HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-01-18, Page 3an" 1.-''. ".: � - t � , .. .t.• --.T ------ ,,..+'.ww'.. John K*Gsail ArtJtur Stapleton, f'al- risk Shrarbetat. John 41searhan and William Usyealssnob tiw.l $.00, and are disgwtl.tied tot �ggdypxn. 'i'ko Lasa named pareelilest ity= glLlty n[ accepting bribes In 8ouab Ontario in ]Lar", 11Be. 'f%oy will &tau pay � the costa of the case, In default of wlalak (boy will be Impriautse4 for elle month saceb. THE JUD(la[SVTH. Judge Osler-Wle have rwmtriaered ths•oas of Lsista Los with a great dn•.1 u( vire, and bave bath, oume,to this c«WILMLOO that the ease in made taut egalaat Mm an the evidence. Juxt9G Ire1guM&--B,AktC1& evidence w'Y Ctvea in a stralgleatorwatV nhxk- 'ter, without any hdskation, or any room, look'.alg at it by itsalf, for auG- p.o:ua that there is s&ll. tratgJ. Lake PrsaatatsJ sassy admptoms that ars oandiahl marks that he io sent intend- ing to telt the truth. I look upon the ev Jvvs of Smith M being a brasea, diAUaot, aronC denial, a denial that I do slot bel ave, andl I pit%fer to take the evUsemse v[ Baker as aga:not the eviaieatke ad thsmo other two. I pay no ettsatiOU to the evidence of theme ottbsr two. I think Mr. Smith's ovi- ' debba canna be too strongly con- demned. As iR beam on the question k(eelf, it is dfwuedked by his •deals -- Ilion that howas guilty of this gigan- tic ocrrupt:osa As against himself, 1 wppma Lt in tats. Joanne Osim-"Hr. LopuiL 1 matMlinte Neat secUou 159, web Hun G, of the election act is that oat which yen rely as the one wltl:h Indicates the penatty w be LsepuaeA. That section provides that persons guilty of brit. ory shall Incur a yetmalty of %4W. The I.egiolature malted no dlatirtetiolk an to penalty between persons brib!ng said pervipas a bribe. We have odreablerctI querVoa whether the eliaCle IR) can be Imposed In the care of a person fourut guilty W several teases of bribery. and we have coarse to the conclusion that Lids is not Ute meaniasr of the statute. but that for sack offenoe the party proven guilty Incurs a partity Of $2W. The name are dletlawt. The bribing of Janes and Thomas and lfenry are dWtlac•t sett welparate offences at dif. feretrt throes And different dates, and an we reed Use sttstuto, a separate lieusilty Is Incurred for each. we ha%e no diveretAoe. in regard to any of theme Pertains. Lewin Luke, Edward Balzer aad the rest of these people who were bribed. In (rupostatg that Peuatty. PENALTIF-i IMPOSED. "We must impose a pastealty upon Utaw people of *XOO path. Whether they are able to pay- the this or not u a mutter with whialt the sort has no convern. The only matter with W lab MW 040PA PWW arltp d4WJV"'IIA is tate flxlntr, of the per.odl of Imprideia- meut. which is W be attached in 'a&= of nen-paymrmt of the pe -malt). s e • we have very oar,•(ully cans. .*tared what fa -rand shall be lampuoed W tw case of defatalt of payment. We Cauuot dvw:eivo, from the class of p=ople bribed, but that In all ptobablht) the paani6hatqut will praa:tleally tiuwd set of the period of lm.. lsonment. We have to draw a very brvNul dlntLucticia betwoer the carve of the bribers and tits peoples who aro bribed, hating regard particularly to the elan of people that the latter are compared of. With oils exception, we find them to be of a class of ignorant, Illiterate mean, unable, some of there, as they any, to rend or write, just the kind of peolde to lie tempted, nett we think tit their case the perked of Im- prlhunmestt, which will probably Lee the only Punish . , t they will recrivr% ought not to tie by any mentis it per. la1 so long as what we should think It right to Leave In ties care of the bribers. They are ignorant. Illlta rate people, and people who, prrhnpav, It L. mot wrong to may, simply don't know alae (Nffprwvnp hB4"%n right nod wrong, or have very little aPpr"cla- tose of It, anal urn liable w he temptolt by stir• offer of $2 or $:S, and perhaps hanil) to be exported not to noceppt It. . scare kbv% ,faeerfwre. aafair aneiummw poopde are coaarnrnrvl, In default of pay. ment, decided thitt,n" month would he qultap ling enough to mark a ■Porn of the flagrancy of the crime which they Itmfe committed, and to Impress people of their clam that it Is s very serious [natter tea accept as bribe. THE REAL CRiMINAIA " With regard to Luke and Baker the camp he quite .ilffertmoL They are both people, I should ray, of education. people of the better class. having regent to the oducn tkan they kavas ravelveed and to everything one assn about them, shit pGbp!e who atrtalnly know hot. ter. anti they deliberately -I speak [Dore particularly with hard to Baker -deliberately ad out W pro. cure means to bribe theme people. Bakpr set the whole thing bn font, Go far as I cast see --for the rugpa" tion comes from him to Health that these People at Cndlazdale are Poo - Pie wdto ran he Wiled by small sums of money. There am with regard to Baker Reel Lake, very had Campo of bribery. and we have In each of these comes in default Of Payment Of Pe"Alty ImPomw•d n fine of fit". Luke'* camp W in respect of a aing:p chArWP, that In, Of Mvancing money and therefore can only naquirn the imposttkrt of a $200 penalty. but In thea case of nalner four Paseo d bribery were Proved agaMtet him. In his case there will be font w•par- ate ppnaltien of $i'W Imp>owml, In dPfault of potympnt (if which he will he rommistPd to the Common jell for aux atmos. We make no d{ffer- rncA In the Period of Imprisonment brtwtw" Rnlaw sold Luke, each get• tlr"g sic months. WHAT BRIBERY MEANS, "The only thing (kat (teems room. Gary to mention In Adrfltion to what has been saki b ),tat to bring to the notice of the portlee, and every. one who bears me, the Co kaetlnenee Ah l ch follows W s PonTlctbn for the of. fence of brlbpry, whether the of. tense of bribing or of taping bribe[. Thin L the coneegatenos impeeed bj (section 177 of she stiction act: Every person other than a can. dlclate found guilty of • corrtept prao- tiCe in Is prOo0mling lu which, after teot!re or the charge, he has fad an Opportunity of iiehng heard. @bail dur- ing the eight year" next after the time at wnich hp is stir found guilty be IrtraPAbIp Of awing elected to and Of sitting in the Legldlnti ve Ats 1 lily, arnd of being reglawred as a tbtx1r. Ali(] of TOtlaff at any 01"ision. Ratak of holding; any offiem at the nusl=ttNon Of the Crown or of the L'euteaant• ('tarernnr 1n OB11KI.16, or any municipal off!np.' "That Is. th.ry are detertveudd of the whole Of thele manhdpal palvl!PXPP (Or MIA per'od of .right yesm- JCfxIF, F•EROUd1Al'S! WOR1W9. -leads* Pergoom-I lave only to say that I folly conciliar in the distinction drawn between to tits cited" of per - ocans before us h"flo-i ae clan being apparently 901, law ismat, 8.►naq4 - miarked pr.ople, willeile, vo1pR beivw bepn PoPchat mi. 4'be:r error Is In rerelving mon"y for their votes. The otbor clean. rrosnponed of tVM ata meet who are uovwx In the msolaWry for ties pwr. POM of parekesing t4~ Trvttdm. and no Mvwb{ others. TAI" nue d Meese smile. -IN > rW*,Ivw1 $t free low votes. Or *5, and coarp.mrw his position with that of Mr. Baket or flint of Mr. Luke, and that- U n Tamil dl(frrenrp Ona to a running, wily, whombug mean. having an Oka" to Porrttl+t the oter- tIon. 'iM ca"er is a @ample man, r - ..), - -.•.-. --,.... slowly having u %ow. be.nC upprose{a -- /1 lel _ -- ��i�.�.�•�.��� �IFI� ed by n man who halo a d"d4al, an . .1; u1CLUAW t/pmlgn Operating upua tit" Tile er `1 1 ea t y =: , WHY TORIES I - _5Q_ - I . . . .���P -- .- 1,11 M Ir by tau mrwum In th.• rause position . .;, .. SHOUT " MACHIM.7 44 a deuigslug tush who puha up it - J 11 sensational Revelations of Bribery (loll theat Dee of tem trait, who isthuaCht In the South Ontario Case. cause, in the early days of their, woman - JUDICIAL INQUIRY UNDER WAY. y hold. The drag along,always tired, nosey Flowed Like Water--- - Enormous Sum Spent to Defeat Mr. Dryden ' never hunggy, breathless and with patpi- ----Men Is An liapla stlon of the Tory Campaign of Abuse of the about the word 'pealt)'i, Lot ouplatme n Lnwab---They Moped by Unrestrlded Accusat,oy to Mead Off Is- we were sitting hero just seeing what patllrnmeaac .Ilan he gl%ao to a assn quiry Into Their Own Doings --Where Did the Barrels of Bribery i Z F, ' fear that they are going into consumptions Funds Come From •oi Doctors tell thefts they are anxmic.-which the offence,, we come to ale conclusion that the mouth to one a and rix neouttu Whitby, Jan. 9. -The first day's Fergswon naked: Have you city msuns Are you like that ? work of the *41cial commltrlul to of au) file where Baker got the utt3ttsy that he actually did amidi Does The er a rn" It may be that ilea Inquire Into the bribery that team own a bank? ft. str- and strong by lir. Williams Pink Pills than any other medicine. occurred in loath Ontario has There bar the fact tkst Baker did oL' Impripooment, should not vary in two mate. It is In regard to Imprison- evoked grave and must sensational "pend it considerable sum of muse), fifteen. has been restored to good health lbrou h tb+ nem of Ur. evidence. Judge Order , and Jua$e used that toes not depend on Ilia oath at all' Mr. Kllleairluk, who in now discretion' In regitrdt to that person � Fergamet ate *toting. Messrs. Wes, dead, could tell. team, and always felt tired. After.udAs four boxes of Dr. Williams' Leant. Q. Q, and Liettt.d'ul. Fare•Judge Freg,sam-Let the dead inan tiowiluplont , well, Q C., are uKlpas Crows a Ince.g .Ilulese (isdalr-W Yllpaateick one of will make no mistake if they hetet upon than young daughter► tak- prmwuton. Mr. N. F. Paterson, of the coon you pail the tacxmgy to ( No, Guy more, excepting that, speakingp- for myself, I bare mama regrets that Urtbrkise, appeared for Lawi Luke he was ort tills ot1tllp. of,b, but knew pink Ps an experiment for Paie Pee le." It iand a hazardous one to use p and tltewart Bruce. two of the ac- the meet to whom $5 wase to be paid. inset start&* pa's of oorruptios I for $*.So. by addressing the Dr. Wkliems' Medicine Co., Brockville. e lu the course of Mr. Patersmt's ur- --_-v-" a rased, sad Mr. J. F. (Irherrosu for gutnnat On Luke's behalf be claimed �1 ,n T A M T Thomas Baker. that Stulth-•had given his evittences lie I.IPF ChININS AT The Tory pram has ttw,tle Gu much as candid maener o. tJ IlY Y 1 L IOWNI outcry about " bribery by the Judge lbler-1 should not call Mr. Health's manner candid. from the lsourtyur3 of the Visalia Ar - Orkta.- ",she Uri% machine," etc.,' Mr. Patealion-He showed no dispo- Great Enthusiasm Over the and hasA Iain --ptly declared that eltlon to fences with CODAwW. Profev&of. •ham:(, of the university the O.,e % ant W make uo ex- Judges Orley -I should ,.It it brazen; Is tits tit Colonials There. amfnatlou that the evidence may Mr. LountS tits Argument clalseai up neon lbs air to a Ilei ht of 1610 C be of futerest to our readers. It that Mr. 8mlth did tog dmwve ene•- hastened to rendar'what assistance showa %bat bribery by wholesale doom but stood wU-.00aframeti thou IPA the undalatLroa through the ei)- was raasortls,t to by the Tor" W rommltter of criminal aoan. promised o< ONE CANADIAN LOST HIS PURSE, Plact their candidates and )utgead this letake cabs Itnt hie mmoiog. . The Cale Argue of Ike. tat Olin- by the revelatkins no far in one MEN WHO BOUGHT VO TW. tnlaw tie IdkowLag uepoet of the tie day's iailalry Ile one cAnnitumw)t h Thomas !';award Baker swore that parture of the Can Uakm from Cape must hate he canvassed WcOrall to vote for Cal - t�trwu• ('01ST Tt(EM MILLIONH der. toot him to the"N and pald him ,{5.01). The Canadian tioaurmgent recelted orders aro fall In about laxxi. the to run the elections. Judge Crier dxdsred that aIle case coaumanding officer having previous- The case ogmium Low% Lake was wam proved, but would not gixs Judg- IY Intzmatled his readhoom w de fart. the most eatlaetMtrttl (.card ysater. nwnt at precept. Notwtthetauding the early start. which wlw conimecoodd about 12.30 "X-­A4" 1'str{ok Shanritat, Cede.rdale, fit- 'sltnUk. S" Jw1aWwL--[.[:sera-.Ji'wnt Y"MM t#rc of the 3'vnief; sen woks ei 11K W4A am Somerset RoLLd were not unPre• Stitt. w1le ala Oftr* alrCdet gaertlteas the next defendant. After the formal P%ysy _arn1 team malty d the tt�• iehtws an abundance of bona was tkat oke Jeftee reprimanded Islas PlIdeaoe Baker wan again called roil admitted that he sauna f A. the men .approached Cite � " severely: Mie wait clhargo with giv• c&a%a&W, . road ahae Use news went around like Ing Baker $100 for the purpose Or at him Rooms to vote for Calder, laid *3 tin step table and told 04iearbaa u flask. aud'socia theroute w ties town wan llne.t by 1+ enthuninstle brlbhis the meat whom Maker hisdi to go and vote for Calder. tthenrlun geoid. Farewelie were waved frim the ba cunloa. watch did not puts un" ountowmd he bribed to vote for Cold. Picked up the, $5 and went and %ots4 nohow. by the meet nor by tree otn er. Baker aware to the but to -day The defendant, when asked If he had cern. Idexuled by it bugle band and pair It, anA over $1,500 to clean it. an) quo.tluns to risk, &a14:t "He cassettes marchlaw W the sklrl of the plbm,h. that Luke had given him tUe NiFQ* into the fic u.s and gave we the ifs:; whinh did not =mens lit tire, kit toq and tkat Mr. cam Smith, ex -Y. P. I never asked film for motley and sever common w Use Ca.nadinns' ear•. LKe contingent loured through the two 1 r'o'+cB P.. had a=$ him to Luke and kind Ila►( fornye that *5 use �d c enthusiastic specta4trit and given kilo an order uta Luke for "to- tato eat dra o- y hottrm and rt ea tools the route as a age11. The rMC6 *3(y to •' pay for %titre he lied tvu the $S. 1 g glue In to that. I k>o ment was In two divlm s, between which cam Pie two Maxim gut". sec- traeted for. but kmafs'i paid sur.•• tett the bo leave an&'pD brI 1 u . seuthlpC to eoruptnledl by their oc{oadls, ivad theme Luke flatly axM%dlece Baker unen? many polris. - ---,.fudge nbd„tt It. , Osler -We meet And this case imeae3lutely attract.41 attratton. lite A MAW 'I'!CS?iilgItfl"". i proved. too, Thomas Baker, recatle4 admitted physique of Use gwrWi self tide soldierly ap{,earatsop beta much ad- Wm. Hmith. ex M. P., swore that eanvasirlag H■yea to vote for Caller tuteeJ. The seared odef+ePubnevtt ores a short time before shoe eloctio= and Civ him $S (o vote, ami wltnes headed by Ute Cap3 Oarrieon Artil. Baker saw to bis the% a little load hTm uef«'e be voted. lery Baud. the whole Ilan extending nsmsy would work wonders in age Otter -Thu cogs :a prow, front thea)( ( wdardales. Wttuesm toil him Ito lead mi 1,0 Waterktnnt ittreet. On entering, tae ono mD..r. h time. Ostia- s ales s ,[art James McGraJ IWA town the crowd latcnnsed. M did the ked i a. Bober sated him for $1(lo W 1 Nmb Wait. was &=other linker enthl>ylnam, and all along the route buy Tcitea. W'ltrwre. III reply, aokmil :a Mai. Baker admitted bribing able shops, store. and workahops were for- In, U he tittsoght lilts a -- toed, men to veto for Caller tbo morning ' never gave Baker as order on at the elretion. Elm Gook" mot remro- ocentloned along Brenmsreet and down w. Ira eat ce itq` 1 war of until Ad• oke for -$100. He never gave Baker ter whether be Patel the money before �`i , u that almemtaad t n he NWh1 get or after McGrail voted. Thi& char e B `­ ny mussy, wren air, touts-! proved, = (-roma-*:amaroid by Mr. Lount, wit John McG-:1 bad nothing to tray in 10*4- Mo lead eaGwit1(slE.Qw A4,Wrc le fast with Baker. He wan aware ^n""r 10 Rak�a aatemelnt that ho 1W 90 M him tt,' vote rico to time before the elretlun that aad t Is s eltsrge wan fovt=d proved, IF ere were purchasable voters In Arthcr ekeeplo,toa, trlegnplh op- ardale. torts 10T, was foani guilty upon pro- I VERY DAILAOINO EVIDENCE.'r s ally the eam evidence. rwe, dol - Ines was pit" before and $7 wan to Jur. I.oant-Did you use any mouPy, be pall after the election. raise that elect.0u7 I u1J. a Aaron Herman was arra sed. for �'_' Fair what Purpose I I suppose tit was rw,eiv:ag $3 frau Stewart Bruen for baying voter. refretiit''ve from vol(ng for Mr. Dry - �I flow much did yot I cannot ew as den. Bruce told Ilio to go to hla son's 11 you. (Arm before daylght W went brfose About bow much? I cannot tell. scarier, amf was told to keep In the Orae *LOU? 1 never bought a moan Mable nm man* as ponA ble and not to 11 rothally myself. heareu fir did about two boors' work over 4100y Ys. tin -I was pard N. 111 Over $XW? it w4ght ba The thearge ■Caiee t John Shearhan Over $8W? It might be. waw proceeded wkM its his absence. Over *400? It ".gut tea, Slit"Aren NwaaH at that, trial that he 1. Over $500? It might ba oro@ paW $3 by Baker to vote for Over $600 T It might be. - Calder. I Over *700? It might to'. Baker to -lar admitted that onelec. be It ver $8110? It m:Cht be. ver $m00? It might ho line day paid Shearhaa $21 to vote for alda,r. 1. - $1.0()07 (No atvwar.) fils"rhan w&a formally Call" but Oalw-It might be over $403 f hi+ not respond, and the cage against n tAiant-Aver WW you used for L'a was derlared prvvej, ' tes at that Plectlon i Tee, votes The charge agaltamt Lewis Luke was iyUse of a different character, - an xta,l ta µ i haat you were WJlt=g to nae money nbovo- His atoodl accused of giving a4O buying votes at that Pleetion r to Baker for the purpose of bribing Arthur "tapleton, John McOrall. ;` nd you would be as w:Ring to use Jamm McOr&Il, cam. Haypn, Pat �q for Baker's as for any Other job? PA iarhan, Austin McGrail, Freed. Me. nld not. Lose and John WeParhan. Baker wait 1i -I by 7 i had not tOnndeneP In him. the principal witness. HP aworethat ' ens would have coefldsinew in Luke? cam the day of the poll Luke drove td w(mild have a Crest tical mote. Cedardlale and gave him $40 w tiny ' id If Luker out monoy you %-otPR. Wltnee& Wit him that Mr. ,pak1 Id lin willing to est*" It w him 7 a mlth hadmlid he was to . Cat 4100, " I wmald nut. batt Lulto mold he had mot that much tie paid out money 7 Not with on him. Ile used the, NO to bribe the 1*' any Geneticist. mon refrerrod to. He got $90 from f he palet out "looney with your Lake a few days after the Mcetioxn 4 rectal on would he wiHlas to pay I On w w►{ttrn order from Mr. Smith. He the order to Luke, who ;"I him I woakl. Care you pay Luke any money 7 I ala HAlf ftd�n that money In its bulla. I an any hibmsy of roan got by Luigi He got this money to pay for an M ol octan tx)ntractel for but had ynor kno 7 ?tot to my howl- i not paid for. "I IiI Aad► IT WA04 WORKED. Thom of the Plght mel said to have reialved this money who woro pres• I enderanaand rou to any you oat were emlla l to prove that they money youelf 7 Not not ps►y os rs had moolvei money from Baker, and thea ladtvnldlual veto dad you writ N: lilts you glib" !apsegal the evidence they had Al• regal Clvee. So pay it oat 7 Yen, *Jr. ' . Stapleton again denleed etr"nuously 11 you sena tate the perWM I that he had been paald money by Baker. Vader Crom-examinntlon he SHiELDS HIS FROND& • hedgeol continually. and was severely by Judge Forenoon. He you deepen flat naiae abs Inspeottut ryeepprtlttnsaded adeeltted being brlbeJ to vote for din do keOw the /ermogl�4t bag ae '1 math ton or twelve yearn ago. I to tllalaie themkf I Oen. Mr. Lukp Aenied giving Baker $80 -Lw * pereoes wales there that At that Cmm�terekwl Hotel. Cniw ex• amltsed by Mr. LoWt. be maid he had gave inions= tA7 I do (tot pwnprnem n0 regulmr lmslneess, but DOttsht and to %if that Lawssl--t act Vans, t,otdardp's--- �, ■nld horns and cattle, or anything t7ger-i think may Dp Flee by which he tx)aM tare a= here- 'llfr. Khat question. til dollar. I% W.4 talkwi with t r . I.oOla4-How assaay prrams were I L+tnIN, shout tier Pbotkm w tri leph)rp the poll, Met demiai that 11 to wincesdays erne Cave "Oro)' 7 ImaeA to osnank 7 i eanrot tell thps talked abont the volts In ()e. R. orcin tmertarxy. dardwls who hod a roprtatMn as 11 Tp you) It tepmorandnm i NO. node HP did not remPmbaer tell Heber snallwer to furtdvr gnertMf ll/ .Mies• that M has only $/0 with h } m atlulttod that Regale I met dad she,yt tall Mm Ise ccAt I '. iLet Of "Lone WIN stmt aeeld Ile •-1 to C-twrvht{p, to tM ettliert bare � It few d).yet. fie had never vtH any money bi roto or FPrguars_CnR yyaW Wp W L afthase pions pd entity to eche Pharaon n more than 4199 yea pald'f I utgAlnse fal , t- At eso;t'iolk the charsP •gal'" •say ort w n►wMh ea $t.4�b P"tewarMiifM►q( flivlsg Herman $s0 air In- t1o" $1.2inn. wan emlisa 11/. '�bo pvl-lance bf Wr• v It " more dine mot was mods yrt In. -was ' � sans. Tin coves wail roots" to"Kwoew• •t memo to be r M an itedaf to nore"Ing. rI'twtrt ace E. 8a kale. Read OM or six ' <r,4,ir yt"-•. moatha and A(agtrpl'neel few eight K If (i~ M ., I "rare. • IfoLewis Lasterhattel flat",? $2Wnr slat • , •oa tis• e • ll c 1 • ftwi too- pleb t . . h ., -. aft tt1t1A0tsfl. AtrtFn YeGrall, r an" 1.-''. ".: � - t � , .. .t.• --.T ------ ,,..+'.ww'.. John K*Gsail ArtJtur Stapleton, f'al- risk Shrarbetat. John 41searhan and William Usyealssnob tiw.l $.00, and are disgwtl.tied tot �ggdypxn. 'i'ko Lasa named pareelilest ity= glLlty n[ accepting bribes In 8ouab Ontario in ]Lar", 11Be. 'f%oy will &tau pay � the costa of the case, In default of wlalak (boy will be Impriautse4 for elle month saceb. THE JUD(la[SVTH. Judge Osler-Wle have rwmtriaered ths•oas of Lsista Los with a great dn•.1 u( vire, and bave bath, oume,to this c«WILMLOO that the ease in made taut egalaat Mm an the evidence. Juxt9G Ire1guM&--B,AktC1& evidence w'Y Ctvea in a stralgleatorwatV nhxk- 'ter, without any hdskation, or any room, look'.alg at it by itsalf, for auG- p.o:ua that there is s&ll. tratgJ. Lake PrsaatatsJ sassy admptoms that ars oandiahl marks that he io sent intend- ing to telt the truth. I look upon the ev Jvvs of Smith M being a brasea, diAUaot, aronC denial, a denial that I do slot bel ave, andl I pit%fer to take the evUsemse v[ Baker as aga:not the eviaieatke ad thsmo other two. I pay no ettsatiOU to the evidence of theme ottbsr two. I think Mr. Smith's ovi- ' debba canna be too strongly con- demned. As iR beam on the question k(eelf, it is dfwuedked by his •deals -- Ilion that howas guilty of this gigan- tic ocrrupt:osa As against himself, 1 wppma Lt in tats. Joanne Osim-"Hr. LopuiL 1 matMlinte Neat secUou 159, web Hun G, of the election act is that oat which yen rely as the one wltl:h Indicates the penatty w be LsepuaeA. That section provides that persons guilty of brit. ory shall Incur a yetmalty of %4W. The I.egiolature malted no dlatirtetiolk an to penalty between persons brib!ng said pervipas a bribe. We have odreablerctI querVoa whether the eliaCle IR) can be Imposed In the care of a person fourut guilty W several teases of bribery. and we have coarse to the conclusion that Lids is not Ute meaniasr of the statute. but that for sack offenoe the party proven guilty Incurs a partity Of $2W. The name are dletlawt. The bribing of Janes and Thomas and lfenry are dWtlac•t sett welparate offences at dif. feretrt throes And different dates, and an we reed Use sttstuto, a separate lieusilty Is Incurred for each. we ha%e no diveretAoe. in regard to any of theme Pertains. Lewin Luke, Edward Balzer aad the rest of these people who were bribed. In (rupostatg that Peuatty. PENALTIF-i IMPOSED. "We must impose a pastealty upon Utaw people of *XOO path. Whether they are able to pay- the this or not u a mutter with whialt the sort has no convern. The only matter with W lab MW 040PA PWW arltp d4WJV"'IIA is tate flxlntr, of the per.odl of Imprideia- meut. which is W be attached in 'a&= of nen-paymrmt of the pe -malt). s e • we have very oar,•(ully cans. .*tared what fa -rand shall be lampuoed W tw case of defatalt of payment. We Cauuot dvw:eivo, from the class of p=ople bribed, but that In all ptobablht) the paani6hatqut will praa:tleally tiuwd set of the period of lm.. lsonment. We have to draw a very brvNul dlntLucticia betwoer the carve of the bribers and tits peoples who aro bribed, hating regard particularly to the elan of people that the latter are compared of. With oils exception, we find them to be of a class of ignorant, Illiterate mean, unable, some of there, as they any, to rend or write, just the kind of peolde to lie tempted, nett we think tit their case the perked of Im- prlhunmestt, which will probably Lee the only Punish . , t they will recrivr% ought not to tie by any mentis it per. la1 so long as what we should think It right to Leave In ties care of the bribers. They are ignorant. Illlta rate people, and people who, prrhnpav, It L. mot wrong to may, simply don't know alae (Nffprwvnp hB4"%n right nod wrong, or have very little aPpr"cla- tose of It, anal urn liable w he temptolt by stir• offer of $2 or $:S, and perhaps hanil) to be exported not to noceppt It. . scare kbv% ,faeerfwre. aafair aneiummw poopde are coaarnrnrvl, In default of pay. ment, decided thitt,n" month would he qultap ling enough to mark a ■Porn of the flagrancy of the crime which they Itmfe committed, and to Impress people of their clam that it Is s very serious [natter tea accept as bribe. THE REAL CRiMINAIA " With regard to Luke and Baker the camp he quite .ilffertmoL They are both people, I should ray, of education. people of the better class. having regent to the oducn tkan they kavas ravelveed and to everything one assn about them, shit pGbp!e who atrtalnly know hot. ter. anti they deliberately -I speak [Dore particularly with hard to Baker -deliberately ad out W pro. cure means to bribe theme people. Bakpr set the whole thing bn font, Go far as I cast see --for the rugpa" tion comes from him to Health that these People at Cndlazdale are Poo - Pie wdto ran he Wiled by small sums of money. There am with regard to Baker Reel Lake, very had Campo of bribery. and we have In each of these comes in default Of Payment Of Pe"Alty ImPomw•d n fine of fit". Luke'* camp W in respect of a aing:p chArWP, that In, Of Mvancing money and therefore can only naquirn the imposttkrt of a $200 penalty. but In thea case of nalner four Paseo d bribery were Proved agaMtet him. In his case there will be font w•par- ate ppnaltien of $i'W Imp>owml, In dPfault of potympnt (if which he will he rommistPd to the Common jell for aux atmos. We make no d{ffer- rncA In the Period of Imprisonment brtwtw" Rnlaw sold Luke, each get• tlr"g sic months. WHAT BRIBERY MEANS, "The only thing (kat (teems room. Gary to mention In Adrfltion to what has been saki b ),tat to bring to the notice of the portlee, and every. one who bears me, the Co kaetlnenee Ah l ch follows W s PonTlctbn for the of. fence of brlbpry, whether the of. tense of bribing or of taping bribe[. Thin L the coneegatenos impeeed bj (section 177 of she stiction act: Every person other than a can. dlclate found guilty of • corrtept prao- tiCe in Is prOo0mling lu which, after teot!re or the charge, he has fad an Opportunity of iiehng heard. @bail dur- ing the eight year" next after the time at wnich hp is stir found guilty be IrtraPAbIp Of awing elected to and Of sitting in the Legldlnti ve Ats 1 lily, arnd of being reglawred as a tbtx1r. Ali(] of TOtlaff at any 01"ision. Ratak of holding; any offiem at the nusl=ttNon Of the Crown or of the L'euteaant• ('tarernnr 1n OB11KI.16, or any municipal off!np.' "That Is. th.ry are detertveudd of the whole Of thele manhdpal palvl!PXPP (Or MIA per'od of .right yesm- JCfxIF, F•EROUd1Al'S! WOR1W9. -leads* Pergoom-I lave only to say that I folly conciliar in the distinction drawn between to tits cited" of per - ocans before us h"flo-i ae clan being apparently 901, law ismat, 8.►naq4 - miarked pr.ople, willeile, vo1pR beivw bepn PoPchat mi. 4'be:r error Is In rerelving mon"y for their votes. The otbor clean. rrosnponed of tVM ata meet who are uovwx In the msolaWry for ties pwr. POM of parekesing t4~ Trvttdm. and no Mvwb{ others. TAI" nue d Meese smile. -IN > rW*,Ivw1 $t free low votes. Or *5, and coarp.mrw his position with that of Mr. Baket or flint of Mr. Luke, and that- U n Tamil dl(frrenrp Ona to a running, wily, whombug mean. having an Oka" to Porrttl+t the oter- tIon. 'iM ca"er is a @ample man, r - ..), - -.•.-. --,.... slowly having u %ow. be.nC upprose{a -- /1 lel _ -- ��i�.�.�•�.��� �IFI� ed by n man who halo a d"d4al, an tr,`, • f H r} • ,' l h u1CLUAW t/pmlgn Operating upua tit" Tile er `1 1 ea t y pwtblit' wool. %,der wltu Iselin its •cutest deelt a very but nut, an sot for ddeta by the law; but x G i rise M Ir by tau mrwum In th.• rause position nappy 44 a deuigslug tush who puha up it ` ` Hart of organfsatiou for the getting 11 of tuoawy and gluing it to to mulelttdo IA toter" one by one, I agi,so In the ., K . • Healthy, happy girls often become svt (loll theat Dee of tem trait, who isthuaCht g t'Y + I languid and despondent from no aw�rent 0 muuot and will not' caw) the penalty, is 1u much the pusitlutt of cause, in the early days of their, woman - oto whir Is rx, shed for &it offence anti elle Jeu tryl•:g y hold. The drag along,always tired, .is to mearuw out a proper pwnwmhosi+t w flim. wap nothing ' never hunggy, breathless and with patpi- pow+ was said about the )"'a- alt) nt all (and the statute Ir pke■IL)%e s. t�- ' ' �, tating hearts after slight exercise so that about the word 'pealt)'i, Lot ouplatme n to merely walk up stain is exhausting. we were sitting hero just seeing what patllrnmeaac .Ilan he gl%ao to a assn 1 i, Sometimes a short dry cough leads to the ' for thw gnhtr offeruee nt the haw, wflat Austin n rn of, luorktomant should lie le' i Z F, ' fear that they are going into consumptions neige' and ounwiderring ttild comparing Doctors tell thefts they are anxmic.-which the offence,, we come to ale conclusion that the mouth to one a and rix neouttu means that they have too little blood. w tile outer would be fair. sacs Are you like that ? have ounaildered tl" matter and tome r er a rn" It may be that ilea More le and anaemic ole have been made bri ht, active l� people g are ca p)enaltlds are culled for by oho statute quite punitively. the Judge:, In the ex- and strong by lir. Williams Pink Pills than any other medicine. Weise of their dl=•retion &• to terms only nate purchase on thistnecoant oL' Impripooment, should not vary in two mate. It is In regard to Imprison- ' Mrs, M. N. Jortcas, Berthier, Que., writes: "My daughter, assrd ment that the Judger aria left %dldcro- fifteen. has been restored to good health lbrou h tb+ nem of Ur. tion. They, aro at I(borty to exercise, W'-Il:ams' Pink Pills. ,She was -very feeble, her bfooJ w.ta poorslid . d ... discretion' In regitrdt to that person � , watery, anal she was troubled wU h .beadarkaa, poor &pp�t',te, gxi- for•e them. Fieselreising that diwrotlde, team, and always felt tired. After.udAs four boxes of Dr. Williams' I think we have costs to a Proper P'laak Pill% she Is enjoying as good health' as any gkrl of her age-, tiowiluplont , and we are glad to give tate trod'.( to your Craal medir•ine, Mothers BMITH'S GLARING WORK. will make no mistake if they hetet upon than young daughter► tak- "I do not brew tbat I have to may Ing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills," , Guy more, excepting that, speakingp- for myself, I bare mama regrets that Do not take anytAg that does not bear the full name "Dr. Williams' ttr, le not tees serge offender, lag to say to before tem 1 bare mR of hamg pink Ps an experiment for Paie Pee le." It iand a hazardous one to use p him, but that " own evidence is the a substitute. Sold by all dealers or post paid at 'un cents a box or six boxes inset start&* pa's of oorruptios I for $*.So. by addressing the Dr. Wkliems' Medicine Co., Brockville. e over beard. I muppom as it is agailew hiaimelf it is to ba taken --_-v-" a - - ` - -- as true, and it Illud,Lretes a shocking state of �1 ,n T A M T BODLHT AT PI'BIAC KRP"89. things is our elections; nt I.IPF ChININS AT �Thtmgs the efforts, of Parliament end the d the tJ IlY Y 1 L IOWNI Queer tteratvrr Itsy ober jutsQes, so far ■s tib.Ly are concerned, from the lsourtyur3 of the Visalia Ar - Uncle Small Foots the 1s11Is. to have these electirmi purr, this 'sem„ ren be the p°fneetea we tl Great Enthusiasm Over the It est the cwutry $l,aT4,011.96 w fur , have arrived alter years and years >< yea Profev&of. •ham:(, of the university run the United titatew aa7nate examine sic and Colonials There. tits year ending last July. This 4n• eluded, the in �ri artgto the nes leg la tion in regard to the s.te up neon lbs air to a Ilei ht of 1610 C of twurese, the salaries of It in • most lamentable stat" hastened to rendar'what assistance senators, tie valarles of the clerks, seaman goal onto the witness IPA the undalatLroa through the ei)- messengers, private reerPtitrlPa, Capt• box Dox ant syn be himself expended no ONE CANADIAN LOST HIS PURSE, tat pollco on the heuate Isk1e. tulle less a sum than $1,'.0 for the .par- pea" `` y, operly sal corti of ile all mpg The Cale Argue of Ike. tat Olin- cage and (ether exPetmws, Including the contingent fund. Secretary Lt)x, ruptiy ptwebarag votes fur this elec- tnlaw tie IdkowLag uepoet of the tie of ter i9eoaw. units just mails Ilio an- tloa.•' parture of the Can Uakm from Cape _ nuuI r"port. flow JUDGE OSLER AND gHCPI[. t�trwu• nmreay ons ex ome Intens• expended. S Ju•J a Oalar-I en.re{ cone in y The Canadian tioaurmgent recelted orders aro fall In about laxxi. the est 1119 Iters atppiear. Each wenatur W alknvedl a certain amount for rta" witteig has •ILA to regr my learnteM b. It Non" that Non" is nota suject coaumanding officer having previous- tkrnery and newspapers. If he do - for prosecutlM-l'itriiher than that, I IY Intzmatled his readhoom w de fart. a(r+ea he assay draw the allowan oln ho )n that there wUl ba some way of Notwtthetauding the early start. which wlw conimecoodd about 12.30 rash. The secretary's ,report shown that there has beau a great falling rsch' h: The ens arldoliriee3 twit"`Abri 'sltnUk. S" Jw1aWwL--[.[:sera-.Ji'wnt .gaff W n&aadlaa%. _e _ .lobo "@aLs,UWK would be ebarged agx nit Gaeh of the am Somerset RoLLd were not unPre• for a largo number preforseJ to defesadaiaL in etEb came, and tkat the P%ysy _arn1 team malty d the tt�• iehtws an abundance of bona was take the sash. Ez-(tenaWr Cannan, of Utah, eiM�?[est In tilt respetrt. mooch vrith!n whish the paaaltler must be i.i shall date ti+ou to-do f A. the men .approached Cite � " He wok $s4.:'5 W cash from Ilia ui y• road ahae Use news went around like lowauoe. Sonatot Hoar comes next. ----- PKIASK('ITTING MACNInM. u flask. aud'socia theroute w ties town wan llne.t by 1+ enthuninstle havlttg rpoeived $70.32 In cash. It DOES i_5,W0 to rxtpoert the tteu• -- Teary Slo 1•Igroa Teles Yu I/arms geoid. Farewelie were waved frim the ba cunloa. watch did not puts un" ate prixeea24ms and over j8000 wont for Lite purchase of ftiraiteLel' if ylter With Rult.. - nohow. by the meet nor by tree otn while $_,000 entire w-iW pals t0 ru- - 1%. Thomas. Jan. 10.-)troWers p cern. Idexuled by it bugle band and pair It, anA over $1,500 to clean it. Price, mile'Iturs for W. F. Nk•ulb, have marchlaw W the sklrl of the plbm,h. It est fli.000 to keep the Rema,c three rlu tl' whinh did not =mens lit tire, kit toq beret atal w•n gid iery. Donalwritsd orke-h nidi.nuing rxach from Ikbuallf Mllrl11M11. alae dr. de, common w Use Ca.nadinns' ear•. LKe contingent loured through the two 1 r'o'+cB it alio nuwrpuapeero Atnd rtattrnrry t)1lritgt During also feont.r(1 Lliiera! Csu.lidute+ In Wert �d c enthusiastic specta4trit and year the Vice-PrealdenYa-tdom N41n ; Andrew Orant. tenrri■ter, need d J w Mclatyre. The urtkxt Is fent ale rt ea tools the route as a age11. The rMC6 wan refitte,l 4t Use most hanloome atyfr., tine r ug on the floor costing latices or section IIs_. Onturio }; -. k>o ment was In two divlm s, between which cam Pie two Maxim gut". sec- . cover $450, while the hall chick coot tion .act beLe rl chaptertar 0 of aIle iso eoruptnledl by their oc{oadls, ivad theme $txx). Tito lace curtain cost $800 visd•d Hwtutlsr dA Ontario Heti shoed• n,eputw llm rPw, caul nrirew over tl a imeae3lutely attract.41 attratton. lite a1Mt ales sett see clerk 1 a3:;5. The Go• fns ureal chalet coat $2110. The [neat byePltrtkAt IKIlf In Jaoaury Inst. physique of Use gwrWi self tide soldierly ap{,earatsop beta much ad- ex g Pensive thin In the room, how" Thr rhapGr under which the write tuteeJ. The seared odef+ePubnevtt ores ever. W a silver hnkmteud, which cpdst are reamed is am follow" : "Alin headed by Ute Cap3 Oarrieon Artil. $1.000, not the disk pad can which pperawt vvlo Aulawfull.v -,r lery Baud. the whole Ilan extending It etaanle (vast *T. Duran tae blizzard malielously destroys, injurer or obllt front thea)( Inst February It cast *�5 to erates, or causes to be %%lifnfly or wen Waterktnnt ittreet. On entering, tae ckaui the mune off the Senate ,-Oct. Ilckmmaly dertru)e;l. Injured or obllter town the crowd latcnnsed. M did the aims over Ilk ) for marriages to stand &led a writ of e t t led u h or any return enthl>ylnam, and all along the route tlKi t'etatiyym Ilonee during the storm. w A Writ of ekctiom. or aqt lads book, voters' not. e•ertificate or nfrl- shops, store. and workahops were for- Fuel to.t $14,935.47 and iso aver. n9e"1 about $225 (in vlt, or other document or pallier, anken by men and women anxious to take part In tha farewell. Tile marelt 1.•r month. The 3enatora mer -rated very fond of lemons, made. Prepared or drnwdl out Aveord Lsz to Or for the pstrpi(wP of westing I ocentloned along Brenmsreet and down w. Ira eat ce itq` 1 war of until Ad• -or dltring one week In Jane $170 wan 1%nits for thirty-two I eve. or thbe fruit of them, .hall incur n pPnnity of $_.. i101)." Mr. Crotlers maid that the charge was laid Under are ner'nod section lit, 4aare 10:,, ,1 It was Oinrg"I that they amebrUrl t'ah111 itself the otiv+r Ile. petty ReturralM Officers who arced ander fletiticea llamas In the rix,_, Was of January. IR09, by giving Ospm balk" And other papers. STIR IN KENMORE, Durham Brown's Letter Pub- lished Last Week Cause of Comment. Ore of Many gash Cosea lm Kenmore -- D dd'e Kidney Pills Well Known There--Umwarlmoas Corroboration of Brown's Statement. Kenmore, Jan. 15 -No little com- ment has been mused hoa ,by the pub- heatloo of a letter signed by Darhatu Brown, In the papers last week. Mr. Brown Is one of the most expert box- malenrG In the country, hie cheese boxem while models of good workman - Willi, being turned out In Yemarkably quick time. lie haw the reputation of being able to drive one -and -a uarter- Inch aafls at the rate of five hundred In elghteen minutes, and keep It up oteatiny. Mr. Brown In iinin entfeaslast shout fbddes Kidney I'llla. He cannot say enough In their favor. And he t=eats Peery word of 1t. Ilio brother al*) thoroughly 1>lllcves ID tiordd'a Kidney Mli, having seen low they affectod Durham. Dt*liatn Brown's letter, its published last week. In corroborated by his brother and nil who know him. Many other prople In Kenmore know from personal exppperdence the value of DOW'. Kidney Miss. W bother for the two formerly Inturable and fatal mal- adiev, Baigh is Disease and Mabe", or for any of that other fornmetof Kld- nPy Plwane-RhenriAtlmm, Heart tile - ease, Dropsy, Urinary and Bladlider Cornpinlnts, dremals Troubles, Blood Dinordera-Doild's Kidney lilts are coo- ddleml Infallible. lkxld's Kidney }'Ills Ina the only manallclne that ever curlti Brlght'a Dlmeaso or Mabston, and than ponple hetes have a wonderful faith be them. Noted Dwarf Opmed. GeOrga 01MGm, the dwarf of Dun- fermllne, *,otlwttd, dropped down to Maygate. In that city, and spddienly rxittrpd. Mission wad upwards of 1� yenra of agp, and for the past 45 yours had IipaTn known era -WAP Ooordhe." ile was Only three foot tit-" Inehos in botgbt. This Ham lines Hrlttle. Air. ( pnW 11. Hams of the adver UsIn� department of the teen^Ma Ivnrlflr Itnllwnv, norldpntallyeall� � While PDererglng from the bath tab aL his rPalApnep. Wester" avrmtlm IIIL­ ro"to, dei aomtnv morning. and Mohp a conpbp of ribs. Mr. RArn will Ice ron j film w had for a few wenkr Its con I, megop"( . Mr. lAw1n Blair, nonan scan of HOR A. G Alair, dle•l mtuldaily at his in ther's rnskhasee In Ottawa. A (trap of Millr is Worm Powders WOSIORMIT Will ta►p the Phl#Aree hialthy. _ -Th@ Moor& Falls Rercrd U now pabll*Md u a dally, t y saDRt . *Ae iced, --W"" -e AsrmW for crowd had already gathered, 2,510 pounds of sugar, while 116 Egr spat ties height of enthusiasm teas ca=w of Iltha water est $735.28. It Ied. After the many disappoint- In expialnal that during the hot mento of Lite week, the long antics. "$Ile the Senators drink lem made gated was granter) at last. Most of lltrtPad of water. The report coatnlns the large houses halt been gaily dec. i page after page or Items for telegrams orated with buntlag;, and every bail• 4 sent by Senators. The deepatel" split Bony was draped. Every point of I by 8'nator (!tiny w-cupy non four vantage wan Immedintely taken up I lagiv. and, atrango etr,lt'-his sec ml by large crowds, and the throng in the i nevtrip All of thewent w AItdxma m attreetan, on seeing the mounted police i and Were sent o.1 one tiny, M.trr•h, .1 one round the corner, immediately lined ! 18th, •1899. Tho ouptnedl to up. -The pent up patriotism was let be very ion(] of drugx, for thousands loose, anti the voelferoux cheering wasI of gn!nine pills were bought at various kept up till the whole contingent times. S ole mint tablets, hroonn- hnd passed (Sown and entered the rail i meltter, cough drops, one drachm or way yard. I attar of rosea and (tile quart of cam'tor The Canadians certainly look aser- I oil are also noted. Formerly thph wan viceable lot of men, and for average a big Item for snnff, and a d" ,art box height, perhaps, excel any yet landed I was kept 4s the 8'nate for if 1 line here. The,- are almost to a main dress- of the ol,Wr Senators. This year snuff k:: In khaki and are armed with the seems to have been lithe used, for 1, Lee Metford and short bayonet. Their only nate purchase on thistnecoant equipment b mast complete, althoughamppprPare. Omer offer gross of pen. It was txotia able that they did not,. and doxerh after dozen of scie- wear the khaki puttles so general with norm and serapbooki veers nl-1 prier. those engaged) In the campaign. No chnnPd for the use of Lite EYmaten. morn flattering comment on the effl- -N. Y. Mall anti d Fa clpney of the regiment • mid be made- ke.rlrq hintvelf from, falling, ivff In skill, than to point out that is was only yea- TELKGRAI'llING TO A BALLOON terday morning that the men dlrem- - harked, and the military authorities A Successful AttempitoSend a Wire - have already despatched them to the len Message. front. The occasion wax a ruts one, &nd Two days ago the flirwt attempt hero the public weld have goad through to make use of wlrolers telegraphiA from a bab!�oon win made by three Atue- ten (:mew the amount of discomfort and iecouven'.pnce in order to give trian off rarsv waw asoeraded in the their fellow-colonwtef a good mond-off. ma-Utary balloon Eagle, says a Vienna �pat� III the Iaombn Daily News. At about E p,m• the troops were ordered to entrain, tin order t)eiilkg Wilke At the tirvat trio! th a a1%nsktive ap- earrie(1 out Its a marvellously stlairt paraturom th.ti sho,•ks and X1106 aapp•Ice of N. me. The men crowded WO a lloon mdrveneemts to whlatr n balloon balloon ri necewsaril,y exposwd. To tiny; carr ages drawn up on either Ado of the mrd, and prnn"edad fen however, another trial was made. In make thems�vs as comfortable ae lbs oar was s reowerG apparatus, and tJe mesmCru weOn despatched circusugaoeag would permit. Assented from the lsourtyur3 of the Visalia Ar - waters and trait were Iorthcomme' and toe weather more than juatifieed •,anal 'limey reached the balloon muo- alae onslaught made upon both. Pro- cetaatully, though fat was at Crit be!gbt. t viaicrtltl aod..tleticacks of various sorts, from b:ltong to g!ngerbser, were Profev&of. •ham:(, of the university into the van,, and Mr. J. D. heM was at the tran&mating appears- , Cartwe.ght was bum!ly engaged in tn&, which ohs land on s table, and the w::re of which had liners carried etorio$ casae of ch000late. One of this Canadians suddenly d%covered that he up neon lbs air to a Ilei ht of 1610 C bad lett a purse containing $E5 in a fruit shop, and a friendly, crowd metres by a Captitve balloon From thein totter hull* about 8o feet of wire. hastened to rendar'what assistance It, era& thi's wire which was to trans - they could. A police-nrgsant wall IPA the undalatLroa through the ei)- forthcoming,and took down the d&- mosPhe.re. Prom the roceivintt instru- fail% and the name of the trooper+- ment in thA free balloon a dtmlhtr his addrum for obvious reasons wan IenC;b of wire blas dowsrnri,, The DLir+e lett rather an open questlen, It it code was used. The "M''*ltftagg appara- to be hoped that the lost money' wllj in& had this time bean par 4 with be forthcoming at once. a screw, which relabla,i the opera•, for to make it more or las sensitive Tier Witsesa• tletort. when the movemwats of the balloon The prtvsprlt fxyrrt Channanolr mage it necesary. - W,hwn it wa& released the ball rroev examining n Ghrtwd hero In Wit, Rrown immediately, to a heJCht of 1.MN1 resets mann years ages, who rather raetreeL and one of the three o(racrrx I. him. wt.it mads the pro-arrangod signals "They xnmptdmea erall y041 n DpvMI- with A slag to any that monxagpm were Mllrp Dumpling, don't they T' mskud 'tits Pon InI Advoente. hoping rrcpived. When Ilio ballon " i tPlip" th"y do," ro.pllPd thea poasp+l to rine It flcafm weutword in tete dei.ro tion of that r)nnitb., and nam witness. Pitt you are not evisee ire DiRen D far no tea kdlmrmotran d:ntant then eat• minatory mignala nouli ben nhsrrye�" ra�p 1 t„ ' •"' w -Wilts IiiiiikW, urn maM seA b7othis Inquiry wbakSal, Drswing w rime IH.tlse. - , thea her d'owly drawled out: Lanrpnrv, Groselund. elm w1allat " Hay, but It i haat been A dotempllnp Yon IaW'.P*rs '04 n' 90hhle:l i arrestors writer who dlpd n !ace M'eskw ngo In Now York, waw ,I `wwlinist. � now I' -Tat-Alts, onA evening, nittw M,I (Iwnuamrrd • the mndrrn al .).teen In near. Tlrt anewnn0,v n>tld wMthpr pxPpu ngp term ♦ d remartMl it la an Rn; t , tlsm, In 1pneod in Mnnitohn this soaeOn ban sit .( h orna b the It"' M qultp; (.lip ror mnnhied elevator ball -line to continue th env 1lnx.IhM; the lAttpr gleeworwt through tbs wintwr no fair without I alilp." Interrnptlon. New is I'MaCs Isrp m) __�-t fintahing At Cranhtl and '.fan1 llw.,m mwnwfacturv" Of the ITnit stations. rveiontly P,I * *I Ntotas and Canada have awned Gramma Northwest Caw I.,I ROW to adTnacP priciest 135 ants a doNa. e i .Jt �1:.r�A ._.['-etkl.a_klY:zi.i4.,.-.raiL"k,:iwa4.6..::..:rML...Jf,.ru... ,�,t.-064 c - -11 ' .Syene;k The Signal Me ►uuasmaD $V"Tgt•VkeDAT MORNWO It D. WOUSLL1CDD1bT. .J *arms of amhs.dpUme One/e &dvaeN....................I u l...e=s s, six wouths, " .......•..... . oaeyear. '• ....................1 AdvwMsbq Elegant lessl and etker eased ad v,w%I"aaemta, too. per Ilse tar ar-t tae• . ■• t 1 cane that• has for esehsubaeaaaatinsertion. Me&sared by a awl ppowred sesta. 8 Vuatsa oard. of sit Ilam sets under. N per Is" Advertla•menu of i,ma, round, assayed. Itheauons v."st, ams,lose Wanted sad Bu.luoss Chaoo�s Wsu�ed, set eieeadlsa a haves uenps roll, gl per mwaik. Rous" N Sal sakland hire& oo aefte. ant in exalled • uses. g1 for first a watt, ne& par *all. .eQa.nt month. " sdvta in �osertlea ' Aay speow Scum abs otded of priwoo• tea penaaetaaedcW11M4 omeay. to bmtl&a advertise. meat and os&raod accords Local ntlti w In aux [y*PG me Goes per no Deneb. In'stbaa too. nauow is ordinary raadlee, typo two Neu per word. o node. for 1,+a alb me. Netto•. for charoN ked amber nttafor aad benevolent Inatitatloas, ball ret•. Subecrlbsts wbo et0 tot sealve Two 6r As rag,ll&rly by =aU will eonfar a fever ► so nleddolhng u of the 6606 kt var early & Gain Y powlbla W►ee a obsess of addreN Is denICL bah Ike old a" "a sew addris shotill b atvax. Te►tl.►er's 341*0.11 , J. C. Ice Toosel, of Ood•rloa W base ap. pointed Local Travelling Ag•ml $or the Towa- sh,ps of Ooder(ch, Colburn•. Ashdald sed w s wa.oah. Loral P"Lnuaaten over the dletrlot are abs empowered to resolve .obuxiptlosa to Tim atop .L. - All aommudstcons must be addrsrd D. 1uo011•L1CUDDT.ar 9Wli Can IL T-OGQ.r�IM, nab THt7RAD.,LY. J.%N. 1K, IV()(). -- _TUATBLI"O QUIDS GRAND TRUNK RAll W4LT. 1��f4th-.M i ii6ila �... ..�ed -1_1I..�� •1f/%i hall ati�_1164 16. i;; .s...iA e%fi lit -I. -4 ixjarsa, ......... Fla DRNT&N"T. MNICHOLSON. L.D.S., . Dle"AL 111311000111 GoiRooms oppN�to th• Yooi Omes. lippudW` Illlns, (,'rows sed Braces dl/ - 4 Yeah' .Rx)nrt"Co. .- . . MABKX D.D.S. LD.IL-DN"AL L. AM,- n-I.t«t aced wprovad economist ter all dental onenetlona Preaervsfon of gra natural LNth a specialty. offsiL N: Cor. sat sat. and 1pusrs (up stink Yatr&aoo on Wag Telepl:ena• No. SL . T M. TURNBUI.L D,DA.. LDAL-D=N• flu It tal Surgeon (LtAy associated will "Dr. Mari of Hentrer`I OeN and peswlnta, ,43.,I[fcta7 teeth in OD oD sold or aluminuip bit"". Special attentlotegives to th•prsar vnteoo of tits n•Iwra0111,C).tG l tooth. OU. IA"'s aow block. 1111111 LSOAl. ERNICBT HICATON-BARRIB SOU chasm, Not� 1?nbllo C.a.a'- of CommerN (h&ODer, oho Sgmare. O _ INFO EOAMPION. Q.O.-BARi MT . dtor. Notary. fie- Office over IIIIIEW Ball. Squers. Ooderloa. MO. JOHNBTON-BARRISTRR. BOLL. e Nor, ComnW.lone , to 1[oao14 O Ion.. moos: Cat H&MALun and St. Andrew ■tracts.0*dor OaL Mt YR(WIIFOOT it HAYS BARRISTICRR. "auction, mitarfo■ public, yrv,d•ten In tie UMMUM04('Olin.ae. OIBoe: North sat., nett doroStaNAL odea private Fonds to lead at lowed me= of Intdr•eat. ION W. PROI'DFO(YT. - R. C. HAVAL (IARROW' ft IIARROW. BARRIeTRM. Pfgq,r, HOLT, t'., RARRtiiTER. e,. ,.•Iter. Notary nolle. Pte- Oasts asst aideOoaMb,mas Schism. Money to Mas K low rasa t of tators.t. 111CKINSON R HOI.MW BARK18- ll tore, NolMlton, Nol&reee Public, etc. Money to lows. (MIlce, W MI, street. le. L I)ICKINSON. 1)UDI,KY HOI,Mi A. rV1AN. til:AUkit- HARRISITICi, SOI.. U Icitdw, notary aim[ renvera■eer. (MIN on Hamilton Atrerl opewmite the Ciall.iroe Hotel. Underlch. Private Multi to Iced al morteaae.l at ( per cont. Intrrool. Varmem' netdw cashed. !nee. INSIIR- ile .nee, elect Itstat• amt Monty Loselns Aranl. flair Ilmtcla.a rn,upa sten repre.lnitW. Money to lend on at ralghl INaw, &t t he IowNs tate of luter"t gdsss.� In any way to Suit the borrower. Oc:QIL•e: Sl Oaad door from WtSpre Wend tares , oderlch, eM)Lif JO. WARMCONCaYAN('L1t.aa.,AND • comm4l.bnarforwhing and r•advina reooenlaeanw of we. amsvlre or alar=&- • Lions, depo it Ions or anla nn declasatlons in w 6 eonNrning any sea ton, snit or P 00 log In the Hiah (;curt K J o.uc•. tM Courtof Apl.•&l for Outarlo, or In any County or D1vWon Court. All Vainseactlonscarefully SDdpeoat Uyexecuted. ReafdanN and, Y. Q sAtdreN-fein- cannon. Ont. lnett LOAN• AND XnVR NCEL r�1�v N. LEWIS. AAnnl%Tgk SOLICITOR, ary Hk• Not. Proctor MaritimeCoart. HHEL'Ittoa "Met.. omoea FJ. T. NArMl,-nRr, LIFE AND AQ . eklrat 1a.uranNA� eat; u levels ratos, Office: Coe. North sL and Bquare,47edeetek. 76 MONRY TO I.BND--A LAROR AMOUNT of Private Funds for Invon ant at ben• ..t ratoA snit expenN on flrat of jr mortdam a Apply to Osr e t O ,.f1- - . Auotlonew. ►r11011Ae-OUNDRY. At:CI'IONICgR. Ont. O eniob, Sp�t�1 &ttwtloae tion to term and farm stark Rales .odea &Lumd.d to In any part of lite emmty. OAN KNOIIL OLNKRAL AUCTIONIiOI JI"d Na&ter, Oederkh� Ham. 9r . sa id OuL in g had considerable, expsrwascG a the neo q Junrrtag trade, he Is is a padtion to dM ahairyxcaa with thorough Satisfaction all Som•10 -" rdaelona strasked W his. Ordss lett as an'. Heed, orcent b maB to himJ gOfah P.O.. cele tally attended to. JOH11 K. Coanty aaetlsaasr. un -d llLAJU l�A{�GN ZJCCZNGM j�'� W« names O.d.rtok �OaR17d1%k t A .Imo �1*1th .. moral. A Toromq meq wTJem to the Wall .`4 acts Empi,RiD.asy that before Christ- _ _.-. m.s r e, sent two barvolt net Mnad+An Appian to frii,l)b1 is England .she wa. much Amors,,d, on atrtvnl nl the las Enal wh mail, t0 renew-• the b4lowdgg aekn0W1sml*meat, w1tch, J-0 though it Its, some an i morn) worthy Iho atteetkon Of whipp^rw of frinib: AD foe homes farmer parka w e pplen n p for t own ; Tbiw N the lop r inQ s damltQ. '/slaw Temw.wwwR-dom I o b e a• 0; e o a of THF. 1sACKAA1tb RTKI'. Ns n mn.icinn by rvmtinnoue prartlem ke.rlrq hintvelf from, falling, ivff In skill, GO the mrriddnnt prwMrvon the full mpnxurt, ,,f hl. traffic 19 prredstreet ndvprtaing. iII M"1nP1a It Iw maler to tntc a step laekwnrd thnn tri regain kt gsroumnd. The erchant who Mo rnatin,lon advartlstng tatas the hkrk t wand alleges, -