HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-02-8, Page 2t jfi; ,
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r � y • defeat of the Boars in Afrbu 1 One
sign It W" . that i bel v oil Mt -ft - we ar/� -r� �r as as a1
••�Lm�'e �e e V `7 I�e.,%W1l AitjM:..�•`�•�•7YM �i:a7,%�e
definite news until Buller gets into
,, at rosyasaa - Ladymm4tb, and the htrpe Is expressed The British have uuw 145,7110
the! he will be there this, week. When and 898
iT><RT TlUtleDAT MO►tXW! gnus lu the fle1J Iq Mott
that news Doyle,, the mirubee of the Afriwa. That 4 a In urs
ti 0. MNiILL1CUDLt, -, - peat will its ftwgi)vea tad the mtv(or- uYe Y, a
tuna forgotten. will ca(arf, a treat deal u( own
Thi WAR Itl t)NR It And still inure trci0lu are t,aing sf
SAY, FSB• Y, 1900th +Ir` Q lKsTilwN. Wt. Th« work utleut b to he ,U
ld Toronto World 1d okA quite sat and dura thcamugldy.
-- tatlyd Nlat Mr. Tarte rlaouhl Ise in rise
T1N$ WAR SITUATION. Cabinet and that Mr. Buurmssu shwl.i That's w gooxl move of the Offic
tfpwev*r vague mutt uncertain to- to a member of the House of C'omuxms, tar Lite Cartadlall uud i'. S. ou+tu
day's war new-# nifty be, tleru was me *Ntk(-r of tlow wen being rufflelently offWeero Bet jibe Vahan nestle. Th
delarth of opinions u,ou the war mh- warlike to meet the vlew•r of a;ungral have got together at White Nava ,t
uat'on. here W ore from )ter. JDr, Maclean. The World should hair'ad- arecflerating las auucaert-to the gr
Tbonms' Person yeater'dny mw#rnlmigto dt0ioW Its proLeat re Bourftlima to the advantage of those with whoum tit
Jarvis Street Baptist Chu"It. Ttr election of Labelle a cutnplo of week!. have to deal. Tit' neighborly sin
rento, which the Thusr caw unbent- alto, loatead o1 paermiiating � return '" to Ce cultivated.
htatingly endorse . " The bur(a t way of that gentlrtwot by M clams I(om. Its Tho r!<lectloa cat Mr, Pwr4onta[
of bringing this sad war to a activetly argururmt re Tartan t oil tale litre ea LI[a I[uatrarl b a tontai
termination and providing fur par- "Th• CalAnet hs F:nglan8 Is a \Vas �y1a�9g �' y
manent prate to t4,utn Africa is to Cabinet with every ante In It a War of 5''"" may hart no political "t
• Loyally suartaln the Goternment is Wh iNter, so It should be In Cauuda. nificanca, but It the Tories had L
pav►ter. This. It appears to ane•, lr Canada Is Yr much fn the war ns b mea who could run with ■ay hu
Lhe Mothavoland. The one discordant of success against Mayor Pretoutai
tea duty of the Intros. I deplore tbs the would have brow ht him out
war w•Itk alt my e(otl, but !Ile erbrM °"W' .d th! w•Imulp uffatr comb from y [
Ir upxa its, and It bebo,Set us, if there n "retkoic of the Literal ,tarty, leaded a strict party ling. Ile party th
tie any ,'aaetiflcatknt fur it at all, t, by Mr, Tart#. Sir. Tnrte Io trot a War boasts the possession of the gens
present to th- world act uo likiJ"al Minleter, anal yet he Is to a Wye CiLt- or GgYerament does not appear
fnsat." :. ,-E x16 et !" -+ _ 4t know '•where i( is cat" thew days.
]lost of the 1,IberaII lit Ih.• 414her fancy the 1%'orl.l will final vat, Hugh Joint Maetkotalet's luom•neer
tq' tie time the Aelmte Iso thh Addrerb
C'gemntry, and tie people of (':Ituittn. the Jaw thrrnte'u W destroy Its r.
W rum-lu,1e , that the Laurier Cul.
wit r + en te
bout dLtinctlun of {wort, , u •ceps Lotion hx eagucity. H,c awe het
file view that the present it slut Clip hurt IP ns much of a 1%nr Culdnet, Bud Ing• the organs that he 'cannot fs
Sir. Tarte Is nr mush of a War ]din-
t!me fur dlnculwioas of tit« imus r of u trace of the bonsai egdorrPA by 11
war. That many roma after tlr t;c- since, ns the necrmtty of the cube and ;reeuway Gocernmetat fix the rout!
twy is won; the flirt duty it to will the Judgmnent ol the Canadian people eastern Rallway," and he tidnkd t
tthe victory -to - whit. tie other (A rrqulrr. Sir. Torte blow tilreudy spgticm oorumisdlon he to to appatet shoo
for hmmat•11, with his cuctmaary fr.•usk-
_____Isw,' ate time Tate Sir. Trnser+, of \\'call as'ewtlgntr the wnttrr. " IL jNODbI
sheet. need to .any. If the war was fired• at Bh 6eeolFe; at Tomato, And never dawned on him that thews sal
ite:where. lie Is in I.)mpathy with the
ht/nite4le, !t !s IvrtunnN• rani til a way bouclA are not eotluree.l tttl the
Tories nn lel ufficw in the Uld Couu Was, ling of the C annd:nu re"tigentia aro earned, and aw,Abe bonds In qu
try, for It to not at all likely that to Africa, twat h« Ullaks that I'urlia- tbn anus not hien ewrned fur Lbo
Tortes In oppo-Atkin would behave ,as 'Dent sNx,uld have been called In the tion of the road In quewtion, they hav
weell as the Liberals are behaving. first, place 4> authoritvo the policy of not been endorsed, and are tot,
the (;overnment, IurLe•ul of bel,tg
The 8t. John, V. R., Telegraph had M 1dC, In tar GovernmeoCr
thin Idea In mind when It said that c•allrel, afteY ttte tiers eta ttonq to
`••if tie disasters which .rye bd-dLtsl' ratify It. Int+cogKeguew took the other The" railroad+ of the United Btu
�t}},. s�wriir. I'Ichting. the Flnftnre Nluln- In tt,rlr annlml rtatemeste rsflt}ot
Lilo-Bcltiek ails- Rince•tlte-rroo a, tgr, estipating that n s ecial merlon pre-perity of the year. Thegimind
Owth Afrtcya (organ land comurred . 'd-'T•arlinment would cost more than Ings of 119 Atlro.1c�e for the -wool jet
der a Libirnl admbdstration what nn the expeaae of the co ntingent, and by 1899, sad. 50 ikmadim lyr e1Ntl0'7liq
coatery time Tories would have nAtai
remnlning In rho l'nbinet lin Tarts• are /Sated by the Conmerrlal sod'
Ise regard to the inability let tie Lib , __ w,_ e- r,_�
-�E tM To `malortalu - w`7mnor- i,T nd ctio ckaaf ' Id dlcolle gu �(;��.S�,e.w,"pleater %b
Ptwmntry, If )(r. l:ladsWne hndiaenu ��� � °C�a of-hlr cullenguner. d80,110U,..or ill•t,:,li.',(1(lll Rreatae tka
c power when .tach scents Wok place, In all this there ons moo Irregularity. in 1898. 'Ihe gain for the 116 roe
Ilk every Government there arc differ- L•e nearly 10 per cunt., and fur the 3
he WOUkl have lwwn lu u,me danger eneet, of
6th txlrn; eiubtopd, as le was nt nue opNMon tihfle nn Item of policy roaob inure Lino lU per trot. over tb
tl lima not many y'enn ngu by angle Is -carder ponstderatfon, lent wheq a oft! year before. Fur tine two grttupr 11
clunes, V re h i tJdtg upon tl!e increase was 1U 45 ,per Dent., fns esU
llp".m1Sid '6tnwitabn, w10 deft Government rte e. MtlWfr nn(1 upon mating for the rent of `tine rallruni
It;m a• An eenemy of bit country, and e�y member of thp-Govornment. of the (uuntry, the Chronlcle'believeg
wbb Jld everpthh,g in tloehr power to 'Canada llaa ata Wesal oh a War ('aM the
discredit tar rentest atatesined that [#13 extrgi iti of all Ours it bur
F tenet, becaare'Greettt Brltnfn hap;w•n. lw'tnh $190,000,tIOJ greater tluid 1
j�� Item appeared in 'England durhig tat be ut war with the Dopes In Youth lyres:. _
tins nineteenth century. We heard much Africa. If by that phrase we are W
tri the disgrace of retiring frum t1w un,lrrttnnd that the tlotaxwtb affulrs Trteu are plants of slow growth
Transvaal after Stn Juba Hill, but )til- of ('annde are to bee neglcctett so long but a nil thy lives longer than u
jutao Hlll.was n trifle compared to the ns tee war M in pr(uTeut. �ln__Li1r °ten. �aml thane who are entr
with the ,amnagenteat of tiAtlooJt
d 1l ustery which have occurred since Queeu'r rps&edl nt Che op Alluir of the affairs mot's budicl fear {Ire futlkre
the present war +ummenced. There BritJsl, Parliament oft TiMm1+Ly' there
A few hundred man were drkeo frets wars n n a oh •'r ikon. E. J. own the Dew (bmmed
11a Jrr p ecognfsing th at ekaner of (?own I�iadhr, h,u Jevlsed
a position by Lite Boers. beire we Ilse time ie rot ptopitlucs for damsow
lnnve great armlet checked la' le"reftwoiw InvokLWT la u plain for the renewal of Ont(trb's
e{J i sgp exp unix foremrt we*alUs. He lar selartoxl nips,
allrectk,n, And time whole ypltitiby LZI. but there waw no parwgraph wh1eA are rltJi. He fur a4selected a but
msacblrte brought to a -statildeA ll, Iu-so.corresposding character in the so Well A of unsex for metiltur .
this crisis In the affairs or a nation, yietodh from,fib thrown nt the open
the British Llbe•rals are displaying baT of the Canadian ParliatuentI tan Limiter, ar"t -on those lands tr
u high (degree of patriotism. They are Thumlay. Mr. Tarte will ter to the will be planted and protected from
thinking first of their co intrj. amt fort• with bin traasporta'tlon propctn. fire. Thim policy. nmlohiously pur-
oAly Se ondly of their sura,. will provide Ontario with a
pommy •sorer wa the rteoutrtly th bill, whkh p rmaneut source of revenue, and
ousts, utxl Lley are cheerfully tt, ons thrown out by the [?ematp tart
upEratng with the Government In tassho. will be re•Introfita„1. Calia.ln ('he effect upon climate, rainfall,
every effort -too redeem the situa it toot at war with another country ; delath of riven and Productiveness
firm. Yet It .In Impossible fur t1M Mlle lr merely arlxtkrl lace soother of time soil will be moot heneftelal.
runes fervent patriot, either . hr e(w"ntry In a war, and"Nee bapas to PrlkaW landowners should follow
Brent Britain or the volumes. v, he• itblt' W rewlrr alt as led ua.titnnee the, rxasmp!e ot•the Gokerument.by
without aho nikodn planting tries on the hills and
ovuc•exil from his eye tine fact that g any of Lhe utlno•r w'nstP Ikith1m of their farms.
the dlradtere which have befallen whernei of iomedtl• devrhapmpnt npo:,
tea British army In South Airlca seat: h .he line embarked. Thr I,11"•ral Gtelwl, ttM victim of th•• Kentucky
are la I of a character for which Millistervi will kr«Ja their hendo. .Kat
ria y withstandlmT the World's war rav Sm,I:tieAl feud, will be remenlhereJ M
Lhe (iorermimermt b reepionrlble. It tie man sv so slot anti Wile l Cd.
In pt, and while doing Lhelr ,whole
aPlMan Chat the plrmegt Brttlsb 8wnfonl "otos yeemrA ag t. H, haA-item
duty to the Empire they will not for"
.\Aminfasrntbn wear foto tea w•ar nformrl that RnafuM hnd,rworn W
get their renptnwibltlty for the well
without any wdegunte connyrtlon ui hall him tom fight. lie d11 mot go nett
bpi tr of Cansdin.
whxL ft wiouW itll'cllr'P. \1'P have AwPnr out nn luformath,n ngnhtst b1t
tried to disbtelieve Lim stories which - --- otould-ble mar+derer. H- to,ught a
'pw,rte(I fr+Im tlwp 4. pistol. {\'Iter tlw two met on tbe•ateps
time that the Brittah artillery 1a Three new Peunt(rtw were .tppointed of the hank Sanford Inquirel If Ocebe)
Inferior Ge that of foreign unttoom. yewterday, Mr. G. T. Fulford, of Iiro(•k- was the writer of sen article attack -
and especially of that or the Boers, vllle, Mr. J. 1'. B. C'angraln, of Non- ng flim. (loebel, without thg least
bat we fedi that the #umulativiL trewl, and Ham. Itobers Watdrn, of +how of emotion and with w entle
facto tan the wubjrc•t which nn+ he- Portage In Prairie. Mr. Fulford is wire, replied. " Yes." Tho eolt"tel
lig publi"lserl Lo the F:ngliah newt known W all rtwulo-m of advertiSemPa(to ins fan a mot'on as U W draw a weapon,
paperw Irak'P nu doubt that the By the mnnufaeturer of "i Ink 1 Ills for .out before ho eouki get We land ars
statement in suhetnntlally corrw•L' PhiP People," and It is worthy of re- Ills pb"tcal Oeebel had shot him dead.
We base trrclrty the opinion of Major mark that Brockville will now be re- Ile wits acquitted (rat th-^ examining
Itathurat that Urneral Ilnllrr caul gpt prtwented lie Mth Ifousen nt Ottawa trial, no there wA x abundant proof
through the _n,(X)O 1,oprs w'Io are lo. toy TV-mAkPre, Mr. Comstock, Ii. T'., that hes Acted purely ht aelf-(MCParx.
eatood between the Tugela River and " WngiagPd In thetr line of product- Goebel - wan a rising looAti l an, and
La,!ysmlth, "if he Ln prepared torus" t" use well Ad Senator Fillford. It them meemo to toe little doubt that
r1fice five ot`sin thcouatool rues.," -amid �S� len 1i44W that Sir. Gwtxge P. his wbociting 14 the result of tit, dam-
wo have tea �Krtrt" ((aaf a eorredpur - firgh-traa,+*bi #'lweeento Firockvllle In tardty appeals of unncrnpuhana, but
dent of time Daily' Newts that A Brft- he Outarht LlaMlcttovf, Is quite A eovrar,(ly, opponutata. The C.tu Ad:e
tell commander Ise requllperl -for the 110.900 Toritrl. ;counterpart of the G.wbpl nsdnwt;nes
(-nwrgpncy, " wlara knows hcaw to sit J Illppme Itwhy ('aagraln t'tws cllquw Ise found In the flAll, News,
duo n and wait upon Opportunity. He IS A "Ae of. T', $. t•'ittgraln, Clerk of tine Star, Anti their Tarte hounding fop"
m III have to pglowi" patience pAmdt* Clrrudt Aad 40,ti"km Court of the 1'm- 'Owers. .
Lhr understanding oR man. Ile Will Vince 1W'Q;o tc, silo reprnacahtod T1M ila'to 'Time" t!t Los .\nf(elrt,
nerd to Iia a mngnlflecn6 orgnnizer, L'IAket In the Moslem of Commons from Cul , in wbleh rlty a cn'IeerLLon of
not only of men Post of mwteriala. He 1872 to 169Jtx_>l�ptor C'amgrwhn waw 1453 w"e tntPn req nt n I n Or
!warn nt . •0, and H A land
-...x111 hAcc W know w•iwen Whurtwirwi, Quo►an ," tintprtn!nment, given ander tit
,it1, niggard cars, every human )lip Aurveyoj bV /.W.uv*an, n dlrPctor of
the Montrewal A 1'delfle Junction Ital(- for th ileo Ti uud Cannclna .a s left
nn,lwr hl" command, send when tt' for thodw Tommy .(thin has IPit
throw' 1Na•a Away as recklessly as way, and President ta( the Montreal bNslnd him, hwr nn ertl_le tleenling with
repr dal the first"Nn leun. He win Llheral ('rah. lir• canceled, In IABD,
Film. d,iughter to( the lute .Innwn W. the ("I'Milar ment(let by tit, 107 Neth-
hna•r .W by e% ' ir•a and iron' ancon, PrIam1S clergymen baig ng Us- natnf+-
eor• who le n*cer awwpM by ImpubP (Yash, nt one time Ai. 1'. fur Utonduw `.
t,rr of (Irasat Br t,l t h nes {h, Ir 1 ,flu-
tM by pia"lm, ate neker turne•t retain ,vHou� Itolwrt 1Vnt.«m Is the son of Mce for the rewent ou of thi w.vr. Ia
rka poring by pity. A slow, Lard, trip Inte Gvetrtte Watson, of Ftlintnergh, 'adm'ta that war h a cola sal ev11. And
t,3 mak lug man-ct"e nut oc, but ho, Scotland, w•ho rat me W Canada In 1847 alouht when possible 1p avu!ded. Thea
t� moor nsnmtnlns In n day, but win, nil, nwldeN nt horn Hpnwtnr Wal,wnn .f adds: •
w e e A r
h d 1 Ane mo e, le o ern with the These th•ttg" tming admitted ski lid.
kavla taorn nt Faarn In 1AS;t, and
rnplMty tat nn p>igle nn the w•Ing. vnnr•e, a I:ne elf wctwn lv cgrn til tan
learned the trade of n millwrt ht. Hr
g t c
�,Uerrnnxlety t. {worn Lhr S"psriorlty ILtxe M'gymen aA Line Netbrrlaads,
ll the Brltlsh Atm. has been thedt• rrenoced to )Innitobsa to 1N70 anti wl"a Are MO cla•n`rotom of bratssbeg about
built "'ills nt Portage les Prairie Anti a romwat'ron of haxtllltdng, whleh might
Afri suns tai epi our defMW'In l+oaI Awsew'all. In 1A8, Ise Ivan lwetivt to POM'hly have eomP effect U th, dr -
African." a rpf diraetictn : Lit them eireulate
tis'• 11ah•,t iA ,rally ftar writing, hut. what the H(olSr of fcrmn«era AS mpmbPr lar thr omork.aot tha Ne,h'rltndt a 1st than
Slarquptte, and for Fams list"• he was Atkirw"Ir1 W teas Rtes Government,
does $ mete i Oeno;ral Roller im sup- t,K• overly 1,11oeenl nunmher from Slnn,_ oak ng Laser taw inPw who uuw a(rm-
9d",wd-fa,bd sow e>o Ihe north side or W ill iu lA1►_ Mr \Vntson nccxptaid Pr or that oli,farrhy, mltnntnPi n
Ihe Tugela i5gh(iwg lh, finers, sed republ'e, Miall sigsnify their w•IIIInRnpws
the (ort1MLo of Aihtlster of C"l"ue to have potlblisb,d, In phare of the
„iple th.s uy0g Lhr Napo.tmir prfh- Worke In the Greenwit tloecrnment existin oll
_ slpb last awe es•nnl ranks an (sae:et Y g gnrl n a rhooral oc of
- wftltoaf hratakilk . of Mnnitolrn, whish he hP1,1 •hall Ihe nlxta flea twotad nnrl Rapson IoYea of
g a[6 HP lines n^ deafest elf that Govlrmftnust Iamt oumth. egntal r'ghts anti jnmtder for All m rs ;
way b asrnx,nd Me Acorn and "turn and that they Shall follow th'a an-
Ihe buv kdrs' k Slrr. to, alf wa to n dangllUee of Ionnrftn na,ka".tient w th pxactle,cl at -pe
6 s"J a P.,couu:ds into R/v,wn, of Lulat, 111ttdhrsex ea"nty towarl the mtI antkm (A tills I'oat.
o . Prla I esesrs ; h. rnwlkot artarve it will be Obse!rvedl that the there if tie hoer (iovernmerot h+d been
-8 the tel* eublektion, nor ploy n wait- w lling teat Live Transvaal should he
lilt sign sm well' Tha Ino, Seo ata Alt y^ung Datil
ms[lon did at 'Mites made a rppombl!c fn fart ase well As in
Thorn ae* "Pveral r e•s In the
,,;� VMwe,.it'� ♦ pol4(tey, e" well o rum*. Lhe war setons assn Itrast
at i A11eACp yet W tae a4 avo'tlest. It May to tno Int- stow to
;v _ missewwlty that Ihat war ��-
L.m4.r to Athb♦ Should he bro gat to - - -- - r,trare the wrtrig st-pa tint bavn
? a wliffaetfry terinipation within C*latnlN Raobson'd majorlt,y of Ili In Loran takM, Fmt It might lot worth
a Fast 1iMAlw,mx in large Pndtagh k, attempt'ng. Friglfahmon In the Trnua•
if : r*saonabfe thee. The Boor forrs## arr vAnI are Ivtttl'An fix the wtablMh-
e,miatdr atm tar MIA the went, Limit rust ,sent of w grerprnrrwnit of equal rlgbhs
he as st hnion ##awl IO the "ccewioe Iarryp-101-ah fur the Tortes, to crow If Krr,Lprr mud h'm /*Ileo uiign M
of Fr.nrhmatn nnA (lotNwsnv paw:nff wlwwat, tar Fw„t (vonl(1 M Indndwl t(r n res*, to
t►rough Delagoa Bm 14fidlavoir haw rarplY aistwifle
y latw the IYans- PlscteI nay sawn hart A Thr,., nndCap} 1•rrwts, t^ the *wtnMlIf inarH of ."rh
rash. W'hst gfarsntN is tams* that talo n ltnvernmpnt. toe war wntolA torr," be
r Russia ,,It k BrAwnc wall more pwgmelar than
a'aV wR of miMAW In Ills vnrty. Is. i 1"roho L s n Alpe
**W' tf !fie dirathglh of Britain kip. to ett in•HrwtPs tistkwxt~thPdtttawex Mu• Tap T tv 1nR*Itra T m-"+ wwtra to bSv*
pence to be hed*glre,ie fir tie speed swot des s4mea ([n..,, a glaxwl traarp of tlw a'tnstkm. ►t
_ y [nintns strength. nnclerrtasnds tea Baas. -
�., � URISNI Q . Dff - -• - -- -
poaea o
a�4.19� tib -"IY r4..:.fit;
1 qw huPpy W (alarerve thltt tilts arm•
Ler of settlors woo stave taken up
lancL la Ilaalttalw uud rise AurLbgds{
(�1 'ryT n {/ice,
_ a
Terrltyear. W titer sup pre
. +i ii�
The tad seeks
ti afar
stasis ytsar, and affonis cunclu.loe nil
t -_
d!enoe of Lilo satcoyms wtt.ch hoe at
W peech om the Throne
teucdwt the efforts of my Oovernmaut
to promote Immlgratlor, ani I have
1q it pp,
BIa Tranalaal Assertions
Ceadue M beat markets.
Forecaat8 the Bills
Ito donut that the greatly lncr+yasud
pro ltart'on of tele west will heucctorth
Wild W the of ties
Cavil. wy.
Ghioalen.; .,, ,t, f,*--- so Ab 8-t
New Tart
materially growth
- ... ... -- 074 a l
. trwdu of the wlaute Dcm istbn. While
Milwaukee .... ,. ... 066
un• efforts Wrath+ W secure lucremaod
tat- IIA)UW ... ,•. ... O TO O 70 8 1
Pustular on for the a t ingve thum ttten
•1`wcvtr tieatimed'w:tri an-
TcaNAu... U71 1-- 0781 :
Detroit, ;gid:., ...... 073 0781 .'
Detroit, while .•.. ;.. 0791.1 ---
Wort t!e%otod te the repeatriation or
Dulutt. No 1 N'a.... O 66 7-0 O 67 74
Claundlans who in less prosperous
Duluth. No, 1 Wrd... 0673.8 --�
Legislation on llany Sabjeota
t met have W{ OsnadA. You will be
boa. DarIQ lllli 9irea Hit 11a#o t�
M4nnrapwwils� N0. 1
,,tens,,, to learn that this work ►Ian
mulls. My Government dur'ng the rt-
hat been 1►s
be Publlo.
Nor.... .... 0 bis 1.2 0 ge 1
Minneaputid, No. 1
L y
#eaea giyfag attentlaxl to
tlW eubJect of A railway commisrlon.
... 066 7 8 ---
hard .....sem and 4'svdnelF -
s 011101ta PART IN THS WAR,
Valuable Information has be:n kind 1t
pl t ,l oil the ..t cl. which wbetm ccuu
plete.h be receive d you, add
U .'a'l!ee
CI�1iilller�is#as�aD ODNTBDL,
Torrmto, Feb. 8,-kJoar-40soji Jpyjwwat
east. In'v"m 88.40 to 68.60; stralliht
ruUerst, 6a.'L(1 {O 68.10' Huagarllau
pet _
will uo doubt r000tvo at your haade
d y
Sim earnest cetalderatilaa which the
tentol, 68.40 ; I/aalto�o baker'
56, all oil track at Toronto.
Country Thriving rad eetttemteat
Im�rlance of the tut�nct requires.
Wheat- Ontarb red and white, 6lr
Growls Measure@ for Arblerat-
+ am pleaded to Ny that our canal
system coaaeotiag the ,seat lakdir
fly' as Fiver -What the Royal
Iq6dI,2c goose,
par/t� sad weft; tl9v
tis 706 north and wewS; LVD. al
Labor DlRlcultlrr The
with the Atlantic seaboard has been
490 coltealoners !laid --- No Good
{obs hard. Tito Toronto, and�N� 1
Ceases, the Cetmialar-l'aylag the
comp}. tad so a■ to allow resell has•
is a draw ht of fourteen feat uo
Ground for White a Pecullar
Nor{hers at 740.
Coatlafpest. r
F,b iiia
pan front `ho head of Lake Superior
atateseest. ,.
w Wblle ease gaoled at ileo
-Attatwa, 1. -The beariehe
to {ho Eighth Parliament of the
ro t►a sea. 116 v[gorous and sure:safe:
Prosecution of ►Lean works by my
(ASAe'n. Ont.`Jjl
Rle � ., : r„g �p '
!Dooinion was opened at three o'ckark
Government. bee already attracted
hoticed an-Intervi, r% -#u g tit/ eet�ll
attld west.
H- to do b Ibrd Minto. AI Lieu h a
y y g
tho attention of those interested Ia
of the Amerktnn Juarlkals by Mr. lhxa-
soli Yet.
cord breeze blew over P.irliament Hill
ate forenoon• it did sot deter a large
western transportation• and there art
grounds for the 5 that wiles
Lague White. who wasYlYe Bo3rage"t
Cors -Canadian, 880 west; Amery
ca N, 400 cn track hen.
no crowd from turning nut to telt p.irt
Lha Decewaw (aclJtl(+s for the quick
n0 Lueidcala. Fmtainu:L ht t�'iitch hr
I- in the programme which was arrang-
and insIapicaive baad:ing of ocean
mnlmtach" that the rumaralaty cre-
p Lleeomee atar!<ee.
w ed for the occasion, and which was
traffic ars provided, and which are
.tad by the oumlveatJon d 1f48I war
Toronto, sea 3.-Reca:pts at lora,
the same as in past years. 'faire was
the usual escort tram tine Princess
:to progress, Canadian ports will coa-
Irol w much largershale of the Irat•
AbtAlvhed by the eootvtniloa d 1881
produce were larger than for some
days -1000 bushe4 u( grain, ffi loads
J, LouisQ Dragoon Guards, under Maj�r
tic of the west.
:Ind that Pip(. Watrdahs. I:lr Edward
of bay, a law dtaeldd hogs. sad a
I- Brown, wht:h acoonupalli-d the Vic•
111misares will be introduced to re-
c'laarkb and Est William Harcourt, all
fair delivery of batter, eggs and pwml-
y Regal earrug,a tmu i.overnnNnt
Howe to the Parliament buiidings.
new ami Amend the existing banking
laws, to the luteresi
embient iggal muthorit-ea+ atrt*9 with
K'hdat flrleer ON buabels
regulate rate of
this view v
; sold can
The troops were in their winter uni-
payable upon Judgr,ento ram vod fo
Thit qusmWcst wan puCby yourecar•
follows: Wilke amid red• 00 bushels
form and looked well. The eacort nom-
curse of law, to pruvkte for the tak•
retiatza-lett to Hun. Darld halls, Min-
at 70 1.16 to 71 I -t c, ; 400 bushes,
e prised oat captain, 1 ■ub,theras, 1
kNIC of the next dr,•etudal corwus, for
later d Jast.ca
of goose, 71 I -tan.
squadron, sergeant-maj,r, 5 verge-
the better arraingement of Ute eko-
toral districts, `the ('rim-
•'Yea, ►,!taco ween tea 8"to w"L I
Marley steady; 1,000 bufhe:s edit at
ants, cosporlcft, I IrumpAer, :7pri-
a8 bormea. TLey
to nmgnd
incl Crete, laws
toot know what INW. wallumbe or
sac to 460.
rates and paraded at
Government House at •'.70 p.m., and
and the rotating to
other Important mbjwta
,lr Clarke ay bold of for
dubJeOt. but I am •ware {hat letr
Gats easier; 00 buabeis sod at W.
Rya f4mar; one load scold at fj4s
Aeeomp-Ini,d Isis Exc;l.rucy to the
rentlemen,of tea Ho.terof Continuum,.
Willulm Harcourt exteewN the
per bush.
$ugsea of Parliament and return.
R1eNe:d (>iiltery tired salumea of 16
The public acotwmnte will le Inld before
you. al o tine fur the
ulabaiun that auteealut#„-� alit 1.
Ila steady; 00 toys 6Nd #L IM
to i'_WA, -w1 '-,-
fittwNbO DA•peaa Polus. The first sax-
miad estimates
mining year, wh4•h )move bean tote-
' Du you a,ireP wLLh thGt stew r
��i pr►r terse
Stzaw dy ; Dae Itot►tt,lent as i -
�,�Fed upon arrival of IIts
,!{tel dil al, the Parliament build-
pared with due regard loeconomy and
the rapid growth of the Domini on.
"Irv{ I dol tautt 1 sat aware t4at Ula
000ventLop of J884 greatly harrowed
par tau4 `r� �:-
Dressed ��Prf601f tlrm at
ings, and lylo second on his departtire
Honorable Geotlelmn of the Neonate,
the Lngth.li Jurloficthcwn
,�bj .1.'1r
to g6 Z'wt. •
tioneso-Aju+• igw--twa$C*=&-- a
taker the
'tuaacsat•-torso :.Kl no►SCJj6.. i?:
110144'; de lirarlse':KA,;,*tmetw11)i0
n le(•bmeat„comprised I urajar or cap-
lain, 2 lieutenante, 1 ■urgeou-m♦j,ar,
I comaMsmd to your consideration the
eubjeeta T hnve
The queen'. b..Az,atnty renamed. You
melt betty
ppeer 1p the latter pried bei d
e I agt.-major, I quartermaster-eergt',
6 s,rgrants, 6 corporals, 6 bambardl-
umestkoord. confiding
(n your patrlotwm, and judgment.
ht mind that the Boats res-
roved In 0441. but a limited ludepi w
dance, And It wits sen ludrpendleum
for MLrr to special cus oft n,
onl :
Pgs Prieee easier at ire to Y6c
e err, le guntlera,.and 1 trumpeter.
\t the mum egtranoe to the Parlla-
- • -
grall"I upon certain eonaltwna, it b
rr derdD, tkr latter price for strict -
- uw.It 1 q 1 altgs time Go crr.or-Ucuerai'el
11*Umd�� l��ay(yerreet cof Oar Ylkkee
a met that w Special right of Is.
iprtpreuwex N ayd W tit¢ 1 Nw taw
THN ti4kiilrs"i{!*tiS into
y new -Laid.
- ir"M Irest6ttee-J11T11Msesgkv.. -
[L (oaspri.el one captalq,iwo 11_•utea•
Two peen ngu the dlflhsltlM ul
e•►gu countrlet lo the Bae
Toroato, Feta a.- .
nuts. eleven e-rgaanta, torte corlsar.nl',
sol the otficers of Lb, al('uunrten
reaching tie Ialundik, were thought
to l,e u1 much a nature so to lode
might b• of a nature W oounttiet wlth
Brttblh lutere*ts. Then are many
lots, per ton, ICS'to�M raw,
baled• car iota, per ton, $4 to ��0
stat( nret tIM MiJom-Uelter.il ('umwand-
t,t, peat
prubal'ilty or cake" pA"Alit ity ton
other matters wl A will yustlfy Belt-
potatoes, car lots• per bag, 6x7 1-Y to
ug within the ivalu entrance a sew
mh,utn tetore th r 4orergpr General
U+twrocr ever becom,ng a pince of per
k:h luterferenoe besides tboon men-
tlolmmal arslde 4, risme of wblclm ID
We; batter, erbeim tubs, Its to 90c;
loatta�, medium tube; Ileo to 166 ;bat-
Tlmero was nn hlicrest taken In the
maueent blab %ti i. trials of ex
am White 14issel
She la ae eoq of links, awl snore tat
which are esbraced In the cxtaJlticwme
tar, dairy, M rolls. sk to ilo • hatter,
amemery, ib. rooAa, tale to ills; bot-
miitary turnout noS olrservef In Lxuat
M tel
p,b tel la masru t! and yauraal lrum
nna o
tNM Mrd of the etmt!neont almost to the
aeon wAlch the Auer wen gran Led
ter, loego steins, per Ib., lto toffie; lent•
Ban, eml due to the war.
Lord")Unto nrrlveJ nt :1 o'cl+ck, and
other, anA tbo wracks of human:q,
seii-goventmeat. Tbw article 1t) -rC the
ter, creams bosfa, sac to Ile ; s.
�e 'Kss
bold• 176 to l6e ; s, new Laid, W
prticeediit' to the $•nate rhvnitwer.
There was a large dance
And particularly of the tbouraade of
Leastr that lay scatt*rtd song the
of ltly4 rLc•larps time •Dur-
cenmagt or the Youth AMcan ►tepub•
to Ske htfmi9y,�e r ili, to to hoc, tur-
ke r that jute Inc
nttm os the
floor, and tl"o-gell sirs, n" It unually
tea 1 -the tribute to tb nbara turned
to shapM-vera eppewl 1 W sr grim
Ile will engage (faithfully W the air
staves gives In am®ortla'oce with
s, ; l
y a geese, par b.•
7c to 7 1 -it ; duet r ir, 400 In
a. 1M df+"
case, ware crowdrl. Lord Muta
,lelleereeh taw fobwh,f;
teK!moay of the ahnont luso rails
' laws l l Uit n titto AfrlewD by t h-
lir W the natlsor at 1'rettxia by tie
111' i ch:ekos, per agar, m to Ne.
Braude ,tiaebfta
flonurable GooAtomen
horr.er whLch arpxratxl Stan ream the
objet pf his seen h Td day, and "Lace
Royal Comrwtml.m In the preeeacve of
w triumvirate amid with their
ld Feb. 8. 13.80.-Wbent. Ivo
of tete hea-
tile• Gentlemen of the House of COm.
July tit!" of thv plant year (1AJ9►, a
steam ralway ttaverou the full kirty-
(I to the freaclam tat tide natives
1 Non stag 6, ld. Na 1 Cal.,
ea Ind to 6e 4 f , red witper, h
mora. -It W again my pleasing duty
W congratulate you ou the tx,atisoued
Lw(. m:M" oh tea White Paws trail. aai(t
the traveller th3 teiut!rt
Y Otherwise wcgetlrs land no-
der Certain aaond11400% (E) As to tea
11 1•L'd : carTL dd. kir Bd ; ss!►: ahs 7.
S-Od; pass, b SI.%; purl,` prime
prurperiAy of the Dominlotl and on
sn,nys of
tie aubscrt'r Lan . 1n "loch
aPPolutment of the atlenborkm to
western manes. 6(Jt Sd ; lard. prime
Lite remark9bti Increase In the gemi-
SIM way that lad lh3 tri p
mark oat native loc•atIons. (8) Ad to
th• accow of the native• W the
western. Aon 0d; Istucts• long. clear.
er„1 volume of the rerenuo kir"1 of
Lite Pvpurte uud Impurtm ut thecoun.
th ttxtgh the Aliegbany Mountains
In the east• or or tea
orf law. S41 As W their beteg allowed
light. Sas ; bfnvy, lid lid ; rmrt clear.
heavy. Sae 6d; abs ne, colored. 5W
1loetihtlen havlag unfortunately
W lass west. Deposited at [iennsil, ami
Lvkt Bennett,
So move freely w'Ithln time awuntry tx
W (lave for any legal purpose, under a
white. tS6u 68; wbast. dtsadp; eos+m,
broken out goring the reoemr be-
tween Great
at vlrtatail the head
d navigation of the mighty Yukon
par System.,
-in order W understand this article
Ltverpoo:-CI ane. s�o; whsrterrady;
Na winter, 6f 111•>ad; Iia I
Britain and the tioutit
to ftp
a RPxpedi. ft ato
River (otherwise known a, Ihe Lewes)
too pegages pawg.t io one of wvenl
On mot sae what the Royal (y,m
1Y4artMsan dprll`f. W Id; Na 1 GraI
Minis colt
l/lntrters expellent to antictpwte
the Action of Pnrhameat by
C�o�atmodloaf /tee�en heading doves
Micti4mom raid in the presence of
the trlfsvlrate snA boar In sial
6d' 4d; futures Steady: Maedi 8f to-
1•td ; Mwy 6d 97 -BJ ; Ja1y fy IO 1.4A
ping and forwarding two costing•
str.,am or northward, and with one
rbang, -at the IC -Wil Canon and
who the triumvirate wen•. The tri-
fmrirate Kroger,
spot omit* Brm; nixed Anwieso. So
ental of volunteers to the rent of
war ad w prscthcnl *valence of pro-
WM0 Horse Wapitis, where there is a
five -mile postage-reacbee D.vwsm mi.
were Pretartuv Amid
Joelsrt. The Royal Cbmmlmumen
5-8d; new Sa NIL told; fatun* quiet:
Feb. So 73-" March 816 Td. Macy So
icxlntt devotion and loyalty of theen•
Uri) oaf Canada to
nrr a voyage• delightful in its change
tiol,d tie natives that the BritJSh (fov
comment wen •hunt to wk"draw
61-L'd. Jolt Ss 65-od• Fsony. 18s,
Lon&m---Close-whmt off coax&
people the tlover-
dgn find Institutions of the British
of wean and nova:ty of exparieece,
of from four to ■ix days. It is a fact,
from the tvM%vJr. boat their iAtemotr
nealdtw d(11ng ; can pamockwe quUPL bot
Emplre. a
In shit connection it Is n matter
therefore, that with a strict timing
of d.-partures the traveler from
would not be overlooked ; that the
existing paws were not to be enforced
atwody, Cat+eons La Plata. steam, load
Ing, STs ltd. grain being fire Sold
of prld, anti gratification W the pen-
York map mat v the J,urney to Uaw-
In their favor; that any future laws
were that to bs put In force r•gatdng
hoxvy; I,a P1stw, sett% Jan. Feb,• Lia
1 1 -Yd. Matte off the count. notALog
pie or Ails Dominion tint ht tdkliLLon
to the contingent+ seat by theGuv-
eon in summer tile, ie twelve days•
and exceptionally eves In Iesa; add
thr:r lnterarty until the Queen had
Approved them.
dointr; m Palomar, qu'et but steady.
WTN mt, antler ('anw.11an force is
being organized and despatched
the journey has indeed elreadJ here
of They wereWld
that the Government of tel Traasrvaal
mixed Amerkfara taU, rescan.,
Feb. 17r 6d , spavt• nal.• Fox. Boma..
Sloe permmal expense of the Higb
sed• eleven days and a ban Such
is the change which the-effo:-t of left
wong,j tea ,the rollers, *nbjwct h Her
Mwsaty'r /nvrSln LMy
nominal; Noticed Amkviean. 17m Ott.
F>esnr. scot. �