart and ktediterralean is be-
ing punted with tiger,The newepapsre
openly advocate profiting by eireat
Brltalrr'e difficulties to realise the
ichernes upon which depends the ulti-
mate prmperttr of Buu la, and which
Great Britain Ma sleeps frustrated
Parts, Feb. 5.—As a result of In-
ger*.Marts In the proper quarters,
It 1a learned that the rtorler of the
sdur►:rho dto PFarsin.,is thalthFe dBrmluwtlshl •AMihw
eon, and the British Ambuesador to
Italy, $lr i'hlllp Currie, conferred here
recently on ltullau affatrse, or that
Sir Edmund has gone to Rome to sup-
eport Ser Philip le representations to
Italy resettling the binding of Italian
troupe In Afrlce, ere quite unfounded
What is true Ir that her Kilowatt
Monson ruts good ton the Italian Rl•
tier., riot beetua. he I. unwell or re•
quires a rest, but became, Ise finds
Ids penitloe very unpleasant at the
present uomng e.t ember to the etruttg'
er ugnln.t Great Britnln In the
paves and sax•lerty, which, perforce. is
refloetevl to save extent In the attl-
tule of the French Government. A
t l •:.mtutic o:(Iceai anti: "Tie French
(aovernueut Is uucoubtetlly 1rissdtyk
to (treat Brltalu. Mut It Is unable to
snake a die play ut Its real sentltueote
Just now because a detawKra deer of
fHendlluese t, Great Brttain would
be an net of suicide. In view of this
aituntIon. Sir Edmund tarougltt hie
temporary abscise from Paris would
Lave a salutary effort."
Leaden, Feb. 8.—Tho report of the
advance of lien- Buller it ►till un -
co eflrme le A Ladysmith correspon-
dent, In it hefogrem, dated January
71st, reports that the ` situation
there Is unctrtngel. Ise ways that
the gnrrlmonet chief oecupotion Is
"sitting on the kope'e.e" The Boer
artillery is silent, except for an oc-
casional limit dozen rounds. The new
Boer leasers. have been made In the
direction of Tnbtnyama.
There is et rumor that sone of the
Boer guru at Magersfontein have been
sent to Norval'. pont.
On rnturlay Gee. Lord Robert, re
ceivel et jelet protest from Piesldent
Kruger, of tiro' Transvaal, and Presi-
dent Hteryn, of the Orange Free State,
ngalnat the British troop; destroying
larmat '•,_e t An ( other pity-. Oen.
Roberts repitei.tlint the charges were
vague and unrub.tantlated, but ws-
sured the Presidents that 'uneaten de-
struction was contrary to the British
practice. -
A report from Molder Rater that all
the rick who are In a condition to be
'Welt tothe base less
pita' be interpreted
here as meaoing
that a movement by Geo. Methuen's
force Ir Impending, but this is merely
a TguessItot.
hr ;etre ship Meine her receival
Its fleet coarlgnnant of wounded at
Durban. A11 the beetle are occupied.
Lady Randolph Churchill superinteud-
ed,the piecing (Wilts wounded and ad-
dressed sheering words to the eerier-
The South African Itepubllc has
krledl it, special war tax on all non -
redolent landowners, anti ales oa rnrn-
penlee and syndicates unless ait tire
members are burghers.
(len. Brabant to itis Troops.
London, Feb. d.—Tho Tomos pule
Ilaht'a re following despatch from Re
ours t:
Qut natowu, Cape (Tony, Feb. 5.—
General Brabant, In addressing the
tromps of the colonial division, mild
that the time impatiently awaited
had at length arrived. The non had
Wtrlfgoes %hones&t preparation,
trench wit. satisfactory to hien and
ertrdltable to tilt Whites and men
were iesvtng for the front on
Tuesday, and he !upped they waist,' tort
return until the task entrusted to him
b General itoberti had been enema -
/011y acoonuplishel. He could not die -
rime the plan of operetlon., lr,t If the
dnerntloty were curled ort. the great-
eshist 11Utton. for fighting would have
-'fie- denpntels eehtwthat the Dutch
eommnndnnt, are repressing aii.Ypren-
letting throes who Tippy lemmas owned by
Our linglldh, and that there its no lunt-
InR. except from the railway Melee.
ele -
Inge. •
ltrltleh Arnie Prestige,
Fierier, Feb. 5.—Lieut.-Cul. Wachs, of
the War 1leprertment, raid to Lha An-
t° •In Lel
trro•lnLel frees correapondeart to -day:
' The prrstlg' of the Itrltl h army can-
not to said to hate suffered so far na
righting (melitise are c•oncerner'. Both
private's and officers have behaved
with the utmost bravery in action, as
the I:st4 of the dead and wounded
Wee...hetet Story Meliorated.
Glasgow, Fob. 5.—The Daily Bail
paid .she n' kit^r from Moddet• River
In regard to the- ch'rrge of titelligle
land Br'gado at 1Kefsrefontein and
Oen. We mellowed object -art to the move-
ment. Tim writer esys that (len.
Waucbppe told Lord Methuen that he
would be unable to lead his men Into
the position they had been eri ere 1, to
take. Geer. Methuen liisltt:idd, JMwe(ier
that the order 'should be enrried out.
Gen. Wnnetse afterwards matte an
addrse to the I1'gltlanderr. In which
he said : " There 1' tome mlitnkr here,
Mit, men, 1 have to obey orders. Now
t!o your boat."
I.el,.sters tieing, Too,
Halifax, Feb, 5.—The Witter* int--
thoritien were Chi' morning ndtlaed by
cnbM that the Allan liner Cephalo:cls,
which has been chartered as a traue-
port, w 11 leave 1 ortamouth, Ensiled.
for Hal:fdz on Feb. 111h, nod to hare
the ',retorter Regiment In readiness'
for embarket'nn from Halifax on Feb.
21.1. Time Le:enter Regiment will,
with other troops, probably embark nt
Cortsmonth for Beath Africa with the
e'ghth dlvlelo:t.
:Store Guns Landed at Durban.
Durban, Feb. 5.—'Phe Irassport Pnr-
nea, from Indla,bas arr.ved, and land-
ed it twittery of artlifery. A more hope-
ful feeling prevails bare.
Giese twin fiend -o- f to Volunteers.
Glasgow, Feb. 6,—The filasgow rity
eerporation nn Fraley gave a dinner
Jo honor of- the 1e k„isewep, 14d.
rifles' who $ave vo:untteera or flee
South African service, the leading
men of the ri(y beteg present. The
volunteers were erected honorsry
burgesses of Glasgow, as were the
veaunteame wto in the year 1774 en -
Dined (be serves against t'h. Ameri-
can eceontes. Theme Instances are the
only two ou record "chore tble boons
has been thin conferrer!.
Another (:e s- a.HMn Deed.
St. Thomas. Ont Feb, 5.—A message
loss been rec.k►ed�hens trots Belmont
Cepa Colony, andenneing t'he death of
Egerton Parlay, a son of John Farley,
Q. C. Re may in the 43r1 year of hist
age, and had prsem;we of a bight
career. He wan horn Its 131, Thosna+.
'For mac yearn he had taken great
inures( 0 mlatary atte, .m-
metteing when 1s was ma i.er.mtbaear of
the Ceh:a to !t
tats Inuts Cadets- After
jatning the 4811 9404ll0we he took
a coarse In the Irmdoa Miiitelry
School, and afterwards was appointed
.to a lieutenant In the 2Sth, Re stod-
ied.lMw with lieutenancy
father, awd after
passim hie esasiaattAs le To►eut*
tgad� editrig tot • cvgtiff
sect *i toffer hi* -ec vices for
Mouth Africa.
Mr. Farley wired Dr. Borism to
have the booty placed In a sealed
cashed and forwarded home. When
Mrs. Farley hard the sad news
she became hysterical, and a phy.i-
cia:r bud to be euumuned.
Trial of Cape Nebel".
Leedom Feb. e:—Thp Cape Town
crxrespoudeut of the Doily ('homi-
lies lays:
" The South African League has
Peered a resolution declaring that
11 recger.e with regret and alumet
with despair the probability of the
aut1orities trying colonial rebels
before a Jury• The r•esolutlou urges
a court martial.
"Mr. Schreiner. the Premier, re-
plyiug to a letter enclosing a cope.
of the resulutluu, says the Govern-
ment bas taken steeps to prevent un-
due detention of persons charged
With eedltueu
At the Ladys- mith Langer.
Lorene Marques. Itelarou Bay,
Feb. 5.—Mr. Webster Davis, United
States Assistant i'(et•retary of the
intenk,r. accompanied by et party of
friend+, which Include. the German
Omani at Pretoria. is et the head
Mager of the Boers at L►dysmttll,
and la ckrrely inrpeetiag -the ciente'
anti posltlurw around the bo.ieegeel
Sheerest. 1s 8(111 Mum.
Want:settee, Feb. 6.—Mr. Macrum
calved at the State Departmegt to -day
at 3.110 o'clock and meat about half an
tour it constetatioo with Dr. Hi 1, As-
rstant Secretary of State, Secretary
Hay having lett 11:e office for the day.
14 still refused to make aoy state -
mets implanting his reason.' fur leav-
ing Prot eels.
Making a W- ide Detour.
London, Feb 5.—MSitary opinion in
London root;nues to mistime from very
.ender matec:a:a that General Buller
in again throwing 111. army against •se
Boer works. A retired general, MSetr
Wm- Hoary Green, whose dieti,ogulsb-
ed career gives weight to his opinion,
thinks that Gen. 8u',(er web 45,000
men in making a wide detour to tbe
west and nartb, it Order to avoid the
roughest parts of the country. As Geo.
ilui:er must have some thousands of
wagons, tee Wm. 'Green prints o:t
that the advance would necessarily be •.
No •uthentin word neat hand saris 'SeT `w
.hal the War O(kee reaffirmed orally -
to netwep.per enqu'.ters at a late hour
that ie could not eoetival th. reported
adesere.. There Ake 'Natal .it.s
sena s.
Looks More Favorable. -
Leaden. rah. 6.—Mr. Spenser W::k-
Inson, In the Morning hot, says
"Tie tide is beginning to turn. In
the western theatre of the war It
looks as though (leo. French had beau
reinforced, perhaps by Gen ('her-
malde's brigade. This would be the
Me campaign. When (ion. French bee
(Reposed or the enemy forming Ids
present objective, her force will tee
available fir other operations."
Detailing pondblo operations of
Gene. French, Kelly -Kenny and eel -
acre, 11r. 1' Iikinn n says .
"There in now a prospect talar .
two or there weeks the British fore
will he heeding the peerages of the
Orange River, repelling tips bridges,
nod eoilecting all the requisites for
the advance northward to begin ase
sow ns Lord Roberta sem his way to
order the movenwun1.
There are now more than enough
troops between the coast and Orange
River to form three inflntry division.,
and a cavalry' diviuion, without
rousting either the oooalal troops or
five mh:itla battalions, which ran be
used to relieve regular bettaI ,i* on
the lines of communication. Lord Me-
t'huen's three br:`ades make a further
addition that fight ultimately be
u4 !lined.
Mr. W'iikineoo t'en proceeds to grge
t'he Government to make every pre-
paration against emergeneies at
home, and particularly to pmt the vol-
unteers and all available forces in
tee most complete oonditioo for ser-
vice if needed. He recommends rearm-
ing volunteer batters of position
with the best modern guns, and, la
short the organisation and equip-
ment ere the ay.Cable force+ rather
than hasty endeavors to recruit un-
trained men.
Sir Alfred Misner has sent tame
tropeful stud encouraging reports to
the Government regarding the pros-
peets of 11e campaign, and it is un-
derstood Ida views are shared by
Lord Roberts.
The Traempurt's Sailing.
Halifax, N. 8e, Feb, 5.—The Canadian
transport -M Iwaukee docked nt 4
o'clock thea afternoon, after passing a
thorough nim ileal Ingpectlunyy,�No fever
w`11 be found oq this stealiter ,
getaraltltne Officers will -be very Onieh
mistaken, She will be ready for rex on
Feb. 18th, and will sae on that day.
Trans -Isthmian Canal •Will
Now be Bullt.
Waseleingtoh, Feb. 4.-111 Intertut-
thinal nbotnclea to the complete tend
exclusite control by this country of
any slip canal which may be met
'tense the. Central American lethmue
have been finally removed by the an
elusion of is a•onventlon with emelt
Britain explicitly abrogating the
et -called Clayton Bulwer treaty- Thi.
agreement. 'signal by Yecretary date
ere the port of the United!
,11at.v and by Lord Pounreforte on
the pert of Great Britain, will 'resent
to the Seente within the next few
days.. Bethke distinctly annulling the
Clayton-Bulwer eompert for 'pint e-on-
trol Of any canal which -might be cut
senega tttyt}bblque and seating In the
Masa- au exellieve, nni<bat
le right to, bulli and manatr
suc a waterwy, the convention past
approved carnotite both stgnatry
powers to a deelaret'on guarnnteeing
the canal's neutrality, and pledges
the 1 nited States to re;rnin from for
111)Ing It, approaches end ertranres,
or otherwise reetrieting open access
to It on the part of the *011115 nom
mere.. The other ``rent maritime na
Wog are to be tusked to pin In 181.
gement g*rnrasMe of the raoal'w
frewiren and neetT pity, end the pro.
;ecce 1 cat hnroal Panama of Meer -
Aetna I. to he put on mach the same
betatr In International politica nn a the
Pits cat between the had 5.11 and the
klelltnrrnneen.*4'tue warships of n11
notion+ are to be permitted t.prsee
through the new renal In time of peace
nee war, an I no military acrantagas
are Ira neerue to any pewee thrrn+g h
the miser, Or metro' of the canal's
gntewny.. In nil other re.perts, how
seer. the isthnelan 'Mort cut la to be
ns completely under American con-
ttrol as the leppeenteal is now usdor