The Signal, 1900-01-25, Page 41. 1
4 TnB1\AT, Jas. 15, 11100.
E.B.&M. H.
A New Departure:•
We have fitted up a studio in
the moron over our Music flume,
and mode arrangements with the
following polled. Teachers to
.set their pupils and give inetrue-
tios its oono.attou with our Music
burro.. .
Organist and Choirmaster, North
.t. Methodist Cbarob,
Piano, Pips Organ and Har.uuy.
Voids Glum.
14188 B. O. FNMA
Goiter. Moretti. and Physical
For terse sod faiths Informa-
tion apply at
Bicycle & Music House
Wog 94.011. • O.derlch.
legs ease la Now Z..1.4. la 1894 Wil.
lar Rem.•, sisals for lobar, .pemod•d
la gibwd No Now Z•a4e.d ptliam•sl w
pose hie "O..pdsory ArWtr*Wle Bt14"
New Z..eed bad boas seffertas severe`
low. Maria see! wee ppewhemtveet
Amities •t tb treat.. Mr. Reeves' s1oilp
of the aegis W .rblemtea 1a ether Sas
tries ►•d ..a.lao.4 him that unrested)
at bare** vies* .►.m, sad that o•mpaleory
arbtt.tnm we the only sedate. Pot fire
years New Zealand bas new free free
strikes and lookouts, and the leer to imam
tag as papules with manstaMerery ad
s.ploy.n of labor as with the w11kla4mf..
Ie h.. proved . mesas of parrying est the
.111 .f elle alorlty of beth the ..•.yew
sad ..snyed.
- Tit. Battler rat merge.
Lima. Times : 11 le etre probable that
the Oar.. Kaptor was tkisblad sly of
las ewe attain sod his owe country, bat le
email be aEsoatioo to pretend to Where
the bombes el 6..beerv.tosr apes sur own
ors•. U*r army, like teak of i -roes e • nes•
tsry m•, Is set maid te Its dates. Its era
gem reties Y oetort.wly defamers, sad the
D alton has bees w1Uwg to bee... la *Mee
ef all war$igst.nd ..hortetla.s. Ptp••lay
end loa'i., and 114. 4ter.l00ble owes
roadie.• sad obdt.e1oa el a blghly esa-
teased system, have predated • maoblae
milt se oops with • semi eitesaes. The
6g6Wg materiel kir @plesdld, bet Ile maga-
Sear (timbre are paralyse" by debate •f
.•a•g.mes►•ad leadership w►Ish the err
lag system mlgbt have hese expressly dr
',teed te prods**. le is to be feared that,
Lk. P, amt.. we shall have to Isere • blear
sad moray lemon ; bat it will see be tee
blur w toe o.•tly if this .saes, like
Praire, a,ahekel off Its •May,
abando.r Ite weal role -of -thumb Mlheda,
and taste. upon re-erg.alsattoa apes soles.
Se line* for the great *4,tl.•d po.Mbly war-
like competition that Use before It rail.
Vas. ■.aSSIONA amt
OODBRIt01d, THURSDAY. JAN, 14, tree,
14'TheM appear to be BuWi s 'busy
Mlle "hotfoot rood to L.dyuiith ap-
pears to be the longest way around.
a/Whso the huskies from Western Ca. -
ad. reach South Airier Kat-afa may m
well heal down his sign.
NFU now tarts out that the oorrespon-
dente bays base winos postmortem l.tlews
for the late General Witn'rore
diienevohot,Biu.T 8rir►t, ez M. P.,
the arch briber of South Ontario, has not
yet been locoed to ooagb up his IIti00.
ei'We learn that t6. Outano Legislature
will meet for the trimmini.w of basin. on
T1•urday, Feb. 18. West Heron will watch
the proceedings with interest.
all/When the briber and the bribe -taker
become •wire of the (art that bribing and
bribe -taking aro .criminal offences, with
penalties attached, a lot of them will gel
out of business.
lerThe only reason for the present Fenian
agitation . 116011 thirty five years hence a
lot of the gay young patrloti of today may
receive medals sad be looked upon as het oe-
by the thea ring genersLion.
8 all* is claimed by the Tariee =1i .t
Premier Rom,' surplus of a railliot anti a
half during the put year has been largely
the result of fining Conservatives for bnb-
ing and bribe eking in South Ontario.
Another Grit outrage.
a 'Trrria's ttoq in hen sounded, bat the
result of theliOnsinatione for the Commons
in neves constituencies loot week, when only
nee CoOeetvotiYe went to the poll, . pretty
strong evidence that the old barotest's noise
bawl pet the heather on fir.
erne Hon. lie McranwAtrn'e war
medal bears the modest inscription, " Pte.
Joe. 8v'rnna..anD." iwtwithastarding the
fact that the hon, gentlemen is a major in
the servioe and a member of the Cabinet
And awns aro others who bear honors
erns /Ion, 040non gnu. Fogy. has
gone into the temperance lecturing business
sloes be was retired from the Government
H. is billed to speak in Toronto. There
are other places where the Ben gentian's')
waald do well to eaU at with a real goody
goody speech -Hamilton, for instance.
el/For some time plat a we11.known
.porting man who was known as "Myster-
ious BILLY SATS" kw been lost to view by
the fraternity, and 0 will be gratifying,..
his friends to know that he turned up to
Routh Ontario during the CALM'S election,
aid was evidently in good financial mock
t ion.
Teresa Telegram : War eorrespoedesta,
deeeribi*1 the 'sorption o1 the r7•.1di.n.
at Cape Twe, are sleowt driven . • refuge
In teat im.eeral poem, b.gia.lag and sad
Ina * USW, ;"
7M 40000 w tr.ud,
If best lbs 8.l.
wwpt TOp two IT (1 T0• MAIL, IT'a MO.
Toren. Mail and Empire : O.s of the
party pavers has diewered tM► darnel the
campaign of 1896 there wen • Cesservstive
caespign song .k.6 .M t
it leerier s6.wtd Mie the day,
Than tirosi will go to reek :
Th. oral! d ledutry will step.
A04 est Intl ad lb, reek.
ten pe"M.l peed4tie. *hien
a met 04.m.. ante see rot
ere Me O...y.Y.s ewe -
d liellemeem
IIM.esty of
Sr Mei 0110 is .ewes.
494 w. shlp,.d tel r=r,•t
000 growth of I
{sake "lap+
fraud et teak, �6"
.d h. bib.. sal
B6, a welled a
obese& The emu
•Y speed le•.tatr.. l .
Wale W6.b we met
alloses •sss4.f04 •,A
,sew basis. The Melee .t
oo she Veit. Ase..
New Mese vase ea - -_
lay primed. 6.* that
ea imeatafb TRW.
yw* CAl1As*.
.f Wager. The
sera. gall..
et. Ia
Thew we
SWAN mem
hem eina
7.400400 "one ie
thies seem suites
maim he loos cs1
ft le be tweed.
greJeally restate
la dairy predeots
ea eee kneed
mewl Intel sad
ik1106,41101aresilad bassos for oar wearier
"'Ka %Wahine ea the seentleme el nine
The mensal .eestag et the Melrt,-Ose-
tee..1 Ogles..
The weal meeting of the West Hama
Agrfoniloral Society was held in the Tows
Hall, Onierieh, Weds.ed.t of last week.
Follewl.a M the director.' report.
' lei rtrTLa* as, -In amen... with the re-
gslromeete et the Am gemming .sr
moiety, we beg ..bolt a report ea the
work of tM past year :
W. r.g,.1 that w. 0.00,1 roast ea Imo
provomsut in our 6aaoel.l oondtues, es the
setts"" ear iedebtedaaa 0r Inerapel
from $460 to $600, • Dote for which Is heist.
earned by your directors
Oar expanse, were somewhat beerier la
1999 than to 1898. •wing to the military
demosslrnttes, .6106, 11 -as hoped would
Mate a popular •etraottor. toe oat open to
the **scram** awed MAMMA •yeah.! ammo.
Now al the ' otrous' ob.raot,r, and we
bad • oowiderah. falling off la Ube •..0011
reoely.d from popal•r ss6soripllons, owing
to the leek of • vigorous 0.ovw. lo oddi-
ties to thew time funs the prize list was
very reserally fee, the resale he-
ist, as already sated, to ..!atom oar •s-
pesdlteemit • Mali figura without • 0is-
rapoedln' err newton retro le oar
1'o redsoe this Mapleton.' between re -
ceps and expenditures . • atter of Y
9111tH eso.wty, and we 16•r.fobe rows
With 1 fee your oeselder•Uoo :
1 "That tor irk. yew at 1.1.4 we try •
Miro days' show lasteed of three days. This
will redo. tee verities expenses, and it
the judging be tegnn at Doe o'clock the abet
dy to both Indoor sod outdoor olseees, w•
Das oarry through the weal prone•n a
two days.
2 "W. ret o.meed that tie dates be Hip -
ember 19 and 20, erbiob will, we believe,
lot leterfere with either the Wats►. Fair
,labsy of Use smaller fain . this station.
3 'Temente atom efficient 5..w.wt
we believe your Baird should have power
. •.gsga emu. ogees of eut ales. ablll'y
and le -tot 1e manager of O. lair,
his .1 Mies to .elude eamrlasl01 for me..
hers *ed other sulroriptlow and special
prizes, the nerslag sad dlAribulon of tar
prize list and all w•oos.ry advert...I met
ter, and the ormolq4g. .pd e.trol of all
belp, each •s ..Odf, gib -keepers. nes
stabler, etc. A11 of this, of wow, to be
.oder the direction and advise of the hoard.
"As m prase...zafed, thee work la t op-
posed to be do.• by • distribution of the
work •.tent • joist h,.rd, anmberleL
• hoot ew.mty•6.. persons 1'h• old adage,
' Everybody a briars le aobody'l bed-
ew,' unfortunately is too often true la
►bit we, a d the work s, In meat matters,
Metier see dole at the proper mise or only
ball dose.
�(Tete plan of • twposelbIe mue.Rer la
W oggle' reooes6•.ded at the amnia meet -
tags of l8• Fairs and KibIbI►an* Associa-
tion. Mayoral of the Wrest .d host fares
have toned this t6. Daly way to secure
thorough end efficient m.aagemeet.
"The delegates from year Baird whit at-
tended the Fairs Association anneal wed-
lag !set year bare prepared • very faU and
Interest., repere, .8.6 will 6. read to
you. Wei .sed ellst eat ebur m
o oh gatherings it ran hardly fail um vale.
able and helpful ieforatie. 4. gained u to
the best .was. of premetlwg tam ..ef.1..m
and resent same. of f.11 fairs. The pro-
gram for the mesas, . he held this y.r 1.
Termite, ea February 21es and Wed, te ea
moll. t Dae, most pr.ott0.1 Is Is oharne•
tar, rod two ef the p•par eet down are ex-
pected free reprs.entealree of this ext..
Ws r.00mmesd that the lamming Board
be dlremed to tare the pets, list revised
.s7, sot later than Marob 1.e, sad thee it
6. prised sad ready tor d.tribatee by
May 1st 1t this be dose • larger...ber
w111 prepare fee the fall etblbie, and we will
get the basset of assay eve months' advs.
tete'. Th. tan wily be.eooesprlshed If
the ferrying set thereof ..teemed to •
small .ermines and . lot ten le the beads
of a lore °emala to u heretofore.
"1a oo•cl....,your Board hope thee there
.my b. • larger attendees* m one assail
.muss than la the pest, ted that the
member" will ireely take advantage sl else
remelati. w61eb hays .Maly la their
bands the makies d sh..ges la the rots
and hylews.."
The ray obaage ma41 wire l Si the
dates fee the seat fall felt at Twpday
and Wednesday, Sept 18 .4 19.1
A hag report awn the dolomites to tam
False sod Brelb(Wiee Assoaeetea.esttag
la Abreary, 1889. woo ase red.
RIed1..i IMIrn tealle4 >. 1s11ow01
Presides, 1 Q•lk.ld, fr. ; and vies preei•
dote, 1)r. Clark rad Jewpb Boak, all re
1)l,ao ars--Oe/1rieb Mwwblp, Jas. Osu'
molly, Oboe. Sahel and Taw. Warta; OM -
bas. -Cd. Varese, J T. Goldthorpe, W.
F. Yearg; Oeder4e6 Sews- Reba 4el.aa,
4. C. Marta, W. T. Mer. .
Deana' le the Pales Fab.
21 •. 22, a Versate. lir, INN fam.
The sew Robed Wee I41 .4d * Fiske
d la dm rtes g. wphllem
ied adww.bla, a. the billowiest were
appernd a ...1110e to rev., Me plates
me OIL, Versos, Me emu. (3oI4 $awls.,
Ye (1e.n•f1y, Meleasr tad
N 1. 8016.44.
7110 t• a. roe presidents d *be
Aar ,al ..4 1101.80/
vnf to wall e the imm e05 041
wrest &ire kava time sees b.N/r� me
it Ma A weesa1Mrnl Pak
• t w W sew bead Mid •t
tMeiuee of weeirt 1su1* 1 IM Weeser.r
sP. 1 :a w k g`w. brimil..Mp.�p
WSW ISIMMIM >r She 86g-lbaMr AM..7
-.wall. MW bap abseeed Meads Timm
atria aj.1...wbmt Ilea es me
Paws. tremble.
/*,.Mai e.rreepoad.a.• of Te. fkoaaL.)
Cara Towel. Dm. 14. 1589.
Bantam .t the pretest moseet le w1.8 ar�tp
1111he greatest orisde Wet bas &heoala.•d her sure aka.. by tee at oral wealth of 11.11
kk.+•tttti too lie Midi d *a. Tre....alls.
and with 630 map, mall, R6Mal.a
sesame pekes. oesse te JoMnmallgg
hall wee NW.w to sell kT
' M°e lft
ea Jvwy 9ed. 1886. Fro. MS tie to
the prem. the bee h1a he a
stele of patted vanes ; *6. bd6.ey, the
esartMs, the wavatsl oppremiee fres *6.
When saki l the Mww, re4st.d Is
�sr�e�•ty too Aeispt6 enbjale to w s •
Wu*. he pepelatlee.4 6. '"a a
.eaelste (1) .1 the d -, -*. el lilt* mak
Data and Tres. m eg
sheat 80,000, knew. se Bees Ilat.arn),
411.b pe.bably hall Ikls amber tam
burghers (.r hew .) ; (a) d 1... .
decay ram the '• Tam Red Lt." of .wow!, mu, 1213.0(0, 180.000, meet of whit.
Water.•d i. pane Nit Imes le
The peas and py.aVy e1 mg some 1a
the aatie t history bed • fits display d
power sear pr•em..d . ewe et mere Aril -
ling items .ad splendor than ea the p.-
n es► to • whew the Imperil
Metier with her of/yrlar gathered from
W e four ooraen of the earth le learn their
an. Noma Is tM arta of war. Maar firm
.ad loviaoible to ap6.ld *he rights of popu-
lar liberty.
Mur of year radon, bed as face, the
majority .f Osabda.e bre nee twiner wIti
she Meter; of re E.t.a eeo.pbtioa of
Beath Ahrasa sad have see had 116o oppar-
awtty or Ia04Ntaes to t..w e.wl► the
late ewe, pehMsa1 sad bWeread. wa.b
Mee led .p se am preset streggia- A
brief cath. si Watery •d a asm..rkNar
of these wrests may MarMs, trays toter-
1. 648 an Bog1W fiea1,en iia trey ammo
fro. led.. 11.4.8 at Table Bay, sew (tips
Tows, wed pleated the !M*I.► lag .d
prwWeed the wvvNgsty of Jaime L
The Klieg was not .sloee be add to ai
d..lateDa and the a.. was dinUew.d.
1. 1662 en expeditoa was dap•1Nm/ by
She Datab Kites fare Company. w6s *m-
oored the soathero part of tae sakess
end began • ooleng at 0.y+ Tema. Via
R4hek, tae traverser, anbandosred the
oology for the beadle et the I.teh Seat
1141. Company with a emeriti that tossed
droent..e amass the few Wallies of free
•.lgrsau. 1. 1688 ewe et Oar hundred
Fr.•ob Pnteeaam, drly. fru. France by
Lea. Etre reeooam.a el the genet et
Nantes, 1o..d an asylum the Det.
and today {\sir de.ose4ans stake sp y irk
sioasidefable pelf or the popalmioa el Seat/
Africa. and me distinguished fres 16.
Dumb eery by their Gallic arms, as Ds
Tae Jeab.t, 1. Villiers. Paan, Mara.,
De Pte., .. Lear ago any loot Melt
tangsago and al4 them Freweb
elm bad bees., w amalgamated with 116.11
Man .o eltbero thin tiny veer tiled. "ire 6.
Th./lows from too earliest period of their
history 4.hked any Mad of eeMbliahed
government sad, so soon es redline baa,
tar0Mea sad the other reepswetbaliUer d
civilisation faced teem, try peeked their
be...old staff os Heir wares, rowed. up
Mair flecks sod herds and " teethed " see
of the rosr of gov.rsawr. This bald. be.
mem hereditary is • low gsmaslea5, wkile
et too mate Woe le .p.od •p the eoa.try
to aero rapid d.v.l.pmeot titan weld
other.. have boo.11esesaee.
1a 1796 South Able waa ceded te ate
Bett.8 by Hotted and o• the 16th el
Beptosber of that year Admiral Slpblest..
beak p.s..ioo, sot • aby too noes, fee
Mall war was as the eve of breaking oat.
The British ooe.peteea.m.5 six rears and
by tbe Pesos of Ante. eh• muse y w
.'Ubored te Holl.d la 1802.
Is 1806 war ' broke out bet..
Reused and Frew* sad to privet. 116.,
the beilf•wy bo..e between goateed and
Iaae, fres falling into the bands of the
Fieweb, the British seised the Case sad, as
eoago.ron, governed It for tine years antU
Is 1815 the country wee ceded to Nagle -ad
w part psymest for the amvtuw roedererd
Hollsad la defesdieg that 0euatty fres
Nsteam 's pew:.
1a 1834 all tae Mime le the .sissy, atm -
boring 35,700, were •mrocIpstad and • cum
of over a millios pseudo was mad as w11
pewtioe to the eoloaea by the British
Government, bob thousands of Beers were
dissatisfied with the&bedtioe of slavery rood
u a result rhe greet Boor trek took place,
w het over 10,000 seeped from tirit.8 rale
by womb. over the Oeuvre River .1d
ferlhlat whet. now the Orange Tres 8a..
From there they spread woes Ute Vaal
River and opened go the country sow
Meows ea the Trammel.
le 1840 a large ' trek ' of Boon sped
from tee Ceps tate Natal 1111 hoisted tag
flag of the Dutch repel.. el " Natalia."
K.gled bleed u .Msowlelge tams aew
dieing. se tadepe.deet territories, lead
e ast as used fate. to Natal, healed dews
e8. Dotter 5.o sod preeatsed the ewtry
• British oolo*y. TM Deb6, disgusted as
mesh. again ander Briar rale, " trM6ar
Into t6. lfansveel .d teenaged 04 WI
already soured =hero M •..4.4wa6. peps.
.edea. 1. 186E Ones Brfain re meshed
the Isdsp.adesee of 18. Trammel ad two
years latter that of the Otsego Free Bala.
The latter ku, with tbe esosstMa at one or
two blor Moller about the bonadsry of
its sate, lived emlwbly with its British
. elghbees .mal the pewter war. The
Trauyanl a 1876 was Is • very swam..
d ate, tented by • etre apr.lng and
tura tateraslly by dies.seg00 w6bb arm
mated also. he anarchy, and to sows all
16e treasury of the Republic was empty,the
available cash at me time bwwested to half-
' crew.. At this sere litres sambas of
the people pm:aioaed for the Interferes. of
ff..Iand, and by • proo.mates the RritW
annexed the oeestry, 12th AprlI, 1877. Ter
three years a Brllie4 Admin.tratnr nod
the Beer Knead a peteefully mese tM
Defoe J.k, .6111e wealeh,.apital sad pops•
.ties, .a edest of erre preen:Mee sad feet -
lee. hes. he par Ip.
la 1880 su44sely eke u.•dderiag hatred
el 56e.IMeh8 berm rub opo rebellion esd
agate. the heedful of ser prr.ostag the
em envy the maloo.t.ts earth( all before
ties. The Re/ilea p p.laaI., whit*,
dens, the Paritat three 11 pease.
bad flocked tato the meetly, hived them
w ires Wearer. la Pretoria and tho ether
sail Lowe., gad our small fermi at dl7s-
ese plass In the Repablt* were aloe.
aaalhdabd. Che 'British forme, wesben
I, abets 1,000, ander 8lr Keens O11hy,
then Governer et, .•rebel fres
D.rfa. sad Pater Marltsberg to their eel
1.f,b.t bdere they lea fair!y late the UMW
veal territory they Were 4.1.414 at Ieag'.
NM, logos% •d Melotia Hill by Waist
1.bwt, wee M sew eemmsader-I►(1*10
of the Brer formes $gal. against *heir std
4weasy. At the batt. of Melvin Hill
0d.y VIA elle Mesad atm redo • eight
masse► Yet war awaked at deers by • stall
Wee el Bart, see sm.rly half ►6e Bettina
weft 6B1.a er .eared le the p}eaoon stub
seated. ashy suet 68 death hn•Ny, da
feeding 6M pe.11G* and on/shverl.g M
brag ►. as. 10 tee Mares. Releferee.
moot. jam •t lb% 'NM arrived Irma Ry -
lad but were .M esd,fer Mala. 018 bed
pr.M4.11y .lewd the wow. Pane las eas-
els/est tad the Beth Mama prep1s wee
wife toa
tlly 1.1.4 ls6,
Kreger pr..6.d • tb.abalrteag mime,
t al.g for 8. best ' The sword d thew
Lard sad el dee..l'
dome yes. efts tide tM sewn.. d grit
reefs was primal l egeee4 • d.M sed
breljates tope te pour as 1*. 'rr.aey
Sties eorema ep, the revs. 'seesawed eel
bbe eesatry ettr led the .14611.. el
Semen as a load for ay.Nn..t mere thea
M Ilene slaw. wolf •►►n et Me 11 Dorados el tltdere
N.M. TM Dated of Bald sees prow b *
(shales* among{, the fere*. .11111 le.
Oa- vested a the lad.stry sae rhe ter.aspelew
nitre were heavily uteri hes bed we mks
he the,rpmeittur. - the adestaisMatie of
At the ObrIcneste
tarn Aernaltarel
staclarisn from Rome WW1 61
year R. I. flostordi 4. A • 1611,1140,. (meths wha you anew
R Mew Myth. W. la i.gen. Bel le Jeliesmasherp DIM wilb
are kaiak; (3) • *Woe 10.000 H1d
PanettaMehennas/•sr sad (Walla , •=
(4) of tee • sep,aIM1 , atsshering
probably 660 mak., the total papas -
age 804.1 • milli. Teo Ora•!• Tree
State wbl b hm ere* ala lot la the far.
seem et weir wish l6e Trammed has •
white ppahlien of shoos 110.000..1 ahem
owl. abase 16,000 aro British subjs..
D. K. Mo MoCoirseem.
Tfs Lemmas Isa(Tidwat .fuer b the world
-iteeer .1 are Low
The ate W IUL. Ve rote Ogden, wham
sadden death we noerdsd net watt►, was
Mee m Ooh 81. Maahal, Meetreel, Feb.•
try 14, 1836, sad was toe yeomen; ..veer
of lie Hes. A. W.
•' TM Owed.' Mee and Weems el NW
Trane " Wept the fellowmm5g MOM el els
ale t Be tr•e$wd Its .4.c.M.. et the
Nearest IIIA Meal ; .ad 1. 1860 o.karod
labs pata.aatp with W Inas.., Ale.. sad
Jena, ates.lre seta .ery..te a. sr•
peelers el ►M Ule.sua doer .Mb..
Leal.. anal. Se s.ntiy they baUt
large .ills .t Oode.teh. Sesf.trtb .N Wined -
met. •.d tea.ty . seer. Bear .411 a
Mestr.d, knew. as *4. R.T5 .ills. a t.,
Me retiree's& d Welder brother la 1874,
ed the d.16 .f 6i Suites Jobe la 188.
Mlle earl. besieges fell lea the heads et
Willa. Ogilvie, .ha bad seas. seeds..
the Menem motor Me beadle. of the
Name imam O.mpan T6. proses.
...bled *apse of his rola M estimate! as
8.900 barrels of Boor d1ly, made frees
36.000 bonbon .e wisest, .tae is .poked
trek base. elevators a Masao., Osaris
tub tiro 14 .Miweso TerrYwrrf*a Mr DaUvie
was h.o.' a• the premier whom Myer et
Manitoba. He poesereed a * reas8 k..
teem N wham, who. bads •.d the endue-
anda -
8...4 asr,anMnes aisW.drmtepet
the roils .Uli.g presser late epo•atee la
Oanada, vs well w way of the .test ay. -
14... Ia dear ••erg firs epee amestskgw
of the air.nteeob beard of the e1d lase..
Board d Trod. with 118. non. Job. Too.
ad the Hen Tsem*a White. se welt as
many other. ; bed sand Nub M6e...•
dl, board of arbitrates a. Board
d Trade and was pri1do.t of that body be
11103 94. He was • barter .e...r.mer ea
MeettMl gad wee lot two t r.. president
e1 1h• (tars Rreewo. He 6.d served aka
ea reddest of 118 St. Andrew's 8.03.11,
, od was . las prem.. term dimmer et the
*Wore Lrtnab.a.d Reek al Msetr.l.oad
president a the Meskeal flerticelural
Society and Previaial Prot Oo.... M
moieties. le 1886 be war awarded the
silver medal a the Jacque* Cbtt'er Aertesl-
teral 8+eirry for the best kept farm la that
meaty. He aloe termed .rtes.vo:y la the
Northwest Ten -meter. He wee 1 1. P
and is h. yo.tle srvod u • liset...t and
d torwerdm se • replete seder h. bre. Der,
8. Seamier. 1a main.s be was • mtm•w•b
O....,vatv., sad le relates a Presbyteries.
He wee Mooted pre/Meat of the beral-
t:o.eereativ Cob ler Montreal i. 1896. I•
1871 he .trried Remo, desist et Jwmb
Jabwto*. Paisley, itemle.1. Hi Mayes •
widow, three coos sod s dream.
A des.tob frost•t states 16st the
milling ,.terse. el tem let. Witte. W.
Ogilvie are t 6. e.ssolldstad .. the WU-
It►m W Ogilvie Madan Orepany, .at.8
will be ieereeemted 'Meetly. TM seek
dna d t6. seer eompsy will he Albert H
Ordr., the late Mr. Ojilv4'o old.{ ..s.
F. W. Theorem., amend semens of the
Odlv.Mtitles Ompaoyof Mustiest,. mated
Saab 116• capital el the sew ss.p.y would
e m he loo IM. see sad ....b 1 .1111..
sad se Mr. Ogilvie'. este..,sets. .( hi
wheal beetle.. known re be lay large.
there . be , anew.s that sho.14 It be
* desirable tit, mak. It toe, er eyes
Iwo sad oa 61&l .,1UM.o, W saes.ary
loads gees. be fertao..tsq. Iwdaded In
the wow oerpormles will 6. UM 0011T40
14 Wing Company el Wla.lpe4, .4.rale .p be
this Mir 84. Mood sea.Dar••-
mos, thresh W. W. Ogilvie was Lha Wpm*
Progvem el mea. of the Modern►
Rertlwlterel Seamy, f be held es the
,..rotary's office se 7.30 ea* ems., :
Feb. 1-Reet.wltar. hem • fart.ds..d-
pent. Joel, Smuciow*$.
Feb. 8 -Bis tem varieties 11 appts, psa11.
'gate.s age grape. W. *Amcor".
Tel. 16 -Hesse pleat*. General duels -
Feb. 22- next et malt and sulphate of Ire.
la fruit molten. A MoD Au.Ax.
Mena 1-8 talk re .mall fluff. Wm
Mama 8-1111an'. duty to dlseover sad les.
prove lies sad p.a. Weed far fed et
ter .►asset W. Wake/one
Marsh 16 -{'last dosses. Oso Brewers?
Marsh 8*-Var1:ias of potatoes and Dolt
.sues. O. W sus.
Mersa 29- Hen.altare le sebeely. B. D
CH4111011 MITpt
1'M Pw•F7M.! +If =af» - ie ahm a -
w the 16th hest IM. Omelets s wee aper►
netils1irwl �iwl11111/ r u il•
A .•..nets. •/salsllad at Memo Mete
trot. Ikons* a. Stew wee anallatete M
ebb kite b1.wa. eospom►Yeae Sigh • Mew
ell nressoalag the Geld r .laser es i.M•
eke •meant raosieod by tea tt.b►Wy
been the taws abatis* l=emd. vi = Umbers,
Oedfris6 bew•ebqq,, Ua.s bane, B.Uay.
B•ylept. Vet.. SWIM IUh plass.• ilr
ass snaii O]r4a4444. 11e west most .1
the W.... Parhtwlal Sodas of Smelt.
MMrMas was g.im8te4, .b.wag that ti.
ploy he M o learkehrd .s.dhies The
robed dories the pet yea
661 - Sm. A. Ors.. M. ill., .1 8*. _
It) impala. by UmAuea.bly'. seated
Depleteo to wk. thio Pndrkesy la Ike,
leareMs et •1Y tehd, sM the 1.1011 t
schema was d is ala vldlaaga of
eMRreestlas Jesse y 28. Kipp.. a M,;
H&Ile Orem. lest ; HeewU, meal. Jaw
nDaryy 29 30, for t.s.htas es. seance
week ; !shivery 1, Weed rad Oen
beet ; P.brwary 4, Thames Read. • as
Suttee. r M.; Smear. .weateg t February
6 7, o..aietee awl eavwe week, lease tag
paelharet ; February 8, vers�s .teary;
February 9. Sake, ,sena. i 11.
HdlMt, A r ; IMad.ebors. rel ; Wyt►,
.tesla/ t ldr.•ry 1243.. nutlet s a•d
Dammar werb ; Pbr..ry 14, Boyle* ores
tar ; 1.brutry 16 Brassy. r r ; U.M.
ob.►ob, meal. ; ITekreuy 18, Br.e. set.
AA" ; (Mates. •reaieg ; February 19 Hl,
.4 aowsities med emcee. Mak ; larval 21..
han.heeter, ..este*; Yodereary 118.
Hill. r r ; Lathers. emotes ; February
2fi tledorl b. ♦. r.; Whalen s, r r ; Hip
.esdetUs, evening; February 2ttafi, ie.
suttee sad mange work, hnlwlb/ Me.
TM masa seeties .t the Hary Pr.
hyaena*'. Ml.ieasrs yMb wet
hale al Howell .u1..ed•y, Jewry 16011.
Thew was • g..1111vmadame .f r.ptesenho
takes (rem the yanng.s anatltar;M wader the
jwetrdietis et this .,.carp. Mn. (Row )
Hemiltee, ul (3.dencb, *Le pre.tde.t. 1"a
d4.d, sad delivered ea ero.Il..t ani Iter.
setter address, in wawa .ha re-
viewed the week N the meet' lee the pat
year. Tb. secretary, Mr,. R. 1r.a, .f
Matta, .ad the tre.serer. Mr. A. 8eea,
of S.ststb, also gave very fug sad later-
emi•g ,,.ort. 1164 04 teem. Meowed that
• goes wee k ked boo de.. along all Uwm
Aurins the yser. The ...tees mintiest.,
..bnosd .h6M the •soef• t. bad raised
•93012; eleven rttsies heads, 532.44.
wkiob. wvb $60 from the apse find,
sad* tae total alleetrose f., the year 11,
708 06 Tb. lol.wiwg are the •.eats
.dleetd by the sewt.el antllarne ; Bake.
1124.08; lily, 6,8468; tI aoe6etd, 5118118;
Clot... 5169; Litateadvltlw 1139 60; Do. -
mob. tiGcutea 'WtlYthis. 1116 24
Roma, 5162 ; Kideas, 553 44 ; Loeber.,
523 ; sad Kura,' eburei. 583 •
16 ; Nominator, 517.70 ; 8oaleHk, 5264.30;
Smite'', Hill, 527 80 ; 't'han'e• Roo. 596.601
Varma. 50.90. itw.e. vf..szUat y has
tte boner d retaertate Imrp.t maim. per
sosb.r la the Presbytery The fdM.l.a
•metribs'd by Me .wed
erirrirs Yui : Hayfield. 56 ; R•ttesield.
$23.63; Mates, 133 ; guar, r. $42 ; (reds
risk, 1716 37 ; H...dl. $30.04 ; Lipp. viol
Seats., SS 60 ; Thanes Read. $28 30 t
Vaasa, $3 90 Dart. the meet., M•..
(D,.) Guild delivered . very late,eeawg
adders /wortptfve .f their week a. I be
.skits el the .sues la .lasses, J�pwa
M. 8. D.ekeew, d 8whrt6, and Ulm
O.•b•., .f Bess edvile. nal .se.kM1
spore w .awary week. A pub ._mown
ism ender the sassier et *6o see My, was
bold in We obarnk is lie ewer.. The at-
tewdesee was large sad the program rasa
Net Addressee wore d.k....4 by gar.
Mr. Sewers, of flew Add, a. Rey Mr
Ore.. el tie. Marys. sad mai.l adesYwe
by Mrs. George Bader. d mea6th. sad
the Re..11 male owwr4N. eh. All the
seethes were bald M L1,..1 Myth. pad
lee delegates were m.. b.pttahty wad
kindly eate,t lined by tee 1adt. of the sea.
e 44
we 11.. bdkbad .beet pi.a.•b held by
the .eesety. TN mwawg seat year will be
held in 8.fowth.
Goderick Bargain
W. A
-•'" «*pgt)-.w
25th and
8116.e ef swag are m.(ttplyieg. laved
t'wese...11eea. 841.01 saw a bila es
Powronso. -The koala' of the asp &
lgdDa( tbe jedgmes* of Otlist mod
Raw la tisci W4. Hares .leetres elms las
base pestpesed ..til t6. Nagai aerie. et
the .mart.
Ther. will b• • ...asg of Mee 1614'.
I.mpelon ea Wednesday,Feb. 718, M
parpe',. d idiotism diem fee Me yew 11100.
It is earnestly b.pd that every u•-aber
wll b• proms.
Bargains in Every Department.
JUST RECEIVED • a*r pap* the A D.
W. A
Sirnp oT Willie Pic all Tar
This in cos of the most valuable peeper tions 1. toga• and
relit ever per tee the market. Ten eget Mws he py iscr
it if it deemi't Yelp. 6 far 81.00.
0. GOOD S , rppk:l„d
E -. That's '.
idpillit'What. 11
E ii, i� � rte ., There's qualityIn a
what it M.
ourt$3.00 Shoe; that'sE /12°
f That's what makes them sell so well ; a
Ethat's what makes them wear so well and 1
E please so well.
We are selling the best footwear mads
at lower prices than some other stores ask
for inferior goods.
EEYour shoes from our shop will fit well,
Ewear well, and pay you well to purchase.
E Sokagent for the "Slater" Shoe.
EW1'1. StiAR11AN, Jr..
D. 864,1... drewlag stew. sod eels le*
• etre f.wpdatl. '1.141, rel frets, to M
bent IW s..lag ..miner.
The people of 1eis settee meek regret
the east\ of the IoM Or, Shnama►t. dok-
neb, M he war Mum a ear Midst as midi -
eel **tesd.8 to eek rhe ..S.tim of frail
bw.rllty. He wen WIM ay IM Warr
Pewee it. the flows of his sash, bh from
hu ppm,ofeenies to reel from erre labors. Her
bl•d•,w and t.. RentIp.w d seem, Ie
hte Waste Mss for Nt1 as s•.• of ins
Ideal In the sensory ef MM era• Sam blue
1. ear ee.munIty.
At tbe .anew mons, of the Presbyter.
nit Morels Me •hM..e el .Members was
w M se larrggee M N ,Meed ham hes.. The
Mks el o4*41 w was Sled by B. N. Shaw
sad that d sesevesire el the •eeMei by S.
B. Wakasa l-erh-W sa.e.e.s ter
Me year was ... y *8. Ir.s.ars►, Jaw
Winter. Tieg1, m•ossare of the ,swab
wage .11 re sleeted sad • tow ...her auld•4
to their somber a H. A. Mertes. I. Mo
✓ eam of Jobs 1wwM•, who bad rnlu..d
►Y� as 6u•peld wereney sad sass
M be m ejda, a. B Wilkes w
The W. U F. A. Soenty et r6• Presby-
terlrr.hank hero held IM lel., .opts. for
*4. M tis 4.ldesw .1 tads follow
, Mrs A. A. (Ae/a., ?boas/ •
shoo aN.a,oeiiiatb ran (t►Iilag. Mare w
• good N M* .sabot., *bp w.,bd
at.wAa fit .aria paste el lap obaf1b.
fire D. limos Mod tM dolls of wad -
doer rad Mn. (1.Mes mord as 50arelwr7
M. gooses of Mf. Q.8. The aeeuly
hers is sr•rag'%8• 11.., of Its fourth 7oee,
fad teas aerobe sathtsMorobase at ids
. 4...., MIA pr• mmNty, . for
wad se ib Noss to old as the own of It.
Menem le the .ids. lid. ,f Ma Manila.
We eederpaad Mat Maar s.TI .'Nsue4W
.144 la hold r Od.rl.b, vista they w111
soot lb* dorm ookfy M M. Uta., m
the I.'deme el ilea g7.dN.e,1an\*iem,
16. MM M las/ Yea..
lUsw nom of as hags efirat elft a de'
11elatsg sr'*eflt D*1.4.P M le "Ti.y
tet Osamu' ss because be Poor
Aw .air kslping, or r adr to help
Mme ..J,rl8ssts.
Dr. dope's TINY TABLETS art
Silas awacty the same thin- They
iwt thousands of ■ •rtiaate
ltlprvala. broken -dowel people *0 gel
one Baia TINY TABLET ,flet
NO real sad before reticles ION
075 yihu sew Ilfe. If you WI tine
--(TS NBRves.
16444 SI
Leek at your WS
raurboll up for INS.
"S=1.A pt■n lar«. M 11..
W are WAS at tla same old Mend. Nonce
8lwet, whew we have here supplying oar
f warns e. • member of years. We know
the fad that win you.
Ord., left with net delivery riga or at
Wenger. spam •ad tit Mop and id oar
case we mai .Rlwtioo.
11.1 . M1 1.041* .nares, sato•
W. laws Thar i0 oosmeotion.
t tl� & Fvat. co.,
Mee $E
:OM 8 40 Mttsyttr
1111 tee -cast pieces is exchange for tbe following :
1 family Pleat -chopper, small size ........-.-r1. •$1 15
1 family Step -ladder, five foot !!0
3 family Clothes -horses .. 35
3 Royal Canadian Wringers 2 00
24 Padlocks, assortedi 10
25 qta. Island City ready mt.
zedulsts, Li is& 25
6 44 46 64 is 46 13
10 pts 64H ea . tel to 08
00 bead and moulding Planes, assorted sizes
and shap23
19 butcher Knives, Rodgers'. Boker's and other
standard makes 25
110 paid Scissors, 7 and 7 11/2 Inch 25
Those goodie ossa be cleared out to make room for aew goods
iii tnli 115 heck Milt � our
Easter W. C. 11
tostame et J. R. J
Sealer* t Min Wt
et the Oeteete Bebe*
Bay Billmeed
weak to Mr.
berm Mr no.
few meathe. hes MA
mate 400 ism ahoy.
essree. big leased W
Suboloy D. Baird,
sad soqualaboasso
ler settles fa 01.16
~surds' is soirdurissi
Melee : Tao saw
a have ens ed ha toes
alga. se It.
Blemele JAN r.
Tereberry. Jabs P.
peer Watt el flats
Sealer.' : Hebert
bine maplayed with
taker a eseities with
Grapey, el Teshmea.
llogpard and
ham'. sorooy.
wy of thaw aarelar.
lin Mese la
Turatoue. bow a4
wasseled by • bons
'Mertes. Wadi past*
Walter B.
the Netleml
01111110 laseory
ferns laseM
Memel t
bylaw Me
Mildew Mesa% our
while dream sese
Mate oasoblas is Oka
• rash, wood
slaw Mum
Irak visobse•
Ironed ea Son Me I
24,41141. owl pNISIS
MI of mit
Patentee test phew es
arbas W. A. IL Beam
Fordo, salt dosughbor
ourriod al MI
miaow of Robert .1
Maim shota., was
wear wadhaa. whew
et Sufala. Iseaselp et
jeer moved Oa Ilisboorol
Ws Ms* assr
Masks Oa
LasTrevetwaross Was II
CROCERIES0o piwvistos.. .
NOW ovealimatlysixarbarred will deliver
LOW Palen ?OR 01811
lied tad Soft Goal,
Hydraulic Lima,
dinver Pipe,
tiro Brick,
'hip Clay, sta.
We are jetting nicely a4Att.d bn the ROW yemt, and WS. '
intend to make 1900 too bis a year in onr business thak
the eneceeding years wit: ks s to hustle $ k tip
with it.
Everything in the line of Oraelriq, Irak Aid flood.
Orden promptly filled. ���'� ,�1y,
Telephone No. 91. 13TURD V it OO.
?be Grams, eatibpstaina
"di epee eni
los firmaluellobss
rho orassd.
Olistap The _ruble
aim ft 44auyoa go di
Pronounced tlo
can be played.
patent cushion
on back Pri(
Crolidnoie Roar
.T11111 eta Fi`"
91112400-tarem ate et snip mem. sot m
veserseare 14.,, 74
F. 1111111.0111 NOUNS.
A Wonderful Tonic And Remedy for WE
01000, KIDNEY and LIVER IT