HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-01-25, Page 7ANOT11ERDAY'S FIGHTING
Slow Progress Being Made for
Gen. White's Relief.
But the British Gradually Forcing
' , : Their Way.
The Struggle May Last Some Days Vet-- But Not Much News Cosslq-
Dl•posltloe of the Forces ----Report That Duedosaid Has Reached Lady-
•mlth--DvbHna Fighting Oallantly--Brltlnh Losses on Sunday -
Emperor William teethe War ---Kreger UMasy--pea Rundle to
Command the Eighth Division.
Spearman's lamp, Jan. 20. 7.10 p.m.
A party of picked shots froci iBetbune's
!ionated Infantry took a pastels clue.
to the river before dawn, and.wben It
became light fired on the Boers, kill..
lag 0•m and hitting three horse
At the same *las our front was ad-
vancing, using the balloon to discover
the Boers, and with skirmishers
f root.
The naval gun and howitzers mean-
while kept .hsilhg the Boor positions.
At 4 P a Gee. Warren was situ
S WIM a high ridge running at right
angler behind Apeerkop with shrapnel,
which wadi bursting right above the
Beer trenches.
Aram flee was burning between
sad Boer poitions.
Darinll ' Lord Inefidatesided s.gage-
ntent at Acton Hoaee 1t U reported
that the Boers ,fiend a whits flag.
Major Educe stood up and was im-
mediately fled on. Thereupon he
rest a Boer prisoner to the burghers
to say that union their arms were
laid dime and their immix throes up
no sorbs would be taken of white
flags. The Boers fired on the primmer
while returning.
Boer pee:mars declare that the
Orange Free Beate and Transvaal
burghers are good trestle, and have
no Idea of giving up tbe fight even
wheo defeate1.
The Boers fired Maser volleys and
used a Nordeofeldt gun this even -
Warren fought for twelve
hours to -day. He gained two posltlone.
The British lase is beleved to have
tteen small.
Detail. of the Fight.
Spearman's Camp, Jan. 20. -The op-
erations today oummeeSoel at dawa.
general Warren attacked the Boers,
who occupied a strong position on
Ills right.
The British artillery dellvered •
heavy shell firs, but the Boers did sot
reply until 2 o'clock.
Tien the British eo*centrated tis
fire 01 their big guns on the enemy's
artillery, while the lafantry advanced
delivering a heavy rifle fin.
The Boers courageously and tena-
ciously held tbelr poeitess but they
were finally forced beck, and its Brit-
ish swarmed over the ridge.
The Bosh retired to ggooeew order and
took up a second position, which was
enbjected to It heavy hombardnaent
with lyddlte .belle.
This forced n second retreat, the
enemy being .elomply press.' by Oen.
Warren's ateu.
(ion. Clary'. and Gen. Warren's enm-
mends them Mvouackmi on the ggrr nil
gained. after heavily boaabarding for
mew time the enemy*. main-po-Iton.
The foregotng was Oesdtrale Warren
and C1ery . work toward the north-
Simdt•nso..ty Oaa. Lyttleton, with
the vlew'10 rellesing'the preening on
Gen. Warren, attacked the enemy's
front. west of I'otgeater'. drift. He
probed forward h'. Infantry, covered
by the howitzers and naval guns, toth
un alts north hank of the rarer and
MSS Alice.
The infantry's farther nevante
forced the Boers to open Ire with their
Nordenfeldt eleven -pounder, whirl' was
. eleneed by 174d1te shells In s quarter
of an hour.
Honda the Passes.
London. Jan. 21.-.\ despatch to the
Central New., dated Bpeerman'.
Camp, donde), night, says that the
Boers .1111 held the summit of the
ridge at Splon top.
Lord Dendonald completely holds t11e
approach to the Tantwa. Beadeldeo-
hfitt and Olivier Hoek paves
through the Drakeerbergen.
feed Hrltlslt Shrapnel.
Leedom Jan. 22. -The Tlmev printa
tbe following dispatch from pas corespondent :thea morning
Jar' .21. -Alla ee.iw *annd evening,
General Warren has been attacking
the Boers
'Tbdr pdtim le a long edge. 4
exiles earthmen of TrlchardO drift.
aareendrig frau tette river.
At down � r (A
y aturdaJ)our
galls eaeeoupl e./light en the east of
the rates,
The e•eayle defense were ebSefly
etasright shelf
1otpg s .YYi iding forward
andpthe o
. !tion PNnI circular. taps.
'At 11 o'clock General Hart'a bri-
gade advanced on the left. Moog
Mare a
rooky. unseen spar. Into the sees •eb-
ele. ander ary fire, from three dt-
'Tak3etg advantage of all posibte
seer. the troop advatmed to • pont
wwwistila 800 yard. of the eosay's right
bet yard eihst7 e
the et the mover. There
thr.y tanalta.a retell dark and be
In eddies to MaxinseNordea-
Mfdt• the enemy Bred shrapnel oo e
tared at Coleenst Their KS war In-
termittent, eat was ',wart tag�otit
Yy seletlo.d by nor rmN.med Istteetiss
"At Night to ensonen fight wing
eveesated Ito ptlertIon,'
Key N floor Peeltlea.
Lod $s . 112. -.The Delis Tele -
grape bee the fbtldwltlg dsayItch
from viisYst Btrt1algb. dated hatur-
th';. trate n Cane:
Gat. Warren's Bata es have tereghl
• d.1 ru pleased
and auessetnl
mimed to the west a hot. tall'
prtataoally Pitted to ear moserleg
the roogb t*hlelss, sheet ett dit'Aet-
.d the Imp of tb• r .dtkmg
"Atter a flaroe114 bad been
darheted Heseagsl.nt � ,.,�, � ./a tereste thee. tl. •' • eae.ma-
lead rre r al'41"4".."- i ewe,
area 11411 • ..-
4-,&r. .
• 14111.1111.0
Britib infantry went forward In the
tees of a heavy fusillade from Maurer
"Our troops were direposed as fol-
k/Os: Ma jar -Gen. W omega net bre
=Lco• the right, ¥ajer-ena. Hart's
in the coati*. and Ila jun'-Gees.
ard'r brigade an the left.
-Boon after mid-day the battle oa
the hill became fierce, and from turtle
in the afternoon until six We fire from
both cannon and rifler war extremely
heavy. Point after point of the
enemy's position was seised by the
British troops, and eventually the
Boer right broke and was forced back
toward Mpton top.
"(her force le bivouacking upon the
ground It captured so gallantly. Dur -
Ing the action today the enemy
b.ougbt into play new guns, one of
arthro was a quick -firer. Tomorrow
ought to settle tits matter
•in to-tfay's fighting our isles stere
trifling, but the Boers suffered heavily.
-Willie (..neral Warren was flglttlug
his engagement an effectual dt.moo-
stratAbn was proceeding at. I'otgleter'r
drift, the swew% prai/.ass near Mies
bsing vigorously shelled by the Britlah
Oen. Beller's Reports.
London, Jan. 21. -The War Office
ilaortly after midnight posted the fol-
lowing despatch from lien. Buller,
dated Spearman's Camp, Jau. .Oth,
evening :
"Geo. fiery. with a part of Gen.
Warren's force, bar been In action
from 0 a. m. t111 7 p. m. to -day. By
CI jtidichoue use of has artillery he has
fought hie way up, capturing ridge at -
ter ridge, for about three miles.
"The troops are now bivouacking on
the ground he has gained, but 11..
main position le sttU In front of them.
"The casualties were not heavy.
About 1011 wounded had been brought
la by 6.80 p. m. The Dumber of killed
has sot yet been ascsrtalsed."
A second despatch from General Bai-
ler to the War Office is am follows:
"Spearman's Camp, Jan. 21. 0.55
a. in. -In order to relieve the preen
co Gen. Warres. sod to ascertain the
strength of the enemy In the posltloo
In front of Potgieter'r drift, lien. Lytr
Upton made a reoonnolaanee lir fors
7aeaterda y.
This kept the enemy In their
trencher In full strength, all day.
'Our caasaltlee- eIltlyd Battalion
)log's Royal ltUlee-Two killed, twelve
wounded, and two mleing."
The hallowing despatch from General
Buller states that the wounded In Sat-
urday'. battle number 12 officers and
277 rank and f11.:"
"iipearman'm Camp, Jan. 21. 10
a.m.-The followleg were warned In
action near Venter Sprint yesterday:
"Staff --Col. B. Hamilton tied J1Ia-
Joe C. McGregor.
"8eooad I.aocaahire Fualllers- '.apt.
R. 8. Blunt and 8eoond-Lleute. M.O.
Crofton nal E. J. M. Barrett.
"Fleet Border Rlflee-Capt. C. D.
Vaughan and Penrod -Lieut. Murder.
"First York rad Laneaablres- eec-
owd-I.trut. A. 11. Ketrrey.
"Second Dnblln Fuel)ler.-Capt. C.
A. Hensley (since dead), and Major
F. English.
"Deoa.d Oorbrw--Senood-Lieut. P. D.
]Non-oommissloneed officers and seen,
Late ti's evening the War Office
posted the following later despatch
froel elete Beller:
• Spearman'. Camp, Javi, 21. 9 p.m.
-Oen. Warren has been engagel all
day. chiefly on his left. which holies
-, swung forward about a couple of
The ground le very difficult, and
as 511.If ghttng M all the while up
WTI. It Is difficult to may exactly how
much we have gained. but I think we
are mak:ng sub.tantlal progress."
Position of the Formes.
Loudon. Jan. 22. -There 1s tome
doubt as to the exact distribution of
the British fomes, but It It probable
as follows:
Oat. Cloy In the centre.
Oen. Lyttleton on the right centre.
Oen. Warren on the left centre.
Lord Dundonald on the left.
'Data Polglstsr's drUt It the flghting
right base and Acton Homes the left.
It le for tide reason thet Oen. Warren
acquired two risatking kopjes that are
fairly behind and to the east of the
Boers' pnsttlon at Rprosnknp, but as
fist. Buller say.. the fighting la still
u p hill, It le clear that (len. Warren
'has not yet reached the suatmht of
the Ladysmith road. w'hlrh tails for
four elks to Clydesdale after five
miles up hill from Venter sprult.4.1
If the troops ea het right sneers -
fully ^leans, and the right le pushed
to the eammit, the Bows will really he
tamed and forced towards Ladysmith,
when Oen. WblM. teoramanding the
troops there, will probably be able to
to -Operate, turning them northward,
wbsre they 1,111 have the railway and
a series of flee poetise
Bass il.tels Hymns.
London, Jae, 21. - Thls dspateb
comes from Om Boer headquarters oa
the Upper Tugela, ander date of Tom
(ny• tCw'Ae ire known So -day that three
hundred English had aroused .t Pont
delft over the first Tvicia, and were
on the federal side. A dWIAY In tomo
had beet made toward Dolmen, and
•nether northward t+otewei Oliver's
Hoek bridge, whbk Wits blown up by
its a few dare ago.
To*larM 8 o shack tin &lane wan
ghste that the gnglMh were rem ing.
'fora toobents observed long 1Dceexeles
ne► Bette% lo..Itnee of to •g dIntgtw' hlt eb alW
than of Mlle
ea &wart'm kep,
T11e!r fades were swishes, lest t•
Nle natal epMtltwg the river hawk.
rat 8 o'eloek ttry eas.rgrd le r1pe11
.7'5Pvner sod in tin Hien 1410
• knDes .ren tis& river bank. At hag -
ex tib took (ie a t!s1Nseh a.ld9
whN Obverse 011 1 a OW . qdb:
tltelr hones were tethered where therre
war alto least danger from chase
simile. and the use prepare.* to maks
• night of It at their poste.
h.ght had now faller. With the
gloom time fitful flashes of IlghtuiurygI
/rem etheeltheolisreekeithe •i►Itl/h hs4
been threatening all day. Tb. (loads
eteat uaIIy mopuratnd.-- showing the
moue. B multatteusnly with the clear
lug sky well knuwu Dutch belnnr wore
rpested from kepis to kepis. w,th a
rtraugely weird often. highly Inrplrlt
Ing 1141, 5 She grey toned. and the
beardless youtlt.i.
"The battlefield Le full of historic
signlfloanoe. Spluukop hill, whence 1
am raw writing, war • hill from which
the Boer trekkers, after crusting the
1)rakni.herg mountable, *pled out the
then barbaric Natal and found it fair
In their eyes." (Here the despatch
ends abruptly.)
Joubda's Birthday.
Cape Town, Jan. :A1, k) p. no -To-
day Is the sixty-eighth aneivereary of
the birth of lien. Piet Joubert, com-
mander of the Boer forcer In the
Fighting at Rudder River.
/(udder River, Jan. 20, 10.55 a. tn.-
The British successfully blew up and
rated two buildings, Including the
house formerly oct'up:ed by Command-
ant Muller, out.lde their lltter, US
Boer snipers had used tho.e house.
at night, firing from them at the most
dietant British picker up We riven
Between daylight and nitre o'clock
tills morning the enemy find a dozen
Recently appolntel D. O. 'C. of No.
2 Military Dlvtrlct. (i0ronto, In
secession to LiaOt.-(bl. Otter.
&belle from two guns, one of which
was behind the craft of a kopje. Their
fire did no damage.
Force Opposed to t1atarre.
Leaden, Jan. 21.-.A despatch from
Sterketrtom, date:/ Jan. "0, explains
Col. Brabant'. small estimate of the
number o( Boer. (1,500) at Stormberg.
It says that a medical lieutenant, who
remalned with the wounded after the
diameter to the British, has returned
to the camp.
He estimate. the Boer. at 5,000, but
they have established a new camp
seven mils beyond Seerketroom, where
• strong detachtpent was left.
They had received additional guns,
which were sehed by German gun
D ere.
General Delaray, with reinforce -
Dente, was expected to arrive In a
effort time from the wart.
Old men and goys were serving as
a town guard at lfurghereeiorp, where
supplies were scanty. Some of the
boys. were only 14 year. old. The Boers
have the railway from Pretoria to
Stormberg In working order.
The Fres State Boers were very
kind to the prisoners, trot the colonial
rebels were extremely hard.
Loudest Steyn, brother of the
President of the Free State. was moat
considerate to the Brlti.lt captive..
The lieutenant ad.ls that the Boers
are confident of ultimate success.
They declare that the British nrtll-
lery has done little harm.
Demonstration Totv.re Hebron.
I.onndon. Jan. 21. -The War Officer
ham reeetved the following from Lord
Robert.. dated Cape 'horn, January
"General French reports a demon -
attention with cavalry and two gun.
toward Hebron on Frtlale but oth-
erwise hie situation le nnrhanged."
Store. and 'Munitions.
London, Jau. 21.-A apechn' deep atch
from Rome rays. "lir. Macrum, for-
merly United States Consul at, ee
torin, who arrlverd here yewterday
(Saturday), denis that he lett 11114 post
owing to a disagreement with Prod -
dent Kruger and State Secretase
Reitz He says he has a letter from
President Kruger to Preddent /Ire
Ktnley and nlao a melange to Presi-
dent Loubet, but no mission beyond
delivering them.
'Regarding the war, If r. Macrum
. mid that while he believed the British
would ultimately he Mucoesmful, It
would take a long time to ooneleee the
w ROBER'Iw w,
wee Wale to Kinston yestt4rcler to
$In the contingent.
Repnbllns that the,yy .nest submit. He
said they had maple *losses add mmd-
tkrn., and that there WOO the wrested
.nthnlasm In l'r0eda Mir the war,
an Neilbid Imes 1414 ler a long
7be Dublie•` Rept".
London. Jae. Yl.-PMor to the battle
of 0ah4Mse the Irish BrIgsie, serving
with Nie hoses sent a nets to the
Dshlld tangs raying they were gnarl
Reit they trere to hes an rpportea
to wipe them fres the tae. 1
DnbUns aaewhre4. "We will
walk elan srh yes brigade as the
ISM walled thrmgb Atb!we"
helyds Tae 14880
3pe.sa1..lan rd, -Dr n7 ey a the se.'
tenant ESOP. Ke of he
Cr Government. W IQIid a 8141Wt
mint tbruu.t the prase saylag that
be jaus redelpt of a mama offers
froth luau who whited to volunteer for
rues with the Boars that he le corn
pe14.d to einnen&noe that he Ls nowise
nuthortted to enroll anybody la Eur•
t wgaryeew setellthirettverve
ei the war test go to Routh Africa
ut their own reek and etpauw.
Ha(.klag All Right.
Lecithin, Juu 22.-llerpatchss trona
iinleklug elate that ou Jan. 8611 the
Buerr were drupplug shell. from their
5-iouuderr Into the market square.
The town has throe nonthe food.
The Boers were snaking an emplace-
ment for a big gun 700 yard+. back of
their present position. They were or
occupied trying to silence the British
suns ou Jan. 10th that their (Ire we.
diverted from 'the town.
&leave rainbavAmad. the treaelti
in front of the town scarcely haeit-
able. The health ai the town in fairly
good. The latest mews received is
Itafekisg was reposes of the battle
aL Moddey raver. t'hiekey is running
abort. The betting in 14 to 7 that the
Wege will be raised by Jan. 81st. Oa
homely, Jae. 711i, there was an ex-
cellent programme of sports, in which
some of the garrison took part.
A despatch front Generous, dated
Jan. 141h, says that Col. I'lumer made
a reconnoissance Saturday morning,
• nd dLrovered Boers • few males
south of Cr000iUe prole station.
A Beira despatch, dated Jan. 16th,
says that Cd. Pltrner advanced •1
night towards Crocodile pools, but the
flooded /[etas►aa pan checked his pro-
gram. The bat.dge three miles south of
Gaberones war discovered on Jan. 14th
to be batty damaged. Lt has been re,
paired and ibe railway Is now pa-
trolled by •n armored train.
London, Jan. 28.-A despatch to
the Dally Chronicle from Spearman'.
Camp, dated Jan. 22nd, 4,15 p. m.,
5171 :
"Gen. Warren tontluuee peeling the
enemy, though neuenearlly he le
making very slow progrm, the
Boer. being sweet's ate strongly en
trenched on the kupee they hold.
They have several good guns
mounted, but the greatest effect le
produced by their Maxims and riffs.
"Our infantry le working over par
allel ridges with Lund Dundunald'r
oavalrz leinog well out on the left
'fern awaltTtig developments.
"Gen. Warren's artillery reopened
fire this morning. The Boers did not
reply, and our fire became lase hot.
The naval guns here have been
" A Boer prieooer here las boasted
Mint tt wde.id . Irma , we Mars nese Ar
to reach Ladywmith."
May Last Nome Days.
London, Jan. 28. -Nothing Inas been
allowed to tramtptre officially con
cerning the operations of Geo. Buller'.
forcer yesterday. The only despatch
from lien. Buller since Sunday night
1. a preliminary list of the casualties.
(Inc or two corre.pundents bare leen
allowed by tate censor to mention that
the artillery reopened fire Monday
morning, but all other report'. trans-
mitted on Monday refer to the adtua-
tetrn on the preview day, ani these
oo (Ism the remota that the pro -
grew rel the British is very slow and
difficult. 1
The teleegram'u ho.vever, .1111 leave
tau much wto*i4 to enable a resllza•
Won of the precede diapositive of the
British force,. Whet 1. known l,etel•
motet tate probabikty that .the tor-
ment operations, If .ucoesaful, wilt
last revere' days yet. aud the infer -
Moet of come of the urtica that Gen.
huller'■ denim pr -'c ries an announce.
moot or ins smoceel need not t ngdege
Meantime. the very- moderate total
of the British oasualtlee, ant the
some pro;:ortioa of ( ale. slow n
tory (afferent Dandling of the fro op.
co:nporai with many of the prey's.
e erug. meets It also furnl-4ts proof
of the correspondent.' steteounts
concerting Use growing skill of the
Bribeh soldiers In availing them.
.elves of cover Illus the Boers.
Aaccorling to Urs Daly Telegraph's
correspondent, the Boers have two
•lt-Inch Crsweot gun.. about four 1L -
pounders and two machine guns.
whirl' la a mo:'eerate artillery force
for the defence of a Toulon whoh
Is mid to extend .everal miles.
Mather It irtelleattef that the Boers
have as yet been unable to mount
more gun+. or whether. as some gibes..
the present reetst:tnee Is n'erely that
of the rear gnarl covering the with.
drawal of the heavy gens as the re -
suit of tete deliberate abandonment of
the siege of Latlywdth. It U Impre-
rlble to any.
An incident of Randny's fighting
oma. an attempt of tate Boer. to turn
the extreme Brttlilc left. This man-
oeuvre was defeated. however. by the
nrtlllery- and the Devonshire I(egl.
At the Bayonet's l'o1M.
Bpearma•'a Camp, Jan. 21, 8.55 p.m.
-Today there was soother stubborn
fight from dawn to dark, the Britinh
. lowly gaiedng greeted. There h.e
peers constant musketry Cuing, to the
mor threats
The British gained a position the
Boers were holding on the rocky
grouted beyond,
The bottle which in progressing Is
most difficult to describe. There is
fighting in front, and on beth
flank., covering a very wide range
ce territory.
At 10 o'clock this morning the Dub-
lin Regiment, carried a very strong
position •t the point of the bayonet.
The correspondent visited the field
tFal on the battlefield on Coven-
. farm. The bti4d:ngs were full
el wounded, about 200 men. None of
them is seaway wounded.
An officer named Hamilton, attache
ed to General Clery'. stall, Capt.
Vaughan. and Capt. Muriel are among
the digetly womefed.
Gen Warren le confident and care-
ful. He prefers taking five days to
•coomplieh hs object than to rink
fest by attempting to make a too
fest advance.
The British cwsualt4s lo yesterday'•
Lighting were 175. .
Beer Attaelr Repmlaeel.
tenets Jan. 28. -The Dally Mali Idle
the following, dated Sunday night.
from Spearman'. Cafop.
"There ha. 'Wort hot flghting nil day.
At dawn oar attack was roomed
along the entire line. the ',recede.
taking part. We soon sew that the
Bowe 4111 occupied the range of hills
1a fes.. their positions being very
•troig. The range le intersected by
steep nese, and many approach",
are very MIfk'nit of amount
"To -day, the Does *bo wore dress
from their teem -hem yesterday teok
,ever iIn docks and behind the Mee
w'th which the hills are WiiWe...Tbe
threes therefore novadessithibia ll•urb
of driving them oat, and ret to Week
w'.th good heart In the early morning.
" Much firing torn plarvt, end our
progi'0* wan slow, hot graataslly Brit-
ian plea* told lee tale, anal the enemy
real back to another kneels We
swarms'1 on, and or'e pVd It. and then
She attiree& rmdosakseeed -With the
Athos. gallantry.
"The eoautry tempi,, *bon..8x m hire
fa,erehle to temente warterei, Samar
Nt le en anions the. Neverthelan
le beteg gradeelle loon betted.
any 01 the rn.smy wore obs
04latel /skin ap a /wth pw.Nartw. ear
;104.04.ba{teriii pontrd to ekasrers 61
Otte 5is, rapid 1001•1teat it
the guns. followed by accurate aboot-
.ag. moat nava gre-ttly dlrtre..asl
"The enemy were on the defearlve
aloin the entire day, arse cues, wheu
the attew2501 to .001Ilt�Vuu
re 1(Y ratty -man The
retied aingrt entirely on rifle fire. A
few .hells were Oriel froom et heavy
Imo of ortinauts, but these foil harm-
"N'e now occupy the lower crest ou
the left, and are a*lverglug slowly
St surely to tete User centre.
'The Boer Mos is unknown, bat must
S ee been heavy. Their killed and
watuded ore carried away to tie rear
reptlly. Btru.g rnuaorw are In circula-
tion that the Boers' tare retiring.
"Tete battle will be rerunusl to -mor-
row .'
o mor-
A Frontal Attack.
I.orn'on, Jan. 23.-'111e Thuds oub-
liettes the following from Frere t'ump.
dated uscterday (Monday) afternoon.
"011 Friday Oen. Warren begau 'a
long elreultods march from Trltivartee
drift westward. Tile tout+ alatneeeu(il,
owing to the Leet that the long ridge
which ruts wewt from diplon top wall
occupied by the enemy, who °unmetnd-
.1 the route, remk'lug the mulntt'u-
anee of eommuul:atl u. for traaegeorte
l app .l4 W e.
"He therefore returned and vamped
for the night about two wiles from
Trlcltard'm drift (on Saturday n
trental attack On the ridges war or
The correspondent then tlescrthes
Saturday's fighting. already cabled,
and edits :
" The mit behaved splendidly un
der an Incessant heavy crow fire In
a bunting run for seven boor. Our
casualties were for the most part
slight. the proportion of killed to
wounded beteg extremely .mall."
British Losses Burday.
London. Jan. 22.-Ju.t before mkt
nesht the War Office lased the foe
lowing despatch from Oen. Buller :
Spearman's tramp, Jan. 22, 8 p.m.
-Tire following casualties are res
ported 1n (lea Hart'. Brigade as
the result of yesterday's flghting :
Captain Ryall, Yorkshire Rel
Bank inti file. 5.
Wvuudd -
Capt. McLachlan, lnulekllllugg,
.$ecoid Lieut. Andrews. Bonier Ree'
Lieut. Bartow, Yorkshire Regi-
Rank and file, 75.
Eight men are miring. Other
casualties will be forwarded when
A Doubtful Derbae Rumor.
Durban, Natal, Jan. to -The state-
ment comes (rum an excelleot aouToe
at Pietermaritzburg that Lord Dun -
there'd has seined Lady -tame witb
1,600 men:
The :s' not confirmed from any
other gyerter, but le is known tb■t
Loaf Dundonald's tIyCng column has
bees •otiiig well to the loft at the
line of adv Race.
Burial of teteevens.
London, Jan. 22. -'Chia despatch
from tt* rpeciel correapuodent is pub -
limbed by the Dell; Mail, dated LAO -
smith, vis Zwart a 'Kop, Jan. 20th :
" At neinight on Monday we buried
Steeveas in L. dyeoetb cemetery. The
n ight wait very dark, but the Boer
aearchl:ght on Umbulwana played on
the mourners who followed Steevena'
body to the grave, adding a deep sol-
emn:etr to the scene.
There were menti people present,
including • number of officers."
To Transfer Native Regiments.
Cehcutta, Jan. 22. -Tete Government
Isar reae.l to trawler two native re.
g tmentr now at Mndrae to Colombo
in I t•tng,tpore This wsul.l cnnW, the
I;rltlah regiments at those two points
o Io withdrawn for Mouth Africa If
Killed the Chief (loaner.
I..,ndoa, Jan. 22. -The epecieal corse•
spondent of the Daily Mail sends this
deapatobt dated Mafekarg, Wednes-
day, Jan. Lt:
'The enemy have *hello' s very
little ranee our artillery attack on
Jan, 3rd, when, according to the na-
tive reporia, we kille.l the floras'
chief gunner and five others, •nd in-
jured their gum.
"The Board lrld seem! lere confer
oncee last week. The Free State lead -
r. Eraarnua. Is reporte.l to hnveslnce
left. takl:tg hes men with him. There
ere fewer Bowes visible now than nt
many previous time. mince ;the, time 1*"
;nn. One selmate maker their fortes
A Blg (ion )lade le Kimberley.
London. Tuesday. Jan. 23.-A de-
-patch to the DeLly Telt-graph from
Kimberley. dated Jan. 10th, rays
that a 28 -pounder gen has been man-
ufactured in Use de Beers workshop.
It was tested on Friday and fired
aocur.ttely to, 8,00) yarla it hag
beer chrkten d "Long Cecil."
Heavy Boer Bombardment,
Kimberley (by h?Ilagrnp:e). Wedn
/key, Jath. 17th, vin Madder River, Jan:
22 -Native reports say that a pro-
clamatio t has been t sued nt Bark-
Iy West by Commandant Beithof, or -
entree all Br4114* subjects to qult be.
oreJan. Pend. Ladies are b Ing sub.
Sots' to great Moult%
The Bo-'rs are writ very active,
tomb:tr.'artg from "11 positions from
iawn till 8 a m... the fire being di-
rected ctiL'ily agnlust the redoebty.
Aw•rms of bocu•ts.
Sterketroom, Jan. 22.-Affaire here
continue qui t 7rem, nd oue swarm. o1
locusts are Seeing over the British
camp In a northerly direction, and are
dentroying the grans on the veldt.
Commandant (Attlee threaten* to de.
tale as prisoners of war any hawse -
For correspondent captured by his
Boers Were Alarmed.
London, ,fan. 28. -Th. Helly Tele -
'mph puhilsbee the fnllowlne despatch
delayed by the censor from Renrherg,
dated Sunday afternoon:
"Lar: evening about 1) o'clock the
Boer. began firing furlouiy all along
their main proltlsn. Throe tiers of
rile flee were v'Inlble. The firing lasted
thre equestors of nn' hour. The reanrxl
for the alarm le not known here."
1tmperor on the War.
Berlin, Jan. 22.-i5 1n stated that at
a recent reeeeptkm of the Presidents of
the I'rneslan chamber. Emperor Wil-
liam dleemewel the Routh Aft -lent' wear
In the pint Imperial manner. Re
preleerl the .neepenful tnctire of the
Boers, who, without aworda or bay-
Seem,nee relying solel, on their rifles
hail one an well '
At the name times HU Majesty re-
preaaawtl the (kerpist regret teat an
many of the trot English families were
moernlng the leeroie depths of how
bends, fathers and em.ns
The Emperor deplored the Melted"
ce the (barman prem. which rendered
It meet difficult for him to erne% Me-
ting with England. He ronalled Primo
lgmnarck'. remote*: 'We moat pay for
the windows broken by oar pros "
Prehwe the Celnwl.I..
Landon, .Tan. 2A. -Tit. War OffMr*
Ise deeded not to sane the 17th
ietheare, lith Heasan, and 7th Dre-
rooee Owrd. to los* Africa, at-
h mobilized.
It Is underrtuod thee Lord Roberts
dues not see a way to gni fodder for
the English outrgM.
gurs tlwn the o _ on"pp cav�lar�'Q&"tley T# wog Tp Veldt,
and Turd Roberts expects to oro iee-
tahal (-LIN airy Instead.
Kruger 1 es 'Thank*.
London, Jan. "S-Mr. Alfred M.
*renin, the poet laureate, and Dr: ('o-
-Dan Doyle. the notellst, were the
gusto of the Authors' Club tart night.
In response to a toast to h1. health,
11r. Doyle raid that he war #trout 0
go to the front, not with a"irlf1., but
with it rtetfxsoope, which many would
regard as a more dangerous weap,u.
" Tito war," ire continued, "marks
n turning point In the Info of (ireat
Britain. Some eight mouths Igo 1
took tate chair at a peace meeting. but
1 wish, now to attest that error. 1
have seen more positive virtue to this
country during the last few menthe
Of Ancaeter. who joined the cou-
ttngeyrt at K►q.ton yesterday.
thep I Neer dub, elm protheses forty
yearn of my life. Why should we
punh4. Kruger ? That man has solved
a problem which every statesman had
found unrultaWg
eol would built a meoetarat N
Preellcnt Kruger of the aim of ht.
Paul's Cutlarlral, putting him under
It, and 1 w'••'ld write tion.. It, ' Tb
t1e memory' of the man who federated
the British Empire.'"
va:.doa�•71,Yfat'r •.1e2hia11TH iAbNitiil�No-,sere./:
The eighth division will be com•
metaled by Major4ien. Rundle. Prin-
ces. Loulpe opened the Artists' War
Punti Exhibition at the (IuI)d Hall
yorterlay. in the preeeeme of a dis-
tinguished company.
/fetor -(:en. Mfr Henry Macleo.l Lo. -
lis Rundle, K. C. let. C. M. (1.,
0., R. A,, hoe been Adjutant -General
of the Egyptian army Once 1898.
He wan born at Newton Abbot. Be -
son. Eng , aunt le 41 years of age.
He entered tate Royal Artillery In
1878. and nerved through the Zulu
war of 1879. receiving tate medal
and clasp. His older war records
are as follows : Transvaal, 1881,
wounded In the defence of Pot•hef•
stroom, mentioned in despatches;
Egypt. 1882, lustiest and
clasp, Kb•-
r11ve'r .tar and promotkrt to('ap-
taln ; Nile expedition. 1881:-85,
clasp aid promotion to Major; Sou-
dan. 1885 to 1891, clasp, third-class
Mejklle, promotion to tblonet :
Dongon expedition. 1898• as title(
of emit. mentioned In 4espateii s,
promotion to Wear General alert
clam); Nile expeetitien. 1897, men
Lionel in despatches and rinse ;
Khartoum expedition. 1898, tom.
mantling line of rommnnlcatlonce
mentioned In deepeteJres, clasp and
ceeoratlon K. C. Ie, He received the
decoration of D. et OL W 18R ,, eta&
O. its (It In 1896.
1n Northern Cape ('010ay.
SLtjor-Geer French iota been rein-
forced and In curing lyddite shells free-
ly. There nru urao(Licial intimations
that General Roberta' est work will
be the cis ranee of the northern fron-
tier by the Roth division whirls is re-
iutforctng Mhtjtr -Gen . French and
Major -:es. (lateen.. Gen. Methrrn's
army remains idle.
Pretoria In 3lurh Perturbed.
lesion, Jan. 2.3. -The Times prints
the following rlespatrh the morning
from its onrra.•pblent:
"Lorenzo Minlues, Jan. 22. -News
from the Republins u exceedingly mea-
gre, but it in reps -what that Pretoria I.
meth perturbed. T6ia is ocrdirmed
from t111te9esnt mosses, and friday it es
e ven b'srted that the Boers are about
to sue *tor pease. nee ies improbable
until they have plaiyend their trump
card in the shape a era appeal ties!' in-
terrenteant }
"It is an um.lrubted fact that thee'
are bitterly d:anppoinnted at the ap-
parent apathy at the rontinen(:el
Ryles .110 In Burgher..
I.on•lon. .Ten. 22 -The Durban cor-
respondent of the Stan.Inrd nay.: "It
is reported/ tiara ten volunteer atretOh.
er-bh rare. o.o their arrival at the
front, walked delLber1N'ly aerate in-
to tda' Boer Hos. The WIMP t11100(
happened it the battle of Coleneo. IL
Le prawns(' they were eploe who had
succeeded In shelling themselves in
aho am bulandee mars.
"It l asserted til t the Boers dere-
14)R1) DI'NDoNALO.
Who is inenmmaurd of one of ['easel
BuUwr's columns tedvaneeing for
the ,rr'llo( of lasty.mlthi
erste," the convent church at NOW -
matte in an inesewlhahle meaner."
London Rehacrlptlon tee iloer*.
Twvrsriou. Jan 2" -At the annual
i runimet of the Alaarve.Lorraine Ito-
. misty hurt night it wrhearlptk,n were
raiPod for the benefit of the Home.
Killed of the nisei' Watch.
London. Jen. Y2.-- The War Office la
advised (rows Pretoria that 8e man
rel the ' Mack W'ntnh' Reptmeett.whn
had been heretofore reported inkling.
were burled by the Boers at Myer.
!tome of Buller -s Troubles.
1.0114 1,111, Jan. 22.- A despatch to the
14l►-.dwa Irtme-Aleint.S..Ju lime' -•
dated friday, Jan. 10th, nays:
' The spirite of the troop.. are great-
ly reared by the conviction that Oen.
Buller now has n thorough grasp of
rho situation.
"Ar the force hie left tie rmliway,
transport difficulties are being experi-
enced. The rivers are often flooded,
and what were a short time ago trick-
ling streams are now deep torrents.
' The keener nt tete drifts cannot be
sally forgotten. One sees a perfect
luuuieraolum of ox -wagons. 8umee-
timed% thirty treat sete yokel to a sin-
gle wagoa, and the drlters make a
veritable babel of wine, shouting In
Dutch, 1:1glbh, and Zulu. They brat-
dLelt their long whips, aid occasion-
ally no ufru•t,etope a wbole truht-
"At ,fltrr pilot, or time, half a
regiment will drag a hart and 11n
mules up tho river Irak by main force.
The traction engines honked promising
at first, but rime ('hieseley I have
Wen nothing of them " 1
.,bad. (Boer) Larger. Lady.mttb,
Jan. St -The quarters of 0.nevale
Milt, eiai'Renter were smashed to -
die!' by • shot from " Long Tau."
It le not known whether any of
the *separate of the building were
kll lett.
Sltuetlo* l'nrkarged.
1.19400. Jan. 28. - FIeW Marshal
Lott) Roberta report. from Cape
lbwit toatay that the war sltua-
tiolt 1. unchanged.
Anxiously Walling.
Loetlon, .inn. �3. 2.22 p.m -Absence
of new« of yewtereay'r movement
north of the Tugela Boer le oeearlco-
tng tonne addltlunul anxiety, but lien.
/fuller as engage' Ln.a big operation,
wluuh .111 Luke t-u(sl.Ieraele time to
work out. Event the right advauoe of
Geo. Warreu's forcer after two clay.'
f•gloting does not appear to have
y.eldeU an Important advantage to
the British, as the captured kopjes
were evidently only 1te1.1 re advanced
poets in order to delay the progress
Vf Lllft.Jdpthth. troupe &unseen dere -...-
Boos to oomplete t ads entreachmtata
and nneHaut guar on 1110 iooretlonu which
they have .elex'ted upon *bI 1 to
make a stand. It 1r remarked that
the Hoerr thug far have' used Mlle
artillery, from which It 1s judged that
their Ages are already mounted Intlitt`tht'1 Iw�1YWne, from whl::h tate
British will *(ave to,dl.iodge them be-
fore reaching Ladyemltih.
There Is ao conlirmatlou of the re-
port that -Lord DuntTwald has en.
Weed Ladysmith, and none Ir ex-
pee'tee1. Expires think that the
Hues woule- only be tort gad to let
Item In unoppolod. The Indignation and
df.gurt expreeie.t at the blunders and
incapacity of the Yeomanry staff, to
whrut 1« ascribable the rank failure
threatening to overwhelm the move-
ment started with such a flare of
trptppets, are Increasing dally. Thome
who were able to carry the scheme
to .nerves hare been met at every
turn with red tape and all kinds of
obstacles and dight. by the Inner cls
etc of titled !neapablel, resulting In
snorer of good men withdrawing from
1.articlptkio In the plats. 113 111..
ruse of the South Bedfordshire 1'en
marry, a whole oompnny td .170 sr.
lector' men its disbanded) In dllagust.
Metre Hoer Adml..lone.
l'retorla, Jnn 21.-A derpatt•tt from
('ulesberg, ('ape l olony, any. thin Rrlt-
Lse attacked the Boer leoeltione there
nt 10 o'clock thbt morning, There wise
(/envy fighting, but the result is not
rr�ereording to the intent account« the
TBttds were holding Heels Pouliluas.
A dlepatelt from t'olene, on Thurso
day, Jan. 18th, says a patrol of 200
rasa under Feld Cornet Opoe.tmao,
while scouting, was surround/el, but,
e'eceecled In lighting)* way back. it
to reporter) that four men Were killed
and that thirty were wounded and
mark. pr10*er..
Berlin !tear. • Rumor.
Berlin, Jan. 23. -There was a rumor
on the Bourke to -day that Genhuller
had aufferedt defeat.
Another Kxcheuge Rumor.
Lorttlno, Jan. 23. -It wee reported
on the stork exchange today that
two hatter:one of British troops bad
oeen captured by the Boma
There is noth'ng here to confirm the
report on the Bertin Bootee of the
defeat of Gen. Buller, or the rumor
on the stock exchange of this city of
the capture of two British bittabon
Icy the Boers. The feet that Gen Bul-
ler was heard from this mornings
when he sent hate of nasualties to the
Brit:oh trollop, seems to disprove those
At the opening of the new town
hell Nt Chatlarn today Lord Rosee-
ber-)-, referring to the war, mil: "In
eueh a war we must have bad mom-
enta, but i truest that. in the provi-
dence of God we ere *trik:ng a bal-
ance a tate evils Grant Britain has
urslergame and the good derived, and
1 do not think the balance fa much
sgatnbt Great Britain."
The threw British posltlnru are the.
old Chlevekey ramp nearest Colenao
t1e central positionat 8wnrzkhp
thrift, where they hold both banks of
the river, and a point higher up In the
d!rr•t!oi of Znnckle., where they have
bridged the river and eattblInhed an
loonwneer eommlaenrl't. On the sarm-
Mit of the terrneen at Swarzkop they
have pie eel fir,' nae I guns, and hate
brought the fiell netillery acme, the
river to a emelt kopje on the northern
leapker whence they keep up an Ince.-
sant and terr.fle cannonade on the
Boer trenches.
8 nos the h'gesning of the week
communication with the ,ilfferent
positiona has torn kept up Tinder the
ordeal of thin cannonade, the minute
e'en resiting from til 1 Leong heavle'r
than Mom that oecurr.i nt Colons,'
One of the Peelle from the ru►vnl game
killed it father and nogg, Frere tenter.,
who were -rhntting nt the time.
Strangely. ne:ther hod nny wounds.
hsb-$oers W Ise ftp Agalr.
Il11111nrl.ji Jan. 21. -The RnWr,eon-
t41tr1e •n active a.4 Meavy bosnherdr•
*eat of t hies place('. ' s
Wal. nt' areatus..
i�s�do� Jaa. P,.
-The dr.apatebee ,:
t s._ .._.�
o'clock dei• Wer Office up. to
•boa. though (1.144 -1
Apes. rna te'$ (lamp, t osl. y, txxa t e i ned
nothing but deseeitie.. Own. Huller
reported That the wounded, Jan. Ye,
(nrIwhet 8eeond 1aaneaale res. 1'ap-
t.in, DO!, Whyte and Ormond, and
Lieut. Campbell
York awl L.nr.ater Reglement -
Lieut. Ahelforl ■nd Dn.kworth.
Weat Sorrel-Ceptain a Raiff (ei.io*
deed) and L3ardem mad Leta !toil►
ani Wold, Staff Dept. Da11s1
• trarrtew. Arrives 1i. Park.
Far a. Jan. 28.-hir. Charters E Mae.
rum, forgoer rialto' !Katesn rotten, at
Preece*. errIvei here tn•day. Re de-
rHned to he lat.rrvlswwd.