The Signal, 1900-01-18, Page 5„j TIM BTtli4AL • GODERIOR ONTARIO. W. ACHESON & 30 JANUARY CLEARING SALE Ladies' and Meds Purs:. We place our entire stock 'of Ladies' Furs Fur Jackets, Capes and Fur -lined -Capes thus early at last of the season's clearing prices. Our stock and selection is very Targe, and ▪ must be realized on this month. We invite inspection of the largest and finest choice in the county of Ladies' and Men's Fur Coats, Ladies' Fur Capes, Saskat- chewan Buffalo Robes. W. ACHESON & SON. OUR NEW YORK LETTER aIkPletmaa la the Matropolll.. Throe berensa - 1Ma.0-silts .tear•, The lbgsgs/ .1 ea.btem- throwaway. the Bugg Thosoe/hhr.-T1s Mowery. with Its Mhle.s Rabb. es. 41i4elal..eregen & .,, of Tun gt•wat. Nei shim Dewey week were the .best ...tended as darty the madams of the yeah p•ss•dine 17brietmv, the stares 18.. Wag open from seven to 1.a *'sleek. The sidewalks el Bath muse and 7u.1 - 1a18 .meet. 1a the vlsidty e1 wale! are tarry of IM great dep.rtswUl stem were :r•�knybo!'•..tM Arne tg& d1-. Monte tilts- t`.ht Itettrykt; shopper had M ask lh. entre of the stress. 1 ten; and era them experiment enaslden►ie a• -'Mi4ase in the hundreds of ter, sandy said To Nie dual a4 merely for the arse al. leaded (path •m•tssrat. sM free from • mortar degree el a.(teswt. Trough the H7 et the .hopper were isssaW to beer Slowly, meaty el the wreath sacra she •admsmsas M a ramie, sit tusk ..d rushed &brat as Maar' every miner were W last Sae ba whirb 'arras grid be sacrad -or, perhaps. they .bird /•� em 3be sppeMr .mfrs and were in • After/to reppMpurses.-ieh their d•4ed purses. thOhristmsera4h • graded city store ober A rats, .a• sat hatter erre- 141140 1h. ••w,paper " trsalgnmes " portray • Mg re etrog4M of • berpel. ..ears raid. The darks sae p..m the parer N .0 eh as ••stmlm•M1s 1M throes& el pq1s wh• every day ask ler rdvl..r to suitable pre ewe isr members •f Ike family .cd sundry tit dgsor deny porelpally evergreen. Maly and /gurus M tris Traria, were mese e� � Ma1ephig sari More. IumE.tdkerritsls ierMd • preartnent hears b wasp of the mesa rift dressed winder. Poer1N •a. .f the beet W bereda.as was • twee eay. mode wrniy of hedhmitsiy .1i . W MY 1. 1M errors •cd verteady riser 'c..ndesr..t lamps le the anal.lt to pre amt lisle tindwt' - is vie frailahoas, kitty ty wee ext.nrvly used, ad • very pretty N OM i • bask .t bergs wish . wreath of nese .ad fad Storm .t••11.i 1e,. dYM.MIy agar.. the white strias, .f ...k wbadow. With the thermometer at Tr ami easy persi...' Ilsa.Ms .1 .ame 1a tM..r.lnr. es. Alb 5f Deas.ber ba Now York was gall. AlIsresit frac • C1 &&.a water'. Misr. hi . the b . Mad the fanner was rays fa the armor p.e- ▪ ter es atmeighsge t.... tis .wag. u N W�aspys, Mai Obligates* D•7 b New York memo %* same w In Ovid•-,.nowt,1 bdM.7 meals ad haft gW1-be,/ a .ae streets were mos ...nm -e.ema.a M residents el war Iowan. Or .l then were •M erewds d•L•sa.i he sorra ergsrec writer ter . ire dim re. Thanks to the alerts .f the Marrs* Amoy, 91.000 power had • tarry iv-pristmr whoMars. word Mrs bed !r ata R• ribose . aerators her limiter Surras Urdu. was Mead (nM w Imagers benquerog 444 cd bearer" lade ami Wee* dip.nd�ts.ulerby with.11.carl.1 Ter wwis tM..Ylwr had her emi- rwM•m. 1.r Mrs Mgr* dieter nv.r vas is New Yak. Wore the babies tear laid. 3.010 healkete, sash reNb .ia g were darn- �aMlr Iowa Miele the time osepte meal ke Ivo 1d the 4.481 he Masse were w .yt,e=dort 410 Ir8e the headlag wee r bri la VW .a ss id ,•lrsts •a were reps.. I -d -whets .ad blast ; dinners sod Wien; cute whose .ran., and dsab..pro of tarsi' are, ad Me Iwgd.Wa bahe when eerie fares he Me - ashes i some an., helmet -Wide' lsM•w bat mere whom blew qts sal b serol =slew 4144 of react &rashes revels. t4ip** l berm a th... M. 44* !ales sumo with ward sgee.q, widish we, npl.oed by a look of 4Whotles whoa they bed glassed over the mens, which Included fowl. meat, vegetables sad plum peddler. Dinner over, so.gs, musts an4 ether Gator tsl0msats were provided. Sash • sore is • sermon more dsq.enl thee pretober ever dellrered, and brought wavelike' into glow tosoh with try when se *harsh 0E0141 oould etherwio reasb. how York is not the *sly city f. wittsh IMueantts were made happy Wesel fifes devoted offers of the lade .ad Isere is the familiar Mae and rd salferm. An here to re rakes radars who guarded the herrr ea the *teer ear. sem, o.Uas1sg the wherewithal to provide oar an swot-- of rod ober. Oes of the mesa stersokve event. at New Year', was the 1tigri.g el she falser Trinity rumen at midalgM ea tlusdey. From 11 till 12:30 eels*. people poured by the boa. Bred *ad 1b. Ihou.a.d Irma .very street ..d alley h.d4 . le that part ot Broadway lying wear the bridge. where the famous oilmen slut, Node. O., every thrust were wening bone and trumpets. Gad is PN/P4 -.,rums! sic -Tee eppm'ratty weatay and .ped nen parading the streets, blowing tramper 4.d swabs. orakar•jeeka just like • orowd e1 soar -bey. out o0 • lark Wells merlin' time ou the asld pavement sad in the oohing wb•� :no bed an °poor. malty to sou the serre.ndtngo. High above the top of the sp're on every head towered the great sky .gripen, for the thorns is is the best of the boaters parties el New York. The buildings were • sum .f 'loom, bundle to be discutnyg■lshed simian th, dark background (esel by the sky, were It net that tee stare, ewe in clear spasms, were bore hidden. Neu the top of emend of the Millings were a few Ula.i.- and r.o...resembli.g windows 10 • bailers •.shoal 300 or 400 feet above the ground. B.yoed the ban of the iree Lose wore wn the measeseute erected ever the dead buried is the .baroby.rd, • rom1.der of the fate allotted to all -ea exeallwt stimulant for New Year. resolutions. Or•18.44 the elan geese brightly, ad the gaieties same, Rage the babb.wte (d try) of therm die. Lunt planets reason to oelehnt• ooh 00001. 6.. M Obrstates, hew Year's, Beater and 8.bb.th t Aro they lsoluld 1.: •• pod w loved the world r TM air was fell of ees- .sr..--1st elsyi.1 et ..rest oar rasp. the 'hewn el policeman ad the .rowel, and the blasts of bores .ad trumpets, all ..441.4 la • gored resembling the ironer bar of • .warm of bees I.t..015d • hundred- fold. The din reoffered it a I.pselblUty be beer aythag 4p... oragra-1 ash d th. bell., an.4 ►Mesads went home greatly dla.ppoisted. bevies..xpas4.4 • rare treat. nom AXIOMS. Ti. feslurable tber.erh6.e of Now York is Fifth •venue, for se It are the h omes of sassy of 111 wealthy peopie- V•.derbtlte. Asters, etc Nicely pard with asphalt •ad brightly lighted by group of hosted ere lamp. placed at laterad. of • bemired' ter, It feriae the favorite resort for w4Nbg and driving parr.. B.rh- ai4g at War lager Mars, where le • bat marble snob ia memo.y et the Tether ot Ha Odwtvy, shout • mile so tetra, et Mad tees flr(mars, le the famous Dewey melt and its oobtaed.s, d very pretty sight IS sees wage Nokias from Wdtlngte. Square deem the vita of lamps to where the great white Dewey 'tremors stands forth ba held relief arra • dark beckon/mod. Fres Madam Square to 5018 Sand the rear is lied with residences and plains of bri- ers Boghossian at 50;b, Cereal Perk Akio the agnate as teres 10th areas .ad opposite the Park are this roily bores of New Yorke aristocracy. Is this valaity see also so.e el the tartest b•Mls-myel Sews slraolrsi, towering In several mom 200 for above the Sidewalk Probably this Is where the great height '1 s8. hall belle- 's.o IS mon erasable, ter Steadies 'door - fide sempersrvly 1ow Street.res thew broil Is mere apparent than la the Daws of the 300-for.ky-.onpers down -Mss, whir w, ae • rats, l.rr ead.4 4y blare .1 handlers from 100 te 150 foot high. To the trained eye of an •rehire, the exter- iors of the residers* me, iso doubt,.•rvob ef oy..mtry .ad design, bat to the mind of the •verses purer by thele oo.pm•tively Nitta heat,' ars probably 9lleappolw,i.r, . pedally when mowed with the erna- .wt•1 and Isar ..those of the peblte, School Books.&Itoel Supplies � Porter's Bookstore, Goderich. A full line bf Caseelman's New Vertical Copy Books, just authorized, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, lc. each. No. 7 Business Forms, 10c. - Gage's new practical P. S. Speller, 25c. ' alto the aim P. & Agriculture, 30c. JA full line +of the new Catholic headers, pt 1, 10e.; pt. 2, s �• ; 2nd Reader, 3rd Reader, 30c.; 4th Reader, 40c. -Slates. ilq,, liks,, 12c, and 15c. still sell 100 page Scribblers for le. each. 200 re, if26 6c. ROO a .r p tl{rt'a and Ev I llGciraise �eue1i. tit „,,,,,_and heft be Lr.2ercise Book oR lire Market. ,c, per dos or 4 for lc. ',Luella, 2c. per doz., or 6 for 1c. 'von with School Supplies the first few 1,l sting, 1lrvaibAT, dao. 18, 111100. 5 beslar and shook belidi . bwa-tews. 418. i1 i blereatiag wklle mailbag reap 1be 0lm.t w kawtre how braninal sad ••oily the bushman" Weide mast be. Theo, We, It is Iateraulag w stand, esyeatelly tsar the eatranos te th. Park, sad watch the rpm ray sadism Stress of vebnles sad p.d..trla... The private laments pro- bably will be the tin. 1. stung\ 1I'0 ttsa- Uvsrnd 0sso801e41 end footmen Sitting meet sad prim, superb borer in gay thanes and Bestial l••pNage sad richly attired emu pats. Thaw Misdeed, pf awbs. boggles, eines. a4 delivermimosa end biopsiesMea every hear. delivery Here s wiser. the auto- mobile le sen to host advantage, the smoothly paved armee beteg as ideal platy for then modem. oge45yaeoes. Thew ran 7 electricity make r" mope, while the glean or vapor propelled ones an always athompented by the whirr el sa.o1la..y and read of lesspi.4 steam or re,. 11 is a aevel sight M ase these homeless 'serfage. gilding dews the street or man n c Gyring when teed.. round. This I. the sectio. where Nyle sad mobility .re .awn to best advent - age sad la the 48roars width dally pus shag 1 1.41 evanesce representatives Creel .early emir Important o1a.Yy on earth. na0.uw•Y. Jut as Filth •ysaa la the ari1tooratlo One., so is Brtadwey the busiest ..d the 4.e on whloh are many of the mast Impor. teat starer, hotels and ethos buildings. For eoevedoaeo,lst tki. therm/blare be divided late two sserons-140 ant isolating from the Battery to 10th street end the other from 104h nese. as /t is 30th stmt. la pert elm are M M found many wholesale mta.faolurlog estsbllshm.mte, railway ad Steamship ticket *Mone, banks and Stores Between 7 sad 8 a r. and between 8 and 6:30 en are the hoar. at which Broedw.y le eta to •dvaat5e, for teen thoa.0ds of girls end boy. .r. Sri. harrying to or from their plumes of employment, sad bule'reds of mea ..d women are on route to or from work. Ia the morning the orowd ls not So prat, but there u wools of (nearest to he S en-a..dy veadore sad newspaper dealers b..loslog On day'. Sales ; abu►ters aid door guards being removed from windows and doorway. ; isthmus's in picturesque at- tire on their way to work ; Itali.n women stalling .lean with lends b.l•nod on their heads, the weight of w8lob would tie. the streegth of the average man ; wagons Italy the wholesale hoes, and groups ot w• 4loyres wren, for the deers to open. But from 5v. to half past Six is when Broadway I. at is busiest From the mwofwtarine 1tehli hmena and the h:...tias streets poor thousands of girls -es • rule pile sod sickly -looking, not to be matured ■itis their hotly sisters is 0000117 tows.. At this time, first yep. appears to have but 0c• ebjeas, to i. home as gelskly'as possible. By the do.cu and the won 1be orowd pans by, • hustling, joetline throng. Blperlenes proves the best vi $ gq a c�te baste la to 4ostrbi.44'*8.84'i in /Was .0.1temot to dodge sayer : 11 re perms struts dodging, e mw.e slaw nets sodased, and there is aloft likely • solltelea, whereas by keeping • atr114111 oturse the other parson knows what to expect end regol.tn M. spud .o oordlogly. Army drill ria not oomph. .4411 the mano•evres • pdestti•n floes through oa • crowded strut. Forming le otherwise of .ie, or sighs rod charging by rushee is the wry • party of friends get aloe.. Others ening along le India ale, with two steps at double quiets to trout or rear, to skip ahead or t.- tall behind the mixt persea while ruing • orowd. When g oing at fall .peed and .owe impediment, else and unlpeetd, 1s met, the meet s•tiral thing Is to bet. time -keep mourn, sod at the same time at • standstill. rhe .oras at a West Dormer niers blas that of • ■1mb.r of girls going tbroagh the fenny drills so *flee ease 4t entertainments. No e lectric or *able etre arose 1111s portion of Broadway, .1111 It noshes s keen .y. and oleo bead to pen under the mow of the bots haulier gars. Crooks and d.11rsry wagoo1. The drivers 1. meet OWNS take ler granted that every person le testing to big or her owe safety, and M see rc...sseem_d to olty rash the driving 4..pp.nsry reek - leer. Before lar, sae importer= • torten eleuor. In wing last hew dere be ea. Mill, past the wagon or amu. Nameroue se they are, the street ear. are always crowded -rats fall,alsle peeked. platform, jem.d, and babe -demes karaif serail. Wemtq. g al Rials pr.l.r..oe, may haugt.4 ea to the strap while 'the men atiok to any seat they are lanky enough to get. In New York three out of ave mew will keep-Sheir cwt .1144. a lady steeds. Aid the .won Minya blame Item, for not three out of are New York women will that tie en.. who his met is their raver. Delays see mamerous t 1 truth er.ss4nr the track le blocked by another on the opposite side of tib. ,cwt, ad In ave mes tnata Ila..f oars • m0. 40o4 mitred. down tib. street Pollee - men then to the rases., .end ihs Untie i Sully .trelphteud oat. Pers two looluder that portion el Broad- way between 10th .ad 3fickstreets end eressgs Fitch arra dlaperly .t Maths 8gasre, where rands the great white Dewey amok 10 re, d&O sine are fond the majority of New York's lmrerea► theatres, betels mad safe., sad m.ey of the blotter -Glans eons. At slabs the stwyer easnet fall M melees the greet number of signe formed by ass. desert lights-r.4elvim4 miens I sura b w84.4 the lieu .re alternately dekened sad tlltamfsd , gimme from • few square ISH le area to some widish oecppy the whole g ide of as eighlstery bulldier, the implored sirs being sspelelly •anotia. The Sower •.d jewelry shop w all fall of b• wreak, and 1n nob oars. as Jhlld's the lorotahiat, an m.g.15oe.t. Ie the tetra It la Interesting to w.teb the theirs, le white alform..14 asp, preparing the delioteles to b. found la Muse bleb -alum rrutewrsete. The window displays' b the stores are monsoon, Ineludin`` all the boot sad meet serf" or*atiems It sired sad mlINwry. When bee theatres slim the souse le one ef *reader and gayety, ewfo.ien and etdte- maA Ind' probably this b the time whoa New York's wealthier clam et Inhabiters is exam se best .4.ata4., for them thou- uads of Lines In headroom theatre dress .ad ash In the most reshiee.ble attire are a their wry to cob, ear or oaf.. Cabbies' yells and street oar gongs are beard a all tides, and the air 1a fell of the treed mad talk of the multitude. TH. 40114.4. The world-rsoeweed Bowery ls. oontlo- .atlon of Third ad Fourth , which wain at Sixth sires* .d from • baskets .taudeol.S is very moob the rime as ay .lber stew, emirs, perhaps, T hat lb. ate-, dor are more pedlly dreamt and the Mem more brightly IIIomInst.d. Te tike mesa whose imaglaatlos plot ores mem of drtmk.eeses, radar! .ad Intense r Ib. fist awed dewy this name i prekmkl dha .p.ry. Nob' larelehiwg tad I.wrlry Asps ere •amorous, the leper le may naess balesy hloh•olum patrpsb Neer) every in" has • puller -h -ase eatalW rhe rebores wire sash nasal. sad guar gestation ei the great Mr4.isr aside ars ealooiated M drew au,laten. The Mjerlty of the shopkeepers are K.b rows, and generally eek d.ble pries ler 48* mads, ..peelally if their len. aver. isms tells lbw the empires, is • meager. TM people sew are r all nsueoaliii.e sad sesdtress 1. Iltw Oollym boyo, b wllk bees end well -est a eelom seppertleg ea MMMT oft a rielvaws.d wear wham 4biA MM•prw apron/se, the b the hod 1.gk at bag qe, rib seems besotted. bbwr•yd bigger..4.. whits for • law Mite to trot a nem it the alga M e debate, arms. ?81-6.8t.,. Ilan• biest .gsaw• ',wlteg 8011•It110d wrli • t.a ... 8404, rel( abuR .418. M1 Men14*...--e eonW.atla.f Mt meat Mete et M. dWp'e mottos lad the pews telteiaa Imdur pstilo ed N bad Msary beer. 11rh.gs wad sailor. lu the 4.11 kis... 11. 1 atllgrm aro sables ap 4se shoe they „mimed whoa a Ms lot orgies Owe reared fres ilia Rosary se ego .4. M 4M flaMun mid ea OM Ww.It. 744br.w gtmetr, einestio prisstp.Y, el great tear neat horse before .8s► restage dirty fogad sad poorly dressed o►udrea sport. Tin .s sad women ore te he sees la treat •umbers Ga the Bowery, the 11.1t•a women gaudily droned and 4/11/5114 baso headed or with only • soul foe a coverm4. They loan • great outran W the gooulas Bowery g1r1-jaded, bear levier. bream laced. TK. loos mortal., toile uol8e thou booths la wag. The latter haat round the entrance* to she rile... and insure belle, stress fee drunken brothel. this m4uteht revelry. and It le no ueoomman sight to ori a Selassie. Army kir pleading with snob treses. At t lrbl In vibes the Boaery really wake, op, thank I$ls by se metas • doll pleas a% toy bets. 1. the srsolog, however, all the plasm of .moriktwt are in toll awing ; aamerer gable, trolley and born oar* pas o p and down, to or treat the bodge ';.ver• head the traits rush alas oe the Warned, ami truck. end wagons clatter noisily over the i•bblesto.es, alt oo.binlar to order • some al affinity end isioneeed• Tits mot ar.etivo 9140.. an th. 1e,.00.0114 balls, iso1lproprl.tors of welch rely oa t8. Hay 5..-000t beer gluon sod the thimble - like wino a.ps tor remuneration. At the rid of • loos room 1. • stys on whloh • ocetinuous perlort.anoe is id.. by soars Is tights and ober% smut., weer. iokes,feate of otr..g18and dextrally and 0000 .Dogs (a feature wloy.d by any America. •udlo.w, high or low clam) .re wleel•tea to enter• tabs the visitors. Those in the audience, who come and go at will, sit mound small tables. A party of men enter the hall rod it is not lathy minutes before several of the " oblppies " b.u4log round lel. them. That's what they the there for : they .re not .t all shy and know 10w to Ret is word which leads to • ooyoreatlw darns whloh they order drl.k. of the meet expos. .ire kind, always supper*. their male oomp•oloa will pey for them. It le'tb.ir brad and meat : u Kip11.g wog, they 'yet • oomml.leat ea every bottle gold." When the buds of the party ram low the women look round for some other try mark. Poe- mbl b one acquainted with the Inner life oft . Bowery is is • very wicked pleas, but 14 the stranger the wines ere not se epee or es vicious u thou own in amnia parte if B.galo, where the pollee make little effort te supprw the vim or ..fore the floss 4.451.401 honors hill.. New York, Jaunty 8n, 1900. HELLO! n -rt OLD-- RELIABLE. LD_RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF A Good, Warmr Well -Made . . OVERCOAT Is • desirable wr(0t.4ttee s 4 Ms's ward- .!• at this tithe el year. H. urnquae, the West -n. tailor, has • I.r . stork of Ins ewe make whirs look w.11 sad wear we11. The pries is out • .orlon ma4ter-vary low. GALL AND SEE THEM. H. DUNLOP. CANTELON'S Pastry, OysterPatBea,Tarts, Short Bread and Creel Rolls,Ice Pies and Lady Filters, Kisses, Macaroons, !names, Brandy Snaps, Etc. are as good thine beet made in auy city in Canada. Caoteion bads the trade in WEDDING CAKES to tangy deeirning and ornament. Ing and almond icing. Give him an order and your sat,. infection will be awurwl. D. CANTELON, WEST -8T. STOTES ALWAYS ON HAND THE BEST Scrflhltoll Bard Coal 141 71I4 MARBxT All Goal writhed on the Market eesl., where you get 1100..)1'.a. for • tr. WM. LEE. Orden 4411 at'MO i BRIPEAsai 8tere promptly encoded to WE NAVE FOR CHEAP. 1 S111N1412 NIL 16 BOISE MEI TIMM ENGINE IN GOOD O.D.H. 3 NOSE POWERS Cath, arm ext Than. Trier alts Baaoatwa. The Henderson Bicycle Co. (Limited), GODIERICT 7- A few Stoves on hand yet to be sold cheap for Cash, at. J. H. WORSELL'S The Cheap Stove a nd dolLFurnace Man. A NEW COOK STOVE At any season ot the year there is no greater oomtort than a good reliable Cook Stove iu the kitchen. It is wit* coot stoves like every- thing else : there are good, bad and indifferent varieties. We know you will be pleased with our PA111O178 and ABERDEEN StovesandRanges GALL A.T CATTLE BROS. Pbebers, Steal:Eters and TmsnitUi Wan dde of igt1•rs, Mort etnrd7 Ikea M°KIM'S REID'smuSTAND. .. A SUCCESS Our RED LETTER SALE is so successful thflit some lines are sold out ; yet we are going to continue It and add many lines. Factor) Yarn, per Ib Men's White Shirts, 12 to 17 in Lumbermen's Soots for rubbers Lumbermen'. Socks for rubbers, boys', , , . Men'. Linen Collars, three shape. Cream Saxony flannel Lot of Drs. Goods Men'. Loom Boot., oil grain Men's Lang Boob, clump solei MSM'. Long R00% Woineo's Button Overawes Regular price. 45c 50o 85o 4 d 00 $2 00 and IS 00 15 A few Odds of Overshoes at less time half price Navy Twill Flannel Fur Clap. Per A•traehan Muffle Ladies' Bleak Tights, REMNANTS Oy TABLE -LIIPiiL_ ' �.)z¢ REMNANTS o MEED •-w . „__._.. A _ _ REMNAIITB OP ALL KINDS M .' N MIME AND BOYS' OVERCOATS rs w w MINIS AND BOYS' sUTT9 a t.. 11115 SSO 1 00 Red Letter price. 35o 35o 50o 25c 9c 20c 25o $2 00 1 75 150 7!) 1210 750 2 00 75o Sesnonejwl buyers appreciate timely Bargains which are Beeping. 1f you have not given us a trial, it won't coat yon anything to do so, and it may save yogi some dollars and menta. W. A. M°KIM»: Get your Suits and Overcoats NOW AT PEDDER'S Sa1e- In gking order to make room for New Stock and alterations in the store, we will make big re- ductions in all lues of SUITS, OVJJRQQQTS, REEFERS, ODD PANTS and VESTS. the pelee of every Garments sold l or tie nextcutlt two web. CARPETS mast go, too, as we need to room they now occupy. BARGAINS in many lines of DRY GOODS, seasonable lino. Don't Fail to Attend this Sale TERMS, .CASH OR TRADE. J. H. PEDDER,- .QJ14.N.»». HOME WORK FOR FAMILIES Wo wart tea services of • number of families ado knItUaa for us at home whole or spare lea We tartish 413 n [I machine and Gavots the)arni roe d pay for the work 11 .sat li Instance to hindrance. 47 t1 gl* Per week made aocor•dtlg to time aerated to the work. W nt.e at goon Dams' M.gaew.ts, Ce-erer.Ure r.latlue e'e,. • Versate. TO ADIFIIRTIMMAS. Notioe of changes most be let N lids Offioe not later than Saturday noon. The Oopy for sheave utast be lett not Lbw than Mon- day noon. Oao.al Advartionsensa acessitsd an to noon Wednesday it each week. ANOTHER Bankrupt Stock FOR QODERIC/i WAIT POR IT. Ire A BEAUTY. Thursday»is .the. Day... - 10 A. M. THE HOUR. Continued for 30 Days C. W. ANDREWS will conduct the sale. r4 Everything in General Dry Goods will be sold at from 50 to 75c. in the 5. Everything in Millinery and Mantles at 50c. in the 1 It's year eppirtuity. Cease. R.. B. S21ITI-I BRIE . US YOUR FEET We do the r t. Our shoes St his t6i wings on a dunk, and • ladder le s eet ne ( mnary to reach our prices. OUR RANGE of Boots and Shoes coven anything yogi need -the neat and dainty foot -covering for the bout and the strong and oomfort- iI able boot for severe weather. Great bar- gains in Long Boots and all kinds of Fall Boob and Shoe.. ST. GEORGE PRICE. RIPAIRINO NISATLY DOME R. W. McKENZIE Seasonable Gifts. A gift ;it trebled in appreciation when" yon r pi. g is suitable and useful.tppppaIt ) - is an easmatter have select, your pro ent from ourolarge andavaried stock of Midf : goods. Our Stock of Carvers, Knives, with and without Forks, 1847 Plate __ ftas..er : Bdtter Knives, Scissors and Eason -was never -seen --- oomt)lete. What snits .'boy or girl better than a pair of good' or a jr y Penknife R. W. M°KENZIE9, MAST SiD■ SQUABS. The Place to Bey All Hardware Ohio. 011. _at IF f l