HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-02-1, Page 4t / t 4 ltelrne•te Feb. 1, 1900. E. B. a. M. H. A New Departure: We have acted up • studio in the rousse over our Music Store, &ad made rrreagemcnt• with the following popular Teachers to meet their pupils arxtive inetruc woo in connection with our Music bummer : F. (:. F1MPSON, Orgartlst and Choirmaster, North tit. lite$hudiet Church, Piano, hpe Ores and Harmony MADAMS WALL, • Voice Culture. Mllii LAURA ACHESON, Violin. M1SS E. 0. Flsl::: t, e:uitar, Elocution and Pkyeitrl Culture. Por tonna and further infor'ma- 1.100 apply et EMERSON'S Bicycle & Music House West Street. - Oderloh. ghee Oiottah, is PV.{a1mso RIMY THUI*IDAY MORNING IMT tat. stamm&SOMMIT 41008100. THUItBDATt,/*R 1. MIL COUNTY COUNCIL war. ea11tr. ei Ismer. Attu.". es Wardes rr the ease Aims The meaty ounce yet fee Ms regular Joaary swim a Tuesday .flernom of 1e1 week AU the memben were present. Mr. Tarranoe, of Stanley, who at the 450 of the proviso' mune was 111 and we us- able le attend, woe heartily greeted by hie .. _.11O11 .,"dad 1 *11tINNIffil.148N!,IIMNW f.0esims to mare Ylw The fine eider et beim, was the am Me of • warder for the year 1900, and as u epos rote la IM. elmtlea is now pre srtbsd by statute then promised to bean Iatr etieg o0.{sel Thr promise, hewcvee, we sot fulfilled. Mr. Pacoima moved, o.00.dd by Mr • (:"sally, that Dr. R.111•s (Exeter) De warden. Mr. Ken moved, se000dd by Mr. 8eeart, that Mr. Holt ( (Jodiriob ) 1. warder Hal se hoer Is allowed for oomio•dou, dad as the 000.etllore waited for the time to aspire they began to talk about the e dv{sabtlfty of making an &grommet where- by a Grit and • Tory 0koald 'innately be choose as warden Fussily Ly f stsodies vete they an•olmouly agreed to make this omvse.t of pesos, and it remained only for the two nomt.ee to dmide wbiob o1 them should seorid, Mises . The cedtdat e refnd, and upon tbeir return to the moe1l chamber Mr. Holr os omoad his w tthdrewal. The (desk deelyd Dr. Roues *looted, and the latter, barium aka the ,bur and been duly swore to by His Honor lodge Meson, thanked bin fellow members for the honor they b.A materna upon him. It le u.d.ntood Dr. Rollie' le to retire from the ooaned at It. sed of lb. present yew. ,Mthere. MoKwan. Connolly, Holt, How smut and Mum{ were elected a immutable te stets• the et ,dine oommitt.ss for the year, and 1,0. coattail adjourned instil Wed beed•y monag. M IDN "DAT. The follow:se coma amosnour wen placed before the mutofl From N. Robson, .3. t', lionises, 0. W. Holman and A. H. (,octan.., applying for the office of 0000ty auditor. Preeminent of the ;trend jury. Referred M the county property oommitt.e gram Robert Gardner, emnt0ry of the :south Huron Farmers' leatttatw, re par - obese by the wont of a steam roller. Seat to rad and bridge oommltte. Ctrou1.r of toed Reeds Amoolttes. Bert to rod &d brides oommltlm 0iroalar from the Canadian Patriotic Fed Awod0tloo. Frees The Ifaokip•l World, s.klai the mime to renew nWcriptie.. Regwt from (tonne 016. Amoolodoo for great. Yearly statement' of the , ,Oderiub, (Aeras sad 8mfort i (',chelate ledatee Oommitmmt of Jebs Let..e to the Io. dualist School by 0. Power; er; police nego- tiate. eshMate. ' All .1.1 to the exeeotive eommitim. Cheater re men sffeotive nettle guards for reliways. Mem1 to 'motel oommIH... Report of Trustees ArOooatloo, and re quote that the musty appoint ems or more delegates to attend mistier, .1 A.o {.tion. Heat to Warming mmmlttee. r,A st•Mme.t of bink *lames on depoyit and • lame number of 0000ants, seat to the Beaus committee. 8.ver•1 school petition., referred to the rdaetion tem minee. A report of the proceeding' ot Judge Muses, D. Robb, 1. P. B., mid Mora' Gregory, Mahn sad Drs .well, arhltretete 0ppoatd by the ceased lam December, re wheel eturtens boundaries is the tows. hip of Hein. The alidtr&tore were tumble 10 make any sehrd is the matter, ow of to • teasels•1 objnotlee entered by mask' rate- payers et the township. Thirteen petitions from different ports of the oust, &eking tin outwit to lrnr.•s. Cho liosom fee fear hawkieg and peddling. All Bert to th• special onmmlttee 11. report of the striking oommfbtsc we adopted. 1ellowing gee the oinentittne.for the yes : 1. RImIDTItI -- Yemeni. Holt, MrRw►n, Kerr, Hays end Torrance. 2. 8r sof - 1tMea; Holt, NCEwan, Kerr, Hays and Torrence. 3. ftMADoe- Moserm. Cook, Miller, McLear{, newt end McInnis. 4. Rnranarrow - Menem. (sok, Minor, . McLean, Htuart and Mannim. • 14010 •pw Mews, ynell, fwlh4r.nn, Bowman, Connolly, Chamhsr., 6. Oeeltrr Psoriaty - Masers. Hnell, Pattered% Bowman, ()potently. Ctmnrbew,. 7. Ry4ALtogllo! 1 h whole ooanclL 800 WADostr'WQaMMrtras- blows. Holt, McLean, Patter.da►,pd Rtwtru,. 9. Holum or Rerodh aMeennm. Snell, Ne- iman and Connolly. • Moved by Mf Terr.se. *11,sded by Mr. Connery, abet the warden end sleek DM.0orl.lte the Local I•gieleten so to amend she Meelapa1 Art that .11 mealeipel masala be sleeted for • Mem of twat y�.t�j amid Meet* te he bald ail ems Um. mA Sem as Mort los for moiety see.elilere ; end Moe that the Merit seed a spy of melt seemeriel to the elute of On d(Uem.t sa.sties is ►'SI. Pr.•Isre with a thew d bowleg thole oe eparotle. le the metier. Rat be the twig eemwtitlos. A newest fir a groat M the Pastimes' Aid Amml•tlee wee seal to the ":"mire ememtte se Ae .ppUmouee from H. W. Ball for the pe.1Ny r onto, auditor wet read • pentose from lenthe°. meaty re ma. mttmmt of v*rris4, sod muMgs the -swami a mesma Tire etlie MMeted, weeramrod t• the Mtlll.es a rrlineaps b pe441stpr .. r .,site. rit'Iti• .. . ,`. W. r • were e.► te the spatula messalleser Z ping from the matter d Godertab. the sea.dl te take charge el the pwii4e armed Me oaten Yeas, was rem (erred te dee MN►y y.mssitese • I M. tree beard 1a , l.re.M M Mee slatfm Nr d.mwsas.ade by GM. H. 0111 en the December ..solos. Masa Damao and A. M.D. Alias walled Yee the ,usa l la referee," to the eaalerea4 p11111.•. placed before lose menet asklbll foe ea Worm« of the pddleri homes fee, mad premed a the eoaaoU the ed.Mobtltty of asrwtaa mob tee. Theeopy te .f Moore. To and Robb, pabin maned laspeotere. sera referred be the daomtlea aemmltt5. To. tu"m"or'" report wM "met Se the demos committee. The r.wlple sed im- otheettaree for 1899 were as follows "scenes. Baha" from 1898.... $ 694 38 Oo.ary raise 34.975 89 Lo.d to 321 30 Registry alai 1.194 76 RelemjMcs sl W$1 166 4b Iaterel acme* ...r..... 166 48 8akle" feeds 3.969 07 3,000 00 Gau4Mi a de".... repaid 66 00 Division Cart jury Toad 28 22 Admiot.{rauon "risottos 1,738 11 Gel e000aat (P, uva.1al treaserce) 227 66 Lionise .... 1,072 00 Schools 1 Provaoal Cremator) 6,673 00 Re -le and 4Wgeo 40 00 Indoor:•1 11e..e 362 67 Bol Mtsbk task..... 164,483 98 Iilttsestevag•. LeaJ les ... .. Kigletty lam 96 66 K.J..Ia of Med. • 156 46 la terra seees.t 96 48 Submit foods 10,417 41 Ceos,4lee' advance" 73 60 Division Court jut y feed 184 20 Admlautraties el lutists 6,920 48 Gaol woouat 2,289 61 Sobool. 12,268 73 Scheel m•.•gemssl . 2.269 97 Illesellanems granite 640 00 Municipal rensramest 4,174 46 Stationery. .to 817 00 M1,llaeose 67 66 Cooly properly Lunatics and obarids.,ur Roads Sad bridge" Home Soloing on hand.......: $ 606 89 6,9'i3 lir 4,516 40 596 33 Total $54,403 9b 1he omety'e detentes* Inabilities are $73,000. The available sembe to meet the mine are : Mortg0e, 116.466 ; credit baleen denies fund &moount, $4,096.79 - bowl, 120.661.79. T114. road and brutes o.n t "sewer sob mimed sealers which he had received for the proposed bride" 00 the ioundary line between the township" of Morrie awl Kash Wawo.wh. He hod elm providedfor the propo..d sew dwelling at the pj. iiarlag the year 1899 be bad iem.ed orders to 1bo amount el 16,302.01. The report was Gest to the road amid bridge oommlttee. Gaoler Griffis reported the followu` as s..•fiaod 1. lobs,weft g&t ce Janm•ry 23rd: Roberti Wallace, Tuok.nmttb, vagrancy ; John Porker, Mitchell, retrain, ; Jobe Wilson, Hamilton, vagrancy ; (Tarim Miloheti, Torten, trespass cos G. T. R ; Thome Foley, Tomato, veinier, ; Harry tVestbentd, (.04"0014, ismllty ; Jam DoyI., 8t.phee, lumpy ; Charter Alexis - der, .Montreal, vagrancy ; Mary Wells, Gderiob, InewoIiy. The report we tent to the ,,achy property oommittee. A Mslemest from eosins rerelror O'(Jbi- sell was amt to the fioseoe oommitt o. The groom &moue of fest earned for the year was 15.689.55, as molest $6,341 21 for tM previous yew. The dhbareeo.ot. for ,Leics/ •"d.toao., stationery, eta • were $1,039 19 ; ,acuate paid county treserer, 1133.1 i and $5N4 91, and the not amount e -s ived by the reglsl,.r, $2,938.32. A pumber of nomin&ttose for the poeltio. of 0udllor we.. no' n by m..olllors. Janne Soott w.e appointed to the board of trustees of (Mobs Collegiate 1seUtot" ; Jams Mutt, of Soots Bros., to the board ot Beaton') Collegiate latltaa, end J.14. Aoh.tom to that of Godertok Collegiate In- stitate. A Dumber of .embedsss te the board of minty •1►mi0,e were seat to the •41006 - floe committee. A motto, that Iso usul grant of $.300 be made to the agrioulter•I and horticultural .00t.tles to the county was tent to the executive oemetttoe, a were also motions that the rnet grants be made to the pablis libraries and the Farmers' l.,dtutes of the ,00ty. Tb. octtnoU thee adjourned until un day moraine. TRUM.DAT. Six tend , for 0.001y pristine were shoed before the mason and referred to the executive oommllte - Geo Hill was &gain hod relative to damages sustained by him se SemmrhlU bridge. Moved by Mr. Gook, .eooaded by Mt. M111r, that after hearing Mr. Hill, Mr. `(nell and others in reterrpDe:to Mr. Hill's dams",, whsle the bridgea hie pr.alam was being bell{, we ignir. 14,11 126 In full of Moved in amendment by Mr. 0o.solly sad Mr Hays that Mr. Hill regimes theism of 130 for damages. Soot to exmatlre room- mlttee. Philip Holt and W tll1m lose were ap- pellate,' &editor" of orimuol intim se 001.11. A motion that $10 be granted for the porobose o1 Sowers to he planed armed Mb noun house emu ant to the "'worn" ee.0mletes. The report cf the impostor of the how of range Lr the year 1899 toys the following seatMMa : Total somber of inmates admit- ted vase opening of home. 1801 aomb0r of {.males - o. 1s1 of January, 1899, 84 ; som- ber admitted during the year, 1oo1edi.g oro re edmltl.d, 22 ; numb.r lot deaths daring the year, 13 : somber atm000ded daring the year, P; number diekargd daring the year, 9 ; oamher of Inmates re 100 of Jaen. ar7, 1900, 82-52 salol and 30 leasable Of the twenty two edmltt.4 daring the year rose was from Ashfield, two from Cdbors, two from Oederleb tewmebip, ose from &Maley. three from Ueberee, two from Hae, ase from Hallett and eae from Howlett, thee from Goodrich town, two from Clis• toe, oma from 8.0ferth, two from Beene (Inoladt.te me re-dmitted), aid one from 817th. ('mese of pauperism - old age 13, ekkew 3, lajory 1, wekneo of total!' of 1, elm (pry, 1, paying patient 1, parslyes 1, destitution 1 Nationality of Inmate. 0d. mit bed Aortae 1899-Rapload 7, Rootl&d 4, Ireland 2, (load& 6, Ormany 3 Notch*, of d&ye beard of Ism.tes, 30,606; number of days board keeper'. family .ed help, 1,096 ; average .ember of flimsies dnrinr 1894. 83 85 , wl•h keeper'. family and help added, 96 86 ; fetal •xpeed Mn ea hs,.. and 9.0.0,$4,606.84 ; add value of prm slnwa sad feel se Wand let Jan , 1899. OI 046 61 dd'tme per meat, far dependant" of howl. mean $64 48 ; beta impositions, $6.617 83 n.dsel .rpeadttsre oe hoes., implement abed, site, er .•plt•1 .0.00.1, $408 07 : ea masted Ismnaee, $91 : pnrWea,prsdnsr, new sloth sad he rl ee heed. 1st Jemmy, 1910, 21,306.83 : ptod.es sold darts. 1899, sed samor forst$.. $919 17 ; ronved free =pities* p7 50 ; WW1 &meat 112 072 67 Amea.t .spaded few asgert N am0tss, 13,546.16 Aware* pee lemma per day, Min mole 1 average weakly .opus" per .seals, 8106 mete The ee,owtite,no 1. the Mule al* Inrm 00ase.M aro se fafls*w : Hired INN fel beam rd farm, $p6 1 mot, tem rad len plemw•M• IA6: sambas.-lbapan•, heaps, &A .t01.es. 1637.60; phyatelinl e•.ry tree. 1.496. ... a. , .,..••n ..riF 4aT«.,.: . r An .,e.•• - rear „ THE SIGNAL : GODERIUH ONTARIO oeuat.1496.07 ; leaden*, erpeaese.$$93.101 betel, $4,606 84. The topee we referred to iM boom et name osiomterw. To. repos of Dr. Mum, pyalMae of the hoes of refs" was amt M the SUM 4111m• mitts 1». Bb.w reported that Ib. s..... .1 th. thanem d5abbs d.rtu* the yea were M f.tl.we ; .pllepsy, 1 syphilis. 1 ; iev0- lost. 1 ; old see, 3 : br.;koe hip, 1 ; meow el "*w"a"ke 9 , dysentery, 3 ; ,Wade.. 1 h.xwpttea the Memo saw MN stone tots of the red we emeety-Mee., en bowleg mooched the age el 101. The dseter reported that the esoomm.d•dw we Lo... g leo mach limited sad Noted W1 demo remedy meet be prvtd.d a the Warr Marlels•s• Th. aommlttee •pp.ated to repose he re, pad to the Wows's* es the o.e.ly bu114. *is repr ied rhes the I.s.ra oe we a fol. HIM : an ho..., $.12.000; p04 wt• 111., 810.000 ; boom of ref.ee. WON; Solt' tents .f hem of range, $91000; b.ta ocs industrial harm, $660 ; "retest" of 1.504, $300. The potions aro held Is the Leedom, L!v rpeol &ed Glob.. Ilea:anti* 1.d Gore oomp0.les. The report was loot to the ooe0rJ property oe.mltte A leder Irmo Lt Col. Viro.e sakleg • wane el tweet, Bye Dote • day tee snob etas et the mal •sweet training is eam1 the 33rd hett•U.e oma road sad L►C.L Venom wee /mead 1• "uppers of the ngomt. 1'he laner fees tsIerr.d to the exomMve eosemltte. Tb 0o0aeil proceeded to .1001 tem. ands. fro from the tu11ow*ag noot.wag : Mors. Robes, Holman, Cachru's, "Jaren*. Hee., Spoe,Martma and HalL Kot.., resolved We votes. Holman li, Coehr•e* eight, CSer*k thee., Her five, Hpe... four. Ball two. The mrd.. declared Mr. Cesium' el.otd, sod o1 the vote for lob wooed man Robes, received three rote, Home. three. Corrkk two wad H... 55ve.. As al* one bed • majority of the voles deet, .sathm rem we M.14... Helm•n weenie. sir vete, Carrick me and H... eight,. Mr. Hwa was d004red 'looted. A motto. tette no 0w•1 grant of $95 he Mad* to the Teo►ro' 1mMt.tr t. 1b 01ssp we mut M the 0xeentiv. ewmatltew A malice that the 'nano 1 release hem the wartime siva by Joho R. Helmss as .oarity for the empty treasurer a poun of noun land le the tows .r Reafr*, .1.. Weise three some, was .et to the once - see 0wmittee. The warder. clerk &d Mr. Holt were apooumd 1 1mm.itte to revs .cd Dara& the present slanders raise wed mantises far the crusty of Harem, be earrespe.d with •mesdwt. to Madam etherw1., their report to be made to the 7sse s"et"s of the mimed. Tho oumoil them Jimmied midi Friday moral y. INet'RR•D. 601451 M1rone. '"U. Robb, erotic% iiotert4 tsrlpaeede1* Twit Harm, reported as follows (;1Nrl.atigN, -1 1•ve the honor to sub -- mit my animal resort oo the state el public epbool daeadm In the IMpeotonte of HW Hone for the year 1899. eiCJ1uVIJeore1, Derng the year a sew brink schoolhouse woe 6alit 1s 9 8 No. 6. Grey, to replies the olio bared down loot water. 11 out about $900. The tom was mverd by le- eeranoe An exultant brook •oboolbem ef modern design with bodement, faros, wad ,,$tote in every particular was built a 8. 8. Nu 1, Taokenmito, .t • son ml $1,400 A bas50eet with pine fi.oe, rare•os, .a , was pat under the brick enhmlhoeu is 8.8. No. 9, 'l'uckers:math. No schoolhouse should he "rooted without a basement for me as • faros,, test and oap-reem, sod es • playroom for the jaehr popnt' duras wes and surety; wether. Darag the prcwot sea brick so1.0114. uss 01 the most approved deelge will be erected ;a K•shnrn, Gerrie sod Fmrdwtob. Tee sohool lots are sow dl l.aosd and dar- ing the present year the tswobers .111 make a epochal effort to keep the .ohool prem•sea moa', bitty and free from weed', entraps of paper. bread, etc. ' MAU10.. Of the 123 tcsohen W this diviobs 58 an mals end 66 (cmane--• decrease .feu male teeober. There are 52 mals sod 38 female' litchis/ in the rural soboole. Der. tag t'.. year there were sixteen Aeneas of heathen and ewemty-five M the mod of Mo year, or forty-one* all. The average sal - sty paid charier; 1899 was 1614.10, • decrease of $10.40. The avatars Balmy W 1890 was $357 ; in 1896, 3362 ; la 1897, 1334.50: is 1898, $324.50 ; 1. 1899, $314.10. The average ml.rlsa for the not hares Imre were as follows ISP7 1898 1899 Male teachers in rural seasons... $368 *340 12 $340 12 Fom•le t.00here 00 rural manse.... 269 243 03 240 92 Mak tsehere i. vino.. ., 567 487 596 resale umbos to vitteges .. ...... 242 946 252 85 Mete teachers 00 town ... ... .r 800 78.334 783 34 Female neobna W tows 309 312 309116 Tho tow,Nd, a Tokaremttb pays Ie soak umber" the Web's* averse* salary i• rata! wheels, $415.72, and M.KUlop the lowmt, $289 16 The township of Morris he the amine dhttsotioo of peyleg Its female umbers a hither average salary N& Us o.1* teohe n, •l, $300 and 1296.28 There ere sixty Nermwl-1ra*ed oeoo►4n; tour bold ptufweloaal first elms ertifoatee, sixty ""deeds and fifty-nine thirds. The work done by lob Member' during th• pest year has boom vary eatul.ot.ry as a whole, altheegk • few smohre have sot neoaeded as well ae they 1bemsolvee or their roaoaysn weald have wished. Os PUPIL!-ATTMDANOU 1n 189), Rural mkesls Villages Towss ij- 4644268856 ,... 790 432 60 1461 984 68 TeMI .. . ... ...6716 3914 684 Th. moils enrolled 1s the various Ames 0m a follow. : FIret olan, janitor seals, 1082 " " .1p1or tootles 884 Savond elan, 1211 Third 1448 Poorth " 1607 Flit • .. . 483 ix regergtt*i, IR1f. i d 1806 11)97 57,945 40 1.31, 7528 4410 1898 50 661 30.0811 , 6948 4194 1899 62,924 38 973 6715 3944 la tee year' the enrolled en/ndano0 11'0 1.11•n off time gsart.r The stater of 1899 heap vel eaves and stormy, there was • falllag off le the attend..., part'odsrly In the mei smbe.l0. $58.909 $43 921 8010 4758 0x A.aATIOR5 The anal pectinate. atataaa1s,s were held dart•/ the year. Them ora steadily growled is tater, rod al,boswh the ae1ool aneurism. bee degreased tela as nese papers ars sow .ed as were used tea yearn ago aatlneos. P,b. wheel 1e0,tag. 1 r 21 1 8 6 9 114 9 4 i s 6 0 116 - 87 19 1 E� O:falsa 71 64 .wA ippll •se RIO 20 13 ImtlAl.a• ..4 t 891010; roman le Wisgham 56 41 light. ,.. A ; wee, pc) 71): M egg Refers& b3 3O }1,71. $7 h73; enviable* wad nimtbltd, Rreemtk 48 PS 18: . her sly ,d mese.. Wro1iogr $1 Iem.tss to femme sad F0Nwhilt . 16 . 8 hviagasg 1,4°2' • $19 : eepott.. * , Oft* NW fro, *136 ; ee opN.I se. Teta MN 915 Uetlttit/•T11uM ""1.•5.15. gsedeelles i- iM1aY-i nem ; Nene lar Meshes. ,�tAae..... $16000 00 w� �;i:'' 60 650 Blyth .......,...:a 60 60 Perdwloh • 60 6026 96 c"alwdhart t 26 9 Owego HUI 5 96 8. 8. v is. 9, 3.0014e11,.,,.' 96 R6 8. 8. No. 4, Menu. ..... 96 26 1a .dd4W. 1e time green $156 was erred by sweaty -fear *thee school* hr peselse petals at tat. sables •eheo1 Iwrte" 50•.04.4• lona. The tela Lsriel•Hro mast riMysd we $606 ; thie together with 0555.0ty arae{ ef *460 made • total a $1,066. The soda.. ler 1898 we $1,060. A req ..oessafel lembere' IaMltete we Mid in Chaim en May llth •ed 111th. As meal, the Model Sobeob arc doing .5n seblletery work. The ateems"" W 1899 was ow smaller .ban is previous gears, hied M Goderwit grma5a sad at Mama thirteen. Per the Est Mee a 55.05 Tars ell the eeteemelel studmte •►bfrd "1".1 to 0Maanne. I mop add Mut eery wheel department. le Ree Hamm we he spewed twice dieing the year, sad sissy el them atom,. The date of soy .404 visits ate apposite. Iirsr•OTan TOM'S IMPOST. '115 report of J. 1Isla Tem, Impostor tr West Harm, wee a follows ; Oa,iLasee,-1 ben the hoar a sub- mit tee year osmntde.Ms my repine es the oosdl0nt Mee .f the pabllo eh el We Hans. I am phased to be nee to , .rt that .sly ell es tae Moen are Is 4 very .tholes* elate. sod that the "tapas. Ned program et the ,hath ban 14sam tend s*WMfsomry. T4s dimwit/Ise end n segs meet an gen, the clamweroons are kept wt ad Gnu, and a severe eatlm edt•bie pietism a5 Mad ea fes walls la may el the wheels the address Moeflowerier Mesta leaden t. to nets the srle! the as50sr maths The va.til*M.g, lightly" mad mMrasg eI the wall and mita, sf name a lob .iw.. ream are wry defeWvThe B1,.Msies Departmm. le aortas pules tor plate for sehoo;boass 1.d proper meals a yuselse- le" and lighting thew, These plane Gee es be eeppltd free t5 trade. bMr45 .04 .14 be edopad le thaw 540551. The 11At sheen Deme tate the "lodes. Item the left and rhe rear tad Ism the twee pewter ed ohs, wisdowa When the light le tem army the lower and sot the upper par* a the window" "mould he evrod. The eopeen• of this is .,.ally dear, with tory Mistime afoot. The glaring white of the walls of many "sheathes'.. is 558 oily Wariest*, bet 'Madly lelw 4.s. a the pg11e' eye,, alrmi.lar Dad wwkselog them. The mos may be said 5t the very dark wrd14 et oases mime* The mate whMbd ph the eve are Nees which an 1rt1tis, &e grey sub sett trfroom a d tMem o shades of doll Mee. reamer. Balsam front 1898..... 113,362 19 Ue•:oramert woe* . 3,670 61 RebooAU ts ty..... 1 *.699 82 enmegile A‘7213 Teal 'Neaten' Sites and b,dlrs .. . • Maps, glebes. selinse sus 647 60 Repute, fowl, ffpg..0511,122 60 Total 96 Belau* "sedan19(0..... $$13,61 07 M 73 leaciallell CPO MML/. 1801 1899 SI ale teachers employed 66 67 Fuel* teachers employed 61 77 Average salary pad termer $109 $371 liter... 273 257 0.rihlosiss, ant elms .... 2 8 '• mooed elms 47 60 third olms 77 66 Is fist, des•ri...% a ebeae e1 Meeker* ,,eared darlag the year sad four of thew chased twice. ATTIN DAN.•/ ASD .'1.►.1►N:ATIOM or PUPILS. 1(dl 11109 Number e1 pupde ..relied 8112 7061 Ammo" at condense 4564 4379 Psroenlge o1 011sademe 56 69 Pupal 1. 1. elm, pan I 1671 1100 •' I. I] 1166 964 " 11. " .. 1610 1446 •• " III. - 1781 1642 " " IV. '• 1448 1483 " V. " 443 417 The psoereye of pr1 in the Naar Olsen he .uteri Ile a.0end doss 1891. M A INTaAlr.:g AND r. R LASTLY' NUM. IN newt. 1.14.... P. a Lewis* 406t-73 99 $81.863 Ot �1 r Bayfield ....16 12 6 5 1 OredItoe .... 23 15 5 5 Uoegonoe..20 16 11 8 3 Reno ... .47 42 26 22 3 Odylab ...68 58 19 13 6 Hassell 18 11 19 11 1 Klet•rl. 22 17 6 3 2 3l Helms 11 7 4 4 Zarlb.-... 25 19 9 8;.. I 960 197 90 19 17 The somber of pupil et tees aep•etenM who paved the H. 8 ...wend wee 204 an the P. 9. lees" wee 84. 1s 1900 the P. 8. Mvag cr/oi.stlese will be held at Ow same time and prem es the high school examaenioe.. The epors .111 be met to Toronto to be examined A very .00emlel Tmaehers' f"o"nt, .eller was held ae Exam on the 9th and 10th of Mare, 1899. The attendance at the Mede1 Roheel we eo.aid5nbly les 1s 1999 thee Ib foresee Teen. Thye are still • somber of Iegdy 9001(5.4 nutters who Mos let Mee able to nun mhml" for 1900 The work a est two andel Reboots a very Morrogh dad prsetie.L Thor grdmtm should set feel le de rood work a teachers, if poel4o.04 of gamey, mead jolgwt.ol and perraver- 00m. I'lott5d iamb echeeMis my divides u eels% tw!co Mull the year. i fossil the ec.ahlr. ,rf, resod tea i.ethfel is the 0018. chutes el time dello. In eerily every *rotten IM masher was drag road MAIM fie 1h. e.lory 9114 I sem defog ell In my power 14. make elle week et nor rehnole thorough .red pt*n4iool, Rvr.y rup•I LC( n,•Walden 'shoot eh slid be able to r.44 &y o diver; bock leanly sad Ineflig'atly, le ep.li correctly all made ie nnirIron e.., to w rite a dhrtt.et L114164e hoed and to 501.e ay, 'nastiest in pr.etfeal a.ilkir.etle quiekty], onely sed 00oter0Mfy. Deny . f the perk she.ld go hooded thea sod b'cease preloint le all *a eubl.nie of 1b4 palate ee.eel meane. rather. • Plass and apen'fhotlee4 fed • teolr'e mildews le *isn't) by Mr. Ainley wen pilled lame** 0.15.1) sad met en a th4 erm011 proper' y .«.,.lure. I'he report of Me poem of ranee e.0 Wpm, rano neematl.g then the 1.00111 ef h. lereset •r wet the peystyM .4 the been of nave. b. Mated he the eine s. wse reed and adapted TMo rdae4Mm mmmlt., repgad m Isle •n : A mine wee pressen from Mermen ro4 payers a the /Soso 1p ,d H nlleo, i4• w .emit.. seethe' Irmo eM reheppe a of out of the meson'. of AM► riots, ekiri tint Mblteo+on be appealed • adjadje41mr0 1e the tereimin of • wawa Mt WOOS IMMO W. temiteshfaisle 1w• ptitlw nine* dread epi • MM." rem ahnMb., bele" em aha hluau ems le mond, sod wng ▪ 1144448. Niel g ate mem tiered b• er0te tece n 1i4. Hem Sedge Memo sed a4MMe. Ban oM Tea • penes from JIM Barr sod 1w0treev..1bre al the Mwesbhe id ROM. lion Winos b sed West Won- san, aging that erbl/wNn be aepol ant le ad jadioste is the fe mails. .1 • mew sena sebaei lateen in end newasheps, able sesster-petltnw tem Ws. Relee sed 1Yety «..e telegblu4s me ee ter that there he se arbtlrufss la 1hhe memr. kteeemeeaded Nen &Yeomen* be strife sad thee Mee nein ....4 M the tenser ale Is this nwers be the aHltlnwee is this matter, .4. , -04. Hot 4.yp Macres sed isepenen Ron •.d Tia TM .5.04tlse alae neemmede I d a bylaw he posed a minden, with nab was se these boa nptrdllis the •peneeme0 5f arblleem e. TM Merl' .md sesw.t {rem ills Reser Jades Massae le sesseetiee with the MI - mese .Matte" .t 1w.d•sb.n' wee referred to We thane e•mmltte The o.0s.ttee r•oomm•sdd Mitt Mr Oae.wr'ph', et 1100 tor*, &.d Mr. fe.yJ, .a te5.., M the o•m1o.n fee 1900. The flat an wand Gleam .t the repot, reo.....dl.w Meal sr bemoan, wen load oto, sad the matte of J H. Osman, el Bnaseb, wan mbelltutd fee An el Mr. Oliontig►t e & mean y exa*igf. Tea is. psrS a mewled we paned. • The report of the dm. o "meet , re. mso.0snd.d the payment Of • asmbr Of w eenie sed Mao the anent ler the es• mese el the "mad jury's trip he Ihe Mem .f refuse is Dm..bs hs see paid. The eapat wee adopted. TM reportof the deosMss e..04e1. w e •gad ham speed ossa 1 an 9 leers retorted book M tis eommiue. Tim meaty preprty 0omm4ttee rens- mein thee se sans be takes a refocuses le the panne of Mayr Wien. et One- rislt, Mktg W mean to lake ears oi the llneai stwd the .dee been. They had esenned t pme.de a the jell and 450508 that they lad bees. Moly levelle-d. The *kr W asked that • suitable Mee be reeled ; they r•metm•sded se &lies at present. They r•mmsesded mete white wenn, or ealeloweng at the regime •flim, sed that Bfls•. 15.8. I Mm M premed tor e n at the ant Mese They had =anon the d /arm► ream ie the eosrt nem on fend them Mae and troll kin, sad wesl.i say then Mr. Md)reatb, the ""retake, seemed to be • very seeing am. Mr W MMM•.. They remm.ta•ded se Mks N pineal W regard to the prepwd WI .e► tsps .t the jet The repo. • we adopted. The ren set brides enesittne. Nam. .04.4 tin se betf•s he takes rttssr4eis the roneet Of the IMO' Reyes laresrtl' bee trees "'Art Itks meati" .^,•watch tt.0wbelr' e "tram roller 1r tee wet the "sestet feline a the ooa.ty. Week regard M she mime a the Ossa Rd/s •eweh- MM Man an mamba ap'llplalea by Me causal ea the lelleelag wastisms (1) Are yea 1. favor of 0Mwer{sg eseatam N ".ane leaden ✓ ands through the easel T (1) Are yet m fever of the Lsgielatsro'. ■reatlag aid is the cowl*" then sesame psbl.o rce4a la properties to the on of anemones dad .•0054.,0.0 of Me mem 1, eameemee re.em..4ad the the Mk newer them gsonine is the .esti,.. 1 M eom.0tum bed exo.Wd Minn for the s•menwntks of abetment ter fres bridge sear W Isshem sod rens---odd that the teeny ea P. (lstterldse for rabble waren at 86 ear erbee yard M neepted. mein M fecein ee iatanory amrlty. The Iel*wise ter• dye had hese examined for the OoetrmYss •f the tree bridge .•r W 0.00!1. tem Bridge Co., 11,634 ; Lt Fayette. Bnsds. Oo , $1,80); Iiteuleed 11r44p (..$1,394 ; Rfse•rdlss &►dl* G.., $1,600 The nen mime res -e ed the wieest•oc4 of the u1.,Ho4 Bridge 0..'s meet, provided they •sees M onagers with sposH..tlem ww( fermis! eateef•etery m•usll M4 ea the nee el the said Oenes.y'• lathes ado se the Next Imam toner rthe neepead. The The mid•1 .0 hi., t�srMd the hi lowlus nam-0d•tM00 ThM t e 1.•pe. *tare be se.arWlsed to mood eh. MW eIps1 AN a the/ 50emblpl o m11e may be elected fee Iwo yeas Wenn el eau. W tam te he asses....,/ with the term d the "nasty '.0.5 l; int the esmefl miens 1b5.....W ire* 'Odl s.kty les men .Q•,Hve easel, nerds ea the railways ; that se .544.. be taker rem rdleg the pr1 • Mee frets t.tsbtca ocanty !a refersnee to the renesoal id indigents from jade * bees .f rause ; that the w01 boss.. fes Ser hearken al*'Nadler. be leersseed le 160. The somedi*. Ms advise that M anted* be made to the 41r oefase.e M ei the byee law, Mot a het et endless beesd n ,res msen, also of .enMssaak he mile hefted no7 pets se s manor ed Mersa• Met sed that they -..Mdered the Lep3.M• Wee Meld men mon mesalle te racy thep tidos. •ain witholemn nMMMrs 4/ sea see- mliest ea, TM wee adopted. The •ssem1ve mon ten sine thwfelm. .r rMa.0.0Mdaper : nest the me of $85 M p4e41 M Weems 0111 es fell In all rales M daweem nee .Neese ....d to b'm darns 1M Mdopa$ of IM i8ammn'hill laths; thee the mesal grant or *25 euh to the Yaws.,.' Ise414,Mes a Um "meaty be made i M•M the usual gnat et $16 be wade Se 104 el the ab11. Hbroram is We 4,,0147: that t greet el $20 be made to est* *gnat. Susi wad beertlemiteral sorloy Widish m- hihlMme is td14 meaty a 1 s yr0r 1000; MM the clerk m►Mribe for sepias of The Mw■ rp*1 World for 1900 for mob m.sNr d the meson and ler the Mirk sod the 11...are, ; that $5 be "sated to the (e.t.d.:, R Be A•ecoltioe ; that the met d $1100 be t' s,lwded en pro S. WOULD rot LIRE TO FEEL. PERFECTLY RLt 11111 SAKE YU SO aim res nave Mt ria great blear w el geed health pee will mow be wp1set MY TAOISTS. IIVIRY1ObVII FRIEND BREi TNN A 11 OWE m 1kte11111M/ Ry thou 4"n s►. nip. awhile" 0l*►, Chen, MI*pb Imo. eeB* tebalaAee F. BARLO! HOLIES Ilan $mitt yM iia ' "rise LOUR' PRICIS TOR CASH Hard and Soft Oola.l, Portland Oman, LialsTilic Limo, Sewer Pi , Fire Brick, Fire Olay, etc. �etoawsh sl4. K West "Wee .ear ttU PM.1t No. H d F. 111101* HO1. JE8. • . , . Goderich Bargain Centre It PAYS to buy your DRY OOSOl at Robinson's." NEXT WEEK EXTRA BARGAINS WILL BE GIVEN III Table Linens and T able Napkins ALSO 1l* Fur Coats and Fur Robes • Com4/ sad line, sad let us convince you, its we surely can, that you sev0 mousy every time you trade with us. JAMES ROBINSON Asir JUST RECEIVED .w.sne.ir D.D.�. Sinip of While Pi c and T� This Is um of the meet vo el& preperaMseo for oonhe sed colds err pat on the .arlel. Yea d.e't have to pay for it U it doesn't kelp. 9b, 6 ter 8100. TRY IT FQR THAT COUGH OF YOURS W_ 0. GOODL, Chit - e immtittittmtmmtntrrmrmtri. _ a k I'llEVrz,"4:1111 What I 11 a a salves them air so well , a 3 pissed so well. a made a 1 ♦y t 1That's at's what tiara what makes them ;wiar- so well and we . There's qualityin ouriS3.00 Shoe; that's what it is. _ We are sellingthe best footwear at lower prices than some other stores ask for inferior goods. Your shoes from our shop will fit well, wear well. and pay you well to purchase. Sok agent for the "Slater" Shoe. 1 1.SHARMAN,Jr. a WANTED .r 1111 too cent pleats ia excLuge for the following : 1 family neat -chopper. small size $ l 13 1 family Step-lad,der 3 familyClothes-horsesfive root 35 3 Royal Canadian Wringers 2 00 24 Padlocks, assorted 10 25 qts. Island City ready mixed Paints. alit AWN 25 15 50 p+_, lot t6 as se am to 40 �IDts as a{ .e ee 4t as ' OS 106 bead and moulding Planes. asosetad Mass and shapes 25 50 butcher Knives, Rodgers', Eioker'a sad other standard makes • 25 50 pair Scissors, 7 and / 1/2 Inch 25 Time goods must be cleared out to make room for new goody N. D. ROUGVIL3 CROCERIES1 PROVISIONS. . . We ars gutting nidal, started en the new gest, seta we intend to make 1900 so big • yeas in our business that the eneeeeding years will have to bustle to keep up with it. Everything in the line of Groeerias, fresh And good. Orders promptly filled. Telephone No, 91. STURDY 8z CO. The Gnaws, {sot. &gore and Monisesi•elle ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR 111920D'S : SYSTEM : RIM.. A. - A Wonderful Tonto and Rell'nedy for 131000, KiDNEY and LIVER Manure • w W. AC JANUA Ladies' Wel Pur Jac& early at Our must be We finest cl Men's F1 chewan E W. AC du0Ye4M QM Mde$ 0siod*. 7 ."reef d ed1nwbt .•Ms••1.1.LQ Tusked destelathee ; tie 1r the prom of 8., ,seed the nae., h.... ; 11100... M /,N by Iib aunt w efMes of 1h. ii.i Mob sied 4196 ler t►r tea t5sder et Tes f]OSeaecw 5500147 prat4e M .Mepred remold that they had ma 1s deed...e t4 ass leen J mined to the Se. Jen I •- asem Tarim% y Pine. ■ red bed 1104 he we • neekeities es Diemen la Xi of Jw. 19011, ..d t MIs. ""hugekybl.1 Stith /be mraa.rsee et 114 Lama a1 the Old 11u4alt' - Me=th, pee week we ardor. Me the pow rime Mot,d that he brllmed Ma The M.0.0Mblhad mashie ed the dder.s$ Qpegtoio earl red h'wed Mho to nr1.yam1900. 11.15636; (" n $1,474.96. T114 OOstellelila�dplW tM sea. Jath 11 gull 11. bear ; Pa1 M wholes. ember sig. Oprrllsg'e ear M e.01esth, .""Meng Ulf The properly W kris wed .Mee red the ss.0.0t►tec mid aim Mtn TM report oma Dread. theses 11otsod 2 el the 11811110.1f1444., west ak lq 1 Tsrism.e, ehM wi the ��sg$64,4880,s: J ns eel the 4neg1y of Rena ret hash/ or thirster 57 el oils.. road re teldeg fll(rAiv wi.0sis ebsiet set i• •ewe . 150 se4.nt., t stud 1051 tlrgtal...rDrl.et then a "ems, he $ Per dl* 04.1401 a dopy warded N tM raises e1*. vane Mulder these «.y., *Wag the Gsvw.aut u • ase be Orr Mdtb4 forward 4 k Th. warden. ata .4414 e erste kedentM fes p r b the Merl ree5. MMisN aha endo., N be rested [geld. n 4M wino weetbe The .mssldcs.r we 1a a espy r4 pimp sed ape Main aaA 4bd.0Mm to • 1r at the emeshtpsllly 4141/'es sad a►.t.0aas are e The t.Otwag byline w Mose and pseud ; Tem 1. to •ppo4s •edlton Kw 2. he .ppain whirs r Ibs 'tinsel •saes et Swore that bews bte el Ht risb, No 3, to appeist alm!lar Meaner of n otos .abut the tewe.hi e et Hellen. 1 THE A PARLI Caroms 'sill Pronounced the mo As endless variety e*1 be played. _El( potent cushion tide' on back. Price, Crokinnle Board on Patent �Foolding Tail Board Games, St. Va :JIIfilL yon _.n 1a.. 'fie will' .4 arti • ,