HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-02-1, Page 7.- ..., . _ ..a , j y. . f J' --. _. nom__- �, .l, et '.1.•. ..�" - �r, , 1 •�,P 1,, , , r t •C t;d ke t` • ,'t ,�..'b a-4,1;,,lir.. � 'e hl*%u, t.'e' •R"� at 4�-x•r� er- + 4 it .. . �.. ' n'- . :. '• .. .. b ,. .. ,t , • `,,-- .,am/I�Oe.j•a'rYlq'6ae•,ae'-ucw.lrlrL•1daaCLasa/ 7rr suss• , * ..ra....-7aBaa.*.- '• s .ec + is lit u a► ,0.111 a FO . _14.4- 0-0 +1li�+a • - der a soaeentraties of fem�e cod of both alt4a� 4ommand a, blab pro- ♦t •bout >f o'chxk adraucas began � ad and six missing, while Grn•ral In H,xuth'Africa uumGor 116000. sire BULL�R S TROOPS RECROSS �rpow plgm. _` C - on the wast side. I Lyttelton pievioussly lust 19 killed or Nat,)tllnus 7,15U. and vo'unlads _l.OW. ?b• llaily Kao b°Idly throws sU the 7'h• Third K!ug's Royal Rifles and wonaled. (ieu. Buller's operation hu• cuss Mame upon t4.r Michael Hicks -Beach, ties. Roberta' Plana. the `Second Cameruuian made a ma -, tAdd,tional acoutanls of the fighting 912 turn, ru fur officially rePortwi �q*T ��� T�� �� ^��• Lord Lt s to .Pr and Lord An's diy. aitioent assault u [Ile mot rvI i on a k IIJ 11u1J,t lf�'Jh V Loadon, Jam Y9.-Indicatlo•a that D Y -' Stirs op, though tbey do not con- within 10 days. It pointe to .Prerksinat Liaaula'e itis- pet. rin lass for loris ride est the Sugar loaf mount• u, firm flee •tory rocsi♦ yesterday TW+ fatal casualties u( flee suss. Lott/ RuDorti J mimed of Yr. &mon Cameron from � g D rwchin its sumntlt rt 6.16. lroeaa lion apurcer that flee po.0/aa tomplial fww offlelsl re{ore's. Artl ao a' in a df ■ a tcto 1 s Ura • (diver itis poet of Seor•tary o[ War a• a pro- came in a dlbpatot to lie laaWy Chroa- Th. ate ao4'thwat extrsmit) atf; wu trjtea by thew Is; storm, wholly U,6YII. oedent for "getting rid of inoumpe- the ken/. M tits Position. exxrruborate the enemy• version of the ______.�.t _ ,w_.- tent Min!rters.n kla , w ich *mtroos, dated January severity ad the fire. FreaeheeOperation•. YbtIl, wbdch say■ teat Thetics an Despatches from Durban &how, what I"Idon, J496 89. -Tire N'nr Oftles COne report from Vrere attnt.r lbat ispurtanl positlun near Stevesaberg, l.uudun, Jaa. _U, -A dert'atcIs from ha been thought likely, thrt the cleules the report Utut LadyrwLth tins the Boers bad the rsagvv of rh( trench NoW on ilio ditreyoth li+txmead Ilan, Ir txrw lldrnberg stairs that the caralry Spion Kop Was Won and Boon well [new of Gen. Builrr'• 'T surrwttla)ret1, sad unwwau,r that a [bay h d previiwsasly arae [nit r° aa- eeceupa>.t ly itis r!aiah, w,Do are re- Irh with flue Rtttu Isom 1t1Yt(uaWln crowning the Tugela, sad, dil not ia- •cry heavy llrt of m tealt" will Its' curately that while the ria held torten mitt him In ordeor to of him The itis ponden ani trued a lswuwi ton ht. ghr•rs often rtsig. d the Btxr huger ut Acotnr a t ig ►t 'the guns d the lwr e • The eurrespoadeut utrrerver that __ . -._ hung, tw1 elk Ice l ntu rod{ouwr. .1u• Lost �� ����L -� eataa lad N llteJ did. Tits (act that aka w.11 facUllta4e cummuul;atloo be- -- dropped ltl •hell• n m,uuts into It, other demoustraWn war wrdo rim �t e`Sdp.oa�op's first tldge was abendos- Dunduurld Nab. whoil the whole anumit ul the hill • trreeu bonsai GYtraCtl as lJewral P• utt,uwutrl from Mthierrfoitelu G+ _ b; the Hosrs atter one •dley make■ oily -Kenn Loaduu, Jaa. 29. SX6 o.m.-Grose w'sr raked by mrchine grins rat t sir ). 1 wank lite rlorNtrurt. growling tin+ -_-_ u mss[ l et) that the abaaboamert anxiety ha■ been removed by the an. appalling rifle fire dellvsrtld tram Huey fire from tlw little• whoreuy(gt V was a merl tuns to terra the Brit!ah --- rifle Its in w•blch the Boor's wen+ tits• Halhwua. 4o1i11eeWYI1L that Lord UuudunnlJ'r y the Irtuestry /ell Lack, F f I C I R PO R T B Y GEN . B U L L E R a `° the next oaittua, wh was acv- el can l.te hidden q O r ered b the Haar UDLt am_ catulry forces• which It mer fell red p U Tits Bo m rwwS thou[ until they /e���" y g Lond�u, Jra. 28.-1'Ile RuJal t: ]f this account 1r not ez ret- I'u M[ts hnve bean instruelsl to err tract been isolated swung the bill• It1 mile ran Into an uwbtnh. Tho WorPrdterr Comm( ntaton wonder If Lord PtvaD ti uo:ghtoroou 1 of Acton Homes are o.1. tlw wumk r ls th t an) of tits suddenly f lrwf uu taw Iforrr. kll l lug Dunduuaid's cavalry '1s In da a seroul section o1 I2 balloons :mored- British weer bit to abandon " �°r kart oa the south bink of the Tugeiu reverul. Tito burghers Immeltately ---------- cwt probability points to his retire- talely. the {ttsilttkon, whlrh, ueverthelere, went wife the rest of Warren's ftlter, _ they held tesmtcluunly for _t bourn rrtreratwi. force. )lore Foreee Added. - - TIs laterk es[lvkew struogthesn Tho British carutititw were nue Roves, Declare the British Were CONTINENTAL JOY. The >;Irugbter of 1Jgleen. , tiled mud two id nokxl. Louduu, Jan. 28. -T1s WarO[Yice hes toe peobabl.lt) that the whOleS{rkra Gen. French did nut prow the At- Despatchos from Parts. Vienna and deckled to embody two additional London, Jaa. 29. -Gen. Buller ,Air" cup affair wad u ruse of the lk,ers. tact. but retired to his camp, as Bertin clerorlbe the sad iced joy militia beattallonr nod uuuther battery from Spearman's Camp, Jan. Y9tb, who. tt ntigh/ owew, nous, lien. Weir the Boer• were rtwngly ruhsforc 1 Driven From Their Position. thy people over B tb4 or artillery. lbat casualties among the officers of rc+y► srliure of the Position Duey In 9 fifth division and mounted brigade at osier to enuWe Utexu to efoutr,y his near Plemis puurt, defeat miler from _. -_ (sat, which I■ displayed ar though --- • Cuiwberg. --- ttelr own armlet had lxreu wlyuing }hoer Commander al Colesberg. Spion Kop, Jan. 24t,h, wore: Killed, men ut u warkp,f rangy thew[ rlctorler. Ca iCE wounded, 20 ; missing, 0. Gen. Buller lour apparently nut re W ill Nuvi ,U pe Ttxwa. Jan. 23, 11.05 a. m.- nsovat tits hes"laartaorm from :y)eq,r• VVtae Ferret. The Retlromeat Was Effected Without the Loss of a Man -Butt Beers Gats Again Purls knew of the abantdou Advocuto DeWet, Who Is commaud Aifect& the Stock Markets. noun'• camp. Tito Inteut casualty Lorenao Marques. .Inn. :.'U. -Col. meat of Sp1ou kap before London. Ing Use Boers at CokwbmV. is s sats lint is dittesl (rout there. Mareull do Vlllobuis. the Freffch of - ,,Soo British Wen Killed fn the Fighting and Ileo Prisoners Taken- Dr. lAyds, the diplomatic agent of of a member Oi the Cape Partiameut., New Vorbl. Jan. 29. -Wall street.- Mr. +prnoet W'llklrtero. la the fker serflrtg with the Boers Is lursc the Transvaal, knew it Thursday rep oswiJag Ailw•al North. He le • Tb, general weakness of tion London Great Rejoicing on tthe Continent at the British Reverse--Loodoq wornil4l; fust. ■rya: Ing (uletw fur Colerberg. ulght, when the War Office heresy- member tl the lsmtorlu tier. He war market sues retiecixl quite scuLely W " Defeat tt bitter. but It is right Newspapers Take Gloomy Views --But All Determined to See the bounced that It had no information. gredaated - as a taxn(tullesglate by eorat of the American stocks. Tho to (save it. unit to take reunouable IlonrGardmert of Klnsberley. The 1 ape papers any that the War Cambridge Uairerwlty waren. he jta'k market opened week. ine,urs W turn It Into victory• it b !magi. Jnn. _U. -The Tim a pwD Thing Through -What WBI Become of White "l--5belling at the Office was afraid to make the an- gained the ohanoellsies modal In the -- wrou to try to coutaxtl It from ILWwo the followla tier Wh from Madder River-osa. Roberts May Begba tits Campaign -Details of rsudneement, while others mute the taw trlpos. He Is an example of the LONDON OPINION K tg Pea derplcaWo assertion that the offl. young Afrikander. benefited by the ourvelves. Taw lultiutke Ir now ltd vorresponuleut: the Clptarn of Spba Kop- ciaLs at the W'ar Of(kw kept back highemt a.lvan%a`at of Br4tistl rule. Ar It Is Read by the 1'. S. Newspaper again whin the Ikwr ecu u,nander, "hL sttwrleY. Jan. 'ad. -Tho txM- the news In oiler [bat their Mlerds lent Deoomirlg ttartile. Agnta. lull 'Llie (luestk)u lar what will he bardateut 'rtmssiaerrw, t!� Yesrter• lea. YS�IIne (olkswLtg V gate way. brukd suit absatbuiwd Advooatmw Jude std Rtewart and do next. Ile willeltlter act against lift.$ It war Ism severe. The iring w•ax Irondoa, their poettbu. mugbt tube alvautnge tit ths:itmk London. Jnn. 2U, ".17 p.m. -The LeulvrmiUs er ngatnet (sen. Hulirr. watbutAltseA Uua�gitWt the isrrrnuus fah from General { peak b hly of 6xeonn o of the ucwm of the Mr. Nt -kesstroma, who hoid Im �irt asival airy attempts to minimise the In the littler ciao ate fez d • d■■Pa Tie lsrttlrh xLo:nen a g � Fossula will !w uQtitl. Ili Lure Of ant Boer commatrks, are all maem eeroouatem of the situatl,xn to South useless, fur wheat tine British force 'lt [caw rant ,:irocte,1 at tlse forth tiedSpe• rmaq'm Camp, Nater- fly bray tlploy imp below the ed- gallor 6, Ps,: sty ell liar burgoara who. vet" noes was published. bum a( Use Eng-Ildt bar. Iitockenodrmm {iI _an. 27t 8.10 demp:etng rover• stood on the sky Ilse It mat tr the heir to an l ngtlsh colonial bar. coca. are t In f y lacking tows atter- W unie menti• Uto sire• ugaln, It titsthe to cwt at Ue inhnWtuxt porta 'OM Jaa. g(Ah Warren dnnve back t , be shot at by the Dublin Furthers, ones is made eon. Buller'• rr(tie. easetcy• roan, and Itis frankly fro rt of the w•oukl tae Wymrtt d psi for a rmall of Nee town. tine enemy and obtained powmasrslun of who were ■bettered In trench-- The ti pr s taw moat sefaii& effort of tie rose aura tbabl {mold t Penult. Oue re was kll:d and four{err• the southern crew" d the blgis table gds rushed thv trenches• ihoutin or tch to (hen. roops ou'■ hrlgrth present war has failed. There is rw Hoch wore levels tale would be re tit r A wrro wuswdad. land extendl from tate ne ut R. ur to Lee other troops ou the uu2Ut Farre of Sharpshooters. sig " Hands up, weapons down !" The re- ride of the T r;y of a ubli on the purl of Lila tuck exs millon eley before the rro ru " liPtwe•rsn mbfnotrht end ; I. ey Aotan Humes and i3cmger'r poort to diet -in s, 1 owev, r, (ontLns�1 to: some ugolu. Nor i It ■sig horns c Jas. 2d. -Lail llunrafien, leader• or punto 1bere i to ery (se the of ilea wain l on }; ymm that ur a im-ni' to -h lin ahrllr wart• fired. They tion weste p LadywWtb hula• From moose Gen. Warren'• dlfilslon la havi W In chs g of flee ing ofttee ton facts, sad there ls every es tis 1� !retie aerautt un L or awl . way txm aw•m 4) 11 but buck ,J 9'ry din .' ruuu f t'mo longer. Thou the llublwr mud tunr•eutrntexl. IC b. therefcere, just hav lO Nna s tine sato of a nhu•tun•. nwt las thea b jeomosry Ebth be remalmed in tlw L'gbt Horse hat enough, nod. R of ton to face the full put. ltlit nod reM r. W ki n ley or two." rrttssr< red ly." vitae ouataOt with ale enemy. , {xoorlGlo that an attempt msy be foes« tX muuntAl a>barpettooten (or dlatocer the best sun txroeeafm W --- throwing town their arms• rudhel out ■Hare b (;on, huller to roach Ludy' tho Ic volce.l eve O hers nlsrhsiss tit out kt to )nruun llommo -ds of fern gether. •^I'he enemy bold a strong puduon cJ tie trenches. y senate with the Yeomanry In Coach � y 7w � 5 \\'111 Starve To „o a range of small kop}es 'stretching smith ixy a direct s(lvanos h the Africa• has ons i hal to tine ole- theri .tat unamgstll) high proportion of the I;u ng sip ext (on•es for that stsntagfc ■ugge(tlo:ro mina+ In Iwxt•nto MranP+tcr. Jnn. .4•. - (her from northwest t° southeast sicrose ro;cel from Putgieter's drift tlsron 6 for wbrcrlptleos In nk1 d [kat uta• British I hllte ■testis (tilled to ex late ti0[tE EFFECTIVE III.OWB. England' may !r err/ul to Non enwmy. I,l1W nitiver farm Klmiserl.•y haves illi+ platesu (rOm Acton Hotsnm, n P Dewdrop, or by tine road to t e ject. lie mays, he already baa 400 aP lie anys that the vert•ur.hl stand• in 1 et!pve od to the left bank jOunsiono Tose effect o1 flee Brstlsb right by Schlet drift direct to Pitcenta whew shooting records are All hopre of the et,eedy relief of p "m1 y Z_-%t+wl- Z' d ' thtaxsgb tiplan KoP. nhnncbnment of Boom kop can hardly LadysmtSh, while Gen Warren's dl- oJ<!t atod�eP of whom bays� '1�7smfth-fmrw-(teen erbandood�-ASni , �y etfT - w(!t Stl'tit« 1Ltrs Yitutieecl who rarnstal sad t}ss T be ganzol ye•t. but It will undoubtedly virion thea pert Opinion urge■ Igen, and usat, morencer, I( the Burr urn+ depriveat ext final• rtkb canto •'Tee actual porltlos lrld was protects his left rear. experience, In the bxatt. xsay■ur of ez > la !wmrnr. tato Immallate aldtsin gnyu•rwls want rugg.rtiyps they Pin into cttxulllct wlLb Use Julsnmrtertxtue{t ertly tenable, cwt did not Irtid It o Wa The amount needed b L' OW, d g 4( the f Natal +ne I,y get them frwn the Germ•tnt Itulkw, wins (totally idiot neireal. Tltnw hoer Loss N'a• Ilrry wtnlch L: ,000 hod already hrPtt rub t war from the rocky he jus oI Nstal Pte. As much matters an+ Ilkelir W btadrel Mliftirr Lave boom mmetand- rPl( to a aso sto, M try eWarren \CYrt tYs Stand rd Brys )' sorlbed. to the opera veldt of tar Fres Rtatb. i .knee/ mein p steep that Warren .r Lmtlon, Jan.:U.-'! Ise fulhuwlug deer One thin n come under the, attentlsu of P1t1Ya• reed to lntratch P.ov Do.itioasl lu fru. ,'uuld not get an eftemtlre artillery I.q)cbn, Jan. "J. -Tire newrpaprrd, patch fins been received In Loudon t ppears certain -another ,aesrt, Ise d1scue•ea tit leu th ueswtkind tal Aftrr seAs ut uncortaln swttwon, and water supply was a wL.IO n.cxt dl.gul-lag time gravity of from Pretoria, dated Jan. "5th, via Got Shells 4,tq!u Spain. king pnume I• Inevitable offices the R q W i > Quare., ilea oflewvadrw .hearara A.ar Il ti..!k^4,Abo-..J"-•ewwkdlag• sedtends in-4660-••ehwwwtiral titflculty. ala• aewr ettdspt ralorowly to rite 1 Lorenso Marques Jm. y, A6edeli Jaa hr •� ttseimptttctaltrtat arts fhllo�ir : Isnve s Inf(�tral that titers Ion fru a,,; ,,.��}}�� even 1n a stent of Gen. Buller fur - "un J $fii►><l. I.wrssetss! tQ ile Sundt AVWJwa. • - - •• ••- - 'T" tiovslapi�at ii a��UI�6F t�tidt eel tirdny that A factory tit Piaoen- ever Insik lig to reach I adyswlt "The mewmnres slow urgently nee fat t:e tar to expel any but a few untdr nttacti� iLM a large bill, In- Tre BtanAarl atyr: "Chat Uon after henry flgotlug rear dploo kap, clu ling beers sepjdying munitkorr to the planning of anewtuote will necei urn tlm tdevebixruut of tM military ,irnWc perrrmr. PresitlPrnt brugrr. �rtxd, a mountain, which was evklent- had bemt a faAare Is obvdond, but !f rows British on the kap being storm- Great Britain and that (f0,000 diet!• ,.aril) atopy time. The afternoon pa- rtseourrom of thr•r•wntry by th.-' Inl:lot- larwrter, gift. the u mlgnlflcnnt warn Ir the tory of the position, tut was far we are to btlieve the Transvaal report ed, hoisted a white Hug. tine hundred hal already been delivered. tics of the (lovernment. With 10111,0(X1 'Lryj stmt if the Homrs are (ones -1 to pets ire f Cheng rallel bat ne lite std,re aooasslbrls from the north than there ha• trees n dlssaeter." It {.r'O enJ fifty prlacwen. e:(yl be thantal, Tlse greeesim war brought up In tare cldeenerrt of the parallel betwAen ale me'+a In thou fk•1,1, nod fk1,000 to follow, .tnn�«• BrltlrMrs will shatP tis«rarer, stop north cee tr to compare the versions, and but also had to give brace and vnlu- Chamber today and Prime Minister Fetdeml attack on (len. II��eeee ¢t I'red- the moxment hn■ come to putoh on the rate. Md4wtlmp a number of F:ngllah 'On the night d Jan. Eard he at- rays -that an ab.olute dontrad.etlonuf ane livers. Slltela In reply said that theoontrtact rrlckstxsrq and the operatme o �I. tine trn!ning of all tmolim left tit horn+•, Jewr hnve bswt r:Prlled." tricked Rpko Koip, bat fooled It very tine Roar story rr W Gen. Huller'& --- was dguerl b¢gre tine war and tie Upper Tugela. and to rmlw further troWn to eupply --- ,liffwalt j� abdd. sad Its perimeter tlerpatl:h, yet h.s outstations are all"- Loyd& 1s 'I'diklrg BIC. Government had not {xefented the ez tar' further nw@,is at the- cam I n." Herll■ tapers Talk. war too IsU, sad water, which he tosur:lal•Is )t tin otb.rr ls correct• even MIc1HT BF. here I. -N (fon g Harlin, Jau. 2N. -The l.ukal Ayzsl ptMatlun. read beet bad to belleva existed, In tial■ In Its main outlines. It arguer that ser --- Cu sally I os ilith, there b ,ung r- Bertin. Jan. :fU.-Tho uufat nPoia pr. I.Ayss report of he isr quoAt wlas apectnlly In military dreles, anwncier- \swseualtloa (:rye t►ut, forst youth on b it uermanIli� , ,tie very do dry ■eamoa loaad text. un sir's dtrpatcl clmrly Impl4+■ layd In wo1eL be b quote) as 1'rtaupera Well Trrrted. current of retie( at tits news that rho j ttummrut«cl u{rm Yui thou Uermuu Prt- to lac eery deflclent. a vdwntary re(mqulshment of the seaying his presence In Berlin Isar tar Loodon, Jan. 28.-A ivets letter Iwonolon, .tan 29.-Tjio Ceatrnl Newr . , , " TTe orarts were held ajl bat da position, and sa s : pr Brlt h are mately soot!■ of the Tugela, Pete. y 7 thing to do wwUs pulitlon, but le due ftomaBritishofficer whois a icor mrrcv({tondent mite lien. Buller'e :, nind severe attacks gad abray "It is Im ate that OenerniBuller p,rla' fort a rumors of Saturday' had can- torro,n tedgrnphs: The \ntlaannl Zcltung rats•. "t ie g ) pn�f merely to an Invftatloa to tfie dlplu- at 1'retorlu enys be vss rercelred (rom juretl up tlskxts of an tmmeotre caters- Brltlrfs {orltbn nnwrnd Ladyrmuth i« .11,11 fire. Our met tough with gnat eboukd have su{rprosee.t till mm�tion matte dinner which he had received homy lettersasd money sent to Ittm t t "The ammunition section of our ln- now, untenable. Either Lord Robert•, gallantry utherwlm, or It he mentioned it that (� the Im sial Chnnoellor. la acre of tho United flints• loyeun r'ODve Pantry gave out In Wariuewtay's fight^ ' I would especially mention the con- ile Aar Offllb should sss Pe The St. James Gazette this after- moist await rrinfcm cnroentw, ur nen«+v• DVtets■ It, fur RegardLsg me diatku, Dr. Leyds anti The Transvaal has arranged fur coati ing ,tart of the 8sclaud C'airomalans and it would cause such a scandalous lis- the lkx•rs had so oc(Aslom to appeal Ing the a the. tlturne to scathing is r po of his ear Lvidy' c.xstn• elwnw ttrre, utas nu hen th for o rslMrsigned Its aye: age of Gen. 's refle tion o * tkTing A)kmd mite." th,•?bird lYlmg'm Rifles, whosupportd exeptlor of the mtku arwould_crwnte to an)oce, Everything was going amount when ttadv ere etOt+ateMgtsed [t saym: ^fele. Butler's reflection nn Itnl"lug for t\'htlr Flwa. Tla• Lohel Anzelger euyr: •'Tdwck• the attack on Ute mountain from the tike despeat reseutawnt." splendidly. A■ to the conclumiun•ot by s sesuior officer. the terror ha put Into the fixe reminds Loodon, Jau. :t0. -Tire rorrewpsxtd- fest tit Sprott K le itkely to brt•one. s,tetpeurt side, nod, In each caste, fatght It concluded peace, ails rwwal cldakxa wait that --- , - _. a ext thl th,ir way to Une top, end the Recund "If the reiisf of I.sdymmlLh Is itis tags we have heard about est of the Times at•i.orenso Marques, of decisive ImpOrt rce foe Lite whop• I eir w In Ueeto sad the A Mid to ire heft el tate, it mast be ill so- ('rest Britoln would have to return a With the Kighth• Cvinpae mandarins." telegraphing Yesterday, may■: war." - Iarge portion of territory aha had The± hreuz Zritu any: "It re .II.•wPx, who magnificently malnWosad begun. The centre and right have mel" from the Doers, and Lite Fed- London. Jan. 28.-A furtber consld- MORE TROOPdd. "flow the Poen AlssPminate fAlsP n[ the best tradition of thell1ritish army been tried. Both have been Unrnconm e[uble detachment of the mc:on■ of The afternoon new re are die- news line Justt been Illustrate 1. Herr gnlrer n Wood ptrce or British con"Pit Peal Rspttbllcx MO,dst, of coins obtain Pott, the Tratusvtial Consul horw, m- .till to hellpvo In an nppnoxlsnately throughout the trying day of Jan. fol Can anything be (Ione on the left every guarantee that not a hair of England's aristocritcy ie gulag In the coming whence are to dome the troupe cehnl trlc rams from 1'rPtorin un- i,nvvxnbla Issas« O( the war , but _'4th, and Ttxxncycroft's Mountel in- along towards Weenem, or w en 4irxe- . head of their kinsman would ■offer. a guth dh iiioa with the B)oond Bat for a protracted campaign. It le g tantry, who fought throughout the oral• Roberts and Kitchener onvetor- No wx)rdn, he Continues, woulA I>e til ass of B.uta'alld Grenadier Guards. becoming generally recognized that nasncing the capture of "lMlrt'IMltl&Ir wlaxm ale (kwle wtwkl tlewtroy tkey t1Ry equally well abngsicte of thea,_ ganlsetl sufflcleut fcxces nod tramrpprL Trio Bots' officers Include Major some form of compulsory service is lxUrxtPrs on the Tugela. Tlsero he Of_ first make mad." peraUous be wanted about the atpoi4te Independ- M Ines, brother of aha Cogntesr of ficlally romm,nnicatecl to the arnoular Tito Vomoloche 7.eltung says . "Tit.• ' Oen. Woodgatet who was In rom- will the main scene oro eutieof the two lie blics. more and more imminent than pre- mand at tM summit, havlag been shifted to 0 ,fiery different quarter Lo dysmitb, Matwtinst, and Kimber- Durbam• and of Harry Milner, who, floud]y thought of. T'he `;L. JnmPr' nnt4noritiw+. IA Ir mow aAmltt«af R11nt Inwt prelrmred and motet carefully wounded, the officer wlw succeeded with far more favorable results? married use late Duchess of Montrose. Gamette, however• saggersts that the only 150 were capture d. An officer planned British operatkm darlug tar, ley, Dr. I eytle awsinuM, txrare simply whs was Intenlewe I after tit,•c'n tore war hne now Paded sun comdl«Le fin. him deeldsd oa tie ali�ht of Jaa. '4tI Sucv stentimeytm, txtuehsd In varying rr Capt. WIIloughGy, second son of the eolatloa of tooarlag more troops Iyto p l boom, with t to rule dlf[erenoe that .aid he suns the ail officer dill In m. What le ttwro row to piny up f lu• to nbandoo tie podtion, ayd did su tarmv, flnA ezpresAtu iy n m,t„orlty ut the British had to consume[ r own Fstrl ext Aucnster, waw+« eider brotoer. 'outh Afrlcat savors of trio Mhenleh y q •inking pre+tl before dawn Jan. 25th. the All dilate u Uve die- visit � � Lord 1Villoogttby d'Freerby, suit young nctlOo In Culro, skiing that tion solo- action tit the tinv+ of Ire "nrrmder. ge of world IK)*Vr'-t'AA'o papers• 1 pro ata d-='" =- Ile Aid not order the Inoletin a t tilt ntwwt nm)ther IW,WO mwn Io ' I reached W arrest's c;mp at 5 s. a), crep,tncy betv►een the Boer•' andICAn. _- ere L!outr •willow hey, are already til tion of making better use of that. g t tis ,m Jan. 25th, and decided that n sen- Buller's acoogata They may they Joy Is B'russe�' Che front; ('apt. llxnnen, son of Ladl eayds already there vss never mug w'hlte flag• boat, having limn exla,*se(I rubbish, nut] tlx, few battaliomt tlrwt cod attack upon Rplon kopwas umrlers, must arre'pt Geo. Buller'■, but they Adel sa Manners• aunt of the (hike of Bested limit. In a flrreP fight rix right hours, run b+ raised will not change this nod that tits e•os Brusaeli, Jan. :'N. -Tae news of the , they thio ht that onl 'Oof thein re- I- ui campaign." try'm right sues too plainly ■}rov► great attessinesm. netretii tsf site Dritlsh ander Gen. N'«r- �o'fulk ; C,tpt. Frsmer. txoLlerof Lor.. TH7? Ql'EEN'xI BE 1:17CH. g ) = strong to allow ere to faxes It. AUVANC6: ON BLOEMFONTEIN. Lovat, a famous Catholic family . The ueem's h at the rias sem n'aIDeal. --- deo caused tin a reatest enthustaom Q mlteso a LEYD6 A BERLIN LION. "Acctordlmgty, I dretcled to withdraw L'eut. Dalrymple• eldest rat of the bll of Parliament to-n(orrow Is Tle UaUy Newm (Llberel) sa)s' ^The tit the Tranevaa legato.[ hire. The sig \\'•••tors of the 1'er. the force to the etxeytb ted t!e Tugela. ehle■t ata o! fife Earl of Blair ; Lleat. awaited with uattsual interest In Llse IMrlin is very murk' wxod ted Ovrr lmme.11ate duty of Use Up; ovitloxn Petit Bien howne.l a spoclsl etiltbn at yours brother of Ladynnilth, .inn. 21.-Islrwa•es and Dr. L.y1► He is overw'hwlmed with la - "At 6 a. m. we Continuo e] wl:b- th Ea ('revels, gest ex t Non that l tti military Im leraderf+ is tis mupToat the GotenimertL." 5 p.m. watt wean beads. This causal I>eC a drawing the train• and by8 a. m. Jaa. ue Furl of Cr heir ; LLut. Chun Bal presort In thou naval end miteti ex Ra•r MttlPtw hate pinwiq havoc with viil.dat a HL .re t t era at. [les The piper oousaeele Oen. Bull,• to nn tmmrtnse sensation nn We atreetm , L'8tb (Sunday) Warren's force web trrdt(et Pi t'rmarli berg ant to tial houlerarda and to Uro cafes. the• ler, sat and ho,r of Lord Cvurston ; pendituro will be yt hated y the flow rronll Mid of neww{xtimr corse Pal:rfet hotel, wIlwre lh• Traasvul flag ,vatetrntrated math of the Tugela form all fhw man poedbly for ns ad- DeoPb snatching tiv piper+ from th! ford Geral l Grosvenor. brother of the toomoox of the war and be altogether Ppodnents who voluntarily rensalned In is flying• are b�d4egal d/y and night without Ne loss of a sza or a pound vnnoe on Bkxemfoutcln. In which IC snow Duke est W'estminsLer. apart from Llw epeeist war vote. LndYdwith. Stee+vens,. of tin« Dell,v by crowAs, iaclndiag conanetnrs ayd Ien,ls of the newsrelhsra g Speculators, as well a fine Is - of stow. i:n lite &xtorrd liattal on of Greneuller \fall ; tlltclwll, csf the Stnnalnrd : and m.yia ways lucre is rite enhanced rellmrirtg Tire Doer legation L also dellghLai PRESR CARPIN(}. "The feet that the force oasld bei Guards aro ]►Iajrx Legh, a hrottr•r of Ntalrb, ext the Times of lndln, dle„1 M dice, gemtbmPn d tine eotart, ayd army I.adymslth. This b ondbubteHy it* w:Us Dr. Le ds' ion b Treat- Lord Newton; Capt. hood, soon nod Ad the afternoon newspapers ore terse In the part work. Stubb lard at- Officers, who wish to congratulate v,ithdrswa from aetttal toast -ter some y troept y eslslnlon of a treat majcxrlty, as It hon drnt Lo°bst and Birou von Bucluw commentln without full know) a o! renes the toes wawa Ida than a thou- he:r Of LoM Hoa1: Lord ArderP, sot t � tucherl lrlrsexv'1f tai tho Nncnl BrlCacle, vim on [Ila Boar uueoemser or to fifer been of the mlioltar) experts ■ince the oe[man Wroloter of Forcltts Affairs, Life lacts, they are not dlspoded to of- rnd yards apart -with the ememl 'a ootmet, wad Ietr of the Earl ref Yenth : Ocortr nnA Ind ttmght nmmnofitently. }'esu- tlePir serviam, - the mrsnaer It did, is, I think sufri- regnnling It as a spusclnl Atark of aysn ter nay A{lologlss for (len. Dollar's de The Morning foorL which first at- the dna Pennwttt, heir quarry ire of kills of the Trnnnnnl LPht. suns• din dfiollo ling t h■h ewssunlc■t- cient &videnos d the macule of the Porth) by Franco en_I Germany, thatgh' atm m'lltonnlre ■I ivy quarry owner, feat. The tlt. James linsetste sass killed In tlm 1VwRcm hill fight. O'F1ta- e,A eve tollovrin to the •ever : -"In ticked tM lhrvelnm9tii. ssys were Ur. Irwyais cieeiarel that h:e •tette Ind Tine manila of the retreat le ole R V troop[- and that we were permuted most be no recrltdmtioo, no isy Loral Penrhyn, nn•1 the Hon. Montagu t bordl, Ilia naalrstnnt, wan woxsndal In wpits of unoinelsl statement■ text Ur. to widbdraw oar cumblws ox sad hall no political olgnlffoanoes. ;'arkPr, ■ec•ond son of the Earl of opus We have tevreoognlse that we the ram« battle, both fl 11tin lu tie l nnsvlpp. but the txooteriathxq of all _-- cahoot force our way throw h Ute R g ATdA (ihv d[plOsatio reprrawrtativP mule transports demes the river, far t 1 ution of the war. The. Morley R •auks of the Light Hors& of the Transvaal) is bore by official yards broad, with W -foot banks, and Market for Australia. Lady lien• FomPrset's onl soft, onYmy's liner to Ladysmith. Wily, rtes --- 1•tvltattcrs, lite visit In esWw1T by a very mwift current, unneoldatad, is, Poles tallier io war an dther ) y do not know. If the. Boer iwsltiou Is 1 thick, eloi that the esmasy baa �UO°i' ettvttegtcal, or tac.tOsl. In Ironrton, Jea. 28.-Tisesending of l,- Acinar• Somerset, heir txPsumptive of olio Rrlllorh PiTZSwers• leis ov►r irltrtttva, ■ad though be hes pprr the pewrrsnt war tbera are evitweess 800 sheep and t10 bullocks byffLerlmer the Dake of Beatrofrt, sailed for the Impregnnirlo It ought never to hnve recmived orJlna court hl+ re - hers to ht to r t exur sol8ises' from MPlbnaroe to]htrbsa is •fled C'a to -0n He l& a crack rifle shot been attnckerl.]�j t�enpabla of lxclnq [rotsyso ' Margcrts, Jan. Y8. -Thou ry emy D ( titin "fie Ott we'iiuris aa'ler each• The first ate- raga pe y. taken, ere t1llb'�Ppulserl eeCause the Rtanda.rd and DiggtreW Mew■, of Mace u entirely withouk political rig - i g powers__ cerltirts•ara tele pe paratbo of tba as an important experiment likely to And Intends applying for service with leadership was bad• and It lm lalle to Johsnoeslberg, mtplM that the Bri- nificancre." navy for @fifty esnergalwy. for there. lead to a IIaa��•ggee business. One hundred the Colonial Horse. ahem to conceal that the matter tish prisoners taker rR the Tugela 'A St• Petersburg Awapatch sayx : rhe doer Areenat of the Fletht. m the nation has to Moly to prevent sheep studnobdilocke died on the voy- Tho wMowecl Lady Decles has a "our er, the among accreta• of lbw is far from Incredible. River nuasab l t y Boer Camp, Modder Rpruit, Upper odes, Intervention In tb3 present sig«- Tho titters ItntleA Im good condi family of thre{I sons, ill serclnq tit lie .•Thou remedy for Routh A(rlcei is out lsnong tIlr 9 gala �s Lt. Rn6m- Tramwvaal EurvrpPay aCeaoy, ver ar- Tngela Rhe•, Wdnerda), lea. 84.- war; the mobilization of the militia, tion, and sold respectively for 80 &hit front. Phw will Sall shortly for Cape ved hem It 1• a ha will try At four o'elook this mornin &cmc go and E20 each, leavin a In to sural to the numbers, but to {ort the wise, a Ger=1n who JiiaSd the RePr � aDPa"t t mewl tow emMllmene of fioluntoerr A Ila g rge Town to bo [(bar them. trop where their force can come Into forces bwam ysonths a o. to en st retired Russian of0eers for Vryheld burgggCllhLormi tor'sing the oat- ze tido r In Fouth Africa to a P ofit. '--- p' -_-g service in the TrahsvarL" posts am thtjiomst bills of the Spica firs ri`4,gfn (ape Colony. A still -- Ile '1& With Rritalr. play." ' ________ rtts6 4 To Release firltleh Prisoner■. loot) group, ed Into the lea r ■o• ver clanger is the unex zctiml tom- Wbrt t►bll OYhI(e t►oY ADVI9SA CONCENTRATION. gs D Rlchtrcxmd, 1'n., Jnn. ^7. -In tho �"Ir- Tl'RNIN11 illi\'IS11M.N1't'ylF;l'KK.1►. nouncing that the British had taken tUtty of one or more powers hltber- Co r Headquarters, Lidysmlths Tun. ginia Senate Senator Barkadale Intro- Tice Weatsinster Oaretta Invi es the Durbin, Jan. 25 (dsl.tiyad in trans. Spina kop. to neq:r.,l• Ag:tlart fids ate b ort P� . 2.1.-Thlre are s:gne Mot Use bs(ieged duesid n resolution expressing symps- country to oast smLle aid delusions snit mission). -Arrivals If In Jobannes- (boor. Warren's force has not (silly Reinforeamente wen summoned, bot camtirays is speedy muccomm In Froth Af- British an p.:.)•tring to make a dere- thy with the florra. Henator'Fnlrrax recognize the feet that progress for burg raport that the Trartsvart Gov- abon,to-wi d.i'rin K )ttbuttly nothin could ba dons for some time, ren• and Use only defPnoe Ion the the tit is stopped hr fatal, and ernment hsa decided to release a la W, Ir g QQ t�'� peratP coup In order to attempt to typo od It declnrinC that tbncrnsnty, Dfw :¢ eaptret+M, Imt has w.th Irnwn ,tcros, sa the E:H was •nvsloged !n mist. BrltAmb navy. The i aper c,omtns&ms esi forts n junct!on with Gen. Buller. The and especially Virginia, war too near that moiety titan {q oonwntraticn. seamen• of British prisoaera t .fin Ion• _ At down U«re was • sigm!ficaal tIm mptitt sip of the army. and relief testes on tit« rices mightl) d1s- i.n([land In Mood relation and nodal, General White's forcer, a an er- ---" � .ICs, the Kaffln (losing to their onyx that the (bvetmtPnt Oagno: be piny rockets and msatrhllCht•. TfiPrr political and commercial Lias to turn 'faolive aid, mttet be wrltteo oft, and Delw;sa.Hui�Awse � y Rrd'Pr's sl spit h, pr:nI •1 P• kraals from the flits. thought to cemtnelterd the udtuatlon is feverlmh activity In th, outer f.,rt+. ag nlnrt her In this hour of trouble. probably most of Gegenl Unller'a w wnkw It r1Pxr that the Tod• Tale n le ebOts°deafloe wilt ilia amass it Immedinterly Prepares to a arm bas left the Tu e r i.o s los, Jaa. a fta a LiaMn cer- t ph in Ladyam Lh that« b txegllrtq oe ill T1sP rePolntlon wax re►a rd to Ure y t la. The Boon esyondent O( the Rtaadamd says: t'o:s suns nlnn,kueol Ixx•nnAP It suns band laagrr eras &leo ant df. At day- olespatah 50,000 meat. hours. The Boer1 think that Den. ('Ommittee on I`rl l=Ud i:lections have been given time to ppr�eppare I hear that Lite Indemnity Itt be felt to Ion nntenn on,l that the light the tHeWalbsrgand Carolina con- •;,R`E THUNDERER'R ViEW. White will mate a serious Attempt to by a large majority. agal•at an adtuce through flee Yree awarded Great Brtain In the Deluges t,ngeate, who ' were ae, plamented, State, and we have not sufficient lay axisitcttitxn will ba sea larrgge that withdrawal cif tlm fasten acres•+ chi!°' romtgenosd the element. There ars threw TIe Tl mea Pnnraphrnem General BOL ermcate from flee fever•strle:en cit) un strength at the present `bo unriertake Portugal will bx oblig•vi to makr mer river wax oet•cxupllwhe I without caru- .+pura, rather rojoet facing tie Iwr'" dsrpatch, and In a "areAsti° tats Th°nday, People of India boyrl. this •dvaaw with as mat•[ Ttarss loP pp jpns, says then were probably other rPa. It I■ twpo-ted Unit Dr. Jwmemon (the 1.omion, Jsn. d'O,-The Tlmas haathe y y' the railwaty and. this port of lrorwnxo Alty. Tile florr wtury of ■Uxminq th-, F r peition. tTp theme tt• bnrgben, �a for the Boers not moMrsNng flat lander of tMTranavanl swig, wino la to arc ugly facts, but those who dim- M41rques to the Rritiwh Govornment." Wil. nnl olnughtering 1,600 Rrltlrh Levin tkedr horras at tta bur Dent follnwing spednl to -day : guide them, •re again misleading the of roc asusndd Prltirh retreat than rwPPct for the I,ndyxtnith) h1a tmm� wounded In Lite CalcnttA, Jan. 28. -The meeting held bl:a. The lata truth Is that we wall s)IAlwrs, may onfPlT be left to tiwett tt the summit they' found the British sokRen' fighting txowPn. IL � by a shPli from "Long Tnm." yefirterday In the Town troll forrrsett a pu Will Delay Makien of Shells. adds: i'resident BCPyn las concluded hie have to to s a new army anmehow rnrnfirmwtkfn. Itnd su,h law[ the fort British henvlly entrenchod. Betworn otriting indication of the statrx rd from somewhere. We nood ort least Dornan, Jnn. :5.-.t ser aux ur, :dent tM, retreat 'would not h-tvo IrPevt rho Brltleh trencher wnA the Boer "T7>w DctPn Irad attnlgad their @nit. vWt and hnx roturool hoose by teals. naLlvo pffMlc erpinbn. Every rever■P 100,000 more men-ti0,000 to reinforce her cansrwf the ckadng down t.f tho mmmaildos Were wax a drftch of Thole rarsoeurtrm an too •mill for pro• confirm the loyalty of thou chleda And the Cape and 50.000 do reserve." fatndry of Th,xnnd 11etb!o ! l'o., ffnmwrkal by Almwster. o{wn veMt. whleh hat b taw rust 8enals to. allow the aecrif)oe of Ilse One Ruse bard by Doers. {roplo, and to Iterraom• thn deslrm of G:RF.AT WFORTYi, RMALLAM'LIM. Jdwniaembnrg, which will prevent fur (lett. BuIMr'a rM+gsttch-.npPOsing it a@mdimedy. Tire probab1Rty is that an- LOetlon, Jan. E8.-Tde Mall and Ful thou military classes to tate a sinwrw fl •lyra Glob, myo : "it would be A risme time tree manufacturing of r jr lle to have losers given out in Its entirety' a1 under w heavy Ails 1)dddte sad other 60.000 mora may he nertded to fol' ohrnpesl firm. Meanwhile two pay. write [deredate of at Pi• t the flee war. mistwke to minimize the mertow chis. far the Ihrx,r Army. -•:� not otA to tiro loawea, lent sun tio" of burghers somme,wd tho outer low the tAmk sane anneroeetsarll) writes ander dote of Gee. 16 that the actor of the situation In Natal. We --- two spore covered b7 the }•w heavy by gap,l•upardnass, want es(oys Boer, hnio A now rum !n righting. RKVORK THIO RP:VF:RSK. \esu■ s stay weegme that they were not •mall. t ono Rropp (lsusot and tens• wast d foresight, and the extra- .Hien trot great nnmisers O( their brat Info made a great effort from wMch Der l'ommewtor. - �(axlm ns. 'ids Brklsh ttfad kO or'dinary Conduct off arfaks do South Rhoads [sing Mnuser rifles and smoke SDlos Kop Captured at the POirl Of great remoltw were oxpecLerl aq.l hard L,orn(Son, Jan. _^It,-T:M PRII M,tll Ar tie ernes b now PitO ted, o s- Afr!Ca; Ur hsav ear llghL, do thing fallmd. Thou mltnatkta ax 11 stands Gnsette cexmmPnta In maPh the ramp a■ woe eon jhAgn from tum lnformA- nuth uteri. Met their Inraotty 1`111 Inw txrwder, di Lite Qntd In tM riffs the Rsyoret. tc►lstT, atm with crontty m toctw, and nA tx : t ou at hand• nothin "nlwtAntlni list" tion■ t0 lto ae. �e hat a wt reako nut abolters, sad o n thou akyline hills tum 2 R "" lePfOre • soytle. The filing eon• y R{,enrmnn'o Cnmp. .inn. 8, a.lOn. memte.i rxurP, the maria ••torsi non d d ^ F:vwn If LarlYemlth fat's. !on kat tlnW with undlstnlshar fq the only the tmnsedlate ovjmos dales wit, Dom, mer woh Martini Henry rifles RD D Iarrn wo w,l Ilv the ast ofttonx of th« rye fro{ flu@ ptewtlge and position o� the mrdeg blwek ttcxv►rder. TVow IatLer draw m. -On Tme+aAny night Inst a sora air Pxtwvlrnn mlohn{r. it Is sold LMt la not MAjnba I:t Ute most clLal nonan Roe" a4tvsnaing stmp by OW aatll under General Woocdgate attwekal the war [mart toe prPwseA an with rw- wh!ch will no: end thA war. Thera leaf two wrote --tit Mast on LheTuR^la• - n'elasok. 6mptre In tine Pywa cot tto wand." the artillery tire while the forRtar q'1y Times wnntine@*: "Thin moat siert down the Infantry and cavt►lry �bn kap anA trxok the tpsltloa at donbl«d snwrCY. Ods nraxeroes en w;l) b@ tkx mnddlirsg (v)mpamd of r"n• Fronch end (:sus. (intarrP :ern Then a wb%e flag wY �/p1a s� trarefgil plammed ondezecnted sof@• L e point of the beyo nab tat ethnnooWl." 'magnaWmity' And rowarnlc, thin moist to have formed a combinatioxn of arxi 160 Brkirh W tie brat � M at closer rump. At 1.45 ti. m. Wednowiny the , , [!Ate. Tito war will stet whet •ism. In«at L whole camlmlgo has ets- �- fcxewm, and thew hnve hest ,kSahtful onr�ral• TbQ7 veers tirely fulled, and It onn hard M British wort half -way mp to thou A Humor Denied. itolorrtx dietatoo the term+ at Pr•- ■o�a tar fella IY n¢ At the ]M odder Hicer• runners Of tM tot ff of /:Imbn1 y, 1 tit lawger• senses• b dwell neon th« extrese mmmmk. nnA the f4,M iiia wore Berl;n, Jan. 29.-A semi-etftcl•1 dPe- trx•dA, Tn that oral the (yrrpire'a mind Tho eM►rmiat d the rout elf abs jyj l Madder Rhar, Jan. 2h, 11.45 a.m.- heel forward. teh If ,xn Liutxxt w ■ of tion strA a vat•w M the work rmm�k protist l ty that wemhAll lows w little neral Rector Msedvtnatd, who dao- ro 1, t y the reprxt la Anti tip." le.{{: wan will) prOf-mditug, Tits annalfrorAllttleln/er of ti catA"trO yt bison's brigade wax az- ►wt ate Boerne have croaxod the Mos- Thou F.ranlnq Rinndnnl, cexmm^ntlnt drew it fn tmprtxanln M form an orifi' 'nr" of the beholders weirs deafened stent In fur eNu Gemercl Waoebapw, killed at the tended t,n the centre, OPPO■ing Pct- asbque fnxutier, Is unfoun4od. an the onppnwr•rl natural adventatoe ,on. • ),y tbP t pile almost wlthogt trf+'c bottle of Magerafontsin, arr!ved tiara s • remnnsMww Aanwonnde. At miMtar h4stoxy, scatsmtropto Im ,,, erlards gtetwr' Ar1ft. --- on Uta Fide of tho Boers, rays In"nitllt Rtit4h infantry ad- • Ilei ezorpt y, std Resumed enmmAtr,d d y 11(wnnwhllP Iwdydmlth and ltd hPesiio wlWlots� Dt•rw In than ) With teM■exfpas goers duM 1e Ircnnce Jan. 51igiThe WIt lit re- eat enantr also hid on,l time •"nes, of Y tis brigaAw HP paid an Infnrmal flak isstensn to txtmraisw. wlu ••imam tte41 snit. }Mw tM eeariwt •b" m seder at oftttovrn. R enaoune«1 of midnigvrt that It bad re- t Advwntw hR,i iam � ted of to tho camp of bio command fhb [War ter, bust tetwPwrs the Ira lertm I+eS coma " lays A tt etety D+>att of leerota ani cotsversPd mai uta of- ware eltmMtm 1odtIM1 tis• rcx'ts em eaitewl ee tve+►a frim Srrmth Africa be- War O/flr•w� th AAmtrxity AnA the taw ar,la b clo ■o le • q,rrrtiolf rnnrhijf � _ Iaeed 4f ,%wu"Cpf $"-. .i�j jRn, 1p [est the caspa:gn tt the _ctrl sYtw nt tho bill. r. of Spk„ny - /matt eni� sack fvtgArarat. It le esti he le, flit•) h von tdtvn mexvtly nail. ■nano Anxlwty. lir, [taw lioKds •airily The oA M stil to is. We often w• tab t oilier rho BrdtMh sAvsnewd from y4nd A w(rssatw frons (}aewisl IarxNx�A aA a mortagm mm Gwnoral lrosd 1 eawt there waw a trsmarrArus Robortd declarin waif to cA new the town ? Ar ins tats of tin 1lgRlel wMa to cl«aM prentw t at sues a+xw the OOt- g thst thou aitustloe FOR('RR FOIL RORF:RTi. Isi fa4 abs waann6lm pt thew Nro erAment D"s ai]I adegnaN, Osmpra- olm�4 which greatly pleased the Oromr-tire from the hlghost pofgt of suss utODwetwl, aeA here dA nothing tlrwt making it the Init to entlew owr in alt Ardor " aid the hanai.ou of tta aitmwtirre. The alter- lei almn. We bill, Twwnt) ttvxrwnnA two hnndrP I end forts Into atterklug ImP"WrIA140 bar • .meg et earactss+din iota d importaars from otbar Aenrrown, tvrvsnL two men and 155 unm are at v therq wM wire a ttsseking 4ihw rneisA +rf rsePeesibie Mialetmn h►fim The ttoo�tm mist have xnllmt-sA y� C flan■ t What I+ Rnta•rte �kdng . tr«ncleam. M&n7 wore shot dowM gglte nothing to tu6m°te the rosatry hes^l to the dhinefibn 01 Kmhsrlal. heavily while massing lbw ■cos d Ahanwhile the only latell'gTee-n,te, M son : 1100 infantry and IsAOo env p°i') •m t t� f fire. teat comvpw,i In the ctlamlty lists". nary, lnrinding S.n,N) wiry, aM aD d the knpjam. bps,thp Brttiht do this plat. Aa rt Il n'. ►f. t wee sD TIlo Brit last •wage On■ ■hPliwd ter faatt T 1 { T Tim rcnsrox's •►nook Ix skrtm tlor,u Iu 7. tsumwr"on a o,. -r « w fetpm $envy err l�t, tke lbiag has to rho flOarw this morn!vs �w s t d Tha wsrP hwr+d LO lo• Tbnra arm sle wt inoxsmplwte, leaf tow ,rartieAll seA,1y to rt. Tbatr Rnd thou multltmM of gnewtMn• thea arta flBod sat"... ^adds be done, •Mrd t OW ++Otthi `` eats ''hair pnw tkwo hurl Rasa• II► alra■ry fnAlaats the proinblitty that terse, thou tin.ensm Net, w,th wt ,k,tn nngtwwt therrvmlvos must he left to le twit • . atl the treats to Plnwlloat. , thou 1tM 1My rr ,ltd tO prfPliitY het! IS tsitigr tch of __ ImOtetl wltM mnsterh still. (ioortarsl Rw;lwr'A dfPmpt to flag a wxy rs,eMe, can pl■oa wt that AI■parlal of IT annwon+A by events -o- their roeevrl. k4Mtn bpk "'. IWOM sola, sod t° tibal"m to area - At 10 n. in. the Boers human ollenb round Das coat dearwr than hiss from- R.,i,Prtn 4000) additlidal man And ht a Prewvlmme an Vueta's titres. '4e ft is t'wtrh saw wrrPM. 1 t+ b th,• o,. , TN •NlMij MdN9 Y tteew 9keOld he lag down over Lha n9k. [ohs sa•sl tel e4taak Cit► 8nwrw al t:erieaaro. t55 tarn. '1♦'tt+, tnriher pnrP,evwp of the ms hon trwnw,--- -- - tot flauy Or 1 , . nam t. 1� bapalem att�lis is Caps 't\•rwa, JAM. 29. ---Tb bum d guars playinit Iyddhe nq that& Ia Him lam• n( (firars, in.lwod, Ihw Col- wnr nffiro Rent wpyo.,ll t„ Pmhrm- ws,ll of yP 2 'flaw iAaAft flinty (ixsnt•f1 at IN flue a en tea tam nett tenor ehovolata asst to tits tvonpeby the At pm rift whole ti to the wean aet[on word tar Ptr+rvelad. The aa- w.mewtlwrP 1,t tbs n•Ixb1`,orhrrri ref 'as hold r: ' ' fx t>~� su- hats home Akrtrlhnte,l to the ask woos hold b the Rrtit t, who M xrult nn on k consist ills death 50,GpO nut" men. potrW�� feedag v•tae itM ted• tH last 4 !stud aotnmn s, saes Q►t&e'a T ^P f rtatlo teed, f der seak pry . to 661 task, mtaat 1OY allsgdgmed, wrts4Md mok%wf at Wynhs(g. True gats throwing up anlrea,.emenlm df 17 dfiewra axrl(md•e tit Is moon d- '1�lt AggrPgrtw Brltlmh home tn,opa pa ' .. - , ` ` ,t - 7.' les