HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-02-8, Page 1zfreassormaiitzr.,AXTMJassrgroollt,RNII
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Ilk 7
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Prole 1900
211-1111. L.1111.11.7.,t1h701. brarligir8PAIniLlEt OP I-1-1..T.FLO1 00171s1"1"Jr.
01111411111111111 7 tr.
art to ....or
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• 64* • •••
*or • • ts• •• •••••••••••••••0110 memo
le t
°Ilfa 01 1Ir
r astir:L.4=A% tie. l:
si=s1 ona Ms Oro st-gir•:.
=rrisy uremia, •
ar MI I
Warr Umer
HIINZI111) -------.'-a"r.
aseleal d=otrfx Presbyteries obsoir
41Ms. , Amisetto isrimzette .
et Male la
•=11.10sielle "611er°Vrasielageolliresd
L PRIMIZINCIC 0, 81•13.5:, .. OR.
Narria. Mathodist rim* lato
. New York, will no
bvs. r awl Edo/mood-1
sere a
7. Mar M. at rool
,,. . sr dem wast al Kam olterob. ilpida
. ,
Timm. Hood.
11•;•ao Aar =ea lat deer w.,'
la ...JIM...44 7=Esalw IS revert retwav
ftalls=1 waaerwilass
N. tt
7.• reek Mitamoliarso of s. Tl
=at 4teiseerh.I?srIF WI" ums
etsArkierVeli, 1.14%ffM%Itistg
TVN. 1101 *NTS OIL
c'szviw..... a fare* eMeelArth
Mblr ate"Mahlaati"alral
W Maareallia
Aella arta
kr mAIS
ea Arse •
lof In =51sasa Um Ira ef
ef Marry
•tr.babsai=si. =It
at arm
mZeirVI.10 'IS or anZrairt="11* 411.41.4.4"ai
d .41.4.4of Mrs era MN
10 Te .444
read= 110l 104
tO awl Mr" gre was or ibeTTOr
twit milliee
ffIera monlOp•Mlis ar .I 94I
.!ksr sal=sitalii4•4"1=
saw Dimpasy • t rash lhatileay
egtoesears Fitom
Matlasr, rar mo had tralro armada:
barit 1: Maier* Mir lee or Rail -
sod War le Ur
Dated ▪ at folowee thls 111pst
bileffige dm • *-1r :
0,71, •4
*Ati Raging
, , „; , Wi ' •
THE TOWN OUUNCIL. B. lielatio' &roust, 41. matior be We with
A sew IA.., simminirea 1 Me sommittot, and Miab is Ma 10115W105
Meal Meamer
AU OM nionalleste wen reser at
maks merino of Mata tom resell sa
day ovsalog
The Measarees error Go the mem*
of Joinery was as follows :
Soiree from Deembisr, 1899... .117,463 49
lir rag --
Warr robes $ 503.45
Ziesoria light rare 261.33
ikattioad orseessy110 60
' Slavabor 45.000.00
Slaking for aaao.bd
$56,309 37
lialemes 240.66
Mores aosseee„ 37 00
Pristra owir... 4 20
eatrite w.e4 73 21
CA•ritt 26 34
Dobestere Wren- 12600
Bills payable. 4.000.00
Watocworks earial. 111 74
Wats-Wks Weise's* Vb 60
Sleetrie lett 71.46
Behest messes 42054
thestete light farad 86 82
Cored ahmetter aed
idles *tomer . 1249
Deposited Sakai f"d 3,120.60
StsveMe isterea... 57330
Ibevetee meta 46.000 00
&lame as hami
Statasmate 42.064
for Domeaber alle;wer•
astesitiod by tho trearater.
Th . report of tho auditors, Mows. It .11
•aaRoltersees. was vatimitted .04was re
be Ms Arum • malitues.
• eirealar It.. th• Osendies Pontotoc
Mar Amiveloreb wee ille•AbLiderred
sposital sommiree
A semmenisseles frees °ether wood
&briefest, mermary t1. railway oem
mires of this Pyiry Cossed, ..-M- .41.
firth of • proposal order gronang Perris
ore to tee G. T. L Oesepany 1. 1.7 mortar
radiate and imam witlain Or bows. la so
eirmase with • bylaw moor by iho era
• Novembor. 11108„ was referred to tea
peblo weeks emarristee.
The Mark mortal bast Mr. Nom had
bees sired 1 88s reacil tor the Introit
of Mr. Ceaspheire aim aad 4.4 takes the
11101MWOly oasis
The forwir jotter to tle slayer from
Jilts Nene. reeve ef Poet Mem wae re.
fumed to tie appeal issagetese, grab prow
to est :
Duos Yee dee doubtless aware
that m set redesties links ere essiemplated
a &els fite Marie dreg the seer* met -
mar, and Mom so art Maly tbo Wilt •
n ew railway north from Ur Sr sad roam
railway went hem Pert Amber. Now, la
vim at albs large nambor Ines
Is *spayed aed Meet these wake. we
Mak the mum alms this weft alters ma&
lied it to thew advesare take mete se
OITOOTTI 110 esr merle • mem of the trade
arid irsSe shish mom of seseenty sense
where se mese markt si. sesployid, imod se
on" are mot aware of re'1410.1 Pro* 744
&mama* fee se tile share, 104 1. anew is
this manor means sliggegalls, word yr
liatak Is adirmaltie *0 1.44 • esseates rimy,
Elsoardims, wham 101 10 Sore represeetw
styes free yrs tows 148 101.4 with re-
preesetethee from Kimartise, Pert Mein
ies to osesifier tbo geseties
sad semen seehimilise as Is Aar wisdom
'my b• eassidared mon aspolisat Yee
might moselt year muesli end 45*10 hear
ohm yen Mat al the ersirmli 71.r
Garnett seemeisees, when d Mound *Ina'
obis wo ma mob tasperso.
• eesementeniee frea the Dotted Mew
trio Oe., Temetto. mattes' WU maos wilsor
pate m he emplied for she alesesio
wpm base made and womb( be 1444,04whosea=deted. wed maks all whim dabs
lie Acre/ • tage ef the page made.
wes ease te the maw ead Mit sesmattes.
• melte 4.04 aeo Irem the tfoldie &
44.0444.4 0.., 0441. 4. psalm, pipes, tee,,
1010 151.051
• aftemame• hem derma R.4. 44 the
ausesse le tie emdl• el the sinkag ha&
with the Hams mad Stem Lisa 504 Ia-
veseaset Ch. was referred a the ammo
trenneitios. The mese. $12,630 30.
• ems from Dr. W. if. Grow einteewl-
Mabee Ide appears's. try Mlb geese& be
the heard el health wee read. Dr Clans*
rreseseed be 1111 the poetise 4. 88. best M-
urat. ef Mire.
The felliewhig ameriate were eatiove4
the Immo memakose : N. 8.4. Orme....
timber. 219; Two 21660: 14.
Niebolson, supptir $7.81 g W. Garrett,
83.4.1 W. • Josses. lbw
trio Threes.. esme. 971 y (Nese Oity
Oil 0...Tereete.e41 .117 19 ; D.IL thembes.
idadtmetehboi. 18.85.
The teeter rod lieht eommitee rellbried
thee they hob imeremed the der& ho write
rho Vetted Nierbrie De. Mat their Mere
toady to hem as test et itee ftemels
made mid 'maid pay she meepaity
leo ameast . dee %Me if the tem
Amid prove easiellomerf. 'Thit Owner
matter had Moe laid ever ler tie premet.
Tho clerk had hem taoloweted 4. writ* oho
Wra. &Nen Omepesid 05., Is reply m
their lotter,tiet 44.8.488 had se atetherfty
8. seder tt• mememad, .04w reeved Mem
to bees the bumf removed.
The eammatee reoommeeded Melt oda.
topes4 isnarsees be nosed ee the power
harm sad that the essawitree he moirer•
04*. hero 848.d..1414,4.ro4.4lw1.
r" •mbier fireety =az
IITANT110-- 000U UNNUlt•L 11118-
1,9 met. Apply 85 1116 11(471119I8. eItt
' 4111910.-T*0 alltN OUR VIIIIRI
et...fe• oteoeMes
soave seeerliy.
.4E: .....q
• 00.• Ill
II asomosim writ -
14 05148. 1
litar Sala
.rida • A thirltd1
e I la tlia Mks •
ANY fit)h . " 15A,1,1 01
Ur.h esc
ot •
d,siieeerrter pts
T5. -d, at $6.75, ot the morlag of
dreslo Me pump house.
1.4'MOTT brought ca•Mr rid olmat•
hioorion, prnepolly Mere. osnoil-
lor Holmes sad Crolne Mr. HOLMOO
anamendret °Amon,the Orme
ba rehream tF, fl Holmes There s
thereo brewer Holmes sad the ooie
araohs delvery of SNN 0041 41the
watwoks at year. Mr. erolos Mad
feaMr. Holmes hd beivethe on.
*t with Um povrs tht heshould poi
Um eais the shed r wh&rooted by
18. semmisee, ersoad of wbisb ts bad pst
It 1• thmiddle of trp road. Mr. Oantoloo
houht Me Mould bcomelled to pt Um
teal la toe rd Wore to was pod ler it.
Holan maw! that 7. B.
Hdar hod ofered to put ts oeal in ths
✓ d at five re• le -a al bout *36-
01 10 b 1444 4 the mutton oy too °psalm
of Me Ostrow, Mr. Preerfoot orsy othe
✓ ablbiopLe Um tow. Hsrd
Mere was eadeablo door asto whre
hssial we,rooring to thaostarte b•
thliverod. Comm lor Hom* oassod at,
• 5.05511 ntedem of tho water tad net
soomomoraning thm witk arm
poperly setarr own resperbility, with
pay**evetosmace msey Olsse calmoey
mores, wih Imams so regard so th• os
e ras seried, sawithar sates ler Mod-
er for ast, toOr loos of try owa
Mr. Mas dobnood lb. o..117....
• in reard to thpurrs of or
Mr. Hoerr sk• to support of tb•me
m111aim pwitos.
s Teem W5 oo @speedeto Mr. Holmes'
✓ aeormest, oaJ tie rport was doptad,
Mr. Holmes remabrad kern. Mainay
54 58f Maioard fres ToeraMs
mood Last tiny wore ar solonestly
acquaned with MestwThe m -
mares wa/tom poweto decide ato the
triwith a whch ks. Hobos- w• to be
mead to sonplote 8.. sooras"
Aa smer of ool 4j. W. Ira
amours' t $299 25, wIS4 to tee fares
14. 6..... amswitio•rdwomodod th•
ot • lare ...b .7 arcuate sad
• persaso of Ms Mro' pord Aram
mat Our" oMa risk's Ooe. Ti.,..
pet om
The sprt coomataa reorimeadod
Me rmet of be dootorse of Om
Morrss' triterbe graned sod tht
sesrry sops bakse • esablish • Geo
por" libary at osoe, am that the sert
serfy tee err bards edm rm ofOm
sorra la this matisr. Tr report wa
6424d7.islnee nmed, seby Mr
Bombr. tbal emesbir of tio osonol
am pew1. seeslt 14. Mem solicito
wihoot eaheanes byth• rear
Mee ie Memo paenaly ragserbt• lo
them. Tisws erred, the oly
turreMn11r. Carin, wk. Mog
4* soy
It waswsed tar *ha oposa......041L..olold msos Moray swarm to pavn
Me Ire lerary byaw, anthat the moor
aid mor Ur sum orator to pen tho
It was dendd toak feMaes foe tbe
praer of Mcordsowood torebepar-
Yr. kibee amowe sobsitaod ter hat
ofMr. Orptollaall ormattsof whch
Ms kr* woe. member.
Tes marl mot os Moray rees(sae
mwed the byaw, Na 4 of 1, to ek•
ovrthe MraisInsitute library or
a fir Merl. Tr *OW* P
Oro Sht the sesaU'e appont mem 1. 14.
bord of Me free libray all be oudo at
ths orbmetroot raraL
was agreed be alow Wm. Jaett 136
for Mita'Ms two asks ea Belmot& and
Norte stee* Tis hat the tar at es
✓ ta • ler
This osseuded the bueasMfrs the
ad by Mr. Germ.. Too sonoitos TOOToW
mord tho roopame th• tender of H
Ma. Kios Stamm-Tere was ao e-
etfotbe rearrata ths town oeunoll
Mr. Marl, er was not present at th•
rlasles sasim, oterwarda withdrew
14. i. Mr. Beer wethereore do-
wser nesed ad ok hs rt ot 18.
Pride, eveeleg
NATIONAL PATI10Tly lamb -Tbio ood
it roldsowith parapprova*verywhore.
All wheeta huld rrAll Me broaoh
Make e Omar" arantkosd oolooters.
PM lol hrrethelak of ormiro•
will bseit at per all sem rerivemober
445.5445 he heaquarers of Om fund at
oto C.I. ;Sweeny, treereof the
Teresa bams, or threeh (44.4,obt Nem
rpe, as thrhoorlber nes.
fasmrra oturay 8Row.-The
Oodreh pultry forms mmverynoos
Mat the maty poultry Now at feaorth
I wk. Chewelts made eevene
sd bek 'Ns prise-alse brie lad
eesed. Delis (ompbll 4.4 Shift-
er strie aad rvaetrermht
prme. meIma J. 8iewie sek
thoe prmA. MeD. Alba. ef Oodere,
weeeetse•o88. .04
ti we144.4 8. hid szewha's nw
iimttos. e
lX rgoai
,reea" rct
440101 00.. Dn was Surbewr AT TOO-
0110.-Tha Rams OtIeyAmeetoe of
Teresainhod •se Wbbs sae
s the mesef PelIfe, 4. & 571118..,
mlior-t-Ale Th• Oas *be& s old
fue* My. wll wd&; D WrheUer
ay the nee eedr. faser
edds, of thmeaty ma*og Is n.
010.0 (My m~Maly and f
oy hvteese bays hmome
o ho reprmeatemothe mby bdi
Lesteete Asuby, elm *me embr
448$�....44 Oeeshe Waea&
em haeof nsmer rhbbeb
Memet? ln wtty .94118..., Ody
rmuamer, bll
As 11100TANT er01RM-Th• abi:o
peremiShrthon cattle ed MirMek
heebMass. &Mehlam. al Cleld
a Theedayooes week we
awwa amme,
eemt sthet, mt wemot pregetet ere
a 41,300, lteedies amrshreMd
aMAIO, temamhre. The WI.
his *1. *04. Mw*theem.hm
rseWlettetee MoMotwooMise-
lorse. rlala Osmn wede
seedee. The Nowet is • Ied be
menemre Wael he alarourshel
d hesW" 86 00JobM
mMr. '--------eaPI
emo P I '4" Paste
• , 12Ck--,• ! Ardr • wti;,
• • -4 --T.,
. ..rj. • 74.
" •
••• • •
Ler attoranoe of operators. Moses
Ball, Mabee rad &Bows mom the lodges
sod they dlecharged their dater with Im
partiality and good lodgment, &Grime la
mass swim lb wm leo ray se &olds be.
Moen Mame, ropresentran The prise'
wets awarded ea follows Lady's troy,
Mrs Daisy Illosely. Lady of Me Sears*
Costar? ; aent's troy, L. liortos, Gomm
bb Waggles ; lady's rem, Miss Florence
MeLesa. Or of Mottos Goose's Gluldren ;
geoVe reds, Lioaal Parer, Mom. (.Goa ;
piers ken, Miss Km Mayer Orr* ;
boy's Man. Robt. eerie', Time el Geiser
bus ; glee Orals, Ilise Frames W
hullos boy's omit; fru* Ortig.tt
Miss NOD&L
* obos& seek the prat for tee
beet lady rotor. £... 88. saw skaters
ha oestouna wore grown Roth well. Norm
Hells ; Ides Maud Tilt. 014 'iota Mimes
Bolos blephord sad Ales Rettwoll, 88.4-
115 Qoakars ; Berry Haat. Boom ; Rol*.
Seel, Navin Valor IW.. Jerrie, 4044
4.4 Soldier i blies 01irs Robert..., Oar
Lady ft Ms firms ; Miss Ida Thomas,
Quokos 0111; Mr Myrtle Corm, Irish
P.... 14; Klee P.04 hires, Tas SMITAL
Mom Pearl Trethewey, The dtss ; Horry
Babb, Deile ; kir Agar Malvin, Mother
Hubbard Moses Mary Omealoll awl
Mars Molars, Twin Otharisnother
Dorm os Mae DAVIa-twoliam of erse•
row orm serer! la Ors Marta of tory
in Goodrich by Me aursoomeasent of its*
drab of Mis• 13 mi. la Loadoa ea Friday
len. Wee Devils kelt Mr home hors in Ma
4111k0141f1.4 11121 1..tiik• a boopitol traiolog
oorrso Mostroal. Altos a year or wore
of tab work, her twolili gave woy oni •hl
mturead Moe. ond • few wer• SOO obo
waist to 1, .ndos Ior troatasiont, death se
suing (Isom, es obese stated, on Friday of
het melt. Bofors ton removal to Hom-
mel, Miss Dose wits • maroons worker is
St Greve's eager and !friday aohor troi
siso • amalter of ilia &Miry el Parr's
Dsuobtets. Sim wilt be hold la •ffeotioaate
remembers* by low fellow worker', and by
maim ottire who malted the impress a
bor knotty &portion sod isatls mossor.
18. mambowere bromililltie het leo hoer,
North err, .14 oa Mooday afternoon
woos bra* to dt. Ooorga's Omsk, where •
la: go aurae het gatherod to pay their last
respects to the thosoard. Elormort was or -
darted by Um rooter, Rev. Mark Tomball,
instated by Um hheir, after *kir las foss
rot proosieles took its way to Maitland
cemetery. TM mourner woes demord's
father, 0. N. Davie, her hooter, William.
..a two who.. a D..w. of Ciletoii,
Joint &moray. The pall bearer@ wore
Purim II L'It, Sheriff Reyeolde, D 0. Moray,
P. F. Lammas. (Mo. Porter .ad D. C.
S.rsoboo Ammo.; else 6'..r. 54~1 *Poo
the orkse,,wom • rose from t be King's
lbaaghtsre, *Metres St. Ornrom Horsy
✓ choed, an rohor from fie 011114.
a lemur ot lilies of Ms valley fern Mr
former Surat re.11 elose, borer Doane
better from ilgobreal sad Teresa aod
friend. le (fedora*.
• I Boy Mantel- flisir-at
Dauy Tiowaro-J. H. viotwowu
POOLIC Sell001. Tameramo-illie ambito
rhool board nose to Tessler maim.
Perient-ldr. C ta tbe Moir, rid
Mysore Armee, lifelsolms, Blake, Bali
and Motor. The Warr of the last mon
lalopted. priaryol's erport for Jos-
. mamba sad etstahory 10.044.4. were
ST "bowed aa &metre atteadoor tat 236
bms oad 2524 girla, or 86.25 par tout of
tbe Dumber ea eh* relit. TM report mod•
retain 11.4510.10.11110. 1 tiss oarotakiao
the *shoots rot • milord a droll oil regula-
tor. for Ms nee of earetakors, whioll was
referred eh me ortingeot committee Oa
settles of Mears. Ball and Motors, Mr.
Toe won appointor to lis pubis, Water
board 11 w three year, Mr. Hoes fie two
✓ ad D. J. MOW tor woe you% TM follow.
teettadte wars ordered mid
Porber, 47; k thumbed. 49: (I Home,
41.75; W. T. Wolati, 75 ota. : A. 1103.
Allan, 115 14. TM tomootor'e report drew
ettestioe t• improper Moir had veuttloe
Mg of aria ol the Oast room' as well al to
other mature that needed ottiondina to. Om
tootles oil Maar& Bell sod Niobolson, the
✓ eport ma reeved sad moons to le
so tor r the school. are rammed wort'
Warred to Ms ortlorise Sew asitlite to re-
port ai rat 10s144l( Tb. abolnosa of Ma
board was throoted to roily 8. amotaltm
of St. David's ward rho& teat somplointa
ar• mode ao is lila moaner of keeping tlio
school. TM snorer of birkbearde la Mir
Watson's room wad refired te the seethe
✓ ar esomottlas 1 report. R. W. 14.-
K..41., E. Reatoe, him Moron anti Wis.
Proadfoot woes la samrseml to fill the
1505.07 00 tho Collagist* Isoldtato Board
oared by the rieeth el Dr. Sharon. Judge
Memo was finally appointad, It., whlob
the board odjosteed.
Who' you mist the bur sad best in more
✓ ains, don't fall t.o.11 ODOUR 7..1. Pi -oilman,
tho omple's olorhler. He is op to the limes
oa every ooneelno.
Volostine's Day stir Wednesday.
The MO hamar is brig gothorod at the
Fred. Lsorsan, of Tobin's Corners, was
rellosd to the hour last Saturday with •
Tlas Ostlogiale Imititato Worry Sootily
will bold • meeting tomorrow (P ridsy)
Jaime Consolly, of (ioderioh township,
kr bra appointed wooed Oro molder of
44. 44.... &ad Horn Awiriattoa of Wast-
ers Orono.
Mr. aed Mrs. 7 J T Neftel ham re-
moved to Mott hareems stew maiden. e De
Waterloo War.
Al Mme minia n Ms Chem sod Ratter
Ushers' Ameolateie at Ingsrooll Ise weak,
D M. 4., .4 nalwastrellle, took • second
prise fee sham
Csa Otbeirs's may Moeda iinply re-
gret tb• Ulnas. fremi whir he bee hots gaf-
fers for Nom tier He is radar to les
04tel Mho HAM
O.'lag to mama slilkodanwo, the melting
ef 88.0.40404 divhiss of the Won Harm
tesehsre• AMOoldaMs was pony/mid last
Sasuriky te 3r4 al Marsh.
Terra" as lead osmoses, ler. Esre lob ea 'r
✓ aper wee me nem Mfrs lea liortleelto
rat tamely Lae Tillsesday mesas It will
101.4.•17 b. 1011 11.01. forasi. umeekie.
8. 1111. & Ota. ors ever pore
seems shame te TNT IresebIT• *100 en
14 It sad 16111 Teteatir. 115, low.
arm Jaye of hergehme. Loll sod mos for
Mee yiegAMber Oeilagiro
141441 ao Rrelderill Wm meek
by 84. 408... of him Maar. Miss Dagerest,
of Siestgard. • itilee' her piem ge 4.
The resolve ef Moe& kr OK% 4. 1.
94515.1.44 845 eidlleillo memo, 444 leder
*4.410051.5 14 11114. Wyse, *51aelterreb
odor a Tee Ghee'. peak* boa eel@
reregma 8. lams Mat Kra Lit
WO es itteerday.
4.8017. of Lowlier (forraeoly 1441
' 'Lorene" of (3..1,0**),mionly had ohm
t the effem-2 .84414. Mil he *a-
, "--"4 ;!..ao the "
Wee ousau•
'y day. 11 thee
4 tit ehedloir, sal
' •
- .
marder of Me vier will be mad ..d4
opting will ries early.
Tho snarl meeting of Or Scud' Home
L 0 L. was held at ErsOor on Tordao,
&ad tlas mosting fog Norsk Hoston at Wtag-
bam sum day A m. Todd repro...t-
in rim Godortah Orsaggemes at Exert.
Z Bauboaaa. &leo. From nod di.
Woodard:I emoosishal la the Christ-
mas Law &hoof roollorlane, las results
of Mar Moe lass boom publebed. Mr.
&Maw took sword plor is tbe third
• rainiastion, 154 441. Maroaadd boar( It
la beil mood year.
Joha Watoon.au old &ad highly respoord
' Ibises of Stratford, pared away oe Wed•
seeday, Jaa. 31s8, at Me ago of wooer fiy•
more He was see iif the roars of re
township of Dowait. Mrs. Light
home "trot, tom, le • doughter•tielaw
"las dreamt, aad abberkia Ura frond at
&milord es Fridoy.
Amass Ms Modesto reartered at tee
Lerloa Normal fiebool, Miloh *as reseed
lam west, ors Ammo Ooliwelb, Halle Orme ;
Moreary P. Gillespie, Sorenb ; W•Itot B.
ROWIdwit, Pail Alborg ; S. Aro Hamilton,
Blyte ; Neat* A. Jamison, Distralia ;
Ilerganit Keefe, lkiambratie I Moiseen 4.
Man. Godortoli ; 4441. Malik ;
Mary Padfield, literriel.„11101 eabp &tam-
tior, 4s411144..
The realm! esi wire am Mir oritiour
(hit week la Vega/W.4r. Methodist. *burr.
14. lik and 'rock. of JAM'S Wide/rib
R• ley shill to Me eobj sot for ibe mew lag ol
N- r.b Creel Koroorth Lerma, soot Turley
At • 4E1 marl." et tbe 061941 board of
North west listboimi, °boron oo Healey
ealt•Urgb. Ike ...oar; Soc. Jasper Wilma,
wa• rumored to moils with Gm 'sternuta-
tion for • third year.
Rev. M. J. %%loop, of Boamillor, ore•sh•
tad in Victoria smelt Miro I PI ortrob oe
Soadoy evonion. Next Stray moraine
Key. Mr. Wilese will presoh • minneaany
aerate la Mat eburob.
Missionary Of/TTLOO. w411 bei told in Via
bor.a street iletheniat °buret' on Suoday
mit. Rey. M J. oar., B. 4, o1 Bre
miller, will wear In 141e otoroier. The
rearm envies will 8.madanin by Um
psator. Sorel rdwiege will be taken la
aid of Um Mlislosary Sorry.
Mrs. Tarry, presider of blis Wimaan's
Missilery Sorry of Nerthot. Metbodist
*burr, boo roam4 an sokaowledgemet
from tho Uotliodist Dammam Hors, To -
mei., of tlio reeetpt of • bale ol olartatt,
sapper/ad to tsar' some from the tlooloq.
Tag Sootry did nos rad it, arses presi-
dent hoe 0,1 bra 444. 4. throveito whom
Me .b4. 44 rare sa due.
Next Seedily. February llth Ms Men
imported by 18. Arobblabop of 'Um emir
mosal posmose in Oskar", Ifistropeltese,
tho day vibes Ms prole shall "meet la sob
S. istrvise with tho @postal °bigot of a
e nter soksowleigment of the Dowse ar
Modem of Alialgh.y God, sod of eerie/
that He. la Hes miry and 'hoodoos". will
brim tea orient unhappy war to • nett rid
lasitag perm " Is moordres with manse -
nose from Him Lordsble tko !Whop of Harm,
tho -ollheurties at times revises la 81.
Geovires will bo forwarded to net to do -
vim to Mr Oradea patmatto It..
8POR1111,Sf WINTER. •
Wbat has borne .1Mae protosi threat•
mad by the Ciliates kookoy *lab
TM louring bock*, loom returned hoom
yesterday. Trith more braises Mao glory,
Oa Saturday B room of the Oollorate lo-
osens defeated fens IlL 4. ae sioltilag"
berm match by tho erre of 2 to I.
The bookoy mons at tam 77•51 street Halt
borer teams trent the Sirom. and u,.mar Hooks own* off last Friday ormiag
seasedlso to assounosimat, rotor that Ma
Sete bleak woo. The boys Goal this block
put up • gram Immo sad did their share la
keeping 48. 4. warm, bat Mei ether haloes
refired to divide blis ars mealy rd took
tbs Moor 8.lf-4 b. 2. There will ho
&amber match bermes Ib... IMMO to.
morrow evenag.
Tao tollowiar rams wows made at Um
rifle stab's writ), shoot cm Friday Ire, E.
R. Warr, aa will be roe, oakum the top
eolith :
100 yd.. 200y4.. Total.
57(7.441e 32 54
lb. R. Water 36 41 77
Jae Andrews . 26 50 56
Cats _Reid 54 26 69
(opt. Donor 37 37 74
H. C. lletek,ree31 42 73
Or. Cribb 92 ao 62
C 26
Mies Ware doll le Tishri tho Qum
Jae. Rohrer mods • help bo Torsom
this arr.
Him Cardingly, of 0.. Resod, Is visit.
Mg la tows.
Jobs Bedford le vialtiag rotative. la De-
troit this week.
Z C. Pieningtes, of ititestleird, was le
Win over Smiley.
Miss Marlon Macao, of St Rolm', G
vlaltdad Moody In laws.
Jr. Wyatt, of Stratford, and Mr ohlki•
ma "pest Sudsy in town.
airs. P. B. (1Pkwa, of (Mara, visited mt.
louvrelo bows lea trek.
--Af les %rushee, .4 18. Oodetioli
Oa., is spending • mob la Ouelpb
444. 14. Holmes, of Clint.., I. yleielag le
town, the inset of Miss NOM Harris.
Jaa. A Payee and Jame' klePhorson
visited Demmer Thursday *year*
Mir Laura Wilier tat Zoos, was tho
guest of Mr. sad Mrs Borrows 00 Firday.
Bert MoOlymoot .48 0. Meador to take
• meter in Ur Boll orgaa ferry at
Hairy Hoar, brewer, of Ottawa, oalig a
vistb bo hie Mohr 1. Kautz, as Saliferel,
ea Moray.
Reht Berm has maned to tows after
• rota of sitsoral weskit with friends la
14. teseary.
Bish Tweedy loft yesterday morstas fez
Detre, whom he is be armor as • lifters
le • ineyear coos
Wilfred Stuthreaeon, Norman Webb or
Leak& Sloe, of Clime's. took to Om sosolvall
Yr. mod ire. 11. Dona of won
In seas Ms seek ke amertat the deaeh
el 8441 .4- Mime Davis.
Wm Cleave haa rotator Mt Me Maw la
TIMM Oh* • ,W% 44 eareral woo& Mei
bet staber. Ufa Jet, ,
L MAW me fa twos se Wonky se
reels boa Diagesess, where he had Mee
4. 84' loose la Redoworay.
MIL J 8. liboolorm• aad 444. J11410
tkiligIblin some to Perko so Moeday beak.
emil the fessen ed 84. 4..'... sem% Ma
Thank Purdy.
IO i!
rwe 54. alarm orris tes coarse or
Twenty -fear Moa,s.
Forty Sersday morning Orr Blestat's
storrouse, at bise old show ermeds. was
destroyed by dm. etio slime was soared
as about 2 o'olosek, bus Me fire bad made
ear headway Mos Me aorta ot the brigade
raid not peroat bh• build'sg from brae
wrookod. The betiding belaa of trams, Lad
tho toneitati of aa iadammatila ohorsoter,
this blase was Garr, and Gm Somas lighted
up the wholo bows. TM fin appareatly
e rred at Um frost ead and tho wiad was
Is mob • throatiest as to blow I. book okra
idoe bendiest. TM orients of the Moro -
boom *Orr about 3 000 Wawa of
Misr the property of Ilayoe Wilsoo. $360
worth of •veparated apples beloaging 10
Meters Book IL Goldthorpe, of Mr 8111,411111
•1411411110f. awl • merry -e• resod beloogion
to lark Hayden, of Shappardtaa,
wore deemed with Ms exoeptioe of • 901-
41o. of re wheat. Tams woo me stove la
sho haildlag, sad tea origin of Mei fire Is •
mystery. Tite Ike removel whirl was for
amay years • loader* ot tows-tbo
old St Arrow's rank whir balms its
removal soar yrs ago Mood ab the head
of Fit. Aadrow's street aad was Me pre of
wets*, of the Idd March ad Scotland de-
em/Wanes sad afterwards of the Grillo
oeogrostioa wader Ur GM Mx. Molitlh•
yray. Notre( kiwis Wilson KW BOOk &
Gold thotre had soy insurance, 41.4. .1-
1.w.4 lowed le to lams. Mr. Wilson bought Um
10804 4.. yrs air pay*. 21 • ImelliN
it. He sxmoord *5s.11 it se tlittarday, and
B ick & Goldtborps had treaded to ship
Moir rammer stook oa Seburdoy also
▪ Hoydra had $1,000ingentre ta Mod
Manohosior esesposy. Mr. Bonet plates
hie lore at $1.000 es she building sad 11100
on not mesons. atiwitne esaist‘oers, bre.
sto. 11600 4.aral4.aatlart04i6-
105 1. b• Neu, Minor
Mr. Wilma sold *bat was fah of the
wheat se Saturday to Wm. Jones, of Hilo,
for $625. The lama( sold part .7 44 for feed,
hail le storing the reatainc'or.
inning tsatarday former Me whose
oommitard Os bare male Lod the dorm
were rolled oes, sad early Sunday reeralag
re•loss 101.earn required.
Shortly trete 9 o'olook Sabarday alpha
tho dre olorm was again issandied. Fir had
bra dotooviired by the situ orator of
Ms orris factory Is the !Inherit room, Um
third dot, &ad it soon oared rah propor-
tions as to threaten to become me of tas
moat eerier ordlogratlosii the Merl of
tratarloh. Wima the fire brigade arrived
limes wee oreidorable delay owing to
Imre hese oonneotioss and tete wrt of
lorry. bin (Molly Mrs. stream from she
burro's ber were rag tbsowe ••
lorry hose sloe was tenor on.
started soar tbe middle of Orb
bee foolery frog ea Cambria , led wai
fought from the read, bra the reel of the
imagise reom rebid, and from hoar tko
faotory. Hard work from obe fire betgado,
debtors drove It back to that
elm from employer sad &o-
ne. •
mild south beers assiselog. Issoorthgra
e xesseir bream a doer iterner Wad
sometimes it seard 51 If th• flfinoss
would ho utterly rabbi to Isom with
the flare no faotory le th•
linger employer of labor la Iowa.
and Ito deeltruoiloa would Immo bro.. al
moot Irreparable loss, or id fear sad hope
o twernatod 14 Ms watchers •, .b. domes
apparoatly paean beyond control aad then
main subdued. Tea mem risk bravely to
taste work through It all.
With a praok • laddor broke, and • am of
▪ rote from ths orowd as two am a
who had mon working high op os the
Gabro read side fell to the stoned Th•
relief was lamer whir ft wr found Ma
loather of Mom wae "Reddy "
Idollorid,wbo was at the top .1 4.8. hidden%
&bout thirty dye fer from the ground.
HOW on hio feet ar was umbra Tho
other mita, Paley IlloCarthy, was Mew
down, bo* 1015 oarabetrod witb 84. boss sad
bell on his hlp, roodryiso barrios 'Mir will
rodeos him to bed for erne Oats. 1'he
ladder fell ea hitt and gave him a nasty
1iim on the ro.
This 'molder delayed work for • while
sad 44 roams a question whothor 841. dee
could be protested from "roadies la Hat
OM below. Th• doer had held splostIldly,
hat there ma so Knowing wiles it would
tall through. A portion of tbs wail es
Cribtis road foll, and • lino of boss was
taken *to tho gap and the dm woe fought
be adraataire from this mist. After this
the po45e. el drew was on Um side next
sha *silos room. loot by error the Ore
W.. folly tinder rural and Ms epeetatone
began te disperse. • part si tbo wail on
the soaine room Ode also solloyer, sad •
portion of Ms roof foil la
A wet .now fell during tbe evielni and
rood the lumber pilas la tEw faotery yard.
eye? whloh the eparks wore ociastently
The drama workod all mg& se rookie'
their Mak. Too mar relit saver be
cram the dr brigode sad User wbe assisted
them for their persistoet work, which thee
sad 114.4 PIMA • &smear eimation Tiny
warred ander ths dlitativantegs of the laok
of suitable &optional" for such • fir, aad
Mai toms orooll rould see ahot the dad
croons la Om brigade's eqUIPOT•Ot 6" in".
li0Od b 0000 The pumping shier 414
rood work, keeping six 4 la. to 14 le
arearne-three from Ms betoode's Isar mad
Arse from sli• foolery's bdisit-al mood promo
Tie sties et Om IGe le rimer to hays
bre syselleares oombastion la the oily
wars nor by the finishers.
Dories Om fire lisif • foot of water stood
os 'hi seerd and third Roots, and th• fleet
floor atm was flooded.
The flairod 0551*01010 or bathroom
woodwork weir kept, le thie port of the
!eatery whir was bormd, bad other gore
en '85 410 dr Mrs deltrolid by smoke
rsol bra Aber 375 mean mem mid rale
eemphate oressa were totally destroyed and
150 ewe were damesed, liestilee • area1
quaattly of woodwork aad brew flaishr
see& burro, or etberwiso destroyed Th.
arra room below vs Modal with watow
as4 every settee wee Armed. 11. mat
mial damage was &nit to the emehlbery
S56.000 le aa errilmeSe el the less ea boild•
ieg eed None. bat iba aortal less will sot
me hews tha rosietakteg, whir is
raw ta promote, iremeadmid. Isissrame
inoreetsmi Iters to West the lesese,
whish trill be emerge Tr larratele, 88.
rides brag her le • deem different ma.
No time la berog last ha **NMI 84. 4..
tory Isle world,* order swats. klamseer
Bseadare says Sbey will ham Meow so la •
few days, said reedy libe buret maks la
bong aimed er preparatory se otheiliffes.
The east *4. .1 the Noon 101.0 both
sal, lada saramor.
meines 51
• view tm
s adirlor
Osampsay balt idalvad elms free% •
ai* of
Of foamy, bet will 1157 8. Oedertor,
MA wehere mil ham se .05.0.1114.1 his.
tar of p...8.e.5.4..
ROM** eameMe of borgailli lamp. No.
si & 0. 8.. Wereetwer emoted
anounostmat-R. It dariltk 1
thiporallelei Charms February fine -
W Animas k Son . *. 6
Clearing 51. of Mater I...reeds-- Illadtk
Bram avid Co 5
Talwitediobooadast Harp•is8as_vvDoLys-uotticui. Illedie 8
Oard of Thaaks-James Wilson 1
Not Prods but Cur -P. 1. B.U.
Theratowentr-lf. Jordala 8
Oismort-R T of T 1
Another &abrupt deriett-J.. if. litre&
Ube of 1). L. Moody -P. 11. Rayon
Old Newspaper fer flale--thentn. 'Rea 1
Ausesseemsese--R.1. &lab A 05.... 1
Assmaosseent-- Mlles* Disgh wed
Go to Vicomte Rommuntall. West se, fee
fresh eyesore. They memo them reeelarly
rid or Gs &treaded a,0m. prate, eew
footloose, ese. O. BLatmurross, perwirese.
Wren's) - Choir roll bettor, 22o., also
raw tars, simise FOX. $4.50. We ham •
tow mantime so oloas--$10.00 ems ler 86.00 i
$6•00 foe 42.60. Alm • tow far heed same.
G. & Kum, Magian'.
Grocery briar days .4 4. Z. 8.188 8.
Oa'., Wodmodav sad Thursday. February
1418 .54 15t41. leo days only. Gerdas
bargains aa rood as before. See oar bead -
Do not maks atty ether otrairetilM,M,
Treaday mates, -Yob/nary arta, the NM
of Ms esteralarneas to be awes be Moms
Durk &ad Drage, in Vireria Opens
Thlb1.krap6 stook of Andrew Clasehaa
pleats* sill sod lumbar dreg oussa...,
v..5 104 by Gm masses ea idenday isea
,Ntoderielt, of NM tows, wag the
Fans. -Moto* of over 100 differ's* Ms&
of /soda, Mandl.% kid gloms, to be wives
away to an ocoupeas sash emaveyare
0004, se ear Mace el bedewsfles=,
Drive la 1.4 am bow we marsh, a
Amortise Basanorr Broca. -The beers
of the Homilies se. bargain stem 'HU era
oe Saturday ~wee mix Tido le ma et
the gams !solar's sai.k. we ham ever
shown in Gooderleb. Oall ossly 554 5.8 year
roles of th• brads& Wo bar • smelt
of lumber for sale at Gleasters, Call sad gee
partkielms. J. W. BRODERICK.
Tim R. T. or T. Oorcaav Tamar Moire.
-A wry flu* program is to be prommed 14
the saberminasset to be beid ie Wm Ter
prase, Hall temeirew (Friday) evening.
11. J. A. Boyd,5. &teem, las Illsolartese
Orobres, reoliabing ipt 8v. moniere, be-
sides MOW Of OW bees Weal mened aed
y talent, will Mks part la 88. 501-
14. otionselos wUl be ky sUrer ail:
4o044046 Proofed& will be demmed *ewer&
imprevemente to the ball, whir age mew
about complesed. AU are Invited te ems.
nor Was easeresees.
Mehitabol, aad Deborah were NI
aunty -al 181row OTOWIRe. Lards wad
ladles wove there, said people wiah &been
*TOT 00 'IWO and my, but tbere wee ease
harlot tar the terse liblis (Maker
mettles*, in their dainty grey treas. ibis
irrinsoulabo aprons sad kerobleb of whilia,
and big my borer Brash tree Qesker-
town, 18401 14884. Osakoresees were widest.
ty not aossaisied rib earshot ways : May
dui not ksow want dam taw amid entail
1. aoropotitioa, whether they wars "
or " oornio ' Try could not diesidirre
themeeires, tad as advise irilsit blis• rcio
amid was oounkiting. At the magessisa
ems thr should go la the Many dime elem,
id•bitabel bold one bit mem awl, eeseenee
ea mar of tow errs as she would, arileeely
declared, "1m ears Mere is make limey
•Dost " " was the mart hem
an older girl la Mit group. " am*
is nothlem oosio ober you."
I des's lutes tri skint 015. the Brie
maidens &mad they bnessed. ev wheMer
they weed labs : their arm ass not
In rho prise IMOS. Carlaialy Mritabili Ws4
fifth' there 105.0mama fray about her -
bet who meld see mythar mini° la a de.
mare little Quakerism, In Mar soderared
dress? I wird propose bo the Halt aims
that he have a prise foe dear Iltale girls Mee
awe* know what Misr aro.
Abigell, Deborah mid mebriabel mast
have gess bask to Qattkartown the eases
'vestal'. 1 4405 0.4 ems Mom sass.
Tee Oona,
MONDAY, Toby. &b.
Tbs Misses lineetreer, imwiliwww. Nem
dayed at Pear SeetVe.
J. D. Sort u. Links jr , wise drove
"down to Ingersoll ram weeks am, arrived
boom on Friday.
Altar • amintbl visit wilts friars Is leo
motility of Stratforel. Mame Barbosa Fear*
&ad Illas Emma Joiners roarer home
Owtog to the storm lasa writ, ths mast
04411414100111 nemise, wideb wee m-
ammon for Tuesday, 3088 all., will eel
toes pleas until art weer. The weekly
Bible Maas will aostiseet tilde went, as the
reeds are wet la ;rood oonaltioa.
goyim Wars la Mr.
" Will wonders e'er 0510 .7" inquire the
friends of lin. 8. Poem, ot Leona",
Kan. They knew .hs-45ti been enable
to limos her bed in las von years on am
°own of kidney and liver trotibls, 4*510.
tons prostration and general debility ; bet
" Timm Bottles of Electric Bitters @b-
abied me to walk," sbe and le
throe months 7 felt like • SSW perms."
Wonson sufficing from headleahll, beelt-
echo, nervousness, alimplassaiess, oboist'.
oholy, fainting and dam midis fled
it a relation blessing. Try it. Bstlefisso
Hon is iroarenteed Duly fne at Jaa.
Wilson's drug MOOS.
SATURDAY, lab. 10th -Salts el • embed
of Mts... gosh Me% &Nora 54.555 504
salves, tho preeerty el Mahan. Poem el
liosehrille,as agriesatrui Mew evereefa
Greene, annemetelag sal e•timpt p.r. Mr.
Poem rye NM le *4. 4.. average 8. 8.
isee had yet, earn mid the mire are mei.
Tars OuroaT: •••••••••.•
MAATIN. -1. ¢44104. as 110•116,, Amman
wrat, the wft M loostbas or Morro. a
• me.
Jammu.. Ushers*. •• Ta
easy 11818 *Mar hode•l•.5.155
6 moorlio &ad 14 itiova
DA YIN. 1. Loodem.
hon. Joao fairs.
Dow* aoderlda.
CAMIMON 1=Zseirgas 1111111_
Alosaador Mal •
R Yriirliait9efigh=ca