HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-01-25, Page 8.......-.,•••••••••=.......1••••••••••••101101.0•1•01.,
Warm UutItirltrear, Clothlag, Funk Blankets, Comforters, eto.,
are fronts of your denary needs. In all these lines you will end • good
amortatent with us. Nearly Ueth menthe of cold 'feather ahead of you yet.
Look our linestover, our January prime will make them intereeting to you.
Special Jacket Bargains
A special lot Of
Ladies' J ackets in black
and colors, c'esring at
Special lot Of best
regular stt CO Jack-
et., $6 00
Alse Citikirtas
short J ac k et it sod
U liters.
Ladies' Fits
nelette Nigh '-
Gown, nicely triut
Toed, very had
some Goods, well
made, at 50c., 75c.,
$1.00, $1 25.
Ladies' Heavy
Fleeced Underwear
Luba' fi e
all wool Underwear
Children.' Underwear all sixes.
UNDERWEAR, perfectly
made, and very warm; in
all sizes from the little fel-
low to the big boys.
AH special prices.
Boys' Pea
Jackets and
Extra value
in Pea Jackets,
navy blue, heavy
Had. doubt 8-
hreast•d, for
Hoye 10 to 14
years, at $1
Boys' Suite,
Pants, Mitts, etc.
a lbw
Mous Snits in heavy
breasted styles.
Men's Overcoats and Pante
d OU bite
Best black and colored Factory Yuma at 40c. lb.
Heavy all wool colored Blanket Cloths in reds, blues owl greens fur Copse
Child's Jackets at $1.00 a yard.
Extra value in Beaver Mantle Cloths in all colors at $1.8b.
Smith Bro's & Co.
THE TOWN CUUNCIL 1 wee sleek& the weedier Midas been very
bee Waif . As to the wearier realities
el the wale he was sot prepared tei say;
time alese wield test that. He did set
oresider the work le Parfaits radar. 48 re
gutted by the speolflootiose, asd therefor*
did not feel justified is imolai a certificate
fit the erneetit remised eed would key*
the seettier is the heads of the manuitese
ad mason to mjesi. The matter was re-
lated Pa fata gelato wake anent ea.
A.• appeal for reeisterte to the Headed
for biok Chikires. Teepee, was read, and
Mat at $10, the same amount so last year,
was voted for the objet
A ormeneuelateloe from J. F. Andrews is
rorard to the tows wales al the stream was
read. Mr. Andrews bed promised $25 to-
wards the soma ma said be could get $10
from are Oollisewoed Faking Co. .04 16
trete T. Lawry A Elem, Hallwee 14 sa $40.
There wee a mu& daily la ereetai the
maleribM Lowey & Bes withdrew soil he
was usable to me sbe mamas fres-ehip.
r. Asdrews said the wales 144set lam
./eished properly end he bed had the seem-
eary-work does sad had paid ler it,
bed be seolosed a Argo* for /17.14, the hal-
asee of the au....101.4 premised bY biessell
wed the Collineworid Peeking Ce., after Ids
disheresseate oa aosensi of the males. rho
matter Ives referred to the marts ormeett-
Dote from the office of the High 0em.
mimic/ow tor Canada in Leads*, lagload,
asking for • good mines! the town Ned port
ef Godertoh. for the eie el the hbreey &ad
readlog room of the *Sok eres„referred t.
Mean& les Illeater treats.- Massy Co.
aiwateatteas Dealt With
Friday evening lase the town comical met
la their regale: leseiese, hut ItloviditttlY
adiesswed until Weft ergots., out et
roma te dm late Dr:`,TIR. Shasoos.
011 Mosley evesieglhe mulled met we-
~dia. to adeuressent. idayer Wilms
wespied the °hair aed couoillors lihnther,
Norte. Manley aad Catalog wore presume.
There wee as retnerdleartly Woe attesd•
saes of opeettetere-obout two deme -the
Meobeakee losetote board umlaut op •
geed pert of the number.
The isdenteat ot ledge Meese& mast
lag Win. Campbell was reed sed reoseved.
A oreintssioatas Irons the Gaited Else -
tete , Torocto, &eine en edema se
tear aoment for tbe now dreamt, was meet
se Waist and light wounitter/ with
power to 041.
A letter from X Hotta is regard to thr
prima ei the work la ooreation with tat
C. 1'. ft. ezlousioa whew* was react and
u se to the specoal committee
A pieties Ira the dimmers of
Mesheates. lestitute. &awe (hat the lasti•
tots be Matted to • free Meaty, wee read.
Is this oessatios His Worsbip read Ile
watts. *palm ot the tette elicitor is ro
lewd to tee question a the soosseity of rob -
meting • bylaw to the reentries. Mr.
Germ1 held that so beast seed lo reheat-
ed 1. 14. people, set asy vote of the people
taken epos tits gaieties of taking over the
ilma lestitste, sod t oolyAdea:etthao
THE IUGNAld : GIODERICa pliTiarto.
emoineary would be if it wee proposed to sedge that he had as aeosinst
au in whiob a vote of the people would be A oommunioation frem F. Bodo,
01 .18
ntime, UMW moles 18 M the senate lit that &ohms A it Comer fee setepiles ler Ib.
behalf, • 'pea/ mut ter bite purposes of the
peddle library,
Ur. Wersell, presideat tbe Ideohertioe
Isaltets, wee beard le • brsef address is
steppers of the Witten.
Mr. ilituaber moved, woosded by Mr.
Mersey. that the totter tis referred te the
o peolel oommittse, to take steps to oloop op
the matter es som sa possible. Carried.
A letter from the president of the Turf
Aseortaidoe. asking foe a lease a the nook
•t the egrieulterst puede, wee referred to
fie public works oaten( tee.
A esmermiesties from the Wm. theta
Baer Compound Co.. of Tomato, midst
foe erseament of as old olalm, was referred
le Ile water sad light oommit toe.
A stmessmat tress the Bank ot Montreal
of the tea weseurees somout with the
beak ea December 3014 last me referral to
the Gaeta committee.
Sestsmioste from the meaty tremerer ef
the amens*. paid from Itee aunty hoes to
the temeiterse ot the Oelleetete 'esthete med
be the emu treasurer during the year 1899
were went to the teasel oonwslitese.
Sweet inmate, Reid reported that, a 14-
51110154 bet the public weeks twasatittee„ he
had munieed the walks laid by A II. Omar
ad Nand that 1. the bleak betimes boot-
ees' aad South amt. • few blocks were
es the fess imd there were • few
WINN, the walk emaded bellow. asil
M...;op had ported trom the easterele.
There wen sae • few wall weeks 14 1)1.
miderrelk ; whereas this book WOO al
riche. The surface of the blear Stamm
Klaspees sod Kest street, had were off ma-
siderably, weed, he thesigitt from am hay.
lag bees sefeeleetly wet while the canoe
waterworks oblinney, ad sable for ea
order set the town Measurer fa tie amant,
wee seas to Ole water wed light seinseittee.
Id. 0. Johsston wrote notifying the eons -
41 that all inostays dee or mamas doe from
Se tows to Wiliam Oral bad base saved
to bim mad tan he was' tke oak, ptrottor
peeve to wheel me saw .5.14 14 tab.
Letters from PC Cemaise, Q. C., sad
Bea. J. T. Garrett,. Q. C., ht referee°, to
testa maim* the eateasta *1 tbe wear
weeks chimney, were mat be tee water sae
light committee.
A letter from L. E. Rtes. U. D., setae
aid le the eatsbUshasest, la or sew the any
of Torose, of • from oessumpelve mod -
wain for the poor, woe referred te the
Mist maimietee.
werstery of dm Kiates Derighters
*rote la resod te the sem et $12 wash
had beset treated he the weetry by the
0011041141 bs sold Is previa* Forest Hate
with olothas. The society bad provided
the lad with suitable Medium and had put
the messy in the bask, making ea agree -
meat with Hale that If be weld refs. some
moose bimetal the 112 sierald be Wiwi to
it for the please of ma artilleel tee. Hale
did get some mosey, bet great it foolishly,
and bad forfeited all claims epee the moiety,
who wished to know what they shouki do
with the 512 Oo motion, the oreassit
114•4 that the *meant obeald 1,1 loft with
the King's Daughters, to be peed es they
... 51.
A petielos for as eleario Ileht at the
corner et Mole seism arid Wellesley
street. with thirty.sse eigsabores. woe sent
to the water &ad mettaltem
Amities minks, with Mame bier
1 Tb. cs is 436lbliZ
in the blood. lf the Idd-
toys did their wort dews
wotdd be no Uric Acid sad
no Lumbago. Make art
kidneys do their wort. The
sure, positive and gab
aur• for Lumbago is
term, &eked time ea ate light be siloosd It
the ooruers of Enda amass and .4 oriel&
street sad Britassis r•ad mid Norfolk
street, or am trestle:mot 11.11. be plotted
ab tbees osesters sod .1 114 Oisiter of Nes -
folk ead Fame sweets. Tbis wee teamed
to de mete committee.
The foliewag soommte were referred to
leo demos tossedeter : Wei&
Week leas, 58 40 ad 80 c"; Lead's
Rafts* Salipplisa Ceseposty, Leedom wreak.
60 me ; tioderia Lumber Oe.. timber. 52 -
46; 'ea Soar, prtatieg, 51775; G. N.
Dere, supplies sad week, 52.60 sad 57.40 ;
Sadie & Hewerte. Terreate. beitiag. 5284.•
58 sad 549, R. W. Magas* hardware,
$28.011; N. D. Regale hardware. $2.63
mid 51706; Nana Ortaweil, stem ea4
motel. 1118 96 ; Porter. sattestery„
54.40; 0. E. Beek, gam masa. 53; Tam
O. J. plembai, i4 83 ; Farhord
Sees gristles awl edvertistag. 136 96 ;
Elestre Ce., St. Chau -met. reputing
weaelearrf. 0.48 ; 3._.. R17,, 117161.12
sad 12 ; A. 8.0147.4.1. blow -off oak, 59;
Bra & 0., Tomato oil, 1148 16;
Pookeed Eleate repalrbYr tessidermer,
$15-32 Jana Baxter, root of beam 5316;
Gam Pomba & &atter Mfg 02.. Tomato.
supplier for fire Origede, $34 70 ;
beekeettame. 523 35 ; Ostrow
Preeilicco, $23.3 64; Revel Electric Co.,
Mostreel. wire, etc., $.52B 01; Goldie &
MoCeUeoli Ce.. Oat Mete velem 511
The eseeeste ef tee Gelato & McCellool
0., Gala, tee tito sew elegies mad fltidegs,
53,560; UOIwd Electric 0o.. Tereem, for
the aw dynamo, $2.030 r. 13- Helmele,
otrel, camot. ea., $2,066.70 ad $388.62,
wee referred te the maw sed Hate eirm-'
Initem, and the soment el W. W. Geese,
$25. fw Mhos tasks se per mare" to the
mate works occeouttee.
Ile report of the water eso light tar
alum, reermaneadlee tar a near Geer be
pot *0 1)1. mese bums, Waill armee&
Tee swab ammillites reesmasended that
tee mayor sad *leek he empowered 1. 0415
the potato's te the leateletive Assembly la
Myer of coniselog 4,14.15 .4 the meaterpel
sada me thin the Gametal yew e1411 05-
05505 ea the le of December, rod reported
that they bad a solavoted the mayor to have
the mosseery steps takes to Unaliaa the W.
taw iintatieg • loss to KO. Ruaball. The
repert wee adopted.
6nanos committee ressanneaded :ey-
elet of Ile loilewing aciants : 0. C.
_WhilWIY/ $6 86 ; Theism's Bros, 55 66 ;
Tu. Sionat., 114.20 ; 11. C. pawpaw% $9,06.
Ile report we adepts&
16 was mimed by Mir. Maher. ateesdod
by Mr. Martini, that the pobbe wake cent
wittee no empowered to have • sake el
wands* pohlished, area& aim penalty,
*mien the see of the ale er Key maim
instramesit is mamma maw sr le. friam
our greselithie wales. Greta.
Move/ by Mr. Humber, immeded by Ur.
Marta, tat the resolution he regard to the
please of the eleurio lights pared by the
Dossed a 1899 is December last be tarried
eet. Corned.
Aimed by Mr. Elember, emeaded by
Mr. Martin, thee a letter of oondeleeep be
pep•red by the oonoeil and presented to
the widow of the lets Dr. J. Ft Obaesam„
limed by Mr. Merat, mooed., by Mr.
Huber, tea the sleek esannueleste IIb
the mead Godench tewirehip la the
IMMO1 of takisg wets eff the Remo reed
leadieg late the tea et Godepria, ropeest,
fag as usesediase reply. Oorried.
limed by Mr. Mersey, emeaed by lir.
Martin, We tee eitelnmea el eat malls
weeks cesatittee be laeletteted 14 )111. the
dimmerees levee stems ea lee &lame ad
Hamilton sweet rembeved et braes.
The email ars alarmed.
or smog et *14 14. Pr. J. S. 01111111156
Herneetehe tia alayeday eltemmet leek
Mies 11.- Gailnehme Matted
Dobai MU week.
lie ad Mos. II. Posedesd. el Milfet WIMP
has ee 61phallk •
Jae Bessete ea 0. lagessis were km
Mates last wash dehveriee hestIO.
sal Mos. Hest, reamed ter 11.1.hear la Arthur se Friday 1.1t Tam ware
aseeelpeded by their undo W. Omaha
Il*. Win will make • leartiteael Melt with
ta Saliva is Arthse
At the Cable& Eademee mea. bee
Walesa, evestag, 1414 Ilene
irks leas shoed, to ale the 'suttee el
matest mares el the Creates&
am &Moils, was promoted wta • ersti=
Oda wee prosested ky Mks bare
ad Wm Labs B1154etwat
followSi edam:
To Mum SAILA .
Dun Fentae,-We, the imembers .04
stdareate el Pere Albert 8.8 a4 Mesta'
Redeemer. letraieg of your latemailem to we
mom from this solghbortered, dears te
vey te you ear Madera ream& aed pewee
• small 104.15 54 Isamu brawl?. fa dem es
we wire yi.0 erey appmees bad preoperity •
You terselateseChtintea osolleat, your up-
righe atireelme, year telthfalesse 148 8.
sod C, S. me weetb v of ell pram ea dr
terve approsiebee. We 411114 tat wherever
year futon; ems ay be pm will hare
preelose memories of you labors Pa seam
ties with ea Sabath school and Clarietlet
Isdeavor. Mae tee Ood fa wears yea
beet be your guide eta shoeberd. By seed
ty rum we all meet la that lead where lie
atisetlose of earth aro resewed, 514 my
Ours 1.0the joy sod rowerd of the lettida
sod true. Pewee 6.3040 *la jar •• •
mall loam of reestobssoco bed affsesise.
lilmed ea Mali or lila 8. S. sad 0, K.
111Aer GOStam.
Lorna Basesi.
At tee mean of Mise Deabar, John
. 61* 4* ia • tow worda asked the washes
tee thetr Mad moveless*" amared
114.thrie meta/ 141,555 14S.
weal rams seemliest.
USIDAY. Jam lb.
Our liters, seamy Iwo sea anima to
Um Peter faett Meted a bee hale a
Leases last week.
P. Some 1. 4.... sew eltbrorking term
omits as • bey mese for Bele Bea
Joe Seett tad David Linke k., left ever
• week sou to vitt relatives is lagereeli
lead neatly.
Mies Barham Ionia bad Mho Rome
Jokiest:ea alaitifs. ia Stretford
Meaty at peamt. •
A 4rooto amehareeme friato.10 Wool -
'ad the weal weestleg of tits W•weemb
Flee Issureare Oe., hold at Demaastes.
Weleaway, tie 1714
Winter Goods are marked at snob low prime they might to go in that time.
04 -Or
ial White tads Sale:
Starting Saturday. Jen. snot,
an9 lamiu ORE WEEK. This is
hound Up* by far the Headiest week of
rwie it Ilegeorne cant for anything.
Reed OM fist
Werra Loire mime 54n - -8m". 11^ " "
hate sod emir. epee lege. or front,
regale 65.., tor fee., os it for 040.
U eta I' OSSEO SlilaTi-tina lima fend/
.54 )1.04.. deep resetereethents,
theme (wino, good value ea 60e.
make you buy they we cerise/al to
If these bargains were offered
would not last aa hour. rheas, are nitre
We'll Cellar Yea or lk.
I have secured an English 4.
plylime OnIlar, stand.np, with turn-
down prate, etude to sell et 90r. I
.111 .011 thorn at 10c. mirk, or three for
96o. 1 secured them Collar, fres •
wholesale house who are golng oat of
Ole line, red got them very e1ueap. I
1 n,a14s little on them ; you will
sake one hundred per rent. You
orsOt to bey at least half a deem or •
does cti times, te they are swept
Fire lekillemstiteliect Malt
fineeiefa, risoo., for I& Fes
1,40triehutsiviormtlichedioc. Hawilterciriefe,
,tfthilerge Mono in the city, th1004 ey
preeiate OHM. if they aro not the bele you havvaktneill'mi
er amoaust I.14)yytIttr
lire A. M. Tram*. mid family, el Lame,
side, are the genets si J Leas at preadt
Trelema 14. gives up balms sad es-
teem ming le Mesita& seer ar for mo
bole& et his lab&
The following .t.t15 preomesese Maim-
ed by the pupils .1 7... Let the Dessmbee
prometies examisetios. ()wise he pressers
el work the Primmest wee sable 0.0'
'551414? to foraisla taws sear I
le v toms 8,
Wrist:n.4 A.
Idabel fitreag . 79%
Reba Meeely 68
Jeanie Usseelem 59
bran Sales. 67
Illat Dealer.. 66
OSA Lewd. .. 64
011ve Betas .53.
Albert Cereal. Mt
Berths 14111115. 60
Alice Nebel - 49
Edward beam 47
W. Williams .. 47
Caster Farrow 46
has Abeam. 44
Assiets= 44
demee lleerfee,
rt.. 0ur/1y" 40
Mary Tall 40
Tam &Meld . 34
Ahead from Ems&
P/. 11eL•1*..
1. 0•Beway
D. D. Mallows.
C. Andreas . 70%
M. M$bw.lI . 66
W. Alamos 68
W.fl .. 63
D. ideNeres . 61
C. beeedem . 60
A. Carrie& . 60
8. Geese 67
W. hiolatcsb 67
B. Bream:mho 67
G. Salk eld 56
H. Taylor. . 66
N. Biaoketese 66
M. Menu, M
(1. Riches. 64
A 0 trio 6,s
It. Oberland. ,
M. Wriabt.., 11111'
W. Mellereet. 91'-
A. Tufferl0
0 Rerbiesea51,
W. idoD000li
P1. So
141441 1/0
L Seataisa„
.1. Sillier
8, 41.511 54
14. Streltest 54
R MoDosald41
C. Rhyme. .% 0
11. 841 ,
C feu
Doctors now agree that
consumption is curable.
Threw things, if tiken tot
gait; void curill'e
case_bs the first stages; this
majority of cases more ad-
vanced; and a few of those
fax advanced.
The first is, fresh air; the se-
cond, proper food; the third,
Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver
oil with hypophosphites.
To be cured, you must not
)05* in weight, and, if thin,
you must gain. Nothing
equals Scott's Emulaion to
keep yoti* good flesh.
StO 1st -sa
SCOTT a Ilea& Omar Tema
- •
WE have just finished fa
" Ing stock, and find N
. At* wit)•a numbP4r,ofeefid 11sett-
Butatn, Lace titnd Diked 1
Shoes. As theist ate only
few sizes in each line left
have decided to clear them'
gardiess of former prices,
we require the space for
new spring stock.
We have placed them on
counters in two lots, *cc(
Ing to quality:
The wastes' amid Maras y somas borrow
the membere et nut Liter. y Debates
ateleiy. who novae met el (loriew, wee
Jams Mrlyoble se metals. ead seeps es the
SIM Mk. led by septeta Will. Jame, took
Sam Friday manse last us the tewaship
Lail At the hoer appeased fee orammar
lag the peewees tat leg was weeded 1 • 11111
istasob sopsis117. Yi mosoied
lash, sad A. 14 Weeth, a A
James Tbromma ad Jae W. Vsoastss"711:i
tiediseieb. *me/ as Mom The
matiesd el tea mealiers so oboe s'S=
sides chereses, quitastra, date, mesa.
Maumee. resitetisee, sal maim. • ales
Sella sakestime by Wm. MoPbee. see
item me to be Mae is give the ammo Id ad
whit took pert, fee wheat taiaaSakall may
deurve ereite fee bevies ea ably acquitted
thessebtes is the toreros sesasee reedited.
wortiesierly he ate dearest Wendell,
however. meadow little Mise Mame 14 alters
se Melee slabbed memellas eissaleren
powers ; also the nederbo st "The Beeu
amss 41 Leh Lerma " by kilos Pettaiss.
The bliaisiwa Waft the diaries
ia favor of the ase side, seentdee there woe
Way little dilemmas between these ta preas
el merit, i...4 • hell plats Isaias la
their fever. A very reesemial evesistits
aatectakaamat wee Weeihs Is • sisse by Ike
Mauls, al the mama mahout
ToeseatoLise 1614.
for Tea Seem se sew= 543.1. *10,
Norsca.- The teed
.1 A... oeavicassor, eat will reale, r-
am tor sobesselleo.. iwilyerthils. sot Joh.
wort. sal is aathadiss4 to tiro irlogyas Ihst
animate mid sir the samo•
sew ell elmosatiewe his trim no Der
amiss este 41.11.
Seated Stemleessa. GOOOMOSSII101 be la
ale, roamed kers en Turas", tee 18a
am after Melee firer weeks' sajoyeas
mete eta nieselve: ori friss& a Wee&
steek quad vieimily„ ()dad oseety.
Doris( the Iasi few days we kaVO hem
esedlettor freer um meth tried seas to der
temperate ems. so4 ta emeetmesios we se
imam • Jamas' trete wave bee smiled
tbe ettedleat Uolobai. Jemmy la the
...kith...Wpm very maid.
A asemiag le the Went Herm Ifiteimere
last:tate was held hareem Friday tee 194
at. As yew amble eerie. ma am P15'
i, he asset mate perbeasse, tartar
tbea that tbe enemas sad mears sear
ware fairly ettealed.
8. Parker.
R. Maims. .
P. Mitchell .. 811
S is/stier_
Ahem% feemisee
0. Dyke 17
There were ie abeam.. at the laseltate
UM UM yese 176 papa. 01 these els leen
IMO rattall, bet melee othave, several el
IPINISI IMO ferret stelae., ham 5.5. 14,
sakes/ • at lisereem .4 41*. Mew 15*..
dietribeted as folio** Toe 17., 151 fees
111..67 feass U..46: form I., weir eettiffe.
94 pester flivisioa,
dome the meet 1opesymmate ae the
loditnee Imo beta the perteeer el .04...
Meakturd ter fens III.
PORT A1141.
Marina?, 3.0. 26
JeksAlelefienhala woe 14 Resforth 14*
tilt& meoher el our 50044.510 .144.414
Ttioseimv. lell-dareeles ed
pare bred short bare sable, lifeemehdredas
seed Lamar bap al Iterbehke as
Setimild Bret' (use lee easseesia 1.
Galeria township. smamemelow et 1 r.
Taos. clam abases
Mabel= MaDoeide, of Lsoirter. mid J. G.
Mania, el Wbetasharek, tamer rude of
Oeilselata Ineetmais. auda Is amend.
um Ws teem
ff Omni
is the greatest remover of mole
and pravester el inertia/Mime.
Bares repairs oils, puking aod
Your Choice for 51c. aud 15c. per pair
They were from 75c. to $1.50 per pair.
Men's four -buckle Felt Shoes, best quality, wo
14.23, for $1.75. Only a few pairs lett
/At() pairs of Woman's Felt Foxed Lace .Shoes, re
lar $1.25 and 51.35 line, only 79c. per pair.
Rubbers ,at lowest pike and best quality.
Repairing neatly done.
P. T.ME.A.Ma.itE3,
Nardi ids el the Square, Gederice. THE CASH SHOE DEALE
If you want J. PsBROWN
to swam best values Farming Implement
es soda is
come siatiammiss a 1st that hes ittt
ardMI4 e
-Auction Rooms
We have abcrat two handled Enka,
a/I sink and at the priest ire are sell-
ing titan .1 14., should eel Met over
tea days.
rim Oat
I 1.7. 14,. beet that is sods Isi•Jels,
ss, "'silvers, Qantas Ilsass, ssa.
1 1.••. ob. De Lavst Chess Sean
Ise it is the mom MIME, co klei mut
It will pay yea to ma ass
Do you west 5new OM. ow neigh
I bud. diagram makes, mad mama
narairemeato and year pooket. tea
Weald sot re, wife 110kaisiON k
VSISSIt sad Walt I
*10 75. wail • red r///e, 08ge
BMW* Nashias t
Ass so *mos te hem 70. 1.41
impel tin Meek at my wareromes 05 11
Mem" helm yea purism.
I buy my peas ea the cash heals imd
at a very dem 5.15. 01 profit.
11. P. BROWN,
• sows sw Momoy-liarrie lawiswef
811013111 WIERS,
Disdain sat MEN
Galata el Illamohawas Usi- •
bie el lhabeamag.
C. 0. F. Korsairaiemairr --A mead sew
ewe sad literety mataismest. oder tee
sespiees of Lam Dammam. 14e. 79. 00.
F., vr111 be gives is the eavieoltaval EMI
ea Ilisroday, ebreary let. The feltewtem
performers as en *be program : W. Me -
teed, el Salient'. see we1 Meta semis
emerestaar ; Nevem Lege, et Liimairet,
barites. soloist ; COM Wender al
Laotian. ei•oatiewist • the Nds eveleara.
aped Mai Berry. si who wil1 .51
es socon.asivt. lotortoisigasta SO.
0011011 at 8 reales& Allatmlem, 26 Sea
resemed emu, 36..1.. Ties essallites
se trams te mike this esaseet lap meet of
the serum
mestrag tee Vaasa tire libeareaos
(Jet wee held bare a Wedeesday of lost
week, the 1714. last Taws wee • large at-
tiradsnce ef polity bolder. presoak who
eseatedvto mime gram lateresl in 44.55.1
egesmet el *be seensay fey 1809. The
gnomes es1 last seem.1 metres' were read
sad edepeed, Use were, as aresesa,
seetreaserees sad saner( mama. after
Mike the preside:A Mr Itaammyee.vseated
the *hat to give Was* to • eheeness be
madeet tam ruatatag eart ot des beslasse
the appofotimat el terse direst'," les mesa
tone. 111. feektme, reeve .4 IC Waimea.
epos reseal of the promideat. vas we• salmi
wpm to act, wee easalseemply asses me
atalrmse. la whims eeptelty he sad la
noti a hesitate like inesser *et he ebreed
'bat ha was rigid IMO hi she right
pew. Th, retinae abeam. J. Kash.
sod J. betels. Imre telbrosiated. ead Jam
Girvis wee Wetted se an tai. yearn
mimed by the deal& si Ide Metier, *15. 4.5.
Hasa three. The retails medium. 14.
Deftest, reeve el Aelelekl, 1.4 3. Villeem.J.
P.,-54 Hallett welos reeppeatel There
Wen emend sismiNeed fee des dereetorselp,
the tams gatill Woo lee sesesselel
The esnotheue( Me Mernealtaral modety
toot Thereday tra fairly well limeade&
..14. Stems* wee ea liam gime als oddest.
Oli Perot Dmeratioa et Me Elemebet
ue amble 1. lo primes, ...assat•
wale matters am &sealed
Engineer's 14. 4.1
Polish is superb.
Ratty to apply .ad leaves a sag -
marmot brilliancy. Oar machine,
cylinder, engine, dynamo sad lub-
ricating Oils are at the Anima.
Our abset, piston, gasket4 and
rubber Paokings are reliable. As-
bestos goods, pipe coveriage, eto.,
are ad the latest German sad
Canadian manufacture.
All our mill sappliai are tin best
that can be produced and are fully
For prime and discount, vrrite
It Ti. SUM Cupid Cs.,
ol Toronto, Limited.
The shore le eat into dove wood
istqta and will be delivered to any
part of tbe town the mine day u
Orders received by telephone or
lett at rtsidenos, 1241 Qambria
will rewire prompt attaation.
'Phone 98.
*ostlerioh. November 2Ist, IISS. 411111
Tam eten blebs "tut be did sisd
bow be did it flock eedonemeste ee
the fellewleg *re are a sadism west
of 104.0544.
ale mishit -
-filowtek Duteeters cm&
swilrawirsissw wwws.. w .11
Os' tag.
SNOW 011eettit Owe& liteelleame *5.
m Boiler licpailig,
The Ooderieh steers boiler works
bevieg hem removed trout Odell*
1 hem made arranfrettembi to am/
tin bailer repairing mad aloe the imou-, eta
41.5411444 01 boiler* eosins' sad
other meobtnery promptly etleaded
Machin* (hawk&
Werke ou Viviano Skeet.
lo Iraallia 06
usband : "l'm getting
sick of Ws standing 'round
the mark et looking for
wood; then paying such
exorbitant prices for it."
Wife: " Why didn't you
do as neighbor Jones did
in the fall: go to Las &
811EP1IAR14'S and get a
'Happy Thought.' lie
sambe has saved a quar-
ter -a the price already by
making the change, and
says he has got tbe hest in
the market."
Weimar • sisitst coriverontion every
day, med a great many husbands have
mead oft Jones' esperieura, and Dave
bought and have hed the seam expel
isms thmaselves.
1.• proof of 1151. .1 ham aohl threp
carloads of Hanes wad *eves this
. ,
We lase s geed mounelliand Outtor
for male Amp.
Lee Shephard
r.M P04105 *51445.
4.514. eits.grax
Gerser Wee et emll illettere-
A Great Sup,. 4,
is ere Oboes Saw a.
rook of whisk we oell • bend • Wome
Tble eare ale seese. a We ear
sulything len" mis la bag boa we
Mabee Oman seem 554 0* prim*
are Wit*, The Masa luta ad am
ma gap me boa ert • usep lee their
F?Wireere sr pelatese..1=X10,
WO aro tio Ito el la
Wade -
Oheissi. able Omws.
el Sas.
T. G. 111/PLUM 00.,
!Molina Mak Seindek
Just Reeeivel
1.014111 A550041'11111011 OF
Cigars in small boxes,.
MOW and WO Am. *a the old stood, Mimi perehetteo