The Signal, 1900-01-18, Page 7. .. M—..._ -v - - .— --
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UTpD (irmeral Sir Frederblt CnrrLOAPArt Is gad bid farewell to "W' " &nor, )ids abrin ars e
LL III'S OPIRITIONS u l3uuth African COMPtlsu/r ut wide Alfred lfllusr, pr oslo L at sewe wro m, trulliy Principle ainst the Boer fJJ uspertaxx hav bt■q prevbus W Aartlug Int At y Verduutnu, o! Dnrdtaa6t, % R
yyy general uffL Situ Transvaal. hnstt)rn• scut.. Irlutuuvor. according W it RUMORS OF ;_t.._
oar aumwa uYtmteg the tdm:es in Nes Dena msgmKtai foR trlaI IW tete IWine correspondent, when it war
. Rbalestaa "'b"niva, To Round Cr Cattle ltofliers. (iueengtown C1reWt Court on the uuadu known Unit the Cref,sot, Oum-
HIL KEPT QUIET, w •°( Algh t+earon Tlae score a hu.l rof1[retl W cult nr W RKrugrr 4Juoles Soripture• N Jna. 16. -AU bon, ah W the war orowdea. ,AwIn Du ,hmwi wen Enlpl tx1 un say terms. word was DISSBNSIDNS. '
leunrtuo l' Naww (row ll train t►Sdwf Jru- I,eeuly futdrautwf fu i:lw proosedinew. whop to I,00duu fmw ltowe that.1 ' r :'+ v*release. Jnat. 18.-YrwtrSeoS kith. ours that ten train euatlr u( the fatuous Itnllau -^
Kruger lw& Leaned u pen urd loorrewm (rout (;several Bul- Will Reeelce a CIv11 !Mal. theAclfor Cum gun makers. the
-----^-----• „•- .. yroclaruatldst or- trap } QQ j p p '
rl He I all burIplets W the front. per's Wmtttasd have rrrlvcml at that Ca )e i )mea (urLuiwte;y hail Correspondents Say OL1c010
He Isar ulna, lwwwl a areolae dated 1 Tbs►w Jan. 14. -Cul. PUotnwr'/ reify for sntaipawut u battery of big U 1(1
Fate f Jan. 8th, W liner tom piece, and started by train fur Nee 11CL(stars will be trial ar reb&W- 1t in gaick-there, in every nspec:t the ftp
4 Ladysmith n 1V lenta &rid mouth of tits Tugela River, where nnddetre%,00d, beton tw Hupdrm■ alual of the French wuA{on. A bar aro Jealoas,
N Being bbargtnert u tile Udam W show 'hurt they will 1•mve tleu train and ent,r.r Court, as SAe mt(ltary aathorltks
eLwmy ht tutu Transvaal call&*. He Zululand to operate against she Buer here tsu gain was struck forthwith, find
any*: JuaiugoCom usrrtlul law not algae is W -A reason to bellere that --- N
'Trust In the Lord and dWlq oentLlO raiders, who luLrn bow oawo haytrlpi-io4l prw+lalmild In Cupu Cul the Italian p 1p Q p Q
I (ly tarsi muIng uurert auioag the Zulus for two ury. gnu• are being rhlptaxf BOLLBB HlTBB BQBBBTB !
tt ed One Way or Qther. ead i'm'om[MNtotM Throitlfln the blew• taptntina from licntiu• Lr. Leydl@. the epdwhtl UlJ
'' Inst ut tlw IAil d our grunt cause hug itfU,/lUU Men Is the Field. Transvaal einvoy to Europe. more i •
been oni read W such a pjct that, 7300,000 Metre. of Harbed Wire. thou' rus{wetal She ISalhku good I
1 with r[te Ltsuloa. Jan. 1f . -The Dully (hroui (acth. and sant a wrdttee► protest W
BATTLE SUPPOSED TO BE IN mYY. we day expect a encs Hxu+burg. Jan. 16.-1t in reported cb y
PROGgBSS. uea,fill hent,. Reatl I'sulnu sxxlU. The iwW4dtus kb d. a detailed state. Raaw• No notice was taken d It Ind is is Died Ya !brow 0 His ter
s=ear have fixed their ta1W on that a /1t1VVte tlrw nae undertaken
the ImwedlaLe tSWIrwy of 800.000 went, 89 g tank that lUi,tf t nen°, beyond v formal sektnowlnrtgwent of ' P
!'repo IzxxUl. Also road Psalm otaLrm of Ia rLWJ wire uu all order w•Mth n8fi gra [l Dr► in Lbs thrid; Its arrival. Command, %
_ _ Ixxxlr., verwzs la and 14. Doo 'u,t rand thgt with the UU1113 now at sea s
[row the Ura !
, ' -` .----- __- ___ F -Jct tIw Mostly. Create devnr- Orange Free State. ur {eepurfa o wal4 there will b;. An Lad)•rwlth, Jan. 6, by mumosMor to •;
Slott wfwever you lib In Capp Ouoboy. hu lduvnruinwt hav dlaected that tn§+gregate rtra ngth of 100 000 menu, Woollen. Jan. 10,-A Kpno""tive col y -111
Kruger BeCQming. Alarmed Quote They mifs, wit artrl dr.truy tete rock, ut" baring Gerwaa ports far s;,u(,o ,,ung, ark! 44H gum Nes Awoc!ats:i PM, v'ldted Qttur 88UUt,D iii 9DIBD DLI !1[B .
of toe A(r(tatkierr. In We Frew state Tsatrt Atrk nn shell henceforth be eourwe of n few we ism. 111 s lmnttlef rl I thin mo ni tg, ante saw Alarmed, they lay waste farms." abwlY examined to rw loaf they Tide will be (Sut■e without mWPIdrng large numL•er of bogs' dS;ed. The
President Kruger likens the tis contain no contraband of ::sr. Indy'. Engird and Ireland of their British guns "6011111 to Isavo worked
More'Scripture. rtraet4vswa■ o'1 the British to an --- Iwettallous, rtlftenod by mllltla, and great havoc. One Bo -r aver c,tu letc•I t oder Katirratlosottbe Boer Forces
u"wk of the devll on Christ's Church. burgher. Deserting• without calling for ntore than 10.000 'i'mrml'owe11.•ei ; another 111-1 Ill; head --A More Vigorous Cakepalgn Ad-
--- •- _ _-..-,,,, ,--_ unit says: Capo Town, Jan. 18.--t doslutch ci•rJse° sddlere, shot off, nna a couple of others west, vocrted by Those N'boBlU at Honor "L alb searching the enllro Bible to tilt, Cape Times from Herschel, --- killed by the same. shall• evi,:elltly
piers FI anad caa find no other way powlble Northern (ape Co!ony, dated Jaa. Ntrathronr's Offer .tccepted, while wting tb lr huh. h.o:n, As hal( In London A Big Victory Needed
gtch D e Lng Boer--BtMti/b Troops Go to Zululand -Coloola than that adopted by uta s 'oust lot'It• toys that a third levy un the eaten hart -bo I %I pgg+ Iny tlFgl•do them. Now.
Dutch Deserting Boer Arm cosliA,s o fight to the name of the oWunfal burghers has been madleby London, Jan. 15.- be AeaAbcbtted
y ---Duller Shelling the Boer Pualtlowe- `tome Nat.,l Dutchatrtn w,re neogaaed
Lord." the Orange Free state Boers. All Preis learn/ that Lund Lansdowne. ,tnronR the deid. .\ nu'ulrr n( Harr lwwdiw• Jail. 18. -Terse time Iwo Wu.a
A LJeutequt Wounded (haven Times--Uen. Carrington Going to the .The VuDurtem, the Transvaal offi- male rers'entr batwsrn the lige• of Secretary of State for \Pur, accept- loiter anA rar4trtrra' of hur:ev have wlaan Spas people of Urertt Britain ro 'I
Front ---War Correspondent Killed Prance Making Guns for the dal organ, suggests• lha6t the awn- 1.4 and 80 yours have Ibewn cum. all oil Saturday the offer of Lunt been :"Ifanithou intowb iS,have longer heeV silent regarding
1p Lain no
en[ the Briffab croon the borJer, the maud"r•eti W dus■iet tho Htier toren' SLrathcona. Canadian High Cowmis- wh!ch lwraroe a rAginq torrent Irurhi tuanngetnent of the war. The tlnwbd-
tSoer ---Outnumbered by Bows. gold tadvlstry should be into-
. It at Sturmberg. •loner In London, to provide, din- u hexry tbun.lrrrtonn- g gates& -1 cat of t Icnva been uflood-
Ormge Riven Jart. 12,-G W ig daalrgybdf It in r,ported that' canny of the tinct from %be Chucuttun c•ontingeuts• 1111,1 under the stream of adverw tp"u-
eu• uyl, River, tlfe British Icmeoe bels lou '('ommandeerfa is co!ouial hutch who a fOrceOf cot least 400 mountef "b"(1 DI'M DIT31 BCLLEV.s.
Sur the first time lu thin t,tile one weak to a ch lore- -- Pr)e tong J,dtted sire Bose ° The Britlrh• wbtlo t' 1 moot pouring fourth reputations are ,
!rosily at Prelar:a, wbsss the town are mow tleeertlitg and rej,urnlu to tram Ifanitohmt. NorWwwt 7brrlWr- lffg u
A despatch a Pretoria as g g Rraada, wilting Tip stern upbraidingof
Sas established n post lq tlu one D _ oID says tin• gvtnne is sung a their farms. ler. and British (lulumbls, noel to cvrc (.red o:f by "rtlll"ry, anti several tMr (lurernment by papers thaat•
eo AgLag 1alivo bra Gov Mar- arm. alulp and heaver them to of there ween h 0. suit-uuwe l hail*ts most for u century have been (o I.
ear's country. Wltlr n latae Of All basr dmeuol ommaaoad Lbs boa- tiers u the [armor his badly handed The despatch aelin that the rs.porq
arms. he Wit 's a poson t en ojust.ath I4y, Jan.
during h. Lbw at the trogt. It Is quid that there an that titu whites In Barutulasd tear South Africa At Aid own expense and dim -dem cnrtr:dfOA have baso servutve has already been touched
(Stn at Zout I morning of Friday, Jan. lgtla near) 0 - a rising All will be ex fu'uut on r►ndtn,fal
psora Drift, on the north A Partial dleyelopmeut of the move- y 3, J British priaoaera In Pre [iC of the uutlrer an entirely V*tL aa+vrkrmert. I•r.wwer". Vulun- upon, In them despatches Abuse of
rlSe O( the Ors north, grru[oWw- Tete natives are o,olud• rough rheeris at"] scouts- terra earr'or] the floor Ovid tiff the hill the War Office hiw always existed,
Free State. ° Rlrerr, In the went referral to u tbase des icl►es It W ertimeterl that the offer w"1 an,1 hauled th3 lodes over 4) their "A",.,[tutu It in only u few ogress
tartly force W the British. A special c(xarn,lro At the MttNm. Un•r u'nrty more tatter than (only
was before_ What
_ v t Aa Jan. nth, though by , menus the ICrraer'r psalms. poll" /utco numbering 4(10 awn ps WTue na expenditure of 0200.000.
Warren Cr eke T Auxin objective Muted at, cat' be re keeping order amdug the 11nAutos. The War Office regards Lord were thuw carr:,ai off tango° }HII chle(1)' marks the Stilets. tY1'dal to day lu the futwatlon of a PFttlm 33. -For the word of toe A der stratheona's Alone. Isla from u IAwing of the Brlt
Lusdoo, Jan. 18.-A spadN die /trong eOmm!tWe d Load u rgbt, std aii His works are Patch to the Cape" from erdlner Vrolmaoal ns an extra• period u( passive cll■con-
Stletk Africans Dorddecht etatw tAnt fcra alletp0l ism. y Pezbo/ of oo:oulul patriot- tent to most
rpatob from Cape Town, dalted Fri, sea ex *ff,CLAld, with Lord, Lush, th•. done in truth, rebels here beau Damm LtuJ than for (7"re Tber' lb a 'ret.
day. Jan. 12th, evenly anaoa00" dormer Governor of Cape Colony and 118 lOvetb righteousness and judg- trial. One of au accused L chs .S"H y- SLYERE FA( LT FINDING
that Ow. Warren has crossed the Br:tlsh Illtrh Commisrloner, a1 Fri et meat ; the earth is full of the goo,/,, carrying arms• nava tha ut4Yeers --- Rearburg. Cape CWonr, Jan. 15.- in the outspoken abuse of tbelr goner
\\'111 Organize wt Once. 1
Tupla River AegL. The o sea+ at toe Lon. The Idowre thda trdueyl'ng nttemiKwi to All In Lire field. There are unpleas.
___ jact is the remedying 'Phe Lord b "All furnishing information concern- Ottawa, Jan. 14. -As soon as tine ^tick a hili held by a owbm{many of the eat sk,rle& of fierce service
Of the riagelh the oounael of ,ttg,Brlttwh movements to the enemy. present oonUrrent tr diadVatchal. \'irk"►Area an,1 the new Zevalnmler&. and, lu low)of all the atmyrl jealousies,
The Rumor Doubted• the heathen to naught; He matetb
DEFECTS OF TUE W'AR OFFICE. the deview of the pauple of none of_ More cases aro pending. preparatoius wid be made to organ but owe reiwslmed at Use point of the comfngr olden heretofore hart, been
Catty Town, Jan. Iii. -.L Ant,J ok 1\'Inet1 the War office tmaaetluned We feel --- (slug BtrAU11«,na's Horse, IC in old bekvoxnet. Thr Boers lord 21 nresrkUled secretly whls{oeroJ In clubs are tits
IL Uw ays: dated Fridley Iast,Jaa. format on of a cos Blamed is the nation whose God Funds From the Mines. ORO of the reuaow for not mak geed nbbuut tit, rtdnxtde.l.
1L'th, days: "The authorities have p„ of Bluth Africans tag week finding their place In print, and
aataslutei with the topography of tit:• u the Lord, and the people whom He Landon, Jan. 16.-T'Is dvrssspo:rkat Public before the uffer, which was not In disreputable journals, but In
has lvad newt, that General Warren I country anI the Dench anti Kaff:r bath chosen for His own `nheritance, of the Times at Lorenso ]Yeryues, roeeived here some days ago, wag CENSORSHIP FleFF-('TIVF:• organo that n mxonth ago would have
` strong ed the Tugela f tiucuer." Itngu ges, the donor 9" trial t:dthat Psalm 8d.-1. Keep not thou aileace. telegraphing last Sttarday, says: that It would Interfere with recruit -- tterre
ly[mg Position north of the rlrer• I they 'uurt rho;ose U1elr own dflcen. O God ; hold not thy peace and be not The Free State has now caped out tag In the wait for J.he It 1're%entr All Natal News (;ettiw to deco°rived such tales a rue
This report line been current Leri purer t•on- a or of tlr, whether the were tare
The War Ofttce demurred, but final! Kill, O Go,! ! every ava!ta(:I b .gra°, Inclndlag the tlmngrut. Many wcwld peter ,lu the \t avid. y u
1 nae yesterday, but in discredited' y IenAfng mrrcbante, SrA Aare ex in Much a battailon as the H1gp L[auknn Jan. l9, 2,;,0 or otherwise. It b now well tnowu i
m Off yesterday,
circle*. 7`rhJed. Cotg qu ntlyp.omlatutB th Y. For lo, thine enom-@s mite a to- {>tctai p. m. -The that General Buller
►frlcaue. crack shots and acquaht twd mult; sad they that hate Thee have to enjoy Immunity. Oontmirrientr Is getting up. mgq)k,te a(a-w•tn:w of news from Natal .pEl1PISFy3 GEN. ROBERT`S. every streum and t lifted, up the heaol. "The \'olb B:em, In the course Ot proves that the can. a(ga'j bat*' Gen. Lord Kitchener+..
Probably • Fake.alrls are on W Lela (tour
y 'flocking W S. They have taken craft counsel an art!d•le obviously Inspired, InMeavol Another Sortie Frou. Kinnberle), trshfp will allow,noLhletJ to palm on -
London. Jan., lb. -A noir Use contingent. Asa y tit General Buller'd fy n/ shall have CommanlPr-In-Chief. Lord Wo{as{•y
telegram (rum I prominent of t h man sfia W n rep against than People, ant consulted the gold Ute as a polalgal move, hoe- Lorenzo Ifarquet, J:un. 12 --t Boer been exacuted or hav tallyd. Even etramd lien. Buller's feelings artd _ _ -.d
Newltext, Water. says I[r! Kgtlaerford roi•entat!ce or the Aagoc►n A Yre against Sled bdden ones. .ng that I( the agsmilpthxn be oorrat that Wp
Ifarris, formerly restJent director Lt : - We are not !dt t.o fight 4. They have sari cane, " lot that the hulk of the Rind spared is leapatch muter that the itritirh nr- Gene t l GJ4y IKasrc+lop>• . ,,
ggorao R ►g •r brzww- i[ n:/:onaN rgyyniil }'-j•j ArlrasWwri-d tl- avveat,
flormth Alflan d t,t■n . Jtteiialln •6atrtb Lit or tie iicpapts'mprrea "0016 rojiA W gat trial otf trora -tinting is xia1t:on, ✓md'.'on "W* t 0M'1tYMt: \lertiiktTy, t ta5 tnat o t tS8 tAc '114 evcaing refralned fn,m m> a, lig terms vvd n the tiecretarg of
Ahr:ca (oy, that the name d Israel ma Franco and other countr:dxi must ire eOrtle towards Knmferwlaw early on Slur! ytaW for War. Lord Lansdowne. To pear, has reoadvel a ta►tle• want i3. asci tlw Boor o4 their own 1- the ao Jan. 0th. s13 n wont abof't Natal dx General such n fie -
gras to Ohs effect tbit Use. ,mailer groun•i and sororllug to* our own more in remembrance, oogi w the dosiratl h:y of Lf Imging The Buller. From Ute other co:uwns there. grant extent does this an.
has gathered another revere - tnethoIn. Out -bjoct M tr. d,(iwt L G. For they have cosi ndted together the rear to a speedy Clore. It odds y returned to KlmberPy After a if little ['ewe d nN,mept. MOJ;kr mlty go that Loral W'o!wHey wrote
with one consent ; the that ever da brbk artillery exchange• itl:er a v to LnA
enemy, anA not run spL•roddd but ore• y are cunfeder- 7 y tlf war cantlnue• d Lied of )cwtl•rday's daW Y Btillor that he knew notb
estwtinster Will urtrrn. lads r'.rk •." ate against thee. oasts the shrareholderi 917.0)0. A There was apparently no damage OR uuly re{wrt dully Icnl3 range nheilin Ing about Lord Roberts' appoint -
New d contaccitiva "111 be asst to Hibor elde, frons wrnlch tine Boers are pyp,os6d to meat to ogmrnatkl the Bfltlsh troops • -
New fort. Jan. 15 . -The young --- Psalm fig. -1>f. Than haat a raigbt !rave w4lc e+t severer. ro Routh Africa. mma and that he Alsop•
Duke d Wttstln noWr has sailed '(row T-O°dU°, Jan. 1t{.-t)eaernl Lord arm ; wrung u the• haaj ani hg1 enforce the 4s. Heard at the Uudder. r
Roberta, In s W try r.'ght hand! With Ilia available aenistance d a A DESIONSTItATIoN. Pro al Of k. Without enormo ug obs
Cape Town for England to clsi[r In Lao dles{xttch to the R ar >I4 Jualioa ail ju ant are t oogiderable number ut Brti.h gab- IfoxIde ItlTix, _Jho. lU, (delayed etacles to overcome. to the way of
bnlderltance, says u Lo u:an calls. Office yesterday, recorded a cavalry dg4m jw Y despatch Irufw xterkrtroom, daW the Boers' strenuous resistance end
Which adds that be in w marry !ilea rermmnoLmnnee toG dttbttat:oa of thy throne • mercy and )sets the Boer government in ateaiL tYulfrhiAmii>ttj Ileacy ca."emkiding Munley, Jan. 15th, rP{,orty that Lien. Initbrl ndvan
y M. FngcA. rap truth shall go bafdwv t inaraasl the iel 1 [ren the mlaas, waA heard In the direction of Kimber- uatnere'r troops made n deruor a- nf(wln bet" w lailsa and kleon M
"BSe:la" West. Thi duce will return ndoSoJ that the ]x+dtbae of (.*neral by face. n6
to South Africa as a Ileuteaa11t of Methuen and (:en. Gatacre were un- t•hu! securing [uala to ply foA,kgn_ ley between 5 and 7 o'clOck this dnorn- Llon beyond Iloltrno Ur the dltabeihin of would coertwepa n strpPrmy !raw
tba Imperial Yeomanry. changed, trot made no reference to the C.P.R. Giver $iS,(►00. eta employed in the mtautactunb rt il'?f t3tortitherg, In tine belle( that the back to paper the nccue@s of the Itrltinh.
-_ operations In Natal. At the moment Ottawa. Jan. 15. -ler. J. M. Court- explosives and other ageats for the rwo Brittdh prdronerr who arrived fibers Intendod to sefso Moltmo. The One
of cxhllag, elle Intcwt absolute nutltell- ne co prosecution of ilia war. Le titre mutt yettprdny report that t1Wy endured bwrghhrs were nut ►lghted, and rho wirTlce mattwrr.11cSc+olares t Ir ,fjult11
A Plea Sir 1'ea .v Ihputy telegram
d Finance, re- come when the .+evere hardslnl
tic Information concerning Gen. Buller ,x:Ta,1 n tel rem W n jpnperial /iovernment M after escaping from ItrltL+h remuh;cal at ylulwno..lrrlvald likely tient (:*neral Bulky will
\ew fork. Jan. 15.-A circular a e8 ig¢t. stating will proclaim that such BnAtsh sub- the 1lloemfonteln jail. Their nothing from Htormbrrg estimate that tilers
tMJ'rt for p was his ! prlgRfleld despatch, date, that the C. 1'. R. had donated $15.000 jecta willvbe romecutwi for treason wav In rage when they arrived bete. were Star Boar" lit that place, anon a THROW CP HIS COMMAND '
1 g Peuca and clergyman
for tine Jan. 11th. I hetermarltsburg, Ilia ba,p to the Qp
fioera, •fggeJ by 40J clsr ymeu of all and CAP@ Town have been TyloR M. patr!otLe (u.nd, or deprived of Br tie'h- ettizeosh:p. --- 1 ly revolted colonists and Free Hutt- and come home and be a thorn In
der'ogf.natdon@ !n the Net6•rlin,l■, has one another !n sending farther rc Drmorwllzed the iturrw. "T De Boer Govwrament is fewd_ng Doer Losse. at Lwdyrmlth• ors• Presldegt Steyu's brother in lice the side of the GOvwrnmmt. Thin
j•st been delivered W the ml,nfet*" of muark%ble reports of the awvemrntm of 14,000 British at(bjmts. I am inform5d I.u:n Son. Jan. 15. T7ta Timet baa the Landrost► in probably n° exaggeration. bat It
all Christian ebuMbm fn Great Brl London. Jan. Iti.-The (orrenpt;u feat tb3t the Portuguese Cmstoms otticLnls rollocving rpecAal to day : Gen. French cuntlnues .. shall then in admlttad on all •gees that he Is
hit or allow but the (aril LhAL the recent! seized tht"o c3sen of contra- Lad angth. Jan. 11. -(Uy hel'o- Doer likely to make himself Ad d
sole, eye n I.ondoa cable. It closed: censor alba/ the tranemlotoq of such of the Daly Tehgraph at f teWrmar 7 )
A's beseech band. eootain:n poltbns, but nothing deal■Ivo inegresrt
Tow brethren. W use despatches proves their comple O !nae- tsbarR. Lelegraphtng Tkurn lay, Jan. g (heti signalling .p- prrA{its Lo g46sem)-TTvi enemy has hag taken place. 016 w all
it to Lord t t Roberto.
year inflneece that all owh in Lug- curacy. 11th, says: Paratus consigned by a P'reacb firm." Kean very quiet sfnoe Saturday. Na- --- HRd ow wrl thin will end I( the o.
land as on Christian prdfdciplef .11 ap- The erltior discuss with fearful In- „The gallantry of th•f Lidym!t11 t4ve scout 'port (trent det•rwrf In B•)er Itrportw. Paka drags ton much longer. without
prove thin WAr may try whatever terfot the statements Indicating the garrron in et Batur-lay appmwtre tA) WIN stand Tonethen tine estem)'r tack'i'er over Uieir camnhl- , serlous chnngo for the better no
lawfully m. be done for Its Hess, Tho Boer t ret,)rfu. Jan. 11.--4s n result of
1 Mlmoedl dlvWOa of Genpral Buller'& column nave deprewed, If ,to' actually tlemor. Loalon, Jan. 18. -The Birmiggham [mlRttf guns are fired Lite bombardment of Marekln cue cin tell. The mtignatlom of Lon1 Ton-
ctiesatlaa." Into three parts,oaeratln r resoeetive. sl:asd. U'e Dan rPasmodlrally, but Were Is no r ' g w s
__ generally. IC is gall Daily arra, the organ of Mr. 'Joseph tg, terday tho Bntldh turf un.twarl tun■ R'olseley would not surprise those
lyey Ptmcm. r In Cul inland R'(rnrn. that they loft nt lent tau, if not (h"Weerlait4 aa)w: lar twvmlbIN great. The spirit"by le dlemolldne.l and Lite British retired, who know u( the inner wtrkings of
Attae►ea Arrlre• They ccrncar 1n the opinion that (elan three, k:llef aa Against our One. We u[Weretand, on pia• highest rS an in greatly tatprorori by Nle (%a Boer was wounds.(. tit's War Office. A great vlcWry
Durban, Natal. Jan. 14. -All th•,for- a Pian woubt• ander the molt favor- "Many Boer• are I,el:evt•rt to Ir authority, that :t the Government is euecowful result of Saturday's bat- Advioer front the bead ins would Probably quiet the feNlog of I
e!gn military sttacbm arrive( hart Able view, be extremely daring, am trekk:ng northward. The magistrate detorted in Parl:ameaat on the quad • Ti's emmy left 100 doadd on the I,nly►mlth report that rho ger
.fesobntent tIll the day or 1wiruning
tb!o morning. They will prx`a`I .w, each divtvlon moult be separated by nt Nqutn, Zalulsnd, telogrnphs that tion of the war, the Cabinet will [in- Iopem of our defonom. e+u1 wen re- In I'wrtlA[nent arrived. But.
Monday to (ape Town, where they two or thrr•i, marelnes. +coats rpport having seen tunny Boer mediately- appeal to the country, all moving their In)ure,t nil the next At tit(' place, Jan. 9th, was disastrous tenet. there semis larking
w:ll Join Lord Roberts. The sltuatfrn, though at present (an' Pev with w,igo;lr fr.o •errllug north the Xto.'sters havisg deeldod to stand 'Ky' heir krrAN must have f) -,at to the ItritLsh, and that Ladysmith
v» sMnt wmbrelate tour ta3er ,,,_-' Th Zn6thwM„ while a logsther and pot t.. tment'y. All off who was 1, nPPeanr Vi be In sure at"t, 1'ENIaIVU AN Gi'IiEAVA1.
EmApean trbo (ria E any laMi- open the erxm tMdeh bo(lita'UI for Government,
1 It9 j tub(^. certainly created anxlwty, whlcj formerly reeMea at Dnnden, lechers@ vtJual i .'.nister to d» made a seape y durM' the engage - 6e -
h In no wise allayed by the rumor% that niter the repulde et Ladysmith "l went states tl►tt nL the erul or the War Voter: tee Vfnr Office, anQbmep( tl'e gen0r-
I.rdysmith Not be Relieved Before that the Been have evacuated rome a number of Baer wagons funded with --- c'.ay tiwy were ahoputely demoralised. C'APtaln R. Y. Harris, of the Texas AN In Lhe (fold, for thew rankling@ ere
Nlabt. d their strongest entrenchmente, It Is Sued and woundod paserrl hrough the Oatnnmbrred by Boers, The Boer Ie,me■ hers the I,ndy@ru1Lh Itaugers, and his son, nulla (rum Nrw current not •o much among the lower,
rorogalzord that when these wti cam- eat"In townshl ant th•r the Boers Laudon. Jan. 18. --Mr. spencer Wil- btnttle are loosely e■tlmated In Ns- 1'urt today to Join tiro BrltWc forces fr°btlun-loving classes, but Anionic
lure o r Jan. 15. -UD W to fir River y g p tal at 1,401 WIWI aryl wounded. at IN•Isgvo Bay, the highest born and mart evenly- ill -
reported ewalrW d Tugela River pwlgnerw bexin to "evacuate" And •'10- buntel sane of the publ'c buildings as khuex,, the nuc4 d military oxpert of Cdxnmandant Da Vlllor and other Cion and ammunition houses In New `Ideoi u( (treat BrltAln'w [lest eltlsenw,
by Ggeeral Warren'4 division remains treat."they are getting dangenws. tiny depnrir'd. Ftvp dale have passed the 11r)nilltg fart, nsseria that the Free State leader.i are re rUKd to York, says the 'I Inde*, of that cit aro \"r in the discontent crmfinevl to tl,•
but rumor. Newerthelav, thy. whore Thr military critic of the Morning Cnee dreg." Hoer force to Northern Natal V po y' Nor In
a Leve
Lance of such news ns has dribbled Leader Asserts, as If with personal Tile trwct'o:t erig:nne have tren Oolnp( larger than General Bs:Sar's and fir fare been tiller. sending large ■hlpiaents o! arms for fronernf4. several of
till- Boors. T hs tit" awrt
tocol excellent work In linalln hpcv- Gerrg,e Wlntte'w t .then, no that tine THE BOER \'F:ILs,ION. Y go packed ns gaols of f:A powerful civilian tartorr IA
hi thassle Inds Africa dntla thea last big d that '•(home l Warren g y ug • vnrlots kinds. Rllwh life• wine of them Almost ■r
ardIndicates that a rehmAive with ye lh-Isbn aqd l gfiv ng more wagon* out of holes rad wwnmpd In Sioe[vm are nide to kiftve a fun* aronrHl The Boer version of the fettle, which Attacks on the War Office continue, much finnoe rorty inte•tested die the fe11
ferward movereasstdeoomprelicrttdlve wt►w ysaterday morning (Ivo miles NAteLeThn they aocornp:hbed with Ladyamicth larger Ulan %lint within comm through Dnlsiei'a Agtpnc•y,POYs and •expirtr" are le turn of e'outh Afrla► As the Govern-
MarecM•r in pnooeedhgs It Id trot rocs aorthwevtwnni of Pprinrrflcl,f, when tin R ttndt eenfw• the town, wn,1 yet to oino.dr (:enernI A glowing trUwte to the gallantry of Lnthnwlasm n[wong tlhe Dutch -Aider•. ment It*lf, have repeatedly urged
angry to believe the ur'eonfermeJ Gonerni Buller then had hes fnrndgnar- The rateh pntrolr have discovered Buller with n kern ruprrlur to his both Addeo. The Attack, It enys, wad Icanw In Chicago is at high tide Over cprtnbn rPformv in tine method or car-
Aboria of Ute DOM bAW in tell re- Levo. This reprrwants the fact." pnrt'ea of Boers In the eLrectl•)m of own. moot determined, and tine defence the An (bwcrlptWnr now Wing tnkon to rying on the war, not meddling with
offer -
treat from (oleesO br,ono/a It hes The rritlns proceed to ridicule ru- F.nneradalr, between Fere and Est- Itepgrtm (soon LFie Boer tear nt- rwpnnlly Legaclonw. The Brittrh were nid tAe alck and wdwnde.l liner cul- the purely military plinwdm, but offer-
been hanwd that a column b pro- more that do not bear out thin atate• wart• rLrm that the circle of iuveatm.nt most strongly entrenchoai,And the walls diets. A nam of k: ours has been moi- Ing for Itstnnd'p to purchase horsad for
♦la W6FW n W Helfornakaar to mend. - has been drawn closer by the soca- of their redoubts were skilfully kto Icerm tit• torn', pglntlnR oft c better move for
CUT OFF THEIR RkTfREAT. Well on January 0. pwtbn or some hills &tearer the Lowe, holed. The mmbat was so claws that The new" that ItbrA Methuen is °r tra nwpovt, urRinpt n
shellod Gorr Ptbsitoas• London, .Ten, 19.-I/afekln was tinea HheratJng reinforo,ut,.nta to the rifles wen frpgoently fired at MORF' VIGOROUS CAMPAIGN,
At rho ems time credible s aces nk-IN. t ts opb{esus General Buller. arm's length between the bf his g a tf lwto from one,ona extremity
tba from malty different gova'oes !a• London. Jan. ]l. -The fknndard'g p*renty holoUng Its own against Its TI'o Dail News oppowrltp of his porltlun to the other. on • n glvinl( IafonnnLlti6 no to the beet
dbrputabi points td) momentous Durban correspondent, under dr►teot bstegen on Jannary 12. A 1'retorta Y auggwAtn that n rorepr. It waw, in tact, a band to- Londo:t corr(ugondent, Points toy the rtrjGt, towar(1s tlwobjoctlTM anct n r
telegram of that date records that mnititode of Slee rumors that or I- ha n,1 encounter, and the linen on loth fact that lie expecte Ste goon, to takes Porting everything by export wit -
be tits Ltlon of the Inc- Jan. l he myon man tubo Just ars "g g the offerudre, for a railway would he Droat's, brought often at s great ex-
re the [o traW m Sunth Afrldn wn,1 T,onridxn wry sides ere repgrLaJ to have fought rivel tier* from tiprlrtStfHld ethers Boer* begun bombarding the
{ndbtle@tn Obsess Ad►Ipa from YIetX• town on that morniu given ebrrrrtry by tete En4(IWn mill- Ilio drttgns, the horror nn i GPwll ter- pornwn from tier ('n
maritsburg, dateJ Haturda Jana- that the Lalyemlth rp.lef column is R 1[aJox S"IHIe h of no af.slstancr In attack, but merely Cape.
ar 18th, y. encamped near the !a River Sac- one of the corravpon lents at ]date- they ern. The
t order t e Client meat of the scene parallel
Inn c -
y say Haat dine thele defeat Tis the Boers The war t,nRrw of Lhe presenting pat fnerenwe the Iirltirin {quer of e((ectve A rePrpapntative d Lite AstrxlatM
dot Jsrsoxry lth, the Boom hove 1►aen ' Ing the Baer poittica s, which the king• "put n runner on Jnn. 0th to start Larr without n Varellel In the ex remistnnep, fnaliltatin d6mma- feel I'reAn IParn" that a dbtingulrhef body,
howttsetti had been attMll otespatch stall eSailler this rnornlnr are almost bar- pertence of those who toot port In and making Include'
tltelr gear fresh Ure pma.t- tog. that
ahudl arra n reg ren. Neverthe4ass, the Lrstramenta on Ufa encounter. The Boer lonaes were R (wrapltole Lhe essr .move• R n former (iovernor wurl
Seco south d Ladymttntth• The Amm a I Two Anrwlrirl nevi severity waitdms tint LM garrison www wall. the 1 iannriec went or the on%al gun+ from print to nbo"t a (!oxen men who have her,!
_ kwmP LIo4 the War Otttix about 1,000 killed and wounded, Lhe point, P:3ll. mtlltnry lir Irrvtg tiM plaslttbmo rye
iespatcA eoetlrm■ the report th-it laden with atom" for the Ledyamlth Correspondent Klllyd, with the nobles continue to click. Free (hater, being the Grnvlert sof• Nnglenww Aroerfean■ ern nrrlvinR at control during the rr IA.r t Rion f-,
the 18th Bunnies ma°lied Ambler's garrison hat] left Frere. It was ex- D - AoneynwAt Khgf s rttantel on the (*nrw.
kkgf without me*tirg; the Boehm As Imscted that Lite column would reuh London. Jan. 15. -Mr. Ferrand, one Wmberley Railway Ilue, pleat „8 __ the Cape, lured by stories that a Youth Africa, wnited on Major -(:en_
the trench" at (3robter's kkwf were General White Sict'dAny wreut"="'. of the Mornvarnit , - I'prt'w norrsvixtidegL allege north of Belm )nt and lA mld:•a gvninen a My ado be earneil thorn ern! Ardngh' director or the military
lwrb^tn the strageef' position held by f 111th. Mount4A patrols hnd ollsme In i ad,vsmtth, wan kVied In the fight- south of Methnen's position at Madder llowmted glen From India. In the trndeu nn<1 1n driving tmdsv. Intelligence departmrt't off the War
the &Chert, their vanaU°° has con. Ked pnrthtr of Boers In the dlrec- Ing that took pdaoe At that Plan* On R1vor. Col. Pllcher•' London, Jan. 15. -Tine Times has tine The story in a creed Inoax. Labor b OffleP, the very week before that
wll•reb Jan. 8th. Pravina. rrc(utl- plentiful, and dletrer, nrrgn whlrin mnrkpd the three dprnaters to
y astonished the British. tion of AuneroodalP. betwepn I'nre nalawnee with the CanahLAns, whca following apeetal to -day: p R those
CAR,nsta, Jan. 14. -The movement aiready there is ne"te. Many wimp the Brltfrh arms. Thee men begRPcl
ARF. BOERS WM&ri NU 7 °hot t'1 t3ennymtde was captureI.wan w,`r't of have recently anrlved, haling spent (;Pnnrnl Ardngh to accept certain of -
From pelpRoa• the rn!Iroil line. wherena tire recent to •Ped muunte,A volunteers to tin y
1Mred a of wfroa Lmilrg have Occopled Strong Position. London, JOE. 19.-.t COPP In extending ra ddl Colonel their all for I)mmageAJnaT* been com- ferw,and tntpmated,that he had under-
rroelvM masawtes [tom Lwdyrmith, lierpatoh to sxpx+dltba tugs to rho shot across the g I 3'• ff
saylon- "Br1ag ap jaat," eU., Ind!• ('upas 1bwn. Jan- 1.1.-.\ tlaipAtch the Deily News from Lorenzo Stn r- t•order, and Into the Orang, F'rre State Lumwien Is receiving liberal offers of Ps'lled to nppronch t ie rellef organlsa- nntttnated the opposing inroad. The
esUng that thesis La ith n peso. date'1 .Ten. 11th, nets that Luis towards J mb tial, a Wwn l.i ro!f@ s°t"(a'rt an 0vcry ride. Illa corpi will then for "Il. dppnrrnl IlwtPnn•d and rpPllnvt: Thant
t1,iLm go'fp W LM Aegtu, Meed FrlLny Inst, refpalation requiring fill he known net Lumedim a Horse. Pub. Keyman, the rphel trader who op_ YOu. Rpntlorneo, hat
nnUMpateti ■q lamedlate op•ning M Jail. Mil. says: " The authorities R pxrwnru de- AAe snot d Moth"Pn'A °AmP. Tito Cann
„ommunMattons, while Lndywmlth hate receival ems ShnL lien. War- airing to pntet the Tranavnal to oto d'.ans have again lx,en working with lit'. enthu'lnam Ir on much aroused that poled ('ort. (;ntncrP At I'ordr•(meht, was YWT ARF WRON ;.
Alan hell( S.In n lmfaptort is canning heart -burn- Heb!ngton's cavalry, who, on the first "ee(r' have been taken in Upper India 'redrntl,v the gepwt d Ctrl! Rhaidw We rnntaumM•r them at evrYy porttt,
tgtapmlm('d the bells( Preva- ren had c the Tu go4n, and or- :ng Amoltthe Boers In t ort to torte n fresh co pp nt Brod Ychnnr, and ntfrt kin and we have o
Imt them on .Tan. lath that the enpleA a . eM IStm north d °Rn'tt? tor- occas'on, t•entmnnitrpi north ur tl►a t'trt. fi(I) strong, R Ago got them like that."
f pas clearei rectaitw {brovtddng lisps Iorth,s and O°ntrwtod line Grlqullnnd hast con- TherPupioii (;erwrai ArdAgh binged
ItnPn ossa moving and oorteentretln (bog Pas rltory, who nee hurrying to their Piet River• whit, our rax)
Inch fomes R Sha Mv*." homes cs rapldly as podadbe. tip! tormtry to SAP Mouth. acmtttrementw• The Government Is wtltueney an n l(hfx)w•Itp candidate roc hlw open Palms together.
elmepAefe. Aetletrbloo,a- f —'' -- o111y rtstsol to [nand*h Melee nn1 free the ('n pre 1'nrllfimrn.. In spits of thin discoureglrrg vo-
tive l the Brit" era iff of L to the ' Irl((h(toY At I.wdyamldb• Blorknde Now XMpetive. More Prisone►m Rorrh Prrtorlr, y gen• A Caps Town d rP ti
flrectleo d the of wealth, (wf+w°gP A despatch says: The D at( the men referred to r•pemtteA
nrit.Orange Free stntp fa making pffort/ their oftors, artd the War Offleo now
the spat ch hal P N able to <d tkbh, Fnn. U. 11Th, is (x, T ftdy Lorenolo
de of s, Jaq. 1 S The very Caput the inn. 74.-A Boxs's no• to Increase Its army. Every cone, nn t- creme to have awakened to the ceri-
n despagth bas D"g Sed K I i sAnith. .pan, 0, -The Boxer/ cicdnpylryp bah bfx al* O( the port Is very eipnOt of the dl"webr to the FInL Ret- Portugal K'rrw•d• Ire and roreizn, ropabla Of cnrryinpr oaa^*ue Of tho position au4 the ot-
dna from General Ii to the effallw tho nmtbera of Barter's kop etrfct. All stocks of mxd are at the talion of the Saffolk Regtmpnton .Tan. London. Jan. 14_1114 Portagueee a `nn, In being premed Into nervlor. fiolala are tritely to accept ons d Situ
that he expected nR the die_' (northwewt of Ladysmtth) were .in went. COmmnnlentlon with the S eeys that eight offloera and nl men MAxater calie.1 by sppuin:m.,at at the 7`AP Capt poo! re who warp cnptuI -. most daring projects sear undat the
pp,dtiOttg. for a dtveu Out tka,BktiMh•un•Pwtar, mw>nth I. almost stopped. For wPrerot wPr*eaptnred. Tine Britiwh nttaekon Ford n Office las: satcr.isy and since t>.vthP iloerr neve tec6p±d (mm•pncolr- *n. the full scope d which toe Aw-
ks chrOnnns goo by wo,tlty hundn4o of penOttn have been the BOP& inn waw most *n ed
meat d tfra various enteron" n 1 Ui
thewaiting to iwmith( Rnllwnt a then rev 1 baa declared Ilit a ob- AAI• sedated Press ■ not at liberty to
mo beringeA dowrdA es rnmplPtad tAls ( mn. no(] he re the `seat of R Ra to nrben- The only summit d.
Thm o ft w mot nt Lip ertt m batt more earrlul iq the ob- A Rp inn APnpxttci;' rays Corp. i,bol- cite leww, but which, if pdrf•ated, will
morning. 1'nck,r these rircurrstfxnees the Wwn. noel the Pretoria mmmwn- in wo •aippi to erste thein. The Exley summit of LhP r1.1ge A wltMring fire,, p*rvance rg the Antics d a neutral at ray', of t' a N. 1V. If. 1'., came from work iMepandently of the War Ott:ee,
It b ootmtdere,l gates probable {bat do, on tho earth, have taken the wtPam vo"wPl In the harbor Iw a small by which their advance wnwpromptly DPingoa flay, Alraest the errtfr•e per.4 Battiofont W h'n the western contlu- to achieve one d the moot import_
the, on the beldeguPred town kop)R- commandlug Caenar's camp, tag. checked. Lient.•Col. Watson's body Poanoi of the Adsnin!@t•ratloa at Lor- igPnttt. ills father an•l broth,r wort, ant British objer.tives.
has commenced and that fighting V from which they mnlntnln a 0outhu- was ddwrovermd near the bodies of enldo MArqurr will probably leg Bhang- Mtn k plot In the flat Bpfr war, and The Imperial Yeomanry, helve rho
OPMIIabM 'jP on tar jog- Stang snlptlog of the Beklsk_ __ _ Arfiry Twiton 1fArtke. Moans of hl/ men who were alma. ad abortly, hP waw nrtJt'ou@ to aa nsl their dpnths. Ara tlnah of pwbtir applauaP, in b•-
wy It mtti The i'retorla nommando Wet ens y tan TIF, -x filth rnln 'Twenty-seven corpse■ v►*r* frnmd Sn ,r=`•»-•-- - es,., . Cn(erttremtPlt hn trrnit nnS ptbs tA . ills gauRad glnaPrly. It kr dat►nlnv
WILL. RIC L'1Evl n yrirl-NiGH11 earn ttiltmt and six wOariforded r aM• penplexltie► d the War olfleo Ir n a radius of 21 yards. Irr""Se 9A 11 okw•tor-Dr"pwmdency same over h:m an the minds of All thalt what threat
1: all (<Osa aI•m M ( The o w tAr hgY Mem Itlrorehcd ICng to vlemranAansae., wee a n[neug the q!{I01fortary Lathherso T rtUlele an 1 wounded.
able LrHtatieq•Letm oeat Otl *041 at big nerd At R hP pme if d pa. I:f Arjtalthr WnID aver wark that s std
tura dinded Ia mod. nrt,fsed d+Ly je bnlrurminR the gh i Taf. -'fir {iS mer. hie numth and shot himself 1P tA. reagh r drrts` wbAt w hri urggeed
(1.11. Aill at is at BpKagfyal'i or peg Rnrrnrtw rt Kingston Imo[+ r lNn Onlonla a
motes ----- i,wnd len ii MkOrted to tea+ very nncomfortahle ng, co
13F Sitwmirt, Natal. Jaa. IA.-P'yv rY Pp es Moe"tl •, tttode,
T thea !lank y welez+ Isv9 rdisalt in SAP For_ err wccnwtomer! to Ibrmbwhackl
from Wgeaga effipialw eb Iflt b ggktt In this rictlnttj. TA*tp Nana for the Floors. Durban, Jan. eo.-TL"n b n Tear sign UNIDO raking another "appo!nt- for tin troops q°nnenri them, and punching and 0Poultng are what s
'lined to ereA!t the report that the 16 (lel boon•g•km here that t Aosn I,Ondnn, .inn. ft, -The Dally Mall obmmwndo In PrAmhawa'e edmaLry, mmwt•" The gena Queen M intensely ()inner Wallace. or tib. Toronto de- most needed.
Britksn have orog■ed the Tugela Rin!' Al'l Ot1FRb+"Stnthdrt rlspwtwM. Pun(Ishea the following from n special Znhtland, within n day'" march of Pro-Bn*r, U how ws4tfwn to the Ffepe, tn:•hmtmt• Is IAH up with pnemm nln.
in Leet diteetloav although there is io 1 11 'IONS$tatbie bullion t+ rrtgrtadd aorrellim"dent at Le Creawot, Franco: the sen, with wagon", It I. Iollo od tion litrieer anti the K'ng d Italy, beg- AutlxwAT lino been grant -Ni for Site Mr. A. Wallltor'a Seddon rrerth.
raesTa *t: - d (be rapor•t, and. at- tel OMYNotlon[ with the, chatrge of the "After two dnym' pngntry i ,1n not to he witIting for wgppi4s and .amu- ging th"ts to fAkA the fCpSfvrgalin In- Rr n T.•Pnt.•Col. G. F4 Ryorwnn to rr rhntiss, Jan. 1ft.- While tniklnR h,
Yolether tiers la a amps hopeful Seel. I phew-" up Warin HU1 In tlh+ fight- hePftate to amo, t that the Pelluetdor nition secretly Innr1P•1 "Ar PR. p.°Mn iflntivs "to &trip thin er°wi tratrir.Ld(tl eplro n IPM ptwwa{[p to Tow", hid wife at his linmr, nonr Imnrt Me,
fno ly 46e1o1 ek6hs. Tmisery le little lt=T nrouvd L. yem6tfi on Jnn. 9th. t—Pang Iw got only w°rting night (lav war." flpe naw nlwn .Mourn marks of As relm4mentaVve or tie RPI ('roes 8,- trobtbadd Wnikcr, nn^ of he low%
'awe Of Importance from ela•irbefing. IAftS. Wilidotwwt was ordPnxl td) noxi day In the nutwutaetnn Of gun" Tenn Boers MTP lnroW all wturwAnd Savor to Ib. I,eydne the Tram -sal re- Oat on tilf, transport T,,inron>tlnn. known oltivin• of ifownnu Township,
t 1 rftaeh'a forces, havo & ace". tw•oac th' It-e-wwapt flow and do.. and ammunition for the Boor, but mines In thea Rwaslland territor7, and pwt'ata4lre. who, with cis •Beata, M Duke of MAPIIXWtdwftggh has Iwea- pssplat"wl of a pain In h/w Ai wn.l
rn is a fifteen paandet t7 liver n menage tis wits Aft by thaPe that it fine alrauity pasaad rmAy for t1lo rained wa/!vow Are o6wsptPtilegMtse bought afar st r]r! pet mirw!tirwtee1 /sroepMeA by the War OffletP Mr set sreprp,l riPAd. Mr. Wslkpr hal ts,n
ea>♦M of tho atop roel r CA4o• I b,tllrW, .ant pLruRglbl an and t1e11vrM- whlprnont to the TrtLEWaal gix jum%y work of dnirtructkm. war ASW *nFwtPd rwx.~A W;Li,out him• ulna la the Vemmnnry. in pwa,r henith for tromp time, the rn
ken, a MkonwM LwoI bete t]le ft*- ort lits m.wnape. which waft vevy IM Rime of large cwllbse. The workman - draftee slabs fill& war commenced, A(thoogh the report of Df- • .vlt O( no nMidnnt I^wt year, wbpn
ain, and nn Jan. 14 1i, tiff tdtnt. ...The "tomnt hr doing well. Snip nen that are long Jl0 sAdlllonnl Arrival at Pretoria. - -- tamhwarS, who Mn rr-n wz ow tush mm rinnsll crr"M1 by a swwln,S.
111 $ etw wap rlsT4a wounds In n/ wat1A be dmelh►tchod to Slee Pretoria Jan. 10. One hnndre.l and + IMstaf A tiweA Friend. mollenilr PZAmtnh•nt tM : \(on He IPn,Av a wife and n yming r•hl'd.
sixteen ofit " and man boolon n tO tesomn, to not ret t•re',ed, k Mr. Duncan Walker, Impostor M
Ieoti'Ie t w tROPR
mild CA MGP s - _- ¢t R Londmn, Jan. 14. -In Ka
M tae plain (harp mile" .wa ff0e f^wrrlw;tow , .r dna Rnst. VU1feA the Boer Prtwoe•rw. the RAdfoik rw{rlmomt pacnwd trough niw'r rmly tern) trlwrM M Italy.rB►k• to pretty MT Il,, w"pi will arbim+ly as Poterbori, and Mr. John i
y here to day A" prisnnors- Throy arm on and rot mail pw n T, trnfr,"h11y Ir A. Walker, Q. C„ (lbathane. lips broth-
1%4"kgtroM. An into- -- qpm of 14"4n". Jan 115. -Major (ip(teral PU ('"iv Town. JAW. ISI.--.lfr. wpisrter, roetw tc VPAMrr(all. Th* earn atP nil aha I* proving w frMM In need. From any other. Mmol man too chnr *ro. t ,
in oral Mea it •`no a tretkoriett Cart!m r. tho well krtown tbv I'nited Stater Aavdstnnt Aeerwtiuy we thea ((riot thea Italian (fovArnmos'than tprP•1.
Party of roapmrn, iv P'oWdt Aftlrwn nfneor, rnarrha for of of the ritterinr, vivdt.od the T%e.,r rlw put oviory faellSty at Gem dlormwral Th- onset At Now Orinsns The firm of R. C. Walklitritat • t ..
garesrtll all (lie r11
r (/we Prlsmw•r t •ww►IteoA. of thin Britian offkmr" apgagsil In him 1, it An intorvlesr. strong (o.. banters and brokers, No, 4p. f•
Me 11e1(awt rU■tNot, has br m rvrdor- ntf►rw loamy, fond snMnwlnontly rt;rsp,{ bayIns Annual and otlnor E 0_gAr. t'an or tbP psO ilne - spNphev Rime atrw►t. Boston. heva made aR d
miles N Siva cd , a a. Mouth Africa, wltb Shot admiral. Ha ttlien vlodb A Caps Tk)w•n, Jett- t2.--Thp trbtln or while oSrectly MfprrlrK the .tor if"/dM and yiher/r I np"Igntaent. .11 - '
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