HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-02-1, Page 84!
9Il.! . F ,yam1Cti ONTARIO. .em.ee,o xyy , . r . :t. ` . -,.-lf .- • t . •' 1 [I P.. E#1 �� f RARIO. r'..
t . '
Smith Bro's
Moflday .and
Tuesday, w ..
Feb. 3rd, 5th and oth
Everything Reduced
Smith Bro's Co:
Nonce- The local ageism to Dungannon
toe T.■ Mar Ai. Is at the °mom of J. D. W"au.
J.1'.. soave7seer, tea. who will remits er-
den ter eabsorlptto.a advertising and MS
work. ani Is authorized to give motels for
IIMMUSIS paid for the same.
l� tow. wen dlameattttawt ldirtrtpa to Duo
11.101. omit AMI,
THURSDAY, .7-n 25.1.
Oo1il1Nu AND GOING. -W. P. Grieves. et
Wiuham, formerly of 11.et Waw•ooab
gate your humble Denbo • plasma% cell on
Friday 1•et. We are pleased to roe him
rad to boas Oto4 b. and Mn. Oriental' like
their tow bootie* a.d are eojoyi.e good
health Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sander-
son, wbo bad bows on • vise tor •bort four
weeks M r.l•tives and fri.eds to Woodstock
and vicinity, rowned beta o. Thursday
atter bowleg had an enjoyable time.
Smomet TtoN TO Meg Acuorrlxa-
Toe South Pelham eerreepoadeot of The
Welland Trlbane records .n sweat whfoh
has an (norm far loony people in this
aeigbburbood. " 1'h• school house o1
8. S. No. 6 was orowdod to
4M dean ea the evening el
Wedneedey, 20M December, the 000a'ios
Minn th. Maim eat.rtalnweat for the
year. ars event wMob aleo took the form of
• farewell (or teles Clara Au.wtas, .he,
after four years of *tholes* and faithful
week se umber. has severed leer coaaeetlO.
M order he attend the Normal Soboel at
Leads.. la addition to • *holm program
of dialer/nes, music, toottemoce and ab•
Wang, there wan u exhibition of des
e wt.gt.., hoop -drill and crumb -bell ex
eroisr, welsh Indleatd how well dtreotd
leave boon this popular te•oher'e efforts la
wards the pbyeieal he well as Gm intellect' oil
development of her pupils Deri.g her
residenee in the booties Mir Animating Lu
endeered hermit to permits as w• 1
u ohildren, •sd bey cheery os.otea••oe
and always pleutog pressmen will be
madly mimed by the oommaptty. As •
slight testimony of their regard, the
impale presented their dopiness teaebm
with • hondeome toilet lot. and ahs now
wears • bmstit01 amethyst ring, • totem of
Me esteem and gratitude of the older toys
•d Serle wbo have graduated from the
W hoa! duet.. the tour years of Mies
Aagustimes principalship Thr" gifts ware
•eoompenid by appropriately worded ad•
dreams. Mir Augustine erpr.rd her
bbaaks, theurh she was visibly affected, as
were also bet pupils, at tb• sereemo. of
.dsµ.*'se pleuut and proftahle. 1' M.
Omit, ot U.Iusboroath, 000upied tb• ohoir.
Oa Frld•v .Isms, Mr. and Mrs. Wilton
Brow. ult•rtaiwd • large smother of oitb
n eem of the mustier, ohm were thou afforded
an opportunity of ryimg god -bye to Mea
AsgweWs." Mer Augoselse, who a toe
Mistletoe of B. Augustine, of Asb6•Id,
spent two weaks vhtMs, her relative. bon
sed left Met week to visit her sister, Mm
T. U. Walker, at Inrormll, previous to at.
Medlar the Normal 8obool, which le to he
.pa ea the not of February. Her camer-
e.e friend. bete mid elsewhere rah her the
bent ef mummy. --
TUMIDLY, Jae. 30.
January le retlrl.g with mete mat stormy
weather. .- .
Mrs MoNally and three Mildred o,.
vleitine tars. MoNally'• parents is Ash•
Held, .ear Port Atb.rt.
A Pas7TT W RDDnNn.-One of the prettiest
of boom additive teak Moe on Wed..edey
monster at ten "'retook at the rrldenoe of
Mn. K. Barber. The happy bride was her
doable' Umtata, me of Duo,snnon'■ most
popular yoga, ladles, ad the groom was
Elmer Whit., • popular 710.4 farmer from
sear Aylmer. The coremeav was performed
by Rey. B. L. Hatton. Orly intimate
Mesa were prreat. The bride looked
sweet 1 her dross of bine cloth. trimmed
with white sago •ad pearl ttme.lag," The
rt hrtdesmald, Mir Frisk Unwford, aloe w.0
dressed to blue sloth, thlmesd with whip
. stir. The duties of groememaa devolved
on Alex 1'entlud. After the waddles •
ismytlbg d.j.waet web partaken of and Mr.
..d Mrs. W het. r"osiv.d the 000gra.l•tie.t
of the srembled gum's. The bridal oo•ple
left Ood.rioh on the 2.30 P w. train ler Mots
beim mow Aylmer. W • wish them • happy
and pre.p.roee noise.
te'romt another norrespndeat
Nab .W hyped Is •way the week vista'
friends I. 81. Thome and Olui4ebeye
Mrs 0.. Aedereen, of Lseknew, is the
roar* of Mn. Hackie.
eyed Come and leave • geed time. Every
bode invited. Admlaioo, 26c.
"Rewind, teat spooled farming is more
pro8tabks le Coad. tbaa mixed farming;
will b. the 'object far debate on Friday la
the township hall. Was. Sallow., Wm.
• Olea and (Jordon Towel in the •ffirma-
floe, sod Jelin JohuIS. MUten Ty.da
and R M. Y.wag la N. aeo•Ib►e. Coco
and hoar ie. We are joist as lemons for de-
batlne as we .re to ear sentoste.
MI.,8 d boohoo*, a vl.iUeg her
Des, Mee. J. Crawford.
Robe. Divides., of our viii.go, was
e arned to teles MoClo.ky, of Oeder'ioh
township, ea Tuesday. We wish them •
"Aspoy mid prosperous life.
dawn of the MTs of w tows hays re.
Mood letter* from Morgue Jesse, mew of
eomtle A*aa.
We woreta stte i.tereed the lettere
from Harry 1.r sad D. R. .ill
rural le
rt Isar 'el -Fla lea MORA1.
nm Hnnlay lit .Id Ilei. Jelmeteo Minted
away ale the ►om d leer rte, Jobs. We
o ndulMad 0M wos.mmrly 100 y.,. old.
Two lea& et yews' MGM* ire* 06•4"._ treat • teteasaae Num M r.
PestianP'e, of ..&N. eo Th.,wi.y ., 40g.
Mies 8.elm Ova le'Wiese bee stele, Mr.
Cremates. mod Mbar trfineda.
Moony. Jan. W,
Mea Femmes spent loot .eek In tows.
MM May, of Nib, le vidtia, .t J.
La epee, M even undereappr •.d .sta.tatswremt will
1.0wwin0..4 t *de* Idg..
1.. 1176, A. O. U W.. co Theirday
ke. Tsdrery let Sapper .i11 he *reed
Imo 7 ts 8 Wasik. ahs. .1104* • gcoi
•)11101d.ed Slaw) pesgram .i11 be re.d-
MONDAY, Jan. 2914*.
Oa 8.ideY lreia*4*t SMty 111.4 4.t11;'.4'
the Koos rhumb C. H:., Ooderleb, led the
C. E. meeting here. The heavy storm pry -
vented o large oltaodoaoa
Last week °leeed. the aeries of payer
me'N.as whfoh we have spoken of before
as being held by the pastor for the three
put weeks. The meetinge were well attend-
ed sad .fl who went were much pleased
with eke'armee mid Impr"aive addressee
givea,by Ib pastor.
MONDAY, .fan. 29.
Tb... Leigh hu started s butchering
boeir.ees la our .Ulea..
Wolter H,wklws leaves tomorrow for the
loadea Nwmal school.
Mir Tkurlow and Mise 1loieid ear" visit•
fag in Milv.rtou loot week.
Mas Barbara Male. is home' front 'Ma
t.rN fors vale to ler Brenta bore.
Beim Annie Crawford returned this week
from Kiska', where she lied hese visiting
h.r music, Manu Mo®or.
I'M 'opera' of the intuit obild of Mr. and
Mn. J. McGee teak oleos tut Thursday
atteruoo to the Ducganoou cemetery.
• MONDAY. Jan. 29.
Ernest 1 oaog visited for .venal days in
Athheld loot week.
Our college of leering hal • visit home
Isepector Tom last week. 'lot__._:- t.;
Arthur Graham, of Peterber.• a.e.tp' le
visiting his sister. Mrs. John H. Barker.
K twin Morris is down from Au.tin,Mss ,
oa a Irbil of several weeks moor relatives
sa4 old friends.
Mr. sed Mrs. J. Young ...d Wm
Glazier, with ethers about ber.. •tte.ded
the funeral of the late Fr. Dixon at Kliegs
bridge, N'doseday of last week.
Mr. and Mry. Thos. Tiohbourae were la
I:aderic h Int riaaday alteodlag the moral
of the former'. upbew. Harald, mea of
Riohard Tichbourae,who did al lea father's
resIdogce on the 26th 1us4., atm. an blame
of some months.
Chu Houghton got • severs knock on
the head by a Iamb falling from • tree he
war °hopping dome. The blotii for • few
mantes left him In • semi aneoeoelo0il
mute, but with the help of his oomr•de he
t home. Afar mem' days' roe In the
se he is able main to hale 4h axe.
Mrs. A. Book, the popular hoot.., M the
9t. L•wrenw, )demob• hae bees la Gide-
braid for the Dot fortnight taking charge
nr bar nephew's house lis the abtooe of rte
hitter's mother, Mrs. .1 Morris. in Buffalo,
spore rho Is "Salsa her mea Jaw sod
other relatives. While M Uatrbrold Nn.
Nook met many of her old friends of Mile
' A Bleep mystery.
It is • mystery why women endure
backache, headache, rf4*rvonenese, sleep-
lessness, melancholy, fainting and diary
spells when thousands have proved that
Eleotrio Bitters will quickly ours such
troabldl. •'I suffered for years with kid-
ney trouble," welter; Mrs. Pbebe Charley
of Peterson, Ia., "and • lame book
pained memo 1 oould not dress myself,
but Electric Bitters wholly cured me
and, although seventy-threeears old, I
now am able to do all my housework."
it overcomes eon.tipatton, Improves
appetite, gives pefeot health. Only flee.
at Jas. Wilson's deur 1401* -
The recent cold soap tee p.ovd flat paha
robins .era a little *only 4s. .eking their at -
mamma last week, het it you what something
emeonable Bali at r. J, Pr,dtam'a and make a
mleetioa from his winter read spntnx mltlsgs.
Th town eoeeail will aiM tom.rraw
(Friday) aventee.
11e labile wheel hoard tombs .eT4
Tuesday eveelog.
g.etr moms en April lb h this year,
a0d toot eammsuw February 28 h. '
Mahn are bolas asked for the 0yhg el
• sew floor In the waterworks belldhtg.
Keno dlwagyd ler lebr.oy 23rd. sod
.lead the W. O. T. U. reeepUoe ie the
OJdf.11...' H.B.
The nasal m.stlsg d th Weis Heron
Teaehore Areeltion well hie held la Cede•
rel ea Moy 14114* ad 96t►
Dr. Tsr•bell ie hoeing offbeat fitted up es
Britten .Moe*, obeys O. M. =MOM
roomy Mora Mr. Dame! ramalem 1e the
mss buil/Mg.
J. R. Bgdtse sed 1.1.411 w steely MY
week to the Meese hems w EW mese
formerly ss1.p4.d W Mra tlaoe.y, welsh
Mr. Brydee las prwhusd.
Joh Tomo bee W hie term and Ir4h.
Feed le 004erleh t000lip Is Joke Iw»ee,
el ii1Ty,, end er111 mak* his lams In r
saw Dreadit le the %owe. Mr.
will meti..e the Wok melee bM,sasaf ��w
midis/ meaty em pall toe meets the per
loot wok yew/Me 18100 for milker, sod
ise na
name with the WI M1MIlea this year.
A woman'. reproductive
orgasm are in the most b-
lame and contentious sym-
pathy with her kidneys.
The slightest disorder in the
kidneys bring. about •
corresponding disease to
the reproductive organ.,
Dodd'. Kidney Pills, by re-
storing the kidneys to their
perfect coodition, provost
and cure those fearful dim
orders peculiar to women.
Pale young girloworn-out
mothers. sufferiworn-outng wime
and women entering upon
the Change of Lite, your
beet friend 11
They Alm voted epee t. Ila 0at'oe54 polri.
.110 fad.
A. K. P. Jaokmo, of the Book 91 Coa-
trooms mad, baa been transferred to Wood•
.took. He made loony fronds ben, and
Ida removal is mob rerrete.d. HM place
la t.kea by J. O. Boerne, who PRIM from
Tee aaawl show of the Hula Poultry
sad Pat Stook A.aootsttoa le being hold at
8eafertl this week. Colin Campbell, Chas.
Wells and J. fl Rowel*, .1 town, aro •x•
\tbttors, and among them aro showieg some
6147 or prey birds
No. 1 Company has made u early store
M Its maned driblet. Drill is betas bell
two Mesta • week 'Mondays and Fridays)
at the armory. Any young mea wiohiag N
iii■ the mammy aro invited to mike appf•
pales to the (thaws.
Cho. Weal -herald, sen of Thos. Weather -
aid, of tow°. Is • member of abs .mood
•4,atmsdtao wide ag..1mad is sew ea his -wee
to South Attica. He 1. • °rack shot at d
bis'xperienoo in the Northwest will be at
great value to hiss u • soldier.
Bev. Felker L'Hsarea:. ►A•. §ise, .sea
rotary, of Loodoo,-i,R 'Mtge
of the Ashfield pariah, -
Inerwing Interest is keiij tikes 4. lee
specie' revival servioss sow la program In
Victoria, street oburob. N Imrg" number
roes for prayer en Tuesday evening. Gm•
manioc 50x1 Meod•y monisg. Pab-
lo' worship at the meal hours. Fellowship
meerl0g at 10:15 A IA Rev. M. J. W tom,
B A., will preach •t the stoats, eervto.
Oe a000cn1 of the storm. the (.li.tea hp -
worth iwngnen,who were to visit tM Lease
of North stress Metbdist church ea Tees.
dayevonlog, postponed their Doming. T►e
North areal yeae5 people arranged an im-
promptu provr.m of moo, recitation., oto
and. in spite of the dtrppoutmeat felt o.
•Demos& of the non arrival' of their Clinton
(roads. mat • very planet evening.
Rev. Jeeper Wilson, pastor of Nal►.4
Methodist shock, is o•otlooeg bre series
of Senility evening sermons to youg people.
Ills discourses aro earnest and interesting
Loot Smiley 0vwiar he spoke on the differ-
ence to the morel standards by which seen
sod women aro judged by the world. But
God, be said, a co respecter o1 persona, and
of the anal amounting there will be no male
and no female -moo and women .ill be
;mired alike. From early years • differs/toe
a made blooms the h -ye amt th gun e1 •
household. The latter are emrefally trained
In the home sod guarded from harmful am-
.cobtion. while no marsh rostrata* is placed
upon Go boys, who are allowed to Meese
their own companion. and who grow op
without test .lose reletien to tee home
wbtob a tae safeguard of their stators. The
boys d.v.lep Wrote {adulgnw M which by
the gtrie would disarms them even In the
eves of abs boys wbo ebieh suoh bate are
oroper enough for tbemmlver. Profanity
Irom a WORM, would he mobile. and could
• yoa0r man ever become r.eo.etted to the
eight of his wile or sister am.kler a old
black pips or ober log • pion e4 tobaew?
Bad men ionise upon modem l• woman,
and • mu of the world prefers for b4 wife
• woman who is religious. Wickedness i.
'striven and forgotten in • man, bot the
fellm woman is forever rut out from
motet y. The p,eselter urged that %he tease
women should nee the remedy widish is la
.heir own hands and Mem M teoelve si-
dreams from yeast mss of ehjeotlooable
habits, and • Twvalatioe among the young
men would befosdekly a000mplabd.
The annual meeµn4 of Knox Moreh ran•
gretfatloo wan bold is the lesion' ream of
the oburoh es Wednesday eventing of last
week A large osugrs0000n ewmbld,a•d
carefully prmared reports were pretreated
by the different ormaisitlous. The report
el the Session was promoted by the pater,
Rev. Jas. A. Asitrw.. Dertag the year.
6tty.olght mom were added to the nom
ammo, roll, twulty•0100 by orofos.les of
faith and twruty•olne by oertlfioate from
ether oh.rohee ; thirty uvea were reused,
16 by death, 91teen by serti8oate sad .ix
wtbboue verti8e.te, leaving at present open
the e...uslen rill 665. • net imare•ee of
twenty ase ever tut year. The chewy
IM was • lane me, as the pastor bad
omolatd .t thirty funerals.
The Sabbath .s4** 1 report woo promoted
by the enperlst..deal, Alex. Sounders. Th.
•'Inge a.tesd use, ieetadia* Bible oilman.
durum the T••r was 282 Debaters sad 32
Wehem. The r0coipte were 6329, sad
were Mamma amore the different whims.
of the .harsh. the U. C. Treat S.olety, the
Soh Chlldrea'e Hos0MI, Tereato, aN the
mama, expenses .l the Marsh. The eon -
gr g•tlea npperte tM sbool, sad all the
eousribwsiula of the *beim are allotted te
weirdos/my and be•eveleat pwr,tosea
M Ise Helm 810.514 reported on behalf et
the Y. P.8 C,1. She gyre's bsstiful end
seooleo mama% of the work of the moiety
and its wstmltter. 11t. meaty b•. •
mse4Mrehlp of .ig►ty-(fly•lm solve and
twenty hoe wowed e.e.b.n. The re.dpa
were 1446.
Le the slower* of Me marekrJ , Mr
Sensor road the report of the W. F. M. 8.
Toe seelety hr. m.mbenhlp of forty -11x,
sod ntsed /h6 82 through fees sed mouldy
.Hari.*s a.d sent • hex of Mondale to the
N erthw..4 valued at (46 46.
MM Polley. the preadult, presented ale
report of the Me tilli.rsy Mteelen Band.
This head Mill holds first phos ameeg the
small. bend' he the Peasbyoer'. obseah
(Asad., having • membership mi 222.
JAM year It es•t$4■ted 176.00 be ftweliem
nates. sad (114.00 le simples M loilm
sed the Hrlw4.
Mir Inas BYaih•e reverted ea bebdf el
the [.44*' Aid Seelety. 8170 were the
reeelsee and entusdltsrea of %ha yeas.
Mrs. (114Ms. pr.ddeal of tee Ra1W
8.elety, 4arw.rded her report, *Web wee
rend by Mr brag. 11 showed that Mils
jij1iO4 was WO en4•,5d is • geed work.
Th. ,lnaeml l statement of the nowerrom.
neon wee promoted by the kremorm, 3.
11'TataTaAa h..eearr10g1 all dammed'.b sags .f ROI erns married over 00 bowie
the week et emit yam. led.d4ea a hs'tlwe
d 110 0 t. Queue's Oslletes, ltivprtev. by
elk late Nes M. U. (bless. 8171'1 wnw
���l!�rwys M al-issary sea besgdrise Mises
14110 mer. **dm the Nowak d.b1, t. wirier
• mkt ofNeu ter a1 pupas Is ash
eri*b the WM wary heed. Ne
. tarhWs M e.4*isg M Wert to MOM
11. Moab dour by 16000. Already the
sass of 20096 W hese ea4sertbd. The
e tre as eegregaµea by adopted la Net of
weakly emels;betto•o by erpokeae. Jade.
Mas.ea. OAS A. Nora, Dr. A V• Beater
.ad J .1. Orate. were ale.kd M 411 1►e
plow d fhb retina* emsagera
QOe41140 AND O01N0‘
A. Mel) Atka bit Tardy mrniegehe
trip te Mammal sad Ottawa
M. O. NSW' . Nft Tus.4ip ismaleg tl0
• trip to Buffalo.
Yew Alts. Creigie hes retuned hums
from bsywar. whore oho wan vleiµag her
Meese, Mee. Dyes.
JamM Uow, ia•pwtw et i.laled ..Tease,
Windsor. was u tows 00 Meade, le kis
othofal ea pokey.
Bred Eelio. el Toroatc, to m eadiag twit
weeks' holidays with Meade la tewa.
Miss Mary Mulligan, of Newos.tle, u.4.,
ts newt .4 the rwldes°. d Mr. and Mrs
Labor Ferr w, Waterloo wool.
D. (reddest, jr., hair reaur.ed lieu* tress
Mn. H. Uolli.. and Miss Orteod. Ooh•
li.., of Klee•rdleo, or. the *amt* el Mr.
sad Mrs. A. P. Motorail.
Rey. Jeer, Wim* was is battiest M
Mr. mad airs. Ike. Molter r.4wreed from
their saddle. trip on Satan*/ etre►. -
Aa Is1sastl.a
To the Editor of Toe Sw.At..
Data 8ut,-Will yes permit me to oar
W mares el last Friday'v.sts,'s os...rt
an explanation regarding the oemmtmeee
e d.ot10o ot • B.11 piano o.d its tailor. to
atrial se
The phase was tautly shoed by J. P.
Brews sad weald have hos used as or
aouood bat Moe the manager d the Oasis
Home Nebula eta eatr•me, Mavis the
oommttt00 the optics of the foMemeat al
ready le N* hail or soar The ..mmltw.
real .ed the 1a.ritaWe and 000.ptd It WIN
ooms .dable f or el t and. ; .o aid lee midterm.
1 offer the sxplan.uea la justice M Me.
Brows, the public and myself.
Your. reepsetfelly,
Fiegeamem O. 441ur.1U,
I,odeelob, Jas. 31111. 1111.
.4.4..11... .r
To the adltar..d TPR Iite/LI:
DRAM Sta,--U.der rknleootihn e4 HM
H. Mlsl.er d hero mother db.
trtbstIos of et'
and most prdaoeive torts of weals, da,
is now beteg mode from the Control lf4lper.
towel Farm, Ottawa. Th. dietributhe
well ooaslal, oa heretofore, of temples of
eats, .prieg wheat, tarty, field pew, 1a -
Mao owe •.4 potato*.. Each sess* will
wPMI. )Jeer peered& Ti. 4iiLr, .4, 4*'
seed will be of the, beet, the varieties tree to
Dams and 11e moteg« will be .eat free to
appllouits, through tbm mail. 1►* object
In view a the Improvesull el the eisreeter
rad gsalfty of Gee trona. oto, grows in
CLnaae, as effort wtdoly appr..Mtd. and
rhe Moose et vert.4er t. be .eat ea+ will be
000bned to them welt have Mon tensa to
rimmed well at the experimental forma
Them weptee will be sane early N three
who apply personally t lista et iso.*s
from soof.tles or tadl.ldsab meet be See-
d awed. Oily one sampled Oar eon out be
seat to esth .pplioant, W.. If m bdlvfde-
.1 rewire' a maple of oe10 he o*not n-
eef,. atm one of wheal or barmy.
Applieablons Moeda be addressed to the
Director of ExporissonMl harm.. Om aws,
✓ ad may be mot seyµw10 before ib. 16th
of March, of, ei which slat• rte lista will b.
aimed, we (bat Hie sample. asked for may
.11 he seat .01 te geed time ler sewia.
Penin writes* wall pl.aes m.Nlen the sere
of amen Nay meld prefer end ah.ald the
available .teak et the variety named b.
.sMattd some other pod sort will b. Mem
in its place. Letter may 'e .Rite to tee
stp•riseatal form free of pwt.ge.
Wit. Sao wo s,
Demeter Experiemseel new.
Ottawa, Jaoeary as& 1900.
What a Tate D mesa
If that mirror of yours shows • wretch-
ed, sallow complexion. • jset•dieed look,
moth pitches and blotches w the skis,
it's liver trouble ; but Dr. King's New
Life Pills regulons the liver, purify the
blood, give clear ,kin,'rouy cheek:, AA
oo.splexios. Only 26o. M las. Wil.oa',
prescription drat stores'
ie ometeer. lot goateed
Who keep year motive eats,
sad erlµetw o bravely
The dehuy man's defeats ;
Ye turkey -carpet warriors,
Who yestilete year view
Of what would be .00smpli/esd
It Mew were lett t. Tea
My pater -map dv111..s !
OM swum bee admire,
With hew ..buss. • mango
Yea facto the clubroom .re
With what propbetfo warless,
You *peat 4b* warms' weed
Cbomisg the happy 54.1.101
When things have j sot .eeand !
Then rens an •meleat proverb.
Oood for the *..Ilea head,
Hew foots rash lasersooly
Were angels tear 45 tread ;
Bat hoe t1. eossog atertsl,
The stroller dews the .trete,
Keeler better them M fellow,
Your rash, letredl.g fest
L .et oar leak eaaegl Mr,,
To bear W potions hare.
That you ea wended hewer,
Mae dump goer 111tle dirt t
Teo tram per podded arm-.lekr,
8.f. Is • w looked tame,
W lW them you smirch .n batik,
. Their llvr within their had
When w. are 'here of erltlom
T. sum the heal blame,
Bell sit • 6gbter's medic',
Upea • ilaktr'd pmt :
Bet yea, whit par aplaMas,
Oa work but half beg...
Plasm "Ivo es year erudeaWk
ale. sa..t►ly Tse haw oda.
Poe But Lsdll Put it i. "fie EfpaL"
When the children are
hungry, what do you give
them? Food.
When thirsty? Water.
Now use the same good
Mmol sense, , and what
Weald you give them when
they are too thin? The best
fat -forming food. aF coterie.
Somehow you ttbiok of
Scott's Emulsion once.
For a quarter of a century
it has been making thin
children, plump; weak child-
ren, strong; sick children.
pm. ed Mee. e8 dnngMr
_ S TT a www*, comma. Tesestw
MIs. Ethel Merdeek. el R.wll, Is Melt-
ing at the madame. d W. L Poesiseies.
J. Cowman, el , r a vide le hoe rel•tivm
hem Is1t y.terd.y to spend • stem dm.
as Ode, prte. M prooesdle* te a+TPMtsks.
B. C , where he Weeds to Leat..
W'S have Just finished ink -
log stock, and find we
have a nunliber of _odd lines of
uutton, 1411Ce and Oxford Tie
Shoes. As there are only Ll
few sizes In each line lett we
,have decided to clear them re-
gardless of former prices, as
we require the space for our
new *pring stock.
We have placed them on our
counters in two lots, accord-
ing to quality
Year Choice for 51c. and 75c. per pair.
They were from 73c. to $1.3O per pair.
Men's four -buckle Felt Shoes, best quality, worth
$2.25, for $1.75. Only a few pairs left.
20 pairs of Woman's Felt Foxed Lace Shoes, regu-
lar 31.23 and 31.35 line, only 79c. per pair.
Rubbers at lowest price and best quality.
Repairing neatly done.
AMA i& et the Nowa, Oodestai. THE CASH SHOE DEALER
If you want J. P. BROWN
to see the oa -^"° � �alues
Ea�aiat _I�rolemeots
Bo!ler CoMponnd
is the greatest remover of scab
and prevent/Jr of incrustation.
Saves repairs, oils, packing and
OURP BdtgioMi�l1 e t e l
o I I• i it eaperb.
Easy to apply and leaves a maR-
atfioent brilliancy. Our machine,
cylinder, engine, dynamo and lub-
ricating Oils aro of the linnet.
Our sheet, piston, g.akett sad
rubber Packings are reliable. Ah
bootee good., pipe coverings, eta,
are of the latest Gamma and
Canadian manufacture
All our mill supplies are the beet
that can be produced and are fully
For prioes and discounts, write
TieWe. Sitio I IIDC1,
of Toronto, Limited.
The above is out into stove wood
length and will be delivered to any
part of the town _ the same day as
Orders received by telephone or
left at rcddeooe, 128mbria street,
will receive prontpb attention.
'Phone 98.
fiaderich, November 211a, 1109. 68.3.
- Tse LIAMWo -
YttutroX Vitytetoes a:ml.
-s + �s�.wl aM
fit. R assn ` .. El..
M all
IiJer RepaiMng.
The (.demob steam boiler works
bevies betea raantve6 from (iedencb.
I have made arranitetMwts to marry
WI bdirn repairing and .Ire the amen
teetering of smokestacks, Me.
Repairing of bailer., antiage and
other machinery promptly *Mewled
Machinist, Ooderiek.
Waits e. Victoria fittest.
OEM sed ommloe. lot BM h.. jam
.Sneed at
laundry's a,
Auction Rooms
'We have •:haat two hundred Salta,
all duo, sad at tie prince we are mil-
ky Meek
at they should not lest over
U. days.
Wenders aid Minn
Graduate of M.-wha.stte Dol-
lops dEmbaming.
Patella, AND
e ATTi11TIOi1.
..mim.m YMt. GOINIK ca
Husband : "I'm getting
sick of this standing 'round
the market looking for
wood ; then paying au 1.1
exorbitant prices for it."
Wife : " Why didn't you
u neighbor Jones did
in the fall: go to Les &
SBEPHARD'S and ,het a
'Happy Thought. lie
says he has staved a quar-
ter of the price already by
making the change, and
says he has got the best in
the market."
We hear a siribr ormre ea4ise
day, and • gmany hu.Matil every
rioted on Jones' •xp.rie.*a, Lett haw
bought and 1241vr had the map sFs-
issos themselves.
In proof of thin we have mid three
carloads of Ranges and 8tov.s thio
We have • good minted hand Cutter
for sal. obese.
Lee e Shephar
I* O M[ kW,
ONO. iso.
• /IRLfall MP, sr10.
1 have the best Out in mads in flying.
t Pulsor•, Oat Itag Ikons, etc.
I have the Dm Lval Od+Mm Sows -
b., It k tbs most reliable on W mark,.
It will pay yew to use one,
Ib you wast • new Oa11tg or Leigh
I beadle difir.mt make, and eon suitN 4t
r gwirrmeau sad year pocket, toe.
Would not your wet. •ppu.e1ate • g.,.•
wary( and Irelage.Do you want a good auk Woel
1 Mall be phased to have you call oai
imp.et the stook at -y trammels on Ham
iltoawt. Were yes itarok•s&
I bop ray goods on the omit berme and
sail at • wiry aim moron at prat.
Aped kr MawyRanis Iaplemeo..
Hamib..+t., Uad.ets4*.
1113 POINTS 3111
£1oYe$ Ran&ez
I w .asaMsed M fit warp
ties• lye
101•1111081 ass
/LTLI oar
z Raw. w sate 11.M
seer Wttpbm. a abal t•
A 6teet Sn��
M tear Weeny 6.p, M 6s.
Om Of melba wombs howl a west.
Mie seep. rwant
ewythis4 ilhat art be frail IR s sran rl.hhe TI.ss..Palsy rw lass ass►
as always est freer w a Mer the r
�s are W. tram do los M ev
O01 t5M=ate s w.srgrlog or pelessee. gobs �
aet bater. table
table noma. • ail M s.0
T. G. i IPLIA G & 00.,
Bedkrd ►leak ederbk
ust Receive
•' A LAM/ A1i11OSTMi111 or
sad u
erre merehoe
ulvts ;hen
el Pm
tag pia W
vino Promo
Peestiem gave
ompartian mai
de poncs IM
4.w will ear
Ovum Tem
Monro. Mt Bess
SistaW. Anal
�1s�y 0
MGtmesal •sad
wok Ps4.6 lea al
1•d. avw tree
Iwwe0 r.1s e�
1 K
0 •
Otbo-Is Pe
e..ee, a.driei
.t �
te el
f a
•r1MMw. M
4tir to
Cigars in small boxes,
ASSY GMAT VHAI4M grim moue BiriTASL1 7011
Holiday a::
as'0a11 sod see Usti M the old orad, before parrakeets.
1► 71st
have t.
%WO at Teva
ediaiser tet
F. )A