HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-02-8, Page 44 TsvMl►4.14 Feb, 8, 1000.
A New Departu o :
We have fitted up a studio in
the roams over our Masi* Store,
and made arraogomats with the
following popular Teachers to
*meet their pupils and give lusts:
1.400 111 0001140)Li00 with our Music
Organist and Choirmaster, North
st. Methodist Church,
Pubo, Pipe Organ and Harmony.
Voice Culture.
Guitar, Elooutiou ad Physical
For terms and further informs
ttcu apply at
Bicycle & Music House
611Figu I•
. Mitek
■T * ■mW1i Mj
GOD/1•1011. THURSDAY. M. 4 MIL
idH&pheiesi OiMitedlmauC ard-
the itepromboui of barbori I gre t
importanoe la connection with t
Cation tau and the ooweequent eie
. r&.. i* iryiajl:iside- =i d4u� Mei
thing looking to this eed hes Uric' cordial
supiort. Although 000siderab:e
.boon spent in the improro°p°ut ofrr>;d.rich
harbor, the experienoe of this year showed,
th►t farther work would be necessary in
tido to ebtta.amelate the wkalgrain-nett'y:
ing bats of the upper lakes.
• On .li., y last Mr. W/uup,a►oar, of
. .
the GM.•srs. Moons, olKiug.too
and GodS8hnb. and A. McD. ALLR waited
on the Minister of Public Works, Hoe. !1*
Tatra, at Otjpw•, and urged on him the
necessity at deepening thd'harbot beooal
and also blasting the rocks at U of
the harlot, in the vicinity of��.��,. valor.
• They ehowsd shat if .this were ''��!!..bou M
add very gr.atty to the facilities oliffibt
harbor, enabling tbsin to handle $ much
• larger volume of grain. The Minter read
ily acknowledged the force ofelhoir argu-
ments, and said orders would b. g vat b
Mhos I}egwerk proosedeet with at -Once. -'
Thi, will mean much to the- Ade of
Godericb, and the people will no doubt
appreciate the action 'of the Government.
THERE never was a better timo for
ll��oderioh and the townships adjoining to
take en the question of increased railway
facilities than the present.
iast veer demonstrated the Mar inade-
quacy of the present railway service at this
port to dal with the tragic that might
havbeen handled. Day in aiid day out
the cry for additional oars was beard on
every hand, and although a praiseworthy
effort was made by the local railway autism,
Aim' the service actually required wee un-
The improvement* in Goderiak harbor
which were initiated last year, and which
will be continued this year, bid fair to
further increase the lake tra8a to this port,
and in such an event it is the duty of the
town council to use every pourable effort to
further the railway propositions for in•
creamed service that are now before atm,
and to foster any others that may be con-
The C. P. R. extension from Guelph
should be taken hold of in an energetic
/ manner and nothing shoakf be left undone
toward, bringing that scheme to an early
finish. It may be that the preset sitting
of the Dominion Parliament may be the Fut
session of the term, and, if that 'oe so, it
would he welt to make common amuse with
Guelph errd the intervening municipalities
towards perfeeding all necessary legislation
having for it end the immediate conatruc-
tiou of the proposed line The Guelph
:y,ve shown an earnest desire to help
a ong to project and no effort should be
left undoes •t this end to strengthen their
1n other quarters of the I'royinoe the
toms iot.reded in the development of
through teams are moving and Ooderiok
will have to Bet into the fight if it desires
to bold the place that itakatkl hoid a the.
tarrying trade of the country. We cohort e
that under instruction from the Midland
board of trade and town ooun dl, Ma.
Bawrsi-r, M. I'., lea given 'ogee of the
following resolotion .
•' That in the opinion fiat this House the
Gine 11.s arrived when a axed and definite
line of action ahonld be undertaken on
the ,lumbel of to. trsnsportwtton of grain
and other oommoditiee of the Northwest
Terntorie. and Western Sato, with a
view to centering the smith to tib* grstea
pn.Ahe extent, in Canadian channels."
We undersand that M* B.wwsrr will
esquire as to what quantities of pain pass.
en eastward last year $broagh the ports of
Midland, Send, ingwnod, Gods -
rich, San(bll„P,esoott and Moat -
teal. He will •Peri. *sgeire how many
bushels of grain wore bladed at Canadian
ports by *.areai regiarkidonorthe past seamn. Thee ar ens
questions are of great import.lhe
doh, which stasis est as els d
erten the Nibt. wleoh . Jive to
time imp'wtnoe 5a ,gearing tbs grain trete
from th. Wost,l„gyn to move in the matter.
ser public hen in Peritonea and torn
shoal mast he prepared to held the al-
qatlyo d our port well front.
aria toot Middlesex Legislative condi.
Wee es they were -.try a redstart
'r'Tbe prver.Iord The Mnnweel Star is
•tW playing the pati of %gle taw to 8hr
Cuisem Torre*
gfTbe Hoa. Hoot JOInt is now en
&avonug to eogdyot atµu b• Dire in
his owe grew wsl
MTh° ue ber of people who (Mak car-
bolic end by mist eke doesn't .etr.vl, be
.lecroased by the fuuerale that follow.
Melt is naw believed that Torras will
have buttes indicted for petty larceny,
charged with having stoke his puZof.tm
the tonUnge.t question.
MTh') story that, when the erg•m fac-
tory was afire Saturday night. woe of the
ius$JuD1.mte struck up, There's • Hot
Time to the Old Town Twti0brr'' is uot of.
ai?1. Nand that la • moment of patrio-
tic terror Sir Ctaarae Trrrss may robin
tear as • brigadier in South Africa and yowl"
aaLu may love himself open for a field-
eTSreing that StnthoosaI Horse will
leave to travel about 7,000 nibs over the
ocean before they will be able to lay out
Kamm, why not all them Nt eth000a'o
Horse Marines! '
aeWhil• pessimists have been dilating on
the gloomy side of the African war, lettere
front members of " C" Company of the
Camden eastiogent plµdy indicate that
there is at4umyside to tt.
'Senator Boot Gum*, that was -to -
be according to Tcrraa's political pb.il-
wphy, isgre•tly chiglinned at eo.e of the
new appointments to the Senate. But
Mutant is living to hope..
erns question chat is now agitating the
Minds of tbo quidnunc* M not whether 1800
is the lint year of the twentieth century,
but whether ths present session at Ottawa
M the last sitting of the present parliament.
MFOu1 esteemed fellow eon-aomb•taat,
Col. Jag One Rotuma, of The Toronto
...TelhallWiltrhuesw aetps.t,the po5dtion cl
*hiei,� .outs of the Namag•weya Never-
ewes,tg.�who are under orders for the Cap.
Col. Jaca says : "Me and Boum Juts i.
wanted la Cesed►V:.
• .J1WddkE.QTSif11s ARE 8111
POT m0 11• itlauL/MD.
Grb.ait,,t,14rr.�lt.r•6! ;.; S3ed•r "
sesame il." 1hw.ble4 e.sfreet ttligkeid.
Fbe able M point wetb pride M
*fide N.dred and toasty sorsa
askrae utfate dam the b.glanimd of the
am so aQs1L.
Testate 'Negras, led.pesdent Coyer.
.live : Canada sever had a publics man
who add equal Wilfrid Leerier Is the
platform treaesest of yaw►idas relating to
taco a.d creed. There was ao .ugg.U.s
of iadsoerity is that marvelously adroit
speak of Sir W ilfrid's at Sherbrooke
"All the arta emotions of the Canadian
pope, Freooh and English, Catholic sad
Yr'otes1.1, were combed with the mane of
barest orator
The double lame of toning Ontario
egaieet 15ilfrid Leaner beano be is too
Trench, and Lisebeo against him bemuse h.
1 loo Eagle& might be plowed makes •
n.Jer of `ower oratorio) attatem.nte. Ose*
me valves who ay to net the oosatey
aghast Wilfrid Laster en gaoetlooe of rase
sad Greed, are . in:0y giving 111. • eases
M shine on the platform,"
BdILDo$'e REM ARK Axil Boo..,. - We
have resolved from the Poole Publishing
Company, Toronto, • copy d " The Crud.
Shoo of Millie Smear," by Castes M.
8heldee, the well town anther of "la He
Steps." The book oestains ever 200 pine,
sad u s trate tale 'bowleg how a noble
mac, who endeavored m exemplify the
spirit of Cheat, was apnea sod persecuted.
Th. story is one of tattoos vigor and pathos.
15 will secure • wide nestling, and It should
make a deep impression saes every reader.
The Pool Pablibleg Compost hemstitch' e
Sholdoe's books at fifties nests seeb, in at-
tractive paper oeven, K thirty mate is
sled seven, postpaid. Tby are N. segos
widely read books et this-egawatiss. Fee
sale at all beokesores.
M Mata .lar.
The strides which The Tomb Daily Star
M makly aro the halm of utnpaperdo.
i. Omuta. Within a few weeks It has boon
pat Is (5. front reek of site dallies. It bee
eel sway from the Toronto tradition &heel
afternoon pears, end hag «larged Its eta
and the moo= of tie sews se time it le new
oe an even keel with tee morning esute.-
Its splendid special cable see -vies 1e •
sestly fester..( M. paper's improvement.
Ie Lades, New York, Cbleaso, Bata and
Wskl.gba it bas lie owa reeldeet arrow
potshots, ae well as in the chief elties of the
Ie war new. The Star has lorestalled
Its oompetttore en many Important o0
Io eerrespoadesee from the Canadian
ms.tlweat in South Atriea heeled", sem* of
the most 'morseling letters that eons to
tell Hie people of this Ilemielga of the
triale sad the gallanwy of our eoldters.
Seam that the markets and ez.banges is
the world's greet tray./ oaten are .11
eloped before the ahernoos Aspen ars
plated, 1t has beee foe of the umetronse .
We this/s that the .erdag pipers s1e.ld
evertors Delashed for and welted epos
for their oe..er.Ml and 8.•.04.1 eager.
Tbd 'torente Star lake hal ad.sat5se of
the Elms e( its puhlladiee all 4 e'olock Is
The afternoon to pewee full sad reliable
emporte from all the trading oat., as well
se the beat exob. ogee These report' are
published fifteen hours ahead of the morn-
ing pepeu.
It bar a'ely engaged ens et the best
demise ow* le the newspaper best...* to
the oereoe of Sem Hosier, the eareseels4,
wk. went ever IAM week te The Sar, whose
frost sage hereafter be homer will go b
enliven. Another addition te The Star'*
staff of mere than paesis. Late*$ eta tam
engagement of Mr. Joe Clerk, " Mash " of
8.5rday Nfebe. The Star's .•ease.enll
are going the way M .eke the piper the
meet readable la Canada.
Alkali 1n Water • Gree !.ere of Trouble
la Nalbw.a
OAR Lasa Mas, February a. -Oma of
Mie .rest ameb.ebe t• Me le the email
Ise wham beet 's lie pre.osse of
t la the wase. This M a prolyls seems
of kidney sad kidder tremble and 1t M ter
tils rempe that Defier. Ridge/ pill are he-
05.l•l I.Msosabiri la tale &atrlet.
Frisk x, ef Oak IAbs, erase:
" It gives ase put pd.a.um t. 6111164j.
sem*" .x•.Ileasem*" qualities of .
Showy Nile. Abeat to yam
1 Wee
oryp ped with *lassoio►a•s ts w task. A el omen
me $s try 1.Od'. Maar,
1 did
.ea six heves tiered ma. My basil bee
tr ableff mo Noes."
7s Mn► C. AIM*, et ()svelter.
Nee . is bosh hors =bee kfoMiw.
(a. lie mem, sad Who kri.afs,
lela,ht Three.. Oa the fiubJt s$.
The Comore sae ted as *15411141.. Tae lb&
bander Meow Ps.sMW 4a. Tremble
-11tt1eadors to be Tae N bat
.at te Tele.
185.58.8 eoRaytaaeo of Too Sett•
Flt she may osallialbadtag op M the
seas war there M sir week, the5x1
mask utload by them lit tog es Wide
Atrioa, has bad a.d will have for *•saes-
Has a pew• 1.1 ieficemee on the 'Atte
rause la Hilo ea..Vry. 1 refer to the old
rectal amity N Orme Britain Mita hops
whit the campsites ef the agate, • meats' I
age sad was obertsbed by the Delhi oelor
..s with wile* the ..salol Dube Male
Com Ge a hem ,aWNd ..s stay their
s 11w w tlw gem ~***amides meadowhe * .et
ibms.d. .f the DMA loaners sivee she
brio sad be Ihe dbelrM4 .e.tMBy tr-
P.p/ by the moldiness have Mead their
Meased. The Imperhove
the dtthod.ry the
Gasp Free Beate and the Trammel M he
wader martial law, a.d d atlases a day el
mere reike.t.s 85 Is Mere ter .d NN•ls
N. rroko•ly am be tee mow ler pos*
wile here algin se)eyed wawa Ilb.t7
I equally sail )*peat. seer BriW. rNw sad
ler as i M Nese are eadeavori.. t5 *Ter•
tete the eesahrMed Uetwme.► e.d epos
mot the ens
eedaof amu discord led dere►
*gate the fare taw .f &get Ado he blood
D II: Motbretalla..
leu whoa they left le took late Natal,
Oreap Free See and eke 1•rsaeveaL They
were 8..seeed by the ebolitloa of •lave-
koldtag sed many ether ailegod tnjmotl•.,
sed N 11185 day very little Pomm of the two
roam tire** 1.ber'narrisg• exists either In
Ceps Oakley er the Be. terabit Tbie
hatred was saosatasted by the BA MM emu
maga of Natal la 1843 wal.41 the Roes at
one time mlal.ol by planting their flag a{
Derba, sed see a the mime hoper fetidly
cherished by the Ideon la the presses om-
elet is the oesquset of this m.ag.i8oese Iftt{y
colony and its addible' to their ceased
thus attain eases to the w. Aeotber
powerful oases has bees the ever I.armalng
desire se w pare el
by which the Hese tiovwees5 85 earrobed-
.d N Imes BrisMk peuaage, 1.8.5* a sed
trade la the republics Awe the days .f the
magaaetmou 1.50.0 setae allowed by Mr.
Walston* la 1881. Tb Holland *AelaM
headed by Dr. twyd., sow lu Hareem stir•
riag gip Zamora sympathy with eke Been
and haired Minted. Eeglaed, bare messed -
ed dmtlet the lass ewetn yeas less was•
tr.dlas the d.aales of end Trammel and
ty • system el oorr.paee and bribery, have
se embittered the Presidio{ and the Govern-
ment aghast the Uiiamdees (fontgesere),
w ho are ohad, Sti$8.. Chas is fru roes
and was mouldered a (emote 0000twiee
some lira or fear pion ago that war was
From s..srsl us cues to more particular
*suites, The country is large), populated
by latelligeat Earopeane eager .te-
t 1.54
wealth from the untold mineral riokos of
the told mines. The litters bad aotbiag to
do erica the dlsoevery or development .f
that riobcs. Premien, Kruger, In • smash
r 185 pesiamo.t wet to ale, *peke
.weagly •/•Ines Ankle/ ertsaian wells in
e sproep.oted dulnotlt,,, He yaid, ' (k A
item- br iemad-ydire wait no there geld
dmg l s.* 'The ample minded, lseor•me
people resin§ ilia intrusion et foreigners
who they kmew,.ewt to time through feta
of dumber. awl sitpertor intelligence, ewe
the mammy. and meets the land. 11 Is
therefore lkelr polcy
TO Rye ?ty 00&110$t5. 017T.
and, If maty obltpMo.s oomph teem to
adeall the gold•4.eker, he ie birdseed with
scab disabilities .ad fretted with mea
sassily that he is forced layo a audition of
e atsao.ltm to the State. Tb. Government
has thus drifted Int • .ate when It rated
but did Mos govern. Their slow bed JI
.lice, ell power, and mat of t5e profit t1
the gold l.durwy, sad the workers and la -
rosters paid their four allies pounds a
year ravage for the privilege of beteg la
tee de0otry sad bettor so voice is the
ooauoae of the Stem. Two years prier te
aha ever since the l•slesea&Nt the British
tarpayee has twee 0oat0bu1al .04118.. by
burdenserne 8.saaga towards cloy. r'jug
the ouustry tau • vast fortress filled Uk.sa
arsenal with all the equipments of modern
warfare. This wane by u Isolated eus.rain
stain, with no possible *.•vies *seeps the
paralegal power was, natarel(y owidered
• 'Den•a* M Essland. Theo 04.641 the inter -
foresee of Greet 1'.ritala net to assert .•gay
the olden to the empty title of sus r•laty
bus to poise out to the Treesva1 her duty
to grant equal right* and privileges to all
white people la elle osu.try. 1hi, if
granted, would Mot have resulted be Wm bee
of the iedop.nd*.oe of the R.prbhe, far
■ mous the Johannwb.rg people there *eau
• strong rspublioao feeling. bee in the
mare of tim or hit*sa years the Boer
Goverssasee wogld eseeo to Ds • harsh and
unyielding.tlgarshy tied the r pree•etaaae
of the Rea (parliament) would have baa
leovsued with more latolltg.eve and meg
merely fee modern oohed. of gwvsremlwt
Ts* *.odes of fra.e88.• le only partly the
outgrowth of Brltlsa'e dales te be She pars
- oust power la Beath Aire. Ie is 11110141.
able to suppose that K.gl•sd meld btu•
fat 1e protein her .1414,.. .gleet moo
stou, laj.ttse and dishonor of b.im/ almond
es beteg, so matter in whet oreetry Shay
were demlolbd The framable gss5ee
Wes merely need as • tot to 4ees,.fae
whether or net war was sueurery. Presi-
dent Kroger, in the sed n..s hold at
Rloemfoeai., said the gimlets Aad bees
offered the fr..o5be but would ate mop
It. This was true is part, bat the whey
old sob.mor offered It when he wasted r. -
*rail. to fight his ogee agaist the settee
tribes la arms meth and sees of holm sad late
bb.nllty was act responded to by hundred.
tf Boglia tumbling ova mash other to joie
the ranks sad be plated 1. she feetreot el
the fight. Theo, as • molt of the gloom.
foaaln Coerereo.e. he .eared the fr•.ohlee
es th.m Mee had melded le Me ooa.ery ter
ayes ye•rs,bat the egadluees of ed.epta..e
were hedged ribose with se may pel5lfog-
ring reItsfetlone and difficulties that She
prosym woe asset Impossible, and this
fully justified the English llovrem.el la
a.amaog that Be peaoef.I Mee oo0ld he ex.
meted as w +shame et the .oater,.o.
will? C15100 TIM CPHIAvet.
Another fotor in 118. east uphevsl, and
• hetet that dose mot olid(s tbe attention d
psple outside the theatre of the strife se
moot as et thea. Helm le We mammy, is
the pelieteel salads of Gap. Cutesy.
Thr..-lttb d tbs pepalatles el MiM odo.y
are DuWS or of Dutch de*omst, sad while
00.57 ere loyal to Eogl•ad there are those
sails who have through ` ossttes. in-
rherited sad served the re* al Meted •!slut
everything British_ A polities! oresells
Hes sailed the Afrikander Rend with its
womb word. " Africa for the Afrikasd.e,"
wields • nowertel t.8.ssse, ss mush le that
the premise (`ape Mle85try tame tate power
through be support. Tb Trimmest, Mile
sot openly bayed by the Gaga MIeletry, ..
dabs ►u Its mord lappet sad oympit1y.
Yr. Rhodes, .114 meld 5...a.d the vete
et Ihe Dinah Afrlk•mden sad Rebell Jlbe
overdoes be the J50W0es
1 Rat*, has slum
thee oo
tot • greet deal d Its laea..e5, and
Eraser sever led la the hinter/ of the
oniony • were wily .alp.l.ted old et
poUM5s1 friesd. $batt these at poem/ eit-
Has le the Osoe Aw.bly. Is le anima
sero that • fey of them Meade bald their
.sots Omagh the lashes. d Tresysl
soer.t 5er,les gad, .Nob se hole has bye
widely eirouMted he Gape Cmhmy derNg
tee lea' Miro er leer yews
TIONws 1 _ as a elm. galea.
Oes-mewie etas Addy be sileate the hon'
gets/ seen. Per Mie Be. defib melee ef
war. Woe" NA, lune. sed Maj.b. MW
W115 'Mbrto se .PWy wee la 1881
Jeeta. sad the .sgnsel.b.f Gleadbw
WOO se ss.erally laterprdcd s paellaal-
mite by the tg .rams Nese of the Reeve
she M. Msse•st of helm s Replete may
hel se Meats fa the Np.blesae sad
rallied owed Miele aeli.asq.N. ekes .est
meedet ed as reedfty Med se bpdbffy s R
bates • heaths mmediel s,
The .Q5w 5► lis two tool misem, namely.
a.YRwss .w gnp•Mip85 maltsd
the Olga Idle real the .w 1Aa.sss le
df the ithietilld Wee..8.fighting abilitiest
11MMh u11Me _ e ems S. We rode i
b«torte : Jobe Bea, of the tiedersb
'*.wiry, hot bees sppotated chief el the
are brigade.
Hrasatl : YI. Jim DAA, wbe Is I.Ndy
for • aurae (. Ba CaMi•riw, le beets sped.
lag • shore motto&
Wru.t.: J... 8.,s..o'e hones had 5115
miefertans el falba/ down ea the lay had
a.d hoist" o.. lel badly .trois.d.
Br.w85 : Mn, W. h. Haste mid .1.8d•
rea have removed 1e k1eardiae, where Mr.
HaMe le employed e. the Graced Trask
railway .. se.5 .. ama.
Brawl' : J. 4 Cr.lrhto. was .embossed
to Torsos Fant Friday ewlsg to gib *meow
.f hie mother, who died es Thursday. She
bad 'Otos& her eighty alai y.ar.
Sieber : Dr. W. B. Bnwsfag, who re-
oostly west te Mlaees.55 .MM M ps5►o
mediate, has ptrah..d AO primes el Dr.
Fers.soa, who Weeds localism le Pesos.,
Holm.ollle : Mrs JIM Jorda., et Re
l•.d, Man , a•se•es.l.d by two at her
ems, le 145188s" eooe of ber many old
8,4.00. Wi . 'lb. and bar husband left
bat tea years age.
Dry*daIs : R. AGM hos disposed el him
fam la this notgbborkeed en the bitable
Um", E. Duebarnse, jr., as he new ltd.d&
1• migrate to Melee a, where he will
be mem bei beet d redeems.
Seal oral: Freak Oateerlde., of Ws
tows, bre bees awarded the eatr.ee ter
Oo..trwUar the 5..00.4e abatises's ter the
w5 free bridge be be orated at W8gh.es
denimg tee ooml.g sm..er by the *misty.
deaferth : Tomsk' d lot w alt ..t►
law' shank, in thin sew., wee the ones
et • very piat$, eves*. was Mise Bmtty,
denthtor et Mr. ..d Mn. Jolla MoM.as,
wag *eyed la.o.i au50Dr. Themes Ryan.
Ender : Oar eithigee nesired a siessk
as Saturday, 12111 alk, whist the sad *ewe
was rods known'ef`4.. Maio et Alm.
flelEwill, ji. T adesp end t•dy was rely
all foe two days and she was lakes .1
Mir mine of lit.
Mom . O• Tuesday of kms week, m the
Oddiellew. muses g, J. Taylor, la a
wsll-appoiated address, en b.MIt el
Costes lodes, promoted Home P.Mw
with a geld oh•1* and *bora e.keem• is r
the tires-h.k.I bap.
Climes : Preview to he Iesel.s "gip
Grew*, MMM., where ifs parents torl8g.
0050450.1 sea freed* remembered ]>Mr
Horne by Freeman him with a headmerwe
trsveIIL. cane .. • mem*.'* of bb ebf/ael
day. at Mutoe Collegiate.
Broods : 811..el Seattle, et Derham,
fergserty of Brook, was *ailed to marries,
to Mise Meals Mew, of i.o•doe, • former
reosdwt of Clinton, ea W..oed.y ofLet
week. Mr. Beattie 85 proprietor id Ib
Middaugh Hose, D.A.m.
R.yMld : One day hie west • savage
J,.r e•tered the sp.rl..se el the wheel -
mom «redacted by Mr. Houses aad did
sons berm to two of the shtldrsu are it
amid be drives eel Mg. R.lm•.
mimedthe Andres ander the deet., a ears
Grey : Jas Ireload will ge to CeJgoey
locality Pest month be take ewe et the
ruoking homages with • pew et su.matee Is
thee life. Mn. Irdad .i4 seees-paat
him and rash relatives w kinds In l5l..SP
Chides : Meta has bet eel d Its .well
pspoIar yootrg melt le the perms of Mow
Breese Twitehe16, w of Jame* Teetotal',
who lett Mosley mor.lag .l lye Irma for
t'ores5, whore he latent. wile. • eft
.so.th a coarse la see of Tomato's bees art
Hallett : is...!, of Hallett,
eared pese5.11 away .a the Web .1•.
.god 25 years. Fes Si. past three years
wee la Manttob., het last fell hie health be
a to fait and he sat bum., .4 ire. those
8ms had bey a great •dart Ire. ae.-
011ale.: Malecl. McOreeer. see et tan
Me Mm•tes ef Me home d wt.c., dyed
r...tly at the .s. of 78 yeas, : b sesta
have lead geed he54541 sal .f 1185
frte.d., bei he was nailer of a w..d.l.g
wMpeettlos : wet .toss.. were Interred 1.
Bard's oeaMwry,
Siefert► , At s wiestimeg ef the dMoei.s
et the MeKiltop Matnal n leenrees. Co..
held is SWforth last week, Theme E Hays
was appointed seeroary-tre..arer, la see
0111105 to W. J. 8haa.e, lake resisted.
Mr Hoye wee • direetwe of Om s..p•ny.
sad held the pentt/oa el k.p.wbr for $
maple of yeses.
Clle1en : By the deal el Mes.R. Wase.,
Chasm leave 555 of her wly settler.. B8.'
espied rmserk.bly good 55a11► enol $ few
days before her death, whym elm week a
add Klee rapidly developed sees double
peee.e.4., which was w stew of her de
min. Her holiest, the kale Peter WIMss.
pre doomed her by about 11 yeas*. dylmg
.f the same disease.
Tuek.rsmitb : The far. 8. ?Bohemia*
belesstag to the *Nate et the 1tb Jaws.
Car.eoha. Was sad by ameba at she (bee
morels! hotel r this Iowa en Weds.dsy el
lett week. There wee several yd .,., bee
he pleat was .IY.a817 11.e.ked dawn b
Jaw Oar.mehaa, .he eats uhe hate se
the opposite bide of ihe reed. The par,
oboes miss was 00325 -
Morris t Mr. sad Mrs O. Need. of lis
5-m Its, were lir.n oa. of their gutter os
Tuesday moils of WetMehl'wank.l Mehl'way
homy from mem Bis?ala Mee bars ma
•wry asd was head sext day se James
Redly'., 7d Indo, safe sad emend.
James The doe.
ter was all right, too. Mr. Hoed sea •
badly aer•toAed floe by t•dlhg ea She hard
*mem the road side. Mn. Heed taaepad
g ei gra
fame.: Dr. W. K. Strohere, formerly
of Clint*., tem established hlanelf he • very
Iserative proetps, at Iss•rk, fifty males
from Ottawa, hie mother sed Whir ales re-
aide there. 1. • mum be .ye --" per beg
ls • liyely bare ef .early 4.000, yet toe le
• wide d-der..me bowers this sed tib.
' (Arden a Osearl..' Wherever i weeder
I have a warp ember la my heart fee
Glebes : MI. Salle it Rdgies, el
Ripley, Ids os Tends, d last week In
Msltebe. Moa Ragas .811 all • MOM
m M. Pas,'s l.dvat►W Wheel, MOW
o^,harsk, Man , whlek M Mimed .wee MOM
Irmo W lamip*q. Aho win sag wlasa.d lee
teasels' of molar, and will Mie 541451 bar
sari 102 lira. Mies Rodeam, Who mss for
▪ time *518.5.5 wires t art lis‘p., Ito meal sura tress41111-fr IMS
who wish her .4.ad.oe. of oedema he iiNbs
gush • reepaylbl. pools",
Mateo : ()a Sender Jw
am �. 40
Ih. eoeff►•4f•Ite. a Wl'ild. Agri wee m.
e lm Mleg Per Me ..My epvito May were
startled M gee emebe peeks* i. Tei.das
free the mime. sod le • semen she
IMO •firee was mire. 1 los &area tomo sr
(ire, sad the remains d Um are bell beaught
weirdo from *Mier e�sa, 1M 4e woe
bbi ie 541. iron ..d illiffisIlleardi ef N.iNlpIt elm'sal
tN erect
•.d the bsSm ee semi had si seder mmusl
The tfbb.i ass * e y nlea eharebd, add
be meg" pkNfera nee ter
ani Y lbs dare to tame the Sri
ahem. • few Mase..ate weld balls
Orem tie aro snob • lbati 11 would
bees s 4m..lt le cams Me ebwi D.
Meath wed seam were holey ..mors/ by Is-
$isSur : Vbat para away all the beady
hams, Imam toad, *ser (Letter, is
Thi $My. IMO Ma. Maims lm•heU. sae sf
the w17 sshlats, • seemesfal lamer sad .
.aa awed for las oast late pity. Mr.
Jeskell Aad bass sltuy ler several maths
frm hammed tamer. teed his ass* was met
1a the toot roespse ed. Dowsed was
beta be Neild sed s•.OM Wade is the
year 1834 ma settled ler • Mos la Pert
ilepa, dim whleb be moved te the emir
of Hares. sothise es she Prem se midi be
died. He was • ytea el misaJ stoma
•nil seer,, sad of helm prembee sed le-
taltge se. N. is esvlved by k helag mks,
eve sat and fear 4W.. Charles mid
William. el Obb t Jame, ea bows
Reds. el auUses 1 Allis (tosshsr), sf Us
berm : Mat. P. Hews, el Ibrs.b t Brask,
el Mahfer ; Albedo (Ieasher), d Uu
berme. iad Lamm, a hem. Mr. Joliet'
helesiged to Os Presbyteries body, wee is
Reformer la poll lee Mad was le its slMo-
sev.tb year. The fasosl, whish iesh
elate to the Faster seemiery es Woody.
was lamely .IN.ded, Mewing • asst
lT$U1yl0l toes es W worth.
..e... the World.
No dic.overy is modioiw hae ever
ereatel woe quarter of the sicits.e.t
that has bees waned by Dr. Kiel's New
Dnoovery for oomeneptioa. Ile severest
tests have been os hopeless viedms of
menu mptio0, picot moue, hemorrhage,
pleurisy and brooehitis, tboo.ande of
whom it has restored to perfect health.
For ooujha, colds, asthma, croup, ley
fever, boueese..nd whooping Dough it
85 the quickest, surest rure in the world.
It 85 sold by J. Wildon, .b guarantor
otiJsotiou or refunds mosey. large
bottles 50., aid 41.00. Trial bottles
Program el .seal y at gib Oed.rkle
HsreledtPral Bisbe7, se es bear ea 1ke
"eeeesar� a sato a17 30 ass* "realer :
po►.8 -8.. hast veteYse of ape e4, pose,
pleas sad grape- W , W *axone
F.h. 15-Hoaee ,lest. Osn
ssl dare..
71414. 22 -neat el .1* sad oslpbsb dais
la huh salter. A MoD Al •
Naa 1-A, talk ea moll tr5as oyer
Mash 8 -Man's d.ty to dey►n,.teal.
prove bees and plants need hr 11Ie- gip
reg srn•..pta w. w
Mari lb- Meet drys..,. Odea g
-Marsh 2a--Var8ase ef petme.s/ W adds
Slates w Rsetiwltus la ohedaR
Oso* yes litre lit file Woe elm.
flag ell seed fenitll yes will tteteer
be wittiest TM TAMAR&.
*meat* wig won fires
«k ttill4e M 'W-. eery, (MNsd, Tirade
w. trsa .Puts.
ie the greatest remover of soak
aed prevent", of incrustation
Naves repairs, oila, peeking and
aoderich Bargain Centre:
It PAYS to buy your DRY GOODS at
Table Linens and Table Napkins
A1J10 IN
Fur Coats and Fur Robes
Come and see, and let us convince you, gee we surely
can, that you save money every time you trade with us.
JUST REOE#VED a Iarg..upPly d t8. Ile D. *Pati
Slrop 81 hI1e
This d ems ut .the most vsl..bi• preparations for ensile and
- � env put oa the market. Yoe dost Imes to pay tar '
-- M ifd. dhas't help. ildc. b for 41.00.
O. GOODL, Chit, lard
E .e
%E Ivo illy
F._ ibi1►i �o.i�lr1►t, ,
There s quality In a
E ' ourt$3.00Shos; that'sriakia
what it is. ,
IIIIII That's what makes a sal so - *ell a -
• hat s what makes these wlaar so well and
E please so well.
We are selling the blast footwear made 4
at lower prices than some other stores ask -I
• for inferior goods.
E Your shoes from our slap will fit wet, a
E wear well, and pay you well to purchase. -- Le- S
E Sole agent for the "Slater" Shoe.
W!'1. SHARf1AN, Jr.
B1lgiasar's Metal
Polish is superb.
Eley to apply and leaves it mag-
ntAoent brilliancy. Our machine,
cylinder, engine, dynamo and lub-
ricating Oils ars of the finest.
Our- sheet, piston, gskett and
rubber Pecking. are reliable. As-
bestos goods, pipe coverings, eta.,
are ,of tis latest German and
l)estadian manufacture.
All oar mill supplies are the beet
that can be produced and are fully
For prices and discounts, write
Tic h See Coappad Co.
of Toronto, Limited.
COAL ma W000
We are OM at the same old steed. Nelms
Street, where we have been esayly(ns dor
tm•kireers for •.*.1154 of yaws. We 8...
the feel that sidle you.
Orders left with sur delivery rip or at
Woman' slum sad tin gimp and at our
ease will receive bsosept attention.
All mai
ceberwl.5 weig0ihae.i as market steals. esls•e
We ran several Dray, in eoenootion.
JOHN 8. PLATT, rerun Massy,
EOM e er a.g w1U deliver
Hard and Soft Goal,
Portland Dement,
ydrau1i Lim.,
Sewer Pipe,
Piro Brio .. '-
Pit's Olay,'atn. '
sue et west isek ase
tsilarOom. Le. p
FNS telt.cent pieces ii exchuuge for the following :
1 family Pleat -chopper. small size 11 15
t..family Step -ladder, five foot so
3 family Clothes -horses 35
3 Royal Canadian Wringers 2 00
24 Padlocks, assorted`- 10
25 qts. Island City ready mixed Paints, al lisle 23
SO pts.
}pts "
106 bead and moulding Planes, assorted sites
and shapes 25
50 butcher Knives, Rodgers', Baker's and other
standard makes 28
50 pair Scissors, 7 autel, s.1J2 inch .... 2a
t4 44 14 44 es 44
44 44
44 .t 44
These goods must be cleared out to make room for new goods
Bar Ilse a rebate tied with every ask mimeo ilar
We are getting nicely alerted 0* the new year, and wr `.
intend to make 1900 .o big a ya.e in, oar bmin.ua thM
te Eh • cceeding years will have to hostile to keep up- 11t
Everything in the line of (hoes/lee, fresh and good.
Orders promptly filled.
Telephone No. 91.
STURDY' do CO., •
Thireroaini, Mar. Square and Montreal.*,
A Wone'!(irf0OD K OPI 1yRzetAraWft
Mannfla turedilby M h