HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-01-25, Page 5e za
'3yMCllr"Y - .:4.'a.' ..*.,.,sa''w'�'�''..i,.. •,YR v7fd...,:t1R'v-,....x
Ladies' and Men's Furs:
We place our entire stock of Ladies' Furs,
Pur Jackets, Capes and Fur -lined Capes thus
early at last of the season's clearing prices.
Our stock and selection is very large, and
must be realized on this month.
'r. We invite inspection of the largest and
finest choice in the county of Ladies' and
Men's Fur Coats, Ladies' Fur Capes, Saskat-
chewan Buffalo Robes.
COUNTY t3UMIENCY. I factory, mesh with • peculiar sodden. R.
sota' woo .sag • mat -hook, whoa tt ehppes sad
wlae t w Q = .
ktts et J. lie Jess. p1.Abm1
d �' the beadle .00 .p, daka
o. bia moo and
mitts( it epos se oleos se 11 spilt with •
Sedertb t MM Wilms b. old medalist bath. A doctor bad M mew is •wnr.
.4 tis U.MeM Babel d D..eatie Soles«. W ahem : A mevomt.s lase loss We
Bay t iimmod Weyer. et Hay, sold last eetobliel motbr Iardt.re factory la Wag
week W Mo. AlUt5•1d, of Sesf.,th, a doa ba.. Wo have fine fewslt.n menefaotured
hew foo 1416 by T. Roil It 8... the .heap.,/ Ilea by the
mops.: Mr. O.4. r., durfmg tis• past Ude. FarattJr• Go., chain by Bator t
few moths, has capped from this locality Tsa..A apboktsred ,sees by talker &
semis 400 lass allay. Mpg. Then ie eM mei., Bart- Net is
the m•naf.otae of table&
&•forth : kr sad MR A. Feebes were
a Stnu.,d rsoonity abtssdaam g tshyer
weddag o1 Lr pad 1(ga J. A. braes...,
d tba do,. Mn Roberts.. te • ides .l
Mee. Ferber Four ot the two prwt
were at ,he waddle* awoaty•ire year. Me,
sad Mn Hebertms wore the maw dram
as she won en that meadow
I., moviesa ipe.iDy ebeb tis seised Quite • pleads, creat Week plum
mveni weeks ago, a ',Mob many poople of
Seder& : t A. Yon, of the Beak ef Ce. -
area. b. bawd W M. Oral's re11N---,
.•d 1. now .e..pyleg IS.
Sta•l.y : D. Baird, of St Peal's, Mi...-
eN., varisot west wide., m.eeg kis kiwis
wid uaa...om be Sammi y .ad . odor.
Blyth : Anis. McQmsni., 0011 d see
Weweem•., Lek , hes abet./
O0• ilmiliwillaikaroor rr�.�pt.'"1..Ntaga aro asaa.ccad. as tt'il ws c4
week, wills M... limb. po-a bride's former pleas of reeide.w. 1t woe
Nl�nthe neat on the Gordan* of Wm Maws. •
e.as.sfd a.illhheaw tis sus.. a • bdbw ferret te•ohoruf Taylors s Geraere, bat mow
Bob el •Ire. of Sd.Miea. N. W. T , n. M w R.y.
Ullotae: Tb. dice My while shwa, • mold., • pro.tseocNeedier of ',has plass.
hems, OHM haboodes M/ Wm m1.law• Wi.gba : A Isot.r from A 0 Ard.gb,
1e bo,. ...d km low imbed by ibe hada• who wilted Wiagtta.Is. wet., i• memo
.bppae se M. ' lien with tis peat foal enter/wow, info.
w, that M hal mooted pees (col works •c
Rhee..: Jobe r..il, barristers, of D.
emit, spent New Ysr's with his pares. is Areas/se, two and • bo11 adios south on the
T.r.bsory. Jake Powell. er , has bean in Allies anis. Mr. 4rdegb states that die
p.., health el late. emend for the tad is se grow, that be oem-
Seal.sth Hubtrt H. J..b, who ►as not by say mesas keep ap with the orders
Its e.pleyd with Kell t Mlles., bas Oederlob Wwn.blp: Os. .realm, rso•at•
takes • peeNiss with the lick. Hardware ly the Moeda el Mr sad Mrs Jobs Mo-
G..pony, el Terse* Omtmey at •r their madmen .ad pro.
&sass& : 4...4.y ewmdy .f taps week sealed dome with • maple of easy mors, w
m expro.sise on their esteem sed 4s d will,
pdao M WMb read) Wes MAlite .y
was also the reoipioat in m b.atifal mai
beek.t ; they were soe..p•.Nd ty suitable
Verge : Js.. Jambs (.•coed • tele
Nom frees hip damehter, Mrs. C.reemter, el
Cowes . M W , reesur, oatlsg same ►or
sully and, • boy el etgbtem .oatam old.
whie death by as aamidese. Lie motherwee whsUeg. end while .he wen h..gl.y
est the eldbee tis slots woos te the Neve
sed Me elethao caught gro d.a eeme•ene
brserb%►e mother We 115. het be was we
badly barrel that be died is two hears.
Uedtrbb tmw.shlo : The death of Mrs.
Bawer Hakim 000amd at Lug/as, Nott►
De., laes Jae, 6, of typhoid f...,. She
will be hearer know. N ear readers s Mrs.
Them. Odb..e, foreerl, of ebb owaship.
Aha was .anNd last Ange.t to h., lord, -
erg web ad, mid we. /lty-wf.. ymrs 'd
age. She Inves thaw daughters sad Nur
. Ns. We wears her low. Her demisters are
Mrs. Hill. iles.iller ; Mrs. Tammy. Wed-
SsM t sed Mrs. Jsckm., Mamma&
Orgy : Hedge sod William Boum, el
11.r.e.esk, sal Those, of Mine... ,
have bo. ridden J... L Brows, diets
b,004. 9q mea. and Wes. Brews, sear
Moisewe tee The hest them, lour brothers
sed a mods, W . phone takes In Brm...is.
Nemo ef Nm are very detes. Mr. Brews
frees Maewd• pinups • the e..lm a1
246 ; " Jed." se be b tsmill•rly
weighs 210 I ow... 16/ i Wm., 175; .d
o. e...eill., Brows is geed her 2324, or •
greed tete! of 10204 peeod& for the Om
Climes : Fer ewe tune the wife of
ON. Swaths. beg Owe le &limb he.lih,
sal le was berme. .t Iwo te her envy
pnastJ m•ogqeolaw«.. that her reMwery
wag ,aeasdlady deehual. Nod yet her da
mime in S%today after.00s dealt week was
• serprl00 to coy. .7omtspMme ear the
onus er her death. Ketowlng the leeeltaale
e sters el her •il.ase, she kid wisely asthm-
a. She was tis sided daughter of
S.Uh, .f tows, sad bares these
by te ensure the low .1 • mother'. love
mod tore.
lllosse.w s Mrs. W. fits Omk. of the
�laeN, resolved tato Idlewleg partiodere
arm. Lir Iodise, J. A 8eell, of Yerktm,
N. W. T., Morrie( to the death of kb
wits, and bikes hew • lwbmm paper. I.
110,11: We assemew with she death
of Mrs. 84.41. who tiled ee (J'brbtu.. Lay
all 7 s'e>tuk ie the mommas. Death w
mood by beset f•Il.re. The daemmd lad
amended t*kM4. .14IMttm at the risk
a Ymkdw a Des. ISA, .d seek ,1714,
"AMY £mvshssd Isle la5ao.•Mss of the
loom Mrs b.tI was mo of :as Odom.
sem ed limpord send his Krol wile, el O m -
►.m'. ours!. oebtrmted the 11901 •welm r
easy of tamer.vefngr.
Bls.veh t AdreerHNl.w has o nshaawed
Ms beam in Wiegb.. 100 Otretopbr
Thermos'. bew le tee villerantostrd made a
e mend Nmebesee web Abs.
And. t Ames el Hedy O_etelemlizeter
ferm.rly at (heals.. was k.ei&.1 dews as/
ers.pled by • basso • 1.. lye elms ; 1111
WOAD, $8.nno pelehl. were est sort..&
Metes : tl. wa/.uby of lam wed.
Welter R. Hammen lade a .sr11dM for
she Maimed PeAsidiet Plod .melt the
toga• eter,-�byeee..liing .see 210
tl.•lerth t J. W. P044 heeriets., d
Glph, sad • know d ' er a *be Sem
forth Oelleglats Indies* died se Weiner
eine -
day. the 3rd less.. atter eta rase of • weer.
Hassel: A IMAM Mem IM Wool
trump* re soMag ds. W oomeaH pew •
doblates bowing se d•ybw
8.afooh t H., • l d Yresd4d NS,
while doom or slake y. Ids
▪ dem et is ills eat of IdM.rkaw
▪ palmed wood erMM vrH lay bas tip Is.
Noe dem
V.11• t tam May swab* se bet
week. ebb o-bw of IN. Jelida dowel'
waited en Hsi. Mr.kainfaro at W boos
Ilad8d 'Ms
promoted hi. MI6 • Mn
Hai.myMl•: £wadies i hod
Imam. Mk es w tomb, Jets 1D,
raises N. A. ire Rink**. se/ MbsSeeM )L
ra d% MOT d_egb.r d Mrs. R. Fe,M.wwu
e.nW M Nap swdNm51 d tis MN's
tydetli t Ow 1Rd1siF. Jas ted, tits
reddens of bwert Jtiwa11, Ratp .p.wmr
Platy._____, teas• the now noof a ser,
reels wsMasr oboe ArN1baM Derdw, el
Sodailkossimeelol Is Kim of kWrapl�g,�_____ of Sidle
MOM Mast.«mmiBer dome mod Mw if
Snot of dbie vireos, did edMol, she
Ole M UsMN1 •fie/ bis NMew ei M Is.
Me Aub w wMis.lo wbo 114 eemesmwer
Sole t fl•oft ate week •
raw ss. el also Cooliimi.
_'sl lbs
Time wM rem dodo y •
iswmee Mos, P4. cos 8asb.4 dove
sod SrssMsel nem 51isrd, we w lam
wdremelf•Nei m oafs rsgMld M elms
Ma mt
whe b TM .wird M the emit
d sood Saen tsdaedett(Atos 101411000
Pronounced the most faielnadm Parlor Game ever invented.
An endless variety of cushion, bank and combination shots
can be played.. Elegantly finished Boatt+d-of bird's eye maple,
patent cushion fides, handsome Checker or Crokinole Board
fin back. Price, with Checker Board an back, $2.50; with
('rokinole Board out back, 28.00: -
Patent Folding 'rabies for CatWfls, Croltinoia aid other large
Board Gita" ►e- each.
St.' .. r 's Day Feb. 14.
*,near fain Vdesltluw.
Thill tar
We will:
' from tip to tilc.
Tadc a floes'
"`°t3 from 6o to 50e.
'7,"'^041 ct .."s.�
bliss d roles
y. aele, hardy some wish
bee beibaad a the early Weida "
Birth : As a•ar oo ma b. sew aesert•l.ed
tis losses by the remota /re hone sod Ne la -
mamma tomes -idiom 1 Jet theta ..,
bakery sad seefmtle•ory ; this prones
MAO pardoned by Mr. Soth.,..uge two
., thaw teats ego for 11,160 ; the stook
Woke he astimeted at Irmo 21.600 14
21,800. • total loos ; laearaaoe o: baWise
sad .gots. 21,400. Bank .t R,.dtoe,
Ns. oat (uralture, bosuns ..d kw.. t
We bundles oleo to valued ./ 21,000 ;
Neared seed for 2600* J. G. Mor, stook sed
bulddsg chest 26,000, imams for 16,600.
H.4ron Brie.. Nook ..d b.11dl.g dwell
11000, toeured for 1363. T. W. Some. boos,
N ee sad stook, valued at 17.600,
Neared fee 14,600 ; this 8.11diust was
used by A. Alder sod wool a be raised at
.bout 11.200, Ison4 foo 2600. The eel
herrn are all looking for cow promises mid
.re temporarily laicise :dais as follows :
Bask of Hamlltw, a their sew premiss
which they .0Motd to weepy Is .sous •
w omb , T. W. 80.N a A. Taylor'. old
Mead ; 1. Cr. Moser. the old pprriautat °mini
8.5,.. Bros, in John MoMtllso'e store,
Lae1.y garret Rumor says that timers.
Soots. Moe., a.d &tothers will .sob build
the .mason.
Clinton: Far some time team Morley bis
boos employed at the home of W. Jaekeo.,
sed so Thursday morality, lith inst., be gee
ap, as ..gal, did his ohms., sad appeared
to be to his emend h.al.h, but when tolled
for br.•klasl b. 414 not respond Whoa
Mr. Judson wont op to his room, he foeod
Mat lyl.g on the bd. drowsed, bat moos.
asses.. and breashlog heavily A dootor
was salad, who, es examir. lob, fou.d he
cos ag.,erg from paralyse of sae alio, .ad
in 1... than 8.lf an hoar he expired. Mr.
Morley was the son of • wee. to de Aagleb
(quire, but was disappointed la leve, end
come to tkts oountry. He invested in moo
property at Needstock. but tills not tura-
W oat as well as •a,teot.d, he oasis Into
Heron. making Ile boom with the aro
Hoary Morley, who was hie imolai. when ho
ro.dei la sad.,tab Wewbtp H. sube-
ge..tly scene to low., sad tuned employ
ewe a various wpsitiso ; be had • little
mossy, bet sewum rproalatlon eab•a.ted
Ws. Amid all h1s virloltudw he .ever
took t• drink, and though he did net rim a
the world. M m.iot►loed a fair mme.r• of
respeetability. He bad • aims residing at
Woodstock, wbo some here we learning of
his deatl:.ad took the remail a that pees
for burial.
Sazvanar, Jon. 1D.
Mr.. F. Jury is get.R o Look.,. to Mire
with her daughter, Mrs. Rs..
bre. F. Jury bad tier aootlou sale of farm
stook. farm impiemeits.ad hcuwbold muff
Ise Friday,
lir. Bodtii Hwelli�L •�y�� �wtft y i
of sed., for rhts.lm M bae rlitea 18.
twelfth eopos.sioe.
Momper, Js 22.
Mier S. Allem km bees venues a lir
debt the pet m sok.
Mw Haughton has bees visiting her
.suds, Mw Swan WVa14,., of the llsydrld
A loris comber of t8. Da aa hoods
of Mr.. and Mrs. H Harms, drove from
then as • surprise party oat Friday mamas,
IM and eoioyd • pleasant metal time
The tidies' of tis death of the atm Lr. J.
R Shampoo, of Godortoh, °eased a heavy
Klemm o1 .•dews ten that 1050101 7. We
escarp for a kind sad Dobie friend who a: -
ways did be b rt to es. the ..4•r..• of
thea be att.edd hers, and his kim3 word
of °beer to tie sufferer o•nmot br lormotira
A l.,re ta5ber of oar rmldeote w..t la to
the funeral .t Go tette\ ea Sudsy.
O. sea of the fare soar Carlow, tills ball
got loose sad for a ti.. made lhisgs lively
to lb* barnyard by cherries and re oharg•
fag the straw stook. tumbling part of It
over oat throe shako Shropshire sheep .sal
killing them. Jamas Patton and B, b,rt
Mita lllt.o,who were p .se, msa.ged with
great otallos to oalob the boll .od tie It op,
bet were too tate to my" the Shropshire',
wbbb arm • 1.es of over 130 to their otos-r.
The roadway of the hill passing by A. (1
M.Deunld'm wet is nth., • bad oomdttles
Saturday erases. *wise to tits softness of
t4. weather. Hiversl rigs bad upsets The
papule, boat 11 the Point Term with the
. k111 d Professor Pets dror• thr.aib
without • spill, bot fouod treat fault with
the owsebip fathers for their eglms in sot
keeping the reeds in passable oo.ditlea 1.
winter Sins However, they mese have
hoard his eemple'at, for . me was repair.
bag the red se Mwday ..,sing.
The heavy pour of rain es Tb.r.day of
last week did set prevent the attend... .f
ladle. at quilting boss. os. at Mrs. Allea'e
sad ens In Lwb.rs .1 Mr.. A. H. Chitties's.
At the former midmost smelt lam whole
party amenist.4 of gr•admosb.n, het they
bed mammy diem • maids. from the 18re.l•r
tows and .aplalsed ,to her the am of the
aorta wheat there are over four s.marrtd
. aldae at • !milting. When tea -lige
.arse, la teeny 4t the hoaxes the Toupee,/
married ma with families wore plea/molly
.arp.laad at seeing the .Idwt tradable doing
tits intim of mother, bat mum grandfathers
who were pot s foresee* growled loudly
.1 1amy Ret their own be reedy.
WsDtiYmlr• Jan. 17.
Pio. Monier w le Stratford last week.
Mn. Tlyone. of Morris, is Oddity Mn.
Mrs (Rn ) W. J. West ytdtd B.4enve
Meds kw week.
A mmSteg of Mum 7I•= Ca was bold last
Friday. It r.ttiry TAN.
Mr. •d Mia Omega Pena ad N4Hdrw
ylyded Mrs. Welter Rutherford.
A ..mbar stead gds. to the Soottlsh
*wises a Wlgka. on J•• 23rd.
Mrs. (Rm..) 8.i1 sad Widnes, of BN -
grave, visited Mrs. W. .1. West last week.
Rev. Mr,H..kag. of Fordwleb. premised
la the Methodist eharek hist Sunday ems -
Mn. Judo Naha.. jr , sed little moa ..d
Miss Hit Fowler, visited Mrs. Rob. Miller
alt V/ midst.
A sleigh load d yang people njoyed •
pica../ .,ewfan.1 Me resulwe. of D maim
Feng., et lam d.A iso of 't 'Bethany.
Tie smseal .mMNg of the Rtsr.le
Pfdb terbo 'segregation was held es
JI.mary 116th. Aher the lemeim.,e of the
year MI Selo dimmed • (.sok was pre
*Nei .04 overyele iodated is • model
War le the M'Mdpsl sepio et em.en.Hon
Is see village T4. beet Aloe N tromped
slob /.y with mosso mho, se/ is ,p
Wide, to hour • IN eft Ibises while sal, leo
fee Asir ripen te1Hy wind they weal* Is
11 they wore a R.IIw'..r M .oa's peel -
des. Bsgl•ed Ie esaw.n of the heave sad
skillful ges.r•ie that are Helot is sat hid.
Monate, Jas 22nd.
Miss LN. /Mlssea vei'.4 Atwood
04.4. Ina auk.
]Matt Oloos sy, ill Teresto, 1. views'
4.40451.pap aster wog
tfirMS from le *ry promofons 1. the of.
elder. Mb. Minsk Ueda k resomeirm
Malo • swore .hark.
Js. B•hew 4.. Petered from $ i.Ns/1'.
MO. Poor Odwsed tdoed N. sppmro
es boos boss bv.oRkly lopromed.
TiN Miele /.wyeuf-col* ...sib► idime:eh
181bb 4W wee, .eddwly oso day lard week
'11s brlwth 8 pow, amt, ever, we .y..
tie ms esuriLas boo Mot Lf. Owth.., .
`ms Immo,
bee .b. playboy
'He TMp riliad sisa N the 1eMAi1
TNOWIDAT, 3.n. 25, 1200. 6
W. O. T. U. °MLUMI4.
411410110S, 10 TSB supe.
Sato.. Mew, 1.... 14 .-'lays 005:.,41151
appsytod ea-af. Dlew$blieedAummoeditimt
lasaoe .1 :irtsties Workers, Atom* 11.
1869. to I.vwtiw.te a • statesmes* of Prat.
Atwstes, .f Wades. Uaiverisy, m the
5.lrlive vats. d .loo8al, ban seeds as .a •
Wolin, arises, to • .lames pate p.mpbld,
onutl.d ' Am Npma so tis troth." perbl.h-
d today.
The data tarabknd by Prot. Atwater as
the romp d bb a:psrtme et• at Mlddletows
wen lobjeolsd M a .earohlelw .aalysb by
beadteg .[parts a pbyntologto•l ob•tatelry.
and the teiowlog dedummee woo made
1. Prefem1gd.$waSse syn that his expert.
memo proved that .100he1 is oxidised la the
body. Teta M sea Mold, est f1 l cleated
that Prof. Atwae.,'s olden proved alcohol
to be toed. Maas p.ls.s beside alcohol
ars oxidised a the body. TM Middletown
eaperlmmte ase said to prows that aloohol
a Ming oxidised 1a the belly forstebea beat
end •sag This .in to Dot dogsled ; bat
the wartlike again u made that this stale proves
ssthi.g a favor of alcohol, !_mass* its !in-
jurious •olds .1 the ..mm time far OM,
1,040o the salsa of the boot and easily 11
liberates, ea is the e•Ao of other polos. oxi-
dized in th. body.
2. Prof. Atwater, to bis •aperlm.at.,
proved that aleob.l proteoo the aterleli
el the body from conaumptloa join as *lfeol-
Ively M oorrapesdar .mounts of osier,
starch ..d fat. But eminent solouti6o
• utborihee tastily that thew etaM.neao ars
sot fupported by his 0 W agoras in the
tables of kl. tint official data,
p.Wished by aka Dap•rtmoat of Agrl.altan
in 1899 rklg is the 1«uma.y .f professors
000epyl.g the °halm d p.tbologfo.l •►emir
try is the Umvenity sad Bellevue Harped
Medlml Noddy of Nov Yak ; of pbydo•
logy la the Medicaid easel of the No.A.
Western Ustvo.etty, U•f.Mo ; ot hygieimi
a do MediooCblrurglml College of Php-
adalphla ; sad of • former professor is the
Philadelphia Polyaliolo • ad Collage for
3 Taw* s.iontkt., .It., panful study of
Prof. Atwater's report. come to the sago
conclusive, that MS tables do sot show IWO
& looks, protected the bialy notarial. bat
show, oa ahs d.strary, • chitin*, loft d.
mitroge.oas .e11sr1•i when •loohol WMad•
><or ant Resdkant it la s ills Signal."
Notice of changes must be lett at 804'
Dios not later than Saturday
noon. The Oopy for changes
meet be left not later than Mon.
Cw.I*Ii Adsmwsieevaatokp
W ..YD t0 Hoo0 weds .d.) .f
...h week.
pERIOR uar
_A_Good War Well -Made . .
b • desirable .cq•lsistoa to • swab ward
robe as this Hmo of yam. H. DUNLOP. the
Weet-.t. •.Her, hes • large stook .f Ida own
.•k. Wileb leek well and wear well. T4s
plias M sat • ..ries. mater -ray low.
Pastry, Oyster Patties,Tarts, Short
Bread and Cream Rolls,Mince
Pies and Lady ?inters, Kisses,
Macar000s, laws,
Brandy Snaps, Etc.
aro s 4i.11 err the best made in coy
eity a paned..
C•ntelou leads the trade in
in tam dwiyttiM seal
ittg .ltd sl icing.
ornament -
Dies him an order and your oat
ideation will be .enured.
A few Stovall on hand
yet to be sold cheap for
Cash, at
The Cheap Stove am Mao,
Scraiitou Hani coal
All Oa•1 '8. Markt !lash«,
where you gat WIp lbs /., • tom
Wax. LEE.
Orders Ids •1 LU bl SEZPEAAD'r
St.m promptly attoaded to
IN wx,u iiwwR.
CA11. ash me •I HIN.
Tim Mtn nIMU•IN .
Tk-$eoderson Bicycle Co.
At any season ot the year there
is no greater comfort than a good
reliable Cook Stove its the kitchen.
It is wits cook stoves like every-
thing else : there are good, bad and
indifferent varieties.
We know you will be pleased
with our
Stoves mdRanges
Piviers, Stealers and Tmsiliin
Was tide of IIguieo, amt Shady Bros. -
The Last Chapter .. .
We have just received a nice lot of Ladies' White -
wear iu all lines, which we will offer at specially low
price& _
We have a few nice Goat Robes to clear at I$4, $4.50 and $5.
Broken lines at cost price and ander.
Ladies' Jackets
at your own price. Ladies' Astrachan Jackets away down.
Men's Overcoats and Suits
at 20 per cent. discount off our usual low prices.
Another lot of those cheap linen Towels at 10c. and 15c. pair.
Besides these there are many other lines which it will
pay you to buy at
When a woman buys King
Quality Shoes she saves $2. -
They cost $3 and have the
appearance of $S -that is
how she saves =x - -
These shoes are
proachable in material, style,
fit and finish.
A11 trimmings .re of silk, anal they
are the heat shoes foditeprie. on ►nits,_
earth. A11the words iotheEnglish km.-
ots:guars could sot tell the facts plainer
than \t1 lot/
that, �� •
5 Alas
.. Quallly
Made by J. D. BANG COMPANY, Limited, Toronto.
Bankrupt Stock
Thorsdayrois -the Day..
Coiilinueil for 30 Days
C. W. ANDREWS will conduct the sale.
Everything in General Dry Goode will be sold at from 60 to
75c. in the 1
Everything in Millinery and Mantles at 50c. in the S.
Ws your *sparsity. Cam
of our Red Letter Sale. The grand "round
up" of all winter goods. On account of our
big selling during this sale we have many
Remnants of Dry Goods, of Dress Goods, of
Clothing., -flats BM Caps, of Jackets, of
Table Llaim, ot Toweim, of Tweeds, etc.. etc.,
all of which Miall go at a lower price than
has been. ..
Your last chance at the final "round up"
of all winter goodly. It will pay you to come
if you have not been tolour Red Letter Sale.
It will pay you to come again if you have.
W. As 11/1°K1M.
We do the rest. Oar shoes At like the
wings on a duck, and • ladder is not nes
es nary by reach our prices.
. . .
of Boots and Shoes coven anything you
need -the nest and dainty foot -covering
for the home and the strong and comfort.
. able boot for severe weather. Greatb.r-
g•ins in Long Boob and all kinds of Pall
Boots and Shoe..
Seasonable Gifts.
A gift it trebled in aprredation when you get one that
is suitable and useful.
It is an easy matter to have that appreciation if you
select your present from our large and varied stock of useful
Our Stock of Carvers,
Knives, with and without Forks, 1647 Plated Ware,
Spoons, Batter -Knives, Scissors and Razors was never more
What suite a boy or girl better than a pair of good
or a Fancy Penknife
RAST Ri1)0 74Qt7ARK,
The Placa to Bay All Hardware Cheep.