HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-02-1, Page 6I=
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. . , . Don Ippolito looked up whit #sibs I7L"Il'" NISATN- YOR TRAI i - -R1� MARRIAnR MAKIMMdoRux1"1'Rlt i'Atwtel.tvar b, MY Of ri M6,.
�� *++ stat than DRAPB CASE,
"04 t� Peg ssiugl'• tVceterw llint bluely Rrturmisg Yrem itwtlrWov Miuw Deerew■e of l'rlrtto Fraat J. ('bM� tsukev frLh Hutt hr
"I doe's maderataud yup" sold t'alle of Dark ab&dew. -- After Marriage Ceremony. - M the •oulor partner of 4he farm of
« lT:orlda, nary grarnl77' Y h'. J. CkMSJ At Co., doing business lu
I n The Fu rnaee f •.I morn utas 1 b•llevat that Mi. Ellda Wither, of Awn Froluoisoo, Sensation iii the Ottawa Valley Thr !&fest statistical study p• tlK (7ty of Tol[afu, l'uuuty curd ►tints
srint■ a little ■s you." ks rluwl3 coming back W life. For otology Ixoc{ulur that crime Is les aforesaid, and that raid flrin will pad
"Brat you too3ove in your church r' District Caused by Dodd[ frequent among married sew thane the rum of ONh ifUN1shKl) WLLARel
nearly two yours mile Ilan rested In among thus• a ykag_ helur blss
• •I treat no churoi." Hldney Pllli. °f' for t»tch not a ori Lee of l'awrrh
of Tem ptat ion � w" s slaaatw It► which Does tiro valley of duu.luw, tl'Ith ter — _ •doer. Accord ng to thin eral that caaM,t Ise air.. tlw u►r
prs p c ty r y tr aro sere general H Ill's catarrh l'un-
IVpo1_psa(a droppal htks lead upon ells! &park w falilt that It mueies•d 1 r FHA\K J. l'HF:rF:1',
Dfs b st, lT.orldw 11erned forward !n at thus titre Ind uw U•• Os /taches Drr er, of Clanrdua, r ngle. by the ied man t uta n0t
prrwal ay'' r�I V single. Tle warrlad tn&u doer allot Bourn to below ate anal eulrorlb•d
lion Oaglarama. amt mteomured. '•You privrd of all the smrs that make of Gravel -Principle %'pot, Which eumsult the graver uffsnce &saint yt nil- prommucr, this 8th tiny of tbnrm
T iF�NiOi{�+i++++.NOiN+t...+"N bi:Rr• It, Ood /" Ilse worth the Ilrlug, Yin• Wlllwr has DudA'• Kldaey Ytlla AS d . y property, such su robbery and fraud, � her, A. D. 1886
The prlemt lifted hl■ eyes and look- tree field Wasik I'rom the grave b3 the (Aravol I■ Curable by DOA w much as the hers dangerous crime% A. W, GLEA80N,
sal at her be •sehtng:y. "I do sot unremitting rare of the loved ons Kidney 1'lllr. rush as reoolvl stolen goods, break• (/aa1,J h y ;Public.
His %otos Iwai lost IL %plRem ucte, awake, and he hada me osrrT K (wit know," be whlmpand. that little toren ever rat Icer bedside , , _ pta�
aMt his SwAl er was stran%Katy Neb• wish me. Dad so turned ag:ut W his Sha met his game with one of dumb during the twetsty-tw .nioutlr of her mw mtkm was tLuo&j In thisall ace hegalth And bankru r� �d publl6 Hull's d are` 1. W knish Inter -
boot• bewilderment t {sat ■he ■a1d, ":tome- ortraugo Illusion. y ag' Yam who are satyr, and aetg tBoseq of t oke Wt,, t
deed aDA acid. The Met of gentle Y mother was %bill time 4084. tiros you ba ae Attle children and wad throug Incroat alis b,tww& A'allsy, married at as cerly ass tlrom 18 to red mnrtuss eRrfa[%e* of the ryrten
y b7 �tf 1i nus In Fubrvnry uc Yarotr, 18A8, E5) Ottesid a &UW& ty nor•
apathy It exprrssse.t, together with brit I could hardly hese gree to her. ; evolve these into the church is that Nnnt Ylr Wilbur aur fuudd rowan- hy. kite publla.atkn of Reuben Drop [ Puts+ Aad for testtmtsgblr %roe
& verism and, Im personal sur rise if she I d Wit been llvl 'Thanks masse of God r' ur's cases is the newrprPere last oftas that, ter unmarried of that main F. J. CHF:NF.Y A VO., Toledo, is
{ V W tee aeluttr In Icer ,room Burly one morning week. Yr. Dreliew b well known ap and &tarried arc who are ldsr, bold by dtugglate, 75c.
It% the difference between bill Ov1u thtng: are uvt for pr -41001106' Rept re- "Yes" by liar muthmr, Yrs. I.ugae. Th• shuck hen and W FlrlaMl tatwl h&r win b probably explained by %he Hell's Family' i'llls row the beat
and Use, happlorr inetane with which peatu.g .voelf ulght atld day lu my "than cr•atux*a came to Jou and young lady lay ula,n a oufn. Beside nut anuli ex Ufrencsee _____ ---__
It# cotstrwst"d W was awcxe Watching bract. I was In despair. f was la a comfatm their stn+ and you ub■o_te Iwo uD the (loco aura uuvrrl t ns taut wany eayu{rku as to hie onus. Prdsu Y Wass•
then any tragal demonatratkss. fur to see m uncle. I oourvd.ut my them, or order them W do enatr»ar Ttwre we•tn�W be a usclretrrul car- agaltnkst tauraut>', •=Dept, of course, It tic• World sYerw Rlllarts .
1 7 1 P ft had •Ilppsd frust hrr Irua.1 wltuo rr� tt4tt Dpdd'as Kidney Yillsrhould bigamy, and, fur sotto ratan, Invert, A prenoh nalurali/t assert• that
As If she felt the faM Gat.an orf the haarG W h nD, and tr W make him "Yea" •hon fell Into tier lung bleep. he �{as ` aw t&r more common amoeg no mar•
pethow wb'ch she could riot tally au un.damrstatd ale 111adonr and vrlu "And sometimes when prop:• a» eras burniu low, lick the w'iMkrvv ave shat W can s trouble IlksGrnvel tf rho world soboold hceome bfrdleb"
alyma. ter you girl sat mileat After hope In wbtitdu I %tad Ihevd i3s natoeived dyl&g you must stand D their death- [ wtsall Is elthat•d it, the Bladder. reed then -s (not that was to be man would not inbabU it atter Dirt,
J war open a- few IDchor anti the &ran- expected. offences against hamaa
a t me, In whack mire seemed W Le co:dl m sorrow and tilts reproaches bed• and give theas the last oomaol- Therefore. the fo:lowitug axpla yssts. [n mptte of all the sera s au I
T Y rom war open. The tower of grafltled Ilse are mors frequwt -swag the as-
Lryhyt W think It all cut stir amkei wh5oh 1 dd not •yen Illi ; he trade aliens rf reaglus r' tiro room, however, and It war ru tbu b In enter. poisons tide could bee gaau s. Thr
P Gravel i• dlroutl Lire rreult of nils Nod, that " the db atter of d ton tis dstrtistloa of !ofteota. Tb«
tin a kn►. deep mut. the " Wliy did me an tem tray Jtteto 66' as se " Jt It, true" r overcl tont Mles Wlhtnir had hero kldne disorder. It is b the nut to great a ID the mettru ut the insects and sl s would aim !
yet toeceo• a print them f" mAuy tewptat!oM :e �' ovettome "(yh 1" narro•d tie ger:, and tired overoomo b carbon nwnuride Nev- J as J nC P y art up
y antics& un the L u( ltd kl,fue s' rl`hL of property. qtr urclrnis sad or
It Is a long stury" maid Ion Ippo- for the evx-d of ,'�1y M41 std on Don Ippo:lle a long lu-ale of oral ph)nchrnr were ealle+l to attend Ins j y lit Is IaterstlR to %tote that tate �-_ _
alto. •' I will stent trouble you with It the glory of Gal wsrsd ne wonder and r6 aroach, which he met tier. They resorted to all the usual ,to 46 their duty. They fall W dis crhttlonllty r>t whbwerr decrert•es
%sow. Bums other t we." agntast the oval attempt'&[ t1h •yus d ■fent anguish. remedies, but a fa,te,l n,, re- solve the gritty prrUclee that coati with advarac Istlaard'm Llalmstb Caw Dlmtemper.
ata It Is tarrib:e, mndaml lla." he �1Or1 ante Mean a. Wldo thin'
"No; trove,'• ntswarvd F'lorlda, In W witldnw now Tres Nr tis '+• [•a ru1N. Then a i}Biclun was eD oA to them from the b:naL Throw N
E lAh. " It ou haw ■o W be a marked out for torr I said that I never isl gag probably true dot -11 men. ter sh rr,. i 9�TE No 1✓Vly
n[ y std, rWn6. "i know it. I wou:d fain sprolallY fur tate case and two tralu [rIUtT pnrtic7s � ,W tie bin<t• lsowever, oontrlDate w greater sinnre a lJ
pr'M, I doxt't untlenKand why you would lr a prleet And what will have anti Ping:e-beartedly, for hntvus erre nlru cwpWyed. ►!antis alar -said cling W t le walls of that or crime betweesn the ager of 3o &n4 t' • •
should lave allowsl yourself to hsoonve you doP he asked. Masi what could I tbAnk I ` was made ran; but followed month and cru particular cavity. accamulating, filially, In Ila- 50 than either oI the otter class& -
one. We should be very unhappy if I (or! 1 wont back to my Prisons sad now you see how b`rck end tie bella or "swum." Dold's Kidney -
ebunge was notleenhle. Thee may be oat arCaitnaut elUer for
we could tot respect you -trot trust In due �rsr I became a prie■t. deadly a Ib my Ilse Irl, Is Is worse Ylbr Wl:bur rotuulotwt us'Lomerlous; Pills, by respiring the kidneys to or agatMR marriage. &uoordwg W the lKJUQr'ess
coo u we bare ottwu rand how txuW "It was not wlthoct sufflclemt then oa could have Imagine], Ir it rhe IIAt1 lost all mauve of pain, and, proper health, out of( the supply of print of View. Widowera are erpeeh►lty `_ -
we, If we knew you were tet true warning the* I took one order after not t !;% is worse tern the Hae of the although her eyes were open. rite this rerhtrtetrt, and the blarh/er sat proem to murder, loos", false nevose /1
to yourself ht being what you are r' amt,ber, but my atulo'm words. 'What true!left b;sit, for he at least be- stared Into vacancy. She reamed urinary organs, recovering strength ye. and fal■e witness. They stand •• l 4
"Hadlamgella," maid tate prien. "I will you tiol' made nue deal to thou •lievos in himself.•' like one under ter spell of loll geoid. on tike removal of the cause of Irrl- ftM ht alt class s od crirm and their o'i
never dared bel -eve that I was In the wolmonitkar. .All that.y altar post- "Worms far worse Toward the end of the Ilrat ■Ix Antlun. throw off Use gravel already offence■ against property are tante-' ft
smallst thhtg Dec+esaary psi your hap I ter lodger restart or hate; 1 tteemm Lo ••But at leant• dear young lady" mouths occanionafty rhe would part dell sated- worthy. In extestatlan of widowers
pp.nes Is It true, ��tttt,M-that you care have lost the power; but those were be went on ptteou� y, "believe me that her tips ns 11 W algnlry that Bite was Mr. Draper had only been using It may bee elwlmed that %b• los of th►
f day being rathbr this than WastI days whet. my moral was filled with I have the grace to abhor myself. It thirsty. But rite. could not even the pills a week When he was rho wife bads to�eatts� alUsaUm both In ars
That you O L1 the grieved by tattersear, Festw•thtng of this must !t trot much. it is Very Tory little. swallow the light sustenance offer- of a et— which, he says. Is am mind and to domestic affaln anti tis• (..,
any w ions in ask have dx,wed Itself to lilt-" who had but At Lr momethiag. Do not wholly �• AII�N rruaedle• knuwu to ward lar'[e as a bean• In n few days be -eaovs an influence that is evidently l
I scarcely know what you mean. ms ut their charge. I have heard conrtemn me!" Intl sclerae were asst ht the ended- Inured woothm sDualler cue. H0 has salutary In the majxlt d uses Ac -
How could we help being grieved by Uat at onto time my suycnon had "(oanietnn T 01( I am mrry for you our to resuscitate her. tibe was retained butts• and many people of cording to them mLst� the longer
wtat you have ma`d to me Y' grave doubts whether I ought tnlse with m whole heart. Only. why must ,mkt W be suffering from hysteria, the neightorhool hate seen them. a nra.n to -arried the more law-abid.
" Thanks ; but why do you care allowed W take orders. My exau"a- You te!� fate all thlt f No, no ; you are u nervous disease with many strange There Is• there(ome, no roan to Ing he becomes. This may bee accounted ,
whether a pr!est orf my church lows Uon, In which the difficulties of the nut U) blame. I made you speak ; 1 hn►s. The doubt shat Dakt'a Kdne Pella do far snot only by the ken Influence
p gronl,Lwt tihcx:b rat sire 7
h • calling or ie.& -you. a Protestant t eaeerdpUai life were brought before toad• loam put yoareelf to shame.'• triclty &tads Do apparent effect upon actually cure Oravel as wall u the o f matrimony, but also by that fact closet•
It Is that you are merry for tme sae an me with the grratert eWeCdow wits "Not that• deareft Ma la m'{�e" '- 1 her arnl fax a long time het mother, other kidney disaued for which that the burden of marrind life tool• Thy new tied most natal lo♦ has n.,,
unlneppy roan V !t slat T" mavens; I tin ono& hare& hoot b paned would ansy n(Nb'ag taw, O I i oald. Icer famil and tier f luuce feared the �eJ are Ippmats• The case ham �t to the laregeogerr birth rats at that s!y proved to be r swat saner, int ■lieu& n,
" Yes; IL AIr that and mon• I am It; tt must lave !teen In grace tit my tun!*;% W tab away Ue pain that I worst, T Arousal wf0• Interest and friends tea and the fiesaneldl straits of the hvdrod•. Many medical men are vatrtm till.
hats von- It has been mow a pnrebts Is nater In the early years elosat and til( peso"sac• It •hw1•M,y odor
no Catholic, but we +&Fro both Chris drncle. 1 spyrt the next ion days g'- lou- , ;bur sill mohtbe ngo new meth- for Dpdo1's Kkhry !'lila aro dlmr+ovr• ` les. and In every ilereeL Aftrb.inr
hats-" !n a cm%eut, to teed Law u the ro:bf (Jon a alatte W ha%e all th s e.1 on all skis than Lt b later. This Is Indlosted by W tic. market (or over two
p(sn sits were trod by n in•w pttyrlclau 1e.• toss rt, s.w,
5 Ikon Ippollto gave the tatntemt %move- step 1 war about to takes Pam known to you ; anti even it you Pbou!d + the fact that the rot• Of offrapan it" bonuses no lar that that raaratlocturrn
W thu case, which by thin flies had vepn
sent of. !a sttu(tlofetre. t..:.a..� .r Alms _ ag:airac�jtrop� ty (albs oft he wt, with Ove As a double assts ouyut fw ends n.,
k �rlstrtltes rretoh I yadfaml• tis. me"- Icsoome a cavae asalebre line.- wash AIYSTItIa>Y.� Tilt& Fl(i•11RB Pt4lfIC mg amdttg the wrrTad. bO�d'd' .
-"And I cannot Platform to-thinjt,o( ori et I cannot see how I ddin't desp'Am yds: that Isn't roF -Chine years
your � geltsf r 7 circ& weeks there wens no chantge. PoxCal&les•e end i44er I.Irt write w
ag the things !uu must do as was to blame, that I came forth and arae; int � I wt.fi that I could help Then raduall the-Cltloago Csrnolsle
n lost• anA yet hath to tie a xis% ! C 7 patlettt i Lund 800tksache of oke pities Thee• At- lits ODOaLKsa cassa�TOsT ct Mor
lar [ 1 teoelvod ter+ floss ol ale Iso! orders 7(su • rt 1. The grasp of tine-- Jran rand trebed a floe red•ess to It. LO•
It is berrttrk." and In their Uwe the st�andUse Ikm Ippoitio minouk lib mead• "Toa that had held her motionlees-al- HAMM-PON, ONT.
"Are all the priests of your faith third• Pa slot help me; Iut I thank you for nxxt lifeless -for over elebtem Amar the ma 7' WANTED0 -
devotesT" "I was a pr4wt, batt your rompraslloar i shall never for =a glew b Dad a Figur
balsa a nnonitls war grMtually lo•ene 1. I.It• ��p
it." Fie Itcngrlrecl lrreexrlutPl with Br's of ane4rmt alias h.uth oke f res Jl Rgl►T-►ARI% ON TH[ FTRaiT ('Olt
T4ey. caPJtPt It,. Bat ate hflts0 pf - t aL herr% Litton Ll ,�ijrpRtt (fit y oto by lis W tains anti three had a certain atowat a coria ofToewwmko.Mrooa ser .
7 can sot AtQ -0la¢ k% k1a A>f>ytt. ^ ttlt9tt eta gee vn+ JdMI. #t+� 1Se .Jr. ►1 -et Isfysbuty ari9 ssaaedsern attached Wes late sear •alt ��� tssac tttet
coscripts, whom you saw carr fills"t` the heart■- o t falthful
with the m msrtamlge!la Y' ooIII d oke following newess,"s tee/ 1M we1dT1�[viood ler t,artdag• April w
"Oh. 17od /oxD'ti that I should ssy awn last week, aro APgUrh►a sol uilcng, watchers witlt Lo them 4tsv1 v(tittm•a bare been writ -
y "No, we wUl Dot road any more W- 1"Y: Reurca rotors• Uksa ID rowlJge $tI 1Il1►Oet
r thtat. I have knot►n root mtlntoatttatg sucrose I was bound, ns thiey are t,1 to Ler; she was labia to kala o 1?3tlanatioa of their kaeaniae �-
them. That fr!p-n1 of mine In Padun, Any." rhe answered. p hs cvonn•cQcon with the bldtory of men Amend. Out Bell. Avg t, oets•th- ,-• . .%: ��
irwtturl, by an lnexorabb mud In• ••Theo I relieve ou of the aleturb- In trd; sire showed ale knew her Baedlok,N•ilTelephone.robl,Mmorei16i
of whom I tare tdd ori, beanie such evltable law. y rurroundln r rant the wool!• .Aprorot of !him. • cu
and died an en Tlt for Paradlr. anre, madam:ge:la," he loniti, enA at- g anA I& Decnmr etldeut itar■t co:hcltlenne In noted! In the fact Dvttsa.OaL, Advance. Jas. IL 'sag ort% t�'a
Lm "You lave asked a whj mo ter n moment'■ liealtatlsn he bowed that me,hcral ncletnre was gradually wW
i And I suppose U,at my poor uncle Is a a priest. Perhaps l have not toll obtainh the mastery• &kat nearly all tae geewt tDidtt6 din- Pleres.ia Oran,QoIlLOct L . � smwM�wtratereid W wndl
d saint. tar. In Isar way." ou why. bra I lave told you how sadly and www t- ooverbd of retrart tlmee have been Aarptom, NJL. Name. P•b. R M&rak N.
.' Xpur &near t A .r:A .here F Kbe m, with calo fdorwes him Los " ll&A N'Jdr'L has iutpro,r great' In can eadlu3 with the Ice i
1 I tfgtt -i have glrem Toa tJte alight oat- rho Anon. w'th roma ItttM ares nnA lye "sill lin rasa, her mother, raise Thcti+ the fanwus m�tg ase►osai.Oat' JdtvraaL Jew IL-- ,
never mentioned ]Ilan to tr.' R� 3 [cd,l find in 4. K. JOHNSON,
wart event, tart tis processes of mrrctsrnehts o$ 4 demise W keep him Inst tight. •' Althuugh rhe Is yet BwW,W .,w.T hem, fled, Oct>l
" \o," mild Ikea rpprlaa>. After n m mind --rad that L all the,O l ran (:alUornn fell 4t ale year lf3{9. TPm end Oat• ><eke, /elf Ql1f'Lli. Neb.
cerasin pause he ltMc-a wbruptiy. "R'e T from gong, ,pet 166 him go, end an, fur front rew%ery, ter advance years later. In 1819, remarkable tile- ��
tire. orf tike people, my furca lye and do It ,tire guilt tins mane. I have ,urns l isank anA rat aloe& with tier awdle its the I,ut�Ai% Months links hem tl&ayear Paaa Oat, Ceyaf■atlw, PrD L
lin each geurrtU.0 wo la re mrrnglat suffered for 14 L`•onsre ban seem■ W hands root Ids, on the ke w W great that we naw covsly (rf alis rami astral were
have se•texl whewver I bare, y have Resod maria ramultaatsoutiy in Austral.a and Ad/rarsrmoa
Dpot► of the „tynr reason to hope fur Iter utt.tmaM FioCAAADA1t,aADTT11NTco,
to hoemor our Niel h vot'n 1 Brftlali ('olumtriA, ca-e1n a
J lain K-ttampte 1. My wort -oh. f know It return W hcrnel/. 8he doss hot f iters anmUlw, bat r Idgi Aw. 1!!Y wAap 1>
ane of the rear W the Church. ,oug A1' eou%erve, but she ha■ rt•g pined cots- ruwh u( fexLaDe hanterw to those
whit er h :-tam all neva curanl sale!
iI'heu i mv'trm a OWL I used t� divert rte IsoLa{s A Remarkable Tunnel.
myself b7 mnk!ng littb flgut•ew trot alai futility ; my Iwlioes are mlmar- TGe 7wxt mexn:rs; D yt Ii p dial did M•buanc•n Ili a cons4lerabte rk'dlree. Iu 1869 rho fa�aour Cotststpck tale
orf weal sad :sstg lilt L and I draw ab:A• fatturea or contemptible succoomPw- eot c®e. beat :+t the afttvucsou the `.Site will sooat again, 1 hope,, be Iver farad became known b Ube world ; In The new t•lnsel Ruder construction � �
p I have'hnA mT unselfish dreams of rnetman iwought a letter for Mn ovvn sntrt self. It Is naw a tnntter IA79 tJle old -baa IIWk��tttmeti"Iboa
rude mer.er of Use pictures i now at biasing mankind by sane greet din 1'rrvalu, Aorw hid in tAre prieotCs Eng- of buil i u t tlse tori and tine 6 tbe. w, Art arouh.l el tris li connection wkb that sow � ��•
r•.kercb. We lived In the massa wieoa■ t y I.eWville rnndl Tomllrtame. All., began electric epLroad. N to have VaslteJ • •
coxeiry or leavenUar, but my life has Ilwh, betls'rg hM ardul .sten until after Wool. Wo think that ran be street- to attract-ttanttgn, sill 1t, 1889 tiro Do+el fsfure, fu be(m6 liCfited--- >� sf �s
I Ilam sow, set we p 1 wnP he s and �u lserthe kinds s I hatKt ; true the dry of t'urie s ('hrW. up to which ell *lilt careful ntten bn. Of that ('t- in a at Cover Crealt &All In lower with olectvlo 11 hts durl -
my ttsoUter tet mr piny b the small j Zs g g ng tDe pam- pp ��t TT
rhomfsrr wase» i naw ha%e my ma,r for the' tlrtohees■ that I lines txDA hefse'A, be druid be too00cur►hed rhe will runt lack. for throughout Cal fornia became the objmtlTO points mage o[ trams to the day time, when FOA a7diJE.
forge; tU nes aM•bcslo tbo vet, my ktrown Int this hoose, &aid that would for lu %'sults of ordinary. her Illuss she has bow given the of great mellUtudeas of excited and there •re so lights Ian ahs can. et,
would . poet let am despair, It would Th6s ImVter reneart" Yew. Vetwaskir best nursing nay listings, ever had." anziour seekers atter sudden wealth. each stUe of the tunnel. on a level ,
ql the tNrbb fwmuy that ort sita alto n.w be without haps." that Uiey had ant min lir. Fen's fox
wtr►!e p.tlpi.e. 1 ([xitrlrw! aLLsltnr rat An•1 stow n(caht. at fire end of aD• with tie witdow• o>< the Mn, a» • Atrsntarse tsNlaprw Tow�•I�y� «ass.
oxmt amt o it It ; I stuck my pistons �'' I' and Ilse girl. wino Ind three days and alio nxttl to ask h'.m to otter rt@rlute, IdstorY reltsat/ Itself row of electric 1' kt>A anti the train � over L.tm peach t.oco wato•erL,ow of tees
listened w1Ut her prod looks trans- 4'aner. Bao he retorsed an excut4 A YOUN6 GIRLfS DANGER. Dean, Nom■, el,erall" and 7 saw
About the walls. amid I vauged the eros mos•. The rem-rkabie gtrld finds on entering t Manuel tuna &AM"
In the order of wurrh rigrtr'er{ to wn nsp� rat of grlrving rolty. as el lie ens not U. he had W ba•eakfast Cap# Nomr. Poor• on the current, ttliatg the tutsael d ora and 1 anises of tsi&M ney I Wit
puppets Ipperw retcltecl a lwtR aiglt. "Oh. I •un the next mosrs'rng Jrx Use rvgk:i iIP rtovwtl•r mAete at t take tinea of Ileo eca•w %.sores M whit
wt Ur -flour; then 1 Naywl e, any:,K r f ltr•r•kxc in richness And extent Any with a flood of Lght, asst on leaving sitwAalTomelo or tow pe�pmty. Aar
annals. and che.l Uo UN'w all do Miry for you!" who sold, •'more sorry wax ,n open rmhi"d'A>n. Mrs. tm ,in tlih ret (1111"vered fat the Yukon tits- the tunnel• by a s:milxr autnmatic I = Th— -alt-, 1 caalMriw stns&
it Pett y than I know how to tell. But you find herself rowed to ate csrwrwttar How SIle OVercame lt, and trictt. bid fair to make Wile fear IRW awRoh, that trate tarns oft the light,
mother was rt wl,lrw. 'ter must• not lose the rourage, you mnsit Inrsing, amt rent up fray Rrm,t tf rr Bfl.�ed Bar TOrTDentOr • as rentable as ssty !o Ibe ainalm ol
asst W watch arae with tarn In tier not give up!" with anoytlier iov'itatlon to dinner. CTrld nth �-- ---- -- -
eyet..At Iw*t, false day, she br right my ir.at ip o:tto resumed with a awl The pa`ntar nppentvr! on the Isale(mn3' t1t,g�Iasdls's Weekly. To G1nrro a Cold 1■ bN Dry.
uncle, W cove rue ; i rempmis•r it all far anchovy soillel "Tbrsre urs rkubtlesw b the i:sten hkwsom which he wore at Toronto, bec. "til.-)14at Gk Holo Take Ldzatly Broin t alalaa Tees
better than yestorday. •la !t not the t%mVtatlas mmwW tee, Tr false tuner hJ work, and looked down w:tlt n n beta• All deeCatsti refund Ulm money
Lire bet d conditlurw In thin wor:d. burn at the wm'.d' twee(A Yrs. Ver kirk. of ilii dla�tised wtreet; this Bfl0NCfl1TIS C�Y�L V It f►W b mope. aide. R W. Oro'ses
will of God T' site sakir i. My uncle calf- , aK rf&T. M a yo ung lady who fa et- • tune N M sash basic.
ad me to him, and Asked my whether But motaethling -I dko not krow what van for a nuirnout without speaking tli�a
I mttould IIkP W tow n .rlrvst in w whin&; lterhwtav sus mon my crash Then, I'll rims." Ike cua4 gltxsm'ly, eeedinglT Popular with a very ez
1 gocxl tenrlve cirrb of fricesda. all ofwhom A Michi1ggaeon Lady Telt. Now Ren Luce Itrought Them to Time. d'sFlooKPAns,extrak•11ow�•d
rwrnevt when 1 grew up? "Well I o relay motfter'Utnn i, for they were "('(tine with raw. then," returned Mrs, are rejoicing over her roan* a cape Orwgkt" weacorvd rtwreaehut.. A hold, wicked fnan who was being f Mo astir oxee4 Mel .•eel1aaee�d 000kalala
their be able W make an man little only as tam pest halt made them- VPnaSn from a terrib:e o Coaarrbe■.ae War the soawat bevebefwg Dowdy 1■rprlw pour am.eylruisslr
figurer am I Ilke. and to pant pie. raumsd me A.o isPgln' by living n lie, dao "I el,ail have V) keep yea Walt'tuR" The dory npr Leat Idomilb. Lrtd foe mustier wl■tteA very much to �{ see 71 lamer wW is •sot to wv ■o/dnrlw
tarmr, and carte an altar like that fi'(wr not Abe?" ' "I drm't m'nd that, You'll to really (sl her etperintoe 4 deeply tntareeL- gerL tis verduct alo for wanOlwughter, Cando •tlpsrtsge raN. •pat tate �Ip�o�
img. told kt her own straightfor. Mr@. B. E. Kelman, of Itlnkey, It(!ch- at bast, and found means to bribe t1,u4 Pot-ly warrratoa-sad tttw sl
b year church T' I tI eye (ld ve "Y4, yes." e•iuctantiy aaSente(1 tar •n r Te minntesL" ward way." Ilan, mays : our Il.tle daughter tat eight ae of the jurors, an ustraM ulvrtsly °sit ort A -lots >I111Y •
once answerM Utat I slio*tld here 1. Ffordt met trye tpit'vttesr with attach P Bmafet,HaaWata. far/a
nslen•Os tient Ise• fNt hS+ rrwontment Hie M ikon namtthe : "In lAlB I 3 cars was w great surfenr from Bron- stnp!d man.
nal seen fuel wo men W preach to. a" Perhaltrwhio knows'-thnat is why poidtion in a down-towD 3 fie " It carp•'• said thr rlrpetor'a errin- --
tout Jn chiNv, nnA ever ' slight Dusan In ate Bsnr �
Ie. had . anal would not that lie much no gaol haw come d me, nor can come• hats teen a (Rued cepree fur P Yre+e., Wtsifer4 aildreiu.t,
finer T In m heart 1 d►d not think My une:ow piety and repots have of- wh:rh Users was nn Crourd In the d'Ore YT word was rpt uhutsuallt weather r doe o ou very covers rad mei, alto Ald the Alabolknl work . the wayhe sited far('►lMree Teststty, h.■atksa
to, tae' I oianot care for that rt w %lard• brat I moos romi� t road not cads. tAtr &hooter w:tn cx,nwnited, anA aftetr, "to stlek f.sr-
ita aye boat& tale PfflciPtnt ho•Ita Ha Is word He tr'svd W tewAll h'ks twdina your paint. Tho ok4adth, &alkene Ns t+m� o�ws windostia
7 Pre 7 print p point W the oharcls to serve, d outragrx two Ito tun -d noth rtan'd It• sad my bealLh fallMl i tcTA crlttecl snasy dlffereot ttottin of rematrtdmr d tM jo?7 wU1 pmtxnbly �ive v tt• 1 ser Ularrhma Twe•tr
d 10 ; T owl Irked to 1 ach W m Ur h 1 el hu �
paPP&tm lAcaum I had made them. utak T at&eched, and he has had In h.:n mlyd t penitesoe. Thr rrnrt Crew very ttdh, had rp;lttdng bwsd• ince fclne, bus stone of them horemed to want to r V A murder ; bat you can s'o °•at' a h°ttJs
t I •aid 'Oh, yes.' a■ rhlldnn do. &clam■ continually. dlssy ■prlie, and fflre more than tem rary relief. We brio It sown to mansla h
Infinite patience with me. My am- of a'atesugh% hatm'.11ty with which 4e [ ng ter. U yon
i kept as nutriving the toys that I b,itiort sial my AttPmpord Inventions ■he behaTd gars her a novel fasc'•na- ertreme weakness. Yy tongne was then tried a trust of the ocalled errs only (told oat."
Pla7 gra are a scandal to him, for he is a term- , Lhlckiy form]. harsh And dry, ever fox Bionchltl• that one meas so largely Thr corrupted but stn d man
d wdth, and I w n.;Pof W T P' Pro- A VALUABLE A)£QIP>;
bearing It told amrxig my mnw.i anA orf Grasse Ilke the Haly Father, That d vts@t was goon as lits Ver- morning. And 1 arose tired Dad sell- Advertised, and they all turned out to m'nwd to hold out, and dial so ; the
' about the nelgtsborbood that I wall � be.:bve that pill Lilo wickednrry valm's d'nnen alwnyw ween. and there log f w -s t1n11 anal be.-splrtted ail Dr t-oring a d uoWow Alter ro much the )ur Th dict ens lsrught a niter For Coughs, �s and Lung Dlseam
to be a p.W4&, i canbot remember of alto modern world has come from was a complmdrnt to the pt'-nter In the time. dlertorfng and aamiwmm etcpendtare la Uhe )eery load Dlvooaoed for n night
other talk with my mother. and the (!oilcan d science; mT indiffer the prwswons of a fit— * doh. When MY sinter held used Dr• -Arno:ti's fraudulent preparations, we were at togrtMr. do"of y��r teacup tall FL:aesd Tsawlq
say our witia' mbd W know what to db. ' I carried m aoloretlgtre
[ do Dot know how or when It was once W thn {litres of religion b a he star tgafs. " Wdl, Yrs Vervain F.ngllmh Toxkt PIIIs wkh rernnrta- 7 iptttt," the CriCe•
oima4ded Who"nerer I thosughtt orf the what % It T" le aakovd. "You needn't bl' bpntpfK, Awl I Also began to Vrotldwntfully, n neighbor who had taker remarked, as he secretly roe G RKAN BRUST RAT "
natter, I L t. 'That will tw ve r'e'Tou and a morrow to b1m whits take them 1 candid) bent cured bJ Catarrhowmw root In reived the t1D
hough n itp combats with prays& and pen. isretersd that you'ro teens ng ms wee im ovment J state Lhaa hhing stm of Ills Imre. Foorr or Cvo Ilam a day. It never Illi so give
we 1. Thr priests have very little to 1 wdl tar ndtii. You want some Pr hsegwn olmrrst tsam•ll- Ger lnhAlwr, ani It was so pleotwnt tp "'IRie not -o( the Jury wore for An- lrtwedjuse"leif
wl r•em. Hat starve bisalt and gelm `"g ately. Dail i atwetded. till toda I use And gave Reach lrsmMHAte relief giitbal ; but I ht 'em ell over." M wets at all Dresslata •r tear
do and Uwy gain a great deal d tblsW." y 7 teat
the Mer anA ad t that ()od may have list a rem Iebw ov/tnL wa1 at cues Is,� C[1f, Ci•mll, Part lilnia Ont
&nosey w1Ut Ir artarstrw ; dtnA I P
meecy anti tarn my heart to Lire "A'e want netls.'sug Dat that you am In instars hearth, aaA mach
shall be able W make whatever 1 thin s oat whirls loin own Is fixed. )Fie should not nrgbet your Warn(Ft. We stronger tixn I have been for years. ordered. After using It but a short
lite.' I one rouvVlered the office To Dr. Ariold'm E , time the bronchial trouble diari , -
y :oarem soul, taut rpt me. and we bare been nttwly fi%�rted role titre" inglleh Toxla I Ills, P
then An a marine W rAtif Ute tW amA to them alar the em,ut Is t1 ared. The chill's thront hen beers rt, New Im
C J Pas' an scaroel frfetNln.' be tuns days. Dna I 'ko bas mot
�� okra that halo rates w fillet m Mal y � dee." atonal to w normal and healthy nidi- Sausage Ca$�na'8"�tagene b•
7 T Florida continued to look at bap been here em to ;fiat va has some a=- tion• and ahs• now rune about without HM OWN free Will
for Invontkxta and works M pterhan- meso: ire has to gat e,evraRl for Corlwus 1?ver7 girl wrNt weans& who sat- b8hosr ed Antaerus■a Iiog Casitts
taI skill and Ingemult M wlUi steadfast• Cnat'paeviotate ryes danxvr In Mm a "rh�htprlesw
y. y '•lnetha- ••It ,iprtw err stronge, altno.s iib Clnr!Atl. Ae's going to are In the pee tors wt, Ylw 7togokirk Atd. tlftoald ria• P. SnrowT wMther- Basins a n, -I eautNot speak lido as.A ,1= a Vol T•rmaMs
%IDD was purply mm�ular, but i was as y 0AW,"n_r Dr. Arrsolrs Foraglinh Toxin Pllis. wrianething an-thonght of before lining strongly ono the excellenow of MIN -
inevitably becoming a prima as If I srnnve dream," she murmured• "that Cwtarrhowne. We recommend at- ARD'S LINIMENT. It V THE assn-
' is M to Appear with his lining TfipT will !d'm now th nit i health. i
yon stnmahl ase atayhtg alt thin 1n saw, nrrluoev)ne es a pnterltsma rraaM•v foe may In my t:oasei'ol i for bussu, r pr*lnm, tMM7fUt �~ �� � � Itss
had bees bora W De ops." machine, or his portable st ?i Ur. ly re ri F:rtthat Toxin Pllim.
IMn I shout, Sad i do cps k ray. Bmrghiti+ and A In the head. eta., And we. would not b% w:thrmt 1t.
"Bat you were art iorcr"1 t TDP& &elite, Ills aatrrmatb camas& r• ate Holy ntMity Utast sande Alsntfaw Carltral
was no why i should Leve wsfred Jt, any
tiev000ure Dp(xt yon t" fAnirrg;,• •' For sfiteuts 1'• cr4v1 l[n• Vervalna bT klllisag the grrtm Uuat rnuew It. it t. troll n wait)erini mrifrtaa.
E •'Na sten was merely eLn absence, beAm re roach F)osrirla's face an Roll by all drnggistm rat 75c n CATARRH -O -ZONE Jt (un A. Weclonaid.
-•• so far wt, worn roncernev.l. of an Thw Pity tint this •Ir6lnal the ma aan ling p Publisher Arn irx
Urvy n y have horn ve sweet to the mac all clowtrlPA, nnA Ferree mno haste n- bar : sn re a txoz .tic ; or sent port- Is A guar-ntord care for - M Chrronicie• rstRATIrOaq ONT
other Ilia.. i Gly they manna Just- ry ssy thrt ie. dirt rrrt knovw thea ln- poled on rt, elpt of sire h CATAF Rfr. AkTp14A. RRONC111T in Wise Boat of tall et�
i l and wrrmrvll the meAnt kind) whom ilia ,00kw(1 IK HV a em nor- P Y The Ar• Blames.
7• Y T T vontiems were sacred, nth( that le ns:A Chemlral Co.. Llmk«I, CnsaolA
eRntpped her, as le ansae her de- hell oto wish oto blaspheme! them. Life Buil ding. IS KI street wart, (:atarrhosone outfit, consistin ora s' m
Tig pees. i gnw in years anA Ur TouU 'Is was dos to tM trothln nC C -• '� '�.:� p e►oodra �d
time came whm I was to T "You know well h what I Toronto. i Deautlfull S�eett
1�✓ begin m rtudL+v. It we.■ qy Tru that I sii(wLld seeas to yon what meant,' ere! MnVegrvntn. 'Aad �'- IutMr, mutflclWPttlbbllaluldf for sixbtyreek �ells,forods. Our y dem
�'' uncle's inf lutence that placed arae 1n I anti." sow we t oa to w A A n. lmtereetlnrf besets. lam, r( 4 Couldn't Pool Him Again. _ ratrtlod ora irelbs t
the Fem:nary of tJnw salute. "Indeed. you makes me ushara d't Y ltd rvopper. anti full dlrentlonn, prise W.s!�IO'1•F.1tM. . .
duw to look out on the roclamaion." Jd1hn Ball's naval pens -on list it, $1.00; extra bottles of Inhalant• price Visitor to lunatic asylum which IR
avid them T relvt'd biU cure 1 tine at she erlpd with a bin*h. "]t nam seta „ (yh that's what ou want• Is %a.us u.vz7 natrev. '
,seas d'l 7 fish or toe to ast ou io k. Anel J !Sfk. Trial od,11t for lac In estfuitrpoe :rem andergdag structural lmprovemem4
gI St Bs% l was %sot the y mat It? I thought you mere) wanted When a chaineleon lizard IS blind- N, (', i'ulron A CO., Kingston, Out, (to harmles Innittle who Is extremely
• titwvh,gcnl tehr}ow that I bTwd It Dov►. after whet yrw hnvw Bold tn@. I J
waw Vie mathematlea and the'r Wee. am sn Irobiams and I knorw so very me rust to negle t my friends." ioldMi It tomes All power of changing bury wheeling barrow upwidr dawn)- t.s� no.
trnf Arpl Path&, u.d Amo ng the rlaS. KfAlo that d roxn•t ondermtand how " Well, do you call that nleg:ecting .to co:or: Yat ought to tarn that barrow ter lase, b "d�`�na.e�.t' .�
7Jo{•e Photos. other wd
mSo■ I loved boot the view and the to roomfort or to e enter•tgw you. But tbwa?' Denmark elatrDs that thxe is not y upI a ..�ti�atet�temta
ftlil11oelavow Too, i cyan see tlw%t I watts ssrrly you can sosmehow help your. " Mn. Vervain. Mn. Vervptri I a single perso:a in her slomrtla who Artists is France are greatly In- TTarm4a lunatic (knowing! )-I dad
Always amundtans self. Are tern, that seem so stn What a mind Ton haver Is there cannot read and writft - tereated to Y- 0abelle's r•enntl ■n- Twtterday, hot they put bricks M Irl WAiNTCD-OOWa 1f IdOOAi
moo sib end moms d wo. an the P y
fAtoem tti rtatgw of sae at ants �vleed and alit•, }t@t as prrwwrlw a* wt, T n[ Ise yqr want T lie W go Brttlah oeneas reporit o of family aouooed method of prodnoin6 photo- -I'idl Yay's Wistar Aaaasi. yevto sox tN
1t, T tlnnk. Thw used t take w b flamers, after all, when It cams to veal with ye., for @%ample?'• names give for England and Wales graphic pr:sta do which the final 1: sem
lltnard'm Ubitt S%lk t'>tll'em CMAs, 0110. be {� some Aply k it es
Walt -yea la,*o sewn aIle lith erns- !trouble' I/ o turn"- lt'w clort't IrtalwL. Yat can %stens �LA,6O6 Bm!&tee and ;312,1W Jcwtems. umage collecsts o[ nrtallic gdd la the w,ss, T•rery. Osf.
tar" in thtdr pt•4eN gvwttR whioh "I rtanoot answer. I ars mrJ a to the window, And leave us, V you The Splanish are ammig the most rod. purple or Violet form. It tip- - -
the7 P t ppo' y oke," charitable » 6 P A 8Pt6si Patber.
uO ort alae& wntsr Uaw prtrrt," ■d /A Dun i IincolAl 1@t• t)ex%ple on earth. tVlthrw.t Dce tDa[ s d>a,l-kneed ■ilver r!Dt, • • •
school, w'-th w onamplo of young prints Utyf tits eyes drop W the gown that "Thi rlavmtntry b lmleeA uwwt- n kwon tax, t(pvnioh communitls o! it treated w!th mercuric ohlorlde, bee- !Pell, Idlss Emily what dM (oar Virginia Homes
at the rowed (d the f'4me-aid ands for fell about hits Ilse a women's skirt,. peetwrl•" replied Forrha. "I'm really fifty thousand self -supporters real A caeca blsaobed ss far as the silver papa say whom you #,old him that i e
.an unrmmgom phrasal'% they tarn m "Yee. but a ferMswt shtouMbe a man, Qnite onwfxthT o/ )t." (sanp@r popalnt:ova d fire thoasaDQ 11r imap b ronovereed, anti the »mato_ wan& to merry yon t'
to tine aremwi. and Int tr use the alilp- &rad at) nmrfr moxa• : a priest"- Re was coling o n with the baAin- morn. in6 6014 lmage may bat rand, pugple or " RD @wys that When lie hits to pay Poe towit an aw so t vtwu c)t laedt sea
ya s &rant till, morwm. Y'oe know the Ion Ippdito shrugged his @)soul. ate customary between Mrs. Vee- ?tore than 40 peer cent. of the people violet. The purple, Violet and red debts he ga.ito to c eat• them h'm- �.�ater, cunmta• r4mwo a, pprroodducts. tmarrs
•wdn end hlmasli, when Florida of silt." me*'" � of ��'�1tur�V&t1s meta• Ns b
al titItgv that en there: Thr does. pro Gnat BrltAln molal not write their i+satMw to which til• `ol•I Ir d a state I ��,•ad���,�, okeaiR4liN1A , RYIa Mvajh
1leaw and the guar captured from the "No, not•' criM Use Irl. "Your own iw•tlort.-• ^-+. -_ tams when Queen .Victoria aura, tied of di►Won, Wit" probvbly omens- water b the harrtest of all mOD terl►v�wswathe s°�w
Torte : alts setrattgw waspom d all srltwenes have a)1 iwlLf you lay; then " Mount, I ' tahtk we abuse Mr. the thrones. NnW _blt1Y 7 per cent, of pools to the condttien of that metal otKnomR to brat, with the darCla etc• e.,�,��
dw'r ,o; %tie feersovr wn:,to of At am. I way do you think of becoming a priest Fords' kledtsees•" the population nn in that condition. im the purple Precipitate of caning. eeDtkstt of h ( 6�. J'ARMER Me `'"Whim la
came hock hofftairaird; I wept that I to rm!l&y, and getting tie there ' f know It, %try dear -i know it," in 1815 the dweadwnee of Ireland •n not obtained is all caws. If the Y Mew and Iwad, wb16h1•
tiaystfwa�kh• cheerful) began In earnsirt, sod It ha■ k t u sit d I are t sampol
plad"�BtltTcvv►ttrowwa'k mrrt M Is sash w rw;Nmg It Is tin- T Aayntw,l Mn. Vervain. wD P priahwre toned le tba u■naf otspants •est h y�
the bei 1 coa►d to,maert-w art de. tPusde Caller that i ■Mould venture to my " it's perfectly shocking. Bat what ever mitres. In that year 0" poDttl&- b■ti•, It oat intrequiently happows mame, footing, rarpeot ern nearby t%e p : R a
nn I*vttat:on wlnkdn tIM arraTel of sine enMi a thing tar yoe, at,ad tt mast maim Arw we to mint tow mtvt AtthsP lo,rrte t'dt 1 we@ A, 9!5,061, tl,p high wataw Its•% a crMrsa hleeki+h-Draws pavreipt- r,jp
of the awthtvw• galivya tuns aug[•stwtlt premumptuoum load rddlou me for mp, body's kindnows.'• mark. On the SDth of Inert Jute It tat• of Cold npiacow the silver of the All false prncrtt[rw ADA rt(twet-tleae Lhr r
S^ j to rase. They Lead k-sv,ao'rtt Ons Inn • Pr»twdfise&-6uR roar w• •are mo " We had tetter stay at home. was 4,5111 til, the iqa `at, and It fab oke taw fol lb are stere odlowns than arty wast or �
«TK'*RUd 0sAtr'ts• y IelAeet over kuowi [ 1 ML 7. A
of lour cT►n ��. dl[duetst."-Bhp pwrtseA. re:orls6 T'd mnrh rather Drr: go," said the RaSwtwn Poldlq• ssp}tirA with txmDi,sd tenth that the g01A dataot d ktpwbrtje eaR bee,-Bptat. (;frank.
r. In Patel, w srhoel-any U,P,y rnrrwQ'mp dwsp�y then rfmtroltwd herself, and girl, trPmnboN handitereldele at i espeop d Hr is ebtelood, la ttwb &slims th � w
wWt my cautr.van" but." tlswaapsy. 4d4sd with CnTo o-mponerv, • Tt yon " Why, Ito t"nM." mM Ti'•rrls. Aevwrttwent. ------ -- less deep purple, .t}sltlt and — -
lor. a lot alsctl k'+alit 1w% ,.--- - ,.,.•t
pray"- Crn.rl "I've T"T aewry If yoom'vw >---_._- �
' be AN� stn,' wn'A 1 grlowWy 1A tNiM tw -.
_ rq 'dot yea w`wh •�# wink, slmdatoliCa')n " aat:PA the mbmusr &karst mt N'wa t.'nrN •! �matel,a
be. w pr pct T' 'N,tepty, rwrrtr(Ne4 father.' et Mom the analog. in roan- flldhet
T , itsteb, maAy'/. 7 iwfxV•ialrwt tAs 1v►ven- RrV TT .1..tllLar' . my@: sail-, 111asrd'm I.Iwlmwot (turas Owr6et h ,
I wnrwloreA 'n Alarm. 'w'I nor►. "Tq w { (" ata erk"ed, opening tOW, nRd 1'd like very match to Cbt►a
osaseP t4l~ tht.cRs are not fox rw•Iwstt M*n•s NprrlHnmo ,w tM only rOeMdJ -- .. ---
% Thw!r th stn mart ItP u her eyes fu'1 iprwt him " Tb (lint 1" ks eek on wlfh MR." ever f(wtnA M tktit(ttlhg Pnsir h to hot
"� 1'"s' �tt� Dan 1PPa:ltn awde an answer. $e (To be Lsostinsum,) sR p Ont- .lfare i 1111ort.
thbolisr Condlipr well of It• my Maty hatlVc, deed toil an low n _ my rhonmmtbsh fn the nest« *(-late
Whille thVrw Im tt"w bM Aleut whet wow enl+hlo f hnvw toMel It w porton euro, The Rentor Bear amp. 1 mart tell
yet long An •aid► wed that sib min, d keno tis momrdotaI tea- you �rring to Pall your And ran twoolnumd" It A• an IuvaInohim yeo the worat yon can't possibly n
+�y;�r`` 1M a,AeatssA ons, a locg wnA tirlrFe&1• any. DPW otfllre building i" '•i think I'll rail )Kmerht tyrrFsdy. it de. tliyv grrwtnil ro%@t.
7f ",• . l[a(ouae. Balm &-'v 1'j rod A co es was •• Ytos awls= wr»rO*a rn#," ah„ said, tt t?W 'Pedal.' on ner" nt of tis rest- do MmPAf of LIM TDr f, «DL_.T>,a% @ * fay f(� tr T', HflVe fl �f E1L EARNED REPUTATION.
to enter Tlw wsa w std and castC•q- b',rhiwg w a t NA not meas to tlnnevl s&rx1w." a", end there. M p
" .. Vrwia and aff"MNmate man. but rwary wovasd ynwr v In every drop oK It- It twing• rum- fiv«1 a hit longer i Ph"lafd hav,, morn. --
I ,ray wood full rks htlrwrig fine in ray ly-rt. i Mew hw.n ve� j ti a (\tt►011e. TW dKevv7tore of the Itrink of Et to tate weary wnffPrPr tops& fall- Inter a fortune; ae It 1#1 I hwrwn't n
AlM►old he tools day 1meRptayLhlai I lam,A te tp,v� asA intrn-rte. MeauttPnl hnr@ eutivorlhPd a100W a" ►Nur wttwwMA the awn orf lover} t"�t, so r*Y Y"ir with. I- 4 (orf I �T �xMIMAT In T1) llltW1111,M 51thRof •- LeAiA To
aria tAtnrt it &AT piig the opajs tes"esb.rwA tha4 to tiro• t'o%n*Alwn 1'wttiotir Fend. kan, t,e�aart1I� NerVlllow M an Ahrr% Tttw Po^tor--W-il, now. okwn't give"t+
of blot MA oto. it 14R.S. "t our (thea@ itive dbttwrart tisstlrg Most? total gift for trap lotseere for ail fdmedro/ R hope. Wo'll try M mend Tole. Wo'Is I MD NE61JLIL
ki tnadry the ebal4wm h1•aa--tka� tkP stale"- parpo«w 8117,.",00. n(fNrest, or iresLm 1 • intarwAl, try•-Illtrtraw BIN• ,
!v 1
e -
' r 'y
`, r
- - - __...- .. --.._ .. - ... elle: r .. tCv _ .. .. • _ . ',s.
t - • r;
Now Spion K
-- .Lost by
Boers Declare
Driven Fro.
- 1 ,
The Retlredoemt Was Effected W
i,soo British Were Killed I
Great Rejoklwg on the C
Newspapers Take Oloomy
Thing Tbrosd6h—What '
Muddler River—Oes. Rot
that Capture of Spba Kop.
lAsaddsD, Jan. P.B.--The follpwh
the tex�of a dspatch from Oo
fytller ted Sp•arman's tramp, 8
day, fan. 1:70 6.10 p ue. :
"On Jan. L'Osh Warren drsove
the enemy and obtained powlerL
the souttern crest• of the high
land extending from the tine
Adan Hums &ad Humger's Punt
ter wonefp Ladysmith hills. I
then to Jastsdrry 115th he remahl
close contact with the enemy.
"rim, enemy held a strong W
oil A range of small t(Wjes rtretc
from Dorthweat to soatheass n,
the plateau from Acton Hd
of ori h Ky1on Kop, to the lef t
•'Tar aactai l podtbr held was
'Wtly tradable, amt did not lend
ae f to an advance, as the gout
rkrF.9/ wen p steep Lhat R'e
could not get an effectlre art[-
position. and water supply was
: 11t-.11r9lasyllr $a4xK1.. aelarge[ tc
nttac BP a Inn hitt
deed, a mountain, which was silt.
ly the key of the punitive, tut wt,
na(sre acoesdlbte from that north I
she .oath.
"Ott the night d Jan. 23rd! he
tacked 8plon Kop, %sat Lound It
difficult la boid, and Its perlm
was too Wigs. and water, whioh
had been ld to believe existed, in
. xtraeardlnary dry wares was t(
t„ ie very deficient. '
"The erste wen held all that
:.gnimet seven attacks wad a Ins
«hell fire. Oat mists (ought, with gi
' I would 4mpeolally mention the
,duct orf the Second Cameroalans
the Third King'a Rifts, whosuppea
rile attack on Lite mountain from
r+teppmt side• and, In each ease, fa
t heir way to Use top, and the Bac
I.nncashlre Fusulen and Beooad 1
dll—K, who MA talfleently MAIDta'
clip best tradtkotr of the British ni
throughout the trying day of
'1th, and Ttaorn,yeroft's Mounted
h.ntry, who fought thrughsut
day equally well abigeide of thel
' (;km- Woodgate, who was In r
mpind at the summit, Itawiog t
wounded, the officer who stcose
him decided on the sDlilgght of Jan.
to abandon Ube Poitioo, and did
biers down Jan. eAUh.
''I reached Warram'• camp at 5 a
,tit Jan. *-'5th, and decided that a
dad attack upon t4pton top was use!
noel that tie tmemy's right was
Ptrsi6 to allow. me to forme It.
Accordingiy, I decided to wlthdt
the force to the aooltb of ter Tug,
"At 6 a. m. we commeeesd wl
drawing the train• and by 8 a. m. J
.8th (Atindny) warreD'e force t
c0110"Urated south of the
without the loss of a mAn or a phot
of Storer,
' The feet that the fares cou.id
withdraws tows actual touch -to to
rases that I•+ee were less than a th
-nil yards re art -with the enemy
the E"nnosr Lt did, iso, I think su
drat evidence of the me. I@ of
troops• and that we were perlwA
to withdraw oar eamiwoss os t
mule trau@Pwte across the raver,
Yards broad, with sp-foot banks• a
a Tery swift current. uomoicetm,*
I thick, pproof that the enemy I
been t seg h t to respect ter sol die
4f [ poavere."
rhe deer Areoeat of the Fix!
Tn�elr Cesup, W� er Rp JssULI
At four ocloek thin morn; ■o
Vrybeld burghopa, 10ratlag the a
pilot$ otm the ittheat tills of the .*
hop group, ed lnto that longer a
n•tincicg that that Hritirh bad tab
Spino kop.
Reimforeem•otw were summoned, 1
noshimg could bs doss for some tis
as the 6'!1 was envelopd !n mist.
At dawn titers was v sign',fics
"Igo, the Kartre naming to tie
kraals from that iills.
Tstrgr•pbb feeamunlea(lon wtli t
bald longer was also cut off. At do
Mght the Hsidelbwa Sad Carolina cc
t Dgeuts, who ' were •e, pltetestr
roeaayenoed the almost. Tien ars tilt
Pprurs, satins vt•o�eetioas lasing t
Gioorrr POOk m, Qp thew -tie burgbei
Inavim their burning rat tb 11yalt bel
of recats, asoerd�
It the summit tbw �d tl
llritkh heavily eveltrPnellmod. t/tstwe
the British trenched and tMe Bo
mrnmandng Hero was a stretch
"peas veldt. which had to be rum
ad under a heavy rule. lydldite, &a
ahrnpnel lire. Idaanwhtle twv ran
tier of burghers anoaaded the out
two Opera, revered by the Fr
Atate Kropp, vro sans ar
IHnzlm goer• "Its Brklsh trod
rush theta, lea= their Infantry fl
nee hPfore a scythe. The firing co
1.Inue.t with rmdtminiahed fury, ti
!!oars wAvanetrt6 mtop by DW net
Via" a wink* tat we. displays
I►pnetNr50 British In w,vt,,r lira
witnt to the �rj "�' Wel
Th" "airlmd" of the rust of tt
•untm►U wom still Prtsrwding. Tt
MM of Llr b -Auk m were tleafeoe
f'y taw tmuw'wj(wm amntsooks" A
"Inighit the Bttthrh htlao*Y tG
vanes. of thieh the ear)imv. ~
Krol feud ttwo tet %het
ppitm'r k oli 11111 `ilii
The objet of tie brklah tree i
�air aammlb of thaw sir
!w all a�o b �1>IrlsU► th
bvrCwrt wbn ware a g tt
lshohaa, K"lr ware shoe dee►
�wr 0nee namm��otm thio Uthe rgatP
Pre flll,si auto olatlrail •estat e-'
their � f o,i 00 . e.t d„d
tee baP4 ►.'v 'at s tJ+
bfMtnwT N itis 1 w -, .
WI (lame os br �"; ,.AA
9t, Beek t 1 .'s ra+.�.•�
Until"PM iktm1 s lt•
SAV$ - .
1 ,
�,� r - .