HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-02-8, Page 5•• W. ACHESON & SON UnparalleIed Clearing ebrrrary SaIe • LADIES' FUR COATS, CAPES and SMALL FURS. To realise on our .'ides Fur stank dunes February we quote priur not 000dderate with value Ladies' Astrachan Costa, quality guaranteed, in lengths of 30 to 36 inches, finely lined anduilted, regular value, $25 to $40 ; sale prices, $20 to $27. Ladlsa' and Misaea' Beaver and Frieze cloth Coats, regular $3.50 to $5.00; sale price, $1.00 each. W. ACHESON &SON. W. C. T. U. COLUMN. TO COMBAT -TAM *AWN, Thorns tla•.pamp lletsk tistM Hew Int ram fMgsW. N. Y. Sea : The Ast•S.Mw Moue, an .rpsls•tlea .uck we. termed at Oberlin, 0►U. seem yam Sas shit whisk sew has br•sek ergealsaM.as u tkbyehros Naber i. the lines. bus.o Animas be this .ity yseterd., orbwh M erssteton pemelhi wW la Yoe snob the power .f W 'aloes is city ead.e±z+�r 'Shte+athooseti.hisr shams: p.smend MIMS of ties Magus were delivered mesri g_ Ind evwiss from the .Apra Ile smeepti ss eksggw hi Trym, t r dais - tors tiesm dfa esat pans el tais .es p. `lie mhreh amides" tare wsY .eb.ads4. Tie Row., it mse a,4 H. Reed,, LL D., sf ►w. ie an et the keen. sad also header. H. Mend the manes 4 1• the hes el sea., dashikis, hat at the wed .t two reach. he people .f O5..IM and sussed• fy lmwes pledeed $I0.000 Sherry ea bee work. hem the lead sena, • sten lame WM wreaked. mil Um were lamed la Ober Setts weed therew e ne le sash, wen Mee la Me U.tm Dr. Remelt 001111.11•1• gawks phos as • preach. er he Oshealies, hal wiles he mind the n em possibilities et Ohs les... M gm N In pelpis mad dere el hes dstleAMme the week. AS the years ass's tamtUli yesterday ste'ras•o at the H.dea Mash .f tis.' Ye.w Moa'. Oie4Ws AmelatMes. Dr. Remelt told la detail Yeses what M. Mops high le 4.k the My wad sten. Hs matt .kat the Mese wee emakka rigid psosrwu u p Me One. meld Mae whoa *1 was therwgaly toua.bed Y t5k shy minim tW make might be looted for. Is des an Whirs l aid-hshi.ad esFmd dried tem pemaw M.5..... h. wttsa.d. The work was fine nese d u this seas W city se May 14. The mate k /Mad tete twelve dMssbla Nash Mathes W • mp., lemdmes. Me leeks steer the sew.. Sed .Mies M It. As, pleas wiser, let.an•tiee finneness an cold Y .ft main of images snn N le •thee Os.., • 1W.. . Ise: Mann trash 55..0 betel to • grog IshimNeoMe .1 w �iaten Dr. Mimi said. mss lry taosenn wesa.taa- M.s .f MM. Isms Mohan te the Neer walla Rees be started eh with the w.sk Me, Dr. Demsh w/d, M row that so see de meillm"es geoid soemmpit h mesh, es eh made win meshed s. es load • heed. "TM .5s. .. is 0515," oh he, "Mr ibe bees toe yeses M ter Mess's eshte.ee shistsesed s betas t. w p lowhen ud wielhsds el We ween, Ihq gams r. sod res seely envy ak.rr he tM ekes is os d oestissel mere be testa the rimae and oft1 *pima No eiederso Islamsd* et the Wm. Pet Me Ike Tor toevMas le Na ..tee...e be phis ehe seines et the fees Of SIM a Tar. The .less damn bed oozy et W midi taws timelbej ehreaSs y Me *break The Hoar Mims made M pollshd data sod Mld esaesmm be sees ebemsdv.w Th. AM -Nelsen Leyte' ham sh•ailed all Thee mid ta may l..hmtn the Imre hes aided ip seadhe..blyad Int. Mesh till... to the ▪ Dr. Mem • M Mee Nall disease melt • head W sped e • hoedN ppWneat 'Elko fazes is sat • pdtMd eee.a•tlso,s ..y b.. "M* Is MU nsesmesd throb . Goa be voted kw. when MIshams the be le e array d Me tem.. The Mews does mer wok a en kewi le • ma's put lls ��1tsss. I n le eserelse MI Wit. et epee ship ems de bis MN / le deems's requires betel abthiwe. bee M memo Sim Ohm Monis work preear d by bed see, thea M 'Malan s Tee work M this ehllettet W enhlpli.NMs el partial .d tarry ea the week. "The malseekespers us sRasissd sled Mani Ihsasa•ds « del Ian every year to set what they wast ; why Is it waktr ler es W ..k the seed H..pt. el Mile day t• seasn►sN to am seem r Dr. Rtes '11 asked. le .peaking .f the method. of work, he mid that W league didn't throw mow at weaned tees ask them to Iola it. All Maga are aosempliehes jai, se sahib, .eatimeet jaws.., ..d be mid b. believed the people of tine olty were so, my meek e,d.,..t Irmo these 1. the *Way-tw• eller .tates wed sorra Where the league wee defog • el _ ec TM alert S get oily sad .tete edielah .alarm Me law teles ter keno late'eih I09ta• tis• •ipat sho It Mks -to pb N. mere to sewed te their done.. Is O►te, 5. mid, e.* et aweaty.twe pot heal dohs ter lease• wee .Igstees wiser. r.preseantheo Md mmesg.iest Its lutenist O.. .tate easates who was team through *ism lssg.e'.'e ferta and to a ,risen el Dr' �R�a.sSelliMr sliiiTiii " ►►• Numbholted Dr. R said the a mor polities' " keels had reload 840,000' M 051. sew Inst year, sad M made se tmp•edm.d appeal ler heath 1. this meta sad tiny. y. .1.'h• Rev (serge W. Peek. LL D • sap• wl.te.d•.t .h the Reshseter department, yak•••cert., moles tis• At. Jam e Y. a March, 125th hose. Mil Mahon anon se the work of the bras •p ,the nate a ; m R... Jae Lewis Clark. barmaid, •ss ossa pester .f t1• ',leftist* Reformed •hers\ le tisk ally, wb is esprt.t•.dest •i the Mealtime ditrla, ,spoke . N the worsen at the Ftret Harlem C u,1glat. R. termed °betel. saw Is the ern •ag es the Leges Awn UM. (Di.mp{.s') shark. TM Rev J. Q A H..ry, the wars caPer- Wooden, the R+. J. H. Tw11.h,. . thtd ss•retary M Albury ; the Rev. IAD. Dm' waddle, ass sties satinet .wpw'.t hr the RiosR.v. T. EtClapp. D.D., sep.riams Mat of the Meshy Muir ; the Rev. Albert B..bsoll, D. U r W Lir arra trim ; the Rev. 8 R. Dens. D.D. set the Rev. Norse W T.5. an., made addrs.- en at ether fishes ehes+u M the more. fee and •ye.I.g. Y. save Mr Inter. From IrightIul dle&eremite i Id re. Ramie Ualloo.r of LGrs.R., Qi► ap- plied Baoklen'. Arnim Notre to great Mtn on her head and fees, .94 writ., its cook* cure exceeded all her hop.'" It works wonders is sores, bruises, skin eruptions, cuts, burns, maids and piles. 26e. Can guaranteed by JW. Wilmot, dreggist. sr. Reed,'. Asm.mee'ed s.rrsper. le .owed nth the expensed Metre el Er. Meade. W b4erNy k .ow bai.4 pro. pond ley hie see, William R. heady, tied will be pabbb•d by subscription hose the Mew et FMoiag H. Revell Cemps.y. Neiman, she will be the eel, west have.g she approval .f the t...4ty .r hems 1..y masa seeb.rl..d er ms5.mte. Assoc...• mise' bawls/ appeared .1 several " Lives - s.mp twos lataleg u be " °Natal ' of " taw ealy week •peroves by ter family and les.mb,' it has theme • pitiful .•uselty w dbee.dll all swell voice sad to .into teat asp other Mien she amber s.4 bineraphy re- fereed to mil be leased see may wetheot the approval bet roma-diem e1 ted mesons menet el the Moil, sod rondo An etaner.M that Mr. Needy's Meets as w deter p1.4 sr ars te be aided ley my bent .thee 54... the •Metal ma an Nosh mieledly pad 'vl4m ly la. e'sds# eel, as mei nein toeless Mr. Needy was earthed.,ly asslwee that he er sod Noi�p et•usee of fees ssve mnMadha pews. paper reports Abid be awaited leas w day wla be ase wits aY as pssssitan the Dom team mea niter. W, Witt saws Isis Mewls. Is will W step M slop.` Tim work M se he divided ion her da Punnets r ase. •41.tiss. L, Windt the seeker -lips el Mai Mil he beset es the RPM kw Mips and Wow t esels& ihs adersomens Near*. elf seek legislation � as Inn earn Ms bet surfeits el the ism- ; sed forth, the Maim d Modelle lohssmsater. biographies) •ket•►es. h was almassally kMwa that Mr Moody mem mimed • Mew sanies la the Menatt.. N port•ap• N k exit defies he Id.. " I* k taw sewage ler tapes ae well as for • btgr pb; Mw Mae;I am Mae; Shea salt. Tia Meetly prerdu W may ear alas. trollemm have Manton Imes mss esnfelly Reardon Aad slims will salt appear Is MM •reshalen week b Tb. week k te,seer by THE NEWEST PARLOR? GAME Carol= (Patented iu Great Britwu United ) doll oms Rsceir.d a Diplose• .f Bear .t {bMl . ' isilklttlwt, London, 1898.) Pronotmeerl the most fascinating Paler f ' eyet,jq, Au endless variety of cushion, bank and combination shots can be played. Elegantly finished Board of birdireyemaple, patent cu4hion sides, handsome Checker or Crokintie Board ou back. Price, with Checker Board on beck, $250; ; with Crokinole Board on back. 118.00. Patent Folding Tables for Caroms, Crolofe and other large Board (lames, 50c. each. St. Y �' ., lee's Day Feb. 14 .Aar r(► l:Rllenti 4,114 Is, tl 6c. to 50c. a • w$50 A IpT>nE s• fair ATAsoI. z'b•..•.M ,,la..... .w steers sem..... raw ..Yee iseara.1.er rtwr.Ja,..l... W.bai 1627•71.111 ;ELM •e ►Jr..Y , I me ►_ re .mw_. r r•a.. Sema Ils••r.•a, P. o, Omer% W. t, 7< Dr. pL.rPrk110.6.11 t1. w0.5 IMi'�e [ l . lura. ��,• r Tse .� w w.rl... Il. roee UMW. 111.• be..► O ..1..M a sr rem. r mem . seer. • a. beer MAW he re er rem r arr.•.a Pl..e..ar1heMi ass pre .s..tblir MO; Sr Mom U.0..0K MOWN. We Dr 01. se • Ilarmall am%1t nelloc �e�.a"L r�=.mise WM." lee EeaCtre, ar` Yds.. NR L J. ‘19111.411. CO., 1110111101le PALM VT. J. BROPBEY & SOti - ass LIAD/.0 - 'v,swM,lw.raWiet,e,es bhtnd ii orouXuwts. dbollehahiarelleity mooed,* r as esu beer. Wang or Oar - flame bas es ss ., t three., sam- ._. .. ._,..waw.•...... A ,Gond Warm Well -Made, . OVERCOAT 1. • deokrable .oymWtss• ms.'s ward robe Mk ISM Mire of y61. 0. DUNtailo. she West et. tell.., has a lane .took of his mak. widen leek well sed wear wan prom le woo • eschew ma er-very left CALL AND BEN THEIIS. H. DUNLOP. THE HENDERSON BICYCLE CO. (LXaiXTMrs o Camelat /o Guaranteed Prefereivence Shares. OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY : Yreatdeut. JA IHSS CLARK +Secretary..... ..... H. MeoPHERBON Vice Prce,dent.....JAMRS A. Mo1NTOSH Managing Director,..GEOROE ACHESON J. P. BROWN, SWAMI II Farniing tmplemellts and MACHINERY, Pianos, Orraes, Sem Machiiea, um. e„ . A FULL STOCK REPT 9N NANO. I hew the beet that is made isiel ilslt- Ora, Papers, Chittiliff Solea, etc. have the De Leal Orman Sepi U- :' I1 is the most reliable on the market. sib►il Pay you to nee Otte. Dr3YD11 tenet • uew MAW or I handl. different make., all.1 can mit your rlysirementa and your pocket, too. Would not your wife appreciate • good Wagbae end Wrtagsr 7 i1e yte .ants. { ."irtll13b, • tifaa or Sewing Vaahtae 1-aha151ie _pleased to have you call and inspect the stock at my wsreroome on Ham. ilton-st. before.you purchase. I buy my goods tin ,be matt hernia and can sell ata very clans margin or prollt. J. P. BROWN, Agent for Massey -Harris Implements, Hamilton-st., tloderich. Mitt s NEN COOK STOVE At any season of the year there is n0 greater comfort than a good reliable Cook Stove iu the kitchen. It is with coot stoves like every- thing else : there are good, bad and indifferent varieties. We know you wi'I be pleased with our FAMOUS and ABERDEEN StovesandRanges CALL AT CATTLE BROS. ?liner, batters aid Tiixiitis Wes aide sr eemmre. meat Steady Beam, CANTELON'S Pry, Oyster Patties,Tarta, Short Bread and Cream Ro118,Lice Plea and Lady ?infers, Wises, iacarras, iaraiiiea, . Braids Snap, It. - sre as good Y tis. beet ids in 507 city in Canada °intafoe le.dm the trade in WEDDING CAKES to desl'oirg and ornament - ti ind almond Mag. (live lira an order and your .at i.betion will be masted. 0. OANTELON. walk T-07% }4LLOt THE OLD RELIABLE. At,L KINDS OF COAL. - N.WA QMt SID via Ewa Scrautou ilard CSI rrr ewe r s attest Aid r«�a'� . raw' curler. tml�e r m. ' LER. r DIRECTORS : JAMES CLARE r (;oderiohHon. J.i'IIPW ES T. GABROW, Q.C.,Oadar JAM FBA odoPA OgH IJAMRS WILSON, Mayor,to, 0.0Tr•a.. Ctil.rioh Limber C . " I EPHitai a DOWNIN, Manager ' GEORGE ACHESON, " Star Floor Mill. ....611ALEXANDER SAUNDERS, Manager Godsrioh Oman•s.�Itid.rieh.._ NOT/OE TO INVESTORS The Henderson Bicycle Company, (Umited), in- vites applications for the purchase of 160,000.00 of a new issue of cumulative preference shares of 1100.00 each, bear- ing interest, guaranteed by the Company, at the rate of seven per cent. per annum. The stock will belissued at par, and ought to find ready sale. The Company has been in buahiess now for about five years, during which time it has, while struggling against ad- verse circumstances in its earlier years, achieved a large amount of success, and may now be regarded as firmly es- tablished, with an excellent business connection. '¶edit&'i iffi gs oCtiie peat season indicates' that the Company can easily earn a net prof ,k each year sufficient to pay at least seven per ognt,;' upon its whole authorized capital of ;100,000, •-� It is now propose. to cidedlyeularr the business of the Company by entering upon the manture tat agri- cultural implements, marine and other engines, and other machinery, and the carrying on of a general foundry and ma - chino business for which its premises are, without material change, admirably adapted, in addition to carrying on vigor- ously the manufacture of bicycles. With this object in view the Company has secured the services of Mr. FRED. W. DOTY (formerly of the well known firm of Doty & Sons, Toronto), one of the ablest and best known engine builders and machinists in Canada, who, in addition to taking charge of the business, is also investing a considerable sum in the Stock of the Company. The Directors are all well known and responsible citi- zens, who have largely invested their own means in the Com- pany, and who propose to still further invest by taking a con- siderable part of the present issue of preferred Stock. -. The Company has now earned and paid for its neces- sary experience, and having gained in the past year consider- able profit, -looks forward with confidence, with the enlarged business, to much ialg6s, earnings in the future, and there- fore feels safe in recommending this preferred Stock to the pulp asrd;$afe and profitable Investment. Stock Abe paid for as follows :-Ten per cent. upon notice of allotment, and the balance as called for by the Company..-- Full p•rtieallr., appliilliggssis MMr Meek, Stook boob for subscription, Ac., too., may be had on appliceMbe to V °arrow 5 UsRp'my, tb Qorepany's Solicitors, or at the Gmapany's affiee on Ee•s altt..t, Ood.rieh. e • 80. s i•��� SALE. • 4. uih 1 Our Annual k9a1e ot„Whitie Goode will begin Friday, February 9th, and continue till the atad'lkf the'meittb or while the goods last. We are later starting than w1 eallibted, but we will make up for that in little prices. Below Aro a few of t many bargain, of first :date now wsntah'e goods. These goort ib all Sew -made for pa this season out of selected goods and trimmings and made better than you could do it yourself, and at about the price of the goods. NIGHT ROBES- Made of trod strew mote., bet pleas !roan. emitter of 'Ishii tooks sed half look aerobe. trimml.r. her 36. NIGHT R&,BF.S-Fns bottom, tall . a• es.lor.eller, box Irons, tlim,ee4 wt'h- ese t..ersior Keel .mhr.4Aery on front clad sleeves. specie, .......... 85, NIGHT R011E3-F,.ses.lbilo "Mother Hubbard" idyl. with embroidered Meer ties. sad Bee braid dilater of tea took tent, es !reel and slw.es.........51 NIGHT 0050. of Ane Teasdale, mini cord and heemalt.hed yoke, fell frill of two boob embroidery .,o meek. frost sed sets end .reeved 1 -5. 6.1 denhei sera a.. hatable, bead, .t ••.b .990,0A 19 60 NIGHT RONRS-All ..ylsaed. all prie.e :& , Ao 75 MK., W. p. 51 76, 12. i2 6o. tlEIRTa er peed ...esr wits.. , bras nen Iwo end hear looks as, saiRTA-- Ali .tyles at M. anal 764. il.111.16. $1 Aa R sad H so DLI w a se -L.4*..' Drawers. beta, settee sal ail heads twwwsse• Thaw an MI she amuse .d loamy •f Mom yea nth an My the rMMrkl !w at ear pries to Mkt ay the prrws. IdRN'S WHITEAOIRTS-1b des. mm's sod boyo' Whit. Selma, 19 to 17 web, very heavy eetio.. se friths', ea- Ias.dered (yea nes jest what yes are 'email, all doable needle InhabM, ea 'nod se s 76e Iseader•d, oar price while they leo, seeks or three ter M COLLARS-- 96 de. may Haw Collars, ,oro does, ,aro does seism sed . rrsieht steed .p, they sire yours while they last at sae. 7+. VICTORIA LAWN-Spealal vale.. 046 ism V.euna L.w• at 10o, 12., 15 . 90e LINKN INDIA LAWN -Several .t p.t y.,d 18o Sad 25 SPOT MUSLIMS as....... 10e to 90 Tn....re.p•o1.l velure le as.br*MI er.A . peer at WOO so 90e ItMRROIDRRINOM- - All se. .ss epeeist., .oleo a., tattere at a tee 055 pauses. Away. a tet .1 .hart RftM- NANTE er mill sada up to 5 yards all mill prime. CORSET OOVER4-96' Use, 50. w 75e wets cv1 Feu d1waTia 11.54. Sal• sea will pre spm tits valeta to 0..te.. or gas 4, s very des 36 la. 0a*.. as 7 i WUSDALR at.'. 1011 MN 124s Whether you want reedy -to -wear gartpwnu a the maksrla;, N tlfil pay you to attest oar a1TaGOODS BALL • ;. W. A. M°KlM.`. r'r Big Alteration PEDDI3Jj"S In order to make room for extensive alter- ations in our stare we commence on Satur- day morning two weeks of SPECIAL BARGAINS I About 15 pieces Dress Goods, regular 40e, 50c, 60c, bargain weer...tbc „ 104 „ Plaid Dress Goode, reg l r0c.�25, bargain week 1.0 „ 160 Ladies' Woollen Underskirts, regular 75c, bargain week 50c Winter Wrappers, regular 81 50, bargain week 11.17 ., Waists. „ 81.35. ,, n 51.05 .1 „ i, ,. 11.00, „a ...78o Kitchen Aprons a 25o, ,, w .15o One case of E & T Corsets, regular 75c. „ „ 450 The beat Shirting worth 15c, bargain week ..11c In Table Linens „ 50e, „ ,,4 40c In „ .t I, 40CII, .SWC am „ __ p_. ---it 850, „-•S,iro Heavy Factory Cotton, regular 5o, bargain week 4o Heavy Halifax Tweed. „ 40c, „ 25o 8 -Ib White Woollen Blankets for $t25 Goat Robes, regular 55.50. 86. 88.50, for 54, Sa50, 55 Men's Underwear, 51 garment for 80c Men's 75c a for 57o Men's ,. 50c „ for 40c Men's 40o for 30c lien's Snits, regular 510, for 88 Men's Suite, regular 58, for Other lines and BOYS' CLOTHING proportionatelylo w.Y: "- Big reductions in OVERCOATS and i3LSTERs. t -f Money saved is money made and you will find no trouble in saving from 20 per cent. to 60 per cent. during our - • .,36 Big'Al'tiiitjon' Sale! J�µH� PEDDERpS. B1 1G U$ .YOUR FEET er We do the rest. Our shoes fit like the wings on a dunk, and • ladder is sea aa► esesry to reach our prices. . OUR' RANGE . . of Boots and Shoes coven anything lea need -the neat and dainty foot covering for the house and the strong and c- mfort- able boot for severe weather. Great bar- gains in Long Beets and all kinds of Fall Boots and Shoo, ST. 6EOR6E PRICE. Oap,&10n4O N1t.TL7r DON, This Shoe is for the rich and poor alike. What is the use of paying more, when you can get perfect shoe satisfaction for 113) '.,5(t is what you get when you buy King Quality. Whoa a `shoe WWII well, whoa it is stylish and come fortable, what moots can be desired? Try King Quality (Nose and you will always wear them. - $3, and the appearance of $5. :.4. .y 84,,4/ ♦Roos. Made by J. D. 1a COMPANY, Limited, Toronto. 1VicKENZtE'S HARDWARE AMader sf barye, Strong wires, Heavily Galvanized. is when to buy your fencing material.- Now is a good time to bay and get the beat prices goitlq. We se11 the fenoe the farmers are talking about. AGENCY FOR THE MERICRN SLWOYEN WIRE FENCE Amplyrovides for expansion and contrac- tion. Only Best Bessemer steel wires used. Always .f uniform quality. Never goes wrong ne matter how v""p' great a sande e ser is put upon it. ase Does net muti- late, but den efficiently ton cattle, horses. begs sal pigs. ed -r. ■■■1't'.I; 1 • 11161111111111111111111111111111111111111•sl•111111Ifti"li • 1'1nlalElalal•r111111al■a111111a11a1•lif:; IC t- SaafatM11111•411111111111UM ion anMOM ,It ',..41=11111111111111111110 elm tem m111111 1M111011111 teles 11114 A, , I r e ImMMM. NWOW OWN SIM NM NNW ..5 "1115L. r 1 X 1 1 EVERY App Nf_ AktniCAN MCC INJAMingliD- 11111,Thit MANutACtugtps ., . CASH and sed k Can 411ow YaI'v it wql We you money. ./f Where it sold last year, it .a11. again. The prices away below that of other fences. It i. easy to pat up. Coma in and see t5s tllffi.rlint styles and pries', or write for armlet. a R. WM°KENZIE'S